Wilmington Friends Report on Philanthropy 2021

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Report on Philanthropy 2020–2021


Thank You For Your Stewardship Dear Friends, On behalf of the Wilmington Friends School Board of Trustees, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who is recognized in the following Report on Philanthropy. Year after year, our school benefits tremendously as you share your time, talents, and financial resources with our community. I am truly inspired by the generosity you have shown again this year, especially given its challenges and uncertainties. This past June, I had an opportunity to share a few reflections with the WFS Class of 2021 about how I try to approach the trials and tribulations that we all face in life. I have come to see life as a journey that we are all on together, which will play out in ways that we can’t possibly predict. While it can be unnerving, I believe that the very unpredictability of life is what also makes it so wonderful, if we can learn to accept and embrace it as it happens, and consider each wrong turn, detour, or delay in our journey as an opportunity. That is certainly what the Friends community has done this past year. Our faculty, staff, and students have embraced new ways of teaching and learning in the face of the global pandemic. As they were forced off of familiar paths, they found new opportunities for academic and personal growth, and many moments of joy along the way. Our parent, grandparent, and alumni communities similarly found new ways of engaging with the school and each other, through reimagined events from virtual Meeting for Worship, lectures, and cooking nights, to school concerts and grandparents’ day via Zoom. We seized the opportunity to bring our community members together from across the country and around the globe as we never have before. The donors listed in these pages have made all of this possible. Whether through an endowment or legacy gift, giving in honor of faculty and staff during the Teacher Appreciation Week Challenge, or helping unlock the $10,000 matching gift of two generous donors which allowed our Annual Fund to reach its $1,000,000 goal, your gifts have a direct impact on each and every one of our students, faculty, and staff. You provided them with the resources they needed to rise to this year’s challenges, and enable us to continue to invest in making our resilient school community stronger than ever. Thank you again for your support, and best wishes for a safe and healthy year ahead. In Friendship,

David Tennent Clerk, Board of Trustees Wilmington Friends School


Alumni/Development Thank You Events


FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2020-2021 A Breakdown of Giving to Friends

Income Tuition & Fees

July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021 Fund Annual Fund Campaign Projects & Proposals* Current Operations Endowment*

# of Gifts 1,894 18


Amount $1,022,596 $29,177

19 $455,298 152 $538,225


Other Programs 3% (After-School Program, Summer Camps, Cafeteria, Etc.) Endowment & Investment Income


Annual Fund & Other Gifts


2,083 $2,045,296

gifts total

*Giving totals include all cash and stock gifts received in 2020–2021, and do not include multi-year pledge amounts

2020–21 WFS Annual Fund The WFS Annual Fund is an important part of the education at Friends. Past and present families, alumni and friends contribute almost 5% of the annual operating budget, or approximately $1,500 per student. We cannot thank you enough for your support. Year after year, we ask, and, year after year, you answer.

Expenses $23,121,789

Salaries & Benefits


Classroom & Educational Expenses*


Other Programs Financial Aid

1% 26%


WFS % of National Participation Averages*









Current Parents




Parents of Alumni








Total Endowment $43,914,604

Faculty & Staff




Arts, Science, Capital

Foundations & Corporations $51,850


Friends Meeting





raised from

distinct donors

Facility Maintenance & Operations


*Includes Administrative expenses

Other: Community Service, Library, Life Ed, Performing Unrestricted

2% 52%

Faculty Salaries, Professional Development & Travel 18% Financial Aid


*According to the National Association of Independent Schools for Independent Day Schools. Please Note: Donors represented in the amount column listed above are included in one category only. For example, the amount donated by a trustee who is also an alumna/us would be included in the trustee category, but not in the alumni category. Therefore, amounts listed for each category may differ from the all-inclusive listings on the following pages.

Financial Summary



Smith McMillan Virtual 5K October 24, 2020

The pandemic didn’t stop us from continuing with the Homecoming tradition of the Smith McMillan 5K, held in memory of Wendy Smith McMillan ’77 and Jonathan Bacon Smith ’83, and benefiting the Financial Aid Endowment at WFS. The 2020 Smith McMillan 5K was reimagined and held in a virtual format. While we missed being together on the starting line on School Road, the silver lining was that we had participation from alumni and other community members from all over the country. Head of School Ken Aldridge, proudly wearing his SM5K shirt, held a Facebook live event in place of our usual in-person race activities. Ken thanked our run clerks and committee, our sponsors, and our participants. Participants ran/walked on their own time and sent pictures of their participation. We even included a family-friendly scavenger hunt for added family fun. Thank you to all who planned, participated, and sponsored our 2020 SM5K. We were grateful for the continued community support despite our inability to be together.




The Blackett and Jones Families Marie DeVoll ’18 Brian Nilstoft ’89 The O’Kane Family The Parents of the Senior Cross Country Team Members Trelly Vergara-Shaikh ’89

Co-Clerks: Katy Connolly Amanda Singleton Hay ’95

Alpine and Rafetto Orthodontics Brilliant Studio LLC Diane and Stephen Beneck Jon Clifton Productions The Connolly Family EDiS Edward Jones Mark Quinn Incyte The Kelley Family Beth J. Osbourn Potter Anderson & Carroon LLP

Committee Members: Melissa Bilek Jon Clifton ’80 Susan Kelley Lisa Townsend-Raber ’77 Sarah Singleton Turick ’95

First Virtual Quaker Quiz Night March 6, 2021

Members of our community gathered together virtually to test their trivia knowledge and catch up with friends. Thank you to everyone who allowed us to keep the Quaker Quiz Night tradition going! This year’s event was free to attend, but thanks to your generosity, we still raised over $2,000. Your support helped our faculty and staff reimagine their roles and classes to continue offering our strong program, rooted in Quaker values.

COMMITTEE: Amanda Singleton Hay ’95 Karen Legum Brian Curtis Mand ’90

Left to right: Dani and Jennifer Shull and Katie Wolf Martinenza ’99 and Brian Martinenza


Alumni/Development Events Events

Clockwise from top left: Jill and Chris Loeffler ’00; Laura Kirk Kurz ’97; Emilia Mackey and Dan White; Adrienne and Pete Lenz; Chalanda Jones; Harper McKean ’29, Kyle McKean ’98, and Maggie Mesinger


WFS Golf Outing April 26, 2021

WFS hosted its first golf outing in over 20 years on April 26, 2021 at Bidermann Golf Club—to a sold-out crowd!

Whether you sponsored, played, or attended the post-golf gathering, we are grateful for your support. The event raised over $30,000 for the school, which will benefit our teachers, our students, and our programs. The funds raised will support a range of important initiatives at Friends, including the following capital improvements: • Pre-school/Pre-K playground upgrades, including a new playhouse, bikes, trikes, scooters, easels, an outdoor library, and a stage for dramatic play • Extension of Fundations language arts program to benefit 3rd grade students • World Music Drumming curriculum drum set for the lower school music program

• Modular tables for the upper school math program to promote a dynamic and cooperative learning environment • White boards for the upper school English program to facilitate conceptual learning and small group work

Thank you to the Golf Outing Committee and the Home and School Association for their time, dedication, and leadership. And, thank you to our generous sponsors!



Melissa Bilek Kim Massih Dolan ’89 Kara Hebert Adrienne Lenz Alison Terrell Bree Wellons George Products Company, Inc.

Brilliant Studio LLC Chandler Funeral Home ClaritiDox LLC Compass, Shawn Breck ’96 Delancey Street Partners Delaware Orthopaedic Specialists First State Dental Swigg The Okolo Family




Alpine and Rafetto Orthodontics Dalton Trial & Appellate Counsel Incyte Wohlsen Construction

Big Oyster Brewery Elisa Morris Photography Hockessin Athletic Club Moore Brothers Wine Company Peter Kate BEVERAGE SPONSOR Standard Distributing Co. Inc. Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Union Park Wawa


Boundary Companies WRT Architects

Kelly and Bryan Mason

TEAM SPONSORS Chris Lee ’82 & The Mottola Group Compass, Greenville and Rehoboth Beach Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP ModernControls Inc. Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP Premier Pool Renovations Seiberlich Trane Standard Distributing Co. Inc. The Blake Rodi Family The Jenney Family The Kelley Family The Wellons Family

Save the date for next year’s outing at


Monday, May 2, 2022

Left to right: Laura Rossi, Bree Wellons, Kim Massih Dolan ’89, Kimmy Green, Sarah Schenck Maheshwari ’91, and Kara Hebert




SENIOR FUND Congratulations to the Class of 2021! Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to the Senior Fund this year, including 88% of senior families, in honor of the graduating seniors and the faculty, staff, and coaches listed below. We are especially grateful for the leadership of this year’s Senior Fund Committee, who helped raise over $70,290 for WFS in honor of the Class of 2021, despite the challenges of this most unprecedented year. Your efforts to keep the Senior Fund tradition going strong are a wonderful tribute to everything this class has overcome and accomplished together.

Senior Fund Committee: Chair

Meg Gehret Erskine ’83


Cassandra Aldridge Liz Baldwin Dineen Cochran Christina DeVoll Mary Fenimore Sue Harron Robyn Malone Dawn McCoy Debbie Ross Erik Saville Sheri Stump Sabrina Williams

We would also like to thank the members of the Class of 2021 who raised a class gift of $2,087 for the Annual Fund!

Seniors Honored: Leah Agne Kathleen and Kevin Agne Tara and Karl Agne Mary Darby Mariah Aldridge Cassandra and Kenneth Aldridge Kaffie Weaver David Slade Baldwin Elizabeth and David Baldwin Matthew Banschbach Janet and Chris Banschbach Kennedy Barnes Carol and William Barnes Elissa Belleroche Danielle Pierre-Belleroche and Jean Belleroche Samuel Boulos Helen Boulos and Tim Boulos ’91 Isabella Bukowski Tony Bacon Tracy and Gabriel Bukowski Maxine Chou Mei-Lun Wang and Larry Chou

Rosaleen Cochran Dineen and Douglas Cochran Sally Cochran Teddy DeVoll Christina and David DeVoll Eileen Rinaldi Kalise Dyton Kywanna Bost Abigail Emsley Michelle and A. Todd Emsley Peter G. Erskine James Erskine III Meg Gehret Erskine ’83 Meredith Erskine ’13 Pam Gehret and Jake Gehret ’77 Ann Gehret McKinney ’83 and Al McKinney Kayla C. Farley Christine Farley Monica and Michael McKenzie Eileen and Joe Szczerba Emily Fenimore Mary Fenimore Felicia Froio Jennifer and Nicholas Froio

Isaiah Gaines Eva and Richard Gaines Sara and Richard Gaines Brooke Goodman Donna and Todd Goodman Carter Gramiak Judy Gramiak Stephanie and Douglas Gramiak Max Grimes Chip Grimes Sheri L. Stump Aine Grubb Amy and Kevin Grubb Katherine Harron Dorothy and John Graham Sue and Edwin Harron

Patrick J. McKenzie Christine Farley Michael Andrew McKenzie ’19 Monica and Michael McKenzie Eileen and Joe Szczerba Sophie Mullen Abby Kleman ’18 Helen Samson Mullen and Robert Mullen Leila Mulveny Tracey Mulveny and Daniel C. Mulveny ’87 Luke Munch Lara and Gary Munch Kyle Nisbet Emily and Bruce Nisbet

Estelle Hegenbarth Janice and Jack Hegenbarth Andrés Pardo Janie and Jim Jersild Megan and Laura Jersild Pardo ’90 David Hegenbarth and Jorge Pardo Marie Horne Nathan W. Rashkind Anonymous Lee and Michael Rashkind Elise Johnson Skye and Jacob Rashkind Kristine Wellman and Maximiliano Rios Derek Johnson Kathleen Magner-Rios Sander Katz Christian Rosado Trish and Michael Katz Jen and Julian Rosado Lyle Knudsen Bennett Ross Stephanie Doyle Sullivan Susan and Jeffry Komins Ely Longwill Deborah and David Ross Sophie Longwill and Tamryn Sainten Michael Longwill ’82 Tamika Sainten Aristotle Q. Makoujy Alexander M. Saville Jacqueline Palumbo and Yvonne and Erik Saville Richard Makoujy Caroline Schumacher Manon Magnan Jennifer Toney and de Bellevue Dirk Schumacher Maya Contractor and Jerome Magnan de Bellevue Meghan Malone Robyn Malone and Stephen Malone ’84 Erin Mann Kate and Paul Mann Madison McCoy Dawn and Michael McCoy

Sarah Stovicek Ruth Ann and John Stovicek Lucy Taylor Denise and John Taylor Grace Terranova Susan and Timothy Terranova Marleen Ueberall Sabine and Michael Ueberall


Alumni/Development Senior Fund Events


Blythe Wallick Sherry Reid and Bradley Wallick Pat White Henry Wieman Sarah Ryan and Robert Wieman Brandon Williams Lisa and Terence Williams Cassandra Williams Sabrina Williams Stephen Williams Mark Wilson Margaret and Jeffrey Wilson Carby Wise Evelyn Wise and Carby Wise ’94 Bryce Young Darragh and Jake Young

Faculty, Staff and Coaches Honored: Amy Bailey Jennifer Toney and Dirk Schumacher Margaret Anne Butterfield Sara and Richard Gaines Scott Clothier Monica and Michael McKenzie Christine Farley Eileen and Joe Szczerba Rose Gnade Jennifer Toney and Dirk Schumacher Katy Kenney Sue and Edwin Harron

Leslie Knight Sabine and Michael Ueberall Michael McKenzie, Sr. Anonymous Eileen and Joe Szczerba Micheline McManus Jennifer Toney and Dirk Schumacher Ildikó Miller Sue and Edwin Harron Donald Morton, Jr. ’94 Chip Grimes Monica and Michael McKenzie Sheri L. Stump Sarah O’Brien Elizabeth and David Baldwin

Senior Parent Reception

Over 80 senior parents and guardians gathered for an evening of fun and fellowship last September at the Delaware Art Museum, where they celebrated the launch of the Senior Fund in honor of the Class of 2021.

Laura Jersild Pardo ’90 Janie and Jim Jersild Jake Rashkind Chip Grimes John Roskovensky Tara and Karl Agne Xuedan Yang Jennifer Toney and Dirk Schumacher WFS Faculty and Staff Carol and William Barnes Helen Samson Mullen and Robert Mullen Emily and Bruce Nisbet Yvonne and Erik Saville Lisa and Terence Williams WFS Upper School Faculty and Staff Jennifer Toney and Dirk Schumacher

Senior Fund



THANKS TO YOUR STEWARDSHIP OF OUR SCHOOL Wilmington Friends School students, faculty, and families make the world around us a better place. Your gifts strengthen the foundation and function of Quaker education at Friends, helping our students achieve success as they grow as leaders and learners. We are most grateful for your generous support. Please note that the Giving Circles listed below recognize total gifts and pledges made by individuals from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

Founders Circle ($25,000+)

Anonymous (2) F Carpenter Trust Nathan M. Clark Foundation Ira Ellis, Jr. ’52 F Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Home and School Association John Jackson ’61 W. Rufus Jones ’52* F Elizabeth Krahmer Keating ’77 F Laffey-McHugh Foundation Paige Linton and David Linton ’78 Herschel Loomis, Jr. ’52 F Alicia F. Maharty Private Foundation Rogers Jackson Ltd. Meredith Graves Rotko and Michael Rotko F Schwab Charitable Fund Kristine and David Tuttleman Tuttleman Foundation UBS Financial Services, Inc. United Way of Delaware

Friends Circle ($15,000+)

The Ayco Charitable Foundation Jamie Nicholls and O. Francis Biondi, Jr. ’83 Jennifer Gimler Brady and Robert Brady Patricia and Thomas Connelly, Jr. John A. and Joan M. Dietze Charitable Trust Carolyn Schneider Dowds ’45* F Meg Gehret Erskine ’83 F Noreen and William Haubert Susan and Bernard Kelley Deborah G. Mellor

Bold = True Blue Donor F = 1748 Society Donor * = deceased

Alumni/Development Circles Events VIII Giving

Northern Trust Charitable Trust Raymond Osbun ’71 Renaissance Charitable Foundation Kathleen Burns Scanlon ’58 Emily and Scott Smith Penny Kolloff and John Urice ’64 F

George Fox Circle ($10,000+)

Anonymous Arguild Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation Mona Bayard and Thomas Bayard ’62 F Evelyn Brownlee F Delaware Community Foundation James Erskine III Amanda Walker Friz and Robert W. Friz ’86 Trust of Mark B. Holzman Christopher Howard ’74 Jane E. Hukill Keith Johnson Evelyn Robbins Lang ’55 and Edward Lang ’55 National Financial Services Kelly Snyder O’Donnell ’93 Anna and Luke Wales F Tara and Richard Wood Pamela Perkins Young ’64

Meeting Circle ($5,000+)

Anonymous (2) Cassandra and Kenneth Aldridge Alexis de Tocqueville Society Margaret and Thomas Briggs Mati Buccini and Chris Buccini ’90 Jeffrey Cohen ’82 Community Foundation of New Jersey Eleanor and Alan Craig F Eileen and Bartholomew Dalton

Anne Nolte and Thomas A. Dippel ’89 Madge M. Ellis ’56 F Catherine Strickler Gaul ’95 and Christopher Gaul Pam Gehret and Jake Gehret ’77 Kathy Hoffman and Louis Hoffman ’77 IBM International Foundation Kristine Wellman and Derek Johnson Elizabeth Moore Johnston ’58 and William Johnston F Kalevi Kotkas ’66 Karen Krigstein and Alan Krigstein ’70 Marguerite Marston Kritkausky ’70 Olivia and Marcus Montejo Morgan Stanley Maureen and Michael Rhodes Deborah and David Ross Jennifer Rowland and Christopher M. Rowland ’95 Patricia Sauter Ruemmler ’62 James and Janine Saber Elizabeth Lord Scott ’70 and Thomas Scott ’70 F Howard Seebach ’48* F Stephenson Foundation Barbara Stephenson and Thomas Stephenson ’60 Charles F. Stone III Catherine and Frank Ursomarso The Vanguard Group Inc. Richard Weigel ’62 Aubree and John Wellons Wilmington Trust Company

The Richard and Jeanette Wood Charitable Foundation Janet Martin Yabroff ’64 and Ronald Yabroff F

Head’s Circle ($2,500+)

Aware Foundation Karen-Lee Brofee Lori Captain Denise and William Chapman Joan M. Connolly Everence Foundation, Inc. Kimberly and Richard Facciolo Kenneth Haven ’70 Terry Hendricks and R. Matthew Hendricks ’79 F Yancey Hillegas and David Hillegas ’55 F Stephanie Hoopes ’82 Martha Hays and Richard Horwitz ’75 F Susan Janes-Johnson and Scott Johnson Mary and Daniel Klein F Liz Lang and Matthew Lang ’08 Tamara Mand and Brian Curtis Mand ’90 Julie Tattersall McGinnis ’82 and Artie Kempner F Pamela McKinstry and Thomas McKinstry ’81 M. Kirk McKusick ’72 F Lois and Freeman Miller Faye Paul ’03 and Arthur Lipovetsky Isabel Sexton Pearce ’76 Lisa Peyton-McNeill and Omar McNeill Debbie and Michael Pittenger John Porter ’52 Carol Quillen ’79 Reed Family Foundation Leslie Veith Reed ’83 and John Reed Laura Reilly and David Hartley Elaine and David Singleton F Sheri L. Stump Dana Smith Tench ’65 and Ken Tench

Peter Townsend ’75 Amy and Lee Trainer Martha Poorman Tschantz ’85 and Jay Tschantz F U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Stephen Urice ’68 Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Susan Ward and Rodman Ward ’52 Pamela Appleby Waxlax ’83 and Paul Waxlax F

Faculty Circle ($1,748+)

Virginia Poole Bainbridge ’63 and David Bainbridge Elizabeth and David Baldwin Bank of America William P. Bickley Emily Geuder Blair ’87 F Mei-Lun Wang and Larry Chou Robert Coughlin* Jeff Dalzell Alexandra Poorman Ergon ’77 Lathie and Ronan Gannon Susan Geoghegan and David Geoghegan ’75 Glenmede Corporation Mimi Harlan and W. Scott Harlan ’80 F Sue and Edwin Harron Lynn Hill and Richard Hill ’61 Incyte Corporation Mary and William Johnston Ann Lunger Jones ’58 Emily Ricenbaw-Keiper and Mark Keiper ’82 Hugh Kenworthy III ’65 Christopher Lee ’82 Barbara Chase Lessey ’68 and Bruce A. Lessey ’68 Gwyneth Loud Jennifer and Jonathan MacBride Ruth Marshall Marcia Halperin and Norman Monhait Adrienne Monley ’02 Dede Wolcott-Neff and William Neff Laura and Charles O’Kane

We would like to extend a special thanks to the Home and School Association for all that they did this year to support our faculty, staff, students, and families through creative and reimagined community events, service projects, and fundraising efforts, including the revival of the WFS Golf Outing. In partnership with our dedicated Golf Outing Committee, the event raised over $30,000 in support of a variety of initiatives at Friends.

REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 Vivian Lessey Pas ’65 Lear and Gary Pfeiffer Darcy E. Rademaker F Loree Rogers Reed ’62 Tammie Warthen and Patrick Ritschel Athena and David Ruhl Patricia Scott Michelle and Russell Silberglied Elizabeth W. Snyder Louisa Hill Spottswood ’50 Linda Turner Pete Wentz ’67 Wilmington Monthly Meeting Rebecca and James Zug

Whittier Circle ($1,000+)

Tara and Karl Agne Frances Walker Altmaier ’53 and Donald Altmaier ’51 Constance Roberts Amend ’61 and William J. C. Amend, Jr. ’59 Jane Atkins and Stuart Atkins ’76 AWA Family Foundation Tina and William Baczkowski Thomas Baker ’57 and Susan Baker John Beekley ’49 Maria and Roberto Bonetti Lydia Boyer and David Boyer ’48 F Melissa and William Brown Carolyn Appleby Bruce ’85 and Thomas Bruce Elizabeth Buccini and Robert Buccini ’86 Betsy Caldwell Dalgliesh Pamela and Richard Cerchio Katy and Chip Connolly III ’79 Ashley Connolly and Michael Connolly ’84 Kim Cutler and Bruce Cutler ’58 F Dr. and Mrs. Henry Weiner Dahvia and Drew Dalton ’97 Lisa A.H. Darling F Jennifer and Stafford Davis G. Stephen DeCherney ’70 Kevin Dew ’79 Sally and Donald DeWees, Jr. Stephanie Stevens Gates and Scott Gates ’80 Ellen Gay and Gary Johnson F Geney Geoghegan

Rachel and Richard Grier-Reynolds Chip Grimes Debbie and William Hartnett Elizabeth Beadle Herrmann ’47* Catherine and Roger Holcomb Karen Horikawa and Peter Wenigmann Lawrence Humphrey ’80 Janet and John Jones F Jennifer Kaiser and David Kaiser ’83 Susan Woolley Katz ’88 and Jon Katz Nancy L. Kronfeld Maria and Scott Larsen Margaret Lindley and Daniel Lindley ’68 Judy Lockhart and George Lockhart ’60 Jodi Bettler and Rob Magaw Marilyn and Terence Maguire Donald and Faith Masten Dawn and Michael McCoy Kathleen and Thomas McDonough Ann Gehret McKinney ’83 and Al McKinney Metta Miller ’80 Ellen LaRowe Mintz Deborah MurraySheppard and Rick Sheppard Erin and Jeffrey Newton Carol Mumford Osbun ’66 and Ben M. Osbun, Jr. ’66 Pfizer Foundation Kathryn and Robert Pincus Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP Barbara Flinn Quillen ’47 R. James Quillen ’47* Alice D. Reilly F Murray Sawyer ’64 Paul Schnee ’84 Peter Shields ’57 Lynn Smith and David Smith ’66 Yanqing Wang and Ping Song Sujatha Srinivasan ’97 Jocelyn Sutton Stewart ’82 and Jim Stewart William Stone Jennifer and John Sullivan Shannon Elliott Tattersall and Robert C. Tattersall, Jr. ’91 Rodman Teeple ’45 F David G. Tennent Susan and Timothy Terranova Sara Toner Kristen Greene Ursomarso ’86 and James Ursomarso

Lisa Wilkinson and Roy Wilkinson ’70 F Helen Yeh and Oliver Yeh ’86 Norma Zumsteg

Bancroft Circle ($500+)

Anonymous Maureen Kiley and Rami R. Abdel-Misih ’97 Nancy Arnosti Joseph Arpad Elizabeth Amend Ashby ’54 Meredith and Berton Ashman Olive Baganz and Bruce Baganz ’69 Cricket and Mark Ball ’52 F Mary and Bodo Baltycki Chrissie Brosius Beh ’50 Elisa and Michael Benner Diane Bohner and Russell Bohner ’84 Carolyn Brown and Dut Brown ’62 Michael Buchanan Meghan and Robert Burns Joanne M. Capano Tracey Quillen Carney ’80 and John Carney Jonathan Clifton III ’80 F Ann and Bob Cole David Cress ’71 Andrea Krahmer Cross ’79 and David Cross Jill and Brock Czeschin Michael D’Amico ’04 Tamara Cox DeFer ’80 and Darin DeFer Erin Brownlee Dell ’89 and Kyle Dell Ellie Brown and Timothy Devlin Alice W. Donaghy Susan M. Dubowy Kathy and Dan Dugan Priscilla Altmaier duPont ’82 Masayo Duus and Peter Duus ’51 Dina and Charles Egoville Lynne P. Ellick Thomas Fairchild Mary Fenimore Gabriella and Michael Finizio Jessica and Matthew Fischer William H. Foulk, Jr. ’50 Jennifer and Nicholas Froio

Irene Garwood and Richard Garwood ’61 Rachel and Paul Gaskell Jane and James Gibson Lucile Glasebrook and Richard Glasebrook ’66 Jennifer Glick and David Glick ’80 Goldman, Sachs & Company Greater Washington Community Foundation Karisa and Ryan Greecher Kimberly and James Green Melody and Harry Hammond F Kelly Hardy and Bill Hardy ’86 Aleta Welling and Michael T. Hardy ’89 Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy Theresa Harper and John Harper ’77 Montgomery Harris Amanda Singleton Hay ’95 and Andrew Hay James Heaton ’86 Penney Cox Hubbard ’56 and A.C. Hubbard Meg Adams Hunter ’74 and Scott Hunter Jonathan Huxtable Jill Pryor Isakoff ’69 and Peter Isakoff ’69 Heather and Kenneth Jackman

Mckenzie Jones ’97 JP Morgan Chase Foundation Trish and Michael Katz Kimmel-Spiller Charitable Foundation Suzanne King and Allen D. King, Jr. ’52 JoAnn and Robert Kirk Laura and Theodore Kirkpatrick Jamie and William Kleman Holly and John Kolodczak Cynthia LaMothe and John LaMothe ’56 Anne Lang and William Lang ’52 Virginia Blomgren Lawrence and Charles Lawrence ’64 Karen and Brian Legum John Lindley ’62 Claire Lindley and Peter Lindley ’59 Sophie Longwill and Michael Longwill ’82 Sara Jane Lyon ’59 Marilyn Dew Maisano-Savage ’50 Robyn Malone and Stephen Malone ’84 Mary Maloney Huss and Benjamin Goldstein Lisa Fitzpatrick and Thomas Marston ’75 F Anne R. Martin ’68 Mary Ellen Martin

True Blue donors, who are listed in bold, show their exceptional commitment to WFS with a gift every year for 10 years or more. This bedrock of support enhances every aspect of our school and helps our students realize their dreams.

Giving Circles


REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 Sedgwick A. Ward ’50 Kathryn Gehret Welsh ’75 and Thomas Welsh Alice Martin Whelihan ’68 and James Whelihan Bonnie S. White Sarah Ryan and Robert Wieman Susanne and Gregory Williams Huong Nguyen and Donald Wilson, Jr. Nina Porter Winfield ’79 and James Winfield Michael Wise ’64 F Alyce Wright ’83 Sharon Bob and H. Alan Young ’54 Kyle Stiffler and Alexander Zwil

Jones Circle ($250+)

Marvel ’63 Carolyn Briggs McClain ’71 Kathleen McKusick ’77 Betsy and William Medford Valerie Middlebrooks Linda and Harrison Monk Ruth and Shah Morovati Lindsay Moyer Parker ’03 and Stacy Parker Helen Samson Mullen and Robert Mullen Lara and Gary Munch Julie Neff and Braden Neff ’00 Karen Nichols ’83 Emily and Bruce Nisbet Jacqueline Nix Kendra and Sylvester Okolo Ellie Alexander Poorman ’53 and Joel Poorman Amy Lacy Powalski and Gregg Powalski Serena Hoy and James Reilly ’85 Lindsay Rademaker Reinhold ’94 and Ross Reinhold Eileen Rinaldi Monica Logsdon Rockefeller ’72 and Avery Rockefeller Piper Wentz Rothschild ’72 and Jonathan Rothschild Laura Rubin Julie Ann Sandler ’85 and Bold = True Blue Donor F = 1748 Society Donor * = deceased


Alumni/Development Giving Circles Events

Joel Friedlander Yvonne and Erik Saville Dorothea L. Sawicki Jennifer Toney and Dirk Schumacher Judith Blake Schumacher ’56 Megan and Daniel Scott Jo Ann Tigani Sears ’67 and Fred C. Sears II ’60 Christobel Shedd Selecky ’72 and John Selecky F Silvana and Edson Silveira Kathleen and David Skibicki Maureen Gordon and Branislav Stanko Walter Stapleton ’52 Kimberly and Daniel Stargatt Rebecca Stevenson ’03 Kyra and Barry Stewart Kathleen and Jonathan Strauss Susan and R. Brinton Strode, Jr. Stephanie Doyle Sullivan Alison Terrell and Matthew Terrell ’91 Donna Terribile Lynn and Lawrence Tornek Juliane Harvey Van Egmond ’68 and Alan Van Egmond Sarah Horowitz and David F. Venarde ’83 Susan and Bill Volp Janet Holmes Waddell ’54 Sherry Reid and Bradley Wallick

Alpine & Rafetto Orthodontics Fran and Paul Altman Amy B. Altshul Dina Robinson Anderson ’84 Gail Porter Anderson ’56 Elizabeth Anderson and Todd Porter Anderson ’81 Lydia Baer and Jeffrey Baer ’71 Laurie Salladin and Mark Baganz ’79 Phoebe B. Baker ’62 F Hank and Karen Baumann Michelle and Thomas Blackwell F Claudia M. Bonetti Anne Bonnyman F Jeanne and Paul Boswell Elizabeth Bray and James Keith Bray ’91 Deborah Hancock Breck ’62 and Todd Breck Sherry Brilliant and Jon Brilliant F Brilliant Studio LLC Gwen and David Brown Betsy and Jim Brown Debbie and Adrian Burston Erin Bushnell ’96 Patricia Murdock and Allan Cairncross Marilyn Lammert and Paul Carlson Marybeth Cashman and Christopher Cashman ’78 Rita Johnson Cell Mary Jo and James Chandler, IV Susette Cochran and James S. Cochran ’66 Emily Lemos Cohen and Steven Cohen ’83 Mary Peterson Colhoun ’71 and Michael Colhoun Carolyn Gates Connors ’81 and Sean Connors

Shonnie and Howard Craighead Sue R. Crichton Jennifer and Tim Dalby Dianna Dalton and Michael Dalton ’05 Anna Vreeland Davis ’66 and Steven Davis Lisa and Eric Davis Susie Tattersall Davis ’84 and Robert Davis ’83 Lisa Dew and Thomas Dew ’75 Cristina and Kevin DiSabatino Richard Diver ’78 Anne Quillen Donecker ’73 and John Donecker Jan and Leo P. Dressel Sarah and William Driscoll Joan P. Egan Eli Lilly and Company Abigail Greene Fassnacht ’57 F Susan Morovati Finizio ’87 and GianClaudio Finizio Mr. and Mrs. David R. Foote ’95 Eva and Richard Gaines Sara and Richard Gaines Lois and Brian Galinat Alexandra Gallicchio ’13 William Gant ’71 James Garvin, Jr. ’64 Diane Gilman and Forrest Collier Annamarie Medeiros and Stanley Glowiak Cally and Steve Golding Gladys Goldman and Peter Goldman ’86 Donna and Todd Goodman W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Stephanie and Douglas Gramiak Landis Green and Bruce Norelius F Amy and Kevin Grubb Janice and Jack Hegenbarth Georgia Higgins Helthall ’66 and Eric Helthall Betsy and Stephen Hershey Crystal Nix Hines ’81 and David Hines R. Alan Hoff ’82 Hilary Hoopes and Robert R. Hoopes, Jr. ’85 Eliza Hirst and Andrew Hopkins Karin Akerfeldt and Michael Howard Elizabeth Hukill ’76 Elizabeth and Rudolf Hutz Mary Ting Hyatt ’03 and Wilbur Hyatt Jane Sheppard Jackson ’47 Linda and William Jaworski

Elizabeth Miller Jenkins ’51 Linda Johnson and Steven Johnson ’79 F Marcia Jones Meredith Jones Joppa ’00 Dayle and Michael Joseph Whitney and Matin Katirai Kathryn and Christopher Kenney Kerry and Michael Kirifides Susan and Jeffry Komins Carrie Lamb and Michael Lamb ’96 Dixon Lamborn III ’74 Deborah Miller and Adam Landis Frank Lang ’58 Grace and Scott Lawrence Jonathan Layton ’86 Katherine and Miles Lee Sara and Richard Leff Kathryn Cloutman and Philip Leshock Meredith Potter Lindley* Jennifer and Frank Luckangelo Laura MacKelcan Wesley Magness ’11 Erin and Michael Mand ’88 Shelly and Martin Mand Josette and Bradley Manning Katherine Wolf Martinenza ’99 and Brian Martinenza Kelly and Bryan Mason Suzi and David Maybee Kelly Seiberlich Mayo ’95 and Andrew Mayo Karen McCann McClelland and John McClelland ’87 Isabel Robinson McGraw ’56 and Ralph McGraw Kyle McKean ’98 and John McKean Monica and Michael McKenzie Karen Hansen and David Melnick Maggie D. Mesinger Virginia Fraser Morris ’65 and John Morris ’63 Tracey Mulveny and Daniel C. Mulveny ’87 Mary Nice and John Nice ’52 Sheldon Nix ’74 Vicki and Edward Novak Margaret O’Brien ’74 Ann Mathias O’Neil ’77 and Brian H. O’Neil Elizabeth Burr Papastavros ’49 Laura Pardee and Fred Pardee ’52 F Margo Hoff Pennock ’74 and Jonathan Pennock ’74

REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 Beth Peters ’83 and Brad Fagg J. Ronald Pownall ’65 F Kristin and Keith Ragan Deenie and Grafton Reeves Liliane Remy-Battiau ’52 Ami and F. Phillip Renzulli Mrs. Ashby T. Richards Laura and Ralph Rossi Vicki Rudawsky and Andrew Rudawsky ’80 Ramzi Sabbagh ’79 Kate Saber ’20 Olivia Saber ’14 J. Jason Sears ’97 Lorraine and John Seiberlich Gail and C.J. Seitz Laurence Sherwood III ’70 Lisa and Jim Simon ’60 Jennifer and Peter Slease Daniel Smith ’68 W. Alan Smith ’50 F Joseph Smolko and Shirley Smolko Susan and Nickolas Sotiropoulos Cruce Stark and Nancy Wingate Deanne Morris Stevens ’59 Vernon Stevenson Jane Stilmar and F. Bennett Stilmar ’63 Carl A. Stockfleth ’65 Kris Stone Lindsay Cook and Nate Stuhlmiller Mary Stern Sykes ’68 Eileen and Joe Szczerba Marianne Tallman Dianne and Bob Tattersall Diana and Allen Terrell Kelly and Charles Terribile Sarah Singleton Turick ’95 and Michael Turick Abram Wehmiller ’91 Jennifer Hederman and Samuel Whittenburg Sabrina Williams Stephen Williams Dolly Bochenek Wolf ’71 and Carl Wolf L. Kent Wyatt ’63 Patricia Wyatt ’61 Edi Wyeth and N. Convers Wyeth III ’63 Judy and Jerry Yeatman Darragh and Jake Young James W. and Debora C. Zug


($249 and below)

Anonymous (5) Devon and Douglas Adams Kathleen and Kevin Agne Mylea and Saiquan Aiken Kimberly Alberta Tracey Porter Aleman ’87 and John Aleman ’84 Judy and James Aliquo F Alison Allen and Skip Allen ’62 Penelope and Mark Allison Aundrea Almond ’90 Katrina Altmaier ’77 and John Barton Jonathan Altshul Carol Amaral-Ly Kellen Amobi and Ejimofor Amobi ’99 Meredith Malmberg Anderson ’68 and Greg Anderson Karen and Thomas Anglim Lawrencia D. Annor-Sakyi Savio Antao Jane Wier Apple ’56 and David Apple Dr. Richard M. Appleby ’72 Sheila Brown Arbury ’62 Patricia Kennedy Ascher ’56 and Doug Ascher Ann Moodey Ashe ’77 and Andrew Ashe Roberta Atkins ’14 Susan Attix Tony Bacon Barbara Baganz Simpson ’71 Ellen Bailey Amy Bailey Fay and Ashok Bakhru Louise Baldwin ’69 Stacey and Michael Balentine Lelane Bancroft and Jay Bancroft ’84 The Bank of New York Janet and Chris Banschbach Gwen Baraniecki-Zwil ’12 Mariza Vergara Barbe ’88 and Marc Barbe John Barbis Carol and William Barnes Linda J. Basso Sarah Batcheler Elizabeth Lewis Bates ’71 and Jonathan Bates Andrew Baumann ’95 Elizabeth Cranston Baxter ’51 Josephine Martin Bayard ’67 and Richard Bayard

Linda and Shawn Beard Bonnie and Richard Beck Elizabeth Mintz Beckett ’81 and Tom Beckett Derek Bednarski ’12 Anna Hubbard Bellenger ’54 and George Bellenger Danielle Pierre Belleroche and Jean Belleroche Diane and Stephen Beneck Benevity Community Impact Fund Henrietta Bente and Paul Bente III ’63 Jean Hillyer and Peter Bente ’68 Cynthia Bergman ’81 and John MacManus Robin Morley Bernstein ’79 Rebecca and Robert Beste Utma and Rajesh Bhuva Melissa and John Bilek Ann Scott Black ’65 and Steve Black Logan Black Roberts Judith M. Blackburn Melanie Sticklen Bocarro and Jason Bocarro Jamie O’Connor Bolane ’61 and John Bolane Kywanna Bost Helen Boulos and Tim Boulos ’91 Barbara Davis Bovbjerg ’68 and Randall Bovbjerg Kathleen Bowen Kathryn Hoopes Bowen ’71 and Robert Bowen Elizabeth Boynton and D. King Boynton, Jr. ’58

Elizabeth Rolle Bradburn ’85 Jennifer and Christopher Brennan Erin and Richard Brenner Hannah Brilliant ’09 Myla Brilliant ’17 Kathy and William Brown Adrienne and William Brown Norval Brown Anne Brownlee ’94 Jean B. Bryant Kempley Salerno Bryant and Charles Bryant ’79 Alisha and Brian Bryson Arlene and John Buckey Tracy and Gabriel Bukowski Bradey Bulk Adam Burawski ’90 Marcy Stong Burka ’84 and Scott Burka Nancy Burnett and Stephen Burnett ’61 Lee and Bix Bush Walter P. Butkus Phyllis and Larry Butler Margaret Anne and Stuart Butterfield Elizabeth Caine, Ph.D. ’97 Carolyn Mulford Calhoun ’55 Rebecca and Patrick Callahan Fletcher E. Campbell, Jr. ’59 Janne Cannon and Robert Cannon ’64 Rona Budovitch Caplan Christine and Canio Caputo Lynn Bloom Carbonell ’60 and Joseph Carbonell

Gale CarothersFreeman ’70 and Donald Freeman Campbell Cary ’42 Linda Cashman ’81 Lisa Cattermole Ellen Kohler and Matt Cauchy Randi and JJ Centrella Robby and John Chabalko Denise Chambers and Christopher L. Chambers ’89 Christina Chapman ’09 Reverend and Mrs. W. Leonard Chapman Andrew Chapo Patricia Chappelle ’52 Megan Pell and Carlos Charriez Sigurd Christensen ’63 Beth Clark ’75 Eileen Stroud Clark ’61 Matthew Cleaver ’02 Peter Close ’69 Anna and Scott Clothier Dorothy Cook Coady ’64 Dineen and Douglas Cochran Sally Cochran Monica A. Coleman C. Michael Coleman ’88 Christopher Collier ’06 Richard Collins Liza and Mark Conces Danette and Dennis Conley Arthur G. Connolly ’14 Elizabeth Connolly ’09 Eros Connor and Sonia So-Connor

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the listing of donors. If an error has been made, please accept our apologies and contact the Alumni/Development Office, at tdisabatino@wilmingtonfriends.org, so that the appropriate change can be made.

Giving Circles


REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 Maya Contractor and Jerome Magnan de Bellevue Richard R. Cooch ’66 and Barbara Cooch Thomas Cooch ’63 Janice Cook and Alan Cook ’71 Marianne Johns Cook ’64 Stephen Coons ’85 Susan Shellenberger Cooper ’80 and Bryan Cooper Rachel and Lou Coppola Susan and Dan Cornett Rachel Elzufon Couch ’04 and Ian Couch Ann Hriciga and Michael Coughlin Margaret Crosby Courtright ’68 and Paul Courtright Jessica Cowperthwait ’03 and Patrick McElderry Rosanne Cox and Irving John Cox III ’62 F Kelley and Randall Cox Nell Cox and Henry Cox ’66 Nancy and Dan Crabbe Crum and Forster Gloria Crum Marcia Cupery and Kenneth Cupery ’55 Geoffrey Curme ’69 Barbara D. Curran Carolyn Curran and John Curran ’86 Catherine Curran ’13 Susan and James Curtis Eugene M. D’Amico III Nancy Calkins Dale ’65 Mason Marston Daley-Boyd ’49 Elissa Cashman ’07 and Connor Dalton ’08 Elizabeth and Daniel Daly Bold = True Blue Donor F = 1748 Society Donor * = deceased

Alumni/Development Circles Events XII Giving

Erin Maguire Daly ’95 and Dennis Daly Anh Dam ’90 F Lam and Trang Dam Harriet Dann ’64 Orelia Dann and John Dann ’62 Mary Darby Elaine Davis and Charles T. Davis ’51 F Sharon and Brian Davis Fleet G. Davis III ’86 Nancy Davis and Fleet Davis ’61 Isiah Davis Honor Dearlove ’19 Julia Delzingaro ’16 Maria Delzingaro ’14 Jorgina Dennis-Watson Diana and Rocco DeNote Kathy Dent and Peter Dent ’81 Kristine and Nathan DePonte Heather and Jeff Derp Cheryl Dewees and Robert Dewees ’67 Sharon and Sergei Dickey Jane Marsh Dieckmann ’51 and Richard Rosenbaum Jamie DiEmidio Christine and Matthew DiGuglielmo William Dippel Amber Dixon Sharon and Donald Dobson Alice McGovern Doering ’57 and Albert Doering Anne Bailey Donaghy ’54 and James Donaghy Sara Sprowls and Charles W. Donaghy ’95 Rob Donaghy III ’92 Anne Cooch Doran ’69 Kathleen and Harry Doyle Laura Isken Doyle ’77 and George Doyle Gertrude R. Drysdale

Christine Strahan du Pont ’67 Noel and Brandon Duckworth Serge Dumont ’65 Sandra and Charles Durgin Zachary Dutton ’06 Thomas Easter Clarence Elliott ’04 Lena Jacobs Elzufon ’70 and John Elzufon Aviva Elzufon ’06 Michelle and A. Todd Emsley Rebecca England Alyson Engle ’95 Petra and Javier Ergueta Meredith Erskine ’13 Leighton P. Everhart, Jr. ’59 Lois and Thomas L. Fagan, Jr. Rebeca and Brian Fahey Christine Farley Mary Smith Farnell ’60 and George Farnell Colleen Farrell ’04 and Brian Miller Christina Papastavros Fay ’76 and John Fay Judy and Louis Ferrara Regina Feucht and Paul Feucht ’73 James Flanagan ’14 Beverlyn and Greg Fleming Laura and James Foltz Jaime and Angelo Fontanazza Julia Morse Forester ’00 and Sam Forester Richard W. Foulk ’54 Sharon and Richard Fox Jess Franklin Gretchen Lindley Frascella ’85 and Thomas Frascella Margaret Frech Laker Douglas Freeman ’67 Jennifer Michaels and Mark Furman

Kim and Anthony Gannon Dolores and Charles Ganse Nancy Wier Gardner ’54 and Kirtland Gardner George Gardner ’60 Phyllis and Jon Gatta Caroline Pippin Gaty ’55 Ruth Gelb and Jeremy Gelb ’72 Thomas George ’76 David Gertler Charity Wamae-Wanyoike and Michael Gichura Marjorie Gimler Stuart Gittelman ’86 Andy Glasebrook ’70 and Kathy Glasebrook Paul B. Glickman Barbara Gmitter Rose and Michael Gnade Patricia Weisman and John Golin ’69 Polly Gongwer ’81 and Peter Carson Nancy Spargo Goodridge ’56 and Donald Goodridge Logan Goodwin John Goswell ’05 Sarah and Michael Goswell William Goswell ’09 William Goulding and Roberta Galati Penny Goulding Joanne and David Govatos Alexandra Pollard Graham ’93 and Douglas Graham Dorothy and John Graham Judy Gramiak Will Graves ’10 Karen Tarbell Greeley ’87 and Robert Greeley Emily Green Gabrielle Sheehan and E. Mark Gressle ’68 Katherine Gressle ’64 Leslie Davis Guccione ’65 F Daniel Hadlock ’58 Elizabeth Hamilton ’68 and Thomas Hartmann Ona Murdoch Hamilton ’67 and Stephen Hamilton Kimberly and Joseph Hammons Linda and Keith Handling Dina and Jonathan Handwerk Jason Handwerk ’18 Leah Handwerk ’12 Shannon and John Hanson Sharon and John Hanson Brandy and Dan Harbin Lin and Bill Hardy Hermetta Harper and Richard Harper ’60 Alexandra Harris ’68 F

Susan Gant Harris ’67 and James Harris Amy and Scott Harrison Joseph Hartnett ’04 Patrick Haubert ’16 John Hawkins Heather and Jeffery Hayter Roberta and William Headley Annette Hearing and John Wenderoth Ann Harper Heaton ’57 and Robert Heaton F Leah and Matthew Heckles Megan and David Hegenbarth Leigh and Kurt Heister Mary Lawshe Henderer F Armistead Henderer and Peter Henderer ’89 Sanna Henderer and Jeffrey Henderer ’86 Dita Dewees Henderson ’69 and George Henderson Kate and Lester Hendrix Joan Henke ’52 Thomas Herlihy III ’53 Susan Agoos Herrmann ’64 and Stephen Herrmann Margaretta and Preston Hershey Emily David Hershman ’09 Katie Herzog and Lee Herzog ’04 Bernard A. Hess, Jr. ’58 Linda Hess and Jeffrey Bruce Hess ’63 Laura Hettleman Jane Bridgwater Hewes ’39* and William Hewes William L. Hewes, Jr. Lauren Heydt Steven Hicks ’08 Wendy Hicks-Powers and Ronald Powers Beth Higley and Roberto Stella Margaret Hill and Arthur Hill ’51 F Joseph J. Hill ’53 Alicia and John Hlywak Robert H. Hodge ’52 Winifred Hohlt ’85 Sharyn Hollingsworth Carol Hollingsworth and Andrew D. Hollingsworth ’76 Carolyn Holmes and Charles Curtis Holmes ’61 Kathy and Don Holmes Elisabeth Taylor Holmgren ’70 Pamela Hoopes ’73 and Daniel Kelliher Marianne and Michael Horgan

REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 Carol and Jerry Horgan Miiko and Herbert Horikawa Selena Horne Javier Horstmann ’11 Sarah and Graham Hudgings* Sarah M. B. Hudgings Susan Holmes Huebsch ’86 and William Huebsch Teresa and Jon Huff Jill Hughes and Jeff Hughes ’79 Abby Hughes-Strange ’04 Julia Hurst Peter Iancic Kazu Watanabe Imai ’72 and Tsuneo Imai Colleen and Martin Ingelsby Rosemarie and Thomas Ingelsby Sohah Iqbal ’94 Shirley Holmes Jackman and Edward Jackman Nancy James and Hugh James ’57* April and Michael Jefferson Anya Lindsey-Jenkins and Termayne Jenkins Jinya and Stephen Jennings Ellen Winthrop Jennings ’55 Janie and Jim Jersild Helga and Edward Johann Ellen Johnson Margot and Daniel Johnson Roth G. Johnson ’14 Yokahoma and Michael Johnson Brett and Meredith Jones Edward Jones Lorrie Jones Serena Starks and Michael Jones Adam Joseph ’97 Daniel Joseph ’02 Ruth Austin Joslin ’40 Emily and Seth Katzen Miles Katzen ’16 Marie Keefer Betsy Kline and Walter C. Keiper, Jr. ’81 Peter Kelemen ’74 Elisabeth Dempsey Keller ’75 and Michael Keller Khatlen and Sean Kerrane Alexandra Ranck King ’75 and Fletcher King Ira Kirch ’64 Dr. Lazarus and Helen Kirifides Quinn Kirkpatrick ’16 Ryan Kirkpatrick ’17 Sean W. Kirkpatrick ’13 Michelle Kirton

Doris Klaver and Martin Klaver ’50 Catherine and Daniel Kleier Elizabeth Klein Joshua Klein ’98 Abby Kleman ’18 Kimberly Knight Leslie Knight Kim Barber and R. Jay Knoll ’74 Catharine Maloney and Nicholas Krill Margaretta Homsey Kroeger ’00 Carolee and Chuck Kunz Carol and Carl Kunz Erika Kurtz ’99 Ellen Kurtz and John Kurtz ’62 Olivia Kurtz ’97 and Matt Meyer Laura Kirk Kurz ’97 and Kenneth Kurz Noah M. M. Landis ’16 Gail Landon and Robert B. Landon ’51 Deborah Hitt Lane ’62 and Gordon Lane F Mimi and Eben Lang Elizabeth Latchum ’65 Deborah Layton F Robin Lebauer John Lecky ’60 William Swain Lee ’53 Lucy Yeatman Leedy ’13 and David Leedy David Lemons ’84 Adrienne and Peter Lenz Robert Lessey ’62 Kandis and Evan Leutzinger Amy and Michael Leviton Ann and George Liarakos Nicole Liarakos ’86 Susan Cochran Lindsay ’62 and John Lindsay Zona H. Lindsay Wendy Littman and C. Arthur Littman ’51 Elizabeth Murch Livingston ’37 Mary and Mathew Lo Erin and Ryan Lockard Jennifer and Harry Loeffler Jill Loeffler and Christopher Loeffler ’00 Jen and Richard Lohkamp Lisa Lounsbury ’82 Thomas Lundgaard ’74 Elizabeth McClelland Lutostansky ’88 and Mark Lutostansky Jennifer Hamer-Maansson and Roger Maansson Susan MacBride Beth Greenstein and Paulo Machado Margaret Mullin MacKelcan ’71 and Donald MacKelcan

Kathleen Magner-Rios Nancy Gray Magness ’79 Jacqueline Palumbo and Richard Makoujy Beth Maliner and Jeb Bartle Rebecca Hankin and Gregory Mand ’87 Carolyn Bitzer and Suraj Mandayam Kate and Paul Mann Sean Mansoory ’07 Carolyn and David Martin Cynthia Martin and Joshua Wesley Martin III Kathleen Martin Amy Benjamin and Douglas Marx ’79 Reed Masten ’75 F Carole A. Mattis Antoni Mavrantonis ’58 Doris Mazer Kate and Owen McCarron Susan Knapp McClements ’81 and Bill McClements Lynne and Thomas McCone Julie Boswell McCulloch ’89 and Michael McCulloch Lecia McDermott and John McDermott ’84 Gretchen and Robert McDonnell Amy McElroy and Mark McElroy ’73 Andrew McEnroe ’04 Alistair McGhie ’85 Helen McGinnis ’14 Mariah McIntosh and James McIntosh Richardson McKelvie ’64 Michael Andrew McKenzie ’19 Courtney and Allan McKinley Karen McKinstry ’88 James McKusick ’74 James McMillan Amanda McMillan Tracy Folk McMillan and Joel McMillan Peyton McNeill ’19 Quinn A. McNeill ’14 Adrienne and Jonathan Meade William Medford ’87 Alexandra Mellow ’01 and Mauro Giuffrida Cynthia Stan Mellow and Emil Mellow Merrill Lynch Ellen and Robert Meyer Courtney and Curtis Miller Ildikó and Gregg Miller Bill Miller Angela and Joseph Miller, Jr. Ellen F. Millick

Conny Johann Mincks ’76 and John Mincks Cilleena and William Minnow Charlene Minus Barbara Mitchell Valarie Molaison Marjorie Wesp Montgomery ’53 and Duane Montgomery Deborah and Paul Montigney Dr. Elizabeth Moodey ’73 F Elizabeth Welsh Moran ’80 and Erik Moran Soledad Morás Carol Bancroft Morley ’68 Tina and Steven Morris Rick Morrison Naikeya and Thomas Morrison, Jr. Deborah Moyer Kristen Mraz ’05 Betty Hirschland Munro ’62 and Donald M. Munro Barbara Harrington Murphy ’71 Sue Muzzi Lynne and Len Nathan Alyssa Nathan ’17 Danielle Nathan ’19 Marnie Neff and David Neff ’93 Deena and David Nekoukar Carolyn and Lee Nell Leslie Newman Maureen and Gregory Nichols

S. Aneta Nilsen ’76 Naomi Nix ’06 Meryl Richardson Nolan ’56 Jake Nolen ’17 Diane and Michael Nolen Caitlin Norton Debra Toulson Nuss ’72 and John Nuss Leslie O’Brien and James O’Brien III Sarah O’Brien and Michael DeNote Stephanie and Akintola Odutola Beth and Christopher Osbourn Wellington Ow Debra J. Pace Pam Hugelen and Clem Padin Carol Palmiotto and David Fisher Sarah Panock ’99 Margeaux Pantano ’16 Michelle and Paul Pantano Jennifer Pardee and Michael Pardee ’78 Laura Jersild Pardo ’90 and Jorge Pardo Albert Parker, Jr. Rohna and Glenn Paskow Clare Stephens Patel ’87 and Anil Patel Kathy Klein and David Paul Paula and Michael Paul Dillon Paul ’00 Belinda Young-Payne and David Payne

Giving Circles XIII

REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 Laura Geesey Payne ’67 Margaret Pennock ’78 and David Wood Carol Pennock and Edward Pennock ’79 Victor Perez Amber Peters and John Peters ’86 Beth Lubaroff Pfeifer ’88 and Robert Pfeifer Echo Pfeiffer and Robert Pfeiffer ’97 Andrew M. Pittenger ’16 Meghan Baczkowski Pixley ’03 and Brian Pixley William Poole ’55 Daniel Potter ’12 Abigail Quandt and Donald B. Potter Richard Powers, Sr. Katharine and Lee Powers Lois C. Powers Anita Press Margaret Hukill Prince Claire Prohl and Edward Prohl ’56 Elizabeth Prutzman and L. Donald Prutzman, Jr. ’69 Amy Hartzell Pszczolkowski ’87 and Doug Pszczolkowski Sherrie Quillen ’53 R. Todd Quimby ’89 and Megan Quimby Lea Gummey and Steven Quimby ’86 Leslie and Anthony Raia Lisa Leana and Thomas M. Raiber ’86 Alison Rhoads Ralli ’68 Vincent Ramunno Jennifer and Viraf Ranji Jeffrey Ransom Fredrick J. Rapkin ’65 F Claudia Cannon Rash ’66 Skye and Jacob Rashkind Lee and Michael Rashkind Linda and Michael Ratchford Margaret and Lawrence Reardon Brett Redfearn ’82 Julie Reebel ’85 Kieran Reichert ’09

Judith and Jay Resnick ’67 Julia F. Rhodes ’14 Thomas M. Rhodes ’15 Carol Fischler Rice ’65 Lila Richards ’92 Teal Rickerman Susan Rickert Melissa Chambers Riggs ’91 and Andrew Riggs Priscilla Roberts and Richard S. Roberts ’53 Susan B. Robertson Agneta and Nicholas Robinson Patricia Robinson ’71 and Henry Finch Donna and Vic Robinson William J. Robinson III ’52 Julie and Gregory Rodowsky Stephany Jackson Romano ’65 and John Romano Jen and Julian Rosado Meredith and Daniel Rosenthal Karen and John Roskovensky Kevin Roux ’14 Pricilla and John Royse Helene Rice Rubin ’47 Carol Rudisell and Wunyabari Maloba Gail and Todd Ruffins Demetria Ruhl ’16 Nathaniel Ruhl ’18 Mary Jo and William Russell Muriel Bacon Rusten William K. Ryan ’61 Tamika Sainten Sharon and Brent Saliman John Salzberg ’54 F Jane Biggs Sanger ’79 and Christopher Sanger ’74 Lauryn and Marc Satterfield Deborah and Dale Saunders Kizzy and Andre Saunders Carol Deitcher Schachat ’76 and Bill Schachat Rebecca Schaen

Kathryn Smith Schauer ’52 David Scheck Kathleen and William Schell Mary and James Schultheis Tara Lindley Schuster ’89 and Russell Schuster Lex Scott ’16 Clayton Scott ’15 Robert Scott, Jr. ’63 Robert Sepelyak Samantha A. Shay ’09 Jianglin Shi and Xin Huo Carl Shrawder ’57 F Kerry Lewis Shrives ’85 Joyce Shtofman Kerry and Ehyal Shweiki Erin and Michael Sicuranza Sara Titus Skelly ’90 and Christopher Skelly Catherine Amend Slocum ’56 Jeanne Morris Smith ’49 Lyn Smith Michael Smith ’97 Jeannette Smith and Walter Smith ’62 F Mary Beth Watson Smith ’68 and Kenneth Smith Nina A. Smith ’74 Bayard J. Snyder ’69 Timothy Snyder ’67 Nicollette Sonsini Dianna Spetseris and Angelos Spetseris ’77 Arlene Frech Spezzaferro ’93 and Todd Spezzaferro Carol and Bill Spiker Lynese Spinelli Alisa Spitelle Peter Hale Sprague, Sr. ’49 Gretchen Vosters Spruance ’65 and W. Halsey Spruance Susan Corbit Spruance ’68 Marshall Stafford ’84 Mary Jo Starcher Linda Stat and Richard Stat ’67 Richard Stausebach ’65 Alison Lunt Steadman ’53

Blue and White Circle The following members of the five most recent graduating classes have demonstrated an early commitment to strengthening our School. We are especially grateful for their generosity and leadership. Julia Delzingaro ’16 Patrick Haubert ’16 Miles Katzen ’16 Quinn Kirkpatrick ’16 Noah M. M. Landis ’16 Margeaux Pantano ’16 Andrew M. Pittenger ’16 Demetria Ruhl ’16

Alumni/Development Circles Events XIV Giving

Lex Scott ’16 Ryan M. Wood ’16 Myla Brilliant ’17 Ryan Kirkpatrick ’17 Alyssa Nathan ’17 Jake Nolen ’17 Jason Handwerk ’18 Abby Kleman ’18

Nathaniel Ruhl ’18 Honor Dearlove ’19 Michael Andrew McKenzie ’19 Peyton McNeill ’19 Danielle Nathan ’19 Kate Saber ’20

Dorothy Manss Stedfast ’47 Kathleen Brennan and Michael Steinberger Kathryn Stevens ’85 Diana and Paul Stevens Sarah Stock Patterson and John Douglas Patterson F.L. Peter Stone ’53 Colleen Carson and Rustyn Stoops John K. Stovicek Caroline Hughes and John Strange Gerald Street Lorrie and Nikolas Strelecki Edward Strickler Michael Stump Wendy Kuniholm Sullivan ’84 Danielle and Kevin Sullivan Fang and Kevin Sun Debra Sussman and William Sussman ’70 Margaret J. Sutherland ’71 Caroline Schwartz Sutton ’57 and Gilbert Sutton Ann and Bill Tansey Barbara and Robert Tarr Denise and John Taylor Kathy Takacs Taylor ’77 and Chalmer Taylor Gerard Taylor James B. Thomas, Jr. David Thombs ’55 Alison Egan Thompson ’81 and Daniel Thompson Helen Thompson Joe Thomson Thrivent Richard Thurlow Helen and Jan Ting Barbara and Leonard Togman Barbara and Norman Tomases Susan Tomases ’83 and Paul Erhard Alexandra and Scott Tornek Susan Tracy and William Tracy ’63 Linda Traver Lesley Dennis Tryon ’71 and Edward Tryon Alexander Tryon ’06 Amy Tryon ’08 Lystra and Robert Turner Cynthia Tyler Lisa and Todd Tyler Sabine and Michael Ueberall Wendy Vaala ’73 Katie Measley Van Druff ’96 and Jason Van Druff Robert Van Dyke Laurence Van Meter Melissa Veghte Jessica Venetianer ’11

Megan Venetianer ’08 Trelly Vergara-Shaikh ’89 and Saeed Shaikh Polly Janse and Christopher Verry Sangeeta and Anup Vidwans Eileen Lord Vincent and Michael Vincent ’72 Kristine and William Volp III Kathryn Wales and Jordan Wales ’97 Raffaella Cristanetti and Jason Walker Elizabeth Varley and Larry Walker Alyssa Watts William A. Weary Kaffie Weaver Russell Weigel, Jr. ’58 Cathy and Ross Weiner Corlet Jackson Weisel ’64 Helen and Andrew Weiss Jan and Michael Weiss Kathy Bunville Welch ’84 and Steve Welch Susan Welles Betsy and Douglas Wenny Martha White ’83 Emilia Mackey and Robert White Pat White Vincent White ’09 Coletta and Vincent White Deborah Peden-Wilbur and Michael Wilbur ’74 Cherie and Paul Williams Roger Williams, M.D. ’57 Lisa and Terence Williams Thomas H. Williams Sia and Jentry Willie Margaret and Jeffrey Wilson Judith Wilson and William Wilson ’75 Evelyn Wise and Carby Wise ’94 Eliza Wolcott ’99 Ruth and Steven Wood Ryan M. Wood ’16 Mary Kingery Woodward Joseph Woodward ’14 Sara Woodward ’12 Barbara Woolley and Clark Woolley ’57 Xuedan Yang Kersti Yllo ’70 Wilma and Elmer Yu Christy and Robert Zawadzkas Louisa and Harvey Zendt Peter and Julie Jenks Zorach F

Bold = True Blue Donor F = 1748 Society Donor * = deceased


Remembering Ben Wilkinson In June of 2020, Friends sadly lost longtime community member Ben Wilkinson. Ben was the parent of two alumni — Steve ’90 and John ’95 — and an avid supporter of Quaker athletics during his time as a parent. As his younger son John put it, “My dad loved sports. He looked forward to our ‘game days’ at Friends as much as we did.” In lieu of flowers, the Wilkinsons asked friends and family to consider making gifts to WFS in Ben’s memory. When asked about the impetus behind this request, John explained, “Our motivation behind the gifts in dad’s memory was to harness the fond memories, [and] to also acknowledge the positive impact Friends had on our family as a whole. The School provided opportunity for all of us — a solid education, great friends, and community.” An outpouring of two dozen gifts soon followed, support that will have a tremendous impact on teaching and learning at Friends. To memorialize Ben and his commitment to the Friends community, a small portion of the gifts was used to place a bench in the circle by the Jones House, with a clear view of Coach Tattersall Field. A fitting tribute to a beloved friend and fan of Quaker sports.

Teacher Appreciation Week Giving Challenge This past May, we celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week with a challenge encouraging gifts in honor of WFS faculty and staff members, as a special recognition of their tireless dedication to our students during this unprecedented year. We received 60 gifts in their honor from a generous group of parents, guardians, and grandparents, which will help to fund continued technology improvements and professional development opportunities. For each gift received, we sent personal thank you notes to our faculty and staff members. We also received wonderful notes of appreciation from the families who responded to the challenge, a few of which are excerpted below. Thank you so much for your support!

“You make the world easier to bear for children. Especially now. Thank you.” “A special thank you...for going above and beyond with your communication, support, and positive attitudes for our children during these crazy times!” “We’re so very thankful for the teachers and all they have done for our children.” “Thank you for your tremendous support of our daughter this year. Our family is so grateful for everything you do!” “Thank you...for always going over and beyond for your students! We appreciate all your care and concern.”

Giving Circles



Alumni Giving

Elizabeth Murch Livingston

Charles T. Davis, Jr. Jane Marsh Dieckmann Peter Duus Arthur W. Hill Biddy Miller Jenkins Robert B. Landon C. Arthur Littman




WFS Annual Fund: 100% Total Giving: 100%

WFS Annual Fund: 100% Total Giving: 100% Ruth Austin Joslin


WFS Annual Fund: 33% Total Giving: 33% Campbell Cary


WFS Annual Fund: $1,000 - 13% Total Giving: $51,000 - 25% Carolyn Schneider Dowds* Rodman B. Teeple, Jr.


WFS Annual Fund: $2,500 - 38% Total Giving: $3,500 - 46% Betsey Beadle Herrmann* Jane Sheppard Jackson Barbara Flinn Quillen Helene Rice Rubin Dorothy Manss Stedfast


WFS Annual Fund: $1,000 - 5% Total Giving: $6,000 - 10% David C. Boyer Howard G. Seebach*


WFS Annual Fund: $2,600 - 32% Total Giving: $2,600 - 32% John S. Beekley, Jr. Mason Marston Daley-Boyd Elizabeth Burr Papastavros Jeanne Smith Peter H. Sprague, Sr.


70th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $3,798 - 29% Total Giving: $4,298 - 33% Christine Brosius Beh William H. Foulk, Jr. Janet Mitchell Harper* Martin A. Klaver, Jr. Marilyn Dew Maisano-Savage W. Alan Smith Louisa Hill Spottswood Sedgwick A. Ward


WFS Annual Fund: $2,975 - 50% Total Giving: $2,975 - 50% Donald Altmaier Elizabeth Cranston Baxter

* = deceased

Alumni/Development Giving Events XVI Alumni

WFS Annual Fund: $21,307 - 100% Total Giving: $201,807 - 100% R. Markham Ball Patricia Chappelle Ira Ellis, Jr. Joan E. Henke Robert H. Hodge W. Rufus Jones* Allen D. King, Jr. William R. Lang Herschel H. Loomis, Jr. John A. Nice Fred W. Pardee III John F. Porter III Liliane Remy-Battiau William J. Robinson III Kay Smith Schauer Walter K. Stapleton Rodman Ward, Jr.


WFS Annual Fund: $3,370 - 50% Total Giving: $3,370 - 50% Frances Walker Altmaier Irvine D. Flinn Thomas Herlihy III Joseph J. Hill William Swain Lee Marjorie Wesp Montgomery Ellie Alexander Poorman Sherrie A. Quillen Richard S. Roberts, Jr. Alison Lunt Steadman F.L. Peter Stone


WFS Annual Fund: $4,000 - 56% Total Giving: $4,000 - 56% Elizabeth Amend Ashby Anna Hubbard Bellenger Anne Bailey Donaghy Richard W. Foulk Nancy Wier Gardner John P. Salzberg Janet Holmes Waddell H. Alan Young


65th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $58,700 - 63% Total Giving: $58,700 - 63% Carolyn Mulford Calhoun Kenneth N. Cupery Caroline Pippin Gaty Sara Hodge Geuder David Hillegas Ellen Winthrop Jennings Edward Lang Evelyn Robbins Lang William Poole David D. Thombs



Gail Porter Anderson Jane Wier Apple Patricia Kennedy Ascher Madge M. Ellis Nancy Spargo Goodridge Penney Cox Hubbard John D. LaMothe, Jr. Isabel Robinson McGraw Meryl Richardson Nolan Edward Robert Kurtz Prohl Judith Blake Schumacher Catherine Amend Slocum

Constance Roberts Amend Jamie O’Connor Bolane Stephen W. Burnett Eileen Stroud Clark Fleet G. Davis II Richard H. Garwood Richard N. Hill Charles Curtis Holmes John Jackson William K. Ryan Patricia A. Wyatt

WFS Annual Fund: $7,711 - 55% Total Giving: $7,711 - 55%


WFS Annual Fund: $3,170 - 42% Total Giving: $3,170 - 42% Thomas H. Baker Alice McGovern Doering Abigail Greene Fassnacht Ann Harper Heaton Hugh James* Peter Shields Carl Shrawder Caroline Schwartz Sutton Roger N. Williams Clark Woolley


WFS Annual Fund: $20,548 - 37% Total Giving: $25,548 - 37%

D. King Boynton, Jr. Bruce S. Cutler Daniel C. Hadlock Bernard A. Hess, Jr. Elizabeth Moore Johnston Ann Lunger Jones Frank Lang Antoni E. Mavrantonis Kathleen Burns Scanlon Russell C. Weigel, Jr.


WFS Annual Fund: $3,200 - 21% Total Giving: $3,200 - 21% William J. C. Amend, Jr. Fletcher E. Campbell, Jr. Leighton P. Everhart, Jr. Elisabeth Milliken Head Peter M. Lindley Sara Jane Lyon Deanne Morris Stevens


60th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $7,185 - 28% Total Giving: $7,185 - 28% Lynn Bloom Carbonell Mary Smith Farnell George T. Gardner Richard E. Harper, Jr. John H. Lecky George G. Lockhart Fred C. Sears II James O. Simon Thomas Stephenson

WFS Annual Fund: $3,275 - 29% Total Giving: $53,275 - 32%


WFS Annual Fund: $16,353 - 66% Total Giving: $28,096 - 66%

Skip Allen Sheila Brown Arbury Phoebe B. Baker Thomas F. Bayard Deborah Hancock Breck Dut Brown I. John Cox III John C. Dann Amey Eckles Dodge John D. Kurtz IV Deborah Hitt Lane Robert A. Lessey John M. Lindley Susan Cochran Lindsay Betty Hirschland Munro Loree Rogers Reed Patricia Sauter Ruemmler Walter P. Smith Richard D. Weigel


WFS Annual Fund: $3,975 - 40% Total Giving: $3,975 - 40% Virginia Poole Bainbridge Paul F. Bente III Sigurd W. Christensen Thomas Cooch J. Bruce Hess Mary Ellen Martin Marvel John W. Morris Robert B. Scott, Jr. F. B. Stilmar William B. M. Tracy III L. Kent Wyatt N. Convers Wyeth III


WFS Annual Fund: $14,203 - 46% Total Giving: $45,105 - 49%

Robert E. Cannon Dorothy Cook Coady Marianne Johns Cook Harriet Dann James H. Garvin, Jr. Katherine Gressle Susan Agoos Herrmann Rob Holmes Ira C. Kirch Charles S. Lawrence Richardson D. McKelvie

H. Murray Sawyer John K. Urice Corlet Jackson Weisel Michael B. Wise Janet Martin Yabroff Pamela Perkins Young


55th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $7,879 - 33% Total Giving: $8,129 - 35% Ann Scott Black Nancy C. Dale Serge M. P. Dumont Leslie Davis Guccione Hugh Kenworthy III Elizabeth M. Latchum Virginia Fraser Morris Vivian Lessey Pas J. Ronald Pownall Fredrick J. Rapkin Carol Fischler Rice Stephany Jackson Romano Gretchen Vosters Spruance Richard A. Stausebach Carl A. Stockfleth Dana Smith Tench

We celebrate the following

Alumni Classes

for their generosity to Friends.

Classes that gave the most:

$201,807. . . . . . . .. . 1952 $58,700 . . . . . . . . ... 1955 $55,352. . . . . . . . . . . 1983 $53,275. . . . . . . . . . . 1961 $51,000. . . . . . . . . . . 1945 $47,325. . . . . . . . . . . 1977 $45,105. . . . . . . . . . . 1964 $28,096. . . . . . . . . . . 1962 $25,660. . . . . . . . . . . 1978 $25,548. . . . . . . . . . . 1958 Classes with the highest participation:

100% . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1937 66% 63% 56% 55% 50% 49%

1940 1952 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1962 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1955 . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .1954 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1956 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1951 1953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1964


WFS Annual Fund: $8,875 - 19% Total Giving: $9,125 - 19% James S. Cochran Richard R. Cooch Henry H. Cox, Jr. Anna Vreeland Davis Richard J. Glasebrook Georgia Higgins Helthall Kalevi E. Kotkas Ben M. Osbun, Jr. Carol Mumford Osbun Claudia Cannon Rash David S. Smith


WFS Annual Fund: $3,483 - 24% Total Giving: $3,483 - 24% Josephine Martin Bayard Robert L. Dewees, Jr. Christine Strahan du Pont Douglas G. Freeman Ona Murdoch Hamilton Susan Gant Harris Laura Geesey Payne Jay A. Resnick Jo Ann Tigani Sears Timothy Snyder Richard E. Stat Roy A. Wentz III


WFS Annual Fund: $7,756 - 40% Total Giving: $11,156 - 45% Meredith Malmberg Anderson Peter J. Bente Claudia M. Bonetti Barbara Davis Bovbjerg Margaret Crosby Courtright E. Mark Gressle Elizabeth M. Hamilton Alexandra M. Harris Barbara Chase Lessey Bruce A. Lessey Daniel F. Lindley Anne R. Martin Carol Bancroft Morley Alison Rhoads Ralli Daniel S. M. Smith Mary Beth Watson Smith Susan Corbit Spruance Mary Stern Sykes Stephen K. Urice Juliane H. Van Egmond Alice Martin Whelihan


WFS Annual Fund: $2,150 - 20% Total Giving: $2,250 - 20% Bruce P. Baganz Louise M. Baldwin Peter D. Close Geoffrey M. Curme Anne Bedford Doran John E. Golin Dita Dewees Henderson Peter D. Isakoff Jill Pryor Isakoff L. Donald Prutzman, Jr. Bayard J. Snyder


50th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $25,385 - 23% Total Giving: $25,385 - 23%

Gale Carothers-Freeman G. Stephen DeCherney Lena Jacobs Elzufon Andy Glasebrook Kenneth R. Haven Elisabeth Taylor Holmgren Alan Krigstein Marguerite Marston Kritkausky Thomas S. Scott Elizabeth Lord Scott Laurence T. Sherwood III William J. Sussman Roy H. Wilkinson Kersti A. Yllo


WFS Annual Fund: $6,935 - 29% Total Giving: $24,477 - 30% Jeffrey Baer Barbara Ann Baganz Simpson Elizabeth Lewis Bates Kathryn Hoopes Bowen Mary Peterson Colhoun Alan H. Cook David Cress William S. Gant Timothy B. Hidell Margaret Mullin MacKelcan Carolyn Briggs McClain Barbara Harrington Murphy Raymond J. Osbun Patricia A. Robinson Margaret J. Sutherland Lesley Dennis Tryon Dolly Bochenek Wolf


WFS Annual Fund: $5,600 - 18% Total Giving: $5,600 - 18% Dr. Richard M. Appleby III Jeremy C. Gelb Kazu Watanabe Imai M. Kirk McKusick Debra Toulson Nuss Monica Logsdon Rockefeller Piper Wentz Rothschild Christobel Shedd Selecky Michael B. Vincent


WFS Annual Fund: $650 - 14% Total Giving: $650 - 14% Anne Quillen Donecker Paul W. Feucht Pamela Sherer Hoopes Mark W. McElroy Elizabeth J. Moodey Wendy E. Vaala


WFS Annual Fund: $7,115 - 24% Total Giving: $12,385 - 26% Christopher S. Howard Margaret Adams Hunter Peter B. Kelemen R. Jay Knoll E. Dixon Lamborn III Thomas B. Lundgaard James C. McKusick Sheldon D. Nix Margaret O’Brien Jonathan R. Pennock Margo Hoff Pennock Christopher D. Sanger Nina A. Smith Michael D. Wilbur


45th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $7,708 - 17% Total Giving: $10,205 - 19% Beth Clark Thomas R. Dew, Jr. David Geoghegan Richard L. Horwitz Elisabeth Dempsey Keller Alexandra Ranck King Thomas H. Marston Reed Masten Peter F. Townsend Kathryn Gehret Welsh William D. Wilson


WFS Annual Fund: $4,800 - 16% Total Giving: $4,800 - 16% Stuart A. Atkins III Christina Papastavros Fay Thomas E. George Andrew D. Hollingsworth Elizabeth Hukill Cornelia J. Mincks S. Aneta Nilsen Isabel Sexton Pearce Carol Deitcher Schachat


WFS Annual Fund: $27,225 - 23% Total Giving: $47,325 - 25%

Anonymous Katrina R. Altmaier Ann Moodey Ashe Laura Isken Doyle Alexandra Poorman Ergon Jake Gehret John W. Harper Louis J. Hoffman Elizabeth Krahmer Keating Kathleen B. McKusick Ann Mathias O’Neil Angelos Spetseris Kathy Takacs Taylor


WFS Annual Fund: $660 - 8% Total Giving: $25,660 - 10% Christopher J. Cashman Richard L. Diver David C. Linton Michael W. Pardee Margaret T. Pennock


WFS Annual Fund: $8,060 - 23% Total Giving: $10,150 - 30%

Mark D. Baganz Robin Morley Bernstein Carol Braunstein Charles W. Bryant Arthur Connolly III Andrea Krahmer Cross Kevin W. Dew R. Matthew Hendricks Jeff Hughes Steven Johnson Nancy Gray Magness Douglas P. Marx Edward S. Pennock Carol Quillen Ramzi Sabbagh Jane Biggs Sanger Nina Porter Winfield


40th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $7,645 - 23% Total Giving: $8,645 - 23% Tracey Quillen Carney Jonathan W. Clifton III Susan Shellenberger Cooper Tamara Cox DeFer Scott W. Gates David J. Glick W. Scott Harlan Lawrence T. Humphrey Metta M. Miller Elizabeth Welsh Moran Andrew Rudawsky


WFS Annual Fund: $4,696 - 16% Total Giving: $5,096 - 20%

Todd Anderson Elizabeth Mintz Beckett Cynthia A. Bergman Linda Cashman Carolyn Gates Connors Peter Dent Polly Gongwer Crystal Nix Hines Walter C. Keiper, Jr. Susan Knapp McClements Thomas N. McKinstry Alison Egan Thompson


WFS Annual Fund: $14,139 - 19% Total Giving: $19,139 - 19%

Jeffrey S. Cohen Priscilla Altmaier duPont R. Alan Hoff Stephanie Hoopes Mark D. Keiper Christopher Lee Michael A. Longwill Lisa Lounsbury Julie Tattersall McGinnis Brett W. Redfearn Jocelyn Sutton Stewart


WFS Annual Fund: $40,266 - 25% Total Giving: $55,352 - 25% O. Francis Biondi, Jr. Steven B. Cohen Robert Davis Meg Gehret Erskine David R. Kaiser Ann Gehret McKinney Karen Nichols

Alumni Giving XVII

REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 Michael J. Pellini Beth Peters Leslie Veith Reed Susan B. Tomases David F. Venarde Pamela Appleby Waxlax Martha M. White Alyce A. Wright


WFS Annual Fund: $3,480 - 15% Total Giving: $4,680 - 19%

John Aleman Dina Robinson Anderson Jay S. Bancroft Russell Bohner Marcy Stong Burka Michael Connolly Susie Tattersall Davis David W. Lemons Stephen L. Malone John W. McDermott Paul S. Schnee Marshall Stafford Wendy Kuniholm Sullivan Kathy Bunville Welch


35th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $3,535 - 19% Total Giving: $5,285 - 21%

Elizabeth Rolle Bradburn Carolyn Appleby Bruce Stephen K. Coons Gretchen Lindley Frascella Winifred A. Hohlt Robert R. Hoopes, Jr. Alistair J. McGhie Julie G. Reebel James D. Reilly Julie Ann Sandler Kerry Lewis Shrives Kathryn E. Stevens Martha Poorman Tschantz


WFS Annual Fund: $10,110 - 30% Total Giving: $15,135 - 30%

Robert E. Buccini John E. Curran, Jr. Fleet G. Davis III Robert W. Friz Stuart Gittelman Peter A. Goldman Bill D. Hardy James T. Heaton Jeffrey D. Henderer Susan Holmes Huebsch Jonathan Layton Nicole D. Liarakos John B. Peters Steven H. Quimby Thomas M. Raiber Kristen Greene Ursomarso Oliver Yeh

* = deceased

Events Alumni Giving XVIIIAlumni/Development


WFS Annual Fund: $3,758 - 22% Total Giving: $3,758 - 22%

Tracey Porter Aleman Emily Geuder Blair Susan Morovati Finizio Karen Tarbell Greeley Gregory Mand John D. McClelland William L. Medford III Daniel C. Mulveny Clare Stephens Patel Richard L. Powers Amy Lynette Pszczolkowski


WFS Annual Fund: $675 - 9% Total Giving: $1,765 - 13% Mariza Vergara Barbe C. Michael Coleman Susan Woolley Katz Elizabeth McClelland Lutostansky Michael Mand Karen A. McKinstry Beth Lubaroff Pfeifer


WFS Annual Fund: $6,775 - 15% Total Giving: $7,050 - 16% Christopher L. Chambers Erin Brownlee Dell Thomas A. Dippel Kimberley Massih Dolan Michael T. Hardy Peter Henderer Julie Boswell McCulloch R. Todd Quimby Tara Lindley Schuster Trelly Vergara-Shaikh


30th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $7,880 - 14% Total Giving: $7,880 - 14% Aundrea Almond Christopher F. Buccini Adam J. Burawski Anh Q. Dam Brian Curtis Mand Laura Jersild Pardo Sara Titus Skelly


WFS Annual Fund: $2,876 - 12% Total Giving: $4,250 - 14% P. Timothy Boulos James Keith Bray Sarah Schenck Maheshwari Melissa Chambers Riggs Robert C. Tattersall, Jr. Matthew Terrell Abram L. Wehmiller


WFS Annual Fund: $150 - 6% Total Giving: $150 - 6% Robert J. Donaghy III Lila A. Richards


WFS Annual Fund: $10,200 - 10% Total Giving: $10,200 - 10% Alexandra Pollard Graham David Kenyon Neff Kelly Snyder O’Donnell Arlene Frech Spezzaferro


WFS Annual Fund: $770 - 12% Total Giving: $2,550 - 15% Anne Brownlee Sohah N. Iqbal John L. Jenney III Lindsay Rademaker Reinhold Carby L. Wise


25th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $11,770 - 30% Total Giving: $11,770 - 30% Andrew H. Baumann Erin Maguire Daly Charles W. Donaghy Alyson M. Engle David R. Foote Catherine Strickler Gaul Amanda Singleton Hay Kelly Seiberlich Mayo Christopher M. Rowland Sarah Singleton Turick


WFS Annual Fund: $850 - 10% Total Giving: $850 - 10% Erin K. Bushnell Michael K. Lamb Katie Measley Van Druff


WFS Annual Fund: $4,340 - 31% Total Giving: $4,410 - 31% Rami R. Abdel-Misih Elizabeth Caine Andrew C. Dalton Mckenzie Jones Adam G. Joseph Olivia Kurtz Laura Kirk Kurz Robert R. Pfeiffer J. Jason Sears Michael C. Smith Sujatha Srinivasan Jordan Wales


WFS Annual Fund: $350 - 5% Total Giving: $350 - 5% Joshua D. Klein Kyle McKean


WFS Annual Fund: $860 - 13% Total Giving: $1,210 - 13% EJ Amobi Erika Kurtz Katie Wolf Martinenza Sarah Panock Eliza R. Wolcott


20th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $875 - 18% Total Giving: $875 - 18% Julia Morse Forester Meredith Jones Joppa Margaretta Homsey Kroeger Christopher P. Loeffler Braden L. Neff Dillon W. Paul


WFS Annual Fund: 2% Total Giving: 2%

Alexandra S. Mellow


WFS Annual Fund: $2,300 - 7% Total Giving: $2,300 - 7% Matthew Cleaver Daniel Joseph Adrienne L. Monley


WFS Annual Fund: $4,950 - 18% Total Giving: $4,950 - 18% Jessica D. Cowperthwait Mary Ting Hyatt Lindsay D. Moyer Parker Faye E. Paul Meghan Baczkowski Pixley Rebecca A. Stevenson


WFS Annual Fund: $3,923 - 10% Total Giving: $3,923 - 10% Connor C. Dalton Steven G. Hicks Matthew Lang Amy E. Tryon Megan E. Venetianer


WFS Annual Fund: $330 - 10% Total Giving: $350 - 11% Hannah E. Brilliant Christina L. Chapman Elizabeth L. Connolly William S. Goswell Emily David Hershman Kieran M. Reichert Samantha A. Shay Vincent J. White


10th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: 2% Total Giving: 2% Will Graves, Jr.


WFS Annual Fund: $475 - 5% Total Giving: $475 - 5% Javier E. Horstmann Wesley Magness Jessica L. Venetianer



Rachel Elzufon Couch Michael D. D’Amico Clarence J. Elliott III Colleen Farrell Joseph F. Hartnett Lee D. Herzog Abigail Hughes-Strange Andrew E. McEnroe

Gwen M. Baraniecki-Zwil Derek A. Bednarski Leah Handwerk Daniel R. Potter Sara J. Woodward


Catherine L. Curran Meredith Erskine Alexandra Gallicchio Sean W. Kirkpatrick Lucy Yeatman Leedy

WFS Annual Fund: $1,025 - 15% Total Giving: $1,025 - 15%

15th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $320 - 6% Total Giving: $320 - 6% Michael C. Dalton John Goswell Kristen Mraz


WFS Annual Fund: $175 - 7% Total Giving: $265 - 9% Christopher Collier Zachary T. Dutton Aviva Elzufon Naomi S. Nix Alexander E. Tryon


WFS Annual Fund: $150 - 3% Total Giving: $150 - 3% Elissa Cashman Dalton Sean Mansoory

WFS Annual Fund: $325 - 8% Total Giving: $325 - 8%


WFS Annual Fund: $1,375 - 8% Total Giving: $1,375 - 8%


WFS Annual Fund: $755 - 14% Total Giving: $855 - 16% Roberta A. Atkins Arthur G. Connolly Maria Delzingaro James Gray Flanagan Roth G. Johnson Helen E. McGinnis Quinn A. McNeill Julia F. Rhodes Kevin R. Roux Olivia Saber Joseph Woodward



Thomas M. Rhodes Clayton D. Scott

Jason Handwerk Abby Kleman Nathaniel Ruhl



5th Reunion WFS Annual Fund: $150 - 4% Total Giving: $150 - 4%

WFS Annual Fund: $1,430 - 15% Total Giving: $1,430 - 15% Julia Delzingaro Patrick Haubert Miles Katzen Quinn R. Kirkpatrick Noah M. M. Landis Margeaux Pantano Andrew M. Pittenger Demetria Ruhl Lex Scott Ryan M. Wood

WFS Annual Fund: $55 - 4% Total Giving: $55 - 4%

WFS Annual Fund: $80 - 5% Total Giving: $80 - 5% Honor Dearlove Michael A. McKenzie Peyton McNeill Danielle A. Nathan


WFS Annual Fund: 1% Total Giving: 1% Kate Saber


WFS Annual Fund: $1,110 - 6% Total Giving: $1,110 - 6% Myla M. Brilliant Ryan T. Kirkpatrick Alyssa C. Nathan Jake R. Nolen

Farewell to Sarah Driscoll At the end of June, we said goodbye to our Director of Annual Fund, Sarah Driscoll. Sarah first joined the Wilmington Friends community in 2009, when daughter Kate (Class of 2022) was a kindergartner in Jane Goldberg’s class. Daughter Ellie (Class of 2025) followed her in 2011, joining Sue Geoghegan’s preschool class. Sarah began her role as Director of Annual Fund in 2013. Over the past eight years, Sarah has elevated the School’s Annual Fund program in a variety of ways. During the 2015/16 school year, Wilmington Friends became the first day school in Delaware to eclipse $1M in annual giving, a milestone reached five times, including this year, during Sarah’s tenure. Sarah joined the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware in the role of Vice President of Resource Development, where she is responsible for the planning and implementation of their donor and fundraising strategy, and will contribute to the overall organizational strategy as a member of the executive team. While she will be missed, with both daughters in the upper school, Sarah will remain an active member of the Friends community, not just as a parent but as a volunteer, serving on the Class of 2022 Senior Fund Committee. We are grateful for all that Sarah has done to help move Friends forward over the last eight years, and we wish her the best of luck in her next adventure. We are thrilled to announce that Aaron Sharp has joined the alumni/development team as the new Director of Annual Fund. Aaron comes to us from the Delaware Nature Society, where he was the event and engagement coordinator. Please join us in welcoming Aaron to WFS!

Alumni Giving XIX


Honorary Gifts In honor of Devon Adams Yanqing Wang and Ping Song Christy and Robert Zawadzkas In honor of Manny Adebi ’20 Folake and Peter Adebi In honor of Donald Altmaier ’51 Katrina Altmaier ’77 and John Barton

In honor of John Chappell ’09 Mimi and Eben Lang

In honor of Ryan Dubowy ’14 Carolyn and David Martin

In honor of the Class of 1956 Cynthia LaMothe and John LaMothe ’56 Catherine Amend Slocum ’56

In honor of Weldin Dunn ’20 Sharon and Sergei Dickey

In honor of the Class of 1965 Leslie Davis Guccione ’65

In honor of Paul Feucht ’73 Regina Feucht

In honor of Zachary Altshul ’26 Amy B. Altshul

In honor of the Class of 1980 Tracey Quillen Carney ’80 and John Carney

In honor of Dina Robinson Anderson ’84 Zona H. Lindsay

In honor of the Class of 2009 Samantha A. Shay ’09

In honor of Harry Anderson ’20 Dina Robinson Anderson ’84 Elizabeth Anderson and Todd Porter Anderson ’81 Zona H. Lindsay In honor of Lily Anderson ’22 Dina Robinson Anderson ’84 In honor of William Baczkowski Judy and James Aliquo In honor of Olivia Billitto ’20 Lois and Thomas L. Fagan, Jr. In honor of Reagan Brady ’23 Marjorie Gimler In honor of Sean Brady ’20 Marjorie Gimler In honor of Alexandra Brown ’28 Melissa and William Brown In honor of Arthur Kerry Brown Wendy Kuniholm Sullivan ’84

In honor of the Class of 2020 Alexandra Poorman Ergon ’77 In honor of the Class of 2021 Cassandra and Kenneth Aldridge In honor of Chase E. Conley ’14 Danette and Dennis Conley

Alumni/Development Gifts Events XX Honorary

In honor of Friends Football Melissa Sanders and Scott Sanders ’77 In honor of Emma Furman ’28 Jennifer Michaels and Mark Furman In honor of Laura Gates ’14 Deanne Morris Stevens ’59

In honor of Rose Gnade Kathleen Martin

In honor of Howard Craighead, Jr. Christine and Matthew DiGuglielmo

In honor of Stephanie Gramiak Jennifer Rowland and Christopher M. Rowland ’95

In honor of Tess Culp Kyle McKean ’98 and John McKean

In honor of Will Graves ’10 Meredith Graves Rotko and Michael Rotko

In honor of Tim Dalby Christine and Canio Caputo

In honor of Emily Green Maria and Scott Larsen Jennifer Rowland and Christopher M. Rowland ’95

In honor of Michael D’Amico ’04 Eugene M. D’Amico III

* = deceased

In honor of the Friends Cross Country Team Mary and Bodo Baltycki

In honor of Kelley Cox Olivia and Marcus Montejo

In honor of Jill Bryant, Faculty 1975-1988 Kempley Salerno Bryant and Charles Bryant ’79

In honor of Christa Chappell ’12 Mimi and Eben Lang

In honor of Laura Foltz Olivia and Marcus Montejo

In honor of Merritt Gates ’16 Deanne Morris Stevens ’59

In honor of Cara D’Amico ’09 Eugene M. D’Amico III

In honor of Christina Chapman ’09 Reverend and Mrs. W. Leonard Chapman

In honor Susan Morovati Finizio ’87 Gabriella and Michael Finizio

In honor of COVID Victims’ Family and Friends Vernon Stevenson

In honor of Max Brown ’24 Melissa and William Brown

In honor of Bradey Bulk Leslie Knight

In honor of Christine Farley Eileen and Joe Szczerba

In honor of Jamie DiEmidio Anna and Luke Wales In honor of Ellie Driscoll ’25 Mary Jo Starcher In honor of Kate Driscoll ’22 Mary Jo Starcher In honor of Sarah Driscoll Marilyn and Terence Maguire

In honor of Rick Grier-Reynolds Susan and James Curtis In honor of Harry Hammond Kathryn Wales and Jordan Wales ’97 In honor of Bill Harman ’69 Melissa Sanders and Scott Sanders ’77 In honor of Megan Hegenbarth Maria and Scott Larsen Jennifer and Jonathan MacBride Dr. and Mrs. Henry Weiner

In honor of Lauren Heydt Olivia and Marcus Montejo In honor of Arthur Hill ’51 Olive Baganz and Bruce Baganz ’69 In honor of Elizabeth A. Hill ’12 Olivia and Marcus Montejo

In honor of Drew Malinsky ’10 Valarie Molaison In honor of Molly Marcus ’14 Paul B. Glickman In honor of Rebecca Marcus ’10 Paul B. Glickman

In honor of Erich and Maria Horstmann Javier Horstmann ’11

In honor of Kathleen Martin Amy and Michael Leviton

In honor of Jonathan Huxtable Maria and Scott Larsen

In honor of Katie Wolf Martinenza ’99 Christine and Canio Caputo

In honor of Susan JanesJohnson’s 60th Birthday Cynthia Martin and Joshua Wesley Martin III In honor of Margot Johnson Anonymous Lynne and Len Nathan Laura and Charles O’Kane In honor of Lorrie Jones Meghan Baczkowski Pixley ’03 and Brian Pixley In honor of the Jones House Staff Lisa Peyton-McNeill and Omar McNeill In honor of Miles Katzen ’16 Kyle McKean ’98 and John McKean

In honor of Patrenia McAbee Stephanie and Akintola Odutola In honor of Andy and Claire McCulloch Julie Boswell McCulloch ’89 and Michael McCulloch In honor of Andy, Claire, and Julie Boswell McCulloch ’89 Jeanne and Paul Boswell In honor of Cael McDonnell ’28 Elizabeth Klein In honor of Lorne McDonnell ’25 Elizabeth Klein

In honor of Katy Kenney Yanqing Wang and Ping Song

In honor of Mariah C. McIntosh Lawrencia D. Annor-Sakyi Anna and Luke Wales

In honor of Sean Kerrane Laura Kirk Kurz ’97 and Kenneth Kurz

In honor of Michael McKenzie, Jr. ’19 Eileen and Joe Szczerba

In honor of Ava Kolodczak ’26 Holly and John Kolodczak

In honor of Michael McKenzie, Sr. Anonymous Danielle Nathan ’19 Lynne and Len Nathan Eileen and Joe Szczerba

In honor of Payten Kolodczak ’29 Holly and John Kolodczak In honor of Charlie Kurz ’27 JoAnn and Robert Kirk In honor of Clara Kurz ’29 JoAnn and Robert Kirk In honor of Robin Lebauer Yanqing Wang and Ping Song In honor of Chris Loeffler ’00 Liza and Mark Conces In honor of Colton Loeffler ’29 Jennifer and Harry Loeffler In honor of the Maguire Family Elizabeth and Daniel Daly

In honor of Courtney S. McKinley Yanqing Wang and Ping Song In honor of Patrick McKinley Christine and Canio Caputo Jennifer Hederman and Samuel Whittenburg In honor of the McQuillan Family David Scheck In honor of Adrienne Meade Mariah McIntosh and James McIntosh

REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 Meghan Baczkowski Pixley ’03 and Brian Pixley Jennifer Hederman and Samuel Whittenburg In honor of Cynthia Stan Mellow Alexandra Mellow ’01 and Mauro Giuffrida Yanqing Wang and Ping Song In honor of Courtney Miller Maria and Scott Larsen In honor of Ildikó Miller Danielle Nathan ’19 Lynne and Len Nathan In honor of Soledad Morás Yanqing Wang and Ping Song In honor of Lisa Morgan Meghan Baczkowski Pixley ’03 and Brian Pixley Jennifer Hederman and Samuel Whittenburg In honor of Lara Munch Christine and Canio Caputo In honor of Alyssa Nathan ’17 Suzi and David Maybee Lynne and Len Nathan In honor of Danielle Nathan ’19 Suzi and David Maybee Lynne and Len Nathan In honor of Jocelyn Nathan ’23 Suzi and David Maybee Lynne and Len Nathan In honor of Kalyn Nix ’17 Jacqueline Nix Sheldon Nix ’74 In honor of Katrina Nix ’19 Jacqueline Nix In honor of Madeline Osbourn ’22 Joyce Shtofman In honor of Laura Jersild Pardo ’90 Janie and Jim Jersild Maria and Scott Larsen In honor of Lindsay Moyer Parker ’03 Deborah Moyer In honor of Lisa Peyton-McNeill Peyton McNeill ’19 Quinn A. McNeill ’14 In honor of Wendy Hicks-Powers and Ronald Powers Anonymous

In honor of the Powers Family Marilyn Lammert and Paul Carlson In honor of Harrison Powers ’29 Richard Powers, Sr. In honor of the Quillen Family Shannon and John Hanson In honor of Kristin Ragan Rebecca and Robert Beste In honor of Jake Rashkind Miles Katzen ’16 Yanqing Wang and Ping Song In honor of Lily Rashkind ’23 Lee and Michael Rashkind In honor of Nora Reynolds Meghan Baczkowski Pixley ’03 and Brian Pixley In honor of Teal Rickerman Christine and Canio Caputo Susan and James Curtis In honor of Andrew Rossi ’22 Laura and Ralph Rossi In honor of Skylar Rusk Meghan Baczkowski Pixley ’03 and Brian Pixley In honor of Kylie Sanderson ’32 Wilma and Elmer Yu In honor of Lauryn Satterfield Kathleen Martin In honor of Diana Headley Saunders Roberta and William Headley Jennifer and Jonathan MacBride In honor of Joshua Schwartz ’12 Doris Mazer In honor of Alexander Scott ’16 Susan and James Curtis In honor of Clayton Scott ’15 Susan and James Curtis In honor of Sarah Graves Scoville ’05 Meredith Graves Rotko and Michael Rotko In honor of Jianglin Shi Yanqing Wang and Ping Song

In honor of Walter P. Smith ’62 Andrew Chapo In honor of Alisa Spitelle Meghan Baczkowski Pixley ’03 and Brian Pixley In honor of Sarah Stock Patterson Alyssa Nathan ’17 Yanqing Wang and Ping Song In honor of Kyle Sullivan ’28 Wellington Ow In honor of Liam Sullivan ’24 Wellington Ow In honor of Margaret Sullivan ’17 Margaret and Lawrence Reardon In honor of Stephanie Sullivan Maria and Scott Larsen In honor of Hiroshi Tani ’86 Anne Bailey Donaghy ’54 and James Donaghy In honor of Bob Tattersall Julie Tattersall McGinnis ’82 and Artie Kempner Melissa Sanders and Scott Sanders ’77 Yanqing Wang and Ping Song In honor of Dianne and Bob Tattersall Helen McGinnis ’14 In honor of Gerry Taylor Maria and Scott Larsen In honor of Helen Thompson Anonymous Alisha and Brian Bryson Sarah and William Driscoll Laura Kirk Kurz ’97 and Kenneth Kurz Maria and Scott Larsen Lynne and Len Nathan Laura and Charles O’Kane In honor of Sarah Tufano ’10 Debra J. Pace In honor of Kimberleigh Turner Katherine Wolf Martinenza ’99 and Brian Martinenza In honor of James Turrell Huong Nguyen and Donald Wilson, Jr.

In honor of Chris Verry Maria and Scott Larsen In honor of Eden Wales Freedman ’99 Anna and Luke Wales In honor of Jordan Wales ’97 Anna and Luke Wales In honor of Anne Waterhouse Lisa Leana and Thomas M. Raiber ’86 In honor of the WFS 7th Grade Teachers and Staff Amy B. Altshul Olivia and Marcus Montejo Kendra and Sylvester Okolo In honor of the WFS Administration Anonymous Cassandra and Kenneth Aldridge In honor of the WFS Community Diane Bohner and Russell Bohner ’84 In honor of the WFS Faculty and Staff Anonymous Cassandra and Kenneth Aldridge Amy B. Altshul Kellen Amobi and Ejimofor Amobi ’99 Dina Robinson Anderson ’84 Savio Antao Stacey and Michael Balentine Utma Taku and Rajesh Bhuva Sharon and Brian Davis Jennifer and Stafford Davis Jorgina Dennis-Watson Amber Dixon Kimberly and Richard Facciolo Julia Morse Forester ’00 and Sam Forester Kim and Anthony Gannon Karisa and Ryan Greecher Kimberly and Joseph Hammons Jill Hughes and Jeff Hughes ’79 Heather and Kenneth Jackman April and Michael Jefferson Serena Starks and Michael Jones Summer Jordan Susan and Bernard Kelley Grace and Scott Lawrence Katherine and Miles Lee Jen and Richard Lohkamp

Robyn Malone and Stephen Malone ’84 Gretchen and Robert McDonnell Emily and Bruce Nisbet Beth and Christopher Osbourn Michelle and Paul Pantano Victor Perez Meredith and Daniel Rosenthal Laura and Ralph Rossi Yvonne and Erik Saville Deborah Murray-Sheppard and Rick Sheppard Erin and Michael Sicuranza Emily and Scott Smith Kyra and Barry Stewart Lindsay Cook and Nate Stuhlmiller Denise and John Taylor Hye-John Chung and Christian Willauer Stephen Williams In honor of WFS Lower School Faculty and Staff Monica A. Coleman Catharine Maloney and Nicholas Krill Katherine Wolf Martinenza ’99 and Brian Martinenza In honor of WFS Middle School Faculty and Staff Jonathan Huxtable In honor of WFS Preschool Teachers Lawrencia D. Annor-Sakyi In honor of WFS Students Jaime and Angelo Fontanazza In honor of WFS Visual Arts Department Cynthia Stan Mellow and Emil Mellow In honor of Samuel Jenks Whittenburg Rita Johnson Cell In honor of Sia Willie Olivia and Marcus Montejo In honor of Jessica Dillon Wilson ’99 Phyllis and Larry Butler In honor of Katrina Winfield ’20 Elizabeth Anderson and Todd Porter Anderson ’81 In honor of Hunter Witmer ’10 Anonymous In honor of Collier Zug ’24 Rebecca and James Zug In honor of Livingston Zug ’22 Rebecca and James Zug

Memorial Gifts XXI


Memorial Gifts In memory of Ryan Alpine ’91 Melissa Chambers Riggs ’91 and Andrew Riggs In memory of Susan Smith Arpad ’55 Joseph Arpad In memory of Anna Arrington Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of C. Thomas Attix, Jr. ’45 Susan Attix In memory of George R. Beck Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of John Biggs III ’45 Jane Biggs Sanger ’79 and Christopher Sanger ’74 In memory of Victoria Milliken Buccino ’64 Elisabeth Milliken Head ’59 In memory of Phyllis Buchanan Michael Buchanan Debbie and Adrian Burston In memory of George J. Bungy ’81 Linda Cashman ’81 In memory of Mark Caplan Rona Budovitch Caplan In memory of Preston D. Chambers Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Herman and Mildred Cohen Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Molly Cohen Erin and Michael Mand ’88 Tamara Mand and Brian Curtis Mand ’90 In memory of Arthur Connolly, Jr. ’55 William P. Bickley In memory of Peter Cooch ’66 Richard R. Cooch ’66 and Barbara Cooch In memory of Sarah Rodney Cooch ’37 Anne Cooch Doran ’69

In memory of Peter B. Cook ’78 Dorothy Cook Coady ’64 Janice Cook and Alan Cook ’71 In memory of John D. Cowperthwait Jessica Cowperthwait ’03 and Patrick McElderry In memory of Tee Jay Evans Cox and Jack Cox Tamara Cox DeFer ’80 and Darin DeFer

In memory of Jane Goldberg Susan Geoghegan and David Geoghegan ’75 Lynese Spinelli Charles F. Stone III William Stone Linda Traver In memory of James Green, Sr. Kimberly and James Green In memory of Jane W. Groo Deborah G. Mellor

In memory of Edward G. Crum, Jr. ’51 Gloria Crum

In memory of Ernst Habicht ’56 Meryl Richardson Nolan ’56

In memory of Margaret Dew Dalzell ’59 Jeff Dalzell

In memory of Harriet Lang Hagan ’64 Evelyn Robbins Lang ’55 and Edward Lang ’55 Anne Lang and William Lang ’52 Frank Lang ’58

In memory of Warren J. Deitcher ’67 Carol Deitcher Schachat ’76 and Bill Schachat In memory of Jean Dew and Thomas Dew Marilyn Dew Maisano-Savage ’50 In memory of Robert J. Donaghy, Jr. ’45 Alice W. Donaghy Sara Sprowls and Charles W. Donaghy ’95 Rob Donaghy III ’92 In memory of Ann Dougherty Walter P. Butkus In memory of Carolyn Schneider Dowds ’45 Carole A. Mattis In memory of Dorothy and Robert Edmonds Anonymous In memory of Clarence and Martha Elliott Clarence Elliott ’04 Nancy Fairchild Esty ’52 Priscilla and John Royse In memory of James Flynn Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Joseph H. Geoghegan ’45 Geney Geoghegan Susan Geoghegan and David Geoghegan ’75 In memory of Ellen Vera Ginzberg ’62 Betty Hirschland Munro ’62 and Donald M. Munro

In memory of L. John Harris, Jr. ’62 Jeannette Smith and Walter Smith ’62 In memory of Scott Hartzell ’85 Amy Hartzell Pszczolkowski ’87 and Doug Pszczolkowski In memory of M. Donaldson Henderer ’26 Mary Lawshe Henderer

In memory of Kermit Justice ’88 Dianne and Bob Tattersall

Stuart Gittelman ’86 Muriel Bacon Rusten Lyn Smith

In memory of Ruth and Leon Kirch Ira Kirch ’64

In memory of Carol Steinbring McMillan ’44 James McMillan

In memory of Nancy J. Kressman ’82 Lisa Lounsbury ’82 In memory of Jeffrey M. Kronfeld ’74 Nancy L. Kronfeld In memory of Sally Lambert ’57 Carl Shrawder ’57 In memory of Rigmor “Ria” Jelshøj Lerche ’64 Harriet Dann ’64 Corlet Jackson Weisel ’64 Pamela Perkins Young ’64 In memory of Meredith Potter Lindley John Lindley ’62 In memory of Anthony W. Lingenfelter Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Sarah “Sally” Longstreth Jean B. Bryant Melissa Sanders and Scott Sanders ’77 Laurence T. Sherwood III ’70 In memory of Martha Lyon Jean B. Bryant

In memory of Jane Bridgwater Hewes ’39 William L. Hewes, Jr.

In memory of David H. MacKelcan Laura MacKelcan

In memory of Winifred and W. Charles Hitt Mrs. Ashby T. Richards

In memory of Mary Maher Mary Jo Starcher

In memory of Phyllis Holmes Carolyn Holmes and Charles Curtis Holmes ’61 In memory of John W. Hoopes, Jr. ’39 Kathryn Hoopes Bowen ’71 and Robert Bowen Pamela Hoopes ’73 and Daniel Kelliher In memory of Christine Monk Huxtable Anonymous Linda and Harrison Monk In memory of W. Rufus Jones ’52 Anne Lang and William Lang ’52 Robert H. Hodge ’52

In memory of Michael T. Mitchell ’78 Barbara Mitchell In memory of William Mitchell ’54 Estate of Janet Mitchell Harper ’50* Mitch Harper In memory of Polly Dewees Moffett William P. Bickley Dita Dewees Henderson ’69 and George Henderson In memory of Lisa Mullin ’76 Nina A. Smith ’74 In memory of Elinor Robinson Murch 1911 Elizabeth Murch Livingston ’37

In memory of Nancy S. Mahoney Ellen Bailey

In memory of Theophilus R. Nix, Sr. William P. Bickley Crystal Nix Hines ’81 and David Hines

In memory of Lena Maloney Sharyn Hollingsworth

In memory of Edward T. O’Brien ’79 Margaret O’Brien ’74

In memory of Albert G. Mangini Judith M. Blackburn

In memory of Eloise O’Connor Jamie O’Connor Bolane ’61 and John Bolane

In memory of Patricia Matthews Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Sandy and Bruce McKenzie Christine Farley Eileen and Joe Szczerba In memory of Jonathan Bacon Smith ’83 and Wendy Smith McMillan ’77 Laura Isken Doyle ’77 and George Doyle

For additional memorial gift listings, please refer to the endowment section on pages XXIV - XXV. These donors will be listed under the endowment fund established in the deceased person’s name.

Events Memorial Gifts XXII Alumni/Development

In memory of Philip Mintz ’84 Sarah Batcheler Elizabeth Mintz Beckett ’81 and Tom Beckett Sue R. Crichton David Lemons ’84 Marshall Stafford ’84 Lystra and Robert Turner Kathy Bunville Welch ’84 and Steve Welch

In memory of Diane Gardner Padgett ’57 George Gardner ’60 In memory of Marie C. Palmiotto Carol Palmiotto and David Fisher In memory of Agnes Pennock Margaret Pennock ’78 and David Wood In memory of Elizabeth Bach Peters Barbara D. Curran

REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 In memory of Richard C. Porter II Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Lauren Harvell Powers ’85 Anonymous In memory of James P. Prince ’84 Margaret Hukill Prince In memory of Thalia C. Putney Debbie and Adrian Burston Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Marcia Stirling Quillen ’56 and William Quillen ’52 Shannon and John Hanson Carol Quillen ’79 Sherrie Quillen ’53 H. Murray Sawyer ’64 In memory of Robert J. Quillen ’47 Anne Quillen Donecker ’73 and John Donecker In memory of George Reeser Richard Weigel ’62 In memory of Violet S. Richman William P. Bickley Cynthia Stan Mellow and Emil Mellow Margaret O’Brien ’74 Raymond Osbun ’71 Lynn Smith and David Smith ’66 In memory of Cornelius V. Robbins ’49 Evelyn Robbins Lang ’55 and Edward Lang ’55

In memory of Frederick Royal Melissa Sanders and Scott Sanders ’77 In memory of Richard “Dixie” Sanger ’48 Jane Biggs Sanger ’79 and Christopher Sanger ’74 In memory of Edward W. Savery Olive Baganz and Bruce Baganz ’69 Robin Morley Bernstein ’79 Antoni Mavrantonis ’58 In memory of Ambrose Short Fredrick J. Rapkin ’65 Melissa Sanders and Scott Sanders ’77 In memory of James Smith Tracey Quillen Carney ’80 and John Carney Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of W. H. Smith ’26 and Ruth Smith Susan Morovati Finizio ’87 and GianClaudio Finizio Ruth and Shah Morovati In memory of Nona K. Smolko Armistead Henderer and Peter Henderer ’89 Joseph Smolko and Shirley Smolko In memory of Hon. Clarence A. Southerland ’05 Alison Allen and Skip Allen ’62

In memory of Judge Edwin Steel Serge Dumont ’65 In memory of Joanna Stender Kerry and Michael Kirifides In memory of Rachel Ashley Fisher Stevenson Rebecca Stevenson ’03 In memory of Kenjiro Tani Anne Bailey Donaghy ’54 and James Donaghy In memory of Charles Louis Terribile Donna Terribile In memory of Charles Tjersland ’51 Gail Landon and Robert B. Landon ’51 Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Cecily B. Trehu Robin Morley Bernstein ’79 Ramzi Sabbagh ’79 In memory of John Tyler Lisa and Todd Tyler In memory of Charles Veith Ashley Connolly and Michael Connolly ’84 In memory of Benjamin D. Wilkinson Elizabeth Anderson and Todd Porter Anderson ’81 Adam Burawski ’90 Drake Cattermole ’88, Lisa Cattermole, and Ashley Cattermole Gillerlain ’91 Randi and JJ Centrella

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Foote ’95 Rachel and Richard Grier-Reynolds John Hawkins Susan Agoos Herrmann ’64 and Stephen Herrmann Carolee and Chuck Kunz Carol and Carl Kunz Sue Muzzi Leslie Newman Deenie and Grafton Reeves Mary Jo and William Russell Dorothea L. Sawicki Mary and James Schultheis Elaine and David Singleton Carol and Bill Spiker Dianne and Bob Tattersall Alison Terrell and Matthew Terrell ’91 Diana and Allen Terrell James B. Thomas, Jr. Aubree and John Wellons Janice Wetzel In memory of Catherine E. Wilkinson Lisa Wilkinson and Roy Wilkinson ’70 In memory of Daisy Williams Angela and Joseph Miller, Jr. In memory of Nancy Watson Winslow ’72 Mary Beth Watson Smith ’68 and Kenneth Smith In memory of Ellen Henderer Woodward ’28 Mary Lawshe Henderer

Corporations, Foundations, and Friends Whether matching employee giving, or making an outright donation to WFS, we would like to recognize the following organizations that provided critical support to our school this past year. Alexis de Tocqueville Society Alpine & Rafetto Orthodontics Arguild Boston AWA Family Foundation Aware Foundation The Ayco Charitable Foundation Bank of America Bank of America Charitable Foundation The Bank of New York Benevity Community Impact Fund Big Oyster Brewery Jamie Nicholls and Fran Biondi Charitable Trust Boundary Companies Brilliant Studio LLC Cambridge Community Foundation Carpenter Trust Chandler Funeral Homes Inc. ClaritiDox LLC Nathan M. Clark Foundation Community Foundation of New Jersey Compass RE - Greenville and Rehoboth Beach

Compass RE - Shawn Breck Group ConocoPhillips Crum and Forster Dalton and Associates, P. A. Delancey Street Partners Delaware Community Foundation Delaware Orthopaedic Specialists John A. and Joan M. Dietze Charitable Trust EDiS Company Eli Lilly and Company Elisa Morris Photography Everence Foundation, Inc. Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First State Dental George Products Company, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Glenmede Corporation Goldman, Sachs & Company Greater Washington Community Foundation

Hockessin Athletic Club Trust of Mark B. Holzman Home and School Association IBM International Foundation Incyte Corporation JP Morgan Chase Foundation Kimmel-Spiller Charitable Foundation Laffey-McHugh Foundation Alicia F. Maharty Private Foundation Merrill Lynch ModernControls Inc. Moore Brothers Wine Company Morgan Stanley The Mottola Group National Financial Services Northern Trust Charitable Trust Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited Peter Kate Pfizer Foundation Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP Premier Pool Renovations Reed Family Foundation

In memory of Mark Woodward Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Mary C. Woodward Ramzi Sabbagh ’79 In memory of Cynthia Pyle Woolley ’56 Tracey Quillen Carney ’80 and John Carney Susan Agoos Herrmann ’64 and Stephen Herrmann Margaret Mullin MacKelcan ’71 and Donald MacKelcan Meryl Richardson Nolan ’56 Judith Blake Schumacher ’56 Dianne and Bob Tattersall Robert Van Dyke In memory of Howard P. Wyeth ’62 Edi Wyeth and N. Convers Wyeth III ’63 In memory of Patricia G. Young Dianne and Bob Tattersall In memory of Stuart Young ’53 Sharon Bob and H. Alan Young ’54 In memory of Patricia Zolper ’47 Jane Sheppard Jackson ’47 In memory of Frederick “Eric” Zumsteg ’96 Norma Zumsteg

Renaissance Charitable Foundation Rogers Jackson Ltd. Seiberlich Trane Schwab Charitable Fund Standard Distributing Co. Inc. Stephenson Foundation Swigg Thrivent Tuttleman Foundation United Way of Delaware U.S. Charitable Gift Trust UBS Financial Services, Inc. Union Park Automotive Group Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program The Vanguard Group Inc. Wawa Wilmington Monthly Meeting Wilmington Trust Company W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. The Richard and Jeanette Wood Charitable Foundation Wohlsen Construction WRT Architects Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP

Memorial Gifts XXIII


ENDOWMENT GIVING Endowment giving helps ensure that Wilmington Friends School is able to fulfill its mission for centuries to come. We are grateful for the alumni, faculty, staff, and parents who have made generous investments in key strategic areas, as well as those who made gifts that the school can use wherever there is a need. Alumni Scholarship Fund Established 2000 Purpose: Financial Aid

The Andy Biddle Financial Aid Fund Established 2007 Purpose: Financial Aid

The Art Connolly, Jr. Fund

Established 2014 Purpose: Non-Tuition Financial Aid

Arguild Boston William P. Bickley Katy and Chip Connolly III ’79 Christopher Connolly ’59 Elizabeth Connolly ’09 Joan M. Connolly Ashley Connolly and Michael Connolly ’84 Amy Connolly Doherty ’80 and Michael Doherty Laffey-McHugh Foundation

The Babette Block Rogers Scholarship Fund Established 1997 Purpose: Financial Aid

Elizabeth Hamilton ’68 and Thomas Hartmann Penny Kolloff and John Urice ’64 Stephen Urice ’68

Biggs Memorial Fund Established 1981 Purpose: Library

Christopher C. Mellor Scholarship Fund Established 2002 Purpose: Financial Aid

The Class of 1946 Memorial Fund Established 2006 Purpose: Financial Aid

The Class of 1952 Endowment Fund for Financial Aid and Buildings Established 2011 Purpose: Financial Aid/Building Maintenance

The Class of 1955 Memorial Fund Established 2005 Purpose: Financial Aid

The Class of 1989 Endowment Fund Established 2014 Unrestricted

The Class of 1956 50th Reunion Tuition Aid Fund

The Coach Tattersall Endowment for Financial Aid

The Class of 1957 Enrichment Fund

Helen McGinnis ’14 Julie Tattersall McGinnis ’82 and Artie Kempner Dianne and Bob Tattersall

Established 2006 Purpose: Financial Aid

Established 1982 Purpose: Capital

The Class of 1960 Endowment Fund Established 2010 Purpose: Financial Aid

The Class of 1962 Endowment Fund Established 2012 Purpose: Financial Aid

The Class of 1965 Fund Established 2016 Purpose: Faculty Professional Development J. Ronald Pownall ’65

The Class of 1966 Fund in Memory of Duane Nash Established 2016 Purpose: Faculty Support

Keith Johnson Lynn Smith and David Smith ’66

The Class of 1968 Endowment Fund in Support of the Arts Established 2020 Purpose: Arts

Jean Hillyer and Peter Bente ’68 Claudia M. Bonetti Mary Stern Sykes ’68 Juliane Harvey Van Egmond ’68 and Alan Van Egmond

The Class of 1988 Endowment Fund for Financial Aid Established 2013 Purpose: Financial Aid

C. Michael Coleman ’88 Susan Woolley Katz ’88 and Jon Katz

Established 2011 Purpose: Financial Aid

Daudt Endowment Fund Established 1997 Unrestricted

Dorothy Aspin Baugher ’32 Tuition Aid Fund Established 2008 Purpose: Financial Aid

Edith duPont Pearson Fund Established 1972 Unrestricted

Edward E. Ford Foundation Faculty Salary Fund Established 1989 Purpose: Faculty Compensation

Endowment Giving Events XXIVAlumni/Development

Established 2002 Purpose: Faculty Compensation

Gawthrop Memorial Library Fund Established 1967 Purpose: Library

The Genevieve Gore Endowment Fund Established 2005 Unrestricted

Ira T. Ellis ’52 Scholarship Fund Established 2001 Purpose: Financial Aid Ira Ellis, Jr. ’52

Jane Goldberg Fund for Kindergarten Financial Aid

Established 2018 Purpose: Kindergarten Financial Aid Jinya and Steve Jennings Charles F. Stone III William Stone

James Shuster ’50 Endowment Established 2013 Unrestricted

Edward E. Ford Foundation Tuition Aid Fund

James Whaler Fund

Edward G. Crum ’51 Financial Aid Fund

Established 2013 Purpose: Financial Aid

Established 1992 Purpose: Financial Aid

Established 2010 Purpose: Financial Aid Gloria Crum

Elizabeth B. Peters Faculty Study Grant Established 2007 Purpose: Faculty Professional Development

Beth Peters ’83 and Brad Fagg

Emma Worrell Library Fund Established 1972 Purpose: Library

Faculty Salary Fund * = deceased

Friends Forward Endowment Faculty Compensation

Established 1986 Purpose: Faculty Compensation

Established 1982 Purpose: Financial Aid/Library

Joanne Taylor Linton ’51 Scholarship Fund Paige Linton and David Linton ’78

John Marshall Mendinhall Memorial Fund Established 2016 Purpose: Annual Fund

Jonathan Bacon Smith ’83 and Wendy Smith McMillan ’77 Memorial Fund Established 1984 Purpose: Financial Aid

Laura Isken Doyle ’77 and George Doyle

REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2020-2021 Stuart Gittelman ’86 Muriel Bacon Rusten Proceeds from the Smith McMillan 5K

Joseph Geoghegan ’45 Endowment Fund Established 2012 Purpose: Financial Aid

Lee Bendheim ’32 Tuition Aid Fund Established 2010 Purpose: Financial Aid

Lisa Darling Endowment for Friends Forward Established 2005 Unrestricted

M. Eleanor and Deborah S. Dew Memorial Fund Established 1988 Purpose: Library

Jeff Dalzell Kevin Dew ’79 Lisa Dew and Thomas Dew ’75 Marilyn Dew Maisano-Savage ’50

Malone Family Foundation Scholarship Fund

Philip S. Mintz ’84 Endowment for the Vocal and Choral Arts Established 1995 Purpose: Performing Arts

Sarah Batcheler Elizabeth Mintz Beckett ’81 and Tom Beckett Ashley Connolly and Michael Connolly ’84 Sue R. Crichton David Lemons ’84 Ellen LaRowe Mintz Marshall Stafford ’84 Lystra and Robert Turner

Pownall Family Endowment Fund Established 2013 Unrestricted

Preschool Financial Aid Endowment Fund Established 2007 Purpose: Financial Aid

The QUEST Term Endowment

Established 2015 Purpose: Financial Aid for Travel

Elizabeth Krahmer Keating ’77 Laura and Charles O’Kane Anna and Luke Wales

Established 2011 Purpose: Financial Aid

The Reilly Family Endowment Fund

Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund

Serena Hoy and James Reilly ’85

Established 1972 Purpose: Financial Aid

MBNA/Bank of America Scholarship Fund Established 2006 Purpose: Financial Aid

Nancy C. Marshall and Andrew C. Chapo Scholarship Fund Established 2012 Purpose: Financial Aid

Established 2006 Purpose: Faculty Travel Abroad

Robert P. Hukill ’49 Science Endowment Fund Established 1994 Purpose: Science/Financial Aid Jane Hukill

The Robinson and Snodgrass Family Endowment Fund

Andrew Chapo

Established 2006 Purpose: Faculty Compensation/ Financial Aid

The Michael Mitchell ’78 Memorial Fund

Sally Longstreth Endowment for Faculty Compensation

Ashley Connolly and Michael Connolly ’84

Savery Science Fund

Established 2006 Purpose: Financial Aid

The Penney and A.C. Hubbard, Jr. Scholarship Fund Established 2013 Purpose: Financial Aid

Starkweather Community Service Award

Established 1992 Purpose: Community Service

Theophilus R. and Lulu Mae Nix Scholarship Fund Established 2013 Purpose: Financial Aid

William P. Bickley Crystal Nix Hines ’81 and David Hines Jacqueline Greenidge Nix Sheldon Nix ’74 Naomi Nix ’06 Pamela Perkins Young ’64

Thomas B. Taylor ’66 Memorial Fund Established 1993 Purpose: Life Ed

Ashley Connolly and Michael Connolly ’84

Tuition Aid Endowment Established 1981 Purpose: Financial Aid

Laura MacKelcan Anna and Luke Wales


Evelyn Brownlee Carpenter Trust Elizabeth Cavanaugh ’64 Jonathan Clifton III ’80 Elly and Alan Craig Lisa A.H. Darling Cristina and Kevin DiSabatino Carolyn Schneider Dowds ’45* Meg Gehret Erskine ’83 Amanda Walker Friz and Robert W. Friz ’86 Jennifer Glick and David Glick ’80 Mimi Harlan and W. Scott Harlan ’80 Elizabeth Beadle Herrmann ’47* Christopher Howard ’74 Laura Reilly and David Hartley Carlene Jackson and John Jackson ’61

Elizabeth Moore Johnston ’58 and William Johnston W. Rufus Jones ’52* Raymond Osbun ’71 Meredith Graves Rotko and Michael Rotko Howard Seebach ’48* Martha Poorman Tschantz ’85 and Jay Tschantz Anna and Luke Wales

Wilmot R. Jones Endowment for Faculty Salaries

Established 1989 Purpose: Faculty Compensation

The Will and Sarah Graves Family Fund Established 2015 Purpose: Financial Aid

Will Graves ’10 Meredith Graves Rotko and Michael Rotko

Wilmington Friends School Herschel and Ann Loomis Endowment for Theater Established 2019 Purpose: Theater Program Herschel Loomis ’52

The Winifred and Quintin E. Primo, Jr. Endowment Fund Established 2006 Purpose: Financial Aid

Winslow Endowment Fund Established 2000 Purpose: Financial Aid

Established 2016 Purpose: Faculty Compensation Established 1982 Purpose: Faculty Compensation

Olive Baganz and Bruce Baganz ’69 Robin Morley Bernstein ’79 Ira Ellis, Jr. ’52

Endowment Giving XXV


1748 Society: Creating a Friends Legacy The 1748 Society is composed of donors who have included Friends in their estate plans through a bequest, a life income gift, as well as those who have made other planned gifts to the school. These generous gifts ensure a lasting legacy for the donor and benefit Friends School in perpetuity. 1890-1899

Alfred D. Warner, Jr. ’96*


Miriam Hawkins Bryant ’16*


G. Burton Pearson ’23* Anne Philips Blake ’24* Marjorie Johnson Tilghman ’24* Carroll Griffith ’29* Sarah Downs Lull ’29*


Elizabeth Stephenson* and Thomas W. Stephenson ’31* Dorothy Aspin Baugher ’32* Elizabeth Davidson Storke ’32* Nancy Cantwell Winslow ’32* Sewell Biggs ’33* Alicia Fritz Maharty ’35* Winifred Nixon Ellis ’36* Catherine Burke Flickinger ’36* William Lynch ’38* Suzanne Merrick ’39* John Mullin, Jr. ’39* Carolyn Myers ’39*


Anonymous Ruth Ann Lauritsen Marston ’40* William F. Metten, Jr. ’40* Elizabeth Valentine Daudt ’41* and Louis Daudt* Ruth Marshall and Thomas C. Marshall, Jr. ’41* Joann Brosius Shoemaker ’44* and Charles G. Shoemaker ’41* Carolyn West Medill ’42* Elizabeth Lahr McCulloch ’44* Howard W. Starkweather, Jr. ’44* Carolyn Schneider Dowds ’45* Imogene Geoghegan and Joseph Geoghegan ’45* Margaret Steinbring McMillan ’45* and David McMillan* Diane Teeple* and Rodman Teeple ’45 Dorothy Kay Cox ’46* Carol Jo Heald and Richard T. Heald ’46* Thomas Hollingsworth ’47* Lydia Boyer and David Boyer ’48 Howard Seebach ’48* Miriam Stausebach Gedling ’49* Cornelius V. Robbins ’49*


Eleanor Marsh Hillers ’50* and Robert Hillers* James Shuster ’50*

W. Alan Smith ’50 Caroline Penniman Wohlforth ’50* and Eric Wohlforth Charles T. Davis ’51 Dorothy Pierson Eaton ’51* Margaret M. Hill and Arthur W. Hill ’51 Joanne Taylor Linton ’51 Cricket and Mark Ball ’52 Ira Ellis, Jr. ’52 W. Rufus Jones ’52* Herschel Loomis, Jr. ’52 Laura Pardee and Fred Pardee ’52 J. Eric May ’53* Donald Welles ’53* Walter Manss, Jr. ’54* Toshiko Salzberg* and John Salzberg ’54 Matilda Beasley Bixby ’55* Devereaux Rose Eyler ’55 Sara Hodge Geuder ’55 Mary Jane Hogan Green ’55* Yancey Hillegas and David Hillegas ’55 Madge M. Ellis ’56 Cynthia Pyle Woolley ’56* Abbie Greene Fassnacht ’57 Ann Harper Heaton ’57 and Robert Heaton Carl Frederick Shrawder ’57 Bruce S. Cutler ’58 Elizabeth Moore Johnston ’58


Heather Fleming ’60* Phoebe B. Baker ’62 Mona Bayard and Thomas Bayard ’62 Rosanne Cox and Irving John Cox III ’62 Deborah Hitt Lane ’62 Maureen Lawrence and Terry Lawrence ’62* Jeannette Smith and Walter Smith ’62 Sara Miller ’63 Elizabeth Cavanaugh ’64 Penny Kolloff and John Urice ’64 Michael Wise ’64 Janet Martin Yabroff ’64 Leslie Davis Guccione ’65 J. Ronald Pownall ’65 Fredrick J. Rapkin ’65 Richard R. Cooch ’66 Alexandra Harris ’68 Grayson Smith, Jr. ’68* Phyllis Shomo Beidler ’69 Phyllis A. Pownall ’69


Anonymous (3) Marguerite Marston Kritkausky ’70 Elizabeth Lord Scott ’70 and Thomas Scott ’70 Roy Wilkinson ’70 and Lisa Wilkinson Amy Taylor Davis ’72 Marshall K. McKusick ’72 Christobel Shedd Selecky ’72 Elizabeth J. Moodey ’73 Martha Hays and Richard Horwitz ’75 Thomas H. Marston ’75 Reed Masten ’75 Tim Gibbs ’76 Elizabeth Krahmer Keating ’77 Robert Keating ’77* Bonnie Wilson Crosby ’79 and Sumner Crosby R. Matthew Hendricks ’79 Steven J. Johnson ’79 and Linda Johnson


Jonathan Clifton III ’80 Mimi Harlan and W. Scott Harlan ’80 Julie Tattersall McGinnis ’82 Meg Gehret Erskine ’83 Kimberly Harvey Gallik ’83 Pamela Appleby Waxlax ’83 Martha Poorman Tschantz ’85 and Jay Tschantz Emily Geuder Blair ’87


Anh Dam ’90 Karen Gordon Bastow ’98

Parents of Alumni Anonymous Christine Beadle* Tom and Mimi Blackwell Anne Bonnyman Sherry and Jon Brilliant Annie and Chris Coons Janet S. Cox* Lisa and Bernard David John Ferguson Juliana Smith Forbes Mary N. Gardner* Barbara Jones Haskins* Mary Lawshe Henderer Karin Kirkland and Joseph Kirkland* Mary and Daniel Klein

Deborah and Richard Layton* Claudia C. Pownall* Alice D. Reilly Meredith Graves Rotko and Michael Rotko Isabella K. Tarumianz* Chaplin Tyler* Luke and Anna Wales Ernest Woodacre* Julie Jenks Zorach and Peter Zorach


Davis G. Durham* Genevieve Gore* Josephine Clapp Osbun* Margaret Scott* and Robert B. Scott*

Current Trustees Darcy Rademaker and Ronald Rademaker*

Past Trustees

Anonymous Evelyn Brownlee Stephen Clark* Eleanor and Alan Craig W. Ervin Gloor* Melody and Harry Hammond Ellen Gay and Gary Johnson Jay Pownall* Elaine and David Singleton Charlotte Taylor Adelaide Tinker*

Past Heads, Faculty, and Staff Judy and James Aliquo William P. Bickley Edith Broad* Lisa A.H. Darling Landis P. Green Janet E. and John Jones Cynthia and Don Kuespert Sally Longstreth* Martha Crane Lyon* Jane Rittenhouse Smiley* Anne and Wilbert B. Smith*


Valentina Colpitts* Joan M. Dietze* Louise and James Gilliam* Brian M. Sagrestano Eleanor Betts Warner* Franklyn C. von Wiskow* Horace T. Woodward* *deceased

Through your generous donations, you allow students to attend a school where each of their unique differences is not only accepted but encouraged in and beyond the classroom.

Events 1748 Society XXVIAlumni/Development


Enhancing the Friends Theater Program for Future Generations: An Interview with Herschel Loomis, Jr. ’52 Herschel Loomis, Jr. ’52 currently guest lectures as an emeritus professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in computer engineering and space systems. For fun Hersch reads Agatha Christie and Laurie King mysteries and restores his model railroad. He continues to value his Wilmington Friends experience. His father, Herschel, taught Biology, Chemistry, and Physics and coached Upper School baseball, basketball, and football at Friends until 1942 when he joined Hercules Powder Company. After his retirement from Hercules, he returned to teaching at Sanford Preparatory School and served as a member of the Friends School Board of Managers. Hersch’s mother, Ann, was a substitute teacher in the Lower School, and lived to be 104. His parents moved to Kendal, the Quaker retirement community, in 1970 and were members of Wilmington Monthly Meeting until their passing. Hersch recalls: “I started Kindergarten at the ‘new’ campus in 1938. The teachers were wonderful. Each had their strengths and a few had quirks that were interesting. They carried the Quaker spirit forward in their teaching. Fran Baird, Sally Longstreth, Herb Detweiler, and Ted Savery had a strong influence on me.

The Loomis family crest, reading “Ne Cede Malis” or “Yield Not to Evil”

“I was interested in electronics and science in general. All of my university degrees are in Electrical Engineering. The theater was attractive, but I had little talent or desire to perform. I naturally gravitated to the technical side of theater productions and ran the movie projector for assemblies. “At Cornell, where I was joined by my Friends classmates Bill Lang and Rufus Jones, I was active with the annual musicals such as Brigadoon and Guys and Dolls. Starting on the lighting crew, I worked my way up to technical director for my last show.”

Herschel and Ann Loomis at Longwood Gardens

Hersch was a founding member of the faculty of the College of Engineering at UC Davis in 1962. He and his wife Shirley served on the board of directors for a community Gilbert & Sullivan company in Davis, California. Today, Hersch volunteers for the governance of the Pacific Repertory Theatre in Carmel, where he designed lighting for a Shakespearean show. In 2019, Hersch created an endowed fund to support the Friends theater program, the Wilmington Friends School Herschel and Ann Loomis Endowment for Theater. He says he decided to do this for two reasons: he believes in the mission of the School and he also wants to honor the memory of his parents. Friends is most grateful for Hersch’s generosity and continued engagement with our community. Planned gifts such as the Loomis Endowment for Theater help build our endowment, and in particular will help to train actors, musicians, and technicians for many generations to come. For more information, please contact Monty Harris, Director of Capital and Endowment Giving, at 302.576.2985 or mharris@wilmingtonfriends.org.

Preserving the Spirit of Friends XXVII

Proud of Our Age “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” ~ Sir Isaac Newton Being the first and longest continuously operated independent school in Delaware happens by design— and with “a little help from our friends.” At 273 years young, Friends exists today thanks to the generosity of members of our community who care deeply about the School’s long-term viability. The 1748 Society recognizes friends who include the School in their estate plans, and commit to making a deferred or estate gift. Such generosity ensures that Wilmington Friends will continue to educate students for generations, for centuries. Wilmington Friends School welcomes the following new members of the 1748 Society. Thank you for choosing to make Wilmington Friends School part of your legacy. Anonymous Elizabeth Cavanaugh ’64 Mimi Harlan and W. Scott Harlan ’80 Alexandra Harris ’68 Meredith Graves Rotko and Michael Rotko

Invest in the Future of Friends! Join the 1748 Society with a Planned Gift. For more information, contact: Monty Harris, Director of Capital and Endowment Giving 302.576.2985 • mharris@wilmingtonfriends.org

Alumni/Development Events Thank You XXVIII

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