Wisconsin District neWs March/April 2014
WI District Superintendent
Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Heather Poland Section 2: Melissa Taylor Section 3: Simon Chappell Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Charles Welch Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Dale Pace Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.
March/April 2014
PSALMS 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. How many “words” do you think the average person, living 73 years, speaks during that time span? According to “wiki answers” it is 370 million, 110 thousand and 1.3 words. That is 5 million and 70 thousand words a year or 13,890.4 words a day or 578.8 words per hour. Of course these statistics vary greatly depending upon the individuals’ openness in communication. The point that I would like to make in this article is simply - how many of our daily words are directed or said unto the Lord? The psalmist wrote in 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. The psalmist was teaching us that of all the words that come from between our two lips they should be words that are acceptable unto GOD! And he continues to state that the “meditations” of our heart should also be acceptable as well. Why? Because our Lord stated. LUKE 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. So, whatever you and I have in our hearts; in other words, depending on what we are thinking at any given mo-
ment in time, those thoughts will come to light through spoken words! How important it is that we think about what we are about to say before we put our vocal words into existence. JESUS taught it best; whatever is in our hearts, good or bad, will be exposed by the words that we speak. How much better would your immediate world be if you purposed in your heart that your words were going to be those that would bless individuals? Rather than just letting our tongues go without any boundaries of what we say, we would be greater witnesses than we ever dreamed if we would just think before we speak! JESUS told us to be witnesses! I realize that being a witness is not just what we say, but totally how we live, but we are certainly not going to be accepted by GOD if our WORDS don’t match up with our overall lifestyle. Our words do make up a good bit of our overall witness to those that we encounter on a daily basis. What is the quality of your speech when you encounter people that serve you in a restaurant, or that collect your money in a store? Just think about how effective you can be in the public realm if your words are uplifting, loving and kind. We all know that we really don’t want to be around those who are always complaining, criticizing, and gruff. We all enjoy being in the company of those that use their words in an acceptable way! As a matter of fact, GOD told us in Ecclesiastes 5:2 Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few. The God that knows our thoughts even before we think them, also knows Continued on page 13
Sis. Darlene Boyte, Wisconsin District Music Ministries successful at a district event.
WDN: Tell us about yourself and your family. SIS. BOYTE: I was raised in the Apostolic church from birth; received the Holy Ghost at age 13, sang for church at age 3, played accordion and sang at age 5, and directed choirs at age 12. I have been married to Ron for almost 34 years. I have two sons, Corey (Danielle), Seth (Evelyn) and one adorable granddog “Audrey.” Fishing, antiquing and vintage shopping would be considered my hobbies.
WDN: What does the Wisconsin District Music Ministries offer the Wisconsin District? SIS. BOYTE: WDMM provides music for three Mid Winter Camps (Fox Valley, North & South), Ladies’ Retreat, and Family Camp, as well as other smaller local events. WDMM also hosts a Music Conference once a year. This year SHABACH will be held at CLC - Mequon on Friday, April 11 at 7:00 PM with a mini concert and on Saturday, April 12 from 9:00 - 4:00. Saturday will be a day of classes. For more information go to the district website: wisconsinupci.org WDN: Who are the sectional representatives and what is their role in the department? SIS. BOYTE: Section 1: Kevin Pace, Section 2: Stephanie Kingsbury, Section 3: Bethany Hilderbrand, Sections
4 & 5: Josh & Liberty Solberg. Each rep is not assigned specific roles. Primarily each rep gathers info from each section for district events and helps plan events for their sections as well as attend sectional meetings. WDN: What is your vision for the Wisconsin District Music Ministries? SIS. BOYTE: My vision for WDMM is to train and equip the young as well as the older to be more proficient and strive for excellence in music ministry for the Kingdom of God. To encourage individuals to practice, grow spiritually and use the gifts God has on loan to us to further the saving of souls. WDN: What can the local church do to help facilitate this vision? SIS. BOYTE: Get your people involved in your local sections as well as district events throughout the year. WDN: Everyone has at least one “goto” verse to encourage them. What is your “go-to” verse? SIS. BOYTE: Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Interview conducted by April Peckham, WDN Representative Section 4
WDN: How long have you been director of Wisconsin District Music Ministries? SIS. BOYTE: I have worked with WI District music for 27 years, but have been the director for 12 years when WDMM was founded. WDN: What do you like most about being director? SIS. BOYTE: I really prefer the term “coach” more than “director.” With that being said, I have great joy working with younger people, mentoring and training, and seeing a team effort March/April 2014
BY HEATHER POLAND It was that time of year again. The hustle and bustle of Christmas had been over for nearly a month and spring was still just a distant glimmer. While the record lows and heavy snow had many Wisconsinites caught in mid-winter blues, church members and leaders from all over the Fox Valley, and even throughout the state, found themselves in a different kind of mid-winter. Hundreds arrived at Pathways Church in Appleton for the Fox Valley’s second Mid-Winter Camp meeting. The two-day event, beginning on January 16th, was comprised of five sessions and featured three speakers. Bro. Tim Zuniga, a Pastor in Nashville, TN, preached the powerful message Thursday night, “Go and Show John Again” from Matthew 11. His second message, preached during one of Friday’s three sessions, was entitled, “Win While You’re Winning.” He presented the reasons why people and ministers fail. He also shared the importance of short term “wins” in an individual’s walk with God and keys to staying strong during trials.
March/April 2014
Wisconsin’s very own Bishop Putnam ministered during the first morning session on Friday and shared his heart with the church. His message was entitled, “Victim or Victor.” He contrasted how Joshua and his house chose the Lord in the Old Testament when faced with a choice, but the religious elite of the New Testament chose Barabas. The church today is faced with a similar choice. Bro. Putnam encouraged those in the congregation that day to not give way to culture and popular opinion, but to choose Christ. If you missed this excellent sermon, you can watch it online at WisconsinUPCI. org.
Bro. Raymond Woodward was the third speaker of Mid-Winter East. In addition to being a Pastor in New Brunswick, he serves as the Executive Presbyter for the United Pentecostal Church of Canada. Friday afternoon, Bro. Woodward spoke on “The Tipping Point.” He referenced the concepts found in Malcom Gladwell’s book by the same title: attitudes and behaviors are contagious. The same principle is as true in the church as it is in the world of business. When attitudes and behaviors are aligned with God’s will and His people begin to push, something happens in the Spirit and “insurmountable momentum” is created. Bro. Woodward also ministered during the Friday night service as a move of God (which began during the worship service) swept through the building. After the 2014 “Embracing the Vision” banner was rolled up, after the last chair was put back into its rightful place, after the last car pulled out of Pathway’s parking lot and all remnants of Mid-Winter East were seemingly erased, hundreds of people drove home with a renewed vision ready to impact their world. Photos by Craig & Loretta Lundt
March/April 2014
January 30th PM Bro. Tim Zuniga
The first night of Mid-Winter Camp North Bro. Zuniga preached, “Stay on the Battlefield.” David killed Goliath on the battlefield, and we all have Goliaths in our lives. Too often we just want to feel good and be “happy clappy Christians,” but real soldiers of Christ are developed on the battlefield. We were saved to be soldiers and our Commander in Chief has never lost a battle. The key is to keep focused and remember the battle plan when we feel overwhelmed and want to give up. Often, in the heat of the battle, we give in to self-preservation and give up the fight. Others can come to their rescue and they too can be taken out of the battle with them. People are struggling in their walk with God because they left the battle! The key to staying saved is to stay on the battlefield.
January 31st AM Bro. Putnam
Bright and early Friday morning,
Bishop Putnam addressed the congregation with: “Our Choice: To Be a Victim or a Victor.” His message stated that the generation we live in has a “victim” mentality and it is creeping into the church. We all have a choice to be a victim or a victor! God gave us all the ability of choice and life is full of choices. The message the media sends us causes us to become mediocre, but we need to choose to stay salty! Joshua demanded a choice, a choice that could either save or condemn God’s people. We need people who are far on God’s side! This is the day we need to
make a clear choice. Parents understand that rearing godly children takes more than a wish and a hope. We need to go back to talking about the good things of God in our homes. Parents need to stay in the battlefield and confront the public schools with their concerns. He stated that when God says one thing and the church teaches something else, it creates confusion and God is not the author of confusion. That is why we need to make a conscious decision to serve the Lord. While everyone else was bowing to false teaching, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego chose to stand for the One who could deliver them. Bro. Putnam asked the question, “Do you still believe God is able?” He said that the world will always make those who stand for righteousness look like victims. He admonished us that we can’t stand in the middle; we can’t wear a cloak of the world AND the righteous garments of Christ. He reminded us that Jesus was arrested by the religious leaders of the day. Jesus never tried to dodge or hide from the difficult questions. The people were asked to choose between which Jesus they wanted to let live, Jesus Christ or Jesus Barabas. The world today is making a choice between Jesus Christ and the religion the world offers, so we need to rise and emulate Jesus Christ, the light of the world!
January 31st AM Bro. Mike Mitchell
Right after Bishop Putnam taught, Bro. Mike Mitchell got up to teach us on “Repositioning Our Nets.” He challenged us by asking, “How hungry are you for God to take you to the next level?”
March/April 2014
God. What we call “good church” is just a meeting to God. God takes pleasure in substance, not what looks “good.” If God is going to speak into our future, then He needs to question our present, yet many of us don’t like our present questioned. Bro. Mitchell admonished us, “If you really want your church to grow, pick up a Bible Study chart!” He reminded us that there are things that God is going to ask us to do that don’t make sense, but we need to obey, and He will send results.
He went on to say, “Of all you’ve been doing and for as long as you’ve been doing it, what do you have to show? It’s going to take more than what you’re doing now to show God is with you. If you’re going to claim your city, you’ll have to go after it! We must be united to be able to reposition our churches to reap the harvest. We cannot continue to be a one-man-show. Everyone looks to the Pastor to grow the church, but God called the Pastor to equip the people to embrace God’s vision. God’s people are the legs of God’s vision! We’ve tried to fulfill the command through talent and ability, but entertainment won’t fulfill the vision. Unity is God’s blueprint for the church; being united in our goals and destiny. If results aren’t there, we need to revisit our unity. If you want God to bless your efforts, then we have to come together! God is not impressed with our crowd, He wants to know if our crowd can become one! We can’t expect results from people who walk contrary to God’s Word, so to maximize the catch; we need to spend time mending the nets. Nothing matters until the church is purged. God is going to start visiting what we are doing, He is hungry for results, and our busyness doesn’t satisfy Him. What sometimes satisfies us doesn’t satisfy
January 31st AM Bro. Tim Zuniga
Our last speaker for the morning was Bro. Zuniga. He taught on “What Shall We Do?” He addressed the question Peter was asked on the first day of the church, “What shall we do?” He instructed us that the question has a specific answer. There is only one way, one Lord, and one baptism. He told us that we are living in a time when doctrine takes a backseat; Pastors don’t preach doctrine because they don’t want to offend people. Regardless of what they
teach or don’t teach, there is still a specific answer to the question in Acts 2:37! He said, “We shout on fluff stuff but lose our shout on doctrine! “Your church is not an accident in your community; you are a light set on a hill! Borrowed beliefs have no position… you gotta get this yourself!!! Second and third generation Apostolics are getting confused by the clamoring of the world, but there is only one doctrine! You need to be careful whom you let speak into your spirit. We gotta have a clear sound Continued on page 13
March/April 2014
BY MELISSA TAYLOR Mid Winter Camp 2014 - South once again did not disappoint. We were blessed with anointed messages from Rev. Tim Zuniga, Rev. Stan Gleason, and our very own District Superintendent, John Putnam. An article recapping these powerful truths would not do justice to these messages or to you. To hear these timeless messages, contact Rev. Scott Jacobs with Wisconsin District UPCI Media to get CDs or DVDs of these messages. You can contact Rev. Scott Jacobs at MediaMinistry@WisconsinUPCI.org. Also, contact Wisconsin District UPCI Media through:
Facebook: Facebook.com/ pages/Media-of-WisconsinDistrict-UPCI Twitter: @WIUPCI_Media YouTube: YouTube.com/user/ WiDistrictUPCIMedia If you can only purchase one of these messages, I would recommend Friday morning’s message featuring Stan Gleason preaching a potent exhortation entitled “Make a Disciple: Secure the Future/ Place of the Church.” If you can make a friend, then you can make a disciple. Photos by Melissa Taylor & Simon Chappell
Rev. Tim Zuniga Thursday Evening: “The High Cost of Being a Savior” (Luke 14:25–28) “Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good. He came to make dead people live.” “Rescuers are passionate. They dive into a dangerous situation understanding that seconds matter.” “Like a lifeguard, rescuers have to carry more than their own weight.” (Ga-
March/April 2014
latians 6:2) Friday Morning: “The Anointing That Still Breaks the Yoke” (I Samuel 16:13) “The anointing of God doesn’t come cheap.” “There are three different kinds of anointing: God’s Anointing, Leader’s Anointing, and the People’s Anointing.” “You will need all three anointings if you are going to reach the zenith of your potential.”
Rev. Stan Gleason
ciples than when He spoke to the multitudes.”
Friday Morning: “Make a Disciple, Secure the Future/Place of the Church” Friday Evening: “Your Local Church: (Matthew 28:19) The Hope of the World” (Acts 1:1-8) “Jesus never said, ‘Go save people.’ He said, ‘Go make disciples.’” “If you can make a friend, you can make a disciple.” “Soul-winning is an event, but disciple-making is a process. It’s personal, but we have institutionalized it.” “Jesus talked differently to his dis-
“There is no perfect church, but your church is still the hope of a community and of the world.” “When God sends revival, it is always bigger than the people that He sends it to.” “If you want to grow a church, get a vision for the world.” Rev. John Putnam Friday Morning: “Keep Your Place” (Psalm 91:1-2; Exodus 33:21) “It will be hard to ‘keep your place’ if we live in the sixth day mentality. We need to live in ‘seventh day rest mindset’ and let God do the work.” “He created us to be proclaimers, not beggars.” “When the devil tries to pull you off your place, keep it.” March/April 2014
2013 was a very good year for us here in Antigua. So many things have happened! We are so thankful to have Benjamin and Victoria, our son and his wife, working with us these last two years. They have been a real blessing. In August, we put them over our youth. It is good to have a young couple to be their role model and it has blessed the young people. It is also getting Ben and Victoria ready for what is down the road in their ministry. Thanks to Pastor Gilliss, I was able to go to General Conference this year. He took care of all my needs there. The services we attended and the classes we went to were all great. I left there very blessed. I was then able to go back to Wisconsin for a short time and was able to attend their Prayer Conference and Men’s Conference. When you live on an island and have no other churches to fellowship with, those special meetings make one feel rich. I felt like a man going back to his calling with forty camels loaded with treasure! I was able to minister in a number
of churches. I am so thankful for all the Pastors that allowed me to come. It is a blessing to be able to talk with the Pastors and their wives as they share the good, bad and the blessed. It has helped us here in Antigua to do the right things in teaching God’s people. Sometimes it’s just a word or a verse shared that makes the difference. Because of what you have shared, you have been a part of what continues to happen in Antigua. You have so blessed us - THANK YOU!!!! Our outreach, or ‘Streetreach,’ is going very well. We have had a number of people get the Holy Ghost or be baptized on Saturdays. We are working hard on “inreach” also as every visitor that comes does not leave without knowing what it takes to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. In 2013, we had thirty-six baptized in the saving name of Jesus, fifty received the Holy Ghost here in Antigua, and five in Barbuda when Ben preached there. So far this year, we have already had twenty people baptized or filled with Holy Ghost.
The second Sunday of every month is Youth Sunday. Our young people do everything. This last Sunday four were baptized and two received the Holy Ghost. We are training our young men and women through Bible studies and Bible school, so they will be able to go out to start new works or just be a blessing to this work. Our goal is to start a number of churches here in Antigua and to send some out to other islands. We would also like to take a little time to let the Tamel family know that we have been praying for them and the church, in the loss of Bishop Frank Tamel. Your church has blessed us here in Antigua. The Parkway ladies bought us our first washer in 2000, and what a blessing to not have to wash all your clothes by hand! In 2005 you sent down Bro. Don Mallas with a vision to help build us a church. In May 2006, thirty men and women from all over Wisconsin came down in groups of ten and helped build the church. It was the Wisconsin District that Continued on page 13
March/April 2014
BY TONNY AND NIKKI JAMES My husband and I have been married over seven years. During that time we have always dreamed of someday starting a family. We also experienced several miscarriages along the way. The first one was in 2007, shortly after we were married, and there were two others in 2008 and 2009. During that time, we sought out medical treatment. After several tests and doctor consultations for men/women fertility, we received the diagnosis that we were infertile. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, which explained why we continued to have miscarriages. The doctors were certain I would never be able to carry a child to full-term and that the pregnancy would be high-risk with multiple complications. We were strongly advised to look into other means of having children. Then we were further discouraged as my husband found out he was medically infertile as well. We continued to trust God and seek out others for help and began taking different medicines and herbal supplements to help us conceive. During this entire ordeal, I continued to ask God, “Why is this happening?” I became increasingly sad and angry with Him and my husband. Despite my faith being shaken, I contin-
ued to ask and beg the Lord to give us a child. As more time went on, I became angry and deep down, when I prayed, doubt really resided in my heart that God would ever give us a baby. My husband, throughout it all, continued to keep the faith, encouraging me that the time “isn’t here yet,” and we needed to wait. I kept watching the years go by. I read medical reports and articles of similar situations where people had no success in having children. I became more discouraged and heartbroken. Eventually I began asking God to take away the feelings of wanting a child so I wouldn’t have to bear the emotional toll it was taking on me. It had started
to impact my marriage and my relationships with those around me. Finally, late in the summer of 2012, as a last resort to see if anything could be done, we were referred to a doctor in Milwaukee who was considered the nation’s best in fertility. After multiple visits, that doctor as well, did not see any way for us to conceive. We were pointed in the direction of in-vitro, which would cost more than $10,000, but that was with no guarantee we would get pregnant or that I would be able to carry the baby fullterm. My husband decided the Lord would have to make a way if it was going to happen. I tried thinking of many ways to come up with the
money somehow. I stopped asking God, while my husband and I still asked some leaders in our church to pray. In March of 2013, Evangelist Tim Greene visited our church, The Pentecostals of the Fox Cities, for revival services. My husband, after a morning service, asked Bro. Greene if he would pray for us as we had been dealing with something a long time. Bro. Greene smiled as if it was the will of God and agreed to do so in our evening service, in which he was preaching. Bro. Greene preached on faith just like others have before, but this time there was something different. My faith started to well up, and again I believed along with my husband. That night we were prayed for with the church in attendance and support. A couple nights later Bro. Tim Greene shared a prophetic word saying we would soon be expecting and to get our home in order. In April of 2013, God rewarded our faith as we found out we were pregnant! Our son Yisrael Edward James was born on December 16, 2013! There were no complications at all during the pregnancy and I was able to carry him to full-term; it went so well that those who knew us were astonished. God is good and faithful! March/April 2014
district Calendar of Events APRIL 11 & 12 – WI District Music Fest, Christian Life Center, Mequon (Hanthorn) 11 & 12 – JR Bible Quiz Extravaganza, Indianapolis, IN 18 & 19 – PI—Appleton, Madison, Sheboygan (Spanish) 19 – JR Bible Quiz— ATC, Racine 20 – Easter 25 & 26 – PI—Eau Claire, Oak Creek MAY 8 & 9 – WI District Board Meeting, WI Dells (Location TBA) 8-10 – WI District Ladies Retreat, Kalahari Resort, WI Dells 11 – Mother’s Day 17 – Jr. Bible Quiz—Eau Claire/ Appleton 23 & 24 – PI Eau Claire 24 – Senior Bible Quiz—Fond du Lac 31 – Mother’s Memorial Ends JUNE 1 – SOC Drive Ends 6 & 7 – JR Bible Quiz State Finals, Green Bay 14 & 15 – Senior Bible Quiz Finals, Parkway Apostolic Church, Oak Creek 15 – Father’s Day Offering — Men’s Ministry 16 – Music Practice for Family Camp All Sections—ATC, Appleton, 7 p.m. 16 – 20—WI Junior Camp—Shawano 23 – 27—WI Youth Camp—Shawano 29 – July 4—WI District Family Camp, Shawano JULY June 29-July 4 – WI Family Camp 21-25 – JR Bible Quiz Nationals, Branson, MO
“ASK, and it shall be given you; SEEK, and ye shall find; KNOCK, and it shall be opened unto you:” Matthew 7:7
March/April 2014
BY DYLAN MALLAS Senior Bible Quizzing for the Wisconsin District kicked off its 2014 season on February 1st at Apostolic Truth Church in Appleton. For the 2014 season, quizzers are studying the writings of John. Twenty teams were in attendance for the first tournament, including two from Illinois. The top four teams in the intermediate division and the top three teams in the experienced division were honored. The top seven quizzers in each division were also honored. In the intermediate division, the first place team hailed from Apostolic Faith Church in Racine, the second place team from Pentecostal Assembly in Eau Claire, the third place team from Apostolic Truth Church in Appleton, and the fourth place team was a
combined church team from Shawano and Oak Creek. Individual awards in the intermediate division were given to Riley Doerflinger (Racine), Nathan Hastreiter (Eau Claire), Aleksandra McKinnies (Shawano), Gabby Weyer (Appleton), Mari Kaminski (Appleton), Moriah Thompkins (Racine), and Hunter Kahl (Appleton). In the experienced division, the first place team hailed from Cornerstone Worship Center in Fond du Lac, and both the second and third place teams from Parkway Apostolic Church in Oak Creek. Individual awards were given to Ben Contino (Oak Creek), Jacob Zimmerman (Fond du Lac), Anna Darden (Oak Creek), Amy Li (Glenview, IL), Elijah Thompkins (Racine), Nick Contino (Oak Creek), and Kevin Pace (Fond du Lac).
MWC - Eau Claire
our every word. That is why, when we pray, our words should be from our heart, not just mouthing meaningless things that are not acceptable to Him. Remember, JESUS CHRIST is THE WORD made flesh. HE is the spiritual and physical example of how we should walk and talk! I wonder, during this season when we celebrate the Lord’s passion and resurrection, let us all purposely think before we put audible sounds into reality. Lord, PSALMS 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Let’s make sure that our allotted words, during the course of our lives, are spent wisely while blessing others along our way! Amen.
in our families and churches. There are 217,000 different religions in America…you better know what you believe! Hold onto the Acts 2:38 message! “When the first church was asked ‘What Shall We Do?’ Peter could have said anything, but the answer he gave was not left up to his discretion. “The world’s ‘answer’ has changed through the years to ‘Just say yes to Jesus’ or ‘Just believe’ but that is not what Peter said! “We shouldn’t have to defend that we preach Acts 2:38. Others should have to defend why they don’t teach it! “Every Apostle lost their life for this message we preach. If the truth didn’t matter, then why would they have allowed that to happen? “There are a lot of sincere people, but sincerity has never trumped truth! Jesus had a conversation with a sincere,
Continued from page 3
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hungry, religious man and He told him that all his religious traditions and education wouldn’t get him to heaven. “Our answer should always remain Acts 2:38.” Photos by Annaliese Woolsey
Antiguan Update Continued from page 10
backed up Bro. Tamel and his vision to build a church in Antigua. Within ten minutes at the District Conference, you raised most of the money we needed to buy the building supplies. So we thank God for all Bishop Tamel has done for this world and for us. I want to also thank the Wisconsin District and everyone for all your support through the years, as you have blessed Antigua, making it possible for us to be here and do what we do. THANK YOU!
March/April 2014
Opening March 13, 2014: • Online Registration • Hotel Reservations • Exhibit Space Registration
St. Louis, Missouri • America’s Center Tuesday, September 30 - Friday, October 3, 2014