Design contest: Thong Nhat park , a place for all
Hanoi is currently in the process of strong urbanization, so the public space is increasingly reduced. Thong Nhat Park is one of public space is an important location in the city, contribute to climate control, relax place, entertainments, where exchange the community culture. Because, Thong Nhat Park currently in infrastructure, environment deterioration conditions, weak management, and where the social evils happen. In the years but have tried to renovated and upgrade but still not achieve the effectiveness of a city park. Therefore we would like to join to research, study to propose the Thong Nhat Park renovation, raise up the park value, bring the spiritual values to urban residents, let the Park deserve is Park of City and match the future development. II. STUDY PROCESS. Surveying, investigating people opinions and management board and after that group make discussion. -
Collecting, synthesizing and analyzing the survey process and consulting the documents, data, Thong Nhat Park study works as development country experiments.
Surveying, analyzing the regulations, policies, city orientation and planning management.
Make the proposals • Solution of space organization of architectural landscape to exploit the best of value of public space. • Solutions of fundraising capital mobilization to implement planning and park maintenance. • Building the regulations, policies to manage and exploit efficiency.
2.1 Status quo assessment 2. 1.1 Status quo assessment a. Location: Thong Nhat Park has center location of Hanoi districts, where the ratio green trees on a person are very low about 2m2 /person. Compared to other parks, Thong Nhat Park has scale and area advantage is convenient to travelling by all directions. Convenient traffic by public transport, high-speed railway in future, approaching direction as: Belt 2 road through Dai Co Viet street and 1A highway. b. Development process: Thong Nhat Park generation (1958-19610) is very special; the Park was generated by public labor of Hanoi people in hard years of country. -
Before, Thong Nhat Park was swamps, landfills. In 1958, President Ho Chi Minh decided to make it become a Pearl – treasure of City.
In May 30, 1961, with great public labor of the people, the Park was officially opened with name is Thong Nhat, which desire to unite between the North and the South.
In 1980, Thong Nhat Park was changed the name to Le Nin Park.
In 1986, the Park begun charging a small fee to pay for the Park operations.
Contest group: Dong Tam
Design contest: Thong Nhat park , a place for all
In 2003, Le Nin Park was renamed to Thong Nhat Park.
c. Status quo summary -
Land using: Park area is 49,8 ha, which is largely is water surface account for 21 ha, the rest of area is tree and walking road, public & children entertainment, square and small scale – commercial services. Also, there exists a large empty land is not used to.
Entertainment buildings: The Park currently serves rest and relax functions but not satisfy demand for recreation. Entertainment building investment has not been properly and severe degradation. Circus is a cultural place has many diverse activities but now, 2 zones circus don’t have any connection with each other.
Park equipments: Lacking of equipments, monotonous, asynchronous and degradation.
Infrastructures: An apart of walking road has been improved. Lake stone embankment system has just rebuilt but use by concrete, affecting the lake creatures and the beautiful park. Infrastructure systems are obsolete.
Natural environment: Plant system was built in 1961. The city citizen contributed trees mainly shade trees, planted any tree we had, the plants was ability to grow and better suffer. After that, trees source were taken from Tree’s company and unplanted grow. Drainage system and waste treatment system are not good caused polluted environment.
Social environment: Some people usually visit the Park, they have consciously use and protect park and deeply understand the history, culture value of the Park, they see the park as their second home and get the friendly and open connection. The visitors don’t have consciousness to use the Park. Managers and servers of the Park are not friendly with visitors, service skill not be well.
Cultural, historical values: There are some historical areas as: Thong Nhat island – where put the Bac Ho and Bac Ton Statue; Hoa Binh island has Mau temples of Dam Sen. Dua island symbolize for The South; Bac Ho banyan tree; Mini Railway. These works haven’t been respecting and neglecting in the protection and maintenance activities.
Community opinion collection.
2.2.1 People opinion -
Learning about the history of the Park and realizing that value has been felt into oblivion, community culture has been changed by generation. The social evils usually have been happening in the Park. That’s why we need rebuild; restore the park to promote the potential that it inherently has.
Through the renovation phase, the people acknowledged the efforts of the leaders and governments to protect, maintain and renovate the park but these efforts haven’t been met the people needs. Still have people pressing about the projects to invade the land of the park, losing the truth of people in leaders and managements. So, they need to public and consult the people before violate the land of park, public land.
The people wish to have clear, public planning of the Park.
Need to treat the pollution.
Supply more lighting system, the public toilets, rock chair for resting, clean for more green, clean, beautiful park.
Make more favorable when approach the park, open no fee for all.
Suggest more regulation for all to observe and build the better park. Show the Park manager's behavior is not good such as: the manager ride the motorbike in the park, let the dog get in the park, less friendly.
Suggest more attractive entertainment functions for ages, especially, family subject.
2.2.2 Management board -
Hoping to have suggestions of the expert comments.
Hoping to have more investment to exploit the potential of the park.
Contest group: Dong Tam
Design contest: Thong Nhat park , a place for all
Currently the Park management do not have clear regulations introduced to protect and maintain the park.
Hoping to raise the income, salary for Park staffs
To modernize and supplement regular equipments for the maintenance, protection, hygiene and parks.
People consciousness more better
2.2.3. Investers Invest and exploit in the park to serve people demands and get back the profit. 2.2.4. The Experts: The Experts relized the importance of the park with the urban and the people and they want the park to be planned and improved synchronization, meet the city park standard. 2.3. document reference -
World park reference: Central Park, New York City; Bac Hai Park in Bejing; Ueno park in Tokyo; Hyde Park, London; Hyde Park, London; Flagstaff Gardens, Melbourne; Ibirapuera Park, Sao Paolo; Lumphini Park, Bangkok; Lincoln Park, Chicago; Monsanto Forest Park, Lisbon; Golden Gate Park, San Francisco‌
Domestic references: Sapa urban tourism management regulation, Tao Dan Park, Ho Chi Minh, and other parks.
III. PLANNING PROPOSAL: 3.1. Target: Thong Nhat Park is public place have cultural functions – historical, ecological, entertainment, recreation and small -scale commercial activities. Thong Nhat Park should be modern to match the future development but still be rich national character. The foreground position of park functions: Based on community opinion and our proposal for the Park, score to review the foreground criterion for park functions as: Funtion NO Conformity 1
Park management Board
Proposal group
Entertai -nment
Small service, trade
Through the reviews of community function criterion, our group made the foreground position of park functions as:
Contest group: Dong Tam
Design contest: Thong Nhat park , a place for all
1. History
2. Cultural
3. Ecology
4. Entertainment
5. Sports
6. Small service, trade
3.2. Design Principles
Thong Nhat Park should be open for all people regardless of ages, sexes, health, disabilities. All people can come here to sightseeing, visiting, relax, play sports, to learn park history, recreation and use small-scale commercial activities. Creating more public space to enhance community interaction.
All the ground must be kept the green space, history areas, square, sightseeing gardens, sport spaces, static games and resting areas, small beverages.
The dynamic entertainment spaces, cultural performances and underground car parks to locate the areas have less big tree.
3.3. Concept Design
Expand the space by the width and vertical. With Thong Nhat location in center of districts – where have low green tree density and high population density. So, The park is precious space. We suggest to raise the park area up to meet high demand of urban citizens. On the other hand, it can solve the economic problems for the Park. - Expand the space by the width: - Connect the green space of Thien Quang area and Ba Mau area with Thong Nhat park by use pedestrian bridge over the road. - Combine with the Circus in to park, remove the fences. Cooperation between circus and the Park in performances, - Destroy all encroachment houses of people in the park. - On the ground area is green space, community exchange, walking and sightseeing road, stopping point and small beverage and children game and folk-games, outdoor display areas…friendly architecture form, domestic materials. - Open the space by the vertical: In the square location, empty land, cleared residential areas where ecosystems are not affected. - The first basement and second basement are performance space, display and store the exhibits tell the formation and development of park, supermarket, fashion shop, entertainment, restaurant, beverages, explore the reservoir zone through the glass. - The third basement is car-parking and technical. 3.3.2. Traffic circulation – historical, geography connection - Traffic circulation to connect the function areas on the ground of the park; existing railway in the park is being improved and restored, running next to walking road. Each main station is small scale of historical relic on our country. The main station and small is arranged in geographical sequence from the North to the South. IV. MANAGEMENT REGULATION PROPOSAL To ensure the targets set the Park, after the planned park, we need strict management regulations to ensure to favorable operation and avoid of conflict. Here is the preliminary proposal for the regulation framework for the management. V. FUNDING PROPOSAL To build the open public park for everybody, need a huge cost. The target of funding is to generate capital to ensure construction process, operation management, rehabilitation, upgrading and development of park. Capital source: -
Cooperation: (main capital) • Cooperating with travel companies making the Park is a link of city travel chain.
Contest group: Dong Tam
Design contest: Thong Nhat park , a place for all
• Cost of renting location to organize the events • Cooperating with schools, university to show place of auction of artwork and scientific research. • Cooperating with bonsai players to display of auction the rare & precious plants. • Cooperating with restaurant business, amusement parks, kiosks -
Sponsors: •
Making people to contribute trees for planting in the park (Contributor lists)
• Famous person contribute money by volunteerism (maybe carve the bursts to acknowledge the merit for contribute the Park.) • Organizing the public labor activities, volunteer of students and youth. • population density in crowded VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Conclusions Following the contest subject, with clear target and ideas. Our proposal toward the result, after planning the Thong Nhat Park, it will be one of public park can serve and satisfied all when they have chance visit and use it on typical aspect: On symbol aspect: Thong Nhat space will be the open park, with good view. The spaces have historical, cultural depth, as the symbol. Thong Nhat Park will be representative and specific cultural Hanoi capital of thousand years of culture. With the citizens and visitor who will use this park, all the hopes, expectations were showed will be sastified with spatial diversity and community and close to nature. The utility space as: stopping area, entertainments, clubs, underground commercial center… With the Investor, the underground exploitation orientation, business space are diversified functions will be the opportunity not to be missed, also bring back the capital to operate the park. With travel companies, Thong Nhat Park will complement and enrich the choices for places to visit, one of interesting destinations of domestic and foreign tourists. 6.2 Recommentdations On all the desire of our group, we studied and gave out the proposals based on social imformation collection and scientific arguments. We trongly hope our proposal will be review by the organizers and society and turn the Thong Nhat Park is place for all.
Contest group: Dong Tam