A Warm Welcome
As I write this, it is late September and the town is a little more quieter than of late. It has been a pretty decent summer for the town overall after a disappointing wet and cold June and early July. Quite literally tens of thousands of visitors came to Whitby and made the most of the much better weather, enjoying all that the town and surrounding area offers. Packed beaches and busy streets were the norm with both visitors and residents alike soaking up the sun, sightseeing and spending money in the town’s shops, restaurants, pubs and bars. Local businesses were certainly rushed off their feet with the large influx of visitors, particularly during the Regatta which clashed with the start of Whitby Folk Week and enjoyed excellent trade as well as the town’s holiday accommodation providers. Not a bad summer after all.
As we head towards the quieter winter months, trade can dramatically decrease for local businesses when there are fewer visitors around. Cashflow and balancing the books can become a
challenge. Placing an advert in the Whitby Advertiser can maintain a healthy footfall to your business, bringing in those extra sales and keeping the order books full. Our monthly print run is an unrivalled 20,000 copies, delivered doorto-door across the Whitby area, including all the moors and coastal villages. Your advert could include a money-off voucher, a special offer or an exclusive promotion –an eye-catching deal for the many potential customers that flick through our magazine. Advertising with us gives your business maximum visibility at affordable rates – a range of advert sizes with flexible booking and payment terms to suit your budget.
Interested? Give us a call today or drop us an email, then we can work with you on the perfect advertising package to meet the needs of your business and start reaching all those potential customers!
Have a great October!
Stephen Ault Editor

Regatta, Olympics & Musical Joy at The Mayfield

We’ve had a wonderful summer at The Mayfield and enjoyed several events that have brought our caring family and community closer together.
Our Regatta Party was an absolute blast! We got dressed up, fired up our BBQ for the first time, and played a whole host of regatta-themed games. It was a glorious day and everyone had a brilliant time.

With the Olympics on, our residents took part in the 2024 North Yorkshire and York Care Provider Olympics. They participated in various events and their enthusiasm and joy were infectious, making it a memorable day for everyone involved.
A truly heartwarming moment came when Nick’s son and daughter-in-law brought “Tab” to The Mayfield for Nick to reconnect with. Seeing the caravan, which he had lovingly cared for, brought back lots of old memories for him, and he was absolutely over the moon!
We were also lucky to host several live music events in the month with particular highlights being The Dalesmen Singers and a folk music band. The Dalesmen’s rich voices created an unforgettable day of music and were an absolute joy to listen to, as always.
At the end of August, we hosted a tea party to raise awareness and money for breast cancer research. Everyone dressed in pink (including our Maintenance Manager Graham in a beautiful tight-fitting dress!), symbolising our solidarity in the fight against breast cancer. It is a cause close to many of our hearts and many thanks to those who donated so generously.

We also hosted a hugely enjoyable Moroccanthemed evening and our residents enjoyed the company of their guests and mouth-watering tagines. The evening was a celebration of family and friends, culture, warmth, and delicious food.
To top it all off, we celebrated several birthdays in the month, with spectacular birthday cakes made by our team.
If you or a loved one are considering joining our caring community, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please give us a call on 01947 280 884.

Monthly Recipe

Cheesy Onion Soup
As the clocks go back and the nights draw in take comfort in our onion soup, topped with crunchy bread and bubbling cheese
Timings & Servings
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 60 minutes
Serves: 2
12oz / 350g onions (can use a mixture of brown, red and white or all the same variety)
Butter for frying
1 1/2 tsp Demerara sugar
2 tsp dark soy sauce
1 pint stock (chicken stock is lighter, beef stock heartier)
2 thick slices lightly toasted bread
2oz / 50g cheddar or Gruyere cheese
Peel and thinly slice the onions, then heat the butter in a medium-sized saucepan.
Add the onions and sugar and fry gently over a low heat for 10-20 minutes, stirring frequently. The sugar will caramelise to a nice golden brown coating on the onions. Be careful not to let it stick and burn though, especially towards the end.
Add the stock and soy sauce, and season to taste with salt and black pepper.
Put a lid on the pan and simmer for approximately 30 minutes until the onions are soft and starting to disintegrate.
Grate or thinly slice the cheese. Next divide the soup between two heatproof bowls.
Float a slice of toasted bread on top of each bowl of soup, and top with the sliced or grated cheese.
Grill for 2-3 minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbling (which is why you have to use heatproof soup bowls!)
Serve with more crusty fresh bread.
Whitby Advertiser recipes are our family favourites!
Hi, we always look forward to seeing the recipes in the Advertiser and Czech bubble cake has become a firm family favourite.
Yesterday I baked the blackberry and almond crumble cake, which is also delicious and set to become another favourite.
This morning I made the bubble cake with freshly harvested rasp berries. Jo Wedgwood, Fylingthorpe

Prize Crossword
The Wrath of the Whitby Goth Moth is part of the Screamie Jeemies book collection for children aged 8 to 12 years old. This book tells the story of four kids who come across a new spooky Goth shop in town when looking for model vampire costumes. The shop owner turns out to be deeply creepy and things start to go very wrong!
Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked letters to form the answer to the following clue: This granular village is finished (8)

How to enter
Please email the mystery hidden word(s), with your full name, address & telephone number to: crosswords@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk . Alternatively you can post your entry to us at the following address: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED
Deadline for entries: 15/10/24
Albert Elliot of Castleton

7 Graceful, drooping tree (6)
8 ______ Wisdom (actor) (6)
9 Giant, usually evil (4)
10 They pull Santa's sleigh! (8)
11 British seaside town (11)
14 Used to disguise or conceal (5,6)
18 Broadcast, relay (8)
19 Ruler of Mt. Olympus. (4)
20 Apparition, hallucination (6)
21 Finally (6)
1 Royal realm or province (7)
2 Abscond, scarper (4)
3 Deviate, sidestep (6)
4 Intense blue-purple (6)
5 Animal that catches and eats others (8)
6 Blanched, washed-out (5)
12 Fanciful, impractical (8)
13 Mexican alcoholic drink (7)
15 Japanese garment (6)
16 Appease, sooth (6)
17 Plait, weave (5)
19 Vivacity, zeal (4)

Puzzle Time
Word Search

Mind Bender
What is the hidden phrase?
Hidden Object

Find the 5 hidden witches cats in the spooky cemetry.
Can you find these Halloween items?
Sudoku Challenge

What’s On
Open daily until 3 November 2024 9:45 am - 5:00pm. For more information, please visit https://www. cookmuseumwhitby.co.uk
Exhibitions include ‘Our Lasses: Inspirational Women of Whitby’, ‘Adventures in Time: The Development of Steampunk’ and ‘A Whitby Stoker’s War’ (a special exhibition for the 80th anniversary of D-Day) and ‘Frank Meadow Sutcliffe’ mini exhibition and slideshow in the Normanby Room. The museum is open from 10am until 4:30pm Tuesday to Sunday. Last admission 4pm. Entry fee is £8 for an annual pass for adults, children up to 18 are free. Residents of Whitby Parish free upon proof of address. For further information please visit www.whitbymuseum.org. uk. Pannett Art Gallery has an eclectic mix of 19th and 20th Century paintings on permanent display.
Victoria Place, Whitby. YO21 1EZ. Tel: 01947 825000. Cinema, theatre, events. Internet Café. Community Offices, theatre and meeting rooms available for hire. Network Shop for affordable, nearly new furniture and household items (in Station Square). Walled Garden Community Volunteer Project. For more information, check out the Coliseum’s Facebook page, their website at www.whitbycoliseum.co.uk or email info@whitbycoliseum.com.
Abbots Road, Whitby YO22 4EA. Tel: 01947 820999. The renovated Eastside Community Centre offers ample parking as well as facilities for group use, a kiddies play area and Calla Café. Regular activities include ladies group, Jui-Jitsu for adults and kids; Youth Club (term-time only); Drama group; Choir for adults and kids, Ballroom & Latin Dance. For more information, check out the Hub’s Facebook page or email eastsidecommunitycentre@gmail.com.
Windsor Terrace, Whitby. YO21 1EY. Tel: 01609 534350. More than just books – regular events include Lego Clubs; Baby Rhyme (term time only); Story Tots (term time only); IT Buddies; Citizens Advice; Family Historian and Age UK information roadshow drop-in. Check out the library’s Facebook page and website for more information at www.northyorks.gov.uk/ leisure-tourism-and-culture/libraries/local-libraries/ whitby-library. Library opening times: Mon 9.30am5pm; Tues – 9.30am - 7pm; Thurs/Fri 9.30am - 5pm; Sat 10am - 1pm. Closed Wed & Sun.
West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. Cinema, theatre, shows, events. Café. For information of shows, events and cinema screenings, and for tickets visit Whitby Pavilion in person, call 01947 824770 or check out their website www.whitbypavilion.co.uk (booking fees apply).
High Street, Lythe, Whitby YO21 3RT. Tel: 01947 893983. A welcoming community shop located in the village of Lythe. Includes a general store for everyday essentials, home baking and locally sourced produce, a Post Office counter and a lovely tea garden to the rear serving delicious homemade cakes and sandwiches. Manned by volunteers, current opening times are Mon-Sat 8.00am-4.00pm, and Sun 9.00am-12 noon (Post Office counter: MonSat 8.00am-12.30pm only).
Skinner Street, Whitby. YO21 3AH (next to Youngs Jewellers). Open Tuesdays & Thursdays 10.30am2.30pm. A friendly not-for-profit cafe, staffed by volunteers.
A fundraising pop-up shop to support Grosmont Co-operative Store. Opens Weds-Sun 10.30 - 3pm in the old bookshop within the Co-op building. Run by volunteers. Bric-a-brac, household items, collectables & book donations welcome.
A welcoming tearoom offering delicious coffee, homemade scones, cakes, soups and lots more. Activities in the adjoining Schoolroom include Yoga; Bingo & Dominoes, Games and Quizzes; Toddlers’ Group; m Men’s Walking Group; Ladies’ Crafts. Open 9.30-3pm daily (closed Saturday) Please call 01947 841303 for further details.
Regular Weekly Events
WHITBY WHALERS U3A. Day time activities throughout the week for those no longer in full time work: arts, languages, lectures, exercise, history, social groups and much more. Variety of venues. www.u3asites.org.uk/whitby
TAI CHI FOR BEGINNERS Hawsker Village Hall 7pm. First lesson free then £4 pounds thereafter. Contact John 07434 833540.
BADMINTON, SHORT TENNIS & ...PICKLEBALL! Come along and join our friendly over 50s group which meets every Tuesday 1.00pm – 3.00pm at Whitby Leisure Centre. New players always welcome – just £4 per person for the full two hours.
WHITBY JETS BASKETBALL TRAINING Term time only at Whitby Leisure Centre. All new players welcome. Timings: Boys & girls 7-11 year-olds: 4:30pm5:30pm and 12-18 year-olds 5:30pm - 6:45pm. See Whitby Jets Facebook page for details or email whitbyjetsbasketball@gmail.com
PILATES at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Tel: 01947 825000. for further details.
‘SINGING FOR THE BRAIN’ – an Alzheimer’s Society initiative for people living with dementia and their carers held at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ 1.30pm-3.00pm. Admission: £2 per person inc. refreshments. For more information call 01947 825000 or email info@whitbycoliseum.com.
EVERY WEDNESDAY WELCOME WEDNESDAY for people living with dementia and those that support them run by Dementia Forward at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm. Suggested donation: £3 per person. Activities, cakes & hot drinks. Call Dementia Forward 03300 578592 or email: info@ dementiaforward.org.uk for more information.
COLISEUM TEA ROOMS at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. From 9am to 2.30pm. Quality food at affordable prices. Includes The Friends of the Coliseum Lunch Club 11.30am-1.30pm, providing a two-course affordable hot meal for Whitby residents. Enquiries & bookings 01947 825000.
CITIZENS ADVICE every Wednesday afternoon at Yorkshire Building Society on Flowergate, Whitby. Book a free and confidential appointment by calling 01947 458838 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
WHITBY YOUTH CLUB. Games, music, arts & crafts, food, chat & chill. For School Year 7+. Wednesdays 6.308.30pm – term time only at Eastside Community Hub.
TARGET ARCHERY. Whitby Archers meet indoors for target archery between 7pm and 9pm in the lower hall at Whitby Pavilion (September to April only).
MARSKE & LOFTUS BADMINTON CLUB at Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club, 7pm till late. Looking for new members. First night is free, contact Paul on 07702 756669.
NORTH YORKSHIRE CITIZENS ADVICE/LAW CENTRE’S WHITBY DROP-IN SERVICE at Whitby Library, Windsor Terrace, Whitby YO21 1EY from 10am – 3pm.
VI’S COMMUNITY CAFE every Thursday in St. Matthew’s Church, Grosmont 10.30 - 3pm. Hot and cold sandwiches, toasties, soup and delicious homemade cakes. New volunteers always welcome. Please come along and support our cafe, raising money for local charities. Also, Parent and Toddler Play Space 1.30 - 2.30pm during the Community Café.
WHITBY BADMINTON CLUB at Fyling Hall School, Robin Hood’s Bay, Thurs 7.30-9.30pm. Four courts, new players very welcome. Free “taster” night. Full details from Walter 01947 602938 or Carole 01947 600746. Runs until end April 2025.
AGEUK NORTH YORKSHIRE COAST & MOORS ENERGY AND ADVICE DROP-IN SESSION at Whitby Library 10am until 12noon. Advice and information for those aged 50 or over with fuel bills, social care, benefits, housing & homelessness. For further information email: libby.faulkner@ageuknycm.org.uk
WHITBY WALKING GROUP. Start various locations. Approx. 10 miles. Visitors welcome. For further details, please e-mail: rogercrowther@talktalk.net or call 07792 569441.
THE CINDER TRACK PARKRUN. A free, weekly, timed 5k walk/jog/run at 9:00am every Saturday starting on the Whitby Sixth Form site. Open to all ages and abilities. Register for FREE at https://www.parkrun. org.uk/thecindertrack/
October Events
“HOW SUFFRAGE CAMPAIGNERS TOOK THEIR MESSAGE ACROSS YORKSHIRE TO WHITBY” with award winning author Jill Liddington at the Whitby Museum, Pannett Park, Whitby YO21 3AE. Starts 6pm. A chance to visit our Women of Whitby exhibition after hours and hear about some of the inspirational women raising awareness of the importance of votes for women. Glass of wine included. £15 nonmembers, £12 members. Tickets available from Whitby Museum reception or via our website www. whitbymuseum.org.uk/event
What’s On
THE GREAT SEASIDE VINTAGE FAIR, Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff. YO21 3EN. 10am - 4pm each day. Up to 40 stalls of genuine vintage fashion and homewares from the 1920s to the 1980s. Admission: £3. Under 16’s free. Contact Rose & Brown Vintage 07985 181120 www.roseandbrownvintage.co.uk
FELLOWSHIP SPACE (Fun, Friendship, Faith and Food) first Sunday of the month at 4pm (3pm November to March) in Grosmont. Variety of activities including walking, talking, singing and eating! All welcome. For more information call Helen 07557 903264.
‘WHO INVENTED SCAMPI... AND WHAT IS IT?’ A HISTORY OF MAKING SCAMPI IN WHITBY AND THE STORY OF WHITBY SEAFOODS. Whitby Civic Society lecture at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ from 2.00pm - 4.00pm. NB – Please note afternoon times for the late autumn/winter months. Admission: members £1; guests £3. Refreshments available during the break. For further details call 01947 811808, visit www.whitbycivicsociety.org.uk or check out the Society’s Facebook page.
AISLABY Y.C.A meet in Aislaby Parish Hall, at 2pm. Clair Stones will be giving us a talk about ‘Botanical Endeavour’ (Cook’s Endeavour to Kew Gardens). Raffle and refreshments. Non-members welcome. For details call Pam on 01947810628.
HALLOWEEN THEMED TEA DANCE at the Royal Hotel, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3HT 2.00-4.30pm. £3 entry includes tea/coffee and biscuits. Proceeds to Whitby Lifeboats.
WHITBY ART SOCIETY meets on the second Wednesday of every month (except December) at The Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO2 1EZ from 7.00pm - 9.00pm. Please see www. whitbyartsociety.org for news and membership details.
DEMENTIA FRIENDLY COMMUNITY MEETING in the café area at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Starts 2pm. A voluntary group to improve services. For more information, call in at the Coliseum reception or call 01947 825000.
STEEL BLUE. A ROCK COVERS BAND at Hinderwell Village Hall. Open from 7.30pm. No Bar, BYO Beer. £5 Tickets from 01947 840561. Email hinderwellvh@ gmail.com
GUISBOROUGH CHORAL SOCIETY’S AUTUMN CONCERT at St.Nicholas Church, Guisborough at 7:30 pm. . Tickets £12 (under 19s £1) from https://www. wegottickets.com/event/630316 Guisborough Bookshop or on the door (subject to availability. For more information, contact 07960 301758.
WEST GALLERY STYLE FOLK SERVICE at St John the Evangelist, Brunswick St, Whitby. Starts at 10.30am. A relaxed Service with music, poetry and readings on the theme of ‘Meeting Jesus’, with guest violinist Nicola Chalton.
YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION, Sleights Branch meeting, 2pm at Church House, Sleights. Speaker: Alana Barney ‘Life as a Nurse in the Military’. Refreshments, book exchange, raffle. Guests & new members welcome. For further details contact 01947 228159.
HINDERWELL WI MEETING at St Hilda’s Old School. AGM followed by a faith supper. Bring and Buy Stall. Competition: create/bring anything at, all be it craft, baking, writing, drawing etc reflecting the highlight of your WI year. Doors open 6.30pm, meeting starts 6 45pm. For further details please ring either 01947 840179 or 840343.
WHITBY COMMUNITY NETWORK MEETING 6.00800pm at Rugby Club, White Leys Rd, Whitby YO21 3PB. The theme for this meeting is “Highway & Parking Strategy for Whitby & District”. All residents and business owners in the district are welcome
WHITBY WHALER GARDENING GROUP with Jan Hoyland speaking on “The Alchemy of Gardening”, at The Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ from 2.00 - 3.30pm. New Whitby Whaler members always welcome. We will also be taking bookings for the Christmas trip to Beamish Hall Hotel for the Forest of Light trip.
WHITBY DAIRY & GRASSLAND DISCUSSION GROUP at Sneaton Castle, Castle Road, Whitby, YO21 3QN Speaker: Paul Temple, Tenant Farmer & Vice Chair of the Global Farmers Network: ‘We Farm in a Global World.’ New members are always welcome.
PARKINSON’S SUPPORT CAFÉ at Calla Café, Eastside Community Hub, Abbots Road Whitby YO22 4EA from 11am to 12.30pm. A group for people living with Parkinson’s and their partners and friends to meet and chat over a coffee. For more information, contact Rebecca Craft at Parkinson’s UK on 020 796 33 666 or email rcraft@parkinsons.org.uk.
WHITBY COMMUNITY NETWORK MEETING at the Rugby Club, White Leys Rd, Whitby YO21 3PB from 6.00 - 800pm. Open to all residents of the area, please come and have your say on local issues affecting you. The theme for this meeting is ‘Local Health Facilities.’
WHITBY WI MEETING from 7pm in the Northern Lights Suite, Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. For further information, email whitbywi2014@gmail. com.
WHITBY & DISTRICT LADIES LUNCHEON CLUB at the Saxonville Hotel, Ladysmith Avenue, Whitby YO21 3HX 12pm for 12.30pm A three-course lunch £25 including tea/coffee. Speaker is Clair Stones: ‘Holiday in the Arctic’. All ladies welcome. For further information and to book your place and confirm special dietary requirements, please contact Ann Livsey on 01947 604065; email ann.colin11@ btinternet.com.
PRIORY ART EXHIBITION at Sunnyfield House, Guisborough TS14 6BA 10am – 4pm. Free entry.
WHITBY FLOWER CLUB meet Sleights Village Hall at 2pm. Our demonstrator will be Kirsty Berridge. There will be a raffle of the lovely arrangements, also refreshments. Non-members welcome. Admission £5. For details call Margaret on 01947603297

HALLOWEEN CRAFTS SESSION for the family at Whitby Library, Windsor Terrace. 10am-12pm. Book a space by emailing AdultLearningService@northyorks.gov. uk.
HALLOWEEN CRAFT EVENT 1pm-3pm. A family dropin session at Whitby Library, Windsor Terrace.

A Good Read
The Haunting of Aveline Jones
by Phi Hickes.
This enchanting and eerie tale tells the story of Aveline Jones, a young girl who is sent to stay with her Aunt Lilian in the seaside town of Malmouth during her autumn break.
While exploring the town, Aveline stumbles upon a dusty old book of ghost stories in a secondhand bookstore. Intrigued by the tales within, she discovers that one of the stories involves a girl named Primrose Penberthy who mysteriously disappeared thirty years ago.
As Aveline delves deeper into the book, she starts experiencing strange occurrences and eerie sightings, leading her to believe that Primrose’s ghost is trying to communicate with her. Determined to uncover the truth, Aveline investigates Primrose's disappearance, despite her aunt's warnings and the townspeople’s reluctance to discuss the past.
Aveline's curiosity leads her to uncover dark secrets about Malmouth and its history. She learns that Primrose's disappearance is tied to a chilling legend and that the ghostly encounters she experiences are linked to a malevolent presence in the town. Will Aveline and her new friend Will, be brave enough to confront the supernatural forces at play, and bring peace to Primrose's restless spirit?

"The Haunting of Aveline Jones" is a suspenseful and atmospheric tale of courage, mystery, and the supernatural. Perfect for an October fireside read.
Screamie Jeemies: Weird and Creepy Tales of Whitby
By Halogen Jones.
There is a new collection of Whitby stories in town and they are written specially for 8-12-year-olds.
A mysterious shadow of a dog on the 199 steps leads a group of children to a cottage in one of the yards off Church Street. Could the girl inside really be a vampire? A new shop has opened in time for Goth weekend but strange things are going on inside. It is meant to be a short trip out of the harbour to see the dolphins until the boat and the sisters get lost in a sea fret. A dig for fossils finds something very very unusual ... For too long there have been cuddly vampire books for tiny tots, and adult fiction titles like Dracula and Scravir, but no scary Whitby books for 8 to 12-year olds. As if children don’t enjoy a good scare as much as the rest of us!
The four new Screamie Jeemies stories by Halogen
Are you a published local author?

Wina Seecopy!page20
Jones are perfect for children who love creepy tales, thrills, and fun. These adventures are all set in and around Whitby. Now children and grandchildren can read about the day living dinosaurs gathered at the Whale Bone Arch, and about the daredevil boy who gets eaten by a hat. Now we can all enjoy the creepy magic of the old town of Whitby. Spread the chills ... shiver as you get the screamie jeemies ...
The Screamie Jeemies collection can be purchased from The Whitby Bookshop, The Whitby Shop and Holmans Bookshop in Whitby, and also at the Book Corner in Saltburn.
If you are a local author with published work and would like your book featuring on this page email info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk with the subject 'Book Feature Request' and we will let you know more!

These days most homeowners suffer from a lack of storage space. So many precious items that need to be kept – but where to store it all? That’s where Yorkshire Loft Ladders come in.
The company, based locally, offers homeowners the opportunity to maximise their storage space with a loft ladder, 50 sq ft of boarding and a light all fully fitted in less than a day from just £277 + VAT. But it’s not just the affordability of the package the company offers that makes Yorkshire Loft Ladders stand out as manager Mark Hodson explains:
‘Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served tradesmen so our customers are assured of the best job. Integrity in that we will turn up at the time we say and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and Value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford.

Our business relies on referrals and we got a huge amount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our existing customers - that simply wouldn’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles. At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy customers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every installation we carry out!’
So, if you want to make use of your loft space, however big or small, call Mark on 0800 612 8359 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!


Don’t feel drained this month... Unblocktober is here!

Unblocktober is a month-long national campaign aimed at improving the health of our drains, sewers, and watercourses. Held every October since 2019, it encourages individuals, households, and businesses to adopt better habits that prevent blockages and reduce environmental pollution.
During October there will be a public awareness campaign to highlight the problems caused by improper waste disposal. It will focus on educating people about what should and shouldn’t go down our drains and toilets. Everyday items like wet wipes, fats, oils, and grease (collectively known as FOG) can cause significant blockages, leading to ‘fatbergs’ and other costly plumbing issues.
Unblocktober is important for several reasons:
Environmental Protection: Improper waste disposal can lead to blocked sewers, which in turn can cause raw sewage to overflow into rivers, streams, and oceans. This pollutes our waterways, harming wildlife and disrupting ecosystems.
Preventing Fatbergs: Fatbergs are massive accumulations of FOG and non-biodegradable items. They can cause extensive damage to sewer systems, leading to expensive repairs and increased water bills for everyone.
Public Health: Blocked sewers can lead to flooding and sewage overflows, posing serious health risks to the community.
Joining in Unblocktober is simple and impactful:
Mindful Disposal: Avoid pouring fats, oils, and grease down the sink. Instead, let them cool and dispose of them in the bin.
Flush Wisely: Only flush the three Ps: pee, poo, and (toilet) paper. Dispose of wet wipes, sanitary products, and other non-biodegradable items in the rubbish.
Spread the Word: Raise awareness by sharing tips and information about Unblocktober with friends, family, and colleagues.
By adopting these practices, you can help protect the environment, prevent costly plumbing problems, and ensure cleaner, healthier waterways. Join Unblocktober and be part of the solution!

Garden View
By Rachel Leverton

This month in Garden View we are focusing on creating a natural hedgerow.
Many of us will consider planting a hedge along the boundary of our property. Hedges buffer sound and offer a degree of privacy. While privet and leylandii remain popular choices for quick, dense hedges, I prefer a natural hedgerow, composed of a mix of native shrubs and trees.
A natural hedge will promote biodiversity, providing food and shelter for birds, insects, and other wildlife. This creates a vibrant ecosystem in your garden, enhancing its beauty and ecological value.
Natural hedgerows are also more sustainable. They are better adapted to local soil and climate conditions, which means they require less maintenance and less chemical input like fertilizer and pesticide. They have a softer, less formal appearance, which will add charm and character to your garden.
When choosing plants for a natural hedgerow, consider a mix of native species that will provide year-round interest and habitat value. Here are some excellent choices:
• Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna): Known for its white spring flowers and red autumn berries, hawthorn is a hardy and versatile choice.
• Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa): This plant produces white flowers in early spring and sloes in autumn, which are loved by wildlife.
• Hazel (Corylus avellana): With catkins in late winter and edible nuts in autumn, hazel is both decorative and beneficial.
• Field Maple (Acer campestre): A small tree with lovely autumn colour, it’s perfect for adding height and diversity.
• Dog Rose (Rosa canina): This climbing shrub offers beautiful pink flowers in summer and bright red hips in autumn.
The best time to plant your hedgerow is from now until early spring, when the plants are dormant. Follow these steps to maximise your chance of success:
Clear the planting area of weeds and grass. Dig a trench about 30cm wide and 30cm deep.
Plant shrubs at intervals of 30-45cm. For a thicker hedge, plant in a double staggered row, with about 45cm between the rows.
Place each plant in the trench, ensuring the roots are well-spread. Fill in with soil, firming it around the roots, and water well.
Apply a thick layer of mulch to suppress weeds and retain moisture.
A natural hedgerow requires minimal maintenance, but a few key tasks will keep it healthy and thriving:
Ensure young plants are watered during dry spells until they are well-established.
Keep the base of the hedgerow free from weeds to reduce competition for nutrients and water.
Lightly prune in late winter to maintain shape and encourage dense growth. Avoid heavy pruning as it can reduce flowering and fruiting.
Apply a slow-release organic fertilizer in early spring to promote vigorous growth.
Embrace the charm of a natural hedgerow. It not only contributes to a beautiful garden but also supports local wildlife and contributes to a healthier environment.

Line Adverts
COMPACT ELECTRIC COOKER. Still under warranty. Some utensils. £50. Buyer to collect, 01947 821041
DIANA’S DOMESTIC SERVICES For all your domestic requirements . Weekly, fortnightly, holiday lets etc Fully insured. Ring Di 07870 321477 / 01947 228802
JULIE’S MOBILE HAIRDRESSING. Friendly & reliable service, Over 30 years’ experience. Call Julie on 07789 786226 or 01947 811315
EQUINE HORSEMANSHIP. Qualified natural help available, with no force. Please text with details.. 07960 055343
for £572.84 pcm (no VAT). Fully accessible building with parking. 24/7 access 365 days/year. Rental excludes business rates but includes utilities and communal area cleaning. For further information and to arrange a viewing please contact 01947 821761 or email andrew.steel@cavca.org.uk
ACAIR LOCKS YOUR LOCAL LOCKSMITH uPVC doors difficult to lock? We can help! Locked out? No problem! Fast service. No call-out charge. Tel: 07974 660062 / (01947) 228773. Email: derekliversidge@aol.com
PROPERTY MAINTENANCE, PRESSURE WASHING & HANDYMAN SERVICES. Tools available for most jobs. Will travel. Reliable. Hourly rate available. Andy 07850 630077
CC PLUMBING for your plumbing jobs. Same day callout. Tel: 07775 902706.
PAT TESTING AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. Latest PAT test equipment. £1.45 per item inc. certificate/report (minimum invoice value £25.00). Call 07746 410025. Blair Hankin https://pattestingwhitby.co.uk
GUISBOROUGH TROPHY CENTRE. All sports catered for. Engraving to any item. Brass plates available. Tel: 01287 630990. NOW AT 95 WESTGATE TS14 6AF
LEAFLET DELIVERY SERVICE. Serving Whitby and surrounding areas. A professional, trustworthy and effective service. For more info please call 01947 605500
ONE/TWO BEDROOM LONG LET, private house or bungalow for retired locals in quiet area, within 30 radius of Whitby. 07984 456187
ESKDALE ANTIQUES. Wanted curios & collectables. Farming, household & gardening. Hunting, motoring & advertising. House clearances. Call Phil Smith on 01947 811124 or 07897 796495

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