Pirate Plunder May 2018

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MAY 2018


£2 May 2018 c Pirate Plunder



Pirate Plunder c May 2018

Volume 1 Number 1 May 2018 Pirate Plunder is an independent title published twice a year in May and November for the pirate brethren of the British Isles by Young Editorial Services. The paper aims to support the non-violent plundering of the populace of coastal towns and inland counties for the benefit of worthy charities throughout the British Isles by promoting maritime festivals or other nautical events where charitable pirates are to be found.

EDITORIAL Cap’n Davy Young Young Editorial Services 52 Rickman Hill, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 3DP Tel: 01737 551687 Mob: 07785 796826 E: youngeditorial1@btinternet.com


elcome aboard the first issue of Pirate Plunder – no spittin’ on the deck – and I hopes ye’ll enjoy the maiden voyage. For many a dog watch now, it’s been a worrisome thing to me that our rivals in the American colonies are kept in touch by an excellent journal (Pirates Magazine) published for their community. Fair wind to ‘em I say, but there’s been nought to read for the hard-thieving pirate brethren of these isles. Until now, that is, because I’ve launched Pirate Plunder to give our own active pirate crews a chance to tell their tales. After all, are we not well-respected for our success in plundering treasure that should rightly be placed under the protection of us pirates afore being passed on to the worthy charities we support? Pirate Plunder will also help to make us better pirates (or worse, depending on your point o’ view) by tellin’ us of new weapons, fancy clothing, sturdy seaboots, stylish tricorn hats and all manner of pirate gear. If you be a landlubber that’s bought a copy of this paper at a pirate festival or similar event, then take my advice and be sure to support your local pirate society by making a generous contribution to their charity!

PRODUCTION Anthony Wiffen ASTAC Business Publishing Ltd Tel: 01622 850063 Mob: 07557 280769 E: anton_print_1@mac.com

News from the pirate brethren of the British Isles.

PRINTING Advanced Print 170-172 Brighton Road, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 2NE Tel: 020 8668 1411 E: info@advanced-print.com www.advanced-print.com

Musings dated 12th May, 1673, from the journal of Captain James Summer, whose memory has more holes than a badly maintained top-sail.

ISSN 2516-5607 ©2018 Young Editorial Services

Front cover. Main image: The Brixham Pirate Festival’s colours flying alongside the Spanish flag. Inset: Russell Timbrell (left), Quartermaster and Director of Brixham Pirate Festival, and Pete Berresford, Chairman of the Festival Committee (picture courtesy of Chris Slack Photography).

Apart from drinking, the Pirates of Poole set out with two main aims: to recognise and preserve in living memory the important maritime history of the town of Poole, especially its infamous pirate Harry Paye; and to raise money for local charities whilst having a merry old time along the way! The weather smiled on Brixham Pirate Festival during the hottest Bank Holiday for years as an estimated 25,000 people came to the quayside for three days of fun and music. A letter of marque was a commission authorising privately-owned ships (known as privateers) to capture enemy ships. Privateers were viewed as heroic

and noble as opposed to pirates, who were universally condemned as thieves and vagabonds, but it was not uncommon for roles to change as shown by the life of Captain Kidd. The Pirates of St. Piran were formed ten years ago to raise money for charities. Originally a Pirate re-enactment and living history group, they have become a full-on, folk-rock sea shanty band and have just released their sixth CD. Weapons, clothing, boots, hats, eye patches, earrings, tankards for grog and all manner of gear for the discerning pirate. List of active pirate crews from the coast of South Devon up to the shores of the Forth and Clyde. Calendar of festivals either organised by pirates or likely to be subject to a pirate attack.

May 2018 c Pirate Plunder


Clash of festivals


here were early fears that the pirate festival in the North Wales town of Conwy might be cancelled when the organiser (www. conwypirates.co.uk) decided to move the event to a nearby village. Renamed the Rhos-onSea Pirate Weekend, it is scheduled for 16-17 June. There has, however, been a mutiny by participants in previous events, who didn’t wish to leave the historic setting on the old stone quay with a period

tavern from the days of sail located below the brooding bulk of Conwy Castle. Another event, The Original Conwy Pirate Festival (www. conwypirates.com), has now been launched and will be held in the town on the same weekend! Toby Tunstall, Chairman of The Conwy Chamber of Trade, told the Editor that there was pressure from pirate re-enactors to remain in Conwy. He explained that as an established event, visitors had already booked accommodation

Barrel races along the quay at Conwy are a great favourite with spectators.

in Conwy, adding that the town welcomes tourists and didn’t want to disappoint those who had planned to attend the pirate festival. Both events are free to attend and Pirate Pirate and sea Plunder dog guarding wishes them a cannon. success, but there is an obvious clash of dates interest to resolve before 2019. that it is in everyone’s

WHips out in Whitby Whitby International Pirate Society started with a pair of boots and a Pirate Birthday Party for Rosie Buttox (Editor: because this band of pirates refers to itself as WHips, I’ve certain fears regarding why Miss 4

Buttox is called Rosie!) WHips have taken every opportunity to don their pirate garb and greet the many tall ships that enter Whitby Harbour such as the ‘Endeavour’, the ‘Grand Turk’ and the Russian frigate ‘Shtandart’.

Pirate Plunder c May 2018

In 2004, they established the Society in earnest and had a ‘Rock the Boat’ Party on the ‘Grand Turk’ in aid of the RNLI, holding a further five ‘Rock the Boat’ parties until the ship sadly left port for a new berth at

Etoile Marine in France. WHips have continued to hold a fundraising party every year and have supported many events in the town, including the Whitby Pirate Festival, raising over £10,000 in the past 14 years.

New ship for Liverpool’s pirates


t has been announced by The Pirate Brethren of Liverpool that at last they have a new pirate ship. This is none other than the schooner ‘Vilma’, whose Captain and owner, Scott Metcalfe, has agreed to her becoming the designated Flagship of The Pirate Brethren. Built as a fishing boat on the Baltic Coast of

Denmark in 1934, Scott converted ‘Vilma’ over a period of four years to a topsail schooner. The Pirate Brethren have been shipmates and sailed together for a good many years now, with ‘Vilma’ being armed with their cannons and crewed by them, so it’s a natural progression that they should unite in ‘Black Piracy’.

Talk like a pirate All around the world and even hundreds of miles above it, the Brethren and even landlubbers celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day on 19th September each year. This day is the only holiday on the calendar that encourages people to babble like buccaneers for the sheer, anarchic fun of it. It’s been celebrated by millions of people on all seven continents – yes, even at the South Pole – and on the International Space Station! The holiday was the brainchild (if that’s the right word) of John Baur (Ol’ Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap’n Slappy), two friends from Albany in the US state of Oregon. They were playing racquetball one day when, for reasons that aren’t clear to either of them now, they started insulting each other in pirate jargon. This led them to start

Blackbeard’s favourite Border side

The Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris is available for Pirate Festivals - Fees by arrangement

The schooner ‘Vilma’ has raised the black flag in Albert Dock, Liverpool. Talk Like a Pirate Day and picked 19th September because it is the birthday of Summers’ ex-wife. He claims the date was stuck in his head and he wasn’t doing anything with it anymore, so it would be easy to remember! Their help in talking like a pirate can be found on: https://youtu. be/2cKCkbWDGwE.

Cap’n Slappy (left) and Ol’ Chumbucket.

darkblade Pirate Stuff

Shiver me timbers!

Ahoy me hearties!


www.Darkbladeuk.co.uk May 2018 c Pirate Plunder



12th May, 1673

reetings freebooters, old salts and other interested parties! Salutations and well met. Allow me to introduce myself – my name is variously Captain James Summer, the Terror of Teignmouth, the Bridport Blade and… Sausage, but only to my dear mama and no-one else. Mark this well: Let no man call me Sausage and live! Through his patented combination of cajoling, threats and locking me in my cabin, my quartermaster has convinced me to start keeping this journal. Partly because a constant diet of rum, ship’s biscuits and blows to the head have left my memory with more holes than a badly maintained top-sail, partly because the rip-roaring tales of my adventures will likely be all I’ll leave behind me – when the locker or old man time claims me – and partly because my steady diet of rum, ship’s biscuit and blows to the head have left my memory with more holes than a badly maintained top-sail. Where was I? Yes, this is all my quartermaster’s


Pirate Plunder c May 2018

idea, so you can blame him. I shall effect some introductions, after all, if you should find yourself carousing in Port Royal, it’s good to know who to avoid. My quartermaster is Davy, he’s competent and stocky with a shaved head and an enormous black beard, in fact thinking about it, his face would make more sense if it were upside down – maybe I’ll mention it to him. If he has a fault it’s a terminal weakness for wenches, which has seen him slapped, knocked out, stabbed in the arm and robbed multiple times in the decade I’ve known him. He was also denuded and tied to our bowsprit one night in Tortuga. He’s a good sport though and always finds the funny side after a few rums. Chalky’s our bosun and a very valuable man to me and the crew. You’ll recognise him by his shock of red hair, towering height, enormous muscles and frankly quite obscene tattoos. If he challenges you to arm-wrestling, poker, shove ha’penny – anything in fact, don’t oblige him. He’s over-competitive and (I’m sorry to say) both a bad loser and a bad winner. He is one of the most intimidating men plying his trade in the Caribbean. Also, his real name’s Muriel, but please don’t tell him I told you that. We three, along with a band of assorted cutpurses, navy deserters and other reprobates, sail the finest vessel on the Caribbean Sea, a 14-gun brigantine called ‘Lady Mondegreen’s Wrath’ (no, I don’t know who she was, I just rather like the name). We have a ship’s cat, his name is Fatbat. No, I don’t know why. So, to an interesting bit of information that has come our way. Davy was drinking with a couple of lads from the East India Trading Company, who say they’ve got hold of the manifests and schedules for a Dutch company who’re apparently carrying more than tea in their holds: i.e. what’s on the manifests is not necessarily what they’ve got in the hold. We’re meeting in town tomorrow night; when I return, I will enlighten you further. In the meantime, when the night’s dark and the winds blow, keep your blade sharp and let the rum flow.

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Baldrics, Sword Belts, Leatherwork , Documents,Sea Charts and more... Penzance Harbour

Ahoy Shipmates! The Bag O’ Rags is not only home to Capt. Bones and Cutlass Clare but also is a floating pirate shop, open to the public from Easter until October, moored in Penzance Harbour. For the past 14 years we have built up our business and promoted and organised the ‘Pirates on the Prom’ pirate event in our home town of Penzance. Look out for the date of the next event! This year we are also visiting other pirate events throughout the UK and are available to bring our pirate stall with us...not the boat, unfortunately. We stock not only the piratical accessories to bring out ‘Yer inner pirate’ but also piratical weaponry, Gothic, Steam-Punk, and Celtic jewellery and tee shirts, clothing and much more. So we hope to see you at one of the pirate events in 2018. If not visit us at www.bagorags.co.uk, Facebook; @pirateBagORags or follow us on Twitter @bagorags1 “Fer all your pirate t-shirts, toys, hats and flags, come aboard and visit us at the Bag O’ Rags.”

BagoRags_PP_May_2018.indd 1

04/05/2018 May 2018 c Pirate Plunder



Pirates of Poole


he Pirates of Poole was first founded in the early 1920s by four fishermen of Poole, who decided it would be great fun to dress up as pirates and raise money for local causes. Alas, tide and time waits for no man, so advancing years and declining numbers forced the crew to sail off into the sunset and the Jolly Pirates disbanded in 2006. Cap’n Jim Kellaway and his motley crew of stout-hearted and goodhumoured pirates then entered the fray. The Pirates of Poole set out with two main aims: to recognise and preserve in living memory the important maritime history of the town of Poole, especially its infamous pirate Harry Paye; and to raise money for local charities whilst having a merry old time along the way! Each year, the Pirates of Poole carefully choose two

near and far. If you have a sense of humour and would like to join these charitable pirates, feel free to fill out the membership application on their website or simply come along to one of their meetings and introduce yourself to the crew. They Dorset-based disability charity Diverse Abilities Plus always look forward to received a large cheque from the Pirates of Poole. welcoming new pirates or three charities that it Centre); and Margaret and swigging a couple of will support throughout Green Animal Rescue. tankards with them. the year. Then, at various Starting in 2005 with the As an added incentive, events throughout the year ‘Poole in Flames’ event, the Pirates of Poole now and especially on its main Harry Paye Day was born have a new Patron in the event (Harry Paye Day), in 2006 and celebrated shape of the wonderful the pirates will be doing all the 600th anniversary of Ann Sidney, who was they can to relieve people this Poole privateer and crowned Miss World in of their coins. All their smuggler’s greatest exploits 1964. She was born and plunder is then shared in 2007. This year, it takes bred in Poole, and was out between the chosen place on Saturday, 16th even the model for the charities. Unlike days of June, but there are various mermaid on the Poole old, the Pirates of Poole other gatherings where crest that is still displayed do not get to keep their the society is involved above the Poole Museum booty, but are rewarded by throughout the year, so today, so she is a mighty the smiles on the faces of there is always plenty for fine catch for the Pirates those they have been able the crew to do. of Poole. They can rightly to help. They meet every month claim to be the only pirate Their chosen charities for a ‘Parlay’ at various crew with their own real for 2018 are: Dorset Blind hostelries around the life mermaid! Association; Livability town and this is a social More information from (Victoria Education event open to all pirates www.piratesofpoole.co.uk

The society takes part in in the town’s annual Santa Parade. 8

Pirate Plunder c May 2018

The mermaid on Poole’s crest is Pirates of Poole Patron and former Miss World - Ann Sidney.

May 2018 c Pirate Plunder



he crew of El Galeón declared Brixham to be the best pirate festival in the World during their visit to the Tenth Anniversary Brixham Pirate Festival. Celtic folk-rockers, The Dolmen, who were the headlining festival band, said their best concert ever was the Saturday night exclusive when they played on board the historic ship. Finally, the weather smiled on the event during the hottest Bank Holiday for years as an estimated 25,000 people came to the quayside for three days of fun and music – and perhaps a little touch of sunstroke! Brixham’s is the very

first Pirate Festival of the year, held in a small, historic fishing port lined with picturesque buildings. There is a replica of privateer Sir Francis Drake’s Golden Hind moored there and this year, El Galeón Andalucía sailed in for the festival from Spain. This 17th century reproduction Spanish galleon, flagship of the Nao Victoria Foundation (www. fundacionnaovictoria. org/el-galeon/) was moored at the marina where she hosted The Dolmen’s evening concert when 150 lucky people listened and danced on the open deck at the end of the most fantastic first day.

BPF sponsors, donors and enablers

These were: Security Management SW Plymouth Ltd; TeamSS Medical Services Ltd; Speedy Hire Torquay; Speedy Hire Plymouth Power; Deputy Harbour Master, Brixham; Manager, MDL Marinas, Brixham; Brixham Town Council; Hunters Brewery; TDA; Bloor Homes; NLS Lighting & Sound Solutions; Chris Slack Photography; Karyn Easton Photography; Up & Away Vision; Gary & Sue Owens; Jewsons; Bastins; Old Market House; Travel Chapter (holiday cottages UK); Rockfish; Beverley Holiday Park; Smugglers Haunt Hotel; Hans Gifts; The Prince William; i.scream; Liberty’s; Bay Coffee Company; Card 2 Confetti; Oats; Edwards Fudge Kitchen; Simply Fish; Bon Bon; Golden Fish; Rio Fish Bar; Brixham Grill and Fish; Tiffany’s; Eric Lloyd; Bradley’s; Spex; It’s All About Me; Chocella; Fair Winds Guest House; Brookside Guest House; Brixham Yacht Supplies; Brixham Bait & Tackle; and Sprat & Mackerel.

10 Pirate Plunder c May 2018

Putting on their finery for the first time in 2018, pirates of all ages, wenches, molls, militia, respectable officers and their ladies, and downright dodgy-looking seafarers, a knight, a highwayman – and a Langoustine – paraded, danced, laughed, cheered, ate and drank. There were more than 60 professional re-enactors involved this year, with displays of cannon and firepower and raids upon El Galeón from the sea, as pirates climbed up her sides for fierce sword fights and rough and tumble skirmishes. There were street entertainers, buskers, story-tellers, games to play, a Shanty Town of traders with a coin striker, LARPing gear, costumes, unusual foods and drinks, and festival The streets of Brixham 4 were thronged with pirates and visitors throughout the Festival (picture courtesy of Karyn Easton – see www.secretshutter. co.uk, the Festival’s official photographer).

souvenirs to buy, as well as historic ships to be visited. Bands played on Main Stage from 11 in the morning until 5-6 pm, a children’s entertainment team ran a programme of events each day in the family area and the whole time the sun poured down on Brixham Harbour. The crowning attraction for many was El Galeón at its mooring alongside a pontoon in the marina. At 50 metres long, ten

A pirate thanks his parrot for taking him to Brixham (picture courtesy of Karyn Easton).

metres wide and five decks high, she was a beautiful and awe-inspiring sight, towering above all other craft. It was her first time ever in UK waters, her first UK port and the first time since 1588 that a Spanish Galleon was moored in Brixham! On that occasion, she was a prize taken from the Armada. This time, she stole everyone’s hearts. This year, the festival was very nearly cancelled. It was saved at the

eleventh hour through the extraordinary generosity of some firms, which offered services for free or at reduced cost; others loaned equipment and there were a few extraordinary donations. Behind the scenes, there were also people working hard together across different organisations to bring the festival to fruition inside 12 weeks rather than the usual nine months and to work out the logistics

and practicalities of hosting El Galeón. Saving approximately 50% of the fixed overhead costs may not be repeatable next year, but as this amazing festival has brought so

much to Torbay and Brixham, let’s hope it can now find a secure funding basis and continue to bring joy to pirates and much-needed income to Brixham for years to come.

Sara Mendes da Costa (aka Pirate Rose) has become a familiar face at Swanage Folk Festival in Dorset over the past three years. Famous for having been the Voice of the Speaking Clock, Sara also writes women’s fiction and is an international voiceover artist. She has a berth in Hove, East Sussex, from where she sallies forth on the High Seas in search of treasure and rum – not necessarily in that order! May 2018 c Pirate Plunder


Privateer or pirate?


ccording to Britain’s National Maritime Museum at Greenwich and who better to know, a letter of marque was a commission authorising privatelyowned ships (known as privateers) to capture enemy merchant ships. A letter of marque was issued

Captain William Kidd.

12 Pirate Plunder c May 2018

by the High Court of Admiralty. Any captured vessels were then brought before admiralty courts for condemnation and sale. Privateers were viewed as heroic and noble as opposed to pirates, who had no letters of marque, and were universally condemned as thieves and vagabonds. The earliest letter of marque was issued in 1293 and they continued to be issued in times of war until privateering was abolished in 1856. Records relating to letters of marque and privateers are within the High Court of Admiralty records held by the National Archives. Although more British pirates were born in London than other trading ports, there is no doubt that the most famous pirates were born elsewhere: Henry Morgan, ‘Black Bart’ Roberts and Howell Davis were Welsh; Captain Kidd

and John Gow were born in Scotland; Henry Avery was from Plymouth; and Edward Teach (aka Blackbeard) hailed from Bristol. Captain Kidd (1645-1701), for example, began life as a privateer, having been commissioned by the Governor of Britain’s American colonies in New York, Massachusetts and New Hampshire from whom he received a letter of marque personally signed by King William III. He sailed away with the best of intentions: to capture pirates; and to plunder any French ships he came across. This was, after all, a business endeavour, backed by a privateering sydicate that had funded the good captain’s 34-gun ship Adventure Galley, a hybrid design that utilised both sails and oars.

action – he became a pirate! Flying French flags, a regular deception used by pirates, he seized the Quedagh Merchant, using his letter of marque to claim it as a prize for King William. It is thought that this action was worth £7,000 to him and shortly afterwards, he abandoned his own ship for the well-equipped one he had captured. His acts of piracy couldn’t last, however, and on being taken, he was returned to London

in April, 1700. He remained in Newgate Prison until being hung for piracy on 23 May, 1701. During an interview before his eventual arrest, he listed his booty at a staggering £400,000. Around £14,000 worth of gold, silver and jewels was recovered, but if the estimate of his plunder was correct, there’s still treasure to be found buried somewhere his ship touched land! More information from www.nmg.co.uk

Kidd’s letter of marque. Months passed without notable success and faced with a ship that needed repairs

and a crew that wanted payment, he took what must have seemed the only logical course of

The three-masted Adventure Galley.

Why do wenches love pirates? According to Kevin Haine (aka Captain Teague), who sells Buffmonger’s Bay Rum soap, hair tonic, beard balm and aftershave, it is because they smelt sweet. Yarning with the Editor in his shop at 35 Commercial Road, Swanage, during the Dorset town’s Folk Festival in 2017, Kevin confided that pirates, like many sailors on old square-riggers, suffered from salt water boils on their skin. They used to rub rum on them to act as a disinfectant, but

In the guise of Captain Teague, Kevin Hain reclines on the stone quay in Swanage Bay. because rum is made from molasses, the treatment gave off a sickly smell.To

improve the aroma, pirates added bay leaves and sprigs of rosemary, which

were generally carried on board ships as dry stores, to the molasses. They also experimented with exotic spices such as cinnamon and star anise from the islands they had pillaged and these scents, plus the gold in their purse, made them a hit with the ladies. As a result, Bay Rum body and hair care products are with us today because they were invented by pirates. Buffmonger products can be found at Pirate Plunder’s trading post on page 17. May 2018 c Pirate Plunder


‘The Mermaid’s Tail’


were on the long distance loud hailer t’other day (my wench says it’s called a telephone) chattin’ to Bazz Cooper – known to his mates as Captain Swillin’ Billy Flynn, gentleman pirate and flintlock for hire. He tells me that The Pirates of St. Piran will be releasing their sixth CD, ‘The Mermaid’s Tail’, on 3rd June and will be donating £5 for every copy sold/downloaded to the Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust. It’s a double album full of sea shanties, folk songs

14 Pirate Plunder c May 2018

and their own original pirate songs. You can download it from

Amazon, iTunes and all the popular download sites, but if you prefer a

bright, shiny, real and proper CD you can order it from the band’s record label Planet La La Music. Just call’em on: 01726 74650 or e-mail: rose@planetlala.co.uk The Pirates of St. Piran were formed ten years ago as a Pirate re-enactment and living history group. Bazz thought it might add a bit of authenticity if he played a few shanty tunes on the squeeze box at re-enactment events and people started singing along. The music proved so popular that they very quickly became a full-

in regular pub sessions as they are trying to bring back the old Cornish tradition of pub singing. A non-profit making, charity fund raising group, they work primarily for three main charities, the RNLI, Children’s

Hospice Southwest and The Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust, along with many other local charities. Since starting, they have raised more than £55,000 for charity. Any pirate would consider that a fair haul of plunder. Bazz agreed, “It’s one of those rare




things in life, where we enjoy what we are doing, the public enjoys watching us and we raise money for deserving causes, so everyone’s a winner”. More information from www. piratesofstpiran.co.uk


HARWICH I N T E R N AT I O N A L S H A N T Y F E S T I VA L 2 0 1 8 • 5 th t o 7 th O c t o b e r • on, folk-rock sea shanty band and are more in demand for the music than the re-enactments these days. However, they do still perform re-enactments, dramatic presentations, cannon, flintlock and sword fighting demonstrations. The Pirates of St. Piran currently have a crew of more than 20 swashbuckling rogues and buxom pirate wenches. As their tenth anniversary falls in June, this Summer will be one long birthday rumbustification. They are based in midCornwall and perform throughout the West Country at music festivals and piratethemed events, as well as



Top shanty crews from the U.K. and s, overseas. Concer ts, music session nts, workshops, historical re-enactme atre, pirates, maritime crafts, street the barge trips and shanty train.

@harwichshanty www.harwichshantyfestival.co.uk

Harwich International Shanty Festival is grateful for support received from Friends of the Festival, local businesses and sponsors including the following:

Harwich Town Council

May 2018 c Pirate Plunder


Repeating, repeating parrot


ow available from Nauticalia is Long John Silver’s repeating, repeating parrot – straight out of Treasure Island, but Pirate Pete says whatever you just said twice. Whatever you just said twice. Whatever you just said twice. This irrepressible bird also flaps its wings while doing so, giving immensely enjoyable, irritating fun for pirates from five to 95. Powered by four AA batteries, Pirate Pete is nine inches tall and comes in a presentation box, making it an ideal gift.

Pirate cutlass

The cutlass, also known as a ‘hanger’, ‘cuttoe’ or ‘short sabre’, was the weapon of choice for a 16th and 17th century pirate. The word cutlass comes from the French word couelace or the Italian coltellaccio, both meaning ‘large knife’. The weapon was designed as a single-edged blade with a steel basket for protection and ease in combat within Nauticalia publishes the proximity of a pirate an e-mail newsletter that ship’s close quarters. alerts its customers to new The sweeping, open products, special offers and events. It’s easy to subscribe design of this cutlass from The Pirate Shop is both by clicking ‘Join our newsletter’ on the company’s threatening and practical, with the basket being used website. to punch enemies with an More information from iron fist. www.nauticalia.com

The cutlass consists of a steel riveted pommel and black, leather-covered, wooden handle and includes a leather scabbard to protect the blade in transit. It has a total length of 72.5 cm, with a blade length of 57 cm and a grip length of 10.5 cm. The weight is 1.23 kg. More information from www.thepirateshop.com

Southern Swords Black frock coat

Pirate - Renaissance & All Costume Wearers Contact Us For All Your Needs At:www. southernswords.co.uk 16 Pirate Plunder c May 2018

Tailored in sturdy, washable wool, a black frock coat from Wot A Load of Pirates features a button-detailed front and decorative sleeve cuffs. This stylish full coat is included in the company’s extensive range of clothing for buccaneers and really moves when worn by battling re-enactors at pirate festivals. It is made from hardwearing material for long service on the High Seas of life! More information from www.wotaloadofpirates. co.uk

Body and hair care products


perating a strict vegetarian/vegan policy under strict hygiene regulations, Buffmonger is committed to a ‘green’ approach to life in the preparation of its natural, healthy products for skin and hair. For wenches there are petroleum-free Lip Balms containing either cocoa butter or mango butter, Lavender Night Cream to help the skin retain moisture during sleep, Sweet Orange Body Butter to nourish and moisturise skin and fragrancefree Dermamoist Lotion, which is recommended for pregnant women. For pirates, there is the Bay Rum range of Natural Moisturising Aftershave, Beard

Discover the Perfect Gift

Balm and Moisturising Hand & Body Wash. Of particular interest to Jack Tars is Buffmonger’s After Ink Care designed to be applied immediately after a new tattoo

has been completed and for ten to 14 days afterwards. Buffmonger’s research has shown that tattooist inks are generally glycerin, water or alcohol-based preparations and it is therefore essential that no preparations made from these substances are applied during the healing process. After Ink Care is a pure formula of high performance botanical oils infused with essential oils to protect and hydrate the area to ensure optimal clarity and definition for the artwork by not mixing, diluting or carrying ink away from the tattoo site. When applied, it places a thin, protective yet breathable film over the tattoo to prevent dehydration. More information from www.buffmonger.co.uk

See more at www.nauticalia.com or call us on 01932 235550 “I repeat whatever you say! whatever you say!”

Visit our shops: Greenwich • Liverpool • Lymington • Portsmouth • Shepperton • Southampton May 2018 c Pirate Plunder


Unless you intend to steal a ship or become a mutineer if you are already on one, then your best course of action is to sign on with one of the active pirate crews listed here:

Brixham Buccaneers


Brotherhood of the Black


Pirates of Poole

Brotherhood of the Black


Piratical Union of Buccaneers, Corsairs and Associated Trades www.pubcat.org.uk

Purbeck Pirates www.facebook.com/groups/1224784210899407

Sea Thieves Pirate Association www.sea-thieves.com

Sheppey Pirates



The Pirate Brethren


The USSU Pirate Society www.facebook.com/groups/2235486129

Whitby International Pirate Society www.whitbypirates.co.uk

Withernsea Pirate Crew


Group picture of the Purbeck Pirates, which includes Jax Parrow (second from right), the UK’s leading Jack Sparrow impersonator, at the Rex Cinema in Wareham, Dorset (picture courtesy of Greg Edgings).

18 Pirate Plunder c May 2018

Purbeck Pirate Festival Sandpit Field, Swanage, Dorset 24-28 May, 2018

Matlock Bath Pirate Mutiny Matlock Bath, Derbyshire 4-5 August, 2018

Harry Paye Day, The Quay, Poole, Dorset 16 June, 2018

Brotherhood of the Black Pirate Festival Llancaiach Fawr Manor, Rhymney Valley, South Wales 10-12 August, 2018

Rhos-on-Sea Pirate Weekend Conwy, North Wales 16-17 June, 2018 The Original Conwy Pirate Festival Conwy town, North Wales 16-17 June, 2018 Leeds Waterfront Festival Leeds, Yorkshire 23-24 June, 2018 Anderton Pirate Festival Anderton Boat Lift, Northwich, Cheshire 7-8 July, 2018 Shipwreck Isle Appley Beach, Ryde, Isle of Wight 8 July, 2018 Northwich River Festival Northwich, Cheshire 14-15 July, 2018 Hastings Pirate Day East Beach Street, Hastings, East Sussex 15 July, 2018 Pirate Week Parkmill, Gower, Swansea 28 July-5 August, 2018

Festival Organisers Please let the Editor of Pirate Plunder know of any changes to location, dates or even cancellation of your pirate festivals, so I can keep this calendar up-to-date.

Caenarfon Pirate Festival Caenarfon, Wales 18-19 August, 2018 Whitby Pirate Festival Whitby, North Yorkshire 7-9 September, 2018 Pirates on the Dock Albert Dock, Liverpool, Merseyside 15-16 September, 2018 International Talk like a Pirate Day All around the Globe 19 September, 2018 Pirate Weekend Landguard Fort, Felixtowe, Suffolk 22-23 September, 2018 Harwich International Sea Shanty Festival Harwich, Essex 5-7 October, 2018 Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this calendar, but like the weather, dates may be subject to change, so you are advised to check the forecast with the organiser’s website before setting sail.

List of Advertisers Bag O’ Rags Brotherhood of the Black Darkblade (UK) Letters of Marque Harry Paye Day Harwich International Shanty Festival Nauticalia Purbeck Pirate Festival Southern Swords The Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris Wot A Load of Pirates May 2018 c Pirate Plunder

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Pirate Festival 10th-12th August @ Llancaiach Fawr Manor www.brotherhood-of-the-black.co.uk

Brotherhood Of The Black presents A pirate gathering at Llanciach Fawr Manor on 11th and 12th August, 2018 Camping is available on 10th, 11th and 12th when booked in advance with a bonus pirate party for campers on Friday, 10th August 20 Pirate Plunder c May 2018

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