The Hunter Blackboard April 2014

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The No Th No.1 .1 1 magazi magazine ine for visi visitors itors to Hunter V Valley alley l W Wine ine C Country




JUST UP THE ROAD H istoric M orpeth h Historic Morpeth


Adventure ISSUE




Special thanks to Balloon Alo for commissioning this spectacular shot especially for our April cover.


11TH & 12TH APRIL 2014 | THE GUM BALL (10TH ANNIVERSARY) at Dashville, Lower Belford | Originally developed as a fes val for discerning music fans, The Gum Ball is now widely recognised throughout Australia for providing the best in simple pleasures, with a taste of country living in a laid back, hassle free environment. A weekend in secluded bushland full of awesome live music & art, onsite camping, BYO, delicious food, market stalls, kiddies mega playground, heaps of games and prizes, some big warm fires and a classic vibe similar to your mates backyard party. For more informa on and cket sales visit

12TH & 13TH APRIL 2014 | HUNTER VALLEY STEAMFEST at Maitland The first Steamfest was organised by a dedicated group of community volunteers whose vision was that Steamfest would become an annual fixture in the City’s calendar. Twenty Seven years later it can be safely said that their vision has been realised! This year will welcome visitors from far and wide to experience all things steam. Don't miss steam train rides, vintage diesel rides, market stalls, road steam, mini steam train rides, face painting, Powerhouse Museum displays, live entertainment and kids activities. For more information and tickets visit

12TH & 13TH APRIL 2014 | A LITTLE BIT OF ITALY IN BROKE throughout Broke Fordwich | Now in its 7th year, the fes val that started out as a private dinner catered by an Italian chef has grown into a major celebra on for the area. Star ng at the "Passport Office" in the main street of the village of Broke, visitors receive their passport and begin their journey. The price of entry is the $5 purchase of a souvenir tas ng glass, which is used at each venue for a free sample of the local wines. For more informa on visit



12TH—27TH APRIL 2014 |DESPICABLE ME2 SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTION at Hunter Valley Gardens | Get ready for a mad capped adventure with those crazy and loveable minions of Despicable ME2 this April school holidays! See Stuart and Jorge come to life during the brand new Despicable ME2 live show at Hunter Valley Gardens. Other featured ac vi es during this event are the treasure hunt, storybook jumping castle, dress up compe on and train ride on selected days throughout this fantas c event. For more informa on visit

18TH—21ST APRIL 2014 |EASTER LONG WEEKEND at Hunter Valley Gardens There is plenty for the whole family to enjoy at Hunter Valley Gardens on the Easter Long Weekend with loads of fun ac vi es including the largest annual Giant Easter Egg Hunt in the Hunter Valley. Every child receives a gi of Easter chocolate at the comple on of the hunt. Other ac vi es include decora ng gingerbread cookies, face pain ng and Hunter Valley Pe ng Zoo. The Easter Celebra on will run in conjunc on with the Despicable Me School Holiday Ac vi es from the 12th to the 27th of April . For more informa on visit

WCP MEDIA 12 Hanbury St, Mayfield NSW 2304 April 2014. Copyright © 2014 WCP Media. Published monthly by WCP Media. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint or quote excerpt granted by wri en request only. While every a empt has been made, WCP Media cannot guarantee the legality, completeness or accuracy of the informa on presented and accepts no warranty or responsibility for such.

SPECIAL OFFERS AVAILABLE from 1st April 2014 until the 30th April 2014 inclusive or while stocks last.

26TH & 27TH APRIL 2014 |MORPETH FIERY FOOD FESTIVAL at Morpeth Gourmet Foods | Fire up your taste buds and get ready for an endorphin rush as Morpeth bursts with the flavours of all things hot and spicy. Taste chilli salsas, sauces, mustards, nuts, cordial, fudge, biscuits and oils. Restaurants throughout Morpeth will also feature all things hot and spicy. Fancy a Devonshire tea with sweet chilli jam? Admission to Morpeth Gourmet Foods is free. For more informa on visit

SATURDAY 26TH APRIL 2014 |GROOVIN THE MOO at Maitland Showground Groovin’ the Moo is Australia’s only touring regional music fes val and it rocks into Maitland again this April. For Groovin’ enthusiasts, 2014 symbolises ten years of making the annual overland journey into regional communi es. The simple set up and the honest country hospitality of those original GTM’s is s ll the life-blood that flows through the fes val today - the double outdoor stages, the glow of the Moolin Rouge Big Top Tent and the variety of the flavoursome, fresh and local produce on offer. For more informa on visit


2 | APRIL 2014

GET MOBILE! View this month’s issue of The Hunter Blackboard on your iPhone, iPad, android tablet or android phone. Simply download the QR Code and get mobile!

from the

EDITORS Don’t we all love a good adventure movie? For many that’s as far as the adventure goes—and that was certainly true for one “chicken” editor who spent years enjoying the spectacle of hot air ballooning—from the ground.

The opportunity of taking a flight during the annual Balloon Fiesta was just the impetus required to get my feet off the ground and into a basket for what turned out to be one of the most relaxing yet exhilara ng experiences of my life—and one to ck off the bucket list! If, like me, you are pu ng off this uniquely Hunter Valley adventure our ar cle on page 8 may just give you the nudge I needed—you certainly won’t regret it. Another uniquely Hunter Valley experience is the Tocal Field Day. We stumbled across this event some years ago and had such a good me that we’ve made it one of our annual family ou ngs. You’ll never know what you’ll find there. Piglet racing is my personal favourite— but we’ve also come home with a tractor before (and yes—that’s a whole other story!)

A visit to historic Morpeth is an adventure of a different kind...a shopping adventure! From one-off dresses to miniature collectables and everything in between, you would be hard pressed to come away from a visit with empty hands. If you need an excuse to visit then Chapel Jazz is coming up in May—spend the day in enjoying the Jazz, picking up a unique memento or enjoying a Devonshire tea at one of the quaint cafes.

It would be remiss of me not to men on the Lovedale Long Lunch—which is always the 3rd weekend in May and is almost as famous as the Hunter Valley itself. Spend the day in Lovedale and visit each of the 7 venues (it is possible—we’ve done it before!) for a bite to eat, a twirl around the dance floor and of course some of the beau ful wines that Lovedale is famous for. Almost as entertaining as the day itself are some of the dress-ups. Wonder if we’ll be seeing the “Where’s Wally” gang this year? Enjoy!

HIGHLIGHTS COVER STORY | BALLOONING 101 Are you pu ng off the adventure of a life me? Find out why you should wait no longer….

JUST DO IT! | A holiday in Wine Country can involve lots of relaxa on, wine tas ng and excep onal dining. For many visitors though it’s also a chance to get out and find some adventure….

TOCAL FIELD DAYS | Tocal Field Days have become a Hunter Valley ins tu on and this years event has plenty of fun in store for all….

8 10 14

AWESOME AUTUMN WINES| A fantas c selec on of our favourite Autumn wines (ok—you can enjoy them any me but they are even be er in Autumn!)….




addi on to each and every issue. Use it to find your way around Wine Country...

HISTORIC MORPETH| Renowned for being a popular tourist des na on, this historic town is also a shoppers treasure trove...

34 APRIL 2014 | 3



Currently showing is ReflecƟons on the Hunter, an explora on of the region by ar sts Brian Roberts and Shirley Cameron-Roberts. Brian's luscious oils portray the big picture, with drama c pain ngs of sea and land as well as a glimpse of the people and creatures that live there. Shirley's works concentrate on her immediate surroundings, portray natural forms and the small creatures that inhabit them. From April 17th the gallery welcomes “Misanthropology” - an exhibi on by Adam Rish. The art of Adam Rish spans cultures, techniques and mediums to produce a unique cross cultural collabora on - a 'world art' like 'world music.’ With his pain ngs, ba ks, weavings, ceramics, prints and wooden sculptures, tradi onal techniques are melded with current technologies to produce enchan ng works where the mythical shares the space with the contemporary and domes c. Adam Rish has worked on many collabora ve projects with local ar sts in the Kimberley, Indonesia, the Pacific Islands and in Turkey, together transforming tradi onal mo fs and tradi ons into new, engaging and o en humorous works of art. Adam has won many na onal and interna onal art awards and his work is represented in the Australian Na onal Gallery, the Art Gallery of NSW, the Queensland Art Gallery and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. “Hieroglyph”


4 | APRIL 2014

SOME DESPICABLE FUN and a Giant Egg Hunt Easter is a special me on the Hunter Valley Gardens calendar of events and this year will be no different. Visit Hunter Valley Gardens over the Easter Long weekend from April 18th to April 21st and enjoy a fantas c program of ac vi es and enter-

tainment. During Easter Saturday & Sunday mornings, join the Easter Bunny to search for lots of coloured eggs in the Giant Easter Egg Hunt. Every child will receive a gi of Easter chocolate at the comple on of the hunt. The April school holiday program will run from April 12th un l April 27th and will con nue throughout Easter in addi on to all of the fabulous Easter ac vi es. The April School Holidays sees the arrival of the minions in the Hunter Valley! Get ready for a mad capped adventure with those crazy and loveable minions of DESPICABLE ME2 Stuart and Jorge. This exci ng live show is a must see for all families with ac vi es each day including face pain ng, dress up compe on, jumping castle and meet the characters from the show. Ac vi es include:

• • •




Live performances at 11.00am and 1.00pm Meet and Greet the characters at 12.00pm Dress up compe

on (daily prizes)

For more informa on about Easter and School Holiday fun at Hunter Valley Gardens or to book online visit

APRIL 2014 | 5



Now in its 10th year, The Gum Ball has grown in popularity and presence to the point where it is now a sell-out success year a er year. Originally developed as an annual fes val for discerning music lovers, this down to earth annual fes val has a great and infec ous vibe from the moment you arrive and provides a taste of country living in a laid back, hassle free environment. With the freedom to bring your own drinks, The Gum Ball is one of the most chilled out small fes vals around where you can truly enjoy music the way nature intended. Held each year at ''Dashville'' – a bushland estate located at Belford in the Hunter Valley, The Gum Ball has an enviable reputa on for selec ng some of Australia’s greatest established and emerging acts, as well as those with an interna onal flavour - crea ng a diverse musical programme for the ul mate live music experience. With an already impressive line-up The Gum Ball 2014 is pped to be a big one and a true celebra on of the best of the last 10 years with ar sts that include Hoodoo Gurus, Jinja Safari, Wolf & Cub, Adrian Edmondson and The Bad Shepherds (UK), Nicky Bomba All Stars, The Gin Club, Swamp Thing (NZ), Lindi Ortega (CAN), the psychedelic party me band King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard and a return performance from Mia Dyson as part of the ethereal three piece Dyson, Stringer and Cloher. Irish powerhouse Damien Dempsey will round out the interna onal flavour, alongside The Hello Morning from Melbourne and local acts The Soorleys, Tropical Zombie, The Dennis Boys Band and Gum Ball supergroup Dashville Progress Society. Whether it is winter or summer, there is no be er way to see the countryside or relax than on the back of a horse. Horseback riding in the Hunter Valley offers choices for everyone. Some enjoy the majes c mountain views whilst others love the personalised rides or sunset rides while riding the unique and beau ful Molly Morgan mountain range and experiencing the spectacular views of the Hunter Valley. Young or old, in a group or enjoying a short break on your own, adventurous or more cau ous, horseback riding at Hunter Valley Horse Riding and Adventures will offer you something to suit your needs.


6 | APRIL 2014

Due to overwhelming ar st demand to perform, The Gum Ball has now also announced an extension to the weekend musical program with a special series of performances set for Sunday morning 13th April. The Sunday Songwriters Showcase will feature some of the country's finest singer songwriters performing on an in mate lawn stage, set up to entertain punters and will include Steve Smyth (Sydney), Melody Pool (Kurri), David Garnham & The Reasons To Live (Darwin) and The Septembers (Newcastle) This family friendly, music and arts fes val takes place April 11th, 12th and 13th 2014, on a secluded bushland venue ‘Dashville’, at Belford in the Hunter Valley. It is BYO and offers camping and accommoda on.

APRIL 2014 | 7



After spending many years watching hot air balloons float by (with both feet firmly planted on the ground) I can no longer remember why I waited so long to experience this adventure first hand!

What are you waiting for? They say it's one of the most common air travel nightmares - a fear of flying. While happy to step in a plane, I spent years avoiding going up in a hot air balloon. In my case all logic and common sense had well and truly flown out the window as I love seeing them effortlessly floa ng past in the early morning breeze and I would o en find myself envying the passengers as they took in the beau ful views over the valley.

ground un l we were soaring effortlessly over fields and trees. I soon learned that since hot air balloons don't have a steering mechanism, you literally go where the wind takes you and you don't feel like you're up that high, because the panoramic vista alters your perspec ve.

The views from above are in a word ''breathtaking''. Seen from the ground, the scenery in wine country is among the most beau ful in the world. From the sky, the countryside is even more unforge able with exquisite views of Hunter Valley Gardens, the surrounding What it really came down to was a real fear of the unknown. It was championship golf courses, farms, bou que guesthouses, bird filled about uncertainty and not knowing all the facts. What would it feel like dams, rugged mountains and an unparalleled panorama of hundreds of to not be in control? What would the landing or take-off feel like vineyards stretching in every direc on like a patchwork quilt. One can bumpy or smooth? Would there be turbulence and how would it feel to only imagine what different beauty each of the four seasons would be in an enclosed basket? In my anxious mind, too many things could go present with a new and varied landscape that could only be more wrong. deeply appreciated from the gently floa ng basket of a balloon. But I always knew that one day I would have to conquer that fear or From a once nervous passenger, I simply did not want this miss out altogether. overwhelmingly wonderful experience to end. The balloon slowly descended and the landing was as effortless and as gentle as the launch. That day arrived sooner than expected... In October 2013, when my partner and I were invited to take part in the Balloon Fiesta as guests of Once back on terra firma - we helped to pack up the balloon, gave Balloon Alo . ourselves a round of high fives and relaxed over a champagne breakfast at Peterson House. The adventure started at the crack of dawn with a welcome coffee at Peterson house before being taken to our place of launch at Leogate And yes - I would do it again - and again and I look forward to the day Estate. We could not have chosen a more perfect day and it was an when my children are old enough to experience it with me. impressive sight as we drove up to the gates of Leogate Estate with approximately 40 balloons of all colours and in varied stages of Be sure to put this on the bucket list and go ballooning!! Breathtaking prepara on spread over the expansive front lawns. and exhilara ng - this an adventure that is guaranteed to create a life me memory. Once the balloons were almost completely inflated and the baskets set in an upright posi on, all passengers climbed aboard ready for take-off. Balloon Alo also offers sunrise balloon adventures with gourmet The sense of excitement and an cipa on was evident in everyone as champagne breakfasts, proposal packages and exclusive VIP flights for one-by-one each of the balloons started to gently rise into the air. So two which would be just perfect for that special occasion. gentle and gradual was the take-off that no-one realised we had le the

APRIL 2014 | 9


JUST DO IT! Adventures in

Wine Country

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” Eleanor Roosevelt. If life was a ‘’blank canvas’’ – then surely we owe it to ourselves to throw as much paint on it as we can? The same can be said about making the most of a short break spent in the Hunter Valley, but with so many things to do and many different op ons to choose from, how do you decide the best use of your me?

By Bicycle: Exploring wine country on a bike is a great way to get an upclose look at the beauty of the countryside while s ll visi ng vineyards for tas ngs. You can rent a bike and do a self-guided tour at your own pace using wine and food trail maps available in Wine & Dine in the Hunter. Don't worry if you're not in p-top shape simply hire a tandem and share the load!! If you like things a bit slower-paced, you can ditch the wheels and hike around the wine and food trails instead.

Life is more exci ng with adventure and choosing the right wine country adventure whether it be a wine tour, horse-riding adventure, helicopter flight or balloon ride can give you a life- me of memories and a unique experience that few get to enjoy as well as an insight into the area that you would not gain exploring the area on your own.

On Horseback: It may have started as a novelty, but the idea of taking a leisurely ramble in wine country on horseback has a roman c appeal that's catching on. Wine Country horseback rides offer many different ways for travelers to take in the area. Ride the unique and beau ful Molly Morgan Range and experience the spectacular views of the Hunter Valley and as far north as Barrington Tops.

Ge ng back to basics is another way to par cipate in an authen c vineyard and winery tour experience you'll never forget. Instead of taking in the surrounding landscape in your car, get in mate with your surroundings and explore wine country like the vintners of old - on the back of a horse.

Horse rides are available every day for both experienced or beginner riders and riders can choose whether they want to go on a trail ride with a dedicated and qualified guide, arrange a personalised ride for that special occasion, or take a sunset ride which is perfect for seeing the local wildlife in their environment.

Wine Tours: Wine Tours can be anywhere from a few hours to a full day or two and each tour offers a unique way to see the area. Wine tours are educa onal experiences. Besides tas ng wine, you can o en visit the produc on area of the winery, tour the vineyards and walk the rows of the season's harvests. Depending on the me of year, you may even be invited to pluck a few grapes and sample them straight from the vine. Book with Cheers Wine Tours phone: 0408 987 057

An a ernoon spent on a noble steed that ends tas ng last year's golden vintage or a relaxed dinner at a local restaurant could well be a delicious memory in the making. To ride with Hunter Valley Horse Riding & Adventures Phone: 4930 7111

Wine Tas ng: The Hunter Valley is not only the oldest wine growing region in Australia, but it is also renown for having some of the best winemakers producing some of the finest wines in the world. So put your taste buds to the test with wine tas ngs at any of the 140 + cellar doors in the Hunter Valley and taste the difference. Try the dis nc ve and superb wine styles of Hunter Valley Semillon and Shiraz that simply cannot be replicated in any other wine region as well as the many other varietals grown in the Hunter.

By Balloon: Balloon flights are a whimsical way to take in wine country's breathtaking and panoramic views. Since hot air balloons don't have a steering mechanism, you literally go where the wind takes you. Most balloon tour groups encourage riders to help with infla ng and defla ng the balloon, and end the journey with a champagne toast and a champagne breakfast. Soar with Balloon AloŌ Phone: 1300 723 279 Alterna vely go on safari with Hunter Valley Safaris - they can arrange an array of packages to suit your needs from wine tours, horse-riding, ballooning, helicopter rides, golf packages, wine tas ngs, beer tas ngs followed by a lunch or dinner. Safari with Hunter Valley Safaris Phone: 4998 7550

If you would like to explore beyond the cellar door and increase your wine No ma er how you plan your wine adventure, just don't forget to pack knowledge then visit First Creek Wines and taste some fabulous wines your camera, so you can capture the magic! under the tutelage of a wine expert with one of their daily ‘’First Creek Tour & Tas ng Packages’’. Contact First Creek Wines on 4998 2992.


10 | APRIL 2014


A rac ng more than 20,000 people each year, the Lovedale Long Lunch is a progressive-type lunch involving seven bou que wineries and a selec on of the regions finest restaurants and live entertainment. Long Lunch-goers then get to wine and dine their way around the par cipa ng wineries over the weekend enjoying a glass of wine, gourmet food and fabulous music and art which add to the total indulgence of the senses. So, mark the weekend of May 17th and 18th in your diary for the finest food, wine and entertainment experience the Hunter has to oer.

APRIL 2014 | 11


On the 5th of April Hunter DisƟllery will release its first honey vodka’s when both light and dark honey vodka is released at the cellar door...

History of Honey Vodka The recipes for honey vodka are centuries old and come from a man who was known in Poland as the “honey doctor”. The honey doctor had a reputa on for curing various illnesses by using specially cra ed types of honey. This was achieved by placing the bee hives in different loca ons to obtain the benefit from the differing flora such as orchards of various fruit trees, forest trees and thistles. This allowed the bees to produce a vast array of medicinal healing honeys. The honey vodka was originally made in wood fired pot s lls with the recipe being strictly controlled and handed down through various genera ons of the honey doctor’s family. During the Second World War the s lls were confiscated but later returned as it was not possible to reproduce the unique quali es of the honey vodka.


12 | APRIL 2014

Launch a sweet treat Hunter Dis llery Honey Vodka Hunter Dis llery has used these century old recipes to develop a modern adap on of this tradi onal Polish drink, made at the tradi onal 35% from fine organic vodka, and natural dark honey. The dis llery has made light and dark honey vodka . The benefits of organic dark honey and organic vodka combine superbly into a well-balanced drink. The tas ng notes state the vodkas exhibit a rounded mouth filling honey taste and an almost cloying, pronounced sweetness balanced against the spirit. Hunter Dis llery’s honey vodka’s are a deep honey yellow to burnished orange colour with a slightly viscous, natural honey haze throughout. Honey vodka can be enjoyed straight over ice or slightly warmed. It also makes a great mixer.

APRIL 2014 | 13


A Hunter Institution From Friday 2nd May to Sunday 4th May, the Tocal Agricultural Centre will come alive for the Tocal Field Days annual event. This three day event plays host to range of ac vi es aimed at farmers, farming enthusiasts, and people looking for a great day out in a beau ful country se ng. Features for 2014 include poultry and fire with a focus on keeping backyard chooks, learning the key components to safe back burning on your property and fire safety around the home. There is even have a billy boiling compe on! As with every other year, exhibitors bring a vast array of products and services from the latest in farming techniques and technology from solar energy to fencing construc on through to cra and good food and wine products. If shopping is not high on your list there are plenty of talks and demonstra ons from fencing to learning the latest techniques in the safe handling of ca le. There is live country entertainment, free cra ac vi es for the kids and cooking demonstra ons and compe ons. Learn how to prepare livestock for sale and how to sell them through a "fair dinkum" auc on. Alterna vely, watch a celebrity chef prepare a signature dish while he shares some secrets, sip an organic wine, sample seafood, enjoy the funky fashion show and learn about permaculture, chainsaws, quad bikes and ca le breeds. Recognised for being the Hunter's premium agricultural event, Tocal Field Days a racts around 30,000 visitors and 400 exhibitors. Highly regarded for its educa onal aspect, Tocal combines a genuine rural experience with commerce, entertainment, fashion, regional food and wine, and cra . All served with typical Tocal country hospitality. Tocal College, opened in 1965, was placed on the State Heritage Register in 2013 in recogni on of its architectural values and its role in Hunter agriculture.


14 | APRIL 2014

APRIL 2014 | 15


I know this great Stuck for a gi or a wedding present or simply looking for a great memento of your trip to the Hunter Valley? For that unique gi or wedding present with a difference make sure you visit the Wine Glass Gallery at the Hunter Valley Gardens Shopping Village.

little place

As you walk through this extraordinary shop, you cannot help but be amazed by the wide choice of over 3,000 gi s in one venue –just perfect when looking for a gi for that special someone or a gi to celebrate a wedding, birthday or anniversary and all in one deligh ul place.


16 | APRIL 2014

Here you will find a selec on of unique jewellery, colourful hand blown wine glasses, hand painted souvenir wine & shot glasses, decorator pieces for your home, a fabulous selec on of scarves and handbags, quirky coasters & tea towels and special handmade cards for all occasions. The Wine Glass Gallery has also been chosen by popular local ar st Cheryl Cusick to stock her exclusive tryptage of 'Wine Glasses' on canvas - perfect for your dining or living rooms. You will be amazed at how one store can offer such a diverse and extensive range. Visit today!




Adina Vineyard in Lovedale has a wide range of award winning wines from some of Australia’s oldest vines and vineyards.

A highly rewarding experience. You will love this Merlot from Tin lla Estate with its fruit forward flavours and so tannins. It is beguilingly complex and age worthy. The unique style is determined by the vineyard’s clay soil and warm climate, modified with the judicious use of French oak.

Fruit for this wine was harvested in the last week of February and sourced from the 2.25 Ha Merlot vineyard at Wynwood Estate.

The Adina philosophy is simple: “to produce great wines that our customers enjoy drinking and sharing with friends.” The 2012 Cabernet Franc is an excellent example of the style. Made from grapes grown on the estate, it is rich in flavours of raspberry and cherries, complimented by a hint of liquorice and a touch of spice. This is a medium bodied wine with lovely fruit flavours balanced with savoury overtones. Food Match: Superb with lamb dishes and chilli based meat dishes.

The wine opens with dark cherries and hints of violet and plums. It has a rounded mouth feel and good length and a lingering finish. Food match: Perfect to enjoy with game, salmon, mushrooms and salads with chard and radicchio. Cellaring: It should age well for the next ten years.

Fermenta on occurred in a tradi onal open fermenter, during which me the ferment was rou nely ‘pumped – over’ to enhance flavour and tannin extrac on. The wine then received 9 months matura on in French oak barriques, 30% of which were new. This has resulted in a wine with li ed berry fruit and integrated oak characters. These flavours persist on the palate and are supported by fruit sweetness and fine tannins giving the palate length and persistence. Food match: Enjoy with pork or lamb dishes. Cellaring: With careful cellaring this wine will con nue to develop over the next 5 years.

Cellaring: Up to 5 years cellaring




Renown for producing superb award-winning wines, this wine from Gartelmann Wines in Lovedale is a dark dense ruby and brick red in colour with a nose displaying dark forest fruits and an oak background.

DenMar Estate is a very picturesque 25 acre property on Hermitage Rd - Pokolbin. This superb Pinot Noir was night harvested and whole bunch cold soaked to op mise colour and flavour to temperature controlled fermenta on, before being transferred to French oak barrels where it was aged for one year. A bronze medal winner at Hunter Bou que Wine Makers Show in 2011, this Pinot Noir has a refined Hunter style with an elegant deep colour and dark cherry Pinot fruit nose. The fine structure and balance of fruit and oak ensures long cellaring. Food match: Dishes that best demonstrate the delicacy and texture of this wine are grilled fish such as salmon or swordfish, roast pork, roast chicken- especially game bird and duck. Cellaring: Drink now to 2018

Ernest Hill Wines is a family run bou que winery in Pokolbin providing a limited range of excep onal and award winning wines.

The palate is of rich ripe dark fruit with dusty tannins interlaced with vanillin oak. Time in very good oak has delivered a complex wine with length, and very definite Cabernet characters. Food match: Smoked or BBQ lamb cutlets. Game foods (Venison, Kangaroo & Pheasant). Aged or char grilled beef fillet. Aged Cheddar. Cellaring: Drink now or cellar to 2021.

This wonderful Spanish varietal, which is used to make the famous wines of the Rioja region in Northern Spain, ripens early in the Hunter and results in a medium bodied wine with excellent cellaring poten al. The Tempranillo provides the rich raspberry flavours which blend superbly with the spicy, liquorice characters of the Grenache crea ng a medium bodied, so er style of wine. Matura on in French oak barrels has added some wonderful, subtle toasty characters. Food Match: Best matched with lamb cutlets with s cky balsamic figs. Cellaring: Enjoy now or cellar up to 6 years.


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HV Chocolate Co. Boutique Factory and showroom


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Sabor in the Hunter



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Handmade in the Hunter Markets at Kevin Sobels Wines

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Ridgeview Restaurant

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First Creek Ridgeview Wines

HV Steakhouse

Hunter Valley Wine School Hunter Wine Theatre

The Garden Cellars


Zen Hair Skin Body

Tintilla Estate

t o e La ne



A Little bit of Italy in Broke








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HV Chocolate Co.


Mis tl e

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The Cellar Restaurant Ek e


Denmar Estate





Wine Glass Gallery

Hermitage Road Cellars

Hunter Distillery

Two Fat Blokes Gourmet Kitchen Oakvale Wines

Ro ad

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Visitor Information HV Wine Society

Potters Hotel Brewery Resort The Brickworks Brasserie

Roberts Circa 1876


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Mo un t

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Pokolbin Estate Vineyard HV Olive Centre



Twine Restaurant Wynwood Estate



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Tuk Tuk Burger Co. Australian Regional Food Store HV Cheese Factory


Tempus Two Complex

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O en referred to as ''Australia’s unique gi to the wine world'', Hunter Valley Semillon is a unique white wine which keeps ge ng be er with age and is considered to be the highest quality and best example of dry white Sémillon wine produced anywhere in the world. Apart from being one of the most mispronounced wines, Sémillon is also one of the world's leading varie es of grapes and while the exact origin of the Sémillon grape is difficult to establish, it's home is considered to be the South West of France - more specifically Bordeaux, where it is the most widely planted white grape in the region. At one stage Sémillon was considered to be the most planted grape in the world. In the 1820's the grape covered over 90 percent of South Africa's vineyards, where it was known as Wyndruif, meaning "wine grape" and in the 1950s, Chile's vineyards were made up of over 75% Sémillon. The Sémillon grape is then considered to have made its way to Australia in the early to mid 1800's where it is now widely grown in vineyards throughout the country, especially in the Hunter Valley where it was originally known as "Hunter River Riesling." From these early days, the variety has formed a unique associa on with the Hunter Valley and its "terroir" with the region producing a style that has not been replicated anywhere else in the world. Australia's best Sémillon is the dry style from the Hunter Valley, where the fruit is picked early, with low sugar levels and fermented dry without the use of oak and then bo led. Classic Hunter Sémillon is restrained, with piercing acidity and lemon flavours. These wines are renown for their ability to age well, evolving through an array flavours, slowly developing into richer and more honeyed characters. The Classic un-oaked examples of this variety can be enjoyed for up to 20 years. When it comes to food, this wine is well matched with grilled fish, smoked salmon, creamy pastas, lemon based sauces, shellfish or oysters and most other seafood as well as semi hard cheese You will never be sorry if you have a couple of bo les of both young and aged Sémillon handy for a seafood luncheon.

PICK OF THE CROP POKOLBIN ESTATE | PHIL SWANNELL SEMILLON 2011 Named in honour of estate vi culturist Phil Swannell and nominated in the top 5 Semillon wines at the Winestate magazine Wine of the Year awards, this Semillon from Pokolbin Estate is everything a Hunter Valley Semillon should be. With an impressive light, bright quartz colour, this is an expressive wine with lime and lemon sherbet flavours with hints of passionfruit on the nose and a slatey acidity that lengthens the finish. This wine will develop very well over the years to come. Cellar door price: $25.00


20 | APRIL 2014

What is meant by “le ng a wine breathe”? Let it breathe! “Breathing” begins the moment a cork is pulled or a twist off is uncapped. The concept of le ng wine breathe, or aerate, is simply maximising your wine's exposure to the surrounding air. By allowing wine to mix and mingle with air, the wine will typically warm up and the wine's aromas will open up, the flavour profile will so en and mellow out a bit and the overall flavour characteris cs should improve. (Want to know more? See page 30)

APRIL 2014 | 21



April is typically the comple on of harvest. All the wines are now in the tanks or barrels. The winery crush equipment is thoroughly cleaned and put to rest un l next year. In the vineyard, the grower may perform some post-harvest irriga on and fer lisa on of the vines before they go dormant. Here are some of the latest happenings on the local Wine & Beer Scene.

Hunter Valley Winemakers claim 2014 Vintage to be the best in over 100 years. A combina on of the dry 2013 winter followed by heavy rains in November and lots of sunshine in December and January brought on an earlier than normal harvest but with fruit at op mal fruit ripeness and concentra on of flavours.

A Li le Bit of Italy in Broke - 12 & 13 April: Make a trip to BrokeFordwich Wine Region for fun and gusto at this two day event that gives visitors to the li le known and tranquil des na on the opportunity to enjoy a great Italian fiesta and experience mouthwatering gourmet delights.

Aussie Wine Month – the country’s biggest celebra on of Australian wine will run from 1 to 31 May this year with events in every state.

Australia named theme country for Vancouver Interna onal Wine Fes val in 2015: Australian wine will be centre stage at next year’s Vancouver Interna onal Wine Fes val (VIWF), with the fes val organisers this week announcing Australia as the theme country for 2015, and Australian wineries are invited to get on board.

Macquariedale Annual Blues & Burgers Lunch is to be held on Saturday 24th of May this year. This annual event is arranged by Macquariedale Organic Wines to celebrate the grape, olive and garlic harvest they received for that season.

McLeish Estate winery con nues to assert its posi on as one of the most highly acclaimed bou que producers with the Sydney Interna onal Wine Compe on announcing the 2014 Trophy winners at their presenta on banquet held in the Shangri La Hotel Sydney on Saturday 8th of March. The McLeish Estate 2007 Semillon has retained the coveted Ernie Hunter Memorial Trophy for Best Lighter Bodied Dry White Table Wine, previously won by the same wine in 2013. This recent success comes a er the 2014 Sydney Royal Wine Show presenta on on the 13th of February which awarded the 2007 Semillon with a massive four Trophies.

Winemaker and founder of Lisa McGuigan Wines named in the Businesswomen’s Network (ABN) 2014 Hall of Fame.

For a comprehensive list of local wineries, top drops and food and wine trail maps for each of the 5 key wine growing areas - see the latest issue of Wine & Dine Hunter Valley.


22 | APRIL 2014

BLAZING A TRAIL WITH SNAILS! A er 25 years spent working in and managing various small businesses, ranging from the wine industry, recruitment, beauty, training to commercial installa on, Ma and Sharon Friere decided to make the bold move from Sydney to the Hunter Valley in 2011.

Ma 's significant experience in the wine industry soon led to him managing a local wine company in Pokolbin named Li les Wines, and it was only a er hearing that a local snail farm business in the Congewai Valley was up for sale that they decided to go into business for themselves. “When we bought the business we new that we could take it to the next step. Having travelled extensively across France, Spain and Italy we have experienced the ‘snail’ culture that the Europeans enjoy on a regular basis. We are in the midst of developing new snail products that will fit the gourmet market here in Australia,” said Ma of their decision to buy the business.

“We are in the enviable posi on that we sell everything our growers provide to us - supplying top chefs like Ma Moran at his Chiswick restaurant in Woollahra and the Royal Mail Hotel in rural Dunkeld, Victoria.” Snails are prepared under the strictest guidelines - ensuring compliance with NSW Food Laws and Regula ons. Snails are harvested once they reach 3cm in size and these plump, juicy cream - coloured delicacies are then purged for 7 days before being vacuum packed and frozen. The popularity of snails stems from the fact that are a delicacy and considered a rich source of nutrients like calcium, magnesium and Vitamin C.

''When it comes to ea ng'' said Ma ''they are especially delicious when prepared with bu er, parsley and garlic and just superb when served with a glass of 2011 Li les Marsanne or even Chardonnay.''

If you are interested in joining their network of growers, they would love to hear from you on 4991 1249 or check out their new website ''The demand for snails is growing from all over Australia and fortunately we for further informa on. have a growing network of suppliers to meet this demand, however extending our supplier base is important to meet this increasing demand thb APRIL 2014 | 23 and for future expansion'', explained Sharon.


With April and Autumn comes cooler days and nights - ideal for late morning breakfasts or brunch and dining outside under the stars at one of the many local restaurants and cafes do ed around the Hunter Valley. Here are some of the latest happenings on the local Food Scene. COMING SOON!! TUK TUK Jaffle Bar: On the back of their success with TUK TUK Hunter Valley Burger Company, Peter Wes ield and Mark Clews will soon be opening TUK TUK Jaffle Bar – serving jaffles, waffles, baffles (burger in a jaffle) and hot dogs. Twine Restaurant – Industry Long Lunches. Everyone is welcome. Each month during 2014, Twine Restaurant is partnering with six different local Hunter Valley wineries to deliver a six course degusta on on Mondays for lunch. $60 per person. Next Industry Long Lunch is to be held on Monday 14th April. Ph: 4998 7449 A li le bit of Italy in Broke – 12th and 13th April: The fes val that started out as a private dinner catered by an Italian chef has now grown into a celebra on of all that is wine, food music, family and community coloured by the enthusiasm associated with the way we expect Italians to enjoy these things. Farm Gate at Roberts Circa 1876 - Execu ve Chef George Francisco invites you to wander through their Market Garden - picking fruit, vegetables and edible flowers with your own hands. Open weekends 12.00am to 2.00pm. Also selling jams, honey, muesli and other handmade products. Halls Rd Pokolbin - Ph: 4998 4998 The Deck Cafe at Gartelmann Wines is now open 7 days a week from 8.30am to 3.30am. Spanish Paella Classes: Learn how to cook authen c Spanish Paella, Super tasty Churros and of course Sangria at the Calais Estate Barrel Room with Ma Dillow - owner and chef of The Verandah Restaurant. Cost $90 per person. Dates for 2014 are: 1st June; 8th June; 15th June; 22nd June; 29th June; 21st September. Ph: 4998 7231 Fireside Sundays at Twine Restaurant: Put a li le spark in your Sunday with Fireside Sundays at Twine Restaurant and celebrate ''Greek Cuisine'' throughout April. Sunday night fireside dining is about cooking over an open fire to create a unique casual dining experience. It starts with a house made mezze plate followed by the fireside dinner and a tantalizing dessert. Every Sunday at Twine Restaurant from 5:30pm last bookings 7:30pm. Cost: $49 pp (kids under 12 eat free). Ph: 4998 7449 Locals Night at The Verandah Restaurant is on Sunday the 6th April with the theme ‘’Mediterranean Night’’. The evening starts at 6:30pm with complimentary canapes and bubbles, followed by a 5 coarse Tapas Style degusta on. $50 per person BYO (no corkage). Ph: 4998 7231 Emerson's Cafe & Restaurant - now at Adina Vineyard in Lovedale is introducing a new and exci ng way to dine with his ''Chef's Table Dinner'' - an exclusive opportunity to dine right in the middle of all the ac on in Emerson's kitchen. To enquire about the Chef's Table phone 4930 7029. For a comprehensive list of local restaurants, dining reviews and food and wine trail maps for each of the 5 key wine growing areas - see the latest issue of Wine & Dine in the Hunter.


24 | APRIL 2014

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First came the Now make way for the Peter Wes ield and Mark Clews opened the first TUK TUK Hunter Valley Burger Company in September 2013 and quickly earned the reputa on for being ''the best burger joint around'' – with rows of people regularly queuing up for their diverse range of burgers, hotdogs and rolls. Now Peter and Mark have spread their crea vity with plans to open the TUK TUK Jaffle Bar where they will soon be serving up an extensive menu of classic and downright unique jaffles, toas es, waffles, desserts and milkshakes. Up there with the ''downright unique'', but at the same me temp ngly delicious, will be the choice of the Supreme Pizza, the Chicken Basil & Almond, the Roast Beef, Rocket & Creme Fraiche, the Turkey Brie & Cranberry, the Avocado, Marinated Fe a & Tomato and the Salmon, Boconcini & Dill Jaffles.

26 | APRIL 2014

For Mark and Peter ''it's all about bringing affordable, quality food to the Hunter'', which they have successfully achieved with their TUK TUK Burger Company menu and no doubt will achieve the same result with the TUK TUK Jaffle Bar menu.


But if you really want to try something totally unique and something you have no doubt never tried before, you should go for the Baffle (a beef, lamb, mushroom or chicken burger in a Jaffle) where you will have a choice of the now famous Umami flavouring which will be available with the Umami Beef Baffle and Hot Umami Beef Baffle. Other choices will include the Port Wine & Blue Cheese Baffle - which speaks for itself and The Big Kahuna Baffle - straight out of pulp fic on.


For those unfamiliar with the ''Umami'' flavour - it presents a full bodied taste and quali es of aroma and mouth-feel that are immediately discernible. For those who prefer lamb or chicken, there will also be a choice of the Morrocan or Sunday Roast Lamb Baffle and the Chicken Caesar, Chicken Brie or Chicken Peri-Peri Baffle.

So impressed with the TUK TUK concept and the fact that Peter and Mark are ''having a go'' that Breville Australia have got behind them by providing them with a full range of Breville appliances to the value of approximately $3,000.

The vibe at TUK TUK is always casual and unpreten ous neither Peter or Mark like washing up so don’t expect plates as all meals are to be served on biodegradable containers. So if you are looking for a relaxed and fun snack, lunch or dessert along with eagerly pleased taste-buds, make sure you seek out this soon to be opened local Hunter Valley ''hot-spot''.

A natural match with TWO FAT BLOKES If you are a keen lover of wine and cheese but are not sure how to match the two - then you are not alone. Wine and cheese are old friends, with a strong affinity going back thousands of years. Both are fermented products and require pa ence, care and moderate temperatures to mature naturally. Although a highly subjec ve topic, matching cheese and wine can be a great deal of fun but also one of the most difficult things to get right. Two Fat Blokes Gourmet Kitchen at de Iuliis Wines have created a unique experience that is not only educa onal but great fun too. Eat and sip your way through 9 outstanding local, Australian & Interna onal cheeses matched with 9 delicious and carefully selected wines while experienced staff guide you through the wine and cheese pairing process. Hundreds of guests have walked away from this cheese & wine experience with a big smile on their face knowing a lot more about how to find this

elusive ‘match made in heaven’. Each par cipant will also receive a complimentary copy of the Two Fat Blokes cheese & wine matching guide to take home. Book a cheese and wine matching experience or join one of Two Fat Blokes full or ½ day tours where the cheese and wine matching experience is included in the price of the tour. Alterna vely visit the Two Fat Blokes Gourmet Kitchen – Euro deli / café for lunch or a cup of coffee. Open 7 days a week from 9 am – 5 pm. (closed public holidays). Cheese & Wine Experience are held daily at 11.00 am and 3.00 pm. $25 pp. Bookings are essen al – phone 4998 6699. For more informa on visit

APRIL 2014 | 27





Born and raised in the Hunter Valley and spending much of her childhood between Kurri Kurri and North Haven near Port Macquarie, Donna completed High School in 1996 determined to be a chef. A er commencing her appren ceship at Il Cacciatore Restaurant in Pokolbin, Donna le to take up a role at Monte Pio in Maitland only to later find herself back in Pokolbin as Head Chef at Casuarina Estate where she worked for over three years and discovered she thoroughly enjoyed the flambÊ style of cooking. Donna has been cooking for over 16 years and looking back believes her inspira on came from her (late) father who not only encouraged and supported her ideas but also taught her to catch, prepare and respect good quality seafood. Donna has also over the years been an ''in demand'' chef - working with some very well-known chefs at events that include the Seasons Plate Lunch at Wyndham Estate and Opera in the Vines as well as well at many concerts and long lunches. Donna has also cooked at a numerous private dinner par es and for a number celebri es that include Billy Thorpe and even the cast of Home and Away. As the Execu ve Chef at RidgeView Restaurant Donna has been able to demonstrate her inven ve, passionate and self - driven personality through her food prepara on and cooking as well as incorporate her love of fresh local produce on the seasonal menus. Donna has also been instrumental in introducing a refreshingly dierent style of dining at RidgeView with a menu that includes tradi onal and contemporary Middle Eastern and Mediterranean influences throughout the invi ng menu and also the Cypriot Mezze - complemented by an excellent selec on of wines. When not in the kitchen, Donna can be found at the beach surfing, riding motorbikes or driving fast cars. Cooking has always been a first love for Donna and she thrives on entertaining and cooking for family and friends as well as encouraging people to step outside of their safety zone and try something new.


28 | APRIL 2014

Everyone Welcome


Each month during 2014, Twine Restaurant is partnering with six dierent Third on the menu was the confit duck rille e on brioche toast with fig jam Hunter Valley wineries to deliver a six course degusta on on Mondays for and just excellent when enjoyed with the 2012 McLeish Rose - always a lunch. good match. The Hunter Blackboard were invited to the March Industry Long Lunch which was well a ended by a mix of locals, people a ached to the local restaurants and wineries and also guests from Sydney. Also present were representa ves from the 6 partnering wineries.

What followed was the lamb back strap with thyme and caramelized pressed potato and rosemary infused olive oil which all came together just perfectly with a glass of Piggs Peak Pork Sword 2013 - a deligh ul blend of Shiraz, Grenache and Pe t Verdot.

A er we enjoyed a complimentary glass of sparkling wine and mingled with This was a meal you want to never end but unfortunately for all present we a few of the other guests, owner and Head Chef Ma Dillow welcomed were coming to the tail end of the menu, made up of the bu er milk everyone and introduced the menu and partner wineries. pannaco a with lemon curd filled macaroon and raspberry coulis served The dishes seemed to then just flow from the kitchen like a well oiled with Keith Tulloch's Botry s Semillon 2012. machine - all superbly presented and carefully matched to one of the This was then followed by pe te fours - date and walnut with crushed partnering wines. honey comb crumbs and served with Calais Estate Swagman's Port. A First up was the delicious saron and parmesan gnocchi with fire seared perfect end to a perfect meal. capsicum and tomato sugo and a wonderfully tasty Hunter Valley fe a which was superbly paired to the glass of 2013 Capercaillie Semillon. Up next was the tempura zucchini flowers filled with blue swimmer crab and lobster bisque and served with a glass of the 2012 Audrey Wilkinson Semillon. This was such a wonderful dish that I no ced some of the diners asking for more bread to dip in the delicious bisque remaining on their plates.

The monthly long lunches hosted at Twine Restaurant are definitely something to look forward to each month and a great way to keep in touch and network as well. Everyone is welcome to a end and no food-lover will ever be disappointed, but make sure you book early to secure a table and avoid disappointment. Each lunch starts at 12 midday with complimentary sparkling wine or beer on arrival which is then followed by a 6 course degusta on matched to six wines from six Hunter Valley wineries. Industry Long Lunches are held each month - dates are (Mondays): 14th April; 12th May; 2nd June; 14th July; 11th August; 1st September; 13th October; 10th November and 1st December. The cost $60 per person.

APRIL 2014 | 29


LET IT BREATHE! The term ‘’breathing’’ refers to the process of aera ng the wine - exposing it to air by decan ng it. While not absolutely necessary, some mes the aroma and flavour of a very young wine improves with aera on. The aera on process s mulates the wine by le ng the wine “breathe a bit”- so en any tannins and release the wine’s bouquet and flavour, making the wine taste less astringent and more complex than it would have tasted right out of the bo le. Which Wines Need to Breathe Typically red wines are the ones to benefit most from breathing before serving. However, there are select whites and some dessert wines that will also improve with as li le as 15-20 minutes of aera on me. The younger and more tannic the wine is, the longer it needs to breathe. As a general rule, most tannic, young red wines so en up with one hour of aera on. For example, a young Hunter Valley Cabernet or Shiraz will likely require around an hour for proper aera on to take place. That is not to say you cannot drink it as soon as it is opened, but for best results, it is be er to give the wine more me to aerate. Mature wines (8+ years) are another story altogether. These wines will benefit most from aera on a er which there will be a limited me before the flavour profiles begin to deteriorate. The older and more delicate a wine is, the more quickly it will deteriorate a er being exposed to air. A wine bo led under cork may have been breathing - albeit slowly, for years. Once opened and the wine is poured, its remaining fruit aromas can disappear fast. Aera on isn't the only reason to decant red wines. Many red wines develop sediment (tannin and other ma er in the wine that solidifies over me) usually a er about 8 years of age. You want to remove the sediment before drinking because it can taste very bi er. Also, the dark par cles floa ng in your wine, usually at the bo om of your glass, don’t look very appe zing, so if you've decanted for this reason and the wine is old, drink it sooner rather than later. How to Let Your Wine Breathe Simply uncorking a bo le of wine and allowing it to sit for a while to aerate is fu le, as there is simply not enough surface area at the top of the bo le to permit adequate amounts of air to make contact with the wine. If you really want to aerate your wine, do one or both of the following:

Pour the wine into a decanter or any glass container large enough to hold the contents of an en re bo le of wine. It really does not ma er what it looks like - inexpensive wide-mouthed carafes work just as well. The increased surface area is the key to allowing more air to make contact with your wine.

Pour some of the wine into large wine glasses at least ten minutes before you plan to drink it. Once decanted, give it a vigorous swirl or two to ensure all the aromas open up (this also tends to impress your friends, making you look knowledgeable on how to let wine breathe.)

And then of course there is the ‘’quick fix’’. There are a number of aerator pourers on the market which aerate (some also filter) the wine as it is being poured into a glass. But are these vinous gadgets the way forward for budding wine enthusiasts wan ng to experience the true flavours of the wine albeit more quickly or are they simply a gimmick? Many ‘’experts’’ believe they work just as effec vely as a decanted bo le of wine. What is clear, is that they do provide a much faster alterna ve to decan ng and you also have the op on of pouring a single glass if that is all you want - without having to pour the whole bo le into a decanter.


30 | APRIL 2014

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ARMCHAIR Adventurer


Planning a trip away? A roman c weekend for two or simply an opportunity to get away for a few days? Planning your trip away can o en be a resome process requiring endless hours spent in front of the computer scouring far too many incomplete websites in an a empt to gather suďŹƒcient informa on on the area - where to stay, book a restaurant and iden fy things to do. Not so when planning a trip to the Hunter Valley. Now you can explore the Hunter Valley from the comfort of your home or oďŹƒce learn every detail of Hunter Valley wine country and make any bookings and arrangements you need prior to leaving on your trip. Hunter Valley Online ( is the new and exci ng website that comprehensively covers everything from the history of the Hunter Valley to informa on on leading wineries and restaurants, wine tours, adventures and all the things to see and do while you are here. It also tells you what's on in the Hunter during your stay so you don't miss out on local markets, concerts, events or live entertainment. If you are a keen lover of wine and food, then Hunter Valley Online points you in the right direc on with up-to-date lis ngs on cellar doors and restaurants as well as providers of gourmet produce such as cheese, olives, olive oils, chocolate and preserves. All with links to their websites. There are also dining reviews to assist you in deciding where to eat as well as a list of Hunter Valley grape varie es and top wines to bolster your wine knowledge. If you are staying in one of the 5 wine growing areas - there are also food and wine trail maps for each of the 5 areas to help you make the most of your wine and food experience in the Hunter. Oh yes and there is also an i-Library full of current local magazines and wine and dine guides and also maps to give you a feel for all that is happening in the area, where to go and all the best places to taste and buy wine or have a meal. Safe in the knowledge that you have all the informa on you need at your finger ps and all necessary bookings and arrangements have been made, you can now relax knowing that you have done everything possible to ensure you have the best short break possible and will be experiencing the very best the Hunter Valley has to oer.


32 | APRIL 2014

may markets


UP 2ND—4TH MAY | TOCAL FIELD DAYS at Tocal This premium agricultural event a racts around 30,000 visitors and 400 exhibits. Highly regarded for its educa onal aspect, Tocal combines a genuine rural experience with commerce, entertainment, fashion, regional food and wine, and cra . Served with the renowned Tocal country hospitality. Pick up show specials with eight tractor companies for comparison, solar gates, log spli ers, ca le yards, solar-operated gates, tools galore, big sheds and small quad bikes. Learn how to prepare livestock for sale and how to sell them through a "fair dinkum" auc on and be informed on safe livestock handling techniques on foot with a dog, on horseback and on a quad. Watch a celebrity chef prepare a signature dish while he shares some secrets, sip an organic wine, sample seafood, enjoy the funky fashion show and learn about permaculture, chainsaws, quad bikes and ca le breeds. For more informa on visit

4TH MAY | LOVE ON THE LAWN at Wandin Valley Estate Love on the lawn is a beau ful new and crea ve way for wedding vendors, who service the Hunter Valley area, to showcase their work and inspire couples who have chosen to have their wedding in the area. Now in its second year , there will be over 100 wedding vendors to meet and help plan your special day. This is an innova ve, personality filled, unique wedding fes val with live entertainment, great wine from local vineyards and great food. The Fes val will be a visual feast of colour and crea vity, where couples can sit at the picnic listen to bands and sip wine and order a cheese pla er. The girls can take in a fashion parade and the boys can grab a beer in the man cave whilst ge ng measured for a suit. Find all your wedding vendors in a chilled day out in the vines. What's not to love! For more informa on and ckets visit

17TH & 18TH MAY | LOVEDALE LONG LUNCH at Lovedale This Hunter Valley event is a progressive-style lunch where food and wine lovers can feast and dance around seven Lovedale wineries over the third weekend in May each year. These Lovedale wineries team with local Hunter Valley restaurants for a weekend of fine wine, gourmet food and live entertainment. Get a group of friends together, stay in Lovedale accommoda on, book a bus tour and enjoy a fun and relaxing weekend away at the Hunter Valley's most unmissable food and wine event of 2014. For more informa on and ckets visit

24TH & 25TH MAY | 3 VILLAGE ART FESTIVAL 17TH & 18TH MAY | MORPETH CHAPEL JAZZ Morpeth Chapel Jazz is a joint venture of the three churches of Morpeth. Un l the 1980s, Morpeth was a rundown village in fear of demoli on. Then it was slowly rejuvenated as a des na on and what was le of its charming buildings rescued from the bulldozer. A few local businesses joined together to establish a small jazz fes val in the bicentenary year of 1988. The jazz fes val soon acquired a life of its own and by 2000 had developed into a major event. On the Morpeth calendar. For more informa on visit

The 3-Village Art Fes val is the first of its kind, a significant and unique two-day event celebra on of the arts held amongst the three picturesque and historic villages of Paterson, Vacy and Gresford situated in the Paterson and Allyn River Valleys. At each Village (about 6km apart) art, photography, sculpture, woodwork and numerous other examples of visual arts will be displayed. Enjoy market stalls, vintage car and bike displays, children's ac vi es and entertainment. For more informa on visit www.3villagear es

APRIL 2014 | 33


Just up the Road! find the best of these and much more.

Renown for being a popular tourist spot, Morpeth is also one of the Hunter's premium bou que shopping des na ons. Just a short drive from Wine Country and only 37 km from Newcastle, this charming and historic town is idyllically situated along the banks of the Hunter River and offers all the simple pleasures of a country town along with the opportunity of stylish shopping and dining. Here visitors can combine the old with the new whilst wandering through the stone-paved streets, taking in the interes ng assortment of sandstone colonial buildings now occupied by more than 40 specialty stores, cafés and galleries featuring everything from local cra , an ques, unique home wears to striking artworks, dis nc ve fashion, amazing jewellery designs and affordable accessories. Morpeth is a des na on you won't forget, and one that you are sure to revisit. With its unique combina on of history, heritage and beauty, this bustling river town is the ideal base to explore what the Hunter region has to offer and has become a des na on of note for speciality and high quality retail shopping. With a surprising diversity of shops and stores, it is li le wonder that Morpeth is such a busy li le town. Catering for the most discerning of all retail explorers, shopping in Morpeth is an in mate and relaxed shopping experience and a shopaholics dream. Mingled in between the towns cafés and restaurants you’ll find a treasure trove of retail magic where there is truly something for everyone. Whether you are looking for an ques, collectable books, unique jewellery, designer clothing and accessories, artworks, cheese or chocolate you’ll


34 | APRIL 2014

A er an ac ve day of shopping, treat yourself to a riverside lunch with some local wine, or relax with a coffee and a locally made gourmet treat at one of the many tea-rooms, cafes or restaurants. Alterna vely, relax in the park on the riverbank by the old wooden bridge, take in the beau ful scenery or sip an ale in the country pub. Morpeth was founded in 1821 by Lieutenant Edward Close who built his homestead five years later and developed the town into a thriving river port for ships distribu ng goods both na onally and worldwide. In its day, Morpeth was the largest inland seaport of the new Australian colony and commercial icons such as Brambles, Sims Metal, Arno s and Soul’s Pharmacy were all born in this wonderful town. By 1890, Morpeth's days as a river port were effec vely over, but the town's compara ve isola on meant that its historic shopfronts, wharves and even the hitching posts along the main street have survived intact. The same bakehouse where William Arno and his brother David ran their business during the 1860's s ll exists today and remains in the family with its current owner Stephen Arno , but this me under the name Morpeth Sourdough. Stephen is a 6th genera on baker and the great, great, great grandson of William. Today, Morpeth is Na onal Trust-classified and a wide-awake town crammed with restaurants, shops and a calendar full of annual events such as the annual Christmas Na vity Exhibi on at Morpeth Gallery held throughout November and December, the Weird and Wonderful Novelty Teapot Exhibi on in August, the Fes val of Two Pale es held at Morpeth Gallery in March and the Morpeth Fiery Food Fes val held in April at Morpeth Gourmet Foods. Whilst no longer famous for its primary industry, the Morpeth of today con nues to thrive with many visitors exploring the township each year and is a fantas c and truly enjoyable place to visit. It must be Morpeth

Shop BEAUTIFUL THINGS An exquisite array of spectacular jewellery, stylish watches, amazing giftware and home wares. Gifts for all ages and occasions collected from all corners of the world. CANDELABRA One of Australia's most famous

boutique candle stores—the stunning fragrances, colour and endless variety of product is truly amazing.

CHRISTMAS IN THE VINES Where it is Christmas every day. Come on in to our little cottage, and see the great Christmas bargains in store. GEMS4U Visit Gems4u and select from a wonderful range of amazing and unique pieces—Gemstones, Minerals, Fossils, Beading and Gift Certificates. PULP ADDICTION Satisfy your paper cravings with our delightful range of designer stationery which is guaranteed to intrigue and delight.

THE TWIG A gorgeous selection of home furnishings

and personal giftware unlike anything else on offer in the valley.

THE WAITERS FRIEND A great selection of quality kitchenware and barware and some of the best prices anywhere in Australia.

VILLAGE BOOKS A fantastic range of fiction, non-

Dine AND THE WINNER IS OSCARS Serving tasty gourmet picnics, fish, sandwiches, our famous gourmet pies, pizza and pasta, there is truly something for all tastes and pockets! Phone 4998-7355.


Established more than ten years ago the ORIGINAL Hunter Valley Chocolate Company & Fudge Factory is one of the premier attractions in the area. THE VILLAGE COFFEE SHOP & CAFÉ Relax HUNTER VALLEY COOKIES Hand-made and enjoy a delicious light meal or sweet treat and a premium cookies in designer gourmet flavours. blissful cup of coffee. Phone 4998-6933. Cookie tastings daily, delicious coffee and gluten TASTE OF THE COUNTRY Experience a Taste of free cookies. the Country in this award winning café and retail outlet. HUNTER VALLEY LIQUEURS & BAERAMI This popular café is like walking into an old fashioned, OLIVES Extra virgin olive oils, infused olive oils, country kitchen. Phone 4998-6605. vinegars and a large range of specialty liqueurs and an THE CELLAR RESTAURANT Rustic Mediterranean impressive array of bottles to customize your selection. cuisine in a relaxed, friendly environment. Open for THE BRITISH LOLLY SHOP The largest range of lunch and dinner Monday to Saturday. Bookings imported English Confectionary. All your old recommended. Phone 4998 7584. favourites, humbugs, sherbet lemon, come in and sample our hospitality. THE GARDEN CELLARS Mount Eyre/Three Ponds Cellar Door. See the Tunnel Of Beer or taste 17 flavoured organic vodkas. ZEN HAIR SKIN BODY A full Hairdressing Salon and Beauty Spa in one location, innovative & deluxe treatments in an environmentally friendly setting, the salon can cater to any need. Phone 4998-6844.




fiction, and children’s books and a unique collection of quality toys, games, souvenirs and gifts. POKOLBIN CONVENIENCE STORE In the heart of the village is a genuine general store servicing the WILSON & HUNTER Summer is heating up at Wilson and Hunter with a burst of colour. The latest from Camilla, Pokolbin area with everything you might need while Mela Purdie, Verge, Katherine, Samantha Wills, Metalicus, visiting the Wine Country. Bleu Blanc Rouge,Tilly Rose,Tolani and more… POKOLBIN VILLAGE PHARMACY Offering you WINE GLASS GALLERY An extraordinary gift gallery, friendly, professional service as well as a wide range of hand blown colourful wine glasses, original artworks, products: full PBS prescription service, medicines, homewares, new season scarves & handbags, jewellery, vitamins, skin care, cosmetics, hair care, fragrances, shot glasses, magnets, souvenirs & much more. sunglasses and much more. Phone 4998 6677


If you fancy a bit of action then visit our Aqua Golf and Putt Putt Golf Course—fun for the whole family! Win cash & prizes! Phone 4998-7896.


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