Wildix Commercial Catalogue

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Does your company look into the future? Wildix Unified Communications is the innovative system for business communication that boosts your company productivity and efficiency.

What is Wildix Unified Communications? One instrument for communication, completely web-based and accessible via any modern browser. View the presence status of your colleagues and decide how best to reach them:





FAX SMS TO DO (Virtual Post-it)

Test, Audio, Video CONFERENCE

Wildix is a multinational company with its own research and development center in Ukraine. Wildix has developed the Unified Communications system, a brilliantly simple solution that optimizes the business communication and offers the tools that improve marketing effectiveness of the companies of any size.

Wildix Unified Communications features


Private Cloud All the offices of your company are connected to one secure and fast intracompany network. Instant and easy communication between the colleagues without any borders!


Audio and Video conference You can organize virtual meetings with your colleagues, wherever they are. Participate in text, audio and video conferences and share your desktop any time, anywhere, from your PC, iPhone and iPad.

Call recording You can record and store your calls at one click and receive the file with the recording by email.

Mobility Your colleagues and clients can reach you anytime, anywhere at the same number. Your mobile phone becomes an extension of the company PBX and you can access the Unified Communications services even when you are out of the office.

Example of implementation

General overview • 1 main office with a legacy PBX • 50 branches located in different places


Internal communication between the employees makes 50 % of the whole call traffic

Solution • Replace legacy PBXs with VoIP PBXs • Install IP phones • Unified Communications for every office • WMS Network between the offices • Voice communications on data channels • Removal of unnecessary ISDN lines • GSM gateway to call mobile numbers • Possibility to use a home phone with your extension number • Switches with IP phones (without a PBX) in small offices

• Streamline communication between the users • Solve the problem of the distance between the offices • Reach the employees who often move from one office to another • Record the calls of the customer service • Videoconferencing for remote meetings • Optimize fax sending and reception • Reach managers who are often out of the office • Reduce the call costs

What has changed in the company


Every employee keeps the same extension number when he moves from one office to another, when he uses his mobile phone or his home phone (ADSL line is enough).

Attendant Console allows you to record the calls of the customer service in compliance with the legal norms.

Save time and costs with Wildix Videoconferencing: organize virtual meetings without leaving your office. With Wildix FAX Server you can send and receive faxes via your PC, as if they were usual emails.

Benefits Wildix Communication enables the business processes. Efficient communication helps you optimize your work and increase your productivity. The time spent on trying to reach the needed person can be crucial when taking an important decision. Introducing the advanced solutions for business communication into your company will save your time and boost your results.




With less time spent on trying to reach the needed person, you have more time to do your work. Boost your efficiency and productivity and enable the business processes!

Wildix has developed a brilliantly simple web-based solution that runs on any operating system. No additional installation or end-user training.

Wildix offers efficient tools of communication with the client on the website of your company. Increase your responsiveness and the level of your online services!



Wildix VoIP telephony solution is reliable, simple and guarantees the best quality

Your company image on the Web

LIVE CHAT Real-time communication via chat messages with your client on the website of your company



Automatic callback service at your company website



Your colleagues and clients can reach you anytime, any place

The network connecting all your Wildix PBXs


Post-It messages sent from CTIconnect come to your phone as SMS


Availability Knowledge




Access to all the corporate phonebooks


Videoconferencing and desktop sharing

CDR-VIEW Tables and charts for control and analysis of the call activity


A single tool that integrates all the communication tasks, accessible via the browser


Monitor the activity status of your colleagues


CHAT Send a reminder to your colleague

Fax and SMS servers completely integrated into the PBX

Real-time communication between the colleagues


Unified Communications

Time spent on certain activities with or without Unified Communications

Source: Chadwick Martin Bailey, “Unified Communications Applications“, 2008

Unified Communications optimize your work and increase your efficiency. The time usually spent on trying to reach the needed person can be devoted to other activities. By introducing the innovative UC solution into your business environment, you acquire the full control over your activity, increase your responsiveness and let your company grow.

Wildix solutions allow you to save 48 hours per 1 employee every month

MAP of Wildix Unified Communications Applications

CTIconnect PRO The Wildix collaboration tool, completely web-based. Unified Communications: SMS sending, Voicemail notifications, Instant Messaging, Presence, Call Me Back Mobility: employees’ mobile phones integrated with the enterprise PBX, mobility on GSM and UMTS networks, DISA service.

CTIconnect Attendant Console Real-time calls monitoring, call management (hold, transfer) via a numeric keypad.

CDR VIEW Real-time monitoring and statistics of the PBX activity via either preconfigured or customizable graphs and tables.

ZERO DISTANCE Text, audio and video conference, desktop sharing; completely integrated into CTIconnect PRO.

FAX Server Integration of FAXtoMAIL and MAILtoFAX services with the company’s telephony and computer platform, SMS sending via CTIconnect PRO.

FAILOVER Passing of all the functionality to the PBX of backup that has the same characteristics and configuration, in case of anomaly.

WTAPI A component that allows you to make and monitor the calls from multiple Windows applications.

CTIconnect PRO

CTIconnect PRO is the Wildix Collaboration system that brings all the communication means into one seamless environment. One simple instrument, completely web-based, for any type of communication for both on-site and remote users. CTIconnect has an intuitive and simple graphical interface accessible via any modern browser. No end user training and additional installation of the components!

Accessibility Users can connect to the system anytime, anyplace, using any device connected to the Internet: PC, Laptop, Tablet, regardless of the OS. Just type the PBX IP address in and enter your credentials for the immediate access to the Wildix Unified Communication services.

Presence and Geolocation The Presence service allows you to know the activity status of your colleagues at any given moment. Presence information is an effective tool for more precise and efficient communication between the colleagues, allowing you to instantly see who is available, who is absent, busy in another conversation or does not want to be disturbed. Users can also enable geolocation to let the others know their location and view them on the map.

You can select a contact and start a conversation with just one click: make audio and video calls, chat, send a note (virtual Post-It), send a fax, share your desktop, participate in text, audio and video conferences.

CTIconnect PRO Video

CTIconnect gives access to different enterprise phonebooks and integrates with Outlook to offer such features as Presence, fax sending, click to call, conferencing and events manager. The interface is available in four languages: Italian, English, French and German. CTIconnect reduces the distance between the colleagues and increases your responsiveness to the customer.


Instant and easy communication enables collaboration and boosts the company productivity.

Mobility Wildix Mobility ensures your availability, anytime, anywhere, at the same number. Your mobile phone becomes an extension of the company PBX and you can make and receive calls in the same way as from the office. Advanced telephony features such as voicemail, call transfer and conference are at your service also on your mobile device.

extension 101

It takes just several seconds to activate the service, without any additional licenses or installation. The calls arrive both at your office and mobile phone.

WMS Network You can connect your Wildix PBXs, even those located in different cities and countries, to a secure corporate network

The users database of the Wildix system resides on a distributed LDAP database. WMS Network is a secure and fast intracompany network where one PBX takes up the functions of the “Master” with the prerogative to synchronize all the updates with the other PBXs (“Slaves”). Each change applied to the local database is first propagated to the master and then from the master to all the slaves. Thanks to the roaming profile, each user can be associated to any PBX in the network and he can move from one site to another without changing his extension number and user preferences. Each user added to the system is immediately visible and can be contacted by other users of the system.

WMS NETWORK characteristics

The most innovative CLOUD solution for Unified Communications Multisite communication in one transparent and accessible system VPN UDP Peer 2 Peer Distributed LDAP directory compatible with ACTIVE DIRECTORY

ZERO Distance Audio and Video calls, Conference and Desktop sharing for communication at Zero Distance Wildix presents Zero Distance, a simple and efficient solution for collaboration, realized on the solid basis of WMS and Cloud WMS Network systems. Zero Distance is the Wildix tool for conferencing and desktop sharing, completely integrated into CTIconnect. You can organize virtual meetings with your distant colleagues and collaborators without leaving your desk: you can start a text, audio and video conference with one click.

Full HD Call Conference Desktop Sharing CTIconnect iOS Available at just one click With Zero Distance you can make and receive audio and video calls from your PC via the CTIconnect interface. The application allows you to manage the call directly from the pop-up window and adjust your video settings. Video calls to multiple users are supported. A user who created a conference, becomes the conference moderator who manages the conversation process. During a conference he can dynamically add or exclude the participants, give the right of word to the users. Once the participants enter a conference room, a multi-user chat starts automatically, then the moderator can start an audio and a video conference. The moderator can stream his video or share his desktop with other participants. Zero Distance is useful for assistance and training purposes since it supports desktop sharing both during a video call or a conference.

ZERO Distance Video Wildix technology saves you from unnecessary traveling and provides efficient and instant tools for communication at Zero Distance with your colleagues. http://pbx.wildix.com/video/zerodistance

CDR View CDR-View is an efficient tool of control and analysis accessible via the web, providing you with the numerous reports relative to the call activity of the employees.

Authorized users can view the information about the number, duration, type and costs of all the incoming and outgoing calls in graphs and tables. Just filter the data for the analysis (direction, services, costs, period...), select the way to group the results (by hour, by user, by group, by country, by class...) and specify which metrics you wish to add (count of events, cost of events, talk time of events).

You can select to view the results as a data grid or as graphs: line, area, bar, column and pie chart. Save and share your reports with other users or export them to an .xls or a .csv file. CDR-View is helpful to the company management while analyzing a particular event or the company call activity in general, or while deciding on the future business strategy. A simple way to add value to your investment!

CDR View Video


CTIconnect Attendant Console Wildix CTIconnect Attendant Console Wildix Attendant Console is an all-in-one solution for call operators. An intuitive web interface allows you to manage high volumes of concurrent calls easily and efficiently. Combine call control with presence monitoring to provide a high-level customer service. Your agents can see the activity status of their colleagues, even those in remote offices and mobility, before processing the call. Wildix Attendant Console is an efficient tool for fast call handling in high-load environments. It is accessible in a multiuser mode, is completely web-based and available in four languages: Italian, English, French and German. Its interface is accessible via any HTML5 browser without any installation of the components.

CTIconnect PO Video


CTIconnect Attendant Console for the VISUALLY IMPAIRED/BLIND

Hardware Apple VoiceOver Solution Text to Speech offers such features as autospeaking web pages, “read all�, web page summary, web table support, user-created labels, customizable verbosity.

Wildix Attendant Console

Braille device /optional

Supported manufacturers: Alva / Optelec, APH, Baum, Eurobraille, Freedom Scientific, GW Micro, Handy Tech, HIMS, HumanWare, MDV, Ninepoint Systems, Papenmeir

Wildix Attendant Console supports assistive hardware and software to help people with vision disabilities and with mobility problems. Wildix Attendant Console can be used by everyone, thanks to its compatibility with accessibility devices (Braille display) and the tools present in the new generation PCs, such as VoiceOver (Converting Text to Speech) and Magnification.

CTIconnect iOS e TAPI CTIconnect Android FAX Server

Wildix FAX Server simplifies fax management and SMS sending

Send and receive faxes easily and quickly as if they were simple emails. Each user can have his own fax number. The maximum performance and reliability is guaranteed, thanks to the T.38 standard for fax transmission over IP. The system delivers faxes directly to the recipient’s email. Automatic notifications provide you with the up-to-date information on the fax transmission status. With Wildix FAX Server you don’t need to keep the paper archives, you can store and find the needed faxes easily since they come in an electronic format. Wildix FAX Server brings significant savings through elimination of fax machines and relative expendables (paper, toner).

SMS Service Wildix FAX Server allows you to send and receive SMS via CTIconnect: just select a contact or enter a phone number and type the text of the message. You can send fax or SMS to one or multiple recipients and postpone the delivery date and time if needed.


Wildix TAPI is an additional license for computer telephony integration that can be activated on every Wildix PBX. With WTAPI you can make and monitor calls from different Windows applications.


Contacts sync is supported from:

Multiline Works in LAN and Internet environments Uses a single port 5060 UDP TSP compatible with TAPI 2.0 and TAPI 3.0

LDAP – Active Directory MYSQL MSSQL CSV

WTAPI includes the basic call functionality, such as dial, answer, hang up, and additional functions: hold, swap, transfer, conference and call pickup.


FAILOVER service guarantees the system reliability and continuity of the services in case of the PBX or the network failure.

In case of emergency all the functionalities will be automatically passed to the PBX of backup that has the same features and configuration as the main one, ensuring the continuity of the services. Failover service is easy to configure: activate the license on the Master PBX, define the IP of the backup machine and enter the login and password.

WMS 3.0 Mash UP Unified Communications offer new efficient services bringing you closer to your client. Wildix Mash-Up is a simple and immediate tool for direct communication between you and your client via your company website. Wildix Mash-Up facilitates the contact between you and your customer, boosts your responsiveness and increases the level of your online services via two efficient tools easy to configure and to use.

Simple and instant contact A client can communicate with your call agents via Live Chat, directly on the company website.

No call queues A client enters his phone number and the system makes a Call Back to put him in contact with the first available agent.

CTIconnect Mobile CTIconnect Mobile application for your iOS and Android The application connects to your Wildix PBX system and offers the Unified Communication services on iPhone, iPod Touch and Android.

CTIconnect iOS features: • Calls via VoIP or mobility to all contacts in the phonebook • Video calls via VoIP or mobility to all contacts in the phonebook • Chat with all the users of the system • Send reminder/memo messages to all the users of the system • Calls and chat history • Presence status and location of colleagues • Personal Presence status and location • Notifications when the application runs in the background mode

WMS 3.0 Wildix systems are based on TLC industrial electronics with microprocessor for management and processing of voice and data network protocols. The switch matrix of the system is realized on most software layers of the PBX physical memory. Wildix systems allow convergence of voice and data and they were designed for both SIP and TDM protocols management.

Wildix management system is completely web-based and consists of WMS and WMP. Both components do not require any physical installation and are accessible from PC or mobile devices on any operating system (Windows, Linux, Apple MacOS). Wildix management system can be hosted on the dedicated servers and allows access in a multiuser mode. Via the graphical interface you can activate and manage all your Wildix PBXs (it’s possible to connect all your offices to the WMS Network), add the users and edit their preferences, configure all the devices belonging to your network, even remote ones, thanks to the auto-provisioning system.

Virtual WMS 3.0 Virtualization of WMS 3.0 is possible thanks to the compatibility of the system with VMware and Xen Hypervisor. Easy Failover Easy backup and system recovery via snapshots Fast performance Several virtual machines on one server Hosted PBX services Virtual environments allow better configuration flexibility and ensure the continuity of the services. You can run Wildix System on virtual machines that are hosted on remote servers and deliver PBX functionality as a service, on rent, without any hardware installation on the client’s side.

WMP Wildix Management Portal The portal is accessible via the browser and allows you to view your PBXs on the geographical map, instantly update and move the licenses activated on your PBXs. It’s easy to apply for the technical assistance via the efficient ticketing system.

PBX Wildix Multimedia System Wildix Multimedia System is a reliable PBX, easy to configure either locally or remotely. Wildix PBX models are equal in terms of quality, but different regarding the maximum number of internal lines and concurrent calls. One PBX can manage up to 8 or 5000 users (depending on the model), the physical dimension of all the machines is a standard rack-mounted 19’’ 1 unit format.

Wildix Multimedia System easily integrates into an existing legacy telephony system. You can enhance your communication by empowering traditional solutions with the VoIP services and Unified Communications. Wildix offers a scalable and flexible system that easily extends and adapts to the needs of the company. You can connect your Wildix PBXs via the WMS Network, a network of intercommunication that cancels the distances between the users of the system.

PBX characteristics Full Video support Integration with Outlook and Lotus Notes Mobility Extension Graphical IVR Advanced CDR Dynamic LCR LDAP integration Multiuser

Analog lines and ISDN support SIP protocol Compatibility with SIP phones Compatibility with BCA phones Unlimited Voicemail Call queues management Fax T.38 support Conference management

Multi-company Integrated FAX and SMS server Integrated CTIconnect component Call Center functionality Unified Messaging Instant Messaging Paging Remote locations and users management

PBX models Model Characteristics

WGW08 WGW16 WGW40 WGW90 WGW250 WGW500 WGW1000 WGW5000

Max number of users









Max number of concurrent calls









Wildix offers a full range of Media Gateways (PRI, BRI, FXO, FXS, GSM) that provide a high degree of reliability and performance.

Media Gateway





1 ISDN PRI channel



2 ISDN PRI channels



1 ISDN BRI channel



2 ISDN BRI channels



4 ISDN BRI channels



1 BCA port



4 BCA ports



8 BCA ports



16 BCA ports



24 BCA ports



4 analog lines




With Wildix media gateways you can connect phone lines to the VoIP services and analog phones to your Wildix PBX. Wildix system is flexible and scalable and can be easily extended by simply adding a new module to your network on the fly, without suspending your work.

Thanks to the GSM Media Gateway, the mobile phone of every employee becomes an extension of the company PBX. Make and receive the calls using your mobile phone in the same way as your office phone.


PoE Switches MODEL







16 PoE ports



24 PoE ports





24 PoE Gigabit ports



18 Fibra ports

8 PoE ports

Wildix offers a wide range of Switches: PoE Switches that power other PoE devices, PoE Gigabit Switches, Switches with Fibra ports.

8 PoE Gigabit ports

Data Storage Wildix USB Key Storage 2GB is a USB drive resistant to high temperatures. Operative temperature: up to 70째C (158째F), aluminium case, up to 100 000 write/erase cycles, read and write speed: 10 MB/sec thanks to NAND Flash Technology.

Phones The range of Wildix VoIP phones is designed to guarantee the maximum audio quality, high performance and usability.

XML browser PoE SMS sending and receiving Complete integration with Wildix PBX Audio HD wideband

Wildix presents four phone models, an ideal complement to your Wildix PBX. WP480 and WP490 have a simple and intuitive user-friendly interface and WP600 is in addition provided with a high resolution TFT color display and HD wideband audio for the best audio experience.

Basic characteristics *


WP400 • 4 Function keys (conference, hold, mute, transfer) • 2 programmable keys (feature or speed dial) • Volume keys • Wall mounting option




• 132*64 LCD display • 3 Line keys • 2 monitoring keys extensions/features/timetables • Wall mounting option

• 132*64 LCD display • 3 Line keys • 10 monitoring keys extensions/features/timetables

• 4.3” LCD display, 480 x 272 pixels, 16.7M colors • 6 Line keys • 10 monitoring keys extensions/features/timetables • 2 LAN 10/100/1000 Mbit ports for connection to PC


Full-duplex speaker with advanced AEC

Accessories Key expansion module WP38KP with 38 programmable keys for call operators

Monaural headphones WHS32 for WP480, WP490, WP600

W-AIR Wildix W-AIR is a turnkey cordless solution. Auto-provisioning system allows easy and instant connection to a Wildix PBX. W-AIR is a cordless phone, easily installed and perfectly integrated with Wildix VoIP system. The signal coverage is very extensive, thanks to the system of Base Stations and Repeaters.

PRESENCE Audio HD wideband Integrated phonebooks CAT-iq Intelligent Networking

The system is developed on the CAT-iq protocol that allows voice and data transfer on the radio channel offering a great variety of features, such as access to the shared phonebooks and presence status monitoring.

To create a wireless infrastructure it’s enough to install a W-AIR Base Station. You can expand the number of users and register up to 200 cordless phones. Add other Base Stations or Repeaters to increase the signal coverage.


Example of Intelligent Networking configuration

Up to 200 users registered Up to 40 W-AIR Bases per system Up to 3 Repeaters per base Signal coverage: Indoor 50m, Outdoor 300m


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