ACTIVE EXPLORATION in the times of a pandemic
INSIGHTS ON ACTIVE EXPLORERS DURING THE COVID PANDEMIC Understanding the Active Explorers Active Explorers (AE) represent about 1 in 4 adults, or 77 million people, in the U.S. They are more educated, have a higher income, are focused on healthy eating and fitness, travel more, dine out more, and they pursue outdoor hobbies and activities with a passion. They know the value of quality and are willing to pay for it. For years, WH inc. has been developing expertise in understanding and reaching the AE audience. WH regularly engages in research with our Active Explorer User Group to keep pace with market fluctuations. Our most recent survey of 250 Active Explorers, conducted in June 2020, revealed five major takeaways in how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their values and activity interests. These takeaways focus on family values, stress relief, a shift to craft and DIY activities and health and safety. We’ll deep dive into these themes in this brief. The discoveries we unearthed are timely and valuable for marketers who want to explore and monetize their brand’s relationship with AEs during the trying times of a global pandemic.
Active Explorer COVID-19 Survey Profile Ages 26%
26–34 35–44 45–54
Children in the household
64% have children under the age of 18 living in the household
35% 9%
13% 18%
10% 6%
2-year college or trade school Some 4-year college 4-year college degree Some post college/graduate school Graduate degree
Household income $75,000–$99,999 $100,000–$149,999 $150,000–$199,999 $200,000+
31% 38%
Let’s dive in.
Exercise and working out 32% 50%
of respondents say their city or state is under restrictions from COVID-19.
23% 77%
I work out most days of the week I do a lot of different physical activities in an average week I exercise a few times per week
Healthy eating
I buy organic foods when available I buy fresh fruits/vegetables every week
For questions or to get the full results of this survey, contact Brandon Buttrey at
FAMILY IS TOP BRAND ATTRIBUTE IN ACTIVE EXPLORERS’ PURCHASE CONSIDERATIONS The number one word Active Explorers choose as the most important value in their own lives and in the companies they seek to buy from is family. The pandemic and lockdown have forced AEs to retreat into their own homes and into the most primary of cares— health, safety, and family. They value companies and brands which share and cater to this back-to-essentials approach. This is followed by honesty and ethical as their key values. When making purchasing decisions, 17% of
AEs seek recommendations from family and friends. The pandemic has reshaped our day-to-day lives and refocused the perceived value of that which we have around us. Social distancing and quarantine made it such that our immediate surroundings and family, be they your partner, children, parents or housemates, have become the extent of our physical world.
The pause quarantine has afforded is driving home that family, honesty and caring are what matter most at the end of the day to AEs.
Proof points:
When asked about upcoming vacations, 32% of survey respondents say that a future trip would be for the purpose of seeing family.
Purpose of next leisure trip
2% 32%
7% 20%
Discovering products
12% 15%
12% 13%
11% 17%
Nearly 4 in 10 will visit family or get together with friends Visiting family Exploring new places and culture Volunteerism or doing good Outdoors (e.g., beaches, skiing, hiking or other active sports) Getting together with friends at a vacation destination Getting away from the day-to-day routine or recharging Other
Active Explorers learn about new products in a variety of ways: Reading recommendations on social media Reading product reviews Reading articles Recommendations from peers/friends/family Visiting a store/showroom Advertising (any kind) Online search
For questions or to get the full results of this survey, contact Brandon Buttrey at
ACTIVE EXPLORERS SEEK STRESS RELIEF AND JOY THROUGH ACTIVITY Throughout the pandemic, activity has offered an escape — be it physical, mental or both — from the stresses and anxieties that surround us during this time. Our survey responses indicate that Active Explorers, who already were highly activity-focused, are finding new and improved ways of escaping despite an inability to do some of their favorite activities like skiing/snowboarding, golf, gym activities or workout classes. The activities that the audience is participating in affect them in similar ways with survey results pointing to the mental and emotional benefits being a central driver in their activity choices.
Key words from the responses include: FEEL, LOVE, ACTIVE, MOTIVATED, INVIGORATED, FULFILLMENT
The emotional responses elicited by activities is a key consideration for brands as they develop content and campaigns. During these times of stress, anxiety and uncertainty, the activities sought out by the AE set are largely a respite from the surrounding problems of the world and an opportunity to recharge. Some activities are conducive to restrictions from COVID-19 while others are not; this affects what Active Explorers have been doing: Golf, skiing/snowboarding, gym workouts/strength training/crossfit all naturally are taking a hit during this time, mostly due to access. Other potentially solo activities declinind during this time include hunting/fishing, sailing or boating, and waterskiing/wakeboarding. Some activities are seeing an increase from the pandemic, including gardening, crafting/painting/ drawing, DIY/home improvements, backyard grilling/ BBQ, baking/cooking and photography.
Proof points: Habits for exercise and working out are mixed – over 6 in 10 are working out the same or more frequently and about 1 in 10 are working out with different activities.
5% 12% 37% 26%
Working out more frequently Working out less frequently Stayed about the same Working out with different activities Working out with the same activities as before
20% Most say they will continue with those same activities and hobbies as we emerge from COVID-19 and after, but almost 2 in 10 either wouldn’t continue or aren’t sure it they will continue.
14% 4% 82%
Yes No Not sure/don’t know
For questions or to get the full results of this survey, contact Brandon Buttrey at
ACTIVE EXPLORERS ARE TURNING TO ‘CRAFT’ DURING THE PANDEMIC This highly active group of individuals who are typically travelling, trying new restaurants and going to or participating in sporting events are turning to the home life during the pandemic, working on projects and self-improvement in ways that they have not had time for in the past. This is marked by a significant increase in those that are improving their at-home culinary abilities through grilling or baking, turning to actual craft like woodwork, painting and sewing to help with peace of mind and stress relief, or improving their physical spaces through home-improvement projects like renovations or building out new gardens. This turn to craft is supported financially by money saved on cancelled vacations, nights eating in instead of out, and dearth of large, public entertainment opportunities like sporting events and concerts. Respondents are strongly optimistic that they will continue these activities, which fit well with their desire to remain safe and healthy. This shift in habits provides a long-term opportunity for brands whose product supports these new activities, be it backyard grilling, home improvement or gardening.
Proof points:
of respondents say that they will continue with the new activities they have learned and honed during the pandemic.
Active Explorers are still active but are pursuing home based and craftier activities: Gardening, crafting/painting/drawing, DIY/home improvements, backyard grilling/BBQ, baking/ cooking and photography are activities seeing an increase during the pandemic.
For questions or to get the full results of this survey, contact Brandon Buttrey at
ACTIVE EXPLORERS ARE READY TO GET BACK OUT, BUT REMAIN CAUTIOUS Unsurprisingly, Active Explorers are still worried about the spread of COVID-19 and this concern shows up prominently in their projected postpandemic behavior. AEs are taking the precautions and directives around the pandemic seriously, including how they dine out and grocery shop. With the pandemic taking a new shape and lasting well beyond our initial assumptions, we see this behavior sticking – for the time being. They are anxious to get back to dining out and traveling, though, with 78% saying they will return to restaurants as we emerge and exit from the pandemic and 65% planning a leisure trip in the coming months.
Proof points:
New food habits may stick as we emerge from COVID-19, but Active Explorers plan to dine out.
However, the modes in which they enjoy travel and trips and the reasons for travelling are shifting. Over half of those surveyed indicate that their mode of travel for upcoming trips will be by car (personal or rental), with the express purpose of visiting family (32%), getting outdoors (20%) and getting away from day-to-day routines and recharging (24%). Brands that emphasize safety and cleanliness are more likely to win the trust of AEs. Most AEs who began pandemic habits of curbside pickup of groceries and restaurant meals, online grocery delivery and online restaurant delivery intend to continue those practices for safety reasons.
Active Explorers have mixed feelings about dining out with almost half of them reluctant. 19%
Buy groceries in store 53% During 47% Emerging/after
Order groceries online for curbside pick-up 61% During 39% Emerging/after
Order groceries online for home delivery 63% During 37% Emerging/after
Order restaurant meals for home delivery 55% During 45% Emerging/after
Order restaurant meals for curbside pick-up 56% During 44% Emerging/after
Dine in restaurants 22% During 78% Emerging/after
I can’t foresee dining at a restaurant soon I’ll wait and see I’m looking forward to it or have dined out I can’t wait to get back to dining out regularly
Mode of travel for next leisure trip – Over half will travel by. 43% 3% 21% 6% 4% 12% 3% 7%
Personal car Boat Commercial airplane Train RV Rental car Private airplane Cruise
For questions or to get the full results of this survey, contact Brandon Buttrey at
THE EMERGENCE OF THE BACKYARD BASECAMP Active Explorers have always been an outdoor bunch, but the pandemic is making the outdoors a defining preference for the group. The home is truly are our castle now, serving as our leisure and work spaces. We are increasingly moving to our backyards, drastically increasing the square footage of our living and working space. That requires improving backyards, creating or improving vegetable and flower gardens, building out the grill setup of our dreams to keep families fed and improve the craft of cooking, and pushing for new entertainment opportunities like
above-ground pools and playscapes for children. Through the pandemic, 55% of AEs are backyard grilling and 53% are gardening/working on the yard now. Of the respondents, 82% say they will continue with the new activities they have learned and honed during the pandemic. Both activities combine elements of fun and sensory activities with functional needs, which reflect AEs’ natural behavior, making the most of every opportunity for activity.
They express these sentiments directly:
of Active Explorers overall are driven by their desire for fresh fruits and vegetables.
“More gardening and eating at home—it’s more enjoyable than the stress of eating out.” “Worked from home more and set up my ‘office’ on the patio.” “I have been spending a lot of time and attention gardening. I’ve done that before the pandemic, but way more now since I’m working from home.” “I enjoy being outdoors and/or productive.”
For questions or to get the full results of this survey, contact Brandon Buttrey at