GCSE Options Booklet 2022

Page 34

Subject Choices for GCSE CO R E S U B J E C T S

O P T I O N S / T WO

Religious Studies Knowledge of the beliefs, values and traditions of those in your community is key to building a society where everyone is understood and respected. RELIGIOUS STUDIES


‘GCSE Religious Studies was the course I most enjoyed

Anyone who has some curiosity about, interest in and

in Year 10 & Year 11.’

sensitivity to philosophy, religious ideas and ethical

‘The course was fun, relevant and always interesting.’

issues will enjoy the course. You may be uncertain

‘Religious Studies introduced me to many issues and

about what you believe and be open to new insights;

topics that I had never studied before and prepared me

you may have strong traditions in your family and

for my degree in Medicine.’

firm convictions of your own and wish to study

(Quotes from former students)

them in depth; perhaps you would rather develop an understanding of unfamiliar beliefs and cultures in order


to enhance your career prospects, become a better

Knowledge of the beliefs, values and traditions of

citizen or travel the world with greater enjoyment.

those in your community is key to building a society where everyone is understood and respected. With


this in mind, the Religious Studies department offers

Religious Studies will help you develop marketable

an exciting course that covers the main issues of

skills and aptitudes including:

Philosophy and Religion as well as Religion and Ethics.

analytical and strategic thinking;

The two units you will study cover the following

research skills;

fascinating topics and consider religious teachings,

critical judgement;

beliefs and attitudes about:

the ability to work with abstract, conceptual ideas;

Sex, marriage and divorce

Families and gender equality

an ability to ‘understand both sides’ and negotiate and resolve conflict;

Philosophical arguments for and against the

problem-solving skills;

existence of God

leadership skills;

Religion, violence, terrorism and war

Religion and belief in 21st century conflict

Religion, crime and the causes of crime

Religion and punishment

Human rights

understanding of the impact of conflicting ideologies;

an appreciation of human diversity, belief systems, cultural and spiritual experiences.


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