Wisconsin District neWs July/August 2014
BRO. J. E. PUTNAM WI District Superintendent
Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Heather Poland Section 2: Melissa Taylor Section 3: Simon Chappell Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Dale Pace Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Geoff Albertson Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.
July/August 2014
PSALM 34:3 O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together. I believe that God is a Spirit, and that He is all knowing, allpowerful, and all present. There is nowhere that God is not! David wrote in Psalm 139: O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. 2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. 3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. 4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether. 5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. 7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? 8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. 9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; 10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. This psalm pretty well sums it up… GOD IS EVERYWHERE! So…if there is no place that God is not…then how in the world can the psalmist write, “O MAGNIFY THE LORD WITH ME”? How can we
make God any bigger than He already is? The definition of “magnify” according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary is: to make (something) greater. There is no way that we can make God greater, for His own Word tells us that He never changes. (Malachi 3:6) The third definition of this word is: to make (something) appear larger. Now we’re talking! Since God is a Spirit, we understand that He is invisible. We see the results of what He does but we don’t really see Him, or do we? The scripture states that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. Colossians 1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: 13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: 14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: 15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. Jesus made the visible declaration of God in flesh. What could not be seen was now made manifest by the very physical body of Almighty God! What now could be seen literally made God appear to be larger. The body of Jesus Christ literally became the “magnifier” of God! Colossians goes on to say… 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the body, Continued on page 18
Bro. Aaron Soto, New Generation Leaders WDN: Tell us about yourself and your family. BRO. SOTO: I was born in Dubuque, IA. My parents were wonderful role models in my life. We didn’t have a lot materially in my early childhood but we had a lot of love to go around. Since my earliest memories I’ve had a strong sense of calling on my life. I received the Holy Spirit and was baptized at the age of 6. My family moved to Clintonville, WI when I was 16 years old. Although I did not initially appreciate the relocation, I quickly fell in love with the Wisconsin District. I have fond memories of attending my first Senior Camp; I was amazed by the passion for God that was so prevalent among the students. I met Heather at Indiana Bible College. We have been married for 19 years and have three children; Blake (17), Breylin (14) and Bryson (10). We also have a cat named RJ – my least favorite member of the family. We are privileged to lead two incredible churches: Apostolic Truth Church (Appleton) and Life Point (Hortonville). We love the people we serve; they make ministry a joy and privilege. Our family enjoys traveling, foodie experiences, music, sports and being with our extended family.
WDN: What do you like most about being the NGL coordinator? BRO. SOTO: I love seeing the transformational power that mentoring has on people and also the impact that mentoring has upon the Kingdom of God. I also enjoy seeing pastors who catch the vision for mentoring and express their delight in seeing dynamic change in lives. WDN: What is NGL about? BRO. SOTO: NGL is a Wisconsin District Board sponsored initiative; it was launched at the 2012 District Conference. The following purpose statement communicates the core direction for this ministry: New Generation Leaders Purpose Statement: • Create a progressive ministry training environment in the local church.
• Create a community where new generation leaders can gather, be affirmed, and learn from their elders. • Create a strong culture of commitment to apostolic doctrine, apostolic methods, and apostolic identity. WDN: What does the New Generation Leaders offer the Wisconsin District? BRO. SOTO: We will hold Regional NGL Meetings this summer and fall. Rev. Robert Kurz will be the featured speaker. The theme for the meetings will be: “Total Surrender.” The sessions will also include small group discussions. Details are as follows: • Sections 4 & 5 – August 16 Location: Thorp (Abundant Life Pentecostal) • Section 1 – September 6 Location: Appleton (Apostolic Truth) • Sections 2 & 3 – November 1 Location: (Calvary Gospel) • The meetings will begin at 9:00 AM and conclude at 12:30 PM. o 9:00-9:15 Connection Time o 9:15-9:30 Welcome/Prayer o 9:30-11:00 Session #1 o 11:00– 11:20 Break o 11:20 – 12:30 Final Session Continued on page 18
WDN: How long have you been coordinator of New Generation Leaders (NGL)? BRO. SOTO: This is my second year as the NGL Coordinator. After finishing the Youth President role I felt God direct me toward mentoring and being a friend to people who have recently answered a call to ministry. July/August 2014
BY BARBARA HILDERBRAND One thing’s for sure – you would never expect to see lions and tigers in a hotel … and certainly not in WISCONSIN! But that is exactly what we saw! As we ladies were whisked into the lobby of the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells, it was like we stepped onto another continent! We came for Ladies’ Retreat 2014 -- and though it is always a time for deep spiritual inspiration, warm fellowship and refreshment, this year’s retreat felt more like a real adventure! Excitement was certainly in the air when we arrived on Thursday, May 8! Ladies’ Retreat had never been at the Kalahari before – it was fun to arrive, to explore, and to enjoy all the interesting features that the resort had to offer. The
July/August 2014
Kalahari staff were gracious and capable guides, too – ready to lend a hand and show the way. After wending our way through the hotel maze, we found that retreat registration was easier this year, too – and when all were accounted for, we had a RECORD registered attendance of 991 ladies!! We came from all over Wisconsin – adult ladies of all ages and backgrounds – and we came expecting and anticipating three days of AHHHHH-some! Why do we come to Ladies’ Retreat? TO HEAR! Anointed speakers – with a fresh word from the Lord! In the four separate sessions, we were treated to a spiritual feast! Our retreat’s theme was “Fashioned for His Purpose.” Thursday evening’s keynote message set the stage by declaring that we are “Fashioned for Something Better.”
Bro. Putnam greeted us with encouragement and admonition. Our featured speakers -- Sis. Flo Shaw, from Austin, Texas, and Sis. Rachel Coltharp, from Aurora, Illinois -- both spoke straight to our hearts throughout the retreat. On Thursday evening, Sis. Flo Shaw encouraged us to have “Eagle Vision” – eyesight with insight. She spoke again on Friday evening, and her message, centered on the attributes of seven noble women of the Bible, was entitled “Dressed for Success – Covered from Head to Toe.” She ended the retreat with some powerful admonitions for prayer on Saturday morning. Sis. Rachel Coltharp, who spoke Friday morning and Saturday morning, ministered with amazing clarity and anointing. Friday morning’s “Be Not Weary in Well-doing” and Saturday’s “I’m Prepar-
ing My Own Funeral” are both messages worth listening to again and again. (All messages are available through Wisconsin Media Missions at: MediaMinistry@ WisconsinUPCI.org.) We were honored to have our governor’s wife, Mrs. Tonette Walker, address our retreat audience on Friday morning. She touched our hearts with the story of her journey of faith, and she encouraged us to have a daily, active walk with the Lord, trusting in Him alone. We were able to pray for her and Governor Walker, and before she left, she lingered to sing her favorite song with us, “How Great is Our God.” Why do we come to Ladies’ Retreat? TO WORSHIP! From the pre-service prayer times to the altar services, we prayed, sang, danced, cried together…and lingered long in the presence of the Lord. A prayer table was set up in the Main Hall with prayer resources, and it was depleted every service – our women are hungry to seek the face of the Lord! During our praise and worship, one precious lady received the Holy Ghost! Many were touched by the healing power of God, including a sister from Illinois who testified: “For a month before the Wisconsin Ladies’ Retreat, my hearing had gotten so bad, it often felt (as if ) I was under water when people were speaking to me. At the retreat, many sisters in Christ prayed for me and one told me she knew that God would heal me. (During) the last 3-4 weeks, everything changed! I now can hear people even when they whisper across the room! PRAISE GOD! The Lord has healed my hearing!” Why do we come to Ladies’ Retreat? TO GIVE and RECEIVE! Sis. Jane Buford, from General Ladies’ Ministries, helped promote Mothers’ Memorial, and we received a RECORD offering of $12,750.00!! Sis. Erma Judd from Tupelo Children’s Mansion presented the great work – and need – of the Mansion. Wisconsin ladies responded in a big way, and sixty new Mansion Kid Sponsors were enrolled! Also, Sis. Coltharp and Bro. Continued on page 16
July/August 2014
BY YVONNE BROWNIE The 2014 Section 2 Unity Service was a tremendous blessing to all who attended. We were not only encouraged and strengthened, but also truly challenged. Pastor Newble of Apostolic Life Center led the congregation in powerful intercessory prayer for our families, lost loved ones, our cities and the service. Then, prayer was followed by anointed praise and worship and more prayer for Evangelist Mike Easter who
July/August 2014
is facing serious eye surgery. He would be unable to minister for a period of time because of this surgery, and this would limit his main source of income. So a generous offering was given to meet his need. After the awesome worship service, the service was then turned over to Bro. Easter who preached a dynamic message entitled “Race with the Devil,” which was taken from Hebrews 12:1. It says “Wherefore seeing we
also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. “ Bro. Easter reminded us that we are living in a “messed up” world. There is no greater time in the history of the world to be spirit-filled, and this is our greatest hour and opportunity. Now is not a time to shrink back
from speaking “thus saith the Lord.” God is sovereign, and He does not make mistakes. You are here for a reason. You are awesome, magnificent, and more than a conqueror! You are the devil’s nightmare, and God has a plan and a purpose for you. Bro. Easter emphasized three things that Christians should do. As Christians we must always “show up.” We cannot let the devil be more committed than we are; the devil never misses a service! We should live out Hebrews 10:25 which says “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so
much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Bro. Easter also exhorted the assembly to never “give up.” You may not be the most talented or smartest person, but the “race is not for the swift but to those who endure to the end.” Lastly, he said that Christians must never “shut up.” The enemy is described as a roaring lion and uses the media and other means to support his agenda. We must not be intimidated, and we have something to be excited about! Bro. Easter drew our attention to the Lord’s Prayer. The congregation began to re-
cite this from memory, but was quickly corrected when we reached the phrase “Thy will be done.” Everyone recited “ON earth”but the Bible actually says “IN earth.” 2 Corinthians 4:7 says “But we have this treasure IN EARTHEN vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of
us.” Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” So, His will can be done IN us, the “earthen vessels.” Bro. Easter reiterated that signs and wonders are not just for the elite! It’s time to
show up, never give up and don’t let the world make you shut up! The service closed as we sang, “I Am Free.” Due to the size of the crowd Bro. Easter invited all the youth between the ages of 12 – 35 on the platform, and the platform was filled with exuberant worship!
July/August 2014
BY APRIL PECKHAM, VICTORIA BOYD & MARK HARRIS Friday, April 25th started off a string of Section 4 Revival Services with Riverside Apostolic’s 3rd annual Rejuvenate.* Evangelist Tim Greene, Sis. Bethany Hilderbrand and Bro. Chuck Welch came together to give us a powerpacked weekend. Two received the gift of the Holy Ghost and were baptized in Jesus’ name while many others from Sections 1, 4 and 5 were refreshed, renewed and restored in spirit. Christ the Rock in Stevens Point held their revival services April 27th – 30th with Evangelist Tim Greene. God moved in a powerful way touching many
July/August 2014
new visitors and renewing many lives. Apostolic Life Church in Onalaska had their annual SHAZAM May 2nd – 4th with Evangelist Tim Greene, which “is always a life-changing event of dynamic, anointed preaching through this wonderful man of God.” Sis. Victoria Boyd, pastor’s wife, went on to
say, “Last year, we saw God transform an entire family and open doors of witness for more souls to come into the Kingdom, rolling over this continuous revival into this year’s SHAZAM services. Not only are lives being changed here in Onalaska, but in the entire Coulee Region, reaching out to our daughter work in White-
hall with Bro. and Sis. Rob Becker, and spreading to our dear pastoring neighbors, Bro. and Sis. Mike Schmelzer, across the river in Winona, MN, and to the south in La Crosse where Bro. and Sis. Parker pastor. This is what we pray for, and Bro. Greene shares this vision with us for this area, as he preached so diligently in his message to us this year. Hearts are being stirred, backsliders are coming back to God, renewing their commitment to walk with God, new babes are being born and
baptized into the Kingdom, and Zion’s Apostolic Ministry is being accelerated! To God be all the glory!” House of Prayer in Tomah held revival services with Evangelist Mark Harris May 16th – 18th. Three received the Holy Ghost, many were healed, delivered and “Chains were broken in the spirit realm. What a mighty move of God, He never ceases to amaze me.”(Evangelist Mark Harris). *Riverside Apostolic holds Rejuve-
nate every spring and welcomes any who would like to attend. The dates for 2015 are April 24th-26th with Evangelist Tim Greene, Sis. Lois Greene and Superintendent John Putnam.
July/August 2014
BY APRIL & JACINDA PECKHAM Junior Camp was held June 16th – 20th with a total of 194 campers this year. Thirteen received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and even more felt a calling on their lives! Christian Life College (CLC) was the guest drama team for the week and the theme was “No Buried Treasure.”
July/August 2014
Monday night the campers met Andy, a little guppy fish who was on the hunt for his treasure (the Holy Ghost). Andy had to learn how to resist the temptation to follow the crowd and to take the easy route. Andy was offered a fake treasure by Count Von Cray (the devil) but kept the course and followed the instructions that Mr. Fin ( Jesus) gave to him. In the end, Andy got his
real treasure. Tuesday night Andy was tempted by Von Cray to trade his treasure in for a badge he wanted to earn. Andy traded in his treasure and then regretted it. Andy and the campers learned that, when you make a mistake, if you ask Jesus for forgiveness and help, He will help you. The campers also learned that they need to keep
district Calendar of Events fighting to get the treasure back and not give up! Wednesday night Andy was given the weapons he needed to fight Von Cray and get his treasure back. His friends tried to give him worldly weapons to fight Von Cray and he lost. Mr. Fin gave Andy the right weapons he needed (a sword and shield representing the
Bible). When Andy fought again he won and got his treasure back. Thursday night Mr. Fin told Andy to not sell his treasure and to keep it safe. Andy hid his treasure under a bucket and decided not to tell anyone about it to keep it safe. The campers learned that they need to use their treasure and not hide it or bury it.
August 1 – SFC Scholarship deadline 2-6 – SR Quiz Nat. Finals, St. Louis 7 & 8 – Commune-ity Youth Workers Meeting, St. Louis, MO 15 & 16 – PI—Appleton, Madison 16 – New Generation Meeting, Sections 4 & 5, Thorp 22 & 23 – PI—Eau Claire 25-27 – WI District Board Meeting, Janesville (applicants) 29-30 – PI—Oak Creek 30 – WYM Six Flags for SFC September 1 – Labor Day 6 – New Generation Meeting Section 1, ATC, Appleton 7 – SFC Offering Due 12 & 13 – WI Sunday School Seminar—Fond du Lac 19 & 20 – PI—Appleton, Madison, Eau Claire 26 & 27 – PI—Oak Creek 30-Oct 4 – UPCI General Conference, St. Louis
“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” Colossians 1:15-17 July/August 2014
memorization. The only activity that M90 featured this season was an endWisconsin’s M90 program had of-the-season “Test Your Knowledge” another exciting season. The season Quiz. Many teams were kicked off on February 1 and finished not able to attend because on May 1. In the beginning of the sea- the quiz took place the son, M90 Wisconsin sold flash cards, weekend after Memorial printed verse sheets, and audio CDs Day and many participants of the Relationship and Revelation were out of town. Three material (selected verses from John, teams quizzed in a number 1 John and Revelation). We tried to of events including regumake more people in the Wisconsin lar quizzing (some teams District aware of the M90 program had conferring privileges), by presenting at Mid-Winter Camp written quizzing, flash South, sectional youth rallies and by card quizzing, bee quizzing (simiencouraging the Wisconsin Bible lar to a spelling bee), and quizzing Quiz community to be ambassadors jeopardy. Prizes and awards included to their respective churches for Bible candy trophies, Starbucks gift cards BY MELISSA TAYLOR
July/August 2014
and gas cards. Participants at the quiz suggested that next year M90 should try to launch the season earlier and hold the “Test Your Knowledge” quiz earlier to increase participation. We are thankful that people are excited about “hiding the Word” in their hearts through M90 and hope that everyone in the Wisconsin district will realize the power and reward of planting the seed of the Word in their souls through Bible memorization. Bible Quizzing may not be for everyone, but Bible Memorizing is for everyone.
BY HEATHER POLAND The pressure is enormous, the competition is fierce, the questions cover up to 550 verses, and for the Senior Bible Quizzers who are 18, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The quizzing season spans from January through June, although most quizzers have been memorizing and practicing long before the beginning of the year. Every year, Bible Quizzing State Finals are held in early June. This year, in a bold, unprecedented move, the leaders of Junior and Senior Bible Quizzing joined forces with the Green Bay church to host one event. The tournament began early on Friday, June 13th and lasted until Saturday afternoon. For many Quizzers, this tournament concludes their season. If you’re a Junior Quizzer (Ages 5-11), the end of the year means that you will go to Bay Beach to laugh, play, and celebrate a successful quiz season. If you are a Senior Quizzer (Ages 12-18) you will attend the Awards Banquet, a formal ceremony where yearly awards are given out, encouraging speeches are made, and tearful, last-year quizzers say their farewell to the ministry and people that they have grown to love. Those who qualify at State Finals will continue on to participate in an international tournament. Junior
Nationals are held in Branson, MO in mid-July. In early August Senior Nationals are held in St. Louis, MO. This year, the teams representing Wisconsin are: Junior Inexperienced:
• Racine (1st Place) • Parkway (2nd Place) • Madison (3rd Place) Junior Experienced:
• Eau Claire (1st Place) • Madison (2nd Place) • Racine (3rd Place) Senior Intermediate:
• Racine 1 (1st Place) • Eau Claire (2nd Place) • Racine 2 (3rd Place) Senior Experienced:
• Fond Du Lac (1st Place) • Parkway (2nd Place) On behalf of the Wisconsin District, I want to express to all the Bible Quizzers, both Juniors and Seniors, how proud we are of them. These children and teenagers spend hours every week poring over their material and dedicating the Word of God to memory.
Are you interested in starting a Bible Quizzing ministry at your church? Check out SeniorBibleQuizzing.com/resources for more information. July/August 2014
Ladies’ Retreat
Continued from page 5
Jerry Hutchison suggested many good books for ladies to read – resulting in the Pentecostal Publishing House’s exhibit selling out of those books and breaking their record for sales! Many talented ladies brought their beautiful hand-crafted products to sell in the Treasure Shoppe – and what a delight to find the Treasure Shoppe’s room was bigger than ever! Also new this year was our first annual ShareFair! Geared toward giving more of our women a voice, it provided a virtual marketplace of ministry. For two hours on Saturday morning, our own ladies (and a couple men!) from across our district (and beyond!) shared resources, helps, samples, ideas and inspiration on all kinds of subjects relating to Home & Family, Health & Body, Soul & Spirit, Arts & Education…as well as demonstrations, instruction, and treatments. A continental breakfast buffet was also served, along with various video options in the Main Hall. There was something for everyone, and hundreds of ladies got to browse, sip, sample, and fill their shopping bags with all kinds of fresh ideas! Why do we come to Ladies’ Retreat? TO FELLOWSHIP! To laugh together, cry together, eat together – shop together!! And to go home with a renewed vision, refreshed spirit, revived friendships, and a replenished joy of the Lord! We did – our lives were changed – and we look forward with renewed expectancy to NEXT YEAR’s Ladies’ Retreat!! It will be held May 14-16, 2015 at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center in Wisconsin Dells. Next year’s theme will be “My Strength, My Song” and the scheduled speakers are Sis. Vesta Mangun, Alexandria, LA, and Sis. Debbie Sanders, Honolulu, HI.
July/August 2014
July/August 2014
God’s Magnifier Continued from page 2
the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. Jesus is the head of the body… THE CHURCH! So, everyone that is “born again” of water and Spirit begins to magnify the invisible God throughout this world. He has not changed but glory be to God His body
gets larger everyday! No wonder the psalmist wrote… Psalm 34:3 O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together. Is there any doubt of how important it is, for us here in Wisconsin, to start new preaching points, daughter works, and home mission works? Every new start-up becomes one of God’s magnifiers across the state. Let’s exalt His name together!
Getting Acquainted Continued from page 3
WDN: What is your vision for New Generation Leaders? BRO. SOTO: The vision for New Generation Leaders is: To insure that every new leader in the Wisconsin District will receive affirmation, foundational ministry training, and ministerial fellowship; on a local, regional, and district level. WDN: What can the local church do to help facilitate this vision? BRO. SOTO: Their Pastor can contact me. I have a strong local church plan to help facilitate mentoring. I would also encourage local churches to send people to the Regional NGL Meetings. It’s important to remember that there is no age limitation on this event. If a person is relatively new to ministry whether they are male/female or old/ young, they will be greatly blessed by the sessions. WDN: Everyone has at least one “goto” verse to encourage them. What is your “go-to” verse? BRO. SOTO: Phil 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This verse has given me courage to step out into the realm of faith. It also reminds me of the need to have a “God focus” rather than a “self focus” when life brings challenges and success. Interview conducted by April Peckham, WDN Representative Section 4
Please SEND your testimonies to: editor@wisconsin districtnews.org
July/August 2014
July/August 2014
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