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BedDingField High School
FIKE High School
A message from Sean Bulson Dear Graduates:
The 2012 Beddingfield senior leaders pictured are, left to right: Andreal Artis, Quiona Ward, Chris Fess, Johnathan Barnes, Ashley Warren.
Gray Whitley | Times
Joshua Ruffin
Leadership Positions: SGA President School Activities: Band Brass Captain, JROTC Captain, LEAD Club Treasurer, FBLA Vice President, mentor Awards Received: Outstanding Musicianship Award, Stars of Wilson “Youth on the Move” Award, JROTC Dedication Award
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James HUnt JR. High School
C.B. Aycock Community Christian School Garnett Christian Academy Greene Central Greenfield School North Johnston Southern Nash Eastern NC School for the Deaf Wilson Christian Academy
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
that graduation is not an end, it is a beginning. As a superintendent of Regardless of the path you schools and a former high choose, continued learning school principal, graduation will be required. Whether you is a moving event for me, and are headed straight to a career, I can identify with the pride the military or a college or your parents and teachers are university, you must make the experiencing. Your class – The choice to grow personally and Class of 2012 – will always be professionally. From this point, my first group of graduates. learning is something you must I know each of you worked pursue and something you hard to reach this point and must own. Jobs in the civilian you realize the enormity of this workforce and in the military accomplishment. Graduating will require training. Seize from high school is a milestone those opportunities as the first and one of the greatest things step to your next position. you will achieve in your life. People will notice when you But it is important to remember work hard and go above mini-
The 2012 Fike senior leaders are, left to right: Cameron Avery, Brittany Carson, Olivia Parker, Gillian Dillard, Ashton Sorenson and Matty Reda.
Cameron Avery
Leadership Positions: Senior Class Preseident, SGA President School Activities: SGA, FCA, SADD, football, basketball, track Awards Received: Daughters of American Revolution (Good Citizen Award), Governor’s School nominee, Boy’s State nominee, Player of the Week (football) Continued on page 3
The 2012 Hunt senior leaders are, left to right: Jessica Padilla, Myranda Melton, Mary Gray Cunningham, Anna Baggett, Anna Gates Winslow, Maddison Lubbehusen, Kaitlin Saunders and Parker Lamm. Bradley Hearn | Times
Parker Lamm
Leadership Positions: Senior Class President School Activities: baseball, basketball, soccer Awards Received: All-Conference in baseball, basketball and soccer, All-Region in soccer, All-District in basketball College: Pitt Community College – playing baseball Parents: son of Jay and Missy Lamm
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mum expectations. Colleges and universities will require you to take and pass classes to earn a degree. You need to strive to squeeze as much from the learning opportunities as possible and not just view the classes as hurdles to be overcome. Education is always a worthwhile investment, and you need to treat it as such. Regardless of who is paying the bill; your employer, your parents, a grant or scholarship or you personally, there is somebody who believes your continued learning is important. The most important investment you
can make in your education is to commit your time, energy and spirit to doing the best you can and more. We all believe in you, because we know your education up to this point has prepared you to give back to society. Congratulations on earning your diplomas, and good luck in your upcoming endeavors. I am certain you will make us proud. Sean Bulson
Superintendent Wilson County Schools