Winn Group: 20 Years of Winning

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20 Years of Winning The one-stop-shop for accident management and rehabilitation

Published May 2022

Winn Group Leading the Way Winn Group offers a market-leading onestop-shop for accident management and rehabilitation. With a focus on providing the best possible client care, our teams work 24 hours a day to provide an effective, efficient, and meticulous service that is best in class. That’s the Winn Group way.

CONTENTS Winn Group Introduction Jeff Winn


Meet the Team


Accreditations & Awards


Two Decades of Growth Chris Birkett

8 -11

Process for Success Mark Pallas

12 - 13

Trustpilot Reviews


First Response Team Q & A Chris Jones & Paul Hewitson

17 - 19

Technology Clint Milnes

20 - 21

Telematics Liam Parker


Vehicle Damage Team

24 - 25

Winn Group Timeline

26 - 27

Adapt or Falter Ian Scanlan

28 - 30



INTRODUCTION BY JEFF WINN Jeff Winn Executive Chairman There always needs to be evolution in any business, so it gives me a great sense of pride to see how Winn Group has become a major player in the industry over the last 20 years.

As a company, you need a good management team who act quickly and decisively to change course or adapt as the different legal reforms come into play.

Companies who prosper need to be adept at change.


There has been so much legal reform over the past ten years that it has swept away a lot of competitors and made other competitors unprofitable.

It is good to see that, at all levels, staff have performed very well, and the management structure is the strongest I have seen since we began.

For Winn Group’s most recent financial year results, a healthy profit has been posted, whilst many of our competitors have posted large losses and reduced volumes.

The growth in the last 12 months has been spectacular and looks likely to continue.

Growing to encapsulate a number of brands that combine to deliver the best one-stopshop in accident and claims management, the vision is to continue the rapid growth in provision of non-fault insurance and claims services to insurance brokers and the public. The vision is to continue this growth at a rapid pace, whilst maintaining a high level of service and a cooperative approach with suppliers and those in the industry.

On current trends, it looks likely that the next financial year to March 2023 will hit between £120m and £150m turnover, making it one of the biggest independent firms in the area. This has led to significant recruitment, with staff numbers rising from 350 to 450 and continuing to rise towards 500 by the end of the year.



Chris Birkett

Mark Pallas

Clint Milnes

Chief Executive Officer

Head of Business Development

Chief Information Officer

Chris Jones

Paul Hewitson

Head of First Response Team

Deputy Head of First Response Team

WHAT MAKES WINN GROUP DIFFERENT Winn Group is recognised as a leader in the motor industry is proud of the accreditations and awards it has achieved. Our accreditations and awards demonstrate our commitment to improvement and to delivering excellence in everything we do.


Winn Solicitors 2020


On Medical


On Hire

“Anthony was very personable and dealt with my problem professionally and easily, taking all the stress of the situation away. Everything was sorted efficiently and, within an hour, all arrangements including hire car were arranged.” Wendy Day Rated 4.8 | 6405 reviews


TWO DECADES OF GROWTH Chris Birkett Chief Executive Officer Winn Group is embarking on its most exciting period of growth over the last two decades. The firm is expected to reach £100 million turnover for the first time in its 20-year history, a milestone moment, and especially poignant for those that have been there from the very beginning. Winn Group Chief Executive Officer, Chris Birkett, joined four years after its inception, and his pride in the efforts of those involved continues to glow, with the future shining bright for the claims management company. After recently opening a third site to house an increasing staff count, Winn Group will employ over 500 staff by the end of the current year, to handle the increase in work thanks to a number of recent major contract wins. Adding to an already burgeoning stable of contracts, Winns recently welcomed one of Britain’s fastestgrowing fintech Insurance firms in Marshmallow, a $1bn-plus valued company that saw the one-stop-shop accident management approach at Winns as best in class. They’re not the only ones, with Winn Group approaching 1,500 hires a month in the short-term future; a significant rise on pre-Covid figures.


Birkett, who joined Winn Group in 2006, a year that heralded an evolution of the firm’s offering, said: “we’ve won accounts recently such as Marshmallow. We tendered for the business and were successfully selected on the basis that they thought our non fault service was best in class which is

testament to where we are today in comparison to where we came from in 2006. “We have invested heavily in our infrastructure, and we are very adaptable and agile when it comes to technology. We offer clients different methods to correspond with us and we have got a fabulous telematics offering which is really important in the insurance sector today. As well, there’s the fact that we are 24/7, true 24/7, within our office and not outsourced to other businesses.


“All of those things combined put us in a much better place than some of our competitors and that is proven when we go to tender. “I truly believe our service offering is best in class.” On the financial side of the business, the goal was to reach £100 million turnover and that has been successfully achieved, a notable milestone and one deserving a nod of recognition. To reach it in 20 years is an incredible achievement; to do so when two of those years were decimated by Covid-19 and lockdown implications is quite frankly remarkable. But the continued growth and evolution of the firm – now home to eight brands under the Winn Group umbrella – can be plotted by a series of bold steps and calculated moves into uncharted territory that reaped huge dividends. “There have been a couple of key events that have changed things, even over the past three years and clearly Covid was one,” continued Birkett. “The Civil Reforms was another one, and they coincided. We went into Covid in March 2020 and we all know what happened there. As a business, we weren’t receiving new instructions coming through and new sales weren’t being generated, so we concentrated on cash collection which I think was the right thing to do. “We generated a lot of cash out of our WIP book and that cash allowed us, as we have

gradually come out of Covid, to go and tender for larger accounts. “Our planning while going into the first lockdown and dealing with that situation, and focusing on cash collection, got us into a fantastic financial position coming out. It gave us the funds to go and attack the larger accounts, and because we’ve

“WHEN COVID KICKED IN, WE WERE AT 600 OR SO HIRES A MONTH; WE’RE NOW TRACKING FOR 1,400 BY THE END OF MARCH.” attacked those larger accounts, we’re now seeing the benefits of the new account wins; the numbers are 100% plus above pre-Covid levels. “When Covid kicked in, we were at 600 or so hires a month; we’re now tracking for 1,400 by the end of April. The growth of that is absolutely incredible. “It shows the strength we’ve got in the First Notification Of Loss team, Vehicle Damage Team, Personal Injury Team, the new OIC Team and the support teams Finance, IT, Marketing, Customer Service, Central Administration, HR everyone that is involved in the operational side of the business. “There are a lot more opportunities on the table at the moment, but where we move towards is, not a period of stabilisation because we’re very stable in any event, but it is getting used to those higher volumes as they bring extra pressures and extra requirements that the business needs to deal with. “We’re currently going through a strong recruitment programme. HR is doing a very good job in what is a difficult market for recruitment at the moment. This year already, we have brought in excess of 40 new

members of staff taking us up to a headcount of 450 plus. “We’re budgeting for in excess of 500 staff before the end of this year. When we come out of the summer and everyone is back from holidays, and back on the road, I think we will see another period of growth for the second half of this year which will put us in a great position for the financial year 2023.” The current industry landscape sees Winn Group handling the latest Civil Liability Bill impacts as well as the residual business affects that lockdown had on the industry. Well positioned for growth amid a shrinking market, survival of the fittest is very much prevalent in the Accident Management Sector. For Birkett, the era of consolidation is beginning, and the industry is already seeing its first casualties. However, far from being daunted by this changing landscape, Winns has grasped the initiative and increased revenue at an impressive rate. That is not the same as its competitors, who have found the transition more problematic. The Group CEO continued: “We’ve seen Personal Injury lawyers come out of the industry; we’ve seen some suffer and ultimately close their doors because of the changes.


“In what I would describe as the credit hire/ claims management sector, which is where I’d place Winn Group, there’s been a large amount of consolidation, and, in reality, there are probably only four or five major operations who we come up against, who we deem to be competitors. “Our service level is better than any of those in that sector. It is proven because we are winning business from each of those competitors. “It’s now more concentrated so, as a result, there are fewer players in the market; it is very difficult to get into, so you’re not going to see new businesses in this sector which is good for us. “It’s difficult to maintain the levels of income with the loss of PI work, so we have to grow in other areas, hence why we want to be strong on the Wills, Probate & Trusts side of things; we want to be strong on the commercial litigation side of things as well. “Obviously, hire and repair is really important at this point in time. But we’ve got insurance business through On Insurance while On Medical is generating good growth in rehabilitation. “I think you’ve got to be flexible, you’ve got to be adaptable, you’ve got to make decisions quickly and deliver those decisions quickly. You can’t wait for people at the top to sit and say we need to think about this and have a meeting. You’ve got to get it done. Taking the helm from April 2022, Birkett is keen to focus on the strengths of the firm, including a diligent and experienced

management team that have been in post for many years working alongside himself while in the Chief Operating Officer role. He concluded: “Certainly, there are still some members of staff that have been here just as long, if not longer than I have. I’ve known a number of the senior managers for a number of years. “We’ve known each other, we know how each other work, we’re confident in each other’s abilities; we’ve all got strengths and weaknesses, it’s just a case of managing those situations, managing those people and those people managing their people to make sure that everyone gets the best out of everyone. That’s the goal.”



PROCESS FOR SUCCESS Mark Pallas Head of Business Development Getting the process right has always been fundamental to the Winn Group business model. From its inception as Winn Solicitors 20 years ago, the focus throughout its exponential growth has been on ensuring the core of the business is delivering exactly what the client wants and, most importantly, needs when they contact the First Notification of Loss team at Winns. Providing swift initial assessment, ensuring quick and decisive action to support the client with vehicle recovery, storage, assessment and repair, while providing a credit hire vehicle while theirs is off the road, is all actioned prior to progressing the claim through relevant legal channels. This chain of events is of paramount importance. It is this strategy that has been the bedrock of consistent success, allowing it to evolve


to what it is today. One person who knows better than most about this is Head of Business Development, Mark Pallas, who has been with the firm for 13 years. His role in leading a Business Development team as they seek to maintain existing working relationships, and form new ones, requires intricate knowledge of the Winns working practices. When he discusses the benefits of the process, you know that his opinion is supported by 20 years of industry knowledge. He said: “The reason we have got to where we are is the people we have in the business. How do we stay there? By retaining the people who have got us to this position. “Our First Response Team has staff with extensive experience in the sector. When this experience emanates through the team, it provides an invaluable core that ensures any newer staff can rely on it at every opportunity. “Alongside that, the fundamentals of the firm haven’t changed; the core principles haven’t changed. Sometimes, a natural trend in business sees companies lose the personality that got them into that position after a period of growth. “We haven’t lost that. Jeff Winn, Winn Group Executive Chairman, for example, is still playing a prominent role in strategy planning 20 years in. “But this evolution and expansion doesn’t

happen overnight. It involves a strategic plan that comes together over many years and is underpinned by that consistency that comes with employees adding value to the process over an extended period of time. “Step by step, account win by account win, each new broker helps with that juggernaut effect after you get it rolling on day one.

undervalue that immediate response that our team offers round the clock. Rather than simply saying Winn Group is best in class, senior management sought to prove it through the client journey across thousands

“But that’s not to take the focus off those accounts who we’ve worked with for a number of years. They’re still with us and hugely important. They stay with us because we are the best in class, we do what we say we’re going to do. “A road traffic accident is not a nice thing to happen, nor is it pleasant to deal with the fall-out of it, but we provide the best service out there, it’s as simple as that.” The process has been scrutinised over a number of years to deliver for the client, maximise efficiencies and, crucially, cut any excess time throughout the claims journey. It’s why Winn Group moved to a truly 24/7 operation, and not the token gesture offered by some in the industry. He continued: “It is extremely difficult to go 24/7 and that’s why more companies in the sector aren’t doing it.

“THE REASON WE HAVE GOT TO WHERE WE ARE IS THE PEOPLE WE HAVE IN THE BUSINESS.“ “But we’re seeing the benefits, and the accounts we work with, and their clients, are appreciating the benefits. “We have all the tools within Winn Group to provide every service for a road traffic accident and that is immediate. “Telematics is of paramount importance to this. For example, if the client has an accident that is serious at any time, the telematics team outbound them and if the client doesn’t respond, the team has the skill-set to read the algorithms and what the data is telling them. “They’ll deploy the emergency services and this will begin a chain of events that may prove life-saving in certain circumstances. You can’t

of claims, a strategic choice that has delivered multiple awards including Claims Management Company of the Year for successive years at the Personal Injury Awards. It has resulted in a near-perfect Trustpilot rating – a site dedicated to clients and customers reviewing businesses they’ve engaged with – that has bested competitors, with thousands of glowing endorsements of the client care from Winns. It is this that provides Pallas and his team with the ammunition to go after new business, something that has been achieved incredibly successfully over the years. He added: “The process is what insurance partners buy in for, they want the best for their customer in an era where everything is about quality and standards and being held to those standards. “If you go for a meal in a new restaurant, you read a review before choosing it; if you go on holiday to a new place, you’ll read a review of the hotel before deciding; if you want to do anything you haven’t done before these days, you read a review. It’s the most honest form of quality checking as it is undertaken by the client. “With our Trustpilot rating, which is based on over 6,300 reviews with a 94% great or excellent rating, we prove we’re best in class.”


WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? In May 2013, we began using Trustpilot; an independent online review website open to the public. We have now received over 6,000 reviews and are rated 4.8. Our online reviews allow customers to honestly review our service and provide important feedback, which helps us to continuously improve our offering.

Winn Solicitors


















“What a wonderful company. Anthony McClaren was my main case worker, there just was never a question too big or small for him, absolutely brilliant!“ Samantha Rated 4.8 | 6405 reviews

“All the staff I have spoken to are friendly and helpful. Especially, Kelly Bolam - she is very friendly and professional. She offers 5 star services and is quick and efficient.” A Ali Rated 4.8 | 6405 reviews


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Q & A: HOW MANY ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT COMPANIES ARE TRULY 24-HOUR OPERATIONS? It’s a question that has a direct bearing on the client, who should expect no less of a service at 1am than they would at 1pm. Delivering a truly 24-hour operation that provides effective and efficient support is a hard service to implement, but one that has many tangible benefits. Discussing this topic with our Head of the First Response Team (FRT), Chris Jones, and Deputy Head, Paul Hewitson, the focus on this client facing department is the process and making it the most convenient and helpful it can be:

Chris Jones Head of First Response Team

Why did Winn Group decide to go to a 24-hour operation? CJ

Due to the continued growth in the business, we needed to evolve our out of hours offering to clients. We had spoken about extending the service for a number of years, and the right time to implement it. It has worked brilliantly, conversions are up, and the service remains the same regardless of the time of day. We’ve won new business because of the high standard of the 24/7 operation we have.


Paul Hewitson Deputy Head of First Response Team Nowadays, there is an expectation from PH clients that our service should be 24 hours a day, moving away from the outdated 9-5 pattern that has historically been used by firms. They want that level of service day and night, so we are there to be relied on when it suits their lifestyle and circumstances. The brokers who we work with expect that too in order to keep their clients satisfied with the offering.

How does a 24-hour day look in the First Response Team? The day shift starts at 7am with staggered PH starts throughout the morning ensuring a staggered finish at the end of the day through to 8pm. That’s when the night shift starts, with two teams ensuring the presence of a dedicated team leader and a team able to provide assistance for clients throughout the day and night. CJ

That presence means the team can deal with any issues that may crop up at unusual times. No longer do you need to wait for many actions to be taken just because your enquiry falls out of the 9-5 window.

It’s a friendly, experienced voice at the end PH of the phone, whatever the time of day, who can help a client who will be stressed and in a moment of difficulty after a non-fault accident. The team member is available to use their expertise and service to help.

What does FRT bring to the claims process? CJ

The service we’ve previously mentioned, that triaging of cases, collection of information and near-immediate actioning of events to help the client, ensures the client gets the best service from the very beginning.

decision effectively and efficiently allowing them to get back to the job in hand. This limits disruption and ensures as smooth a process as possible. CJ

The turnover in staff in FRT is very low and the average time spent in a role in this department is five years-plus. We’ve got

In terms of client experience, it is a human PH voice that is going to be there for them, has their best interests at heart and is eager to help them through a complex time. They’ll help them with the next steps and to understand the process they are beginning. If you were going straight to a solicitor, it may not be the same kind of approach as our staff are more down to Earth, empathetic and reassuring. CJ

The proof of how effective the team is lies in the reviews we receive. If you look at our Google and Trustpilot ratings, we’re top of the shop compared to our rivals. We’re in a world now where everyone looks at reviews to check a service. I’ll be honest, I think we

“WE WANT TO PUT THE CLIENT BACK IN THE SITUATION THEY WERE IN BEFORE THE ACCIDENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.” won the Claims Management of the Year award at the Personal Injury Awards two years running because of those positive reviews and feedback from clients. If you compare us to others, the proof is in the pudding.

What shape has the First Response Team taken and why? We’ve heavily invested in growing the PH department because we wanted to have the right quality of staff with the correct experience so we can deliver the quality our clients deserve. Once you have this, which we firmly believe we do, then as part of that decision-making process, the staff have the knowledge and skills to make a

staff who have been here for 10, 15, 20 years. It’s important to have this experience as it ensures we maintain our service levels. We have a team with extensive knowledge in the industry which they can put to helping clients who face issues along the way. We want to put the client back in the situation they were in before the accident as soon as possible.

In a team of 100-plus advisors, what is the main focus and drive of your staff? CJ

I think it has to be quality of service. With all the work we have put into developing our assistant managers and team leaders, we have been able to develop a hugely comprehensive training programme. This ensures that new members fit in quickly with the rest of the team and have the knowledge and skills to hit the ground running with our First Notification of Loss claims.

We want staff to deliver a quality service PH while delivering first class standards. That in turn helps maintain broker relationships who need to be sure they are getting the service their clients deserve. They need to have that confidence that when their clients come to us, they are going to get an excellent level of service with that feedback then returned to the broker. CJ

If we can deliver on those expectations, then we achieve our main aim; to return the client to their pre-accident normality as effectively and efficiently as possible.

How does this constant attention on files help with case durations? CJ

The role has become a lot less pressured for the day shift, knowing the night shift can action things in advance and complete tasks that aren’t reliant on someone else to input into. There are many things that can be progressed without the need for discussion with the client, so these can be done during the night to maintain progress on the claim. As a result, the other shift is freed up to be able to progress claims quicker and more efficiently. We are constantly transferring files, making sure they get dealt with or progressed to relevant departments based on the circumstances.

The case durations have been significantly PH shortened. We essentially have two people working on one file at all times. The constant review of the case brings down its life cycle, but, equally, if there are matters identified that need to be dealt with, then that can happen straight away, without delay.

How do we competitors? CJ





Crucially you need the adaptability and flexibility to change. You need to be able to react to the needs and wants of the clients and brokers and align your processes with that. You can only do that with an excellent team, who are experienced and skilled in what they are doing. We’ve got that in FRT because we’ve worked so hard on developing our team; this has helped us to progress massively to where we are today.

I agree with Chris; if we sign a new contract PH and the client asks for something, we would be able to implement that quickly. I think our knowledge base helps us stay ahead as we have that extensive experience in the process thanks to our staff. It’s a very driven team which wants to deliver the best service possible.


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ON THE TECHNOLOGY FRONT FOOT Clint Milnes Chief Information Officer Looking to the future of accident and claims management means investing in the technology to allow your company to step confidently into it. At the core of its vision to make the claims process as accessible, efficient and seamless as possible, for the benefit of clients, Winn Group has historically sought to utilise technologies to achieve this. The present is no different, and under the guidance of Chief Information Officer Clint Milnes, the future will be shaped by it. Backed by a proactive approach to technological advancements, the Group’s IT and Development teams have been a standard bearer for many vendors, with numerous requests to be case studies as well as awards for use of technology in the claims process.


For Milnes, it is vital to apply the benefits of technology at the right time and proportionally to the circumstances. He said: “It has got a place and a benefit when used at the right times. There’s a danger a company goes far and wide and uses technology for every aspect, all the time - it shouldn’t be like that. “The question that needs to be asked is ‘is it working in unison with staff and clients?’ If you bring new developments in that clients don’t like and staff can’t use, it’s a complete waste of money.

“I was brought into the firm to use my knowledge to marry the legal and technological elements together. Have we achieved it? To a large degree, yes, but you can never stop. If you think you’ve achieved it, you’re going backwards. “There’s a fantastic vision at Winns; we are always open to investment in new areas of IT without any hesitation to do so in terms of acceptance and adoption. “There’s that trust in the technology

element working externally.”





When choosing Winns to conduct the claims process, clients get 24/7 access to their file through our expansive Touchpoint interactive platform, allowing them to upload evidence with the option to sign documents digitally thus speeding up the process.

“If you don’t provide that information, someone else will do it for you. The tenders are all about what technologies we can provide. “Integration and security are massive things in the industry currently. Winn Group is ISO270001 accredited and Cyber Essentials Plus certified; they are real bold stamps that can win or lose contracts.

A recent successful trial of robotic automation processes to help deal with incoming mail, prior to being assigned to files, highlights a constant search for improvements to the process for clients and staff alike. He continued: “It is a continual investment in an ongoing project. We are constantly looking at the landscape to utilise cutting edge technology that would benefit staff and clients. “For the past 18 months, we have been looking at robotic automation processes to read the paperwork that is sent which in turn speeds up the smaller processes around allocation to files etc, thus speeding up the duration of cases as it allows staff to not be slowed down.

“WE ARE CONSTANTLY LOOKING AT THE LANDSCAPE TO UTILISE CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY THAT WOULD BENEFIT STAFF AND CLIENTS.” “We are also Panintelligence innovation partners; winning their partner of the year award emphasised what they thought about our approach to understanding and using technology to make the claims process more efficient. “The technology we currently employ keeps our staff happy, clients happy and it will win us new business. “Every broker we work with, the first thing they ask for is API and immediate reporting, not monthly reporting but immediate reporting.

“We are moving with the times of generation X and Y, who have been brought up utilising technology for their benefit. In the near future, they are going to be potential clients and our potential future staff. “We need the technology in place to enhance the role of our staff and make it more exciting and have that technology platform for clients to make it easier for them. “They should be able to progress their claim during a lunch break on an app as life is getting busier for everyone, and we need the tech to make it work for them. Some people don’t want to bring a legal case or will be reluctant based on the procedures involved. “We don’t want to make it a burden so we focus on making the process as quick and easy as possible with information for them to hand and delivered through mediums that make that information as accessible as possible.” For all the extensive investment in technological processes that have allowed Winns to offer a best-in-class client service, Milnes is acutely aware of the need for balance. He concluded: “Sometimes, though, nothing beats speaking to someone on the phone and we have that, alongside the digital components, at Winns. “There’s a time and place for both and it is important we pick the right time and place for each medium.”


TELEMATICS Liam Parker Telematics Team Leader Our dedicated Telematics Team has ten years of extensive industry knowledge and invaluable Telematics experience. They are experts in driver behavioural analysis and crash data interpretation and offer a fully manned, 24-hour First Notification of Loss service. Consisting of 18 data analysts, the team works daily with Winn Group Partners’ data centres and Telematics box providers to receive real-time crash notifications, and analyse them to determine whether the alert is a potential true incident or a false alarm. As part of our service level agreement, we will guarantee that the data is analysed within 30 minutes of receiving the notification, although 80% of our outbound calls to customers are within the first 10 minutes. Head of department Liam Parker said: “My team will make an outbound call



on all potential true incidents, and once contact is established with the insured driver, offer a warm, sympathetic and understanding approach in the hope of calming any heightened emotions. “The most important reason for our call is to show genuine concern about their well-being, offer reassurance and offer advice, such as reminding them to take pictures of all vehicles involved, capturing the damage and vehicle registration numbers, to take the full-name, telephone number and insurance details of any third parties involved, and where necessary, to arrange vehicle recovery. “Winns Telematics really does benefit everyone, and because of our experience, we have encouraged and helped many insurance brokers to setup their first Telematics policies. “The Broker has the assurance of a 24hour, 365 days a year First Notification of Loss service and accurate Management Information reporting.”

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Winn Legal, Brinkburn Street, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1PL


VEHICLE DAMAGE TEAM The Vehicle Damage Team at Winn Group has taken on a huge expansion programme within the last 12 months. Headed by Chris Cullingworth, with Rebecca Colby his deputy, the department is going from strength to strength as it handles the recovery and replacement process involving a client’s vehicle.

Chris Cullingworth Head of Vehicle Damage Team

Over the last five years, the focus has been on ensuring a dynamic and effective claims process that encourages the appropriate assessment of risk on claims, focussed negotiation and a smooth transition into litigation where necessary. Chris said: “We encourage our teams to engage in meaningful dialogue with third party insurers and representatives to progress claims quickly and effectively. “Where litigation is necessary, the relevant information from the client will be obtained early in the process to ensure there is limited inconvenience and appropriate support and guidance. “With the growth of the business, the team has undertaken significantly more work including claims with personal injuries on the Official Injury Claims portal.”

Rebecca Colby Deputy Head of Vehicle Damage Team

“WE WILL CONTINUE TO MONITOR AND RESPOND TO CHANGES IN THE INDUSTRY TO ENSURE A SWIFT AND EFFECTIVE CLIENT JOURNEY AND CLAIMS PROCESS.” Highlighting the team’s determination to remain as helpful to the client as possible, while maintaining a proactive approach to industry changes, Rebecca is sure a boost in employee headcount will only support this vision. She said: “To support this growth in workload, we have increased staff numbers from approximately 25 to 80 team members. “With further recruitment anticipated, we ensure optimum caseloads are maintained and make sure the claims continue to progress without delay.


“As the firm, and ultimately the team continues to grow, we will continue to monitor and respond to changes in the industry to ensure a swift and effective client journey and claims process.”


Winns achieves ISO 27001 certification

2019 Winns secures ISO accreditation

On Medical launches 24/7 service

Winns la Wills, Pr Trusts a Resolut


Onhealth launches



On Medical and On Hire move to a newly refurbished 20,000 sq ft building in Heaton

Winns begins off specialist FNOL for telematics in

Winns achieves Investors in Peop accreditation

2006 2002

Winn Solicitors founded by Jeff Winn as a specialist road traffic accident company

Winns launches On Hire and On Medical, establishing its one-stop-shop for accident management


aunches new robate & and Dispute tion services

Winns named in Chronicle top 200 North East companies

Winns opens third office due to expansion

Jeff Winn becomes Executive Chairman and Chris Birkett becomes Winn Group Chief Executive Officer


2014 On Hire listed as one of the Fastest 50 growing companies in the North East

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On Insurance launches Winns first year listed as a Legal 500 firm


Winn Group receives investment from JZI and Souter Investments Winns receives ABS status

WINN GROUP TIMELINE From 2002 to 2022, a look back at the highlights that built Winn Group


ADAPT OR FALTER Ian Scanlan Head of On Medical Adapt or falter. It is an extreme set of choices but a realistic scenario currently facing many in the medicolegal sector. Following sweeping Civil Liability Bill reforms at the end of May 2021, the volume of work flowing through the medicolegal sector fell sharply.

where we historically saw 30,000 cases a month on average in Personal Injury, that’s dropped to 18,000. But that’s something we’ve just had to deal with.

Companies, still finding their feet after tough blows related to Covid and lockdown implications, once again had the carpet pulled from under them and were forced to adapt quickly to a radically changing landscape.

“We’ve seen a lot of consolidation among Medical Reporting Organisations and law firms and it is a case of keeping ahead of the curve.

For Head of On Medical 24/7, Ian Scanlan, the volatility of the market has dictated the downfall of some ,and the adaptation of others, with consolidation a future theme in the industry. He said: “There has been a lot of volatility in volumes and case types following the reforms back in June, so



“Our numbers have dropped naturally because the claims frequency has dropped, so we reacted accordingly, diversifying into different areas. As a business, we put more focus into physiotherapy, and tests and treatments. Onhealth, a sister brand of On Medical 24/7, plays a huge part in this for us by generating more work in primary health care, offering weight management, senior mobility, physical and psychological diagnostics and treatment, and we’re now conducting health screening via blood tests around the UK too. “It’s essential to do things differently, cutting the cloth according to market need; reacting to the market as suitably as you can. “The medico-legal industry is probably a couple of months behind what law firms are experiencing at the moment; they are also seeing massive consolidation, with currently around 10 key firms out of which there are five large ones and a sub layer.

Lifestyle Health & Wellbeing Services Onhealth provides nationwide health and wellness services to individuals and employers, with 24/7 support.

Using the latest in state of the art technology, our healthcare services and medical professionals, including physiotherapists, psychotherapists, occupational therapists, and dietitians, are accessible regardless of your location, through our innovative online client portal.

“But the pipeline of work is just diminishing week on week. It is essential to focus on fostering relationships with the consolidating influences in the market, to keep a track on identifying where we might be losing work and to ensure going forward, work is locked in at the top.”

on the trend line in Tier One. We also know exactly where we sit in the hierarchy of the 11 Tier One providers, and we’re in a very comfortable position, just where we should be.

Arguably one of the most agile medicolegal agencies in the country, On Medical 24/7 has remained consistently ahead of the curve over the past few years, reaching full digital capacity swiftly when lockdown struck without much notice. It returned to full office capacity quickly and efficiently and then, with competitors still attempting to adjust, extended to become a 24/7 offering in response to client demand. All of this demonstrates the forward-thinking strategy and flexible nature of the Tier One agency, as well as its desire to provide the best service possible based on the demands of the market. It’s a deliberate approach and one that sets On Medical 24/7 apart from its rivals.

“WE’RE FINDING WE ARE AHEAD OF A LOT OF OUR COMPETITORS PURELY BECAUSE WE WORK 24/7.” The next step for the Newcastle-based organisation is to continue building on the success of its sister firm, Onhealth. The health and wellbeing service has a number of services, with nationwide coverage, for clients and businesses to utilise. Its latest offering is specifically designed to build on Scanlan’s adaptation of the offering to fit within different markets. “Last year could have been a tricky year for us as we took on the reforms and a huge decrease in work and instructions coming in, but we always have the security of knowing that in terms of MedCo, we remain bang

“We’re very happy with that, and we’re very happy with our diversification and the complementary services we’ve added on. “Providing a 24/7 service kicked in too, which has pitched us ahead of a lot of our competitors just purely because we are available all the time. It’s not a complex concept. Whilst many of our competitor’s offices are closed and not processing any work, we are, and therefore it is only natural that our turnaround times and life cycles are much quicker. “The firms that proactively monitor performance and SLA’s place us in the top percentiles, if not at the very top on many occasions. “A lot of companies are trying to diversify into areas they don’t have a lot of experience in. What we’ve done instead is to concentrate on delivering the highest levels of service in what we already do really well and then extend that into areas that are separate to our traditional sector, but have the market need, like Onhealth. “It’s all about being at the top of your game at this moment in time, and we are.”


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