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The No.1 magazine for visitors to Hunter Valley Wine Country
Big Red Issue
Big Reds
at Oakvale Wines
OUT OF THE ORDINARY Potters P otters Hotell
THROUGHOUT AUGUST DUAL EXHIBITIONS….DHEO KA & THE BLAKE PRIZE at Cessnock Regional Art Gallery From 1st August un l 11th August, as part of NAIDOC Week celebra ons, the Cessnock Regional Art Gallery will present Dheo-ka, a stunning exhibi on from Aboriginal ar sts across the Hunter Valley and beyond. From the 15th August un l September 29th, the Gallery will present the touring exhibi on of the 61st Blake Prize. Named a er the visionary ar st and poet William Blake, The Blake Prize is the oldest na onal prize in Australia dedicated to spirituality, religion and cultural diversity. Both exhibi ons are free admission. For more informa on visit
SATURDAY 10TH AUGUST & SATURDAY 24TH AUGUST—HAND MADE IN THE HUNTER MARKETS at Kevin Sobels Wines Showcasing locally produced, hand-made cra and food items made by some of the Hunter’s co age industries. Every item in every stall is 100% hand-made. Nip in and try some of Kevin Sobels Wines while you’re here and meet Archie the Cellar Door dog ...almost as famous as the wines! Visit for more informa on.
17TH—18TH AUGUST —THE MAITLAND AROMA CHOCOLATE, COFFEE & FINE FOOD FESTIVAL at Maitland City Centre The Maitland Aroma Coffee, Chocolate and Fine Food Fes val features coffee and chocolate demonstra ons, coffee roasters, la e art demonstra ons, fine food stalls, children’s entertainment, live music and entertainment, local and regional wine and producers. Admission is free. For more informa on visit the website at
SUNDAY 18TH AUGUST—SACRED TREE MARKETS at Branxton These markets have taken the Hunter Valley by storm and it’s no surprise—the organisers are commi ed to bringing the community good quality organic foods, arts, handmade goods, fun for the kids and the perfect coffee! The markets are held at the Old St Brigids School Grounds on the corner of Sta on Street & the New England Hwy at Branxton. For further informa on visit
22ND AUGUST UNTIL 1ST SEPTEMBER—WEIRD & WONDERFUL TEAPOT EXHIBITION at Morpeth Gallery Two weeks of visual extravaganza featuring the amazing crea vity of teapot makers from all over Australia and around the world. A staggering 4000 teapots are on their way from all around the world. All teapots are for sale. In addi on to teapots the novelty tea-cosy exhibi on will feature around 400 tea cosies all vying for the grand champion compe on prize. Visit the gallery at 5 Green St, Morpeth or for more informa on visit Admission is Free.
30TH—31ST AUGUST—GRESFORD CAMPDRAFT & RODEO at Gresford Showground East Experience the fast moving ac on and skills of a professional rodeo compe on at the Gresford Campdra and Rodeo with bull riding, steer wrestling and bare-back bronco riding. The Gresford Rodeo promises to deliver no less than ten hours of pure entertainment with a licensed facility on the grounds. For more informa on visit the facebook page at
30TH AUGUST—1ST SEPTEMBER—MUSIC IN THE HUNTER at First Creek Wines (sponsored by Constable Estate Vineyards). This year’s fes val will feature the best in chamber music repertoire and showcase some of Australia’s greatest performers. With four concerts during the weekend and the Hunter Valley’s finest food and wine on offer, it is not only one of Australia’s finest chamber music events, but also one of the longest running music events in the Hunter Valley. The fes val features members of the Goldner String Quartet and includes stellar guest ar sts such brilliant Australian pianist, Kathryn Selby and Kees Boersma, Dutchborn Principal double bass of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. For more informa on visit 2
PUBLISHED BY: WCP Media ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: PH +61 2 4967 3600 WCP MEDIA 12 Hanbury St, Mayfield NSW 2304 August 2013. Copyright © 2013 WCP Media. Published monthly by WCP Media. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint or quote excerpt granted by wri en request only. While every a empt has been made, WCP Media cannot guarantee the legality, completeness or accuracy of the informa on presented and accepts no warranty or responsibility for such. Unsolicited contribu ons are always welcome, please contact WCP Media using the contact details above.
SPECIAL OFFERS AVAILABLE from 1st August 2013 until the 31st August 2013 inclusive or while stocks last.
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EDITORS When one envisages winter in Hunter Valley Wine Country the image that comes to mind almost certainly involves a roaring, open fire and a glass of fine red wine….so it’s apt that this final winter issue for 2013 is the Big Red Issue.
For regular visitors to the Hunter Valley—especially those from Sydney— the old brickwork kilns at Po ers in Nulkaba signify your arrival in Wine Country. This month we talk to Hamish & Prue Ord and find out what’s been happening at Po ers since they arrived to take over almost 5 years ago.
big red ISSUE
The Hunter Valley is o en thought to be the home of Shiraz in Australia, but as we find out in this issue, there’s a lot more in terms of red wine varie es on offer here and this month we look at 6 of the most interes ng reds currently on tas ng.
Of course the Big Red Issue wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t take an in-depth look at the Hunter Valley Shiraz. Our feature this month is Oakvale Despite the region’s tough growing Wines “Nomblot Egg”. This modern condi ons, the Hunter Valley produces version of the Roman amphora is a new some of the most famous Shiraz in direc on in winemaking. The egg shape Australia and we encourage all visitors of the concrete tank is thought to to get out and taste some of our terrific produce a gentler fermenta on than modern-day tanks. This, combined with Shiraz throughout August. the porous nature of the concrete If you’ve ever felt befuddled by some of produces wines with more palate the strange wine jargon you hear flung weight, texture and fruit intensity. around a Cellar Door then you’ll love our new regular column “Pop the Speaking of containers, the Annual Weird & Wonderful Teapot Exhibi on is Cork!” where we will aim to shed some back on at Morpeth during August. This light on some of terminology and year we will see thousands of novelty phrases o en taken for granted in the teapots on display and for sale from the world of wine and wine making. tea drinking na ons of the world. You’ll We hope you enjoy our Big Red Issue. also enjoy the fierce rivalry of the tea Cheers! cosy compe on with hundreds on display, including the winning entry.
4930 9072
PA tousreceive a copy in your leƩerbox. Call on and you’ll never miss out!
Cessnock Regional Art Gallery
WHAT’S ON SHOW? Dheo-Ka…..Running from August 1st un l 11
August, as part of NAIDOC Week celebra ons, the Cessnock Regional Art Gallery is presen ng Dheo-ka, a stunning exhibi on from Aboriginal ar sts across the Hunter Valley and beyond.
Works include tradiƟonal narraƟves of the seasons, locaƟons, food chains, customs and ceremonies along with astrological and spiritual themes of the DreamƟme.
It will combine this with works examining 21st century social and racial issues. The term Dheo-ka can mean mee ng place or coming together, and the exhibi on’s curator, highly respected Wonarrua elder, ar st and teacher Les Elvin, has taken the opportunity to bring together an amazing group of work from a diverse and talented group of Indigenous ar sts.
The Touring Blake Prize...From the 15th of August, the Gallery will present the touring exhibi on of the 61st Blake Prize. Named a er the visionary ar st and poet William Blake, The Blake Prize is the oldest na onal prize in Australia dedicated to spirituality, religion and cultural diversity. The prize inspires conversa on about the meaning and value of these elements within everyday life, providing an opportunity for ar sts to be a catalyst for social debate. The Touring Blake Prize includes thirty works from the 61st Blake Prize, as well as the winning and highly commended poems from the Blake Poetry Prize. Dheo-Ka runs un l the 11th August, The Blake Touring Prize runs 15th August – 29th September. Entry to both exhibi ons is free. For more informa on visit
This year’s Weird & Wonderful Teapot Exhibi on will see thousands of novelty teapots on display and for sale from the tea drinking na ons of the world. Chinese tea sets, Japanese one cups, tea sets created by Australian Indigenous Ar sts, novelty teapots made by English po eries and those locally produced. Florence Humphries will be in residence over this ten day extravaganza. Watch her paint Australian wildflowers and na ve animals onto teapots and mugs. Local ar sts have created quirky garden chimes made from teapots, tea ware and hand blown glass. Mul award winner (Sydney Royal Easter Show) Gail Steele from the Central Coast NSW will have a display of her hand painted crea ons. You'll also discover teapots in the shapes of a chocolate box, racing car, storybook characters, Australian and jungle animals, tea sets that fit in the palm of your hand... there's even a toilet teapot! A special range produced by Buckingham Palace celebrates the Queen's Jubilee, Corona on & all things Royal. Pop a Royal teabag into your favourite cuppa - there's nothing like Harry in Hot water to put a smile on your face. Tea towels, tea accessories, tea infusers round out the display. Also on display are entrants in the annual tea cosy challenge, vying for grand champion cosy of the year and a $500 cash prize. Their crea vity will astound you. View a display of 204 Electric Jugs that date from the 1920's-1960's, all made in Australia. The holy grail of jug collectors is a Sunshine jug. It's valued at $1,200! Enjoy a Devonshire Tea at Campbell's Store with scones baked fresh daily, topped with homemade strawberry jam, real cream and leaf tea from the pot. Breakfast & light lunches available too. Wander at your leisure through 12 speciality shops within Campbell's Store. Taste fudge, 13 varieties of cordial brewed on the premises and 18 varieties of honey (great for your tea). Other gourmet food tastings will tempt your sweet and savoury palate. You’ll find the exhibition at 5 Green St Morpeth between 22nd August and 1st September. Drop in for a tea party!
Tà bt~ätÄx j|Çxá While the concept may not be en rely new (the Romans were using cement vessels or amphorae to ferment their wine over 2,000 years ago) - this modern version of the Roman amphora, a tank known colloquially as the Nomblot Egg is now ''hatching'' in wineries all over the world, from Domaine Combier of Crozes Hermitage and Château de Fieuzal of Pessac Léognan to California and Australia. The Hunters historic Oakvale Wines on Broke road and owned by the Becker family, is one of these wineries challenging tradi on and acquired two concrete Nomblot Egg Fermenters before the 2012 vintage and put them to use for the fermenta on and matura on of their first 2012 Oakvale Hunter Valley ''L’Oeuf'' Semillon. Oakvale winemaker James Becker encountered the Nomblot Egg while working in Californian wineries and believes them to be ‘‘fantas c winemaking tools''. “We conducted many wine trials over the past couple of years'', explained James. ''The concrete amphora Semillon is one of these and we found that the concrete is a lovely balance between oak and stainless steel.” The fruit was pressed straight to the new Nomblot concrete egg and matured for 12 months. Although frequently topped up, the wine received no yeast, acid, enzymes, fining or filtering, with only a small amount of SO2 prior to bo ling. James believes that it is the egg shape of the concrete tank that helps to produce a gentle fermenta on. This, combined with the porous nature of the concrete produces wines with more palate weight, texture and fruit intensity. The concrete tanks are made by a family run company headed by Marc Nomblot - a Maconnais stonemason whose family has manufactured concrete wine tanks since 1922. Over the past 20 years, Marc Nomblot has earned an excellent reputa on, selling over 15,000 concrete tanks to the most pres gious wineries throughout the world. These 600-litre, $6000 seamless eggs offer excellent thermal iner a, as well as controlled micro-oxida on, and are of course flavour neutral and durable. In many ways, they offer a combina on of some of the best quali es of stainless steel and wooden tanks. The material is porous, like wood, allowing the fermen ng wine to breathe, without impar ng the oaky flavours associated with barrels. Also, concrete has insula ng proper es while stainless steel is "conduc ve" and of course concrete is cheaper than both stainless steel and oak barrels. Marc now sells tanks all across France, as well as in Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland and the United States.
How big the market is for these cement tanks is s ll uncertain. What is certain though, is that this new demand is already inspiring compe on.
Out of the ORDinary The old brick kilns that s ll exist in the grounds of Po ers resonate a history that is as rich as the hills and valleys that surround it. Today, the land-mark kilns are an indica on that you have finally arrived in the wine making region of the Hunter Valley and provide a backdrop to the area’s only microbrewery and a pre y top notch brasserie too.
being able to walk into
The first Brickworks were set up by 2 young entrepreneurs— Stephen Hennery and Mark Robinson and the original bricks were used in coal mines, houses and public works in the area. In 1928 the young entrepreneurs moved into the business of producing terraco a garden pots under the name of Cessnock Po eries—hence the Po ers name. The kilns themselves are Heritage listed. Hamish & Prue Ord arrived in the Hunter Valley four and a half years ago to take over Po ers Hotel Brewery Resort and haven't looked back. As they approach their 5th anniversary in the area, we thought it mely to catch up with them and find out what’s happening at Po ers. What lead you both to the Hunter Valley and in parƟcular PoƩers? We were originally from Sydney and looking for a business in the Hunter Valley when Po ers came up we thought it would be a great opportunity. We have watched with interest as PoƩers has been gradually transformed and modernised since your arrival. What have been the major changes? The property was run down when we bought it so there has been alot of work. We have upgraded the brewery and tas ng area as well as new front entrance with new TAB and gaming room. Relocated recep on and refurbished all villas, upgraded the grounds, the list goes on it has been a big 4 ½ years.
“Our aim has been to create a unique space for visitors to enjoy”
the brewery, taste the beer with one of the brewers and have a chat about how it’s made. It’s a complete beer experience, you can taste the ingredients, watch beer being brewed and it’s the only venue in the country where the brewers serve the beer they have brewed seven days a week. What’s your favourite brew? Kolsh or Pale Ale. The Brickworks Brassiere has recently launched a new menu and introduced breakfast. What’s behind this? To keep things fresh and interes ng for both patrons and chefs alike, the standard of food in pubs has improved generally across the board and people are more interested in what they eat and where it comes from these days. We are trying to offer at Po ers great products with great pricing to have the locals come to see us more than once a week.
We can’t help but noƟce that there is a car in the new foyer and it would be remiss of us to not ask… what’s with the car? It’s a 1949 Ford V8 single spinner ute. Purely a bit of fun to create atmosphere at the venue. I am a big believer in venues having atmosphere and not being like a stale RSL club. We have tree tables from Thailand, Pots from India, Carpet from England and baskets from France it’s about crea ng a unique space for What are your favourite dishes? Signature Steak - scotch fillet with potato patrons to enjoy. ros with King Pawns, onion rings and hollandaise sauce, served medium The Hunter Beer Co calls PoƩers home and is the only bouƟque brewery rare with hot english mustard on the side....Sensa onal! in the valley, what makes Hunter Beer Co Brewery unique? The beer at Hunter Beer Co is great. There are at least 10 different beers on tap at any When you’re not working what do you do in your spare Ɵme? Spending me; all hand-made using tradi onal ingredients and processes – there are me with our three beau ful daughters and friends. no short cuts, no ar ficial flavours and no preserva ves. It is old fashioned We wait with interest to see what the next 5 years will bring to Po ers—if beer made the way real beer should be made by people who are the last 5 are any indica on we’ll con nue to see lots of unique touches— passionate about their cra . But what’s really great is not just the beer – its or should we say “a li le out of the Ordinary”.
Shiraz Shiraz (or Syrah) is a dark-skinned grape that is thought to have originated from the Rhone wine-growing area of France but is now grown throughout the world and used primarily to produce rich, strong red wines which can be both varietal or blended. Whether sold as Syrah or Shiraz, it is without doubt Australia's favourite and most important red variety, both within Australia and overseas. Cu ngs of Shiraz vines first arrived in Australia in the early 1830's when an immigrant Scotsman by the name of James Busby, made a trip back to Europe to collect cu ngs from vines for introduc on to Australia. One of the varie es collected by Busby was Syrah and were planted in Sydney Botanical Gardens and here in the Hunter Valley. Today, Shiraz is the most widely planted grape variety in Australia where it accounts for 40% of all red grapes planted and Australia is now also the world's second largest Shiraz grower, a er France. The beauty of Shiraz is that it is extremely flexible in its ability to adapt to virtually any combina on of climate and soil and can be made into a range of styles, defined by the terroir of the region and the winemakers skill. Smaller amounts of Shiraz are also used in the produc on of other wine styles, such as rosÊ wine, for fied wine, Port wine and sparkling red wine. While Australian sparkling Shiraz tradi onally has some sweetness, a number of Australian winemakers also make a full-bodied sparkling dry Shiraz, that contains the complexity and some mes earthy notes that are normally found in s ll wine. The climate in the Hunter Valley consists of high temperatures during summer, with the majority of rainfall occurring between January and April. Despite the region’s tough growing condi ons, the Hunter Valley produces some of the most famous Shiraz in Australia. The typical young Hunter Valley Shiraz is a medium bodied wine showing red and dark berries, spices and a great deal of tannin. With age, the wines become a far more complex, full bodied, yet smooth and richly flavoured wine with some earthy tones. Shiraz deserves is status as Australia's flagship grape variety. Find yourself a 10-year-old Hunter Valley Shiraz to discover why.
Cellar Door In Winter pruning is the most important job carried out in the vineyard as grape bunches only grow on new shoots and it is necessary to get rid of most of the old growth from the previous season. This is done a er leaf fall but before budburst when the vines are dormant. Here are some of the latest happenings on the local Wine Scene. Briar Ridge Vineyard appoints new winemaker: Briar Ridge has appointed Gwyneth Olsen as their new Winemaker. Gwyn takes over the role from Sco Comyns and will be responsible for the new development of the Briar Ridge brand moving forward. McGuigan Wines now No. 1 in Ireland: Interna onal Winemaker of the Year, McGuigan Wines, has con nued its global sales success and been confirmed as the number 1 selling wine brand in Ireland New Management Team for Oakvale Wines: Bob Powell has been appointed Oakvale General Manager and Dr Stewart Field appointed as the winery’s Vineyard Manager. Bob joins Oakvale Wines with extensive experience in the wine industry having worked in senior management roles with businesses such as Tyrrell’s, Pernod Ricard, Bond Brewing and the global brand Casella Wines. Hunter Valley winemakers meeƟng Chinas thirst for Australian Wine: China’s thirst for Western wine is proving a boon for Australian winemakers such as Glandore Estate on Broke Rd - Pokolbin, who now have a tas ng room / cellar door in Shanghai to meet the demand for Australian wine. Weaker Australian dollar encouraging winemakers to idenƟfy new export markets: The weaker Australian dollar has proved disastrous for Hunter wine exports - giving added incen ve for the local industry to iden fy new overseas markets and pursue emerging na ons such as Brazil, India and South Korea as well as seek opportuni es to export to Central Africa. The Newcastle Food & Wine Expo to be held at the Newcastle Entertainment Centre during 2nd to 4th August 2013 will feature over 100 exhibitors made up of gourmet food and exquisite wines.
Try our range of Big Reds!
Gartelmann Wines invited to parƟcipate in Six NaƟons Wine Challenge: Gartelmann Wines are one of the select few wine labels invited to take part in the Six Na ons Wine Challenge on 21-23 August 2013. The NSW Small Winemakers Wine Show open to small winemakers (500 tonne limit and 85% NSW grown grapes) will take place between 26 -28 August 2013 with the presenta on on 14 September 2013
See the new look issue of Wine & Dine in the Hunter (OUT NOW!) for a comprehensive list of cellar doors, suggested wines, local restaurants, dining reviews and food and wine trail maps for each of the 5 key wine growing areas.
What is.. Single Vineyard Wine Making? When you see the vineyard name on the label of a bo le of wine, then you’re looking at a single vineyard wine. Single vineyard means that the wine is made from grapes grown on a specific vineyard and implies a more dis nc ve wine. Grapes grown under the same condi ons and origina ng from the same ecosystem, or ''terroir'' are likely have the same character. Terroir - a French word meaning a “sense of place”, means that everything in the vineyard contributes to the dis nc ve flavour of that par cular place. This means that the soil, slope, drainage, eleva on and par cularly the microclimate influence the aromas, tastes, texture and structure of the finished wine. Some wineries emphasise single vineyard wines to let you know that they’ve paid extra a en on to the wine in the bo le. Also, by iden fying the source of the grapes the consumer has a heightened apprecia on of the overall wine experience.
Wine and great scenery make for a sensa onal weekend in the Hunter Valley and Constable Estate is one such venue offering both in abundance. This bou que family vineyard located at Pokolbin produces approximately 3,000 cases per year and has the enviable reputa on for being one of the most beau ful and successful vineyards in Australia with approximately seven of the 15 hectares planted with Shiraz, Cabernet, Semillon, Chardonnay and Verdelho. Each year, Constable Estate sponsors Australia's most in mate chamber music fes val, Music in the Hunter. This year the fes val will held on the weekend of 30 August to 1 September at First Creek Wines and will feature the best in chamber music repertoire and showcase some of Australia’s greatest performers. For more informa on contact Phillipa Horn on 0411 606 077 or visit
For those who love great food, this is where it begins... and now Emerson has his sights set on Lovedale. Emerson Rodriguez has owned the restaurant Emerson's at Pokolbin on Hermitage Rd since September 2010 at which me he very quickly earned a reputa on for pushing the boundaries in culinary excellence. In fact just a few months a er opening the new restaurant, Emerson caught the a en on of the AGFG judges to be awarded an AGFG Chef Hat in 2011 and soon a er received the Best New Restaurant tle at the 2011 Restaurant & Catering Awards for Excellence. Emerson has since con nued to receive the much coveted AGFG Chef Hat award in 2012 and 2013. Now, three years later, Emerson is moving his mul -award winning restaurant to Adina Vineyard in Lovedale this September - something he and wife Samantha are looking forward to. Here they will have the support of Adina Vineyard owner Peter O'Meara who is keen for Emerson to showcase his fine dining skills and local produce with his award winning wines. Wonderfully located, the new restaurant at Adina Vineyard will enjoy stunning views over the vines and olive groves and will seat up to 50 people. Also, with the covered verandah and extensive lawns Emerson will be able to cater for weddings and many other func ons. Recognised as an extremely talented chef, Emerson gained his extensive experience working in is some of the best resorts & guest house's during his career within the Hospitality industry. This included working with the Peppers Hunter Valley Group and also as Execu ve Chef of Peppers for the four years prior to taking the plunge and opening his own restaurant. Emerson has a passion for flavour - something that is strongly demonstrated throughout his seasonal menus that offer Spanish style tapas for lunch and in mate contemporary modern Australian cuisine during the evenings. Diners also have the op on of an eight course degusta on menu on Friday and Saturday nights. Having a reasonably young family and having to work long hours means that Emerson and Samantha try to spend much of their free me with their 4 year old daughter and 12 year old son. This includes going to the beach and visi ng family and friends in Newcastle. For those looking for something special.....”Emerson's” is an essen al dining experience.
Under the Table August is a great me to visit the Hunter Valley the colder temperatures make a late morning breakfast or brunch a temp ng op on. Alterna vely, diners can take advantage of the cooler evenings and enjoy a hearty winter meal at one of the local restaurants. The 2013 Newcastle Food & Wine Expo is three days of gourmet food, wine, cheese, cocktails and everything gourmet held on Friday 2nd August to Sunday 4th August at the Newcastle Entertainment Centre. The show houses more than 100 local and na onal exhibitors in the Food & Wine Industry. These amazing exhibitors include all areas of the industry, including wine makers, distributers, gourmet restaurants, coffee, chocolate, candy and tea. Celebrity Chefs (Masterchef) and local talent will be on stage! The Deck Cafe at Gartelmanns Wine Estate in Lovedale is now open for business and is serving breakfast and lunch from Saturday to Wednesday. Ph: 4930 9007. The Hunter Valley Chocolate Company is holding Chocolate Workshops on the 3rd Saturday of each month in 2013. Booking are essen al Ph: 4930 7388 Locals Night at The Verandah Restaurant on Sunday the 4th of August, with the theme "Food from the Land''. The evening starts at 6:30pm with complimentary canapes and bubbles, followed by a 5 coarse Tapas Style degusta on. $50 per person BYO No corkage. Ph: 4998 7231 It's Locals Night at Roberts Restaurant - every Tuesday and Wednesday night... Mul -award winning Execu ve Chef George Francisco has created a specials locals night menu for these always popular dinners. Ph: 4998 7330. RidgeView Restaurant is having their Winter in Season Dinner on Friday 23rd of August. Dinner includes 4 courses plus canapes with a glass of ''sparkler'' pinot noir/ chardonnay. Cost $65 pp or $85 pp with matching wines. Ph: 6574 7332 Casa Margarita - Mexican Restaurant at Harkham Wine Estate on De Beyers Rd in Pokolbin is hos ng Tequila tas ng and Margarita making classes. For further informa on contact Casa Margarita on Ph: 4998 7776. Fireside Sundays (August is Portuguese) at Twine Restaurant! Sunday night fireside dining is about cooking over a open fire to create a unique casual dining experience. It starts with a house made mezze plate followed by the fireside dinner (Portuguese) and a tantalizing dessert. Every Sunday at Twine Restaurant from 5:30pm last bookings 7:30pm. Cost: $45 pp (kids under 12 eat free). Ph: 4998 7449 ViƩorio's Italian Cafe Restaurant in Pokolbin con nues to have their popular Pizza & Pasta Nights each Sunday night for just $25 per person. Ph: 4998 7945
For a comprehensive list of local restaurants, dining reviews and food and wine trail maps for each of the 5 key wine growing areas - see the latest issue of Wine & Dine in the Hunter.
BACK ON DECK.. at Gartelmann’s The Deck Café - at Gartelmann Wines in Lovedale is now open serving smart café style food and is the latest venture for local restaurateur Ma Dillow who also owns The Verandah Restaurant and Twine Restaurant with best mate and fellow chef extraordinaire Adam Ireland.
A er undergoing a wonderful and stylish refurbishment over the last two months, The Deck Café opened its doors in July - serving breakfast and lunch 5 days a week from Saturday to Wednesday and is now also taking bookings for Christmas par es and weddings catering for up to 100 people. Situated alongside the Gartelmann Wines cellar door, diners get to sit inside the cafe or dine alfresco on the spacious deck overlooking the picturesque dam whilst enjoying their meal. Breakfast is served from 8.30 to 11.30 with an extensive menu full of delicious op ons such as Eggs Benedict done 3 different ways and house pancakes with a choice of four of your favourite toppings. Lunch follows un l 3.30 pm and includes a wide choice of dishes that include steak sandwiches, beer ba ered fish and chips with house made tartar sauces. No ma er what you are ea ng, no meal is complete without a great cup of coffee - and coffee lovers take note, The Deck Café is serving Espresso di Manfredi by Piazza d'Oro and the blend (I believe) is ''Audacia'' - a strong yet refined blend containing Sumatran, East African, South American and Asian Arabicas - with aromas of wood spices, molasses, raisins and dark chocolate. Never one to sit s ll for too long, Ma is par cularly excited about this new venture and has recruited the super efficient Samantha Oxford to manage it. Samantha has worked with Ma for many years and recently returned a er a s nt working in childcare.
Ma has had a fascina ng career in the food business and a well-deserved reputa on for striving for perfec on and ge ng things done. His influence on “The Deck” is sure to impress all. So for a great dining experience at one of the Hunters most charming wine estates make sure you visit The Deck Café - at Gartelmann Wines in Lovedale.
TURN HEADS on your wedding day... Zen Hair Skin Body and Sublime Weddings is a full Hairdressing Salon and Beauty Spa in one loca on in the beau ful Hunter Valley Wine region. Combining innova ve & deluxe treatments in an environmentally friendly establishment, the salon can cater to any need. Zen has fast become “the” salon for wine country brides and it isn’t difficult to see why. Owner and Ar s c Director Rachel Kane has had 18 years in the business and knows just what it takes to turn heads on your wedding day. To arrange a wedding consulta on with Rachel or her team of dedicated stylists call the salon on 4998-6844 or visit the website at
COMING UP Sunday 1 September—WEDDING OPEN DAY at Wandin Hunter Valley. Spring is the season of Weddings in the Hunter Valley...plan your en re wedding with a visit to the Wandin Wedding Open Day. Brides (and Grooms!) can see how the majes c cricketers pavilion at Wandin can be transformed to accommodate their dream wedding. The dedicated Wedding & Events Manager will be available all day to personally answer ques ons and other wedding service providers will also be onhand. Entry is free. For more info visit
Sunday 8th September—BROKE VILLAGE FAIR—McNamara Park Broke. This is our one big day of the year when the village of Broke welcomes visitors from all over NSW to enjoy our peaceful village in the vineyards as a fundraiser for local community groups. A true family day featuring live music, singing, dancing displays, children ac vi es, face pain ng, amusements and a great rep le show. For more informa on visit September 21st—October 6th—SMURF SHOW & SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES at Hunter Valley Gardens. Hang out with Smurfe e and Papa Smurf at Hunter Valley Gardens! Be entertained by this brand new Live Show plus get a chance to meet the stars. There’ll also be a colouring compe on, giveaways and kids can use their Smurf Garden Passport to hunt for Smurfs throughout the Gardens to win a small prize. For more informa on visit September 28th/29th—HUNTER VALLEY GARDENS 10TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Wow! HVG is turning 10, so come along and celebrate! A er the general entry fee you can have fun for free on the jumping castle and other amusement rides. There will also be free birthday cake, pony rides, face pain ng, ac vi es and much more. Stay tuned for more details closer to the date! For more informa on visit
Sunday 1 September to Monday 30 September 2013—SPRING FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS. This year the Spring Fes val of Flowers will have an Oriental Twist! See over 250,000 annuals that are planted throughout Hunter Valley Gardens in a visual and sensory experience to remember. Enjoy floral displays, authen c cooking demonstra ons, topiaries, school compe on displays, talks, tours, workshops and heaps of ac vi es, all with an Asian influence. This event will provide a stunning viewing and hands on experience for all visitors. Visit the Hunter Valley Gardens website for all event informa on
THINGS An exquisite array of spectacular jewellery, stylish watches, amazing giftware and home wares. Gifts for all ages and occasions collected from all corners of the world. CANDELABRA One of Australia's most famous boutique candle stores—the stunning fragrances, colour and endless variety of product is truly amazing. CHRISTMAS IN THE VINES Where it is Christmas every day. Come on in to our little cottage, and see the great Christmas bargains in store. GEMS4U Visit Gems4u and select from a wonderful range of amazing and unique pieces—Gemstones, Minerals, Fossils, Beading and Gift Certificates. PULP ADDICTION Satisfy your paper cravings with our delightful range of designer stationery which is guaranteed to intrigue and delight. THE TWIG A gorgeous selection of home furnishings and personal giftware unlike anything else on offer in the valley. THE WAITERS FRIEND A great selection of quality kitchenware and barware and some of the best prices anywhere in Australia. VILLAGE BOOKS A fantastic range of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books and a unique collection of quality toys, games, souvenirs and gifts. WILSON & HUNTER Summer is heating up at Wilson and Hunter with a burst of colour. The latest from Camilla, Mela Purdie, Verge, Katherine, Samantha Wills, Metalicus, Bleu Blanc Rouge,Tilly Rose,Tolani and more… WILSON & HUNTER (EMPORIUM) We've got the whole family covered. Cool cotton dresses and tops for mum, everything dad needs for a great weekend, Oobilicous fashion for the kids and footwear, swimwear and hats for the whole family. WINE GLASS GALLERY An extraordinary gift gallery stocking unique colourful wine glasses, original artworks, homewares, hand bags, jewellery, shot glasses, magnets, souvenirs & much more.
gourmet picnics, fish, sandwiches, our famous gourmet pies, pizza and pasta, there is truly something for all tastes and pockets! Phone 4998-7355. BLISS COFFEE ROASTERS CAFÉ Relax and enjoy a delicious light meal or sweet treat and a blissful cup of coffee. Phone 4998-6700. TASTE OF THE COUNTRY Experience a Taste of the Country in this award winning café and retail outlet. This popular café is like walking into an old fashioned, country kitchen. Phone 4998-6605. THE CELLAR RESTAURANT Rustic Mediterranean cuisine in a relaxed, friendly environment. Open for lunch and dinner Monday to Saturday. Bookings recommended. Phone 4998 7584.
Established more than ten years ago the ORIGINAL Hunter Valley Chocolate Company & Fudge Factory is one of the premier attractions in the area. HUNTER VALLEY COOKIES Hand-made premium cookies in designer gourmet flavours. Cookie tastings daily, delicious coffee and gluten free cookies.
HUNTER VALLEY LIQUEURS & BAERAMI OLIVES Extra virgin olive oils, infused olive oils,
vinegars and a large range of specialty liqueurs and an impressive array of bottles to customize your selection. POKOLBIN CONVENIENCE STORE In the heart of the village is a genuine general store servicing the Pokolbin area with everything you might need while visiting the Wine Country. THE BRITISH LOLLY SHOP The largest range of imported English Confectionary. All your old favourites, humbugs, sherbet lemon, come in and sample our hospitality. THE GARDEN CELLARS Mount Eyre/Three ZEN HAIR SKIN BODY A full Hairdressing Salon Ponds Cellar Door. See the Tunnel Of Beer or taste and Beauty Spa in one location, innovative & deluxe 17 flavoured organic vodkas. treatments in an environmentally friendly setting, the salon can cater to any need. Phone 4998-6844.
Pamper Play
If you fancy a bit of action then visit our Aqua Golf and Putt Putt Golf Course—fun for the whole family! Win cash & prizes! Phone 4998-7896.