Veterans Day 2012

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2012 NOV 11 — today we celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the day originally proclaimed by president woodrow wilson as “armistice day”, honoring the end of World war i in 1918. unfortunately, the “war to end all wars” did not ultimately fulfil its noble destiny, and the steadfast service and heroic sacrifice of wilson county’s men and women have been required since. thus, today we have veterans day, a single day dedicated to the cause of world peace and To those men, women and families in service to it. we at the wilson times sincerely thank you for your submissions, but primarily, we thank you for your service. - Bradley Hearn, Special sections editor

Pg. 2-4, 6 Family Service pg. 5 Civil war Pg. 5 WW I Pg. 7-10 WW II PG. 11-12 Korea PG. 13-15 Vietnam Pg. 16-17 Miscellaneous PG. 18 Iraq/afghanistan

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