PIM Metals February/March 2022

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VOLUME 1 c ISSUE 1 c Feb/March 2022






MACH 2022 PIMM Metals Spring 2022



December 2021

Measures Rebar like Never Before Even at highest rolling speeds

High Tech light section measurement

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PIMM Metals Spring 2022

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elcome to the first issue of PIM Metals incorporating IMT magazine, firstly we must thank all the readers of IMT for now completing the registration for PIM Metals plus those newly registered readers. What is pleasing to see is the diversity of our readers in terms of geography and the industry sectors covered. Geographically readers in Europe represent 59% of the total individuals followed bye the Asia Pacific region with 27%, then the Americas with 13% and the rest of the world at 1%. When we look at the broad industry breakdown 68% have put Metal Tube & Pipe production and processing as there number 1 activity and the balance is shared with sheet, strip wire & rod (metal producers and processors = 100%). Machinery and equipment producer’s registrations are kept on a separate database and form no part of the 17,500 initial circulation. As many of you will have seen Tube & Wire Dusseldorf was recently moved to June 20-24 inclusive to ensure it was as accessible as possible to the thousands of visitors the show attracts from around the world, PIM Metals will present as much pre-show news as possible in the June issue published 1 week prior to the opening. However, in our next issue April we welcome editorial items and article proposals on any of the following: Tube & pipe bending and forming technology, Production & processing software plus Laser & plasma cutting. Article proposals are required no later than April 8th, news items are required on or before April 19th and should be sent to imtmagazine@virginmedia.com . www. processindustrymatch.com



PUBLISHER & EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Vince Maynard KVJ Enterprises, Tralee, Hillcrest Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6JS, UK

PRODUCTION Anthony Wiffen ASTAC Business Publishing Tel: +44 (0) 1460 261011 Mobile: 0785 161 2799 Email: anton_print_1@mac.com


Tel: +44 (0) 1732 505724

Brown Knight and Truscott

Mobile: +44 (0) 7747 002286

Tunbridge Wells, Kent,

Email: processindustrymatch@virginmedia.com





Tata Steel to be used in world’s largest offshore wind farm

Sustainable Welding



Unison tube bender makes light work of SST’s life-saving Halo system...


Cover picture: Lejöfores - page 4. Credit © Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK

Volume 1, Number 1 – Spring 2022 Contact information


Severstal makes first delivery of large diameter pipes to Canada

Vince Maynard Publisher and Editorial Director.

PIM Metals



MACH 2022

ABB’s latest flexible robotic handling solutions on show


Gaining the cutting edge: Unision Tube LLC and Moore Machines team up



Jörg Mosser takes over leadership role

Tel: +44 (0)1892 511678 ©2022 KVJ Enterprises

PIMM Metals Spring 2022



Severstal makes first delivery of large diameter pipes to Canada


everstal has

manufactured 1,500 tonnes of large diameter pipe (LDP) for the Canadian

market for the first time. The LDP will be delivered to one of the leading groups for the production and distribution of pipes in North America, adding value to a variety of Canadian industrial activities, and will eventually be used across Canada’s energy sector. Severstal has produced LDP which meets both the Canadian CSA Z245.1 standard and American API5L specifications. The pipes also meet NACE MR 0103 and NACE MR 0175 and are made to satisfy the typical requirements of the Canadian market. The pipes, which have diameters ranging between 508-1066.8 mm and wall

Mill 5000, located on the same

in receiving products of the

expanded its export geography

thicknesses between 12.7-19.05

industrial site as the Izhora Pipe

highest quality. In addition, the

for its LDP offering, cementing

mm, were manufactured from

Plant. The pipes were coated

client has indicated its intention

its position as a global market

X42M PSL2/GR 290-II + Gr B

with a thin anti- corrosive epoxy

to further develop international

player. This is testament to the

and X70M PSL2/GR 483-II + GR

layer to protect them from

cooperation between the

hard work put in by the whole

448-II strength steel. They were

corrosion and damage during

companies, linking Russian

team in developing new markets

produced at the Izhora Plant


quality with the most stringent

and products for our offering,

Canadian requirements.

as well as providing a superior

(part of the Severstal Russian

The client noted Severstal’s

Alexander Semyonov, Sales

service for international clients.”

Steel division of PJSC Severstal)

longstanding reputation as a

in the Kolpinsky district of St

Russian steelmaking leader in

Director for the Energy Sector

Anastasia Mishanina

Petersburg, using heavy plate

selecting Severstal as a supplier,

at Severstal, commented: “Last


from Severstal’s own Steel Plate

and expressed full confidence

year, Severstal significantly


Leading world trade fairs wire and Tube postponed to early Summer The new period offers more

Messe Düsseldorf postpones


wire and Tube in consultation

planning security and added

with the partners and

value due to METAV held

associations involved to 20 to

concurrently in part. This the

24 June 2022. The currently

leading trade fair for metal-

very dynamic infection

working technologies was

patterns and rapidly spreading

already postponed by VDW

Omicron variant have

Düsseldorf trade fair calendar

the wire and Tube originally

(German Machine Tool Builders’

resulted in adjustments in the

that require re-scheduling

planned for 9 to 13 May.

Association) to 21 to 24 June.

PIMM Metals Spring 2022


SMS to supply one of the world’s largest horizontal continuous casters for brass billets to Hailiang Metal Europe


ME (Hailiang

productivity significantly.

The scope of supply

(plant fault monitoring) will

includes a pressure-controlled

assist the operators to increase

produces brass extrusion billets

casting furnace with a

process transparency, plant

with a diameter of 245 to 400

capacity of approx. 35 tons,

availability and, furthermore,

millimeters for the subsequent

high-performance molds for

it helps to reduce maintenance

group.com) for a four-strand,

production of profiles using the

efficient strand solidification,

costs to a minimum. Smart

fully continuous horizontal

extrusion method.

the withdrawal device with

Alarm offers an enhanced

the highly advanced Softcast

overview and better control of

Metal Europe)

The new four-strand caster

has placed an order with SMS group (www.sms-

caster for brass billets. The

“Our overall plant

new caster, one of the largest

engineering package,

drawing cycle, a flying saw, the

error messages and simplifies

in the world for copper alloys,

consisting of automation

exit roller table with separating

the process of analyzing system

will replace an existing vertical

through to digitalization, was

device, an automatic cooling

notifications. For greater

semi-continuous caster at

what convinced HME. HME

water control system for

process transparency, the

the company’s Serravalle

can fully rely on the reliability,

constant process conditions,

process and plant parameters

location in Italy. With this

durability, and high design

and the hydraulic unit.

can be visualized and evaluated

new installation, the Italian

quality of our machines,”

manufacturer of brass profiles

says Dr. Thomas Winterfeldt,

package consisting of

intends to achieve consistent

Executive Vice President

SMS-Metrics (process data

is scheduled to go on stream in

product quality and boost its

Forging Plants.

acquisition) and Smart Alarm

the second half of 2022.

The basic digitalization

using SMS-Metrics. The new continuous caster

PIMM Metals Spring 2022



Lesjöfors UK rebranding

£1 million investments, expansions and a new company for a new era - introducing Lesjöfors Heavy Springs UK


esjöfors AB, the €300m global spring manufacturing powerhouse, with over 50

manufacturing and technical sales sites across the world, is launching a new company, rebranding two of its UK factories to Lesjöfors Heavy Credit © Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK

Springs UK. The UK factories in Cornwall, formerly called European Springs & Pressings, will now form a new company called Lesjöfors Heavy Springs UK. Michael Gibbs, Managing Director of the newly formed Lesjöfors company says: “This is a really exciting new chapter for

team, propelled with investment

the Cornwall factories. Our new

support by Lesjöfors AB.”

company and new name reflect a

The rebrand is part of a new

fit for the company’s future.” Gibbs concludes: “We’re

with a mergers and acquisitions programme that has seen the

evolving for our customers;

company acquire nine sites

unified team under the Lesjöfors

division, focusing on growth and

enhancing efficiencies,

from the US and Europe in the

AB brand and the world-leading

significant investment in the

committing even more

last few months, with further

springs we manufacture

heavy springs sector across the

investment and moving forward,

announcements planned for the

for customers across the

synergised specialisms, product

together with our heavy spring

year ahead.European Springs

automotive, rail, agriculture, oil,

range and industries served

colleagues in Finland and

& Pressings will continue its

mining, construction and energy

within the Lesjöfors AB heavy

Sweden, as a progressive and

manufacturing operations in Kent.

sectors in the UK.

coiling sites in the UK, Finland

competitive global design,


and Sweden.

manufacturing and technological

For interviews or further

development network.”

information, please contact

We have achieved a recordbreaking order book over the

Ola Tengroth, CEO of

Increasingly dominating the

Tamsin Loveless on 07855

Lesjöfors AB says: “As part of

we’ve grown our team by 40%

our global long-term future-

springs industry, Lesjöfors AB is

798536 or tamsin.loveless@

and our annual turnover is our

focused growth strategy, the

rapidly expanding its portfolio


best yet at £15m. This year

heavy springs sector has

we’re investing £1 million in new

been identified as one of four

machinery and every element of

key expansion areas and the

our performance has been driven

Cornwall sites evolution, to a

by an ambitious and progressive

new Lesjöfors brand, is a natural

Credit © Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK

Credit © Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK

last year; sales are up 35%,


PIMM Metals Spring 2022


Global aluminum associations call on G7 trade ministers to tackle state subsidies New briefing lays out economic and environmental costs of failure to act


oday, the Aluminum

weaken domestic supply chains


for many products vital to

European Aluminium,

national and economic security.

the Aluminium Association of Canada

Additionally, the abovementioned state subsidies tend

and the Japan Aluminium

to support extraction, production,

Association jointly released their

processing and export of high

investments, operational

newest policymaker briefing,

greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting

efficiency and stringent

distorting behavior.

Towards a Fairer and Cleaner

production systems instead

regulatory environment”, said

c Strong Trade Enforcement:

Trade in Aluminium, on the

of cutting-edge aluminum

Jean Simard, President and CEO

Countries should continue to

ongoing challenges in the global

production. About 88% of China’s

of the Aluminium Association

use available trade enforcement

trade of aluminum. The paper

aluminum production relies on

of Canada. “As we move ahead,

remedies to combat unfair trade

cites data from the Organization

coal-generated electricity, which

to further our decarbonization,

practices in relevant markets.

for Economic Co-operation

emits 10X as much CO2 per

a clear and clean trading level

Governments in the U.S., Europe,

and Development (OECD)

ton of aluminum as compared

playing field is required in order

Canada and Japan have all

demonstrating how massive

to hydropower-based systems

to avoid subsidized carbon

made substantial use of trade

state subsidies, especially in

common in the rest of the world.

leakage disrupting our North

enforcement tools in recent

American value chain.”

years and these efforts should

China, have distorted aluminum

“With continued demand

solution to combat market-

supply chains and harmed the

growth and U.S. investment

environment. The briefing was

totaling $4 billion in the over the

operate along the aluminium

c Multilateral Engagement:

shared with lead trade ministers

past decade, American aluminum

value chain and support almost

The U.S./EU/Japan Trilateral

in all G7 nations (Canada, France,

has an enormous opportunity to

100 thousand jobs”, said Yasushi

Partnership; U.S./EU Global

Germany, Italy, Japan, the United

thrive in the 2020s and beyond,”

Noto, executive director of

Arrangement on Sustainable

Kingdom and the United States).

said Charles Johnson, president

Japan Aluminium Association.

Steel and Aluminium; U.S./

& CEO of the Aluminum

“Aluminium is significantly useful

EU Trade and Technology

over the past 20 years,

Association. “But, meeting our

to recycle compared with other

Council; and the Global Trade

aluminum production in China

full potential will require smart

materials and the industry has

Challenges Working Group have

grew from around 10% of the

policy to combat massive state

the vital role to reduce carbon

all highlighted the challenges of

global market to nearly 60%

subsidies that distort global

footprint. To achieve the goal

market distorting behavior in the

today. Much of this growth

supply chains and slow down the

of carbon neutral, we have to

aluminum trade. These groups

was driven by massive state

industry’s push to decarbonize.”

prevent the carbon leakage

must now work toward concreate

associated with distorted global

policy solutions to address these

aluminium value chain.”


As the briefing explains,

subsidies non-compliant with

“Unfair trade practices

“In Japan, 2,400 companies


WTO rules. A 2021 OECD report

erode the tremendous economic

examined state subsidies to 32

and social benefits domestic

companies representing 70%

value chains crucial to the

are calling for immediate action

to build supply chains that

of the global aluminum market.

achievement of the European

and attention to address these

are robust and resilient, in

The study found that Chinese

Green Deal bring and accelerate

systemic challenges. Specific

an environment where public

firms received state support

an alarming trend Europe has

calls for action include:

policies are transparent,

ranging from 4% to 7% of annual

been facing over the past years:

c Updated WTO Rules on

predictable, and non-

revenues as compared to similar

an increasing import dependency

Industrial Subsidies: The

discriminatory. These conditions

support representing 0.2% of

on high-carbon products that do

World Trade Organization

are essential to incentivize the

annual revenues of non-Chinese

not meet Europe’s sustainability

(WTO) should update its rules

enormous private investments

firms. These subsidies unfairly

standards”, said Paul Voss,

to discipline countries that

that are required to decarbonize

benefit Chinese production at

Director General of European

engage in non-market-oriented

our sector, sustain our

the expense of the more than


practices, including massive and

environment, strengthen the

harmful state subsidies. Such

resilience of our industrial

The aluminum associations

“We need the freedom

1.8 million direct and indirect

“Canada’s responsibly

aluminum jobs supported by

produced low CO2 primary

an effort would be a significant

ecosystems, and continue to

the industry in the U.S., Europe,

metal is the result of massive

undertaking but is likely the

provide good jobs,” the briefing

Canada and Japan. They also

multibillion dollar modernisation

most effective long-term

concludes. PIMM Metals Spring 2022



GE selected by BUMA to supply electrical equipment for thyssenkrupp Steel hot rolling mill


E Power

the required surface quality is

The project will be realized in

from the plant. The installation

Conversion has

achieved using as little water as

four steps:

of the new descaling system by

been selected

possible to keep the temperature

1. Electrical installation, starting

BUMA and GE Power Conversion

by the Austrian

loss as low as possible.

February 2022

will help to significantly mitigate

2. Delivery and installation of

these risks, as the new system


BUMA is developing and

supplier BUMA engineering &

installing a new descaling plant

pump house equipment, May 2022

will considerably improve the

Anlagenbau GmbH (BUMA) for

for thyssenkrupp Steel Europe

3. Functional test of pump house

surface quality of the strip and

the installation of electrical

which will replace the existing

equipment, June/July 2022

the process stability of the

equipment for a new descaling

descaler ZW2 directly upstream

4. Final installation and


spray at thyssenkrupp Steel

of the 7-stand finishing mill. With

commissioning of descaler ZW2,

Europe’s hot rolling mill WBW2

the new plant, descaling can be

August 2022

in Duisburg, Germany.

carried out with a 3-fold higher

The effective removal of scale during the hot rolling of steel

water pressure. BUMA selected GE Power

“We are proud that we have won the order for the delivery of the electrical equipment for

During hot rolling, the

the new descaling plant for

incoming rough strip in

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe.

is essential for high material

Conversion as the partner for the

front of the finishing mill is

We look forward to the new

quality. In the hydro-mechanical

electrical equipment, due to our

automatically detected and

partnership with Buma

descaling, the scale layer, formed

long-term business relationship

automation failures resulting in

engineering & Anlagenbau

in the hot rolling process, is

and experiences with the end

errors and downtime are a risk.

GmbH and to the technical

removed with a high-pressure

customers’ (thyssenkrupp

A standstill in production causes

challenges we will overcome

water jet. The intensity (impact)

Steel Europe) installed base.

considerable costs due to loss of

with our expertise and know-

of this process is an important

The contract for GE Power

material and time. This can lead

how.” Jörg Nuttelmann, General

indicator for the descaling

Conversion has a volume of

to material being devalued - and

Manager, GE Power Conversion

performance, ensuring that

$3.6million USD.

in the worst case - removed


China commission for SMS Group Amer International Group commissions SMS group to supply eleven new CONTIROD® copper wire rod plants to China

The Amer International Group,

CONTIROD® plants, Amer Group

basis for the high-quality wire

based in Shenzhen, China,

is ideally positioned in a market

rod surface. In the first phase,

has placed an order with SMS

that is experiencing tremendous

the wire rod is deoxidized by

group (www.sms-group.com)


treating it with a water-alcohol

for eleven CONTIROD® copper

CONTIROD® is the only

mixture. It is then cooled down further with water.

wire rod plants (CONTIROD® is a

manufacturing process for cast

registered trademark of Aurubis

wire rod that utilizes a Hazelett

Belgium). The new plants will

twin-belt casting machine.

are equipped with the latest

produce 8 mm copper wire rod,

A decisive factor behind the

technical solutions for producing

This strategic decision

excellent product quality is the

high product quality at the

a range of different electrical

strengthens the relationship

near horizontal casting method

lowest process costs. A large

conductors. The Chinese market

with SMS group that spans over

that can physically preclude

number of sensors and control

needs these above all for the

a decade. Four CONTIROD®

porosity in the casting bar’s core.

elements work in conjunction

ambitious expansion of the wind

plants have already been

The well-proven CONTIROD®

with the specially developed

power and energy networks.

successfully put into operation

rolling mill with individual drives

software to ensure high process

By expanding its production

at the Amer Group since 2009.

shapes the casting bar into fine-

reliability and reproducible

capacities, Amer Group is well

These new orders underline

grained copper wire rod. The


equipped to meet the huge

the customer’s confidence in

completely overhauled cooling

increase in demand for high-

CONTIROD technology. With an

section features two separate

facilities is scheduled for the

quality copper wire rod.

additional eleven highly efficient

media circuits and provides the

period 2022 through 2024.

to be used in the production of


PIMM Metals Spring 2022


The new CONTIROD® plants

Commissioning of the new

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Hall 6 • Stand 630


SMS group to deploy blast furnace decarbonization technology for MMK


MS group will

from this technique is potentially

improve the

substantial. The system is

efficiency of

flexible, allowing for a general

Magnitogorsk Iron

increase in productivity”. SMS group has 150 years of

& Steel Works

(MMK) processes with the use

experience in steel technology

of ‘syngas’, a combination of

and equipment, supporting

hydrogen and carbon monoxide

clients, such as MKK, around the

which replaces a portion of the

world. Our regional hubs and our

solid carbon fuels – setting the

expanded portfolio of products

stage for greater decarbonization

and services means we can provide tailored help to our local

potential in the future. “We are excited to be able

in June 2021 and is to be a

the world.

customers. SMS group provides a range of assistance, including the

to work further with MMK

completely new project. It will use

to develop and deploy these

enhanced techniques, developed

these projects is the production

construction, maintenance and

innovative solutions”, said André

by SMS group company Paul

technology and workflow for

servicing of whole Blast Furnaces

Schneider, CEO of SMS group

Wurth. It will achieve very high

the use of syngas – which

through its group company Paul

Region CIS. “With our support,

standards of environmental

can be injected into the blast

Wurth, and Direct Reduction

our customer will be able to

performance. These new

furnace shaft”, said Dr. Thomas

Furnaces under license from

quickly achieve substantial

technologies can also be used

Hansmann, Head of Metallurgy

Midrex®. SMS group technology

CO2 emission reductions with a

in existing Blast Furnaces, thus

for SMS group and CTO for

solutions support the global steel

relatively limited investment”.

enabling CO2 emissions to be

Paul Wurth. “The degree of

sector’s transformation towards

reduced at existing sites around

emissions reduction possible

its low-carbon, green steel future.

Blast Furnace 11 was ordered

“Part of our contribution to

New hydrogen testing lab installed at Corinth Pipeworks Corinth Pipeworks is leading

the development of a hydrogen

the development for the

network to achieve climate and

energy market and takes action

energy objectives. It is worth

to provide solutions for the

mentioning that more pipeline

European Hydrogen Backbone

projects of the latest awarded

scheme and the increasing

ones, have been requested

needs of our clients for hydrogen

to be certified for hydrogen

certification of new pipelines.

transportation in order for pipes

In 2021 we successfully

produced today and installed in

certified large diameter pipes

the current gas network to cover

for new European projects for

the energy mix of tomorrow.

hydrogen transportation and are

The laboratory has been

now going one step further by

designed to test pipeline material

expanding our capabilities with

in hydrogen gas in pure or

the expansion of our accredited

blended form under static load

testing center with a new state-

conditions and high pressure (up

of-the-art hydrogen testing

to 207bar), in full compliance with

laboratory. This laboratory is

the requirements of the ASME

among the first of its kind for a

B31.12 code. This new facility will

pipe manufacturer worldwide,

support primarily qualification

New development plans for 2022

toughness testing under rising

offering capabilities to address

testing of new hydrogen pipeline

include the further upgrade of

load conditions and evaluation of

the need of the energy market for

projects, as well as R&D testing.

the hydrogen lab for fracture

fatigue resistance.


PIMM Metals Spring 2022


PIMM Metals Spring 2022



Tata Steel to be used in world’s largest offshore wind farm


K-made steel from the country’s largest producer Tata

These steel structures form the junction between the tower above the

Steel is playing a role in helping create the world’s

surface of the sea and the foundations below the water.

largest offshore wind farm. Capable of providing green energy for six million

homes in the UK, the Dogger Bank Wind Farm is due to

be complete by 2026. The wind farm is being developed in three 1.2 giga-watt phases: Dogger Bank A, B and C. Dogger Bank A and B is a joint venture between SSE Renewables (40%), Equinor (40%) and Eni (20%). In November 2021 SSE Renewables and Equinor, 50:50 joint venture partners in Dogger

Fabrication companies Sif and Smulders were awarded contracts to provide the wind turbine foundations for the first two phases of Dogger Bank in November 2020, with Dogger Bank C awarded a year later Steel made in Tata Steel’s Port Talbot plant and processed into hollow sections at the company’s Corby and Hartlepool sites is being fabricated by one of the thousands of contract companies helping to build the first two phases of the wind farm. Sandip Biswas, Chairman of the Board of Tata Steel UK, said: “We

Bank C, announced Eni will take a 20% stake in the final phase, with

are proud to be able to help support UK jobs and manufacturing

SSE Renewables and Equinor maintaining 40% stakes each, in a deal

through this project.”

which is expected to complete in the first quarter of 2022 subject to regulatory approvals. In the first two phases of construction the vast GE Renewable Energy turbines, each one rated at 13 mega-watts – enough to power a home for two days with a single rotation – will sit on foundations featuring Tata Steel products used in safety-critical transitions pieces.

10 PIMM Metals Spring 2022

Hundreds of tonnes of Tata Steel products, able to endure the harsh North Sea conditions, will be used in the first two phases of the giant wind farm project, which is located 130 kms off the North East coast of England. Sandip added: “Huge amounts of steel will be needed to help the UK achieve its net-zero goals – to build everything from renewable


In the first two phases of construction the vast GE Renewable Energy turbines, each one rated at 13 mega-watts – enough to power a home for two days with a single rotation - will sit on foundations featuring Tata Steel products

energy and low-CO2 transportation to hydrogen production and distribution. “At the same time, we have targets for our own decarbonisation as a steelmaker. Our own transition to a decarbonised future will rely on a secure supply of competitively priced renewable energy – whether that be to create hydrogen for future steelmaking or power new low-CO2 furnaces. The more we can help in delivering these landmark projects the better.” Dogger Bank Wind Farm Project Director, Steve Wilson, said: “This is another great example of how we’re taking advantage of UK skills and expertise to build the world’s largest offshore wind farm. Our transition pieces are among the largest to be installed on an offshore wind farm, and this UK-manufactured steel will form some of the supporting components. “Dogger Bank Wind Farm is already creating or supporting more than 3,000 jobs in the UK supply chain, and giving companies the chance to work on a pioneering project which will help them become increasingly competitive as the world adapts to produce energy that doesn’t cost the earth.”

PIMM Metals Spring 2022



Fronius Open House

Wed 18 - Thurs 19th May - Milton Keynes Technology Centre We have recently received intelligence that Fronius UK will once again open its doors to unveil the latest cutting-edge technology as it hosts its fifth Open House at its Milton Keynes Technology Centre.

n Access all areas with the NEW Flex-Drive. Never have problems welding those hard to reach areas again. n Find out about our commercial green hydrogen solution: Solhub. The system for local generation, storage and usage of hydrogen from solar energy.

We invite you to take up your Licence to Try - An opportunity to explore the world of Fronius, visit our facility and try our products including the most recent advances in welding technology. And if The

n See how the TPS/i can be easily integrated into various robotic welding systems. n Find out how our unique, intelligent battery chargers can reduce

Weld is Not Enough, we can show you our latest hybrid solar inverter

the energy costs and CO2 emissions of your E-forklifts/warehouse

that recently won first place for efficiency (5 kWp category) in the

trucks – Did you know our range has been extended to include 96V

Energy Storage Inspection 2021. You can also see our new powerful

and 120V models to charge powerful traction batteries for heavy

yet robust, project inverter for high yields, the Tauro, and With a View

duty forklifts? PLUS solutions also now available for LITHIUM-ION

to Kill those energy prices, you can find out about our Fronius Solar Lease scheme where it’s our absolute mission to save you money

batteries. n With Charge & Connect, you can go beyond the limits of

on your bills from the word go. Or perhaps you are interested in our

conventional charging. Increase the performance and efficiency

guarantee to reduce your energy costs across your materials and

of your intralogistics operation with this cloud-based software

handling fleet using intelligent battery charging technology?

solution that provides real-time data on your charging

For Your Eyes Only, we have put together a wide range of demonstrations across our range of products, solutions and applications – including some specially selected guest speakers and industry partners.

infrastructure. n PV installer refresher workshops on Fronius software and web based applications n Hear from an expert on the development and possibilities of Wire+Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM).

Due to the success of our previous Open Houses, we have spread this year’s event across two days to allow everyone the time and space to observe demonstrations safely, provide time to speak to our experts and try out products were possible.

n We have a View to Kill those energy prices. We’ll show you how to protect your business with no upfront investment. n See our EV charger, the Fronius WattPilot in action and charge your EV whilst you look around. n Industry leading speakers and exhibitors will be in attendance –

Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm on both days

keep an eye on our social media channels and registration page for

Location: Fronius UK, Maidstone Road, Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD

these as they are announced.

Just a snippet of what you can you expect to see… n Designed to perform: The Tauro, our robust project inverter that

We are serving a hot lunch, with refreshments available throughout

makes commercial large-scale photovoltaic systems even more

the day.


If you are intending to join us don’t keep it secret! To ensure we can

n Now you have the full freedom to unleash your welding potential: The New iWave Multiprocess Pro. In addition to all the TIG

provide refreshments for everyone please register at: http://www. froniusopenhouse.co.uk and let us know you intend to join us.

functions, you can weld all MIG/MAG process variants with a single system as well as expanding your high-tech welding system

Email or call us to find out more information on 01908 512300.

platform to suit your own specific needs with the Welding Packages

We have so much in store for you to experience throughout the

Standard, Pulse, PMC, LSC, or CMT.

event, including talented performers, plus a vintage classic you may

n Want to weld faster, with less rework? Check out the Fronius

have seen on an assignment or two.

TransSteel Pulse. n See if you can Spy the New MagicCleaner 150/300. This innovative

We look forward to seeing you at our Open House on either the 18th

technology allows optimum reworking of TIG weld seams and

or 19th May. If you register for one day, but need to come on the

stainless steel surfaces in a single step, with minimal impact on the

other don’t worry - we would appreciate you amending online where

material surface.


12 PIMM Metals Spring 2022


Sustainable Welding


t is becoming ever more important to act sustainably to achieve efficient manufacturing during the welding process.

There are many factors that have an impact on sustainability where the welding process is concerned.

Reliable welding equipment Weld Purge Monitors® are an essential instrument to help obtain non-oxidised, zero colour welds by monitoring the oxygen levels when welding sensitive materials such as titanium, zirconium, nickel, stainless steels and low alloy steels containing chromium. Oxidation can lead to loss of corrosion resistance and a decrease in mechanical strength. Many decades of design and expertise has gone into developing the PurgEye® range of Weld Purge Monitors®. These extremely reliable monitors can measure residual oxygen content as low as 1ppm

inflatable devices. Manufactured

attach onto any TIG/GTAW,

shield around reactive alloy


from 1” (25 mm) right up to

PAW/Plasma and MIG/GMAW


88” (2,235 mm), these systems

welding torch,

Increased welding speed

reduce inert gas usage and

Inert gas purging is now the

therefore cost.

preferred method to avoid

For complete inert gas

Reducing costs

coverage, essential where

By striving for zero colour welds,

complex geometry joints are

companies can eliminate any

Creating high-quality joints

involved, welding inside a Flexible

post-weld cleaning costs. These

The use of an Inflatable Weld

Welding Enclosure® offers the

costs can be very high. In some

Purging System can reduce

The use of Argweld Weld

user a further option. The use of

restricted access can even

purging times dramatically,

Trailing Shield® can provide

Flexible Welding Enclosures® has

preclude effective post-weld

particularly as tube and pipe

inert gas coverage during the

increased significantly during


diameters increase.

cooling process and thus avoid

development of the Wire Arc

oxidation in high temperature

Additive Manufacturing process,

HFT® have a Worldwide Exclusive

zones. Trailing Shields® simply

providing a complete inert gas

Distributor Network.

contamination during welding.

PurgElite® and QuickPurge® are now the industry’s standard

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques

PIMM Metals Spring 2022



Unison tube bender makes light work of SST’s life-saving Halo system and other titanium structures


nvesting in a Unison Breeze all-electric CNC tube bending machine has not only assisted Oxfordshirebased SST Technology in

becoming the only Britishbased precision fabricator authorised to produce the life-saving Halo titanium driver protection system, as used in Formula 1. It has also equipped the business to complete numerous complex structural projects involving titanium tube – including roll-cage structures for military vehicles and aerospace components. The machine, a Unison Breeze 130 mm ‘large diameter’ multi-stack tube bender, was purchased to help SST produce high-performance optimal-flow exhaust systems for Formula 1, IndyCar and other motorsport sectors. With a pedigree in motorsport components and a powerful new tube bending machine to hand, however, SST’s thoughts quickly turned to driver safety. The exceptionally tight material control, production parameters and dimensional tolerances provided by the all-electric Unison Breeze tube bender, combined with SST’s considerable experience in the development and manufacture of ultra-precise fabrications, led to the company’s Halo design securing FIA conformity

Halo tube being bent on the Unison Breeze 130 mm machine. metals, titanium doesn’t readily

forming, the material must be

2 and Formula E motorsport

Notoriously difficult to bend

lend itself to being formed –

compressed on the inside of

and being adopted by several

Titanium, however, is

a characteristic that makes

the bend and stretched on the

race teams. SST’s Halo design

notoriously difficult to bend.

creating tubular structures

outside, while wall thinning and

requires the precise bending

With low uniform elongation

for aerospace and motorsport

ovality of the tube have to be

of titanium tube of 4 mm wall

typically requiring a much

applications particularly

kept to very tight tolerances.


greater bend radii than other

challenging. For successful tube

Traditionally, ‘hot bending’ - a

for use in Formula 1, Formula


PIMM Metals Spring 2022

UNISON as material quality, tooling

The Unison Breeze 130 mm tube bender purchased by SST is well suited to manipulating exotic alloys such as titanium and Inconel, as well as Super-Duplex stainless steels and provides high-quality thin wall bending.

configuration, machine design and flexibility of control need to be considered,” comments Unison Key Account Manager, Steve Haddrell. “This is because any variation in material quality, any lack of rigidity in the mechanics of the bending machine and any failure to achieve repeatability time after time will invariably lead to failure. With exceptional power, optimal rigidity, precise mechanical motion and allelectric control for accurate, effortless repeatability, we knew the 130 mm Breeze was the ideal machine for precision-bending

process involving the use of

SST’s Halo design. With material

super-heated tooling - has

quality assured, it really came

been used to overcome the

down to working with SST to

challenges of bending titanium.

establish the correct tooling

However, the very process of

configuration and programming

applications. Combining

and fall pressure die can result

hot bending presents a number

of the Unison Unibend machine

this capability with our

in significant savings in tooling

of issues. For example, the

operating system.”

AS9100REVD accreditation

costs and allows tools of very

means we are perfectly set up

different radii to be used on a

use of super-heated tooling

SST’s Titanium Driver Protection System (Halo).

Delivering significant benefits

to support leading aerospace

part within a cycle. The tube

and can present a hazard

propulsion, fluid and air system

bender can be programmed

to operators; complex

“Investing in the 130 mm


manually or from CAD data

modifications must be made to

Unison Breeze machine has

bending machinery, and tooling

clearly paid dividends,” says SST Technology’s Group

Intelligent tube manipulation

STEP files.

heat-up times are lengthy. By contrast, Unison’s infinitely

Business Development Director,

The Unison Breeze 130 mm

invited to advise customers on

controllable and robust all-

Daniel Chilcott. “Tool changes

tube bender purchased by SST

particularly challenging tube

electric machines enable the

are rapid, programming is

is well suited to manipulating

bending projects,” concludes

safe, precise cold bending

incredibly user friendly, while

exotic alloys such as titanium

Steve Haddrell. “That’s partly

of titanium. With advice and

the automatic setup ensures

and Inconel, as well as Super-

because of the immense

application support from the

uncompromising levels of

Duplex stainless steels and

capabilities offered by our tube

technical team at Unison Ltd,

accuracy and repeatability.

provides high-quality thin wall

bending machines. Assisting

SST were therefore able to

Sufficiently impressed with

bending. Multi-stack tooling

SST on establishing the optimal

develop a cold-bending process

the capabilities of our 130

allows the most complex of

tooling configuration of their

for their Halo design that

mm machine, we have also

parts to be formed in one

Unison Breeze machine for the

allowed for the low elongation

purchased a smaller 65

uninterrupted manufacturing

production of the life-saving

of the metal and delivered

mm Breeze model for the

cycle, while Unison’s bar code

Halo device, however, is one of

precise results.

production of more intricate

scanning system ensures that

the most rewarding projects we

pipework and parts for

only the correct tooling is

have been involved in.”

aerospace and gas turbine

installed. The standard-fit rise


requires considerable care

“To successfully coldbend titanium, factors such

using industry-standard IGES or “At Unison, we are often

PIMM Metals Spring 2022


MACH 2022

ABB’s latest flexible robotic handling solutions on show at MACH 2022


BB will showcase

of videos and displays, with

collaborative robot, GoFa will be

offer precise control over the

its latest

solutions designed to suit every

present on the stand. Designed

height of levitation. Offering


need, from simple applications to

as a collaborative partner for a

six degrees of motion control


advanced tasks. Today customers

wide range of applications, GoFa

freedom, the shuttles can be

handling and

are demanding greater choice

offers a 5kg payload and a class-

precisely positioned to within

robotics solutions at MACH

and customizability with quick

leading 950 mm reach. With a

±5µm, making ACOPOS 6D

2022 (NEC Birmingham, 4-8

delivery times. ABB’s FlexLoader

top speed of 2.2 m/s, GoFa is

perfectly suited for applications

April), including a high payload

M range accommodates this by

faster than other cobots in its

with strict positioning

collaborative robot, machine

enhancing machine utilization,

class, while also offering easy


tending systems to suit every

flexibility and responding fast

programming and a high degree

production need and a magnetic

to batch size one, high mix and

of built-in safety.

levitation-based conveyance

low volume production. Fast to


program and user friendly, no

see GoFa in action alongside

important for businesses looking

robotic expertise is required

ACOPOS 6D; a revolutionary

to maximise their productivity

an example of one of ABB’s

making it easy to fine-tune when

new handling system that

and competitiveness,” explains

latest robotic machine tending

business needs change over a

uses magnetically levitating

Matthew Rollins, Business

solutions. The ABB FlexLoader


shuttles to carry products and

Development Manager for ABB

materials to processing stations,

Robotics in UK and Ireland. “The

Stand 18-310 will feature

M for AGV, is a fully automated

There will also be a

Visitors to the stand will

“The ability to achieve faster, more flexible manufacturing is becoming increasingly

feeder for automated guided

presentation on ABB FlexArc®

eliminating mechanical wear

solutions on display on our stand

vehicles. Handling all types of

robotic welding cells, complete

and speeding up transit times.

are part of a wider portfolio

workpieces, it can pick straight

robot systems that are available

ACOPOS 6D uses a variety

of products and systems that

from the pallet brought to it by

in several flexible, modular

of magnetic shuttles to carry

can help companies to take

the AGV.

packages, offering the best

payloads of 0.6 to 14 kilograms,

advantage of the real growth

combination of price and

reaching speeds of up to 2

opportunities presented by

performance for custom-built

m/s. They can move freely in



two-dimensional space, rotate


and tilt along three axes and


ABB’s complete range of FlexLoader M automated machine tending solutions will be shown on the stand in a series


PIMM Metals Spring 2022

ABB’s latest high-capacity

MACH 2022

Bringing Nukon’s precision laser cutting technologies to MACH 2022 Hall 6 Stand 723


4 – 8 April

NEC, Birmingham

ngenium Integration Ltd,

are incredibly accessible,”

beam optimisation, and Lantek

Ingenium Integration also offers

the sister company of

comments Ingenium Integration

Expert software – one of the

Nukon’s range of fully automated

UK-based tube bending

sales manager, Steve Haddrell.

most advanced CAD/CAM nesting

loading and unloading solutions.

machinery specialists

“Several models also have an

software packages on the market

Unison Ltd, will be

Before being appointed

extremely compact footprint,

today. Available in a range of

as Nukon’s exclusive UK and

showcasing the Nukon range

making them well-suited to

power options and sheet sizes,

Ireland distributor in 2021,

of precision fibre laser cutting

production environments where

Nukon’s 2D fibre laser machines

Ingenium Integration spent

systems at MACH 2022.

floorspace is at a premium.

combine high performance

time searching the market for a

Visitors to Stand 723, Hall

Additionally, companies buying a

with high efficiency. The Nukon

range of high-quality, accessible

6, will be able to see a Nukon

Nukon fibre laser cutting system

range of 3D, 5-axis machines

laser-cutting technologies that

Eco Speed Pro Line 315 4kW 2D

from Ingenium Integration can

has been developed for the most

would be of significant interest

fibre laser machine in action

expect to receive the same

challenging of applications, such

to manufacturers. “Short of

and discover why Ingenium

uncompromising levels of service

as precision-cutting tubes, pipes

building our own laser- cutting

Integration believes Nukon

and support as enjoyed by

and intricate profiles in a wide

machines in-house, our challenge

machines are the ideal choice for

users of Unison tube bending

variety of materials, as well as

was to find an established

first-time laser users, businesses


R&D work. While Nukon laser tube

product range that mirrored

cutting machines include pipe

the uncompromising levels of

and profile cutting models, as well

accuracy, reliability, build quality

subcontractors requiring high-

High spec standard features

as ‘Vento Flex’, a highly versatile

and support that are synonymous

performance machines for the

The Nukon fibre laser range

machine able to cut tubes, pipes,

with the Unison name,” adds

most demanding of laser-cutting

includes 2D, 3D (5-axis) and laser

profiles and flat metal sheet. To

Steve Haddrell. “We believe we


tube cutting machines. High

assist customers in maximising

have found such a product range

spec standard features include:

the productivity and efficiency

in Nukon.”

nLIGHT fibre lasers with adaptive

of their laser-cutting operations,


adding value to in-house manufactured products, and

“For such premium quality machines, Nukon fibre lasers

PIMM Metals Spring 2022



Gaining the cutting edge: Unision Tube LLC and Moore Machines team up to provide wider product offering


nison Tube LLC of

Ltd invented all-electric tube bending, and we consider

About Unison tube and pipe bending machines

the shipbuilding industry.

Danville, VA and Moore Machine Tools

their tube and pipe bending

Unison Ltd is the UK’s leading

stack and right/left varieties,

of West Jordan, UT

machines to be the best in the

manufacturer of tube and

Unison machines are delivered

have teamed up to provide their

business. Working with Unison

pipe bending machines,

to more than 20 countries

individual customer bases with

Tube LLC means we will be able

offering the largest range

globally. Unison’s tube bending

an even wider range of machine

to introduce our customers

of all-electric benders for

software is recognised as the

tool solutions.

to Unison Tube LLC and their

diameters from 4 mm (5/32”)

most user-friendly control

full range of tube and pipe

to 275 mm (10” schedule

system for tube bending

manipulation technologies.”

pipe). With a reputation for

machines. The software is

Unison Tube LLC is the North American division of

Available in single-stack, multi-

building highly powerful, highly

written and supported by

manufacturers of ultra-precise,

About Nukon fibre lasers

robust machines that deliver

Unison, ensuring complete

all-electric Unison Breeze tube

The Nukon fibre laser range

uncompromising levels of

control of its evolution, with no

and pipe bending machines

includes 2D, 3D and laser tube

accuracy and repeatability,

need for third party support.

and the recently introduced

cutting machines. High-spec

Unison Ltd continually


range of Unison Synergy hybrid

standard features include:

innovates the tube and pipe

tube bending machines. In

nLIGHT fibre lasers with

bending marketplace.

addition to other machine tool

adaptive beam optimisation and

The company

technologies, Moore Machine

Lantek Expert software, which


Tools is the official distributor

is one of the most advanced

the world’s first

of Nukon 2D fibre laser, 3D

CAD/CAM nesting software


fibre laser and fibre laser tube

packages on the market.

tube bender

cutting machines in the United

Nukon’s 2D fibre laser machines

in 1994,


include models designed for

followed by

first-time laser users and

the world’s

our CNC tube manipulation

businesses adding value to in-

first all-

technologies and work cells

house manufactured products,

electric multi-

often require a high-quality

as well as high-performance

stack tube bender,

laser cutting capability,”

machines for demanding

then the world’s

comments Stuart Singleton,

flat-bed laser metal cutting

largest all-

Vice President of Unison Tube

requirements. Nukon 3D 5-axis

electric tube

LLC. “Our agreement with

machines have been developed


Moore Machine Tools will enable

for challenging applications,


us to offer Unison customers

such as precision-cutting tubes,

in North America the full suite

pipes and intricate profiles, as

of technologies available in

well as R&D work. While Nukon

the Nukon laser product range.

laser tube cutting machines

Over in the UK, the Unison

include pipe and profile cutting

Group already offers Nukon’s

models and a highly versatile

range of fibre laser machines.

machine able to cut tubes,

Hence, we are fully aware

pipes, profiles and flat metal

of the outstanding quality

sheet. Nukon also offers a range

and capabilities that Nukon

of fully automated loading and


unloading solutions.

UK-based Unison Ltd, the

“Customers purchasing

“For us it’s a win-win situation,” adds Beau Moore, Vice President of Sales at Moore Machine Tools. “Unison


PIMM Metals Spring 2022

Stuart Singleton, Vice President of Unison Tube LLC


Widia introduces the next generation In versatile end milling


IDIA™ announced today the launch of the WCE solid end milling

platform, delivering affordable performance and reliability for small to medium machine shops. The initial release of the WCE platform features WCE4, a fourflute geometry which combines advanced, high-performance features with a brand new,

The WCE4 will be a small-to-medium job shop staple with advanced, versatile geometry features at an affordable price.

The WCE4 is offered in both ball nose and square end configurations.

versatile grade offered at a

shop floors where reliability

iron applications. These design

available in both metric and inch

highly competitive price.

and consistent tool life are high

features, coupled with the four-

dimensions. The WCE5 five-flute


flute geometry, deliver an end

geometry will be released later

mill with reliable performance

in 2022. Orders for the WCE4

“With its new design, the WCE4 delivers the next

Two key features of the tool

generation of versatile end mills

are its asymmetrical index and

and application versatility – even

end mill, as well as other WIDIA

to help our customers be more

variable helix. The combination

in demanding operations such as

metal cutting tooling, can be

productive and efficient,” said

of the two reduce vibrations and

full slots and heavy cuts.

placed through WIDIA authorized

Tamir Sherif, Solid End Milling

enable heavy cuts, while the new

Global Portfolio Manager, WIDIA.


“The WCE4 is an attractively priced tool for small-to-medium

WU20PE, enables versatility on steel, stainless steel and cast-

The WCE platform includes

distribution partners. The WCE4 is offered in

four-flute, square-end and ball nose end mills with both straight

both ball nose and square end

and Weldon shanks and is


Yale enhances lithium-ion range with Sunlight Li.ON FORCE batteries Yale Europe Materials Handling

emissions with no risk of acid

is enhancing its lithium-ion

spillage. A single battery can replace

range with batteries provided by Sunlight Group, one of the world’s

multiple lead-acid batteries,

top manufacturers of industrial

meaning customers can benefit

and advanced energy storage

from fast opportunity charging


during breaks and shift changes. Areas previously needed for

Sunlight Group boasts over 12 years of research and

battery change can be repurposed

development in lithium chemistry.

as additional working or storage

Yale ® will offer Sunlight Li.ON

space. The robust Sunlight Li.ON

FORCE batteries as a solution for

FORCE batteries are maintenance-

selected warehouse and electric counterbalance trucks, enabling

“Thanks to the success of our

Sunlight Li.ON FORCE

free with long life cycles. With no

its customers to select the best

collaboration, Sunlight Group

batteries are well suited for

battery exchange required, Yale

battery technology to suit their

has become a trusted partner

intensive and/or multiple shift

lithium-ion products offer more


of Yale, helping us to deliver

applications. For industries

uptime as well as reduced running

efficient and productive solutions

where clean operations are a

costs. The charging efficiency of

relationship between the two

for our customers,” said Marcus

must, such as food, beverage and

lithium-ion batteries is at over

companies. Sunlight Group has

Rosenkranz, Area Business

pharmaceutical, Yale products

90% - greater than lead-acid

previously provided lead-acid

Director for Eastern Europe at

fitted with Sunlight Li.ON FORCE


batteries for Yale products.


batteries are free of gaseous


The move marks a deepening

PIMM Metals Spring 2022



Jörg Mosser takes over leadership role


ith effect from

new role from John Emholz,

Starting in the management of

February 1st

Global CEO Messer Cutting

subsidiaries, he has led the sales

Jörg Mosser,

Systems, who has led the

team since 2012.

who was Sales

location of Groß-Umstadt and

Manager Europe

Europe internally in addition to

outstanding qualifications

his global tasks.

and experience for his future

for Messer Cutting Systems until now, has taken over the

Before his time with Messer

© Messer Cutting Systems GmbH

Position as solutions provider in plate preparation further strengthened

“Jörg Mosser brings

tasks: on the one hand, he has,

management of Messer Cutting

Cutting Systems, Jörg Mosser

of course, the technical and

Systems (MCS) Groß-Umstadt

was, amongst other things,

commercial competence but,

and is the new CEO Europe.

active as electrotechnical

even more importantly, comes

With this step, Messer Cutting

engineer in engineering and

his long service in the Company.

Systems will strengthen and

plant construction and held

He knows the team well and

extend its position as market

various commercial positions.

knows what is required”, says

transformation of Messer Cutting

leader and solutions provider for

Since 2007 Jörg Mosser has

John Emholz. Besides leading the

Systems into a modern, customer

plate processing.

been part of the team of Messer

Groß-Umstadt site, Jörg Mosser

oriented solution provider for the

Cutting Systems Europe.

will continue to progress the

plate preparation branch.

Jörg Mosser takes over his

Jörg Mosser is the new CEO of Messer Cutting Systems Europe.

ROCOL reinforces customer support with new appointment International lubricants manufacturer ROCOL is reinforcing its support for UK customers with the appointment of a new metalworking fluid chemist. Daniel Moulson studied Chemistry at Sheffield Hallam University before starting his career with in the cosmetics industry. Working first in quality control, he continued his career there as a microbiologist. He joins the technical department at ROCOL where his primary role is to work with the levels of service and support.

service engineers to offer

fantastic reputation is one I

my career so far in a way that

advice and recommendations

had to take. Being given the

will be beneficial to customers.

for the efficient running of

opportunity to work with high-

It also allows me to develop

Technical Manager, said,

metalworking equipment. Daniel

quality products and deliver

new skills and learn from an

“We’re pleased to have Daniel

is also the first point of contact

the great levels of service that

experienced team.”

joining us. He is a talented

for customers with issues that

ROCOL customers have come

cannot be fixed on-site and

to expect is something that

reinforces ROCOL’s

to deliver a top-class service

require deeper investigation.

excites me a lot.

commitment to the

to our customers. I know that

metalworking sector and

our metalworking customers

Daniel commented,

“Joining ROCOL allows me

Daniel’s appointment

Chris Dyson, ROCOL

chemist and has an appetite

“The opportunity to join

to apply the knowledge and

ensures that ROCOL customers

will benefit from his skills and

an organisation that is well

skills and knowledge that I

across the country will


established and has such a

have from both university and

continue to receive the highest



PIMM Metals Spring 2022



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22 PIMM Metals Spring 2022

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