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Short breaks and weekend escapes including all the great things to do in the Hunter Valley in a single high quality publica on, digital guide and website. Hunter Valley accommoda on is to become a priority with a dedicated accommoda on guide called Stay & Play Hunter Valley Stay & Play Hunter Valley is an annual guide to Hunter Valley accommoda on hotels, guesthouses, bed and breakfasts, motels, co ages and cabins and includes the various ac vi es people can get involved in while they are here (day spas, horse-riding, tours, etc) Stay & Play Hunter Valley covers all bases with a mul -media package that includes the extensive distribu on of a hardcopy (printed) accommoda on guide, the crea on of a digital (online) version of the guide which can be accessed and read online anywhere in the world with direct links to adver sers websites and a Stay & Play website ( Stay & Play Hunter Valley assists adver sers to reach a highly targeted, audience made up of couples and groups looking to take a short break or holiday in the Hunter Valley and will play a significant role in boos ng occupancy rates within the accommoda on sector. With Stay & Play Hunter Valley, accommoda on providers are provided with a cost effec ve and powerful marke ng tool which includes a fully integrated print, digital and web marke ng package for 12 months - with no membership fees and commissions.
Stay & Play Hunter Valley's distribu on model includes 4 key distribu on channels.
print... Over 80,000 high gloss copies will be distributed via leading hotels, cafes and other key distribu on points in Sydney, Central Coast and Newcastle as well as surrounding suburbs and airports. The guide will also be available in the Hunter Valley via cellar doors, retailers, cafes and visitor informa on centres.
digital... Online users will be able to access the digital version of Stay & Play Hunter Valley anywhere in the world with direct links to adver sers websites. The digital version of Stay & Play Hunter Valley will be available at it’s own unique URL address - and also via some of the highest ranking websites in the Hunter.
web... The website gives readers easy access to the digital version of Stay & Play Hunter Valley via a unique interac ve linking system. The website will also include direct links to adver sers websites.
social media…
the Stay & Play Facebook page will be used to communicate with readers on a weekly basis with direct links to ar cles and adver ser links. This mul -media package gives adver sers a wonderful opportunity to market their Stay & Play Hunter Valley u lises new accommoda on effec vely, efficiently and at minimal cost.
digital publishing
''interac ve'' digital publishing technology to ensure that your adver sement works for you in both hard-copy format and on-line. The unique interac ve e-publica on enables the reader to easily and effec vely navigate throughout the e-publica on (Stay & Play Online) accessing the relevant informa on and then link directly to your website. This interac ve e-publica on will bring an addi onal 1.8 Million unique page views to the readership equa on for each issue (150,000 per month).
phone 4967 3600 for more informa on today. hurry! bookings closing soon!
Overseas travellers and typical visitors to the Hunter Valley residing in Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle and surrounds. Educated and professional males and females, aged 25–65, who are adventurous, enjoy travelling, have an interest in shopping, entertaining, food, wine and learning new things.
With an es mated 450,000* readers per issue, Stay & Play Hunter Valley is set to become the most popular accommoda on guide amongst visitors to the
why advertise?
Hunter Valley. It is also the accommoda on guide cellar door managers, restaurant owners, concierges, recep onists, retailers, local residents and other accommoda on providers will turn to when asked to refer accommoda on in the Hunter Valley. * Includes online and digital readership
Simply put—there’s absolutely nothing like it. Stay & Play Hunter Valley provides accommoda on providers with a choice and the highest quality, best value marke ng solu on—using highly effec ve state-of-the-art print, digital and web media technology. If your business can benefit from...
massive audience & reach
unique reader-friendly format Stay & Play in the
Stay & Play Hunter Valley has the largest print run, circula on and readership of any other accommoda on guide promo ng Hunter Valley accommoda on - reaching thousands of people where they work and live using a combina on of print, digital and web marke ng pla orms to reach more readers more o en.
the largest print run & circula
on Stay & Play
Hunter Valley distributes in excess of 80,000 copies per annum
ve electronic publishing Stay & Play Hunter Valley u lises new state-of-the-art ''interac ve'' digital publishing technology to ensure that your adver sement works for you in both hard-copy format and on-line and with links directly to your website and / or booking bu on. This interac ve e-publica on is also expected to deliver an addi onal 150,000 unique page views to the overall readership for each issue.
wcp media
Hunter recognises that visitors to Hunter Valley Wine Country have a range of different tastes and preferences when it comes to accommoda on, so accommoda on will be forma ed according to type to make the decision process easy for the reader to choose and make a booking.
highest quality Stay & Play Hunter Valley provides adver sers with the opportunity to promote their business in a high quality publica on that portrays their accommoda on in the best possible way.
online marke
ng Stay & Play Hunter Valley will be accessible via at and also via some of the highest ranking websites in the Hunter ranking on page one for all relevant search terms. ….then this is the solu on for you.
WCP Media is a Hunter Valley based marke ng and publishing company delivering great ideas and powerful results in the areas of tailored marke ng and customised publishing services. We help our clients stand out from the crowd and assist in making their business thrive. Our list of clients speaks volumes about the passion we invest in our work and the integrated solu ons we deliver to achieve the desired results for our clients. Our measure of success is our clients’ success and the growing demand for our services. Our Hunter Valley publica ons include The Hunter Blackboard, Wine & Dine Hunter Valley, the Blackboard FLASH! and Village Life.
phone 4967 3600 for more informa on today. hurry! bookings closing soon!
We’ll work with you to develop adver sing messages tailored to your goals, with no membership fees and discounts available on lis ng & display packages and annual bookings. Digital issues of Stay & Play Hunter Valley feature free hyperlinks directly from the page with unlimited impressions and click-through to the URL of your choice. Magazine adver sements appear in both the digital and print edi ons – twice the bang for your buck.
A5 format approx. 50 pages glossy magazine
OTHER SIZES/RATES: FULL PAGE 200mm tall by 138mm wide (no bleed) OR 210mm tall by 148mm wide (PLUS 3mm bleed on all sides) LISTING PRICE =$1250 DISPLAY PRICE = $1350
DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD 210mm tall by 296mm wide (PLUS 3mm bleed on all sides). Display only. DISPLAY PRICE = $2400
COVER LOADINGS: INSIDE COVERS 10% BACK COVER 20% * Prices are exclusive of GST and include artwork produc on
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A ques onnaire will be sent to you post-booking in order to gather the required informa on for your lis ng. All ques onnaires and images will need to be returned by email. Images will need to be High Resolu on JPEG format 300dpi.
LISTING & ADVERTISEMENT DESIGN Your artwork is designed FREE OF CHARGE however, if you would like to supply your own artwork (display adverts only) just follow the instruc ons
FILES ACCEPTED Print Ready PDF CMYK 300dpi (fonts embedded) or High Resolu on JPEG. HOW TO SUPPLY Email files to or Express Post CD/DVD to 12 Hanbury St Mayfield NSW 2304.
phone 4967 3600 for more informa on today. hurry! bookings closing soon!
Terms & Condi ons
1/8 PAGE
$1250 $1350
I will provide my own print-ready artwork (display adver I will require WCP to produce my artwork
sing only)
WCP Media (the Publisher) All orders based upon the indicated Rate Card will be subject to the condi ons specified therein, irrespec ve of any condi ons or statements to the contrary in any purchase order, order form, or other contract submi ed by any Adver ser, unless the Publisher specifically agrees otherwise in wri ng. Terms & Condi ons are subject to change without no ce. RATES Adver sing rates and discounts are based on the understanding that contracts will be completed within 14 days from the date of invoice. Contracts not completed within this period may lose any discounts nego ated and are subject to an account keeping surcharge - unless the Publisher specifically agrees otherwise in wri ng. CANCELLATION PROVISIONS The last day for cancella on of an adver sement is the booking deadline as specified in the produc on schedule and sent to adver sers by email. If an adver sement is cancelled a er the booking deadline (last day for cancella on) the Adver ser agrees to pay the full charges specified in the Rate Card. Upon cancella on prior to the cancella on date, for any reason, the Adver ser agrees to pay a handling charge to the publisher associated with the cancella on (for example artwork charges if artwork has already been produced prior to cancella on). These charges will be made at the Publishers normal hourly service rates. PAYMENT All adver sing bookings submi ed in accordance with the indicated Rate Card will be accepted by the Publisher subject to the agreement of the Adver ser to be liable for payment of all charges becoming due for the publishing of each adver sement. Invoices will be issued prior to publica on upon approval of artwork. Standard trading terms are strictly 14 days ne from the invoice date. Invoiced amounts not paid in full by the due date will a ract a 2% per annum credit fee charged daily. Invoices not paid by 30 days a er the due date will therea er incur a credit fee of 5% per annum charged on a daily basis. Should, during the period of the Agreement, the Adver ser’s business (a) cease to trade, OR (b) is sold, it is the sole responsibility of the Adver ser to either pay out the Agreement in total, or alterna vely, ensure the new proprietor accepts the full responsibility of the ongoing cost to the expiry of the Agreement period. MULTI-ISSUE BOOKINGS In some instances discounts are given to Adver sers for booking mul ple issues in advance of publica on. If the Adver sing contract is broken for any reason by the Adver ser prior to the last adver sement publishing all discounts previously given will be invoiced and will be payable by the Adver ser. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADVERTISING COPY All adver sing bookings submi ed to the Publisher are accepted only upon the express condi on that the Adver ser, upon lodging material with the Publisher for publica on, or authorising or approving of the publica on of any material, indemnify the Publisher, its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publica on and without limi ng the generality of the foregoing so indemnify each of them in rela on to defama on, slander or tle, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names or publica on tles, unfair compe on or trade prac ces, royal es or viola on of rights of privacy and warrant that the material complies with all relevant laws and regula ons and that its publica on will not give rise to any rights against liabili es to the Publisher, its servants or agents.
PLEASE FAX COMPLETED FORM TO WCP MEDIA AT 4006 3077 OR EMAIL TO phone 4967 3600 for more informa on today. hurry! bookings closing soon!
Where will Stay & Play be distributed? We expect the hard copy of Stay & Play to enjoy a readership of more than 250,000 readers with key distribu on outlets in Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle and surrounding areas, visitor informa on centres, wine clubs, airports as well as key pick-up points within wine country. Our intent is to put Stay & Play in the hands of the right people – those planning a short break or holiday in the Hunter Valley. A monthly distribu on program will be implemented to ensure that Stay & Play is always available to be picked up from all the major pick-up points. The online (web) and electronic (digital) versions are expected to add an addi onal 150,000 unique page views per month to the readership – from all over the world!
How o en will Stay & Play be published? Stay & Play will be published annually. We would hope to have it on the shelves in September this year, but we also want to make sure that everyone who wants to be included can be included... The guide will also be published in an electronic (digital) version which will be accessible to online readers anywhere in the world. Why are we launching Stay & Play? In previous years accommodators have been able to adver se in the local visitors guide - albeit bundled in with wineries and restaurants. But, the recent announcement that the visitors guide will no longer be produced in its current format (or numbers), has le many people concerned that their ability to effec vely promote their accommoda on business has been significantly impacted. WCP Media (who also publish Wine & Dine Hunter
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Valley and the Hunter Blackboard), are passionate about bringing visitors to the Hunter Valley and have launched Stay & Play to ensure that this con nues to happen. We also believe that a high quality guide - with a specific focus on accommoda on and which is far more effec vely distributed, will boost business for accommoda on providers in the Hunter Valley. How will Stay & Play be different from the Visitors Guide? Stay & Play will be vibrant, glossy and colourful (much like the Hunter Valley). It will be very affordable and non-prescrip ve for adver sers – meaning that you will not be limited to a “one-sizefits-all” approach….you can promote your accommoda on using a lis ng or a display format adver sement and we will endeavour to make sure that every piece of informa on you wish to include is included. How will adver sements in Stay & Play be sorted? Stay & Play will group accommoda on by accommoda on type as this is the major criteria for readers when selec ng their accommoda on. The highlight colour used in each lis ng will denote the area the accommoda on is located and map references will refer the reader back to the maps sec on for loca on. What is the difference between a display adver sement and lis ng? To help you choose the type and size of adver sement to suit your accommoda on we’ve a ached full size examples on the following pages.
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Page Listing ďƒ› Half (Horizontal)
ďƒ› Half Page Display (Horizontal)
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Quarter Page Listing (Vertical)
Quarter Page Display
Eighth Page Listings
Quarter Page Listing (Horizontal)
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ďƒ› Half Page Display (Vertical)
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Half Page Listing (Vertical)
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ďƒ› Full Page Listing
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ďƒ› Full Page Display
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