where GUESTBOOK™ ®
Hong Kong
Welcome to HONG KONG
HK ESSEnCE 18 FiRST LOOK Markets, mountains, temples and beaches. Here are Hong Kong’s top 10 attractions. Number one? You decide.
30 EyE OF THE BEHOLdER Hong Kong’s positively abuzz with internationally branded galleries and new art fairs.
36 SHOpS & THE CiTy A fashion insider spills on her favorite places to shop.
60 FROm HUmBLE ORiGinS From dai pai dongs to cooked food centers, Hong Kong’s got much more than just Michelin-starred restaurants.
102 HOnG KOnG CHaRmS Still don’t believe our city’s got it all? See for yourself through Martin Williams’s photo guide, “Enchanting Hong Kong.”
120 nEiGHBORHOOdS From old urban areas to idyllic beach retreats, there’s plenty to explore in Hong Kong’s distinctive districts.
Some pictures in the listings are paid for by our sponsors. These pictures are marked with a * symbol after the caption. 4
HK ESSEnTiaLS 42 SHOppinG Whether you prefer to haggle in a market, browse luxury malls or go bespoke, Hong Kong has it covered. And it’s duty free.
130 SpaS Bliss out in the city’s world-class spas and salons, where ancient techniques and the latest innovations combine to leave you relaxed and looking gorgeous.
68 dininG & niGHTLiFE If you’re looking for great food and top-notch watering holes, you’re in the right city.
110 LEiSURE So what do you feel like doing today? Theme parks, tours, festivals, markets, islands, historic monuments. It’s all here.
138 mUSEUmS & GaLLERiES Works by contemporary mainland artists and international superstars fill increasingly posh galleries, as ancient artifacts take center stage on Hollywood Road. Both are showcased in spaces large and small, well-known and unexpected.
where GUESTBOOK™ ®
Hong Kong publisher
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Look marKets, mouNtaiNs, temples aNd beacHes. Here are HoNG KoNG’s top 10 attractioNs. Number oNe? You decide.
HollYWood road
Like a museum with price tags, Hollywood Road is the beating heart of the Chinese antiques trade. Stuffed to bursting with Buddhas, ceramics, Ming furniture, mandarin robes and antiquities, every other shop seems to be either an antique store or an art gallery. It all makes for great browsing. You’ll find more affordable junk-store knick-knacks and Chinese Communist propaganda on Cat Street (look for signs for Upper Lascar Row). And don’t miss Man Mo Temple, one of the most atmospheric and historic places of worship on the island. 荷李活道 活像一座标了价钱的博物馆,荷李活道是港岛区的古董集 散地,这里到處是古老的佛像、陶瓷、明朝家俱、中国长衫 和古董,街道上满目可见的不是古董店便是艺廊,随便看看
在嚤罗街(参阅指示到嚤罗上下街)找到很多宣传共产党的物 品。途经这里的话,不要错过参观邻近的文武庙,这可是港岛 区最古老、最热闹的古庙呢!
biG buddHa
There’s more than one way to get to the Big Buddha on Lantau island, but the most spectacular is via the cable car from Tung Chung to the Ngong Ping 360 Cultural Village. The 25-minute journey takes you high above the airport at Chek Lap Kok, through beautiful South Lantau Country Park, and just about drops you off at the feet of Hong Kong’s record-breaking statue. At 34 meters high and 250 tons, he’s the tallest seated outdoor bronze Buddha on the planet. Climb the 268 steps to get up close to the statue, visit the halls and temples of the Po Lin Monastery Complex, walk the wisdom path through the hills and even stay for a bite and eat at the monks’ vegetarian restaurant. And if you’re in the mood for something more energetic, follow the signs for the Lantau Trail. Stage 3 of this cross-island walk leads from the monastery to the summit of the 934-meter Lantau peak, a strenuous hour-long trek that will reward you with stunning views of the South China Sea.
虽然有多种途径到达天坛大佛,但乘搭缆车 由东涌到昂平360市集,仍然是最受欢迎的 方法。这趟25分钟的旅程将带你攀升至高 於赤鱲角机场的高度,横越南大屿山郊野 公园,直达这座打破香港纪录的佛像脚下。 要探访这座高34米、重250公噸,世界上 最大的户外青铜坐佛,要先爬上268级梯阶, 然後参观内堂、宝莲寺和心经简林,也不妨 试试宝莲寺的斋菜。如果你还有精力的话, 可沿着指示找到凤凰径第三段,由宝莲寺 一直走上934米上的凤凰山顶,全程需要几 小时,非常费力,但却得到饱览南中国海壮 丽景色的机会。
HappY ValleY racecourse
For first-timers, the Happy Valley Racecourse is a surreal sight— it’s not often you see a world-class track surrounded by residential high-rises. Built on a swamp in 1845, today it’s a multi-million-dollar business. Most Wednesdays, and some Saturdays, during race season (September to mid-June), find thousands of eager punters packed into the towering stands, roaring the horses down the home straight and then showering the crowds below with losing betting slips. Join the masses or do it in style in one of the boxes. It’s an intense, unforgettable experience—especially if you back a winner.
跑马地马场 对第一次来访的旅客来说,跑马地马场(又名快活谷马场) 绝对是个超现实的地方。因为你不会经常见到一个被高楼大厦、 公寓民居包围着的世界级水准马场。1845年建於一片沼泽的 马场,如今已成为一家市值数千万元的企业。每逢星期三和部 分星期六的赛马日(9月至6月中),你会发现整个马场挤满了 数以千计的观众,向着胜出的马匹喝采,或把撕掉的彩票洒落 一地。想热闹一点的可到公众看台去,也可以花费多一点到私 人包厢去舒舒服服看赛马,保证你有个难忘的体验,特别是如 果你中奖的话。 20 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
oceaN parK
Hong Kong’s homegrown theme park combines fishy exhibitions with cool rides. Spread over 870,000 square meters on a lovely headland on the south side of Hong Kong Island, the park is split into two zones joined by a cable car system. Roller coasters, water rides and carousels rub shoulders with a giant panda enclosure, walk-through shark tank and four-story tropical aquarium. A favorite is the funky Sea Jelly Spectacular, where jellyfish undulate in neon-lit tanks. Keeping things interesting is a rotating program of shows and events, including a permanent dolphin show and seasonal specials like man-made snow at Christmas and a scary Halloween extravaganza. Book ahead for the Dolphin Encounter, a chance to get up close and personal with the friendly creatures.
这个香港本土的主题乐园,结合刺激的机动 游戏和海洋生物展览,位於港岛南区占地87 万平方米,并以一条缆车索道连接两个区 域。动感的有过山车、滑浪飞船和太空摩天 轮;静态的有大熊猫馆,更可以游走于鲨鱼 馆和一个楼高4层的热带海洋馆。推介那崭 新科技设计成的多元立体空间水母万花筒。 除了永久的海豚表演外,海洋公园每逢耶诞 节或万圣节等都会举行特备汇演,都能让你 尽兴。想与海豚进行亲密接触的你,便要报 名参加“豚聚一刻”活动。
lamma islaNd
A quaint hilly outpost to the southwest of Hong Kong Island, this hippie haven is one of the most popular destinations for day-trippers looking to escape the hustle and bustle of downtown. Besides hiking up and down panoramic trails and relaxing on tranquil beaches, catch a glimpse of one of Hong Kong’s oldest fishing communities, whose origins date back some 6,000 years. Explore the island by foot or bike, as cars are prohibited. (The fire and police departments troll around in golf cart-like vehicles.) After all that exercise, fill up with the myriad local seafood delicacies served at the row of restaurants lining the Sok Kwu Wan waterfront. Expect more restaurants and bars, organic food and used book vendors, and jewelry and homeware shops in Yung Shue Wan, the island’s other village. Don’t forget to visit the island’s century-old Tin Hau Temple before catching the ferry back to Central.
南丫岛 位於香港岛西南面,犹如嬉皮士天堂的南丫岛一直是短线 旅游胜地,深受想暂时逃离钢筋森林,享受郊外人士的欢迎。 除了远足径和宁静的沙滩外,还可以一窥香港其中一个最古老 的渔村,追溯这里6,000年前的面貌。游人只能用双腿作环岛 游,因为这里是不准汽车驶入的。(救火车和警车都是小型机 动车)。经过一日的腿部运动後,不妨到索罟湾海边的海鲜餐 厅饱餐一顿,或者到另一面的榕树湾寻找精致的小酒吧、 书店、有机食品咖啡店、饰物店和家品店。不过在回程到中环 码头前,记得到岛上具有百年历史的天后庙,参拜一下。
22 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
laN KWai FoNG & soHo
Long the nightlife hub of Hong Kong Island, Lan Kwai Fong comes alive after dark as business and creative types pack the bars and clubs of the tiny streets above Central. Since Disco Disco opened back in the 1980s, the nightlife area has spread, virus-like, along Wyndham Street to Lyndhurst Terrace and into myriad ladder streets and back alleys, where trendy bars and beautiful restaurants have sprung up in the unlikeliest places. With the arrival of the Mid-Levels Escalator in the early 1990s, the entertainment area sprawled up to Staunton and Elgin Streets, soon renamed SoHo (South of Hollywood Road) and now massed with fashionable restaurants serving just about every cuisine on the planet.
一直以来被视为港岛区夜生活中心的兰桂 坊,入夜後愈见热闹,大大小小的街道上的 酒吧和俱乐部,都挤满了形形色色的客人。 自1980年代Disco Disco开幕後,夜店就如 雨後春笋般扩展到云咸街和摆花街,甚至连 僻静的後街和小巷也见到时尚酒吧和精致餐 厅的踪影。到了90年代中环行人自动电梯出 现後,这个夜生活区域扩展至被称为苏豪区 (荷李活道以南)的士丹頓街和伊利近街, 那里云集供应世界各地美馔的餐厅,成为食 家的寻欢地。
Victoria Harbour
The “Fragrant Harbour” is the bustling heart of Hong Kong. It’s the city’s reason for being: a sheltered, deep-water port that divides Hong Kong Island from Kowloon Peninsula. It’s smaller than it used to be, thanks to 150 years of land reclamation, but with its fringe of iconic towers set against emerald mountains, the harbor just screams Hong Kong. And there’s no better way to see it than by Star Ferry. The famous green-and-white boats depart every few minutes, transporting 26 million people a year on a five-minute journey across one of the world’s busiest waterways. Travel by day in air-conditioned comfort on the top deck, but at night, try the more romantic tungsten-lit lower level, and watch the neon reflections dancing on the waves.
维多利亚港 维多利亚港是香港的中心点,这个宁静、水深的海港把香港岛和 九龙半岛分隔起来。虽然填海工程让海港变得细小了,但看到大 大小小的摩天大厦和背後的美丽山峦所构成的一幅美景,让人觉 得维港仍然是香港的最佳代表作品。乘坐天星小轮是欣赏维港的 最好方法,这艘历史悠久的渡轮每隔数分钟开出一班,每年运载 2,600万人次,以短短5分钟的时间,往返世界上其中一个最繁忙 的港口两岸。日间可乘搭上层的空调座位,晚上则不妨到下层呼 吸新鲜空气和近距离欣赏维港两岸的幻影灯光。
street marKets
Going to street markets is, by all accounts, the best way to experience local culture. Snaking through Prince Edward, Mong Kok and Yau Ma Tei in Kowloon are blocks upon blocks of tightly packed hawkers manning stalls offering bargains on clothes, accessories, tech gadgets, souvenir kitsch and more. At the colorful Temple Street Night Market, have your palm or face read, watch a bird pick your fortune or visit a traditional Chinese astrologer. Amateur Cantonese opera singers perform nightly. Don’t forget to visit the Tin Hau Temple, which gives the street its name. Wrap up a spending spree by kicking back on a plastic stool to enjoy some of Hong Kong’s renowned street food.
露天市场 逛露天市场是了解当地文化的最佳方法,穿梭于太子、 旺角、油麻地等挤满大大小小铁皮摊档、手推车摊档的露天 市场去,搜购价廉物美的衣服、饰物、电子玩意和纪念品等。 在多姿多采的庙街夜市,不妨试试让风水师傅看看你的掌相、 面相或由小雀鸟为你算算命。这里入夜後不时有业馀人士表演 传统戏曲,是本地街坊和游客们的最佳晚上娱乐。不要错过到 天后庙去,因为庙街就是以此命名的,然後再饱尝庙街驰名的 街头小吃。
sai KuNG
tHe couNtrY parKs
Escape the claustrophobia of the city by taking to the hills. With Hong Kong’s hidden rainforests, grassy uplands, bamboo groves, waterfalls, islands, cliffs and beaches, it’s no surprise that hiking is one of the city’s favorite pastimes. More than 40 percent of the territory’s tiny landmass is given over to country parks, which are criss-crossed with well-maintained, marked walking tracks for all levels—most within easy access of the city. Easy, relatively short family walks abound, often with placards pointing out interesting flora and fauna. More serious walkers might prefer the challenge of doing a stage or two of the longer trails: the Maclehose in the New Territories, the Lantau trail or the Wilson trail, which crosses the harbor. Dragon’s Back, along the ridge above Shek O on Hong Kong Island, was named best urban hike in the world by Time Asia Magazine, and starts within 20 minutes of Central. Check the weather forecast and take plenty of water, sunscreen and a mobile phone.
隐藏着不少树林、草坪、竹林、瀑布、岛 屿、峭壁和沙滩,难怪远足成为了人们的热 门活动。香港约有百分之40的面积被划分 成郊野公园,提供管理完善,而且分为不同 难度级别,距离市区不远的远足径。在适合 一家大小的短程家乐径里,经常会有指示 牌让你认识不同的植物;而喜欢挑战难度的 你,可选择一至两段的麦理浩径、凤凰径或 卫奕信径。位於石澳上端的龙脊,更被《时 代周刊》亚洲版称为最佳市区远足点,由中 环至起点也只是20分钟。起行前请先查看天 气报告和带备足够的饮料、防晒用品和流动 电话。
tHe peaK
Most visitors to Hong Kong take a trip up to The Peak for the same reason: the view. Choose a clear day, and the whole city is laid out at your feet. A triumph of Victorian engineering, the Peak Tram puffs 373 meters up the world’s steepest funicular railway every 12 minutes, chugging up the mountain at an alarming 45-degree angle. (Sit on the right for the best views.) At the top, you’ll find the Peak Tower and a host of attractions, including Madame Tussauds, shops and some great restaurants. The 45-minute Peak Circle Walk along Lugard and Harlech Roads offers continuously changing views of Central, the western harbor approaches and the south side of the island, passing magnificent banyan trees, waterfalls and picnic grounds.
大多数到山顶的旅客都有相同的目的,就是为 了一睹那举世知名的维港景致。只要选上一个 天晴的日子,从山顶俯瞰下来,整个香港就像 在你的脚下。山顶缆车是维多利亚时期一项 重要的工程创举,每隔12分钟即从地面以45 度爬升至海拔373米,是世界上最陡峭的登山 铁路。想欣赏最佳的景观,可选择右方的座 位。到了山顶广场凌霄阁,你可以找到一系列 的景点如杜莎夫人蜡像馆、观景台和众多顶级 餐厅。想舒展身心的话,可沿着山顶环回步行 径,步行至卢吉道和夏力道,那里可俯瞰整个 中环、西区海港和港岛南区的美景,沿途更可 看到榕树、瀑布和野餐地点。
VieW From tHe peaK
Eye of
the Beholder WitH iNterNatioNallY braNded Galleries settiNG up sHop iN tHe citY aNd NeW art Fairs aNd FestiVals blossomiNG Here iN receNt Years, HoNG KoNG’s startiNG to build up a credible cultural portFolio. bY adele WoNG aNd Victoria WoNG 这个城市拥有多个国际名作的画廊,还有新办的艺术展和艺术节等活动纷纷 在这几年间不断出现;此举全因现在香港正努力建立一个有信誉的文化形象。 撰文:Adele Wong、Victoria Wong
WHite cube
Hong Kong might have been given the rather unglamorous label of “cultural desert” once upon a time, but that phrase is becoming more and more obsolete these days, thanks in part to a growing number of galleries and internationally recognized arts fairs and festivals that are coming to the city. That’s not to say there was nothing going on in Hong Kong prior to this recent burst of activity. Hollywood Road along Sheung Wan and Central has long been a haven for art galleries and antique stores, and the abandoned warehouses in Fo Tan district up north have, in the past decade, gradually transformed into artist studios that warmly welcome visitors. Chai Wan, on the eastern part of Hong Kong island, is also starting to attract artsy and creative types to its industrial buildings. But the fact that brands from abroad as well as internationally recognized fairs have started to take notice of our city, and in the process, extend their branches and their presence here, speaks volumes about Hong Kong’s growing importance in the global art world. Gagosian—one of the biggest names in the business, founded by American Larry Gagosian and currently with 12 locations around the world—finally opened an Asian branch in Hong Kong’s historic Pedder Building in January 2011. The gallery debuted with a Damien Hirst exhibition, and although it has since ceased representing the artist, continues to feature big names like American pop artist Roy Lichtenstein and contemporary Japanese artist Takashi Murakami in its rotating exhibitions.
damieN Hirst's exHibitioN at tHe WHite cube
香港曾经拥有文化沙漠这个不太光彩的 名字,不过这个名字在今时今日也逐渐褪 色。当中那些如雨後春笋般,不断出现在这 个城市的画廊和国际认可的艺术展及 艺术节,当然居功至伟。 然而这又不代表香港就只侧重於这些在 最近不断发生的艺术活动上,除了上环荷李 活道两旁和中环一带,是一个画廊和古董店 的天堂;现在於火炭以北地区那些空置了的 工厂大厦,也在过去十年慢慢变成了很多艺 术人士的工作室,他們还很欢迎各界人士前 住参观。至於港岛东的柴湾,也开始逐渐吸 引了很多具创意和艺术人士 进驻这区的工 厂大厦。除此之外,很多来自海外品牌及国 际认可的艺术展,都开始对我们的城市多加 注意,也有很多已经开始逐步在这里拓展版 图,与及稳守在这个城市的地位。其实这也 表明了,香港在国际艺术界的重要性, 正与日俱增。 高古轩画廊(Gagosian)是商界其中 一个首屈一指的名字,由美国人American WHERE G UEST B OOK
Larry Gagosian创立,现时於全球共有12 个据点,最近他们在亚洲区成立支部,并於 2011年1月落户香港一座具有历史性的大厦 毕打行。率先在这画廊展出的,就是Damien Hirst的作品展。虽然现在画廊已不再代表 这位艺术家,不过他们仍然会为知名艺术家 如美国普普艺术家Roy Lichtenstein和日本 当代艺术家村上隆,不时在其画廊中進行作 品展。 来自伦敦的White Cube也承接这个潮 流,於2012年3月开办及接手Gagosian的画 廊及昔日與Damien Hirst共同建立的合作关 系。自其开业起,那抽象的簡約白色空间, 也同时展出德国画家及雕刻家Anselm Kiefer 与及摄影艺术家Gilbert&George的作品。 纽约画廊Lehmann Maupin也成功为英国 艺术家Tracey Emin举行了一个个人展,同 时在他们的支持下,最近也为其中一位伊朗 aboVe: GaGosiaN beloW: leHmaNN maupiN WorKs
32 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
London-originated White Cube continued the trend, opening in March 2012 and taking over Gagosian’s former gallery-artist relationship with Damien Hirst. The minimalistic stark white space also featured German painter/sculptor Anselm Kiefer and photo artists Gilbert & George since its debut. New York’s Lehmann Maupin, which championed solos exhibitions by English artist Tracey Emin and Iranian installation artist Shirazeh Houshiary, is one of the latest international galleries to set up shop on our shores. Then there are the art fairs. The Hong Kong International Art Fair, also known as ART HK and showing annually since 2007, has formally been renamed Art Basel Hong Kong after its acquisition by the well-known brand. The Affordable Art Fair is another event to debut in Hong Kong this year, after many successful renditions in major art hubs in America and Europe. With this fair, art-buying is made
籍的装置艺术家Shirazeh Houshiary,於一 個国际画廊内开设精品店铺。 继而就是艺术展览。香港国际艺术展也被 称为香港艺博,自2007年开始便每年举行展 览,同时更重新打造巴塞尔艺术博览会── 令香港成为全球三个城市中,其中一个最享 负盛名的城市。 The Affordable Art Fair继在美国及欧洲 多个主要术中心获得成功以後,今年也首次 在香港展出。在展览会上,大众若想购买艺 术作品就变得容易得多,而且每件作品的售 价甚至可以低至每件1,000港元。 其实要令香港真正能成为艺术领域的一份 子,谈何容易,还有很漫长的路要走。有人 认为这个城市急速的步伐,还有消费为本的 文化,都是一些促使我们在过去被传为文化
From top to bottom: aNselm KieFer at WHite cube; paiNtiNGs From aFFordable art Fair
more accessible to the masses simply by the fact that the selling prices go as low as $1,000 per piece. But it hasn’t always been this easy, and there still seems a long way to go before Hong Kong can become a true player in the art world. Some say that the city’s fast-paced, consumerdriven culture has something to do with its purported cultural Sahara in the not-too-distant past: Hongkongers just have no time and no money to waste on the arts. “Rather than trying to comprehend what it is about, people shy away from the arts—be it sculpture, abstract paintings, or anything they don’t understand,” says Vincent Yan, a 28-year-old painting and installation artist based in Hong Kong. Yan, a former assistant at both European and Chinese art galleries, sees the art culture in Hong Kong as inflexible and rigid. “It’s funny, really, how everything is so rigid. The city claims to be creative, but the art industry is very structured. It seems they want everyone to have the same styles or same thinking process—anything that follows the government’s or the school’s standards.” 沙漠的原因:就是香港人没有时间,也没有金钱投资在 艺术上。 今 年 28岁 的 香 港 油 画 及 裝 置 艺 术 家 Vincent Yan表 示 : “一就是尝试去理解人们对艺术缺乏興趣的原因——當中可以 是雕刻品、抽象画,甚或是其他他们不了解的艺术品。”Yan曾 经是多间欧洲及中国画廊的助理,他看到香港艺术文化欠缺弹 性而且过於僵化。“真的很有趣,了解為何所有事情都是这样 僵化的。这个城市堪称富有创意,但是艺术工业的发展就却相 当局限。他们似乎要每件创作都要有统一的格式,即使在思考 创作的过程中都要归一;总之,每年事情都要依据政府或学校 所订立的准则进行。” “香港的小朋友年纪轻轻就要强制性接受艺术课程,即使他 们升读至小学和初中,开始对艺术科感到兴趣;但是,他们绝 WHERE G UEST B OOK 3 3
HoNG KoNG coNtemporarY
“Children in Hong Kong are forced to take art lessons at a young age and they all seem quite interested until they get to elementary or high school. Many of them [eventually] become confined within the educational structure.” To counter the general lack of support and interest in the arts in the city, the Hong Kong government has been trying to develop the West Kowloon Cultural District since 2001. The WKCD is an ambitious one-stop-shop project that is supposed to become the physical center for the arts upon its completion— estimated to be sometime around 2023. In the meantime, will Hong Kong ever get to be the internationally recognized art hub it desires to become? “Hong Kong has had great achievements in the art scene over the years, but big cities like London and New York have an extensive history grounded in the arts,” says Roger Lin, art director of the Hong Kong Contemporary—a homegrown art fair championing modern art. But the potential’s definitely there. “Hong Kong is [too] new to the art market thus far [to be] compared to those at the top,” Lin continues, “But it does appear to be slowly working towards that.” 34 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
大多数,最後都会要受制於香港的教育结构 当中。” 由於这个城市的艺术发展并没有得到一般 大众的支持和引起大眾的兴趣,所以在2001 年开始,香港政府便尝试发展西九龙文化 区。西九龙文化区致力能成为一个一站式服 务的项目,估计約在2023年完成,让这里成 为一个真正可以落实发展艺术的地方。 与此同时,香港渴望成为国际认可艺术中 心的这个愿景,何时可以实现呢?“虽然在 过去几年,香港在电影艺术方面获得了很大 的成功;但是大城市如伦敦和纽约等地,对 艺术都拥有扩濶和丰富的历史根基。”香港 当代藝术展总监Roger Lin这样认为。 虽然如此,香港仍然是潜力无限的。 “相对於所有最卓越的地方,在艺术市场 的发展上,香港仍是处於刚起步的阶 段。”Lin继说。“不过却不表示我们可以缓 慢地向前走。”
... savour the uniqueness ... savour the moment ....
w w w. s e v va . h k
Shops & the City 店鋪都市
HoNG KoNG’s preemiNeNt FasHioN bloGGer cHristiNG c. sHares Her FaVorite places to sHop iN tHe citY. 香港一位时装博客版主Christing C.与我们分享她城中最爱的店铺。 With a popular fashion blog (www.fashionhedonism.com) and her own eponymously named online boutique (www.christingc.com), Christing C. knows a thing or two about style. She also knows the places to go for original and creative local and international designer items, beyond the confines of Hong Kong’s mega-malls. Below, she shares her favorite retail stops for getting everything from that vintage LV vanity case to a handsome pair of shades. 拥有一个相当受欢迎的时装博客网页(www.fashionhedonism.com), 兼且一间以自己名字命名的网上商店(www.christingc.com)vcz, Christing C.对时尚品味的知识也略知一二。除了香港的大型购物商场 之外,她也很清楚知道哪里能够找到最原创和具创意的本地和国际设计师 产品。以下就是她与我们分她最爱的零售点,当中由经典的LV大型行李 箱到型格的镜框,全部都可以找到。
WWW.cHristiNGc.com (pHoto credit: tim cHaNG)
edit (pHoto credit: daNiel Haddad)
38 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
go designer
Holding prime location on Hollywood Road is Edit, a fashionable collaboration between chartered accountant Genevieve Chow and architect Jacqueline Chak. Founded in 2011, the goal of the shop was to create an inviting space to celebrate the duo’s creative passions with a space to celebrate cool design and eclectic designer collections. This petite boutique, located amidst Hollywood Road’s laid-back eateries and bars, comes with industrial interiors and Parisian style and flair. A large dining table acts as an enticing centerpiece, displaying an array of accessories sourced from designers worldwide. Most of the jewelry is supplied by online store Callixto, a brand dedicated to discovering unique accessories from all over the globe. Chow has successfully curated a trendy selection of her favorite brands, including Tibi, Antipodium, Emma Cook and local designer Vaughan, who’s known for her sophisticated and versatile silk shirts. Many of Edit’s stand- out pieces are sunglasses, including handmade-in-Japan and Parisdesigned Lotho, and the very eccentric Moo ceramic glasses, which are a Lady Gaga favorite. Prices start at an affordable $200 for certain accessories and go up to $6,000 for their designer clothing. The selection of attires isn’t huge, but it’s very specific, with a sensible mix of statement pieces and classic styles. Edit, 67 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2549-4999.
位处荷李活道最佳地段的就是Edit。这店是 由执业会计师Genevieve Chew与建筑师 Jacqueline Chak於2011年合作创立的。开 设此店的目的,旨在打造一个引人喜爱的空 间,藉着那些型格的设计和世界各地设计师 的系列产品,缔造出一个能展现二人在创 作上充满热情的地方。Chew主要负责从她 喜爱的品牌包括Tibi、Antipodium、Emma Cook和以细致高雅而且手工精细着名的本 地产设计师Vaughan的丝恤衫等产品中,挑 选出最潮流时尚的产品。其他在Edit 店中也 值得留意的产品,还有包括日本人手制作的 太阳眼镜和巴黎设计的品牌Lotho的太阳眼 镜,其余还有Lady Gaga最爱的品牌Moo那 非常另类的陶瓷镜框。由大众化的配饰售价 200港元以至6,000港元一条设计师服饰均 可供选择。虽然服饰上的选择并不算包罗万 有,但是她们那些集时尚触觉与经典品味的 配饰,却是别具特色。
中环荷李活道67号, 2549-4999, www.67edit.com
trinket trail
Over the years, the streets of Sheung Wan have become a breeding ground for cafés, art galleries, restaurants, and boutiques—drawing a fashionable hipster crowd to the area. Squarestreet, my go-to spot for men’s leather accessories, is no exception to the rule. The impeccably displayed space exudes a distinct, clean and stylish ambiance. Swedish founders David Ericsson and Alex Holm have put the personality of their brands into the space, making it part store, part showroom, part office and part workshop. All products are designed by the founders themselves and have a very natural and functional feel. The leather accessories, including the leather iPhone cases, MacBook sleeves, and briefcases, are simple and in natural colors. Their collection of leather and canvas shoes use full-grain leather and nylon-washed canvas. Each pair pays immaculate attention to detail, all the way down to the coarse white stitching and comfortable anatomical insole. Ericsson and Holm believe that cutting out all the middlemen and shortening the supply chain will ensure each product is created with care and integrity. The designers feel close to the production and brand, ensuring their customers do as well. Leather accessories range from $55 for an iPhone case to $367 for a full leather briefcase. You can pay from $76 for a classic canvas shoe to $250 for a leather and canvas boot. Square Street also offers a cool collection of jewelry and sunglasses that start at very affordable prices. Squarestreet, G/F, 15 Square St., Sheung Wan, 2362-1086.
在过去几年,上环逐渐成为了一个孕育地铺 咖啡室、画廊、餐厅和时装店的摇篮,构 成了一幅汇聚时尚型格的嬉皮士的一个地 方。Squarestreet就成了我们寻找男士皮制 配饰的不二之选。位於那个极好的陈列空 间,渗出一份独特、简洁和型格的氛围。 来自瑞典的创办人David Ericsson和 Alex Holm 将他们创作的个人品牌置於同一个空 间内,同时将这个地方一部分作为店铺、一 部分作为陈列室、一部分作为办公室和一部
From aboVe: select 18; square street
分则作为工作室。店内所有产品都是由这两 位创办人亲自设计,全想渗出一份自然而且 实用的感觉。他们的皮制配饰包括智能电话 机套、MacBook套和手提包等,全部设计都 很简约,而且以自然色调为主。店内的皮具 和帆布鞋系列都是使用未经磨面的头层牛皮 和洗水的尼龙帆布制造。每对鞋的造工都非 常细致,从头到尾都以白线缝制,而且还配 以一个相当舒适的鞋底。Ericsson和Holm相 信这样可以免除了代理商作中间人之余,更 可以缩短减少产品在供应链中的程序,以确 保每一件产品都能够完善地处理以及得到细 心的照顾。设计师们感到这样能够与产品及 品牌的距离更加接近的同时,也要保证顾客 们也有这样的感觉。皮具产品配饰由售价55 港元的一个智能电话套,以至367港元的一
old & bold A single lonesome shop that sits quietly across from several of Hong Kong’s busiest restaurants, Select 18 is one of the city’s most eclectic vintage boutiques. The handwritten sign, haphazard outdoor seating and trendy patrons make it look like a hipster bar or coffee shop. Upon entering, it becomes clear that Select 18 is a vintage treasure chest. Thomas Lee, who opened Select 18 in 2007, sets his secondhand collection apart from others by sharing his space with Mido eyewear, which boasts a vast selection of vintage and new eyewear of its own. For instance, you can find anything from last season’s Henry Holland to vintage aviators from the 70s. Besides eyewear, there is still plenty else to discover. Stacks of vintage luggage sit clustered beneath the ceiling, and bookcases displaying everything from a glass skull decanter to antique telephones all vie for your attention. There is barely one inch of space left uncovered in this vintage heaven. Most of the stock consists of consignment from locals and visitors, so inventory is constantly replenished and unpredictable. Prices range from a very affordable $50 for earrings to a splurge-worthy $4,000 for designer pieces. Select 18’s the next best thing to the flea markets. Select 18, G/F, Shop A, Grandview Garden, 18 Bridges St., Central, 9127-3657.
个全真皮公事包,均一应俱全。鞋履方面, 由一对价值76港元的一对帆布鞋到250港元 的一对皮鞋或帆布制的靴款选择,亦有提 供。在Squarestreet店内,同时亦会提供一 系列的型格首饰及太阳眼镜,全都以大众化 价格出售。
Squarestreet;上环四方街15号下; 2362-1086。
古老与浮夸 这间静静地伫立在多间香港最热闹的食府对 岸,於如岛上孤塔的小店Select 18,就是城 内其中一间拥有最多不同类型古董服饰的店 铺。我时常都会在我Yardbird店内的椅子上 凝望着这小店,而且一直好奇店内卖的是甚 么东西。外望这店,感觉好似有个架着眼镜 的古怪视光师,得意洋洋地地往窗外望般, 还有门外那些随意手写的标志,还有那些随 意摆放的座位和充满型格的顾客,都令这里 犹如变成了一间嬉皮士酒吧或咖啡店。然而 甫进店内,你便会一目了然,发觉Select 18 其实就是一间古董珍品的宝库。
Thomas Lee在2007 年开设Select 18。
getting intimate A coveted lingerie collection is often a girl’s best-kept secret, so I was delighted to discover Sheer, a chic boutique hidden above the slew of bars littering the always hectic Wyndham Street. Sheer was founded by Lisa Cheng in 2011 out of pure frustration over the lack of a one-stop lingerie boutique in Hong Kong. Her goal was to give women in Hong Kong her dream lingerie boutique. The friendly staff and intimate environment make you feel instantly at home. Each collection is organized delicately by designer, with plenty of space to browse—the shopping experience is effortless and enjoyable. Sheer provides everything from everyday basics to desirable sets, indulgently comfortable loungewear, and even swimwear. I was instantly attracted to the pretty Mimi Holliday lace sets in ethereal pale pink and Oliva Von Halle’s sil-printed pajamas, which are made for decadent breakfasts in bed. The best part of the experience is the changing rooms, which are gigantic and complete with plush velvet curtains and flattering lighting. Their well-trained staff make sure you leave with what you need minus all the awkwardness that can come from fittings and shopping for special occasions. Sheer even offers personalized shopping, private appointments and lingerie parties. Prices range from under $200 for the classic Hanky Panky panties to the thousands for lingerie and pajama sets. Sheer, 4/F, W Place, 52 Wyndham St., Central, 2147-3887.
这二手店最别不同之处,在於他拥有以选择 及款式繁多见称的眼镜品牌Mido,来坐镇此 店。举列说,无论是上一季Henry Holland 的设计,还是70年代的流行一时的飞行员 镜,统统都可以在这里找到。除了眼镜物 品,这里还有很多东西有待你去逐一发掘。 一个个叠起的复古行李箱,从地下一直架叠 到天花位置;还有那个书柜,当中所摆放的 骷髅头玻璃水瓶到古董电话,都能吸引着你 的眼球。 我最喜欢其中一副陈列在窄窄阶梯上, 几乎是全新的Louboutin高跟鞋,还有摆放 在通道两旁那巨型的路易威登经典行李箱。 总之这个古董精品天堂的物品,多得令店内 难有呎地空间。
Select 18;中环必列者士街18号雍翠台地下 A铺;9127-3657。
愈见亲密 一系列令人爱不昔手的内衣,往往都会是女 孩子的高度秘密,而我,就是喜欢揭开这 间藏於四处是酒吧霓虹灯的热闹云咸街里 的时尚小店Sheer。 Sheer 由Lisa Cheng 於2011年创办,当时她有感於香港很缺乏 一间能够提供一站式服务的内衣店,於是她 灵机一触,便希望能为香港女性开设一间她 们梦寐以求的女性内衣店。亲切和蔼的服务 员和舒适轻松的店铺环境,令人有如置身於 家一般的亲密感觉。店内有多个由设计师特 别拣选的内衣系列,同时拥有寛敝的空间让 你随意挑选。总之求让你拥有轻松愉快的购 物体验。从日间的基本需要到各种需要的套 装款式,甚至乎到一些舒适的家侹便服或游 泳衣,Sheer都能够为你一一提供。我第一 时间就被那美丽得动人的淡粉红色的Mimi Holliday 蕾丝轻纱套装所吸引;还有Oliva Von Halle’s sil-的印花睡衣,最适合於 大清早在床上吃早餐时穿着。逛这店时,试 身室里的巨型华丽丝绒窗帘,配以柔和的灯 光,就成为了我到访这店的最佳体验。店内 那些训练充足的服务员,都会在你离开之 前,尽量确保你得到所需要的,即使顾客 有特别需要,她们也会尽力减低顾客在试身 和购物时,有可能出现的尴尬情况。Sheer 更会提供个人化购物服务、私人预约服务 和内衣派对。售价由低於200港元一条的 Hanky Panky小内裤,到上几千元的内衣和 睡衣也有提供。
40 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
hipster central
Wan Chai’s Star Street and its surrounding areas have become one of Hong Kong’s trendiest locales, due to the influx of local and international designer showrooms and boutiques. Kapok on Sun Street slots seamlessly into this community by introducing its own unique style and personality to the mix. The brand was founded by Arnault Castel in 2007, and is more a lifestyle space than a conventional store. The shop’s location on Sun Street is one of three stores, and doubles as a café and all-around hangout. Aside from Castel’s classically curated collection of Parisian-chic menswear, Kapok offers organic toiletries, niche fashion magazines, and eccentric accessories. The selection of brands includes chic Parisian label Kitsune, which is known for its classic Breton tops, canvas Herschel backpacks, and indulgent Acqua di Parma scents. Castel also supports the local design community by stocking popular Hong Kong brand Seventy Eight Percent’s canvas and leather satchels, which come in a range of neutral colours and are handcrafted from quality sourced materials. The products are arranged in a minimalist studio space using all available walls, tables, and bookshelves as points of display. At the center sits an inviting café, where you can relax and slowly enjoy the collection and coffee. Kapok, G/F, 3 Sun St., Wan Chai, 2520-0114 and G/F, 5 St Francis Yard, Wan Chai, 2549-9254.
合。品牌由Arnault Castel於2007 年创立,
责经典的巴黎型格男士服饰,Kapok 也有
包括由Polly Lam於2009开设的Season 4
Jackets galore Just off the hectic and cluttered Granville Road sits Granville Circuit, a cluster of small local boutiques. Each store averages under 200 square feet, but they use every inch of it to fit as many rails of clothing as possible. Zero to little attention has been paid to store design, but here it’s more about the actual products and affordable price points. Bundled cozily within this busy shopping heaven is one of Hong Kong’s hidden gems: Season 4 Company, started by designer Polly Lam in 2009. The boutique doesn’t stand out from the others at its location in Rise Commercial Building, until you peek inside and are instantly impressed at the sight of one of Lam’s amazing leather creations. Lam’s statement-making jackets are fit for a designer catwalk. The selection isn’t vast, but still offers plenty of classic and daring styles. All products are designed each season by Lam herself, and created from buttery soft 100 percent leather. The jackets average around $3,000 per piece. Season 4 Company, Shop 9A, G/F, Rise Commercial Building, 9-11 Granville Circuit, Tsim Tsai Tsui, 6707-0038.
背包与及令人沉醉的Acqua di Parma香
Season 4 Company; 尖沙咀嘉兰围9-11号利 时商业大厦地下9A号铺; 6707-0038.
Kapok;湾仔日街3号地下及湾仔进教围 5号地铺; 2549-9254。
seasoN 4
Shopping WHetHer You preFer to HaGGle iN a marKet, broWse luxurY malls or Go bespoKe, HoNG KoNG Has it coVered. aNd it's dutY Free. 无论你喜欢在市场里讨价还价,还是喜欢在高级商场购物, 甚或喜欢度身订造服装,香港都应有尽有,而且全都是免税的。 i.t 42 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
sHoPPinG Malls elemeNts 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2735-5234, www.elementshk.com. Elements consists of two floors and a million square feet of retail heaven at the ICC, Hong Kong’s tallest building. This luxury mall offers international cuisine and world-class shopping, from high-end designers (Gucci, Cartier) to international chain stores (Zara, H&M). Harbour citY 3-27 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2118-8666, www.harbourcity.com.hk. With 700 stores and 50 restaurants, Harbour City is the city’s largest megamall, sprawling across more than 2 million square feet. It’s actually two malls in one seamless whole: Ocean Terminal and Ocean Centre, with spillover into the Marco Polo Hong Kong and Gateway hotels. Ocean Terminal is situated beside the Star Ferry terminal, and many restaurants have harbor views. HoriZoN plaZa 2 Lee Wing St., Ap Lei Chau, 2554-9089. This place doesn’t look very promising— and it’s not easy to get to—but it’s something of a mecca for bargain fashion as well as furniture, Chinese antiques, toys and home accessories. Originally designed as an industrial building, this 27-story high-rise has been taken over by retailers, wholesalers, importers, exporters and factory outlets. Two of the city’s best high-end fashion retailers—Lane Crawford and Joyce— have large outlet stores here selling last season’s fashion at decent discounts. Also look out for local homeware emporium Tequila Kola and giant antiques warehouse Shambala. HYsaN place 500 Hennessy Rd., Causeway Bay, 2886-7222. The newest addition to shopping haven Causeway Bay houses Taiwanese megabookshop Eslite, a trendy food court and lots of hip, mid-range brands like Hollister and GAP. The lower levels include a sizeable beauty and cosmetics section, watch shops, and supermarketslash-lifestyle store Jasons Living. Techies
also get their share of shopping with a giant Apple store on the ground floor. iFc mall 8 Finance St., Central, 2295-3308, www.ifc.com.hk. Set beneath Hong Kong Island’s tallest building, IFC Mall is home to more than 200 international high-end brands, including Tory Burch, Roberto Cavalli and Juicy Couture, with Lane Crawford acting as an anchor. It also has a luxurious cinema, and some of the finest dining in the city. Many restaurants have dropdead gorgeous harbor views, particularly those with access to the fourth-floor roof terrace and alfresco balconies. isquare 63 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 3665-3333, www.isquare.hk. iSquare is another brand-new shopping complex on Nathan Road. Conveniently located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, it is an elite center boasting a variety of shops, a supermarket, an abundance of restaurants and an IMAX theater. K11 18 Hanoi Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 3118-8070, www.k11concepts.com. K11 combines innovative design and a trendy shopping experience. This sixstory mall has 340,000 square feet of total floor area housing art exhibitions and chic stores. This one-of-a-kind shopping center offers a glimpse at Hong Kong’s creative side.
型古董仓库Shambala。可是,千万别指望沿途 会有精致的餐厅或者任何设施。
九龙柯士甸道西 1号, 2735-5234, www.elementshk.com。 楼高两层,位於香港最高建筑物环球贸易广场内 的圆方面积超过100万平方呎。这个全港最新的 豪华商场提供国际美食与世界级购物享受,从 古驰、卡地亚等顶级品牌到Zara、H&M等国际 连锁店都有在商场开立分店。商场网罗多间餐 厅与咖啡厅,店面之多令人赞叹,包括广东菜 龙头菜馆利苑、新派潮流餐厅El Pomposo和兰 桂坊传奇酒吧Stormies的分店。其它特色包括设 有多个银幕的影院、溜冰场和偌大兼有山丘景致 的空中花园,让你在繁华都会中得享宁静空间。
铜锣湾轩尼诗道 500号, 2886-7222。 这个全新进军铜锣湾购物天堂的商场,除了有台 湾大型书店诚品坐镇,另外还有型格美食广场, 无数时髦中价服饰品牌如Hollister和GAP等。地下 及地库楼层包括有一个大型美容及化妆部、钟表 店和一間大型生活用品超级市场Jasons Living。 至於高科技苹果商店(Apple store),也进驻这 里地下位置來分一杯羮。
tHe laNdmarK 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2500-0555, www.centralhk.com. Home to one of the highest concentrations of international designer labels on the planet, The Landmark is the grande dame of upscale shopping malls in Hong Kong. Bang in the heart of Central and centered around a five-story atrium, it is a who’s who of fashion: Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo, Gucci, Dior, Fendi, Ralph Lauren, Manolo Blahnik, Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu, Tiffany & Co and many more.
尖沙咀广东道 3-27号, 2118-8666, www.harbourcity.com.hk。 网罗700家商店和50家食肆的海港城是城中最 大型的商场,面积覆盖逾 200万平方呎。海港 城实际是由两个相连的购物区海运大厦及海洋 中心,加上马哥孛罗香港酒店商场及港威商场 所组成。海运大厦毗邻天星码头和多家可饱览 海景的临海餐饮食肆,主要商户包括名牌百货 公 司 连 卡 佛 和 化 妆 品 天 堂 Faces, 还 有 一 系 列 高级设计师专卖店:Burberry、Prada、路易威 登、Hugo Boss、Versace等,数之不尽。不得不 提的是,海港城更有全港最大的玩具反斗城呢!
laNGHam place 8 Argyle St., Mong Kok, 3520-2800, www.langhamplace.com.hk. The Langham Place mall occupies about 600,000 square feet of floor space, including fashion, accessories and lifestyle stores such as Muji and Levi’s.
鸭脷洲利荣街 2号, 2554-9089。 别看该处其貌不扬,交通不便,这里却算是廉价 时装、家俱、中国古董、玩具与家居摆设的购物 胜地。楼高27层的建筑物前身为工业大厦,现已 进驻零售商、批发商、进口商、出口商和工厂特 卖场,连卡佛和Joyce两家城中最高档次的时装 店均在此开设特卖场,以优惠折扣售卖上一季的 时装。切勿错过本地家饰名店Tequila Kola和大
国际金融中心商场 中环金融街 8号, 2295-3308,www.ifc.com.hk。 国际金融中心商场坐落于港岛最高的建筑物内, 商场集合超过200家国际高档品牌,包括由连卡 佛汇聚的Tory Burch、Roberto Cavalli和Juicy Couture等 。 这 里 还 有 豪 华 的 电 影 院 , 以 及 城 中最高级的餐饮食府,尤其是连接四楼平台花 园和室外露台的餐厅,都有绚丽的无敌海景。 乘坐港铁、经巴士总站、机场快线和天星小轮 均可到达商场。
isquare国际广场 尖沙咀弥敦道 63号, 3665-3333,www.isquare.hk。 iSQUARE国际广场是弥敦道另一家新开幕的综 合购物中心,位於尖沙咀中心地带,交通方便, 是一个包罗各式各样店铺、一家超级市场、多 家食肆和一个巨幕IMAX影院的绝佳购物胜地。
新海怡广场 K11 尖沙咀河内道 18号, 3118-8070, www.k11concepts.com。 融合创新设计和潮流购物体验于一身的K11, 是全球首間商场艺术馆。楼高6层,面积34萬 平方呎,设有美术展馆和时尚名店。商场连接 凯悦酒店及服务式住宅“名铸”。这个购物中 心让你窥见香港的创新一面。 WHERE G UEST B OOK 4 3
HYsaN place
There are more than 20 restaurants to choose from, some under the "digital sky" ceiling. Located in the heart of Mong Kok, within walking distance of the Ladies’ Market and Fa Yuen Street, it’s a good place to recharge in airconditioning. Stores are open late.
shopping and dining. There are countless fine restaurants, cafés and fro-yo joints in the building, along with more indie boutiques than most malls.
lee GardeNs 33 Hysan Ave., Causeway Bay, 2907-5227, www.leegardens.com.hk. Divided into two blocks (Lee Gardens and Lee Gardens Two), this is a luxury shopping mall stuffed with high-end retailers such as Gucci, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Moschino, Jean Paul Gaultier and more. Lee Gardens Two has several children’s fashion shops, and there are plenty of good restaurants to choose from.
paciFic place 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2844-8900, www.pacificplace.com.hk. One of the most popular shopping malls in Hong Kong, Pacific Place has four floors of upscale shops and restaurants. Some of the biggest names in fashion and jewelry have a presence here, including Gucci, Prada, Chopard and Cartier. Luxe department store Harvey Nichols, Great Food Hall (a grocery store with a great selection of prepared foods for takeaway) and an AMC cinema are a few of the anchor tenants.
tHe oNe 100 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 3106-3640, www.the-one.hk. One of Hong Kong's newest shopping malls, this fashionably designed 29-story retail complex is a destination for both
times square 1 Matheson St., Causeway Bay, 2118-8900, www.timessquare.com.hk. Times Square is one of Hong Kong’s largest shopping malls. The 16-story complex contains more than 230
44 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
laNGHam place
中环皇后大道 15号, 2500-0555, www.centralhk.com。 身为全球国际名牌集中地,置地广场是香港 最声名显赫的高级购物商场。位於中环中心地 段,楼高五层,集结多家时装品牌专门店:路 易威登、Jimmy Choo、古驰、迪奥、芬迪、拉 夫·劳伦、ManoloBlahnik、Marc Jacobs、Miu Miu、蒂芙尼等,数之不尽。千万别错过著名伦 敦百货公司的本地分店Harvey Nichols以及供应 种类最多的亚洲有机食品的高级超市ThreeSixty。
铜锣湾希慎道 33号, 2907-5227, www.leegardens.com.hk。 该家豪华购物商场分为利园和利园二期两部分, 汇聚如古驰、爱马仕、路易威登、Moschino以及 Jean Paul Gaultier等众多一线名牌。利园二期有 数家儿童服装店,也有很多优质食肆以供选择。
朗豪坊 旺角亚皆老街 8号, 3520-2800, www.langhamplace.com.hk。 朗豪坊楼面面积达60万平方呎,荟萃无印良品 和 Levi’s等 时 装 、 配 饰 和 家 居 生 活 用 品 商 店 。 超过20家餐饮食肆可供选择,部分更位於“数 码天幕”之下。位於旺角心脏地带的朗豪坊, 可步行至女人街和花园街,是空调环境里歇息 的好去处。商户上班时间较长。
tHe oNe 尖沙咀弥敦道 100号, 3106-3640, www.the-one.hk。 作为香港其中一个最新购物商场之一。这座楼 高29层的大型零售商场为顾客提供购物与饮食 享受。商场内有数之不尽的食府、咖啡店和乳酪 雪糕店,亦有多於别家商场的独立经营精品店。
太古广场 金钟金钟道 88号, 2844-8900,www.pacificplace.com.hk。 太 古 广 场 楼 高 4层 , 拥 有 多 家 高 级 商 户 和 餐 厅,是香港最受欢迎的购物商场之一。古驰、 Prada、萧邦和卡地亚等世界知名的时装珠宝 品牌,均在那里开设专门店。主要旗舰店有 Harvey Nichols、Great Food Hall以及AMC电 影院等。商场二楼设有顾客服务柜台。
sHoppiNG shops—including Lane Crawford, upscale Japanese supermarket CitySuper, Page One books and a cinema. The floors are neatly categorized into retail, entertainment and recreational areas, with several floors dedicated to dining.
dePartMent stores cHiNese arts & craFts Shop 220, 2/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2523-3933, www.cachk.com. One of Hong Kong’s most famous cheongsam-makers, this shop has more than 100 years’ experience in tailoring and Chinese crafts. Its cheongsams are traditionally cut from high-quality fabric imported from China. The shop has a large international following, including Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher and former Indonesian president Megawati Sukarnoputri. HarVeY NicHols The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 3695-3388; 1/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 3968-2668, www.harveynichols.com. The Hong Kong branches of London’s uber-fashionable department store are
a haven of international brands, with a good restaurant—the Fourth Floor—at the Landmark location and a fabulous beauty department to boot. It stocks exclusive brands and hard-to-find items from more widely available ranges. Best of all, there’s loads of browsing room. laNe craWFord 3/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2118-3388; 3 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2118-3428; Times Square, 1 Matheson St., Causeway Bay, 2118-3638, www.lanecrawford.com. This Hong Kong institution is almost as old as the colony itself, but it’s bang upto-date these days. Lane Crawford raised the retail stakes in 2004 when it opened its gorgeously glam flagship in the IFC Mall, stacked with must-have designer brands from Agent Provocateur to Vera Wang. seibu Langham Place, 8 Argyle St., Mong Kok, 2971-3888. Though this upscale, sophisticated shop is a branch of Japan’s largest department store, the majority of the merchandise is European, with bigname fashion brands for men and women, as well as accessories and a large beauty department.
铜锣湾勿地臣街 1号, 2118-8900,www.timessquare.com.hk。 时代广场是香港最大型的购物中心之一。共分 16层,拥有逾230家商号,包括连卡佛、高档 日 本 超 级 市 场 CitySuper和 叶 壹 堂 。 各 层 均 系 统地划分为零售、娱乐和消闲专区,另有数层 美食专区,云集佳肴食肆。
铜锣湾轩尼诗道 555号, 2833-8338,www.sogo.com.hk。 开业于1985年,崇光是一家规模庞大的百货公 司,专营日本产品。店内产品一应俱全,顾及 客人所需,服装、美容产品、厨具、运动服饰 与食品种类繁多,应有尽有。
百货公司 中艺 金钟金钟道 88号太古广场 2期 220号, 2523-3933,www.cachk.com。 中艺拥有逾百年的剪裁和中国工艺经验,是香 港最享负盛名的旗袍专卖店。多年来,中艺的 长衫均以由中国进口的高品质布料剪裁而成。 店铺深受一班国际名人拥戴,包括希拉里·克 林顿和前印尼总统梅加瓦蒂·苏加诺普翠等。
Harvey Nichols 中环皇后大道 15号置地广场, 3695-3388,www.harveynichols.com。 引领时尚潮流的伦敦百货公司香港分店是国际品 牌天堂,拥有绝佳的美容部门,四楼还有一家优 秀餐厅。The Organic Pharmacy和一众名牌系 列旗下一些难见的单品均在那里独家发售。最重 要的是,那里有大量陈列室呢。
连卡佛 中环金融街 8号国际金融中心商场 3楼, 2118-3388。尖沙咀广东道 3号, 2118-3428。 铜锣湾勿地臣街 1号时代广场, 2118-3638。 www.lanecrawford.com 这家老牌名店历史几乎与香港这前殖民地一样 悠久,不过近期也经历了形象变革。2004年于 国际金融中心商场开设华丽尊贵的旗舰店,网 罗由Agent Provocateur到王薇薇等重点设计师 品牌以及鞋履配饰、珠宝、美容、家品和床上用 品等,货品包罗万象,应有尽有。
西武 旺角亚皆老街 8号朗豪坊, 2971-3888。 虽然这是一家高档华贵的日本最大型百货公司 的分店,但主要商品均来自欧洲,包括男女时 装顶尖名牌,以及配饰和甚具规模的美容部。
上海滩 中环毕打街 1号, 2525-7333, www.shanghaitang.com。 於2012年开设全新旗舰店的上海滩,与其说它 是一家百货公司,不如形容为中式精品店更为 贴切。上海滩两层楼内布满大量商品,琳琅满 目。店铺专营将传统与现代中国特色新颖融合 而成的设计。你可找到设计大胆的手表配饰、 品 质 上 佳 的 家 品 、 有 趣 的 T恤 衫 、 男 女 时 装 和 精美绝伦的度身订造长衫。
laNe craWFord
中环皇后大道中 15号 置地广场B51-54及 312-314号店, 2810-0769,www.swank.com.hk。 诗韵集聚了世界各地名师与新晋设计师,因此 自 1955年 开 业 以 来 已 成 为 本 地 最 出 色 的 时 装 店。在香港设有12家独立门市,并在主要百货 公司都设有专柜。
裕华 尖沙咀弥敦道 301-309号, 3511-2222。 这家大型百货公司在香港设有数家分店,售卖中 国工艺品、电子产品、传统华服和刺绣丝绸。店 内拥有价格合理的上等丝质长衫、外套、上衣和 裤子。度身订制长衫约需三周。设有送货服务。
订造服装与配饰 亚民兴昌 中环干诺道 5号文华东方酒店阁楼, 2522-3336。 亚民兴昌拥有过百年历史,是香港最悠久的老 字號裁缝店之一。英国大亨与中国大班都常来 光顾,将自己打扮成绅士。布料、工艺与服务 都是印证店铺的成功因素。度身订制西服需至 少六個工作天完成。
诗阁 中环金融街 8号国际金融中心商场 2楼 2031号店, 2295-3833,www.ascotchang.com。 该著名裁缝店在半岛酒店、国际金融中心商场、 圆方和太子商场艺术馆大厦,以及海外如贝芙丽 山、上海、马尼拉和曼克顿等地都设有分店。 诗阁于1952年成立,以缝制衬衫闻名,其西服 亦同样出色。度身订制西服需时两至三星期。
源 中环遮打道 10号太子大厦 123号店, 2104-7934,www.blancdechine.com。 源Blanc de Chine于1986年创立时,定位为设 计工作坊,于1990年开始发展其零售业务。品 牌专营订制服装以及极具现代美感的中式男女 服饰,旗袍由企业旗下的工厂生产的奢华丝绸制 成,而其它材料均由欧洲进口。度身订制服饰比 一般成品收费高约一半,需时四周至兩个月。
daVid’s sHirts 尖沙咀金巴利道 33号永利大厦地下, 2367-9556,www.davidsshirts.com。 David’s Shirts内 每 套 西 服 都 是 一 吋 22针 , 每名传统上海裁缝在业内都至少有20年经验。 店 铺 提 供 逾 6,000款 欧 洲 进 口 布 料 以 供 选 择 , 款式多样。所有布料均经过预洗,以尽量减少 缩水情况。订制西服由量身至完成约需时一周。 WHERE G UEST B OOK 4 5
sHaNGHai taNG 1 Duddell St., Central, 2525-7333,www.shanghaitang.com. More of a luxe Chinese emporium than a department store, Shanghai Tang’s new flagship, opened in April 2012, is an Art Deco wonderland with beautiful wares. The homegrown luxury brand specializes in a funky fusion of traditional and contemporary Chinese design. You’ll find kitsch watches and accessories, great homewares, fun T-shirts, fashion for men and women and incredibly beautiful bespoke tailored cheongsams. soGo 555 Hennessy Rd., Causeway Bay, 2833-8338, www.sogo.com.hk. Opened in 1985, Sogo is a huge department store that specializes in Japanese goods. It aims to fulfill all shoppers’ needs under one roof, and as such has a diverse and eclectic range of goods on offer, including clothes, beauty products, kitchen utensils, sportswear and foodstuffs. tHe sWaNK Shop B51-54 and 312-314, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2810-0769, www.swank.com.hk. Representing established designers as well as upcoming talents from around the world, The Swank has been one of the finest local fashion houses since 1955. It has 12 free-standing boutiques and points of sale in major department stores around Hong Kong.
besPoKe clotHinG & accessories tailors a-maN HiNG cHeoNG M2/F, Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Rd., Central, 2522-3336. One of the oldest names in tailoring, A-Man Hing Cheong has been in the business for over 100 years. This is where British tycoons and Chinese taipans come to be transformed into gentlemen. Fabrics, craftsmanship and service are the reasons for their success in the business. Tailor-made suits require at least six days to complete. ascot cHaNG Shop 2031, 2/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2295-3833, www.ascotchang.com. This famous tailor has branches at The Peninsula, IFC Mall, Elements mall and Prince’s Building, and internationally in Beverly Hills, Shanghai, Manila and Manhattan. Established in 1952, Ascot Chang is acclaimed for its shirts, but its suits are equally up to par. Custom-made suits take two to three weeks.
H. baromoN
paciFic custom tailors
中环皇后大道 9号嘉轩广场 2楼 203-204号店, 2325-6845。 H.Baromon以其精湛的缝纫技术闻名於世,被 《财富杂志》选为世上十大最佳裁缝之一。超 过七成西服都是由人手缝制,职员都以巧手细 节为荣。所有西服边饰均采用手工缝制,针缝 了不可见。度身订制西服需时一周。
中环德辅道中 19号地下C1号店, 2845-5377,www.pacifictailor.com.hk。 专门提供英式西服订制服务,店内有超过500 种来自英国和意大利的棉布可供选用,两天内 便可完成订单。为了追求精益求精,衬里和钮 扣均由丝造。
荣懋行高级洋服 la elite FasHioN 尖沙咀麽地道地下 1H店, 2368-0040。 这间信誉可靠的订造服饰公司,正好就是位於 尖沙咀这个人来人往的地方。更曾经有一个网 上评价提及他在试身的过程中,店內有啤酒招 呼,可以想象其服務是如何周到。
尖沙咀北京道 16号永乐大厦 7楼B室, 2191-9898,www.ptbyprinceton.com.。 上海裁缝以精巧工艺闻名,而荣懋行高级洋服 的经验丰富的师傅更可于三至四天内为你缝制 完成新西服。店内陈列多款不同质料、颜色、色 调和分量的布料,力求造出最合你心意的西服。
puNJab House
中环威灵顿街 98号翡翠中心D号店, 2851-1969。 上海传统裁缝店Lapel专营男女服饰,可在短至 24小时内快速制作出一套新西服。除了位置便 利外,它在纽约亦设有分店,让顾客可在香港 量身,在家乡取货。所有订造西装的高级布料 均来自不同的高级服装品牌,包括Ermnegildo Zegna、Cerruti 1881及Loro Piana。
尖沙咀弥敦道 66-70号金冠大厦 5楼C室, 2366-6612,www.punjabhouse.com.hk。 经营过百年的Punjab House专门从事优质上海 裁缝业务,提供男女顾客以多种套餐服务。店铺 提供过万种风格与布料以供选择,并会将量身呎 吋记录在案,方便日後再次定制时参考。亦于伦 敦设有分店,提供裁缝与取货服务。
中环德辅道 20号 德成大厦 2楼 201-203号店, 2523-6167,www.lhshk.com.hk。 经营了逾一世纪的老合兴度身缝制无燕尾晚礼 服、晨礼服、晚礼服、燕尾礼服、大衣和衬 衣。店内有大量布料供以选购,包括质地轻盈 的布料与天然华贵的实色布料、精细条纹布料 和细格布料。西服需时约一周,不过店铺亦会 应要提供快取服务。
中环兰桂坊 13号 2楼, 2537-0993, www.pursuehk.com。 Pursue于周一至周六中午至晚上九时开业,周 日休息。店内设有酒吧,让你边饮酒,边舒适 享受裁缝服务。店铺亦同样是画廊,可供选购 画作。订制西服约需时两周。
Yue HWa 301-309 Nathan Rd., Jordan, 3511-2222. This large department store has several branches in Hong Kong, each selling a mixture of Chinese arts and crafts, furniture, electric products, traditional Chinese clothing and embroidered silk. There is a good selection of reasonably priced cheongsams, coats, fitted tops and trousers tailored from quality silk. Made-to-measure cheongsams take about three weeks. Delivery available.
tHe sWaNK
46 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
A cut above the rest
Sponsored feature
City’s leading tailor shop revealed by Guy Williams
ong Kong is a shopper’s paradise, with great deals on
and a variety of offerings were far from the only factors behind the
everything from antiques to electronics. But if there’s one thing
store’s popularity. “It was mostly through hard work and by providing
that stands out more than the rest, it’s the tailor-made clothing,
our customers with quality service that we’ve managed to build our
the quality and affordability of which is second to none. It’s little Empire
Windsor Ki
Kowloon Park
y Rd m be rle
K im be
rl ey
C a rn
s A ve
La Elite Fashions D2
Holiday Inn Golden Mile
Ch ath am
Han kow Rd
Chungking Mansions
Middle Rd L1 K
Salis bury Rd
Hong Kong Space Museum
Hong Kong Museum of Art
尖東站 East Tsim Sha Tsui
Sheraton New World Renaissance
New World Centre
Address: Shop 1H Mody Road, Ground Floor, Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon,Hong Kong. (Opposite the Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hotel on Mody Road) Telephone: 2368-0040, 2723-0056 Email: laelite@netvigator.com
That quality of service now includes a whole host of valueadded perks. For one, customers – both old and new – receive a complimentary pick up directly from their place of stay. Once there, a master fitter will take your measurements, and should you wish, enter
the truly skilled merchant is easier said than done. If you’re looking
the information into the company’s database, making subsequent mail-
for the top draw however, look no further than La Elite Fashions.
order purchases a breeze.
The newly redecorated studio is among the most highly regarded in
Soon after, you’ll be invited to pick from the more than 10,000
town, and thanks to the competitive nature of the industry, remains
varieties of fabric on offer. While this might sound overwhelming at
surprisingly affordable.
first, you’ll be happy to learn that the studio-staff are notably well
Started in 1983 with only a handful of materials, the company first fabrics from the likes of Dormeuil, Loro Piana and Scabal. But unlike
versed on the latest fashion trends and are more than happy to offer suggestions when asked. For those only in town for a short stay, La Elite offers an express
the designer suits at the mall, La Elite’s merchandise – thanks to its
service at no extra charge. A mere 24 hours is all it takes to process
low overheads and special relationships with suppliers – were, and
your order and deliver your clothing directly to your hotel room. For
continue to be, notably easier on the wallet. Ermenegildo Zegna coat-
first timers and those less familiar with such purchases, however, a full
and-trouser-sets start at just HK$3,880 – that’s up to $16,000 less than
fitting is recommended.
what you might pay at the mall. General suit prices meanwhile range from $1,600 to $10,000. This
brand into what it is today,” he says.
based in the Tsim Sha Tsui peninsula, separating the average from
made a name for itself selling men’s suits crafted using brand name
Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Hyatt a n Regency oi
Mo dy Rd
Pek ing RdE
1881 Heritage Platform
p hr ey
尖沙咀站 Tsim Sha Tsui
Lock Rd
Ash ley Rd
H um
A ve P ra t
er on
Haiphong Rd
C am
n Rd
d ill e R
a rv o
Nat han Rd
Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre
G ra nv
and the Prince of Wales have all been suited and booted here. But despite the more than 250 tailors in town, most of which are
Mira e Th e On
wonder then why international icons like Bill Clinton, Venus Williams
Among its other notable attributes, the Tourism-Board-approved store, which now boasts over 100,000 international clients, including
formula proved to be incredibly successful for La Elite, and shortly
CEOs, heads of states and professional athletes, is also known for
thereafter, the company expanded its operations to include shirts,
its 10-year after-sales alteration service. So whether you put on a
slacks, sports jackets, cashmere overcoats, women’s suits ,dresses-
few pounds after a long vacation, or lose a few thanks to your new
even blouses. Visit the store today and you’ll also be offered the
exercise regime, you can rest assured that your garments will retain
option of a cloning service, a one-of-a-kind facility that allows you to
their fit for years to come.
recreate your favourite attire, regardless of where you purchased it. Commenting his success, owner Danny Hussain notes that great prices
Given all these benefits, and great prices to boot, it’s hard to image why you’d go anywhere else.
blaNc de cHiNe Shop 123, Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Rd., Central, 2104-7934, www.blancdechine.com. Established in 1986 as a design workshop, and in 1990 as a retail group, Blanc de Chine sells bespoke and prêt-a-porter men’s and women’s Chinese-style clothing with a modern twist. Its cheongsams are tailored from luxury silks made in the company’s own factories in China, and other materials are imported from Europe.
loa Hai sHiNG Shop 201-203, 2/F, Tak Shing House, 20 Des Voeux Rd. Central, 2523-6167, www.lhshk.com.hk. Operating for more than a century, Loa Hai Shing will tailor-make your tuxedo, morning coat, dinner jacket, evening tails, overcoat or shirt. There is a range of fabrics to choose from, including lightweight materials as well as natural and luxurious fibers in solid colors, intricate stripes or delicate checks. Suits take about a week, but rush orders can be accommodated.
daVid’s sHirts G/F, Wing Lee Building, 33 Kimberley Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2367-9556, www.davidsshirts.com. There are exactly 22 stitches per inch in every suit from David’s Shirts. Each of their traditional Shanghainese tailors has at least 20 years of experience in the business.
paciFic custom tailors Shop C1, G/F, 19 Des Voeux Rd. Central, 2845-5377, www.pacifictailor.com.hk. Specializing in bespoke British-style suits in your choice of more than 500 wool fabrics from the U.K. and Italy, Pacific Custom Tailors can have your new threads ready in as little as two days. To add a touch of refinement, they use silk linings and buttons.
H. baromoN Shop 203-204, 2/F, The Galleria, 9 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2325-6845. Voted by Fortune Magazine as one of the 10 best tailor shops in the world, H. Baromon is renowned for its skills with a needle. More than 70 percent of its suits are made by hand and staffers take pride in the small details. All suit trims are handsewn, and the stitches are almost invisible. Tailor-made suits take about a week. la elite FasHioN G/F, 1H Mody Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2368-0040. A well-regarded tailor shop that stands out amid the endless throngs in Tsim Sha Tsui. One online reviewer even said he was given a beer during the fitting. If that's not service, we don't know what is. lapel Shop D, Jade Centre, 98 Wellington St., Central, 2851-1969. Specializing in Shanghainese tailoring for men and women, Lapel can run up a new suit in as little as 24 hours. In addition to its convenient location, it also has a branch in New York for customers who want to get fitted in Hong Kong and pick up the finished product closer to home. Suits are made using high-quality fabrics from various fashion houses.
48 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
priNcetoN custom tailor Suite B, 7/F, Wing Lock House, 16 Peking Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2191-9898, www.ptbyprinceton.com. Shanghainese tailors are renowned for the quality of their workmanship, and the experienced hands at Princeton Custom Tailor can have you suited up in three to four days. Fabrics in a wide range of textures, colors, tones and weights are available for you to browse, so your suit can be exactly the way you want it. puNJab House Suite C, 5/F, Golden Crown Court, 66-70 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2366-6612, www.punjabhouse.com.hk. In business for more than 100 years, Punjab House specializes in fine Shanghainese tailoring and offers a variety of packages for men and women. It has over 10,000 styles and fabrics to choose from, and will keep measurements on file for future orders. It also has a branch in London offering tailoring and pick-up services.
pursue 2/F, 13 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, 2537-0993, www.pursuehk.com. To wet your whistle while you wait, Pursue has a built-in bar to make your tailoring experience all the more comfortable. You can even buy a painting, as it doubles as an art gallery. Suits take approximately two weeks.
doriaN Ho
raJa FasHioNs
W. W. chan & sons
尖沙咀金马伦道 34C号地下, 2366-7624,www.raja-fashions.com。 50多 年 前 成 立 的 Raja是 订 制 服 饰 行 业 中 的 佼 佼者。店內有超过兩萬种布料,由平价到高 档 布 料 应 有 尽 有 , 拥 有 顶 级 品 牌 Ermenegildo Zegna、Scabal、Loro Piana Holland & Sherry、Valentino和Dormeuil等。西服上任何部 位均可根据顾客需求个性打造。度身订制西服需 时一周,店铺亦会因应要求加快服务。
尖沙咀弥敦道 94号华敦大厦 2楼A2室, 2366-9738,www.wwchan.com。 开业超过50年的W.W. Chan & Sons采用来自Loro Piana、Valentino Garavani、Scabal、Dormeuil 与Holland & Sherry等著名纺织厂的优质布料。 店內更有经验丰富的裁缝助你选出最适合个人需 求的布料。订制西服平均需时三周。
sam’s tailor 尖沙咀弥敦道 90-94C号华敦大厦地下, 2367-9423,www.samstailor.biz。 Sam可能算是城中最有名的裁缝了,客人名单上 尽是星级名人,如王储查理斯。西服可于短至24 小时内完成,不过至少需时数天的两次量身试 穿最为理想。店铺提供逾2,500种布料供选择。
女装订制服 doriaN Ho 新蒲岗景福街 106号 12楼A座, 2321-3288,www.dorianohk.com。 欲购买度身订制的高级时装,本地时装明星何 国钲于西湾河的专卖店是必到之处。其以婚纱 闻名,也有设计含蓄性感而融合东西文化特色 的晚装,于连卡佛有售。度身订制晚装需时约 六个月。需进行三次量身试穿,并需提前预约。
raJa FasHioNs G/F, 34C Cameron Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2366-7624, www.raja-fashions.com. Founded more than 50 years ago, Raja is a stalwart in Hong Kong’s customtailoring business. It stocks more than 20,000 fabrics, from the affordable to the exclusive. Top labels include Ermenegildo Zegna, Scabal, Loro Piana, Holland & Sherry, Valentino and Dormeuil. sam’s tailor G/F, Burlington Arcade, 90 – 94C, Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2367-9423, www.samstailor.biz. Sam’s is possibly the most famous tailor in town—with a celebrity client list to match, including David Bowie, Luciano Pavarotti and Prince Charles. Suits can be completed in as quick as 24 hours, but ideally they take at least two fittings and several days. There are more than 2,500 types of fabrics to choose from. W.W. cHaN & soNs Shop A2, 2/F, Burlington House, 94 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2366-9738, www.wwchan.com. In business for more than 50 years, W.W. Chan & Sons uses the finest materials from such famous mills as Loro Piana, Valentino Garavani, Scabal, Dormeuil and Holland & Sherry. Having trouble picking the perfect fabric? One of their experienced tailors will help you select the right material for your particular needs. Suits take an average of three weeks.
dressMaKers doriaN Ho Block A, 12/F, 106 King Fuk St., San Po Kong, 2321-3288, www.dorianohk.com. For tailor-made haute couture, local fashion star Dorian Ho’s showroom in San Po Kong is the place to go. Famous for his wedding gowns, Ho also designs subtly sexy evening-wear with an eastmeets-west take. You can check out his ready-to-wear line at Lane Crawford. Made-to-measure gowns take around six months. You will need approximately three fittings, booked in advance.
50 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
ireNe FasHioNs Shop A2, 2/F, Burlington House, 94 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2366-9738, www.wwchan.com. A division of W. W. Chan and Sons, Irene Fashions stocks materials from some of the best fabric houses and mills around the world, including Valentino Garavani and Ermenegildo Zegna. In-house designers will work with you to create the perfect dress. VoGue tailor Shop 522A, Star House, 3 Salisbury Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2314-8016. Simple dresses or basic traditional cheongsams take only three to four days after a fitting. This speedy service also applies to bespoke suits, shirts and menswear. They are able to offer a wide variety of fabrics, but are also happy for you to bring your own. aGNes b.
sHoeMaKers bespoKe 148 Austin Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2717-0396. Bespoke produces their own footwear designs, or will gladly make a pair based on a picture in around two weeks. They stock leather and satin, but you are welcome to supply your own materials. KoW Hoo sHoe Shop 243, Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Rd., Central, 2523-0489. Established in Shanghai since 1928, and in Hong Kong since 1946, Kow Hoo is the oldest custom-made shoe shop in Hong Kong and the only one that still makes a "last," or mold, for each individual customer. liii liii sHoes Shop 75, 1/F, Tower 2, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Rd., Admiralty, 2865-3989. You’ll be spoiled for choice at Liii Liii Shoes, which has 5,000 styles to choose from. Catering to your desired style, material, heel height and color, they’ll make you a pair you’ll never want to take off. Snake and alligator skin, patent leather, leather, suede and a vast array of fabrics are available.
ireNe FasHioNs
liii liii sHoes
尖沙咀弥敦道 94号华敦大厦 2楼A2室, 2366-9738,www.wwchan.com。 W.W. Chan & Sons的支线Irene Fashions會使 用包括Valentino Garavani和Ermenegildo Zegna 等顶尖织布厂和纺织厂生产的布料。驻店设计师 将会为你打造最完美的裙装。
金钟夏悫道 18号海富中心 2座 1楼 75号店, 2865-3989。 Liii Liii Shoes有 逾 5,000个 款 式 以 供 选 择 。 無論在款式、物料、鞋跟高度和颜色方面的 要求,都能滿足你需要。蛇或鳄鱼皮、漆皮、 皮革、仿麂皮等各式各样的布料都有提供。 不得不提的是,只需三天即可为你造出新鞋。
渥嘉洋服公司 尖沙咀梳士巴利道 3号星光行 522A号店, 2314-8016。 简约裙装或基本传统旗袍由量身到制作完成只需 三至四天,订制西服、衬衣和男士服装亦可如此 迅速完成。提供多款布料,亦欢迎顾客自备。
鞋履 bespoKe 尖沙咀柯士甸道 148号, 2717-0396。 Bespoke生产自家设计鞋履,亦乐於在约两周 内依照相片制鞋。店铺存有皮革和缎料,顾客 亦可要求采用自备的物料。
高和皮鞋公司 中环遮打道 10号太子大厦 243号店, 2523-0489。 高和在1928年于上海创立,香港公司则于1946 年开业,是本港历史最悠久的鞋履制造商,也是 唯一一家仍会为单个顾客造鞋模的店铺。無論你 在世界各地都可向高和下订单。谨记提早预约。
maYer sHoes 中环干诺道 5号香港文华东方酒店 M3号店, 2524-3317。 自1964年起就已开始制鞋生意的Mayer Shoes, 历任港督、本地风云人物和外国名人皆有光顾。 你可自带照片或鞋子到店内,他们会在一周内 依据你的呎码仿制出来。店内提供多款优质皮 革和异国动物皮,你也可采用自家物料或布料。
tassels 中環皇后大道 15號置地廣場 B64-65號店, 2789-9911。 這裡你可以買到高級鞋履品牌Alden、Bontoni和 Gallo的產品,甚或可以按閣下的腳形,訂購一對 只屬於你的鞋款。
VicKie’s sHoes 中环利源东街地下 6号店, 2522-9013。 在Vickie’s Shoes挑选鞋子,或请他们依照你 的构想造出合脚的鞋子。从真皮到布料,甚至 皮草都有提供。仿造鞋子只需三周即可完成。
maYer sHoes Shop M3, Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Rd. Central, 2524-3317. Boasting former Hong Kong governors, local big shots and foreign celebrities among its customers, Mayer Shoes has been making handcrafted footwear since 1964. Copying any design imaginable, you can bring in a picture or pair of shoes and they will create them according to your exact specifications in about a week.
botteGa VeNeta Shop 205-208, 2/F, Times Square, 1 Matheson St., Causeway Bay, 2506-3106. The luxury leather goods company has seven outlets in Hong Kong, including this store designed by creative director Tomas Maier, who paid attention to every detail, down to the suede-lined walls and door handles sheathed in leather.
tassels Shop B64-65, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Rd. Central, 2789-9911. Grab ready-to-wear men's shoes by luxury brands like Alden, Bontoni and Gallo or have a pair of custom-made ones for your feet only.
burberrY Shop G04-05, 104-106 and 207-209, Silvercord, 30 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 5808-2409. Britain’s favorite trench coats are just as popular in Asia, with the signature tan and black checks turning up in all sorts of unexpected places.
VicKie’s sHoes G/F, 6 Li Yuen St. East, Central, 2522-9013. Opt for one of the designs offered at Vickie’s Shoes—or come in with your own ideas and they’ll make a pair to your specifications. Offering everything from real leather to fabric and even fur, they are able to copy a pair of shoes for you in three weeks.
FasHion & accessories aGNes b. la loGGia Shop 3089-3097, 3/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2805-0611. The French chain’s first flagship store is spread over 15,000 square feet and two floors of the IFC Mall.
cÉliNe Shop G40, G/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2525-1281. This French luxury fashion brand has become one of the most sought-after upscale labels in the world. Céline houses classic items that are both beautiful and feminine, with a modern edge. Their signature pieces, minimalist and readyto-wear, are perfect for all occasions. cHaNel Shop 124 – 125, 1/F, Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Rd., Central, 2810-0978. Designed by Peter Marino to look like a classic Chanel white box, the doubleheight glowing exterior of Chanel’s Asian flagship is a beacon of luxury in Central.
时装与配饰 aGNes b la loGGia 中环金融街 8号国际金融中心商场 3楼 3089-3097号店, 2805-0611。 该法国连锁店结合男女服饰系列、旅游商店、 花店和巧克力店于一身。店内另一特色是其传 统法国餐厅,傅厚民设计的空间由花卉、植物、 音乐和艺术填满。
amaNdarliNG 中环摆花街 32号, 2581-0968, www.amandarling.com。 Amandarling以度假服与休闲服见长。简约的比 基尼和与之搭配的度假服(纱笼、衬衣、帽、人 字拖和裙子)色彩缤纷、图案多样。
botteGa VeNeta 铜锣湾勿地臣街 1号时代广场 2楼 205-208号店, 2506-3106.。 这家豪华皮革用品公司在香港设有七家专卖店, 包括这家由注重细节的创作总监Tomas Maier设 计的分店。从铺设了仿麂皮的墙到以皮革包裹的 门柄,都可见其匠心独运。
burberrY 九龙尖沙咀广东道 30号 新港中心G04-05, 104-106及 207-209号铺, 5808-2409。 英国最得人心的经典风衣在亚洲同样受欢迎。
cÉliNe 中环皇后大道 15号置地广场 地下 40号店, 2525-1281。 该法国奢华时装品牌已成为世界最受追棒的高 档品牌。Céline拥有既美丽又极富女人味的经 典单品,设计融入现化风格,适於任何场合。
香奈儿 中环遮打道 10号太子大厦 1楼 124-125店, 2810-0978。 香奈儿亚洲旗舰店由Peter Marino设计成经典的 纯白盒子,是中环的奢华路标。店铺主要陈设品 牌最新的时装、美容品、配饰和珠宝。
迪奧 中环皇后大道 15号 置地广场地下G41号店, 2162-8008。 迪奥的旗舰店在置地广场内跨越两层,陈 列城中最全面的迪奥时装、皮革用品、 配饰、Baby Dior婴儿服装和高级珠宝。
club moNaco 中环皇后大道 16-18号 新世界大厦 2座下, 2118-2987。 高档美国品牌Club Monaco的亚洲旗舰店室内设 计给人清新的感觉。衣服为经典赋予新意,款式 均为衣柜必备,且有大量黑白搭配。
cos 中环皇后大道中 74号地下, 2580-7938。. 属H&M集团旗下,被誉为是H&M大姐姐的COS (即Collection Of Style简称),专们提供配以 潮流元素的经典上班服饰,尽显高雅成熟,也能 让你在职场里展现时尚的一面。
diaNe VoN FursteNberG 中环皇后大道 15号置地广场 306-307号店, 2522-8782。 是选购DVF设计的标志性特色连衣裙的必去之地。
duNHill 金钟金钟道 88号太古广场 315号店, 2530-0464,www.dunhill.com。 Dunhill专售男士经典配饰,包括制作精美的皮 具、高贵优雅的手提袋、皮革、鞋履、腰带、行李 箱、手表、黑莓保护套和珠宝,亦售卖尊贵男装。
amaNdarliNG 32 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, 2581-0968, www.amandarling.com. Resort and cruisewear is Amandarling’s forte. It’s won a cult following in Europe and Asia for its simple bikinis and matching resort wear (sarongs, shirts, hats, flip-flops and dresses) in a rainbow of colors and prints.
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cHristiaN dior Shop G41, G/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2162-8008. Dior’s flagship boutique spreads over two floors in the prestigious Landmark shopping center, featuring the city’s most comprehensive selection of the fashion house’s ready-to-wear collection, leather goods, accessories, Baby Dior line and fine jewelry. club moNaco G/F, New World Tower 2, 16-18 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2118-2987. Upscale US brand Club Monaco’s Asian flagship is reminiscent of a New York loft. Both the store and collection are fresh, urban and timeless. cos G-1/F, 74 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2580-7938. Under the H&M Group and known to some as H&M’s sleeker older sister, COS (short for Collection Of Style) does classic pieces with a futuristic flourish— practical for the office, yet sophisticated enough to turn some heads on your way to work. diaNe VoN FursteNberG Shop 306-307, 3/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2522-8782. The place to go for DVF’s iconic wrap dress—and so much more. duNHill Shop 315, 3/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2530-0464, www.dunhill.com. Dunhill sells classic accessories for men, including finely crafted leather goods, elegant cases, wallets, shoes, belts, luggage, watches, BlackBerry cases and jewelry. It also sells luxe menswear. FeNdi Shop 335, 3/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2918-9665. It-bags for it-girls. Need we say more? GieVes & HaWKes Shop 2025, 2/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2234-7220. The best of British tailoring, straight from No. 1 Savile Row to the heart of Hong Kong’s business district. Go bespoke or scan the racks for crisp, quintessentially English suits.
54 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
GiorGio armaNi G/F, Chater House, 11 Chater Rd., Central, 2532-7777. The Italian designer’s Hong Kong flagship is a thing of beauty, its tasteful halls filled with the brand’s various fashion lines for men and women, as well as a florist selling inspirational arrangements and a chic rooftop bar called Armani/Aqua. Gucci Shop G124-125A & G220, G/F, Harbour City, 7 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2199-7728. A serene store that ticks all the right boxes for Hong Kong fashionistas, thanks to its modern, clean-lined clothing, perfectly constructed shoes and recognizable accessories. HermÈs Shop G6-9, G/F, The Galleria, 9 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2525-5900. You may have to join a waiting list for Hermès’ coveted Kelly, Birkin and HAC bags—or you might luck out and find just what you’re looking for right there on the shelf.
HuGo boss
金钟金钟道 88号太古广场 3楼 335室, 2918-9665。 专售适合潮流女性的时尚手袋。
中环金融街 8号国际金融中心商场 2楼 2092-2093号店, 3188-1171。 该店展示品牌整个休闲服和礼服系列, 包括各款女装。
GieVes & HaWKes 中环金融街 8号国际金融中心商场 2025店, 2234-7220。 由“英国裁缝街”(Savile Row) 1号来到香 港商业区中心地带的GIEVES & HAWKES,在英 国缝制服装店中首屈一指。建议在那里订制服装 或流览陈列架,选购剪裁俐落的优质英式西服。
i. t 铜锣湾希慎道 1号阁楼; 2972-2572。 从开业至今20个年头,I.T已经变成为一个很多 人去寻找时尚潮流服装的地方。另外还有副线 i.t,鞋履品牌ETE和街头服饰店Double-Park等。
iNitial GiorGio armaNii 中环遮打道 11号遮打大厦地下, 2532-7777。 这家意大利设计师旗舰店的大堂,摆满品牌旗下 多个男女时装系列,并有售卖创新花艺的花店、 顶层的一浏咖啡厅Armani/Aqua和其它特色。
中环德己笠街 17-19号德和大厦地下, 2537-0663,www.initialfashion.com。 该本地品牌将时装、咖啡店、发廊和展览场 地结合。
JimmY cHoo
古驰 尖沙咀广东道 7号海港城 G124-125A及G220号店, 2199-7728。 依其摩登大方、线条流畅的服饰、结构完美的 鞋履和易於识别的配饰,这家尊贵的顶级品牌 满足香港时尚达人的一切要求。
爱马仕 中环皇后大道 9号嘉轩广场G8-9号店, 2525-5900。 若想购买爱马仕抢手的Kelly、Birkin和HAC 手提包,恐怕要在等候名单上登记了。
中环皇后大道 15号置地广场地下G8号店, 2525-6068。 由 号 称 “ 鞋 神 ” 的 JimmyChoo出 品 的 极 度 性感、时尚的高跟鞋,另女人为之疯狂。
JoYce boutique 中环皇后大道 18号新世界大厦地下, 2810-1120。 公司以香港时装女王马郭志清英文名命名, 不过近日她已退出前线。马郭志清是首个将国 际顶尖设计师引进香港的人,店铺仍然是购买 Anna Sui和John Galliano设计的时尚男女时 装配饰的好地方。
sHoppiNG HuGo boss Shop 2092 – 2093, 2/F, ifc Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 3188-1171. This store showcases the complete range of Boss casual and formal collections, including the women’s line. i.t M/F, 1 Hysan Rd., Causeway Bay, 2972-2572. In the two decades since its founding, I.T has become a mecca for those with an eye for fresh, fun fashion thanks to its diverse range of new and cutting-edge brands. It has several stores across the city, including i.t for the younger set, ETE shoes and Double-Park streetwear shops. Brands at I.T include Alexander McQueen, Ann Demeulemeester, D&G, Helmut Lang, Maison Martin Margiela and Raf Simons. iNitial G/F, Tak Woo House, 17-19 D’Aguilar St., Central, 2537-0663, www.initialfashion.com. This local brand blends fashion and lifestyle in a venue that’s so much more than a store—there’s also a café at a branch in Tsim Sha Tsui. Pick up something funky to wear, browse some artwork and stop for a latte. It’s chic, contemporary and fun. JimmY cHoo Shop G8, G/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2525-6068. Sexy, stylish and utterly desirable heels from the shoe god himself. JoYce boutique G/F, New World Tower, 18 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2810-1120. Named for Hong Kong’s first lady of fashion, Joyce Ma, who established the company but these days takes a back seat. Ma was the first person to bring top-end international designers to Hong Kong, and the shop is still the place for red-hot women’s and men’s fashion and accessories by the likes of Anna Sui, Vera Wang, Robert Dennis and John Galliano. The two-story shop is a masterpiece of funky luxury, and boasts a fabulous beauty section. KaNcHaN couture Shop 704, 7/F, Tower A, Hung Hom Commercial Centre, 37 – 39 Ma Tau Wai Rd., Hung Hom 3741-0107, www.kanchancouture.com. Designer Kanchan Panjabi makes unique, feminine dresses in silk and
JoYce boutique
natural fabrics, all with a retro-chic vibe. Buy prêt-a-porter or have one tailored to perfection in three to six months. By appointment only. Kate spade Shop 150, 1/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2116-4998. You can’t go wrong with Kate Spade’s deceptively simple bags and shoes in stunning fabrics. KiNJi Shop 3021, 3/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2295-1182, www.kinji.net. This Japanese brand produces kimonoinfluenced jackets, sweet tops and knits in the most delicate and beautiful fabrics imaginable. Look for its cashmere stoles, scarves, wraps and throws. Kotur Available at Harvey Nichols, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 3695-3388, www.harveynichols.com. Hong Kong-based designer Fiona Kotur-Marin has made quite a splash internationally with a range of bags, shoes and accessories made in gorgeous vintage Chinese brocades. la perla Shop 112, 1/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, 5 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2118-2312. This Italian brand carries the sexiest and most glamorous lingerie in town. The shop's sophisticated black lacquer
KaNcHaN couture
lu lu cHeuNG
红磡码头马头围道 37-39号 红磡广场A座 7楼 704室, 3741-0107,www.kanchancouture.com 设计师Kanchan Panjabi以丝和天然布料制作的 裙装独特而妩媚,带有复古时尚感觉。除了成 品,还可订制裙子,需时三至六个月。
中环威灵顿街 50号地下B号店, 2537-7515,www.lulucheng.com.hk。 香 港 设 计 师 张 路 路 于 90年 代 推 出 自 家 品 牌 , 鈡情以天然布料缝制时尚前卫的服装。便服、 上班服与晚装裙均有售。
maNolo blaHNiK Kate spade 金钟金钟道 88号太古广场 1楼 150号店, 2116-4998。 Kate Spade以极美材料制作的手袋和鞋履看似 简单,用来搭配服装永不出错。
中环皇后大道 15号置地广场 2楼 203号店, 2845-1567。 迷恋细跟高跟鞋的女人,都会爱上Manolos。 品牌以其名字命名,他会亲手设计旗下每一 双高跟鞋。
oN pedder
中环金融街 8号 国际金融中心商场 3楼 3021号店, 2295-1182,www.kinji.net。 该日本品牌设计灵感来源於和服外套。 推荐茄士咩羊毛披肩和围巾。
中环皇后大道 16号新世界大厦地下 16-18号店, 2118-3489。 专 售 国 际 顶 尖 品 牌 鞋 履 , 包 括 Christian Louboutin、Jimmy Choo、Stella McCartney等。
paul smitH Kotur 中环皇后大道 15号 置地广场Harvey Nichols有售, 3695-3388,www.harveynichols.com。 驻港设计师Fiona Kotur-Marin以一系列中式锦缎 製造的手袋和配饰。配饰在Harvey Nichols有售。
la perla 尖沙咀广东道 5号港威商场 1楼 112号店, 2118-2312。 该意大利品牌售卖城中最性感华丽的内衣, 结合优质布料与细致技术打造奢华产品。
中环皇后大道 15号置地广场 216B号店, 2523-5868。 来自英国爵士的创意缝制作品。
polo ralpH laureN 中环皇后大道 15号 置地广场G14-16及 113-114号店, 2869-0388。 剪裁俐落的美国贵族休闲风格服装,时尚休闲。
prada 中环雪厂街 6B号历山大厦地下G4号店, 2522-2989。 出奇低调、引领潮流的意大利时装。
路易威登 中环皇后大道 15号 置地广场地下 7-17号店, 2523-2915。 复式分店售卖路易威登经典长青的手袋与时装。
raNee K 中环鸭 8巴甸街 25号地下, 2108-4068, www.raneek.com。 店内售有成品旗袍和中式礼服,亦有提供订制 服务。旗袍需时约三周。在铜锣湾亦设有分店。 WHERE G UEST B OOK 5 5
sHoppiNG panels and glass pearl chandeliers reflect the philosophy of the brand. La Perla combines the finest fabrics and delicate techniques to create its luxurious products. louis VuittoN Shop 7 - 17, G/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2523-2915. Two floors of iconic LV bags and fashion in all their (n)ever-changing glory. lu lu cHeuNG Shop B, G/F, 50 Wellington St., Central, 2537-7515,www.lulucheng.com.hk. Hong Kong designer Lu Lu Cheung launched her own label in the 1990s and hasn’t looked back. She lovingly tailors gorgeous clothes in natural fabrics, which manage to be both flirty and edgy. Casual, work and evening dresses are available. maNolo blaHNiK Shop 203, 2/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2845-1567. If one man could be held responsible for fetishizing women’s stilettos, it’s Blahnik—well-shod women everywhere swear by their Manolos. He personally designs every pair of beautiful killer heels that bear his name. oN pedder Shop 16-18, G/F, New World Tower, 18 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2118-3489. Shoe porn from some of the hottest brands on the planet, including Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo, Junya Watanabe, Stella McCartney, Pierre Hardy and many more. The delicious flagship store was designed by New York-based Calvin Tsao, who was inspired by a jewelry box filled with hidden treasures. It’s part of the Lane Crawford group. paul smitH Shop 216B, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2523-5868. Tailoring with a twist from the British knight. polo ralpH laureN Shop G14 and G113-114,
The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2869-0388. Clean-cut American preppy clothing for the smart-casual set.
prada Shop G4, G/F, Alexandra House, 6B Ice House St., Central, 2522-2989. Fabulously understated, trend-setting Italian fashion.
salVatore FerraGamo
中环干诺道 5号香港文华东方酒店 G1-2店, 2523-0899。 来自佛罗伦斯的一流鞋履。
raNee K G/F, 25 Aberdeen St., Central, 2108-4068, www.raneek.com. Ranee K opened her Hong Kong shop seven years ago after launching in New York. She stocks ready-to-wear cheongsams and Chinese-inspired robes, as well as operates a tailoring service. It takes about three weeks to complete a cheongsam, and she has a second branch in Causeway Bay.
湾仔港湾道 1号香港会议展览中心 1楼, 2584-4146,www.spyhenrylau.com。 这个本地品牌以闪亮配饰和前卫内衣闻名, 并凭其休闲与正式的男女时装于国际迅速崛起。
尖沙咀河内道 K11,1楼 112号铺, 2155-0562,www.tonysame.com。 Tonysame的 专 业 视 光 师 , 能 为 顾 客 提 供 10项 免费的精锐验眼检查及度身配镜服务。这间专 为亚洲人而设的眼镜店,备有各式各样的镜片 及镜框以供选择,务求为顾客提供既实用而又 型格时尚的眼镜。不妨到店内选购一副全金属 或板材制作,甚或是结合两种元素的镜框,必 有一款能配合到你的脸形。
ted baKer
tse casHmere
金钟金钟道 88号太古广场 1楼 147号店, 2918-9609,www.tedbaker.com。 Ted Baker是 一 家 专 营 男 女 潮 流 服 饰 的 英 国 当代时装设计公司,产品包括衣物和配饰等。
中环皇后大道 15号置地广场 304-305号店, 2147-3033,www.tsecashmere.com。 以高級的茄士咩羊毛为男女、婴孩和家居创 作出时尚的设计。价格不菲,但品质一流。
中环皇后大道 15号置地广场地下 19-20店, 2810-8692, www.tods.com。 这家首屈一指的意大利品牌,除了以其带休闲 风格的驾驶鞋闻名,亦售有其它优质皮具。
中环皇后大道 15号置地广场 103-104号店, 2523-8035,www.valentino.com 。 优雅高级裙子和晚装,配衬高品质手袋、 鞋子和小巧皮具,正是Valentino的卖点。
salVatore FerraGamo Shop G1-2, Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Rd. Central, 2523-0899. The finest in Florentine footwear.
spY HeNrY lau
spY HeNrY lau 1/F, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 HarbourRd., Wan Chai, 2584-4146, www.spyhenrylau.com. An uber-cool local brand known for blinging accessories and edgy undies, Spy is rapidly becoming established internationally for its casual and notso-casual fashion for men and women. Customized designs available. ted baKer Shop 147, 1/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2918-9609, www.tedbaker.com. Ted Baker is a British contemporary fashion house that offers trendy pieces for both men and women. Bold, eye-catching offerings include clothing, accessories,fo otwear,fragrances,eyewear and watches. tod’s Shop 19-20, G/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2810-8692, www.tods.com. Best known for its loafer-style driving shoes, this flagship Italian brand also has other refined leather goods for sale. toNYsame Shop 112, 1/F, K11 Art Mall, 18 Hanoi Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2155-0562, www.tonysame.com. Comprehensive eye exams and custom-frame tailoring are offered by
a professional registered optometrist at Tonysame. This Asian eyewear shop also sells glasses and shades of all shapes and sizes, with emphasis on functionality and style. Find metal, acetate and combination frames that suit your face. tse casHmere Shop 304-305, 3/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2147-3033, www.tsecashmere.com. Cashmere like you’ve never seen it before. Tse uses the softest, lightest cashmere in classic, fashionable and avant-garde designs for women, men, babies and home. It’s not cheap, but the quality is superb. ValeNtiNo Shop 103 – 104, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2523-8035, www.valentino.com. Elegant couture dresses and gowns, paired with the highest quality bags, shoes and small leather goods, are what Valentino has to offer. ViVieNNe tam Shop LG31, Fashion Walk, Houston Street, Causeway Bay, 2881-0006, www.viviennetam.com. High fashion with Asian characteristics, such as cocktail dresses with cheongsam collars and stretchy tops with Buddha prints. Vivienne Tam has a big celebrity following, including red-carpet honors for Julia Roberts, Madonna, Heather Graham, Sarah Jessica Parker and Beyonce.
liFestyle alumiNium Shop F, G/F-B/F, Queen’s Centre, 58-64 Queen’s Rd. East, Wan Chai, 2577-4066, www.hk-aluminium.com. This is the place for modern design classics, including Eero Aarnio bubble chairs, 1970s Curve lamps, Marimekko fabrics and Philippe Starck’s Victoria Ghost chair. amours aNtique G/F, 45 Staunton St., Central, 2803-7877. Entering this SoHo treasure trove is like wandering into an old aunt’s attic full of kitschy knick-knacks, intriguing antiques and vintage clothing. Art Deco
58 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
handbags rub shoulders with classic Disney trinkets, old buttons, figurines, dolls, clocks, pictures—you name it. booKWorKs Room 202, Hiing Tai Commercial Building, 114 Wing Lok St., Sheung Wan, 2559-0175, www.bookworks.com.hk. Beautiful handmade notebooks, journals and albums, covered in Chinese brocades and silk, make the perfect souvenir— where better to display your pictures of Hong Kong? dG liFestYle store Shop 120, 1/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2295-4488, www.designergroup.com.hk. DG Lifestyle has hundreds of accessories for iPods and other gadgets for Mac fans. Also offers gift cards. Flea + ceNts 1/F, 36-44 Queen’s Rd. East, Wan Chai, 2528-0808, www.fleancents.com. This kooky little shop has a wonderful mixture of antiques and quirky midcentury items, including vintage clocks, electronics and office furniture, as well as more modern creations by Dutch and German minimalist designers, including Droog Design. FraNc FraNc 2/F, Hang Lung Centre, 2-20 Paterson St., Causeway Bay, 3427-3366, www.francfranc.com. Funkier than your average shop, this Japanese furniture and home accessories store is just the place for that groovy gift or contemporary addition to your home. The stock changes rapidly but is always intriguing. G.o.d. Leighton Centre, Sharp Street East, Causeway Bay, 2890-5555, www.god.com.hk. G.O.D. (Goods of Desire) is the phonetic sound of the Cantonese slang "to live better." It sells modern furniture, household goods, clothing and accessories with a witty Hong Kong twist, such as Yau Ma Tei-patterned bags (they carry other neighborhoods, too), double happiness trivets, Chinese newspaper-print mousepads and triad-print (triads are Hong Kong gangs) bed linens.
ViVieNNe tam
dG liFestYle store
铜锣湾厚诚街名店坊LG31号店, 2881-0006,www.viviennetam.com。 售卖具有亚洲特色的高级时装,如配以旗袍企 领的鸡尾酒会小礼服,以及印有佛像图案的长身 上衣。 Vivienne Tam获得一众名人追捧,包括 麦当娜等,都爱穿上她设计的服装走红地毯。
金钟金钟道 88号太古广场 1楼 120号店, 2295-4488,www.designergroup.com.hk。 DG Lifestyle拥有过百款iPod配件和其它苹果迷 用的小巧玩意。店铺提供礼品卡。
时尚生活 alumiNium 湾仔皇后大道东 58-64号 帝后商业中心地下及地库F号店, 2577-4066,www.hk-aluminium.com。 现代设计的经典集中地,网罗芬兰设计师Eero Aarnio的 泡 泡 椅 ( Bubble Chair) 、 1970年 代 的 曲 线 灯 ( Curve lamps) 、 芬 兰 织 品 牌 Marimekko的布料与法国设计师菲力浦·斯克 (Philippe Starck)的维多利亚幽灵椅(Victoria Ghost Chair)。
Flea + ceNts 湾仔皇后大道东 34-36号 1楼, 2528-0808, www.fleancents.com。 这个小店包罗一切古玩和古怪的中世纪玩意, 包括典雅时钟、电子用品和办公室家俱,较近 代的则有如Droog Design等荷兰和德国简约主 义设计师的作品。
FraNc FraNc 铜锣湾百德新街 2-20号恒隆中心 2楼, 3427-3366,www.francfranc.com。 比一般店铺新潮的日本家居店是搜罗时尚礼品 或当代室内用品的好去处。
中环士丹顿街 45号地下, 2803-7877。 这店放满了花俏摆设、引人入胜的古董和复古服 饰,还可找到具有装饰艺术风格的手袋与迪士尼 经典玩具、旧钮扣、洋娃娃、时钟、旧照片等。
铜锣湾霎东街礼顿中心, 2890-5555,www.god.com.hk。 G.O.D.(Goods of Desire)店名与广东话俚语 “住好啲”的发音近似。店內售賣现代家俱、 家居用品、服装和配饰,如印有油麻地或社区 风景图案的手袋、红双囍隔热垫、中文报纸图 案滑鼠垫和黑社会图案床单。
上环永乐街 114号兴泰商业大厦 202室, 2559-0175,www.bookworks.com.hk。 以中式锦锻和丝绸为封面的笔记本、日记本和 相册,手工制作,用来展示照片,合适不过。
中环歌赋街 28号地下, 2851-1160,www.homelessconcept.com。 這是一家售卖家俱、灯饰、设计师作品和家居 摆设的生活概念店,店铺特别注重具启发性且 设计革新、原创和富创意的产品。
amours aNtique
sHoppiNG Homeless G/F, 28 Gough St., Central,2851-1160, www.homelessconcept.com. Homeless is a lifestyle concept store that sells furniture, lighting, designer items and home accessories. A special emphasis is placed on inspired products with innovative, original and creative designs. melaiNe 37 Cochrane St., Central, 2815-7873, www.melaine.com.hk. This sweet little store is a treasure trove of contemporary Chinese style, from fuchsia- and lime green-lacquered cabinets to funky jade jewelry. It also has a range of Asian-inspired clothing, wallets made from kimono fabric and shoes for men and women.
Jewelry cartier Shop 9-16, G/F, Prince's Building, 10 Chater Rd., Central, 2522-2963, www.cartier.com. One of Europe’s famous old jewelers, Cartier has a world-renowned reputation and high prices. coNtiNeNtal diamoNd Shop 108, 1/F, Man Yee Building, 67 Queen's Rd. Central, 2259-9228, www. contidiamond.com. Continental Diamond has more than 37 years of experience in creative jewelry design. larrY JeWelrY G/F, 72 Queen's Rd. Central, 2521-1268, www.larryjewelry.com. A Hong Kong institution since 1967, Larry Jewelry specializes in fine jewelry with an abundance of precious stones. liNKs oF loNdoN Shop 1017, 1/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2295-3328, www. linksoflondon.com. Links is no longer just "of London." Focusing on sterling silver and 18-karat gold jewelry, it is known for contemporary designs, most notably its iconic, best-selling charm bracelet.
miKimoto Shop 309, Times Square, 1 Matheson St., Causeway Bay, 2506-1183, www.mikimoto.com.hk. The famous Japanese pearl company offers classic strings of South Sea pearls and more contemporary confections featuring what was once the most expensive jewel on the planet. piaGet Shop 5, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, 5 Connaught Rd., Central, 2530-2188, www.piaget.com. This Swiss company is known worldwide for its luxury watches and fine jewelry, including diamond-encrusted necklaces, his-and-hers engagement rings and more. sHeeN JeWelrY Shop 9B, Grand Progress Building, 15 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, 2592-7316, www.sheenjewelry.com. Selina Cheng Yee-kay produces jewelry in her own studio, working mainly in gold and often incorporating antique jade or other stones. taYma FiNe JeWellerY Shop 225, 2/F, Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Rd., Central, 2525-5280, www.taymajewellery.com. Designer Tayma Paige Allies established her first store in 1990, specializing in European-style fine jewelry using colored gemstones.
中环阁麟街 37号, 2815-7873,www.melaine.com.hk. 这家甜美小店是当代中国风的宝库,由紫红和 青漆柜到独特的翠玉珠宝都可找到。这里也有 多款富亚洲色彩的服饰、用和服布料制成的皮 夹和男女用鞋。
铜锣湾勿地臣街 1号时代广场 309店, 2506-1183,www.mikimoto.com.hk。 该家着名日本珍珠公司精心挑选串串南海珍珠 以及许多当代世界最珍貴的瑰宝。
伯爵 中环干诺道 5号香港文华东方酒店 5号店, 2530-2188,www.piaget.com。 这家瑞士公司以奢华腕表和精制珠宝名扬世界, 例如镶钻项炼、订婚指环等等。
sHeeN JeWelrY
中环遮打道10号太子大厦地下9-16号店, 25272-2963,www.cartier.com。
作为欧洲名字最响当当的珠宝店之一, 卡地亚举世闻名,产品亦售价不菲。
中环兰桂坊 15号协兴大厦 9B室, 2592-7316,www.sheenjewelry.com。 Selina Cheng Yee-kay在专属工作室里制作珠宝, 主要采用黄金,有时又会配合古玉或其它宝石。
taYma FiNe JeWellerY
中环德辅道中 67号万宜大厦 108号店, 2730-0651,www.contidiamond.com。 恒和钻石有超过37年的创意珠宝设计经验。
俊文宝石店 中环皇后大道中 72号地下, 2521-1268, www.larryjewelry.com。 该家本地珠宝店于1967年创立的俊文宝石店, 以优质精致的稀世珠宝首饰驰名。
liNKs oF loNdoN 中环金融街 8号 国际金融中心商场 1楼 1017号店, 2295-3328, www.linksoflondon.com。 这家伦敦的珠宝商分店遍佈全球。以生产纯银 和18卡金饰,并凭当代设计闻名,尤其是品牌 标志的畅销吊坠手链。
中环遮打道 10号太子大厦 2楼 225号店, 2525-5280,www.taymajewellery.com。 设计师Tayma Paige Allies于1990年开设首家店 铺,专营以各色宝石精制的欧洲风格高级首饰。。
蒂芙尼 中环皇后大道 15号置地广场地下 14A号店, 2845-9853,www.tiffany.com。 这家尊贵的美国珠宝店香港分行专卖蒂芙尼的 自家设计,包括“Diamonds By the Yard”和 品牌标志性的六爪镶嵌钻石指环。
梵克雅宝 中环遮打道 10号 太子大厦地下G16-G17号店, 2522-9677,www.vancleef-arpels.com。 这 家 成 立 于 1896年 的 法 国 珠 宝 行 专 营 一 流 精 巧首饰和腕表,城中名人也是在其顾客之列。
tiFFaNY & co. Shop 14A, G/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2845-9853, www.tiffany.com. Ah, Tiffany’s. As Audrey Hepburn once said, nothing very bad could happen to you there. The Hong Kong branches of the venerable U.S. jeweler stocks Tiffany’s own designs, including diamonds by the yard and the iconic six-prong diamond ring setting. VaN cleeF & arpels Shop G16 - G17, G/F, Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Rd., Central, 2522-9677, www.vancleef-arpels.com. This famous French jewelry house sells stop-of-the-line fine jewelry and watches. Established in 1896, it boasts a long list of famous clients. taYma
mido caFe
From Humble
Origins Get a taste oF tHe real HoNG KoNG. bY marK YueN 一試這抹真正的香港味道。撰文:Mark Yuen
Hong Kong has its fair share of fine diners and Michelin-starred restaurants that are an experience in themselves—but you definitely don’t need to break the bank for an authentic Hong Kong meal. From humble streetside dining to the local greasy spoon, here are some quintessential, history-rich Hong Kong-style eateries to introduce your tastebuds to the flavors of the city.
港式茶座 谈到地道式饮食文化,一定不可不提大排 档。整个大排档文化,其实始於第二次世界
alfresco, hong kong style
When it comes to authentic Hong Kong food culture, the dai pai dong is a given. The whole dai pai dong culture started in the aftermath of World War II, when the government offered cooking stall licenses to the families of deceased civil servants for them to make a proper living. At its peak, there were more than 800 dai pai dongs in the city, but that number has been falling steadily since 1973, when dai pai dong licenses were no longer issued and became non-transferable (with few exceptions). Although dai pai dongs nowadays broadly refer to open-air roadside food stalls typified by their use of foldable tables and chairs, there are now officially less than 30 authentic dai pai dongs left in the city. Offering a wide range of dishes at reasonable prices, the dai pai dongs continue to be beloved by the locals.
牌照予已故公务员的家属,让他们可以维持 多达800个大牌档同时存在,不过从1973年 开始,政府不再批出大排档的牌照,加上牌 照不可以世袭(少部分被辖免),因此令大 排档的数目逐渐减少。虽然笼统地说,现时 所谓的大排档,就是设於街道两旁,以一张 张摺枱和摺椅构成的户外摊档。目前香港只 剩下少於30个这类型的大排档,仍然为食客 提供一系列廉价美食。无论如何,大排档仍 然是香港人最爱的饮食文化。
深水埗(耀东街) 深水埗除了有一条专门售卖各式各样电子
sHam sHui po (Yiu tuNG street)
mido cafe
Well known for its Apliu Street flea market selling an array of electronic gadgets and accessories, Sham Shui Po is also one of the last enclaves of dai pai dong culture. Cheung Fat Noodles (15-16 Yiu Tung St., Sham Shui Po, 2779-1182) is one of the few existing dai pai dongs serving only Cantonese-style noodles. They also serve one of the best traditional lo mein (mixed noodle) dishes in town, paired with a homemade lard soy sauce. Make your visit worthwhile with a bowl of the noodles and some beef brisket or pork knuckle sides. Then there’s Keung Kee (4 Yiu Tung St., Sham Shui Po, 2776-2712). Keung Kee is a very common restaurant name in Hong Kong, so remember not to mix up this one with the myriad others out on the market. Located right next to Cheung Fat Noodles, Keung Kee offers a range of local dishes, including baked fish intestines in savory custard, deep-fried cuttlefish patties and sizzling chicken in claypot. “I’d also recommend our green pepper prawn with lemongrass,” says Mr. Tsang, who has been a chef in Keung Kee for around 20 years. “We use green peppers and lemongrass from Thailand so our cooked prawns carry a Thai flavor,” Tsang explains.
零件的鸭寮街广为人知,这里同样有一个 区内最後的一个大牌档文化地。长发面家 (深水埗耀东街15-16号; 2779-1182) 是目前少数仍然只提供广东面食的大牌档; 此外,他们也是城中其中一间仍然提供传 统自家制猪油捞面的地方。来这里的话, 最好点叫一碗面食之馀,多叫一碟牛腩和 猪手。另外,这里还有强记(深水埗耀东街 4号;2776-2712)。强记是香港一个很普 通的餐厅名字,所以不要与区内其他同名食 肆混淆。刚好位於长发面家旁的强记,主要 提供各式本地美食,其中包括蛋香焗鱼肠、 香炸墨鱼饼和啫啫鸡煲等。“除此之外, 我也推介我们的青椒虾配柠檬叶。”在强记 任 主 厨 逾 20年 的 曾 先 生 推 介 说 。 ” 我 们 利 用泰国入口的青椒和柠檬叶来烹制,所以 我们做的虾都充满一阵泰国风味。”曾先生 解释说。
中环(士丹利街) 这里是香港一个有很有趣的地方,这里的港
Wan chai Wet market
ceNtral (staNleY street)
It’s a Hong Kong miracle that a local dai pai dongs can live harmoniously beside fine dining neighbors mere blocks away. Just one street up from the hustle and bustle of Queen’s Road Central, you’ll be able to find the longtime dai pai dong staples on Stanley Street. Yue Hing (15 Stanley St., Central) is dedicated to providing top-quality instant noodles and rice vermicelli, with
分春色,互相融和。从那喧闹的中环皇后大 道向上多走一条街,就可以发现士丹利街上 那一个个的旧式大棑档。裕兴(中环史士丹 利街15号)主要提供其即叫即制,只供堂 食的优质即食面食和米粉。“我宁愿赚少一 点,都不想影响食物的质素。”负责人姚先 WHERE G UEST B OOK
its made-to-order and no-takeaway policy. “I’d rather earn less money than sacrifice the quality of my food,” says owner Mr. Yiu. Expect a half hour queue for a bowl of the noodles—but it’s worth the wait. “We have veggies in our broth, so the soup tastes fresher than those MSG-heavy instant noodle soups,” Yiu says. Mr. Lam is the second-generation owner of Shing Kee (9-10 Stanley St., Central, 2541-5678), and believes in word-ofmouth promotions. “We don’t recommend our food. You should simply eat what you like to eat,” he says. “It’s meaningless if I recommend something you don’t like to eat.” Shing Kee offers a wide range of small-sized and reasonably priced Chinese stirfried dishes, including the signature stir-fried crab with ginger and scallions, and the sweet and sour riblets. 生表示。虽然要花上半个小时排队等候, 才能一试这一碗面,不过都是值得的。 “我们的清汤内放有蔬菜,所以味道会比 放入味精的即食面汤底清甜得多。”姚先 生说续说。林先生是盛记 (中环士丹利街 9-10号铺;2541-5678) 的第二代掌舵人, 他亦深信口碑是最佳的宣传方法。“我们从 不推销我们的食品。在这里你只要简单选择 自己喜欢的食物便可。”他说。“若果我所 推介给你的食物是你不喜欢的话,实在没 有意思。”盛记提供各式各样不同的小吃, Wan chai Wet market
还有各式价钱大众化的粤式小炒包括镇店 姜葱炒蟹和甜酸骨。
street shopping For groceries, locals do as much of the shopping at their local wet markets as they do at air-conditioned supermarkets. The wet markets have been around for more than a century, and started out as open-air stalls right by the city’s open roads. Apart from the outdoor streetside wet markets, there are a total of 77 governmentrun indoor wet markets that can be found inside municipal buildings (and usually attached to a cooked food center), managed by Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. WaN cHai marKet
Built in 1937, the Wan Chai Market is one of the oldest wet markets in Hong Kong. Originally located at 264 Queen’s Road West, the market was relocated and renovated in 2007. The new market is spacious and air-conditioned, making it a more pleasant environment to shop. Retiree Mr. Ng, who works at a fruit shop, says that both local and foreign customers come here for fruits. 258 Queen’s Rd. West, Wan Chai. cHuN YeuNG street Wet marKet
Unconventionally divided into two sections by a tram line, the Chun Yeung Street wet market is filled with stalls offering everything from clothing, meat, seafood and fresh fruits to veggies. Chung Yeung St., North Point.
逛街购物 Street Shopping 若想购买杂货,本地人除了会到他们的本地湿地市场选购,同样地也 会到备有空调的超市购物。其实本地湿地市场已经有逾一个世纪的历 史,最初出现的时候是一个个摆放在市内街口的露天排档。除了湿地 市场那些路边的户外摊档,现时还有77个设於市政大厦内,由食物环 境衞生署管辖的室内湿地市场(一般更会附设有熟食市场)。
湾仔街市 建於1937年的湾仔街市,是香港其中一个最古老的湿地市场。湾仔 街市原址设於皇后大道西264号,後来再於2007年移往现址及重新复 修。这个湿地市场很宽敝,而且配置有空调设施,缔造出一个很舒 适的购物环境。在生果档工作的退休人士吴先生表示,无论是本地 人还是外国人,都喜欢到我们这里来选购水果。 湾仔皇后大道西258号。
春秧街湿地市场 春秧街全个湿地市场都挤满了一个个售卖各式不同物品的摊档, 其中有售卖衣服、肉类、海鲜及新鲜蔬果等食品;不过,里最不方 便的,就是市场被一条电车路分隔了。 北角春秧街。 stanley street dai pai dong
62 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
take it indoors
The modern day cooked food center evolved originally from a bunch of small-scale food stalls operating under a square-shaped pavilion outside the city’s many public housing estates. Over the years, for hygienic reasons, the government started relocating these stalls into wet markets and municipal service buildings, and nowadays there are a total of 39 flourishing indoor cooked food centers that serve quintessential Hong Kong dishes like noodles, congees and stir-frys in a simple and relatively clean setting. Many of the centers open from 6am to 2am everyday, and even offer free Wi-Fi.
WoNG Nai cHuNG cooKed Food ceNtre
2/F, Wong Nai Chung Municipal Services Building, 2 Yuk Sau St., Happy Valley. You can’t go wrong with a Chinese meal at the Wong Nai Chung Cooked Food Centre, right by the Happy Valley Racecourse. Clean and not too hectic, the center offers a variety of local fare, from fried things to soups to seafood. Gi Kee Seafood Restaurant (2574-9937) offers a range of signature seafood dishes like razor clams in black bean sauce and fried shrimp in salted egg yolk batter using the freshest ingredients—there are tanks filled with swimming creatures at the front of the shop to make this point. Celeb hangout Sheung Kee’s (2882-2994) crispy fried chicken peppered with fried garlic chips is a must-order. Both restos take reservations, so be sure to book your table in advance.
群群在市区的公共屋村附近的户外方形帐篷 下,以小规模经营的熟食摊档演变而成。多 年来,由於卫生问题,促使政府开始重新迁 移这些摊档到室内湿地市场,与及市政大厦 内。时至今日,已经共有39个室内的熟食市 场,在相对较卫生洁净的环境下,为食客提 供各式港式美食如面食、粥品和小炒食品。 一般的熟食中心开放时间为由早上6时至凌晨 2时,甚至会有色免费无线上网服务提供。
到跑马地马场附近的黄泥涌熟食市场享用 中式小菜,应该错不到那里。既清洁而又 不太人挤,在这个熟食市场内,可以让你 品尝到不同种类的本地美食,当中由煎炸 食品以至炖汤到海鲜,均一应俱全。铢记海鲜 饭店((2574-9937) 主要提供各种特色海鲜 佳肴如豉汁蛏子和利用新鲜食材,配以巧手 快炒的咸蛋黄炒虾仁。在店前还有一个放满 了各式海产的鱼缸,作为此店的亮点。另一间 是很多名人喜欢光顾的嫦记(2882-2994), 店内以胡椒和脆香蒜片炮制的风沙鸡,是绝 对不能错过的美食。以上两间食店均需预 约,所以别忘记提早订座。 abc kitchen
sHeuNG WaN cooKed Food ceNtre
38 Des Voeux Rd. West, Sheung Wan. This mini center is impressively clean and air-conditioned, lined with stalls that sell not only Chinese staples, but also Vietnamese, Indian and Italian dishes. Italian resto ABC Kitchen (9278-8227) serves quality pasta and Italian dishes by chefowner Jack Yau, who chose to set up shop athe Sheung Wan center because of its low rent and higher sanitation standards. ABC’s signature roast suckling pig is one of the best deals in the city, and the house-smoked salmon is not to be missed as well. Reservation and BYOB available. Right next to ABC Kitchen is local fave Tsang Kee Dumplings and Desserts (2540-6854), offering a range of savory Chiu Chow dumplings and also sweet green bean dumplings since it opened its doors than 50 years ago. Founder Ms. Tsang still insists on getting to the shop everyday and preparing the dumplings.
上环熟食市场 上环德辅道西38号 这个小型的熟食市场,令人留下最深印象 的,除了环境整洁,这里也是空调开放 的,这里一个个排好的食店,不只售卖中 式美食,另外还有越南、印度及意大利等 食品。其中这间意大利餐厅ABC Kitchen(9278-8227),经常为食客提供高品质 的意大利粉。这店由主厨兼负责人Jack Yau 主理,选址上环熟食市场开设食店,除了因 为租金较平,也由於卫生环境亦不俗之故。 在这里大家除了能提供各式高级意大利粉, 可以享用到不同的意式美食,其中店内的特 色食品烧乳猪,更是城中的最佳美食之一; 另外还有自家烟火熏鲑鱼,都是不能错过的 食品。这里附设预及外卖服务。就在ABC Kitchen旁,也是另一间本地人最爱的食店曾 记粿品(2540-6854),这里有不同的潮洲 粿品,还有其开业50至今仍然备受欢迎的甜 绿豆蓉粿。创办人曾女士多年来一直坚持每 天亲自到店内准备各式粿品。
sheung Wan cooked food centre
get greasy The cha chaan teng—or local greasy spoon—is another Hong Kong staple that is well integrated into the local dining scene. It came about shortly after World War II, when western food was becoming increasingly popular in the city, but most people couldn’t afford it. The solution to this was the bing sut (literally, “ice chamber” in Cantonese), or an earlier prototype of the cha chaan teng, which served cold drinks and desserts as well as Hong Kong-style western dishes like sandwiches and pasta. Many bing suts slowly evolved into the more generic cha chaan teng to serve steak and curry dishes as well as noodles and fast food. Other signature cha chaan teng items include the Hong Kongstyle French toast and the yuen yeung (a mix of coffee and milk tea). kam Wah cafe
mido caFÉ
Ask any local and they’ll most likely know about this cha chaan teng. Open for more than 60 years, Mido Café still looks the same as it used to, with checked floor tiles, ceiling fans and green steel-barred windows, making it a popular spot for filming movies and local TV shows. Head to the second floor, grab a booth seat by the window and be overwhelmed by the views of busy Temple Street. You’ll notice the restaurant has dumbwaiter delivering food from the kitchen on the second floor to the ground floor—nifty! Not-to-be-missed items include the signature baked pork chop fried rice and red bean ice drink. G/F, 63 Temple St., Yau Ma Tei, 2384-6402.
来一点油腻感觉 茶餐厅 — 或是肥腻感觉的汤匙 — 这些 都是另一种最好用来联想港式餐饮环境的 标记。茶餐厅在二次大战後开始出现,当时 虽然西方饮食文化逐渐在市内兴起,可是大 部分市民都没有能力可以负担得到。当时解 决这个问题的最佳方法,就是冰室的出现。 (按粤语字面上的解释,冰室是冰冻的房 间),而这也是茶餐厅出现的雏型。冰室专
In 1973, founder Mr. Chan debuted Kam Wah Café to the world—and the place has been a popular hangout for locals and tourists alike, ever since. Although Kam Wah serves a range of cha chaan teng food like satay beef noodles and pork chop rice, it’s the pineapple buns that steal the show. The warm and crunchy-topped pineapple buns are baked fresh each day. The egg tarts and chicken pies are also worth trying. G/F, 47 Bute St., Prince Edward, 2392-6830. 64 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
很多电影和本地电视剧的取景场地。走到二 楼,然後找个窗边的卡位坐下,相信你会沉 醉在对面那条热闹的庙街景致中。你还会 发现,餐室内有一部专为传送食品而设的电 梯,将食品由厨房经二楼再送到地下,实在 有趣。当然,不可忘记的,就是点叫店内的 特色食品焗猪排炒饭和饮品红豆冰。
门售卖冻饮和甜品,还有港式的西餐如三明 治和意大利粉。後来很多冰室逐渐演变成更 加大众化的茶餐厅,为食客提供扒食 和咖
Kam WaH caFÉ
喱食品,另外还有面食和快餐等。至於茶餐 厅的其他特色食品还包括港式西多士和饮品 鸳鸯(咖啡与茶混合)。
金华冰厅 在1973年,创办人陈先生首次将金华冰厅带 来这个世界,从此这里就成为了一个很受本 地人和旅客欢迎和经常流连地方。虽然金华 冰厅都是提供一系列的茶餐厅食品为主,如 沙嗲牛肉面和猪扒饭等,至於他们的菠萝包
美都餐室 一问本到地人,相信大部分人都会认识这间 茶餐厅。开业超过60年的美都餐室,店内 布置如昔,那纸皮石铺成的格子地板,天花
也是其点睛之作。那热烘烘和松脆菠萝面的 菠萝包是每天新鲜制作,而他们的蛋挞和鸡 批,同样值得一试。
Sponsored Feature
Award-winning Di King Heen Presents Contemporary Cantonese Cuisines 帝 京 軒 屢獲殊榮之粵菜食府
Sliced Lobster on Steamed Egg White Topped with Pumpkin Sauce 金湯乳酪龍蝦球
位於帝京酒店三樓的「帝京軒」,裝 修豪華,氣派非凡,呈獻一系列當代 粵式高級美饌如精緻粵式點心、馳名 燒味、鮑參翅肚、優質海鮮等。憑著 中菜總廚精選的新鮮食材、精妙技藝 與獨到心思,帝京軒獲獎無數,深受 訪港旅客及本地食饗歡迎。 全新的帝京軒委任擁有精湛中式廚藝 及豐富經驗的江肇祺師傅為中式廚藝 總監,銳意為食客創造最完美的餐飲 Sautéed Diced Beef Tenderloin with 體驗。為人嚴謹細心的江師傅,每 Asparagus in Wasabi Sauce 次烹調食物都堅持選用新鮮優質的 金盞山葵牛柳粒 食材,將食物的原汁原味完美地呈獻 給食客。除了在傳統粵菜的基礎上尋求突破外,他還追求更高層次的食物美 感。憑藉天賦的靈敏觸覺,江師傅亦善於塑造創新的食物造型,打造視覺及 味覺的頂級享受。
Braised Sea Cucumber Stuffed with Shrimp Paste and Shrimp Roe 蝦籽百花釀遼參
Located on the Level 3 of Royal Plaza Hotel, Di King Heen presents its luxury and extraordinary styles, by delivering the finest contemporary Cantonese cuisines in traditional Dim Sums, famous Char Siu and barbecued meat and premium seafood dishes. With the finest ingredients, excellent culinary skills and delicate service, Di King Heen has gained numerous awards in particular “The Most Favourite Restaurant”, which proved its high level of popularity. Di King Heen has recently appointed Chef Ricky Kong as Chinese Culinary Director to create the perfect dining experience for its most luxurious guests. Chef Kong seeks innovation in the culinary arts and insists on delivering the perfect menu for every table. Using the freshest and most prestigious ingredients, his menu is dedicated to charming guests with aroma, taste, and modern style. With his innovative vision to create the ultimate dining experience, Chef Kong aims to enchant his guests with both immaculate presentation and delectable taste. All menus are delicately created by Chef Kong with a lavish spread of contemporary Cantonese cuisines plus award-winning dishes. Chef Kong is skilled at innovating traditional Chinese cuisines with new elements. Di King Heen’s signature dishes, such as Roasted Goose Liver with Lard and Barbecued Pork, Roasted Duck in Beijing Style, Sautéed Diced Beef Tenderloin with Asparagus in Wasabi Sauce, and Sizzling Giant Garoupa with Chestnuts in Casserole, are all prepared in ways to fascinate delicacy lovers with satisfaction.
Roasted Goose Liver with Lard and Barbecued Pork 蜜燒鵝肝金錢雞
江師傅為帝京軒設計的全新菜譜,呈 獻一系列精彩粵式美饌及多款得獎名 菜。江師傅擅於把多元化食材融入傳 統粵菜中,不斷創新,蜜燒鵝肝金錢 雞、桃酥白雪鳳尾蝦、北京片皮鴨、 蝦籽百花釀遼參拌花膠、金湯乳酪龍 蝦球、金盞山葵牛柳粒、紫菜鳳卷片 皮雞、鍋燒龍躉不見天皆是其得意之 作,自然成為帝京軒的招牌菜, 令顧客回味無窮。
Wok-fried Prawns in Home-made Sauce Accompanied by Stir-fried Milk with Crab Meat 桃酥白雪鳳尾蝦
Roasted Duck in Beijing Style 北京片皮鴨
Dining &Nightlife iF You're looKiNG For Great Food, You're iN tHe riGHt citY. caNtoNese classics, cHiNese disHes, europeaN cuisiNe aNd Just about aNYtHiNG WortH deVouriNG is aVailable oN a plate Near You. come HuNGrY. 要品尝美味的食品,你绝对没有去错地方。 经典的广东菜、中式食品、欧洲美点,全都已经 放在碟上给你大快朵颐,饿了没有?
Guo Fu lou
68 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
diNiNG & NiGHtliFe 208 dueceNto otto 208 Hollywood Rd., Sheung Wan, 2549-0208. A table at the upstairs restaurant of this neighborhood hangout on the weekend is hot property, so we suggest booking well in advance. At the buzzing downstairs bar, perch and nibble on their delicious pizza and sip one of the 20 wines they serve by the glass. Low dark wooden ceilings, steel pillars and marble table tops give 208 a trendy air while distinctive blue and white Chinese tiles add a cool Asian edge. The menu has its roots in rustic Italian, but there are plenty of contemporary global twists. 8½ otto e meZZo Shop 202, Alexandra House, 18 Chater Rd., Central, 2537-8859. This A-list locale is the first Italian restaurant in Hong Kong to earn three Michelin stars. The intimate lounge and bar area exudes Marlon Brando cool, with its dimmed lighting and wooden furnishings. Chef Bombana’s unique brand of contemporary Italian cuisine is offered in the regularly changing decadent lunch and dinner sets (though an à la carte menu is also available). Signatures include the beautifully presented lobster and mozzarella salad in caviar dressing with Iberico ham. The menu is revised monthly because Bombana prioritizes using seasonal produce. aboVe & beYoNd 28/F, Hotel Icon, 17 Science Museum Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui East, 3400-1318. Go to this spacious and inviting restaurant for a variety of innovative dim sum dishes and expertly tweaked Chinese mains. One standout: the thick, bubbly congee, which contains swirls of creamy egg yolk in each spoonful. al molo Shop G63, G/F, Ocean Terminal, Tsim Sha Tsui, 2730-7900. Just steps away from the Star Ferry, Al Molo offers a mouthwatering Italian menu by New York celebrity chef Michael White. Try the grilled Mediterranean octopus with spicy salami and black olives, saffron clam soup with leeks or prosciutto and crunchy crostini to start. Entrée-wise, the poached Boston lobster, salted cod, beef ravioli and squid-ink angel hair pasta are hard to beat.
amber 7/F, The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2132-0066. Holland’s one-time “Young Chef of the Year,” Richard Ekkebus, creates modern French haute cuisine with a dash of the Caribbean that is so inventive it borders on the otherworldly—and Michelin judges agree, awarding the eatery two stars. americaN restauraNt 20 Lockhart Rd., Wan Chai, 2527-1000. Though it opened right after World War II, little has changed at this family-style establishment that serves up hearty Chinese food. Although it has an English menu with more than 200 dishes available, favorites have always been the Peking duck and the beggar’s chicken. This restaurant has a great atmosphere and is often filled with noisy celebratory patrons. aNGeliNi M/F, Kowloon Shangri-La, 64 Mody Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui East, 2733-8750, Let’s be honest, the best harbor views are from TST, with the lights of Hong Kong Island twinkling away across the water. Angelini is one of those places that makes the most of its harbor location, letting the huge picture windows steal the show from the elegant décor. The food is good, too: honest, perfectly cooked Italian cuisine with an emphasis on seafood and ingredients flown in from Italy several times a week. aqua 29/F-30/F, One Peking Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 3427-2288. Location, location, location. Perched on the top floor of One Peking Road, this sleek spot has unbeatable views of the harbor. The uber-chic glass-andmirrored interior features high ceilings, sexy light fixtures and three tiers of plush seating. Take a seat at one of the circular booths and choose from either the Aqua Roma or Aqua Tokyo menus, or mix and match. But don’t go home without trying the lychee martini. aVa restauraNt slasH bar 38/F, Hotel Panorama by Rhombus, 8A Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, 3550-0262. This cutting-edge restaurant boasts a stellar view of the Hong Kong skyline— and a truly creative menu. Ava’s chef
aboVe & beYoNd
208 dueceNto otto
al molo
上环荷李活道 208号, 2549-0208。 每逢周末这一带的楼上餐厅可谓一桌难求,故 建议提早预约。在楼下热闹的酒吧,可找个位 置吃美味的意大利薄饼,并从20款餐酒中挑一 杯品尝。深啡木天花、钢柱和大理石桌子令酒 吧感觉时尚,对比鲜明的蓝白两色阶砖增添冷 峻的亚洲风格。餐牌主要为意大利家乡菜,不 过亦有多款菜式融入了世界各地当代美食的特 色。提供定期优惠。
尖沙咀广东道 17号 海港城海运大厦地下G63号, 2730-7900。 与天星码头不过是咫尺之遥的Al Molo,能品尝 由纽约名厨Michael White为大家提供令人垂涎 的意式食品。不妨尝试其烧地中海章鱼,配辣 味意大利肠和黑棷榄,并以蚌煮藏红花配薑葱 或意大利烟火腿和香脆法国面包薄片作头盘。头 盘以後,那水煮波士顿龙虾、盐焗鳕鱼、牛肉意 式饺子,还有墨鱼天使面,都能令人怦然心动。
8½ otto e meZZo 中环遮打道 18号历山大厦 202号店, 2537-8859。 这间在港首设的米其林三星意大利食府,于2011 年一度成为城中名人贤士间的城中热话。昏暗灯 光与木家俱使这家亲切的酒吧散发马龙·白兰 度的冷酷格调。主厨Bombana烹调独特的当代 意大利美食,午餐与晚餐的菜單更会因应时令 食材而每月转换(套餐外亦提供点菜)。招牌 菜式包括悦目的龙虾意大利乾酪拌鱼子沙拉, 配以伊比利亚火腿和法国贝隆生蚝。
天外天 尖沙咀科学馆道 17号唯港荟 28楼, 3400-1318。 来到这间餐厅,你会感受到一份宽敝而亲切感 觉,而且可以享受各式充满创意的点心美食, 还有精制的中式佳肴。其中最突出的美食,就 是那每一汤匙绵滑的粥底都充满了厚滑的蛋白。
amber 中环皇后大道 15号 置地文华东方酒店 7楼, 2132-0066。 世界知名室内设计师Adam Tihany的天花雕塑, 令人瞩目,实在是其力作。不过也难怪他如此 用心争取顧客的注意,因为一旦食物送上了, 注意力就会转移到碟上。曾获得荷兰“年度青 年厨师”名衔的Richard Ekkebus创作的现代法 国高级料理带点加勒比海味道,几近超凡脱俗。 连米其林的裁判也认同,赋予这食府两星荣誉
美利坚京菜 湾仔骆克道 20号地下, 2527-1000。 虽然这里在二次大战刚结束後便正式开业,但是 由家族式经营的中国菜传统,至今没有太大的改 变。餐厅最受欢迎的就是其北京填鸭和乞丐鸡。
bistecca 中环兰桂坊 15-16号协兴大厦 2楼, 2525-1308。 兰桂坊扒房Bistecca是嗜肉者天堂。从美国、 加拿大和澳大利亞等地进口优质肉类,奶油菠 菜小吃香滑可口,且与肉类味道配合得天衣无 缝。这家新开幕的扒房亦有一个较其他扒房选 择多的酒水單,服务亦相当不错。
bloom 中环云咸街 33号LKF Tower 5-6楼, 2810-6166。 自 2010年 8月 开 业 后 , Bloom已 因 着 它 妙 极 的 设计、精巧的鸡尾酒和既家常却又高档的食物 而成为国际公认苏豪区首席餐厅。有选择齐全 的海鲜吧、海陆套餐和美味香滑的乳酪汉堡。 多汁而分量十足的猪扒配烟排骨是主菜首选。
bo iNNoVatioN 湾仔庄士敦道 60号 2楼, 2850-8371。 有“魔厨”之称的梁经伦擅长突破百年中菜传 统,炮制出一道道的创意亚洲佳肴。他的作品 打破固有框框,就连清汤饺子也有不同形状、 质感和大小。还有其他的食品,都是超乎想像, 相信你一定也有同感。
braN to pure VeG
bo iNNoVatioN
Mike Boyle embraces the principles of molecular gastronomy. After 11pm, Ava seamlessly and appropriately transforms into a swanky bar. Be sure to try the AVA-tini—it’s mixology as inventive as the cuisine. bistecca 2/F, Grand Progress Building, 15-16 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, 2525-1308. LKF steakhouse Bistecca is a serious carnivore’s destination. The meat here, imported from the usual locations (America, Canada and Australia), is of the highest quality, while the mashed potatoes and creamed spinach sides are creamy and complement the meat well. This steakhouse also has a fairly extensive wine list compared to its counterparts, and has very good service. bloom 5/F-6/F, LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham St., Central, 2810-6166. Since opening in August 2010, Bloom has been universally heralded as SoHo’s go-to restaurant for its ridiculously awesome design, elaborate cocktails and homey-yet-upscale food. Its offerings
70 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
include an extensive raw bar, surf and turf, and deliciously creamy mac ‘n’ cheese. The juicy and sizable pork chop with a side of smoky ribs is a good bet for an entrée. bo iNNoVatioN 2/F, J Residence, 60 Johnston Rd., Wan Chai, 2850-8371. “Demon chef” Alvin Leung is known for his innovative takes on Asian cuisine, breaking down centuries-old concepts of what Chinese food should look and taste like. Steamed soup dumplings get transformed into different shapes, textures and sizes, and many other things don’t look like they’re supposed to—we’re sure you get the idea. braNto pure VeG 1/F, 9-11 Lock Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2366-8171. Branto is simple and unpretentious. Tellingly, the clientele is mostly Indian and although the menu is hard on the uninitiated, there’s a small army of polite but unobtrusive waiters to answer any queries. (The photographs help, too.) A must-try is the Indian thali—a mixed
aNGeliNi 尖沙咀么地道 64号 九龙香格里拉大酒店阁楼, 2733-8750。 坦白说,在尖沙咀欣赏海港,可看见香港岛最漂 亮的灯饰在海面闪烁的景色。Angelini让偌大玻 璃窗尽现优雅景致,堪称是其中一家最善用这优 越海傍地点的食肆。纯正、烹调完美的意大利美 食也相当可口,海鲜和食材每周三次空运到港。
aqua 尖沙咀北京道 1号 29-30楼, 3427-2288。 地点决定一切。位於北京道1号顶楼的豪华食府 拥有无敌海景。玻璃与镜构成时尚的室内空间, 重点特色有高天花、诱人灯光和垂吊银珠与三 层丝绒座位。选一个圆形的雅座,再从“Aqua Roma”或“Aqua Tokyo”两個菜單中挑选或配 搭心仪菜式。谨记品尝一杯荔枝马天尼。
aVarestauraNtslasHbar 尖沙咀赫德道 8A隆堡丽景酒店 38楼, 3550-0262。 这一间走上潮流尖端的餐厅,能够尽览星光闪 烁的海港景色 —当然还有餐厅那别具创意的菜 单。Ava总恖厨Mike Boyle醉心于创作分子料理 的菜式。晚上1时後,Ava便会脱变成一间豪华的 酒吧,别忘记一尝这里的AVA-tini。
尖沙咀乐道 9-11号 1楼, 2366-8171。 Branto简单而不造作。餐厅客人大多是印度人, 足证餐厅水准。虽然门外汉会发现菜單不易理 解,店内也有一小队有礼而不煩扰的侍应解答任 何问题。必吃推介是印度塔莉(thali)、番茄汤 和网罗多款迷你咖喱、酱汁、蔬菜、优酪乳、饭 类、油炸小食和自选面包的拼盘。
bridGes 铜锣湾开平道 1号Cubus6楼, 3428-2131。 这间以冲绳为主题的餐厅,以提供时令食材制 作的多道菜式日本怀石料理见称。最受欢迎的 就是其丰厚质感的日本和牛面配以干鲣木鱼脆 片洋葱,还有以豚肉炮制的面豉汤和香滑的花 生豆腐。这里还有一间色彩斑斓专卖冲縄泡盛 古酒的小店。
bubba Gump sHrimp compaNY 山顶山顶道 128号凌霄阁 3楼, 2849-2867。 这家以电影《阿甘正传》为灵感的连锁经营餐厅 可俯瞰香港景色,加上排骨、虾和洋葱圈等舒缓 心情的美式食品分量相当大,适合家庭光顾。
峰景餐厅 山顶山顶道 118号山顶广场 1-2楼, 2849-5111。 透过玻璃幕墙,食客可远眺绝色美景,在山顶 广场购物後到这家提供国际料理的峰景餐厅休 息,便最好不过。可坐在蚝吧的座位或预订一 张靠窗或位於露台的桌子。
caFÉ GraY deluxe 金钟金钟道 88号奕居 49楼, 3968-1106。 由米其林星级名厨Gray Kunz主理。他于80年代 在前丽晶酒店(现为洲际)主理餐厅Plume,當 時已在国际打响名堂。这家新开业的雅致咖啡 厅位於49楼,爱选用新鲜有机食材重新演绎经
tray of tiny taster pots of curries, sauces, vegetables, yogurts, rice, fried snacks and bread of your choice. bridGes 6/F, Cubus, 1 Hoi Ping Rd., Causeway Bay, 3428-2131. This Okinawan restaurant is famous for kaiseki, traditional multi-course Japanese meals featuring seasonal ingredients. Also popular are the sticky wagyu beef noodles with dried bonito flakes and spring onions, the delicate agu pork cooked in miso broth and the creamy peanut tofu. There’s also a colorful awamori boutique shop that sells Okinawa sake. bubba Gump sHrimp compaNY 3/F, Peak Tower, 128 Peak Rd., The Peak, 2849-2867. This is a family-friendly restaurant chain based on the movie “Forrest Gump,” offering up fantastic views of Hong Kong from on high and huge portions of American comfort food like ribs, shrimps and onion rings. caFe deco 1/F-2/F, Peak Galleria, 118 Peak Rd., The Peak, 2849-5111. With its fabulous view and floor-to-ceiling windows, international restaurant Cafe Deco is a great stop after shopping at the Peak Galleria. Grab a seat at the oyster bar, or book a window or patio table. caFÉ GraY deluxe 49/F, The Upper House, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 3968-1106. This “grand café” is located on the 49th floor and serves up modern interpretations of classic European cuisine made from fresh, organic ingredients. The food (like the braised short ribs) is definitely the star of the show here, but competing for your attention are an eye-catching 14-meter bar, a symmetrical theater kitchen and spectacular harbor views. caFÉ siam 2-3/F, The Plaza, 21 D’Aguilar St., Central, 2851-4803. The menu here is unmistakably Thai, and during lunch there are a variety of executive and regular lunch sets to choose from. We recommend their hearty tom yum goong soup as well as their fried noodle dishes.
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caprice Four Seasons Hong Kong, 6/F, 8 Finance St., Central, 3196-8888. Splurge on world-class haute cuisine at this French restaurant staffed by chefs from three-Michelin-starred restaurants in Paris. It’s not just the amazing food that will win you over. The gorgeous interior design includes five chandeliers, floor-to-ceiling windows and a glowing walkway past a huge open kitchen. Service is near flawless and a French sommelier steers you through the 250 wines on the list. Relaxed atmosphere, amazing food and a heart-stoppingly expensive bill. A must-do. celestial court cHiNese restauraNt 2/F, Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, 20 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2369-1111. With its burl-wood paneling and silk wall coverings, Celestial Court is a cut above most Cantonese restaurants, and it shows in the food. The menu changes with the seasons and the chef regularly travels to Guangdong to hunt down new and traditional dishes. Don’t miss the dim sum, all made by hand in the restaurant kitchen. Their culinary highlight is a whole suckling pig stuffed with pearl barley, mushrooms and black truffle, which you must order three days in advance. cÉpaGe 23 Wing Fung St., Wan Chai, 2861-3130. French fine-diner Cépage has just 56 seats for maximum privacy and exclusivity. Dishes are intricately prepared and might involve caviar on petals of potato salad with herbs, or grilled amadai with vin-jaune and black truffle. With a cellar of more than 8,000 bottles, this is a wine-lover’s dream restaurant. c’est la b Shop 202, 2/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2536-0173. This gorgeous cakery slash café by local diva Bonnie Gokson is perfect for a midday snack and tea break.
caFe siam*
典欧洲美食。炖小排骨等美食固然令人垂涎, 不过14米长的豪华酒吧、对称的剧院式厨房和 辽阔海港景致同样引人注目。
caFÉ siam 中环德己立街 21号The Plaza 2-3楼, 2851-4803。 一看这里的菜單,便可以一目了然,知道这里 是提供泰国美食。这里会提供各种不同类型的 行政及常规午餐任君选择。我们推介大家一试 他们的冬荫公汤,以及炒面等美食。
caprice 中环金融街 8号四季酒店 6楼, 3196-8888。 这家法国餐厅由来自米其林三星食府Le Cinq 的厨师驻场。俘虏你心的不仅是世界级高级料 理,而是由五盏水晶灯、玻璃幕墙和宽敞的开 放式厨房组成的美丽空间。几近完美的服务, 还有法国酒侍给你介绍酒牌上 250款餐酒。气 氛悠闲,美食一流,不过帐单也令人瞠目结舌。
天宝阁中餐厅 尖沙咀弥敦道 20号香港喜来登酒店 2楼, 2369-1111。 木地板与覆盖了丝绸的墙身,令天宝阁把许多 广东菜餐厅比下去,食物质素更是超乎水准。 每季都会转换菜式,厨师也会定期到访广东搜 寻新颖和传统的菜式。别错过在餐厅厨房製作 的手制点心。重点推介是酿了薏仁、菰和黑松 露的全只烧乳猪,必须提前预订。
cÉpaGe 湾仔永丰街 23号, 2861-3130。 Cépage只 有 56个 座 位 , 确 保 客 人 享 有 高 度 私 隐,尊贵感大增。每道菜都巧手精制,包括鱼 子土豆泥沙拉配香草,以及法国黄酒与黑松露 配 烤 鲷 鱼 。 酒 窖 存 有 逾 8,000瓶 酒 , 是 爱 好 杯 中物者的梦想之地。
c’est la b 金钟金钟道 88号太古广场 2楼 202号店, 2536-0173。. 这一间华丽的精品饼店,由本地高级食府负责 人Bonnie Gokson开设,最适合下午茶和作日 间小食享用。
车氏粤菜轩 湾仔骆克道 54-62号博汇大厦 4楼, 2528-1123。 车氏传统粤菜美食与其地理优势令这家餐厅成 为城中名流的食堂。套餐收费頗高,而且设有 点菜服务,可选吃涂抹了虾酱、煎至色香味俱 全的排骨作前菜,然後吃外皮松脆肉质柔软的 炸子鸡。这儿有广东菜菜馆少有的悠闲气氛, 必有菜式能夠满足你的味蕾。
锺菜 铜锣湾勿地臣街 1号 时代广场 10楼 1001号店, 2506-9128。 佳肴、细心招待与优质舒适的装潢,怎会不令 人爱上?这里的丝绒家俱和大量木器打破粤菜 馆的框框。招牌菜包括精致的石榴汁烧鸡与炒 和牛配脆米饼蔬菜。
classiFied 湾仔永丰街 31号, 2528-3454。 布置成横街开放式餐厅模样,舒适开扬。只有 两张大桌子,即是说你得与他人共用,不过如 此可口的乳酪,谁会抱怨?建议以其每日精选 的意大利水牛奶酪作前菜。它配以火箭菜和 意大利番茄,鲜乳酪柔软而味道天然温和。如 想吃多点,推介自家制蒜茸红番椒薄脆饼乾。
cuciNa 尖沙咀海港城马哥孛罗香港酒店 6楼, 2113-0808。 Cucina正式是一家意大利中菜馆,不过别以为 它是融合菜式的餐厅。事实上这里提供两国的 正宗菜式。比方说,你可点吃美味多汁的烧乳 猪,配搭软硬度适中等的意大利面和其他西菜, 如奶油松露土豆泥。
cHe’s caNtoNese restauraNt 4/F, The Broadway, 54-62 Lockhart Rd., Wan Chai, 2528-1123. Che’s combination of traditional Cantonese cuisine and its discreet location are the reasons that this eatery is well-patronized by well-dressed groups. There’s an extensive dim sum menu for lunch and an a la carte dinner menu that includes dishes like spare ribs rubbed with shrimp paste, and deep-fried chicken with beautifully crispy skin. You’re sure to find dishes to satisfy and a laid-back atmosphere absent from most Cantonese restaurants. cHuNG’s cuisiNe Shop 1001, 10/F, Times Square, 1 Matheson St., Causeway Bay, 2506-9128. Great food, attentive service and excellent, comfortable décor: what’s not to love? This place breaks the mold of most Cantonese restaurants, with plush furniture and lots of wood. Signature dishes include the delicately presented roasted chicken with guava sauce and stir-fried wagyu beef with crispy rice cakes and vegetables. Excellent. classiFied 31 Wing Fung St., Wan Chai, 2528-3454. With a sidewalk setting, this tiny, openfronted restaurant is cozy yet airy. There are only two communal tables, meaning that you have to share, but with cheese this good, who’s complaining? Start with a hunk of buffalo mozzarella from their daily selection. Served with rocket and Italian tomatoes, the fresh cheese is soft with a natural mild taste. If you want to fill up further, opt for their homemade flatbread. cuciNa 6/F, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, Harbour City, 3-27 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2113-0808. Enjoy authentic Italian dishes like pastas and pizzas at this hotel restaurant in bustling Harbour City. An antipasti buffet and afternoon tea set are also available.
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cuisiNe cuisiNe Shop 3101-3107, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2393-3933. Just entering this restaurant is impressive: a majestically designed hallway adorned with exquisite glasswork and a subtle, flowing fountain. The menu is long and dishes are beautifully presented. Try their Angus beef with broccoli, handshredded chicken, bean shoots with crab roe and fried rice with dried shrimp and sea urchin. The food is all delicious, and the staff helpful. diN tai FuNG Shop 3-9, G/F, 68 Yee Wo St., Causeway Bay, 3160-8998. The xiaolongbao at Taiwanese chain restaurant Din Tai Fung are arguably the most delectable soup-filled pork dumplings in the city, with delicately fine skin and succulent, juicy meat. We also love the flavorful Taiwanese pork chop, pleasing Zhejiang-style sticky rice dumplings and the spicy Sichuan long wontons in a rich sauce of smoked chili (instead of the orthodox red hot chili oil). di KiNG HeeN 3/F, Royal Plaza Hotel, 193 Prince Edward Rd. West, Mong Kok, 2622-6161. Newly renovated Di King Heen in Mong Kok’s Royal Plaza Hotel serves Cantonese dishes and a selection of dim sum for casual dining. Banquet-style services also available. domaNi 4/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2111-1197. Big, beautiful and expensive, this secluded restaurant boasts an all-glass gazebo and delicious Italian cuisine with an emphasis on seafood—even the sous-chefs in the open kitchen are good-looking. Plus, a good happy hour with free canapés. What more could you want? doNG lai sHuN B2/F, The Royal Garden Hotel, 69 Mody Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2733-2020. Established in Beijing since 1903, this restaurant serves high-end Beijing and Huaiyang cuisine. Anything made with lamb is a highlight, especially the Inner Mongolian mutton hotpot during winter months.
di KiNG HeeN*
国金轩 中环金融街 8号 国际金融中心商场 3楼 3101-3107号店, 2393-3933。 踏入这家餐厅已令人目瞪口呆,大堂设计以精致 玻璃工艺和流水淙淙、风格低调的喷泉作装饰, 十分富帝王气派。精巧菜式数之不尽。推介安格 斯牛肉配以西兰花、手撕鸡、蟹子豆苗,以及虾 乾海胆炒饭。食物美味,员工友善。
鼎泰丰 铜锣湾怡和街 6 8号地下 3 - 9 号店, 3 160- 8 998。 台湾连锁餐厅鼎泰丰的小笼包无可否认在世界 首屈一指。可口的猪肉包点内肉汤丰盈,外皮 细薄而肉馅多汁。味道浓郁的台湾猪肉汤、可 口的浙江糭子和辛辣的四川红油抄手,有别于 一般食肆使用红辣椒油,这儿选用以烟熏红椒 弄的浓郁酱汁。
帝京轩 旺角太子道西 193号帝京酒店 3楼, 2622-6161。 刚刚完成翻新工作,位於旺角帝京酒店的帝京 轩,主要提供多款不同的粤式美食,还有一系 列不同的点心,让大家可以随时享用。此外也 备有宴客酒席服务。
domaNi 金钟金钟道 88号太古广场 4楼平台, 2111-1197。 偌大漂亮而高消费的餐厅可说是与世隔绝, 有落地玻璃和上好的意大利美食,尤以海鲜
驰名。就连开放式厨房里的副厨也十分英俊。 岂不令人心动?
东来顺 尖沙咀麽地道 69号帝苑酒店地库, 2733-2020。 早于1903年在北京成立的这家餐厅供应高级北 京与淮阳菜。重点推介以羊烹调的菜式,冬日 首选蒙古羊肉火锅。
el cid 铜锣湾加宁街 9-11号地下C及D铺, 2576-8650。 这里能给你在繁忙的铜锣湾,找到一个宁静的 小巷子,一尝用心打造的西班牙菜式,如西班 牙菜饭以及各式餐前小吃。
Feast 太古太古城道 29号东隅, 3968-3777。 可称之为Food by East或称Feast的这间自助 餐形式的餐厅,位於太古城这间由太古集团拥 有的型格商务酒店之中。这里为你提供国际美 食,包括肉眼扒配幼而脆的薯条,羊奶酪制成 的磨菇挞配意大利非薰制咸猪肉碎和蠬虾制的 液态泡,当然还有精心设计的环境。
Felix 尖沙咀梳士巴利道半岛酒店 28楼, 2315-3188。 凭藉飞利浦·斯塔克的室内设计、现代欧洲美食 和远近驰名、拥有非凡美景的男士洗手间,FELIX 仍是城中最高贵的餐厅。这细小、太空时代的酒 吧最适合晚餐前或後喝杯鸡尾酒。
el cid Shop C&D, G/F, 9-11 Cleveland St., Causeway Bay, 2576-8650. Enjoy hearty Spanish fare like paellas and tapas platters in a secluded alfresco alleyway in bustling Causeway Bay. Feast East Hotel, 29 Taikoo Shing Rd., Island East, 3968-3777. Food by East—or Feast for short —is the buffet-style restaurant at Swire’s stylish business hotel in Taikoo. Expect international fare including rib-eye steak with thin, crispy fries and a goat’s curd and mushroom tart with pancetta crumble and lobster foam in an airy, well-designed space. Felix 28/F, The Peninsula, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 2315-3188. Still one of the swankiest restaurants in town, with Philippe Starck décor, modern European food and famous bathrooms—thanks to the view from the gents. The small, space-age bar is great for pre- or post-dinner cocktails. FiNds 1/F, The Luxe Manor, 39 Kimberley Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2522-9318. For something totally different, try the Scandinavian food at FINDS (the name stands for Finland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden), which serves excellent fish, game and meat dishes. Try the house-smoked salmon, served with morel mushrooms. FooK lam mooN 53-59 Kimberley Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2366-0286. Devotees swear this place serves the best Cantonese cuisine in the world. We don’t know about that, but the food is pretty darn good—with prices to match. Something of a throwback to old Hong Kong, and popular with the city’s older crowd, it’s been the go-to place for Chinese specialties for more than five decades. G.e 2/F, The Luxe Manor, 39 Kimberley Rd.,Tsim Sha Tsui, 3763-8803. Tantalizingly quirky fine dine gastronomie extraordinaire (a.k.a. g.e) gives off that enviable air of extreme exclusivity, with a dining room that 76 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
seats a modest 12 (not counting private function rooms that come with a minimum charge). Headed by chef Gianluigi Bonelli, g.e is the city’s first “progressive dining” establishment—the chef refuses to use the term molecular gastronomy, but the result is similar— and each dish is created with spontaneity as the key element. Gaddi’s 1/F, The Peninsula, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 2315-3171. Where else can you dine to the strains of a live chamber orchestra? This is the finest of dining in a formal room with chandeliers, unparalleled service and an endless wine list. You might splash out to eat at the chef’s table, or try the surprisingly affordable set lunch. Everything is delicious and delicate. Jackets required for men. Gaia G/F,4 Grand Millennium Plaza, 181 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2167-8200. What’s not to like? Excellent Italian cuisine and a charming alfresco terrace set among lush trees on an Italian piazza—and when the going gets too hot, there’s an equally pleasant contemporary interior with Ferrari red seating and a bar. The antipasti buffet is a legend at lunchtime. Gold 2/F, LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham St., Central, 2869-9986. Chef Harlan Goldstein’s restaurant got its inaugural Michelin star this year. And with Harlan’s Midas touch, this is the venue to see and be seen. There’s classy furniture, elegant sculptural lighting, and—not too surprisingly—the color gold as its theme. Think rose gold silverware, elegant table settings and casino-thick carpets. Gold serves a wide range of international and ethnic food, inspired by the diversity of Harlan’s Lower East Side roots. Featuring classics such as his 35-ounce Big G Fiorentina steak.
尖沙咀金巴利道 39号帝乐文娜公馆 1楼, 2522-9318。 欲试试新口味,到FINDS品尝北欧美食吧。餐厅 名字来自芬兰、冰岛、挪威、丹麦和瑞典的英文 国名首个字母。那儿有优质的鱼、野味和肉类菜 式。推介招牌烟三文鱼配羊肚菌。
尖沙咀梳士巴利道半岛酒店 1楼, 2315-3171。 除了这里,在哪家餐厅会有现场音乐演奏?在这 儿你可于设计高尚的房间、水晶灯下用膳,享受 无双的优质服务以及应有尽有的酒釀。你可大洒 千金光顾正餐,或选择价格令人可喜的午市套 餐。一切都美味精致。衣冠不整,恕不招待。
尖沙咀金巴利道 53-59号, 2366-0286。 爱好者都会力证福临门是全球最优秀的粤菜馆。 我们不知道这是否属实,不过这儿的食物的确相 当好,固然价钱也同样高。味道令人彷佛时光倒 流到从前的香港,因此吸引了一班年长食客,50 年来都是品味鱼翅和其他地道佳肴的圣地。
中环皇后大道 181号新纪元广场地下, 2167-8200。 有什麽可挑剔?优秀美食,设在意大利广场上树 荫青葱的迷人户外平台,天气热时又可到同样写 意、设计时尚的室内酒吧,在火红色的座椅上安 坐。欧陆前菜自助午餐大受欢迎。
G. e
尖沙咀金巴利道 39号帝乐文娜公馆 2楼, 3763-8803。 令人心急想看的奇趣高级餐厅gastronomie extraordinaire(又名.g.e),其饭厅设计适合12位 食客一同进餐(其设有最低消费的私人宴会厅则 未计算在内),散发出一份非常独特且令人迷恋 的气氛。由名厨Gianluigi Bonelli统领的g.e是城中 首间建立破格渐进食法(progressive dining)的 餐厅—意即主厨拒绝使用分子料理的烹调方法, 但却能做出同精采的菜式。每一道菜式都是源自 于食物本身的主要元素来进行的。
中环云咸街 33号LKF Tower 2楼, 2869-9986。 星级名厨Harlan Goldstein回归高级料理的另一 力作。凭其点石成金的技艺,这家食府成为城 中名流集中地。餐厅设计以典雅家俱、优雅雕 塑灯饰为主,并以金色为主题,少不了玫瑰金 银器、优雅餐桌布置和赌场常用的厚地毯。厨 师从自己老家纽约下东城的多元文化为意念, 构思出多款国际与富民族特色的美食。推介长 青菜式如他的35安士顶级炭烧牛腰肉扒以及特 级和牛颊肉意大利饺。
cuisiNe cuisiNe
GaYlord 1/F, Ashley Center, 23-25 Ashley Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2376-1001. This long-standing Indian restaurant and its cheerful staff have been serving classy Indian cuisine in TST for years. The creamy daal and the butter chicken are to die for. The other highlight is their Indian band, with tabla beats and a droning sitar, performing live every night. GraNd ceNtral bar & Grill 3/F, Civic Square, Elements, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2736-4888. This two-level sports bar is located on a lovely alfresco terrace on top of Elements Mall. Come here for comfort food like burgers and fries, nacho platters and large slabs of meat, and while you’re at it, grab a pint and catch a live sports game or two. GraNd HYatt steaKHouse Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Rd., Wan Chai, 2584-7722. With the Rolling Stones playing throughout rooms decked out in dark wood and leather, this steakhouse has an old-school feel—as does the menu, with classics that focus on traditional execution rather than edgy experimentation. Beef-lovers can
choose between an array of prime cuts, from Japanese wagyu to Nebraska USDA prime tenderloin to Canadian heritage angus with a homemade truffle mustard, sweet potato fries and tomato salad. The jet-fresh seafood platter with lobster from Maine, cracked king crab, hearty mussels and Belon oysters is equally impressive. GreYHouNd caFÉ Shop 1082, 1/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2383-1133. Greyhound Café is an upscale diner straight from Bangkok serving international cuisine, from Thai specials to Italian pastas, in a contemporary setting with hard surfaces, understated colors and an alluring dessert station. GrissiNi 2/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Rd., Wan Chai, 2588-1234. A fabulous northern Italian restaurant with fantastic service, top-notch cuisine and peerless wine service. Floor-toceiling windows afford a fantastic view of Tsim Sha Tsui and the delicious aromas will drive you mad as you await your meal. The food is so good it’s hard to envision anyone leaving the restaurant anything but content.
尖沙咀亚士厘道 23至 25号 1楼, 2376-1001。 这家印度餐厅开业多年,总是笑面迎人的职员 亦已于尖沙咀提供传统印度菜多时。奶油扁豆 和牛油鸡令人难忘。另一特色是其每晚驻场演奏 的印度乐队,附设塔布拉鼓和懒洋洋的西塔琴。
中环云咸街 63号巴力大厦 2楼, 2537-7060。 优雅而富现代感的食店开设于酒吧林立的云咸 街,或会令人认为这不是吃正宗客家菜的地 方,不过客家爷爷事实上相当地道。菜單上包 括美味的盐焗鸡、手打鱼蛋以及红烧肉配豆腐 等招牌菜,还有带甜美细腻玫瑰花味道的醉鸡。
GraNd ceNtral bar & Grill 尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1号圆方 3楼平台, 2736-4888。 这间两层高,位於圆方广场顶楼的一个舒适的 天台位置的酒吧,为食客提供各式美味食品如 汉堡包和薯条,墨西哥玉米片和重量级的肉 食。除了这些美食,还可以来一杯啤酒或者覌 尝一下不同的运动赛事。
GraNd HYatt steaKHouse 湾仔港湾道 1号君悦酒店, 2584-7722。 以实木和真皮布置的餐厅,充满着阵阵的滚石 摇滚音乐。这间充满怀旧味道的扒房,其菜单 亦固守于传统,专注于烹制传统的菜式,多於 创作其他花巧的烹调方法。嗜牛者更可从多种 以一流切割方法切制成的扒类选取自己最愛的 部位,当中由日本和牛内布拉斯加州的美国农 业部认可一流嫩肉,以至加拿大的正宗安格斯 牛,配以自家制黑松露芥末,炸甜薯条和番茄 沙拉等。还有新鲜空运到港的海鲜,伴以缅因 洲龙虾、巨型皇帝蟹、贝壳食品和和贝隆蚝, 都是同样令人难忘。
中环金融街 8号 国际金融中心商场 2期 1楼 1082号铺, 2383-1133。 Greyhound Café源于曼谷一间高级食府,专门 供应各式各样国际美食。当中由泰国特色食品到 意大利面统统有齐。店内充满当代元素的布置, 相当吸引,最诱人的还是那甜品阁。
港湾道 1号香港君悦酒店 2楼, 2588-1234。 上佳的北意大利餐厅,款待一流,美食超水准和 餐酒服务无人匹敌。落地玻璃观赏尖沙咀令人赞 叹的景色,阵阵食物香气会令你难以安坐。难以 想像有谁不会快乐满足地离开餐厅。
国福楼 尖沙咀弥敦道 63号iSquare国际广场 31楼, 2487-3788。 木屏风、昏暗吊灯和点点装饰艺术的华美风格, 尽显时尚中国风。广东筵席招牌菜包括淮盐焗鸡 和吉品鲍配鹅掌,由曾为福临门重点厨师的行政 总厨陈佑良用心监察下炮制而成。
H oNe
78 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
尖沙咀弥敦道 100号 The ONE 19楼 2075号店, 2972-2222。 Harlan’s自 从 开 业 以 来 , 便 迷 倒 了 一 众 都 会 名 流,现时仍然每晚座无虚席。单是景观已令这 里成为餐饮天堂,不过食物同样出色,既创新、 轻盈、新鲜又极富时代感。可试试简单的六只蚝 菜式或任何一道招牌菜。我们特别推荐慢火烹调 的和牛颊肉配土豆泥和洋葱汁,以及半只龙虾、 罗勒、番茄、茴香和贝类海鲜酱煮意大利面。
Heirloom 上环荷李活道 226号地下及 1楼, 2547-8008。 这间楼高两层的餐厅,能够俯瞰对面的小公园, 然而这并不是一座传统的墨西哥式建筑,这里主 要提供一系列不同的三明治和西式菜單。这里 亦是城中少有提供墨西哥玉米面豆卷的地方, 当然还有他们的传统甜品饼乾夹棉花糖。这里 还会提供优质的食品和优美的环境,尤其是对 於喜欢户外用餐的朋友,这里绝对是进行烛光 晚餐的好地方。
GreYHouNd caFÉ
GraNd HYatt steaKHouse
中环金融街 8号国际金融中心商场 4楼 4008号, 2805-0638。 由Harlan’s的老板Harlan Goldstein开設的另一 家高级餐厅,同样受达官名流欢迎。餐厅的落 地玻璃窗让大量阳光流泻进内。推介午市套餐不 时提供的南瓜汤和意大利章鱼薄片。餐後吃一块 配以蜜瓜雪酪的柠檬蛋糕,为你带来愉悦惊喜。
合江小镇 湾仔皇后大道东 387-397号丽都酒店 1楼, 3167-7833。 合江小镇的食品融合了辛辣的四川菜和淡甜淮 阳菜式的味道。其冰镇蔬菜配以墨鱼和黄豆, 先能给你一个最清新的头盘。其馀的特色菜 式,包括炒茄子配以辣味香蒜和辣椒。再来一 客以淮阳茶来烟熏的鳗鱼,以及四川儿童最爱 的担担面配辣椒酱。
海景轩 尖沙咀麽地道 70号海景嘉福酒店B2层, 2731-2883。 这家位於酒店地库的餐厅不太俗气,也不太中 式,值得加分。北京填鸭的配料十分齐备,包 括在火炉上仔细蒸煮的荷叶薄烤饼,每名客人 都有专属酱汁和葱料。招牌获奖菜牛肉配芦笋、 葡萄乾和青豆亦相当好吃。
海逸轩 红磡黄埔花园德丰街 20号 九龙海逸君绰酒店, 2996-8460。 广东省的味道与今日香港维多利亚港的景色构 成难忘的中式餐饮经验。点心特别芳香开胃, 吸引多人来此举办家庭聚会、婚宴和商务午餐。
Guo Fu lou 31/F, iSquare, 63 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2487-3788. Guo Fu Lou showcases a refined contemporary Chinese ambience with wooden screens, low-lit lamps and a touch of Art Deco glamor. Cantonese banquet signatures include baked chicken in rock salt and Yoshihama abalone with goose web, executed under the watchful eye of executive chef Chan Yau-leung. H oNe Shop 4008, 4/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2805-0638. On a sunny day, the restaurant's full-length windows allow abundant sunshine to stream in. Try the pumpkin soup and Sardinian octopus carpaccio from the set lunch menu if it's available. End with a lemon cake that comes with a refreshing honeydew melon sorbet-—a pleasant surprise indeed for a fine meal. HaKKa Ye Ye 2/F, Parekh House, 63 Wyndham St., Central, 2537-7060. An elegant, modernist joint in bar-strewn Wyndham Street might not seem like the most authentic place for Hakka cuisine, but Hakka Ye Ye is just that. The menu includes such signature dishes as delicious salt-baked chicken, handmade fish balls and braised meats and tofu as well as a twist on drunken chicken with a sweet, delicate rose flavor. HarlaN’s Shop 2075, 19/F, The One, 100 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2972-2222. Harlan’s has been wowing the wellheeled crowd since it opened, and it’s still packing ‘em in on a nightly basis. The view alone makes this destination dining, but the food is equally stellar: innovative, light, fresh and utterly contemporary. Go for the simple six-oyster set or one of the signature dishes. We recommend the slow-cooked wagyu beef cheek with mashed potatoes and cipolle gravy, and the spaghetti with lobster, basil, tomatoes, fennel and shellfish sauce. Heirloom G/F-1/F, 226 Hollywood Rd., Sheung Wan, 2547-8008. This beautiful two-story restaurant overlooking a small park is not a Mexican establishment per se, since it 80 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
offers a selection of sandwiches and western mains, too, but it is one of the few places in town to dish out a good taco as well as a dessert classic: s’mores. Serving hearty comfort food with an elegant flair, this is the perfect place to go for a light dinner, especially if you enjoy alfresco dining. He JiaNG 1/F, Cosmopolitan Hotel Hong Kong, 387-397 Queen’s Rd. East, Causeway Bay, 3167-7833. He Jiang fuses numbingly hot Sichuan cuisine with light and sweet Huaiyang cuisine. The snow vegetables with squid and soybeans make for a refreshing starter, and other specialties include the feisty sautéed eggplant with spicy garlic and chili, the soothing, Huaiyang tea-leaf smoked eel and the Sichuan schoolchildrens’ favorite, dan dan mian, with hot pepper sauce. Hoi KiNG HeeN B2/F, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hotel, 70 Mody Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2731-2883. Located in the hotel basement, the restaurant is neither too kitsch nor too Chinese—a good thing. The Peking duck comes with the whole presentation: the “lotus leaf pancakes” are nicely steamed on top of the stove and there are individual sets of sauce and spring onions for each person. The signature beef dish with asparagus, raisin and beans, an award-winner, is also nice. Hoi Yat HeeN Harbour Grand Kowloon, 20 Tak Fung St., Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom, 2996-8460. The tastes of Canton province and the views of modern day Hong Kong and Victoria Harbour unite to create a memorable Chinese dining experience. The dim sum is especially savory, and the space plays host to many a family get-together, wedding banquet and business lunch. HuGo’s Hyatt Regency Tsim Sha Tsui, 18 Hanoi Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 3721-7733. Everyone’s delighted that this old TST restaurant has been revived in the brandnew Hyatt Regency on Hanoi Road.
He JiaNG
尖沙咀河内道 18号尖沙咀凯悦酒店, 3721-7733。 任谁都为这家历史悠久的餐厅,重新落戶于河 内道全新的凯悦酒店而欣喜。这里有的是怀旧 古雅气氛和传统西方菜式,从牛排到龙虾都 有,应有尽有,周到得近乎有千里眼的款待在 今天已很罕见。
尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1号 环球贸易广场 101楼A铺, 2972-2666. 田舍家拥有城中最优美的炉端烧位置,各式各 样的烧板和色彩鲜艳的蔬菜、肉类和海鲜放满 了顾客面前——这里更堪称为全球提供最优质 炉端烧的地方。
尖沙咀北京道 1号 28楼, 3428-8342。 无容争议这家名人热捧的菜馆气派非凡。未上 漆的深色木地板和绝佳美景令你既置身于高级 中国北部饭堂,又似置身摩登高贵餐厅。主要 提供精致的广东高级美食。
皇后大道中 139号The L Place 5楼, 2577-9981。 这间以印尼路边小吃为主的餐厅,能够让你真 正了解到东南亚食品的流行美食。当中包括巴 东牛肉、加多加多、多汁的爹、香滑的咖喱还 有惹味的喇沙,统统都可以在菜單中找到。配 以暗淡的灯光和创新室内布置(包括木制鸟笼 和电单车)。这间沉实的小店,隐身在繁华的 中环街道中的小店,的确能够反映出一份耶加 达的小巷黄昏景色。
稻菊日本餐厅 中环金融街 8号四季酒店 4楼, 2805-0600。 这是日本最历史悠久和知名餐厅的香港区分店, 食物名副其实,正宗可口而鲜艳欲滴。平和的禅 意已是到访稻菊的最佳理由。走过富玩味的酒 吧就会到达主饭厅,四眼入目尽是维港景色, 在铁板烧前更可欣赏到厨师下厨。
港岛厅 中环皇后大道中 9号嘉轩广场 222号店, 2526-8798。 邓永锵最新创立的餐厅是嘉轩广场内唯一的食 肆,除此以外商场内就是裁缝、乾洗店和洗衣 机售卖商。但只要你走进餐厅就会忘掉周遭不 相干的环境。港岛厅由高天花、丝绒皮革座椅
It’s all about old-fashioned elegance and classic western dishes here—from Australian, Japanese, French and Irish steaks to French lobster and everything in between—and the discreet, almost clairvoyant service is the kind that’s hard to find these days. HutoNG 28/F, One Peking Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 3428-8342. There’s no debate; this celeb favorite is gorgeous. With its dark, unlacquered wood furnishings and fabulous harbor view, you simultaneously feel like you are in a northern Chinese dining hall and a modern, elegant restaurant. Food is beautifully presented northern Chinese haute cuisine. iNaGiKu JapaNese restauraNt 4/F, Four Seasons Hong Kong, 8 Finance St., Central, 2805-0600. This is a Hong Kong branch of one of Japan’s oldest and best-known restaurants—and yes, the food lives up to the buzz: authentic, delicious and quiveringly fresh. The peaceful, zen-like atmosphere is reason enough to visit Inagiku. A stroll past the funky bar brings you to the main dining room with floor-to-ceiling views of Victoria Harbour, and a teppanyaki station where you can watch the chefs in action. iNaKaYa Shop A, 101/F, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2972-2666. Inakaya boasts the prettiest robata counter in the city—plates and plates of colorful vegetables, meats and seafood are spread out in front of the patrons— and claims the superlative title of the highest robatayaki joint in the world. 1968 5/F, The L Place, 139 Queens Rd. Central, 2577-9981. This Indonesian street-food restaurant has proven popular with discerning locals—and for good reason, with Southeast Asian classics beef rendang, gado gado, juicy satays, flavorful curries and soothing laksa on the menu. Coupled with low lighting and inventive furnishings (including wooden birdcages and motorbikes) designed to reflect 82 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
Jakarta’s backstreets at dusk, this place is a slick yet unpretentious escape from the busy streets of Central below. islaNd taNG Shop 222, The Galleria, 9 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2526-8798. David Tang’s restaurant is the sole eatery at The Galleria, which otherwise is just a conga line of tailors, dry cleaners and washing-machine vendors. But you certainly forget about the offbeat location once you step inside—Island Tang is decked out in full Art Deco regalia, from the high ceilings, plush leather chairs and etched mirrors down to the tiniest details, such as the crystalstoppered soy sauce bottles. The wokfried wagyu is divine—you’ll be treated to juicy, succulent cubes of prime beef in a rich sauce. The Sichuan prawns are equally superb. isola bar & Grill Shop 3071-3075, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2383-8765. The mandatory reservation even on a weeknight is testament to the fact that Isola is a winner. It is a long restaurant spread out to maximize the stunning harbor views, with high ceilings, hardwood floors and bas-relief motifs. A big hit is the oven-broiled black cod with aromatic lemon, basil, parsley, bread crumbs and served with assorted vegetables; the dessert menu is awesome. Jade GardeN G/F-2/F, 1 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, 2577-9332. Jade Garden is a local institution, serving up specialty dishes from around China, such as Peking duck, beggar’s chicken and bird’s nest soup with morsels of crabmeat. It’s big, bright and deservedly popular. JardiN de Jade Shop G3, G/F, Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Rd., Wan Chai, 3528-0228. With over 10 years’ worth of street cred in the mainland’s F&B industry, renowned Shanghainese restaurant Jardin de Jade finally landed in Hong Kong. The exquisite Shanghainese menu also draws inspiration from the Zhenjiang and Suzhou regions. Classics include preserved pork served chilled with Zhenjiang black vinegar and sautéed hairy crab with Shanghainese rice cakes. They’re also
Jumbo KiNGdom
和精雕细琢的镜子,还有水晶酱油瓶等细节, 都完全依照装饰艺术风格布置。镬炒和牛值得 冒险一试,你会尝到肉汁甘美的特级牛肉粒配 以浓郁酱汁。四川大虾同样一绝。
isola bar & Grill 中环金融街 8号 国际金融中心商场 3楼 3071-3075号店, 2383-8765。 即使在平日都必须预订桌子,可见Isola有多受 欢迎。餐厅呈长方形,以便尽量得到绝色海港 景观,配以高天花、硬木地板和浅浮雕图桉。 热门菜式是低温慢火烘焗银鳕鱼配酸豆龙蒿。 甜点选择满足感官享受。
翠园 铜锣湾希慎道 1号地下至 2楼, 2577-9332。 本地集团翠园提供中国各地的特色美食,由北 京填鸭、富贵鸡和蟹肉燕窝汤都有。宽敞明亮, 不难想像成为多人喜爱的餐馆。
苏浙汇 湾仔港湾道 30号新鸿基中心地下G3号店, 3528-0228。 知名上海餐厅苏浙汇在内地餐饮业拥有超过10 年经验,在街头巷尾都得到认同。精巧上海菜 單灵感来自浙江和苏州等地。经典美食包括拌 镇江黑醋的腌猪肉,金酥大闸蟹配上海年糕。 足以自豪的招牌菜有苏浙樟茶鸭、烩海参,当 然少不了小笼饱。
JasHaN 中环荷李活道 23号金珀苑 1楼, 3105-5300。 昏暗灯光、朱红墙壁和殖民地家俱令人一见难 忘。Jashan提供种类丰富的美食和酒店式服务。 短小有趣的印度舞蹈表演令这儿气氛活泼清静。 平日提供的自助午餐价钱吸引。香料恰到好处。
晋荟 将军澳唐德街 3号 香港九龙东智选假日酒店 2楼; 2623-2333。 这间属於帝苑酒店集团的餐厅,以提中菜食品为 主。其点心美食和上海菜也是餐厅的点睛之作。
diNiNG & NiGHtliFe taking pride in their signature tea-smoked duck, pan-braised Japanese sea cucumber and—of course—their juicy xiaolongbao soup dumplings. JasHaN 1/F, Amber Lodge, 23 Hollywood Rd., Central, 3105-5300. Jashan offers an extensive menu, delicious food and hotel-level service. Indian dancing performances—mercifully short and lots of fun—mean this place is lively rather than hushed. A great-value lunch buffet is available on weekdays. The spice is right. JiN cuisiNe 2/F, Hong Kong Kowloon East Holiday Inn Express, Tower 4, 3 Tong Tak St., Tseung Kwan O, 2623-2333. This Chinese-elements-themed resto is one of the latest from the Royal Garden group, and serves dim sum and traditional Shanghainese delicacies. JimmY’s KitHeN Shop C and C1, G/F, Kowloon Centre, 29 Ashley Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2376-0327. The old-school international classics that have kept Jimmy’s Kitchen popular for over 80 years continue to impress the crowds. For an added bit of romantic nostalgia, order their famed flaming baked Alaska to end the meal. Jumbo KiNGdom 1 Shum Wan Pier Drive, Aberdeen, 2553-9111. Fun, festive and a Hong Kong institution, Jumbo has been floating in the harbor at Aberdeen for nearly 25 years. It’s not going to be the most typical Chinese meal you’ve ever had, but the dim sum is worth trying, the seafood dishes are pretty good and the atmosphere is fun. It gets all lit up in neon at night. JW’s caliForNia susHi bar 5/F, JW Marriott Hotel, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2841-3899. Both food and service are excellent. Make your way past the sushi bar itself— one of the best raw deals in town—to a spotlessly clean, light and airy venue.
JimmY’s KitcHeN 尖沙咀亚士厘道 29号 九龙中心地下C及C1号店, 2376-0327。 怀旧的国际经典菜式令Jimmy’s Kitchen过去逾 80年来历久不衰。想浪漫怀缅一下,建议点驰 名的火熖雪山作餐後甜点。
珍宝王国 香港仔深湾码头径 1号, 2553-9111。 本地集团珍宝已在香港仔近25年了。食品有别于 大部分典型中餐,不过点心值得一试。海鲜很不 错,气氛活泼,而且晚上这里更会四周点满灯光。
JW’s寿司吧 金钟金钟道 88号 太古广场JW万豪酒店 5楼, 2841-3899。 食物与招呼俱佳。洁净得一尘不染、明亮通爽。 寿司吧在城中数一数二。
海贺 尖沙咀弥敦道 100号The ONE 19楼, 2972-2888。 海贺是最早在香港经营的日式铁板烧连锁餐厅。 占据尖沙咀商场The ONE高层位置,设有60个 座位,以不同棕与金色调子为主的空间在设计上 致力提升私隐度,设有两个各自可容纳六至八人 的贵宾室。各式各样的特色美食如鹅肝、鲍鱼、 龙虾、带子和日本进口有机蔬菜不会令你失望。
留家厨房 湾仔轩尼斯道 314号W Square5楼, 2571-0913。 这间湾仔区的留家厨房分店,同是是由食评人 兼专栏作家刘健威开设的。提广东菜,一般人 都会认为广东菜会是又甜又酸,又是多味精的 菜式。这位周游列国的美食家,于中国的旅途 中寻找到一个秘密的食谱,并为本地菜式添上 了一份现代的变化。
KitcHeN 尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1号香港W酒店 6楼, 3717-2299。 提供优质食品之余,再配以型格建筑的W酒店, 其 餐 厅 Kitchen能 为 大 家 提 供 一 系 列 咖 啡 室 食 品,包括汉堡包、三明治、比萨和海南鸡饭。 其馀的精美食品还有重新演绎的龙虾玉米卷、 油封鸡和泰式的汉堡包。
KoH tHai 中环云咸街 57号地下, 2840-0041。 鲑鱼刺身配以青咖喱汁?泰国玛莎文咖喱煮羊 腿?还可以为一众素食者烹调菜单上的菜式? 掌舵的主厨曾经为泰国公主的御厨,一般人称 他为虎厨。他的烹调技术一直都为人所垂青。
looNG toH YueN
KaiKa 19/F, The One, 100 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2972-2888. Kaika is the first branch of the popular Japanese teppanyaki chain to open up here in Hong Kong. Nestled high up in a new TST mall, The One, this 60-seat restaurant is designed with exclusivity in mind—browns and golds, with two VIP rooms accommodating six to eight guests each. You can’t go wrong with their wide range of delicacies, including the foie gras, abalone, spiny lobster, scallops and organic vegetables imported fresh from Japan. KiN’s KitcHeN 5/F, W Square, 314 Hennessy Rd., Wan Chai, 2571-0913. The Wan Chai branch of this Cantonese resto is chef, food critic and columnist Lau Kin-wai’s latest labor of love. Kin‘s Kitchen is a world away from sweet ‘n’ sour, MSG-laden fare you might generally associate with affordable Cantonese food. Picking up secret recipes during his journeys in China, the well-traveled gourmet gives the local cuisine a contemporary makeover. 84 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
KitcHeN 6/F, W Hong Kong, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 3717-2299. Serving comfort food with a twist in the achingly cool W Hotel, Kitchen offers all the usual coffee-shop suspects: burgers, sandwiches, pizzas and Hainan chicken rice as well as dishes that could only be called comfort food, reinterpreted: lobster tacos, chicken confit and Thai chicken burgers. KoH tHai G/F, 57 Wyndham St., 2840-0041. Salmon sashimi with green curry sauce? Lamb shank massaman curry? The option to make veggie versions of anything on the menu? Helmed by the former personal chef to the Princess of Thailand, who is nicknamed Chef Tiger, Koh Thai is doing a lot of things right. KoWlooN taNG Shop R002-003, 3/F, Roof Deck, Elements Mall, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2811-9398. Chinese haute cuisine, French desserts and tasty cocktails make up the menu of this classy eatery, which is the newer
KoWlooN taNG 西九龙柯士甸道西 1号 圆方顶楼R003-003号店, 2811-9398。 高级中式食品、法式甜品和美味的鸡尾酒,都 成就了这间餐厅为一间有级数的食府。此餐厅 亦与位於中环最新开设的高级餐厅Island Tang 属姊妹店。
l’atelier de Joel robucHoN 中环皇后大道 15号置地广场 4楼 401号店, 2166-9000。 只 要 品 尝 一 口 L’Atelier的 晚 餐 套 餐 , 你 就 会 明 白为何Joel Robuchon被法国美食权威《Gault Millau》选为“世纪名厨”,更会认同这家香港 分店获得的米其林两星荣誉。这位超级大厨认为 菜式首要简单地道。每道菜都极其精致工整。从 纽约到东京每一家L’Atelier都设有开放式厨房, 是餐厅焦点所在,可欣赏到厨师为每道菜下的苦 心。从任何角度看都极尽奢华。每季菜單都有新 菜式,不过比一般高档法国餐厅花费贵一点。
la loGGia paiN GrillÉ 中环金融街 8号 国际金融中心商场 3楼 3093号店, 2805-0798。 本地最新开业的Pain Grillé设于Agnèsb.的旗舰 店,精致的室内设计出自AFSO设计事务所的傅 厚民手笔,漂亮过人的休息室连接到令人赞不绝 口的图书室,灵感源自Agnès Troublé最爱的餐
厅之一、罗浮宫旁的咖啡馆Le Fumoir。这一家 Pain Grillé主要提供直接从法国入口的海鲜。推 介拜占庭海鲜拼盘和丰盛的马赛海鲜汤。万勿错 过柔软多汁的白酒酱汁青口。
la marmite 中环士丹顿街 46号地下, 2803-7808。 La Marmite感觉是具有卡士而又不会拘谨的一 间两层楼高的法式餐厅。店内四周都是柔和的 粉绿色,还有适合聊天的灯光以及位於前方的 露天雅座,营造出一份高贵的法国巴黎的氛围。
利苑 中环金融街 8号 国际金融中心商场 3楼 3007-3011号店, 2295-0238。 虽然在香港设有十家分店,全都供应上好粤 菜,国际金融中心这家是获米其林星级荣誉的 一家。环境光洁时尚,食物非凡正宗。别错过 招牌菜冰烧三层肉。
liFe caFÉ 中环些利街 10号, 2810-9777。 对于崇尚自由的嬉皮士、严格的素食主义者, 这儿是你梦想中的家!家俱来自印尼可持续发 展的森林,菜單从素食千层面到啤酒都是有机 的。气氛开朗,白天阳光可洒进室内,晚上 露台和舒服的用餐区都有烛光点缀。菜式迎合 要求纯素食、无谷、蒜、洋葱和小麦的菜單。
diNiNG & NiGHtliFe sister restaurant of the much-vaunted Island Tang in Central. l’atelier de Joel robucHoN Shop 401, 4/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2166-9000. One bite of L’Atelier’s set-course dinners and you’ll understand why Joel Robuchon was named Gault Millau’s “Chef of the Century” and why his Hong Kong outpost was awarded two Michelin stars. This super-chef emphasizes the simplicity and authenticity of his food. Each dish is wrought with exquisite finesse and precision—an ordeal on plain view at the open kitchen, the centerpiece of every L’Atelier from New York to Tokyo. The menu changes seasonally but always remains a cut above that of your average upscale French restaurant. la loGGia paiN GrillÉ Shop 3093, 3/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2805-0798. This pain grillé, at the Agnès b. flagship store, has exquisite interiors by AFSO’s Andre Fu—a hauntingly sexy lounge opens into the adorable “library” area, inspired by Le Fumoir next to the Louvre, one of Agnès’s favorite restaurants. This particular outlet focuses on seafood imported directly from France. Try their Byzantine seafood platter and hearty bouillabaisse. The tender, juicy mussels in white wine cream sauce are also a must. la Villa Shop G28, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui East, 2724-0707. La Villa is located in an airy alfresco courtyard and dishes out hearty steaks and seafood platters for both lunch and dinner. Choose a wine to go along from their exclusive list. lei GardeN Shop 3007-3011, 3/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2295-0238. Although there are 10 branches of this chain in Hong Kong, all serving excellent Cantonese cuisine, the IFC location is the one with the Michelin star. The surroundings are cleanly contemporary but the food is divinely authentic. Don’t miss the signature crispy roasted pork.
liFe caFÉ 10 Shelley St., Central, 2810-9777, www.lifecafe.com.hk. Hippies, vegans and Birkenstockwearers: here is your home. The furniture comes from sustainable forests in Indonesia and the menu is organic from vegetarian lasagna to beer. It’s cheerful and sunlit by day, mellow and candlelit by night, whether on the open terrace or in the cozy dining area. The menu caters to vegans and gluten-, garlic-, onion- and wheat-free dieters. liNGuiNi FiNi 1/F, The L Place, 139 Queen's Rd. Central, 2857-1333. It’s all about bold flavor, fresh ingredients and a casual dining environment that doesn’t cut corners on quality. Linguini Fini uses locally grown veggies and fresh meat cuts in its yummy homestyle Italian dishes that are made even better by their reasonable price point. lobster bar & Grill 6/F, Island Shangri-La, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2820-8560. It’s all very chic. The swank interior features two large saltwater tanks inhabited by colorful fish. There’s a long mahogany bar leading to the blue-hued dining room, where a jazz band riffs away. The food is flawless, the staff expert and the music good. Signature dishes include the lobster bisque and lobster thermidor with cheese and herbs.
liNGuiNi FiNi
中环皇后大道中 139号 The L Place地下及 1楼, 2857-1333。 这里充满风味,新鲜的食材和轻松的餐饮环境, 成就出从不妥协的优质食品质素。Linguini Fini 使用本地种植的蔬菜,新鲜的肉类来炮制出一 份意大利家庭式的风味。最重要的还是这里的 收费亦相当合理。
中环威灵顿街 66号地下, 3125-3000。 “西式豉油酱”炮制出的菜式,于1960年至70 年代相当受欢迎。因为当年不少广东中产阶级人 士都喜欢到华丽气派的西餐厅晚饭。这食店後来 却因为社会的发展而逐渐消失,直至到最近,有 人将这些怀旧的餐厅加入时尚元素,让来佬餐厅 成为了夜消的新食点。在这里你可以找到炒饭 伴香蒜蜗牛、鹅肝和叉烧,其特色食品还包括 烧乳鸽和港式的威灵顿牛扒(以铁板上菜)。
lobster bar & Grill 金钟金钟道 88号 太古广场港岛香格里拉大酒店 6楼, 2820-8560。 雅致的室内放置了两个大水缸,养着色彩缤纷 的海鱼。红木长吧台引到有爵士乐队演奏的蓝 调子餐室。一切都非常富时代感,食物无可挑 剔,职员专业且音乐动听。招牌菜包括龙虾浓 汤和乳酪香草焗龙虾。
隆涛院 尖沙咀广东道 2A号 Hullett House Heritage 1881 3楼, 3988-0000。 隆涛院气派无与伦比。挂满纸灯笼的长廊带你 到Hullett House的石庭园,为这家粤菜馆增添 优雅中国味道。餐厅下午提供用皮蛋和蛋黄酱 造的炸虾条以及炸土豆泥饺子等点心。主菜主 要是海鲜,例如原汁鲍鱼仔配普洱茶香鹌鹑蛋。
龙景轩 中环金融街 8号四季酒店 4楼, 3196-8888。 龙景轩是首家并且是唯一一家在米其林美食指 南初进军香港时荣获三星美誉的中菜馆。这很 理所当然,走过镶银的天花,你会置身宽敞型 格、铺了暖色木地板、装设光滑木屏风、中国 古玩和红廊柱的房间。招呼无懈可击,每道菜都 经过测试鉴定至完美境地。小笼包装在提篮内, 让你安全把美点完整放进口中。蒸虾饺和带子饺 配XO酱与原只鲍鱼酥都尽显出神入化的厨艺。
lupa 中环皇后大道中 31号陆海通大厦 3楼, 2796-6500。 这间由着名总厨Mario Batali在港首设的餐厅,提 供简单而美味的意大利粉、比萨和其他小吃为主。
luNG KiNG HeeN
looNG toH YueN Hotel Garden, Hullett House, 1881 Heritage, 2A Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 3988-0000. Loong Toh Yuen has an unbeatable ambience. The paper lantern-lined corridor that leads to the stone courtyard in Hullett House really gives this Cantonese restaurant an elegant Chinese feel. The restaurant serves dim sum in the afternoons, and you can expect dishes like deep-fried shrimp rolls made with thousand-year-old egg. loYal diNiNG G/F, 66 Wellington St., Central, 3125-3000. “Soy sauce Western” cuisine gained popularity in the 1960s and 70s, as members of a growing Cantonese middle class got their first taste of dining out and feasting upon Western fare, a thenluxury. That’s what Loyal Dining offers. WHERE G UEST B OOK 8 5
You’ll find fried rice alongside garlicky soft escargot, foie gras and char siu (BBQ pork), signature roast pigeon and beef wellington Hong Kong-style (served on a hot iron plate). luNG KiNG HeeN 4/F, Four Seasons Hong Kong, 8 Finance St., Central, 3196-8880. Lung King Heen's chef was the first Chinese chef to receive three stars in the inaugural Michelin Guide to Hong Kong—and for good reason. Pass beneath a silver-gilded ceiling into a spacious, stylish room with warm timber floors, sleek dark wood paneling, Chinese antiques and red columns. The xiaolongbao come with little handles so they reach your mouth without breaking. The steamed shrimp and scallop dumplings with a topping of XO sauce are pure magic. lupa 3/F, LHT Tower, 31 Queen's Rd. Central, 2796-6500. Celebrity chef Mario Batali's first Hong Kong outpost serves simple, savory pastas, pizzas and secondi. Buon appetito!
madam sixtY ate 1/F, The Podium, J Senses, 60 Johnston Rd., Wan Chai, 2527-2558. An open kitchen faces the diners with a handful of chefs scurrying about—the picture of coziness. The menu is a bit eclectic, with sketches of animals morphed into plants and vice versa dotting the pages. This is a great destination buzzed about by foodies for specialties like duck confit and Toulouse sausage. maiN st. deli G/F, Langham Hotel, 8 Peking Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2132-7883. This place is based on New York’s famous Second Avenue Deli. Indeed, there are few places in the city that feature stacked Reuben sandwiches, monster burgers, or even an authentic Greek salad with feta cheese, Kalamata olives, romaine lettuce, cucumber, red onions and sweet bell pepper.
madam sixtY ate 湾仔庄士敦道 60号 J Senses 1楼, 2527-2558。 充满舒适感觉的开放式厨房正向于食客面前, 让大家能够欣赏到他们忙碌地准备食物。菜單的 设计有一点古怪,你会看到上面画满了动物,而 它们的头却会变成了一棵植物,这些图画更会分 布在整个菜單的不同页面。然而这里却是一个一 众食家的好去处,尤其是他们的油封鸭和图卢兹 香肠就更值得一试。
maiN st. deli 尖沙咀北京道 8号朗廷酒店地下, 2132-7883。 这 儿 效 法 纽 约 名 店 Second Avenue Deli, 提 供城中难得一见的黑面包厚叠咸牛肉鲁宾三明 治、巨型牛肉汉堡,甚至采用羊奶酪、卡拉马 塔橄榄、罗马生菜、黄瓜、红洋葱和甜灯笼椒 的正宗希腊沙拉。
文华厅 中环干诺道 5号文华东方酒店 25楼, 2825-4003。 看着慑人海港景色,在这家传统粤菜馆感觉 彷如置身昔日优雅年代。还用说什麽?快预 约及早到访吧!
巧精致的海鲜、肉食和甜点为你带来星期日上茶 楼吃点心的完美享受。预早到达可避免排队,早 上11时前为佳。落地玻璃窗可观赏维港景色。
名都 金钟金钟 95号统一中心 4楼, 2865-1988。 设在酒家中央的烹饪区厨师即席示范,令食客 不禁注目。玻璃柜後色彩缤纷的甜点也值得一 试。清蒸牛肉球、虾饺和烧卖、肠粉与猪肉饺放 在四处走的传统手推车上,让你得享正宗上茶楼 体验。名都是星期日吃顿轻松点心的好去处。
miJas spaNisH restauraNt 赤柱美利楼 1楼 102号店, 2899-0858。 这家西班牙餐厅位於历史悠久的美利楼,拥有空间 辽阔的阳台和怡人海景,单是环境而令人欣赏, 加上服务和食物水准更比赤柱大多食肆为高。
明阁 旺角朗豪酒店 6楼, 3552-3300。 明阁与远近驰名的唐阁属同一集团,同样优雅。 到这儿见证古玩、镀金墙板、典雅中式设计和 美食吧。菜單丰富,有广东特色美食如鲍鱼、 龙虾和乳鸽,均以高温快炒技术提升美味。侍 应生无懈可击,乐意推介餐酒或中国酒佐膳。
中环爱丁堡广场 5-7号 香港大会堂低座 2楼, 2521-1303。 这儿最能代表香港的点心文化。侍应生边推着 满载竹制蒸笼的手推车满场飞,边喊叫招徕。 餐馆总是有一大群顾客在外排队等位。多款小
nanhai no. 1
86 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
utback Steakhouse is an Australian themed steakhouse restaurant. Although beef and steak items make up a good portion of the menu, the concept offers a variety of chicken, ribs, seafood, and pasta dishes. The Company’s strategy is to differentiate its restaurants by emphasizing consistently highquality food and service, generous portions at moderate prices and a casual atmosphere suggestive of the Australian Outback. All dishes are freshly made, with only the finest ingredients and original recipes selected, from original appetizers such as the Bloomin’ Onion and Aussie Cheese Fries, to perfect combinations of Steak & Crab Leg Combo, Toowoomba Topped Sirloin, and all-time Outback favorites like Baby Back Ribs and Alice Spring Chicken, diners are guaranteed an enjoyable Outback experience.
Causeway Bay 2/F, JP Plaza, 22-36 Paterson St. Reservations: 2881 8012 Wanchai 1/F, De Fenwick, 8-12 Fenwick St. Reservations: 3101 0418 Whampoa Shop 3A, G/F, Site 4, Whampoa Garden, Hunghom Reservations: 2766 2823 Tsim Sha Tsui Shop 1, Level 2, 26 Nathan Rd. Reservations: 3741 1728
Tsim Sha Tsui East Shops 23-28, Upper Ground Floor, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Rd Reservations: 2311 7800 Tsuen Wan Shops 3-5, Level 2, Discovery Park Shopping Centre, 398 Castle Peak Rd. Reservations: 2940 0682 Taikoo Shops G9-G10, G/F, Kornhill Plaza, 1 Kornhill Rd. Reservations: 2560 8246 Tuen Mun Shop 2016-2017, 2/F, Phase 1, Tuen Mun Town Plaza Reservations: 2426 3918
maN WaH 25/F, Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Rd. Central, 2825-4003. Straight-up Cantonese fare with an amazing harbor view in an atmosphere of old-world elegance. What more can we say? Make a point of going sooner rather than later. maxim’s palace citY Hall 2/F, Low Block, City Hall, 5-7 Edinburgh Place, Central, 2521-1303. If there is one restaurant that epitomizes dim sum culture in Hong Kong, this is it. Ladies pushing carts of steaming bamboo baskets while barking out the day’s specials, large crowds of Sunday foodies waiting in line for a table and hundreds of variations of little delicious bites of seafood, meat and sweets—in other words, a perfect dim sum Sunday. Go early to avoid the lines (any time before 11am should get you a table). Floor-to-ceiling windows overlook Victoria Harbour and the Star Ferry chugging along to Kowloon and back. metropol 4/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, 2865-1988. The cooking stations at the center of the restaurant will entice you with their live demonstrations. The colorful desserts behind the glass counter are also a good bet. Steamed beef balls, har gau and shiu mai, cheung fun and pork dumplings are wheeled around in traditional trolleys for an authentic yum cha experience. Metropol is a great option for a casual Sunday dim sum. miJas spaNisH restauraNt Shop 102, 1/F, Murray House, Stanley, 2899-0858. Located in historic Murray House, with a spacious verandah and lovely sea view, this place could coast along on its setting alone, but the service and food are a cut above most Stanley offerings. miNG court 6/F, Langham Place Hotel, Mong Kok, 3552-3300. Ming Court is the sister restaurant of the famed T’ang Court and just as elegant— defined by antiques, gilded panels, elaborate Chinese designs and delicious cuisine. The menu is extensive, with 88 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
Cantonese specialties such as abalone, lobster and pigeon, and prepared with a special high-temperature stir-frying technique that seals flavors into the dishes. Staffers are near clairvoyant and happy to recommend a wine or Chinese spirit to go with your meal.
mortoN’s oF cHicaGo 4/F, Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, 20 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2732-2343. One of the best steak restaurants in Hong Kong, with prices to match. On Fridays and Saturdays, expect huge slabs of prime, aged beef and what look like the winning entries in a vegetable show. On request a “show and tell” trolley emerges covered with various cuts, broccoli, asparagus and large Idaho potatoes–it’s helpful, if a little stagey. The service is impeccable. mYuNG Ga Shop P301-302, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay, 2882-5056. Mmm... barbecued beef short ribs. Korean restaurant Myung Ga serves up such delicious marinated meats, you almost don’t need to bother with the rest of the menu. But that would be a grievous oversight, because it’s equally classic and excellent. No wonder this brightly lit venue draws so many Korean families. NaHa Shop G1015, G/F, Yiu Sing Mansion, Tai Koo Shing Rd., Tai Koo, 2186-6969. This is arguably the best Okinawan restaurant in town. The menu includes such home-style staples as green caviar and Okinawa seaweed tempura. But to get the best of what they have to offer, try the deluxe sashimi and the juicy wagyu. And remember, no Okinawan meal is complete without a bottle of awamori, the island chain’s slightly less potent version of sake. NaNHai No. 1 30/F, iSquare, 63 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2487-3688. Nanhai No. 1 does classic Chinese fare with a slightly modern flair. Seafood takes center stage here, and the restaurant offers a wide array of freshly caught fish. Choose your catch and then tell the kitchen team how you’d like it
mortoN’s oF cHicaGo
尖沙咀弥敦道 20号香港喜来登酒店 4楼, 2732-2343。 香港数一数二的扒房,价钱也绝不逊色。特级熟 成牛肉分量十足,菜式尤如蔬菜展的获奖菜。前 菜也会把你俘虏。陈列用的手推车上满载切成片 的西兰花、芦笋和大爱达荷土豆虽有点做作, 不过也很有説明,服务相当周到。
中环威灵顿街 88-90号地下, 2581-9992。 这间北越的特许经营食肆,最引以为荣的就是 专门提供最地道而正崇的河内食品。为了保持 正宗,所有食材都是以入口为主,包括来自湄 公 河 的 碎 米 、 Peliku入 口 的 高 山 咖 啡 豆 和 大 勒 的莲花茶。
意宁谷 名家 铜锣湾告士打道 280号 世贸中心P301-302号店, 2882-5056。 韩式牛仔骨美味极了。名家韩国料理提供的烤 肉美味得你几乎不用再选其他菜式。不过这样 你会不幸错过很多同样传统优秀的菜式。难怪这 个灯火通明的地方吸引了那麽多韩国家庭捧场。
金钟金钟道 88号太古广场港丽酒店 8楼, 2521-3838。 意宁谷公认是香港最好的餐厅,金融才子和富 裕的欧洲情侣最爱光顾。坦白说我们也很喜爱 这里。从香煎鹅肝玉米饼到烹调完美的墨鱼汁 意大利面、生羊架和以乾冰垫放尤如仙境美食 的精致甜点拼盘,一切都浓郁、味道丰富和创 新。服务无懈可击。
太古太古城耀星阁地下G1015号店, 2186-6969。 无可否认这是香港最好的冲绳料理。菜單包括 海葡萄和冲绳紫菜天妇罗等家常菜。不过要品 尝他们的真功夫,就要试高级鱼生和多汁的和 牛。记住,必须喝一瓶“泡盛”,是比日本清 酒温和的冲绳古酒。
兰桂坊德己立街 10号业丰大厦 4楼, 2523-0648。 年代久远的尊贵餐厅细心体贴,是那类会为你保 存开了瓶的人头马干邑让你再来时喝的地方。这 是数代长辈已来港的宁波人聚会地点。别期望 有闪亮装修,这里只有白墙和硬木圆桌。不过 食物简约传统,且很不错,小笼包和生煎包都 是这里的手制美点。
南海一号 尖沙咀弥敦道 63号iSquare国际广场 30楼, 2487-3688。 Elite Concepts将高级中菜带到iSquare国际广 场多个商号垂涎的高层。南海一号为传统中菜 增添点点时尚美。海鲜是这儿的焦点,新鲜鱼 获品种繁多。可亲自挑选後向侍应指明烹饪方 法。除此以外也可点招牌多汁的麻辣四川酱烤 蚝或清汤炖象拔蚌。
No siGNboard seaFood 铜锣湾百德新街 66-72号地下C及D号店, 2398-9959 No Signboard Seafood是一所轻松享用亚洲食 品的餐厅。这里的蟹食相当之不错,不过同样 地你都要有一定的付出。不妨一试店内的预制 白胡椒蟹钳,一尝其真正口味。
Beijing (Newly opened in November 2012 ) 2/F | Regent Hotel | 99 Jinbao Street | Dongcheng District, Beijing | 86 • 10 6523 7777 Shanghai (Food and Drink Awards 2012 Best Steakhouse – That’s Shanghai) Shop 15-16, 4/F | Shanghai ifc Mall | 8 Century Avenue | Pudong, Shanghai | 86 • 21 6075 8888 Macau (2011 Best Restaurants-Asia Tatler) The Venetian® Macau Resort Hotel | Shop 1016 The Grand Canal Shoppes Estrada Baia De N.Senhora Da Esperanca, S/N | Taipa, Macau | 853 • 8117 5000 Hong Kong (2009/2010 One Star Michelin • 2012 Best Restaurants-Asia Tatler) The Sheraton Hotel and Towers | Fourth Level | 20 Nathan Road | Kowloon | 852 • 2732 2343 Singapore (2012 Singapore Top Restaurants – Wine & Dine) Mandarin Oriental | Fourth Level | 5 Raffles Avenue | Singapore | 65 • 6339 3740
prepared. Otherwise, put your trust in the restaurant’s recommendations and go for their signature juicy baked oysters in spicy Sichuan sauce or geoduck simmered in consommé. NHa traNG 88-90 Wellington St., Central, 2581-9992. This northern Vietnamese franchise prides itself on serving traditional fare from Hanoi, insisting on authentic, imported ingredients including broken rice from the Mekong Delta, coffee beans from the Peliku highland and lotus tea from Dalat. NicHoliNi’s 8/F, Conrad Hong Kong, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2521-3838. From the seared foie gras on polenta to the perfectly cooked squid ink pasta, the rare rack of lamb to the exquisite dessert sampler (served on a bed of dry-ice induced mist), everything is rich, flavorful and innovative at Nicholini’s. NiNGbo resideNts’ associatioN 4/F, Yip Fung Building, 10 D’Aguilar St., Central, 2523-0648. This is an age-old, respected establishment, the kind that keeps your opened bottle of Remy Martin for your next visit. It’s a gathering spot for people from Ningbo, China, who came to Hong Kong generations ago. Don’t expect flashy décor, just whitewash and sturdy round tables. But the food is simple, traditional and pretty great—xiaolongbao dumplings and shengjian buns ooze handmade goodness. It's technically members only, so ask your concierge.
Nobu 2/F, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2313-2323. Mind-blowingly artistic in presentation, design and execution, this world-famous restaurant meets the hype: the best, freshest fish flown in by jet mere hours after it was caught, accented with just the right light touch of savory/sweet/salty sauces and sides. And the restaurant is just beautiful, with ambient amber and rose lighting and floor-to-ceiling harbor views that bathe the room in sunshine by day and glowing city lights by night. The sushi is a must, as is the amazing cooked black cod. oN lot 10 34 Gough St., Central, 2155-9210. It’s not often that you come across a quaint French bistro serving quality food at affordable prices. Here you can find delectable dishes like the homemade pâté provençale and deconstructed Caesar salad. Owner and chef David has worked in Alain Ducasse’s top kitchens in America and Monaco (to name but a few), and gives his own interpretation of
尖沙咀梳士巴利道 18号香港洲际酒店 2楼, 2313-2323。 简单一词“完美”足以概括一切。卖相、设计 和烹饪手法都充满慑人美感。这家世界知名餐 厅的确如宣传所言:优质新鲜的鱼在捕获後数 小时就会空运到港,配合分量刚好的咸甜酱汁 和小点,增添美味。美丽的餐厅内部四处都用 上琥珀色、玫瑰色灯光和落地玻璃临海景致, 白天阳光流泻一室,晚上都市夜色映照室内。 推介必吃寿司和烹调一流的银鳕鱼。手法迅捷 的厨师炮制出我们从未品尝过如此新鲜、纯正 和创新的日本料理。
尖沙咀弥敦道 50号香港金域假日酒店, 2315-1010。 这家气派非凡的食店已成为追求正宗家乡美食 的旅港意大利人饭堂。这里经常都挤满享受家 常菜的常客。意大利面软硬度达至完美境界, 丰富的意大利饭也是必吃之选。Osteria的自助 午餐盛宴也相当出色。
oN lot 10 中环歌赋街 34号, 2155-9210。 难得遇到一家以相宜价钱提供的精巧法国菜餐 厅。在这里你可找到美味的菜式如自家制普罗 旺斯酱、凯撒沙拉、烤鮭鱼和烧春鸡。店主和主 厨大衞曾在多家Alain Ducasse设于美国和摩纳 哥的顶级厨房工作,并重新演绎一级法国菜,没 有过多礼节,也没有吓人的价钱牌。
港湾壹号 港湾道 1号香港君悦酒店 8楼, 2584-7722。 在众多豪华酒店高级中菜厅中,这家最有气派。 占地两层楼,置身其中食客似在千里之外,下层 区域设有石荷塘。食物优雅丰盛,大量采用鲍鱼 等奢华材料。酒牌特别供应配合中菜味道的选 择。设有外卖服务,不过你怎会想在别处用餐?
北京楼 中环遮打道 16-20号历山大厦B1号店, 2526-6465。 这家隐藏于历山大厦地库的餐厅很受游客欢 迎,招牌菜有北京填鸭和其他中国特色美食。 由 於 烹 调 北 京 填 鸭 需 时 20分 钟 至 半 小 时 , 因 此侍应生会在你入座後即询门你是否需要这个 菜,以便尽早下单。餐厅以叫化鸡最为驰名, 需预早数日预订。
petrus 金钟金钟道 88号 太古广场港岛香格里拉酒店 56楼, 2820-8590。 若要用比喻的话,这里一如美酒,昂贵但物超 所值的味蕾享受。食材从法国入口,包罗从法 国主要地区出产的餐酒,选择过千,号称是亚 洲最好最长的酒水單,陈年佳酿以高价出售。 装潢富贵,景观一绝。衣冠不整,恕不招待。
No siGNboard seaFood Shop C & D, G/F, 66-72 Paterson St., Causeway Bay, 2398-9959. No Signboard Seafood is casual Asian dining at its best. The crabs here are serious—and you’ll be paying serious prices. Try the pre-cracked white pepper crustacean for a real treat.
oNe Harbour road
90 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
diNiNG & NiGHtliFe pierre
中环干诺道 5号香港文华东方酒店 25楼, 2825-4001。 在Pierre驰名的创新佳肴中见到点点亚洲味道, 实在太好了。比方说,鹅肝以四川胡椒略为提 升辣味,凝固了的奶加入姜弄成的甜点,轻盈 不膩,向油麻地本地食店的姜汁撞奶致敬,开 心果霜淇淋和巧克力姜法式杏仁饼为甜点增添 奢华品味。较为人熟悉的菜式包括甜菜根汁生 牛排,以及极其芳香的羊肉配鸡豆酱。两者卖 相吸引,新意令人惊喜。
中环遮打道 10号太子大厦 25楼, 2537-1388。 谁不想在视野一流的露天平台上舒适地躺在华 丽的家俱上。在爵士乐声下品尝美味的云吞、 巨型松脆的薄饼或丝软的天使蛋糕。
香宫 尖沙咀么地道 64号 九龙香格里拉大酒店大堂, 2733-8754。 所提供的食品既正,也别具创意之馀,卖相亦 一丝苟,难怪悉心烹调的菜式为香宫取得实至 名归的米其林两星荣誉。
中环花园道 51号科达中心 3楼, 2525-0552。 在香港好吃的素食餐厅不多,这是其中一家。 虽然设有供奉千手观音的祭坛室,这家佛教素 菜餐厅绝非禁欲地方,食物振奋人心。特色推 介是类似芙蓉煎蛋,不过是用奶白黏稠的腐皮 煎至完美松脆的香煎素件。
乐宴 provincial French food without all the frills and frightening price tags. oNe Harbour road 8/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Rd., Wan Chai, 2584-7722. Of all the fine Chinese restaurants in our many luxury hotels, this is one of the classiest. Tables are generously spaced over two floors—other diners seem miles away—and the downstairs area features a stone lily pond. The food is graceful and sumptuous, with a focus on luxury ingredients such as abalone. There is an extensive wine list specially selected to pair with Chinese flavors. Takeaway is available—but why would you want to eat anywhere else? osteria Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong, 50 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2315-1010. This classy eatery has become the canteen for Italian expats looking for a dose of authentic food from the homeland. The place is perpetually packed with regulars enjoying great home-style cooking. The pastas are cooked to al dente perfection, and the sumptuous risottos are a musttry. Osteria’s lunch buffet spreads are also good.
peKiNG GardeN Shop B1, Alexandra House, 16-20 Chater Rd., Central, 2526-6456. This famous-with-tourists restaurant tucked into the basement of Alexandra House is known for its signature Peking duck and other Chinese delicacies. The Peking duck has to be ordered in advance; one of the servers will come up to your table as soon as you are seated to ask if you want this specialty, as it takes 20 minutes to half an hour to prepare. The restaurant is also known for its beggar’s chicken, which has to be ordered days in advance.
中环德己立街 38-44号好利商业大厦 4楼, 3102-2255。 这间专门提供冲绳食品的日式餐厅,还有木材 为设计主调的居酒屋环境,均充满一份舒适感 觉。这里提供可以大家一起分享的小吃拼盘包括 炸芝士、串烧牛脷、日式腐乳和其他融合菜式。
petrus 56/F, Island Shangri-La, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2820-8590. This place can best be equated with a fine wine: expensive but so pleasing to the palate that it’s worth the money. Ingredients are flown in from France, and the wine list thoroughly covers every major region. There are more than 1,000 choices, said to be the longest and perhaps the best in Asia, with some rare vintages at stratospheric prices. The décor is opulent and the view magnificent. Jacket required.
rice paper
pierre 25/F, Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Rd. Central, 2825-4001. It’s wonderful to see a couple of Asian influences in Pierre’s famously innovative cuisine. For instance, the foie gras duo is subtly spiced with Sichuan peppers,
red bar & restauraNt 中环金融街 8号国际金融中心 2期第 4层, 8129-8882。 这地方包罗不少优秀餐厅的重要元素。高达两 层的天花、耀目的红色主调和巨大的落地玻 璃,不得不提辽阔的阳台让壮观的海港景色尽 入眼帘。毗邻Pure Fitness的健美中心,食物 包保新鲜有益,接近加洲式的健康格调。上班 族都爱在下班後来轻松一下。
尖沙咀广东道 17号 海港城港威商场 3楼 3319号铺, 3151-7801 在这美丽环境享用法式风味越南菜,人也顿时美 丽起来。食客可选择自己用米纸包自己最爱的材 料弄越式春卷。这里更有海港景色。
sabatiNi ristoraNte 尖沙嘴么地道 69号帝苑酒店 3楼, 2733-2000。 Sabatini彻 头 彻 尾 充 满 复 古 情 怀 , 由 亲 切 且 训 练有素的侍应生提供怀旧的餐桌服务,且有优 秀的现场乐队演奏。家的感觉与装满甜点的手 推车,更进一步提升餐饮享受。
三希楼 半山花园道 51号科达中心 7楼, 2838-8811。 有些人或会认为没必要为火锅食肆写食评,反正 一切都由食客自己煮的,不是吗?不过所有美食 专家都知道,好的火锅关键在於极好的汤底、 新鲜材料和一流酱汁。三希楼囊括这一切。推 介麻辣四川汤底,采用了令人麻痹的花椒和肥 美鲜红的辣椒,或者较温和的“奇异鸡”汤底。
sha tin18 沙田泽祥街 18号沙田凯悦酒店 4楼, 3723-1234。 这是酒店的旗舰中菜馆,更加赢得了一众新界 区的忠心食客欢心,便此处经常人山人海,无 他的,全赖他们的广东及北方中国美食做得出 色而已。最好就是在那个厨师表演区,一边看 着他们高超的烹调技术,一边品尝汁多味美烧 肉,醮上黄色的芥末酱,还有手拉面甚至他们 的镇店北京填鸭。
石澳中泰酒家 石澳石澳村 303号, 2809-4426。 带海旁餐厅的轻松气氛,吸引从龙脊回来、 大汗淋漓的远足客,或在沙滩游玩後脚上依然 附着细沙的家庭。食物标准可观,不少菜式都 价钱合理。咖喱、炒饭和海鲜都适合大夥儿享 用,豆腐菜式也弄得非常好。
尚兴潮州饭店 上环皇后大道西29-39号地下,2854-4557。 这家食店的卤水鹅肠可算是同类餐厅中最驰名 的了。从店铺自豪展示的无数相片可见客人包 括本地名人。初次到访的食客都会惊讶在如此 细小、吵耳和冰冻的小店会找到城中最好的潮 州菜。特色推介柠檬鸭汤、蚝仔煎和配以鱼、 猪肉和荷兰芹的经典潮州粥。
星宴 尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1号W酒店 1楼, 3717-2848。 这家装修型格的粤菜馆位於同样型格的W酒店 内,提供点心和经典中国特色菜。总厨李秉康 师傅将饺子和其他特色美食到更高层次,匠心 独运地设计每道菜式。装潢以旧香港为主题, 并经摩登演绎,单是欣赏装修已值得来一次。
sKY crYstal 尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1号 环球贸易广场 101楼B2号店, 2673-3839。 以黑豚肉制作的小笼包、金华火腿炖卷心菜、 鲍鱼老火汤、酒酿乳鸽和其他中式食品,你都 能够在这个位处101高的环海楼层中享受得到。
spices 浅水湾浅水湾道 109号影湾园地下, 2292-2821。 店子外的青葱草地上设有柚木桌子和阳伞,让客 人在香港美景前用餐。他们“富异国情调”的菜 單也值得浏览,不过你大概只会为了美景重来。
and a light “curdled milk” dessert with ginger pays homage to the milk puddings available at local shops in Yau Ma Tei, although the pistachio ice cream and chocolate ginger macaron add a very welcome, decadent touch. More familiar items on the menu include a rare beef fillet with beetroot sauce, and wonderfully aromatic lamb served with crushed chickpeas—both of which come perfectly presented, with an unexpected twist. pure VeGGie House 3/F, Coda Plaza, 51 Garden Rd., Central, 2525-0552. There aren’t many great vegetarian restaurants in Hong Kong, but this is one of them. Although it has an altar room for a thousand-armed Guanyin, this Buddhist vegetarian place is far from monastic and the food is inspirational. One of the place’s highlights is a Fuyongstyle omelette, made not of eggs but 92 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
gooey, creamy tofu skin, the sides panfried to crispy perfection. raKueN 4/F, Shop E, Ho Lee Commercial Building, 38-44 D’Aguilar St., Central, 3102-2255. This cozy little Okinawan digs with woodsy décor and an intimate izakaya atmosphere serves delectable sharing platters of deep-fried camembert, grilled ox tongue skewers, sticky tofu and other fusiony dishes. red bar & restauraNt 4/F, Two IFC, 8 Finance St., Central, 8129-8882. This place gets most things right. Spectacular double-height ceilings, glowing red accents and huge expanses of glass, not to mention the vast patio, make the most of the panoramic harbor view. As
spooN bY alaiN ducasse
尖沙咀梳士巴利道 18号香港洲际酒店, 2313-2256。 这 家 由 星 级 名 厨 Alain Ducasse开 办 的 餐 厅 景 观一流。菜單近来经过革新,将传统法国菜以 更创新的手法烹调。菜式均以高超烹饪技术炮 制,前菜尤其卓越。
九龙湾宏开道 8号其士商业中心 1楼, 2148-7773。 要吃采用最新鲜材料的大碟小炒等传统香港菜 就要到大荣华。由本地食神梁文韬主理,提供 很多菜馆已没有供应的传统围村菜。我们最爱 芋丝蒸猪肉和以砂煲蒸的滑蛋鱼肠。分量特大, 谨记勿一人前来。
嘉麟楼 尖沙咀梳士巴利道半岛酒店 1楼, 2696-6760。 传统粤菜的高级餐饮享受,服务一丝不苟。炸 奶黄包和有多款馅料的芋角都值得注意。另推 介他们令人赞叹的陈年优质中国茶。
st. GeorGe 尖沙咀广东道 2A号 Hullett House,Heritage1881, 3988-0220。 Hullett House的 高 级 餐 厅 设 有 四 个 膳 食 厅 , 高高的天花上装设了深色木梁,配以时髦的维 多利亚式椅子,是复古豪华的现代演绎。至於 食物则推介配以蟹肉、番薯茸和野蘑菰的63度 蛋。煎鹅肝也值得推介。
唐阁 尖沙咀北京道 8号朗廷酒店 1楼, 2132-7898。 这里简直是珍宝,装修富丽堂皇,提供城中最优 秀的粤菜。只需品尝蟹粉你就会明白为何本地传 媒和美食家都对食物赞不绝口,烹调、调味和时 间都掌握得准确完美,分毫不差。
千日里 中环干诺道 5号香港文华东方酒店 1楼, 2825-4009。 集结一切英式优良文化的堡垒,设有舒适的扶手 椅、友善的俱乐部气氛、100款大麦麦芽威士卡 可供选择,还有牛肉粒腰子批、香肠、土豆泥和 苹果金脆等菜式。汉堡分量特大且令人垂涎。
diNiNG & NiGHtliFe it’s attached to the Pure Fitness gym, you know what to expect in terms of food: healthy, refreshing and rather California fusion/health nut in its outlook. Popular with the after-work crowd. rice paper Shop 3319, 3/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, 3-27 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui,3151-7801. Vietnamese food with a French accent, served in beautiful surroundings to beautiful people. Diners have the option of rolling their own rice paper rolls with their favorite ingredients. And there’s even a harbor view. sabatiNi ristoraNte 3/F, The Royal Garden, 69 Mody Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2733-2000. Sabatini is all about old-school charm, with its amiable and well-trained staff, retro tableside service and endearing live band. The homey appeal makes for a great dining experience—and the sweet treats-filled dessert trolley sure helps that cause. saN xi lou 7/F, Coda Plaza, 51 Garden Rd., Mid-Levels, 2838-8811. A good hotpot (as any connoisseur knows) is all about a solid broth, fresh ingredients and great sauces, and San Xi Lou has all of these in spades. Go for a fiery Sichuan soup, which comes filled with mouth-numbing peppercorns and fat, angry red chilies, or the milder “miraculous chicken” broth—don’t go for all-spice unless you’re an utter masochist. seVVa 25/F, Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Rd., Central, 2537-1388. Who wouldn’t want to lie back comfortably on lush deck furniture atop a fabulous wraparound balcony? Savor delicate wontons, a giant, crisp dosa or a silky soft angel food cake as jazz wafts through the air. sHaNG palace LG/F, Kowloon Shangri-La, 64 Mody Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2733-8754. The authentic yet ever-innovative Cantonese cuisine at Shang Palace doesn’t lose out to the beautiful décor,
and the carefully crafted dishes have garnered Shang Palace a well-deserved two-Michelin-star rating. sHa tiN 18 4/F, Hyatt Regency, 18 Chak Cheung St., Sha Tin, 3723-1234. The hotel’s flagship Chinese restaurant has a loyal following among the New Territories crowd for its outstanding Cantonese and northern Chinese cuisine. Watch the chefs work culinary magic in the theater kitchens while you enjoy succulent pork ribs with preserved yellow bean paste, hand-pulled noodles or their decadent Peking duck. sHeK o cHiNese-tHai seaFood 303 Shek O Village, Shek O, 2809-4426. The ambience is seaside-casual, with customers ranging from sweaty hikers just descended from Dragon’s Back to barefoot families still sandy from the beach. The food is standard and decent, and there’s plenty of it at reasonable prices. Curries, fried rice and seafood are crowd-pleasers, and tofu dishes are very well done.
tHe priNcipal
上环德辅道 323号西港城 2楼, 2815-2311。 这家古堡式餐厅位於殖民地时期建筑物西港城的 顶楼,以巨大水晶灯装饰,并有现场音乐,你甚 至可随心跳起社交舞来。点心顶呱呱。
湾仔星街 9号, 2563-3444。 The Principal充满一份简约而柔和的色彩,当 然,我所说的只是其环境。这里面积达4,300平 方呎,拥有一个高楼底,而且每一件布置都是恰 到好处。The Principal的总厨Jonay Armas就最 擅长为大家送上他于西班牙故乡Canary Islands 的家乡菜式。
库克厅 中环干诺道 5号文华东方酒店, 2825-4014。 酒店行政总厨Uwe Opocensky于米其林三星级 餐厅El Bulli受训。库克厅有多款库克香槟佳酿 可供品尝,营造独特的餐饮体验。菜單有套餐 和多款菜式。为确保客人得享最个人的餐饮经 验,餐厅每次只招待10名宾客。
太平山餐厅 山顶道 121号, 2849-1000。 位於山顶前身为轿棚的殖民地历史建筑内,是 真正可自选环境的用餐体验。视乎天气,你可 选择在平台或开放式火炉旁的桌子。景观有限 不过气氛一流。提供环球美食。
tHe press room 中环荷李活道 108号, 2525-3444。 The Press Room自从开业那天以来已成为热 门话题,在苏豪/荷李活道一带竟然有一家空 间宽敞的餐厅,提供同样精致繁锦的法国火腿 乾酪吐司和伊朗鱼子,在该区简直是稀有的餐 厅。这里有着纽约色彩、大窗子、开放式厨房、 蚝吧和餐酒角落。
tHe VeraNdaH 浅水湾浅水湾道 109号影湾园, 2292-2822。 其中一家香港仅存的殖民地色彩餐室。The Verandah雄伟得恰到好处。周末在通爽的餐厅 和户外平台享用午餐最适合不过。这里的星期 天自助早午餐是城中数一数二的美食。爽脆的 凯撒沙拉和新鲜海鲜与阿拉斯加龙虾、腌带子 和奶饲羊肉争妍斗丽。
添好运 旺角广华街 8号翠园大楼 8号店, 2332-2896。 要找这家外小店,只需在广华街找店外有长长 人龙的店铺就行。这家餐厅由米其林三星餐厅 龙景轩前点心师傅培哥开办,难怪在饮食界引 起广泛关注。必吃推介有酥皮焗叉烧包和布拉 鲜虾肠粉,两者都会令你肚皮和钱包满足快乐。
sHeuNG HiNG cHiu cHoW restauraNt G/F, 29-39 Queen’s Rd. West, Sheung Wan, 2854-4557. Part of a series of restaurants known locally as “Soya Goose Row,” this eatery is perhaps the most famous of them all. The clientele ranges from local celebrities—as the numerous pictures on the wall proudly demonstrate—to shivering first-timers looking bewildered that this tiny, noisy and bitterly cold room is where you’ll find some of the best Chiu Chow food in town. Highlights are the lemon duck soup, baby oyster omelet and the classic Chiu Chow congee served with fish, pork and parsley. siNG YiN 1/F, W Hotel, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 3717-2848. This stylishly furnished Cantonese restaurant serves dim sum and classic Chinese specialties at the equally stylish W Hotel. Chef Bryan Lee takes dumplings and other delicacies to whole new levels, putting heart and effort into each of his creations. The décor is a modern take on old-style Hong Kong, and it’s worth a visit just to see it.
sKY crYstal Shop B2, 101/F, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2673-3839. Serving xiaolongbao with kurobuta pork, braised cabbage with jinhua ham, doubleboiled abalone soup, wine-saturated pigeon and other Chinese delicacies 101 floors above sea level, Sky Crystal is the perfect fit for a high society meal. spices G/F, The Repulse Bay, 109 Repulse Bay Rd., Repulse Bay, 2292-2821. Spices has an enviable location spilling out onto the grassy terrace of The Repulse Bay (a high-end apartment complex), with teak tables and umbrellas overlooking one of the finest views in Hong Kong. Their menu of myriad Asian dishes is worth checking out, but you will likely come back just because it’s such a fine place to spend the day. spooN bY alaiN ducasse InterContinental HongKong, 18 Salisbury Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2313-2323. This restaurant by celebrity chef Alain Ducasse is gorgeous, with a spectacular view. The menu offers more innovative takes on classic French cuisine. The food is skillfully prepared; the appetizers particularly transcendent. spriNG mooN 1/F, The Peninsula, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 2696-6760. It’s traditional Cantonese fine dining with impeccable service. Notable dim sum items include their deep-fried custard buns and taro puff with various stuffings. And check out their amazing selection of vintage and premium Chinese teas. st. GeorGe Hullett House, 1881 Heritage, 2A Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 3988-0220. Hullett House’s fine-dining venture is a modern interpretation of old-school grandeur, with dark wooden beams running along the high ceiling and sleek Victorian-style chairs neatly arranged in the restaurant’s four dining rooms. Food-wise, try the signature 63-degree eggs served with crabmeat velouté, sweet potato purée and wild 94 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
mushrooms. Also worth checking out is the pan-fried foie gras. tai WiNG WaH 1/F, Chevalier Commercial Centre, 8 Wang Hoi Rd., Kowloon Bay, 2148-7773. Traditional Hong Kong cuisine consists of huge stir-fry dishes made of the freshest ingredients. Enter Tai Wing Wah. Run by local food personality Hugo Leung, it serves ultra-traditional walled village dishes, most of which have disappeared from local menus. Our favorites are the steamed shredded taro with pork, and steamed egg with fish intestines in a clay pot. Portions are big, so remember to bring a friend. t’aNG court 1/F, Langham Hotel, 8 Peking Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2132-7898. This is a gem, serving some of the city’s finest Cantonese cuisine in imperial surroundings. Local media and foodies fall over themselves awarding accolades to the food. Just order the shredded crab to find out why: perfectly cracked, perfectly seasoned and cooking time judged to the millisecond. tHe cHiNNerY 1/F, Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Rd. Central, 2825-4009. It’s a bastion of the best of Britishness: we’re talking cozy armchairs, a clubby atmosphere, 100 single malt whiskies to choose from and a menu featuring steak and kidney pie, bangers and mash and apple crumble. The burgers are enormous and mouth-watering. tHe GraNd staGe 2/F, Western Market, 323 Dex Voeux Rd. Central, Sheung Wan, 2815-2311. Located atop the colonial-era Western Market, this is a cavernous restaurant with a massive chandelier that serves excellent dim sum. tHe KruG room Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Rd. Central, 2825-4014. Chef de cuisine Uwe Opocensky trained at the three-Michelin-star restaurant El Bulli. The Krug Room offers a unique dining experience based around sampling different Krug champagne vintages. Tasting menus are available,
尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1号 环球贸易广场香港丽思卡尔顿酒店 102楼, 2263-2270. 香港拥有世界上最美丽的城市美景,其中在城中 最高的大厦俯瞰这个城市的景貎,更加是其中一 个重要景点。位於香港丽思卡尔顿酒店的豪华中 菜厅天龙轩,相信就只有他们的美味菜式才能让 你从这个美景中分心。毋须多说,这里大厨为食 客所提供的美点,当然是帝皇级的广东美食。
香港仔黄竹坑深湾码头珍宝海鲜舫顶层, 2552-3331。 这个位於香港仔港湾内世界知名、俗艳得来极 好的珍宝海鲜舫顶层曾经是职员打麻将的休息 室,现已改装成一家型格、设有 300个座位的 露天餐厅,提供鸡尾酒、寿司吧和休息室。你 可在巨大的酒廊椅子上安坐,享用新鲜空运到 港的龙虾、海鲜拼盘和其他环球美食。
tosca toKio Joe 中环兰桂坊 16号, 2525-1889。 位於引人入胜,宁静,并以黑木布置而成的餐 厅,为大家提供各式小吃。当中有可添吃的毛 豆,还有铺满炸香蒜片和酱油的新鲜辣味番 茄,面层再加上一点盐花点缀。总之每道小吃 都是令人食指大动而且物有所值。
尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1号 环球贸易广场香港丽思卡尔顿酒店 102楼, 2263-2270。 意大利南部美食是最优质的。这间型格、华丽的 开放式厨房餐,让香港丽思卡尔顿酒店更显其高 贵气质。提醒大家,所有食客都要衣冠整齐。
diNiNG & NiGHtliFe along with a selection of a la carte dishes. The restaurant accommodates only 10 guests at a time to ensure an intimate dining experience. tHe peaK looKout 121 Peak Rd., The Peak, 2849-1000. Situated in a historic colonial building (a former sedan-chair shed) atop The Peak, this is true destination dining. Depending on the weather, book a table on the terrace or next to the open fireplace. Views are limited but the atmosphere is fabulous. International menu. tHe press room 108 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2525-3444. Hot news since the day it opened, The Press Room is a rare beast in the Hollywood Road area—a spacious restaurant that serves up both a croque monsieur and Iranian caviar with the same grace and panache. This is a goodlooking restaurant, with a New York vibe, huge windows, open kitchen, oyster bar and wine nook. tHe priNcipal 9 Star St., Wan Chai, 2563-3444. The Principal is all about understatement and a neutral color palette—well, that, and space. This establishment is 4,300 square feet with high ceilings, but there’s nothing overwhelming about it. The Principal’s head chef Jonay Armas serves dishes from his childhood home in the Canary Islands.
Opened by three-Michelin-starred Lung King Heen’s former dim sum chef, Pui Gor, it’s not hard to see why this restaurant has generated so much buzz in the dining circuit. Must-try items include the baked barbecue pork buns and steamed shrimp rice rolls, both of which will leave your stomach and your wallet happy. tiN luNG HeeN 102/F, Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2263-2270. Hong Kong has some of the best city views in the world, and one prime spot from which to take them in is from the top of the tallest building in the city. At the Ritz’s posh Chinese restaurant Tin Lung Heen, though, the only thing that could possibly distract you from a view this good is the food. Unsurprisingly, given the hotel’s pedigree, chefs here dish up a refined Cantonese feast fit for a king.
VieW 62
中环威灵顿街 15-19号地下, 2525-6338。 翠华作为香港最出色和繁忙的茶餐厅之一,优质 创新的食物收费合理,且定期有新菜式推出。较 成功的烹饪作品包括鱼汤和猪软骨拉面。另外, 海鲜亦是翠华特色美食,特别推介鱼蛋。其他不 容错过的美食包括香气四溢的中式咖喱、海南鸡 饭和奶油吐司。
湾仔皇后大道东 183号合和中心 62楼, 2574-6262。 这间旋转餐厅位於合和中心顶楼,并由星级总 厨Ferran Adria-protégé Paco Roncero坐镇。 他所炮制的摩登西班牙食品,全部都以试管和液 体氮化的形式表现在食客眼前,无论是一杯茶还 是一顿美食,都是令人相当难忘。
湾仔谢菲道 414-424号地下 1-2号店, 2573-7698。 湾仔骆克道421425号地下,2834-6818。 两家分店都不过是咫尺之遥,而餐厅的设计就 似是在隐身在一个小洞穴中,而且装修充满一 份禅式摩登风格。两家店均提供大而甜美、洒 上炒蒜和辣椒的避风塘辣蟹。
尖沙咀弥敦道 118-130号 The Mira HongKong, 2315-5999。 Whisk格 调 典 雅 精 致 , 且 富 现 代 美 感 。 餐 厅 采 富太空时尚感的单色主题,并以设计师家俱作 布 置 。 美 丽 的 室 外 天 台 花 园 “ Vibes” 里 , 客 席唱片骑师选播音乐,让你在舒适、遮有天篷 和绿树青葱的环境进餐。一切当代法国料理均 以最新鲜时令食材烹调,菜單经常更新。实属 登峰造极的欧陆餐饮享受。
toKio Joe G/F, 16 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, 2525-1889. Nestle into this charming, quiet, darkwood restaurant for a range of snacks, from a refillable bowl of edamame to freshly chilled tomatoes drizzled with aromatic fried garlic in soy sauce, topped with a sprinkling of salt. Each and every dish is lip smackingly delicious and worth the money.
tHe VeraNdaH The Repulse Bay, 109 Repulse Bay Rd., Repulse Bay, 2292-2822. One of the last colonial-style dining rooms left in Hong Kong, The Verandah is suitably grand. It’s a wonderful venue for weekend lunches, with an airy dining room and outdoor terrace. The Sunday brunch buffet is one of the best in town: crunchy Caesar salads and fresh seafood vie for attention with Alaskan lobster, marinated scallops and milk-fed lamb.
top decK Top Deck, Jumbo Kingdom, Shum Wan Pier Dr., Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen, 2552-3331. Once the staff mahjong parlor atop the world-famous, kitschy-cool Jumbo Kingdom in Aberdeen's harbor, Top Deck is now a stylish, 300-seat alfresco restaurant complete with cocktails, a sushi bar and a chilled-out lounge. You can munch on jet-fresh oysters, seafood platters and other international fare while relaxing in huge lounge chairs.
tim Ho WaN Shop 8, Tsui Yuen Mansion, 8 Kwong Wah St., Mong Kok, 2332-2896. If you’re looking for this vaunted holein-the-wall, just head over to Kwong Wah Street and look for the place with the giant line of people waiting outside.
tosca 102/F, Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2263-2270. Southern Italian cuisine at its finest. This stylishly dapper, open-kitchen eatery is well in keeping with Ritz-Carlton’s WHERE G UEST B OOK 95
namesake luxury. Diners be warned: there’s a dress code. tsui WaH restauraNt G/F, 15-19 Wellington St., Central, 2525-6338. One of Hong Kong’s best and busiest quick-service restaurants, Tsui Wah offers good, innovative food at reasonable prices and regularly updates its menu. Its more successful culinary creations include fish-essence soup and pork cartilage with noodles—succulent, but not for the faint of heart. uNder bridGe spicY crab Shop 1-2, G/F, 414-424 Jaffe Rd., Wan Chai, 2573-7698; 421-425 Lockhart Rd., Wan Chai, 2834-6818. The Under Bridge Spicy Crab restaurants are all within walking distance of each other, varying from a hole-in-the-wall to a Zen-modern interior. But they all serve typhoon-shelter crabs—large, sweet crustaceans topped with mounds of fried garlic and chili.
yun fu
96 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
VieW 62 62/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Rd. Central, Wan Chai, 2574-6262. This revolving restaurant at the top of Hopewell Centre has Ferran Adriaprotégé Paco Roncero at the helm. Modern Spanish cuisine—which involves things coming out of tubes and liquid nitorgenized—is offered, as is an impressive selection of teas at the end of the meal. WHisK The Mira, 118-130 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2315-5999. Whisk is sophistication with a hip edge. The restaurant is decked out in space-chic monochromes and designer furnishings. It’s connected to a beautiful outdoor garden roof terrace, called Vibes, where guest DJs spin tunes amid comfy, canopied tables and lush greenery. It’s all about contempo-European cuisine made with the freshest seasonal ingredients here, and the menu changes regularly. This is continental fine dining at its best.
Wooloomooloo prime
尖沙咀弥敦道 100号The ONE 21楼, 2870-0087。 瑰 丽 堂 皇 的 Wooloomooloo开 宗 名 义 就 是 为 一 众嗜扒之士而设。当中有由 200日的谷饲澳大 利亞牛排到不同部分肉质的美国牛肉均一应俱 全。其中由10安士到20安士的分量都有,想尽 情享受这一块肉扒,最好就是从他们的一系列 名酿中点选一支红酒佐食。
中环云咸街 63号巴力大厦 3楼, 2537-5555。. 餐厅在那冰冷的寿司吧枱上,以型格时尚的方 式将鱼生美食呈现食客眼前。
囍宴厨·艺(私房菜) 湾仔湾仔道 83号 3楼, 2575-6966。 囍宴是将传统中国菜与泛亚味道融和的私房菜 餐厅。以传统饮宴风格上菜,菜單均按时令转 变以确保材料新鲜。这家餐厅大获成功後,经 营者兼星级名厨余健志将致胜方程式复制并在 不同地区开设分店,如较轻松而同样可口、位 於永丰街的囍宴甜·艺。
小南国 尖沙咀北京道 1号 10楼, 2527-8899。 在这里享用上海菜式,例如绍兴醉鸡、灌汤饺 和生煎包的同时,亦能远眺一望无际的维港美 景,保证你可以在这里得到一份满意称心的中 式用餐体验。目的就是希望缔造出一份只有在 江南找到的花园景色。
欣图轩 尖沙咀梳士巴利厘道 18号 香港洲际酒店地下, 2313-2323。 欣图轩是其中一家你会留作与挚亲相聚的地方。 服务五星级的侍应会待你如贵宾。食物如何? 每一道菜都美味可口,单是一汤匙响螺鱼肚和 中国椰菜云腿北菰就值得远道而来。其他推介 有鲍鱼和经典甜醋生炒排骨。
夜上海 尖沙咀广东道 3号香港马哥孛罗酒店 6楼, 2376-3322。 夜上海在香港有两家分店,不过要选的话我们 较喜欢九龙分店,为的是它延绵、极好的中式 陈设。至於食物方面,出色的高级上海菜,分 量适合与人共用。推荐小笼包、淡水虾和樟茶 鸭配荷叶饼。
怡东轩 铜锣湾告士打道 281号怡东酒店, 2837-6790。 这间正宗的广东菜馆,把广东菜式订立新标准。 凭其精炼的烹调技术和制作食品的细致工艺,让 怡东轩于年内获奖无数。于入口处穿过层层的竹
diNiNG & NiGHtliFe Wooloomooloo prime 21/F, The One, 100 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2870-0087. This elegant Wooloomooloo outpost is a must for serious steak lovers. Choose from 200-day grain-fed Australian steaks as well as other selected cuts from the US, ranging from 10-ounce to hearty 20-ounce cuts, all while enjoying a perfectly paired glass of red from the decadent wine rack. xi YaN priVate diNiNG restauraNt 3/F, 83 Wan Chai Rd., Wan Chai, 2575-6966. Xi Yan is a private kitchen that blends traditional Chinese cuisine with panAsian flavors. After the wild success of this restaurant, proprietor celebrity chef Jacky Yu replicated his winning formula around town, including the more casual and equally delicious Xi Yan Sweets on nearby Wing Fung Street. xiao NaN Guo at oNe peKiNG 10/F, One Peking, 1 Peking Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2527-8899. Promising a soothing and spectacular Chinese dining experience, enjoy signature Shanghainese dishes such as drunken chicken in Shaoxing wine, steamed pork and soup dumplings and pan-fried crispy pork soup buns, all while enjoying panoramic views of the harbor. xuaN susHi 3/F, Parekh House, 63 Wyndham St., Central, 2537-5555. Exquisitely presented sashimi in a chic, modern resto with an achingly cool sushi bar? Sign us up. YaN toH HeeN LG/F, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2313-2323. Yan Toh Heen is one of those special places you reserve for your nearest and dearest. Expect to be treated like a VIP by the five-star staff. As for the food? Everything is delicious—just a spoonful of the fish maw with sea whelk and Chinese cabbage with Yunnan ham and mushrooms warrants a visit.
xi YaN
Ye sHaNGHai 6/F, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, 3 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2376-3322. There are two branches of Ye Shanghai, but if we had to choose we’d pick the Kowloon branch for its sprawling, fabulous nouveau Chinois décor. As for the food, it’s good, upscale Shanghainese cuisine served in shareable portions. Go for dishes such as xiaolongbao, river shrimps and the camphor-smoked duck with pancakes. Yee tuNG HeeN The Excelsior Hotel, 281 Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay, 2837-6790. This authentic restaurant brings a new standard to Cantonese fine dining to Hong Kong and has won many accolades over the years for its sophisticated techniques and carefully crafted foods. Featuring a bold bamboo patterned entrance, a floral interior and five separate private dining rooms, Yee Tung Heen imbues Chinese dining with an incredibly sophisticated vibe.
YuN Fu B/G, 43-55 Wyndham St., Central, 2116-8855. From the outside, Yun Fu resembles a historical museum, with its grand stone door and the faint light seeping out from underground. Down the dark staircase it opens to a hip bar, with bamboo seats surrounded by a glossy bar table. Cruising into the main dining room, you’ll find the place packed with pilgrims coming for its lauded interior design and its northern Chinese food. Each dish is named after a four-word Chinese phrase. Zuma 5/F-6/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Rd., Central, 3657-6388. If Zuma were human, it would be a supermodel. This is one good-looking restaurant, split over two floors and linked by a sumptuous curving staircase. It’s the Hong Kong branch of London’s famous Japanese restaurant, offering a sophisticated twist on the traditional izakaya (informal bar-restaurant). It works, with dishes that are authentic but not traditional. The yuzu seabass sashimi is a standout.
幕,以碎花作布置的室内环境,还有那五间私人 宴会厅,使怡东轩拥有一份中式餐饮的气派。
黄色门厨房 中环阁麟街 37号 6楼, 2858-6555。 这家香港原创的私房菜餐厅早于九十年代後期 已开业。仍然是嗜辣者最爱的餐厅之一。菜式 融汇四川和北京菜,除了炒椰菜苗外几乎所有 菜式都挺辣的。推介豆瓣蒸鱼和辣酱牛排,两 者都配有看来辣得吓人的辣椒油,不过就算把 舌头烫热,也很值得。
云府 中环云咸街 43-55号地库, 2116-8855。 从外部看,云府像极历史博物馆,既有雄伟的 石门又有地底泻出的昏暗灯光。沿暗黑的楼梯 进入以竹椅围绕明亮吧台的时尚酒吧。漫步进 主餐室,你会发现许多专程为令人赞誉的室内 设计和北方中国菜而来朝圣的人。每道菜都以 中国四字成语命名。
Zuma 中环皇后大道 15号置地广场 5楼及 6楼, 3657-6388。 如果Zuma是人的话,它必定是个超级模特。这 家好看的餐厅分成两层并以美极的弧形楼梯连 接。这是伦敦著名的日本料理餐厅于香港开設 的分店,将传统居酒屋(不拘礼节的酒吧兼餐 厅)注入优雅元素,效果出奇的好,菜式地道 而不老土。以柚子鲈鱼鱼生最出色。
bars 8tH estate WiNerY Room 306, 3/F, Harbour Industrial Center, 10 Lee Hing St., Ap Lei Chau, 2518-0922. Hong Kong’s only homegrown winery is a cool, out-of-the-way venue for any occasion. With a spacious terrace with sea view as well as an atmospheric room lined with wine barrels, 8th Estate is the ideal place to go for a relaxed afternoon. amo eNo Shop 3027, 3/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2954-9922. This wine bar brings drinking straight into the digital age, with interactive touchscreen tables that display background information about each drink. Founder Andrew Bradbury also designed an Octopus-like card for patrons that can store data about their previous experiences so that each time they visit, all they have to do is tap it on the table and continue where they left off.
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aNtique 1/F, Walden Hotel, 353 Hennessy Rd., Wan Chai, 3678-3978. This hidden gem is old-school China chic. Walk through its old wooden door to step back in time. Warm reds color the walls, and subdued lighting adds to the lounge ambiance. The drinks list falls in line with the name, reading like a history book of cocktails. Go back a century or two with sours (calvados, amaretto) or juleps (made with crushed ice, mint and sugar). On the playlist is Motown, R&B, soul, Chet Baker and anything with a chilled-out vibe. aqua spirit 29/F-30/F, 1 Peking Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 3427-2288. This bar redefines the notion of having a sophisticated drink with friends. Quoted as one of the best bars in Hong Kong, Aqua has stunning harbor and city views. babY buddHa 18 Wo On Lane, Central, 2167-7244. This hidden bar, located off of busy D’Aguilar Street on Wo On Lane and decorated with pretty red fairy lights,
酒吧 8tH estate WiNerY 鸭脷洲利兴街 10号港湾工贸中心 3楼 306室, 2518-0922。 位处偏远的一间唯一在本地出产葡萄酒的酿酒 厂,能为任何团体聚会提供场地安排。店内拥 有一个能远眺海景的广阔阳台和一个四周围满 酒桶充满酒庄气氛的环境。
amo eNo 中环金融街 8号国际金融中心商场 3楼 3027号铺, 2954-9922。 酒吧内有互动的触碰式屏幕桌子,用来显示出 每 种 酒 酿 的 背 景 资 料 。 创 办 人 Andrew Bradbury亦设计出一张如同八达通拍卡,让顾客可 以储存他们每一次光顾过这里的资料。这里 也有储存与酒酿有关的设计师资料,例如独一 无二的玻璃酒瓶和爵士杯,让你既可以品尝, 也亦可以把它们带回家去。
aNtique 湾仔轩尼斯道 353号华登酒店 1楼, 3678-3978。 店内的饮品都全有名字。重回一个或两个世纪 之前的酸(法国苹果白兰地酒、意大利苦杏 酒)或冰镇薄荷酒(以碎冰、薄荷和糖调制而 成)。至於店内播放的乐曲,则由美国底特律 到摇滚乐、灵魂音乐、Chet Baker和其他各种 可以令你感到轻松的乐曲。
aqua spirit 尖沙咀北京道 1号 29至 30楼, 3427-2288。 这间位於摩天大厦上的雅致场所,是让你鸟瞰 海港最理想的地方。这里被誉为是香港最佳的酒 吧,其鸡尾酒的选择相当多,其中包括Aqua 的 mixologist和Manual Soro等自家创作的饮品。
babY buddHa 中环兰桂坊和安里 18号, 2167-7244。 这间酒吧整店布满红色装饰和灯饰,并提供强 劲的音乐,这里经常人山人海。大家可以随时 加入人群,在其宽阔的院子中,拿着酒杯一起 谈天说地。
bacKstaGe liVe 中环威灵顿街 52-54号 1楼, 2167-8985。 Backstage位 於 中 环 的 心 脏 地 带 , 主 要 提 供 不 同鸡尾酒,而这些鸡尾酒都是以在这里播放的 香港歌曲命名。店後的主题服装室,顾客毋须 预约,欢迎随时内进,试穿里面的服饰或者使 用提供的化妆品画出不同的模样。
bisous 中环云咸街 33号LKF Tower 9楼, 2501-0002。 酒吧充满紫色、金色和黑色色调布置。这间只 招待会员的酒吧,能够带你重回历史时期的歌 舞表演夜总会和备有女郎跳舞的滑稽歌舞剧娱 乐场所。别忘了一试他们最具挑战性的Deadly Sin Martini饮品。
bars offers a great alternative to the loud music and large crowds. Join the crowds of people chatting with drinks outside in the large courtyard. bacKstaGe liVe 1/F, Somptueux Central, 52-54 Wellington St., Central, 2167-8985. This live music venue in the middle of Central has a range of interesting cocktails, all named after the songs of the bands that play there. bisous 9/F, LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham St., Central, 2501-0002. Rich purples, golds and blacks set the tone at this burlesque bar. Oozing sensuality and seduction, this membersonly club transports you back to a bygone era of cabaret and burlesque entertainment, complete with dancing girls. Be sure to try the devilish Deadly Sin Martini. blcKbrd 6/F, 8 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, 2545-8555. This chilled-out spot has an official “no loud music” policy, making it the perfect place for a few low-key drinks with friends. Located on the sixth floor, Blckbrd is cut off from the gaggles of people on the street, but the outdoor terrace offers a serene place to watch the world go by. bouJis 37 Pottinger St., Central, 2324-0200. Taking cue from its highly successful and celeb-endorsed model in London, Boujis establishes an Asian branch in Hong Kong. The moody space comes alive at night with house, electro and similarly buzzing sounds. buddHa louNGe L/G, Amber Lodge, 23 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2526-2562. A minimalist, intimate setting is the backdrop for a pretty sexy mix of young and mature patrons with a soft spot for lounge-y, chillout beats played by resident DJs Bikash and Vissal. butler 5/F, Mody House, 30 Mody Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2724-3828. Masayuki Uchida, the half-Cantonese, half-Japanese owner of this posh, all-
wooden Japanese bar, allegedly knows 2,000 cocktail recipes by heart. This nightspot is exclusive, fitting only 18 people and allowing groups with a maximum of five people. ceNtral WiNe club 3/F, Sea Bird House, 22-28 Wyndham St., 2147-3448. This new and exclusive wine club on Wyndham Street has the connoisseur in mind. Luxe, sleek, and modern-baroque surrounds complement slow jazz and contemporary tunes. dusK till daWN 76 Jaffe Rd., Wan Chai, 2528-4689. Some believe the stage at Dusk till Dawn plays host to the best live cover bands our city has to offer. A solid place to fall into at the end of a messy night in Wan Chai. eiVissa 77 Wyndham St., Central, 2520-5818. Dark, small and sleek, this venture from the Cafe Deco Group has an intimate feel. The specialty cocktails here are innovative, from elderflower and tiramisu martinis to a raspberry caipirinha. You can skim through the whole menu on iPads. tHe FlYiNG WiNemaKer G-UG/F, 31 Wyndham St., Central, 2522-2187. Close to all the LKF action, The Flying Winemaker is a cool, hip new hangout for wine aficionados and newbies alike. Customers can taste different types of wine by the glass (in plastic cups—no pretentiousness here) and then buy the bottles.
dusK till daWN
中环摆花街 8号 6楼, 2545-8555。 Blckbrd有一个“严禁嘈吵音乐”的规条,位处 六楼,正好与街上热闹的人隔开,但其户外之 处,却又能提供一个宁静的环境,让你看着这 个停不了的世界。不妨体验一下其最优质的威 士波旁威士卡,当然还有那旧式的内格罗尼酒。
湾仔谢斐道 76号, 2528-4689。 有人认为Dusk Till Dawn网罗了全城最好的现 场乐队到店内的台上表演,其绝妙的氛围和热 闹的群众,让Dusk Till Dawn将自己定型为区 内非一般的酒吧。
eiVissa bouJis 中环砵甸乍街 37号, 2324-0200。 继在伦敦获得空前成功与及得到一众伦敦名流绅 士的支持,Boujis将整个经营模式搬到香港成立首 间亚洲分店。这个气氛醉人的空间在晚上就会变 得多姿多采,全个酒吧内充满着各式劲歌音乐。
中环云咸街 77号, 2520-5818。 Cafe Deco Group旗下这间以皮革装饰的长条型 座位,与店内那黑墙身及紫色灯光感觉和谐。店 内最特别的鸡尾酒就是从骨木花到巴西国酒红莓 CAIPIRINHA卡依冰林雅的味道都有齐。你还可以 在iPad上直接读放在酒吧或整个酒吧上的酒单。
buddHa louNGe
tHe FlYiNG WiNemaKer
中环荷李活道 23号金珀苑地下, 2526-2562。 酒吧内以简约抽象而和谐的背景布置,还可以 跟 唱 片 骑 师 Bikash和 Vissal播 放 的 音 乐 , 随 着 拍子轻松一下。
中环云咸街 31号地下及G/F及UG/F, 2522-2187。 The Flying Winemaker适合爱酒之士或者新手入 门前来。顾客可以逐杯品尝不同味道的佳酿(利用 塑胶杯给你试味——绝不矫饰)然後再决定买。 店内也会提供酒酿的礼盒和各种不同的酒盒。
butler 尖沙咀麽地道 30号 Mody House 5楼, 2724-3828。 中日混血儿Masayuki Uchida是这间高级全木制 装修的日式酒吧负责人。店内拥有多达2,000种 鸡尾酒,但不是所有饮品都能在酒单上找到。 你可以请他为你度身订造一杯。这里只能容纳 18位顾客或者只有五人为一组的小组形式。每 人需付30港元的服务费,以及最低消费为200 港元。虽然如此,这间酒吧都是物有所值的。
Flutes 中环伊利近街 27号, 2810-0005。 这里附近就只有这一家专卖香槟的酒吧。专门 提供Moet Mondays(星期一Moet香槟酒)和 Oyster Tuesdays( 蚝 味 星 期 二 ) 给 一 众 知 音 之士,以确保可以尝尽各式最受欢迎的饮品: 包括Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut。
HaVaNa bar ceNtral WiNe club 中环云咸街 22-28四宝大楼 3楼, 2147-3448。 酒吧高贵和时尚的巴罗克式风格的布置,充满 着慢拍的爵士和当代音乐的调子。这里还有3 间独立的贵宾房,最适合怕被其他非我族类人 士骚扰的人士使用。
中环德己立街 21号The Plaza 4楼, 2851-4880。 位於德己立街,以古巴风格为主题的这间酒吧, 为大家送上加勒比海的传统鸡尾酒如daiquiris和 mojitos以及其他冧酒类饮品。想到户外空间轻松 一下,这里的平台也是个不错的选择。
Flutes 27 Elgin St., Central, 2810-0005. As the only champagne bar in the area, this bubbly place is particularly hopping on Moet Mondays and Oyster Tuesdays. Make sure to sample the most popular variety: the Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut. HaVaNa bar 4/F, The Plaza, 21 D’Aguilar St., Central, 2851-4880. This Cuban-themed bar on D’Aguilar Street serves up Caribbean classics like daiquiris, mojitos and drinks with all different sorts of rum. Awesome
aqua spirit
terrace available for some serious outdoor chilling. Hard rocK caFÉ LG/F, LKF Tower, 55 D'Aguilar St., Central, 2111-3777. Amid a bar, an area for live music and memorabilia from local and international bands, try some award-winning cocktails while listening to the in-house band jam. iNseNses LG, 13 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, 2815-0868. This underground mini club has an incredibly friendly vibe, playing everything from indie music to drum ‘n’ bass to techno. Comes with outdoor patio. iNsomNia LG/F, 38-44 D'Aguilar St., Central, 2525-0957. If there’s nothing you love better than moshing to “Living on a Prayer” in front of a long-haired cover band at three in the morning, Insomnia is the place to go. This long-standing Hong Kong establishment naturally blasts awesome covers of rock classics right into the wee hours. Jaa bar Pak Tsz Lane, Central, 9099-2027. With modern art lining the walls and cozy, classy couches, Jaa Bar incorporates comfort and charm for a truly exclusive experience. lioN rocK 3/F, Royal Plaza Hotel, 193 Prince Edward Rd. West, Mong Kok, 2622-6167. Lion Rock is the place to unwind and relax while sampling one of the bar’s signature cocktails. Enjoy the awesome view at their weekly wine and whisky tastings, and recharge with their sushi and all-day dining services. tHe laWN 6/F, The Upper House, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 3968-1106. This outdoor garden illuminated entirely by a few candles is a genuine urban oasis with a serene, intimate vibe. Melt away the stresses of work while lounging atop the tastefully arranged beanbags and comfortable couches.
100 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
HaVaNa bar
l’ÉtaGe 33-35 Staunton St., Central, 2522-5300. This bar has the feel of a true gentlemen’s club, a place to sit back and relax with a traditionally made cocktail in one hand and a cigar in another. It’s worth coming back just to watch head bartender Katsuhisa Hirakawa hand-carve spheres of ice for whisky. maGNum 3/F-4/F, Silver Fortune Plaza, 1 Wellington St., Central, 2116-1602. A stomping group for celebrities that is nominally members only, it can be difficult to get into this centrally located club unless you’re a member. oZoNe 118/F, Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2263-2263. Located 118 floors above the ground, this bar boasts the title of the highest bar in Hong Kong. With an extensive—and expensive—menu of bubbly bottles and cocktails,this bar is a must-see, mainly because of its sky-high, drop-dead gorgeous lookout onto Victoria Harbour.
Hard rocK caFÉ
中环德己笠街 55号 LKF TOWER地下, 2111-3777。 这里以热闹的气氛,强劲的现场音乐和布满本地 及国际各种怀旧的装饰布置而备受欢迎。到此一 游当然要试他们的得奖饮品鸡尾酒,然後再一 边欣赏驻店的乐手The Jacks, Jam为你献唱。
金钟道 88号奕居 6楼, 3968-1106。 户外花园的四周点满烛光,懒洋洋地躺在豆子袋 或沙发上,拣选你最爱的一杯来品尝。
iNseNses 中环摆花街 13号LG, 2815-0868。 这地下小型酒吧环境非常亲切舒适,而且全店 主力播放印度音乐,以及重低音技术的鼓乐。 若果觉得酒吧内的音乐太强劲,想舒缓一下, 不妨到店外的平台与朋友把酒言欢。
l’ÉtaGe 中环苏豪士丹顿街 33-35号, 2522-5300。 你可以一手拿着鸡尾酒,一手拿着雪茄来享受。 总酒保Katsuhisa Hirakawa是一位经过特别训练 的调酒师,他曾经创作过逾500款不同的鸡尾酒 饮品。实在很值得前来欣赏他的调酒技术,又如 何将威士卡冰化身成冰球。
maGNum iNsomNia 中环兰桂坊德己立街 38-44号LG层A铺, 2525-0957。 这里请来了一队长发披肩的乐队在凌晨三时为你献 唱“Living On A Prayer”的Insomnia。这队在香 港成立的乐队,每晚都于凌晨时份为你表演最自 然轻松,以及最热辣流行的传统摇滚现场音乐。
Jaa bar 中环百子里, 9099-2027。 这酒吧前身是中华民国时期孙中山先生用来作 避难所的地方,墙上布满了当代的艺术画作。
中环威灵顿街 1号荆威广场 3-4楼, 2116-1602。 由於是只招待会员,所以经常成为名人聚首之 地;一般人除非是会员,否则也难以进场。
oZoNe 尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1号 环球贸易广场香港丽思卡尔顿酒店 118楼, 2263-2263。 属於全港最高118楼的酒吧,由香槟到鸡尾酒 均应有尽有,还有亚洲的美食。在酒吧内也可 居高临下欣赏维港美景。
plaY lioN rocK 旺角太子道西 193号帝京酒店 3楼, 2622-6167。 Lion Rock是一个一边呷着酒吧内的特色鸡尾 酒,一边放松自己的好地方。还可以陶醉在窗 外的美景之余,再品尝酒吧内每周精选的红酒 及威士忌等佳酿,然後再来一客寿司食品和全 日供应的美食,也是相当不错的享受。
中环安庆台 1号安庆大厦 1楼, 2525-1318。 除了客厅内有两张标准的六袋桌球枱,你可以 在这里与朋友享受欢乐时光提供的饮品,还有 酒吧小吃。或者可以走到舞池中,尽情地摇摆 你的身体。这里还有亚洲的顶级酒保驻店,而 Play的酒水单,能为你提供不能抗拒的饮品。
bars plaY 1/F, On Hing Building, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central, 2525-1318. Head to the lounge room, equipped with two standard pool tables, for happy hour drink specials and exceedingly tasty bar snacks with friends, or head to the dance floor and shake your body to the beats. propaGaNda G/F, 1 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2868-1316. Possibly the most famous gay bar in Hong Kong, this bar offers 40 percent off all standard drinks during happy hour on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10pm to 1:30am. quiNarY 56-58 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2851-3223. This chic hangout off of Hollywood Road serves some awesome cocktails by molecular mixologist Antonio Lai. The Earl Grey caviar martini and the oolong tea Collins are both highly recommended. raYNe G/F, Shop F, Yu Yuet Lai Building, 43-55 Wyndham St., Central, 2840-2955. With a floor plan designed for mingling and a chic cosmopolitan décor, Rayne is the ideal hangout for the thirtysomething Wyndham crowd looking for a post-work hot spot. saKe bar GiNN 4C, Ho Lee Commercial Building, 38-44 D'Aguilar St., Lan Kwai Fong, Central, 2536-4355. Recently arrived from New York, certified sake sommelier/instructor Ayuchi Momose opened up an upperfloor bar that’s dedicated to premium sakes. In addition to serving 100 types of sake and Japanese tapas-style dishes, she also imports some special sakes by microbreweries that are not yet well known outside of Japan. suGar 32, East Hotel, 29 Tai Koo Shing Rd., Quarry Bay, 3968-3968. Located on the 32nd floor, with an outdoor deck area some 300 feet above Victoria Harbour, this is the perfect place
for patrons to soak up the stunning skyline and sea views Hong Kong has to offer. sWiNdlers Shop B, 33 Lockhart Rd., Wan Chai, 2520-5101. With its deal of $500 for 30 glasses of any standard drink, Swindlers is a definitely hangout for the young and not-so-rich. This film noir-inspired bar features a live band on Saturdays. toKoro WHisKeY bar 3/F, Langham Place Hotel, 555 Shanghai St., Mong Kok, 3552-3330. This Japanese-style bar serves a mean Mt. Fuji sake cocktail. It’s sure to perk up even the most exhausted, sweatdrenched Mong Kok shopper. toNic 43-55 Wyndham St., Central, 2537-8010. This swanky, upscale bar is guaranteed to be packed on weekends with young and old suits as well as the flitterati. tHe toNNo 5 Tonnochy Rd., Wan Chai, 3125-3888. This new multi-faceted complex features a bar, clubbing zone, restaurant, live music lounge, VIP party enclaves and karaoke rooms—in short, it takes “all-around entertainment” to a whole new level. tHe WaNcH 54 Jaffe Rd., Wan Chai, 2586-1621. Come enjoy live music by locally cultivated cover bands and talented musicians at age-old institution, The Wanch. It can get quite rowdy at this grungy, intimate space—but that’s what’s so awesome about it. Pub snacks are free from Tuesday to Saturday 6pm to 7:30pm. Volume: H.e.a.t. 83-85 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2857-7683. This chill tapas bar serves some of the cheapest drinks in our metropolis to a mostly gay clientele—just $35 during happy hour, everyday between 5 and 8pm. There's also a cabaret show.
中环荷李活道 1号, 2868-1316。 这可能是全港最著名的男同性恋酒吧。每逢星 期二、三及四,由晚上十时至凌晨一时半,这 里都会提供标准饮品六折优惠。
湾仔骆克道 33号B号店, 2520-5101。 只要500港元,就可以享受30杯标准饮品,所 以Swindlers绝对是年轻和消费力不高的一群的 好去处。这里每逢星期六更会有现场乐队坐镇。
中环荷李活道 56-58号, 2851-3223。 这间位於荷李活道,是一间最适合朋友相聚的 酒吧。其特色饮品是由调酒师Antonio Lai制作 的分子饮品,包括伯爵茶配鱼子马天尼,还有乌 龙茶调配的Collins,都是首选推介。
旺角上海街 555号朗豪酒店 3楼, 3552-3330。 这日式酒吧会提供一款Mt. Fuji的日本清酒鸡尾 酒。以大量冰来冷冻的烈酒,即使在这个人烟稠 密的地方,亦能使人兴奋起来。
中环云咸街 43-55号余悦礼行地下, 2840-2955。 酒 吧 内 设 计 时 尚 的 装 饰 , 都 让 这 里 成 为 了 30 岁以上,喜爱于工余後流连于云咸街一带的朋 友的蒲点。
中环云咸街 43-55号, 2537-8010。 这间高级豪华的酒吧在周末时分,就成了年轻西 装上班族以及便服装扮的人的天堂。
地酒处吟 中环兰桂坊德己立街 38-44号 好利商业大厦 4C, 2536-4355。 这位被认可的日本清酒品酒师Ayuchi Momose, 开设了一间楼上店的酒吧,提供 100种不同的 日本清酒之余,亦会提供日式的佐酒小吃。她 亦会进口在国外未及名声的酿酒厂所提供的特 色日本清酒。
suGar 鲗鱼涌太古城太古城道 29号 东隅酒店 32楼, 3968-3968。 位处於32层楼高的天台酒吧,能让你远眺维港广 阔的天际和海景。在驻店的唱片师所播放的轻快 的音乐下,最适合就是于工余到这里叹1杯特饮。
tHe toNNo 湾仔杜老志道 5号, 3125-3888。 这是一间酒吧、一间夜总会、餐厅、现场音乐的 酒廊、贵宾招待所以及卡拉OK。来这里进行一 个史诗式的马拉松式活动,包括跳舞、畅饮、 投入艾顿庄的热浪、投飞标和上海式的包点。
Volume: H. e. a. t. 中环荷李活道 83-85号, 2857-7683。 位於上环的酒吧,提供大众化的酒精饮品,这里 更加是男同性恋者爱流连的地方。每天五时至八 时的快乐时段,饮品只需35港元。
Hong Kong
martiN Williams tells KirstY Ward all tHat’s eNcHaNtiNG about our citY. Martin Williams 與Kirsty Ward分享這城市的迷人之處。
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To those unfamiliar with Hong Kong, “Enchanting Hong Kong” is not an obvious title for a guidebook to a city famous for skyscrapers and dazzling neon lights. However, all you have to do is turn the pages of the titular photo guide written by Martin Williams and it soon becomes clear that there is so much more to Hong Kong than first meets the eye. “[Hong Kong is a] metropolis in a natural setting,” Williams says. It’s where the intense city landscape, bustling with people, contrasts heavily with the local rural setting of rugged hills, beaches, hiking trails and country parks. Hong Kong really does have it all. For those who are new to the city, it may be hard to imagine but 40 percent of the land is designated as country parks, easily accessible from the streets of Central. Want to spend a day out on the beaches of Lantau Island, then meet friends for drinks that evening in Lang Kwai Fong? As “Enchanting Hong Kong” shows, there is much to explore beyond the shopping malls and restaurants of our concrete jungle. 对於不熟悉香港的朋友来说,《Enchanting Hong Kong》这个书 名,倒不是能夠让人一目了然,知道书本内容是有关於这个到处缀满 霓红灯和建滿摩天大厦的香港城市的游踪指南。虽然如此,只要你一 揭开那些由Martin Williams撰写的图片介绍,你就会发觉香港这个城 市,其实比你眼见的更加耐人寻味。Williams口中的香港是:“一个 都会城市。”这里拥有一片繁华的城市风貎,到处都是熙攘的人群, 这刚好与本地那些位处僻远崎岖山岭上的郊区农田、泳滩、远足路径 和郊野公园,形成了强烈的对比;然而,香港就是拥有了所有的繁华 和宁静。对於初次来港的朋友来说,或许很难想象得到,香港其实有 百分之四十的土地是划作郊野公园用途,城市與郊區之近,甚至能够 輕易地从中环繁華的一条街道多走几步便可到達郊外地區。想在一天 里到大屿山的海滩轻松一下,然後晚上再到兰桂坊与好友欢聚畅饮 吗?总之,《Enchanting Hong Kong》能够让你发掘到除了购物商 rocKpool iN sHeK o
场和餐厅食肆之外,在香港这个石屎森林,其实还有很多地方有待大 家发掘探讨。 WHERE G UEST B OOK 1 03
mai po marsHes
This may go some way to explain how Williams, the author and conservationist from Yorkshire, England, ended up living and working in Hong Kong for over 20 years. Perhaps a bustling city is not the most obvious habitat for a conservationist, but such is the range of biodiversity found on these South China shores that there is always something or somewhere for Williams to explore. Of course, Hong Kong has some great city landmarks and characteristics that cannot be ignored (the Peak, the trams, the shopping, and the great food), and these are mentioned in his book. But it is the focus on the natural landscapes and all the rural hidden gems that can be found without much effort of leaving the city that make it a surprising and enjoyable read. For a person so dedicated to the natural landscape, it is hard to get Williams to pin down just one or two unique places to visit in Hong Kong. The Mai Po Marshes were an obvious choice because of Williams’s love of birds. Out in the New Territories, this 1,500-hectare wetland is a protected network of marshes that is home to migratory and resident birds, and is a very good spot to catch some endangered species passing through.
或许我们应该给大家多了解一下这位来自英 国约克郡,在香港生活超过20年的作家兼自 然生态保护者Williams。对於一位自然生态 保护者来说,相信一个繁忙的城市,不会是 他的安居之处;不过,对於这个拥有多样性 生物的南中国海的城市,这里又会是William 所想要寻找的地方和拥有他所想要的东西。 当然香港亦有很多不能错过,而且充满特色 的城市地标(如山顶风景、电车、购物活动 和美食);而这些地标当然也在书本内容中 有所提及。虽然如此,书本内容上仍然以介 绍大自然环境为主,还会介绍大家如何不费 吹灰之力逃离这个大都会城市,轻松地发掘 鲜为人知的乡郊宝地,从而得到无限惊喜之 馀,也增添阅读此书的趣味。 对於一个如此醉心於大自然景物的人来 说,实在很难要求Williams只专注於香港一两 个地方之中。米埔湿地很明显会是热爱雀鸟 的Williams的必然选擇。位於新界偏远地区, 占地1,500公顷的这片沼泽土地,已被列为湿 地保护区;还为候鸟和本地雀鸟缔造了一片栖 息之處,与及作为我们欣赏濒临绝种雀鸟经过 的一个理想据点。
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tai long Wan
Williams also recommends the stunning 1-kilometer Tai Long Wan beach on the Sai Kung Peninsula. This is a magical place that can only be accessed by boat or a long hike, but is well worth the effort to get there, as the beach is a serious contender for best beach in Hong Kong. The scenery is stunning, with the soft, white sands and turquoise seas all encircled by rugged headlands. Popular with surfers on the weekends, during the week it is quite possible to get the beach all to yourself.
Williams也大力推介位於西贡半岛那连绵 一千米的醉人大浪湾海岸。这个迷人之地, 只能搭船或经由长途远足路线前往;虽然是 要花点气力,但仍然是值得的。这里也被誉 为香港最佳的沙滩。这里风光如画,那由柔 软细白的幼沙和碧绿的海水构成的海滩,都 被连绵崎岖的山岬所包围。尤其是在周末, 这里最受冲浪客的欢迎;若果选择在平日前 来,就可以独享这个美丽的海滩。
Hiking is a very popular pastime in Hong Kong, and there are many lengthy trails crossing the whole territory, with a variety of levels of difficulty. Although this may sound daunting to the uninitiated, Williams recommends hiking as a good way to see Hong Kong from a different perspective. The Peak Trail offers a hike around the summit of Victoria Peak, with breathtaking views of the city and the harbor. It is possible from here to join the Hong Kong Trail and walk down into the Pok Fu Lam Country Park, where you’ll also find Pok Fu Lam Reservoir. After all the hiking, Hong Kong does have easily accessible beaches to offer a refreshing dip. Willilams points out that some beaches are busier than others, and in the height of summer and on weekends, some places can become very crowded (like the easily accessible Shek O Beach). But there is one beach—via ferry to Lantau Island and a winding bus ride—that takes just enough effort to get to to deter most tourists, if not the locals. Cheung Sha Beach is one of the longest in Hong Kong, and comes with government-provided facilities and a marked out swimming area. 在香港,远足是一项相当受欢迎的消闲活动;而且这里拥有多条 长长的、不同难度的远足路径贯穿整个城市。虽然对於远足初学者来 说,可能会令人有点却步;不过Williams仍然建议,远足是以不同角 度欣赏香港景貎的最佳方法。 炉峰自然步道是一条位於扯旗山之巅的远足路径,能够饱览这个 城市和海港壮丽的景色。你还可以由这里接连港岛径,然後往下步行 至薄扶林郊野公园和薄扶林水库。 除了远足活动,香港当然还有很多容易往返的泳滩,让你可以在 水中畅泳。Willilams提醒大家留意某些在周末及夏季,以及交通较 便利的泳滩,会经常出现人群挤拥情况(例如能够容易前往的石澳泳 滩)。不過还有一个,要乘搭前往大屿山的离岛渡轮,再转乘公车经 过蜿蜒曲折的車程,才可到达的泳滩。这个往往会令非本地旅客却步 的泳滩,就是长沙泳滩。这个泳滩是目前香港海岸线最长的泳滩, 还配备有政府提供的各种设施与及划分的泳区。
cHeuNG sHa beacH
106 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
Besides pristine beaches, where is that extra special place that Williams returns to time and again with his family? The answer is Sam A Tsuen, a small remote village on the coast in the New Territories that offers great hiking and boat trips out to outlying islands for swimming and snorkelling. As much as he would like to keep it a secret, this really is a bewitching place that’s too good not to share. With a small restaurant and hostel for hikers, Sam A Tsuen is far removed from the plush hotel palaces in the urban sprawl, but in contrast, offers a charming space that is much more unique to Hong Kong than sophisticated architecture and designer shopping malls. As a conservationist, Williams cannot ignore the impact modern living has on the local and global ecosystem, but he is not without hope. There is a new and growing impetus amongst the Hong Kong community that acknowledges the impact the consumer lifestyle is having on the city and its
surroundings. Pollution is finally becoming recognized as a political issue and locals are starting to question the cost of the city’s many conveniences. Williams acknowledges that there is much work to do in tackling these problems. But in the meantime, there’s “Enchanting Hong Kong” to document all the priceless landmarks that we currently still enjoy. 除了那些仍能保持原貎的泳滩,究竟还有哪些会令Williams与家人 结伴常去的地方?答案就是这个位於新界海岸地区,远离繁嚣的三 桠村。这里能够提供优美的远足路径和船河活动,带你前往人迹罕至 的偏远岛屿进行游泳及潜水活动。这里实在美得令他想将此地私藏自 己享用。无可否认,这里实在是美得不舍得与其他人分享。这里设有
“Enchanting Hong Kong” is sold at Dymocks, Bookazine and other bookshops across the city. 《Enchanting
Hong Kong》
Bookazine 及 各大書店有售。
sam a tsueN
108 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
so WHat do You Feel liKe doiNG todaY? tHeme parKs, tours, FestiVals, marKets, islaNds, Historic moNumeNts: it's all Here. 在游览香港的表列中,今天你又有甚么想去看想去 做?主题公园、本地团、节日庆典、市集、离岛、 历史古迹和連綿山脈。这里我們都一应俱全。
110 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
ATTRACTIONS AVENUE OF STARS Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront, www.avenueofstars.com. Fans of Hong Kong movies will find their heroes’ hand and footprints permanently etched in concrete along the Avenue of the Stars, as well as a statue of Bruce Lee. Go at 8pm for the nightly music-and-laser extravaganza called the “Symphony of Lights.” Music only plays over the loudspeakers here, although the harborfront light display can be seen from around the city. BIG BUDDHA Ngong Ping Village, Lantau Island. Situated beside Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island is the Big Buddha— the largest seated outdoor bronze Buddha in the world. The statue is set amid mountains and hiking trails, and is most impressive seen while in the cable car from Tung Chung. Nearby is “The Wisdom Path,” lined with wood carvings featuring the calligraphy from an important text for Confucians, Buddhists and Taoists. The vegetarian restaurant within the monastery is the best option if you’re famished. CENTRAL SKYLINE Garden Road, Central; Queen’s Road Central and Finance Street, Central. The Bank of China Tower, Cheung Kong Center, HSBC headquarters, the Legco Building and Two IFC dominate the heart of Central—all are iconic in their own way. The tallest is Two IFC (which stands atop the IFC mall), the shiniest is the Cheung Kong Center, the oldest is the Legco Building (formerly the Supreme Court) and the most avant-garde is still, arguably, Norman Foster’s “inside-out” HSBC building. But the most user-friendly is the Bank of China Tower. Built by American-Chinese architect I.M. Pei, who was apparently inspired by a stalk of bamboo, this iconic building has an observation deck on the 43rd floor, which is free and open to the public.
星光大道 尖沙咀海滨,www.avenueofstars.com。 香港电影迷可在星光大道找到永久刻在混凝土上的偶像手印和 足印,还有李小龙像。建议于晚上八时前往,欣赏每晚上演的 音乐镭射表演 “幻彩咏香江”。
天坛大佛 大屿山昂坪。 在大屿山宝莲禅寺旁的大佛是世界上最大的户外青铜佛像。走 向大佛期间会经过很多不同的小食店和小商铺,售卖各式游客 纪念品。至於素食者,饿了的话也可到寺院之间的斋馆用餐。
中环天际线 中环花园道;中环皇后大道中及金融街。 矗立于中环的国际金融中心二期是全港最高的;长江中心则是 最耀目的;前身为高等法院的立法会大楼是最历史悠久的;而 最前卫的仍然是福斯特勋爵设计的滙丰总行大厦。不过最体贴 用家的是由美籍华裔建筑师贝聿铭设计的中国银行大厦,并于 43楼设有免费开放予公众的观景台。
cHi liN NuNNerY 5 Chi Lin Drive, Diamond Hill, 2354-1888. An oasis of peace in the heart of Kowloon, this graceful, wooden Buddhist nunnery is the largest building in the world to be constructed using no nails—only wooden dowels and brackets. It’s a 33,000-squaremeter complex whose architectural style dates back to the Tang Dynasty, although the buildings themselves were completed in 1998. It’s centered on a courtyard filled with lotus ponds, and a stroll through the gardens makes for a bucolic escape. Vegetarian food is available in a quaint teahouse. Horse raciNG Sha Tin and Happy Valley Racecourses, www.hkjc.com. Join the screaming hordes at Happy Valley and Sha Tin racecourses for a few adrenalin-fueled hours. Mingle with the masses in the stands, or opt for the more refined atmosphere in the boxes. The season runs September to midJune, with about 700 races a year held an average of twice a week. The Hong Kong Jockey Club is non-profit-making, donating over HK$1 billion a year to local charities. HoNG KoNG disNeYlaNd Lantau Island, 1-830-830, park.hongkongdisneyland.com. Take a trip back to the 1900s on Main Street, catch a train to Fantasyland, float down the Rivers of Adventure, catch a show or blast through outer space in Tomorrowland. When you’re done charting your exotic surroundings take a moment to dine, shop or cavort with the various Disney characters who roam the park. Toy Story Land debuted recently, and the nightly fireworks are a must-see. It’s easy to get to via MTR or bus. laN KWai FoNG Lan Kwai Fong, D’Aguilar Street and Wyndham Street, Central. Thankfully closed to cars most of the time, these thoroughfares are jampacked full of bars and nightclubs, with revelers spilling out into the streets at all hours. Attracting yuppies and visitors like moths to a flame, a good night out in Lan Kwai Fong is almost guaranteed. HoNG KoNG disNeYlaNd
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志莲净苑 钻石山志莲道 5号, 2354- 1888。 这个木建佛教修道院,是世上只靠木条入榫接 合 建 成 的 最 大 型 建 筑 物 。 寺 院 于 1998年 完 成 重建,占地33,000平方米,以唐代建筑风格为 主。寺院以布满莲池的庭院为中心。于其茶室 亦有素菜供应。
赛马 沙田及跑马地马场,www.hkjc.com。 到沙田和跑马地马场,可选择在公众看台与市 民一起,或在私人包厢内享受较优雅的气氛。 赛季由九月至六月中,每年均有约700场赛事。 香港赛马会属非牟利机构,每年均捐出逾10亿港 元给本地慈善团体。
香港迪士尼乐园 大屿山竹篙湾, 1- 830- 830, park.hongkongdisneyland.com。 回到20世纪初的美国小镇大街游览,乘坐火车 到幻想世界,在明日世界观看表演或在外太空 穿梭。在奇幻的天地探索过後,可与园内游走 的各个迪士尼人物跳跃起舞。乘坐港铁、公车 或驾车均可轻易到达。交通详情可浏览网站。
兰桂坊 中环德己立街与云咸街交界。 这条开满酒吧和夜总会的大街,任何时候都有 人走到街上狂欢,庆幸这里经常都列为不准汽 车驶入。引人注目的优皮一族和游客就如灯蛾 扑火般投入,这里绝对是夜晚狂欢的好去处。
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 太平山顶山顶道 128号 凌宵阁P101号店, 2849- 6966, www.madametussauds.com/hongkong。 世界知名的杜莎夫人蜡像馆,在香港的分店鼓 励访客触摸和与蜡像合照。蜡像馆有不同界别 的人物供人观赏:包括成龙、刘德华和杨紫琼; 还有Lady Gaga、奥巴马和姚明。
文武庙 中环楼梯街和荷李活道交界。 这个富艺术氛围的庙宇,塔香从椽梁吊下,轻 烟把掌管文学的文昌和掌管武艺的关帝两个神 像都熏成古铜色。本地人会在庙外的巨瓮向祖 先烧元宝。
昂坪 360 大屿山竹篙湾, 2109- 9898,www.np360.com.hk。 这个以文化为主题的村庄以与佛同行、灵猴影 院及昂坪膳坊等餐饮、零食和休闲胜地为卖 点。设有不同票价。缆车站距离东涌港铁站仅 二分钟路程。除此以外,也可乘坐S1号公车从 机场到达缆车站。
madame tussauds Shop P101, The Peak Tower, 128 Peak Rd., The Peak, 2849-6966, www.madametussauds.com/hongkong. The local branch of the world-famous Madame Tussauds wax museum encourages visitors to touch and pose with the figures. Local celebrities include Jackie Chan, Andy Lau and Michelle Yeoh. Also, where else in the Fragrant Harbor can you pose with Lady Gaga, Barack Obama and Yao Ming? maN mo temple Corner of Ladder Street and Hollywood Road, Central. This atmospheric temple must be one of the most photographed in Hong Kong. Great incense spirals dangle from the rafters, filling the roof space with aromatic smoke and lending a deep patina to the statues of gods Man Cheong (god of literature) and Kuan Ti (god of martial arts, or Mo) on the altars. Locals burn paper offerings to their ancestors in the huge urns outside; pick
up some Bank of Hell money or even a paper Mercedes from shops nearby. NGoNG piNG 360 Lantau Island, 2109-9898, www.np360.com.hk. This cultural-themed village features dining, retail and entertainment attractions such as Walking with Buddha, Monkey’s Tale Theatre and the Ngong Ping Garden Restaurant. The cable car offers panoramic views as it passes over North Lantau Country Park to the Big Buddha. NooNdaY GuN Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter, Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, 2807-6543. Immortalized by Noel Coward in his song “Mad Dogs and Englishmen,” the Noonday Gun has been fired at midday since the founding days of the colony. It belongs to local trading corporation Jardine Matheson, which was ordered to fire a daily time signal by the Royal Navy as a penalty for workers firing a
天际 100
铜锣湾告士打道铜锣湾避风塘, 2807- 6543。 英国流行音乐作曲家诺埃尔·考沃德在其经典 金曲“疯狗与英国人”中,也提及这个自从殖 民地开埠以来每日正午都会鸣放的午炮。炮台 由本地财团怡和洋行拥有。由于礼炮通常只可 向政府官员鸣放,但是洋行却有工人向集团老 板鸣炮,因此洋行被皇家海军判罚每日均需鸣 炮报时。在铜锣湾海旁怡东酒店对面每日均可 观赏午炮鸣放仪式。
尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1号环球贸易广场 100楼, 2613- 3888,www.sky100.com.hk。 此观景台位於全城最高建筑物环球贸易广场100 楼。除了有360度的环回景观,天际100还分别 备有日与夜两个不同的望远镜、一个数码照相摊 位和一个展览昔日香港旧文化的展馆。
海洋公园 香港仔海洋公园道, 3923- 2323, www.oceanpark.com.hk。 在這裡能近距离接触海豚或熊猫,在鲨鱼缸漫 步,潜入珊瑚礁或在过山车上狂欢。位於香港 仔的海洋公园教育与娱乐并重,网罗海洋与雀 鸟、大熊猫园和狂野的陆上机动游戏,还有来回 公园两个区域的缆车。至于泊车和公车服务也相 当完善。三岁或以下儿童免费入场。
赤柱 香港岛赤柱滩道 这个位於海滩旁的小镇,有市集、店铺、餐厅 和酒吧,全都是沿着海旁岸畔开设。这里也是 漫步海滨、到露天雅座轻松一下或是选购纪念 品的好去处。
天星小轮 中环 7号码头, 2367- 7065, www.starferry.com.hk。 如果旅游香港而没有坐过百年来一直往来香港 岛与九龙半岛的天星小轮,总是有所缺欠的。 只需数元你就可以坐拥最佳位置欣赏香港举世 知名的天际线。
中环花园道圣约翰大厦, 2522- 0922, www.thepeak.com.hk。 乘坐山顶缆车是登上太平山顶的最佳方法。无一 海外游客不为这小缆车能以不同角度攀登香港最 高山峰而入迷。坐在缆车右边可看到一流景观。
peaK tram
114 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
star FerrY
salute (usually reserved for government officials) to the head of the company. Catch it daily on the Causeway Bay waterfront, opposite The Excelsior Hotel. oceaN parK Ocean Park Drive, Aberdeen, 3923-2323, www.oceanpark.com.hk. Get up close and personal with a dolphin or a panda, walk through a shark tank, dive into a coral reef or whirl upside down on a roller coaster. Located near Aberdeen, Ocean Park manages to amuse and educate with its marine and bird life exhibits, giant panda enclosure, wild headland rides, and a cable car trip between the park’s two parts. 116 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
peaK tram St. Joseph’s Building, Garden Road, Central, 2522-0922, www.thepeak.com.hk. There was a time when the best way up the Peak was by sedan chair—a grueling experience, particularly for the bearers. So the arrival of the Peak Tram was a blessing, one for which we are still thankful. The little funicular railway is one of the best trips in town, panting up Hong Kong Island’s tallest mountain at a seemingly impossible angle that enchants all aboard. Sit on the right for the best views.
sKY100 100/F, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2613-3888, www.sky100.com.hk. This observation deck is on the 100th floor of the city’s tallest building, the International Commerce Center. Besides 360-degree views of the city, Sky100 also has day and night view telescopes, a digital photo booth and an exhibition about Hong Kong heritage. staNleY Stanley Beach Road, Hong Kong Island. The seaside township of Stanley has a market, shops, restaurants and bars that line a bay on one side and a beach on the
other. It’s the perfect place to take a walk along the waterfront, chill at an alfresco resto and pick up some souvenirs. star FerrY Central Pier 7, 2367-7065, www.starferry.com.hk. No trip to Hong Kong is complete without a ride on the Star Ferry, which has been taking commuters between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon for over a century. For just a few dollars, you can enjoy Hong Kong’s famous skyline from the best seats in the house.
leisure tai o Lantau Island. It would be wishful thinking to describe this fishing village as a “Venice of the East,” but there’s no doubting the charm of its maze of stilt houses built over a creek on the northwestern coast of Lantau Island. It’s a fascinating slice of old Hong Kong, with dried fish stalls, trays of smelly shrimp paste, a picturesque Tin Hau Temple at the end of a causeway and a couple of interesting little museums. A boutique hotel and restaurant add a touch of colonial elegance to the traditional town. teN tHousaNd buddHas moNasterY Sha Tin MTR Station, Exit B, 2691-1067, www.10kbuddhas.org. One of the most celebrated monasteries in Hong Kong, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery actually has more than 12,800 Buddhas stored in five temples, four pavilions and a nine-story pagoda. The one that you’re likely to remember best is the mummified Buddhist monk, who sits in splendor, coated in gold leaf, inside a glass case. Light meals are served at the on-site vegetarian restaurant. tHe blue House 72-74A Stone Nullah Lane, Wan Chai, 2835-4376. This colorful remnant of old Hong Kong is a pre-war tong lau, or tenement building, that’s been earmarked by the housing authority for preservation. Tong laus were the typical style of local residential and commercial buildings in the 20s and 30s. tHe peaK Central MTR, Exit J2, www.thepeak.com.hk. Standing at around 550 meters above sea level, the Peak was once the exclusive domain of high-ranking colonial officers. On a clear night, it offers quite possibly the best view of Hong Kong that you could find anywhere. The tram runs from 7am to midnight daily, or take Bus 15 from Central. WoNG tai siN temple Lung Cheung Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, 2327-8141, www.siksikyuen.org.hk. Named after the deity Wong Tai Sin, this Taoist temple completed its restoration in 1973 and is a popular shrine for local pilgrims who want to glimpse their future via a Chinese practice called kau cim.
WoNG tai siN temple
大屿山。 形容这渔村为“东方威尼斯”未免言过其实, 不过建于大屿山西北海湾起落有致的棚屋,魅 力却毋庸置疑。咸鱼摊档、味道浓烈的蝦酱、 堤道尽头的天后庙与三两家充满趣味的小型博 物馆,构成了诗情画意的水乡景致。那里的一 间精品酒店和餐厅,还为这个传统小镇抹上了 一种充满华丽气派的殖民地色彩。
湾仔石水渠街 72- 74A, 2835- 4376。 这座色彩鲜艳的香港旧建筑,是战前的一座唐 楼。这座为居民居住的房屋,已被香港房屋委 员会列为受保护的建筑物。这里设有一个社区 博物馆,经常举办有关于历史文物的展览,还 将昔日的情怀掺合在现今的生活当中。
九龙黄大仙龙翔道, 2327- 8141, www.siksikyuen.org.hk。 以黄大仙师命名的道教寺庙于1973年完成复修, 是本地善信求签查问前程的著名祠宇。从签筒中 摇出灵签後,可请解签人解释签文。
万佛寺 沙田港铁站B出口, 2691- 1067, www.10kbuddhas.org。 万佛寺其实有超过12,800尊佛像,分布于五座 寺院、四个亭台和一个九层高的佛塔内。相信 以红布包裹并铺以金叶、存放于玻璃柜内的月 溪法师端坐着的遗体最令人印象深刻。寺内斋 堂供应简便膳食。
太平山顶 中环港铁站J2出口,www.thepeak.com.hk。 海拔约550米高的太平山顶曾经只开放予殖民 地高官。在清朗的晚上这里可欣赏香港最美丽 的夜景。缆车每日从早上七时至午夜行驶,或 可从中环坐15号公车到达。
mid -autumN FestiVal
Hong Kong celebrates a host of traditional Chinese festivals, all held according to the lunar calendar. Dates change every year; visit www. discoverhongkong.com for details. Here are four not to be missed. cHeuNG cHau buN FestiVal Held over four days each May on Cheung Chau island, the Bun Festival is a hot, colorful, noisy affair designed to placate the spirits of those killed by a local bad boy, the 19th-century pirate Cheung Potsai. It involves an amazing procession of small children in traditional dress balanced on piles of teacups, swords and other improbable items. The highlight used to be a scramble up bamboo towers by local men to collect lucky buns—the higher the bun, the luckier it was. Today, it’s a calmer event involving safety ropes and experienced climbers. cHiNese NeW Year & NatioNal daY FireWorKs A half-hour fireworks show lights up the harbor at 8pm on Lunar New Year (dates vary; usually February) and China’s National Day (October 1) in one of the most spectacular sights in Hong Kong. The fireworks are launched from three barges located at strategic intervals along the harbor so they can been seen from all over Hong 118 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
Kong Island and Kowloon, although the most popular viewing spot is the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront. draGoN boat races Local teams practice for months before the fast and furious races held each June at beaches and waterfronts across the territory. Teams of rowers compete in brightly decorated boats, each with a dragon’s head and a drummer pounding out the rhythm. The most popular spots to catch the action are Stanley Main Beach, Aberdeen, Chai Wan, Sha Tin, Tai Po, Sai Kung and Mui Wo. mid-autumN FestiVal Surely the prettiest of all the annual festivals, the Moon Festival (as it’s also known) is a peaceful event usually held in September that involves getting together with friends and family in the great outdoors to watch the full moon rise. Lanterns hang from trees or stakes while families picnic on mooncakes (lotuspaste cakes with cooked egg yolks in the middle). Parks, beaches, mountaintops and just about every open space in Hong Kong becomes fairylands of lanterns, both traditional and modern. Try Kowloon Park in Tsim Sha Tsui or Victoria Park in Causeway Bay; the latter is also located near the site of the beautiful Tai Hang Fire Dragon dance.
节日 香港按农历庆祝许多传统中国节日,因此每年均 在西历不同日子举行,详情可参见www.discoverhongkong.com。以下这四大节日均不容错过。
长洲太平清醮 為期四日的太平清醮于每年五月在长洲举行, 原意是要安抚被19世纪海盗张保仔杀害的阴魂。 节目包括由穿着传统服装的小孩子站在由茶杯、 剑或其它物件上巡游。以往当地人爬上竹塔上抢 夺平安包是太平清醮的特色,夺得越高的福包, 就带来愈多好运。今天抢包山采用安全绳索, 参赛者又深富经验。太平清醮期间将会有大量 传统粤剧表演,所以别忘了带备你的照相机。
农历新年与国庆烟花 农历新年(日子每年均不同,通常在西历二月) 以及中国国庆(10月1日)晚上八时,均会举行 為时半小时的烟花汇演照亮海港。虽然最多人 选择到尖沙咀海旁欣赏;不过烟花由三艘驳船 燃放,因此在港九各处都可观赏到。
龙舟竞渡 训练多月的本地队伍,会在每年六月于全港不 同的沙滩与海滨参与战况激烈的龙舟竞渡。各 赛艇手于装饰得五彩缤纷的龙船上竞技,鼓手 打鼓助威。最受人欢迎的观赛地点分别有赤 柱正滩、香港仔、柴湾、沙田、西贡和梅窝。
中秋节 一般在西历九月举行的中秋节,是年度举行的 节日中的其中一个最有趣的节日。亲朋戚友聚 首户外欣赏圆月,还会将灯笼挂上树上或系在 竹竿上,期间一家大小会一起享用内藏蛋黄的 莲蓉月饼。公园、海滩、山顶以至香港各处露
天地方都挂满传统与现代的灯笼。建议到尖沙 咀九龙公园或有漂亮的大坑舞火龙观赏的铜锣 湾维多利亚公园。火龙的整个身躯均由点着了 的香构成,于黑夜中可见点点火光舞动空中。
市集 雀鸟花园 太子园圃街。 每日上午 7时至下午 8时开放。 现今的雀鸟花园取代昔日雀仔街煩乱狭窄的小 巷 , 平 静 得 多 。 70个 档 位 中 一 连 串 庭 院 让 鸟 主拿着鸟笼散步。此处买卖各种雀鸟,包括澳 大利亚白鹦、来自东非的椋鸟、鹩哥、鹦鹉、 玄凤和各式彩雀。店铺也有售卖手工精致的竹 笼、陶瓷饲料缸和活蟋蟀、螳螂和小蛇等雀鸟 鈡爱的饲料。
花园街 港铁太子站B2出口。 每日上午 11时至下午 9时 30分营业。 花园街是平价时装店、工厂直销店和佩饰店集中 地。男女老幼服饰均有售卖,因此每天下午都挤 满来买廉价货的人。在市集内你也可找到新鲜水 果、佩饰、衣物以至各式各样商品。
金鱼街 旺角弼街与通菜街。 每日上午 10时 30分至下午 10时营业。 据说金鱼天生有利风水,因此在香港是很常见 的宠物。这两条旺角街道摆满鱼缸,不过更常 见的是一袋袋挂在摊档墙上的金鱼。除了金 鱼,你也会发现飘扬着橙色帷幕的大肚佛与头 戴红绒冠的珍珠白观音像。
bird GardeN Yuen Po Street, Prince Edward. Open daily 7am-8pm. Replacing the hectic, narrow alleyway of the old bird market, the modern one is a more sedate affair, with about 70 stalls surrounding a series of courtyards where bird owners still “walk” their caged pets. Birds are bought and sold here, including Australian galahs, starlings from East Africa, mynahs, parakeets, cockatiels and assorted colorful birds.
Fa YueN street Prince Edward MTR Station, Exit B2. Open daily 11am-9:30pm. Heaving with bargain hunters every afternoon, Fa Yuen Street is stuffed with cheap fashion boutiques, factory outlets and accessories stores for men, women and children. GoldFisH marKet Bute Street and Tung Choi Sreet, Mong Kok. Open daily 10:30am-10pm. Goldfish are said to have a natural ability to stabilize fung shui, making them a popular pet in Hong Kong. These two Mong Kok streets teem with fish in tanks or, more often, plastic bags stapled to the stall walls. Jade marKet Yau Ma Tei MTR Station, Exit C. Open daily 10am-5pm. In Chinese culture, jade is associated with good health and a long life. The jade market stalls sell everything from expensive carved jade to cheap trinkets, as well as pearls and other jewelry of varying quality. JardiNe’s baZaar Causeway Bay MTR Station, Exit F. Open daily 11am-9:30pm. Little Jardine’s Bazaar is jam-packed with cheap, fun things to buy. Geared towards the young and fashionconscious, you’ll find clothes inspired by the latest catwalk trends for just a few dollars. ladies marKet Yau Ma Tei MTR, Exit A2. Open daily noon-11:30pm. Find dog toys, trinkets and accessories, racy underwear, costume jewelry and
港铁油麻地站C出口。 每日上午 10时至下午 5时营业。 玉器在中国文化象徵健康和长寿。玉器市场有 超过400个摊档,昂贵的玉雕与不同质素的珍 珠和珠宝都有售。市场半透明的玉器被视为质 素最好,混浊而不透明的则没甚价值。谨记加 把劲议价。
铜锣湾港铁站F出口。 每日上午 11时至晚上 9时 30分营业。 细小的渣甸街针对崇尚时尚的年轻人而设,参 照时装天桥仿制的服饰只需十元八块便有交易。
女人街 港铁油麻地站A2出口。 每日正午至下午 11时 30分营业。 沿这条街搜寻犬只玩具、佩带饰物、猥亵的内 衣、廉价而造型维美的珠宝与各式各样的商 品。行人道两旁是古着店、时装直销店,偶尔 也有餐厅。女人街与波鞋街交汇,那里你可以 找到价格较便宜的名牌球鞋。
赤柱市集 赤柱赤柱市场道。 每日上午 10时 30分至下午 6时 30分营业。 赤柱市集可说是游客迷宫,值得到访购买有趣 的礼品、运动与轻便服装、丝绸与皮革用具。 可是这里已不再是昔日的廉价市场。不过在赤 柱海滨旁闲逛,甚至享用午餐仍是令人心旷神 怡的户外节目。
庙街 港铁佐敦站A出口。 每日下午 4时至午夜营业。 这夜市于傍晚约六时就会显得活色生香。这里 从廉价钟表到可爱的佩饰与纪念品都有发售。 周末有本地资深乐手表演粤剧。购物区周边也 有相士摊档和露天食肆。同样地,在这里购物 不要忘记议价。
公园与花园 香港公园 中环红棉路 19号, 2521- 5041,www.lcsd.gov.hk, 每日上午 6时至下午 11时开放。 这个占地八公顷的公园有一个大型观鸟园,一 个种植各种奇特的异国植物的温室、体育馆与 壁球中心、多层游乐场、太极园和钟楼。保育 园地有过百种蜻蜓栖息。茶具文物馆和香港视 觉艺术中心也值得游览。
九龙公园 尖沙咀海防道。 每日上午 6时至下午 11时开放。 这个位於尖沙咀正中央的公园出奇地辽阔而宁 静。占地逾13.5亩,拥有一个中国花园、红鹳 池、迷宫和雕塑花园,以及健身径和小型足球
more all along this road. Down the side lanes are vintage shops, fashion outlets and the occasional restaurant. staNleY marKet Stanley Market Road, Stanley. Open daily 10:30am-6:30pm. Something of a tourist trap, Stanley Market is worth visiting for interesting gifts, sports and casual wear, silk and leather goods. It’s not the cheapest market anymore, but its location in the chilled-out seaside village of Stanley makes for a pleasant day out, especially if you stay for lunch. temple street Jordan MTR Station, Exit A. Open daily 4pm-midnight. This night market comes alive at around 6pm and sells everything from cheap watches to cute accessories and souvenirs. Local amateur musicians perform Cantonese opera on weekends. Stalls with fortune tellers and outdoor restaurants line the shopping area, too. Make sure to drive a hard bargain.
ParKs and Gardens HoNG KoNG parK 19 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, 2521-5041, www.lcsd.gov.hk. Open 6am-11pm. This eight-hectare park has a large walk-through aviary, a conservatory housing unusual and exotic plants, sports and squash centers, a multi-story playground, a tai chi garden and a clock tower. In the conservation corner are more than 100 species of dragonfly. Also worth visiting are the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware and the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre. KoWlooN parK Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. Open 6am-11pm. Bang in the middle of Tsim Sha Tsui is this surprisingly spacious and tranquil park. Set over 13.5 acres, it features a Chinese garden, flamingo pond, maze and sculpture garden, as well as sports grounds and pitches, an aviary and one of the best swimming pool complexes in Hong Kong, with indoor and outdoor pools and an excellent sports center.
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Victoria parK 1 Hing Fat St., Causeway Bay, 2890-5824, www.lcsd.gov.hk. Open 6am-11pm. A green lung in Causeway Bay, Victoria Park is a much-loved and well-used park, with shady paths, playgrounds, sports fields and courts, a large swimming pool complex and frequent exhibitions and events. It’s home to the annual Chinese New Year fair and flower market and the finish line of the Standard Chartered marathon. Go early to see the locals practicing tai chi. HoNG KoNG WetlaNd parK Wetland Park Road, Tin Shui Wai, 3152-2666, www.wetlandpark.com. Open10am-5pm. This world-class ecotourism attraction demonstrates the diversity of Hong Kong’s wetlands, and the importance of conservation. It’s a 61-hectare site with user-friendly facilities such as a stream walk, succession walk, mangrove boardwalk and bird hides. The galleries include displays about wetlands worldwide, a television studio and various exhibitions.
tours cHeuNG cHau islaNd tour 2366-7070, www.tiptoptours.com.hk. Cheung Chau is a serene fishing island about an hour’s boat ride from Central. Attractions include the Pak Tai Temple, Tin Hau Temple, Tung Wha Beach and 3,000-year-old rock carvings positioned near the water’s edge. draGoN’s bacK HiKe Walk Hong Kong, 9187-8641, www.walkhongkong.com. One of Walk Hong Kong’s most popular hikes, the Dragon’s Back is a half-day hike that will give you a comprehensive overview of Hong Kong Island. You will begin on the Hong Kong tram, in the bustling heart of the metropolis, and then you’ll walk through the wet markets of Shau Kei Wan before hiking and taking in splendid views of the seas and the outlying islands. Historical WalKs Jason’s Walks, 9805-5501, www.jasonswalks.com. Historian Jason Wordie's guided tours contain little-known secrets about the territory. A day out with him is a
HoNG KoNG WetlaNd parK
场、百鸟苑和香港其中一个最好的游泳池综合 大楼,集合室内外游泳池和极优质的体育馆。
铜锣湾兴发街 1号, 2890- 5824, www.lcsd.gov.hk,每日上午 6 时至下午 11时开 放。 銅鑼湾的維多利亞公園擁有青蔥小徑、遊樂場、 運動場、大型游泳池場館,又經常舉辦展覽和 活動,深受遊人喜愛。一年一度的農曆年宵和 花市,以及渣打馬拉松終點均在這裡。建議早 上到來看本地人練習太極。
2366- 7070,www.tiptoptours.com.hk。 长洲是一个距离中环一小时船程的写意渔港。 景点包括北帝庙、天后庙、东湾泳滩和海边3,000 年历史的石刻。成人收費490港元,小童收費470 港元的行程包括乘坐舢舨到仍有水上人居住的 旧渔村,以及著名的海盗藏身之所张保仔洞。
香港湿地公园 天水围湿地公园路, 3152- 2666, www.wetlandpark.com, 每日上午 10时至下午 5时开放。 這個世界級生態旅遊勝地展示香港濕地的多樣 性 以 及 保 育 的 重 要 。 占 地 61公 頃 , 設 有 溪 畔 漫游徑、演替之路、紅樹林浮橋和觀鳥屋等體 貼訪客的設施。展覽館包羅有關世界各地濕地 的 展 品 、 放 映 室 和 不 同 展 覽 。 這 兒 也 是 2004 年從元朗山貝河捕獲、哄動全城的小湾鱷貝貝 的永久居所。
龙脊远足团 Walk Hong Kong, 9187- 8641, www.walkhongkong.com。 让 人 可 饱 览 香 港 岛 全 貌 的 龙 脊 半 日 行 是 Walk Hong Kong其中一个最受欢迎的远足团。行程 以乘坐香港电车游览都会繁华的市中心开始, 步行穿过筲箕湾湿货市场,才在龙脊行山径远 足,欣赏壮丽海景与点缀其中的离岛。远足期 间会穿过奇异的林荫隧道,最後才返回中环。
历史文化游 Jason’s Walks, 9805- 5501,www.jasonswalks.com。 历史学家Jason Wordie的历史导赏团,内藏很 多关於这城市不为人知的故事。能够与他相聚一
surefire way to learn something new. Private bookings available. Wordie also organizes excursions to Macau and Guangdong. $325 per person per walk.
天,定能得益不少。可预订私人导赏。Wordie 亦设有其他澳门及广州的导赏團。每次导赏每 位收费325港元。
secret tours HK www.secrettourhk.com. Chung and his partner Josie Cheng have organized outings in neighborhoods from Wan Chai to Tin Shui Wai to Sha Tin, as well as ones aimed at people interested specifically in the arts and in photography.
www.secrettourhk.com. Chung和他的拍档Josie Cheng正安排一次让喜 欢摄影和艺术的朋友,从湾仔到天水围再到沙 田的行程。他们希望同心协力,设计更多不的 旅行团,吸引更多本地人、外国人和游客参加。
Harbor cruises The Star Ferry (www.starferry.com. hk/harbourtour) runs harbor tours by day and night, including a two-hour Symphony of Lights tour departing Tsim Sha Tsui at 7:05pm. Other options include the glamorous Aqua Luna (www. aqua.com.hk), a renovated Chinese junk, complete with red sails, that departs from either side of the harbor several times a day. And then there’s Watertours (www.watertours.com.hk), which has a number of cruises on offer. GeoparK explorer Kayak + Hike, 9300-5197, www.kayak-and-hike.com. See Hong Kong from a whole new angle—by kayak. This tour whisks you out from the beautiful Sai Kung coastline to volcanically formed islands in Sai Kung’s Geopark by super-fast speedboat. HeritaGe tour Gray Line Tours, 2368-7111, www.grayline.com.hk. Explore the historic highlights of the New Territories on a tour that takes you to places you’re otherwise unlikely to see. little adVeNtures iN HoNG KoNG Real Travel Hong Kong, www.realtravelhongkong.com, realtravelhongkong@gmail.com. Allow longtime Hong Kong resident and National Geographic columnist Daisann McLane to take you on an insider’s journey of the culinary paradise that is Hong Kong. mai po marsHes Mai Po Nature Reserve, 2482-0369, www.wwf.org.hk. Who knew that Hong Kong was a birdwatchers’ paradise? The 1,500-hectare
维港游 天星小轮也有举办日夜维港游(www.starferry. com.hk/harbourtour),也有一班為时两小时, 从晚上七时五分从尖沙咀开航的海港游,还可顺 道观赏幻彩咏香江。其它选择包括富魅力的张保 仔(www.aqua.com.hk),以重新修建、张起红 帆的渔船,每日均有数个班次从维港两岸扬帆 出海。其次还有Watertours(www.watertours. com.hk),提供几款海港游的选择。
地质公园探索团 Kayak + Hike, 9300- 5197, www.kayak-and-hike.com。 用独木舟从一个全新角度看香港。这观光团带 你用超级快艇迅速从美丽的西贡海岸线到西贡 地质公园内以火山岩构成的岛屿。
古迹游 锦伦旅运, 2368- 7111,www.grayline.com.hk。 参加观光团寻幽探秘,探索新界的历史特色。
香港历险之旅 real travel Hong Kong, www.realtravelhongkong.com, realtravelhongkong@gmail.com。 让居住香港多年的国家地理杂志专栏作家Daisann McLane,带你以识途老马角度游历香港这美食 天堂。尽情询问你一直想问的问题,了解香港 饮食界,同时让味蕾接受考验。最少三小时, 每人收费750港元。
米埔沼泽 米埔自然保护, 2482- 0369,www.wwf.org.hk。 谁知道香港是观鸟者天堂?占地1,500公顷的米 埔沼泽保护区由世界自然基金会管理,每年秋冬 时分都有成千上万只迁徙候鸟飞到这里过冬,因 此米埔被划定为国际重要湿地。
中华白海豚 香港海豚观察, 2984- 1414, www.hkdolphinwatch.com。 是的,虽然它们名叫中华白海豚,但是它们真 的是粉红色的。在这个特别的五小时旅程,能 让你亲身观赏这稀有的香港吉祥物吧。
cHeuNG cHau
cHeuNG sHa beacH
Mai Po Marshes reserve is run by the World Wildlife Fund and is a designated Wetland of International Importance thanks to the thousands of migratory wading birds who pass through each autumn and winter. piNK dolpHiNs Hong Kong Dolphinwatch, 2984-1414, www.hkdolphinwatch.com. Yes, they really are pink, even though they’re technically called Chinese white dolphins. See Hong Kong’s rare official animal for yourself on these special five-hour trips to their habitat near Tung Chung.
beacHes cHeuNG sHa beacH Lantau. Catch a ferry from Central Pier 6 to Mui Wo, then take Bus 1, 2 or 4 to Cheung Sha. Stretching for three glorious kilometers along Lantau’s south coast, Cheung Sha is Hong Kong’s longest beach. With silky soft sand and the towering Sunset Peak as a backdrop, it’s an island paradise.
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repulse baY Hong Kong Island. Take Bus 6A, 6X or 260 from Exchange Square, Central or minibus 973 from Tsim Sha Tsui. With soft imported sand and consistent water quality, this grade-one beach is one of the most popular in Hong Kong. That means it gets very busy on summer weekends, but rarely at other times. Much quieter is smaller South Bay, a short taxi ride away at the end of South Bay Road. sHeK o Hong Kong Island. Take Bus 9 from the Shau Kei Wan MTR station. A wide beach on the eastern shores of Hong Kong Island, separated from the city by a twisting, 40-minute drive. Shek O is a laid-back haven popular with surfers, who kick back here after riding the waves at nearby Big Wave Bay. tai loNG WaN Sai Kung Country Park. Take a speedboat from Wong Shek Pier to Chek Keng, then follow signposted trail for an hour over a mountain. Or hire a boat to take you directly there.
duK liNG cHiNese sailiNG JuNK
大屿山。从中环 6号码头乘渡轮到梅窝, 然後坐 1、 2或 4号公车到长沙。 长沙沿大屿山南岸延绵三公里,是香港最长的泳 滩,还有如丝细沙和日落山景作帷幕。
Detours Limited, 2573- 5282,www.dukling.com.hk。 于 1955年 开 办 的 Duk Ling拥 有 香 港 已 消 失 , 能载客36名的真实观光渔船。
香港岛。从中环交易广场乘 6A、 6X或 260号 公车,或从尖沙咀乘坐 973号小巴。 这个被譽為香港最受欢迎的泳滩之一。每逢周 末及周日都人头涌涌,不过面积较小而宁静的 南湾就在南湾道尽头,乘计程车即可到达。
2526- 0151, www.hongkongyachting.com。 这船只租赁公司提供各不同游览活动。由把酒夜 看维港欣赏灯光汇演到蒲台岛食海鲜均有安排。 一顿2人的亲密浪漫船河游,包括3小时海上游 览,2人晚宴包侍应招待,以及香槟及玫瑰各一。
Jaspas partY JuNK
香港岛。从筲箕湾港铁站乘 9号公车可到达。 位於港岛东岸,与市区相距只有40分钟迂回曲 折的车程。石澳是最适合冲浪迷在邻近的大浪 湾冲浪後蹓躂的天堂,你还可能会遇到健硕型 男在沙滩上打排球。
Jaspas, 2792- 6001,www.jaspasjunk.com。 Jaspas有6辆供派对用的游艇,最少需坐14人, 航线目的地由你决定。船上有驻船厨师烹调大 量新鲜的食物、无限供应的饮品、侍应招待和 派对用的音响器材。
西贡郊野公园。从黄石码头坐快艇, 然後沿设有路标的行山径走 1小时攀过山岭。 或租游艇带你直达那里。 由於汹涌巨浪与交通不便,都使大浪湾内的三 个泳滩能够保存如天堂般的自然美景,让背靠 的沙丘和山峦翠绿依旧。
中环德辅道 148号安泰商业大厦 2楼, 3555- 5555,www.jubilee.com.hk。 银禧有各类大小和型号的中西式游艇甚至小轮 可供租赁,价钱合理。一系列到会、水上运动 和卡拉OK等服务额外收费。
leisure The combination of rollers and inaccessibility has kept Tai Long Wan’s three beaches a natural paradise—wide stretches of white sand are framed by dunes and emerald mountains.
boat Hire & water sPorts duK liNG cHiNese sailiNG JuNK Detours Limited, 2573-5282, www.dukling.com.hk. Launched in 1955, the Duk Ling is one of the last authentic sailing junks in Hong Kong. It can carry up to 36 passengers. HoNG KoNG YacHtiNG 2526-0151, www.hongkongyachting.com. This boat hire company offers a range of options, from a nightly jaunt out on Victoria Harbour to view the light show with a glass of wine in hand to group tours to the nearby island of Po Toi for a seafood feast and hike, to an intimate romantic cruise package for two, which includes three hours on the water,
a gourmet meal (plus a waiter), a bottle of champagne and a rose.
people at a time for 40-minute joyrides from Aberdeen or the Gold Coast.
Jaspas partY JuNK 2792-6001, www.jaspasjunk.com. Jaspas has six “party junks” (minimum 14 people) that cruise to a destination of your choice. The junks come loaded with food cooked fresh by the onboard chef, unlimited drinks, waiter service and a sound system for parties.
st. stepHeN's beacH Water sports ceNtre Wong Ma Kok Path, Stanley, 2813-5407. Once a British military sailing club, this public water sports center in Stanley Bay offers kayaks, dinghies and windsurfers to rent, and also runs training courses and public competitions. Some vessels will require certification, but all certificates can be acquired on site.
Jubilee iNterNatioNal tour ceNtre 2/F, Amtel Building, 148 Des Veoux Rd., Central, 3555-5555, www.jubilee.com.hk. Jubilee has a fleet of boats for hire in a variety of sizes and styles, including cruisers, junks and even ferries, all at reasonable prices. A range of services such as catering, water sports and karaoke can be provided at extra cost. saFFroN cruises 2857-1311, www.saffron-cruises.com. Saffron has 24 boats, ranging from a luxurious 65-foot cruiser for 50 to a super-fast speedboat that takes 13
GolF Kau sai cHau public GolF course Kau Sai Chau Island, Sai Kung, 2791-3388, www.kscgolf.org.hk. The only public golf course in Hong Kong is set over 250 hectares of a beautiful island in Sai Kung, with stunning views over the South China Sea. Players must have a recognized handicap card and should book up to seven days in advance. Visit the website for details.
saFFroN cruises 2857- 1311,www.saffron-cruises.com。 Saffron有 24艘 船 , 从 豪 华 的 65呎 长 、 可 容 纳 50人 的 游 艇 到 可 载 13人 于 40分 钟 内 从 香 港 仔 到黄金海岸的超级快艇都有。行程自选。职员 可安排到会服务。
圣士提反湾水上活动中心 赤柱黄麻角径, 2813- 5407。 从前这里是英军的航海会,这个位处赤柱的公 众水上活动中心提供独木舟、小艇及滑浪用品 的租借服务。中心更会提供训练课程与及举办 公众赛事。部分船只限具有专业资格人士使用, 亦可即场考取专业资格。
高尔夫 滘西洲公众高尔夫球场 西贡滘西洲, 2791- 3388,www.kscgolf.org.hk。 香港唯一一个公众高尔夫球场位於西贡海岛上, 占地超过250公顷,拥有南中国海的绝美景观。 这里设有三个18洞球场、会所、练习场和草地 实践练习。参与者必须持有让杆评分卡,并需 要在七天前预约。详情参见网站。
duK liNG
Navigate the
From old urbaN areas to idYllic beacH retreats, tHere’s pleNtY to explore iN HoNG KoNG’s distiNctiVe districts. 由老旧的社区到美丽的海滩, 香港各个地区都有很多值得 深入探索的好地方。
This is the glittering heart of the financial district, where each new tower block strains to outdo the next in height, luxury and cost. Statue Square is the hub of the Hong Kong establishment, so to speak, as it’s bordered by the somewhat incongruous colonial-era Legislative Council building, the HSBC headquarters, the Hong Kong Club and the Mandarin Oriental hotel, with the Bank of China and government offices hovering nearby. Energetic and constantly changing, the Central action shifted northwards with the opening of razor-shaped skyscraper Two IFC and its luxury mall. Take a breather in Hong Kong Park or the Hong Kong Botanical and Zoological Gardens; say hello to the battle-scarred HSBC lions Stephen and Stitt; shop for high fashion at The Landmark, souvenirs at Shanghai Tang and exotic fruits at the Graham Street food market. Then take an outing on the Star Ferry or the Peak Tram at sunset to watch the city draped in a neon glow.
中环是香港金融区的心脏地带,一座又一 座的摩天大厦不停地出现,竞逐最高、最奢 华、最昂贵大厦的殊荣。皇后像广场可说是 中环的中心点,被四周的立法会大楼、滙丰 银行总行大楼、香港会和文华东方酒店包围 着,而中国银行总行大楼、政府总部大楼则 近在咫尺。中环向来以充满活力、变化多端 而闻名,而近年来的发展更向北扩展至国际 金融中心一、二期以及旗下高档次的商场。 想观光的话,到香港公园或香港动植物公园 呼吸一下新鲜空气,或到滙丰银行总行大楼 向着名的一双石狮子打个招呼、拍拍照,然 後到置地广场看看最新的设计师时装,或到 上海滩购买纪念品,和到嘉咸街搜购各式各 样的新鲜水果。最後,不妨到天星码头乘船 到离岛,又或是於日落时份乘山顶缆车到山 顶,欣赏慢慢亮起的霓虹灯光。
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laN KWai FoNG & soHo
Hong Kong comes out to play in Lan Kwai Fong and SoHo. Located in Central, the entertainment district buzzes at lunchtime and after dark, with happy crowds spilling out onto the backstreets from numerous bars, clubs and restaurants. The Lan Kwai phenomenon started in the 1980s, with Disco Disco (long departed) and Club 97 (still here). In the past few years, it has infected an ever-larger area, with trendy bars springing up in alleys and passageways. Located in a heritage building on Wyndham Street, the Fringe Club has a small theater and exhibition space, with a roof garden refuge for balmy nights. Above Hollywood Road, SoHo is Lan Kwai Fong’s more sophisticated counterpart, an old neighborhood made suddenly fashionable by the arrival of the MidLevels Escalator, and now thronged with upscale restaurants and boutiques. This is the area where Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen once lived, and you’ll find a marked trail connecting the places with which he is associated.
位於中环的兰桂坊和苏豪区是香港人饮酒作 乐的主要地区,作为娱乐消遣的重镇,於午 饭时和入夜後都会见到无数的上班族,到来 寻找酒吧、俱乐部和餐厅,享受欢乐时光。 兰桂坊现象始於80年代叱咤一时的Disco Disco(已结业)和营业至今的Club 97,而 在过去数年来,越来越多的酒吧开遍了後巷 和小街上。位於云咸街上一座历史建筑物的 艺穗会,拥有一个小剧院和展览室,其天台 花园酒吧成为不少人的秘密胜地。在荷李活 道上方的苏豪区原是一个老社区,由於中区 半山行人自动电梯的出现而变得时尚起来, 充斥着高级餐厅和精品店,成为兰桂坊的精 致版本。另外,这地区更是孙中山先生读 书、做礼拜、居住及与革命党人聚会的地 方,只要沿着街道上的指示牌,便可以找到 国父昔日的足迹。
sHeuNG WaN
A 10-minute walk and a world away from Central, Sheung Wan is the oldest part of colonial Hong Kong (the British naval fleet landed at Possession Point) and perhaps the most impressive district on the island. It’s a tangle of ladder streets, traditional shops, temples and colonial relics. Entire streets are dedicated to one service: Man Wa Lane is chop street (chops are stamps, pieces of wood, stone or bone with a name carved on the bottom); Wing Lok Street and Bonham Strand are lined with shops selling dried seafood, bird’s nests and traditional Chinese medicine. Hollywood Road is famous for Chinese antiques and contemporary art galleries, and its slightly disreputable neighbor, Cat Street (a.k.a. Upper Lascar Row), is filled with junk shops and Mao memorabilia. Architectural highlights include the colonial-era Western Market and incense-wreathed Man Mo Temple on Hollywood Road.
上环 从中环走上10分钟便进入另一个世界的开 端— 上环— 是香港殖民时期最古老的社 区之一(英国海军登上上环占领角,宣告香 港岛为英国的属土),亦是最引人入胜的地 区。这里云集古老的楼梯街、传统店铺、庙 宇和殖民时期遗迹,亦有不少以提供一项服 务而命名的街道,如被称为图章街的文华 里;永乐街和文咸东街则是海味店和中药店 的天下。荷李活道以售卖中国古董和当代艺 术品的艺廊而闻名,而邻近的摩罗街摊档则 堆满了廉价的古董仿制品和毛主席纪念品。 特色建筑包括殖民风格的西港城和位於荷李 活道,香火鼎盛的文武庙。
WaN cHai
Gritty rather than glitzy, the old red-light district on Lockhart and Jaffe Roads still has its share of pubs, mamasans and dodgy nightclubs, although its Suzie Wong heyday is long over. Instead, you’ll find fashionable urbanites heading to a new upscale entertainment district centered around Ship, Wing Fung and Star Streets. Wan Chai is an old area best explored on foot, especially when it comes to the bustling market on Tai Yuen Street and the interesting lanes crammed with tenements between Johnston Road and Queen’s Road East. The Old Wan Chai Post Office is now an environmental center and the start of the steep Green Trail that ends at Wan Chai Gap, halfway up the Peak. Stop off for a morning jog or afternoon stroll along Bowen Road, a level path that hugs the hillside contours above Wan Chai. The district meets the harbor at the Convention and Exhibition Center and Golden Bauhinia Square, popular with mainland tourists.
湾仔 虽然在这个历史悠久的红灯区上,仍然可以 在骆克道和谢斐道一带找到不少酒吧和污 烟障气的夜总会,但昔日苏丝黄的世界已经 消失无踪,取而代之是一众时麾的年青一 族,向着新兴的休闲区域如船街、永丰街和 星街进发。以步行来游览湾仔是最好不过 的主意,尤其是太原街的露天市集以及庄士 敦道和皇后大道东一带的店铺。旧湾仔邮政 局现已变成一个环境资源中心,在这里亦可 进入湾仔自然径(即湾仔峡道),经宝云道 直达山顶,很多人会於早晨或下午前往宝云 道跑步、散步。湾仔与海港接壤之处是香港 会议展览中心和备受国内游客欢迎的金紫荆 广场。
causeWaY baY
Shopping heaven! There are upscale malls, cheerful markets, local and international designers galore—all open well into the night. The Island Beverley center is chock-full of stalls and shops run by Hong Kong’s budding fashion designers, while Lee Gardens and Times Square are the places to head for top international labels. Crammed in between are the hawkers and fashion stalls of Jardine’s Bazaar as well as newly opened Hysan Place. Hungry? The area has hundreds of restaurants to choose from, and is a hotspot for Japanese and Korean cuisine. On the waterfront sits the Noonday Gun, which is fired daily. The area is also a sports hub, thanks to the pools, pitches and courts of Victoria Park and, to the south, the Hong Kong Stadium—home of the world-famous annual Rugby Sevens tournament.
HappY ValleY
Ironically, Happy Valley was once anything but. When the British arrived in 1841, it was a malarial swamp—and it remains the site of several cemeteries. More cheerfully, it was also the only flat land on the island, so in 1846 the colonial authorities requisitioned the fields, turfed them and turned the area into a racecourse. It’s still there, surrounded by high-rises, the center of a multi-million-dollar industry. Happy Valley Racecourse comes to adrenaline-pumping life on Wednesday evenings from September to mid-June, when bettors analyze statistics in the newspaper and take their chances on a long shot. Join the crowd, or book a seat in a private box. In the center of the racecourse are several public playing fields and a jogging track, and further inland there’s a convivial residential area with several restaurants.
和外国设计师专门店的集中地,而且很多也 营业至深夜。金百利商场里大大小小的时装 店是本地少女们的寻宝地,利园、时代广场 则是国际品牌专门店的大本营,而渣甸坊上 的小贩摊档和成衣店也经常被人群挤得水泄 不通。铜锣湾是食肆重镇,在数百间餐厅的 选择中,亦有很多日本菜和韩国菜馆。位於 岸边的怡和午炮现时每天仍然鸣放。另一边 厢,很多爱好体育的人士爱到维多利亚公园 的游泳池、球场和大草地;而香港大球场每 年举行的香港国际七人榄球赛,亦让香港成 为国际焦点。
跑马地 当英国人在1841年登陆时,跑马地(又名快 活谷)仍然是一片沼泽,不少墓园更坐落於 此(当中不少具历史价值,值得一游)。更 重要的,是跑马地原来是港岛区上一处难得 的平地,因此在1846年,殖民地政府在此 填平了沼泽,还兴建成马场。现时马场被周 边的千万豪宅所包围,而香港赛马会亦成为 一个庞大的企业。跑马地马场每逢星期三和 星期六(九月至六月中的马季)的赛马日都 变得非常热闹,观众们不断向着马匹喝彩, 有些则把撕掉了的彩票散满一地。想观看赛 马,你可选择公众看台或私人包厢。在马场 的正中央是公众运动场和缓跑径,而再往内 走则是跑马地自成一家的住宅区和区内众多 的餐厅食肆。
tai HaNG
One of the most happening districts in the city at the moment, Tai Hang is a cozy little neighborhood just southeast of Causeway Bay, boasting fewer crowds and a more laid-back vibe than its neighbor. The area is a seamless blend of locals and expats; trendy, upscale eateries and mom-and-pop hole-inthe-walls that have been around for years; luxury apartments and old auto-repair shops and fruit markets. You’ll be spoiled for choice if you want to grab a meal here—if you take an easy amble through the district, you’ll find restaurants serving claypot rice, Japanese ramen, Italian pastas and Chinese desserts (both authentic and inventive). Tai Hang is also home to the Lin Fa Temple, dedicated to the goddess of mercy, which was built during the Qing dynasty; and the annual Fire Dragon Dance, a century-old tradition that takes place during the Mid-Autumn Festival and features a winding, 67-meter-long dragon glittering and smoking with incense sticks.
大坑 大坑这个毗邻铜锣湾东南部的地区,是香港 其中一个最热闹的地方。这里同时拥有着一 份轻松而清幽的感笕。这个地区混合了一众 本地人和国外人聚居,除了高级食肆,亦有 经营数载的夫妻档小餐厅。此外亦有高级的 服务式住宅和旧式的汽车维修车房与及菜市 场。若你想在里享受一顿美食,此处亦有各 式不同的选择。只要你闲逛一下这区,你 便会发现到专售煲仔饭、日式拉面、意大利 比萨、咖啡和中式的甜品店(当中有的是地 道口味,有的是创新设计)。大坑有设有一 座建于清朝的莲花宫,宫内供奉的是观音娘 娘。每年于中秋节期间,这里亦会举行已有 132年历史的舞火龙活动。火龙长67米,插 满燃着的香,非常闪亮。
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tHe peaK
When a BBC travel program asked viewers to nominate their favorite Hong Kong attractions, number one was the view from The Peak. On a clear day, the harbor view is truly spectacular. The best way to get there is by the Peak Tram, the world’s steepest funicular railway, although the energetic may prefer the stiff hike up Old Peak Road from the Mid-Levels. Easier on the legs is the shady, three-kilometer circuit around the mountaintop via the traffic-free Lugard and Harlech Roads. Detour up Mount Austin Road to Victoria Peak Garden, a surprisingly quiet retreat that was once the British governor’s summer lodge (long since demolished), and a perfect place for a picnic; from here you can also circuit the Peak on the relatively quiet Governor’s Walk. Visit the shops and attractions like Madame Tussauds’ waxworks at the Peak Tower and Peak Galleria, and then relax at one of the landmark restaurants, such as the Peak Lookout Café, which occupies a former sedan chair shed.
This fishing port on the south side of Hong Kong Island has a busy harbor, a lively early-morning fish market and a famous floating restaurant, the kitschy-cool Jumbo Kingdom. It’s quite a sight, smothered with technicolor carvings and golden dragons, all lit up as gaudily as possible at night. It’s a tourist trap, of course, but worth visiting for decent dim sum and the short boat ride through the busy harbor. There’s an upscale alfresco western restaurant on the roof called Top Deck, in what was once the staff mahjong parlor. Nearby is Ocean Park, with rides, aquariums, a large aviary, gardens, a dolphin and sea lion show and a walk-through shark tank. It’s also home to Hong Kong’s only pandas.
投票选出了他们心目中最喜欢的香港景点, 山顶的风景理所当然地成为第一位。在天朗 气清的日子,从山顶眺望维港景致实在举 世无双。前往山顶的最佳方法是乘搭世界上 最陡峭的登山缆车,然而你亦可选择挑战体 力,从半山的旧山顶道步行前往。到达山 顶後想舒适地散散步,可走全长三公里,围 绕卢吉道至夏力道的山顶环回步行径。由柯 士甸山道走上山顶公园,你会发现一处宁静 的野餐地(原址是已拆卸的香港总督山顶别 墅),由此可沿着同乐径围着山顶走一圈。 走得倦了,不妨参观山顶的众多景点如杜莎 夫人蜡像馆、山顶广场的商铺和到著名的 食肆如太平山餐厅(位于一座古老的红砖屋 里)享受一顿美馔。
香港仔 这个原为香港岛南面的一个小渔港,现在已 成为一个繁忙的港湾,更是鱼类批发市场和 著名的珍宝海鲜舫的所在地。单看其怀旧的 龙凤雕刻装饰,不难想像珍宝海鲜舫绝对 是个游客之地,但其美味的点心和接驳舢舨 仍然吸引了不少本地人跃跃欲试,而顶层的 Top Deck则是个提供露天餐区的高级西餐 厅。邻近的海洋公园一直是游客热点,这里 不但提供机动游戏、水族馆、观鸟园、海豚 海狮表演和最新建成、拥有巨型观赏屏的海 洋奇观馆,也是全香港唯一可看到大熊猫的 地方。
Once a fishing village with a wet market, a couple of jeans stalls and an egg-tart hawker, Stanley’s famous market is now known for bargain fashion, silk, linen, art and souvenirs, all sold in air-conditioned stores. But there’s more to Stanley than shopping. This charming little town boasts a fine beach, good windsurfing and one of Hong Kong’s oldest Tin Hau temples— look for the skin of the island’s last wild tiger, shot near Stanley Fort. It has a chilled-out vibe, and during weekends the seafront is closed to traffic to allow restaurants to set up tables on the street. Alternatively, pull up a seat on the verandah at colonialera Murray House, which was moved stone by stone from its original location in Central. It’s now home to several restaurants, all with wonderful views of the bay, and the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.
赤柱 昔日为渔港和菜市场,布满卖廉价衣物和蛋 挞摊档的赤柱,现在是个卖游客纪念品、出 入口成衣、艺术品和布艺的购物区,但到赤 柱并非只限购物,因为这个充满魅力的小市 集,不但拥有美丽的海滩,还是个滑浪风帆 胜地;香港其中一座最古老的天后庙也坐落 在赤柱,里面展出了香港最後一只在赤柱警 署门前被射杀野生老虎的毛皮。赤柱气氛悠 闲,周末时海滨一带会禁止行车,让餐厅於 路上摆放桌椅,满是热闹。美利楼的露天餐 厅也是不俗的餐饮选择。当年政府把位於中 环的古迹美利楼的一砖一木逐块拆卸,运到 赤柱来重建,至今仍让人津津乐道。现在, 美利楼里有一所香港海事博物馆,以及数间 坐拥优美海景的餐厅。
sHeK o
Just 20 minutes from the city on the southeast coast of Hong Kong Island, sleepy little Shek O village is blessed with a dramatic coastline, including a lovely beach protected by a rocky headland. It’s a gloriously peaceful respite from the city, especially on weekdays when you might be joined on the sand by a paraglider or two. The village has so far escaped development—its streets are too narrow for cars—and it remains a pretty mixture of slightly battered traditional houses and luxurious mansions. It has a bohemian vibe, thanks in part to the surfers attracted by nearby Big Wave Bay. Take a bus or get there the hard way by hiking the Dragon’s Back trail across the spine of Hong Kong Island.
tsim sHa tsui
The heart of the hotel district, Tsim Sha Tsui teems with people. Walking down the main thoroughfare, Nathan Road, can feel a bit like running the gauntlet of tailors and counterfeitwatch salesmen. Instead, head for one of the luxury malls like Harbour City. Home to the Star Ferry, the old Kowloon and Canton Railway Corporation clock tower, the Cultural Center, Space Museum and the Museum of Art, the waterfront offers spectacular views of the Hong Kong Island skyline. Head down at 8pm for the nightly Symphony of Lights, touted as the world’s biggest sound-and-light show, when lasers and floodlights beamed from harbor-front buildings dance in the dark to music played out of loudspeakers lining the Avenue of Stars. The area’s green lung is Kowloon Park, which has a Chinese garden, flamingo pond, maze, sculpture garden and a superb public pool complex. Go early to see the locals practice tai chi.
程的石澳,是一个拥有漂亮的海岸线、安静 秀丽的海滩,气氛悠闲的小社区。在非周末 的日子里,这里宁静得像个熟睡了的乡村, 间中或可看见一两只滑翔伞。基於石澳村的 道路太窄,汽车很难行驶,因而避过了都市 发展的巨轮,村子里间杂着传统的房屋和华 美的大宅。由於石澳邻近大浪湾,也吸引 了一批滑浪爱好者,让石澳弥漫着一股波希 米亚风情。交通方面,你可以乘公车到达石 澳,或者以一个较艰辛的方法,由龙脊远足 径步行到来。
尖沙咀 永远人头涌涌的尖沙咀,是城中各大酒店的 集中地。游客在弥敦道上行走,会碰上很多 为裁缝派发传单和售卖假表的南亚裔人士, 想购物的话还是到邻近的大型商场如海港城 等会较有保障。尖沙咀的地标有天星码头、 钟楼、文化中心、太空馆和香港艺术馆,还 有海旁可轻易看到的维港景致。每晚八时举 行的幻彩咏香江是世界上最大型的灯光音响 汇演,幻彩镭射和探射灯从维港两岸的各座 建筑物上发射,配合星光大道上播放的音乐 与旁述,交织出一幕幕动人场面。九龙公园 是尖沙咀的绿土,里面的设施包括中国花 园、红鹳池、迷宫花园、雕塑园和公众游泳 池等等。早上到访的或可一睹本地人练习太 极的机会。
moNG KoK
This is Hong Kong raw. Thronged with crowds, Mong Kok has whole streets dedicated to one commodity, like goldfish (Tung Choi Street), sneakers (Fa Yuen Street), flowers (Flower Market Road) and Chinese wedding and fung shui accessories (Shanghai Street). But it’s the markets that really set this area apart. Ladies’ Market is stuffed to bursting with stalls selling everything from T-shirts to vegetable peelers, although fashionistas may fare better at the outlet shops at the northern end of Fa Yuen Street. Haggle over jewelry at the Jade Market on Kansu and Battery Streets, or visit the Yuen Po Street Bird Garden, where old men walk their caged songbirds and buy them tasty locust treats. Topping them all for sheer exuberance is the Temple Street Night Market, where you can haggle over handbags, try snake soup, catch the amateur opera singers or have your fortune told by palm, face or even bird. And don’t miss the temple itself.
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旺角 旺角最能反映香港市井的一面。这里的街道 很多都与生意挂钩:金鱼街(通菜街)、波 鞋街(花园街)、花墟(花墟道)、上海街 (中式婚礼用品和风水饰品)。但是旺角的 市场才是令她举世知名的原因,女人街上售 卖各式各样的东西如汗衣和日用品,喜欢时 装的可到花园街北面的出口成衣店寻宝,到 甘肃街和炮台街的玉器市场去搜购珠宝,或 到园圃街雀鸟公园看老人们弄雀为乐。还可 以在这里买来小蝗虫给雀鸟吃。最後到庙街 夜市去,你会发现更多林林总总的货品如手 袋,也不妨试试地道的蛇羹,听听传统戏曲 和看掌相、面相甚或由雀鸟解签,当然不要 忘记到天后庙参拜。
KoWlooN citY
Once home to the Kowloon Walled City—a settlement of squatters and refugees said to be the most densely populated urban plot in the world— the eastern Kowloon district has since turned into a foodie’s heaven. A Chinese enclave during colonial times, the area became a dense den of iniquity filled with drug lords, prostitutes and petty crooks after World War II. Triads (local gangs) ruled the area, and the Chinese and British colonial governments both turned a blind eye to the squalor. But in 1993, after five decades of anarchic free-for-all, Kowloon City was finally evacuated and then demolished, with the 31,000-square-meter Kowloon Walled City Park built in its place. The park’s scenic gardens make for a peaceful place to stroll—you can even glimpse some of the remnants of the old city in the forms of preserved stone plaques. A vast array of cuisines can be sampled here, from French pastries to halal food to hotpot to Thai.
这里曾经是九龙城寨,由一班难民在此落地 生根而成的,这里也曾是世界上其中一个人 口最稠密的地方。现时的东九龙已经成为了 一个美食天堂,但是在二次大战後于殖民地 时期,这里是一个三不管的地区,从此这里 就成为了三合一组识(本地黑帮)管辖的地 带。直至1993年,经过了50年的无政府状 态,九龙城寨最後被决定要被拆卸和撤离区 内的居民。这个占地31,000平方呎的九龙城 寨,于原地建城了一个公园,环境优美。在 这里你更可以看到留下来作纪念的九龙城寨 围墙、旧石和饰板。在此你更可以品尝到各 种不同的食品,由法式的意大利粉到伊斯兰 美食,以及火煱均一应俱全。从这里更可以 走到附近的城南道的"小泰国",在这里可 以找到泰国市集、杂货店和餐厅食肆。
sai KuNG
This beautiful peninsula in the rural New Territories is the garden of Hong Kong. The 4,477-hectare Sai Kung Country Park boasts dramatic mountains, lovely beaches, a wild coastline, a public golf course and some of the best hiking in the territory. An easy 40-minute trail is the “Family Walk” from Pak Tam Chung, past the Sheung Yiu Folk Museum. The gateway to the area is the town of Sai Kung, where local fishermen sell their hauls direct from their boats on Sundays. Not surprisingly, it’s famous for seafood restaurants: pick your fish and crustaceans from the tanks and tell the waitresses how you want them cooked. At the pier, middle-aged ladies offer sampan trips out to the white beaches offshore. Book a deep-sea fishing trip, go diving (Hong Kong has more coral species than the Caribbean), hire a kayak, go wakeboarding or even hop onto a squid boat at night, where your catch will be barbecued onboard right after you pluck it from the sea.
西贡 占地4,477公顷的西贡郊野公园拥有美丽的 山峦、海滩、公众高尔夫球场和远足径,难 怪被喻为香港後花园了。较为容易及适合老 幼的家乐径由北潭涌开始,途经上窰民俗 文物馆。西贡市是通往各处的中心点,星期 天会有很多渔人到此售卖鱼获,因此海鲜餐 厅也是成行成市。在码头上向老妇人购票乘 坐舢板到离岛上的细白海滩玩上一天,或者 来个深海钓鱼,潜水(香港的珊瑚也不赖的 呢!)、独木舟、水上滑板等等活动应有尽 有。晚上也可出海钓墨鱼,然後直接把收获 烤来吃,风味独特。
离岛 outlYiNG islaNds
Hong Kong has more than 200 islands, from tiny rocky outcrops to thriving fishing communities. Lantau aside, the outlying islands are car-free, with low-rise, maze-like villages, temples and seafood restaurants full of day-trippers. Once our hippie capital, Lamma is famous for its seafood, hiking and bohemian atmosphere. Cheung Chau, one-time home of Hong Kong’s only Olympic gold medalist, windsurfer Lee Lai-shan, is a busy fishing village with an amazing three-day bun festival held each May. Nearby Peng Chau has a relaxed vibe; Po Toi, off Stanley, is popular with junk-trippers for its seafood and amazing views; Tap Mun, in Sai Kung, has good beaches and a temple worth seeing. Furthest afield, and accessible by ferry only on weekends and holidays, is Tung Ping Chau. Closer to the mainland than Hong Kong, it’s fun to explore, with low hills, tiny abandoned hamlets, a white beach and good coral.
山外,大多数的小岛都是无汽车行驶,而矮矮 的楼房、渔村、天后庙和海鲜餐厅都是共同的 特色。其中,南丫岛以海鲜、远足径和波希米 亚风情而闻名;长洲是奥运金牌得主李丽珊的 故乡,每年五月也会举行“太平清醮”巡游( 小孩子会打扮成不同的历史人物,站在13米高 的竹竿上巡游),抢包山比赛更是让人津津乐 道。平洲比较清静,离赤柱不远的蒲台岛则以 怪石和美味的海鲜酒家而备受欢迎。塔门的海 滩和天后古庙很值得一游,而再远一点的东平 洲(只限周末和假日有船前往)则是香港地质 公园的一部分,其纷繁诡奇的海蚀地貌、“千 层糕”叶岩,以至小岛本身的扁平外形,吸引 了很多游人前来观赏。
Spas bliss out iN tHe citY’s World-class spas aNd saloNs, WHere aNcieNt tecHNiques aNd tHe latest iNNoVatioNs combiNe to leaVe You relaxed aNd looKiNG GorGeous. 城中有很多世界级的水疗、发廊及美容 中心,全都结合传统技术和最新科技, 让你可以放松身心,變得亮丽光采。
tHe peNiNsula spa 130 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK 130 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
sPas & MassaGes 10/10 space Unit B, 1/F, Fairview Mansion, 51 Paterson St., Causeway Bay, 3595-1152, www.1010space.com.hk. This is truly a one-stop beauty shop in the heart of Causeway Bay, with both a spa section that offers facials and body treatments and a salon suite that uses leading haircare products that'll put the bounce back in your tired locks. There's also a lovely nail area, where you can get shiny Minx tips while relaxing in stateof-the-art massage chairs. spa beautÉ par Zai 12/F, Seabird House, 22 – 28 Wyndham St., Central, 2524-1272, www.spabpz.com. One of the oldest beauty salons in Hong Kong, with qualified therapists offering treatments in a cozy environment. Henna services, baby massages and paraffin wax baths are a few of the more unique treatments on offer. Intense-pulsed light (IPL) treatments for damaged skin and wedding makeup are also available. cHuaN spa 41/F, Langham Place Hotel, 555 Shanghai St., Mong Kok, 3552-3510, www.chuanspa.com. This stunning spa focuses on the individual needs of each client through traditional Chinese medicine and theories, including yin and yang. Its consultants are qualified in Chinese medicine, massage and naturopathy.
products. An eco-friendly vibe pervades, from the pale wood and rattan wall coverings to the sunlight streaming in through large windows. iNdulGeNce 3/F, Prosperity Tower, 39 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2815-6600, www.indulgence.hk. Indulgence offers facials and body treatments, manicures and pedicures, skincare and image consultations as well as slimming therapies and a hair spa. With a fresh, clean and welcoming décor, this boutique salon is the perfect to place to unwind and take a quick break from the city’s hustle and bustle. i-spa 3/F, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Sailsbury Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2313-2351, hongkong-ic.intercontinental.com/spa. Hong Kong’s first fung shui spa is based on principles of mind-body harmony. Relax, rejuvenate and rebalance in one of five luxurious polished granite suites, each with its own sauna, steam shower, jacuzzi and massage facilities. KiWi spa 14/F, Century Square Building, 1-13 D'Aguilar St., Central, 2567-1333, www.kiwi-hk.com. With light green glass, curved walls and soft light and gentle music, Kiwi offers quality foot and body massages that are affordable at the same time. iPads and headsets are available to use at your leisure while you're enjoying the treatments.
clariNs sKiN spa Shop 210, Central Building, 1-3A Pedder St., Central, 2810-9938, www.clarins.com.hk. This French skincare brand has a huge following because of its effective and gentle face and body products. Its skin spa has a bright and airy feel, and expert beauty therapists are on hand to treat your skin and leave it glowing.
spa l’occitaNe Shop 3, Tower 2, Star Crest, 9 Star St., Wan Chai, 2143-6288, www.loccitane.com.hk. Step into the French countryside at L’Occitane’s day spa. Located on Star Street, this 3,000 square-foot, terracottaflagged space uses products inspired by traditional cosmetic recipes from Provence in wonderfully fragrant and relaxing body rituals.
emmaNuel F. Shop 211-213, 2/F, Nexxus Building, 41 Connaught Rd. Central, 2167-8280, www.emannuelf.com. This relaxed and intimate spa and salon was one of the first in Hong Kong to exclusively feature natural, organic
maNdariN spa 24/F, Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Rd. Central, 2825-4888, www.mandarinoriental.com/hongkong. This luxe retreat has eight private treatment rooms, including two couples’
水疗 10/ 10 space 铜锣湾百德新街 51号华尔大厦 1楼B室, 3595-1152,www.1010space.com.hk。 这间位於铜锣湾心脏地带的一站式美容店,在 提供水疗服务的同时,顾客也可选择美容服务 或身体疗程,店内也有采用高级护发用品的美 发服务提供,让人疲劳尽消。另外,这里设有 别致的美甲部,让阁下在艺术级的按摩椅上享 受美甲师的专业服务。
spa beautÉ par Zai 中环云咸街 22-28号四宝大厦 12楼, 2524-1272,www.spabpz.com。 香港历史最悠久的美容院之一,环境舒适,疗程 均由合资格治疗师负责。海灵草服务、婴儿按摩 和石蜡浴都是一些城中较少有的护理服务。婚礼 化妆及针对受损皮肤的脉冲光治疗亦有提供。
“川”水疗中心 旺角上海街 555号朗豪酒店 41楼, 3552-3510,www.chuanspa.com。 这精致的水疗中心透过阴阳等中医药智慧为顾 客提供切合个人需要的疗程。顾问均具备中医 学、按摩和自然疗法方面的资历。
clariNs美妍中心 中环毕打街 1-3A号中建大厦 210 号店, 2810-9938,www.hkclarins.com。 这法国护肤品牌凭藉其功效以及温和的面部和 身体产品而深受拥戴。美妍中心装潢明亮洁 净,其专业治疗师随时准备为你护理肌肤,使 你脸容充满光泽。
emmaNuel F. 中环干诺道 41号 盈置大厦 2楼 211-213号店, 2167-8280,www.emmanuelf.com。 香港首个专门采用天然、有机产品的水疗中心 兼发廊,环境轻松怡人。由棕木与藤筑成的 墙,以至由偌大窗户流泻室内的阳光,处处弥 漫爱护自然的气息。
iNdulGeNce 中环皇后大道中 39号丰盛创建大厦 3楼, 2815-6600,www.indulgence.hk。 Indulgence提供面部及身体护理、美甲及足部 护理、护肤和形象指导,以及纤体疗程,还有 秀发水疗服务。这精致美容院装修清新洁净, 令人感到宾至如归,是舒展身心与暂时逃离都 市繁嚣的理想好去处。
i- spa 尖沙咀梳士巴利道 18号香港洲际酒店 3楼, 2313-2351, hongkong-ic.intercontinental.com/spa/i-spa.php。 香港首个风水水疗中心,以身心和谐为宗旨。 五个采用花岗岩作室内陈设的奢华贵宾房,每 间都设有桑拿、蒸气浴、水力按摩浴缸及按摩 设施,让客人放松、更新并调整身心。中心亦 设有三个高科技房间提供沼泥美容及鱼子眼部 急救护理等尖端服务。
KiWi spa 中环德己立街 1-13号世纪广场 14楼, 2567-1333,www.kiwi-hk.com。 以浅绿色玻璃,配以精细的装潢、柔和的灯光 和轻柔的音乐,Kiwi提供了优质的脚部按摩及
cHuaN spa
miraspa 尖沙咀弥敦道 118号美丽华酒店地连 3楼, 2315-5500,www.themirahotel.com。 紫色配纯白色调,与缀有闪烁灯饰的室内泳 池,设计舒适且富未来感。置身Mira Spa中, 你可享受到属於21世纪的醉人体验。设施包括 水疗按摩池、蒸气与桑拿房,还有休息室中好 玩有趣的水床。
沐兰 中环都爹利街 4号西洋会大厦 2楼, 3102-0208,www.ilcolpo.com.hk。 以美容和按摩疗程闻名的沐兰是一个带中东气 氛且设备完善的高档场所。情侣必会钟情其男 女宾联合护理室。
suites, each with private steam shower and vitality pool. Its therapies combine ancient and contemporary techniques, and specialist practitioners offer treatments that incorporate ayurvedic philosophies and traditional Chinese medicine. They also have a Traditional Chinese Practitioner available. meNce beautY For meN sKiNcare & bodY toNiNG ceNtre Unit 1B, 24/F, World-Wide House, 19 Des Voeux Rd., Central, 2117-8068, www.mence.com.hk. Best known for its body toning expertise—thanks to a popular series of ads showing a tanned young man developing a six-pack—Mence also offers hair removal as well as treatments for double chins, under-eye circles, wrinkles and freckles, acne and enlarged pores. Check website for other locations. meN’s sKiN ceNtre bY bella 8/F, The L Place, 139 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2526-6352, www.bellaskin.com. This center has tailor-made treatments that focus on deep cleansing, acne treatment, under-eye circle removal and rehydration to brighten and improve your complexion. Its laser hair removal service for men can be used on every part of the body.
132 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
miraspa B3/F, The Mira Hong Kong, 118 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2315-5500, www.themirahotel.com. It’s pampering for the 21st century. The Mira Spa is comfortably futuristic, with purple and pure white accents and an indoor pool decorated with twinkling lights. Facilities include a jacuzzi plus steam and sauna rooms—and nifty waterbeds in the pre-treatment room. mu laN spa 2/F, Club Lusitano, 4 Duddell St., Central, 3102-0208, www.ilcolpo.com.hk. Best known for facials and massages, Mu Lan is an upscale place with a Middle Eastern ambience and good facilities. Nude 14/F, M88 Building, 2–8 Wellington St., Central, 2868-9100, www.nudewaxing.com.hk. Strategically located in Central, waxing boutique Nude offers a whole host of intimate and stylish services. Internationally trained therapists offer permanent hair removal, skin tightening, deep-cleansing facials and, of course, waxing for both men and women. This fashionable salon is most famous for its Brazilian and Hollywood waxes.
身体按摩。在享受按摩时,店方更可提供iPad 及耳筒给顾客使用。
spa l’occitaNe 湾仔星街 9号星域轩 2座 3号店, 2143-6288,www.loccitane.com.hk。 走进L’Occitane的水疗中心彷如置身法国郊外。 位於星街的3,000呎空间以赤红为主调,使用的 产品都是从普罗旺斯高地的传统美容配方汲取灵 感研制而成,为身体带来愉悦芳香的极致享受。
文华水疗中心 中环干诺道中 5号文华东方酒店 24楼, 2825-4888, www.mandarinoriental.com/hongkong。 拥有八间私人疗理中心,包括两间情侣套房,每 一个房间都备有一个私人的桑拿房和泳池,为你 提供一个超豪华的享受。其疗程结合了古代和现 代的技术,还有经过特别训练的技师,为你提供 一个合阿育吠陀疗法和中国传统中药的疗程。
meNce男士美容、护肤及纤体中心 中环德辅道中 19号环球大厦 24楼 1B室, 2117-8068,www.mence.com.hk。 铺天盖地的广告上一身古铜肤色、锻炼出六块 腹肌的年轻男子,令Mence塑身专家形象深入 人心。Mence亦提供脱毛以及收双下巴、去眼 袋、雀斑、暗疮和粗大毛孔疗程。有关其他分 店位址,请参考网页。
meN’s sKiN ceNtre bY bella 中环皇后大道 139号The L Place 8楼, 2526-6352,www.bellaskin.com。 中心为客户提供针对深层清洁、暗疮护理、去 眼袋、抗衰老和保湿各方面的服务,并会度身 订造疗程来改善皮肤质素。为男士而设的镭射 脱毛服务,适用於身体每一部位。
中环威灵顿街 2-8号M88大厦 14楼, 2868-9100,www.nude waxing.com.hk。 位 处 中 环 的 蜜 蜡 美 容 院 Nude占 尽 地 利 , 提 供 个人且全面的潮流服务。经过国际训练的治疗 师提供天然无瑕的古铜色喷枪、永久脱毛、紧 肤、深层洁净面部护理,当然少不了男女宾客 均可享用的蜜蜡疗程。巴西和荷里活蜜蜡护理 是这所时尚美容院最驰名的服务。
plateau spa 湾仔港湾道 1号君悦酒店 11楼, 2588-1234,www.hongkong.grand.hyatt.com。 占 地 80,000平 方 呎 的 水 疗 中 心 , 设 有 23个 房 间提供留宿服务及多元化的面部护理及身体护 理。Plateau Spa更备有其他设施如50米的室 外泳池、健身房、设在泳池边的餐厅及树木林 立的庭园。
quaN spa 香港大屿山赤鱲角香港国际机场航太城东路 1号 香港天际万豪酒店阁楼, 3969-2192,www.quanspa.com。 Quan Spa毗邻香港国际机场,无论你正打算来 一个长途旅程,还是只想逃离石屎森林轻松一 下,这里都是一个轻松消闲的好地方。
seNse oF toucH 中环兰桂坊德己立街 52号 1-5楼, 2526-6918,www.senseoftouch.com.hk。 屡获殊荣的水疗中心为其多元化的疗程自豪, 服务包括情侣深层肌肉排毒按摩、玫瑰保湿身 体软膜和青春永驻面部疗程。这个醉人的水疗 中心提供一系列独特的招牌护理,包括融合深 层按摩和减压抗衰老美容疗程的Elemis冷冻热 石治疗,身体和面部均可得到呵护。
spa mtm 大屿山东涌东荟城 118店, 2923-6060,www.mtmskincare.com。 来自日本的MTM是“个人专属”护肤产品的权 威。每个疗程都是依据个人和皮肤类型挑选不 同精华素设计而成。东涌分店划分为三个恬适 区 域 : “ Pure Hydrotherapy” 区 域 备 有 桑 拿 室、蒸气室、水疗按摩花洒浴及为男士而设的
spas plateau spa 11/F, Grand Hyatt, 1 Harbour Rd., Wan Chai, 2588-1234, www.hongkong.grand.hyatt.com. This whopping 80,000-square-foot spa offers overnight accommodation and an extensive range of facial and body treatments in 23 rooms and suites. Other facilities include a 50-meter outdoor pool, fitness and exercise studios, a poolside grill restaurant and a tree-lined courtyard. quaN spa M/F, SkyCity Marriott Hotel, 1 Sky City Rd. East, Hong Kong International Airport, Chek Lap Kok, Lantau, 3969-2192, www.quanspa.com. Quan Spa, located near the airport, is the place to go for a relaxing escape, either to prepare for a long flight or just to get away from the city for a while. seNse oF toucH 1/F-5/F, 52 D’Aguilar St., Lan Kwai Fong, Central, 2526-6918, www.senseoftouch.com.hk. This award-winning day spa boasts an extensive menu, featuring such services as a couple’s deep tissue and detoxifying massage, a rose hydrating cocoon body wrap and a “forever young” facial. The lush spa also offers a range of exclusive signature treatments, including the Elemis hot stone therapy for body and face. spa mtm Shop 118, Citygate Outlets, Tung Chung, Lantau, 2923-6060, www.mtmskincare.com. Started in Japan, MTM is an authority in custom-blended skincare. Every treatment is personalized using different essences to suit individual needs and skin types. The Tung Chung spa has three special zones: the Pure Hydrotherapy zone with sauna and steam rooms; the Holistic Wellness zone for massage and hand and foot treatments; and the Aesthetic Spa zone with a suite that uses color and light to bring about homeostasis.
tHe orieNtal spa 5/F, Landmark Mandarin Oriental, 15 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2132-0011, www.mandarinoriental.com/landmark. Taking up two floors of this swanky hotel is the breathtaking Oriental Spa. It has tons of facilities, including yoga and Pilates studios, in a maze of rooms and relaxation areas. Just for women, there’s the rasul mud treatment—a Moroccan specialty—and the amethyst crystal steam room; for men, a gorgeous hamam bath. Try to arrive early to experience the complimentary facilities that are yours to use with any treatment, such as the vitality spa and 18-meter lap pool. tHe peNiNsula spa bY espa 7/F, The Peninsula, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 2969-6682, www.hongkong.peninsula.com. This two-floor spa has sweeping harbor views. Designed by Henry Leung, the interior fuses contemporary and traditional Chinese elements. Much attention has been given to detail, including 100-percent Egyptian cotton robes and fully automated Clodagh Gemini treatment beds. Book a treatment, then get there an hour early to use the Greco-Roman swimming pool, Asian tea lounge, thermal suite with a crystal steam room, sauna overlooking Victoria Harbour and other relaxation areas.
特色香薰花洒浴;“Holistic Wellness”区域 用於进行按摩和手足护理;“Aesthetic Spa” 区域设有一个专用於色彩感官治疗的房间,以 颜色与灯光达到身心平衡。位於港岛和九龙的 分店位址可浏览网站。
东方水疗中心 中环皇后大道 15号置地文华东方酒店 5楼, 2132-0011, www.mandarinoriental.com/landmark。 东方水疗中心占据置地文华东方这华丽酒店两 层的面积。多个护理室和休闲地带构成如迷宫 般的室内空间。中心设备丰富,包括瑜伽和普 拉提练习室。女士可专享摩洛哥特产的天然泥 护理,还有专属的紫水晶蒸气浴室。男士则有 豪华的土耳其浴室。建议预早抵达以体验随疗 程赠送的优惠,如使用美疗浴池和18米游泳池。
tHe peNiNsula spa bY espa 尖沙咀梳士巴利道半岛酒店 7楼, 2969-6682,,www.hongkong.peninsula.com。 占据酒店两层空间的水疗中心拥有无敌海景和 十四间豪华高雅的理疗室。由梁国辉设计的室 内空间糅合现代与传统的中国元素。百分百埃 及棉浴袍与全自动护理床等细节都深受注目。 建议预约疗程後提早一小时到达,享用罗马式 泳池、亚洲茗茶室、水晶蒸气浴室、坐拥海景 的桑拿及休息室。
tHe ritZ carltoN spa bY espa
四季酒店水疗中心 中环金融街 8号香港四季酒店 6楼, 3196-8900,www.fourseasons.com/hongkong。 占地22,000平方呎,包括芬兰式桑拿、冰水喷 泉、水晶喷泉、水力按摩池,以及一个紫水晶 的蒸气浴室。两间贵宾水疗室,每间都备有一 个双人池、沙发床和私人酒吧。
teN Feet tall 香港中环皇后大道中 139号 L Place 20-21楼, 2971-1010,www.tenfeettall.com.hk。 若 想 体 验 与 别 不 同 的 异 国 风 情 腿 部 按 摩 , Ten Feet Tall是你旳不二之选。这按摩中心的房间 以颜色鲜艳的阳光与沙滩为主题,配以松木、 竹林、天然大理石及鲜色的装潢。此店的著名 护理包括正宗脚部反射疗程、肩颈按摩、穴位 按摩及香薰油按摩。
维多利亚水疗 大屿山香港迪士尼乐园酒店 1楼, 3510-6388,www.victorianspa.com.hk。 带孩子到迪士尼乐园游玩,顺道到访这个由 Paua Group经 营 的 水 疗 中 心 , 给 自 己 一 次 奢 华闲静之旅。中心设有女士发型屋和男士传统 理发服务,儿童则可尝试面部彩绘、美甲和编 发辫。预约疗程即可全日享用中心设施,包括 室外和室内恒温游泳池,设备齐全的健身室、 水疗按摩浴池、蒸气室、桑拿及网球场(中心 亦会提供球拍)。
九龙柯士甸道西 1号环球贸易广场 116楼, 2263-2040,www.ritzcarlton.com/hongkong。 这是全世界最高的酒店水疗中心,位於116楼的 理療室,可讓客人可俯瞰着维港壮丽的景色。客 人更能於完成疗程後到酒店的天际泳池中畅泳。
tHe ritZ carltoN spa bY espa 116/F, International Commerce Centre,1 Austin Rd. West, West Kowloon, 2263-2040, www.ritzcarlton.com/hongkong. Get pampered at the highest hotel spa in the world. Located on the 116th floor, this relaxing retreat looms over the city and offers majestic views of Victoria Harbour. Spa guests can also take a dip in the hotel's sky-high infinity pool after their treatments. tHe spa at Four seasoNs 6/F, Four Seasons Hong Kong, 8 Finance St., Central, 3196-8900, www.fourseasons.com/hongkong. This urban sanctuary is everything you would expect from the Four Seasons: 22,000 square feet of sumptuousness, including Finnish saunas, an ice fountain, a crystal fountain, vitality pools and an amethyst crystal steam room. Two spa suites include a pool for two, day beds and a private bar.
plateau spa
teN Feet tall 20-21/F, L Place, 139 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2971-1010, www.tenfeettall.com.hk. Go to Ten Feet Tall for a slightly different foot massage experience in an exotic ambience. The foot massage center features bright and sunny beach cabanas with pine, bamboo, natural marble and bright décor. The place’s signature treatments include genuine foot reflexology, shoulder and neck massage, pressure point massage and aromatic oil massage. VictoriaN spa 1/F, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel, Disneyland Resort, Lantau, 3510-6388, www.victorianspa.com.hk. Send the kids to Disneyland for the day, and get yourself to this luxurious retreat run by the Paua Group. There’s a women’s salon and a traditional barber for men as well as face painting and nail art for kids. Book any treatment and gain all-day access to the facilities, including outdoor and indoor heated swimming pools, a fully equipped gym, jacuzzi, steam rooms, saunas and tennis courts (rackets provided).
aimee at tHe sHaNGri-la 8/F, Island Shangri-La, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, 2918-1339. Staffed by international stylists offering everything from bridal makeovers, haircuts, coloring and waves to manicures, pedicures and professional makeup application.
aimee at tHe sHaNGri- la
aVeda liFestYle Shop 2225 – 2226, 2/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, 3-27 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2157-6031. Famous for products made from pure plant extracts, Aveda offers hair styling, facials, massages and body treatments. It has a number of outlets with professional stylists and beauticians on site to offer advice and tips. GloW bY ceri silK 9/F, Parker House, 72 Queen's Rd. Central, 2525 5198, www.cerisilk.com. Glow is a one-stop beauty shop for busy bees. With a vast range of hair and beauty services available, get gel nails
teN Feet tall
134 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
金钟金钟道 88号太古广场港岛 香格里拉大酒店 8楼, 2918-1339。 由国际级造型师驻场,从新娘化妆造型设计、 剪发、染发、烫发到美甲、美足和专业化妆服 务都有提供。
aVeda liFestYle 尖沙咀广东道 3-27号 海港城港威商场 2楼 2225-2226号, 2157-6031,www.aveda.com。 Aveda向来以由纯净植物精华调制而成的产品 闻名,提供服务有发型设计、面部护理、按摩 和身体护理。设有多间分店,均由专业造型师 和美容师提供即场意见。一般发型师负责的基 本剪发收费450港元,高级发型师主理的则收 费650港元。
GloW bY ceri silK 皇后大道中 72号百佳大厦 9楼, 2525-5198,www.cerisilk.com。 Glow是一间一站式的美容店,专为一众忙碌的 都市人而设。店内提供一系列不同的美容及发 型服务。当中包括啫喱甲(250港元),期间可 同时进行面部护理(380港元)或者享受专业的 发型设计服务(1,000港元)。想进行较深层次 的护理的话,便可以一尝店内获得2011年的Asia Spa Awards选出的亚洲第一水疗的光学疗程。
VictoriaN spa
Hair craFt 中环伊利近街 61号地下, 2868-6985,www.haircraft-salon.com。 Hair Craft坚持“简单自然就是型格”这理念, 其造型师和染发师团队提供一系列全面的美发 服务,包括剪发、修整造型、烫发、直发和驳 发。首席造型师John Ma拥有超过26年发型设 计经验,其中数年曾於伦敦工作。
Headquarters 中环皇后大道 20号太平行 11楼, 2868-9092。 富玩味的时尚美容空间Headquarters位於市区 心 脏 地 带 , 占 地 7,400平 方 呎 , 地 方 宽 敞 。 除 了完备的美发服务,亦提供美甲和专业化妆。
Hipp. FisH 中环士丹顿街 32号 1-2楼, 2815-3638,www.hippfish.com。 成立於1999年,Hipp.Fish是苏豪时尚的典范。经 过国际培训的造型师擅长挑染、修剪曲发、日本 直发和接驳真发。染发、烫发及漂染亦有提供。 基本剪发女士收费800港元,男士收费580港元。
il colpo 金钟太古广场 2楼 203号店, 2802-0151,wwww.ilcolpo.com.hk。 Il Colpo占 地 3,500平 方 呎 , 室 内 设 计 风 格 古 典,拥有超过22名经验造型师和技术员,无可 否认是香港发廊中的佼佼者。
spas done while enjoying a mini facial or professional hair extensions. Hair craFt G/F, 61 Elgin St., Central, 2868-6985, www.haircraft-salon.com. Embracing simple and natural styles, Hair Craft’s team of stylists and colorists offer a full range of services including cuts, finishing, perms, straightening and extensions. Head stylist John Ma has been in the business for more than 26 years, several of which were spent in London. Headquarters 11/F, Pacific House, 20 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2868-9092. Located right downtown, Headquarters boasts a whopping 7,400 square feet of funky, fashionable salon space. In addition to comprehensive hair services, it offers manicures and professional makeup. Hipp.FisH 1/F-2/F, 32 Staunton St., Central, 2815-3638, www.hippfish.com. Established in 1999, Hipp.Fish is the epitome of SoHo chic. Its internationally trained stylists specialize in highlights and cutting curly hair as well as Japanese straightening and applying real extensions. Coloring, perming and bleaching services are also available. il colpo Shop 203, 2/F, Pacific Place, Admiralty, 2802-0151, www.ilcolpo.com.hk. Squarely in the premier league of Hong Kong salons, Il Colpo has more than 22 experienced stylists and technicians across its classically designed premises. KeN qi priVate i saloN 5/F, Asia Pacific Centre, 8 Wyndham St., Central, 2522-1112, www.privatei.com.hk. In the top tier of Hong Kong salons, Ken Qi Private I has earned a celebrity following because of its cutting-edge creativity and fab VIP rooms. The softly lit interior is decked out in soothing cream and deep brown tones. Kim robiNsoN Shop 106, Chater House, 8 Connaught Rd., Central, 2121-8484, www.kimrobinson.com. Kim Robinson has dressed worldfamous heads, including those of Jackie Chan and the late Princess Diana. His
prices are as upscale as his client list, and Robinson is usually booked weeks in advance. paul Gerrard Hair & beautY 1F-2/F, Wah Hing House, 35 Pottinger St., Central, 2869-4408, www.paulgerrard.com. This established hair salon has an international team of stylists, all specialists in cutting and organic color systems. The salon also features an entire floor devoted to skincare and body maintenance, including manicures, pedicures and waxing. qG priVate i saloN 6/F, Four Seasons Hong Kong, 8 Finance St., Central, 2521-0070, www.privatei.com.hk. Located in the Four Seasons, the flagship of the Private I group is suitably beautiful, with floor-to-ceiling windows looking out onto an astounding harbor view. Expect to find yourself rubbing shoulders with politicians, tycoons and the jet set. tala’s Hair aNd beautY ceNtre G/F, 56 Po Tung Rd., Sai Kung, 2335-1694, www.talashairandbeautycentre.com. This stylish salon offers fashionable haircuts and coloring, manicures, pedicures and even full-body massages. Tailored services include professional hair extensions as well as organic African relaxer and Brazilian keratin hair treatments. tHd tHe Hairdressers 7/F, Abdoolally House, 20 Stanley St., Central, 2973-0512, www.thd.com.hk. This is the United Nations of hair salons, with hand-picked stylists from around the globe ready to cater to your specific needs. Returning to its roots as an intimate, boutique salon, THD specializes in curly hair, Japanese straightening, extensions and color. tHe colour bar 11/F, EuBank Plaza, 9 Chiu Lung St., Central, 2525-4228. The Colour Bar emphasizes personal styling, creating a look according to your personality and lifestyle as well as the tone of your hair and your bone structure. Its accolade-earning top stylists are internationally trained
KeN qi priVate i saloN 中环云咸街 8号亚洲太平洋中心 5楼, 2522-1112,www.privatei.com.hk。 Ken Qi Private I同样侪身於香港首席发廊之 列,其前卫创新的作风与上佳的贵宾房令它深 得演艺界欣赏。室内以奶白与深啡色为装饰主 调,配以柔和灯光,令人压力全消。基本剪发 收费由450港元至1,400港元不等。
Kim robiNsoN 中环干诺道 8号遮打大厦 106号店, 2121-8484,www.kimrobinson.com。 香港星级发型师Kim Robinson曾效力世界名人 包括成龙和已故王妃戴安娜。他的价目单与其 顾客名单同属高档次,谨记提早数星期预约。 女士剪发收费由1,540港元至6,300港元不等。
paul Gerrard Hair & beautY 中环砵典乍街 35号华兴大厦 1-2楼, 2869-4408,www.paulgerrard.com。 这间富规模的发廊拥有一个国际发型师团队, 全为剪发与有机染发系统的专家。发廊特将一 整层划为护肤与身体护理专区,进行美甲、美 足、蜜蜡和非手术类拉脸皮面部护理。
qG priVate i saloN 中环金融街 8号四季酒店 6楼, 2521-0070,www.privatei.com.hk。 位於“六星级”的四季酒店内,这间Private I旗 舰店不负所望,装潢漂亮,落地玻璃让你饱览维
港景色。深受政客、商界大亨和国际旅客欢迎。 你更有可能会与政界及商界名人在店内碰头。
tala’s Hair aNd beautY ceNtre 西贡普通道 56号地下, 2335-1694, www.talashairandbeautycentre.com。 这间潮流美容院提供时尚剪发、染发、美甲、 美足、甚至全身按摩。度身服务包括专业驳发 以及有机非洲直发和巴西角蛋白头发护理,均 有长达10天保证。
tHd tHe Hairdressers 中环士丹利街 20号鸭都喇利大厦 7楼, 2973-0512,www.thd.com.hk。 精心挑选了来自世界各地的造型师,照顾你独 特的需要。THD可说是一所联合国发廊。作为 亲切的精品发廊,THD专门提供曲发、日本直 发、驳发和染发。
tHe clolur bar 中环昭隆街 9号欧银中心 11楼, 2525-4228,www.thecolourbar.com.hk。 The Colour Bar强调依照性格、生活特性、发 质和骨骼轮廓设计个人形象。店中的顶级造型 师经过国际培训且有经验丰富。其他美容服务 包括美甲、美足、脚部护理、蜜蜡、反射理疗 和面部护理。
and more experienced than most. Other beauty services on offer include manicures, pedicures, foot treatments, waxing, reflexology and facials. tHe straNd saloN 18 Cochrane St., Central, 2850-7686, www.thestrandhk.com. The Strand is a five-story hair and beauty retreat in downtown SoHo specializing in treatments designed for pre-party pampering. A wide range of hair, skin and nail treatments are available, including intensive Japanese hair treatments, Brazilian blowouts and liquid gold manicures. Get a group of friends together and book to enjoy these treatments in the lounge with canapés and cocktails, which can be rented out (along with the rooftop) for beauty parties. toNi & GuY UG/F, 3-5 Old Bailey St., Central, 2533-3833, www.toniandguy.com.hk. This international salon chain boasts an extensive selection of hairdressing options. It offers discounts for students and children age 12 and under from Monday to Thursday. The Repulse Bay branch also hosts an exclusive hair spa room, a separate facility in a private area that focuses on customized hair spa treatments to enhance the health and conditioning of your hair and scalp.
gemstones, paraffin wax pedicures, “tired legs” spa pedicures and more. miNx Nails at miraspa B3/F, The Mira Hong Kong, 118 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2315-5500, www.themirahotel.com. A well-known brand that has adorned the nails of celebs like Beyonce, Katy Perry and Rihanna with elaborate designs has made it all the way to Hong Kong with its outpost at MiraSpa. Nail Nail Shop 1091A, 1/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St., Central, 2366-9322, www.nailnail.com.hk. This is the place for innovative nails, including gel nails, airbrushing and the truly decadent one-carat diamond manicure, which is by appointment only. It also offers waxing and temporary tattoos. Nail spa 1/F, 8 Pak Sha Rd., Causeway Bay, 2836-6333, www.nailspa.com.hk. Nail services and treatments for men and women are the specialty here, including French manicures and paraffin foot therapy. Gel and acrylic nails are available along with nail painting, embossed nail art, semi-precious gemstones, crystal embossing and graduated nail painting.
tHe straNd saloN
中环阁麟街 18号, 2850-7686,www.thestrandhk.com。 The Strand拥有五层高的店铺,为顾客提供发 型及美容服务。座落於苏豪区这地理位置,提 供一系列专为你抖擞精神为派对作好准备。提 供了一系列的发型、美容和美甲护理,其中包括 特效的日式疗程和巴西的金液美甲。相约好友一 起预订这些疗程,更可享用店内提供的小吃和鸡 尾酒,此处的一道长廊,更可预约举行派对。
中环士丹利街 20号鸭都爹利大厦 902室, 2815-3319 ,www.manipedi.com.hk。 ManiPedi提供快速法式美甲与标准美足及水疗 服务,招待男女宾客,以多元化的服务著名, 包括水晶及啫喱美甲、平面与立体彩绘指甲、 半宝石、巴拿芬蜜蜡足部护理、消除双腿疲劳 的足部水疗,多不胜数。
toNi & GuY 中环奥卑利街 3-5号UG楼, 2533-3833,www.toniandguy.com.hk。 这间国际连锁发廊公司提供大量美发服务可供 选择。每星期一至四均设折扣优惠予学生及12 岁或以下儿童。浅水湾分店亦设有独有的头发 护理室,让客人在私人空间内享用切合个人需要 的头发疗程,为秀发及头部皮肤带来滋养,改善 秀发健康。女士剪发收费380港元至750港元, 男士剪发收费380港元至680港元。
美甲 FiNGertrix 中环皇后大道 33号 2楼 215A号店, 2524-7423,www.fingerix.com。 这 所 可 靠 的 美 甲 店 於 1986年 开 业 , 至 今 店 主 Rebecca已吸引了相熟顾客。店铺位处中环中 心地带,采用美国流行产品,提供水晶及啫喱 美甲,款式切合不同风格。
miNx Nails at miraspa 尖沙咀弥敦道 118号美丽华酒店地库 3楼, 2315-5500,www.themirahotel.com。 备受国际名人追棒的著名美甲品牌,其拥戴人 士包括Beyonce、Katy Perry和Rihanna,现已 进驻香港美丽华酒店。
Nail Nail 中环金融街 8号 国际金融中心商场 1楼 1091A号店, 2366-9322,www.nailnail.com.hk.。 Nail Nail提供革新的美甲服务,包括啫喱甲、喷枪 彩绘与奢华的一卡拉钻石美甲。它亦设有蜜蜡、 现代刺青以及营造纤长丰盈效果的植睫毛服务。
Nail spa 铜锣湾白沙道 8号 1楼, 2836-6333,www.nailspa.com.hk。 以法式美甲和巴拿芬蜜蜡足部治疗等美甲与护 理疗程著名,招待男女顾客。亦有提供啫喱及 水晶甲与彩缯平面画花、立体画花、水晶立体 花及水晶渐变幻彩花。
nails FiNGertrix Shop 215A, 2/F, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2524-7423, www.fingertrix.com. This reliable nail shop has been in business since 1986, and owner Rebecca has built up a loyal clientele. She offers acrylic and gel nails in a private location right in the heart of Central, using popular American products and creating nail art to suit any style. maNipedi Room 902, Abdoolally House, 20 Stanley St., Central, 2815-3319, www.manipedi.com.hk. ManiPedi offers an express French manicure as well as standard pedicures and spa treatments for women and men. It also boasts acrylic and gel nail services as well as painted nail art, semi-precious
136 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
tHe straNd
Is her no.2 100x200cm acrylic 2009
Address: Phone: Skype: Email: Website: Facebook:
28 Tai Ping Shan Street, Sheung Wan +852 31052148, +852 31052118 apcontemporaryhk info@apcontemporary.com www.apcontemporary.com https://www.facebook.com/APContemporary
Museums & Galleries
WorKs bY coNtemporarY maiNlaNd artists aNd iNterNatioNal superstars Fill iNcreasiNGlY posH Galleries, as aNcieNt artiFacts taKe ceNter staGe oN HollYWood road. botH are sHoWcased iN spaces larGe aNd small, Well-KNoWN aNd uNexpected. 中国内地的当代和国际星级艺术家的作品,都为博物馆和画廊增 添了一份高级优雅的气氛;至于那些古代的史前古器物,就成为 了荷李活道上的焦点。无论如何,两者都在大与小的空间里, 为大家展示出著名或令人喜出望外的艺术作品。
sundaram tagore 138 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
museums & Galleries
MuseuMs FlaGstaFF House museum oF teaWare 10 Cotton Tree Drive, Hong Kong Park, Central, 2869-0690, www.hk.art.museum. Located in Flagstaff House, the oldest surviving colonial building in the territory, and once the home of the commander-in-chief of British forces in Hong Kong, the museum houses a prized Asian teaware collection. It’s also home to Lock Cha Tea House, which serves myriad varieties of tea and delicate vegetarian dim sum in a cute Chinesestyle setting. Closed Tuesdays. HoNG KoNG Film arcHiVe 50 Lei King Rd., Sai Wan Ho, 2739-2139. A repository of all things related to Hong Kong films, the Archive contains lots of movies, conservation labs, a resource center, exhibition hall and a cinema. Closed Thursdays. HoNG KoNG HeritaGe museum 1 Man Lam Rd., Sha Tin, 2180-8188, hk.heritage.museum. This modern museum is devoted to preserving the city’s historical, art and cultural heritage. Permanent exhibitions on the New Territories and Cantonese opera, plus a Children’s Discovery Gallery of natural and cultural history, including toy-making. Closed Tuesdays and public holidays. HoNG KoNG maritime museum Central Ferry Pier No. 8, 3713-2500, www.hkmaritimemuseum.org This museum holds semi-permanent and special exhibitions tracing Hong Kong's growth into a major world port, and the contributions made by China and the West to the development of ships, maritime exploration, trade and naval warfare. HoNG KoNG museum oF art 10 Salisbury Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2721-0116, www.hk.art.museum. One of the city’s largest museums houses fine examples of ancient Chinese art from the Han to the Qing dynasties. The exhibition galleries regularly showcase contemporary and international works, including major traveling exhibitions from world-class museums. Closed Tuesdays.
HoNG KoNG museum oF HistorY 100 Chatham Rd. South, Tsim Sha Tsui, 2724-9042, hk.history.museum. Worth a few hours of anyone’s time, this fascinating museum explores 6,000 years of Hong Kong history, from the Neolithic to the post-war period, with recreations of prehistoric scenes and the early colonial era. But it’s the reconstruction of a post-war street, complete with a tram and traveling Chinese opera company, that really grabs the imagination. Closed Tuesdays. HoNG KoNG museum oF medical scieNces 2 Caine Lane, Mid-Levels, 2549-5123, www.hkmms.org.hk. This museum charts the development of medicine in the city. Hong Kong was one of the first places to focus on both western and traditional Chinese approaches to health care. There are antique apothecary equipment and other items of interest to the medical-history buff. Closed Mondays.
uNiVersitY museum aNd art GallerY
HoNG KoNG railWaY museum 13 Shung Tak St., Tai Po Market, Tai Po, 2653-3455, hk.heritage.museum. This small, picturesque museum is situated in a former train station, a charming 1913 building with a traditional tiled roof now declared a historical monument. Closed Tuesdays.
HoNG KoNG scieNce museum 2 Science Museum Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2732-3232, hk.science.museum. Great for kids, thanks to about 500 permanent exhibits that explore all aspects of science and technology, including robotics, virtual reality and transportation. Closed Thursdays.
HoNG KoNG space museum 10 Salisbury Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 2721-0226, hk.space.museum. Explore the final frontier at the Space Museum and learn all about astronomy and space technology. One of the largest planetariums in the world features daily Omnimax screenings and sky shows. Closed Tuesdays. laW uK FolK museum 14 Kut Shing St., Chai Wan, 2896-7006, hk.history.museum.
中环香港公园红棉路 10号, 2869- 0690,www.hk.art.museum。 茶具文物馆位於“旗杆屋”,是香港历史悠久的 殖民地建筑遗迹,前身是前英军总司令官邸 , 展出被视为最有价值的亚洲茶具藏品。这里同 样可到找到拥有众多茶种以供选择的乐茶轩, 同时更会供应越式点心与及卖相可爱的中式小 吃。逢星期二休馆。
西湾河鲤景道 50号, 2739- 2139。 资料馆设有电影藏品室、修复组、资源中心、 展览厅和电影院,保存香港电影文化的瑰宝。 逢星期四休馆。
香港艺术馆 尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10号, 2721- 0116,www.hk.art.museum。 全港最大的博物馆之一,搜集从汉朝到清朝的 古代中国艺术珍品。展览厅长期展出当代和从 世界各地重点巡回展览和国际级博物馆邀请到 来的作品。逢星期二休馆。
香港历史博物馆 尖沙咀漆咸道南 100号, 2724- 9042,hk.history.museum。 这家一流博物馆值得花上数小时参观。博物馆带 领访客探索香港从新石器时代到战后这6,000年的 历史,展品包括仿史前和殖民地时期早年建成的 历史造景。不过最诱发遐想的还是连电车和巡回 粤剧团都包罗的战後街景展区。逢星期二休馆。
沙田文林路 1号, 2180- 8188,hk.heritage.museum。 这家现代博物馆涵盖香港历史、艺术和文化。 常设有关新界和粤剧的文物展览馆,以及介绍 自然和玩具发展等文化历史的儿童探知馆。逢 星期二及公众假期休馆。
半山坚巷 2号, 2549- 5123,www.hkmms.org.hk。 成 立 于 1996年 , 位 於 优 雅 的 红 砖 建 筑 物 内 , 详细介绍香港医学发展。香港是首个同时兼顾 西方和传统中医学的地方之一。除了草药和医 药等展品外,博物馆也有展示昔日药剂仪器和 其它引人入胜的医学文物。馆内宁静环境让游 人获得回到过去的清新体验。逢星期一休馆。
中環 8號碼頭, 3713- 2500,www.hkmaritimemuseum.org。 这家博物馆设有半长期与特设的展览,展示香 港蜕变成世界主要港口的过程,以及中国和西 方对轮舟、航路发现与贸易,还有海军配备方 面的贡献。
大埔大埔墟崇德街 13号, 2653- 3455,hk.heritage.museum。 细小而诗情画意的博物馆专注介绍香港铁路系 统 的 历 史 。 由 建 于 1913年 的 旧 火 车 站 改 建 而 成,风格独特的旧火车大楼屋顶为传统砖瓦, 已被列法定古迹。逢星期二休馆。
WHite cube
Law Uk, which means “Law’s House” after its original owner, is an 18thcentury, Qing-dynasty Hakka village house, complete with furnishings and artifacts—the sole remaining architectural example of its kind in the area. Closed Thursdays. museum oF coastal deFeNce 175 Tung Hei Rd., Shau Kei Wan, 2569-1500, hk.coastaldefence.museum. Set in a 19th-century British fort with spectacular views of the Lei Yue Mun channel, it features the original restored batteries and camouflaged cannons under a new tented canopy. Closed Thursdays. police museum 27 Coombe Rd., The Peak, 2849-7019. This interesting little museum has more than 600 artifacts relating to the Hong Kong Police, from the force’s inception in 1844 to today. It’s split into four sections including a gallery devoted to triad societies, Hong Kong's equivalent of gangs. Closed on public holidays.
140 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
sam tuNG uK museum 2 Kwu Uk Lane, Tsuen Wan, 2411-2001, hk.heritage.museum. Offering a fascinating insight into Hong Kong’s past, Sam Tung Uk (“three rows of dwelling”) is a restored 200-yearold walled village. It contains displays of period furniture, handicrafts and agricultural equipment. Closed Tuesdays. dr. suN Yat-seN museum 7 Castle Rd., Central, 2367-6373, www.hk.drsunyatsen.museum. Housed in a restored early 20th-century landmark, this museum celebrates the life of the revolutionary leader, who spent a lot of time in Hong Kong, in two permanent exhibitions. Closed Thursdays. uNiVersitY museum aNd art GallerY The University of Hong Kong, 90 Bonham Rd., Pok Fu Lam, 2241-5500, www.hku.hk/hkumag. Established in 1953, UMAG is the oldest museum in Hong Kong and houses more than 1,000 Chinese antiquities—mostly ceramics, bronzes and paintings dating from the Neolithic period to the Qing dynasty. Closed on public holidays.
尖沙咀科学馆道 2号, 2732- 3232,hk.science.museum。 香港科学馆极适合与儿童参观,馆内有约500 件包括机械人、虚拟实境和交通运输等科学与 技术的探索展品。最大优点是其中七成均为互 动展品,小孩也可玩乐其中,逢星期四休馆。
山顶甘道 27号, 2849- 7019。 这家有趣的小型博物馆拥有超过 600件从香港 警队于1844年成立到今日的文物。分为四个部 分,并有一个介绍三合会(即黑帮)的专题展 厅。公众假期休馆。
尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10号, 2721- 0226,hk.space.museum。 发掘太空馆的最新领域,认识天文学和太空科 技吧。这是全球最大的天文博物馆之一,每日 都有全天域电影和天象节目。逢星期二休馆。
荃湾古屋里 2号, 2411- 2001,hk.heritage.museum。 三栋屋是一条有 200年历史的围村,现已重修 成博物馆,让人窥看香港昔日的迷人面貌。逢 星期二休馆。
柴湾吉胜街 14号, 2896- 7006,hk.history.museum。 这幢18世纪清朝客家村屋原来的户主姓罗,故 名“罗屋”。屋内陈设和工艺品仍得以保留, 是柴湾目前硕果仅存的古村屋遗迹,因此在 1989年已被列为法定古蹟迹。逢星期四休馆。
中环卫城道 7号, 2367- 6373,hk.drsunyatsen.museum。 馆 址 为 一 幢 经 修 复 的 20世 纪 初 地 标 , 以 两 个 常设展厅全面阐述孙中山,这位生前花了不少 时间在港的革命领袖的生平。逢星期四休馆。
香港大学美术博物馆 香港海防博物馆 筲箕湾东喜道 175号, 2569- 1500,hk.coastaldefence.museum。 前身是19世纪英军炮台,拥有鲤鱼门海峡的壮 阔景观,在新建的天篷下展示经修复的炮台和 有保护色的大炮。逢星期四休馆。
薄扶林般咸道 90号香港大学, 2241- 5500,www.hku.hk/hkumag。 香港大学美术博物馆早于1953年已搜集馆藏,是 香港历史最悠久的博物馆,收藏了过千项中国文 物,大部分为陶瓷、青铜器和书画,可追溯至新 石器时期到清朝。公众假期休馆。
20th Century & Contemporary Masters Painting and sculpture
Monet Rodin Calder Giacometti Magritte Moore Picasso Chu Teh Chun Hartung Mitchell Soulages Wesley Zao Wou Ki Chen Zhen Kruger Lin Jingjing Venet Zhao Jinhe
Zao Wou Ki, 1955 , Oil on canvas(detail)
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Galleries 1a space Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd., To Kwa Wan, 2529-0087, www.oneaspace.org.hk. An independent, non-profit venture established by local artists, it’s located in a former cattle shed. 10 cHaNcerY laNe GallerY G/F, 10 Chancery Lane, Central, 2810-0065,www.10chancerylanegallery.com. Consisting of three large gallery spaces, this gallery not only holds exhibitions of paintings, photographs, installations and videos, but also performances by renowned artists. 2p coNtemporarY art GallerY Shop 5, G/F, 6-20 Po Tuck St., Sai Ying Pun, 2803-2151, www.2p-gallery.com. Featuring artists who either push the envelope, break out of the box or bend the mind, this is one place that's helping advance the Hong Kong art scene. aboVe secoNd 31 Eastern St., Sai Ying Pun, 3483-7950, www.above-second.com. Drawing inspiration from graphic design, illustration, graffiti, comic books and pop culture, expect plenty of raw creativity from this lot. Closed Monday. aGNÈs b. librairie Galerie 1/F, 18 Wing Fung St., Wan Chai, 2869-5505, www.agnesb.com. French fashion chain and long-time supporter of the arts, Agnès b. supports a contemporary art space dedicated to showing the best art from Asia and the world. alisaN FiNe arts Room 2305, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Rd., Aberdeen, 2526-1091, www.alisan.com.hk. Founded in 1981, Alisan Fine Arts has organized more than 100 exhibitions for Chinese artists from around the world. amelia JoHNsoN coNtemporarY G/F, 6-10 Shin Hing St., Central, 2548-2286, www.ajc-art.com. Amelia Johnson Contemporary makes promoting emerging artists their business. 142 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
ap coNtemporarY 28 Tai Ping Shan St., Sheung Wan, 3105-2148, www.apcontemporary.com. AP Contemporary is dedicated to supporting up-and-coming contemporary artists, especially those from developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China. arcH aNGel art GallerY 58 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2851-6882. Dedicated to top-quality Southeast Asian art, Arch Angel has a large selection of Vietnamese oil paintings that combine Asian and Western artistic traditions. art beatus G/F, 50 Peel St., Central, 2526-0818. Most of its collection, mainly by contemporary Chinese artists, has a retro slant and uses elements of pop, propaganda, illustration and cartoon as vehicles for expression. asia societY HoNG KoNG 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, 2103-9511, www.asiasociety.org/hong-kong. Asia Society Hong Kong's headquarters are in a beautifully refurbished former storehouse for British artillery and ammunition. Playing host to a myriad of lectures, exhibitions, performances, film screenings, tours, seminars and conferences—97 percent of which are open to the public—the Asia Society is a literal treasure trove. Closed Mondays.
艺廊 1a 空间 土瓜湾马头角道 63号牛棚艺术村 14号, 2529- 0087,www.oneaspace.org.hk。 这个由一群香港艺术家发起的独立非牟利组织, 以牛棚作艺廊,很值得一游。
10 cHaNcerY laNe GallerY 中环赞善里 10号地下, 2810- 0065,www.10chancerylanegallery.com。 早于2001年成立,这家艺廊主力从世界各地收 集已成名和崛起中的艺术家作品。
2p coNtemporarY art GallerY 香港西营盘保德街 6- 20号 5号铺地下, 2803- 2151, www.2p-gallery.com 。 画廊的艺术家无论是要破格、要突破自己的框 框,还是满脑子构思都好,这里都是他們推动 本港艺术达至另一个更高层次的理想之地。
aboVe secoNd 西营盘东边街 31号, 3483- 7950,www.above-second.com。 画作的灵感源于平面设计,插画、涂鸦、卡通 以及普普文化,此外这里还有很多原创作的作 品。逢星期一休馆。
aGNÈs b. librairie Galerie 湾仔永丰街 18号 1楼, 2869- 5505,www.agnesb.com。 法国时装连锁店Agnès b.一直以来均支援艺术 发展,其当代艺术空间专门展览亚洲与全球最 出色的艺术品。
amelia JoHNsoN coNtemporarY 中环善庆街 6- 10号地下, 2548- 2286,www.ajc-art.com。 专门从世界各地搜罗各式艺术作品返港, 推动大家的生意合作。
文會當代藝術 上環太平山道 28號, 3105- 2148, www.apcontemporary.com。 文會當代藝術主要支持一眾剛冒起的當代藝術 家,特別是來自發展中國家如巴西、俄羅斯、 印度及中國等地的藝術家。
arcH aNGel art GallerY 中环荷李活道 58号,Central, 2845- 4255。 Arch Angel主 要 收 藏 高 质 素 东 南 亚 艺 术 品 , 搜集多幅结合亚洲和西方艺术传统的越南油画。 于荷李活道亦设有古玩店。
精艺轩 中环卑利街 50街地下, 2526- 0818。 精艺轩主要展览当代中国艺术家的画作真迹。 大部分藏品都带有复古味道,并采用波普、 宣传、插画和卡通等元素作表达方式。
asia societY HoNG KoNG 香港金钟正义道 9号, 2103- 9511,www.asiasociety.org/hong-kong。 这是一个驻香港的国际组织,旨在推动和保护 亚洲文化艺术。这里经常用作举行学术研究、 展览、表演、电影播放、旅行团、会议场地与 及议事室等用途。
asia FiNe art 湾仔适安街 12号, 2522- 0405,www.asia-fineart.com。 Asia Fine Art主 力 説 明 亚 洲 年 轻 艺 术 家 , 可以适合的价钱售卖他们的画作。
asia FiNe art 12 Sik On St., Wan Chai, 2522-0405, www.asia-fineart.com. Asia Fine Art is dedicated to promoting young Asian artists, selling their work at affordable prices. beN broWN FiNe arts 301 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder St., Central, 2522-9600, www.benbrownfinearts.com. After 10 years at Sotheby’s and two more at a private gallery, Ben Brown and his wife sought to create a space that housed pieces reflective of their tastes—primarily on European modern and contemporary artworks.
asia societY
bliNdspot GallerY 24-26A Aberdeen St., Central, 2517-6238, www.blindspotgallery.com. Seeing contemporary photography as the “blind spot” in the Hong Kong art market, this small gallery aims to represent predominantly local photographers. coNNoisseur art GallerY Shop G3, Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2868-5358, www.connoisseur-art.com. Connoisseur has been specializing in contemporary Chinese fine art since 1989. tHe cat street GallerY 222 Hollywood Rd., Sheung Wan, 2291-0006, www.thecatstreetgallery.com. Showcasing contemporary and modern art in a variety of mediums, Cat Street exhibits emerging and established artists from around the world. coNtemporarY bY aNGela li G/F, 248 Hollywood Rd., Sheung Wan, 3571-8200, www.cbal.com.hk. Angela Li was an art lover for many years, but went into banking instead. In 2009, she opened her gallery space representing cutting-edge artists from America and Europe, as well as key artists from China.
edouard maliNGue GallerY 1/F, 8 Queen’s Rd. Central, 2810-0317, www.edouardmalingue.com. Talk about making an entrance: Edouard Malingue’s September 2010 debut featured the largest Picasso exhibit ever seen in these parts. The gallery has 1,600 square feet of exhibition space, ample space to browse displays of western Impressionist art and modern Asian works. FabriK coNtemporarY art Gallery 12 Art One, M/F, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Rd., Wan Chai, 2525-4911, www.fabrik-gallery.com. The gallery that first brought Banksy to Hong Kong’s shores in 2008, Fabrik Contemporary Art houses colorful, popinspired works by Takashi Murakami, Romero Britto and their first local Hong Kong artist, Kako Peco. GaGosiaN GallerY 7/F, Pedder Building, 12 Pedder St., Central, 2151-0555. With 12 galleries and counting, the famed Gagosian has chosen Hong Kong as its gateway to Asia. They opened their
beN broWN FiNe arts 中环毕打街 12号毕打行 301号店, 2522- 9600,www.benbrownfinearts.com。 为 苏 富 比 效 力 10年 , 并 在 私 人 艺 廊 工 作 两 年 後 , Ben Brown与 妻 子 期 望 可 创 立 一 个 空 间 来展示他俩对欧洲现代及当代艺术品的品味。
bliNdspot GallerY 中环鸭巴甸街 24- 26A号, 2517- 6238,www.blindspotgallery.com.。 这家小型艺廊认为当代摄影在香港艺坛往往是 一个"盲点",因此极力推动本地摄影师作品。
coNNoisseur art GallerY 中环荷李活道 1号 华懋荷李活中心G3号店, 2868- 5358,www.connoisseur-art.com。 Connoisseur自1989年起已专门搜集当代中国 艺术品。
tHe cat street GallerY 上环荷李活道 222号, 2291- 0006,www.thecatstreetgallery.com。 主要展示当代与现代艺术品,以及世界各地不 同艺术家的作品。
coNtemporarY bY aNGela li 中环荷李活道 248号地下, 3571- 8200,www.cbal.com.hk 。 Angela Li热 爱 艺 术 多 年 , 不 过 投 身 了 银 行 界。2009年她成立了自己的艺术空间,她所罗
致的作品均来自美国和欧洲的艺术先锋,还有 中国重点艺术家。
culture club GallerY 中环伊利近街 15号地下, 2127- 7936,www.cultureclub.com.hk.。 这里既是意大利咖啡店,又是不拘礼节的活动 场地与艺廊,冒起中的本地与国际艺术家作品 轮流展出。
de sartHe FiNe art 中环雪厂街 16号 8楼, 2167- 8896,www.desarthe.com。 专售卖19及20世纪大师作品,过往曾举办的展 览展出的艺坛巨匠作品不计其数,如米罗、毕 卡索和汉斯·哈同等。
艺穗会 中环下亚厘毕道 2号, 2521- 7251,www.hkfringeclub.com。 邻近兰桂坊和苏豪的艺穗会,设有三个展出本地艺 术家新作的展览空间:The Fringe Gallery、The Economist Gallery和fotogalerie。其馀还有三间 很受欢迎的酒吧和两个剧场空间。
马凌画廊 中环皇后大道 8号 1楼, 2810- 0317,www.edouardmalingue.com。 艺廊于2010年9月开业时,即展出了在同类型 艺廊中最大型的毕卡索作品。主要展览西方印 象派艺术和现代亚洲作品。
culture club GallerY G/F, 15 Elgin St., Central, 2127-7936, www.cultureclub.com.hk. Part café and part art gallery, Culture Club Gallery features a rotating lineup of upand-coming local and international artists. de sartHe GallerY 8/F, 16 Ice House St., Central, 2167-8896, www.desarthe.com. Specializing in the sale of 19th- and 20thcentury masters, previous exhibitions have shown the works of art world greats such as Miro, Picasso and Hans Hartung. FriNGe club 2 Lower Albert Rd., Central, 2521-7251, www.hkfringeclub.com. An active performing and visual arts center with three exhibition spaces: The Fringe Gallery, The Economist Gallery and fotogalerie. All feature new work by local artists. It also has a popular bar and two theater spaces.
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de sartHe GallerY*
doors in January 2011 with a bang— Gagosian only exhibits the crème-de-lacrème of the art world. Galerie du moNde Shop 108, 1/F, Ruttonjee Center, 11 Duddell St. Central, 2525-0529, www.galeriedumonde.com. Established in 1974, Galerie du Monde hosts exhibitions of modern and contemporary works by established and emerging Chinese artists. GallerY exit G/F, 1 Shin Hing St., Central, 2541-1299, www.galleryexit.com. Representing contemporary works from international and local figures, Gallery EXIT acts as a platform that seeks to foster artists' growth over the long term.
a platform for both non-profit and forprofit artistic organizations and activities. ipreciatioN Suite LG1-3, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, 2537-8869, www.ipreciation.com. Singapore-based iPreciation promotes contemporary Chinese and Southeast Asian artists. KariN Weber GallerY G/F, 20 Aberdeen St., Central, 2544-5004, www.karinwebergallery.com. The gallery organizes exhibitions by a wide spectrum of international and local artists who work in a variety of mediums.
Grotto FiNe art 1-2/F, 31C-D, Wyndham St., Central, 2121-2270, www.grottofineart.com. Curated by Henry Au-yeung, a specialist in 20th-century Chinese art history, this gallery exclusively represents local Chinese artists.
Koru coNtemporarY art Unit 1012 and 1604, 10/F and 16/F, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Rd., Aberdeen, 2580-5922, www.koru-hk.com. Wood, brass, stone, glass and ceramic are a few of Koru’s specialties— sculpture being its forte—although it also dabbles in other conventional and unconventional forms of fine art.
HaNart tZ GallerY 407 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder St., Central, 2526-9019, www.hanart.com. Founded in 1983, Hanart TZ Gallery is a leading specialist in contemporary Chinese art.
KWai FuNG HiN art GallerY G/F, 20 Ice House St., Central, 2580-0058, www.kwaifunghin.com. Kwai Fung Hin has held a number of major exhibitions to promote contemporary European artists.
Galerie Koo 1/F, V Plus, 68 Wellington St., Central, 2525-0331, www.galeriekoo.com. Owned by art appreciator Cecilia Koo in the space formerly occupied by the Ian Tan Gallery, Galerie Koo strives to introduce works by Europe-based contemporary and abstract artists.
l’apres-midi GallerY G/F, 2 King St., Tin Hau, www.l-apres-midi.com. L’apres-midi is one of few galleries pushing affordable, locally produced, 100-percent original artworks for the lay collector or just about anyone looking to decorate their living or working space.
ideNtitY art GallerY G/F, 53 Tung St., Sheung Wan, 2540-5353, www.identityartgallery.com. A neat, tiny space on the western edge of Sheung Wan, Identity presents artists from across the globe in solo shows and group exhibitions. i/o (iNput/output) G/F, 28 Tai Ping Shan St., Sheung Wan, 3105-1127. Through exhibitions, talks and debates that focus on new media, I/O serves as
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FabriK coNtemporarY art
Grotto FiNe art
湾仔港湾道 1号 会展广场办公大楼M层艺廊 12号, 2525- 4911,www.fabrik-gallery.com。 艺廊主要以西方当代艺术为基础,陈列村上隆、 巴西流行艺术画家Romero Britto和Banksy, 以及他们首个本土艺术家Kako Peco的作品。
中环云咸街 31C-D号 1- 2楼, 2121- 2270,www.grottofineart.com。 这家艺廊由欧阳宪策展,是20世纪中国艺术史 专家,专营本地中国艺术家。
GaGosiaN GallerY 中环毕打街 12号毕打行 7楼, 2151- 0555。 在世界各地已有12家艺廊的Gagosian声名超卓。 它挑选了香港作进军亚洲的首站,于2011年1月 开业时全新的达米斯·赫斯特个人展引起轰动。
世界画廊 leHmaNN maupiN GallerY 407 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder St., Central.2530-0025, hongkong@lehmanmaupin.com. With the original branch in New York and with its reputation of supporting contemporary art and culture, the Lehmann Maupin Gallery has just opened its first location in Hong Kong. Architect Rem Koolhas designed the gallery, making sure to keep the historic columns in the Pedder Building intact. Female Korean artist Lee Bul will open with an exhibit featuring paintings and
中环都爹利街 11号 律敦治大厦 1楼 108号店, 2525- 0529,www.galeriedumonde.com。 于1974年成立的世界画廊,主办由成名或新晋 中国艺术家的现代和当代作品展。
GallerY exit 中环善庆街 1号地下, 2541- 1299,www.galleryexit.com。 Gallery EXIT于2008年成立,搜集国际和本地 人物的当代作品,通过展示艺术家最新创作与 推动他们个人发展。
汉雅轩 中环毕打街 12号毕打行 407室, 2526- 9019,www.hanart.com。 于1983年创立的汉雅轩,在当代中国艺术属数 一数二的专家。
Galerie Koo 中环威灵顿街 68号 1楼 V Plus, 2525- 0331, www.galeriekoo.com. 由 艺 术 鉴 赏 家 Cecilia Koo开 设 的 这 间 画 廊 , 原 址 是 Ian Tan Gallery的 所 在 地 , 而 Galerie Koo则以介绍欧洲的当代及抽象艺术作品为主。
ideNtitY art GallerY 香港上环东街 53号地下, 2540- 5353,www.identityartgallery.com。 这间位於上环整洁细小的画廊,经常都会为世 界各地的艺术家举行个人和群体的展览及表演。
i/ o ( iNput/ output) 上环太平山街 28号地道下, 3105- 1127。 透过展览、讲座和辩论,I/O是一个为非牟利和 商业艺术机构与活动而设的平台。
museums & Galleries 3D sculptures using all sorts of media and materials. louis VuittoN GallerY Espace Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton Mansion, 5 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, 8100-1182. LV has been invading gallery spaces for the past half decade, stirring unrest in the hearts of hard-line art critics but appreciation in the eyes of those beholders who’re able to look past reservations about brandname commercialism. NeW GallerY oN old baileY B/F & G/F, 17 Old Bailey St., Central, 2234-9889, www.newgalleryonoldbailey.com. Established in 1999, the gallery aims to promote contemporary Chinese fine art. opera GallerY 2-8 Wellington St., Central, 2810-1208, www.operagallery.com. This gallery features works by world-famous international artists, including Picasso, Chagall, Salvador Dali, Renoir and Chinese painter Ting Shao-kuang, among others.
www.picturethiscollection.com. The city’s largest affordable art gallery specializes in posters, antique maps, prints and early photographs of Hong Kong and China. plum blossoms GallerY Shop G6, Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2521-2189, www.plumblossoms.com. Since its founding in 1987, Plum Blossoms Gallery has been recognized for exhibitions of contemporary Asian art as well as an outstanding collection of museum-quality ancient textiles. saamluNG GallerY 26/F, Two Chinachem Plaza, 68 Connaught Rd. Central, 5181-5156, www.saamlung.com. Expect a variety of contemporary works in media from painting to photography by both regional and international artists. sHiN HWa GallerY G/F, 32 Aberdeen St., Central, 2803-7960, www.shinhwagallery.com.
中环康乐广场 1号怡和大厦LG1- 3室, 2537- 8869,www.ipreciation.com。 以新加坡作为基地的iPreciation,一直以介绍当 代正在冒起的中国及东南亚艺术家。
天后大坑京街 2号地下, www.l-apres-midi.com。 晏昼画廊是其中之一个少数的画廊,积极推动 不太昂贵的本地创作,而且全部都是百分百原 创作品。对於初学收藏家來說,非常适合。
KariN Weber GallerY 中环鸭巴甸街 20号地下, 2544- 5004,www.karinwebergallery.com。 这家艺廊筹组展览,以展出多个不同风格的国际 与本地艺术家以各种媒介创作的作品。
Koru coNtemporarY art 香港仔田湾海傍道 7号 兴伟中心 10楼及 16楼 1012室及 1604室, 2580- 5922,www.koru-hk.com。. 木料、黄铜、石块、玻璃和陶器都是Koru少部 分的特色材料的艺术作品。
季丰轩 中环雪厂街 20号地下, 2580- 0058,www.kwaifunghin.com。 季丰轩位於精致的复式空间内,已举办了多个 推广当代欧洲艺术家的主要展览。
leHmaNN maupiN GallerY 中环毕打街 12号毕打行 4楼 407室, 2530- 0025, hongkong@lehmanmaupin.com。 带着在纽约总店对支持当代艺术及文化的美 誉,Lehmann Maupin Gallery刚在香港开设了 首间分店,由著名建筑师Rem Koolhas操刀设 计,以保证不会破坏毕打行的梁柱。南韩女艺 术家Lee Bu将会举行以多媒体及运用多元材料 的画展及3D立体雕塑。
louis VuittoN GallerY 尖吵咀广东道Louis Vuitton Mansion Espace Louis Vuitton, 8100- 1182。 在过去5年,LV开始进军画廊展览场,同时造就 出人們从以往固有的基准中,去欣赏商业作品。
NeW GallerY oN old baileY 中环奥卑利街 17号地下及地库, 2234- 9889,www.newgalleryonoldbailey.com。 於1999年创立的这间画廊,主要目的是提拔当 代中国艺术家。
osaGe GallerY 5/F, Kian Dai Industrial Building, 73-75 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, 2793-4817, www.osagegallery.com. Committed to presenting innovative contemporary art, Osage has two spectacular warehouse-style galleries space in Kwun Tong. para/site art space G/F, 4 Po Yan St., Sheung Wan, 2517-4620, www.para-site.org.hk. Para/Site Art Space is a cutting-edge visual art organization that produces, exhibits and spreads awareness of highquality contemporary art. tHe peaK suite Room 1001, 10/F. Miramar Tower, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 2530-2900, www.thepeaksuite.com.hk. Founder Gérard Lasés has over two decades of experience in the European art scene, and it shows. The Peak Suites consistently exhibits well-known artists. picture tHis Suite 1308, 13/F, 9 Queen's Rd. Central, 2525-2820,
Gallerie du moNde
Specializing in Asian contemporary art, Shin Hwa features both up-and-coming and established artists. siN siN FiNe art G/F, 52 Sai St., Central, 2858-5072, www.sinsin.com.hk. The gallery represents and promotes mainland and Southeast Asian artists and photographers, with a focus on Chinese, Indonesian and Thai works of art. suNdaram taGore GallerY 57-59 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2581-9672, www.sundaramtagore.com. Focusing on the exchange between western and non-western art forms, the gallery recently hosted American portrait photographer Annie Leibovitz’s first exhibition in Asia. taNG coNtemporarY art B/F, Hollywood Centre, 233 Hollywood Rd., Sheung Wan, 2544-9918, www.tangcontemporary.com. This gallery is committed to promoting and developing Chinese artists as well as foreign contemporary artists around the world. VoxFire GallerY 1/F, 52 Gage St., Sheung Wan, 2581-3385, www.voxfiregallery.com. One hundred and ten years after a prominent Chinese revolutionary was “silenced” on the same site, Voxfire aims to put power of expression and the strength of voice back in the hands of the region’s emerging artists. WaN cHai Visual arcHiVe 5-9 Hing Wan St., Wan Chai, 2891-5900, www.visualarchive.hk. The Archive recently hosted an installation that centered on Dutch artist Frank Havermans’s contemporary, sculptural, metallic take on Hong Kong roof shanties. WHite cube 50 Connaught Rd. Central, 2592-2000, www.whitecube.com. One of the world’s top contemporary galleries opened its first non-UK outpost in Hong Kong in March of 2012. The gallery represents many members of the Young British Artists (YBA) movement, who are known for their shock factor, 148 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK
confrontational nature and use of disposable materials—for instance, Damien Hirst’s famous dead shark suspended in formaldehyde. Zee stoNe GallerY G/F Chinachem Hollywood Centre, One Hollywood Road, Central, 2810 5895, www.zeestone.com. Each of Zee Stone’s artists is decidedly contemporary, exploring the interplay between traditional eastern and western painting techniques.
opera GallerY
sHiN HWa GallerY
中环威灵顿街 2- 8号, 2810- 1208,www.operagallery.com。 这家艺廊展出闻名世界的国际级艺术家作品,如 毕卡索、夏卡尔、雷诺瓦和中国画家丁绍光等。
中环鸭巴甸街 32号地下, 2803- 7960,www.shinhwagallery.com。 专营亚洲当代艺术的Shin Hwa,专展览冒起与 已成名的艺术家作品。
osaGe GallerY
siN siN FiNe art
九龙观塘鸿图道 73- 75号建大工业大厦 5楼, 2793- 4817,www.osagegallery.com。 致力搜罗创新且富启发性的当代艺术的Osage, 于观塘开设有两个仓库式的艺术空间。
中环西街 52号地下, 2858- 5072,www.sinsin.com.hk。 这家艺廊搜罗并推广内地和东南亚艺术家与摄影师 的代表作,并以中国、印尼和泰国艺术品为主。
para/ site艺术空间
suNdaram taGore GallerY
上环普仁街 4号地下, 2517- 4620,www.para-site.org.hk。 Para/Site艺术空间是一个前卫的视觉艺术组织, 展览和宣扬优质当代艺术作品。
中环荷李活道 57- 59号, 2581- 9678,www.sundaramtagore.com.。 这家艺廊主要展出西方和非西方的艺术展品, 最近展出的就有美国人物摄影师Annie Leibovitz 首次在港进行的作品展。
altField GallerY Shop 248-9, 2/F Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Rd., Central, 2537-6370, www.altfield.com.hk. The gallery deals in Southeast Asian sculpture and decorative arts, antique maps and topographical prints relating to Asia, and Chinese, Tibetan and Caucasian carpets.
尖沙咀弥敦道 132号 美丽华大厦 10楼 1001室, 2530- 2900, www.thepeaksuite.com.hk 。 始创人Gérard Lasés于欧洲艺术界拥有超过20 年的经验,他致力引进知名的艺术家。
picture tHis
VoxFire GallerY
arcH aNGel aNtiques 53-55 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2851-6848. Arch Angel’s 5,400-square-foot, threestory gallery is filled with pieces ranging from the Neolithic period to the Qing dynasty. Items include terracotta, porcelain and furniture.
中皇后大道 9号 13楼 1308室, 2525- 2820, www.picturethiscollection.com。 城中最大规模而价格相宜的艺廊,专卖海报、 古董地图、版画和早期香港与中国的照片。
上环喆志街 52号 1楼, 2581- 3385,www.voxfiregallery.com。 Voxfire目标是希望给予一众艺术家表达情感的 机会与及在背後加强他们的声音。
plum blossoms GallerY
WaN cHai Visual arcHiVe
中环荷李活道 1号华懋荷里活中心G6号店, 2521- 2189,www.plumblossoms.com。 自从于1987年创办以来,Plum Blossoms Gallery凭其当代亚洲艺术展览与达到博物馆质素的 优质古纺织品馆藏而備受肯定。
湾仔庆云街 5- 9号, 2891- 5900,www.visualarchive.hk。 位于蓝屋附近的The Archive,是专为举行反映 香港文化作品的展览之用。
art treasures GallerY 42 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2543-0430, www.art-treasures-gallery.com. With locations in Hong Kong and Macau, and a large warehouse in Zhuhai, Art Treasures is a respected dealer in classical and provincial Chinese furniture from the Ming and Qing dynasties.
WHite cube saamluNG GallerY 中环干诺道中 68号华懋广场 2期 26楼, 5181- 5156,www.saamlung.com。 画廊经常搜罗一系列有品味的藝术作品作为展 出品,当中由画作到摄影图片,统统都是世界 各地艺术家的杰作。
cHiNa art Unit 26, 15/F, Tower A, Southmark, 11 Yip Hing St., Aberdeen, 2542-0982, www.chinaart.com.hk. China Art is a leading restorer and dealer in fine Asian antique furniture and artifacts. Visit their website to see what’s in stock, then make an appointment to visit the warehouse. c. Y. tse aNtiques & collectibles Shop 229, 2/F, Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Rd., Central, 2525-6557.
上环荷李活道 233号荷里活商业中心地库, 2544- 9918,www.tangcontemporary.com。 这家艺廊以鼓励和推动中国艺术家以及世界各 地的外国当代艺术家为目标。
suNdaram taGore
中环轩诺道中 50号, 2592- 2000,www.whitecube.com。 享誉全球的这间当代艺术画廊,于2012年3月首次 在英国国家以外的地区──香港创立。画廊希望 能够提升年轻英国艺术家的发展和创作的理念。
c. Y. tse aNtiques & collectibles 中环遮打道10号 太子大厦2楼229号店,2525-6557。 C.Y. Tse出 售 的 大 部 分 是 小 型 至 中 型 体 积 的 中式木制与玻璃艺术品,以及陶瓷制品,主 要来自清朝。
draGoN culture 上环荷李活道231号, 2545-8098,www.dragonculture.com.hk。 这画廊在香港和纽约都各设有一家商店,专 营恐龙蛋化石、汉朝赤陶像、唐朝雕塑和明 朝陶瓷塑像。
JoYce GallerY 上环荷李活道123号1号铺, 2545-1869,www.joycegallery.com。 这古董店主要收藏中国的青铜及古代塑产 品,包括青铜、石雕、金银器具、玉器及佛 像艺术品等。.
lam & co aNtiquities opera GallerY
Proprietor C.Y. Tse sells mostly small- to medium-sized antique Chinese wood and glass artwork and porcelain items, primarily from the Qing dynasty. draGoN culture 231 Hollywood Rd., Sheung Wan, 2545-8098, www.dragonculture.com.hk. Dragon Culture specializes in dinosaur egg fossils, Han Dynasty terracotta, Tang sculptures and Ming porcelain figures. JoYce GallerY Shop 1, 123 Hollywood Rd., Sheung Wan, 2545-1869, www.joycegallery.com. This gallery features bronzes and ancient sculptures from China in particular. In the two-story showroom, you’ll be able to find a collection of antiques dating back to the Tang dynasty, including ancient bronzes, stone carvings, gold and silver wares, jade, pottery, ceramics and Buddhist art. lam & co aNtiquities 2/F, IZI Building, 151 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2543-8877, www.lamantiquities.com. The Lam family's collections put a special emphasis on ceramics, and the owners pride themselves on knowing the stories behind what they sell.
oi liNG aNtiques 52 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2815-9422, www.oilingantiques.com. Collections of terracotta, stone and bronze pieces dating from the Neolithic era to the Ming dynasty. old sHaNGHai Room 1512, 15/F, Horizon Plaza, 2 Lee Wing St., Ap Lei Chau, 2517-3660. Old Shanghai is a leading wholesaler and retailer for classical Chinese furniture and folk arts. It specializes in collecting, restoring and reproducing antiques. sHambala 2/F, Horizon Plaza, 2 Lee Wing St., Ap Lei Chau, 2555-2997, www.shambala.com.hk. Shambala has a wide array of collectibles dating back to the 14th century as well as Asian furniture from the early 20th century. Wattis FiNe art 2/F, 20 Hollywood Rd., Central, 2524-5302, www.wattis.com.hk. Owner-collector Jonathan Wattis specializes in old maps, antique prints, photographs, paintings and books related to Hong Kong, Macau, Canton and the Pearl River, as well as Southeast Asia.
Zee stoNe GallerY 中环荷李活道1号华懋荷李活中心地下, 2810 5895,www.zeestone.com。 水墨画和油画,为传统的东西方技术,提供 了一个互动的关系
古董 altField GallerY 中环遮打道10号太子大厦2楼248-9号店, 2537-6370,www.altfield.com.hk。 艺廊从事东南亚雕塑与装饰艺术、古董地图 和与亚洲相关的地理版画,以及中式、西藏 和高加索地毯等贸易。
arcH aNGel aNtiques 中环荷李活道53-55号,2851-6848。 Arch Angel艺廊放满新石器时代到清朝的文物, 包括赤陶像、陶瓷和家俱,全都有真确保证。
art treasures GallerY 中环荷李活道42号, 2543-0430,www.art-treasures-gallery. com。 画廊在香港和澳门都设有分店,在珠海亦有 一大型货仓,是明清两代古典和城乡中式家 俱的商号。
华艺 香港仔业兴街11号南汇广场A座15楼26室, 2542-0982,www.chinaart.com.hk。 华艺是首屈一指的高级亚洲古董家俱与工艺 品修复商暨贸易商。
中环荷李活道151号IZI大厦2楼, 2543-8877, www.lamantiquities.com. 这古董店收藏的主要是陶瓷,而店主最引以 为傲的,就是他对每件古董背後的故事都 清楚熟悉。
oi liNG aNtiques 中环荷李活道52号, 2815-9422, www.oilingantiques.com。 这家复式艺廊搜罗一系列可追溯至新石器时代 到明朝的赤陶、石器和青铜古玩。
old sHaNGHai 鸭脷洲利荣街2号新海怡广场15楼1512室, 2517-3660。 Old Shanghai是数一数二的古典中式家俱和 民间艺术批发兼零售商,专门收集、修复和 再造古玩真品。
sHambala 鸭脷洲利荣街2号新海怡广场2楼, 2555-2997,www.shambala.com.hk。 Shambala拥 有 多 款 远 至 14世 纪 的 收 藏 品 , 以及20世纪初期的亚洲家俱,包括沙发、镶金 柚木缅甸柜、黑漆上海梳妆台、喀什米尔嫁妆 箱、四帷柱大床和手擦柚木餐桌。
Wattis FiNe art 中环荷李活道20号2楼, 2524-5302,www.wattis.com.hk。 Wattis Fine Art专 门 搜 集 亚 洲 古 代 地 图 、 以航运和相关贸易为主题的「中国经商」 图画,以及香港、中国和东南亚照片和版画。
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Urban Jungle tHis sNapsHot saYs it all. HoNG KoNG is a citY tHat staYs up all Hours oF tHe NiGHt. it’s a citY oF maximum deNsitY—Not to meNtioN iNteNsitY. it’s a citY tHat does eVerYtHiNG iN excess, From tHe HeiGHt oF its buildiNGs to tHe electricitY used to Keep tHose liGHts burNiNG. it’s a citY tHat Needs a bit oF time to be uNderstood; it’s also a citY tHat is oNe oF tHe most Fast-paced iN tHe World. loVe it or loVe it, tHat’s HoNG KoNG iN a NutsHell. -adele WoNG, editor 150 W H E R E G U E ST B O OK