Industry News Dogger Bank Wind Farm Clean Gas Smurfit Kappa 2 9 10 Volume13 10 Number 54 Review & PIM Renewable Energy

Forward to a carbon neutral future Valmet’s climate program
Already today we offer an extensive range of solutions for reducing CO2 emissions and other environmental impacts.

We have estimated that around 95 percent our value chain's environmental impact is caused when our customers use our technologies over their entire life cycles. In our climate program − Forward to a carbon neutral future − we have set ambitious targets to enable 100 percent carbon neutral production for all our pulp and paper customers and to improve the energy efficiency of our current offering by 20 percent by 2030.
2 Forest Bioenergy Review Autumn 2022
100 percent carbon neutral production for all our pulp by 2030. We believe that technology plays a key role in mitigating climate change and global warming in the transition to a carbon neutral

Explore how on

As energy independence becomes more important around the world, the move to more sustainable forms of energy continues to grow in importance. Replacing fossil fuels can, in some cases, be an easy decision if other natural resources are readily available, but there is still resistance to make the move from fossil fuels to renewables in some countries. This is understandable, particularly when considering the cost of adopting new technologies, but change has to be a goal for the future, with the aim of achieving net zero.
Industry News 1Autumn 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review

to the Autumn issue of Forest Bioenergy Review, which showcases examples of green energy from a variety of sources, providing proof – if it were needed –that diversity is essential to ensure an un-interrupted supply of renewable energy. A combination of green technologies needs to be considered and adopted, and these may vary from place to place depending on local resources ranging from abundant supplies of biomass to solar arrays, wind turbines and geothermal power.
In this issue, there are updates on biomass, solar, wind, geothermal and clean gas technologies, which are all playing their part in the green energy

Vince PublisherMaynard, REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Einar Mobile:Johansson+4670234 80 85 E: PRODUCTION Anthony Wiffen ASTAC Business Publishing Tel: +44 (0) 1460 261011 Mobile: +44 (0) 7851 612799 E: PRINTING Brown Knight and Truscott Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 3BW, UK Tel: +44 (0)1892 511678 PUBLISHER & EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Vince Maynard KVJ Enterprises, Tralee, Hillcrest Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6JS, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1732 505724 Mobile: +44 (0) 7747 002286 E: CONSULTANT EDITOR David Young Tel: +44 (0) 1737 551687 Mobile: +44 (0) 7785 796826 E: ISSNyoungeditorial1@btinternet.com2045-8514 FOREST BIOENERGY REVIEW Volume 10, Number 54 – Autumn 2022 Contact information ©2022 KVJ Enterprises Front cover picture: Energy Storage page 12 Comment ContentsIndustryNews Energy storage systems for major solar-plus-storage project Clean Gas Major breakthrough in search to develop ‘clean gas’ Dogger Bank Offshore Windfarm Green light for Dogger Bank projects Energy Storage Energy storage systems for major solar-plus-storage project 2 9 10 12
to our Winter issue, we intend to focus on forestry machinery, sustainable power and heat generation, industrial internet and software solutions for energy generation, and biogas production and use. News submissions are required no later than 10 November.

Nordic electricity consumers,”, said Andreas Tunbjer, CEO, Helios Nordic Energy.Nikolaj Holtet Hoff, CEO, Nordic Solar, added: “We are experiencing an enormous demand for green energy and the accelerated transition from fossil to green energy, not least in Scandinavia, has created a vacuum that requires a significant and rapidly rising production capacity. That is why we are pleased to be able to present four completely new solar parks in the Southern Swedish region, which will be built by Helios Nordic Energy, a strong project developer”.
generation of solar and wind power may have saved Europe fossil fuel imports in the magnitude of no less than $50 billion, predominantly fossil gas.As to supply chains, IRENA’s data suggests that not all materials cost increases have been passed through into equipment prices and project costs yet. If material costs remain elevated, the price pressures in 2022 will be more pronounced. Increases might, however, be dwarfed by the overall gains of cost-competitive renewables in comparison to higher fossil fuel prices.
132,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year and the generated electricity will meet the annual electricity needs of about 44,000 Swedish households.
Investments in renewables continue
“We in the Helios team are very proud to make this deal with Nordic Solar whom we think is an excellent partner and where we complement our skillsets and ambitions with the common goal to add more, much needed renewable electricity production to the great benefit of
“Renewables are by far the cheapest form of power today,” Francesco La Camera, DirectorGeneral of IRENA said. “2022 is a stark example of just how economicallyviable new renewable power generation has become. Renewable power frees economies from volatile fossil fuel prices and imports, curbs energy costs and enhances market resilience – even more so if today’s energy crunch continues.
Landmark transaction for Swedish PV solar park developer
The European example shows that fuel and CO2 costs for existing gas plants might average four to six times more in 2022 than the lifetime cost of new solar PV and onshore wind commissioned in 2021. Between January and May 2022, the
“Solar parks are an excellent way to rapidly increase electricity production in a climate-friendly way. We at Helios are on our way to establish ourselves as leaders within this segment of the solar business – and it is very gratifying that we have managed to gain the confidence of international investors to both deliver and manage their projects,” announced Magnus Rahm, Project Manager,
for renewables continued to fall in 2021 as supply chain challenges and rising commodity prices have yet to show their full impact on project costs. The cost of electricity from onshore wind fell by 15%, offshore wind by 13% and solar PV by 13% compared to ‘Renewable2020. Power Generation Costs in 2021’, published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) today, shows that almost two-thirds or 163 gigawatts (GW) of newly installed renewable power in 2021 had lower costs than the world’s cheapest coal-fired option in the G20. IRENA estimates that, given the current high fossil fuel prices, the renewable power added in 2021 saves around $55 billion from global energy generation costs in 2022.IRENA’s new report confirms the critical role that cost-competitive renewables play in addressing today’s energy and climate emergencies by accelerating the transition in line with the 1.5°C warming limit and the Paris Agreement goals. Solar and wind energy, with their relatively short project lead times, represent
Helios Nordic Energy AB.
A developer of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) solar parks, Helios Nordic Energy AB, has entered into agreement with a Danish solar energy company, Nordic Solar, which owns and operates PV solar plants across Europe, to acquire four projects in the Helios project pipeline. The four projects are in the South of Sweden of which three are in SE3 and one in SE4. They have a total combined capacity of approx. 220 MWp.
“While a temporary crisis response might be necessary in the current situation, excuses to soften climate goals will not hold mid-to-long-term. Today’s situation is a devastating reminder that renewables and energy saving are the future. With the COP27 in Egypt and COP28 in the UAE ahead, renewables provide governments with affordable energy to align with net zero and turn their climate promises into concrete action with real benefits for people on the ground,” he added.
to pay huge dividends in 2022, as highlighted by IRENA’s costs data. In non-OECD countries, the 109 GW of renewable energy additions in 2021 that cost less than the cheapest new fossil fuelfired option will reduce costs by at least $5.7 billion annually for the next 25-30 years.

Following their scheduled completion in 2023, ‘24 and ‘25, the four parks will lead to avoiding the generation of approximately
Renewable power remains cost-competitive
In addition to delivering the projects fully permitted and with grid connections, Helios will also provide project management services during construction and technical and commercial management services during the operation of the plants.
High coal and fossil gas prices in 2021 and 2022 will also profoundly deteriorate the competitiveness of fossil fuels and make solar and wind even more attractive. With an unprecedented surge in European fossil gas prices for example, new fossil gas generation in Europe will increasingly become uneconomic over its lifetime, increasing the risk of stranded assets.
vital planks in countries’ efforts to swiftly reduce, and eventually phase out, fossil fuels and limit the macroeconomic damages they cause in pursuit of net zero.
Industry News 2 Forest Bioenergy Review Autumn 2022
The new HT1500V Series (225/250kW) is GoodWe’s most popular large-scale inverter with an extensive list of features designed to reduce system and O&M costs. It is a perfect choice for the utilisation of utility-scale centralised PV plants to maximise the return of investment.Dunhuang city boasts long hours of strong sunshine throughout the year
Iceland Drilling earlier this year to drill the ER-24 to a vertical depth of approximately 750 metres.
Gansu Province, the project uses 356 sets of GoodWe GW225K-HT, part of the HT1500V series of inverters, ensuring an annual average power generation of 186.84 million kWh. In addition, the project will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 142,800 tonnes.GoodWe’s
making it an ideal site for a largescale solar PV installation. In recent years, China has actively pushed its decarbonisation agenda to become a carbon-neutral economy by 2060. According to Wood Mackenzie, the energy consultancy, the global solar powerhouse is set to add another 619 GW of solar energy by 2030.

Industry News 3Autumn 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review
New geothermal well in Iceland
Power, we want to be a catalyst for developing and financing sustainable geothermal projects in Iceland. Efri-Reykir is a major project, it is environmentally-friendly and in full co-operation with the local community aiming to produce both power and heat with high efficiency. Once completed, it will provide base load power that is affordable and in harmony with the community. That is the key for us in selecting projects – our goal is to create resilient societies and a planet in balance,” concluded Alexander Helling, CEO of Baseload Capital.
Baseload Power Iceland and Varmaorka ehf have announced that they have received approval to begin drilling a new well called ER-24 located in Efri-Reykir, Bláskógabygð. Work will start in July 2022.

New PV project can be blueprint for UK
Efri-Reykir is a primary, mediumsized enthalpy prospect located in the South of Iceland in an area with several active geothermal wells. The ER-24 well will be drilled close to its sister well, ER-23, which was established in 1988 and has consistently produced around 36 kg/s ever since. If successful, ER-24 will, together with ER-23, support the development of the Efri-Reykir Geothermal Project. This 2,5 MWe geothermal binary power plant can provide stable baseload electricity and
80MW PV project in China has been described as an ‘exemplar’ large-scale installation that the UK can adopt as multiple large-scale projects go to
“Varmaorka is pleased to announce the new well at our Efri-Reykir prospect. Together with the existing
ER-23 well, ER-24 has the potential to double the resource and energy generation of this project,” said Jón Örn Jónsson, Project Manager at Varmaorka.“AtBaseload
He continued: “As the UK continues its roll-out of large-scale PV projects that are either in tender or close to going to tender, projects like this can act as a blueprint for designing PV installations that can help the UK deliver its Net Zero commitments. GoodWe’s continued investment in ground-mounted power plants and large-scale energy bases, is being recognised by more and more customers and can certainly play a key role in developing global solar markets and helping more cities and areas take advantage of renewable clean energy”.
with proven technology”.
features IP66 water and dust protection with IP68 external cooling fans. It can be operated under a wide temperature range of -40oC to 60oC and has excellent corrosion resistance.
heat to over 2,000 local homes and businesses. This sees the continued increase of geothermal energy as part of the global transition towards renewable sources.
The contract was awarded to
225kW string inverter
Eugene Lucarelli, Strategic Marketing Manager for GoodWe UK, commented: “The Gansu Province project is an excellent example of GoodWe’s capabilities in being able to assist the roll-out of a major solar PV installation
part of the scope of supply.
Zhao Shengli, General Manager, Dongfang Smart Energy says: “Andritz’s impressive reference projects convinced us to trust in its well-proven technology. We are looking forward to seeing the benefits we are expecting –excellent performance and significant energyDongfangsavings”.Smart Energy was established in 2020 and is active in various business segments, such as pulp and paper production, thermal power production and supply, sewage treatment and recycling, and the recovery of renewable resources.
PowerFluid circulating fluidized bed boiler for Japan
A second wind farm in the Hautsde-France region and its third in France has been inaugurated by RWE. The municipality of Thieux is the site of the six wind turbines of the Les Hauts Bouleaux wind farm with a total capacity of 18 megawatts (MW), ie three MW per turbine. The park is able to supply more than 9,000 households with greenJosephelectricity.Fonio, Country Chair, RWE Renewables France, explained: “Les Hauts Bouleaux is the third wind farm in our portfolio to be commissioned in France and RWE will have seven wind farms in France by the end of the year. With RWE starting operations in the French market in November, 2020, less than two years ago, we are pleased to see these projects come to fruition under the RWE brand. The success of a wind power project depends on the support of the local residents and their commitment, which is why we have in-house consultation experts,
Andritz has received another order from Toyo Engineering Corporation in Japan to supply a 50 MW PowerFluid circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler on EPS basis. The boiler will be part of the biomass power plant in Gobo, Wakayama Prefecture, in Japan and start-up is planned for 2025.
for roughly 110,000 Japanese households.Biomassboilers and flue gas cleaning systems are part of the comprehensive Andritz product portfolio of sustainable solutions that help customers to achieve their own sustainability goals in terms of climate and environmental protection.Theproject is the 12th to be conducted in co-operation with Toyo Engineering. Andritz is proud to be part of this remarkable project and make another important contribution towards the Japanese power industry’s move from fossil fuel to renewable energy resources.
The site was commissioned in the Spring of 2022 and was delivered on time thanks in part to the valuable help of local residents. Last Autumn, torrential rains had an impact on the construction site. Local farmers helped the construction teams to dry out the land with pumps and tankers so that the six wind turbines could be connected to the electricity grid.
The highly efficient PMA systems will have an aggregate design capacity of 1,850 t/d and will be part of lines PM1 and PM2, producing kraft board and testliner. Installation and supervision of the start-up are also
RWE is currently building four other onshore wind farms in France: the extension of the Epine MarieMadeleine wind farm (22.8 MW), Moulin à Vent (6 MW), Montagne d’Huilly (15 MW) and Les Nouvions (43.6 MW), which will bring the total capacity in operation to almost 150 MW by the end of the year.
ModuScreen HBE (picture courtesy of Andritz).
Andritz has received an order from Dongfang Smart Energy Co Ltd of Shaanxi Power Generation Group to supply two paper machine approach flow systems and LC (low consistency) refiners to its mill in Wugong County, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, China. Start-up is scheduled for the second quarter of 2023.
Industry News 4 Forest Bioenergy Review Autumn 2022
RWE inaugurates its third wind farm in France
PowerFluid circulating fluidized bed boiler (picture courtesy of Andritz).

who have a special relationship with the residents, and this is what makes us different. What is even more remarkable in the case of Hauts Bouleaux is the solidarity of the farmers during the connection phase of the park and we would like to thank them warmly”.
Andritz wins order from Chinese mill
targets and contribute towards carbon neutrality in Japan. The
biomass power plant will be capable of supplying power
nternational technology group
International technology group
The PowerFluid (CFB) will be designed with a reheat system and high steam parameters and integrated into a biomass-fired power generation facility to be fueled by wood pellets and palm kernel shells. With its state-ofthe-art technology, it is the perfect solution to meet CO 2 reduction

RWE is proposing to deploy a pipeline of gigawatt-scale floating wind projects in the Celtic Sea as part of the Crown Estate’s upcoming leasing round. If successful, the projects will form a key part of RWE’s innovative decarbonisation hub, Pembroke Net Zero Centre, bringing together all areas of RWE’s decarbonisation expertise and supporting the transition to net zero in South Wales.
chain for the production and use of clean hydrogen. The production of clean hydrogen will play a key role in developing commercially-viableresponsible,solutions for low-carbon traffic and industry,” claimed Lars Peter Lindfors, Senior Vice President, Innovation at Neste. The EU target is to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 emissions. To achieve this target, significant amounts of emission-free, reliable
largest electricity producer in Wales, RWE, has entered a new partnership with Tata Steel to understand and explore the production of steel components that could be used in hightech floating wind foundations and structures for projects in the Celtic Sea.
years and Tata Steel continues to be the beating heart of Welsh industry with over 5,000 people directly employed across its sites in Wales.
More www.neste.cominformation:
also proud to have a product portfolio that will support the UK in securing domestic renewable energy through sectors such as floating offshore wind.”
“Hydrogen economy requires close collaboration with partnerships across the value chain to make it a reality. IPCEIs are a great supporter of such collaboration. We are very pleased that with the status granted by the European Commission, Neste’s hydrogen projects are recognised as flagship projects of the hydrogen economy across Europe. The decision also supports our ambition to make Neste’s Porvoo refinery the most sustainable refinery in Europe by 2030, agreed Outi Ervasti, Vice President, Renewable Hydrogen.
IPCEI status for Porvoo refinery hydrogen projects
The co-operation agreement will allow the two parties to provide technical assistance and expertise to The Crown Estate, if needed as part of the Celtic Sea leasing process.
Tom Glover, UK Country Chair of RWE, commented: “RWE is working with the Welsh Government and industry to support the country’s transition to meet its electricity needs with renewable energy by 2035. Not only will floating wind deployment in the Celtic Sea provide a renewable and sustainable energy source, but it will also generate widespread opportunities for economic growth in Wales, protecting and creating new jobs and supply chain opportunities.
The steelworks in Port Talbot has been the cornerstone of British manufacturing for over a hundred
Industry News 5Autumn 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review
Neste has become the first Finnish company to be granted Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) status by the European Commission, which enables national public funding for Neste’s clean hydrogen projects at Porvoo refinery. The Commission’s approval is part of the EU’s first wave of IPCEIs on hydrogen, which aims to develop and accelerate the production and use of clean hydrogen in Europe.
The industry leaders will work together to identify the steel components that could be supplied from Tata Steel in floating wind technologies in the gigawatt-scale floating offshore wind projects in the Celtic Sea. The co-operation agreement will allow the two companies to share knowledge and expertise and demonstrate the shared commitment to supporting the wider industrial decarbonisation and economic development of Wales.
On 15 July, the European Commission approved 35 companies in 15 EU Member states for IPCEI status for public funding of clean hydrogen research and innovation projects. Co-ordinated in Finland by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Business Finland, Neste was the first Finnish company to be selected in the EU application. The final funding decisions in Finland will be made by Business Finland. IPCEIs promote the EU’s strategic objectives and the common interests of Europeans by supporting

Partnership to support green industrial revolution in Wales
and cost-competitive energy are needed. The joint hydrogen IPCEI projects aim to produce ten million tonnes of clean hydrogen in the EU by IPCEI2030.status also contributes significantly to Finland’s climate goals and is an important part of Neste’s commitment to reaching carbon neutral production by 2035.
innovation projects in different Member States. IPCEIs are subject to a separate set of state aid rules, which allow for additional flexibility in the way the state can subsidise companies.Nesteprojects approved by the Commission develop solutions for the production and utilisation of clean hydrogen in Neste’s refinery processes. “The hydrogen projects at Porvoo refinery will become an integral part of the European value
“The co-operation agreement with Tata Steel exemplifies our commitment to utilising local supply chains and expertise to maximise benefits for the region.”
Anil Jhanji, Chief Commercial Officer, Tata Steel UK, said: “Steelmaking in the UK played an integral role in supporting the acceleration of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century and the industry once again will play its part in driving the UK through the ‘Green Industrial Revolution’.“Whilstwe cherish our history, we eagerly welcome the new opportunities which steel continues to offer and through innovative technical solutions, we have the ambition to produce net-zero steel by 2050 at the latest and to have reduced our CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030. We are
mill will produce 1.5 million tons of softwood and hardwood pulp a year. The new mill will be started up on schedule in the third quarter of 2023.
World’s first autonomous logyard cranes for Finnish bioproduct mill
addition to delivering local engineering support for the project, Emerson will provide its Remote Virtual Office (RVO) collaboration platform – a secure virtual engineering and testing environment that will enable Albioma to access Emerson’s resources and ongoing support to reduce project risk and“Emersoncosts. has a vital role to play in the global transition to a sustainable energy future by supporting customers in their conversion projects,” confirmed Bob Yeager, President of Emerson’s power and water business. “Our automation technologies, software, solutions and biomass project expertise will help Albioma operate Bois Rouge at peak performance, while also benefiting the environment by achieving a very significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.”
schedule.”TheBois Rouge plant consists of three generating units. Two units
Metsä Fibre, part of the Metsä
The multi-million-dollar project is the latest example of how Emerson technologies are helping customers accelerate their transition to more sustainable energy. The power plant, one of three that Albioma operates on Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean, will be converted to use 100% biomass wood pellets. The overhaul of the 108-megawatt facility will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 640,000 tons of CO2 equivalent per year, an 84% decrease in direct emissions compared to current

The world’s first autonomouslyoperated logyard cranes have been successfully lifted up at Metsä Fibre’s bioproduct mill in Kemi, Finland. Supplied by international technology group Andritz, the delivery includes two 25-ton cranes on a 540 metre long runway with a storage capacity of approximately 120,000 cubic metres.

The cranes will handle approximately 7.6 million cubic metres wood/year shipped on trucks and trains, as well as handling log storage and wood feeding to the pulping process. The cranes feature the latest in Artificial Intelligence, thus optimising log handling, minimising wood losses and securing environmentally-friendly and costeffective operation when compared to traditional log-handling solutions.
More www.emerson.cominformation:
Global technology and software company Emerson (NYSE: EMR) has been selected by Albioma (PAR: ABIO), a French independent energy provider, to help transition its coalfired Bois Rouge plant on Réunion Island to 100% renewable energy. As part of Albioma’s wider mission to transition all of its existing fossil fuel plants to renewable energy, Emerson’s automation systems and software will enable the coal-fired power station to convert to biomass feedstock.
are already controlled by Emerson’s Ovation™ distributed control system, which will be modified for use with biomass feedstock, and the third unit will be replaced with a new Ovation system. The units will also be modernised with new turbine protection and health monitoring systems, safety systems for the boilers and upgraded boiler control elements andToinstrumentation.ensuretheproject is completed within the available timeframe – a critical requirement of Albioma – Emerson will provide its Project Certainty methodologies, digital technologies and software expertise. In
Fully renewable energy for Réunion Island
“Our aim as a company is to reach almost 100% renewable energies by 2030 at the latest, and the complete discontinuation of coal at our flagship site represents a major milestone in this green revolution,” said Pascal Langeron, Chief Operating Officer, Reunion Island of Albioma. “Emerson is an automation partner with whom we have a trusted relationship and whose extensive experience and expertise in biomass power plants will be crucial to this project being completed on
Industry News 6 Forest Bioenergy Review Autumn 2022
operating levels.
well as efficiency in terms of energy and materials used. The mill will not use any fossil fuels at all and its electricity self-sufficiency rate will be 250%. The Kemi bioproduct
Work on the transition project began during a planned outage in June and is scheduled to be completed within five months.
Group, is a leading producer of pulp, biochemicals, bioenergy and other bioproducts. Planning of the new bioproduct mill is based on a high level of environmental efficiency, as
“We have the vision for Wales to become net exporters of renewable energy in a way that supports the economy and retains value in Wales. We want to regenerate the industry so that we bring benefits to our communities and create skilled jobs.
Julie James MS (left), Welsh Government Minister for Climate
UK’s largest onshore wind farm opens
WE’s Clocaenog Forest onshore wind farm in North Wales was officially opened by Julie James MS, Welsh Government Minister for Climate Change. The Minister was joined by dignitaries, community and business leaders, representatives from Natural Resources Wales and RWE’s development team in the beautiful setting of Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water’s Llyn Brenig Visitor Centre
to seeing the positive longer-term impacts this community fund will have for the local economy. We would urge businesses, groups and organisations, which are interesting in applying to the fund to get in touch with us to discuss their projects or ideas as early as possible, so we can support them through the application process. This is a fantastic opportunity and we want to work closely with local people to maximise the impact of this really significant investment”.
Clocaenog Forest wind farm, at 96 MW, is the largest onshore windfarm in RWE’s UK fleet, and is located on the Welsh Minister’s woodland estate, on land managed by Natural Resources Wales. Although the wind farm has been in operation for over a year, Covid-19 restrictions have prevented RWE from celebrating the achievement.Thewindfarm is located near Denbigh, and consists of 27 turbines, capable of providing renewable electricity equivalent to the needs of 63,800 UK homes and was completed in 2020 with construction taking around 18 months. The principal contractor was Jones Brothers Civil Engineering UK, which has its headquarters less than ten miles from the site and well-placed
CVSC Fund Manager, Esyllt Adair, added: “We are looking forward
to source local suppliers during the delivery of the project. This local contract was worth £20 million, provided work for 60 employees, together with 14 apprentices and trainee engineers.
“RWE are a large and important developer in Wales, we look to them to set a high standard among the developer community and are
excited to see the difference they can make to the future of renewable energy in Wales.”
Upon completion in 2020, the RWE’s Clocaenog Forest wind farm began delivering a £768,000 annual community investment fund into the is independently managed and administered by Community and Voluntary Support Conwy (CVSC) on behalf of local communities in Conwy and Denbighshire. It aims to establish a long-lasting legacy by delivering life-changing benefits for the neighbouring communities. So far, the Clocaenog Forest wind farm fund has invested £1.181 million into 96 grants, creating more than 24 jobs and safeguarding a further 62 in the process.Cathal Hennessy, Head of Onshore Development UK & Ireland, said: “RWE ensures that it works closely with local communities throughout the development of renewable projects; to ensure there is a longlasting benefit from the delivery of its projects to the local area, as well as to the environment”.
“We have already made great strides in making net zero a reality in Wales. We want an electricity network which is smarter, greener and capable of supporting a low carbon future, which meets the future needs of our communities and people and provides the best longterm value for Wales.
Industry News 7Autumn 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review
Lyndsey Rawlinson, NRW Head of North East Wales Operations, said: “Clocaenog Forest is an exemplary site that clearly demonstrates how environmental, social and economic benefits can be realised through the sustainable management of the Welsh Government Woodland Estate.“The Clocaenog wind farm is a great example of Natural Resources Wales (NRW), Welsh Government and RWE working together to help address our climate emergency while delivering significant biodiversity and community gains in the process. It has been a huge collective effort and one that NRW is very proud to have played a key part in.”
Change, and Tom Glover, RWE UK Country Chair.
Julie James said, “It was my pleasure to officially open RWE’s Clocaenog Forest onshore wind farm. Onshore wind already accounts for 39% of our renewable electricity generation in Wales, but we have big ambitions in this sector.

Victor’s private and corporate members can reduce the carbon emissions of their air travel, meet the climate targets they have set and credibly report on their CO2e emission reductions. Corporates signed up for Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), who are genuinely committed to reducing their Scope 3 emissions and specifically emissions from their jet charter flights, can currently do this only by booking private jet charter flights with Victor.
Neste’s SAF solution was developed following the aviation sector guidance by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), the gold standard for ambitious corporate climate action and reporting. Victor’s private and corporate members can credibly and measurably reduce their greenhouse gas emissions (CO e), with a clear chain-of-custody.NesteMYSustainable Aviation Fuel is an up-to-date solution, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 80%* over the fuel’s life cycle compared to fossil jet fuel. It is produced from 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials, such as used cooking oil and animal fat waste.
How it works
Industry News 8 Forest Bioenergy Review Autumn 2022
SAF aims for 10%
This industry-leading partnership with Neste makes Victor the first and only on-demand private jet charter business to provide SAF to all its members for every flight booked through Victor, regardless of operator or departure airport. When booking a charter, Victor’s private and corporate members can choose how much
Victor, the on-demand private jet announcedcompany,apartnership,
29 June, Neste and Fly
As aviation in Europe sets its sights on increasing the share of SAF to up to 10% of all jet fuel use by 2030, this new partnership model also enables accelerated action towards this target. Given how fragmented the business

fossil fuel they want to replace with Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel from as little as 5% up to 100%. All contributions are welcomed and encouraged. Neste ensures specific SAF volumes purchased by Victor members are delivered and used by partner aircraft operators, providing real climate benefits and greenhouse gas emission reductions of up to 80%.
“I am relieved to be announcing our global partnership with Neste today. The urgent and rapid scaling-up of sustainable aviation fuel is essential if we are to achieve our net-zero goals. It’s fundamental to all our stakeholders that we continue to be transparent about the emissions of our members’ private flights and, where possible, take ownership of the climate crisis. I’m thankful for the enterprise and dedication that has been put in by both the Neste and Victor team to ensure our members can now choose to replace fossil fuel with Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel on every private jet and commercial jet charter booking. Our pioneering partnership could create a SAF blueprint for the fragmented business aviation sector and help accelerate its wider
aviation sector is, this ‘pay here, use there’ solution is the first to offer SAF for every charter flight. This is crucial as it enables SAF demand to increase. Victor’s global base of influential members, who have the ability and means to choose SAF and make their private travel with reduced climate impact, are offered a great opportunity to help increase the overall demand so this sustainable solution can develop more rapidly.
Partnership to reduce private jet charter emissions by up to 80%
*Calculated with established life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies, such as CORSIA methodology.
usage across the aviation industry,” commented Toby Edwards, Co-CEO of Victor.“I’mexcited that we are in this pioneering partnership together with Victor, a leader in charter aviation. It enables Victor members to purchase Neste’s SAF for any flight booked through Victor globally. It is an industry-leading blueprint that we hope other companies will follow as the aviation sector strives for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. SAF is essential to reaching this goal, immediately reducing greenhouse gas emissions from flying. Neste is committed to supporting aviation’s emission reduction goals and believes that requires a joint effort where everyone’s choice matters,” said Jonathan Wood, Vice President Europe, Renewable Aviation, Neste.
which sets a new sustainability benchmark in business aviation. Victor members can now purchase Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel™ (SAF) for every private jet booking globally. This enables private jet charterers to reduce the carbon footprint of their private air travel in a credible and measurable way.
Industry News 9Autumn 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review Dogger Bank Wind Farm
UK Government guidelines, which include comprehensive stakeholder consultation and determining each project’s exact installed capacity, along with securing Grid Connection Agreements with National Grid.
environmental surveys. The next steps will be to undertake the necessary development and consenting activities in accordance with current
The sites will be developed together by RWE, with the aim of submitting an application for Development Consent to the Planning Inspectorate.Localresidents will have the opportunity to comment on the wind farm proposals throughout the development phase and the project team is due to launch a non-statutory consultation in late Summer/Autumn, 2022. Feedback received from the consultation, along with data gathered from surveys and discussions with statutory bodies, will help inform the project design.
Trevor Baker, DBS Projects Lead for RWE, said: “The consenting process for the scheme will include consultation with affected landowners, residents, parish councils and local interest groups in areas around the proposed locations of our infrastructure. Further details on our upcoming consultation activities, which will help us select sites for our onshore electrical infrastructure, will be available very soon.”
Haliade-X 12 MW prototype © General Electric.
Voltaire © Jan de Nul.
Green light for Dogger Bank projects
WE has welcomed an agreement by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to allow The Crown Estate (TCE) to proceed with Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4 on the basis of a derogation.Theannouncement means that RWE’s two Dogger Bank South (DBS) Offshore Wind Farms, which are amongst six fixed bottom offshore wind projects with a combined potential to generate renewable electricity for more than 7 million homes, have been given the green light by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and may enter into an Agreement for Lease with The Crown Estate
Although the projects are at a very early stage, offshore and onshore surveys are already underway to help support the development process and include the deployment of metocean data collection and a series of geophysical and

DBS East and DBS West are located over 110 km offshore in the shallow offshore area of the North Sea known as Dogger Bank. Combined, the projects could have a total installed capacity of up to 3,000 megawatts (MW) helping to meet the UK Government’s commitment of 50 GW of offshore wind by 2030 and supporting security of energy supply and delivery of its net zero targets.
RWE, one of the globally leading companies in offshore wind, was awarded the status of preferred bidder for the two adjacent sites, which make up Dogger Bank South, following the conclusion of The Crown Estate’s Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4 tender process in February, 2021.

sanctions on Iran, with
takes on
The KINETIC 7™ discovery, which has taken more than eight years of research and development, will not only enable countries and global economies to maintain their own gas independence and sovereignty, but will also ensure global energy security, with an unlimited supply of carbon neutral gas to both domestic and industrial customers.
building nuclear reactors.
to increase.
Code-named KINETIC 7™, the scientific breakthrough is a clean gas energy source that is a stable and an efficient gas derived solely from water. Whilst creating a gas from water such as hydrogen is not new, KINETIC 7™ has a unique molecular chemistry that is considerably more advanced than hydrogen gas. For example, hydrogen gas is obtained through electrolysis, where pure distilled water (H2O) is broken down into (H2) and (O2) gases. Not only does
Industry News 10 Forest Bioenergy Review Autumn 2022 Clean Gas
It comes at a time of global instability in the energy markets, fuelled by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has sent gas prices soaring. EU energy ministers have also held talks over recent weeks to tackle the energy crisis that has been negatively impacting 218 million households throughout the bloc. Households in the UK faced a record energy bill spike of 54% at the beginning of April and prices are set to rise again in October. Many engineering, industrial and
It follows an unprecedented demand for energy and a perfect storm of war in Ukraine, a post-pandemic recovery in manufacturing and industrial production, coupled with an unusual downturn in wind power supply to national grids.Rick
Construction time to build a nuclear reactor average ten have long
this use a huge amount of energy to create the molecular process; it requires high pressure storage and has a low flash point, making it very unstable.KINETIC 7™ patented technology reconstructs and converts water into molecular clusters, which are electrically-charged to create a constant oxidisation and friction. This makes the molecules more efficient, causing them to vibrate, which in turn creates a very reactive gas, providing a clean gas and flame.Unlike hydrogen gas KINETIC 7™ is also inert, making it a safe and controllable gas for domestic and industrial supply. Most importantly, the cost savings by using KINETIC
n 31 May, a aconfirmedtechnologydisruptivecompanyithadmademajorbreakthroughin
US oil and gas ban
7™ will be substantial against current gas and energy costs. The KINETIC 7™ generators, which create the clean gas, will be manufactured to high standards in Europe. The current process of making the gas is both EUapproved and CE-certified.
manufacturing businesses have also been severely impacted by the energy crisis. Soaring gas costs have led to partial factory shutdowns, reductions in production and output, all of which has impacted on the supply chain.
Eight years of R&D
plagued nuclear energy.
The scientific breakthrough, which is ten years ahead of its time, has been made by a team from Voltage Enterprises, a disruptive tech company based in Abu Dhabi. The company, which has been funded by Aquarius Global, an investment company and tech incubator also based in Abu Dhabi, is working on further innovations and disruptive technology projects.
Major breakthrough in search to develop ‘clean gas’
health, but has also been known to cause earthquakes. Other options the importing of the have inherent downsides attached. These include the geopolitical the and the huge cost of Sizewell C in the United Kingdom is estimated to cost UK taxpayers £20 billion with set
gas from Iran and
building of carrybothreactors,nuclearfurtherofwhichhugerisks and
years, coupled with the safety concerns and health issues that
The clean gas, which is carbon neutral with net zero emissions, will give global economies access to a cheap, endless supply of clean energy. Importantly, it will allow countries to maintain security of their gas and energy supplies, whilst also meeting their carbon-neutral net zero targets. This discovery could play a major role in reversing the global energy crisis, significantly reducing energy costs to the consumer and businesses sectors at a time when the cost-of-living crisis is worsening and inflation has reached a 40-year high.
its search to innovate a groundbreaking ‘clean gas’ energy source that will not only provide an alternative supply to natural gas, but also boasts zero CO2 emissions and is estimated will be cheaper than current domestic household and business energy supplies by as much as 80%.

emissions and reduce CO2, whilst also creating anti-microbial and immune-boosting water that can be used in a whole range of applications.“Thewhole ethos of Voltage Enterprises is to innovate and disrupt using technology and science to change the lives of millions of people for the better, to arrest the environmental damage that has been caused by oil and gas exploration and leave a positive legacy for future generations.”
Rick Parish concluded: “With KINETIC 7™ we have the world’s first commercially- viable clean gas energy source that can be used in domestic households. At the same time, KINETIC 7™ can power large-scale industrial production and manufacturing, providing clean energy that is carbon neutral from water. We anticipate KINETIC 7™ will be 80% cheaper than current energy“Thissupplies.willnotonly help solve the global gas and energy crisis, but the innovation will allow countries and global economies to maintain
KINETIC 7™ represents a significant breakthrough in providing an alternative and viable energy source of clean gas that has zero carbon emissions. KINETIC 7™ can then be utilised in three ways:
c The KINETIC 7™ flame can be used for domestic energy supply in ambient heating, cooking and hot water heating.
Rick Parish added: “In much the same way that solar power is currently being used in domestic housing, KINETIC 7™ will allow households to produce their own clean gas energy source, using water and a small amount of electricity. The cost to create the clean gas is minimal. The KINETIC 7™ generator unit will be
Speaking as CEO of Aquarius, Rick Parish, stated: “As an investment incubator in disruptive industries, Aquarius Global has been supporting companies like Voltage Enterprises to work on a number of disruptive technologies and innovations in energy and healthcare. Our corporate objective is to support companies using science and technology in a disruptive manner, to develop and deliver beneficial innovations for mankind and the environment. We are currently working on groundbreaking projects to capture carbon
A series of ‘real-world’ R&D trials are currently underway using KINETIC 7™ in residential properties for domestic cooking stoves, hot water systems and residential heating. A number of factories and engineering plants are also part of an R&D program to integrate the technology and use the clean gas in a number of commercial and industrial applications.Itisenvisaged that after further R&D trials have been completed, a programme of rolling out the technology and clean gas into domestic households and commercial premises could feasibly start within six-12 months’ time. Voltage Enterprises has confirmed that it is around three months away from manufacturing the miniaturised portable cooking and heating stoves that it will be supplying to developing countries.
c KINETIC 7™ can also be used as a clean energy gas source for heating and cooking from portable stoves in remote locations and developing countries, which do not have access to gas or energy.
gas will be cheaper than current energy providers. KINETIC 7™ is low-maintenance, safe, efficient and significantly reduces household energy costs.

Industry News 11Autumn 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review Clean Gas
In much the same way that solar power is currently being used in domestic housing, KINETIC 7™ will allow households to produce their own clean gas energy source, using water and a small amount of electricity
plug-n-play product, which uses a small amount of AC or DC power and water, will allow the householder to enjoy the same natural gas/LPG benefits without the high costs, supply disruptions and dramatic price increases. An external wall unit can be fitted to a domestic household and used for stove cooktops and ovens, hot water systems, ambient heating and underfloor heating.”
Investment incubator
c KINETIC 7™ gas also has a major role to play in providing clean energy for industrial production. Large-scale
stability in the energy sector, reduce costs and maintain security of supply.”KINETIC 7™ will also bring efficient cooking and heating across Africa to developing nations, wartorn countries and places where poor infrastructure has inhibited or restricted access to clean energy.

The company will be manufacturing miniaturised KINETIC 7™ portable cooking and heating stoves that will change the lives of millions for the better, providing low-cost energy and heat using clean or untreated countries,Ultimately,water.indevelopedthecostofKINETIC 7™
The founders of Voltage Enterprises have a philanthropic desire to help change the world for the better. They will be donating 20% of their global profits from KINETIC 7™ to provide African nations and those in need with free clean energy.
Further announcements are expected from the company over the coming months as it also looks for global energy partners to work with and assist in the rapid roll-out and deployment of the clean gas technology.
More www.voltageenterprises.cominformation:
The US has bold ambitions to lead the world in the adoption of clean energy, with a target to achieve a more than 50% reduction in net greenhouse gas pollution by 2030. The Wärtsilä and Clearway projects demonstrate the vital role that solar and storage will play in delivering these targets, and accelerating the transition, by creating low-cost clean energy at scale.
Håkan Agnevall, President and CEO, Wärtsilä, recently stated: “The US is a bellwether for the global energy transition and projects like these demonstrate that decarbonisation is possible on a grand scale anywhere in the
Craig Cornelius, CEO, Clearway Energy Group, agreed: “Wärtsilä shares our vision of a world powered by clean energy. We are excited to bring online a portfolio of solar and storage projects at this scale to ensure reliable and affordable clean energy for our customers”.
Energy storage systems for major solar-plus-storage project
are in San Bernardino, California, adjacent to the site of a retired coal and natural gas plant. The AC-coupled energy storage systems will deliver renewable energy during increasingly volatile peak periods and help the state reach its goal of 100% carbon-free electricity by 2045. The order for Daggett 3 was booked to Wärtsilä order intake in Q3 2021 and the order for Daggett 2 was booked in Q4 2021. Construction has begun on both projects, with expected completion dates in 2023.
a 147 MWac/588 MWh energy storage system that will be connected to the operating 192 MWac Rosamond Central solar PV facility in Kern County, California. The energy storage system will increase the effectiveness of the solar facility by performing ancillary services, primarily solar shifting, for the California Independent System Operator. The order was booked to Wärtsilä order intake in July, 2022, and construction is expected to be completed in December, 2023.
The portfolio includes the Daggett 2 and Daggett 3 projects, which taken together represent one of the largest co-located photovoltaic plus storage facilities in California, at 482 MWac of solar PV and 275 MWac /1.1 GWh of energy storage. The Daggett projects
Each facility will include Wärtsilä’s GridSolv Quantum, a fully integrated, modular and compact energy storage system, as well as the GEMS Digital Energy Platform, Wärtsilä’s sophisticated energy management platform for power system optimisation. All five projects will also include long-term Service+ GAP agreements with Wärtsilä, thus guaranteeing capacity and providing maintenance with performance guarantees for the lifecycle of the energy storage systems.
he technology group Wärtsilä is delivering a 500-megawatt (MWac)/2gigawatt hour (GWh) portfolio of energy storage systems to clean energy developer and operator Clearway Energy Group. The contracts cover five sites located in Hawaii and California and include one of the world’s largest ever solarplus-storage project portfolios. The combination of energy storage and solar photovoltaic (PV) resources will provide essential grid reliability to balance an increasing mix of renewable generation.
Industry News 12 Forest Bioenergy Review Autumn 2022 Energy Storage
world. Energy storage as a flexible balancing power asset is an essential component for a 100% renewable energy future. We are very proud and grateful for being awarded these significant projects, which are major indicators of Wärtsilä’s position as a leading provider of global flexibility solutions for the clean energy transition. We focus on power system optimisation and the integration of different generating assets, providing our customers with the highest reliability at the lowest overall energy cost. Across the globe, we have been delivering energy storage systems at increasing scope and scale to help our customers meet their decarbonisation goals”.
Two projects, comprising 75 MWac/300 MWh (megawatt hour) of energy storage, are being installed at Clearway Energy Group’s Mililani I Solar and Waiawa Solar Power facilities on the Island of Oahu in Hawaii. The addition of energy storage will help Clearway Energy Group ensure reliable delivery of sustainable energy and contribute to Hawaii’s goal of reaching 100% renewable energy generation by 2045. The orders for Mililani I Solar and Waiawa Solar Power were booked to Wärtsilä order intake in Q1 2021 and construction is expected to finalise in 2022. The projects are Wärtsilä’s first large-scale energy storage systems in Hawaii. The fifth project in the portfolio is
500 MWac/2 GWh energy storage portfolio to provide grid stability in high renewable penetration markets in the United States (picture courtesy of the Wärtsilä Corporation).

Smurfit Kappa paper mill in Nettingsdorf, Austria, has launched a sustainable district heating project that will benefit 20,000 homes across three communities when completed. The scheme will capture excess heat generated from the Nettingsdorf paper mill to provide heating for local homes, businesses and schools.
Civil works have commenced on the ambitious project with the first trenches excavated and pipes laid in June. The central heat distribution building and equipment will be erected in the coming months and it is planned that a local elementary school and the kindergarten in Nettingsdorf will be the first premises to benefit from the scheme early next year.This follows on from a recent €134 million programme of investment at the Nettingsdorf mill, which included the installation of a new recovery boiler that allows the recovery of biomass generated in paper pulp production. This not only boosted energy optimisation, but cut CO2 emissions by 40,000 tonnes annually.
Industry News 13Autumn 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review
Smurfit Kappa has had success with a similar scheme operated from its Pitea paper mill in Sweden, which has been converting excess heat into central heating for domestic and business premises in the local community for over 40 years. Both projects are a further example of how Smurfit Kappa works with local communities to minimise waste and find uses for Commentingby-products.onthedistrict heating
project, Christian Partoll, the Mayor of Ansfelden, said: “I am delighted to announce that this district heating project is progressing according to plan and that we are connecting all of the municipality properties of Ansfelden to the new district heating system. This is a momentous occasion and we are doing everything we can to strive towards becoming a climate-neutral town.“This project has been immensely important for us, and with the help of Smurfit Kappa, and together with other measures that are currently being drawn up, it will help create a positive future for our children and grandchildren.”
Smurfit Kappa
CO2 emissions of the surrounding district.”Garrett Quinn, Chief Sustainability Officer at Smurfit Kappa, added: “Supporting our local communities is every bit as important as our day-today business of creating packaging. We are focused on working in partnership with local people to identify the sustainability projects that will make a positive difference to their lives. The innovative district heating scheme underway at Nettingsdorf is the latest
fossil fuels previously used. The production process will generate up to 25 MW of heat that will help save approximately 21,000 tonnes of CO2 Günter Hochrathner, CEO of Smurfit Kappa Nettingsdorf, said: “This project is another important step forward in advancing sustainability here at our mill in Nettingsdorf. We will capture the waste heat in an innovative and efficient way to sustainably heat homes and businesses. We anticipate that this will significantly reduce the
example of this type of community sustainability initiative and will be a great resource for the area.”
Smurfit Kappa’s circular approach to benefit local community
Once fully operational, the new central heating network will provide heating to households in the neighbouring villages of Kremsdorf, Haid and Ansfelden, replacing the

Industry News 14 Forest Bioenergy Review Autumn 2022 1 — 2 March 2023 WELS, AUSTRIA worldwide!