WDN - September/October 2014

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WISCONSIN DISTRICT NEWS September/October 2014


WI District Superintendent

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Heather Poland Section 2: Melissa Taylor Section 3: Simon Chappell Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Dale Pace Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Geoff Albertson Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


September/October 2014

WOW! What a fast-paced, trouble-ridden, sininfested world that we live in! The daily news is packed full of violence, exposed sin, hatred and fighting among people. We are confronted with problem after problem, trial after trial, and test after test. Where does it all end? As born again believers, we are called to be like Christ. We are to be the children of the “light” and to walk in the light as Jesus is in the light! In our local assemblies we are encouraged by our leadership to reach out to the lost. We are instructed in the scripture to go forth and make disciples. As leaders in the body of Christ we are consistently setting “vision” before God’s people. We teach and preach of the necessity of reaching out to others in hopes of them understanding the “truth” and turning to God. So…what’s happening when our efforts are pure, our motives are right, and our actions are consistent? Why are we continually bombarded by all of the negative situations that seemingly try to erode our faith and make us question whether or not all of our efforts are even worth it? The answer to this question is as old as the scripture itself. Right from the very beginning of creation when God created Adam and Eve, God was specific about His plan. God spoke to Adam as to what he should and should not do. Yet we still read about Eve standing in front of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, where she was confronted with the lying serpent who challenged her under-

standing of God’s word as it was told to her husband. The deceiver who charged God Himself with being deceitful and a liar. Into this perfect environment, the garden of Eden, which was void of sin, Satan “distracted” Eve from her and her husband’s very purpose for being! Brothers and sisters of the Wisconsin District, God has not led you and me to salvation for us to just sit back in our pews a couple days of the week and think that that is why we were filled with God’s promise. If that has been your thinking process as a Christian, can I tell you...YOU HAVE BEEN “DISTRACTED”! Our Lord’s sole purpose for coming to this earth was to “seek and to save that which was lost”! His sole purpose involved reaching out to people to lead them to a saving knowledge and understanding of their need to be “born again of water and Spirit”! He has commissioned each of us to go into the “highways and byways” and compel others to do the same! Isn’t it unbelievable that just when we begin to see spiritual progress in the body of Christ, that at times it seems that all “hell” breaks loose. Instead of being about the Master’s business, we end up being about the business of trying to clean up every spiritual mess that the enemy brings our way. What happened? If we are not careful, and if we don’t understand the ways of Satan, then we will turn our spiritual attention away from what our real purpose is, and get bogged down in the cesspool of always trying to “fix” situations and problems that arise. Church, if we could understand that we are not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices. If we could just understand that every little bump along this pathway to eternity does not have to be a Mount Everest situation. If we would just set Continued on page 19

BY DYLAN MALLAS “Your 2014 intermediate division North American Bible Quiz Tournament champions…from Apostolic Faith Church in Racine, WI…Wisconsin 1!” Following the utterance of the previous exclamation, the crowd at the 2014 NABQT awards banquet erupted into thunderous applause – including some of the other Wisconsin teams showing solidarity towards their comrades by shouting “cheese!” Each year, in early August, upwards of 100 quiz teams representing their respective districts congregate at what is called NABQT – North American Bible Quiz Tournament – to compete to determine the North American champions in both the experienced and intermediate divisions of Senior Bible Quizzing. This year, a record 107 teams were in attendance at the tournament held in St. Charles, MO – a suburb of St. Louis. Five teams represented Wisconsin at this tournament, two in the experienced division and three in the intermediate division. In the experienced division, Wisconsin was represented by Cornerstone Worship Center in Fond du Lac as Wisconsin 1 and by a combined team from Parkway Apostolic Church in Oak Creek and Apostolic Worship Center in Milwaukee as Wisconsin 2. In the in-

termediate division, Wisconsin was represented by Apostolic Faith Church in Racine as both Wisconsin 1 and Wisconsin 3 and also by Pentecostal Assembly in Eau Claire as Wisconsin 2. The Wisconsin district is proud of all of the teams that represented our district, as they represent us well competitively but also as examples of godly young men and women. Wisconsin has proven itself to be one of the most competitive districts in North America, as we have had multiple teams finish in the top twelve at NABQT in the last two years. As previously alluded to, Wisconsin 1 in the intermediate division from Racine was the 2014 NABQT champions. This marks the first occasion a team from Wisconsin has won NABQT in the intermediate division, the first time an intermediate team has placed in the top four since Calvary Gospel Church in Madison placed 3rd in 2001 and the first time a team from Wisconsin has won NABQT in senior quizzing since Apostolic Faith Church in Eau Claire won back in 1992. Interestingly, NABQT was also held in the St. Louis area in 1992. However, this is not the first time this team from Racine – consisting of Riley Doerflinger and Moriah Thompkins – has won a North American TournaContinued on page 19

Wisconsin - Team 1

Wisconsin - Team 2

Wisconsin - Team 3 September/October 2014


Be: Senior Camp 2014 BY EVELYN BOYTE With school out and the June sun finally warming Wisconsin air, Wisconsin Youth Ministries hosted another exceptional Youth Camp. Dorms filled quickly with an outstanding number of first-time campers, along with many returning students. All would leave after five days, with the event surpassing even the highest expectations. The days unfolded with prayer, morning service, choir, recreation, evening service, and Twilight Zone. Each afternoon, campers had many options to play and laugh with friends in healthy competition in the Ultimate Game. With various sports events, obstacle courses, and other team-based activities, campers could put their sugar rush from canteen snacks and


September/October 2014

mocha drinks to good use. The ladies of the Wisconsin Youth Ministries committee delightfully hosted a resale tent for girls to exchange or buy lightly used clothing. Twilight Zone kept campers awake late into the evening with even more opportunities to score team points in the Ultimate Game. Entertainment was high, but more than ever, hearts left overflowing with the Spirit of God. Reverend Andrew Romine is a Wisconsin favorite, and he connected with students each morning by digging into relevant issues that face teens today. He unpacked the necessity and evidence of receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost – confidently sharing that it is the greatest “Yes Moment” one could ever have. He also shed light on the science

of how what we watch impacts our brain in such a way that it reacts as if it is actually participating in what we’re watching. Reverend Romine cautioned campers to use discretion in what they allow their eyes to see and encouraged them to develop roots in daily Word and prayer. Evening speaker Reverend Sammy Sherrill brought students to an altar of repentance after sharing the heartwrenching reality that hell is indeed real. God’s Spirit swept through the tabernacle as campers prepared their hearts for His coming. Reverend Sherrill etched a fresh appreciation for pastors in the hearts of all. Throughout the week, he encouraged campers that “being Pentecostal is not a penalty, it’s a privilege.” In Thursday evening’s service,

Reverend Sherrill threw a “Surprise Party” for students, celebrating those who have kept the faith their entire lives. We danced and celebrated the joy and privilege we have in living a life sold out to Christ. As twelve o’ clock settled in on Friday, phones snapped pictures and arms embraced new and old friends with hugs. The faces that walked onto the campgrounds on Monday with anticipation and wonder left with overwhelming smiles of satisfaction. You could see in their eyes that their hearts were leaving changed. Another Youth Camp is now in the books, one to always remember. Wisconsin is blessed with an incredible Youth Ministries team who prayed and prepared for the students of Wisconsin. Photos By Luke Peterke

September/October 2014



Camping experience...

Ahhh camping… brings to mind family, closeness, laughing, stories, singing, food, fire pit, and of course roasting marshmallows and hot dogs… Camping is a bonding experience and Family Camp is no exception! Not only bonding with blood relatives, but church family and most importantly our Savior, Jesus! So how does this all begin…

Start packing…

Let the packing begin! Much thought goes into preparation for this week from planning to praying and fasting.

Setting up your tent…

Once you arrive you get yourself situated and off you go for food, fellowship, fun and spiritual growth!

Cooking up some grub…

Get a meal at the cafeteria or a snack at the canteen, but the morning and evening messages are the real meat. It’s where you truly get fed and filled spiritually.

“Look to the Bible: Ask the One Who Was There for the Answers,” “Fossils Say “NO” to Evolution,” “Design and Purpose,” and “Earth is a Young Planet” giving scientific reasons that all of these topics are true.

The evening speaker, Bro. Bill Davis, was able to meet with us again at Family Camp just two years after his A great fire starts with a spark. stroke. You could feel the release in his At Family Camp, the ‘spark’ spirit as he fought through the struggles is ignited during pre-service the stroke has caused him and came out prayer and grows to a roaring fire by victorious on the other side. He enerthe end of each day. Instead of singing gized us each night with his messages: around an actual campfire, there is an “Be Strong,” “Develop a Spiritual Hunopportunity to join the camp choir. Talk ger,” “Words That Will Save You and about feeling the power of God! He truly inhabits the praises of His people!! Your House,” “We Live Out Our ConEach morning and evening, the children cepts,” “Walking Between Things,” and enjoyed the ministry of Tim Rimmer, “Discerning What Should Live and A.K.A. ‘Handy Dandy,’ and his family What Should Die.” We can be strong in at the Children’s Church. the name of Jesus. Strong people walk The morning speaker was Bro. in faith. The concepts that you believe Arlo Moelenpah. His sessions for yourself and your home and life are educated us on topics about creation in- the concepts that you live out in your cluding: “The Origin Questions NOT daily life. Our life is made of obstacles: Solved by the Scientific Method,” walk around them.

Starting a great fire…

(All sessions are available through WI District – Media Missions at MediaMinistry@WisconsinUPCI.org)


September/October 2014

September/October 2014



September/October 2014

September/October 2014


New York City Rachelle Barnett December of 2013 - I was scrolling through the list of destinations that AYC was planning, dreaming that I would be able to go on a “Great Adventure” one day. Being a Youth Leader, full time college student, and working a full time job, there was simply no time to go. I was “too busy” to even let the thought cross my mind. As the idea of going on a missions trip began to lay heavy on my heart, I decided that if I were to go on a trip it would be to New York; but the tasks of my daily life quickly clouded out the thought. As time passed, I heard of the Youth Leaders Scholarship. I began to sincerely pray about going on a trip. Knowing nothing about how I would get there, what to expect or what would happen there, I wrote my essay and sent it in. I then received the scholarship that would pay for my trip and my airfare to go on an AYC trip to New York City. New York is by far one of


my FAVORITE cities to go to, and this experience was not like the previous visits. The friendships that I made while on this trip are friendships that I will have for the rest of my life! Shout out to all of the Wisconsin people that went!! One of the most precious things that I saw was people getting filled with the Holy Ghost! God used willing vessels to reach those who needed Him. At my home church, I do a lot of outreach. I used the knowledge that I learned while doing outreach at my church and applied it to outreach in New York. What happened after I planted? God gave the increase! The amount of flyers that were dispersed and the number of conversations that I had was a small part in seeing people baptized in Jesus’ name and receiving the Holy Ghost. Everywhere we went - whether it was Times Square, Grand Central Station, Broadway, or the Brooklyn Bridge - we let our

September/October 2014

light shine by stopping people and asking them if they wanted prayer, and inviting them to the next service. If I could give any advice about AYC trips, it is to GO! Do not be afraid, let God use you to His full advantage! Your life will be changed and others’ lives will be changed as well! It truly is a beautiful experience. Be ready to let God use you. Leave your comfort zone and the front of your door step and be willing to step into a whole new level of ministry. Do not let the excuse of you not knowing a language stop you from going on an

AYC trip. We stepped into a church that spoke zero English. We had interpreters throughout the entire service and to interpret personal conversations. However, with the crowd that we had, there was no way that an interpreter would be able to follow us with each person we went to pray with. We began to pray with these people and soon they were receiving the Holy Ghost. God moved in ways that we could not imagine! In conclusion, I want to thank the Wisconsin Youth Ministry for their contribution to my trip. Without it, I Continued on page 18

Netherlands ELLA BUDZINSKI I’ve only known about Apostolic Youth Corps for about two years. When I first heard about it, I was excited that there was an opportunity like this for young people to go on short term missions trips and thought that someday I’d hopefully get to go on one. Over the last two years, my passion for Jesus and for souls has grown so much, and when the 2014 AYC destinations came out, I began to pray about going on one. I knew it would require a lot of work to get there, but I felt God leading me to go. I applied for the scholarship provided by the Wisconsin Youth Ministries, and got it, which was the deciding factor in my deciding to go on a trip. I knew this is what God wanted me to do, and so I trusted Him to provide the way for me to go. God came through like He always does. Through just two bake sales and a few letters to family and friends, I had the perfect amount of funds to go!

AYC Netherlands was my first AYC trip, and I went with an open mind, because I really didn’t know exactly what to expect. I knew we’d be doing street evangelism, having church services, sightseeing, and more; and I’d heard from everyone I knew who went on one that they were life changing, but I was not prepared for what the actual experience would be. I am so thankful that I went into the experience having prayed for months about it, and in that respect I felt prepared, but God had so much more in store than I could’ve dreamed. AYC trips are very tiring, but so rewarding. I got about one hour of sleep in the first 48 hours of the trip, because from the moment we touched down in Amsterdam, we went straight into traveling, sightseeing, street evangelism, and a church service, all before we finally got to go to bed that night. Every day was full, exciting and impactful. I got to

walk the streets of Holland handing out fliers, singing, and talking to people about Jesus almost every day, and even on our sightseeing days we would have testimonies on our bus rides and have amazing devotions with our chaperones. The missionary, Bro. Matt Tuttle, informed us that 20,000 fliers were handed out, nine were filled with the Holy Ghost, and three were baptized in Jesus name! It was indescribably amazing to be a part of all of God’s work in Holland, but it was also so amazing to see the work He was doing in us AYCers.

One of my favorite parts of this trip was forming friendships, praying with, and traveling with the Dutch youth. You could just tell that our presence alone blessed them so much. One of the college age girls that helped us navigate our way through the cities told us as she held back tears that she’d never seen so many young people on fire for God in one place. Holland is a country a third the size of Wisconsin, but with five times the population. It has 17 million people, but only five UPCI churches. The Dutch young people Continued on page 18

September/October 2014


Three Wisconsin young adults were personally invited to be part of Evangelist Tim Greene’s ministry team during revival services in Johannesburg, South Africa this summer. Though their time in South Africa was short, the impact this trip had on their personal lives is eternal… Emily Dull (Green Bay)

also personal reasons. Seeing South Africans dance Before I left, I struggled and have a freedom of worgreatly with fear: ‘What ship and to see their love just will people think of me? bubbling over was a blessing Will I mess up? Will I be to us all I believe, but there good enough? Will I fit in? was more… Maybe I just shouldn’t go.’ Going to South Africa Yes, all questions in the flesh, was a life changing experibut questions just the same. I ence. Maybe not in the way had traveled internationally everyone would assume. before, so that wasn’t new. I Yes, the matchbox houses, just couldn’t place my finger scarcely clothed children and on my fear…where it was oxhead soup tugged on my coming from…why…how to heartstrings, but feeding the fight it. During orientation, poor and clothing the homethe first thing Bro. Greene less wasn’t the reason I went. addressed was fear. Wow! I’ve seen it before in Haiti What peace of God came and the Dominican Repubover me! I knew I was in the lic; not that I’m less compasright place, at the right time. sionate towards these things, Seeing South Africa but we have to remember and experiencing the cul- why we went. We went for ture was amazing! What was outreach and to minister to even more amazing was how the body of Christ. I think God fitly joined all of us to- what surprised us most was gether. The group of young how much they ministered to people that went with us all us in return. We often think had a specific reason we were the less money someone has there: to minister to oth- the less they have, but that is ers, to see lives changed, but the total opposite.


September/October 2014

The mentoring sessions with Bro. and Sis. Tim Greene and Sis. Christelle Smith (the daughter of the South African Superintendent) were amazing! That was the part that most impacted me. Having that personal ministry poured into me changed my perspective…changed my life. Having such passion, burden and desire to see our generation used by God, and to have people willing to correct, challenge and change us was a blessing. Nothing will ever compare to the blessings, healings, and encouragement that you receive when you make yourself most vulnerable. Being in a place where

we didn’t know anyone…a new church, new culture, new ministry team…we had to be vulnerable. But I believe that’s where God had the greatest ability to work in our individual lives, and use us all together as one to do His work. If you’ve never been on a missions trip, if you’ve wanted to go but have fought fear, finances or yourself, go. If you go for the right reasons, have a pure heart and prepare beforehand, your life will never be the same. Joey Wilbur (Madison) Looking back I should have warned myself that my Continued on page 17

BY LORETTA LUNDT Many gathered at Parkway Church in Oak Creek on Friday and Saturday, August 15-16 to learn more about prayer. The theme for this event was: Embracing the Vision: “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” ( John 4:35b) Near the beginning of each session was a time set aside called “Harp and Bowl,” taken from Revelation 5:8, “Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twentyfour elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.” (Rev. 5:8) During this time, everyone was encouraged to pray, minister, sing, worship or do whatever each felt led to do by the Holy Spirit. Eric Carlson, Section Two Prayer Coordinator, reminded us that we don’t live at the level of the natural man – we have the Holy Ghost. He also told us that our prayer rooms are birthing rooms! It is where miracles and answers to prayer are born. The tag-team ‘treachers’ were Ste-

phen and Teri Spears – both 5th generation Apostolic Ministers from Grace Life Church in Arkansas, where their son pastors. In Friday’s session they taught: What Happens When You Pray? Prayer affects God. Did you know He keeps our prayers? While He lives in eternity, we live in ‘time.’ Sometimes He waits to answer to help us, not to hurt us. He’s the Commander in Chief. He knows something we don’t! Wilderness times are for growth and self-discovery. We’re in training. Even though we know our children will probably fall when they learn to ride a bike, it doesn’t stop us from giving them the bike. What we go through in life is a part of the training and growing. God’s WHOLE intent is NOT to fill a church. It’s to get in relationship! The Laodicean church in Philippians had no ‘need’ so they didn’t ‘feel’ the need for God. We NEED to be in NEED. The first session on Saturday morning focused on the Weapons of our Warfare. The pillars are Faith and Obedience on one side and Praying in the

Spirit on the other side. These pillars house the weapons of our warfare: the name of Jesus, the Blood, agreement, binding and loosing, fasting, praise and lastly the Word and our testimony. In the final session the types of “Prayer Giftings”were discussed. Different anointings bring different giftings. We were encouraged to do our part and be happy where we are planted. This is the list of different types of prayer warriors: Intercessor, Apostolic Intercessor, Administrative Praying, Strategic Praying, Spiritual Warfare Praying, List Makers, Crisis Intercessors, Area Intercessors, Agreement Prayers, Mercy Prayers, Devotional Prayers, Prophetic Praying, Pastoral Intercessors, and finally Cafeteria (little bit of everything) Prayers. Everyone was encouraged to decide which gifting was the strongest for him or her, and then we all prayed for the nation of Israel. September/October 2014


BY NATHAN PETERSON What is CMI in general?

Campus Ministry International (CMI) is a ministry of the UPCI that was formed to enable and encourage local churches to effectively reach out to the college and university populations in their vicinities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. What is CMI Milwaukee?

Although located near the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), CMI Milwaukee is open to all Milwaukee-metro area college students. There are six major colleges, universities, and multiple technical campuses in the area including UWM, Marquette, Cardinal Stritch, Concordia, Alverno, Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) and Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC). Over the last year, CMI Milwaukee has hosted students from four of these colleges who represented seven local UPCI churches. Our motto is Proverbs 27:10 “... Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother who is far away.” CMI - Milwaukee seeks to be that nearby neighbor for all Milwaukee area college students. A place you can come to any time; in the “day of calamity” or between classes to rest, refresh, study or just simply hang out. When did CMI Milwaukee start? CMI Milwaukee started in the fall semester of 2013, one year ago. When does CMI Milwaukee


September/October 2014


In our inaugural year, we met on Tuesday nights each week for dinner and a short Bible study/devotion and discussion. With the exception of $5 Steak Night, food and drink was offered free of charge to college students who greatly appreciate home cooking and hospitality while living on tight budgets during the school year. About once a month we’d meet on a Friday or Saturday night for social events from playing board and video games to attending a Brewers game. After performing a short survey of student availability prior to the 2014-‘15 school year, we decided to move the weekly meeting to Saturday night to accommodate students’ schedules. The format will remain the same with a mixture of Bible study and fellowship. We are also adding daytime meetings on Tuesdays/Thursdays on campus for students who commute or work nights and are unable to make it on Saturdays. Where does CMI Milwaukee meet?

Weekly Saturday meetings occur at Nathan and Becka Peterson’s home, one block north of the UWM campus on Milwaukee’s east side. Weekday Bible study meetings will occur at various areas of the UWM Student Union. Who can attend a CMI Milwaukee event?

Anyone who is either a college student in the metro Milwaukee area or who has a burden for reaching the lost and ministering to college students can

attend a CMI Milwaukee event. Who heads up CMI Milwaukee?

CMI Milwaukee is led by Nathan and Rebecca Peterson who also serve under Pastor Joseph Hanthorn as Student Ministry Directors and Hyphen leaders at Christian Life Church in Mequon. Raised as a fourth generation apostolic, Nathan left home and the call of God behind as he entered college at UWM and began drinking, experimenting with drugs and drumming in rock bands. He graduated from UWM in 2002, days before his son Alexander was born. He hit rock bottom on January 1, 2009, waking up drunk, depressed, divorced and alone. He realized if he kept going this direction, he wouldn’t be around much longer. Not even remembering how to pray, he got on his knees and asked God for help. After twelve years of running from God, God ran to him like the prodigal’s father, delivered him and began working again in his life. Nathan met Becka at the WI District Hyphen conference in 2012, as Continued on page 20

New Generation Leaders Section 4 & 5 Conference

BY APRIL PECKHAM On Saturday, August 16th, those involved with New Generation Leaders in Sections 4 and 5 met in Thorp for a regional conference where Bro. Robert Kurz taught on “Total Surrender.� Bro. Kurz taught that many confess to being totally committed to God,

Total Surrender but we see throughout scripture that total commitment takes total surrender of self. The rich young ruler was committed, yet when Jesus asked for his total surrender, he chose to walk away. We can see through the example of Abraham, Elisha, Noah, Moses and the three Hebrew children (just to name a few), when their commitment to God was tested, they were willing to lose themselves in honor and obedience to Him. Total surrender. We often want to see the whole picture before we step out of our comfort zone for God, but total surrender would have us follow His plan without knowing the outcome. September/October 2014


BY MELISSA TAYLOR Rehoboth New Life Center in Milwaukee (Pastor Michael Brownie) hosted a summer block party in the heart of Milwaukee (21st Street and Highland Avenue) that featured free picnic food, live music, prize giveaways, a school


September/October 2014

supply giveaway, children’s games and an educational visit from the local police and fire departments. The block party served about 200 people and gave the church an opportunity to make the neighborhood aware of the church both in pre-event outreach and during the event.

Youth Underground youth group of Pentecostals of Sheboygan County (Pastor John David Putnam) volunteered to help the church with the block party. The youth group helped with registration, games, and praise singing. Youth Leader Jordan Herman played a mean

s Th a

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sax with the church’s worship team. Thank you to Youth Underground! We appreciated their help immensely! God allowed us to have a great, safe event with opportunities to talk to neighbors about the church and the gospel. To God be the glory!

Youth on a Mission Continued from page 12

life would no longer be the same. I was asked to join Bro. and Sis. Greene on a journey across the world to a country I had never thought about. My eyes, my thoughts, and my heart were wrapped into this comfortable place I call home. South Africa was the last place I would have ever dreamed about going, but when I got there it made me wonder if I could ever go back to being the same. This trip was literally unexplainable…it changed my once comfortable eyes, thoughts, and heart to see the world in a different way. Suddenly the earthly things I used to be worried about didn’t matter anymore. Every time I open my eyes all I can say is, “I’m blessed.” I didn’t just take back thoughts and memories of seeing the “big five” [lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhinoceros] or South Africa’s amazing food. I took back memories of the little boy that was so hungry for God’s Spirit that tears fell down his cheeks as he called on the name of Jesus, the lady who had so much to be thankful for that she couldn’t stand still in God’s presence, or the teen who cried out to God for his youth group, his church, his city. All I could do was look back on my life and wish I could have lived differently, wish I could have loved people deeper, and most of all I wish I would have worshipped God as if it were my last chance every day. In my eyes I feel this trip could have gone on without me and I didn’t feel I impacted South Africa in the way I had expected to, in my mind. But I know for a fact I couldn’t have gone on, without this trip. The words spoken to me, the presence of God I felt, and the hunger I gained for souls have forever changed me. Thank you to all those who made this trip possible. You don’t know how much this experience meant to me.

Cole Peckham (Marshfield) This summer I was honored to be invited to travel with Bro. and Sis. Tim Greene to South Africa. During my time in South Africa I met some of the most talented and anointed individuals I’ve ever had the privilege of working with. Every single member of our small group was extraordinarily passionate for the things of God. I was both honored and humbled to minister with them. The church where we were ministering was wonderful. It was an awesome experience seeing Apostolic doctrine being lived in another country. From my observation, UPCI South Africa is ready for more of God and they’re tirelessly working toward it. There was such liberty in the Spirit and hunger for more that it caused me to contemplate some things, particularly my own walk with God. So many times I get caught up in our culture and my day-to-day life that I forget to be Apostolic. I often worry about how I’ll be received, or perceived. But the Lord has called us to be separate and He has empowered us to be world changers! We need, I need, to start acting like it. That is part of our Apostolic heritage, a part that we too often water down. South Africa was incredible. The people, the culture, the landscape, and the church were wonderful and I learned and experienced many things. But my take-away from this experience: It’s time to start engaging my world as an Apostolic believer! With love and compassion, wielding the power of the Spirit, being separate from the world, and focusing on the ONE, TRUE, GOD! September/October 2014


AYC - New York

Continued from page 10

would not have the opportunity that I had to go to New York. Because of the generosity and support from the Wisconsin Youth Ministry, a difference has been made in my life. They allowed me to encourage others to go on their own Great Adventures through AYC. I pray others have the experience that I had and leave their AYC trip with a burden to impact the world around them. God Bless.

Gibby Punzel

If you truly want revival in your life you must get out of your comfort zone and try new things. I believe every person that has the oppor-

AYC - Netherlands Continued from page 11

may have been few, but they were passionate about Jesus and have a contagious love that blessed us all! Because of this trip, I am forever changed. It is one thing to hear about how life changing an AYC trip is, and another thing completely, to experience it yourself. It would take hours to talk about all of the life changing moments of my trip, but each one of them shaped me and changed me. We need to be winning souls and reaching people here at home where God has placed us, but taking yourself out and away from everything you know to a place with a different culture and language,


tunity should go on an AYC trip because it gets you out of your comfort zone. God showed me that it’s not all about me. I have to be considerate of other people even if they are not like me, and even if they do not have the same background as me. I learned that God is there wherever you go. You do not have to go overseas for God to do something great. He is working right here in America if you have

the faith to believe. The trip made me see how much America really needs God. I have a deeper burden for North America. It made me see how much we need to step out of our comfort zone and just go for it. My faith grew when I saw that God was helping each church we visited to grow. They were so grateful for our ministry. It’s cool to see God use many people and many different methods.

One of the most powerful parts of the trip, to me, was bringing young people from all over N. America, and seeing how God instantly bonded us together for the same purpose. The testimonies that were shared will not be forgotten because they were shared from the heart. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go. My life is so much better.

with people you’ve never met, and having very limited media access, strips away all of the things that cloud your mind, distract you and cling to you. In this state of clarity and focus, God can work in your life very quickly in ways that you couldn’t have imagined. I know that this trip was a defining moment in my life, and I am go grateful that God blessed me with this experience, and for the great things happening in the world and in the hearts of all of us AYCers because of it. On this trip I visited four major European cities along with many other cities, experienced life changing church services and street evangelism, made lifelong friends, gained an AYC family, and

left with a new burning love for Jesus and souls. I am ready to change this world for Jesus! Thank you, Wisconsin Youth Ministries, for helping sponsor students to go

on these trips that truly change hearts and the world! AYC equips, challenges, and changes young people while bringing the gospel to the world!

September/October 2014

flee from us. The key is to draw nigh to God, even in the midst of chaos and Continued from page 2 struggle, and let God be God. Don’t alour sails and be determined that by low the enemy of our soul to distract us God’s grace we are not going to al- from what Jesus Christ has in store for low the problems at hand to “distract” all of us to do. As we transition in seasons from us from following the course that God has set before us, then we will find that summer to fall, let us be more deterwhen we resist the devil, according to mined that we are going to work “tothe authority of God’s Word, he will gether” locally, across the district, and

throughout the world, as we are determined by the grace of God to be Godminded, and purposed to be about His business…not allowing our “focus” to be “distracted”! May God pour out His abundant blessings upon each and every one of you! STAY…“FOCUSED”

its other teams as well. The experienced division team from Fond du Lac placed in the top twelve as well, following up their 3rd place finish in 2013 with a 9th place finish this year. Quizzer Jacob Zimmerman was the fifth member of the All-Tournament Team, which honors the highest scoring individuals of the tournament. While the other teams representing the district did not place as well, they were still competitive with some of the very best teams in North America and should be proud of their achievements. On a bittersweet note, the Wisconsin district said goodbye to two of its most faithful and longtime quizzers this year, as they graduated from the program; Kevin Pace from Fond du Lac and Krystin Poplawski from Racine. These two quizzers represented Wisconsin well, in every manner, for a multitude of years. We were lucky enough to hear Kevin speak at the an-

nual Prayer and Share event where last year‘s quizzers are given the opportunity to share their story and have their voice be heard by the quizzing community. NABQT is extraordinary in that it is a competitive event, but it is truly so much more; lives are changed during devotional services, at Prayer and Share, and through the friendships that are built with like-minded young people across the continent. Bible Quizzing is not just teams competing against each other; it’s a family. It is the hope of Wisconsin District Senior Bible Quizzing that all churches will become involved in this life-changing ministry. If you or your church are interested in starting a Bible Quiz program or would simply like to learn more about this ministry, please contact our coordinator, Sis. Amoya Espeleta from Apostolic Truth Church in Appleton.

Don’t Be Distracted


Continued from page 3

ment; they were the undefeated champions at the Junior Quizzing NABQT in 2012. This team has placed in the top twelve at either Junior or Senior NABQT every year they have quizzed together; 2nd at the Beginner Division NABQT in 2009, 2nd at the Junior NABQT in 2010, 5th at the Junior NABQT in 2011, the aforementioned NABQT championships and 9th at senior NABQT in 2013. Additionally, this team brought home individual awards at this year’s NABQT as well: team captain Riley Doerflinger was named both the highest scoring individual of the tournament as well as quizzer of the year – the two highest honors a quizzer can hope to achieve – and Coach David Doerflinger was named 1st runner up coach of the year. Wisconsin was well represented by

September/October 2014


WNOP (?)

CMI Milwaukee

Continued from page 14

she was about to graduate from Alverno. They were married in June of 2013. Becka is currently teaching first grade and Nathan works from home in Business Development. This makes their home an ideal location for students looking for that nearby neighbor, friend and safe place where one can find rest, not to mention free parking in the driveway and coffee from the Keurig at anytime! What is CMI Milwaukee’s goal?



September/October 2014

Currently, there are three goals of CMI Milwaukee. 1) To become recognized as an official Student Organization by UWM and gain access to

campus privileges and funding. 2) To develop and equip Student Leaders who are In-Class, On-Campus and On-Fire for God and have a burden for souls and reaching the lost. 3) To become a CMI Chapter planting organization that works to establish and facilitate CMI chapters at other universities and colleges. It would be great to have individual CMI Chapters at Alverno, MATC, MSOE, Marquette etc. that meet the needs of students on each individual campus. How can I get more info about CMI Milwaukee? Nathan and Becka Peterson 414-394-4195 Nathan.peterson1109@gmail.com Facebook group – CMI Milwaukee Twitter/Instagram – Coming soon!

Wisconsin kids make Pentecost This is a story of two individuals who dedicated their lives to serving our Lord from very young ages who maintained that goal all their lives, accumulating over 150 years of productive roles as

saints, teachers, evangelists, pastors and administrators in the Apostolic Pentecostal faith. This is also a love story that tells how one man and one woman, while striving

to meet their personal goals of serving our Lord, found each other and became a team, only to find that the whole became greater than the sum of its parts! The story follows a script that

their Life work! you may agree could not have been written by human hands. Jon Hardt, the author, tells this story with love and humor, yet does not fail to mention the trials and tribulations his parents and many of the early pioneers of Pentecost were able to bear in their efforts to bring this message to our generation. Hardt is also the author of “The Church at Auroraville,” “A Christmas Past,” and several inspirational poems and short stories, some included in this book. Readers of any age will be amused, inspired and, hopefully, challenged to also walk through life in faith, as did Sadie and Samuel Hardt! “NO REGRETS: Preaching and Living Pentecost from New York to Oregon!” is about the lives and evangelism of my parents, Sadie and Samuel Hardt. Before moving West they labored for many years here in the state of Wisconsin and were responsible for starting several churches here. This is a memorial to our parents to have their story told! Aaron, Sharon, and Jon are sponsors of the

book, “No Regrets.” Val Demos, our Wisconsin Missionary, is the editor. Copies can be obtained from Jon Hardt at the address below and for the rates stated in the category that applies: • Personal use and distribution: $12 per copy (includes shipping). • Church libraries or bookstores: $50 per dozen copies (includes shipping)* • Church groups purchase for resale and fundraising: $50 per dozen (Includes shipping)* *Resale: Set your own price. Suggested price: $18 per copy. Jon Hardt 509 Ridgeview Court Green Bay, WI 54301 920-336-3352

September/October 2014



September/October 2014

September/October 2014



September/October 2014

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