Welcome to our July issue Stephen Ault EDITOR
01947 605500
Whitby Advertiser Ltd Green Lane Centre, Whitby YO22 4EH
Deadline for advertisers: Friday 10th July
www.whitbyadvertiser.co.uk Well, what a past few months we have had. ‘Lockdown’ started on about the 23rd March and we are now, nearly 4 months later, slowly coming out of restrictions, and hopefully we will not get a second wave of this virus which has altered so many lives and families, hopefully not too many within our readership area. Indeed, there are many success stories: my next-door neighbour broke her elbow and was sent to Scarborough. Whilst there she did contract the virus and at 92 years old, we expected the worst, however she recovered and is now waiting to come home. I do believe that we have escaped fairly well in the Whitby area.
So now it feels as if we have to start all over again! But if we can keep our existing customers and add some new ones, and suppliers are still there for us, then on the whole I believe that we will overcome this invisible enemy which still lurks around us and forge a brighter future. Anyway, we wish all our advertisers the very best for the future and remember that using the Whitby Advertiser is not only an extremely easy, effective and best way to reach your customers, the cost of advertising is 100% tax deductible...
But life goes on and at the Whitby Advertiser we appreciate all the hard work and hard decisions that our lovely customers have had to do in order to keep their businesses viable.
Thank you once again.
& the Advertiser team!
We have decided not to publish our usual What’s On pages, due to many events being cancelled or re-scheduled due to Covid-19. Any announcements we receive from organisers about re-scheduled events or those still taking place will be published on our Facebook page.
18 Prize crossword | 48 Monthly veterinary advice | 52 Line Ads | 54 Index
ADVERTISING RATES (all prices are per month and exclude VAT) FULL PAGE £235 - 1 month booking £210 - 3 month booking £199 - 6 month booking
QUARTER PAGE £99 - 1 month booking £89 - 3 month booking £79 - 6 month booking
HALF PAGE £130 - 1 month booking £120 - 3 month booking £110 - 6 month booking
EIGHTH PAGE £59 - 1 month booking £54 - 3 month booking £48 - 6 month booking
LINE ADS £10 - private sellers (20 words *) £20 - business sellers (20 words ¥) £35 - boxed line advert £40 - boxed line advert + graphic
* 50p per additional word ¥ £1 per additional word
WHAT'S ON LISTINGS £20 - business events FREE - non-profit/charity/community
Front cover picture courtesy of Luke James Copyright © Whitby Advertiser Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the publisher. Published by Whitby Advertiser Ltd, Green Lane Centre, Green Lane, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO22 4EH. Company No: 05736318 | VAT No: 979 2029 82 All information in this magazine is published in good faith and cannot be reproduced without written permission. Whilst the publisher makes every effort to ensure that the businesses featured in this magazine are of the highest quality, we do not guarantee the services and products from any businesses featured. No liability will be accepted under any circumstances should any of the contents in this magazine be incorrect. Any complaints should be referred to Trading Standards, NYCC. The views expressed within the articles are not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights reserved. The paper used for the Whitby Advertiser is produced from guaranteed sustainable forests and carries the PEFC accreditation which is the European standard for tracking the timber from source to the final printed product. Further information can be found at www.pefc.org
Esk Hall
Excellence in care
“The feeling you get when you walk in - there’s kindness, warmth and humour.” Resident
Part of the Fisher Care Group. Est. 1986
RESIDENTIAL AND RESPITE CARE C A R E T H AT ’ S R I G H T F O R YO U Esk Hall is a majestic, yet homely, Georgian mansion house surrounded by manicured gardens and busy wildlife. Nestled at the foot of the Esk Valley it overlooks the winding River Esk and the passing steam trains on the Pickering to Whitby line. Our residents are at the heart of everything we do at Esk Hall. We make it our mission to provide the highest level of care in a comfortable, stimulating and safe environment that truly is a home–from–home.
C A R E YO U C A N T R U S T We provide a broad range of quality personalised care options tailored to an individual’s holistic needs, with a keen focus on improving overall health, wellbeing and quality of life. At Esk Hall, we offer a wide variety of activities, facilities and services. To find out more about these visit our website: fishercaregroup.co.uk/esk-hall
COME AND VISIT US We understand it can be a difficult decision to move into a care home, our experienced team are more than happy to talk this through with you and answer any questions you may have.
To book an appointment, call 01947 810482 or email info@eskhall.co.uk
Esk Hall Limited, Coach Road, Sleights, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO22 5EG.
G. R. Pinder Experienced Monumental Mason for Whitby and the surrounding areas. Home Visits Available Contact Paul on
01723 373712 Manor Road Memorial Works, Scarborough, YO12 7RT All Work Guaranteed E: scarborough@jrotherham.co.uk www.jrotherhammemorials.co.uk
Members of the National Association of Memorial Masons
Prize Crossword Enter our prize crossword draw to win a
£25 MasterCard Gift Card
Courtesy of...
21 Flowergate, Whitby, YO21 3BA
Tel: 01947 60 26 26
Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked letters to form the answer to the clue.
The clue this month is: Washed ashore for Beach-combers to discover (7)
5 Strangle (8) 7 Defeat (4) 9 Style of painting (13) 10 Stage whisper (5) 11 As a rule (7) 14 Part of town (7) 16 Penniless (5) 19 Culinary measure (13) 21 Serpents (4) 22 Performs surgery (8)
To enter the prize draw please post or email the mystery hidden word(s), with your name, address & telephone number by 17/7/20 to: Whitby Advertiser, Green Lane Centre, Whitby, YO22 4EH, North Yorkshire. Email: crosswords@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk
(Please note, we only accept one entry per household). The winner will be announced in next month’s issue.
Russ Ingham of Whitby PREVIOUS CROSSWORD PUZZLE SOLUTIONS: Across: 1 Sunset, 6 Oslo, 8 Saved, 9 Paella, 10 Debt, 11 Rural, 12 Aden, 13 Yelp, 14 Crimea, 16 Due, 17 Asp, 19 Balsam, 20 Full, 23 Ante, 24 Amiss, 26 Eton, 27 Pigged, 28 Kenya, 29 Hevy, 30 Remind. Down: 2 Unaided, 3 Silence, 4 Tsar, 5 Overseas, 6 Oddly, 7 Libel, 15 Italians, 17 Amalgam, 18 Pattern, 21 Untie, 22 Lanky, 25 Spar. 18
1 Longest English river (6) 2 Hallway (8) 3 Most creepy (7) 4 Paradise (4) 6 Protruding tooth (4) 8 Agave fibre (5) 12 Its capital is Little Rock (8) 13 Cafe (7) 15 Mountain range (5) 17 Sickness (6) 18 Fail or misplace (4) 20 Speech defect (4)
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laptop - netbook tablet pcs
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019 47-878-242
During these challenging times stories of businesses struggling have been at the forefront of so many people and of course the media. There is also the challenge of not just recovery, but also adapting to operating in what some may describe as a new world.
One such local business who have ensured their valued customers would not have to put their legal issues on hold during the Covid-19 pandemic is Noel Barrett Legal Services. We were lucky enough to catch up with Noel who told us about his own “This has also made it very easy for me to adapt personal story of working during these challenging to conducting virtual Client meetings through and unprecedented times. Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams and of course by “As my Clients will already be aware, my office is telephone conference and I wish to sincerely thank within my home and because of this I have been my Clients for their goodwill and adaptability”. able to continue advising Clients almost seamlessly “Whilst attendances on Clients for signature of over the last few weeks, having all my equipment documents have proved challenging, they have and resources around me and at my fingertips, in my never-the-less remained an essential service for home office, as usual”. those of my Clients who have wished to complete important documents like Wills and Powers of Attorney, over the last few weeks”. Noel (and sometimes Ruth as well) have perhaps looked somewhat of an oddity turning up at Clients’ homes suitably kitted out in PPE and standing in their gardens whilst they watch documents being signed through a closed window, before witnessing the documents, but never-the-less, this has enabled a means to an end to ensure these important documents are completed for clients and to allow them to rest more easily, in the certain knowledge that they have put their affairs in order and no longer have the worry, or at least do not have these sorts of outstanding issues on their minds any longer. The fact that he doesn’t raise any additional charges for travelling to see Clients at their homes within the Whitby and Esk Valley areas has also been well received by his Clients Noel and Ruth are very appreciative of their clients of NBLS for their support, adaptability and indeed good humour throughout what has undoubtedly been a very difficult (and for some extremely sorrowful) past few weeks.
They would also wish to confirm that Noel and NBLS remains very much “open for business” and to wish everyone a safe passage as the next stage of these uncertain times unfolds.
These days most homeowners suffer from a lack of storage space. So many precious items that need to be kept – but where to store it all? That’s where Yorkshire Loft Ladders come in. The company, based locally, offers homeowners the opportunity to maximise their storage space with a loft ladder, 50 sq ft of boarding and a light all fully fitted in less than a day from just £277 + VAT. But it’s not just the affordability of the package the company offers that makes Yorkshire Loft Ladders stand out as manager Mark Hodson explains:
‘Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served tradesmen so our customers are assured of the best job. Integrity in that we will turn up at the time we say and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and Value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford.
Our business relies on referrals and we got a huge amount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our existing customers - that simply wouldn’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles.
At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy customers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every installation we carry out!’ So, if you want to make use of your loft space, however big or small, call Mark on 0800 612 8359 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!
Repairs and spares for most makes of washing machines, tumble dryers, cookers and vacuum cleaners Dyson repairs
30 Chancel Way, Whitby
01947 602276
Steven Spreadbury Qualified Decorator
Friendly reliable service, any job considered
Based in Whitby
Following on from Rabbit Awareness Week last week I thought it would be a good idea to refresh our knowledge on rabbit care!
The RSPCA estimate that there are 1.5 million pet rabbits in the UK, they come in a variety of breeds, shapes and sizes but generally need similar care. They are highly intelligent little animals and owning them can be extremely rewarding. They can become part of the family but, as sensitive animals, are best suited to • The best type of rabbit bedding is clean, bagged teenagers and adults. Children should only look after straw, available from all good pet shops. Rabbit bedding needs to be checked on a daily basis and rabbits under parental supervision. removed if soiled. Particular attention needs to be Despite popular belief they are not an easy pet to keep paid to the accommodation during hot weather as and do require certain considerations to be cared for flies may quickly lay their eggs on soiled bedding and properly. the resulting maggots may burrow into the rabbit’s fur and body cavity. This could be potentially fatal to • Typically they live anything from 6-12 years. your rabbits and is known as fly strike. • They are naturally social animals and prefer to live in pairs or groups as they can suffer from loneliness and • It is easy to litter train a rabbit. Once you are aware which corner they prefer to use as a toilet, place depression. a litter tray there big enough for your rabbit to use • NEVER put rabbits and guinea pigs together – the comfortably. This will make it far easier to keep the animals are different species and do not understand accommodation clean. each other. All pets must be provided with the 5 welfare needs: • Rabbits teeth grow continuously and the top front • Health – Protection from pain, injury, suffering and teeth grow at a rate of 3mm a week! disease and treated if they become ill or injured. Rabbits need daily roughage and high fibre to keep teeth in check. Hay or grass should be the basis of • Behaviour – the ability to behave naturally for their your rabbit’s diet, and a few fresh vegetables should species eg. Play, run, dig, jump, fly etc. be offered as well. Remember cereal-based diets (the • Companionship – to be housed with, or apart from, muesli-type) are high in sugar and low in minerals, and other animals as appropriate for the species. i.e. therefore should not be given. company of their own kind for sociable species like Small quantities of high-fibre pellets are a better rabbits or guinea pigs, or to be housed alone for solitary species like hamsters. choice.
• Rabbits have an unusual and sensitive digestive • Diet – a suitable diet. This can include feeding system. Food is passed through their gut and special appropriately for the pet’s life stage and soft droppings, called caecotrophs, are produced. feeding a suitable amount to prevent obesity or Rabbits eat these ceacotrophs, allowing the food malnourishment, as well as access to fresh clean to be re-ingested and the hard droppings are then water. produced. • Environment – a suitable environment. This should • All rabbits should be regularly vaccinated against include the right type of home with a comfortable the potentially fatal diseases, myxomatosis and viral place to rest and hide as well as space to exercise and haemorrhagic disease (VHD). Rabbit vaccinations are explore. an essential part of keeping your pet healthy. It is a good idea to have rabbits neutered as this lessens the risk of disease and behavioural problems. Neutered rabbits can also be easier to house train. 48
For any help or advice with your pet please do not hesitate to give us a call on 01947 820333 and remember we are available 24/7 for any pet emergencies.
We’re Open! Shop our countrywear & pet supplies in store and online
www.millbryhill.co.uk 0800 652 0432 49
Line Ads
Send us your Line Ad: Please see page 49
ACAIR LOCKS YOUR LOCAL LOCKSMITH uPVC doors difficult to lock? We can help! Locked out? No MEADOWS HOUSEKEEPING. Hate ironing? We problem! Fast service. No call-out charge. Tel: 07974 love it! Free collection and drop off. www. 660062. Email: derekliversidge@aol.com meadowshousekeeping.co.uk. Call Joanne 07707 834073 ALL ASPECTS OF ROOF REPAIRS AND PROPERTY CLEANER WANTED. Cleaner wanted, must have MAINTENANCE. 30 years experience. Tel: 07885 090911. CLEANING
experience and thorough in their work. Call Julie 01947 811882 MOBILE HAIRDRESSERS
JULIE’S MOBILE HAIRDRESSING. Friendly & reliable service, Over 25 years’ experience. Call Julie on 07789 786226 or 01947 811315 GARDENS AND LANDSCAPING FENCING AND TREE CUTTING SERVICE. Also turf laying. Tel Mike Stainthorpe on 01947 820845 or 07866 079038.
WHITBY PICTURE FRAMING 9d Mount Farm Close Whitby YO22 4HJ Opposite Eskdale School Gates Bespoke picture framing using quality frames, mounts & picture glass. Tel: 07909 694035 | www.whitbyframing.com
LJ GARDEN MAINTENANCE. Local, reliable, friendly WANTED service. Call Lee 07725 367731 ESKDALE ANTIQUES. Wanted curios & collectables. IMAGING & PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES Farming, household & gardening. Hunting, motoring CINE, VHS AND ANY CAMERA TAPES TO DVD. Contact & advertising. House clearances. Call Phil Smith on Paul Wilson Productions your local specialist. Tel: 01947 811124 or 07897 796495 01947 810982. www.paulwilsonproductions.co.uk WANTED! CARS, VANS, COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, SMALL BUSINESS AND TRADESMEN ADS CARAVANS, CAMPERVANS, MOTORHOMES, TRACTORS AND PLANT MACHINERY. Any condition. DALE END SERVICES. Handyman etc. Garden Clearances. Fencing. General household repairs. Cash payment! Immediate collection. Tel: 01947 840040/ 07885 090911. Tel: 01947 895524 / 07951 453209. WANTED! ALL EQUESTRIAN EQUPMENT INCLUDING SADDLES, BRIDLES, DRIVING HARNESSES, HORSEBOXES, ANY HORSE-DRAWN VEHICLES, COMPLETE OR NOT. ALSO HORSES BOUGHT FOR CASH. Must have passports. Instant decision, instant £40 BOILER SERVICE. GAS FIRES SERVICED £35. cash. Tel: 01947 840040/ 07885 090911. LANDLORD CERTIFICATES £55. Keith, More than Gas. Tel: 07828 913989 or 01947 661407. Gas Safe TAXIS No. 225407. PAT TESTING AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. Latest PAT test equipment. £1.35 per item inc. certificate/report (minimum invoice value £25.00). Call 077 464 100 25. Blair Hankin https://pattestingwhitby.co.uk
GUISBOROUGH TROPHY CENTRE. All sports catered for. Engraving to any item. Brass plates available. Tel: 01287 630990. 2020 catalogue now available. ENGRAVING & LASER ETCHING SERVICE for stainless steel, brass and other materials. Also signs made. Tel: 01947 880550. www.croftcastsigns.co.uk. Email: info@croftcastsigns.co.uk LOCKSMITH, CARPENTER. Qualified with over 30 years experience Available 24 hours a day/Whitby. No job too small. 07984 456187 52
01947 606666 / 01947 601212 enquiries@abbeytaxis.org www.abbeytaxis.org
10ft, 20ft and 40ft containers Prices start from £15 per week Easy, convenient 24 hour site access Long and short term leases Selly Hill, Guisborough Road Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 1SF Tel 01642 718 286 DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • SECURE
ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS SERVICES Asquith & Co ......................................................................... 22
ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Eskdale Antiques ................................................................ 52
Whitby Carpet Cleaning Hard Floors .......................... 30
COMMUNITY & LEISURE Coast & County Radio ....................................................... 51 Deepdale Cove Ltd............................................................. 4
APPLIANCE REPAIRS & SALES Keith Bedlington ................................................................ 32 Newlove Repair Service Limited .................................. 32 Pennywise Appliances Ltd ............................................. 30
COMPUTER, IT & WEBSITE SERVICES The Conversion Company............................................... 13 Compu-SOS........................................................................... 19 Faith Young Writer ............................................................. 21
BEDROOMS, BATHROOMS & KITCHENS Gibson’s Cabinet Makers ................................................ 24
CURTAINS, BLINDS & HOME FURNISHINGS Priory Blinds .......................................................................... 28 Whitby Blinds & Shutters ................................................. 28
ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES A.L. Turner and Associates ............................................. 22 BHD Partnership ................................................................. 22
CRAFTS PennyClare Furniture, Crafts & Gifts ............................ 7
BEREAVEMENT SERVICES G R Pindar ............................................................................. 16 John Corner Funeral Service Ltd .................................. 16
CYCLING & CYCLE REPAIR SERVICES Dr Crank .................................................................................. 46
34 52 40 36 38 41 36 45 27 41 31 34 37 40 26
DRAIN SERVICES Steve Welford Drain Cleaning ....................................... 31
BUILDING, MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Anderson Builders (Whitby) Ltd .................................. Dale End Services ............................................................... Elvidge Renovation & Restoration .............................. Endeavour Property Services ......................................... J Hallam Joinery ................................................................. Lawson Builders & High Access Ltd ............................ Martyn Cana ........................................................................ Mike Stainthorpe Fencing Services ............................ MKM Building Supplies Ltd ........................................... Robert Harrison & Sons Ltd ............................................ S D Tindall Excavations ..................................................... Steve Garrett ........................................................................ Waring Building & Roofing Ltd ..................................... Warrior Access .................................................................... Yorkshire Loft Ladders .....................................................
BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL Action Coach ........................................................................ 21 The Business Wellbeing Club ......................................... 3 CARE & COMMUNITY AllCare Medical Limited ................................................... Esk Hall Retirement Home .............................................. Whitby Court Retirement Home................................... Scarborough Mobility .......................................................
16 14 17 15
CARPETS & FLOORING Draper’s Carpets .................................................................. 23 Fletcher & Woodhouse Ltd ............................................. 25 NR Flooring ........................................................................... 25
CHIMNEY SWEEPS Mucky Duck Chimney Sweep ........................................ 30
CLEANING, HOUSEKEEPING & LAUNDRY SERVICES Joanne Meadows ................................................................ 52 TLC Carpet Care ................................................................... 31 Whitby Carpet Cleaning................................................... 29 54
DENTAL SERVICES Denture Clinic ...................................................................... 12
ELECTRICIANS Blair Hankin ........................................................................... 52 Handy Andy Electrical ....................................................... 34 Stakesby Electrical .............................................................. 34 ENGINEERING Gibbon Brothers Engineering Ltd ............................... 31
EVENTS, PARTIES & FANCY DRESS Carr Mount Tipis .................................................................. 3
FOOD & DRINK Botham’s of Whitby ........................................................... PennyClare ............................................................................ The Forge ............................................................................... Whitby Sea Fish Ltd ...........................................................
GARDENING, FENCING & TREE SERVICES Doors ‘n’ Gates .................................................................... Everything Trees ................................................................ LJ Garden Maintenance .................................................. Mike Stainthorpe Fencing Services ............................ Short Grass & Sides ........................................................... Yorkshire Shed Company ...............................................
9 7 6 8 44 44 52 45 44 45
HAIR SALONS AND BARBERS Julie’s Mobile Hairdressing ............................................ 52 The Fringe ............................................................................. 10 HEALTH, BEAUTY & FITNESS Jamie Risato ......................................................................... 12 Kate Riley Limited .............................................................. 10 Lindsey Ebbs Podiatry ...................................................... 11
JOINERY SERVICES Mike Brown’s Joinery Services ....................................... 40 Warrior Woodworks ........................................................... 42
LEGAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES Noel Barrett Legal Services ............................................. 20
SCRAP METAL, SKIP AND WASTE SERVICES Noble’s Recycling................................................................ 43
MOTORING, MOT, REPAIRS & SALES Bumps & Scrapes ................................................................ Classic Car Sales................................................................... CT Autos ................................................................................. Easington Service Station ................................................ Summerfield Garage ......................................................... Whitby Tyre and Exhaust Centre Ltd ..........................
SURVEYING Close Granger Gray & Wilkin Ltd................................... 22 Michael Forster MRICS ...................................................... 22
LOCKSMITHS Acair Locks............................................................................. 52
PAINTERS & DECORATORS Craig Sumner ........................................................................ Paintpots and Poppies...................................................... Rod Hudson .......................................................................... Steven Spreadbury.............................................................
PETS & AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Beck Veterinary Practice................................................... Bones of Loftus .................................................................... Cleveland Country Store .................................................. Millbry Hill ..............................................................................
PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING SERVICES Keith Moss ............................................................................. Paul Wilson Productions .................................................. Photo Wizard ........................................................................ Whitby Picture Framing ...................................................
SITUATIONS VACANT & RECRUITMENT Cleaner Wanted................................................................... 52
47 47 47 46 47 46
TAXIS & PRIVATE HIRE Abbey Taxis ........................................................................... 52
42 42 42 42
TV REPAIR & AERIALS John Lees Aerials & Satellites ......................................... 32
49 49 50 49
TROPHIES, ENGRAVING & SIGNS Croft Castings Ltd ............................................................... 52 Guisborough Trophy Centre .......................................... 52
UPHOLSTERERS Alan Henderson Upholstery ........................................... 28
WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERVATORIES Centurion Windows Ltd ................................................... 36 Cowen Windows Ltd ........................................................ 35 Sefton Trowsdale Double Glazing Services .............. 34
4 52 8 52
PLANT HIRE Warrior Access ..................................................................... 40
PLASTERERS & TILERS Tom Jefferson Plastering ................................................. 40 PLUMBING, HEATING & BOILER SERVICES Abbey Gas Ltd ...................................................................... John Scott Plumbing ......................................................... More than Gas ...................................................................... MTP...........................................................................................
33 33 52 32
ROOFING CONTRACTORS Lawson Builders & High Access Ltd ............................ Steve Garrett ........................................................................ Waring Building & Roofing Ltd ..................................... Warrior Access ....................................................................
41 34 37 40
PRINTERS Baker Printers Limited ....................................................... 21
REMOVALS & STORAGE Armstrong Richardson...................................................... 53 Jet Removals ......................................................................... 53 Whitby Removals ................................................................ 53 RETAIL All About The Fit ................................................................. 5
SCHOOLS, CLASSES & WORKSHOPS Phil Martin Music ................................................................ 21 55