A friend of mine posted a ‘Christmas Countdown’ recently on their Facebook page. Clicking on it now tells me there are only 35 days to go until Christmas. By the time you come to read this, this could well be in single figures!
Where did this year go? It doesn’t seem like that long ago when it was the Regatta and Folk Week, then suddenly someone has pressed the fast-forward button and Christmas is almost upon us!
Christmas is a time that evokes a wide range of emotions, and people's feelings about the season can vary significantly. For many, Christmas is a season of joy, warmth, and togetherness. It’s a time when families come together to create lasting memories, exchange gifts, and enjoy festive meals. The sights and sounds of Christmas—the twinkling lights, the smell of open fires, roast chestnuts and pine trees, and the cheerful music—fill hearts with happiness and nostalgia.
However, for others, Christmas may bring about feelings of stress, loneliness, or even resentment. The pressure to buy gifts, host gatherings, and meet societal
expectations can be overwhelming. Some might feel reminded of lost loved ones during this time, leading to feelings of sadness. Also, the commercialism surrounding Christmas can create a disconnect from its original meanings of joy, generosity, and goodwill.
Ultimately, whether one loves or hates Christmas often depends on personal experiences and perspectives. It should always be remembered that Christmas is not the same for everyone - it can be a time of celebration and love or a source of anxiety and heartache, and people navigate these feelings in different ways, finding their unique ways to either embrace or mitigate the season's impact on their lives.
My allotted space is full, so I had better bring my scribblings to a close by wishing all our advertisers, readers and everyone involved in the production, distribution and delivery of the Whitby Advertiser a happy Christmas.
Stephen Ault Editor
This past month was packed with events, celebrations, and plenty of joy at The Mayfield! We kicked off by celebrating Diwali, bringing light and warmth to our home. Our residents created beautiful lanterns during our arts and crafts sessions, which added a festive touch to our decorations. Friends and family enjoyed a delicious meal with their loved ones which included a mouthwatering selection of curries prepared by our highly talented kitchen team!
As Diwali came to a close, we seamlessly transitioned into Halloween festivities and our Diwali lanterns took on a spooky twist. Residents and staff alike donned their best costumes and we had the pleasure of a visit from the children at Little Rainbows Nursery, who brought laughter and fun as always. The day was capped off with a Halloween-themed buffet, and everyone loved the festivities!
Our Bonfire Night celebration followed, complete with a dazzling fireworks display enjoyed by our residents, staff and neighbours. This month also included several special
birthdays. Marion’s celebration was a highlight, as she looked fabulous in her birthday hat and glasses, enjoying her day to the fullest with friends, family and a delicious cake! We were also thrilled to take Win for lunch at The Hart Inn at Sandsend, one of her favourite spots, where she had a lovely meal. There was lots of music, as always, with performances from Claire Louise and Kevin Smith that had lots of people up on their feet dancing. Lastly, we hosted two fascinating history talks; Geoff Estill shared tales of a seafaring man, and Whitby Museum gave us an overview of the area’s ancient stone crosses and trods. If you or a loved one are considering joining our caring community, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please give us a call on 01947 280 884.
You will be the hit of the festive season with this delightful chai-inspired twist on a beloved winter favorite. This recipe combines the rich and warming flavours of traditional chai spices with a classic winter treat, creating an irresistible blend that is sure to impress your friends and family!
Timings & Servings
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves: 2
Spiced Hot Chocolate:
2 cups milk (full fat or semi-skimmed work well, but you can experiment with soy, oat etc)
4 tablespoons high quality drinking chocolate
2 cinnamon sticks
2 star anise
6 cloves
6 green cardamom pods
½ teaspoon nutmeg freshly grated
Cardamom and Vanilla Whipped Cream:
½ cup whipping cream
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 teaspoons sugar (optional)
Spiced Hot Chocolate:
Place the milk and all of the whole spices into a small, heavy-bottomed saucepan and bring to a simmer (don’t let it boil). Allow to simmer for about 3 minutes, whisking or stirring gently to stop the milk being scorched.
Mix the drinking chocolate with a small amount of cold milk to make a runny paste and add this to the milk in the pan, stirring all the time.
Simmer the hot chocolate for a few minutes, whisking or stirring occasionally. Strain into mugs (to catch the whole spices). Top with the cardamom and vanilla whipped cream.
Cardamom and Vanilla Whipped Cream:
Chill a mixing bowl for 30 minutes. Then into the bowl combine the whipping cream, sugar (if using), vanilla and cardamom. Whip the mixture, until you get soft peaks, a light and airy topping. When whipping aim for soft clouds of cream. Stop before the cream gets too thick.
If you have tried one of our recipes, why not let us know what you thought! Simply email info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk with the subject heading 'Recipe feedback' and it could feature on this page!
An early Christmas pressie from us to you, a 10% discount voucher on any of the following locally produced brands – when you shop in person at The Dispensary, 25 Skinner Street, Whitby (valid until 24th December).
Sweet Cecily’s
Whitby Tea Company
Nature’s Laboratory Supplements
Local natural product manufacturer Nature’s Laboratory supports The Dispensary (which is part of Common Cause, a not-for profit Community Interest Company.)
This support enables The Dispensary to provide a health hub within Whitby –
• A shop providing healthy food, health supplements, natural skin and haircare & environmentallyfriendly household products & refills, plus local & fairtrade crafts & much more.
• Plus, every member of The Dispensary gets a 5% dividend on whatever they buy, helping to make healthy choices more accessible.
• Talks & workshops around complementary therapies, herbal medicine & other health topics.
• Monthly mail-out to members on issues of interest.
• A focus on animal and environmental welfare and the health of that local & wider community to which we all belong. We as humans are integrally linked with other sentient beings and with our beautiful world.
For us, health is more than just our physical body, it’s emotional, mental, environmental, social and cultural, so our shop is also a very friendly space which welcomes people to come in, have a chat and
find out about what’s going on in our community and about wider issues that affect us.
We are also very excited about future plansComing soon
• Clinical Herbalist at The Dispensary.
- Dylan Parry will soon be available at The Dispensary for information, advice & consultations.
• Whitby Natural Health Resource.
- A hub & resource for local natural health therapists & practitioners to access treatment rooms and provide accessible treatments.
- An online portal where potential clients can search & book.
- A place where practitioners can find a community of like-minded therapists, support each other, and if they wish, work collaboratively.
• Hives of Activity
- A programme of groups, workshops and activities are being planned, helping us to come together and take part in things that mean something to us, & perhaps meet new friends and feel more part of our community.
We will keep you updated on all these developments, but meantime, stay well, pop in and see us at The Dispensary, have a chat, find out what’s going on, and get some lovely health products & Christmas gifts at a discounted price.
Redeemableinpersononlyat: TheDispensary,25SkinnerStreet,Whitby,YO213AH. Validuntil24th December2024
Redeemableinpersononlyat: TheDispensary,25SkinnerStreet,Whitby,YO213AH. Validuntil24th December2024
Pleasebringthisvoucherwithyoutoredeemthisofferandaskaboutbecomingamemberof TheDispensarytoenjoyanother5%dividendonallproducts–it’sfreetojoin.
Pleasebringthisvoucherwithyoutoredeemthisofferandaskaboutbecomingamemberof TheDispensarytoenjoyanother5%dividendonallproducts–it’sfreetojoin.
www.thedispensary.org.uk info@thedispensary.org.uk 01947 603456
Useyour10%discountvoucher(opposite)inpersonatTheDispensary, 25SkinnerStreet,Whitby.MembersofTheDispensarygetanadditional 5%dividendonallpurchases-it'sfreeforanyonetojoin.
Use your 10%discountvoucherwhenpurchasinganyproductsfromthese brands,we'vehighlightedafewtoinspireyou!
MakeYourOwnLipbalmkits Abest-seller&theperfectChristmaspresent
OurMakeYourOwnKitsprovidetheperfectopportunityto produceyourveryownnaturalskincareproductsfromthe comfortofyourownhome.ChooseaMake-Your-OwnLipbalmKit fromavarietyofdeliciousflavours,&make5lovelylipbalms!
Deliciouslooseleafsingleingredient andexpertlyformulatedblendsoftea, producedinWhitby.
Whynotgetintotheseasonalspirit withourfestiveblends?
Acombinationofblackteawithfestivespices,includingrosehip shells,cinnamonbark,hibiscusflowers,clovebuds,andorange& lemonpeel,theperfectwarmingblendforwinter.
Adeliciousblendoffestivespices,includingcinnamonbark, lemonpeel,orangepeel,lovebuds,cardamompods,andallspice berries,perfectforaddingtoyourwineornon-alcoholicdrink.
25SkinnerStreet,Whitby 01947603456 info@thedispensary.org.uk www.thedispensary.org.uk
Arangeofaffordablehealthsupplements, producedinWhitby.Choosefromourrangeof supplementstogiveyourselfawinterboost.
Turmeric&BlackPepperVeganCapsules atraditionalanti-inflammatory
Arangeofimmune–boostingandhealth supportingproductsfromthebeehive, producedinWhitby.
Propolisisanamazingsubstanceproducedbyhoneybees, whichcanhelpboostyourimmunity&supportyourhealth throughoutthisseason.Whynotstartwiththesetwo popularadditionstothewinterhealthcupboard?
Propolis&ElderberrySyrup Great-tastingsyrupwhichhelpsthe bodytacklerespiratoryinfections.
PropolisLipbalm Invaluableinthewinterfor nourishingandprotectingthe delicateskinofthelips.
Closed now until March 2025. For more information, please visit https://www.cookmuseumwhitby.co.uk
Winter closure: the last day of admission is Sunday 1st December 2024, re-opening Tuesday 4th February 2025. For further information please visit www. whitbymuseum.org.uk.
Victoria Place, Whitby. YO21 1EZ. Tel: 01947 825000. Cinema, theatre, events. Internet Café. Community Offices, theatre and meeting rooms available for hire. Network Shop for affordable, nearly new furniture and household items (in Station Square). Walled Garden Community Volunteer Project. For more information, check out the Coliseum’s Facebook page, their website at www.whitbycoliseum.co.uk or email info@whitbycoliseum.com. Christmas/New year holiday – last day open is Friday 20 December, re-opens Thursday 2 January.
Abbots Road, Whitby YO22 4EA. Tel: 01947 820999. The renovated Eastside Community Centre offers ample parking as well as facilities for group use, a kiddies play area and Calla Café. Regular activities include ladies group, Jui-Jitsu for adults and kids; Youth Club (term-time only); Drama group; Choir for adults and kids, Ballroom & Latin Dance. For more
information, check out the Hub’s Facebook page or email eastsidecommunitycentre@gmail.com.
Windsor Terrace, Whitby. YO21 1EY. Tel: 01609 534350. More than just books – regular events include Lego Clubs; Baby Rhyme (term time only); Story Tots (term time only); IT Buddies; Citizens Advice; Family Historian and Age UK information roadshow drop-in. Check out the library’s Facebook page and website for more information at https://www.northyorks. gov.uk/leisure-tourism-and-culture/libraries/locallibraries/whitby-library. Library opening times: Mon 9.30am - 5pm; Tues – 9.30am - 7pm; Thurs/Fri 9.30am - 5pm; Sat 10am - 1pm. Closed Wed & Sun. NB The library will close for Christmas at 1pm on Tuesday 24th December 2024 and reopen on Thursday 2nd January 2025.
West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. Cinema, theatre, shows, events. Café. For information of shows, events and cinema screenings, and for tickets visit Whitby Pavilion in person, call 01947 824770 or check out their website www.whitbypavilion.co.uk (booking fees apply).
High Street, Lythe, Whitby YO21 3RT. Tel: 01947 893983. A welcoming community shop located in the village of Lythe. General store for everyday
essentials, home baking & locally sourced produce, Post Office counter and tea garden to the rear. Manned by volunteers, opening times are Mon-Sat 8.00am-4.00pm, Sun 9.00am-12 noon (Post Office counter: Mon-Sat 8.00am-12.30pm).
Skinner Street, Whitby. YO21 3AH (next to Youngs Jewellers). Open Tuesdays & Thursdays 10.30am2.00pm. A friendly not-for-profit cafe, staffed by volunteers.
A welcoming tearoom offering delicious coffee, homemade scones, cakes, soups and lots more. Activities in the adjoining Schoolroom include Yoga; Bingo & Dominoes, Games and Quizzes; Toddlers’ Group; m Men’s Walking Group; Ladies’ Crafts. Open 9.30-3pm daily (closed Saturday) Please call 01947 841303 for further details.
As Christmas approaches, and over the Christmas & New Year holiday, some regular events may not run. We recommend checking with the event organisers before making a special journey.
WHITBY WHALERS U3A. Day time activities throughout the week for those no longer in full time work: arts, languages, lectures, exercise, history, social groups and much more. Visit www.u3asites.org.uk/ whitby
TAI CHI FOR BEGINNERS Hawsker Village Hall 7pm. First lesson free then £4 pounds thereafter. Contact John 07434 833540.
BADMINTON, SHORT TENNIS & ...PICKLEBALL! A friendly over 50s group meets Tuesdays 1.00pm – 3.00pm at Whitby Leisure Centre. New players welcome – just £4 per person for the two hours.
WHITBY JETS BASKETBALL TRAINING Term time only at Whitby Leisure Centre. New players welcome. Mixed 7–11 year-olds- 4:20pm - 5:20pm; Boys 12-18 year-olds 5:20pm - 6:45pm. See Whitby Jets Facebook page for details or email whitbyjetsbasketball@gmail. com
PILATES at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Tel: 01947 825000 for further details.
‘SINGING FOR THE BRAIN’ – an Alzheimer’s Society initiative for people living with dementia and their carers held at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ 1.30pm-3.00pm. Admission: £2 per person inc. refreshments. For more information call 01947 825000 or email info@whitbycoliseum.com.
WELCOME WEDNESDAY for people living with dementia and those that support them run by Dementia Forward at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm. Suggested donation: £3 per person. Activities, cakes & hot drinks. Call Dementia Forward 03300 578592 or email: info@ dementiaforward.org.uk for more information.
COLISEUM TEA ROOMS at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. From 9am to 2.30pm. Quality food at affordable prices. Includes The Friends of the Coliseum Lunch Club 11.30am1.30pm, providing a two-course affordable hot meal for Whitby residents. Enquiries & bookings 01947 825000.
CITIZENS ADVICE every Wednesday afternoon at Yorkshire Building Society on Flowergate, Whitby. Book a free and confidential appointment by calling 01947 458838 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
WHITBY YOUTH CLUB. Games, music, arts & crafts, food, chat & chill. For School Year 7+. Wednesdays 6.308.30pm – term time only at Eastside Community Hub.
TARGET ARCHERY. Whitby Archers meet indoors for target archery between 7pm and 9pm in the lower hall at Whitby Pavilion).
MARSKE & LOFTUS BADMINTON CLUB at Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club, 7pm till late. Looking for new members. First night is free, contact Paul on 07702 756669.
NORTH YORKSHIRE CITIZENS ADVICE/LAW CENTRE’S WHITBY DROP-IN SERVICE at Whitby Library, Windsor Terrace, Whitby YO21 1EY from 10am – 3pm.
VI’S COMMUNITY CAFE every Thursday in St. Matthew’s Church, Grosmont 10.30 - 3pm. Hot and cold sandwiches, toasties, soup and delicious homemade cakes. Also, Parent and Toddler Play Space 1.30 - 2.30pm during the Community Café.
WHITBY BADMINTON CLUB at Fyling Hall School, Robin Hood’s Bay, Thurs 7.30-9.30pm. Four courts, new players very welcome. Free “taster” night. Full details from Walter 01947 602938 or Carole 01947 600746. Runs until end April 2025.
AGEUK NORTH YORKSHIRE COAST & MOORS ENERGY AND ADVICE DROP-IN SESSION at Whitby Library 10am until 12noon. Advice and information for those aged 50 or over with fuel bills, social care, benefits, housing & homelessness. For further information email: libby.faulkner@ageuknycm.org.uk
WHITBY WALKING GROUP. Start various locations. Approx. 10 miles. Visitors welcome. For further details, please e-mail: rogercrowther@talktalk.net or call 07792 569441.
THE CINDER TRACK PARKRUN. A free, weekly, timed 5k walk/jog/run at 9:00am every Saturday starting on the Whitby Sixth Form site. Open to all ages and abilities. Register for FREE at https://www.parkrun. org.uk/thecindertrack/
FELLOWSHIP SPACE (Fun, Friendship, Faith and Food) first Sunday of the month at 3pm in Grosmont. Variety of activities including walking, talking, singing and eating! All welcome. For more information call Helen 07557 903264.
WHITBY DAIRY & GRASSLAND DISCUSSION GROUP with speaker Doug Dear, Farmer “The Contract Cattle Finishing Business”” meet at Sneaton Castle, Castle Road, Whitby, YO21 3QN from 7.45 - 10.00pm. New members welcome.
CHRISTMAS QUIZ at Whitby Conservative Club with quiz host Angela Goodberry. Admission £5 per person to include festive fair supper. The Windmill Girls will be carol singing at half-time.. All proceeds to Friends of Whitby Pavilion projects to enhance facilities for Pavilion users. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. All welcome; teams of four, but we can accommodate more or less!
‘DAVID GAMWELL – THE SONGS OF THE 50S & 60S LIVE Music from 12:30pm to 2:00pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
DALESMEN SINGERS CONCERT with the Castletonbased Singing for Pleasure Ladies Choir and special guests Sweet Harmony Sax Group and Marske Brass Band at Danby Village Hall, Danby YO21 2LY. Starts 7pm. Admission by donation - £5 suggested. Raising money for local charities. For more information, visit https://www.ticketsource. co.uk/dalesmen-singers.
CHRISTMAS COFFEE MORNING will be held at Christ Church, Ugthorpe from 10am. Stalls will include homemade cakes, bric-a-brac, tombola, raffle.
“COLLEMBOLA” BY ALAN RITSON. Starts 2pm. Please note the venue for this talk is Eastside Community Centre on Abbot’s Road (Museum is closed for maintenance works etc). All welcome. Suggested donation on the door: Club members £1, Visitors £2.
WEST GALLERY STYLE FOLK SERVICE at St John the Evangelist, Brunswick St, Whitby. Starts 10.30am. A relaxed Service with music, poetry and readings on the theme of ‘Waiting’.
ESK VALLEY CONCERT BAND WITH SUPPORT FROM SWEET HARMONY AND WHITBY JAZZ COLLECTIVE at St Matthew’s Church, Grosmont. Tickets £5 from Tammy on 01947 895309 or on the door. Refreshments available or bring a picnic!
YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION Sleights Branch, meet every second Monday of the month at Church House, Sleights at 2pm. our December meeting is our happy Christmas Party set to music. Don’t forget your Christmas jumper, hat, and wrapped present for the sack. For further details contact 01947 228159.
CHRISTMAS TEA DANCE at the Royal Hotel, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3HT 2.00-4.30pm. £3 entry includes tea/ coffee and mince pies. Proceeds to Whitby Lifeboats.
WHITBY ART SOCIETY meets on the second Wednesday of every month (except December) at The Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO2 1EZ from 7.00pm - 9.00pm. Please see www.whitbyartsociety. org for news and membership details.
AN EVENING OF FESTIVE MUSIC at St. Hilda’s RC Church with The Tuesday Singers under the direction of Stephen Maltby. The concert promises to be a warm and joyful event with a beautiful blend of traditional and modern carols and songs.
WHITBY LADIES LUNCHEON CLUB at the Saxonville Hotel Thursday 12th December 12pm for 12.30pm. The popular ‘Windmill Girls’ will sing a selection of Carols and Festive Songs. A ‘Bring and Buy Sale’ replaces the usual raffle. All proceeds to charity. A festive three-course luncheon including mince pies & tea/coffee for £25 per head. All visitors are welcome, including partners. If you wish to join, please contact Ann Livsey on Whitby 604065 by Thursday 5 December. All current members are on the permanent dining list, but please let Ann know if you are bringing a guest or if you are unable to attend.
DEMENTIA FRIENDLY COMMUNITY MEETING in the café area at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Starts 2pm. A voluntary group to improve services. For more information, call in at the Coliseum reception or call 01947 825000.
‘BLUE BRIDGE BAND’. A SELECTION OF SONGS FROM CLASSIC TO CONTEMPORARY WITH A JAZZY VIBE! From 1:00pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
ALAN BECK’S TRIBUTE TO THE LEGENDS A fantastic one man show paying tribute to three of the most nostalgic areas in popular music: swing, soul, & rock ‘n’ roll! Doors 6pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Tickets £10. Tel: 07580 133027 or email whitbybrunswick@outlook.com.
WALK THROUGH BETHLEHEM at West Cliff Church, Skinner St, Whitby YO21 3AH (next to Youngs Jewellers) 10:30am – 2:30pm. Enjoy handson experience woodworking, candle dipping, pyrography, crafts and more! Challenge a centurion to a duel, listen to the storyteller or stop at the Inn for refreshments. All welcome. Copy tickets turn Tickets £10. Tel: 07580 133027 or email whitbybrunswick@ outlook.com.
CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS CARD CRAFT SESSION 10.30am-12.30pm at Whitby Library, Windsor Terrace, Whitby. YO21 1EY. Tel: 01609 534350 for more details.
THE WHITBY JAZZ COLLECTIVE. Live music from 1:00pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
GUISBOROUGH CHORAL SOCIETY CHRISTMAS CONCERT at Guisborough Methodist Church, Guisborough. Starts 7:30pm. An evening of Christmas Carols old and new. Joined by the Guisborough Salvation Army Citadel Band. Tickets £10 (under 19s £1) from https://wegottickets.com/event/638950, Guisborough Bookshop or on the door (subject to availability). For more information or assistance contact the Publicity Officer at 07960 301758
WHITBY COMMUNITY NETWORK MEETING at the Rugby Club, White Leys Rd, Whitby YO21 3PB from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Open to all residents of the area to have your say on local issues in the Whitby & District
area. The theme is Whitby’s Housing Needs. Please check our website to ensure this meeting is going ahead https://www.whitbycommunitynetwork.org/
PARKINSON’S SUPPORT CAFÉ at Calla Café, Eastside Community Hub, Abbots Road Whitby YO22 4EA from 11am to 12.30pm. A group for people living with Parkinson’s and their partners and friends to meet and chat over a coffee. For more information, contact Rebecca Craft at Parkinson’s UK on 020 796 33 666 or email rcraft@ parkinsons.org.uk.
CHRISTMAS JAZZ SPECIAL WITH THE JASCHA BINGHAM TRIO & PHOEBE BEDFORD. Starts 7:30pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Tickets £10. Tel: 07580 133027 or email whitbybrunswick@outlook.com.
DALESMEN SINGER’S WHITBY BREWERY SINGALONG East Cliff, Whitby YO22 4JR from 5pm onwards. A fabulous evening of Christmas cheer… and beer! For more information, visit https://www.ticketsource. co.uk/dalesmen-singers.
CAROL SERVICE at West Cliff Church, Skinner St, Whitby YO21 3AH (next to Youngs Jewellers). Starts 6pm. Tea and cakes after the service.
BOXING DAY DIP 2024 at Whitby Bandstand. You must be registered to take part. Entry fee £10 per person. Raise and collect your own sponsorship money and give to a charity of your choice. Enter at www.whitbylionsclub.org.uk or call in Whitby Pet Shop. Sign-in at 10am, fancy dress judging 10.30am. For further information, email whitby.lions.club@ gmail.com or call Brian on 01947 897249.
Whitby Chrristian Fellowship
invite you to join us at our
on Sunday 22nd December at 6pm at West Cliff Church, Skinner Street, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3AH
Tea and cakes will be available.
Whether seeking medical assistance, reporting an issue, or accessing community services, it’s worth having a list of local resources and telephone numbers at hand should you ever need them. The following contacts can provide aid, guidance, or essential information.
Middlesbrough - 01642 850850
WHITBY HOSPITAL - Spring Hill, 01947 899200
Spring Vale Medical Centre - 01947 820888
Robin Hood’s Bay, Station Rd - 01947 880230
Iburndale Lane, Sleights - 01947 810466
SANDSEND SURGERY - Sandsend Road, 01947 894948
4-6 Burgate, Pickering - 01751 474460
SOLIS DENTAL STUDIO - 01723 347011
LYTHE COMMUNITY SHOP & TEA GARDEN High Street, Lythe, YO21 3RT. Tel: 01947 893983. Mon-Sat 8.00am-4.00pm, and Sun 8am -12 noon.
Skinner Street, Whitby. YO21 3AH. Tel 07368 592764. Tuesdays & Thursdays 10.30am - 2.30pm..
Situated on the coastal bus route from Whitby. Tel 01947 841303. Open 9.30-3pm daily (closed Sat)
CITIZEN’S ADVICE - Wednesday afternoon at YBS on Flowergate, Whitby. Book by calling 01947 458838
CENTRE’S DROP-IN SERVICE - Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Weds 10am - 3pm.
Library 10am - 12pm libby.faulkner@ageuknycm.org.uk
WHITBY FOODBANK- 07789 765696 & 07810 205014
High Stakesby, Whitby - 01947 820333
The Parade, Whitby - 01947 825042
Enterprise Way - 01947 821821
Stainsacre Lane - 01947 820044
Whitby Road, Easington - 01287 644335
DR CRANK’S BIKE SHACK - 07880 801957
TRAVELINE - 0871 200 2233
by Fiona Leitch.
A Cornish Christmas Murder is a delightful seasonal mystery that transports readers to the cozy, scenic village of Penstowan. In this latest instalment of the Jodie Parker Mystery series, we find the former detective turned amateur sleuth, Jodie “Nosey” Parker, knee-deep in yuletide festivities, only to have the holiday spirit interrupted by a gruesome murder. The novel begins with Jodie hoping for a quiet Christmas with her family, but things take an unexpected turn when a high-profile celebrity chef is found dead at the local holiday festival. With the charming Cornish landscape covered in snow, the idyllic setting makes for a perfect contrast to the sinister crime that unfolds. As Jodie steps in to help the local police unravel the mystery, readers are treated to an engaging plot full of twists, red herrings, and quirky village characters.
Leitch’s storytelling is full of warmth and humour. This is not a novel for lovers of gruesome gritty city crime set in the real world. Here the cozy atmosphere, mixed with an array of delicious Christmas treats, makes for a festive, page-turning experience. Jodie's wit and determination make her an endearing protagonist who feels like an old friend, and her dynamic with the colourful cast brings the village to life.
A Cornish Christmas Murder is a satisfying blend of mystery and holiday charm, perfect for readers to curl up with during the festive season. Just add a roaring fire and a glass of mulled wine.
By Halogen Jones.
There is a new collection of Whitby stories in town and they are written specially for 8-12-year-olds.
A mysterious shadow of a dog on the 199 steps leads a group of children to a cottage in one of the yards off Church Street. Could the girl inside really be a vampire? A new shop has opened in time for Goth weekend but strange things are going on inside. It is meant to be a short trip out of the harbour to see the dolphins until the boat and the sisters get lost in a sea fret. A dig for fossils finds something very very unusual ...
For too long there have been cuddly vampire books for tiny tots, and adult fiction titles like Dracula and Scravir, but no scary Whitby books for 8 to 12-year olds. As if children don’t enjoy a good scare as much as the rest of us!
The four new Screamie Jeemies stories by Halogen
Are you a published local author?
Wina Seecopy!page46
Jones are perfect for children who love creepy tales, thrills, and fun. These adventures are all set in and around Whitby. Now children and grandchildren can read about the day living dinosaurs gathered at the Whale Bone Arch, and about the daredevil boy who gets eaten by a hat. Now we can all enjoy the creepy magic of the old town of Whitby. Spread the chills ... shiver as you get the screamie jeemies ... The Screamie Jeemies collection can be purchased from The Whitby Bookshop, The Whitby Shop and Holmans Bookshop in Whitby, and also at the Book Corner in Saltburn.
If you are a local author with published work and would like your book featuring on this page email info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk with the subject 'Book Feature Request' and we will let you know more!
These days most homeowners suffer from a lack of storage space. So many precious items that need to be kept – but where to store it all? That’s where Yorkshire Loft Ladders come in.
The company, based locally, offers homeowners the opportunity to maximise their storage space with a loft ladder, 50 sq ft of boarding and a light all fully fitted in less than a day from just £277 + VAT. But it’s not just the affordability of the package the company offers that makes Yorkshire Loft Ladders stand out as manager Mark Hodson explains:
‘Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served tradesmen so our customers are assured of the best job. Integrity in that we will turn up at the time we say and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and Value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford.
Our business relies on referrals and we got a huge amount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our existing customers - that simply wouldn’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles. At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy customers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every installation we carry out!’
So, if you want to make use of your loft space, however big or small, call Mark on 0800 612 8359 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!
10ft, 20ft and 40ft containers
Prices start from £15 per week
Easy, convenient 24 hour site access
Long and short term leases
Selly Hill, Guisborough Road Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 1SF Tel
Fog Ship Fear Trip is part of the Screamie Jeemies book collection for children aged 8 to 12 years old. This book tells the story of Mia and her sister Rose who embark on a boat ride out of Whitby harbour and sail straight into a thick sea fret where some strange and bad things happen!
Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked letters to form the answer to the following clue: A remnant of the past amongst the fossils (7)
Please email the mystery hidden word(s), with your full name, address & telephone number to: crosswords@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk .
Alternatively you can post your entry to us at the following address: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED
Deadline for entries: 10/12/24
Last issue's solution was Henrietta
Won by
1 Contribute, give (6)
4 Demise, end (5)
8 Jeopardy (5)
9 Sank the Titanic (7)
10 Distinctly (7)
11 Indian dress (4)
12 Deceive (3)
14 Sung in church (4)
15 Reveal, display (4)
18 Fasten, attach (3)
21 Idol, venerated image (4)
23 Wander aimlessly (7)
25 Gift (7)
26 Modify (5)
27 Appoint, nominate (5)
1 Portray, illustrate (6)
2 Baby's room (7)
3 Forgiving, lenient (8)
4 Means of losing weight (4)
5 Stadium, amphitheatre (5)
6 Scottish meat pudding (6)
7 Classic material making a comeback on turntables (5)
13 Heighten, intensify (8)
16 Weirdo, eccentric (7)
17 Small alcoholic drink (6)
19 Barren, deserted (5)
20 Walking aid (6)
22 Very overweight (5)
28 Affluence, riches (6) Our
24 Loaned (4)
Mind Bender
Can you work out what the Christmas movie is?
Hidden Object
Find 5 wooden Christmas trees in Santa's workshop.
Can you find these Festive related words?
brandy butter
bread sauce
Brussel sprouts
mince pies
pigs in blankets
prawn cocktail
red cabbage
trifle turkey
By Rachel Leverton
It’s the holiday season so now is the time to treat the gardening enthusiast in your life. Whether they are a seasoned horticulturalist or have budding green thumbs, I have some carefully curated gift ideas to help make their Christmas a little more magical.
Personalised Garden Tools. High-quality Garden tools are essential for any gardener, and a personalised set can add a thoughtful touch. Consider a set that includes essentials like a trowel, pruners, and a hand fork, engraved with their name or a meaningful message. Look for stainless steel or high-carbon steel, to ensure these tools withstand regular use.
Heirloom Seed Collection. Heirloom seeds are a fantastic gift for anyone who loves the idea of growing unique or rare plants. You can find seed collections featuring everything from heirloom vegetables and herbs to wildflowers and native plants. There will be something to appeal to everyone. To add a personal touch, package the seeds in a decorative box or vintage-style tin.
Composting Kit or wormery. For eco-conscious gardeners, a composting kit or a wormery can be a fantastic gift. Options range from countertop composters for small spaces to larger, outdoor setups that allow gardeners to create rich, organic matter for their gardens. Some kits come with starter guides, making them suitable for beginners. Not only will these gifts help reduce kitchen waste, but
they will also improve soil health and boost plant growth. What more could a gardener want?
Indoor Herb Garden Kit . Winter can make it challenging to grow fresh produce, so consider an indoor herb garden kit as a thoughtful and practical gift. Many kits include planters, seeds, soil pods, and even LED grow lights, which make growing herbs indoors a breeze. From basil and parsley to mint and thyme, these kits allow gardeners to keep their herbs close at hand, adding fresh flavours to their cooking all winter long.
Garden Kneeler. Gardening often requires time spent kneeling and bending, so a garden kneeler can be an incredibly thoughtful gift. Many kneelers are foldable and come with handy built-in pockets for tools, gloves, and small pots. They provide a padded, comfortable surface and some can double as a seat.
Birdhouses and Bug Hotels. Wildlife-friendly gifts like birdhouses and bug hotels are ideal for gardeners who want to attract pollinators and beneficial creatures to their garden. These small structures provide nesting spaces for local birds, bees, and other insects. Look for bug hotels made from untreated wood and birdhouses that are weather-resistant.
I hope at least one of these suggestions will delight the gardener in your life, and if my husband happens to be reading this..I’ve always fancied a wormery!
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