5 minute read
Art, Nutrition & Enrichment
Do you love Valentines Day? Join us for this fun workshop to create your own valentine cards using various cardstock papers, vintage and contemporary stickers, brush pens, and even paper doilies. Design and construct unique cards to give to your loved ones. Create 6-10 cards during class. Register by 1-13. Supplies are included.
Georgia Keller Active Adult Center SA ...... Jan 21 ............ 9:00 AM-12:00 PM ......... 150035-01 Fees: ............................................ $25 R | $30 NR
Discover your artistic side by creating a unique collage. In this collage process; various types of paper, photographs, fabric and other found objects are glued to a heavy backing piece of paper. Excellent materials include old book pages, newspaper clippings, ribbons, old music, magazine pages, maps, postcards, bits of colored paper and tissue paper. Lots of items will be supplied, but feel free to bring your own items as well. Register by 3-17. Georgia Keller Active Adult Center SA ...... Mar 25 ........... 9:00 AM-12:00 PM ......... 150035-02 Fees: ............................................ $20 R | $25 NR
Photo Journaling is collecting and organizing your observations, questions, connections, and explanations, using words, pictures, and numbers. Experience an interactive session to foster your creativity for identifying and applying words of emotional, educational, and thoughtful value to your pictures. Normal poetic formats, and an introduction to Tetractys will be presented. Tetractys is a challenging form of syllable restricted writing to express an idea/story.
Tom Tiffany Active Adult Center TU ...... Mar 28 ........... 1:00 - 3:00 PM ............. 150036-01 Fees: ...............................................$3 R | $8 NR

With watercolor batik, wax is used as a resist that blocks the areas that are not intended to receive paint. Batiking is not an exact science, be prepared for unintentional drips of wax and oozing color. Believe it or not, these actually add to the look of the piece! $10 material fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Cheryl Annett Active Adult Center SA ...... Feb 4 - Feb 25 ....... 9:00 AM-12:00 PM ...... 150012-01 SA ...... Mar 4 - Mar 25 ....... 9:00 AM-12:00 PM ...... 150012-02 Fees: ............................................ $50 R | $55 NR
Pottery studio time to work on self-directed pottery projects. No formal class curriculum.
Darth Townsend Active Adult Center
TU ...... Jan 10 - Jan 31 ...... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-01 F ....... Jan 13 – Jan 27 ...... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-02 TU&F .... Jan 10 – Jan 31. . . . . . . 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-03 TU ...... Feb 7 – Feb 28 ....... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-04 F ....... Feb 3 – Feb 24 ....... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-05 TU&F .... Feb 3 - Feb 28 ....... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-06 TU ...... Mar 7 - Mar 28 ....... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-07 F ....... Mar 3 - Mar 31 ....... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-08 TU&F .... Mar 3 – Mar 31 ....... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-09 TU ...... Apr 4 - Apr 18 ....... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-10 F ....... Apr 7 - Apr 21 ........ 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-11 TU&F .... Apr 4 – Apr 21 ....... 12:30 - 3:30 PM ......... 150603-12
*No class Apr 25 & 28
Fees: ...............................................$14 Per Day
Discover the fun and magic of creating brilliant blue cyanotype prints. Considered an early form of photography, paper is treated with a photosensitive solution. Thin objects like (leaves, feathers, lace) are placed on paper, sandwiched under glass and set out in the sun. Feel free to bring your own thin objects. After the paper is rinsed, a wonderful blue color emerges. Create 3-4 prints during class. Inclement weather reschedule date is April 29. Register by 4-13.
Georgia Keller Active Adult Center, 6363 W 35th Ave
SA .......April 22 ....... 9:00 AM-12:00 PM .......150035-03 Age: 18+ .............................. $60 R | $65 NR
Nutrition Enrichment
Discover the difference between food sensitivities, intolerance, and allergies and how to heal the gut and improve digestion. Bring a friend to receive a free 30 min health assessment.
Satya Elijah Williams, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist &
Wellness Instructor (RDN) Active Adult Center F ......... Jan 27 ........... 1:00 - 2:30pm ............. 150111-01 Fees: ............................................. $10 R | $15 NR
Learn soothing and satisfying recipes and nutrition therapies to support your foundational health, reduce inflammation and moderate an overactive immune system.
Satya Elijah Williams, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist &
Wellness Instructor (RDN) Active Adult Center F ......... Feb 17 ............ 1:00 - 2:30pm ............. 150112-01 Fees: ............................................. $10 R | $15 NR
In a single sitting, you will complete a simple will for Colorado residents with ease. You will also complete a living will, medical power of attorney, financial power of attorney and more, all with the help of a licensed attorney. Fee includes all materials, witnessing, notarizing, individual review and time for questions. You do not need to bring anything special to this class, you will find that you know everything you need to complete your will. However, you may want to bring a snack as this class goes through the lunch hour. Pre-registration required.
Rebecca Bennetti Active Adult Center
S .......... Jan 28 .............12:00 - 4:30 PM ........ 150131-01 W .......... Mar 15 .............12:00 - 4:30 PM ........ 150131-02 Fees: ........................................... $167 R | $172 NR

Tour Meeting with Collette FREE
On a journey through Vermont, the “Green Mountain State,” find local artisans and tasty treats, historic towns and family farms, and pristine forests bursting with color inside this perfect slice of New England.
Glide along the enchanting Rhine and Moselle rivers on a leisurely journey to France, Germany and the Netherlands. Cruise past charming panoramas as you get to know the culture and deep history of the region.
Collette Active Adult Center, 6363 W 35th Ave
F ..........Jan 20. . . . . . . . . . . . 1:00 PM ............150709-01