April 2015 • FREE
Our 17th Year of Serving New Hanover, Brunswick & Pender County Families!
ARTS Guide
artistic day trips i listing directory i young playwright Competition summer camp directory i 5 tips for sat/act exams i becoming a tree hugger Coveralways Kid: Dominic The financial abundance flowing in to this magazine!
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Free to
explore learn excel
Motivated to
Challenged to
A passion for learning starts early at Friends School of Wilmington in our Montessori Preschool. A passion learning startscommunity early at Friends School of Wilmington. Here, in a vibrant learning community Here, in a for vibrant learning known for its vigorous academics, exceptional teaching, and time-honored Quakeracademics, values, students are provided world of opportunity to discover, learn and known for its vigorous exceptional teaching,aand time-honored Quaker values, students are grow. Confident, independent thinkers, graduates areConfident, fully prepared for thethinkers, most ambitious high provided a world of opportunity to discover,our learn and grow. independent our graduates school – and the up world ahead. are fullysetting prepared to step to the most ambitious high school setting – and to conquer the world ahead. Call 910.791.8221 and Schedule a Tour Today! 18 months – 8th grade | An Independent Quaker School | 910.791.8221 | www.fsow.org FSW-002 7.25x4.1825 4 color Ad.indd 1
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Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 1
Earn cash or 20% more in store credit for your outgrown items so another family can love them like you did. Plus, shop the best selection of new and gently used art supplies, toys, clothes and more!
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2 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
April 3, 16, 18 & 19
NHC Sheriff’s Crime Awareness and Prevention Unit
It is the goal of the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Crime Awareness and Prevention Unit (C.A.P.Unit) to reduce and prevent crime through its outreach and educational programs. Come visit us at the following events to learn more! April 3: Youth Outreach Event
April 16: Minority Health Fair
April 18: Community Fun Day
April 19: Touch A Truck
11am - 3pm
9am - 2pm
9am - 1pm
12:30 - 4:30pm
410 South 8th Street
410 South 8th Street
410 South 8th Street
Mayfair Town Center Event Fair
Sheriff’s Office: 3950 Juvenile Center Road • Castle Hayne, NC 28429 • www.newhanoversheriff.com Saturday, April 18
Money Smart Day @ NHCPL 11am to 12 noon: Make a Piggy Bank! For young kids. Please REGISTER in advance for this session. 12 noon: Free pizza! 12:30 to 1:30pm: Money Smart Game Show! For older kids and teens. 2 to 3pm Comedian Colin Ryan gets Funny about Money! For all ages. These free family activities are made possible by a grant from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation through Smart Investing @ Your Library, a partnership with the American Library Association.
Main Library • 201 Chestnut Street • Wilmington, NC 28401 • www.nhclibrary.org
Wednesday, April 22
11th Annual Flower Launch
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, the perfect time to celebrate those who nurture and protect our children by launching flowers into the Cape Fear River. We welcome all educators, social workers, counselors, health care professionals, childcare providers, legal professionals, law enforcement agents, churches, parents, foster parents, and neighbors to participate.
Henrietta dock at the Cape Fear Riverwalk • 101 S. Water St. • socialservices.nhcgov.com
Friday, April 24
Star Party
7 - 10:30pm
Join Carolina Beach State Park, Cape Fear Museum, Cape Fear Astronomy Society and other community partners for a fun-filled evening of stargazing and other astronomy activities! Experience laser-guided constellation tours, view a digital planetarium show, enjoy telescope viewings, take part in a “planet jam”, create your own solar system, learn stargazing tips and MUCH more. Bring a flashlight! This event is FREE!
Carolina Beach State Park • Carolina Beach, NC 28428 • capefearmuseum.com Saturday, May 2
4-H Presentation Competition
Youth will gain public speaking experience by giving a 5-12 minute presentation or demonstration on any topic in a small-scale, friendly environment. Youth will be given feedback from judges to improve their presentation. Registration deadline is April 15th. For guidelines or to register, call 910-798-7660. Open to all children ages 5-18 as of January 1, 2015. Participants do not have to be current 4-H members. Top two competitors from each age group/category will move on to District Activity Day. Children ages 5-8 are in the non-competitive age group and all may move on to Districts.
Executive Development Center • 1241 Military Cutoff Rd. • Wilmington, NC • arboretum.nhcgov.com www.wilmingtonparent.com
Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 3
Photo credit: Stella McTaggart
in this issue
E-Mail: seasidemedia1@gmail.com
Features Editor Danielle Villegas
E-Mail: danielle.wilmingtonparent@gmail.com
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Design/Layout Department: Yulia Zarubina - Brill
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Customer Service 910-518-0011
Submit your photo for consideration seasidemedia1@gmail.com May Theme - Mommy and Me Deadline for Submissions 4/12.
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April 2015
To Advertise Contact: Andrea Knight 910-632-0283
E-mail: andreailmparent@gmail.com
SPecial Section:
Arts Guide pg. 16 16 Artistic day trips 17 art listings directory 19 calling all young playwrights 15 20 28
Publisher/Editor in Chief Keith Jaworski 910-518-0011
5 Signs you’re a tree hugger summer camp directory college entrance exams
Public Service Announcements/Calendar Please submit items/photos before the 2nd Friday of the prior month
or E-Mail: calendar@wilmingtonparent.com Opinions/Suggestions/Feedback We value our readers opinions — help us to serve you better! Our mailing address is: Wilmington Parent
PO Box 1336, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 or E-Mail: seasidemedia1@gmail.com
Editor’s Note
Childcare Listing guide
have you heard
school notes
Wilmington Parent is published 12 times a year. Distribution of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of information, products or services. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement or listing that is not in keeping with the publication's standards. All contents of Wilmington Parent are protected under copyright. Reproduction of any content requires permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.
growing up online
fit family
Wilmington Parent • PO Box 1336, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
your health
Peanut Gallery
Party Pages
cover credits
Cover by Nichole Louise Photography 910-367-5151 • www.nicholelouisephotography.com 4 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
© Wilmington Parent 2015 Seaside Media, LLC Complimentary copies of Wilmington Parent are available to the public at various locations in the greater Wilmington area. One copy per family is permitted. Additional copies require the written permission of the Publisher. Please recycle this magazine
editor’s note
Montessori Beginning Reading and Math With Marine Science Theme at The Children's Schoolhouse
Wilmington's Oldest Montessori School 30 Years of Academic Excellence
s everyone enjoying this colorful and fragrant spring? This is the time of year when I look for any excuse to get outside. This month, there are plenty of opportunities for fresh air activities! Just browse through our calendar and you’ll see Easter egg hunts (even one for Adultsonly), 5K races, activities and crafts at Halyburton, Earth Day Festival, and my favorite - The Azalea Festival! I’m not a fan of crowds, but the Azalea Festival is one time a year I overlook my aversion and join the party! April is the Arts Issue! I believe educating our children in all forms of art improves more areas of their lives than any other activity. The Arts Guide starts on pg. 16 and includes information on a playwright contest for middle and high school students, an article for families looking for a day long art-filled excursion, and listings of local art related businesses. Did you visit our Summer Camp Fair last month? Don’t worry, if you missed it you can still find the perfect summer camp for your little ones before the schools turn them loose! We’ve extended our Summer Camp Directory, and it can be found on pg. 20. You can also check www.wilmingtonparent.com under Directories for an updated list.
Now Enrolling for 1/2 Day On-Site Summer Camp and 2015/2016 School Year
May 21 to June 11
Young children learn about our wonderful coastal environment while enjoying beginning or advanced Montessori reading and math.
This program is perfect for the inquisitive 3 1/2 - 6 year old child!
Curriculum includes many sea critters, arts and crafts, music, movement, and outside environment. A PLACE WHERE LEARNING IS FUN! Sea life provided by Hieronymus Fishing Charter and Guide Service
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Surf's Up at Wilmington Pediatric Dentistry!
Wilmington Pediatric Dentistry infants • children • teens
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I hope to see everyone outside enjoying Spring’s mild temperatures with me - all month long! Happy Easter!
surf our website www.catchasmile.net
Proudly serving the children of Wilmington since 1997. www.wilmingtonparent.com
Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 5
have you heard….?
bout all the new stuff for families springing up all over town? Everytime I go to the New Hanover County Library, they have another event happening that makes me stop and say, “Wow! That’s so cool, I wish they had that when I was young!” For example, every month now they have this Preschool Math and Science club, and a STEM club for older kids. What’s a Stem Club? Well, it’s a free afterschool program where kids explore a scientific concept through technology, art, math, or engineering. The club is for 7-11 year olds who love to learn! Did you know there may be a new All Girls Charter School that’s coming to town? I’ve heard the focus will be on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. If the new school passes the final approval stage, they plan to begin instruction in 2016! A location for The Leadership Academy for Young Women has not been determined yet. More information can be found at youngwomenleading.org. Just across the river, the Town of Leland announced the grand opening of a new Leland Cultural Arts Center. This is what I’ve found out so far: The Leland Cultural Arts Center will provide a vibrant hub for the arts in Leland and Brunswick County and will be unlike any other facility in the region, with courses and programs addressing a multitude of art forms including pottery, theater, painting, jewelry making, literary arts, healing arts and more. The Center includes a gallery; pottery studio; multipurpose studio; painting/drawing studio; dance studio; classroom; and performing arts space capable of hosting community theater productions, musical performances and events. You can go online at www.apm. activecommunities.com/townofleland for more information
Yes, we’re motivated to expose our kids to deeper learning, but what truly makes us proud, is how we also show them how to give back to our communities. Case in point: the McBrides are a local family looking for funding to help with adoption expenses so they can adopt a child. To help raise funding for their adoption, they are collecting previously owned or new shoes until May 22nd. Their goal is great, at 10,000 pairs of shoes. If they reach the goal, they receive $4500 to put towards their adoption costs! You can help the McBrides by dropping off shoes at Green Baby Diaper Service at 6006 Oleander Drive anytime during business hours. The shoes that are donated will go to kids and adults in need. Kudos to New Balance Sales Representative, Rachelle, for hearing about this fundraiser and donating 2 huge boxes full of brand new shoes! Have your kids ever wanted to touch a truck, a school bus or maybe a bulldozer. The Touch a Truck event is back on April 19th from 12:30-4:30pm at Mayfaire Town Center! This community event provides children with a hands-on opportunity to see and touch heavy machinery and meet the people who build, protect and serve the Wilmington community. In addition, this event will include hayrides, bouncy castles, Elmo, Sammy the seahawk and music by Mr. Mark. Keeping kids entertained can be expensive, so here’s an idea for some free fun. Residents can enjoy a Free Day at Cape Fear Museum and Airlie Gardens on April 5th. Learning Express also has many free events all month long, and the Azalea Festival Street Fair has music and activities for kids all weekend starting on April 10th. Don’t forget the Fireworks the evening of the 11th!
Have a tip, lead, or just an interesting bit of news to share? I want to hear all about it! Send me an email at danielle.wilmingtonparent@gmail.com. If you include a picture, I’ll be extra excited!
Vote for
your favorite!
DREAMS of Wilmington ... Now Hosting Art-Themed Birthday Parties DREAMS of Wilmington’s beautiful, 8,000+ squarefoot facility is now available to host children’s birthday art parties. DREAMS will work with you to customize your child’s ideal art-themed experience. Choose from a variety of party options, including pottery,papermaking, collage, jewelry-making, comic drawing, dance,puppetry, and more. The DREAMS Center features a gorgeous dance/theater space, pottery studio with kiln, two arts studios, and a music room, as well as a lounge area with full kitchen. All parties will be facilitated by DREAMS’ professional teaching artists, and funds raised will be re-invested in the program, helping to provide our community’s most vulnerable youth with highquality, free-of-charge arts classes during the hours that they need it most. The Center is available for rent during daytime and weekend hours for homeschool classes, yoga classes and retreats, and other activities. New programming also includes drawing, painting and pottery classes for adults, led by DREAMS’ teaching artists.
Vote online at wilmingtonparent.com 6 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
For more information on any of DREAMS’ exciting new programs, contact Jill Tefft at 910-772-1501 or email jill.tefft@ dreamswilmington.org. DREAMS of Wilmington is a nationally award-winning youth development organization dedicated to building creative, committed citizens, one child at a time, by providing youth in need with high-quality, free-of-charge programming in the literary, visual and performing arts..
Gym & Learn!
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Recycle Now recycle me at the show!
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Recycle More with the City of Wilmington wilmingtonnc.gov/recycling 910.341.7875 www.wilmingtonparent.com
Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 7
growing up online
Emoji, Acronyms and Emoticons: What Does it all Mean? By Carolyn Jabs
f you feel like reading text messages has become an exercise in code breaking, you’re right. Some people still send plain text but many— especially kids—stuff their messages with abbreviations and acronyms, smileys and slang, winking hearts and piles of poo. All these devices are an attempt to restore some of the richness and fun of face-to-face (FTF) communication. In the absence of body language, facial expression and tone of voice, symbols are a way to convey additional information about thoughts and feelings. Kids are especially drawn to these symbols, in part because every generation enjoys having a secret language that baffles their elders. To get a grip on what kids are saying, parents need to know the most common forms of code.
Acronyms. Take the initial letter of each word in a phrase. Throw in a number that sounds like a word--4 and 8—or stands for something else. Acronyms can be silly—ROLF (Rolling on the Floor Laughing), practical— BRB (Be Right Back) or subversive--420 (using marijuana). A very complete list of acronyms including 50 that every parent should know appears at Netlingo.com.
Emoticons. Emotion icons, aka smilies, were reportedly invented back in 1982 by a computer scientist who was worried that people weren’t getting the humor or sarcasm behind messages on an online bulletin board. Using the characters on a standard keyboard, people have created thousands of clever combinations that turn into faces if you turn your head sideways. An exhaustive list is available at cool-smileys.com/text-emoticons. Kaomoji. Most smartphones include alternate keyboards which open up even more creative possibilities. Kaomoji, for example, take advantage of the much larger character set needed for Japanese. See examples at japaneseemoticons.net. Emoji. Loosely translated as picture characters, these tiny cartoon-like drawings were unleashed in Japan in 1995. Informally, emoji is often used to refer to any tiny graphic that occupies the space of one character. Technically, emoji are the 722 characters that have been incorporated into the Unicode keyboard. (The consortium plans to introduce 250 more characters later in 2015, including faces with different skin tones). Companies are given latitude in interpreting the characters, so an emoji won’t necessarily look the same on Apple, Google, Twitter or Microsoft. (To see all the official characters and how they look in different platforms, check out emojipedia.org). Stickers. These graphic elements aren’t associated with the keyboard. Some are embedded in specific apps and won’t work anywhere else. Others can be purchased and pasted wherever you please. To avoid adware and other problems, be sure kids download free sticker apps only from trusted sources like the Apple Store or Google Play. All of these elements enliven text messages. They are popular in part because they are quick. Instead of thumb typing a sentence about feeling
8 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
sad, your child can insert a weeping emoji. Some observers also feel that emojis in particular soften online communication, extracting the sting from messages that might otherwise seem harsh. For parents, the question isn’t so much whether kids are using code but how. Here are some things to consider:
Appreciate the creativity. Remember rebuses? These charming books had pictures embedded in the text so little children could participate in “reading” before they could decipher text. Emoji captures that playful joy. Like music and painting, the images used in text are an effort to capture ideas and feelings that aren’t easily put into words. Deepen your child’s emotional intelligence by talking about the nuances of emotion in emoji faces.
Discuss ambiguity. Emojis and even acronyms are open to interpretation—and misinterpretation. Pop almost any acronym into acronymfinder. com and you’ll come up with multiple meanings. BYOB, for example, might mean bring your own beer… or bike… or even book. Emojis can also be misunderstood. In Japan, a pile of poo is regarded as good luck though that isn’t necessarily the first thought that springs to mind in other countries. If you post a tiny fist are you threatening to punch someone or offering a congratulatory fist bump? Talk to kids about the risks of sending the wrong message and strategies for repairing miscommunication.
Consider intent. For most kids, adding code to text is simply a way to connect with friends. Still, parents need to be aware that acronyms in particular can be used to camouflage messages about illicit activities including sex and drugs. Children need supervision so you can be sure they are texting only with friends who won’t lead them into situations they aren’t mature enough to handle. Recognize limits. No matter how many ways you dress them up, text messages won’t do justice to certain kinds of communication such as apologies, condolences, or even gratitude. Remind your child that FTF is still the best way to make a heartfelt connection with another person. Reiterate rules. Texting of any kind should be subject to all the usual rules about online communication. Don’t abuse or harass other people. Don’t talk to people you don’t know in real life. Don’t send sexually explicit messages. Be sure your child understands that texting privileges are contingent on following these rules. Like every other form of communication, texting creates connections with other people. Being aware of the secret language of texting—and talking about it now and then—creates one more opportunity for parents to help kids develop relationships that are healthy and rewarding as well as fun. v Carolyn Jabs, M.A., raised three computer savvy kids including one with special needs. She has been writing Growing Up Online for ten years and is working on a book about constructive responses to conflict. Visit www. growing-up-online.com to learn more.
your health
Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies By Sandra Gordon
fter such a bland and colorless winter, I look forward to seeing the bright blooms in the trees, bushes and gardens. What I dread, is the itchy eyes and scratchy throat from seasonal allergies. I prefer to avoid prescribed and over-the-counter medication unless they are absolutely necessary. Here are some natural remedies I’ve found that soothe my sinuses!
Cayenne peppers Rich in quercetin, a bioflavonoid that prevents the release of histamines and other inflammatory chemicals that can cause allergy symptoms. Cayenne pepper also helps ease pain from a sore throat.
Chamomile This natural anti-inflammatory offers relief to dry, itchy eyes. Try placing refrigerated, wet chamomile tea bags over your eyes for 3 to 5 minutes.
Stinging nettle Acts as an antihistamine in the body; it targets the immune system’s response to an allergen, helping to reduce allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes and sneezing. Try taking 300 to 500 mg of stinging nettle capsules daily, or look for tea made from fresh freeze-dried leaves.
Local, raw honey
A natural pain killer, ginger can help soothe the irritation of a sore throat. It’s especially powerful when combined with honey.
The combination of peppermint’s menthol oils and tannins makes it a powerful decongestant. Improve breathing by steeping fresh or dried peppermint leaves in boiling water to create a sinus-clearing tea.
A great natural treatment for easing coughs and soothing sore throats.
Raw, organic apple cider vinegar Taking a tablespoon of raw, organic apple cider vinegar before going outside helps with seasonal allergies by blocking our body’s histamine reaction. It also reduces inflammation. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of ACV with a cup of warm water and a spoonful of local, raw honey.
Thyme An antimicrobial and ex p e c t o ra n t herb, thyme is useful at treating coughs, clearing congestion and soothing sore throats. Steep 1 to 2 teaspoons fresh thyme to create a tea. v
Sources: www.care2.com; www.thankyourbody.com;
Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 9
April | 2015 All Month Long! Cotton Exchange Tours Daily (Year Round). Cotton Exchange, Downtown. Tales of mystery of the Cotton Exchange ghosts. $10/Adults. $8/Students & Seniors. Free/Under age 12. Visit www. TourOldWilmington.blogspot.com or call 409-4300 for information. Gems4U Bracelet Making Daily. 12-5pm. 10 North Front Street Downtown. Come to our Beading Buffet! Making jewelry is FUN and Mary Sedcieski, Owner of GEMS4U, will help you make your special bracelet. $15 per child or adult. Walk-ins are always welcome. Great family time and we provide everything you need. So many beads to choose from! Call 742-5938 for information or directions. Visit us at www.gemsbymary.com. Downtown Wilmington Trolley Tour Downtown at Water St. Wilmington Trolley offers a tour through the Port City on an authentically reproduced trolley. Tour highlights include: museums, beautiful mansions, birthplaces of famous natives, TV & movie locations, fine dining ideas, shopping, history and more! www.wilmingtontrolley.com.
1 Wednesday April Fools Day Poplar Grove Farmers’ Market 8am-1pm, Wednesdays. Poplar Grove Plantation. Through Nov. 18. Opening Day! Features fresh local fruits and veggies, dairy products, meats and seafood, baked goods, and sweets, plus arts & crafts, cut flowers, wine and more. Storytime at the Library 9:30am; 10am; 10:30, Wednesdays. Myrtle Grove Library. Babies up to 18 months at 9:30 are invited to bring an adult lap and enjoy up to 20 minutes of books, songs, fingerplays & rhymes. Toddlers 18 months to 3 years old are invited at 10am to 20 minutes of books, music, and pre-literacy activities in Story Place.
10 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
Preschoolers aged 3 to 5 are invited at 10:30am to 20-30 minutes of books, music, and pre-literacy activities in our storytime room! Call 798-6303 for details. Smorgasboard Crafts at the Library 10am-12pm. Main Library. Enjoy a morning of craft making. A variety of self-directed crafts will be available for families to make and take. Drop in anytime. Call 7986303 for details. S.T.E.M. Explorations 10am & 3:30pm, Wednesdays. Children’s Museum. STEM programs explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics by applying them in fun, hands-on activities. Children will learn about the scientific process while measuring and recording in mathematical terms, developing critical thinking skills in the process. Please pre-register. Visit www.playwilmington.org for more information. Spring Break Event: Meet a Venus Fly Trap 2pm. Barnes & Noble, Mayfaire. Come learn about carnivorous plants and meet a Venus Fly Trap! Storytime and activities for all ages. Provided by the NC Coastal Land Trust. Call 509-1880 for more information. Beachball Dodgeball & Balloon Volleyball 3:30-4:15pm. Myrtle Grove Library. Join Mr. Scooter for beach ball dodgeball, balloon volleyball and more games! Mini Monets Clay & Sculpture Art Class 4:15-5pm, Wednesdays. Carolina Beach Rec Center. Let’s get our hands dirty with clay! All projects will be handmade in different types of clay and sculpting materials. This session is a great opportunity to create art in three dimension. Visit www.minimonetsart.com or call 399-1708 for more information.
2 Thursday Spring Eggventure 9am-12pm. Halyburton Park. Join the eggcitement! Programs and activities for the day include Animal Eggs,
and Nests, Egglympics, Story time, and Spring Nature Hike. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Egg Hunts will take place at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 for children age 2-3, 4-5 and 6-9. Total 9 egg hunts. $5/participant. Storytime at the Library 9:30am; 10am; 10:30, Thursdays. Myrtle Grove & Northeast Library. Babies up to 18 months at 9:30 are invited to bring an adult lap and enjoy up to 20 minutes of books, songs, fingerplays & rhymes. Toddlers 18 months to 3 years old are invited at 10am to 20 minutes of books, music, and pre-literacy activities in Story Place. Preschoolers aged 3 to 5 are invited at 10:30am to 20-30 minutes of books, music, and pre-literacy activities in our storytime room! Call 798-6303 for details. StoryCOOKS 10am, Thursdays. Children’s Museum. A cooking club for preschoolers where we read a story and make a dish inspired by the book. Visit www.playwilmington.org for more information and weekly themes. Spring Break Event: Pet a Live Bunny 2pm. Barnes & Noble, Mayfaire. We’ll be reading Pat the Bunny, and a representative of the 4-H Club will be here with a live bunny for all to have a turn holding. Activities for all ages. Call 509-1880 for details. Jumanji at the Library 2-4pm. Main Library. Enjoy a family movie during Spring Break. We will read the picture book Jumanji ©Columbia Pictures Industries Inc. was based on, then show the movie. Light snacks and covered drinks are allowed during the movie. Call 798-6303 for details. Fun with Apple Apps 3:30-4:15pm. Myrtle Grove Library. Try out a variety of apps with your friends on iPad Airs! Call 798-6393 for more information. Child Yoga 3:30pm. Children’s Museum. Get moving the first Thursday of every month in Child Yoga. This month’s theme is “OMazing Love.” Visit www.playwilmington.org for details.
The Wizard of Oz 7pm. Thalian Hall. This will be the second annual Easter week special screening of the beloved classic, starring the iconic Judy Garland. Presented on the Main Stage, seeing this digitally mastered film on the big screen, as it was intended, is like seeing it for the very first time. Bring along the kids and grandkids for a truly magical experience! Visit www.thalian.org for ticket information.
Cape Fear Volunteer Center. Kids, dogs, and costumes are welcome!
Adults-Only Egg Hunt 7:30pm. Leland Municipal Park. Our first ever Adult Egg Hunt. This adults-only (21 and up) night event will feature a flashlight egg hunt, concert by L-Shape Lot, food, drinks, prizes and more! Participants will scour the park for eggs, some of which will have prizes from great local businesses. Selected prizes include passes to the Airlie Gardens Concert Series, kayak rentals from Hook, Line and Paddle, paddleboard lessons from Carolina Paddleboard Co., and much more. Tickets are just $5 and available online at www. townofleland.com/recreation or at the door. For more information on the Adult Egg Hunt, please contact Amy Ryan at (910) 332-4823 or e-mail aryan@townofleland.com.
Easter Brunch 11am. Blockade Runner. Spend Easter by the sea! Join us for our grand annual Easter Brunch with beautiful views of the Atlantic and a special appearance by the Easter Bunny. Reservations required. Call 344-2513.
3 Friday - Good Friday Toddler Time 10am, Fridays. Children’s Museum. No registration necessary. Projects and activities for our youngest visitors (ages 4 and under) and their special grownups to work on together. Call 254-3534 or visit www.playwilmington.org for more information. Easter Egg Hunt Carnival 10am-2pm. Battleship NC. Hippity Hoppity down the Battleship trail for a fun Spring event with continuous games and egg hunts along with a bounce house and even more surprises this year! Make sure to bring your camera and take pictures with Buddy the Battleship Bunny. Egg hunts will run throughout the event so that kids are guaranteed a chance to find eggs and will be able to “hunt” at their leisure. Spring Break Storytime 2pm. Barnes & Noble, Mayfaire. Duck & Goose egg hunt. Activities for all ages. Call 509-1880 for details. Adventures in the Arts 3:30pm, Fridays. Children’s Museum. Please pre-register. Bring your child to express their creativity through various forms of art including but not limited to painting, sculpture, music, theater, dance, drawing, and printing. Visit www. playwilmington.org for details. Easter Petting Zoo 4-5:30pm. Learning Express, Military Cutoff location. Pat Blondie the real mini-Easter Pony, cuddle some baby chicks, and baby bunnies (nature permitting). Please call 5090153 for a reservation, and bring a camera! Art & Wine Night 6:30-9:30pm. TMuffin. Get your friends together and become an artist. You will go home with a finished piece of artwork that you can hang in your home. Bring a beverage and snack and have fun hanging out and painting with friends!
4 Saturday Riverfront Farmers’ Market 8am-1pm, Saturdays. Downtown Riverfront. Through Nov. 21. Opening Day! Features local farmers, produce, arts and crafts, music, and more. Items change weekly depending on the season and include fresh fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs, eggs and cheeses, plants and flowers, meat and seafood, doggie treats, tea, honey, fresh baked goods, jams and jellies, wine, art, and more. Rain or shine. Azalea 5K/10K/Fun Walk 8am. Trysports, Mayfaire. An annual event hosted by the
Easter Petting Zoo 10-11:30am. Learning Express, Oleander location. Pat Blondie the real mini-Easter Pony, cuddle some baby chicks, and baby bunnies (nature permitting). Please call 3133100 for a reservation, and bring a camera!
Young Living Yoga & Essential Oils Class 12pm, Saturdays. Be Unlimited Yoga, 5725 Oleander Dr. Suite B10. 30 minutes of gentle yoga, 30 minutes oil workshop with different themes every week. $5. Super Saturday Fun Time 3pm Saturdays. TheatreNow. Join DOCK, the dog, and his two-legged friends as they uncover mysteries and discover artifacts (courtesy of Cape Fear Museum). Different adventure each week. Families welcome. $8/person. Visit www. theatrewilmington.com for tickets. Family Storytime 7pm. Barnes & Noble, Mayfaire. The Bunnies Are Not in Their Beds. Activities too! Call 509-1880 for details.
5 Sunday - Easter Family Fun Day 9am - 5pm. Airlie Gardens. Visit the parks and Arboretum for a full day of family fun. Contact 798-7700 or visit www. airliegardens.org for more information.
Residents Free Day - Cape Fear Museum 1 – 5pm. Cape Fear Museum. NHC residents are admitted free to the Museum the first Sunday of every month. Call 7984350 or visit www.capefearmuseum.com for information.
6 Monday Railroad Storytime 10:30am. Wilmington Railroad Museum. Hear stories and enjoy creative activities in the Children’s Hall. $4/Family. Free/Members. Call 763-2634 for more information. Family Storytime 10:30am, Mondays. Carolina Beach Library. All ages are invited to storytime for approximately 30 minutes of stories, fingerplays, and other pre-literacy enhancing activities. No registration is required, but all children should bring an adult chaperone. Call 798-6303 for details. Mom to Mom: BYOB 1-2pm. Main Library. Moms, bring baby to the library and discuss all things baby related with other moms. Parenting books and guest speakers will be available to help answer questions. During this hour it’s okay to: be late, nurse/feed baby, change diapers, and cry (baby or mom). Scheduled speaker: Rachael Birkenhauer, CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor) No registration required. Free 2 hour parking on ground floor of library parking deck. Contact Librarian (and new mom) Susan DeMarco for more details at 798-6353. Comedy Kids 4pm. Myrtle Grove Library. Join Mr. Scooter for 45 minutes of improvisation and comedy games! Ages 8 & up. Call 798-6393 for details. Mini Monets Clay & Sculpture Art Class 4:45-5:30pm, Mondays. Kings Grant Area. Let’s get our
Specialized dentistry for infants, children adolescents and children with special needs Come meet the caring and compassionate team of Halley White Pediatric Dentistry today! For more information:
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Two Locations: Wilmington: 8115 Market Street, Suite 204 - Jacksonville: 306 Dolphine Drive Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 11
hands dirty with clay! All projects will be handmade in different types of clay and sculpting materials. This session is a great opportunity to create art in three dimension. Visit www.minimonetsart.com or call 399-1708 for more information.
Jump! Move! Learn! 3:30pm, Thursdays. Children’s Museum. Join us in learning how to keep our bodies healthy and happy. Discover new exercises and games while learning all about the human body. Ideal for ages 5-9. Visit www.playwilmington.org for details.
Azalea Festival 2015 Street Fair Downtown Wilmington. See 04/10.
7 Tuesday
Cole Brothers Big Top Circus 4:30-10:30pm. Wilmington International Airport. A favorite event of the Festival. Its combination of costumed characters, acrobatics, clowns, and more draws packed crowds each year. Nonstop action fills the Big Top in this two-hour performance. Performances feature a trio of talented elephants, fearless flyers, camels, clowns, motorcycle maniacs in the Globe of Death, clever canines, teeterboard acrobats, trapeze, aerial gymnasts, the world’s funniest horse, a White Tiger Act, a fast-paced dog act, a High Wire Troupe, and of course, The Human Cannonball. Visit www.ncazaleafestival. org for ticket information.
UNCW MarineQuest Marine Explorers: Ocean Scum and Algal Blooms 9am-12pm. Center for Marine Science. Join MarineQuest as we investigate the microscopic world of phytoplankton to learn how they benefit and sometimes even harm the marine environment. Ages 7-10. Visit www.uncw.edu/ marinequest/explorers to register.
Storytime at the Library 9:30am; 10am; 10:30, Tuesdays. Main Library. Babies up to 18 months at 9:30 are invited to bring an adult lap and enjoy up to 20 minutes of books, songs, fingerplays & rhymes. Toddlers 18 months to 3 years old are invited at 10am to 20 minutes of books, music, and pre-literacy activities in Story Place. Preschoolers aged 3 to 5 are invited at 10:30am to 20-30 minutes of books, music, and pre-literacy activities in our storytime room! Call 798-6303 for details. Happy Little Singers 9:45am, Tuesdays. Hannah Block USO/Community Arts Center. Music and Movement program for children 6 months to 6 years. Sing, Dance, Instruments, Creative Play with your child. Drop-ins welcome, $10 per family. Please call or text in advance 777-8889. French for Tots 10am. Learning Express, Military Cutoff location. Ages 6 months-6 years. Get ready to sing, dance, and speak French with native teacher Miss Marie. A bientot! Call 509-0153 for reservations. Kid’s Cooking Club 3:30 - 4:30pm Tuesdays. Children’s Museum. Learn new skills and explore fun seasonal recipes. Then savor the flavor of your hard work. Kids Cooking Club is sponsored by Harris Teeter. Visit www.playwilmington.org for weekly themes and call 254-3534 to pre-register.
8 Wednesday Poplar Grove Farmers’ Market 8am-1pm, Wednesdays. Poplar Grove Plantation. Through Nov. 18. Features fresh local fruits and veggies, dairy products, meats and seafood, baked goods, and sweets, plus arts & crafts, cut flowers, wine and more. Dance Baby Boogie 11am. Learning Express, Military Cutoff location. Ages 1-3. Get wiggly, giggly, move and groove with Danielle Tisdale from Dance With Me. Call 509-0153 for reservations.
10 Friday Azalea Festival Visiting Ships All Day. Cape Fear River. Each year different visiting ships from around the world join us in celebrating the North Carolina Azalea Festival. As you enjoy the beauty of downtown Wilmington, take time to explore these visiting ships docked along the Cape Fear Riverside. For more information visit. www.ncazaleafestival.org. Family Yoga Storytime 10:30am, Fridays. Main Library. Parents & children, newborns and older, will have fun listening to stories while stretching and learning basic yoga postures with Miss Susan. Children must have an adult present. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat or beach towel. No registration required! Call 798-6353 for more details. Ooh La La! It’s Fancy Nancy! 4-5pm. Learning Express, Oleander location. Come and meet Fancy Nancy, get her autograph, learn some fancy words, and hear a story. Bring your camera and wear something elegant (fancy word for “fancy”). Fancy Nancy is in town for the Azalea Festival. Call 313-3100 for details. Azalea Festival 2015 Street Fair Downtown Wilmington. A free, family event with over 330 arts and craft vendors, 40 food vendors, 4 stages, a children’s area and a whole lot of fun! The Street Fair is located in downtown Wilmington on Water, Front, and Market Street.
Azalea Queen’s Coronation 3pm. Wilmington Convention Center Grand Lawn. An annual event where the Queen is officially crowned the North Carolina Azalea Festival Queen Azalea. In attendance are the Festival Celebrity Guests as well as: City Officials, Board Members, and Cape Fear Garden Club Azalea Belles. After the Coronation we have an exclusive free Meet and Greet with all of our celebrities and the Queen…this is your chance to meet the Queen and the Celebrity Guests.
Cole Brothers Big Top Circus 4:30-10:30pm. Wilmington International Airport. See 04/09.
9 Thursday
Riverfront Farmers’ Market 8am-1pm, Saturdays. Downtown Riverfront. Through Nov. 21. Features local farmers, produce, arts and crafts, music, and more. Items change weekly depending on the season and include fresh fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs, eggs and cheeses, plants and flowers, meat and seafood, doggie treats, tea, honey, fresh baked goods, jams and jellies, wine, art, and more. Rain or shine.
Baby & Toddler Music with Catherine: Free Demo Class 10am @ Learning Express, Military Cutoff location & 11am @ Oleander location. Ages birth-3. Gentle music and movement with babies and toddlers. Call 509-0153 or 313-3100 for reservations. Children’s Discovery Time: Fun with Froggy Friends 11am. Fort Fisher Aquarium. April is National Frog Month, so come join us for a program fully dedicated to our frog friends. Children will make a fun, froggy craft, be part of a frog chorus, and even meet some live, local frogs. Ages 3-5. Members-$5; Non-Members-$14. Visit www.ncaquariums. com for more information.
12 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
Family Storytime 7pm. Barnes & Noble, Mayfaire. The Adventures of Beekle. Activities too! Call 509-1880 for details.
11 Saturday
Pleasure Island Chowder Cook-Off Carolina Beach. Sample savory chowders from the area’s best chefs and vote for your favorite as they face off for the coveted People’s Choice award at one of Carolina Beach’s signature events. In addition to serving up the area’s best chowder, this day-long event includes live music, kidfriendly activities and more.
Azalea Festival Visiting Ships All Day. Cape Fear River. See 04/10.
Cole Brothers Big Top Circus 9am-6pm. Wilmington International Airport. See 04/09. Azalea Festival 2015 Parade 9:30am. Downtown Wilmington. One of Southeastern North Carolina’s largest annual event, with over 100,000 viewers each year. Floats, marching units and bands, clowns and horses, all highlighted by visiting celebrities, Queen Azalea and her court, and the Azalea Festival Princess await you! Visit www.ncazaleafestival.org for parade route. Azalea Festival 2015 Coin Show 10am-5pm. Elk’s Lodge, Oleander Dr. Free event! A fun filled family event! Children are given free foreign coins to learn about currency and foreign countries. More than 30 dealers from several surrounding states are on hand to appraise, buy, sell and trade coins, currency and other numismatic items. Visit www.ncazaleafestival.org for details. Special Storytime: I Wish You More 11am. Barnes & Noble, Mayfaire. Join us for for Storytime and activities featuring Barnes & Noble’s Picture Book of the Month, I Wish You More. This sweet, uplifting book is perfect for wishers of every age. Call 509-1880 for details. Family Science Saturday: At the Azalea Festival 12-6pm. Downtown Wilmington. Cape Fear Museum partners with North Carolina Science Festival for two days of science celebration. Explore hands on science experiments. See live demonstrations on the Science Stage. Meet UNCTV’s Sid the Science Kid! Look for us at the Street Fair Children’s Area! Visit www.capefearmuseum.com for more information. Geocaching & Orienteering in Nature 1:30-3pm. Halyburton Park. Join park naturalist for an afternoon of geocaching; a real world treasure hunt using a compass and/or gps. In addition, each participant will learn basic orienteering skills which are essential to finding your way through the woods. $3/Participant. Pokemon Trading Post 3-4pm. Learning Express, Oleander location. Bring your friends, your Pokemon collection and trade for what you want to add to your stash. Enter to win Pokemon prizes at the end of the event. Directed by our own Pokemon Man Andrew. Call 313-3100 for details. Azalea Festival 2015 Fireworks 9pm. Cape Fear River. A favorite Festival event, the fireworks are presented over the majestic Cape Fear River. Come early to pick out your best viewing spot!
12 Sunday Azalea Festival 2015 Street Fair Downtown Wilmington. See 04/10. Cole Bros Circus 9am-6pm. Wilmington International Airport. See 04/09. Azalea Festival Visiting Ships All Day. Cape Fear River. See 04/10.
Azalea Festival 2015 Coin Show 10am-5pm. Elk’s Lodge, Oleander Dr. Free event! See 04/11. Family Science Saturday: At the Azalea Festival 12-6pm. Downtown Wilmington. See 04/11.
13 Monday Signs of Spring 10-11am. Halyburton Park. Bring your “Little Explorers” out to the park and discover nature through stories, songs, hands-on activities, hikes and crafts. Your children will delight in the many nature themes we explore each month. Space is limited and pre-registration is required for these popular programs. $3/participant. Call 341-0075 for more information. Mom to Mom: BYOB 1-2pm. Main Library. Moms, bring baby to the library and discuss all things baby related with other moms. Parenting books and guest speakers will be available to help answer questions. During this hour it’s okay to: be late, nurse/feed baby, change diapers, and cry (baby or mom). Scheduled speaker: Rachael Birkenhauer, CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor) No registration required. Free 2 hour parking on ground floor of library parking deck. Contact Librarian (and new mom) Susan DeMarco for more details at 798-6353.
14 Tuesday Happy Little Singers 9:45am, Tuesdays. Hannah Block USO/ Community Arts Center. Music and Movement program for children 6 months to 6 years. Sing, Dance, Instruments, Creative Play with your child. Drop-ins welcome, $10 per family. Please call or text in advance 777-8889. Signs of Spring 10-11am. Halyburton Park. See 04/13.
15 Wednesday Poplar Grove Farmers’ Market 8am-1pm, Wednesdays. Poplar Grove Plantation. Through Nov. 18. Features fresh local fruits and veggies, dairy products, meats and seafood, baked goods, and sweets, plus arts & crafts, cut flowers, wine and more. Snake & Turtle Feeding 4pm. Halyburton Park. Snake’s Alive! It’s Tax Day! Halyburton Park in Wilmington, NC, presents a Snake & Turtle Feeding for ages 3 and older. A brief presentation about the live animals on display in the Event Center is followed by the feeding of at least one snake and a turtle.
Childcare Listing Guide Childcare – Preschools Childcare Network 8 convenient locations in Wilmington, Southport and Leland 866-521-KIDS www.childcarenetwork.com Ages 6-weeks to 12-years The Children’s Schoolhouse Montessori 612 South College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 910-799-1531 www.childrensschoolhouse.net Now enrolling students ages 3-5, for 2, 3, or 5 day programs. Jenkins Preschool Academy 7888 Market St. Wilmington, NC 28411 910-367-7210 www.jpawilmington.com Half day programs 9am-12pm, 2 or 3 day classes for 2-3 yr. olds, 5-day programs for 4 y.o. And PreK
Friends School of Wilmington PreK 207 Pine Grove Drive, City of Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 910-791-8221 www.fsow.org A truly unique and desirable educational experience. Montessori teaching principles are used for preschool. Pax Natura Academy 4202 Wilshire Blvd. Wilmington, NC 28403 910-791-2080 www.childcarenetwork.net/159 Early Foundations Infant & Toddler Programs. Preschool for 2 & 3 yo. Kindergarten Prep for 4 & 5 yo. After School Program. Wilmington Christian Academy 1401 North College Road 910-791-4248 www.wilmingtonchristian.com Ages 3 & up, WCA offers a year-round, fullday program including developmental, experiential & academic elements in a secure, faith-based environment.
16 Thursday Baby & Toddler Music with Catherine 10am. Learning Express, Military Cutoff location. Gentle music and movement with babies and toddlers ages newborn to 3 yrs and an adult. $10 fee for each class payable at time of reservation. Siblings $5. Call 509-0153 for a reservation. Children’s Discovery Time: Arbor Adventures 11am. Fort Fisher Aquarium. It’s feeding time, and you’re invited to watch. Visit the top of our largest exhibit, the Cape Fear Shoals, during an expanded tour behind the scenes. Get a birds-eye view of this 235,000 gallon tank as sharks, stingrays, moray eels, and other fish swim below! Aquarists feed the animals during the tour, offering a unique opportunity for close-up viewing. Ages 8 and up. Visit www. ncaquariums.com for more information.
17 Friday Wrightsville Beach Waterman Ocean Festival Wrightsville Beach. Celebrate 51 years of Wrightsville Beach
Parents Night Out Carolina Gymnastics Academy 3529 Carolina Beach Rd. Wilmingon, NC 28412 910-796-1896 www.carolinagymnasticsacademy.com Friday & Saturday night, 6-10pm, for ages 3 – 10.
The Little Gym of Wilmington 132 Racine Drive, Unit 1, Wilmington, NC 238403 910-799-3771 www.tlgwilmingtonnc.com 3-12 years. The Little Gym of Wilmington Parentsʼ Survival Nights lets you enjoy some adult time to see a movie, catch up with friends or enjoy a meal. We schedule Parentsʼ Survival Nights for select Friday and Saturday evenings. Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 13
surfing! The festival is a celebration of water sports and those local individuals who have contributed to both the community and their water sport(s) of choice. It features several days of fun-filled activities celebrating our beach and the importance of its way of life.
18 Saturday Rock Roll and Stroll 5K 8am. Blair Elementary School. Run for a good cause. Register at www.active.com. Riverfront Farmers’ Market 8am-1pm, Saturdays. Downtown Riverfront. Through Nov. 21. Features local farmers, produce, arts and crafts, music, and more. Items change weekly depending on the season and include fresh fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs, eggs and cheeses, plants and flowers, meat and seafood, doggie treats, tea, honey, fresh baked goods, jams and jellies, wine, art, and more. Rain or shine. Wrightsville Beach Waterman Ocean Festival All Day. Wrightsville Beach. See 04/17. Special Storytime: Aqualicious 11am. Barnes & Noble, Mayfaire. Join us for Storytime and activities featuring Aqualicious. Pinkalicious and her family go on a trip to the beach for a day of sun, fun and sand castles! Find out all of the pink, amazing things to do at the seashore. Call 509-1880 for details. Make a Piggy Bank 11am-12pm. Main Library. Start saving now and make your very own unique piggy bank! Magazines, paint and lots of other fun materials will be available. Space is limited and pre-registration is required! “This program is made possible by a grant from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation through Smart investing@your library®, a partnership with the American Library Association.” Ages 5-11. Call 798-6306 to register. Author Appearance and Book Signing 11am-1pm. Learning Express, Oleander location. Learn how an author comes up with ideas and gets a book illustrated. Meet Scott McCormick, local dad , soccer coach and author of the new Mr. Pants book series (second book just released!). Call 313-3100 for details. The Money Smart Game Show 12:30-1:30pm. Main Library. Improve your knowledge about money by participating in the money smart quiz show! This show will include a fun and wacky host, prizes and lots of other fun props! The willing contestants will be chosen by raffle ticket number. This program is geared towards middle/high school students. Registration is not required. “This program is made possible by a grant from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation through Smart investing@your library®, a partnership with the American Library Association.” UNCW Engineering Explorations: Earthquake in the Early Morning 1:30-4:30pm. Natural Science Trailer. Travel to San Francisco just in time for the “big one”. Help Jack and Annie engineer an earthquake proof tower. Create a shake table top. Engineering principle - foundations. Ages 6-9, Must be at least in the 1st grade. Visit uncw.edu/youth/programs/ engineeringrobotics.html to register.
19 Sunday 5K Race for the Planet 8am. NC Fort Fisher Aquarium. Celebrate earth by participating in our 5K Race for the Planet. Fort Fisher will be your route as this race starts and ends at the Aquarium. This flat, mostly asphalt course is scenic with views of the ocean, maritime forest, and historic Fort Fisher Civil War site. Run-
14 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
ners and walkers will receive organic t-shirts (guaranteed for the first 300), reusable shopping bags, and free seeds for planting. Overall and age group winners receive ecofriendly medals too! Wrightsville Beach Waterman Ocean Festival All Day. Wrightsville Beach. See 04/17. Starlab Planetarium 2-4pm. Northeast Library. Learn about the universe during a 30 minute Starlab planetarium program! We will offer four 30 minute sessions during the two hour event; please sign up for only one tour per person! Your registration is for the star lab experience only. You do not need to make a separate registration to attend the rest of the event. We will offer crafts and children’s fingerprinting from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Call 798-6303 to register.
20 Monday Railroad Storytime 10:30am. Wilmington Railroad Museum. Hear stories and enjoy creative activities in the Children’s Hall. $4/Family. Free/Members. Call 763-2634 for more information. Mom to Mom: BYOB 1-2pm. Main Library. Moms, bring baby to the library and discuss all things baby related with other moms. Parenting books and guest speakers will be available to help answer questions. During this hour it’s okay to: be late, nurse/feed baby, change diapers, and cry (baby or mom). Scheduled speaker: Rachael Birkenhauer, CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor) No registration required. Free 2 hour parking on ground floor of library parking deck. Contact Librarian (and new mom) Susan DeMarco for more details at 798-6353.
program where we explore a scientific concept through technology, art, math, or engineering. Pre-registration is required.
23 Thursday Baby & Toddler Music with Catherine 10am. Learning Express, Oleander location. Gentle music and movement with babies and toddlers ages newborn to 3 yrs and an adult. $10 fee for each class payable at time of reservation. Siblings $5. Call 3133100 for a reservation.
24 Friday Dance Baby Boogie 10am. Learning Express, Oleander location. Ages 1-3. Get wiggly, giggly, move and groove with Danielle Tisdale from Dance With Me. Call 313-3100 for reservations. Fourth Friday Gallery Walk 6 – 9pm. Downtown Galleries & Studios. An after-hours celebration of art and culture through a self-guided tour. Free. Visit www.wilmingtondowntown.com or call 343-8997 for map of participants.
25 Saturday
21 Tuesday
Riverfront Farmers’ Market 8am-1pm, Saturdays. Downtown Riverfront. Through Nov. 21. Opening Day! Features local farmers, produce, arts and crafts, music, and more. Items change weekly depending on the season and include fresh fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs, eggs and cheeses, plants and flowers, meat and seafood, doggie treats, tea, honey, fresh baked goods, jams and jellies, wine, art, and more. Rain or shine.
Happy Little Singers 9:45am, Tuesdays. Hannah Block USO/ Community Arts Center. Music and Movement program for children 6 mos to 6 years. Sing, Dance, Instruments, Creative Play with your child. Drop-ins welcome, $10 per family. Please call or text in advance 777-8889.
Baby Obstacle Course 10am. Main Library. Does your baby have what it takes to complete the Baby Obstacle Course? Nurture your infant’s cognitive development, large motor skills, hand/eye coordination, problem solving and memory with Baby Obstacle Course! For babies under the age of 2.
French for Tots 10am. Learning Express, Oleander location. Ages 6 months-6 years. Get ready to sing, dance, and speak French with native teacher Miss Marie. A bientot! Call 313-3100 for reservations.
Kure Beach Street Festival 11am-7pm. Kure Beach. This year’s festival will house a stage schedule of children’s entertainment, live music, dancing and more. Relax in the lawn and enjoy the shows, grab a snack from the delicious food vendors, browse the arts and craft booths for that must-have item, and enjoy a day with friends. This one of a kind street fair is playtimeunrestricted!
Preschool Math and Science Program 3:30pm. Myrtle Grove Library. Play, learn, and explore with your child. Math and science concepts will be introduced through interactive storytimes, hands-on science experiments and exploration stations. For children between the ages of 3-6. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Call 798-6365 for required registration.
22 Wednesday - Earth Day Poplar Grove Farmers’ Market 8am-1pm, Wednesdays. Poplar Grove Plantation. Through Nov. 18. Features fresh local fruits and veggies, dairy products, meats and seafood, baked goods, and sweets, plus arts & crafts, cut flowers, wine and more. Preschool Math and Science Program 10am @ Main Library; 3:30pm @ Northeast Library. Play, learn, and explore with your child. Math and science concepts will be introduced through interactive storytimes, hands-on science experiments and exploration stations. For children between the ages of 3-6. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Call 798-6365 for required registration. STEM Club at the Library 3:30pm. Northeast Library. A process oriented after school
Wilmington Earth Day 12-6pm. Hugh McRae Park. Including FREE live music! The Earth Day Alliance, founders and organizers for the Wilmington Earth Day annual celebration, are pleased to announce this year’s theme of “Life Starts From the Ground Up!” Enjoy an abundance of food, beer and other beverages, a Kids Eco Zone as well as live music for a day of green celebrations! Visit www.wilmingtonearthday.com for details. UNCW Engineering Explorations: What’s Shaking 1:30-4:30pm. Natural Science Trailer. Engineer a tower that can withstand an earthquake. Create your own shaker table top to take home and use with your Lego buildings. Ages 10-13, Must be at least in the 5th grade. Visit uncw.edu/ youth/programs/engineeringrobotics.html to register. LEGO Building Event with Mike Dugan 3-4pm. Learning Express, Oleander location. Come build with Mike! Ages 6+. Reservations required. Call 313-3100. The Magic Flute 8pm. Kenan Auditorium. Enjoy the sounds of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with The Magic Flute, an opera in two acts
to a German libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder. The work is in the form of a Singspiel, a popular form that included both singing and spoken dialogue. Visit www.wilmingtonsymphony.org for ticket information.
26 Sunday
5 Signs You Might be a Tree Hugger or How to Become One By Alexa Bigwarfe
Chamber Music Wilmington Concert 7:30pm. Church of the Servant, Oriole Dr. Baritone Thomas Meglioranza, winner of many singing competitions around the globe. The vocalist is joined by pianist Barbara McKenzie in a program called Sublime Song featuring selections from Schumann, Schubert, Debussy, and Ives, plus classics from the Great American Songbook.
27 Monday Animal Babies 10-11am. Halyburton Park. Bring your “Little Explorers” out to the park and discover nature through stories, songs, hands-on activities, hikes and crafts. Your children will delight in the many nature themes we explore each month. Space is limited and pre-registration is required for these popular programs. $3/participant. Call 3410075 for more information. Mom to Mom: BYOB 1-2pm. Main Library. Moms, bring baby to the library and discuss all things baby related with other moms. Parenting books and guest speakers will be available to help answer questions. During this hour it’s okay to: be late, nurse/feed baby, change diapers, and cry (baby or mom). Scheduled speaker: Rachael Birkenhauer, CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor) No registration required. Free 2 hour parking on ground floor of library parking deck. Contact Librarian (and new mom) Susan DeMarco for more details at 798-6353.
28 Tuesday
guess it’s time for me to admit that I’m a tree hugger. Not the kind that would chain myself to a tree in protest, but the kind that truly does care about my environment, and even more importantly, the impact that we are having on our children and their children’s world.
I’ve started educating myself about the impact that we are having on our environment AND the impact that our environment is having on us, and have found some pretty scary information. This is my list of eight things that designate me as “crunchy” and are easy things for you to implement if you want to be too!
5 4 3
You host Earth Day Themed playdates (And not always around Earth Day!)
Yep. I sure did. And I’ll do it again because it was fun, engaging, and a really easy way to teach our kids about the importance of greener living. Even the toddlers were able to participate. We made recycled plant pots, planted seeds and crafted a cute handprint Earth.
You almost cry when you throw away something that can be recycled
Happy Little Singers 9:45am, Tuesdays. Hannah Block USO/ Community Arts Center. Music and Movement program for children 6 mos to 6 years. Sing, Dance, Instruments, Creative Play with your child. Drop-ins welcome, $10 per family. Please call or text in advance 777-8889.
I know. That sounds absolutely pathetic. But it is true that it physically pains me to throw away something that I know can be recycled. I have even been known to dig cans and bottles out of our garbage. OK, not DIG per se, but if they’re sitting on top I’ll pull them out. I just cannot stand the thought of contributing more to the landfills when an item can be re-used.
Animal Babies 10-11am. Halyburton Park. See 04/27.
Yes, I have a huge bin in my garage for all of those “could be recycled” items that the local recycling program will not take. Diaper and wipes packaging, individual juice wrappers, chip and candy bags, fruit pouches and so forth. We use a lot of these items, despite our efforts to cut back. But organizations like Terracyle (www.terracycle.com/) will pay for you to ship them your hard to recycle products and they give you points in return. It’s a great program.
29 Wednesday Poplar Grove Farmers’ Market 8am-1pm, Wednesdays. Poplar Grove Plantation. Through Nov. 18. Features fresh local fruits and veggies, dairy products, meats and seafood, baked goods, and sweets, plus arts & crafts, cut flowers, wine and more.
30 Thursday Mayday Flower Craft for Kids 3:30pm. Main Library. Mother’s Day Alert! The May Day Flower Craft for Kids is for preschool and elementary age kids, who will learn how to make flowers out of coffee filters.
To submit events to the calendar, please email
calendar.wilmingtonparent@ gmail.com Deadline for submissions to the May issue is April 9, 2015. www.wilmingtonparent.com
On that note, you collect all of your “recyclable garbage” to send to organizations like Terracyle
You spend $100 to outfit your children with brightly colored container lunchboxes
Bento and similar lunch boxes are cool and fun, but they are also really sustainable. Because they are divided into multi sized containers, it reduces the need for sending multiple zip lock bags or other prepackaged containers. Now you don’t have to buy individual sized gold fish and chips and gummies or whatever else you are sending in.
You know the list of the Dirty Dozen by heart AND you know that there is also a CLEAN FIFTEEN
If you really have a heart for green living, you must be aware of the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Each year they put out a ton of information, but one of the most useful I utilize in my daily life is the Dirty Dozen list. This is the top 12 pesticide infested fruits and vegetables, so you can make educated decisions when deciding when it’s advisable to pay extra for organic. The foods we feed our children daily - apples, peaches, strawberries, and grapes are all at the top of the list. You can also find the Clean Fifteen - these have the least amount of pesticides and I don’t spend my money on organic for these produce. Avocado, corn on the cob, pineapples, cabbage, and onions are at the top of this list. Visit EWG.org for more information. In all seriousness, the Earth is ours, and we have a duty to do what we can to protect it. You can start by finding out what can be recycled and progress to swapping all of your toxic cleaners with non-toxic options. Alexa Bigwarfe is a wife, mother, freelance writer, and author. Alexa enjoys writing for regional parenting publications about hot topics in the world of raising little people
Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 15
Artistic Day Trips By Danielle Villegas
ooking for a way to get your kids excited about the beauty of art? Finding family-friendly art experiences does not require a trip to the Big Apple or our nation’s capital. A short trip in the car, and you can find yourself surrounded by brilliant works by art history’s masters, or local undiscovered talent.
• Gregg Museum of Art and Design - A collecting museum at NC State. Coming soon, World of Puppets! www.ncsu.edu/gregg
Lily Zuckerman, a Cape Fear Academy student, recently went with her brother Abel on a family tour of art museums in the Chapel Hill area. Lily says, “I enjoyed my trip to Chapel Hill for winter break immensely. My number one favorite activity was perusing the art museums on local campuses. I also enjoyed UNC’s “Rated aRt” film series.”
• North Carolina Museum of Art - Offers weekend family-friendly tours, indoor and outdoor hands-on activities, scavenger hunts, and trails! www.ncartmuseum.org
Whether you want to stay in town, or you’re ready for a full day art immersion, below is the list to get you started!
Local Art Spots:
• Cameron Art Museum - This local landmark offers Kids@Cam, an afternoon of creativity, inspiration and art. Or join them for activities that build literacy through the arts. www.cameronartmuseum.org
• Gallery of Fine Art (Mayfaire) - Come see their collection of Dr. Seuss art! gallery-of-fine-art.com.
• Wilmington Art Association - This non-profit organization provides educational programs, demonstrations, and lectures, which will lead to better public understanding and appreciation of visual arts. They are currently looking for new gallery space, but have art shows all around town. www.wilmington-art.org
Quick Trip! Under 2 hours:
• Art Museum of Myrtle Beach - Play with your kids during KidsArt, or attend a Saturday Art Adventure day! www.myrtlebeachartmuseum.org • Contemporary Art Museum - Presents new ideas both in the art
16 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
and design, with an active education program connecting kids of all ages to contemporary art and design. www.camraleigh.org
Leave Early! 2-4 Hour Drive:
• Ackland Art Museum, Chapel Hill - Offers a wide variety of activities for young art lovers such as, drawing for tweens and art adventures for 6-9 year olds. www.ackland.org
• Animation & Fine Arts Gallery, Chapel Hill - Check out their new Peanuts collection! www.animationandfineart.com
• Greenhill Center for North Carolina Art - Through their ArtQuest program they offer children and families a place to explore artmaking materials and to create art in a self-driven environment. www.greenhillnc.org
• Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University - Certain days of the month are designated Free Family Days. On these days families enjoy live entertainment, create hands-on projects and explore exhibitions with a gallery hunt. www.nasher.duke.edu
• Reynolda House Museum of American Art - Affiliated with Wake Forest University, a fine collection of American art. Upcoming event: April 11th, from 11am-3pm they will present a Community Day Pow Wow on Reynolda’s front lawn. Representatives from North Carolina tribes will share traditional art, storytelling, drumming, and dance. Enjoy art activities, games, and food vendors. www.reynoldahouse.org v
Arts Listings ART OFF THE WALL 1048 S. KERR AVE, UNIT CWILMINGTON, NC 28403 (Located near the corner of South Kerr Ave. & Wrightsville Ave. directly off of Maple Ave.) (910) 859-FUN1 (3861) artoffthewallfun@gmail.com http://facebook.com/artoffthewallfun
It’s not your average art shop…It’s an “arts community”! Themed spaces for retail of artists’ work, hands-on activities, visual and performing arts sessions, and parties. CALLING ARTISTS OF ALL AGES!
Calling All Aspiring Percussionists! Are you looking to enhance your skills? Then come to Percussion Camp Learn proper techniques, build your chops, and learn to play drums like a pro! Hosted by Joey's Little Julliards At the Wow Factor Building 107 Cinema Dr. Wilmington Call (910)620-8455 Or email at joeyslittlejulliards@gmail.com Visit at joeyslittlejulliards.com
Dance classes from 18 months to adult in Mommy and baby workout classes, Mommy & Me, Kinderdance, Kids-in-Motion, Tap, Jazz, Clogging, Hip Hop, Acrobatics, Ballet, Lyrical, and Musical Theater. All BOYS classes in hip hop and acrobatics.
Joey’s Little Julliards 107 Cinema Dr. Wilmington NC 28403 910-620-8455 joeyslittlejulliards@gmail.com www.joeyslittlejulliards.com
Dance Express Performing Arts Center 902 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 16865 Hwy 17N Hampstead, NC 28443 Wilmington: 910-790-9980 Hampstead: 910-821-1313 depac@danceexpress.us www.danceexpresswilmington.com
Joey's Little Julliards
My name is Joey and I teach private children’s music lessons. I teach drums, piano, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, tuba. Please call or email with any questions.
Mini Monets Contact: Jennie Wenk Phone: 910-399–1708 Email: minimonets@gmail.com Website: www.minimonetsart.com
Mini Monets is a fun extracurricular art class that is provided on location among area schools, child care centers, and recreation facilities. The lessons are designed to encourage creative expression and to supplement the NC Arts Education Curriculum.
Point Your Toes Dance Studio 7336-3 Market St., Wilmington 28411 910-943-3064 pytdance.com
Most affordable studio! We offer ballet, tap, jazz, HH, clogging,,contemporary, tumble/ cheer (ages 2-adult) and special needs classes. Summer dance and camps available.
2 Locations Wilmington and Hampstead
The Wilmington School of Ballet And Dance Studio 3834 Oleander Dr. Wilmington NC 28403 910-794-9590 wilmningtonschoolofballet@gmail.com www.wilmingtonschoolofballet.com
The Wilmington School of Ballet is an arts hub for dance education and performance in the Cape Fear region. The center has been recongnized since 1999 as a leading facility for classical ballet training, recreational dance classes, and performance opportunities.
Young Artist’s Series 3803 Wrightsville Ave. #8 910-685-5137 cafaulkner@hotmail.com www.studiocrealart
Drawing and acrylic painting classes for ages 6-18. Also for adults. Learn the basics of technical drawing (even children). Composition, proportions, perspective, and shading and layering with colored pencil are explored. Imagination and creativity are encouraged! Painters learn to mix colors, how to blend color and brushstroke techniques. www.wilmingtonparent.com
Register Now for Summer Camps and Classes
790-9980 • danceexpresswilmington.com Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 17
Point Your Toes Dance Studio
Most affordable studio!
We offer ballet, tap, jazz, HH, clogging,,contemporary, tumble/cheer (ages 2-adult) and special needs classes.
Summer Dance and Camps Available
FInd a Camp @ wilmingtonparent.com
7336-3 Market St. Wilmington 28411 (910) 943-3064 • pytdance.com
now signing up for Summer Camps and Classes!
Book a Birthday Party for $189! The Little Gym of Wilmington
132 Racine Drive, Unit 1 Wilmington, NC 28403
www.tlgwilmingtonnc.com 910-799-3771
18 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
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Art Classes Young Artist’s Series Katelyn
Calling All Young Playwrights! By Danielle Villegas
Kids Classes • Adult Classes drawing
• painting
Call 910-685-5137
W Tickets at Learning Express W
f you have a middle or high school student with big ideas, it’s time to start putting them into writing! Big Dawg Productions is excited to announce their 15th annual New Play Festival. The company is currently accepting submissions of new, original plays by students in grades 6-12. This is a unique opportunity for young writers to see their plays produced by a professional company and learn about the work involved in bringing an original production to the stage. Laura Smith, the New Play Festival Coordinator, says “There are no restrictions on theme. If you can write a really good play about how to make a sandwich, then that is enough!” Laura wants tweens and teens to understand that, “ A good play doesn’t have to be compelling, or a seriously dark piece. It can be funny, or just entertaining.” Laura says the most important aspect to play writing is developing the characters.
Guidelines: The New Play Festival accepts plays from students in grades 6-12. Plays should be from 10-30 minutes long. Your play can be about whatever you want. They are open to comedies, tragedies, westerns, space operas, etc. The only thing they ask is that you keep the set simple and the language clean. You can have at most 8 characters. For a complete list of guidelines, see www.bigdawgproductions.org. New Play Festival will be taking plays through May 1. They can be emailed to bigdawgyouthplays@ gmail.com. If you would prefer to mail your play, make sure it’s postmarked May 1 and send six copies. These can be mailed to the following address: 3300 Grey Leaf Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 Once your play is submitted, you will hear back from the festival by the end of May and will receive feedback whether or not your play was accepted. Plays that are accepted will undergo 3 rounds of revisions, with the help of mentors, which will take place over the summer. The revised plays will be performed October 8-11 and 15-18. v
Princess Ballet and Tea Parties
www.wilmingtonballetcompany.org 910-794-9590 Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 19
Nationally Recognized, Professional Artist & Art Educator Carolyn Faulkner 3803 Wrightsville Ave #8, Downey Branch Office Park
2015 Summer Camp Directory Art Of the Wall
1048 S. KERR AVE, UNIT C WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (Located near the corner of South Kerr Ave. & Wrightsville Ave. - directly off of Maple Ave.) (910) 859-FUN1 (3861) artoffthewallfun@gmail.com http://facebook.com/artoffthewallfun Ages: (K-3 grade) Session dates: June 15 – August 21, 2015. M – F 10am-5pm Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Visual and Performing Arts $25 registration fee/ inquire about monthly fees Pre-registration required Description: Explore the arts this summer! Visual & Performing Arts. Themes: Make-Believe Mondays, T-Rex Tuesdays, Western Wednesdays, Treasure Chest Thursdays, Fur-ocious Fridays!
Cape Fear Academy Summer Programs
SPECIAL SPECIAL SECTION: SECTION:Summer Education Camp Guide Guide
3900 South College Road, Wilmington, NC 28412 910-791-0287 www.capefearacademy.org Ages: Grades PK3-12 Session dates: June 8- July 31 no camps offered the week of July 4th Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Summer, Half-Day, A couple full day Categories for camps: Enrichment, Sports, cademic, STEM Description: Cape Fear Academy is excited to offer over 110 unique camps this summer. Weekly programs are opened to the public and online registration begins March 2 at www.capefearacademy.org
Kids College at Cape Fear Community College
411 N. Front St., Wilmington, NC 28401 910-362-7254 www.cfcc.edu Ages: Elementary - Middle School Session dates: June 15 - July 17 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Summer, half-day, full/extended day - All Categories for camps: arts, science, sports nd/or academics Description: Check out the wide variety of kids activities at CFCC this summer. Day camps include something for everyone, from arts and science to foreign languages and more!
Carolina Gymnastics Academy
3529 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, NC 28412 910-796-1896 www.carolinagymnasticsacademy.com Ages: 3-10, Boys & Girls Session dates: June 15th - August 21st Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Full Day 8:00am-6pm & Half Day 9:00am-1pm Categories for camps: Sports & Free Play ,Adventure Camp Description: Campers stay busy and active in our Outdoor Recreation Area, Gym and Afterschool Building. Gymnastics Circuit, Bouncy houses, gymnastics free play, and in/outside active play. Field trips to area parks & pools. Campers bring lunch and 2 snacks from home.
Childcare Network Adventure Summer Camp
Wilmington, Leland, and Southport 866-521-KIDS www.childcarenetwork.net Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years Session dates: Full Summer Transportation provided: Yes, but call each school for availability Type of camp: Summer, Full Day Categories for camps: arts, adventure, science, sports and/ or academics Description: Full day summer camp. 6:30am to 6:00pm, weekly field trips and daily activities,weekly trips to the pool, visit our website for more information
Children’s Schoolhouse Montessori Reading and Mathematics with A focus on Marine 20 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
Science ( Beginning levels- advanced)
612 South College Road (across from UNCW) 910-799-1531 www.childrensschoolhouse.net Ages: 3 1/2 - 6 years Session Dates: May 21 - June 11 (3 weeks) Transportation: No Type of camp: Half Day/Extended 9-1 or (9-2:30 for older child) Categories for camps: Marine Science, Arts, Music and academics. Outside environment Description: Great fun exploring our exciting marine environment with lessons in reading and math. Daily themes in marine science, music with instruments and fun with art projects. Children bring a lunch and a snack each day.
Friends School of Wilmington Sports Camp
350 Peiffer Ave. Wilmington NC 28409 910-508-8183 camperregsecure.com/fsow/ summercamp@fsow.org Ages: 3rd – 8th Grade Session dates: June 15-19 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half day, 8:30 – 12:00 Description: Join Sports Camp to learn the games of basketball, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, and flag football!
Friends School of Wilmington Young Authors Camp
350 Peiffer Ave. Wilmington NC 28409 910-508-8183 camperregsecure.com/fsow/ summercamp@fsow.org Ages: 1st – 5th Grade Session dates: June 15-19 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half day, 8:30 – 12:00 Description: From journaling to haikus, poetry to plays, writers will be free to write creatively during group and individual activities in this fun and supportive environment
Friends School of Wilmington Sound Discovery
350 Peiffer Ave. Wilmington NC 28409 910-508-8183 camperregsecure.com/fsow/ summercamp@fsow.org Ages: 1st – 5th Grade Session dates: June 22-26 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half day, 8:30 – 12:00 Description: Learn how different instruments from around the world make sound. Use everyday objects to explore rhythm and beat
Friends School of Wilmington Art Outdoors
350 Peiffer Ave. Wilmington NC 28409 910-508-8183 camperregsecure.com/fsow/ summercamp@fsow.org Ages: 2nd – 8th Grade Session dates: July 6-10 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half day, 1:00 – 4:30 Description: Campers will use nature as inspiration as we explore on-site painting, leaf imprints in clay, sun prints, found object sculpture, and many printmaking.
Friends School of Wilmington LEGO Robotics
350 Peiffer Ave. Wilmington NC 28409 910-508-8183 camperregsecure.com/fsow/ summercamp@fsow.org Ages: 4th – 8th Grade Session dates: July 20-24 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half day, 8:30 – 12:00 Description: Learn LEGO construction and use Mindstorms EV3 to explore robotics programming. We will master fundamentals and explore new concepts through a variety of challenges.
Jenkins Preschool Academy Summer Camps
7888 Market Street 910-367-0287 www.jpawilmington.com Ages: 3-5 (must be potty trained) Session dates: Under the Sea June 22-26, Rainforest Adventures July 27-31, Dynamic Dinosaurs August 10-14 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half day 9-1 Categories for camps: Arts/crafts, Music & Games Description: Weekly session has a theme fun adventure using their with children using imaginations. Need to bring snack, lunch and a drink daily. Outdoor and indoor activities.
The Little Gym of Wilmington
Aquarium Summer Camp
NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher, 900 Loggerhead Road, Kure Beach, NC 28409 910-458-8257 ncaqariums.com/fort-fisher
3, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-24, July 27-31, Aug 3-7, Aug 10-14 Transportation Provided: Limited transportation for only 13 children per week. Available on a first come, first served basis. A fee and pre-registration is required. Transportation runs morning and afternoon every day, except Monday mornings and Friday afternoons. We are offering two pickup/ drop-off locations this year, one at Monkey Junction and one at the Ft. Fisher Ferry*. Type of Camp: Summer 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Activities: Marine Science, Outdoor Adventure, Crafts Description: Aquarium summer camps offers fun and safe discoveries with knowledgeable and competent leadership. Campers explore through animal interaction, play, storytelling, crafts, and hands-on outdoor activities.
Art, Music, Sports & Academic Camps for ages 2 - 14
with Friends!
Summer Reading Club 2015 @ NHCPL: Every Hero has a Story
201 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 910-798-6303 www.nhclibrary.org Ages: children, teens, and adults may join Session dates: June 13 – August 8, 2015 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Summer, half-day, full/extended day: self-directed vacation reading, with occasional special events for children Categories for camps: arts, adventure, science, sports and/or academics: academics Description: Join Summer Reading Club at New Hanover County Public Library! Register at all locations or at www.nhclibrary.org starting June 13. Kids and teens get prize coupon packets; adults entered in prize drawings. Set a goal and track it online!
Session Start Dates: June 8 • June 15 • June 22 June 29 • July 6 • July 13 July 20 • July 27
CamperRegSecure.com/fsow summercamp@fsow.org • 910-508-8183
W I LMINGTON Christian Academy
Hig h S c ho ol • Midd le S chool • Elementary School • Preschool Wilmington Christian Academy is a fully accredited school offering an incredible education at an affordable price. WCA has a rich history of excellence in academics, athletics and fine arts in an environment that encourages spiritual growth.
Fun & Learning All Year Round! Sports Camps 4 Days a Week Basketball, Soccer, Cardio Volleyball, Tennis, Golf, Tip-Tap-Toe
Summer Day Camp
Enrichment Camps
June 1st - August 7th Mon. - Fri. Full & Part-time Recreational & Educational
48 Sessions 4 Days a Week, 3 Hours Per Day STEM, Arts, Culinary and Crafts
Visit our website for dates, times and camp details!
Call 910-791-4248 to register! | www.wilmingtonchristian.com www.wilmingtonparent.com
Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 21
SPECIAL SECTION: Summer Camp Guide
132 Racine Drive, Unit 1 910-799-3771 www.tlgwilmingtonnc.com Ages: 3-12 years Session dates: April 6-10th (Spring Break); June 8th- August 21st (Summer) Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Summer, Full and Half-Day Categories for camps: Sports/ Cheerleading/ Gymnastics Description: Day camp for kids at The Little Gym is as great as youʼd imagine! These three hour camps are held during vacation times when schoolʼs not in session. Our seasonal and vacation camps combine physical activity, gymnastics and games for giggle-filled fun!
Ages: 5-14 Session Dates: June 22-26, June 29-July
2015 Seahawk Soccer Camps
at u n c w i l m i n g to n Boys2012 Camps Seahawk Girls Camps
Soccer Camps
Day Camps
Junior Day Camp June 15-19 & July 6-10 June 22-25 Full Day Option (agesat8-12) $260 UNC Wilmington Full Day Option (ages 5-12), $260 Half Day Option (ages 5-7) - $140 Half Day Option (ages 5-12), $140
Residential Camp Girl’s Camps July 16-19:
Lil HawksResidential Camp (5-8 IDYears) Camp (ages June 11-15, 9-11:30am (Commuter $340) $140
Boy’s Camps Residential Camp
Lil Hawks Camp (5-8 Years) 15-18) - $480 June 26- June 29 June 11-15, 9-11:30am $140 (ages 10-18 years
Jr. Residential Camp (ages 10-14) - $480
Junior Day Camp (5-12 Years) (Commuter $340) June 18-June 22, 9am-4pm—$260 Half-day option $140(ages 10-18) - $480 GK Academy
SPECIAL SPECIAL SECTION: SECTION:Summer Education Camp Guide Guide
(Commuter $340) Senior Elite Camp (10-18 Years) June 29-July (Residential) Visit 3,website for more $525 information Visit website for more information Contact Aidan Heaney (910)Cairney 352-4925 Contact Paul seahawkboyssoccercamps@gmail.com (910)962-3932 seahawkgirlssoccercamps@gmail.com
old) - $540
(residential only) Day Camp (5-12 Years) June 25-29, 9am-4pm $260 Visitoption website$140 for more information Half-day
Contact Paul Cairney Elite Academy (10-18 Years) (910)962-3932 July 19-22 (Overnight/Commuter) $450/$350 Visit website for more information seahawkgirlssoccercamps@gmail.com Contact Aidan Heaney (910) 352-4925
For More information and to register on-line visit:
For More information and to register online visit:
Kids’ College
Cape Fear Community College
June 15 - July 17
Seahawk Boys Soccer Camps
UNCW Soccer Stadium/601 S. College Rd, Wilmington NC, 28403 910-962-3044 www.seahawksoccercamps.com Ages: 5-7, 8-12, 10-14, 15-18 Session dates: Day Camp, June 15-19: Full Day Option (ages 8-12), $260; Half Day Option (ages 5-7), $140. Day Camp, July 6-10: Full Day Option (ages 8-12), $260; Half Day Option (ages 5-7), $140. Residential Camp, July 16-19: Residential ID Camp (ages 15-18), $480 (Commuter $340); Jr. Residential Camp (ages 10-14), $480 (Commuter $340); GK Academy (ages 1018), $480 (Commuter $340). Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half Day / Full-Extended Categories for camps: Sports Description: Professional coaching staff. Camp curriculum implemented to improve individual technical skills in addition to fun games and competitive matches.
Seahawk Girls Soccer Camps
UNCW Soccer Stadium/601 S. College Rd, Wilmington NC, 28403 910-962-3932 www.seahawksoccercamps.com Ages: 5-12, 10-18 Session dates: Junior Day Camp: June 2225, 2015. Full or half day. Ages 5-12 years old. Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm. Camp ends with Pizza Party on Thursday June 25th, 4:30-5:30pm. Cost – $140 (half day); $260 (full day). Senior Residential Camp: June 26- June 29, (Friday-Monday) 2015. Ages 10-18 years old. Residential. ost = $540 (residential only) Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half Day / Full-Extended Categories for camps: Sports Description: Professional coaching staff. Camp curriculum implemented to improve individual technical skills in addition to fun games and competitive matches.
SPEC Summer Camp
165 Vision Drive/4308 S. 17th Street 910-793-4884/910-799-4160 www.speckids.com Ages: Kindergarten – 12 years old Session Dates: June 15 – August 21 Transportation Provided: No Type of Camp: Full day summer Activities: Weekly Themes, Swimming, Field Trips, Arts & Crafts Description: We will have lots of fun games and activities as well as exciting field trips each week. Breakfast, Lunch, and PM snack provided at no extra cost.
UNCW MarineQuest
• • • • • •
Visual and Performing Arts Creative Writing Disc Golf Spanish Immersion Science Career Explorations and More!
Call 910.362.7254
22 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
601 S College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 910-962-2640 www.uncw.edu/marinequest/index.html Ages: 4 - 17 Session dates: June 14, 2015 – August 7, 2015 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Summer, half-day commuter, full-day commuter, full-day residential Categories for camps: marine science Description: MarineQuest summer camps are designed to make the learning process fun and engaging while providing real hands-on, field-based opportunities for students ages 4 to 17.
UNCW Engineering Expectations
601 S College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 910-962-2640 uncw.edu/youth/programs/ summerengineering.html Ages: 6 - 14 Session dates: June 15, 2015 – July 31, 2015
Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Summer, half-day commuter,
full-day commuter
Categories for camps: engineering Description: Engineering Expectations is
designed to hook kids on engineering by engaging them in creative thinking and out-of-the-box problem solving.
Wilmington Christian Academy Summer Day Camp
1401 North College Road 910-791-4248 ext. 122 www.wilmingtonchristian.com Ages: 4-year-olds through 8th grade Session dates: June 1- August 7, 2015 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Weekly adventure camp Categories for camps: adventure Description: Summer Day Camp provides a recreational day camp for children of parents who need summer childcare. Daily activities include field trips to area businesses and sites of interest.
Wilmington Christian Academy Sports Camps
1401 North College Road 910-791-4248 ext. 122 www.wilmingtonchristian.com Ages: 4-year-olds through 8th grade Session dates: June 1- August 7, 2015 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Weekly, half-day sports camps Categories for camps: sports Description: WCA offers weekly sports camps in basketball, golf, soccer, volleyball, fitness, and ballet. Excellent facilities and enthusiastic coaches create an enjoyable summer.
Wilmington Christian Academy Enrichment Camps
1401 North College Road 910-791-4248 ext. 122 www.wilmingtonchristian.com Ages: 4-year-olds through 8th grade Session dates: June 1- August 7, 2015 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Weekly enrichment camps Categories for camps: science, technology, academic Description: WCA provides week long, half-day enrichment camps. There are camps in technology, science, culinary arts, woodworking, STEM, art, and much more.
The YMCA’s Youth Day Camp at Wilmington Family YMCA
2710 Market St. Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 251-9622 x257 www.wilmingtonfamilyymca.org Ages: 3-15 Session dates: June 15-June 19, June 2227, June29-July 3, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-24, July 27-31, August 3-7, August 10-14, August 17-21 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Full Day Camps & Half Day Camps Categories for camps: Summer Camp, Leaders in Training Camp & Preschool Day Camp Description: The Y offers a classic summer camp experience filled with a variety of activities for children to learn new sports & games, create arts & crafts, make friends, swim, and have fun!
The YMCA’s Youth Sports Camps
2710 Market St. Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 251-9622 x229 www.wilmingtonfamilyymca.org Ages: 3-16 Session dates: June 15-June 19, June 22-27, June29-July 3, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-
24, July 27-31, August 3-7, August 10-14, August 17-21 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Full Day Camps & Half Day Camps & Residential Camps Categories for camps: Soccer Camp, Basketball Camp, Volleyball Camp, Baseball Camp Description: The Y’s Sports Camps focus on developing skills while learning the importance of teamwork, and good sportsmanship to promote the development of the whole athlete.
The YMCA’s Youth Day Camp at Temple Baptist Activity Center
709 George Anderson Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 251-9622 x255 www.wilmingtonfamilyymca.org Ages: 5-15 Session dates: June 15-June 19, June 22-27, June29-July 3, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-24, July 27-3, August 3-, August 10-14, August 17-21 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Full Day Camps & Half Day Camps Categories for camps: Youth Day Camp, Leaders in Training Camp Description: The Y offers a classic summer camp experience filled with a variety of activities for children to learn new sports & games, create arts & crafts, make friends, swim, and have fun!
Summer Camp June 15 – August 21
Weekly Themes, Swimming, Field Trips, Arts & Crafts. Breakfast, Lunch, and PM snack provided at no extra cost. Robotics
165 Vision Drive/4308 S. 17th Street
TAKING PLACE NOW at CapeFearAcademy.org
910-793-4884 / 910-799-4160 www.speckids.com
For more information contact: Summer@CapeFearAcademy.org
UNCW Engineering Expectations Summer 2015 Fall under the spell of enchanted engineering!
registration now open uncw.edu/youth 910.962.2640
An EEO/AA Institution
Young Artists Series Mythical Creatures
More than play at JPA
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Half day classes Summer Camps Certified teachers for ages 3-5
call for more
Small class sizes information Nurturing & fun
(910) 367-0287 367-7210 |I www.jpawilmington.com (910) www.jpawilmington.com |I 7888 7888 Market MarketStSt Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 23
SPECIAL SECTION: Summer Camp Guide
Find more resources at www.wilmingtonparent.com
2015 Camp Kirkwood Rd. Watha, NC 28478 (910) 409-7446 www.wilmingtonfamilyymca.org Ages: 5-15 Session dates: June 15-June 19, June 22-27, June29-July 3, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-24, July 27-31, August 3-7, August 10-14, August 17-21 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half Day Camps & Residential Camps Categories for camps: Youth Day Camp, Leaders in Training Camp, Residential Camp & Residential Soccer Camp Description: Camp Kirkwood is able to provide your child with a number of summer camp activities like zip lines, archery, canoeing, swimming, ropes courses, arts and crafts, hiking and more!
Micro Sports
Online Registration
The YMCA’s Youth Day Camp at Camp Kikrwood
3803 #8 Wrightsville Ave. 910-685-5137 youngartistart.com/young-artists-series/ cafaulkner@hotmail Ages: 10 -16 Session dates: July - Date TBA Description: (Outdoors) Paint at the Arboretum with nature to inspire you! Use your imagination to transform nature into your vision!
Tie Dye
Cake Decorating 101 & much more!
623 Village Rd. Shallotte, NC 28470 (910) 251-9622 x255 www.wilmingtonfamilyymca.org Ages: 5-15 Session dates: June 15-June 19, June 22-27, June29-July 3, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-24, July 27-31, August 3-7, August 10-14, August 17-21 Transportation provided: No Type of camp: Half Day Camps Categories for camps: Youth Day Camp & Leaders in Training Camp Description: The Y offers a classic summer camp experience filled with a variety of activities for children to learn new sports & games, create arts & crafts, make friends, swim, and have fun!
Young Artists Series Plein Air Painting
American Girls®
The YMCA’s Youth Day Camp at Calvary Baptist Church- Shallotte
3803 #8 Wrightsville Ave. 910-685-5137 youngartistart.com/young-artists-series/ cafaulkner@hotmail Ages: 8-10 Session dates: June 15 - 19 Description: Draw, paint, and make a mosaic using glass pebbles. Create dragons, fishes, birds, or anything your imagination leads you to!
school notes
School’s Out! New Hanover County: Traditional Schools: 4/1 & 4/2 - Spring Break 4/3 - No School, Holiday
Isaac Bear Early College Selected as NC Winner for ACT College and Career Readiness Campaign Awards
Isaac M. Bear Early College High School (IBECHS) has been selected as North Carolina’s winner for the ACT College and Career Readiness Campaign in the high school division. Only one student, one high school, one community college, and one employer was selected from North Carolina. IBECHS will be recognized at the State Board of Education meeting on April 2, 2015, and will go on compete with winners from other states for national honors.
Year Round Schools: 4/1 & 4/2 - Spring Break 4/3 - No School, Holiday 4/6-4/10 - Intersession
NHCS Students Selected for Junior Eastern Region Orchestra Orchestra students from New Hanover County Schools recently traveled to Southern Middle School in Aberdeen, NC to audition for a spot in the Junior Eastern Region Orchestra. Twelve students were selected and will travel to Green Hope High School in Cary, NC to participate in the orchestra clinic on May 2, 2015.
CFCI Charter School: 4/1 & 4/3 - Spring Break IBEC: 4/1 & 4/2 - Spring Break 4/3 - No School, Holiday
The following students won a spot in this prestigious ensemble:
WEC: 4/1 & 4/2 - Spring Break 4/3 - No School, Holiday
Holly Shelter - Lisa Gattuso, director Laurel Meitrodt & Becca Morton, violin Emma Moore, viola David Shin & Karlyn Stanfield, cello Brian Westbrook, bass
Murray - Laura Black, director Emma Chalmers & Joan McCarty, violin Trevor Wynn & Nadia Norton, viola Charlotte Frazier*, Johanna DiNorcia, Amanda Holovnia, & Lynda Garcia, cello Madhavi Trikha*, bass
Traditional Schools: 4/3 - Half Day 4/6 - No School, Holiday 4/7-4/10 - Spring Break Brunswick Early College: 4/3 - No School, Teacher Workday Roger Bacon Academy: 4/3 - No School, Holiday 4/6 - No School, Teacher Workday Pender: Traditional Schools: 4/1 & 4/2 - Spring Break 4/3 - No School, Holiday Penderlea: 4/1 & 4/2 - Spring Break 4/3 - No School, Holiday Pender Early College: 4/1 & 4/2 - Spring Break 4/3 - No School, Holiday
Visit www.nhcs.net, www.co.brunswick.k12.nc.us or www.pendercountyschools.net for more information.
24 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
Noble - Melissa Chappell, director Melanie Su*, Manly Leonard, & Preston Knepper, violin Emma Tracy, cello Roland-Grise - Dr. Amy Price, director Camden Stohl, Olivia Kingman, & Forrest Britt, violin Williston - Patricia Long, director Lily Smith & Tatum Beck, violin * - indicates students who received the highest score in their section and will serve as a section leader
2015 National Merit Scholarship Program Names Cape Fear Academy Student as Finalist
Jason Atwood, a junior at Cape Fear Academy, has advanced as a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Competition. About 1.5 million juniors compete in the National Merit Scholarship Competition by taking the PSAT, which is the qualifying test. The highest scoring 1% were named semi-finalists in the fall. Finalists are subsequently determined by their academic, extracurricular, and leadership record. Jason also is the captain of the Varsity Track team and Varsity Cross Country team as well as a member of the Tennis team and Math Competition team.
Victor Agbafe Named Morehead-Cain Scholar Victor Agbafe has been named a Morehead-Cain Scholar at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Fewer than 4% of the more than 30,000 applicants - about 60 students total - have been selected for this honor. Victor is one of three Cape Fear Academy students to receive a Morehead-Cain Scholarship in the last five years. Nominees are chosen on the basis of character, academics, love for learning, physically active lifestyle, and leadership qualities. The Morehead-Cain, the first merit scholarship program established in the United States, was founded at the UNC which is the first public university in the United States. Winners of the program receive a four-year undergraduate scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, personal access to the world’s best professors, and an opportunity to take on leadership roles in a wide variety of academic, social, and service organizations. As one of only 70 recipients worldwide to receive this prestigious honor, he will receive full tuition and fees, along with other opportunities, including studying abroad.
fit family
CFCI Teams up with The Autism Society of North Carolina Cape Fear Center for Inquiry is now partnered with The Autism Society of North Carolina to help raise money and awareness for Autism. Last year, their runners were able to participate in their annual walk/run and it was a huge success with CFCI being the top fundraising team! In North Carolina, 1 in 58 children will be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). You can make a difference in the lives of children with autism and their families by registering for the Coastal NC Run/Walk for Autism. Registration is $25, but you can make an even bigger impact by recruiting family members, friends, and co-workers to form a team and raise donations – now is the time to start! Join the 5th Annual Run/Walk for Autism! The Coastal NC Run/Walk for Autism will have something for everyone! The event will be held on April 25th, 8am at Mayfaire. Register by the 13th to guarantee a t-shirt. There will be a competitive 5K, the recreational 1-mile run/walk, and the kids’ dash. This family-friendly event will also offer music, refreshments, and vendor space where local support resources are showcased. Come be a part of our community for this fun day!
Mosquito Season Without Chemicals With bug season upon us, it’s a good time to review the best ways to avoid bites without using chemicals (as well as the guidelines for safer use of insect repellent, when it’s needed). Household products that repel bugs • Vanilla extract, can be applied to the skin as many insects don’t like its scent. • Lavender flower rubbed against the skin. • Twenty drops of tea tree oil, lavender oil or peppermint oil mixed with 2 tablespoons of witch hazel can be sprayed all over the body to use as a mosquito repellent too. Other Methods to repel bugs Add candles around your outdoor space with eucalyptus oil or citronella oil. You can also put garden plants like rosemary, lemon thyme and catnip, which repels small insects. If you must use bug spray: How much DEET is safe for kids? Limited use of DEET is recommended, only when needed, to protect against mosquitoes, flies and ticks. DEET containing bug repellent should not be used on infants six months of age and younger, and should only be applied to exposed skin (not be sprayed under clothing). Here’s an age by age guide: • Six months to two years (only when mosquito bite risk is high): up to 10% DEET, not to exceed one time per day • Two years to 12 years: up to 10% DEET, not to exceed three times per day • Older than 12 years: up to 30% DEET
YCC 2015 Run Series Get fit with the whole family and win prizes! The 3rd Annual Y Coastal Carolina Run Series presented by the Wilmington Family YMCA is open to everyone. Can you go the distance? This series has been put in place to inspire community health and involvement. The YMCA’s first goal is to encourage participants from the Girls on the Run and STRIDE programs, as well as their families, to continue a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living by completing additional 5k races outside of their program season. The second goal is to encourage community members from all over our 5k service area to compete in our 5ks along the coast. The final and LARGEST goal is to increase family involvement in a healthy way, by participating in our variety of 5ks in a fun, family competition! In order to qualify, you must participate in two or more of the eight races that are included in the series. You are automatically entered into the series after your second race. Upcoming races included in this series: NaberDodge.com 5K April 25, 2015 Ocean Isle Beach,
OrthoWilmington 5K May 16, 2015 Wilmington, NC
Marine Chevy Shuffle 5K May 9, 2015 Jacksonville, NC
YMCA Trispan 5K & 10K July 11, 2015 Wilmington, NC
Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 25
peanut gallery
Andrey K. 4/30• 6yo
Isabella W. 4/5• 2yo
Nicole G. 4/29• 10yo
Dylan O. 4/22• 1yo
Bentley 4/21 • 1yo
Saphir D. 4/1 • 11yo
Noah G. 4/27 • 4yo
Elijah G.
Levi S.
Summer S.
Harrison B. 4/24• 1yo
4/16• 12yo
4/16• 1yo
Zyion B.
4/28 •1yo
4/10• 4yo
Lola Rose D. 4/25 • 7yo
4/27 • 4yo
4/2• 5yo
Sahasra D. 4/24• 5yo
Abigail 4/24• 4yo
Rustic and Bentley S. 4/14• 3yo
Miranda R. • 4yo
Aaron J. 4/3 • 3yo
Cameron M. 4/14 • 7yo
Lila Q. 4/17 • 4yo
Tyler C. 4/22 • 2yo
Madison R. 4/23 • 1yo
Does your child or grandchild have a birthday iN May? Honor them by having their photo published in Wilmington Parent. Here's how: e-mail image (size not to exceed 1mb) to birthday@wilmingtonparent.com. Deadline for publication: 04/12. We have a limited number of spots, so if you sent your child’s picture and do not see it this issue, please check back next month! 26 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
Parties at Greenlands Farm
668 Midway Road, Bolivia, NC 28422 910.253.7934 email: info@greenlandsfarmstore.info www.greenlandsfarmstore.info Book and build a party with us to create your special day! Have buckets of fun petting farm animals, ride a pony and a llama, devour a custom made cake, a platter full of cupcakes, or lick up some hand-dipped ice cream, all while enjoying a “down on the farm” experience. With so many enjoyable options, come celebrate at Greenlands Farm! Cupcakes, Cakes, & Ice Cream - Farm Fresh Catering - Popcorn Pony Rides - Llama Cart Rides - Barnyard Petting, Farm Games - Arts & Crafts - Party Favors – Decorations
salon & shop for kids
Hole-N-One! Putt Putt Rentals and More
Serving Wilmington,NC and surrounding areas Co-Owners: James Merritt & Robert Bentfield (910) 471-2277 Puttputtrentals@gmail.com Hole-N-One Putt Putt Rentals & More is a unique new mobile putt putt business serving Wilmington and the surrounding areas. We will transform any area into a five, nine or 18-hole putt putt course, complete with scorecards and a variety of putters and golf balls. Our putt putt course is great fun for all ages and any event! Call or email for more information and pricing and let us make your next event a “Hole-N-One!”
You won’t believe the excitement! Your special birthday girl and her guests will have a celebration with their favorite dolls and enjoy learning to create fun hairstyles while each doll gets pampered and styled with a glamorous party up-do. Among the glitter and giggles, the girls will learn important do’s and dont’s of caring for their dolls’ hair, tips for creating pretty styles and practice creating 3-4 adorable new doll hairstyles. Each guest gets a take-home photo sheet showing the styles learned, and the Birthday Girl gets an exclusive Ribbet birthday gift pack!
(910) 399-4252 • www.RibbetSalon.com • 3610-E S. College Rd.
Looking for party planning ideas? Check out our party planning guide at wilmingtonparent.com for party places, eats and treats, bounce houses, entertainers, gifts and more! Go to www.wilmingtonparent.com/guides/party-planning www.wilmingtonparent.com
Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 27
College entrance exams: ACT and SAT Tips for Parents By Alyssa Chirco
uiding your high school student through college entrance exams can be intimidating, especially for parents navigating the process for the first time. But there’s no reason to worry. While you may not be able to teach trigonometry or syntax, you can still provide the support and guidance all high school students need as they move forward towards the next chapter of their lives. The following tips will help you along the way.
1 2
Know the Basics
The two most widely used college entrance exams are the ACT and the SAT. Both are designed to assess a student’s academic readiness for college level coursework.
Key details to be aware of include:
• Some colleges require scores from one test specifically, while others allow students to take and submit scores from either. Once you know where your child plans to apply, it will be easier to determine which test he or she should take. • College admissions advisors recommend that students begin taking the SAT or ACT as early as possible during their junior year of high school. • Students can take both the ACT and the SAT multiple times. Encourage your child to view a disappointing score as an opportunity to do better next time.
Seek Expert Advice
Ellie Grossman Cohen, who has already been through college entrance exams with one child and is now going through the process again with her second, strongly suggests that parents hire a tutor. “Of course every student is different and results vary,” she admits. “But if the
student focuses and studies and learns the necessary test-taking strategies, it should pay off.” Grossman Cohen knows firsthand that when a student works with a qualified tutor, test scores can often go up by a couple of points. And she reminds parents concerned about cost that working with a tutor can raise not only a student’s test scores, but also his or her scholarship potential. “It’s all worth it if it means more scholarship money,” she advises.
Focus on Your Family
While many students benefit from tutoring, it isn’t the right fit for every family. A strong student who is highly self-motivated, for example, might prefer working through a study guide or workbook on her own. Companies like Kaplan Test Prep and The Princeton Review offer small group classroom courses for the more traditional learner. And if you simply cannot afford to spend extra money, free sample questions and practice tests for both the ACT and SAT are available online.
Maintain a Positive Attitude
High school students, especially those with learning disabilities or test-taking anxiety, need to recognize that ACT and SAT scores represent only one portion of the college admissions process. And since most children – yes, even teens – take their cues from their parents, one of the best things we can do for them is to model a calm, positive attitude about the entire process. Alyssa Chirco is a freelance parenting journalist and mother of two. She is also a former college test prep tutor, who has helped many students improve their scores on both the ACT and the SAT. v
The ACT vs. the SAT: At a Glance
Free SAT Prep
The ACT: • Is a curriculum-based test, designed to measure what students have learned in school. • Is comprised of four sections of multiple-choice questions. • Covers four subject areas (English, Mathematics, Reading and Science). • Lasts a little more than 4 hours. • Does not penalize for incorrect answers. • Includes an optional Writing Test.
• College Board - The makers of the SAT test, offers practice questions, and a full-length practice SAT test. You can see exactly how well you’ve done with immediate scoring, question breakdowns and feedback. sat.collegeboard.org/practice/sat-practice-test
The SAT: • Is more of an aptitude test, with an emphasis on reasoning and vocabulary. • Is comprised of three sections (Math, Critical Reading and Writing). • Includes multiple choice questions, grid-in math questions and an essay. • Lasts for 3 hours and 45 minutes. • Penalizes students for incorrect answers. • Features several optional Subject Tests, which allow students to display advanced knowledge.
28 | April 2015 | Wilmington Parent
• SAT Question of the Day App - By The College Board, and offers daily practice. • Number 2 - Over 2 million students have used this site to prep for the SAT…for free. Find practice exams, questions and words of the day, and basic SAT information to prep you for test day. There is even a space for a “coach” like a parent, tutor, or teacher to sign in and track your progress. www. number2.com/exams/sat
it’s ok when they share team spirit, not their prescription
misuse of prescription drugs is a growing cause of death among teens today. and it happens when friends share their medication at school functions and social events. it also occurs when teens take medicine intended for other family members or use their own medication improperly. the confidential carolinas poison center help line is open 24/7 if you need help or want to know more.
sharing pills can kill.
sharingpillscankill.com www.wilmingtonparent.com
Wilmington Parent | April 2015 | 29
TRENDS FOR LESS. 4720 New Centre Drive • Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.792.1572 • platosclosetwilmington.com
SPLISH SPLASH CLOTHES AND CASH we pay cash for gently used kids’ stuff! 4719 New Centre Drive • Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.452.9976 • onceuponachildwilmington.com
4720 New Centre Drive • Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.794.6888 • clothesmentor.com