GCSE Options Booklet 2022

Page 28

Subject Choices for GCSE CO R E S U B J E C T S

O P T I O N S / T WO

History The past unlocks the present. If you love to discover new things, make sense of

You will understand how and why humans

ideas and events, debate and understand how to make

behaved as they did - and may behave in similar

change in the world, then History is for you! We teach

circumstances again. This can be vital in relations

you to think, evaluate information, make up your own

with the most complex factor in any job - your colleagues!

mind and argue your views. As we navigate a period •

of unprecedented challenge and opportunity for our

You will learn the arts of oral debate and expressing

global community, these skills, and the understanding

a clear personal point of view - invaluable skills

of a diverse range of human experience that History

at job or university interviews as well as in everyday life.

also offers, could not be more vital. •

You will enjoy looking at the past! It’s fun! People in


the past were every bit as clever, stupid, interesting

When we ask our current and past GCSE historians

and varied in personality as people today. •

what they enjoy about History, they almost always say

You will see how studying the people of the past

the content. Our course takes you on a journey through

can give you real insight into people alive now. It

a thousand years and across the globe, and is brilliantly

will help you understand how and why humans

diverse. If you’re enjoying the Year 9 course, you will

behave as they do when confronted with the crises

love what’s to come! Here’s something to whet your

of today. Unless you become a lighthouse keeper

appetite and give you a sense of the amazing range of

or a hermit, you’ll need to understand other people

topics we study:

with all their complexities. Knowledge of people is

Germany after WW1

the greatest asset of all.

The Wall Street Crash

The Japanese invasion of Manchuria

strengths of the world today have their roots in the

The Italian invasion of Abyssinia

past: great or mistaken decisions; combinations of

Hitler’s takeover of Europe

developments; conspiracies or complete mess-ups

The division of Germany and the Berlin blockade

You will see how many of the problems and

all played their part! •

and Berlin Wall

Last but not least, you will enjoy looking at the past!

The Cuban Missile Crisis

It’s fun! People in the past were every bit as clever,

The Vietnam War

stupid, interesting and varied in personality as

Communist China

people today.

Migration to Britain, c1000 to c2010, including a

study of Spitalfields in London


The impact of Empire on Britain – expansion into


America and Asia, the role of slavery in Empire,

History is taught through many ways, for example:

economic and cultural impacts of Empire in Britain

and elsewhere

reading and critiquing the work of historians; sharing your own independent research into aspects of the course which most interest you,

Also, History develops a whole range of skills that

in writing, verbally, or in any format you want in

are invaluable in later life. Here are just some of the

our ‘unessays’;

advantages of studying History: •

You will use information effectively - this can


constructing a reasoned argument both in writing

help shed light on a particular problem or issue

and in debates; to grasp;

confronting an organisation or individual. You will

weigh up conflicting factors carefully before making

This all means that, by the end of the course, you won’t

critical decisions.

be repeating the ideas of others; instead you’ll be a true

You will be analytical and critical when considering

historian with convincing views of your own.

information presented to you. 28

using a range of multi-media resources.

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