2 minute read
Yeru Bon Center’s Anniversary
Yeru Bön Center
Yeru Bön Center was founded by Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche with the help of Barbara Bradshaw in 2002, in Los Angeles California for the purpose of awareness of Yuungdruing Bön in the west and to share the ancient teachings of Bön.
In 2012 Rinpoche transferred Yeru Bön Center to Minnesota with the same mission of awareness of Bön, helping to offer teachings of Bön to students all over the world. But also creating awareness for the Children at The Bön Children’s Home where Rinpoche is the founder and president of The Bön Children’s Home. The Bön Children’s Home.
Ten years later, Yeru Bön Center has accomplished a lot under the guidance of Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche. Our board and committee members and our amazing volunteers feel so loved, like a blanket of Bön blessings. We have met students from around the world, learned so much from students and their advices, offered and promoted the teachings of Bön, not only with Rinpoche but with visiting Geshes, Lamas and Rinpoches. We worked with students during practices, helped The Bön Children’s Home, founded Yeru Retreat Center and now building the first Bön temple in the upper mid-west. the upper mid-west.
We have enjoyed every step of the way. We have loved working with Rinpoche and respect how he believes only in teaching directly from the text with no dilusions. How he has taught us the importance of quality practice and my favorite - How to use Tibetan words and the histories he has shared with us, especially during dinners.
Students who have come to Rinpoche’s retreats have loved meal times with Rinpoche and conversations about Bön and it’s history. They have loved the access of open communications.
So, we say it has been 10 years, but really, it has not felt like 10 years, but in contemplation, I realise So, we say it has been 10 years, but really, it has not felt like 10 years, but in contemplation, I realise several realities:
1. We have learned so much about Bön. 2. Our practice has been fruitful, it has been a blessing to us all in many, many ways. 3. Because of our practice our daily lives have been blessed. 4. The above was not accomplished alone with just the teachings, but with the students who have shared their love and compassion. Participated in the teachings with Yeru Bön Center, we continue to meet during practices of various Bön Practice and have become a Bön Family. continue to meet during practices of various Bön Practice and have become a Bön Family. We share the good and the bad in our lives and hold space for each other. We have organically become of service to each other, accepted each other and yes, love each other.
On behalf of Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche and the board members of Yeru Bön Center, “Thank You” . thank you for your support, love and compassion. Thank you for sharing and being a part of our lives.