International School Magazine - Summer 2019

Page 37

Curriculum, learning and teaching

The thesis sits smugly on the shelf International teacher Adam Poole’s reflection on a doctoral journey Research is typically judged on how it appears in the form of a product, such as an article, book or in my case, a doctoral thesis. However, what is not often written about is the process, the journey. The freshly bound thesis sitting smugly on the shelf belies the struggles that led to its creation and eventual completion. My own doctoral research focused on the experiences of a group of international school teachers and how they constructed their identities in terms of the accumulation of what I labelled ‘cross-cultural capital.’ However, rather than focusing on this somewhat esoteric (though very interesting) topic, I want to offer a reflection on my doctoral journey as an international educator. I undertook a doctorate in education for a number of reasons: interest, career development, the challenge. Perhaps most of all I undertook the doctorate because of my experiences as an international teacher. Before undertaking the doctorate, I had a clear, though perhaps slightly naïve, sense of who I was as an international educator. I’d been teaching International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme English and IGCSE literature in various international schools in Winter

Summer |

| 2019

Shanghai for almost ten years. To put it more precisely, I taught international curricula in an international school; therefore, I was an international teacher. This syllogistic logic became axiomatic. However, as I progressed with the doctorate and read more widely around the field of international education, I began to interrogate my assumptions about what it meant to be an educator as well as an international teacher. I found myself constantly sliding between identities: on the week days, I was a teacher; in the evenings and at weekends when writing up the thesis I was a researcher. The more I progressed with the doctorate, the more I struggled with the issue of whether I was a practitioner-researcher or a researcher-practitioner. I also found myself wondering (and wandering) about the nature of international education. Just what was the defining feature of international education? What made teachers ‘international’? I was reading that it was the curriculum or the school, or certain dispositions, such as international-mindedness or a global perspective that truly defined international education. The more I read, the more frustrated I became at the paucity of research on the international teacher experience.


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Articles inside

What global educators need to know about teacher wellbeing, Mitesh Patel

pages 73-76

The Learning Rainforest, by Tom Sherrington, reviewed by Wayne Richardson

pages 71-72

Striving to serve our island community, Daniel Slevin

pages 63-66

Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understanding, by Debra Rader

pages 69-70

The IB turned 50 in 2018! This is how we celebrated, Mickie Singleton

pages 59-60

Sister schools and study tours – a passport to the world, Brendan Hitchens

pages 61-62

Forthcoming conferences

page 58

Meaningful and holistic integration of mathematics content in life

pages 46-48

Fifth column: Dr Neely’s dilemma, E T Ranger

pages 55-56

Science matters: Bad science and serious consequences! Richard Harwood

page 57

Different strokes, Nicky Dulfer

pages 51-54

Are IB students prepared to defend against ‘fake news’? Shane Horn

pages 49-50

Lost in education, Doruk Gurkan

pages 44-45

Inquiring together: student and teacher collaboration

pages 42-43

How do student-athletes balance sport and education? Anne Louise Williams

pages 39-41

The thesis sits smugly on the shelf, Adam Poole

pages 37-38

Pressure cooker education in Silicon Valley, Sally Thorogood

pages 33-34

Is education the answer to the biggest challenges facing the planet? Ivan Vassiliev

pages 35-36

Pupils with autism are twice as likely to be bullied – what can teachers do?

pages 25-26

Are we able to slay the educational Leviathan? Andrew Watson

pages 31-32

Will my son be a global citizen? Hedley Willsea

pages 29-30

Looking through the Crystal Ball, Naaz Fatima Kirmani

pages 27-28

The important role of senior leaders in mentally healthy schools

pages 23-24

Is the IB meeting the needs of our times? Mikki Korodimou

pages 19-20

Interpreting the ‘international school’ label and the theme of identity

pages 11-14


pages 5-6

So did your Daddy cry when the car died?’, Natalie Shaw and Lauren Rondestvedt

pages 21-22

Home teachings, abroad, Stephen Spriggs

page 18

Balance and belonging: a recipe for wellbeing in international schools?

pages 15-17

Growth and the emerging supply-side concerns, Tristan Bunnell

pages 7-10
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