PIM Metals June/July 2022

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25 Years State of the Art


PIMM Metals June/July 2022





elcome to the June issue of PIM Metals incorporating IMT. As we are now just days from the opening of Tube & Wire Dusseldorf and the long awaited showcase of what the industry has to offer those who produce and process metals. Metals offer long term solutions across multiple industries and the recyclability of the product is second to none, some years ago we saw the trend to replace metal with plastics and some media outlets jumped on the bandwagon to exploit this, even if it was to the detriment of the core readership and the advertisers. At IMT and now PIM Metals, we have avoided abandoning our principles and continue to only cover the production and processing of metals. When launched in October 2008 IMT was was founded on the basis that readers would have to reregister each year and something we continue to do to this date, those companies who support us also deserves your support and I would urge all our readers to mention PIM Metals when contacting those included within. Looking forwards the August 2022 issue we will be looking at Cutting equipment & consumables, Logistics and material handling, Roll forming and a review of what news comes in from Tube & Wire Dusseldorf, news submissions are required no later than August 12th.


Vince Maynard KVJ Enterprises, Tralee, Hillcrest Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6JS, UK

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Email: processindustrymatch@virginmedia.com

TN2 3BW, UK Tel: +44 (0)1892 511678 ©2022 KVJ Enterprises


International Metal Tube Q&A: Erik Hedborg, CRU

Advanced pipe freezing technology reduces maintenance costs



No longer a pipe dream: Unison brings affordable ultra-precise pipe bending to Morse Hydraulics





Corporate culture

Cover picture: Blissenbach - page 12




Publisher and Editorial Director

VOLUME 1, NUMBER 3 – JUNE/JULY 2022 Contact information


One Year Later, Targeted Trade Enforcement Driving Aluminum Investment

Vince Maynard

PIM Metals




Introducing the CombiFSE – the new electric sideloader from Combilift

New GIFA and METEC Indonesia from 2023: Messe Düsseldorf focuses on powerful growth market PIMM Metals June/July 2022



One year later, targeted trade enforcement driving aluminum investment Common Alloy Sheet AD/CVD Action Helps Drive $300 Million+ U.S. Plant Expansions; 24% Increase in Shipments


new white paper released today

domestic market. “We are gratified to see –

2.69 billion pounds in 2020

AD/CVD case against common

to 3.34 billion pounds in 2021;

alloy sheet imported from

by the Aluminum

once again – that targeted trade

Recent investments in the

China. Common alloy aluminum

Association -

enforcement works,” said Charles

common alloy sheet market

sheet is a flat-rolled aluminum

Targeted Trade

Johnson, president & CEO of the

include a $207 million upgrade of

product that is used in a variety

Enforcement in Action: Common

Aluminum Association. “One year

JW Aluminum’s mill in Mt. Holly,

of applications, including

Alloy Aluminum Sheet AD/CVD

after the Commerce Department

SC and Arconic’s $100 million

transportation, building and

One Year Later – highlights

and the International Trade

investment in its operations in

construction, infrastructure,

progress made in the U.S.

Commission took strong action

Knoxville, TN.

electrical, and marine

common alloy aluminum

against unfair trade in the U.S.

sheet market one year after

market, the domestic common

Aluminum Association’s Common

the Commerce Department’s

alloy aluminum sheet market

Alloy Aluminum Sheet Trade

Aluminum Association released

publication of antidumping

is showing signs of significant

Enforcement Working Group

a new economic impact study

(AD) and countervailing duty


filed an AD/CVD action against

showing that the industry

In March of 2020, the

applications. Earlier this year, the

18 countries importing common

supports 164,000 direct jobs and

alloy sheet into the United States

$73 billion in direct economic

imports from 16 countries. The

Among key findings from the white paper:

at less than fair value and that

impact. Further, the industry has

combined AD and CVD margins

While imports of unfairly-traded

were benefitting from actionable

committed or invested more than

calculated by the Commerce

sheet from the 16 countries

government subsidies. In April of

$4 billion in U.S. manufacturing

Department range from 3.2%

now subject to AD/CVD orders

last year, the U.S. International

over the past decade, including

to 242.8%, reflecting the

accounted for 62.7% of total U.S.

Trade Commission (USITC)

nearly $1 billion in the last year

substantial magnitude of unfair

imports in 2019, imports from

issued a unanimous finding that


trade that had been occurring

those countries accounted for

imports from 16 countries had

in the market. The report found

just 25.2% of total U.S. imports

materially injured US. producers,

a two-thirds drop in imports of

in 2021;

and the Commerce Department

(CVD) orders on imports of certain common alloy sheet

common alloy sheet from the

Based on Aluminum

issued AD/CVD orders resulting

targeted countries between

Association data, U.S. producer

in the application of duties on

2019 and 2021 and more than

shipments of common alloy

imports from those countries.

$300 million in investment in the

sheet increased by 24.4% from


PIMM Metals June/July 2022

This action followed a prior

To learn more, visit www. aluminum.org

Scan here to visit website


Tata Steel returns to Wire & Tube 2022


ajor investments,

and customer-focused service

used across a broad range of

and carbon capture as well

continued focus

offering means the company can

industries, including construction,

as supporting the physical

on customers

help customers succeed in their

machinery fabrication, energy

infrastructure with structural

and sustainability


and automotive. For example,

products used in offshore wind

Automotive manufacturers profit

and solar energy generation.

will be the topics

This event brings together

Tata Steel continues to

for Tata Steel at this year’s

the full tube portfolio from

from the advanced high strength

Wire & Tube fair – the first since

Tata Steel, manufactured to the

precision tube offerings which

be a leader in Life Cycle

2018 following the coronavirus

highest standards of quality and

can significantly reduce weight

Assessments (LCA) with


sustainability in both the UK and

and cost, enabling the design

specific Environmental Product

the Netherlands.

of next generation headrests,

Declarations (EPD) for many of

twist-beams, chassis structures or

our tube products.

For Tata Steel the prestigious event in Dusseldorf, Germany,

Anil Jhanji, Chief Commercial

instrument panel beams.

Tata Steel is considered

is a chance to meet and

Officer for Tata Steel UK, said:

greet customers old and new

“After the last few years, we are

in person. It will also be a

really looking forward to this

Director of Sales Tubes &

programme and was awarded

chance to showcase some

opportunity to connect with so

Engineering, said: “We are

a prestigious Steelie from the

major investments including

many customers in one place

making major investments to

World Steel Association. Tata

a completely new mill at the

and showcase our broad tube

further strengthen our Tubes

Steel is also the first steel

company’s Corby site and a


business and, as we come out

tube manufacturer to certify

of the coronavirus pandemic, I

all its operations to the BES 6001 international standard

new slitter at the Hartlepool

Meanwhile, Jacob Gerkema,

Tony Waite, Tata Steel

one of the pioneers of the EPD

site – both in the UK. Also on

Managing Director for Tata

look forward to meeting all our

show will be the latest product

Steel Tubes in the Netherlands,

customers to demonstrate how

for responsible sourcing in the

developments including high

said: “The combined offering of

we can help them succeed in

construction industry.

strength steels and new internal

tube products from Tata Steel

their markets.” Tube products from Tata

Potential clients are welcome to find out more about Tata

coatings for Contiflo precision

makes us a leader in steel tubes,


while our integrated supply

Steel are also at the heart of the

Steel’s future plans and talk to

chains ensure responsibility and

Energy Transition, from efficient

the company’s experts at the

sustainability are at the core of

HFI pipe to support ongoing oil

Tube fair in Dusseldorf between

our offering.”

& gas demand, through to pipes

20 and 24 June – Stand B47 in

tested for hydrogen compatibility

Hall 3.

With a range of advanced hotfinished and cold-formed tube products, Tata Steel’s strong commitment to sustainability

Tata Steel tube products are

PIMM Metals June/July 2022



Precision Inline Profile Measurement • Full profile measurement • Surface fault detection • 3D image analysis

Visit us: Hall 05 / Booth J12

Family owned since 1957, Zumbach is a global leader in the industry. Driven by innovation and experience. We are here for you and ready to build the future together. www.zumbach.com • sales@zumbach.ch 4

PIMM Metals June/July 2022


$2.5 Billion low carbon recycling and rolling plant investment meets growing U.S. aluminum Demand


American infrastructure.

U.S. manufacturing over the

harles Johnson,

continued commitment to U.S.-

president & CEO

based manufacturing and jobs.

This announcement represents

past year -- and more than $6.5

of the Aluminum

America is one of the best places

the largest single investment

billion over the past decade.

Association, issued

in the world to make aluminum

in U.S. aluminum production

The international picture is

the following

for five big reasons:

in many decades and we look

also positive. The International

c Shifting consumer preference

forward to continued and

Aluminum Institute recently

announcement by association

for more recyclable and

sustained growth for this

released a report developed by

member company Novelis of a

sustainable materials;

industry in the coming months

CRU Aluminum projecting that

and years.”

aluminum demand will grow by

statement following today’s

$2.5 billion greenfield low carbon aluminum rolling mill and recycling facility in Bay Minette, AL: “This

c A bipartisan commitment to

Estimated aluminum

strong trade enforcement; c An increased focus on

nearly 40% globally by 2030 –

demand in North America was

with significant growth in North America.

is incredibly exciting news for

sustainability and circular

up 7.7% year-over-year in 2021,

the domestic aluminum industry

production both globally and

significantly outpacing U.S.


GDP growth. Including today’s

aluminum industry is investing in

announcement, the industry

the future of U.S. manufacturing

had collectively committed or

visit https://www.aluminum.org/

invested nearly $3.5 billion in


and we congratulate Novelis on this historic investment. Demand is growing and our companies are meeting the moment with a

c A pivot to a more electrified world; c Historic investment in

To learn more about how the

Gain the cutting edge. • • • •

2D, 3D and tube fibre laser cutting machines from Europe Accessible high power and high performance American-made nLIGHT fibre lasers Advanced Lantek CAD/CAM nesting software

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ingeniumintegration.com PIMM Metals June/July 2022



Secopta analytics: Fully automatic inline PMI now also for black steel


aser-based system

factors, are removed fully

enables material

automatically. This makes it

testing without

possible for the very first time to

separate mechanical

analyze steel in black condition

sample preparation.

without having to grind the samples beforehand.

Teltow, Germany, 11 April


Given the rising demand


trade fair, Secopta is going to

for smaller production lots

present its new LIBS system

and the constantly growing

which, for the first time, enables

number of steel grades, reliable

fully automatic inline Positive

material identification along the

Material Identification (PMI)

entire process chain becomes

testing of long steel products

increasingly important in steel

in black condition. With more

production. For Dr. Christian Bohling,

than 99.9 percent reliability, the system identifies material whose

Identification (PMI) testing has

material identification processes,

one of the Managing Directors

chemical composition is not as

already become an established

very often even making separate

of Secopta analytics GmbH,

specified and removes it from

process in many mills. With its

mechanical sample preparation

laser-optical material analysis

the production process. Thus, the

FiberLIBS black bar system,


is the solution here: “Many

system can be used, for example,

Secopta now applies its range

to prevent that the wrong semi-

of inline LIBS systems for the

sample preparation system

automated. The automation

finished products are selected

first time also to black steel

integrated in their analyzers to

systems work very reliably.

for a downstream process.

products. The laser-based

the needs of black steel testing.

Therefore, the risk of material

For bright steel products,

system dramatically reduces the

Surface contamination, such as

mix-ups is very low. But as soon

fully automatic Positive Material

manual effort so far involved in

scale, oil and other interfering

as humans are involved, it’s a

Secopta has adapted the

processes in a rolling mill are

different story. Some manual activities may easily lead to material mix-ups, for example, when picking input or semifinished material from the store or charging a reheating furnace. Particularly, when safety-critical components are concerned, a mix-up can have catastrophic consequences.“ Other fields where LIBS systems are used include steel bath and incoming scrap analyses, and PMI of steel billets before reheating. In all these applications, LIBS ensures that no mix-up of material goes undetected and no products with wrong material properties are delivered to the customer.

Scan here to visit website 6

PIMM Metals June/July 2022


International Metal Tube Q&A: Erik Hedborg, CRU How would you summarise the

the answer to that question –

The problem with using recycled

current steel market?

as well as ‘when’.

steel is that you get impurities,

The steel market today is in the

so that needs to be offset by

However, we can make

middle of transitioning out of

some observations. The war

using other input materials with

a very unusual market hanging

has caused significant damage

lower levels of impurities, such

over from the pandemic in

to Ukraine’s steel assets, so

as pig iron. However, Ukraine and

2020/2021. For a long time,

it is difficult to imagine an

Russia account for nearly 60%

households were locked down

immediate return to previous

of global pig iron production,

and unable to spend on the

production levels after the

so there may well be an impact

service economy, so they spent

war ends. That said, Ukraine’s

on the move to scrab-based

instead on goods, which often

status as an iron ore exporter

production as a result.

contained steel. That, along

is less imperilled, with little

with other factors, saw demand

impact on those assets and

go very high and production

logistics from the war so far.

struggle to keep up. Costs and

That will be good for Ukraine

prices decoupled and spreads

and steel producers elsewhere.

same move away from Russian

Looking at Russia, economic

fossil fuels is exacerbating high

were extremely wide by

Erik Hedborg, CRU On the other hand, that

Does reduced Chinese demand for steel offset any of the supply side disruption? If so, how long can this be sustained before we see any further impact?

historical standards. That was

fallout and international

energy prices, which makes

great for steel producers, but it

backlash suggest that weaker

green steel production difficult

Reduced Chinese steel demand

was never a ‘new normal’ and

demand for Russian steel will

to do profitably. No doubt this

has limited impact on steel

always a matter of time before

outlast the current conflict.

will spur more investment in

markets elsewhere. To start

However, the bigger impact

renewables (itself a potential

with, steel markets tend to

the market readjusted.

may be from the removal of

source of demand for steel),

be quite regional (as opposed

to see now. Prices, lead times,

Russian metallurgical coal

but how long might that take?

to bulk commodities like coal

and margins are coming

from the market. Russia is the

That’s what we’re starting

Another complicating factor:

or iron ore, which are more global), so it’s not clear that

down worldwide and look

second biggest producer behind

a European push for green steel

very different even versus six

Australia on this front, and

will involve investing in Direct

Chinese demand would do

months ago. There are stimulus

Queensland’s coal production

Reduced Iron (DRI) production.

much with regards to supply

measures in place all over

has recently been hit by heavy

Eventually, this will use green

side disruption in, say, Europe

though, and Chinese lockdowns

rainfall, which has affected

hydrogen to replace coking coal

or the US. What’s more, while

are easing, so we may well

production – there could be

and reduce emissions, but in

Chinese demand has declined,

see more demand soon. On

issues for steel producers on

the short-term hydrogen won’t

production is still quite high, so

the other hand, there is the

this front.

be economical, and producers

inventories have built up over

may need to rely on natural gas

the course of the lockdowns.

in the interim – and once again

As those lockdowns ease in

we run up against the removal

the next few months – July

of Russian gas from the market

and August are seasonally

and high prices.

weak for steel demand in China

fallout of the war in Ukraine to contend with.

What ramifications might the war have for other long-term

The war in Ukraine has had

steel trends, such as the move

a significant impact on the

towards decarbonisation?

shape of the global steel market. Will there be lasting

This depends on a complex

Another long-term trend,

anyway – demand should start

interplay of factors. On the one

which also touches on

returning. However, despite

hand, there is economic and

environmental concerns, is the

China typically accounting for

political pressure for Europe to

shift towards more scrap-based

roughly 60% of global steel

move away from Russian fossil

rather than iron ore-based

demand, this is unlikely to have

fuels. That could catalyse the

production – something China

much effect beyond China’s

The question no one can

clean energy transition and

is particularly interested in but

borders, as that demand can

answer is: how will the war

increase interest in green steel

that also fits neatly with the EU’s

be met domestically by those

end? A great deal depends on

with it.

focus on a circular economy.


market consequences that outlast the current conflict, or will things revert to their previous state?

PIMM Metals June/July 2022



Advanced pipe freezing technology reduces maintenance costs


ransmission of

A liquid CO2 technique now

fluids in pipework

commonly used across the

play a crucial role

world is the Qwik-Freezer™

throughout the

System. A specially designed


insulating jacket is wrapped

industry, meaning any

around the pipe at the point

interruptions can be

where the freeze is required.

expensive. They can lead to

When liquid CO2 is injected

lost production if sections of

into the space between jacket

pipe need to be restored or

and pipe at a temperature of

if control gear such as valves

-78ºC (-108ºF) the pipe contents

and monitoring equipment

freeze and a secure “ice plug” is

have to be replaced. Often

formed which seals the pipe.

these requirements involve

The plug forms only in a

closing the entire pipe system

section of pipe covered by the

and draining off and safely

jacket so the resulting rise in

disposing of fluids.

pressure is very small and there

The concept of freezing the

is no damage to the pipe.

fluid either side of a section of

Liquid carbon dioxide (CO2) being used to freeze pipe contents either side of a valve prior to valve removal and replacement. nitrogen is passed through it.

remotely operated. This makes

of control gear is in widespread

Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) freezing

Alternatively, lightweight metal

it attractive for use in locations

use in domestic and commercial

Liquids in pipes up to 900mm

jackets known as ‘Cryo Shells’

where engineer access is

plumbing but this is limited to

(35”) diameter can be frozen

can be fitted around the area to


50 mm (2”) diameter tubes.

using liquid nitrogen. Of the

be frozen.

pipe for repairs or replacement

More recently techniques

various products available

Advanced temperature-


involving the use of liquid

the Accu-Freeze™ System is

monitoring units are available

Pipe freezing technology

carbon dioxide or nitrogen have

an example of a world leading

to control the surface wall

allows fluids to be frozen below

now extended the potential


temperature of the pipe to

using liquid carbon dioxide or

accurately and safely create an


to pipes up to 900 mm (35”) diameter and beyond.

Copper tubing can be coiled around the pipe upstream and downstream of the location

Carbon dioxide freezing

requiring attention and liquid

ice plug. The Accu-Freeze™ System is automatic and can be

Specially designed insulation and feeder hoses are used to deliver coolants. Continuous

Pipes between up to 200mm

temperature control during

(8”) diameter are commonly

the freeze operation can be

used for transport of liquids

incorporated. The use of freeze technology

in virtually every processing industry. Petrochemical

affords the opportunity to

manufacturing plants in

isolate sections of pipework

particular employs highly

for maintenance, repair and

complex pipework, valves,

replacement of valves and

pumps and monitoring


equipment to control product

Huntingdon Fusion

manufacture. Lubrication and

Techniques HFT® have a

fuel systems on aircraft, marine

Worldwide Exclusive Distributor

vessels and power generating


plants are also extensive users of this range of pipework diameters. This is also essential during liquid beverage and dairy product processing.


PIMM Metals June/July 2022

Example of liquid nitrogen freezing being used to isolate a pipe section with restricted access prior to replacement of corroded pipework.

Scan here to visit website


Introducing Xiris WeldStudio 3 and WeldStudio 3 Pro ™


eld monitoring of a process using a weld camera system can help verify

that the best quality welds are being achieved. An important part of effective monitoring of a weld process is to use software that controls the cameras, enables recording and playback, and provides the ability to extract information about the weld image for analysis. We are excited to announce the release of a new generation of software from Xiris Automation: Xiris WeldStudio™

Management, and a more

system is that it enables the

Xiris WeldStudio™ 3, the pro

3 and WeldStudio™ 3 Pro.

user-friendly interface with

weld camera system to start

version presents additional key

This software generation has

touchscreen controls.

up or be put in a validated

measurement tools, machine

Xiris Automation product

state, making it simple and

vision tools and compatibility

to an even easier solution for

manager Greg Cooke comments,

easy to use, especially for

with several add-ons.

weld monitoring such as a

“a large benefit of the recipe

industrial users and educators.”

Permissions System, Recipe

management and permission

With all the same features as

several features that contribute

Xiris Automation Inc. specialises in developing weld monitoring and inspection equipment used for process and quality control across several specialty industries. With an extensive product line of welding cameras, thermal cameras, and laser inspection systems, Xiris provides some of the world’s most dynamic manufacturers with the ability to detect, recognise, and interpret quality defects in their manufactured goods.

Scan here to visit website

PIMM Metals June/July 2022



No longer a pipe dream: Unison brings affordable ultra-precise pipe bending to Morse Hydraulics


nison Tube LLC of

out pipe bending in house, to

Danville, VA has

enable us to respond even more

assisted Morse

quickly to the varied needs of

Hydraulics, a

our customers. Secondly, as

leading US-based

a knock-on benefit, we also

provider of high-pressure

wanted to reduce the significant

hydraulic hoses and fittings, in

levels of bent pipe fittings that

removing its reliance on external

outsourced production meant we

suppliers for the bending of

were having to hold in stock.

specialist pipe fittings and, in

“Until we met with the team

doing so, also reducing the

at Unison Tube, our search for

volume of bent components it

the right pipe bending machine

holds in stock.

was proving challenging,”

Recently introduced by Unison to

One and the oil & gas industry.

he continues. “Many of the

assist precision manufacturing

The EvBend 1000 machine will

provide the right solutions with

lower-priced machines we saw

companies that require low-

precision bend tube and pipe

world-class products’, Morse

simply didn’t offer the levels of

volume, high- accuracy tube and

of up to 16 mm OD, while the

Hydraulics required a pipe

accuracy we were looking for,

pipe production and prototyping,

bigger EvBend 2000 machine, as

bending machine that would

whereas other fully automated

EvBend machines are CNC-

purchased by Morse Hydraulics,

offer uncompromising levels

CNC machines were either

controlled, manually operated

will precision bend tube and pipe

of accuracy and repeatability,

prohibitively expensive or

3-axis models that offer precise

of up to 50 mm OD.

yet would be well suited to a

offered capabilities we would

multi-plane bending at much

With a mission to ‘Always

manufacturing environment specialising in both one-off and

never use.” Listening to Morse Hydraulics’

“It was a pleasure to assist

lower cost than many fully

Richie and the team at Morse

automated CNC benders.

Hydraulics in finding the right

“Since the Unison EvBend

CNC pipe bending machine to

prompted Stuart Singleton, VP at

2000 was installed at our facility

meet their needs,” comments

says Richie Damian, owner at

Unison Tube LLC to recommend

in Portland, Oregon, we have

Stuart Singleton, of Unison Tube

Morse Hydraulics. “First and

one of Unison’s EvBend 2000

completely removed our reliance

LLC. “Although Unison is perhaps

foremost, we wanted to carry

power-assisted CNC machines.

on outsourced pipe bending and

best known for all-electric tube

have been able to significantly

and pipe bending technologies,

reduce our stockholding,” adds

assisting Morse Hydraulics

Richie Damian. “With bending

provided the perfect opportunity

on site, we are better placed to

to showcase our range of ultra-

deliver the high-quality hydraulic

precise manual machines, which

tube fittings our customers

are well suited to organisations

demand, as well as custom bend

bending small numbers of highly

even the most hard-to-find

specialised parts.”

fittings and connectors. Unison’s


thorough training ensured we

For more information, contact:

were producing saleable bent

Alan Pickering – joint managing

components from day one, plus

director, Unison Ltd

they are never more than a

T: +44(0) 1723 582 868

phone call away should we need

E: sales@unisonltd.com

small batch runs. “Our goal was two-fold,”

pipe bending requirements

them for guidance.” As an indication of the levels of accuracy they offer, Unison EvBend machines are widely used across aerospace, Formula


PIMM Metals June/July 2022

Scan here to see Unison video


Ondomat 2.0: Lang Tube Tec presents its new fully electric tube and profile bending machine for mandrelless bends


ith its Ondomat

for the car and vehicle industry,

of this machine: “The nice

2.0Lang Tube

aviation and space technology,

thing about our Ondomat 2.0

Tec, the quality

shipbuilding, the offshore

is that the machine is highly


industry, the furniture industry

customisable: it can be operated

of tube

and other industry sectors.

manually, subject to the

The Ondomat 2.0 also

necessary safety arrangements,

a genuine innovation onto the

features a CNC-controlled

but it also features an interface

market: this fully electric tube

axis and is thus suitable for a

which enables it to be operated

and profile bending machine for

broad range of usage purposes.

together with a cobot or as an

mandrelless bends is not only

As well as individual bends,

entirely unmanned production

the company’s first machine in

this tube and profile bending

cell. What is more, thanks

its ‘vertical bending direction’

machine can also perform up

to an extensive selection of

series. Lang Tube Tec is also the

to three bends in a single step

modules we can precisely

only manufacturer to offer a

and process several different

adapt the machine to the

fully electric ondomat. Together

components at the same time.

customer’s individual needs

with Dengler Tube Tec, Lang

The bending angle is freely

and thus directly meet their

Tube Tec is one of two brands



bending machines, has brought

operating under the umbrella

For Björn Brunner, a project

Björn Brunner is project manager and responsible for the technical development and project management of the Lang TubeTec brand.

Apart from its flexibility, the

of DenglerLang Tube Tec GmbH

manager at Lang Tube Tec,

Ondomat 2.0 is also remarkable

the entire set-up cycle to be

– a leading global developer

the interests of the company’s

for its ease of use especially:

completed automatically and

and manufacturer of CNC-

customers were paramount

the integrated Siemens “Simatic

also makes use of the machine

controlled bending machines

throughout the development

S7-1500” controller enables

intuitive. In addition, the space-saving design enables easy accessibility for servicing purposes. This tube and profile bending machine is also extremely robust and designed for a very long service life. “We aim to make production processes considerably easier for customers who use our Ondomat 2.0,” says Björn Brunner. In this context, Lang Tube Tec’s team of experts paid particular attention during the machine’s design process to keeping the noise level when an Ondomat 2.0 is in operation as low as possible. The machine also cuts energy consumption by 65% and ensures a clean work environment without any oil leakage. It complies with all of the safety regulations on the market, in line with EN 60204, EN ISO 13855, EN 61496-1 and EN

The Ondomat 2.0 is a fully electric tube and profile bending machine for mandrelless bends.

ISO 13850. PIMM Metals June/July 2022



Corporate culture That is Ernst Blissenbach – Forward Thinker and Go-Getter in ID Scarfing Solutions


rnst Blissenbach

end tools, some of which are

GmbH is an

patented, have been developed


from a customer perspective


in order to provide tube and


plant manufacturers with the

Highly Skilled Workforce

your tube production. We are familiar with and understand your requirements as well as the

and world market leader of

utmost robustness, sustainability

inside tube scarfing tools for

and cost effectiveness for

longitudinally welded tubes. On

their complex production

Benefit from our experts und increase the efficiency of your tube production

a national level this is confirmed

processes. All around the

Who are the people behind

by relevant rankings like TOP

globe tube producers and plant

Blissenbach? Ernst Blissenbach

Added value through support in process solutions

100, the Mannesmann Innovation

manufacturers rely on our

GmbH is a world market leader

What good does the best ID

Award and the Industry

products, process-technologies

because of the ideas of our

scarfing product do if it is not

Award, which unanimously

and services.

employees who develop and

perfectly integrated into the

implement them. These are

existing Tube production?

count Blissenbach among the

industry trends. We also keep you up to date.

most innovative companies in

We Develop Ideas for You

people who move mountains.

With our know-how and


Our innovations are sending

They are an elite group and

the support we provide for

a clear message: Ernst

their high skill level makes them

process solutions at the

It is this simple: Journey with us if you want to make it all the way to the top

Blissenbach has been at the

the company`s most valuable

customer`s site we make sure,

forefront of competition for


that BLISSart® Tools can be

For the past 30 years our

viable in future.

pioneering spirit and our

smoothly integrated into future

years so our customers remain With the BLISSart® Systems

Knowing what needs to be done

production processes. To that end our specialists,

innovations have made us a

any production of longitundinally

Our customers want sustainable

together with their contacts

forward thinking go-getter

welded tubes becomes safer,

ID scarfing tools. We want you to

in your company, will create

when it comes to inside tube

easier, more environmentally

have sustainable success in your

requirement analyses and tailor

scarfing systems and has made

compatible and more

production. And our experts

existing operations to individual

us an industry leader. The high-


know what is important for

requirements. On this ideal

12 PIMM Metals June/July 2022


technical universities they

and the international life cycle

manage to provide new

assessment. This requires

momentum. Ernst Blissenbach

the willingness to change and

GmbH exemplifies a culture

the courage to consistently

of innovation that pushes the

implement the changes found


to be necessary.

How does innovation actually happen at Blissenbach?

can benefit from our ID scarfing

Find out how your company

In order to be able to develop efficient ID scarfing systems for our customers we drill down

systems. Find out why we are offering you tomorrow`s solutions today.

25 years of success worldwide One thing is certain: The story of the Ernst Blissenbach GmbH is a success story. An unusual one, but not really unexpected. Since it was founded, this small but excellent company has been involved in the development and manufacture of special

basis, our innovations

tools for internal

offer maximum quality

deburring of longitudinally

assurance and provide

welded pipes

risk as well as cost reduction

and has been

through efficient systems.

offering the


most innovative system worldwide

State of the art technology “made in Germany” helps you derive economic benefit from environmental advantage

Advancing new technologies Blissenbach are synonymous

head of the company from

Blissenbach innovations

with robustness, longevity and

Remscheid, a smallt towen

do not remain in the idea

functionality. Their perfect

to the latest trends in industry,

near Cologne, and the engine

phase, but rather conquer the

design and construction reduces

research and the environment.

behind the whole development

market and set standards on

tool-related machine downtime,

That is where we find

is Ernst Blissenbach – to

a worldwide scale. Continually

avoids escalating costs and

inspirations for the innovation

this day. As early as 1973 he

new technologies guarantee

significantly increases the

and technology agenda of our

became self-employed as a tool

our enormous competitive

quality of inside tube scarfing.

company. But that is not all of

manufacturer, whereby the core

it: We also regularly evaluate

competence of the company

advantage as well as our

for many years. A system that is the absolute world leader in this segment - no wonder with a reject rate of zero. The founder and creative

ID scarfing systems made by

At the same time

customers` success is in

Blissenbach is actively engaged

the innovativeness of new

shifted to the production of

the long run. The mission:

in research to improve material

BLISSart® products, BLISSart®

drawing-related special tools

offering robust, sustainable

and production technology.

further developments and

from 1989.

ID scarfing solutions and

Through systematic and

innovation processes as well

In this time Mr. Blissenbach

shaping the future of tube

intensive cooperation with

as the effect on the market

met Dr. Jung from Mannesmann


technology centers and

with regards to the customers

Rohrenwerke Rath, who

PIMM Metals June/July 2022


NEWS confronted him with the thesis that in the coming decades there would be no pipe on the world market that wasn’t machined from the inside. This far-sighted prognosis made a lasting impression on Ernst Blissenbach, and he drew his own conclusions from it. That was the starting shot for his newest concept and development took its course. Despite many problems and setbacks in the early days, it was already clear that they were on the right track, and the first small, painstakingly worked out successes confirmed the correctness of the concept. In the course of the following years, constant number 1 in the international

Because despite all the pride in

which also led to some world

Blissenbach’s goal of continuing

ranking makes us to a

what has been achieved so far,

patents. In the meantime, Ernst

to secure the technological edge

benchmark and our customer

one shouldn’t lose the future

Blissenbach GmbH took the

through constant development

experience management is

out of sight. Modern thinking is

global leadership in its market

and shaping the market

certainly worldwide significant

therefore nothing modern, but

segment for over 15 years and

dynamically from the top is not

for more ecological and

simply our leitmotif. We reinvent

still it is.

really surprising: “To be the

economical pipe production.

ourselves. Again and again.”

further development took place,

14 PIMM Metals June/July 2022

Accordingly, Ernst


Introducing the Combi-FSE – the new electric sideloader from Combilift


rish forklift manufacturer Combilift has added yet another addition to its now extensive electric range with the launch of the Combi-FSE

– a four wheeled, two directional sideloader in both 5,000kg or 6,000kg lift capacity. As part Combilift’s drive to help customers achieve their aims of more sustainable operations, over 60% of the company’s output is now electric. Recent models such as the Combi-XLE and now the Combi-FSE focus on heavier duty application for industry sectors such as timber, steel, tubes & pipes and builders merchants.

recaptures the truck’s kinetic

the under-deck battery system,

work, centralised grease points

Thanks to Combilift’s immense

energy during deceleration

with the power pack strategically

on the front and rear of the load

engineering and design

and can be used to recharge

placed at the rear of the truck

platform and removable panels

experience, the Combi-FSE

the batteries to extend battery

between the drive motors -

for easy access to the motor.

delivers on all aspects of

life), makes for Combilift’s most

giving a clear line of sight to the

reliability, durability, powerful

advanced steering system on its

performance and ease of

four wheeled trucks to date.

Combilift CEO Martin McVicar

rear and when reversing, and

commented: “We introduced

guaranteeing the best

our first 4-wheel sideloader

operator visibility of any

around 10 years ago after initial

cab, particularly the roof to floor

comparable truck. This position

requests from companies in the

emission free electric operation

windscreen, allows the operator

also enables safe and easy

timber sector, and it has since

that more and more customers

to have an excellent field of vison

battery removal from the low-

become pretty much a standard

are demanding.

of the load, the machine and

level rear of the truck.

solution for those who run

maintenance, combined of

The generous glazing of the

course with the quiet and

The patented traction system

the surroundings. Considerable

Maintenance time has been

intensive schedules which clock

in this new product plays a major

engineering development to

kept to a minimum due to key

up many operational hours. The

part in ensuring the optimum

ensure optimum visibility for

service features such as its quick

technological advancements in

performance of the Combi-FSE in

the driver saw the perfection of

interchangeable battery for shift

battery technology since then

all weather conditions. Sensors

means that it was a natural

in the front steering axle linked

progression to develop this

to the innovative Electronic

electric model, which will help

Traction Control system enable

customers to drastically reduce

the 2 independent 15kW drive

their carbon footprint.”

motors on the rear axle to be


controlled individually, with the


speed of each wheel governed


by the steer angle of the front

Official FSE Launch -ENG

wheels to provide improved


steering control for the operator,

FSE Battery Change -ENG

better truck turning radius and


reduced tyre wear. This new

FSE Traction control explained

technology, when combined with

-ENG https://youtu.be/-

regenerative braking (which

yq2AS4kGNc PIMM Metals June/July 2022



Cut longer with Kennametal’s KCK20B and KCKP10 indexable milling grades ™

New grades offer higher wear resistance and longer tool life, increasing productivity in cast iron and compacted graphite cast iron machining


ennametal has

heads. While KCK20B delivers

introduced the

higher productivity in roughing

KCK20B and KCKP10

and semi-finishing operations,

indexable milling

KCKP10 is applicable for finishing

grades for higher

operations, but also works

wear resistance and up to 30%

exceptionally well when profiling

longer tool life when machining

and copy milling cast iron and

cast iron and compacted

steels up to 45HRC. “For customers where high

graphite iron components. Both grades offer higher productivity performance during roughing,

Available for many indexable milling product lines, the new grades come with a golden top layer for fast, easy wear identification, ensuring maximum tool life for each cutting edge.

semi-finishing, and finishing

causes of insert failure,” says


Gil Getz, Product Manager,

and consistent, repeatable

compacted graphite cast iron.” KCK20B and KCKP10 are

tooling cost and downtime associated with tool changes are especially important, KCK20B and KCKP10 grades promise to increase tool life tremendously,”

Kennametal. He notes that the

suitable for wet or dry cuts.

says Getz. “And for those who

High-Power Impulse Magnetron

new coating technology also

These include rotor hubs used

wish to increase throughput, the

Sputtering (High-PIMS)

increases cutting edge strength.

in windmills, pump housings,

new grades deliver there as well.

technology that provides a

“The result is high-performance

steering knuckles and gear

Either way, it is a win-win for

smoother insert surface and

milling in a broad range of

housings for heavy equipment,

any shop machining cast iron.”

optimal layer adhesion for less

cast iron alloys, including grey

and automotive components

Click here for more information:

flank wear – one of the leading

cast iron, ductile cast iron, and

like crankshafts and cylinder

KCK20B™ & KCKP10™

“The new grades feature

Cover more turning applications with Kennametal’s GUP-V Geometry The new Beyond™ Evolution™

profiling geometry enhances the

GUP-V insert.

Since the introduction of

capability of the best -selling

the Beyond Evolution platform,

grooving & cut-off platform

we have continued to focus on

Kennametal has introduced

enhancing its versatility, and

the new Grooving Universal

the new GUP-V multidirectional

Positive Profiling geometry

profiling insert is no exception

(GUP-V), expanding on its

says Robert Keilmann, Product

Beyond Evolution grooving

Manager, Kennametal. Together

styles feature the Triple-V

on the top, bottom, and

& cut-off platform. With the

with the other insert geometries,

Seating: Tight grip on the back

back of the insert, providing

addition of the new V-shaped

users can now groove, cutoff,

and top & bottom provides

superior rigidity that results in

single-sided insert, Beyond

face, and turn a wide variety

maximum stability, especially

excellent surface finishes and

Evolution can cover now more

of materials with just a single

when operating multidirectional

dimensional accuracy while

applications than ever and

tooling system. Simply put,

turning and profiling.

delivering the highest metal

helps to save tooling cost.

when a customer adopts Beyond

Like all other Beyond

Evolution for their turning needs,

Evolution inserts, the GUP-V

More information: Anna

cutoff, facing, and turning now

they do not need anything else.

profiling insert leverages a


also to profiling applications:

It is that versatile.

proprietary Triple-V seating


design that features contact

+44 1384 408060

Expanding from grooving,

the new Beyond Evolution

16 PIMM Metals June/July 2022

All Beyond Evolution insert

removal rates.


PRIVATE TREATY SALE Surplus To The Ongoing Needs Of


SMS 2-Step Submerged-Arc Welded Helical Spiral Pipe Mill

General Spiral Mill Specifications: Manufacturer: PWS (SMS) Year: 2009 Type: SAWH Pipe Diameter: 24” (609mm) – 60” (1524mm) Strip Width: 39” (990mm) – 76" (1930mm) Wall Thickness Range: – 1/4” (6mm) – 1” (25mm) Max Coil Weight: 50+ Tons Pipe Length: 32’ (9.75m) - 80' (24.3m) based on current configuration

Including Building & Equipment

Max Steel Grade: X-80 Yield Strength: 560 N/mm2 Forming Angle: 45-80 Degrees Strip Feed Speed: 1.6’ (0.5m) – 32.8’ (10m) Per Min. Tack Welding Speed: – 6.5’ (2m) – 32.8’ (10m) Per Min. Annual Tonnage Capacity: 250,000 Total Square Footage: 230,000 (21,367 Square Meter) Status: Installed In Plant

Turnkey Opportunities Available: Stupp Corporation Baton Rouge Campus Site Served by 2 Class 1 Railroads 12.5 Miles from Greater Baton Rouge Port 3.5 Miles to Mississippi River Inlet Close Proximity To Major Interstates: I-10, I-55, I-49 Total Site - 170 Acres

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Combilift: new product launch for the concrete sector


rish materials handling manufacturer Combilift has collaborated with some of its customers in the concrete sector to come up with a

newly developed product for the improved handling of what can be a problematic material to lift and move around. The attributes of this new model will also greatly benefit companies in other industries who deal with extremely oversized, heavy or bulky loads. Since Combilift was established 24 years ago it has always taken customer feedback on board when designing new products, and this has been a key

independently, enabling the

personnel. The operator can also

whereas this is now a one-person

component of the unparalleled

machine to lift swap bodies that

complete a full cycle without

job that takes as little as two

growth of the company which

are not on level ground. The front

having to exit the ergonomically

minutes with the Combi-SBT

now exports to over 85

platform is fitted with guides to

designed low level cabin.

which can be reversed under the


suit standard ISO corner castings,

swap body and quickly lift the

Swap Body Transporter – the Combi-SBT

no guides. Having guides only

Customer led design and development

on the front allows effortless

The development of the Combi-

enables easy operation on areas

The Combilift Swap Body

loading of the swap body as the

SBT was, in part, customer-

with compacted gravel where a

Transporter - Combi-SBT – can

operator needs to align only

led, as is the case for many of

perfectly level surface cannot be

transport of a wide variety of

2 guides, which when in the

Combilift’s new products. A


swap body containers ranging

correct position, guarantees the

major manufacturer of precast

from standard container swap

rear platform will also be in the

concrete had designed its facility

Martin McVicar comments

bodies to concrete wall panel

correct lifting position.

for high levels of production,

“Combilift product development

but the amount of finished

has always been solution-based

with the rear platform having

swap bodies from production

product from ground to travel position. The 3-wheel design also

Combilift CEO and Co-founder

to storage. With a maximum

Safety and visibility

concrete being stored around

and customer-led, and this new

lift capacity of 50,000kg, the

In terms of safety and visibility

the factory floor was slowing

model is a prime example of

machine is available with diesel

the Combi-SBT offers numerous

down production and reducing

successful collaboration between

or LPG power options. It has a

advantages compared to a shunt

the safe workable area. They

our customers who are experts

3-wheel design with 6 wheels

truck and trailer where you are

contacted Combilift to see if the

in their field, and our engineers

for lower ground pressure. Its

driving “blind” with the load

company could come up with

who have a wealth of experience.

rear wheels are hydrostatically

behind the driver. The cab is

a solution for quicker removal

This results in machines that are

driven and are steered from

mounted at 90° on the machine

of products that could lift the

not only 100% fit for specific

the front, ensuring excellent

and off-centre to the load which

concrete from underneath and

customer requirements, but


offers full 360° visibility and

operate in narrow confines

which often end up being used

line of sight to all areas of the

and the Combi-SBT was the

for other applications, for the

the machine bed support the

machine. With the addition of

result. Cycle times between

benefit of customers in other

load during transportation. In-cab

mirrors and a rear-view camera

casting have been reduced

industry sectors.

control of these ensures that

there are no blind spots, making

and workflow has increased to

the operator is in a safe, secure

the positioning the Combi-SBT

50-70 batches per day at 24T

position when the load is being

under the swap body quick

each. The previous truck and

lifted and lowered. The platforms

and easy as well as safer for

trailer combination took two

can also be lifted and lowered

the operator and surrounding

men about 15 minutes per load,

A pair of lifting platforms on

18 PIMM Metals June/July 2022

Scan here to visit website


GIFA 2019 Duesseldorf


ith the new

dorf accompanies Indonesia’s

one of the world’s largest trade

events GIFA

strong economic growth, opens

fair companies.


up an attractive market for

Indonesia new

international companies and

consequently extend the

platforms are

strengthens the world’s leading

portfolio ‘Metallurgy & Foundry

emerging for the upcoming

trade fairs GIFA, METEC,

Technologies’ of Messe

Indonesian metallurgy and


foundry industries. Messe Düssel-

to be held again as ‘The Bright

Credit Messe Duesseldorf Asia

GIFA and METEC Indonesia

World of Metals’ at the home base Düsseldorf next year. GIFA and METEC Indonesia Credit: Messe Duesseldorf-Andreas Wiese

will take place for the first time in

Wolfram N. Diener

Gernot Ringling

Düsseldorf, which pools the world’s No. 1 trade fairs GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST under the umbrella of ‘The Bright World of Metals’. Every four years it brings together the world

Jakarta from 13 to 16 September 2023. They provide Indonesia’s

behind the new trade fairs are

market leaders in metallurgy

metallurgy and foundry

Messe Düsseldorf Asia (MDA)

and foundry technology in

industry, which is experiencing a

in Singapore, the subsidiary of

Düsseldorf. At the same time,

sustainable upswing, with a new

Messe Düsseldorf Group for the

globally distributed satellite

professional marketplace while

Southeast Asian market, and PT

events create important

granting international industry

Pamerindo Indonesia, Indonesia’s

marketplaces for various regions

players access to an attractive

leading trade fair organiser that

of the world. The expansion

future market. The organisers

forms part of Informa Markets,

focuses on growth markets: PIMM Metals June/July 2022


Credit: Messe Duesseldorf - ctillmann

New GIFA and METEC Indonesia from 2023: Messe Düsseldorf focuses on powerful growth market

EVENTS by VDW (Verein Deutscher

rywhere in the country. Trade

Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken /

fairs can participate in this

German Machine Tool Builders’

success story and play an

Association). This enables

Credit: Messe Duesseldorf - Andreas Wiese

projects that are visible eve-

active role in shaping it.” The Credit: Informa Markets Asia

International Monetary Fund

Ian Roberts

(IMF) expects Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP) to grow by 5.4% this year alone, rising to six per cent in 2023.

Extensive ranges GIFA and METEC will cover

Bernd Jablonowski

the machine tool companies involved in these three trade fairs to benefit from their complementary ranges. Add to this, VALVE WORLD EXPO, the international trade fair for industrial valves held in Düsseldorf from 29 November to 1 December. With all its satellite

following METEC India (2004)

a comprehensive spectrum

Strong industrial trade fairs

events the-se trade fairs form

as well as GIFA and ME-TEC

of machines, plants and

At the same time, Messe

a world-wide and thematically

Southeast Asia, to be held in

technologies ranging from

Düsseldorf further expands its

complementing network now

Thailand in October 2022 for

additive manufacturing, foundry

strong position as an organ-

to be enriched by GIFA and

the first time, GIFA and METEC

machines and processing plants

iser of leading industrial trade

METEC Indonesia; precisely at

Indonesia 2023 will prove the

to new technologies for user

fairs. Bernd Jablonowski,

the perfect point in time, as

next milestones.

industries in various vertical

Executive Director Operative

Friedrich-Georg Kehrer, Global

markets – from the automotive

Trade Fair Business, underlines

Portfolio Director at Messe

Growth markets in focus

industry, construction, the

the relevance of this division:

Düsseldorf, explains: “Companies

Emphasizing the benefits for

energy and gas sectors to users

“Machinery, plant and equipment

are re-organising their global

all parties involved, Wolfram N.

in metal works and steel mills.

are our biggest field of expertise.

sourcing and purchasing

We provide platforms for a

structures and business is going

Diener, President & CEO of Messe

They will be co-located with

Düsseldorf, says: “We go where

Mining Indonesia, which PT

wide variety of industries: for

through a phase of recovery:

we see the highest potential:

Pamerindo Indonesia will already

those wanting to be successful

with our leading international

Asia, Latin America and Africa.

organise for the 20th time in

in their business – be it on

trade fairs and our versatile,

The demand for investment

2023. Southeast Asia’s largest

an interna-tional scale or in

international network of trade

in industry and infrastructure

international trade fair for mining

targeted markets – Messe

fairs we give companies a basis

is huge here – as is the need

equipment, minerals extraction

Düsseldorf is the place to be.”

for sustainable and stable

for professional trading and

and processing will offer the

The “Bright World of Metals”

international business.”

networking platforms to drive

metal-working and foundry

is complemented in thematic

these projects. This pays off for

companies of GIFA and METEC

terms by the “Wire, Tube &

Rising internationality

the national industries, for the

Indonesia welcome synergies.

Flow Tech-nologies” portfolio

Messe Düsseldorf also grows in

economic growth of the target

Together the three trade fairs

with the leading international

other sectors: after introducing

markets and for our international

form an integrated business

trade fairs wire and Tube. These

two new trade fairs abroad

customers with new business

platform for the supply chain

will reunite the international

in 2021 (ProWine São Paulo,

opportunities arising. In this way

in the segments mining, metal

players from these industries in

ProWine Mumbai), seven new

we remain a relevant partner

working and casting.

Düsseldorf from 20 to 24 June

events in total are scheduled for

2022. Concurrently held from


for business and strengthen the

Ian Roberts, Vice President

leading position of Düsseldorf’s

of Informa Markets Asia,

21 to 24 June will be METAV, the


No. 1 trade fairs.”

underscores the added value

international trade fair for metal-


of this cooperation: “The

working technologies, organised

GIFA Southeast Asia, METEC

Gernot Ringling, Managing

co-location will open more

Southeast ASIA, FoodAfrica

Asia, emphasizes the rele-vance

opportunities for Indonesian

Cairo). Until the beginning

of Indonesia in particular: “G20

found-ry, metal works and

of the Covid-19 pandemic

member Indonesia is already the

casting sectors to grow.

largest econ-omy in Southeast

Furthermore, as the largest

Asia and the tenth largest

economy in Southeast Asia,

worldwide. Forecasts show: The

the country offers new and

upward trend is continuing.

wider business potentials

Indonesia will steadily expand its

especially with the government

position – forerunners are nu-

plan in making Indonesia a

merous infrastructure projects

manufacturing hub for Southeast

and large-scale industrial



PIMM Metals June/July 2022

Credit: Messe Duesseldorf - Andreas Wiese

Director of Messe Düsseldorf

Friedrich Georg Kehrer

the international ac-tivities have entailed a constantly growing attendance at the homebase Düsseldorf – and the international share has gone up particularly here. For companies exhibiting at the trade fairs it clearly exceeds 70% as a rule – before and after the pandemic.


The green wave for the steel industry wire and Tube in June: Exhibitors present sustainable solutions on the way to the Green Transformation


he steel industry

to. For them, climate-friendly

Agreement of 2015. But the

is already working

steel as the basis for their

steel industry has already got

on nothing less

products is also an important

off to a strong start.

than a historic

aspect when it comes to being


environmentally friendly

transformation. Direct reduction

and competitive. The green

The steel industry is setting the course

based on hydrogen will replace

transformation covers all

thyssenkrupp Steel is a shining

the conventional production

industrial sectors – from

example of this. “If production

method as a clean production

suppliers to users.

is converted to climate-neutral

process – and experts agree

The European steel industry

steel by 2045 at the latest,

with this. Steel production

is responsible for 5.7 percent

we will be the largest single

based on carbon will lose its

of the total greenhouse gas

European consumer of CO2-

place at the top.

emissions in the European

neutral hydrogen”, says Dr Arnd

Union – which means that

Köfler, Chief Technology Officer

target to reduce emissions by

reducing emissions is a

(CTO), with confidence. In

around 30 percent by 2030.

mammoth task. By 2050,

principle, the steel industry will

A development that the wire,

it must be producing in a

be one of the main consumers

cable and tube industries are

climate-neutral manner. This is

of green hydrogen. What in turn

also paying close attention

stipulated in the Paris Climate

shows they are leading the way

The steel industry has the

PIMM Metals June/July 2022



when establishing hydrogen technologies as the key to decarbonisation. thyssenkrupp Steel aims to save 30 percent CO2 in this decade alone. To achieve this, four blast furnaces will be gradually replaced by direct reduction plants operated with green hydrogen from 2025, each supplemented by smelting units, in order to turn the solid raw material into liquid pig iron. According to thyssenkrupp, two billion euros will be needed for implementation by 2030, and up to eight billion euros in investments will be needed for the complete transformation.

Decarbonisation cooperation Salzgitter AG has also initiated the decarbonisation of its

ammonia back into hydrogen. In

mobility provider with a neutral

emissions. With the planned

processes and products. It

addition, large-scale electrolysis

CO2 balance by 2050, as part of

expansion of the hydrogen

plans to start production

is provided, which will generate

the Group’s goTOzero strategy”.

infrastructure in Germany,

of low-carbon on a new

green hydrogen with an output

production route from the end

of up to 1,000 MW. For this

recycling cycle for steel is to be

a large industrial plant for the

of 2025. “The expected CO2

purpose, a direct connection of

set up between Volkswagen’s

direct reduction of iron ore

saving after completion of the

new offshore wind farms to be

parent plant in Wolfsburg and

(DRI) in Bremen and a DRI pilot

transformation will be more

built in the North Sea will be

the integrated smelter plant in

plant in Eisenhüttenstadt in

than 95 percent”, the company


Salzgitter. Volkswagen is again

combination with electric arc

making the steel remnants of

furnaces by 2026.


In addition, a closed

ArcelorMittal intends to build

the production available to

cooperation to push forward

Low-carbon steel for the automotive industry

decarbonisation. The Group

Salzgitter has already agreed

down, processes them into new

Own process gases and hydrogen

has entered into an agreement

with Volkswagen AG to supply

steel products and delivers

With ‘H2Syngas’, Saarstahl

with Uniper to create the

low-carbon steel from the end

them to Wolfsburg for car

and Dillinger rely - together


with the engineering company

Salzgitter is entering into


SALCOS project, which is

of 2025. Volkswagen plans

part of the ‘Salzgitter AG

to use this steel in future

2030’ strategy. This project

projects such as the Trinity 1

is to be supplied with green

Salzgitter AG, which melts them

Paul Wurth (part of the SMS group) -, on the use of their

e-model. The automobile group

Expansion of hydrogen infrastructure

hydrogen for the production

wants to focus on reducing

ArcelorMittal aims to achieve

of considerable amounts of

of climate-friendly steel by the

CO2 emissions where they

carbon-neutral steel production

hydrogen in the blast furnace

international energy company

are primarily generated, i.e.

at its European sites by 2050

process. The corresponding

Uniper. SALCOS® (Salzgitter

during automotive production.

and to reduce emissions by 30

pilot plant was built in

Low Co₂ Steelmaking) is a

“In addition to the battery-

percent by 2030. “The German

cooperation with Paul Wurth.

transformation programme

powered electric powertrain

flat steel sites in Bremen and

to convert production to a

and aluminium components,

Eisenhüttenstadt are fully

by Paul Wurth – known as

hydrogen-based route.

this is especially the case with

integrated into the Group’s

dry reforming – enables the

own process gases and the use

“The new process developed

steel”, the Group explains. For

strategy on climate neutrality”,

conversion of the coking plant

is developing two projects

Volkswagen, the reduction of

the company explains. Two blast

gas produced in the coking

with green hydrogen. Here,

CO2 emissions in the supply

furnaces will be converted at

plant into a hot reducing gas

the company is planning an

chain “is a central component

the sites in order to blow in

or synthesis gas”, explains

import terminal that converts

in order to gradually become a

natural gas and reduce CO₂

Saarstahl. This is enriched

In Wilhelmshaven, Uniper


PIMM Metals June/July 2022


with hydrogen and then used

already begun and is setting

the market. “These must be

mammoth task that must now

as a reducing agent for the

itself high targets – but it needs

connected to the grid and

be mastered.

reduction of the iron ores. The

digital support.

their fluctuating production

injection of the hot reducing

According to the ifo Institute,

The exhibitors at wire and

must be controlled. As a

Tube 2022 are prepared for

gas into the blast furnace

the digital transformation

result, suppliers will have to

this and will present new

“leads to a considerable

of the energy industry – and

manage large data streams,

technological solutions from

reduction in coke consumption

ultimately the steel industry

including data on feed-in or

the wire, cable, tube and pipe

and thus to a reduction in CO₂

– is an integral part of the

local consumption”, explains

industries at the Düsseldorf


energy transition. It is one of

the ifo Institute. Digitisation

Fairgrounds from 20 to 24 June

the biggest IT projects of all

therefore not only supports

2022. For further information,

The green transforation is also digital

time. In the future, many new

efficient production, but also

industry and company news on

and decentralised producers

a sustainable distribution of

both trade fairs, please visit:

The green transformation has

of renewable energy will enter

energy to steel companies. A

www.wire.de and www.Tube.de.

This is how sustainable wire and Tube 2022 are: Premiere of the ecoMetal Trails in Düsseldorf in June To the tune of 1,900 exhibitors

have set themselves high

am and on Wednesday and

spontaneously join in on the

on 95,000 square metres of

environmental standards

Friday at 2.00 pm.

day is also welcome without a

net exhibition space, many

and all share the same aim:

global firsts at the trade fair

reduce emissions in order to

on Wednesday and Friday at

The meeting point for all trails

and 13 well- filled exhibition

bring about a speedy energy

10.00 am and on Thursdays at

is the ecoMetals information

halls: wire and Tube 2022 will


2.00 pm take visitors to SMS,

counter at the Nord entrance

Ampco, Klöckner and also

of Düsseldorf fairgrounds.


Press contact for wire and

serve up five days packed with

21 to 24 June (Tuesday to

technology innovations from

Friday) will see various tours,

20 to 24 June.

the so- called ecoMetal Trails,

The Tube Trails organised

The trails are free for


Tube :

departing from Nord entrance

all interested visitors.

Petra Hartmann-Bresgen M.A.

four out of five trade fair

at 10.00 am and 2.00 pm.

Registrations can be submitted

Ulrike Osahon

days there will be guided

The wire Trails guide

in the run-up to the trade

Tel.: +49 (0)211-4560 541/-

For the first time, on

tours offered to visit

participants to netzwerkDraht,

fairs online at https://www.


exhibitors whose factory

Rosendahl Nextrom, swiss


E-Mail: HartmannP@messe-

halls take sustainability into

steel holding GmbH, Aurubis

visitor and at https://www.

duesseldorf.de www.wire.de/

special consideration. They

and ArcelorMittal and start on


ecometals and www.Tube.de/

produce energy- efficiently,

Tuesday and Thursday at 10.00

visitors. Anyone opting to


PIMM Metals June/July 2022



New MD for Linde Material Handling UK Linde Material Handling UK Ltd has recently appointed Eamonn Parker as Managing Director


amonn was formerly

honoured to be taking over the

Vice President Sales

leadership of our market leading

& Marketing at Linde

brand in the UK and serving

Material Handling

our incredible colleagues and

UK & Ireland and

growing customer base as the

successor to Ulrike Just who will

new managing director of Linde

be taking a new role as Senior

Material Handling UK. I am now

Vice President, KION ITS EMEA

looking forward to leading the

UK & Ireland.

next phase of our customer first

Ulrike Just commented on

approach, with an organisation

the transition: “After completing

structured to focus on sales &

one of the largest business

service with support functions

transformations in the history

provided by KION ITS EMEA.

of Linde Material Handling UK

My priority will be to continue to steer Linde on leading the

& Ireland – in which we merged all regional entities into one to

exceptional Linde team! Eamonn

customers. I am very much

material handling market by

provide even more consistent

Parker, who has been part of the

looking forward to continuing

providing exceptional customer

customer service across the

Linde UK Board since 2018, will

my collaboration with Eamonn

service and developing our

UK - I will now focus on the role

be the perfect successor, as he

and supporting him in taking

people to make Linde a great

of Senior Vice President, KION

knows the business inside out.

our customer service to the next

place to work. It is a really

ITS EMEA UK & Ireland. I am

Thus, he can ensure continuity,


exciting time to see our brand

very proud of what we have

while at the same time putting

Speaking about his new

achieved in the last year with the

even more focus on our Linde

role, Eamonn Parker said: “I am


PIMM Metals Spring 2022

continue to grow from strength to strength.”


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