AUGUST 2022 ISSUE 13 £3

After the close of this year’s Brixham Pirate Festival, a number of members of the organising committee announced that they were standing down to make way for a new team. Raising money for 8 half a century
More difficult to understand is why Lesley Filce of Luluna Clothing saw so many pirates on her stall at Fantasy Forest in the grounds of Sudeley Castle, Cheltenham, in July! Scuttlebutt 4 News and rumours from The Pirate Brethren of the Seven Seas.
Financed by influential backers as a privateer, Captain William Kidd decided to go into full pirate mode. He was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged, his body placed in a gibbet to rot.
Festival focus 14
I’m always interested to learn how traders that supply the goods to ensure we pirates are suitably dressed and well-armed as we go about relieving land-lubbers of their treasure to support worthy charities throughout the land. Many had a hard time in the plague-ridden years 2020-21, but this has all changed in ’22.
The village of Appledore lies on the North Devon coast and is famed for its shipbuilding. It is also the home of Appledore Pirates, a community group launched in 1971 by men from Appledore Shipbuilders to provide local pensioners with a chicken dinner at Christmas.
Shantyman 18
Trading post 20
Broadside 7
Another three pirate festivals have filed reports from England and there is news from Binic on the French Côtes d’Armor.
Elaine Horton, who runs Pandemonium, an alternative market for steampunk pirates in Whitby, was delighted to find a surprisingly large contingent of pirates attending the town’s Goth Weekend in April. Of course, the formidable East Coast Pirates are based in Whitby and probably made their presence known.
Weapons, clothing, boots, hats, eye patches, earrings, tankards for grog and all manner of gear for pirates. How to become a pirate 24 List of active pirate crews from the coast of South Devon up to the shores of the Forth and Clyde. Where to see pirate action 26 Calendar of festivals or re-enactment events either organised by pirates or likely to be subject to a pirate attack.
Smuggler HQ at Dorset inn 13
The aptly-named Smugglers Inn, a member of the Hall & Woodhouse family, became a major landing place for contraband goods in the 17th century.
Two years of a global pandemic have shown that plans can all too easily be disrupted at a moment’s notice, but the outlook remains optimistic that by October the Harwich International Shanty Festival will be able to run in its usual format.
Captain’s journal 10 In his own words, Captain Summer’s faithful Bos’n, Davy, tells how their gallant leader was rescued from imprisonment in the Governor’s Mansion in Jamaica. A rotten end for a famous pirate 12
Volume 5 Number 13 August 2022 Pirate Plunder is an independent title published thrice a year in May, August and November for The Pirate Brethren of the British Isles. It aims to encourage the fundraising activities of pirate crews by promoting pirate festivals and other events where charitable pirates are to be found. EDITORIAL Cap’n Davy Young Young Editorial Services 52 Rickman Hill, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 3DP Tel: 01737 551687 Mob: 07785 796826 E: PRODUCTION Anthony Wiffen ASTAC Business Publishing Ltd Tel: 01460 261011 Mob: 07557 280769 E: PRINTING Advanced Print 170-172 Brighton Road, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 2NE Tel: 020 8668 1411 E: one-thirdbrediscommunityChairPiratefellowlook-alikeFront©2022ISSNwww.advanced-print.cominfo@advanced-print.com2516-5607YoungEditorialServicesCover.CaptainJackSparrowWayneTrumanbefriendspiratesatTheMatlockBathMutiny.Inset:ThepresentofAppledorePirates,agrouplaunchedin1971,TerryBailey,whowasbornandinthevillageaswereaboutofthe20-strongcrew. August 2022 c Pirate Plunder 3
Festivals have returned and, starved of action during the pandemic and encouraged by Caribbean style weather, so have The Pirate Brethren. Strangely though, they have not been limiting their forays to pirate festivals, but according to my sources have been witnessed spending freely at stalls in festivals with little or no connection with piracy.

An alternative word for pirate is buccaneer. A number of new words, including ‘barbecue’, were introduced to the English language by the famous Privateer William Dampier (1651-1715). It was taken from the Arawak Indian word ‘barbacoa’, which was then translated into French as ‘bucan’, a grill for smoking viande boucanée (dried meat) for use on ships at sea and eventually led to the term ‘buccaneer’. An amazing explorer, Dampier was the first Englishman to explore parts of what are now Australia and the first person to circumnavigate the world three times. On a later voyage, he rescued Alexander Selkirk, a crewmate,formerwhois thought to have inspired the classic tale of ‘Robinson Crusoe’ by Daniel Defoe. a fact
Faversham pirate inspired Jack Sparrow
Pirate Plunder c August 20224 Scuttlebutt O n 28 May, an article by wasCreek.sailingyearsSharkey)withWardthisthespokenPlunderFestivalideahasDevelopmentthefactunconnectedmaybutsuggestedfirstfranchise.PiratescharactertheJohnturnedtheKentOnlineWarrenGerryinclaimedthatFavershamfishermannotoriouspirateWardinspiredflamboyantleadofWaltDisney’softheCaribbeanThisisnotthetimealinkhasbeentoJackSparrow,thecurrentinterestnotbeentirelywiththeClaireWindridge,town’sEventsandOfficer,beenexploringtheofafuturePirate(Editor:Piratehasalreadytoher,offeringmagazine’ssupportinendeavour).Bornin1553,John(AKAJackWardthenicknamespenthisearlyasafishermanoutofFavershamAround1604,hepressedintoservice on the Lyon’s Whelp, a ship in King James’ Channel Fleet, but soon deserted and stole a 25 ton barque from Portsmouth Harbour. His comrades elected him Captain, thought to be one of the earliest precedents for pirates choosing their own leader!Capturing ever larger ships, he sailed for the Mediterranean and embarked on what was a successful career in piracy from his base in Tunis, adopting a Moslem name, Yusuf Reis, and converting to the religion along with his entire crew. He commandedeventuallyawhole fleet of corsairs, whose flagship was a Venetian 60-gunner. In 1612, he retired from active piracy, but continued to instruct younger corsairs in the skills of gunnery and navigation, living a life of considerable luxury until his death at the age of 70 inDefinitely1622. lacking the looks or charm of Johnny Depp’s character, an English sailor who saw him in Tunis in 1608 allegedly described Ward as “very short with little hair, and that quite white, bald in front; swarthy face and beard. Speaks little and almost always swearing. Drunk from morn till night...the habits of a thorough salt. A fool and an idiot out of his trade”.

Sem Vine of Weymouth has sent out the following call to The Brethren: “All ye rascally crews be invited to rally from Friday, 14 October, in the old port o’ Weymouth, where entertainments and general shenanigans will be occurring from 3 p.m. On the Saturday mornin’ all ye pirates, young and old, all ye drummers, doxies, ruffians and rogues, be called forth to join in the Pirate Parade, to process throughout the town in piratey fashion.
“Pirate pandemonium based around the ancient site of Boot Hill will ensue during the day and as night descends, performers and musicians from far and wide will be entertaining ye and a Pirate Bazaar will be tempting one and all with their fine wares in exchange for some shiny Doubloons.“OnSunday, for those scallywags and strumpets who have survived such mischief and naughtiness, there will be the traditional Survivors’ Party, where the ship’s surgeon will most likely be prescribing the hair o’ the dog.” For more information regarding times, locations and illustrious lineups, please visit: weymouthpiratefest.comwww.
There be those out there who have many a time partaken of the infamous Dolmen Pirate Parlays. There also be those out there who have heard the tales of the days and nights of piratey mayhem in old Weymouth town, of the laughter that cheered the soul, the hullabaloo that excited the body and the music that stirred the pirate heart.
It’s big, it’s bad and it’s back!
Celtic rock band, The Dolmen, with stupendous support from We Are Weymouth (BID), now brings you scurvy dogs of the Seven Seas Weymouth Pirate Fest ’22 from 14-16 October.
August 2022 c Pirate Plunder Scuttlebutt

Left to right: Dave Seear, Brad Wicks and Giles Gray of the Devon Rum Company.
World Ocean Day celebratedJune)(7was by the Devon Rum Company when it announced a new sustainability partnership with Till the Coast is Clear!This new partnership will see the multi awardwinning rum brand raise funds and awareness for Till the Coast’s vital ocean conservation work – helping to make the world a cleaner place, one piece of plastic at a time. Furthermore, they’ll be helping to spread awareness through social campaigns, giveaways and by joining Till the Coast is Clear at coastal cleans throughout the year. Till the Coast is Clear was founded by Gary Jolliffe in 2018. Since then, this community interest company has worked tirelessly to improve the condition of our natural environment, removing more than 12 tonnes of plastic waste from the South Devon coastline alone, while also connecting people to the great outdoors. “The results achieved by Gary and his crew in just four years are phenomenal,” said Dave Seear from the Devon Rum Co. “They prove that some of the damage we’re doing to our natural environment can be undone, but only if we work together.”
Till the Coast is Clear relies on a large team of volunteers to carry out their regenerative work along Devon’s shorelines. These volunteers willingly give up their time to remove plastic pollution, using special boats and kayaks made from recycled plastic and fishing nets. As a result, they’ll be raising funds to support this critical work in several ways, including collecting donations through their website and at events during the coming months.Onthe help his organisation receives from local firms, Gary Jolliffe said: “We are very fortunate to be supported by several great brands, who are all working hard to minimise their environmental impact and maximise their social and community impact. Devon Rum Co. has designed their business around these important principles and it is great to be working with their award-winning team”.
For more information on Till the Coast is Clear and to support their cause, please visit:
New pirate group
6 Pirate Plunder c August 2022 Scuttlebutt Privateer and Ships Surgeon 17th & 18th Century MedicalTel:JeffRe-enactmentLippman07796145911
Fund-raising with rum
On 20 August, David Farrar (AKA Davy Sharkeye) posted his official resignation from the Gunpowder Pirates on Facebook as he has decided to start his own pirate re-enactment group called Sharkeye’s Pirates. The group’s website is not yet ready to open online, so he has advised those wishing to sign articles to keep a weathereye open for when it appears on the horizon.

At the Captain’s table are from left to right: Sam Ellison, Lorna Sedman, Nicola Blake, Darren Collins, Clairelouise, Louisa Anderson, John Ingram, Casey Vandenberg, Phil Nelson, Sean Twomey and Russell Timbrell (picture courtesy of Chris Slack Photography).
he Brixham Pirate Festival began in 2002 when members of the community decided to create an event to liven up one of the quietest bank holidays of the year. Since those humble beginnings, the Festival has grown into one of the biggest pirate gatherings in the world, with thousands of people descending from all over the world for a long weekend of swashbuckling fun and seaside shenanigans set against the authentic backdrop of the historic port.
The Mermaid Inn Hotel c Restaurant c Bar
The 2022 event saw thousands of Pirates make their way to Brixham for the biggest Pirate Festival yet, with the tall ship ‘Atyla’ in port over the three days and live music from acts, including The Dolmen, Black Friday, Fury, Captains Beard, The Boarding Crew, Seas of Mirth, The Filthy Spectacula, Gurdy Bird, the JollyRoger band, Queen Anne’s Revenge and Reivers’ Gallows. The Trafalgar Gun Company also took part, bringing a taste of what it would have been like to be in a 19th century naval battle. Wearing authentic uniforms, they used reproduction gun-decks, guns on carriages and artillery to fire salvos over the harbour, together with a small galleon manned by re-enactors such as the Sheppey Pirates, Star Gun Co and The River Rogues taking part in skirmishes with the tall ship. After the close of this year’s Festival, a number of members of the organising committee announced that they were standing down to make way for a new team. A ‘Call to Arms’ was published and a date set for a Parlay to meet any fresh blood. The meeting was well-attended and after a few weeks’ preparation, the new crew was welcomed aboard the Golden Hind. The excitement and enthusiasm amongst them is intoxicating and augurs well for events to come. A spokespirate said, “We don’t want to change the Festival that Brixham has come to know and love, but sail it into the future as there are adventures on the horizon”. In 2023, Brixham Pirate Festival is planned for May Bank holiday Weekend from 29 April to 1 May.
Louisa BrixhamAndersonPirate Festival
The article on our crew looks fabulous. Thank you so much and thanks also for adding in the last-minute details about Brixham too. Our crew be mighty pleased and excited to receive their copies (Editor: I’ve featured a different pirate crew in every issue and intend to go on doin’ so until the last one listed in ‘How to become a pirate’ on pages 24-25 has received the recognition due to ‘em).
A warm welcome awaits pirates and smugglers at this 600-year-old inn 01797
August 2022 c Pirate Plunder 7 Broadside

Pirate Plunder c
T he village NorthliesAppledoreofontheDevon coast and is famed for its shipbuilding, once having the largest covered yard in Europe. It is also where they built a full size reconstruction of The Golden Hinde, which can be visited in St Marie Overie Dock where she is now moored in the heart of London.Thevillage is also the home of Appledore Pirates, a community group launched in 1971 by men from Appledore Shipbuilders to provide local pensioners with a chicken dinner at Christmas. This has now become a three-course meal served by the pirates in the Community Hall, with carols and entertainment.Thecrewhas a full diary, including a Summer Carnival led by the village silver band followed by the Carnival Queen and her attendants in a gig boat, crabbing competitions, occupying stalls at other events and weekly bingo sessions.
August 2022 Raising money for half a century
Another popular event is Firework Night, which brings the village to a standstill with a bonfire and firework display on theThebeach.year ends with a torchlight procession through the village led by the band and Father Christmas, culminating with a carol service at theThechurch.present Chair is Terry Bailey, who was born and bred in Appledore as were about one-third of the 20-strong crew. The rest are what he terms ‘blow-ins’ but makes the point that village groups wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for like-minded newcomers, adding that it’s not where you come from that matters – it’s what you do when you’re here that counts! He has been a pirate since 1984 and volunteers at the North Devon Maritime Museum, as well as conducting local history

Terry and the crew of Appledore Pirates have raised a great deal of money, mainly for local causes, throughout their long history, including: play equipment, football kit and cooking aprons for the local primary school; picnic benches and mushroomhand-carvedseats for the village green; renovation of the village hall; help for local families with disabilities; and new lights for the Appledore Christmas Angel. Donations have also been made to the Appledore Instow Ferry, the Maritime Museum and the local football club.Not every effort at raising money has proved entirely successful. Terry would rather forget about the idea of locking people in the stocks on their birthday and, on another occasion, auctioning a custard pie (mixed results). The less said the better about delivering Womblegrams to parties wearing Uncle Bulgaria and Madam Cholet Womble suits. After a trip to South Devon for the Plymouth Pirates Weekend this year, he is now planning a similar event for Appledore in 2023.
The Pirate Shop in the North Wales town of Conwy is the UK market leader for swords, daggers, guns, clothing, flags and accessories. A global distributor for Red Dragon Armoury, we sell the products of major international manufacturers such as Deepeeka, Windlass, Art Gladius, Medio Evo and Marshal Historical in the UK. We also stock other wellknown brands such as Hanwei, GDFB and SPES.
On-site facilities at our 12,000 sq ft warehouse and distribution centre only five minutes from the centre of town include a trade showroom and a product development studio.
August 2022 c Pirate Plunder
To make an appointment, please call us on: 01492 541300 Admiral Nelson’s Fighting Sword walks since 2006. He has even led a pirate walk on Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel, which was once the base for Barbary pirates, who embarked on slaving raids from the island to capture Europeans for sale in Algiers. In addition to the Barbary Pirates, from1628-34 the island was plagued by privateers of French, Basque, English and Spanish origin targeting the lucrative shipping routes passing through the Bristol Channel.
PrirateShop_PP_Aug_2022.indd 1 30/08/2022 14:00

I ’m wrytin this for Cap’n while he slips off his welcom back grog. Few days ago we anchord off Jamaica to thieve a book his ma told him to get. All to do with the spirits we’ve been seeing and how to get rid. He put his church gear on and made for the harbour, next mornin this peacocked landsman appears, rowin a jolly and still wearin his wig and finery. Said the Cap’n was caught, I said how, he said he tried to jump through a brick wall, I said that sounds right. I was going to keep him and give him to the galley, but he said he’s in the pay of Ethan and I know what that means, I’d sooner slice off me giblets and fling ‘em in the sea frankly. So a rescue was needed and men required. A crew’s not the same as a Navy ship and you all get a voice, so if anyone’s risking life and limb outside the bounds of agreed pirating they have to make the choice to do so. A lot of the lads ha’nt known the Cap’n as long as me and Chalky so volunteers were thin on the ground, we got enough in the end when Chalky made them volunteer, of their own free will o’course. We’ve a lad called Charly, who’s a champion cutpurse, to watch him work’s a sight to see. He’ll mark his target, a fine gennelman or a merchant, then he’ll approach and have them looking evry which way but where he’s working. Then skip away with the goods without them ever knowing they were robbed. So that’s the way of it if you can’t fight your way through, they’ve to look where you aren’t. In planning, Ethan’s lackey gave us the grounds of the place. The gaol’s on the West side under the big house with gardens all around and soljers without and within. Chalky asked where he kept his shine. The vault’s on the East, which gave us pause. Gennelmen have a love for gold as lusty as any pirates. It’s one of the many things we have in common. Make an attempt on the vault and slip in quiet to free the Cap’n was the idea. So off we went into the dark night, Charly we tasked with rooting out the key, four volunteers in black with pistol, shot and black powder bombs to make as much noise near the
Captain’s journal 16 th January, 1674
These modern-day re-enactors dressed in uniforms of the 17th century were based at Landguard Fort in Felixstowe not the Governor’s Mansion in Jamaica. The Fort saw action in 1667 during the Second Dutch War when 1,500 Dutch marines landed at what is now called Cobbold’s Point, marched down the coast and attacked from the landward side. The garrison fought back vigorously and the assault failed (picture courtesy of Landguard Fort).

16 th January, 1674 August 2022 c Pirate Plunder vault as they could then run, and finally me and Chalky to free the Cap’n.When the bangs and shouting started we watched to see the redcoats scurryin. Most went to the vault, some to the big house to protect their lord. We went runnin, straight to the gaol. Shot and kicked our way through a couple of side doors where we were joined by a glum-lookin Charly. He’d found the barracks and he’d found the gaoler, fast asleep face down in a plate of food. Oh ho, this’ll be easy he thought, but no keys, anywhere to be seen. Well there was nothing for it but to check the cells to see what could be done and if all we’d got was a chance to say farewell then I’d take it for James is as a brother to me. On checkin the cells, all were empty. No Cap’n, no rescue, no farewell. It wouldn’t be the first drop they’d done head of time and I dunt mind saying I lost hope we’d see him again. Then Chalky yelled from up the stairs for me to come so come I did and found my two lads standing with two maids, ceptin one maid wasn’t a maid, it was James in a mobb cap clutching a book! Turns out the maid being one of his girls, let him out in exchange for a place on the crew which shows roguishness steers a felloe right as well as wrong.‘That the book?’ I asked, ‘no time for that’ he answered and away we went. First thing he called for when we got back to the ship was rum, the second was breeches and shirt, finally he stumbled with Kate into his quarters where from what I could tell, he fell asleep immediately and snored like a woodsman sawing planks. So much for roguishness. Glad to have you back Cap’n.
watchedstartedshoutingandwetosee the redcoats scurryin.Most went to the vault, some to the big house toprotect their lord. We went runnin, straight to the gaol.
When the bangs

aptain William Kidd (1645-1701), the son of John and Bessie Kidd, was born in Dundee, Scotland, and came from a sailing background – his Father is believed to have been lost at sea. He was acknowledged to be a fine seaman, but his arrogant personality led to arguments often leading to violence. By 1689, he was a privateer in command of the ‘Blessed William’, but his men soon tired of his abuse and opted for mutiny, leaving him stranded when the ship docked at the isle of St. Nevis in the Caribbean. He made his way back to England and in1695 was financed by influential backers, including King William III, to seek out and destroy pirates that were preying on shipping routes in the Indian Ocean. Thanks to a Letter of Marque, Kidd was also free to plunder any French merchant vessels that crossed his path. He set off from Plymouth in May, 1696, with a crew of 80 manning the 34-gun ‘Adventure Galley’.Once on station, the crew were afflicted by tropical diseases and there was no sign of the pirates they were looking for, which included Thomas Tew, Thomas Wake, William Maze and John Ireland. Months passed and with the ship in need of repair and the crew increasingly mutinous, Kidd decided to go into full pirate mode seizing any ship he could find. He set off for the Red Sea (not part of his mission statement) and attacked the 36-gun ‘Spectre’ of the East India Company. This was an act of lunacy and would lead the privateering syndicate to disown his actions. The skirmish was in any case, a failure and Kidd withdrew to continue marauding easier targets. Two weeks later, however, he hit the nautical jackpot by capturing the 400 ton ‘Quedagh Merchant’ carrying silk, opium, sugar, iron and calico. Brandishing his Letter of Marque, Kidd declared that the ship was being taken as a prize for King William. He sold the contents at Caliquilon, but decided to transfer his flag to the larger vessel. By now his exploits had become common knowledge back in England to the great embarrassment of the syndicate. He was arrested and his treasure was estimated at £400,000, but was this true? As much as £14,000 worth or gold, silver and jewels was recovered and it was surmised that he may have buried the rest, possibly at Gardiner’s Island, off East Hampton on the East Coast ofKiddAmerica.wasreturned to London where he was held in Newgate Prison. Charged with piracy, he was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged. Stunned by the verdict, he exclaimed: “My Lord, it is a very hard sentence. For my part I am the innocentest person of them all, only I have been sworn against by perjured and wicked persons”. He was hung at Execution Dock, Wapping, on 23 May, 1701, and his body placed in a gibbet at Tilbury to rot. He made his way back to England and in1695 was financed by influential backers, including King William III, to seek out and destroy pirates that were preying on shipping routes in the Indian Ocean.
A rotten end for a famous pirate
12 Pirate Plunder c August 2022

The Revenue made many attempts to capture French Pete, but with the support of local people he managed to evade arrest. There is a tale of one Revenue Officer who hid in the fireplace to capture him when he arrived, but when he strode through the door after another successful trip across the channel, the landlord offered him gin instead of his usual brandy and pointed silently to the fireplace where the officer was hiding.
The Purbeck Pirates were only there for the drink.
More information from
August 2022 c Pirate Plunder
E arlier this year, Cap’n journalSummer,Jameswhosecanbe found on page ten of this issue, and his fiancée, Pirate Rose, were passing though the village of Osmington Mills on the Dorset Coast and, being lunchtime, they stopped off at the village pub. This is the aptlynamed Smugglers Inn situated in a fold of the cliffs on the South West Coast Path overlooking the Isle of Portland. A member of the Hall & Woodhouse family, it has a beautiful garden to enjoy during the Summer and its cosy oakbeamed interior offers the comfort of roaring log fires when the mist rolls in from the sea on WinterOriginallynights.built in the 13th century, with a brewery at the rear, it was created by joining three cottagesfishermen’stogether and because of its position in a steep-sided valley with winding lanes that led down to a sheltered beach, it became a major landing place for contraband goods in the 17th century.
An infamous smuggler called Pierre Latour, but better known as French Pete, made his headquarters at the inn, which was then named The Crown. He smuggled brandy and other illicit cargoes on his boat, L’Hirondelle (The Swallow), a fast, lightly-armed cutter wellsuited to the smuggling trade, and worked closely with landlord of the inn, Emmanuel Carless, to distribute what he brought ashore.
Pierre announced that he had a chill in his bones and asked if the landlord would light the fire. The man was soon smoked out of his hiding place and having been told hair-raising tales of the smuggler’s exploits, he accepted a glass of brandy to calm his nerves and fled from the inn followed by the mocking laughter of the locals!These days, the Smugglers Inn provides a friendly welcome to guests staying in its choice of four
Smuggler HQ at Dorset inn

August 2022 Festival
Purbeck’s favourite pirate, Jax Parrow, was captured on the first day of the Festival by a member of the Wimborne Militia.
The sound of cannon fire reverberated around the Sandpit
A fter absencethe of the Pirate Festival in 2020 and 2021, it most certainly returned to the Purbeck town with more than its fair share of musket fire, the boom of cannon and the clash of sword and pike for 2022. Held on the same weekend as the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, it took the form of a living history festival. There were demonstrations of musket drill, a cannon display courtesy of the Wimborne Militia and the South Seas Buccaneers, and an outstanding display of sword skills by the Greyhounds of St Edmunds.Theliving history camp was open to the public to wander around and ask questions about aspects of the lifestyle led by pirates such as shot making and some interesting discussions were held around the advantages and risks of fighting with musket, cannon or sword. Pieces of eight were on show, with many a ware being displayed, haggled over andThesold.trial of Jax Parrow played by Simon Steadman, professional Jack impersonatorSparrow and freelance pirate, was held on both days, although there was a cry of disbelief when he was captured by the militia on the first day, but all was settled by foul play from the pirates on the second day, which led to hisWhilstescape.the organisers,
Pirate Plunder c focus
A community event to celebrate all things ‘piratey’, The Matlock Bath Pirate Mutiny in the remainsFishpondandcontinuesDerbyshirelandlockedtowntogrowwhilstTheFreehousethecentreof entertainment, there were stalls to browse and activities to watch in the town’s attractive Derwent Gardens from 6-7TheAugust.good weather saw around 60 pirates taking part in the ‘Mutiny’ watched by over 100 Mutiny at Matlock
Swanage hostspirates v militia Colin and Dawn Honey, were unable to arrange the skirmish on the beach or the pirate parade due to the Jubilee celebrations, they assured visitors, “Fear not, both will return in 2023”. They both deserve much credit for the success of this year’s Swanage & Purbeck

“Well done to everyone on organising such a brilliant day for the whole family and we’ll see you in 2023!”
The event benefited two local charities and fundraising took place all day for the Eastbourne Bonfire Society and St Wilfrid’s Hospice.
The Britton family, who’ve supported the festivities of Hastings Pirate Day for the past four years, remembered seeing a report about Pirates on the Pier in 2021 and were determined not to miss the fun this time. Zoe Britton enthused, “It was a really great event, but I would love to see the whole town get involved and embrace Pirates on the Pier in Eastbourne (Editor: I agree - pirates should be made welcome).
On Saturday, 6 August, Pirates on the Pier (POP) returned to the stunning Victorian pier in the East Sussex town of Eastbourne for a second year. The event was launched at 11 a.m. by the DrummersPentacleand the deafening sound of their such as The Captain’s Beard played to acclaim outside the Drop in the Ocean bar. Also on the programme were The Zen Relics, The Gulls and The Bitter Pills.
Sandpit Field site. The Captain’s Beard playing outside the Drop in the Ocean bar.
Pirates go POP in Eastbourne Matlock and
August 2022 c Pirate Plunder Festival focus

Poster for the 2022 edition of Grain d’Pirate in Binic. two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2022 edition of Grain d’Pirate has taken place once again. Pirates, wenches and support staff all worked with determination to make this return to the port and sands of Binic a great experience for young and old alike. Visitors were also charmed by the quality and enthusiasm of the artists and thewhotheentertainers,professionalaswellasbeachre-enactorsaddedcredibilitytoFestival.
The association wishes to thank the municipality of Binic-Etable sur Mer for believing in the future of Grain d’Pirate, to the technical services for their anticipation and responsiveness to the little
Pirate Plunder c August 2022 Great Selection of 6 Cask Ales & over 50 Ciders Varied Menu with Light Bites and Specials Boards Friday Night Steak & Wednesday Night Curry Deals Traditional Sunday Roasts Large Beer Garden with Children’s Play Area Occasional Live Music Heated Smoking Area 3 Star Accommodation ~ All Ensuite Rooms, One with Disabled Facilities Car Park with Reserved Parking for Residents The Red Lion 63 High Street, Swanage, BH19 2LY E: Tel: 01929 WWW.REDLIONSWANAGE.CO.UK423533 Dorset Hospitality in a Family-Run C17th Traditional Inn TheRedLion_PP_Aug_2019.indd 1 09/07/2019 06:47 P assionate about the era of piracy, as well as entertainment,live a group of inhabitants in Binic on the French Côtes d’Armor decided to recreate that adventurous period of history, bringing it to life for local people and attracting tourists to the town.InMarch, 2014, the Grain associationdreamsareIttocountycomingre-enactorsfollowingatcorsairsgatheringtodedicatedtopracticalandorganiseofthereandassociationd’PiratewasbornquicklydiscoveredwasnoshortagewillingcrewtohelptheFestivalcarryoutthemanytasksnecessaryensureitssuccess.Alltheirskillshelphostalargeofpirates,andbuccaneersthefirsteventtheSummer,withandspectatorsfromallovertheandevenbeyondenjoythisfreeFestival.provedthatpiratesalwaysthestuffof–agoalthatthehadsetitself.Now,afterabreakof
inwantandmakeEuropeanoverwhoyouwishesofimagesthisphotographersthereassuringalsoandsuchworld.informationitsthetheforadjustments,last-minutetotheporttheirdesiretobringdreamaliveandtotourismofficeforvitalroleinrelayingtothewiderFirstresponders,aspoliceofficersfirefighters,werevaluedfortheirpresenceandattendanceofmanyensuredyear’seventhasmanytoremindvisitorsagreatweekend.Finally,theassociationtosayabigthanktothere-enactors,camefromallFranceandothernationstothismagicwork,hopesthattheywilltogivean‘encore’2023. More information www.graindpirate.frfrom
Encore for Grain d’Pirate in Binic

Theunveilings,MayordutiescustomaryofaLordinclude charity meetings and wearing a red robe, gold chain and tricorn hat. Seldom, however, do they include salvaging a real Privateer cannon and making an authentic gun-carriage from historic plans. Step up Mal Sutton, Lord Mayor of the picturesque Merseyside village of Hale.The story begins in the 18th century as the opening of the first enclosed dock in Britain was turning Liverpool from a fishing village to a serious port. On her gravel foreshore fighting ships were being built for the Royal Navy and Privateers such as William Hutchinson. A cannon-shot inland in Lydia Ann Street, Fawcett and Preston’s Phoenix Foundry was turning out powerful ship’s guns. One of those cannons armed a Privateer vessel broken up at Oglet just down the Mersey Shore. The gun was reputed to be on its way to Widnes to be smelted down, but fell off its transport in Hale Village. It was displayed outside the drill hall until the Second World War when it was said to have been buried to prevent it being requisitioned for metal. In a town such stories become vague urban myths; in a village tightknit kinship bonds mean they are shared between families and pass down the of 1779 on the other. Mal exclaimed, “We were delighted when it was found and later astonished to find how old it was, and was also a genuine, perhaps unique, piece of renovatingfrompicturedissuecarriage.HalepermanentlywasPirateshownmaritimeLiverpool’shistory.”ThecannonwasattheLiverpoolFestival,butitobviousitshouldbedisplayedinVillageonagoodAnarticlein8ofPiratePlundervolunteersSheppeyPiratesgun-carriages at Fort Amherst, setting Mal on the path of authentic of the Liverpool Brethren and Hon. Master (retired) of the brigantine Zebu.
oflegendtobalancePrivateeronethevillagers,theHall,intricornrobe,clothestoMayorscheduleWeekend.Queen’swithmeticulouslyspecifications,illustrated18thRowlandwheelwrightTraditionalreconstruction.DevonGregprovidedcenturyconstructionwhichMalfollowed,atargetdateofthePlatinumJubileeItwascompletedonandtheLordwasfinallyableputasidehisworkanddonhisredgoldchainandfortheunveilingfrontofHaleVillageaccompaniedbyTownCrierandthewhohadseencannonasboys.Nocanprovethiswasacannon,buttheofopinionseemsbethatthelocalvillagehasagoodchancebeingtrue. *Founder
to Right:
Left Ian Wainwright; Ken Arnold; Mal Sutton, Lord Mayor of Hale, Ken Rogers; and Terry Colquitt, Town was completed on schedule.
Gun-carriage for Privateer Susan Hanley-Place,
August 2022 c Pirate Plunder
cannon By
Crier.The gun-carriage

18 Pirate Plunder c August 2022 Shantyman Harwich International Shanty 0778621274807921640772 Harwich International Shanty Festival 7-9 October 2022The UK’s Premier Shanty Festival Concerts, Workshops, Maritime Crafts, Pub Music Sessions, Pirates! Thames Barge Trips & Shanties Throughout the Town Harwich_ISF_PP_May_2022_II.indd 1 05/05/2022 17:58 Followingdebutsuccessunexpectedtheoftheiralbum ‘No Hopers, Jokers and Rogues’ we rejoin the world’s oldest ‘buoy band’ a year later struggling to navigate the pressures, pitfalls and temptations of their newfound fame. Returning to the silver screen, shantyfollowsFriends:Fisherman’sOneandAllthecelebratedsingersthrough the highs and lows as lifelong friendships are put to the test and they battle the dreaded ‘curse of the second ImeldaDavidRamonJoshuaRichardSteed,SamPurefoy,Leonard,MoorcroftDirectedalbum’.byNickandMegitstarsJamesDaveJohns,Swainsbury,MaggieJadeAnouka,Harrington,McguireandTikaram,withHaymanandMay. A compact disc of the film’s shanties is available from Island Records (Reference 3740511). Return of theFisherman’s Friends 1. Rattlin’ Winches 2. Yeller Girls 3. Mary Anne 4. Molly Mauk 5. Cousin Jack 6. Nelson’s Blood 7. John Kanaka 8. The Last Leviathan 9. Sitting By The River 10. Sweet Maid Of Madeira 11. Sail Away Ladies 12. Paddy Lay Back 13. Sally Brown 14. The Ark For Broken Hearts Track Listing

August 2022 c Pirate Plunder Shantyman
flavour.angroupBritishasthemselvesdescribeFrance,Rochelle,fromd’ÉcoutesBrouilleurseventflavourinternationaloftheareLesLawhoaFranco-withIrishTheir makingtoonaandinstronghasapproachmulti-instrumentalupbeattoshantiesearnedthemafollowingboththeirhomecountryabroad.TheymadehugeimpressiontheirfirstvisitHarwichandareawelcome
T his year marks the hasthereflectrousingale,pubinitiallikeandthesingdrinkinofbeginningswayjourneyedOctober.FestivalInternationalofanniversary17thHarwichShantyfrom7-9Ithasalongsinceitssmallwithabunchfriendsmeetingupacoupleofpubstogoodbeerandseashanties,butorganisers,JonPamFitzgerald,tothinkthattheideaofacosyatmosphere,realgoodfriendsandshantiesstillthecorevaluesofevent.Inthose17years,itgrowntobecome
return this year The programme will be available from the Ha’Penny Pier Visitor Centre in Harwich and many of the festival venues. More information Optimistic outlook for17 th Harwich Festival
the premier UK Shanty Festival and over the weekend the historic seaport town of Old Harwich resounds with lusty singing of shanties and sea songs, together with pub sessions, concerts, barge trips, street theatre, maritime crafts and a Shanty Train, as well as equally noisy bands of roving pirates!Twoyears of a global pandemic have shown that plans can all too easily be disrupted at a moment’s notice, but the outlook remains optimistic that by October the Festival will be able to run in its usualEmphasisingformat. the

was popular for both infantry and naval officers and this sword is a faithful replica of the one worn by the wax mannequin of Lord Nelson that was placed on display in Westminster Abbey in 1806.Itfeatures
reededfeaturesThehigh-carbonundecorated,antemperedsteelblade.ornatebrasshiltasideringandfauxivorygrip intersected with a brass band featuring a fouled anchor and crown. The wooden scabbard is covered with black leather and features brass fittings and two hanging rings. The locket is stamped with the fouled anchor on one side and ‘Richard Teed, Strand’ on the reverse. The total length of the sword is 99 cm, with a blade of 83.5 cm and a grip of 9.5 cm. It weighs 844 g. More information
Solid brass spyglass
Pirate Plunder c August 2022 Trading post
More information wixsite.comwww.lulunaclothing.from on the high seas!
Anew patternofanddecorationSpadroonItforawasissuedSpadroon,Officer’smagnificentShopbyintroducedswordThePirateistheBritishFiveBallwhichwasinthe1780’sandthefirstattemptatuniformpatternswordtheBritishMilitary.wascalledtheFiveBallbecauseoftheontheguardtherewereanumbervariationsoftheinuse.Theswordstyle
sustainableLulunaend-of-linerepurposedhaveLulunaareonpiratesweddingNautical-themedoutfitsforthatfallinlovethehighseasoflifemadetomeasurebyClothing.Utilisingfabricsthatbeenrecycled,orareremnants,isanethicalandclothing brand and every single piece is made by hand with care and traditionalweddingfromshownconsideration.Thebride’soutfitherewascreatedadeconstructeddressofdesign.
A recent addition to the range of piratical accessories offered by Southern Swords is a handy marine telescope made from solid brass with a stitched leather handle. It is small enough to be concealed in the pocket of a pirate’s jacket yet provides 3x magnification when opened.Itmeasures just three inches when retracted, but is six inches long when fully extended. The spyglass is housed in an attractive wooden box adorned with an anchor motif. More information
A sword fit for Lord Nelson

Penzance Harbour
Captain and crew are visiting as many pirate events as they can with their stall, not the boat, unfortunately! We shall have all you will need to bring out ‘yer inner pirate’ from shirts, hats, trousers and flags to piratical accessories beyond count. We stock 17th & 18th Century weaponry, as well as Celtic, Gothic, Steam-punk shirts and T-shirts plus a range of jewellery and accessories. So we hope to see you at one of the events this year, but if you cannot make it, we can be found in Penzance Harbour, Cornwall. Facebook@pirateBagORags @bagorags1 Visit our online Bespoke tailors of men’s, ladies’ and kids’ clothing Luluna Clothing Frock ShirtsWaistcoatscoats BlousesBustlesCorsets TricornJacketsTailoredHats Luluna_qtr_PP_May21.indd 1 23/03/2021 10:09,Better&EvenMorePirateStuff Darkblade_PP_November_2020.indd 1 04/08/2021 09:07
21August 2022 c Pirate Plunder

Pirate Plunder c August 202222 Trading post 7 Golden Lion Bank, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 3BS OLD HARRY’S LOCKER in Swanage, Dorset, for Nautical Curios Antiques WhenPIRATESbuyinganyof the fine products featured in these pages, I’d be much obliged if ye’d mention Pirate Plunder S mooth, rumWestdrinkingeasy-spicedIndies(40%abv) from Nauticalia Ltd is presented in a handmade decanter in the shape of a glass barrel, together with a pair of matching glasses on a wooden plinth. It makes an ideal gift for birthdays or any other celebration big orThesmall.barrel capacity is 200 ml and the plinth measures 8 in x 3½in. To ensure the gift set arrives safely, it is secured in a sturdy carton lined with foam packaging that holds the barrel, glasses and wooden plinth apart from each other. More information www.nauticalia.comfrom Rum barrel and glasses

real leather, two inch wide baldric inspired by the pirate
Time Flies When Havin’ Rum is from a set of three wall-decor pub signs ideal for decorating any Pirate-themed venue. This painted advertising sign is made of wood with a low relief model of a Pirate in resin and can be matched with other nautical wall-decors. It measures 60 cm high x 40 cm wide and is 2.5 cm thick.
Trading post M fromwhichandxl/2xl/3xl,postercarryinglogo,featurestyles,zip-upBrettonneckerchiefcanpirateFestivalInternationalHarwichofinerchandisesupporttheShantyincludesabandanna,whichbeusedasamask,orscarf.AlsoavailableareT-shirtsandahoodieintwobothofwhichtheFestival’sNavyblueT-shirtsthe2022insizess/m/l/shantymugsa2023calendar,featurespicturestheevent’s recent competition.photographic More information
Marque, can be added to this baldric. More information Versatilebandannapirate The KiddCaptainbaldric
Kidd is available from Letters
Marque in either left or holsters,stateofferedbrowndyedanddecoratedwearerItarivetsfeaturesversions.right-handedThiswell-madebaldricmoderncapandwillholdbothswordandabayonet.canbeadjustedtothebyabrassbucklewithcrownsornateswirls.Hand-inblack,darkortan,itisalsoinitsnaturalifrequired.Pistolbuckettypewhicharealso supplied by Letters
A Captain of of
23August 2022 c Pirate Plunder 01626 833646 or 07860 680181 to discuss this and other products in the Pirate Series of props, décor features and lifesize figures.

Coastal Union of Pirates Privateers Aviators & Steampunks
Peninsular Pyrates Pirates and Smugglers of the UK ink/ Pirates of Poole,
Unless ye intends to steal a ship or become a mutineer if ye are already on one, then the best course of action is to sign on with one of the active pirate crews listed on these two pages. If retired from a life of piracy, then ye’ve a duty to keep faith with The Brethren by celebrating ‘International Talk Like a Pirate Day’ on 19th September every year!
Hastings and Eastbourne Pyrates
24 Appledore Pirates Blackwater Pirates
East Coast Pirates (Whitby) Essex Pirate Society
Brixham Buccaneers Brixham Pirate Festival Brotherhood of the Black
Greyhounds of St Edmund
East Coast CUPPASPirates
Piratical Union of Buccaneers, Corsairs and Associated Trades
Cutthroats, Pirates, Thieves an Fun Lovers ink/
Gunpowder Pirates
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Cambridge Skeleton Crew 05283991/?
Pirate Plunder c August 2022
Hawkhurst Gang Bonfire Society Heart of the South West d1e/9/%3Fi%3D9%26p%3Df1lx9%26s%3Dstyle-jf9xgtpicomp-jb2kqfu4/

25August 2022 c Pirate Plunder PUBCAT Plundering Pirates of the North East Purbeck Pirates River Rogues (Pirate living history re-enactment, Oxford) Sheppey Pirates Suffolk Free Company: Pirates Sully Smugglers The Jolly Rogers Dorset The Pirate Castle The Pirate Society (University of Sussex) The Pirate’s Rum Bible The Sea Dragons Vectis Buccaneers Re-Enactment Society ty-499770177437687/? International Pirate Society Vectis Buccaneers The Sea Dragons Heart of the South West

you are
The Original Conwy Pirate Festival The Quay, Conwy, North Wales 6-7 May, Falmouthwww.conwypirates.com2023International Sea Shanty Festival Falmouth, Cornwall 16-18 June, Poole Poole,QuayDorset 17 June, East Beach Street, Hastings, East Sussex 15-16 July, Piratewww.hastingspirateday.org2023Mutiny Matlock Bath, Derbyshire 5-6 August,
to ensure of this but like the weather, dates may be subject to change, so advised to check the forecast with the organiser’s website afore setting sail. The Editor of Pirate Plunder would also be much obliged if those arranging festivals would let him know of any changes to location, duration or even cancellation of their events due to battles with bureaucrats, plagues from Far Cathay or other circumstances beyond their control.
The RumFest ILEC Conference Centre, Earls LondonCourt, 15-16 October, 2022 St CornwallIves, 25-26 November,
All around the Globe 19 September, ShantyHarwichwww.talklikeapirate.com2022InternationalFestival
EssexHarwich, 7-9 October,
DorsetWeymouth. 14-16 October, Everywww.weymouthpiratefest.com2022efforthasbeenmade
the accuracy
All around the Seven Seas 29 March, DevonBrixham, 29 April – 1 May, AwarenessInternationalwww.brixhampirates.com2023ScurvyDay
All around the Globe 2 May, www.scurvyday.com2023
Brancaster Norfolk 17-18 September,
List of Advertisers
Where to see pirate action
Pirate Plunder c May 2022 Bag O’ Rags 21 Brixham Pirate Festival 27 Conwy Pirate Festival 2 DarkBlade (UK) Ltd 21 Harry Paye Day 11 Harwich Int’l Shanty Festival 18 Jefferson Blood 6 JollyRoger Ltd 23 Luluna Clothing 21 Mermaid Inn 7 Nauticalia Ltd 5 Old Harry’s Locker 22 Pandemonium 22 Pirate Shop 9 Professional Pirates 23 Red Lion 16 Rogues’ Armada 25 The Dolmen 11 Weymouth Pirate Festival 28 Quayside Shanty Festival Exeter, Devon 10 September, Shantywww.exeterquay.org2022Festival