Whitesburg Baptist Church Magazine

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Whitesburg DECEMBER 2015/JANUARY 2016


2015-16 WINTER CALENDAR December

5 Bethlehem Breakfast 6 Special Morning Schedule 9:30 Combined LIFE Groups 11:00 Hanging of the Green with Student Choir 6 Children’s Choir Christmas Musical PM 9 Global Prayer Dinner 12 Singles’ Christmas Banquet 13 Global Missions Service AM 13 Winterlude PM


3 Resume normal Worship schedule at 9:30 am, 11:11 am & 6:15 pm 8 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 9 Singles’ Coffee House 10 Vision Night 23 Singles’ Coffee House 24 Winter/Spring Discipleship Classes Begin 31 Singles’ Fifth Sunday Potluck Lunch

14 Senior Day at the ROC 18 Date Night 20 No Evening Service 23 No Evening Service 24 Christmas Eve Vespers 25 Merry Christmas 27 Special Morning Schedule No LIFE Groups 10:00 Combined Worship 27 No Evening Service


5-7 Disciple Now Weekend for Students 7 Souper Bowl of Caring 7 Singles’ Super Bowl Party 7 No Evening Service 12 Date Night 13 Singles’ Coffee House 27 Upward Basketball & Cheerleading Awards Day 27 Singles’ Chili Cook-Off

For more details on these and other events, visit WhitesburgBaptist.org.


Whitesburg DECEMBER 2015/JANUARY 2016

PAGE 2 Remembering Christ at Christmas

2 Remembering Christ at Christmas By Dr. Jimmy Jackson

6 Sliding in at the Last Moment By Pam Brassart

10 Here We Come a Caroling By Michael Althaus 15 Kid’s Space Christmas Quiz 16 A Coat for Christmas By Cassidy Morris

PAGE 10 Here We Come a Caroling

20 The Perfect Gift in a Manger? By Greg Laurie 22 It’s Just a Matter of Time By Harold Fanning 26 New Year’s Traditions Over the Years By Vicki Harrell Hereford

Whitesburg magazine is a publication by Whitesburg Baptist Church, 6806 Whitesburg Dr., Huntsville, AL 35802-2299. (Permit No. 446) Publisher: Whitesburg Baptist Church Editor-in-Chief: Rev. David Dye Graphics & Publishing: Melissa Schuster, Ron Snyder Editorial Assistants: Karen Tidwell, Beverly Dishman, Jordan Busk


Receive Whitesburg magazine in your home or business by subscribing in one of these ways: • Visit WhitesburgBaptist.org/subscribe. • Email your name and mailing address to subscribe@wbccares.org. • Call the office at 256-704-5678, ext. 279.

PAGE 22 It’s Just a Matter of Time December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg





The Lord’s parable of the

lost coin recorded in Luke 15:8-9 is about a lady who had ten silver coins and lost one. Although the parable itself is talking about reaching the lost people of the world and has absolutely nothing to do with the celebration of Christmas, there are some interesting insights about it that could inspire and encourage us. First, this lady in the parable has lost something that is valuable and very important to her. She is aware that her coin is missing. The sad thing about Christ and Christmas is that most people have not noticed that He is missing. The celebration goes on with its traditions, mostly secular, on center stage: gifts, decorations, cakes, pies, turkey and dressing, hot apple cider with a touch of cinnamon, and more. It is a festive family celebration. But it is also the time of the year when there are more hurt feelings, more 2


by Dr. Jimmy Jackson competition over who gets the best gifts, and more arguments over whose house we go to this year. It is also a time of great sadness when loved ones are not there because of death, broken relationships, work, military service, or divorce. Something must be missing. What or Who could it be? This is supposed to be a happy time. Second, she was determined to do something about it. She could sit and cry until totally frustrated, but if the coin is worth it, she must take control and take action. I can see her now. She very carefully wraps her nine coins in a little handkerchief and places them in a small jar, then puts them where she will keep them from now on in a special place. With that done, she starts methodically to search each room one at a time, inch by inch. In the process she cleans her house. She carefully dusts each

Rejoice with me; FOR I HAVE

found the piece WHICH

I had lost! LUKE 15:9

December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg


REMEMBERING CHRIST AT CHRISTMAS piece of furniture and looks in and under everything on each table or countertop. She turns to her sofa and her Lazy-“Lady” chair. She feels down each side and under every cushion. No coin! Now she starts on one side of the room and sweeps from the wall at one corner. Moving furniture out of the way, she continues to sweep—cleaning the house thoroughly. Using a candle, she looks closely in the darker areas. She will not stop. It is not in the living room. Now to the bedroom. Same procedure. She had come in the day before and dropped her purse on the bed and her shoes on the floor. When she goes to pick up her shoes to sweep, there it is. It had fallen out of her purse, hit one of the shoes and rolled under the bed. You have been there and so have I. Many of our spiritual down times are caused by our own negligence. But now, having found what was lost, an explosion of joy and satisfaction. Victory, my coin is found! Now it is party time with her friends and neighbors. The reason for such joy — the lost coin is now where it is supposed to be. 4


So, what about Jesus? He is more precious than any coin. What if we decided that we were going to find Him and put Him at the center of our heart, our home, and our whole world, not just for a season of the year, but from now on? What a difference! Even the varied difficulties and feelings of sadness at Christmas because some are missing, somehow are much easier to bear—because Jesus is there. Our loving Lord, once a little baby, is now the resurrected, enthroned, nail scarred Savior. When He is restored to His proper place, Christmas will be more about giving instead of receiving. We will be looking for ways to teach ourselves and our children to go out and serve a meal for the poor, give a gift to someone in need, and by all means give a gift of silent meditation, worship and thanksgiving to our glorious Savior. Dr. Jimmy Jackson

is the Senior Pastor of Whitesburg Baptist Church in Huntsville, AL.

Christmas AT

WHITESBURG Hanging of the Green December 6 at 11 am

Start the Christmas season off with a joyous worship celebration led by our Student Choir & Ensemble and Orchestra.

Children’s Choir Presentation December 6 at 6:15 pm

Share the smiles and excitement during this heart-warming Christmas presentation by our Children’s Choirs!


December 13 at 6:15 pm

Don’t miss this unforgettable and energetic concert of timeless Christmas favorites featuring four grand pianos and a big band!

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH 6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802


December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg


Sliding in at the last moment

T O N OR by Pam Brassart



Where were all the cars and all the people?

My mind was racing.

Did I have the time wrong? Our first Christmas Eve in Madison found us having to make all sorts of adjustments. My parents, who usually stayed at home for Christmas, came to celebrate with us as we navigated all things new. We weren’t exactly sure what we would do, but we had heard about Christmas Eve Vespers at Whitesburg. Friends had told me it really was only 30 minutes long and started at 5 p.m. They said everybody wears Christmas outfits and has a great time. The sanctuary would be filled with families, some with four or five generations, enjoying the festivities. A 30-minute service in a Baptist church? I wasn’t so sure of the accuracy of these reports, but we wanted to try it. Lots of planning went into our first Christmas Eve Vespers venture. I had never experienced rush hour traffic on December 24 in Huntsville, and my parents were of the “get there half an hour before it begins”

generation. So, about 3:30, I began the prompting to make sure everyone was dressed and would be ready to go in time for us to drop my parents at the door and get a parking place. Oh, and they would need a snack before we left the house because they always ate supper promptly at 5 p.m. And just as we are walking out the door, someone had to “run back in” for something. I was stressed trying to make sure my parents were well taken care of, that no one had a rumbling tummy and that our children were going to enjoy their first Christmas Eve in their new home, new city and new church. The traffic wasn’t that bad, and despite the delay of not leaving at the time I had planned, we arrived at 4:35 – only five minutes past my parents’ comfort level and well in time to get them in and settled. But, wait – where were all the cars and all the people? My mind was racing. Did I have the time wrong?

December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg


SLIDING IN AT THE LAST MOMENT - OR NOT Vespers was at 5 p.m., right? There were only two other cars in the parking lot. Oh, no! I had stressed and rushed my parents and my children and talked nonstop to my obliging husband about how we had to get there early, and I had managed to get the time wrong. We dropped my parents at the door, parked and walked in to find Bro. Dick and Mrs. Lois Thomassian. When I commented on my timing error, they laughed, assuring me the service started at 5. They suggested we get seats and watch things unfold. Amazingly, between 4:55 and 5 p.m., about 2,000 people somehow made it in and filled up the sanctuary. We sang carols and then Bro. Jimmy invited all the children to join him on the

platform for the Christmas story. What a sight of Christmas cheer! My parents enjoyed watching our five-year-old maneuver her way as close to Bro. Jimmy as she could. And … the service concluded promptly at 5:30! Eighteen years later, we still arrive about 4:35, not really in order to “get a good seat,” but to enjoy the opportunity to chat with former members who are “home for Christmas.” Sharing this actual, for real 30-minute service with our family and extended church family remains a highlight of our Christmas celebration and tradition, and I think I have the perfect outfit ready for our granddaughter Claire to wear this year … or did I buy two???

Pam Brassart enjoys being a stay at home wife who doesn’t stay at home, traveling with her husband Jeff to visit their daughters, son-inlaw, and granddaughter whenever possible.

For unto you is born this day

in the city of david

a Saviour, 8


which is christ the lord.

Luke 2:11

Vesper Service The true meaning of Christmas comes to life during this short and sweet time as we sing carols and read the story of Jesus’ birth!

Thursday, December 24 5:00 - 5:30 pm

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH 6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802


December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg



A Caroling by Michael Althaus

Christmas carols. We love

to hear and sing along with them, but how many of us really know their beginning? Traditional Christmas carols mainly centralize on the Christian celebration of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. However, secular Christmas songs have focused their themes on things pertaining to the tree, winter scenes, Rudolf and Santa Claus. The word carol comes from the French word carole, meaning song of praise and joy. Records have been found from as early as 129 AD of songs written specifically for Christmas celebrations. The singing of carols did not originate with Christianity, but with the pagan practice of celebrating the seasons. The Winter Solstice celebration generally took place



around December 22, and it was this time of the year that the Christians began to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the celebrations took place during all four seasons, only the winter celebration has survived, but not as a pagan celebration, but as the Christian celebration of Christmas. The majority of the first Christmas carols were written and sung in Latin which most people didn’t understand, and because of this, the majority of Christians lost interest in celebrating Christmas. It wasn’t until 1223 that Francis of Assisi revived an interest in Christmas and in the singing of carols. He started putting on musical plays in which majority of the songs were written in the language of the common people. Because of

his efforts, the singing of carols began to spread throughout Europe. Traveling minstrels started singing these carols, changing the words for the local people wherever they traveled. With the Puritans coming to power in England in1647, the celebration of Christmas and its songs disappeared from church services altogether. However, the joy of Christmas and its music survived in secret. Between 1837-1901, two men, William Sandys and Davis Gilbert, published a collection of Christmas songs from various

villages in England. The singing of Christmas carols was revived, and people once more began to sing out on the streets, in homes, and in churches. The tradition of caroling from home to home was born, along with the giving of money, food, and gifts to the singers. The joy of music once again filled England and Europe, eventually making its way to America. The music of Christmas had refused to be silenced and the carols written all those years ago are still being sung today. But the innovation of new songs celebrating the birth of our

December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg


HERE WE COME A CAROLING Lord has not ceased. There are you know, or didn’t know? Over writers in our modern era that time, the song developed and the have given us beautiful hymns lyrics were formed. and carols that touch our very There was only one piece souls with their words. One such missing though, and that was song is “Mary, Did You Know?” the music. Lowry spent years written by Mark Lowry. trying to come up with ...he began In 1984, Dr. Jerry the right notes for his to ponder if Falwell asked Mark to song, and in 1991, 7 this young write the program for years later, while riding their yearly production woman knew cross-country on a tour known as the Living the power and bus with the Gaithers, Christmas Tree. While majesty that Lowry wrote the lyrics he was struggling to she cradled in down and gave them capture the wonder of to songwriter Buddy her arms... that first Christmas, it Greene. It took Greene was a simple comment made by about 30 minutes to come up his mother concerning Mary that with the tune, and one morning was the spark that ignited his Buddy called Lowry and sang thoughts as he began to ponder it to him over the phone. As if this young woman knew the soon as he heard it, Lowry was power and majesty that she enamored with the melody and cradled in her arms, and those plans were made to produce the little hands she held were the song. Since that time, there have same hands that created this been about 400 artists that have world. He started thinking of recorded it and millions who the questions that he’d have for have been blessed by it. Merry her if given the chance. What Christmas! was it like raising God? What did


Michael Althaus is an ordained minister, current serving the Lord in the choir and is the author of several books, including his newest novel “Running From The Shadow.” Visit his website at www.rescueandrecovery.org.


Mary DID YOU KNOW? Mary, did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new? This child that you’ve delivered will soon deliver you. Mary, did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man? Mary, did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with His hand? Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod? And when you kiss your little baby You’ve kissed the face of God. Mary, did you know? The blind will see, the deaf will hear, And the dead will live again. The lame will leap, the dumb will speak The praises of the Lamb! Mary, did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation? Mary, did you know that your baby boy will one day rule the nations? Did you know that your baby boy is heaven’s perfect Lamb? This sleeping child you’re holding Is the Great I Am. — Lyrics by Mark Lowry

December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg


Bethlehem Breakfast Saturday, December 5 8 - 10 am

We invite your family to a free come-and-go breakfast with the Bethlehem characters! The children will receive special gifts to help them better understand the Christmas story. All families with children Grade 2 and younger, including siblings, are invited.

WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH South Campus Fellowship Dining Room 14

7300 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802


Christmas Quiz

How well do you know the Christmas story? 1. Which animals does the Bible say were present at Jesus’ birth? A. Cows, donkeys, goats B. Sheep and goats only C. None of the above

A. The angel who serves refreshments in heaven B. An angel army C. An angel choir

A. Stayed in the same place their entire journey B. Moved ahead of them and stopped over the place where Jesus was C. Was just a mirage

3. There was snow that first Christmas...

8. When the wise men found Jesus he was...

A. Only in Bethlehem B. Nowhere in Israel C. Somewhere in Israel

A. A babe wrapped in swaddling clothes B. A young child C. A boy in the temple

4. What is frankincense? A. A precious metal B. A precious perfume C. None of the above

9. Where do we find the Christmas story?

5. In Matthew, what does “wise men” or “Magi” refer to?

Answers on page 18.

A. 3 B. 9 C. We don’t know.

7. The “star in the east” that the wise men followed...

2. What is a heavenly host?

A. Men who studied the stars B. Eastern kings C. Old men with gray beards

6. How many wise men came to see Jesus?

A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John E. All of the above F. Only A, B and C G. Only A and C

December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg


a coat for Christmas by Cassidy Morris



Love is an action, something that seeks nothing in our trip traveling through the return. That’s the kind of love mountains of Kentucky. The that Christ calls us to give to His scenic landscape was rich in children. Brother John Crocker, beauty and blessed us. We WBC’s Mission Pastor truly has knew there was a severe lack of a heart of love that is displayed resources in this area leaving through his continuous many people without many basic encouragement and joy. His necessities. We went to a little love for missions goes over and church where we sorted coats, beyond and he truly sets the sang, talked and fellowshipped stage for the wonderful gift of with the families. It seemed like volunteering your time to help there were children everywhere. someone in need. I have been Moms and dads were laughing very blessed to help with the and very excited because they Appalachian Mission knew their child would Let’s not trips several times be warm over the in the past few years merely say winter. Each child was where I witnessed true that we love given the opportunity acts of love. each other; to choose a toy and the The first year I went let us show sparkle in their eyes on a mission trip to this the truth by was unforgettable! We area there were two everyone dinner our actions. fed sweet little girls, around and spent some time ages 1½ and 4, who made a huge just getting to know them. I impact on me. They had a rough was so surprised that some of home situation and God led me the children remembered me love on them that week at VBS. from my previous visits over the As I loved on them that week, summer. I had never realized I found I was being blessed. I how much of an impact I could was so sad when the week was have on others by letting Christ over. Seems like every time I be shown through my actions! go I always wish I could bring It was such a blessing to some of the kids home with me. share our time, our coats, and Looking back I guess that trend just about anything else that we got started with those two girls. could think of. I can say that the Last December we began workers from WBC were blessed December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg


A COAT FOR CHRISTMAS more than any person that came to pick up a coat. God is so good to give us blessings like this in our life. I was greatly affected by this trip and it has changed the way I think. I left that little church thanking our heavenly Father for blessing me with the ability to help others and serve Him. I so enjoyed loving on all the little children. 1 John 3:16-24 (NLT) says, “We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God. Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything. Dear friends, if we don’t feel guilty, we can come to God with bold confidence. And we will receive from him whatever we ask because we obey him and do the things that please him. 18


And this is his commandment: We must believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as he commanded us. Those who obey God’s commandments remain in fellowship with him, and he with them. And we know he lives in us because the Spirit he gave us lives in us.” You know, I certainly did not provide those coats; they were donated by you! So thank you for the blessing of delivering A Coat for Christmas! Cassidy Morris is a high senior currently dual enrolled in college. She loves Jesus, her family, little children and even smaller dogs.

Answers for Christmas Quiz on page 15: 1. C. The Bible doesn’t say.

2. B. “Host” means “army” - literally thousands. 3. C. In winter, there is always snow on Mt. Hermon. 4. B. The perfume was used in the temple worship of the Lord. 5. A. “Magi” literally means “star-gazers.” 6. C. The Bible doesn’t say how many, but in ancient times these men usually traveled in caravans of ten to twelve, along with a full entourage for protection. 7. B. Read Matthew 2:9. 8. B. Read Matthew 2:11. Jesus had been moved to a house and the Greek word for “child” in that verse means “toddler or young child.” 9. G. God divinely inspired Matthew and Luke to write His exact words, but He used their interests and professions to recall different aspects of Jesus’ birth. Matthew, a tax collector, records the genealogy of Jesus (used for taxation) and the magi - men of means from a foreign country. Luke, a physician, records the pregnancy and birth.

Isaiah 9: 6-7 For a child will be born for us,

a son

will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders.

He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

The dominion will be vast, and its prosperity

will never end.

He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it

with justice and righteousness from now on and forever.

December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg



in a manger?

When you are a child, Christmas is all about receiving gifts. In December, your head is swimming with nothing but images of your favorite toys. But the true message of Christmas is not the presents we give to one another. The true meaning is the gift that God gave to us, His Son Jesus Christ. The first thing we want to realize about God’s gift to us is that it came in simple wrapping. Some people will go to great lengths to wrap presents beautifully. But God’s gift came to us not in beautiful, ornate wrapping, but in a dirty manger found in a cold cave in a littleknown town called Bethlehem. That’s the beauty of the Christmas event. Jesus took His place in a manger so that we might have a home in heaven. The Savior was not wrapped in satin sheets, but in common rags. There in a manger rested the greatest gift in the plainest of wrapping.

The second thing I want to point out about God’s gift to us is that we don’t deserve it. Consider this: God gave us the ultimate gift of His Son Jesus Christ while we were still sinning against Him (see Romans 5:8). We did nothing to merit or deserve His gift. That is the amazing truth of Christmas. Despite who we are, God sent His Son so “that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Just like a gift under the tree, God’s gift to us didn’t stay in the manger. Jesus Christ went on to live a perfect life so that he could be the perfect sacrifice for our sins and offer us salvation through his death, burial, and resurrection. This Christmas season can be a season of new life for you if you will receive the gift of God, delivered in a manger. If you have questions on how to receive this gift please contact one of the pastors at Whitesburg Baptist Church, 256-881-0952.

Taken in part from Greg Laurie’s “God’s Gift to Us (Part 1)” by Harvest Ministries. 20


December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg


It’s Just A Matter of Time by Dr. Harold Fanning

by Harold Fanning



Can you believe that we are

about to enter January 2016? Wow! As I age I am discovering that time isn’t simply marching on – it’s in full stride. Yesterday ‘old father time’ only stayed a few steps ahead of me, but today he is nearly out of sight and I can hardly keep up. Recently I watched the national news and happened to catch a story that reminded me of how frail life can be as we age. The reporter was announcing that the rock and roll group “The Rolling Stones” were about to embark on another worldwide concert tour, including New York, Los Angeles, and Tokyo. Personally, I found this incredible because the Rolling Stones are now in their mid-70s! I am sure that many of you reading this article remember the Rolling Stones, right? They were the group who recorded the classic, “Time Is On My Side?” Additionally, back in the 1960s, lead singer, Mick Jagger, when

asked by a reporter what advice he would give to young people of that generation stated, “Just make sure that you don’t trust anyone over thirty.” Talk about our words coming back to haunt us – Mick Jagger is now 72 years of age! The Hebrew writer understood the reality of life when he reminded us, “It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). One day the sands of the hourglass will drop its last grain; our time-clock will be punched for the final time; the wheels of progress will cease to roll; the chips will fall where they may….. okay, you get the picture! Did you know that the Bible has much to say about time? For example, “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle….Oh, remember that my life is a breath! (Job 7:6-7). The scriptures describe our life as the ‘dew of the morning’ or as a ‘vapor’ that is here one moment

December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg



and gone the next. Jesus taught that we are to ‘lay up treasure in heaven and not on the earth.’ Why? Well, would you agree it is because we are going to be THERE much longer than we are HERE? Dr. Selwyn Hughes in his book, “The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success” gives several examples of how we can live fruitful lives and cause our time to be more productive. First, focus on your blessings. Hughes says, “I have noticed that people who focus more on the good things that happen are more buoyant, more confident, and more positive than those who take things for granted.” Second, look for the

good in every situation. Often, finding good in the midst of the bad is difficult but are there if we will only look. Third, choose to be thankful. Praise God even when you do not feel like it. Finally, think positive! Dwell on constructive thoughts and never allow the negatives to dominate your thinking. I hope the thought of growing older hasn’t put too much of a damper on your New Year. If so, cheer up! You awoke to a new day this morning, you made it to another New Year, the birds are singing and – most importantly - God is still in control. And despite the fact that time is out to do us in we can praise God that, through Jesus Christ, we have a future eternal life in heaven where time will NEVER be a negative factor! Hey, I have an idea! Let’s sing along with the Rolling Stones in celebration of life, ready? Here goes, “Timmmme, is on my side, yes it is. Timmmme, is on my side….” On well, we tried!!!!

Harold Fanning has been married to his wife Debbie for 41 years.


He is a retired pastor who currently serves as a Hospice Chaplain. Harold speaks each Wednesday night at the Prayer Meeting service and is a hotrod enthusiast.



2016 Sunday, February 7 Help make a difference in our community.



BOWL of caring

Non-perishable food item collection at the South Campus immediately after the 9:30 and 11:11 am worship services on February 7.


7300 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802



New Year’s

Traditions Over the Years by Vicki Harrell Hereford

What is it about a new year

that gives us hope? Why do we see the opportunity to start anew as a way to somehow erase the mistakes and disappointments of the past? I think that is simply human nature – we have this need to request – and receive – another chance. “Do-overs” and resolutions are traditions for some of us, and as I thought of that I remembered my own traditions surrounding this occasion. As much as it benefits us to be forward-looking, I think it is just as beneficial to remember family traditions and make new ones, as we celebrate the beginning of another year. My Mamaw very closely resembled the Proverbs 31 woman. I suppose that we all know someone that resembles that woman – but they all fall short, as did she. Her most glaring flaw was that she was a tad bit superstitious. It seemed

to be more of an upbringing than an actual belief. When I told her it was not God-honoring, she would say, “Oh, I trust in the Lord – not in these old wives’ tales.” But still, we could not wash anyone’s clothes on New Year’s Day because we might wash them out of our lives in the coming year. We absolutely HAD to eat greens (for monetary blessings) and black eyed peas and rice (for good luck) every single New Year’s Day. That was rounded out by cornbread, hog jowls (for health and wealth), potato salad, a fresh pork roast, sweet tea and pie. I remember vowing that I would never make my children eat that when I had a family. Famous last words. When I became a single mom, my New Year’s Eve tradition became participating with friends at church to host a singles’ fellowship for all ages of singles (and their children, if

December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg


NEW YEAR’S TRADITIONS OVER THE YEARS that applied). We would meet at the same house each year and celebrate together, ending the night at midnight with prayer and hugs all around. For some of those singles, it was the only time that year when they would know that they were loved. It was a safe atmosphere with a spiritual focus on a night when the world often could not see the spiritual meaning and implications all around them. I was honored and blessed to be a small part of that tradition. Now, my children are building their own lives and, as things change, we are changing – looking for new traditions, new opportunities to serve, and new places to explore. As we look for new traditions, I am reminded that God does make all things new. He made my heart, mind, focus and outlook on life – all new. He uprooted me from a very familiar place and planted me two states away from everything I had ever known. Here we are,


two years later, calling North Alabama “home” and North Florida “where we used to live.” Funny how all of this came about in such a short time when you have no other explanation, BUT GOD. In II Corinthians 5:17, we read, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”(NASB). I think this is the real message from our Abba Father to us as we celebrate the New Year. Old things are gone; they have given way to new things: new experiences, friends, opportunities, and challenges. But, for God’s children who are in Christ, we are new creatures! We have a new year – an opportunity to take the lessons and traditions of the past and allow God to bring new lessons, blessings and traditions into this grand adventure we call life. May you and yours be richly blessed in the coming year.

Vicki Harrell Hereford is a new creation in Christ, ever becoming but never quite arriving. Mom to Ethan, Justin and Logan. Grateful and blessed to teach for the School of Business at the great Liberty University Online – and blessed beyond measure to be a member of Whitesburg Baptist Church.



Majesty and Glory

When I gaze into the night skies and see the work of your fingers; The moon and stars suspended in space. Oh, what is man that You are mindful of him? You have given man a crown of glory and honor, And have made him a little lower than the angels. You have put him in charge of all creation: The beasts of the field, The birds of the air, The fish of the sea. Oh, what is man? Oh, what is man that You are mindful of him? O Lord, our God, the majesty and glory of your name transcends the earth and fills the heavens. O Lord, our God; little children praise You perfectly, And so would we. Alleluia! — Lyrics by Tom Fetke December 2015/January 2106 | Whitesburg




Photo: Whitesburg’s annual Hanging of the Green.




LIFE Groups 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Blended Traditional Service 9:30 am with Dr. Jimmy Jackson Contemporary Service 11:11 am with Rev. Steven Dunne Evening Service 6:15 pm


Worship Christ the newborn King! 6806 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, AL 35802

Whitesburg Baptist Church


Huntsville, AL Permit 446

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