WDN - May/June 2014

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Wisconsin District neWs May/June 2014


WI District Superintendent

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Heather Poland Section 2: Melissa Taylor Section 3: Simon Chappell Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Dale Pace Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Geoff Albertson Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


May/June 2014

JOHN 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. During this two-month time period of May and June, we will have celebrated two wonderful holidays that address parenthood - Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, respectively. In May, the Wisconsin District ladies come together and participate in an annual event called “Ladies’ Retreat.” Since I have been superintendent, each year I have been honored to address the fine women of Wisconsin at this retreat. This year the theme for the Women’s Division Mother’s Memorial fund drive is “FASHIONED” FOR PURPOSE. This theme was also used as the theme of the Ladies’ Retreat here in Wisconsin. I really believe that this is a great theme! It has really ignited my thinking about the purpose for God fashioning all of us. My mind was drawn to God’s very purpose in creating mankind, and I realized once again that God has made you and me to be like HIM! Now, that may sound like an impossible task, but in reality that is exactly why we have been wonderfully and fearfully made in His image and likeness. I realize that His image, even before creation itself, was the fleshly body of JESUS CHRIST, but His likeness is all that His invisible Spirit is! I JOHN 4:8 tells us plainly… for God is love. So, for the Creator to fashion us for a purpose, He has fashioned us to…LOVE! The very image of the invisible God said it best in JOHN 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. Then

to think that when we receive Christ in us…the Holy Spirit…according to ROMANS 5:5 which states...the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us. Thus our Christian development throughout our life should be a constant growth in the LOVE OF GOD! No wonder the Apostle Paul wrote in ROMANS 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God; they are the sons of God. So, based on the authority of scripture every one of us that claim to be “born again” of water and Spirit are “Led By Love”! You and I were fashioned by God for this purpose! Here comes the challenging part! As people of God we all are to be “leaders” to a certain extent. We should all first and foremost be in the “soul winning” process of leading people to Christ Jesus! And as leaders within the body of Christ, we who are called to the “fivefold gifting” of spiritual ministry in the church, or those who are elected leaders that lead organizational boards, departments or committees, should not only be “led by love…but we should all lead by the same.” Love should be the primary purpose in our leadership! The Word of God speaks to all of us that if we love God, that we should also love His Word, and be obedient to His Word, not just the verses of scripture that seem comfortable for us to follow, but in those areas that challenge our human personalities and quirks. This is our constant challenge in leadership; that we all need to lead others exactly how we are led by God through and by His love. For example, submission to authority for some is a hard “pill” to swallow, especially for those who are leaders themselves, and are not fully submitted to their leadership. Why? Because if they are not leading by love, then they will not obey out of love. I don’t care who we are or what position we may hold in Continued on page 15

her respective section. Dede Sharp and Joanne Putnam do the proofreading for the WDN to help ensure that it is error free. :-)

Bro. Craig Lundt, Wisconsin District News nies of salvation, healing, miracles, etc. WDN: What does the Wisconsin District News offer the Wisconsin District? BRO. LUNDT: The WDN helps the district departments promote what is happening throughout the state. This publication reports on previous events, promotes upcoming events and is a great place for people to share their testimonies.

WDN: Tell us about yourself and your family. BRO. LUNDT: I was born and raised in Wisconsin. My wife, Loretta, and I are 4th and 3rd generation Apostolic/ Pentecostal. I was baptized as a child in the Clintonville church and received the Holy Ghost on our district campgrounds. I am now striving to train up my children, Caden (12), Araya (10), and Haven (6), in the way they should go. Two of our children received the Holy Ghost at home, and all three have been baptized in Jesus’ name!

WDN: Who are the sectional representatives and what is their role in the department? BRO. LUNDT: WDN Sectional Reps are Heather Poland (Sec. 1), Melissa Taylor (Sec. 2), Simon Chappell (Sec. 3), April Peckham (Sec. 4), and Kathy Fry (Sec. 5). Each rep is responsible for reporting or generating articles on ministries and events happening in his/

WDN: What is your vision for the Wisconsin District News? BRO. LUNDT: My vision is to publish and distribute the district news through many technologies like: website, social media, etc. to reach as many people as possible. I feel that we need to use the same methods of communication that the majority of the population is currently using to get their news. It would be great for the WDN to be used as an evangelistic tool. Another main goal of the publication is to help cast the vision of the district superintendent, district board and other department leaders. WDN: What can the local church do to help facilitate this vision? BRO. LUNDT: Local churches can help us spread the ‘good news’ by promoting the WDN in their announcements, church website, and social media posts. Also, they can send their sectional rep information about anything new and/or exciting that they are doing in their local assembly. These submissions can both inform and encourage readers. Continued on page 15

WDN: How long have you been editor of Wisconsin District News? BRO. LUNDT: I have been working with the Wisconsin District News for 10 years now. My wife and I started as Section One reps in 2004. In 2010, I became the editor for the WDN. WDN: What do you like most about being editor? BRO. LUNDT: One of the things I like most is using my artistic talents and past news experience to help further the kingdom of God. I also love the opportunity to help others share their testimoMay/June 2014


BY SIMON CHAPPELL As a follow-up from last year, the Pentecostals of Sheboygan County in Sheboygan Falls, WI, hosted another chaplaincy training class. Pastor John D. Putnam, in conjunction with Purpose Institute, organized two classes: Level 1 and Level 2. I attended the Level 1 class last year, so this year I took the Level 2 training. A chaplain is a minister or trained lay representative, attached to a secular institution for the purpose of facilitating spiritual care. Institutions that typically retain chaplains are hospitals, nursing homes, law enforcement


May/June 2014

and fire, large companies, prisons and jails. Chaplains may also be found at the state level and even at the federal level of government. Our training this year was again provided by Bro. Sidney Poe, the Education Director of the UPCI Department of Chaplaincy. Additional training was provided by Bro. William Dillon, the founder and Division Commander of the Department of Chaplaincy. A presentation on Prison Chaplaincy was given by Bro. Dustin Owens. The format of the Level 2 class was Friday evening and Saturday during the day. Lots of time sitting

on metal-folding chairs, but absolutely worth it! The Level 1 class is more of an introduction to chaplaincy and covers a wide range of subjects to enable the student to begin basic chaplaincy after the class. The Level 2 is more of a deep dive into fewer subjects, but each important for the chaplain as they advance in their duties. Bro. Poe spent a lot of time covering the core values of a chaplain. This led into further teaching on professionalism and ethics within the chaplaincy. A panel discussion on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was

very useful and led nicely into training by Bro. Dillon about Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). If you are interested in chaplaincy or are even just wondering if chaplaincy would be a good ministry for you, then I recommend attending a Level 1 class. Pastor Putnam has not yet arranged any dates for further classes, but I’m sure they’ll be advertised when the dates are finalized. While you are waiting, feel free to visit the UPCI Department of Chaplaincy website (Occupational Chaplains of America) at http://ocachaplains.com/

BY DYLAN MALLAS Senior Bible Quizzing for the Wisconsin District continued its 2014 season with two tournaments in the month of March: March 1st at Calvary Gospel Church in Madison and March 29th at Apostolic Faith Church in Racine. The top four teams and the top three teams were honored in the intermediate and experienced divisions. The top seven quizzers in each division were also honored. In the intermediate division, on March 1st, the first placed team hailed from Apostolic Faith Church in Racine, the second placed team also from Racine, the third placed team from Apostolic Worship Center in Elton, and the fourth placed team from Pentecostal Assembly in Eau Claire. Individual awards in the intermediate division were given to quizzers from Racine, Eau Claire, Elton, Appleton and Shawano. In the experienced division, on March 1st, the first placed team hailed from Calvary Gospel Church in Madison, the second placed team from Apostolic Faith Church in Racine, and the third placed team from Pentecostal Apos-

tolic Church in Peshtigo. Individual awards were given to quizzers from Madison, Racine, Peshtigo and Parkway. In the intermediate division, on March 29th, the first placed team hailed from Apostolic Faith Church in Racine, the second placed team from Pentecostal Assembly in Eau Claire, the third placed team also from Racine, and the fourth placed team from Bartlett, IL. Individual awards were given to quizzers from Racine, Eau Claire, Bartlett, and Appleton. In the experienced division, on March 29th, the first placed team hailed from Cornerstone

Worship Center in Fond du Lac, the second placed team from Apostolic Faith Church in Racine, and the third placed team from Pentecostal Apostolic Church in Peshtigo. Individual awards were given to quizzers from Madison, Racine, Peshtigo and Parkway. Our next tournament will take place on May 24th in Fond du Lac. Due to regional tournaments taking place across the country in April, there will be no official Wisconsin state tournament in April. We send prayers with our teams heading to regional tournaments and are expecting excellence from those teams.

May/June 2014


BY SIMON CHAPPELL The Wisconsin District Minister’s Conference is an opportunity for the pastors and ministers of Wisconsin to gather together. It is a time of fellowship, business, spiritual refreshing and ensuring that we are all in unity and seeking the same vision for our state. While the temperatures outside were the typical cold days of late March, the spiritual temperature inside was nice and toasty. Rev. Raymond Woodward, Executive Presbyter for Canada, was the Regional Presbyter who oversaw the business meetings and was the primary speaker. Bro. Woodward preached all three services during the conference. He spoke on “Embracing the Vision,” “When in Trouble Plead the Blood,” and “The Mantle.” There is no way to describe these


May/June 2014

messages in just a few words, so I strongly encourage you to buy the DVDs from Bro. Jacobs at Media Missions. During the Wednesday morning business meeting, Bro. John E. Putnam was re-elected as District Superintendent. Bro. M. W. Rogers was re-elected as Global Missions Director. Bro. Geoff Albertson was elected as Sunday School Director with Bro. Dustin Owens elected as Sunday School Secretary. Bro. Tim Vik was re-elected as Youth Ministries Director. Sis. Barb Hilderbrand was re-elected as Ladies’ Ministry Director. Bro. Scott Jacobs was re-elected as Media Missions Director. Bro. Tony Tamel was elected as the Appeals Council representative. Thursday morning saw the ratification of board appointed positions. The following were all ratified by the membership:

district Calendar of Events MAY 17 – Jr. Bible Quiz—Eau Claire/ Appleton 23 & 24 – PI Eau Claire 24 – Senior Bible Quiz—Fond du Lac 31 – Mother’s Memorial Ends

Bro. Steve Rogers for Men’s Ministry, Bro. Craig Lundt for District News, Bro. Mike Hook for Revival Commission, Sis. Darlene Boyte for Music Ministry, Bro. Rich Thomas for North American Missions Secretary, Bro. John D. Putnam for Purpose Institute, Bro. Ernest Martinez for Spanish Ministry and Bro. Aaron Soto for Young Ministers Coordinator. My favorite fact from the conference was that worldwide, our organization reports for the past year an average of 299 people baptized in Jesus’ name and an average of 363 people receiving the Holy Ghost every single day. My favorite report from the conference was that the General Manager of the Osthoff Resort, where we meet, was filled with the Holy Ghost during the final service.

June 1 – SOC Drive Ends 6 & 7 – JR Bible Quiz State Finals, Green Bay 14 & 15 – Senior Bible Quiz Finals, Parkway Apostolic, Oak Creek 15 – Father’s Day Offering 16 – Music Practice for Family Camp All Sections—ATC, Appleton, 7 p.m. 16 – 20—WI Junior Camp—Shawano 23 – 27—WI Youth Camp—Shawano 29 – July 4—WI District Family Camp, Shawano July June 29-July 4 – WI Family Camp 21-25 – JR Bible Quiz Nationals, Branson, MO August 1 – SFC Scholarship deadline 2-6 – SR Quiz National Finals, St. Louis 7 & 8 – Commune-ity Youth Workers Meeting, St. Louis, MO 15 & 16 – PI—Appleton, Madison 16 – New Generation Meeting, Sections 4 & 5, Thorp 22 & 23 – PI—Eau Claire 29-30 – PI—Oak Creek 30 – WYM Six Flags for SFC

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts 1:8 May/June 2014



#CalltheKingback Bro. Mike Ensey, Gen#321Launch eral Youth President, taught #wilaunch14 on Friday concerning “Who “Launch,” Wisconsin’s Are You Following?” He Hyphen 2014 Conference warned attendees to watch on March 7th and 8th in the voices in their lives and to Madison, was a spiritual make space for God to speak countdown for the young in their lives. In the Saturday adults to take off with beau- session, he followed up with tiful worship and inspired “Who’s Following You?” In 1 Cor. 11:1 Paul states speakers. The rumbling of the launch “Be ye followers of me, even pad began Friday night with as I also am of Christ.” Bro. Tim Vik, WI Youth Presi- Ensey said “…as a hyphen, dent, speaking about “There’s a connector, you are a conNo King in Israel” from nection point to someone’s Judges 21:25 – “In those days salvation. Nothing is more there was no king in Israel: fulfilling than finding, disevery man did that which covering, and fulfilling the was right in his own eyes.” purpose God has for your He encouraged Hypheners life,” he said. #whosfollowto call the King back into ingwho #Befollowersofme our lives as this culture in- Saturday sessions also increasingly does what is right cluded “Activating Spiritual in their own eyes. #GodisKing Growth” with Andrew and


May/June 2014

Christina Grant. They discussed how using spiritual gifts is a lifestyle and necessary as we are in a constant spiritual battle. They encouraged those in the breakout session to step out and learn and grow in their gift under their pastor’s authority. #toeachisgiven #Fulltime #lifestyle Other breakout sessions included “Marriage and Ministry” with Shane and Vana Maki and “Living as a Disciple” with Dana Glodoski. Joseph and Melissa Campbell taught split sessions on “Digital Purity.” Sis. Campbell discussed the promises of this digital age: 1. You will always be listened to, 2. You never have to be alone, and 3. We are in control. She demonstrated, however,

that: 1. God always listens, 2. God has a plan for us, wants intimacy with us, and 3. Only the Lord is in control. #cleartheclutter #notalone #surrendertoHim Garren Griffith, the Regional Campus Ministries Coordinator, was also at the Hyphen Conference to connect with interested Hypheners and college students. Bro. Griffith coordinates a campus ministry at Indiana State and a P7 group in Terra Haute, Ind. #YourCampusNow #campusrevival #CMIWI

At the Maternity Care Center, their special skills Care Home. came in handy as they Their work at the Anna opened up a wall section Grace Farmer Adoption that suffered termite damage Center included constructmany years ago. Because of ing a special room for stor- their skills, the affected area ing business files and deco- was repaired and the surfaces rations that are used year were restored to their origiafter year for special events. nal condition. They complet(This did not include adop- ed many smaller tasks that tion files as they are kept in our regular adoption staff a fireproof vault.) They also could never complete. added several lights in the Thank you, guys! We upper storage area that will appreciate your sacrifice of help us find the “treasures� time and talents for the sake of children. stored there.

BY AMANDA BURDEN Bill Rosser, Rodney Busch, Bill West, Mark McLernon, Wade Hulwi and Dan Friedbauer, from the Pentecostals of the Fox Cities in Menasha, Wisconsin, ignoring the distance because of their desire to help children, traveled to New Beginnings on February 1, 2014. For the next five days, they shared their skills and labor at the Anna Grace Farmer Adoption Center and at the Erwin Maternity

New Beginnings is a faith-based, non-profit organization devoted to placing children in loving, Christian homes. We are not an adoption law firm. We believe that every child should be able to experience the security of being in a stable home and the nurture and care of loving parents. See more at: newbeginningsadoptions.org

May/June 2014



saken)…Intimacy brings forth life (Ask and it shall be given). We need to pray The Prayer Conference was held on according to His will! Prayers are meant March 29th in Thorp. It opened with an amazing move of God as the praise team to be answered. That is why we are asked led worship by singing “Victor’s Crown”! to pray. God created Adam and what God inThen Rev. Paul Plowman began by saytended for Adam He intended for all of ing, “Everything in Pentecost started in a prayer meeting.” It’s something I think we us (Gen 1:26-28). We need to rise above all know, but a great reminder because we our low self-esteem because He has creget so caught up in plan making that we ated us for so much more! He has given forget to take time in prayer. If we want to us dominion (Psalms 8:4-6). We need to have God move in our lives, community come out of our circumstances and stand and churches, we need to be praying and on top of them! We represent God and when you repnot just planning the next event. Sis. Spears shared how sometimes resent someone you are “re-presenting” we do things just because we are told to them. How can we “re-present” God if we (such as “clap your hands unto the Lord” don’t have a relationship with Him? Sis. Spears asked, “When was the and everyone claps their hands or “let’s last time someone saw you re-presenting all pray” and everyone starts to pray), but understanding why we do something is Him?” It made me think…when was the last so powerful! We need to be equipped to be the prayer warrior we need to be. It’s time someone saw God through who I okay to ask God why. He knew we would am? Am I that close to God? Have I spent ask and that is why He gave us His Word. that much time with Him that I think like Search the Word for what you need to Him? Oh, that His mind be in me! God wanted free, moral human beunderstand in order to be equipped. We learn what the purpose of things ings that would choose to love Him, to are by observing what they do, but what seek Him and to want His will in their were we created for? We were supposed lives. God chose us to have authority here to grow in an intimate relationship with on earth and that’s why we pray. He chose God. When we have that intimate rela- to work on earth through man. Praying tionship with our Heavenly Father, we have trust in Him. Then we start to live and breathe to worship Him, talk with Him, to be with Him in His presence and ultimately to rule and reign with Him. Sis. Spears asked a question that we have all heard (or will hear), “If God is going to do something no matter if I pray or not, why should I pray?” We pray to have His will on earth as it is in Heaven. It is necessary to have His will in our lives. We do what we do for God because of our love for Him, to please Him. We really don’t pray to receive, we pray for our relationship with God. Relationship begets rewards (Never seen the righteous for-


May/June 2014

releases Him to work. Many times we see needs that only God can intervene in and we wonder why God hasn’t. It’s simple; we have not because we ask not. As Sis. Spears put it, “Either He’s powerless or He’s waiting on His people to shake something in the prayer realm.” Sometimes we get so caught up in our own circumstances or agendas that we forget His will. The needs are massive; they’re bigger than our headaches! Bro. Spears said, “Praying general prayers will get you general answers. Praying specific prayers will get you specific


answers.” We need to be aware of what is going on around us and have an understanding of these things so we can pray specifically. We need to know what we are talking about and what our world needs. We need to learn to talk with God when we have problems and we need to step up to the plate for our nation! We need to pray specifically! We are comfort seekers; we like what feels good and we want it now. “We serve a crock pot God in a microwave Continued on page 13

“No matter your stage in life… stress can be a part of it.” Sis. Joanne Putnam. Even though I’m not a minister’s wife, I am always blessed and encouraged by the message and fellowship at the ladies’ sessions during district conference. This year we had two treats during our Wednesday session. First, Sis. Angie Welke did a great job with her hat prop performance showing the ‘hats’ we wear as women and how to wear those hats gracefully. Second, Bro. Kurz taught us practical biblical guides on how to handle stress in our lives. He taught that your response to the negative will determine your relationship with Jesus and your level of joy. Discouragement is Satan’s most effective weapon. Discouragement causes us to lose hope and joy – making us weak. When discouraged we feel dissatisfied with the past and don’t trust God for the future. When we deal with stress in a Biblical manner, we can have gratitude for things of the past and hope for the future. We are more than a conqueror! Whatever state I am, be content (Phil. 4:11). God has called us to do

what He knows we can do. Don’t run on feelings – run on TRUTH! John 16:33 tells us we’ll have tribulation, but “be of good cheer.” Isaiah 54:17 says, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.” It’s a choice. Choose to live by faith! Choose faith over doubt. One of my favorite lines, “I conquer the world for a moment, then the moment is gone,” is from a song by Michael W. Smith. That is why we need to be persistent: to continue to conquer our moments. “Nothing can take the place of persistence!” (Calvin Coolidge) Thomas Edison said, “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this – you haven’t.” Bro. Kurz shared a true story about a man who hiked the Appalachian Trail. A difficult feat for anyone but even more so for Trevor Thomas, a blind man, who persisted. First, he didn’t give up as person after person refused to take him with them on their journey. Then he didn’t give up through the long challenging days of the journey. Even though he fell, was hurt physically, and battled poor weather and terrain, he didn’t give up until he had reached his destination. Continued on page 14

May/June 2014


BY MELISSA TAYLOR The theme of the 2014 Sheaves For Christ (SFC) campaign is “Be.” The theme comes from 1 Timothy 4:12, where Paul encourages Timothy to “be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” SFC 2014 is calling young people of the United Pentecostal Church to be an example. At the April Elev8 Rally, Wisconsin Youth President Tim Vik chal-


May/June 2014

lenged the young people of Section 2 to “be” in his message titled “Being Be.” His challenge entailed being faithful and being an example no matter how young you are. He also urged young people to be faithful and to be an example concerning SFC. This year, Wisconsin Youth Ministries (WYM) tried a different strategy to convey and promote the 2014 Sheaves for Christ campaign. In the past, WYM presented the vision and need directly to the district’s pastors at SFC Kickoff Break-

fasts. This year, WYM presented the vision not only to pastors, but also youth leaders and youth groups at the sectional rallies. At the Section 2 rally, Youth President Tim Vik laid out a SFC challenge that is quite compelling. This year, Wisconsin Youth President Tim Vik and Ohio Youth President LJ Harry are entering a “Big 10” SFC competition. Wisconsin, representing the Wisconsin Badgers, will compete with Ohio, representing the Ohio State Buckeyes, to see which district can raise

Prayer Conference Continued from page 11

more funds for SFC. Incentives for young people raising funds in this competition are motivating. Those who raise $100 for this “Big 10” challenge will be invited to a free pizza party at Youth Camp and to a free breakfast at Winter Youth Convention. At the rally, WYM gave away “Be” pins and hats to the young people who attended. Learn more about the “Big 10” challenge by contacting Youth President Tim Vik (imviktim@yahoo.com) or your WYM rep.

JOIN US for the





Scan QR Code above or go to https://www.facebook.com/photo.ph p?v=10152177782836464&set=o.27 6032992557422&type=2&theater to view SFC Challenge video

Scan QR Code above or go to https://www.facebook.com/ groups/276032992557422/?ref=br_tf to view the 2014 Big Ten VIP - Wisconsin facebook page

world.” We live in a “Now” time and when there is something we need, we don’t want to wait, we want to see results now. We need to remember to pray for the unseen root of what we are asking. Pray for glory and miracles. Bro. Spears shared how we need to be cleansed. “Glory cannot come until there’s holiness. Holiness calls for cleansing.” It’s not just a look; it’s more than just having your name on a roll. We NEED our relationship with God and an understanding of the times we live in! God is seeking a meek, humble and clean spirit to be intimate with. One who is more than the walk or the talk, someone who IS the part. When we become desperate for God, He answers! It’s crisis time… God wants to move but He wants us to be cleansed! We need to get ready for the last days instead of looking for signs of being in the last days. We need to get ready! His heart breaks just as ours! If we are going to ask Him for what we need, we need to be ready to pay the price to receive what we ask for! It’s for our good and not for our hurt that we go through things. The judgments are tied with the laws of God. Judgment and mercy meet at the cross. Our prayers MUST count in perilous times! We need to learn to zero in! We don’t have time to pray the way we want, we have to pray the way we NEED to pray! The enemy attacks where you are not prepared! The enemy would rather destroy one child of God than 100 of those that don’t even know God. Every move, every breath, every service, every gathering and every prayer counts! May/June 2014


Dealing With Stress

bed, I’m on watch tonight.” We can come boldly to the throne of grace. We What if he had admitted don’t have to rely on our own defeat before he reached the strength. Don’t rehearse your end? Would we even know problem under the guise of his name? What if we admit prayer. Focus on the soludefeat just at the moment tion: Jesus. Proverbs 3:5-6 before we have the victory? “Trust in the Lord with all Was the trial all for naught? thine heart; and lean not Persist so you can be victori- unto thine own understandous. ing. In all thy ways acknowlKevin Rondo, a stranger edge him, and he shall direct to Trevor, helped him along thy paths.” the first leg of his jourBro. Kurz recommended ney. Sometimes the people these books: Finding Peace around us need some help by Charles Stanley, In Puralong their journey as well. suit of Peace by Joyce Meyer Let’s be encouragers and and The Kneeling Christian helpers to those around us. by an unknown Christian. “This gives us more to give.” Bro. Kurz offers training You never know when you’re via his DVDs and Workthe one who is going to need books that are available from the help in return. trainingforlifeministries. Being overly dependent com: “Overcoming Fear,” on God is a great place to be! “Doubt and Worry,” “OverJesus is saying, “…I just want coming Discouragement” to be with you…You go to and “Overcoming Anxiety.” Continued from page 11

The Treasure Hunt DVD is an exciting spiritual journey designed to help individuals search for the eternal riches found in the Bible. Your guide is Robert Kurz, founder of Training for Life Ministries. He shares his personal search for truth using the Bible as a map to explore the areas of faith, sin, repentance, water baptism, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and Christian living.

The Treasure Hunt – Searching for Eternal Riches DVD

The Treasure Hunt Gift Card (Digital Downoad)





May/June 2014

Led by Love...

Continued from page 2

the body of Christ, submission to Godordained authority is not an optional item for any one of us to follow. Why? Because God knows us humans, and I believe He knows that if we are going to follow His will in our lives, then we need to willingly submit in “love” rather than having an attitude that we submit just because we have to. The epistle of James tells us in JAMES 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. 18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. If we try to lead others outside

of leading by and through the love of God, then we will always try leading by and through “insecurity” which is born out of fear…not love. That is what Paul explains to us in Romans. ROMANS 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. The truth is we all need to consistently check our own motives, desires, and reasons of why we do what we do, and if our purpose is not birthed out

of the love of God, then we need to re-evaluate, re-think our positions, and lead others by how God leads us…by HIS LOVE!

Getting Acquainted Continued from page 3

WDN: Everyone has at least one “goto” verse to encourage them. What is your “go-to” verse? BRO. LUNDT: One of my favorite scriptures since my youth has been Isaiah 40:31, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Interview conducted by April Peckham, WDN Representative Section 4

WI District United Pentecostal Church

Family Camp 2014 June 29 – July 4 WI District Campgrounds, Shawano, WI Evening Services at 7 p.m. Sunday – Friday Morning Prayer 7 a.m. Monday - Friday

Morning Bible Teacher Rev. Arlo Moehlenpah

Evening Evangelist Rev. Bill Davis

Morning Bible Class & Children’s Classes 10 a.m. Monday – Friday Choir Practice 12 noon Monday – Friday Darlene Boyte Choir & Music Director

Children’s Ministry with Evangelist Shannon Peacock

Forms available from your church office or at www.wisconsinupci.org WI District Campgrounds—W7895 St. John’s Church Rd.—Shawano, WI 54166

Graduation Ceremony Sunday, June 29 at 7 p.m. Reception for graduates & their guests following evening service.

May/June 2014


No Buried Buried Treasure Treasure No MONDAY - FRIDAY Junior Camp JUNE 16 - 20 , 2014 th


Ages 9-12 - NINE THROUGH TWELVE Registration $145 - ONE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE DOLLARS Evangelists CHRISTIAN LIFE COLLEGE DRAMA TEAM BROTHER BRANDON BALL SISTER PATRICIA GIWA Staff Registration: Monday @ 9:00 AM Camper Registration: Monday @ 1:00 PM Camp Dismissed: Friday @ 2:00 PM

Need Camper Info? Bethany Welch gobernie05@hotmail.com 715.735.6378

Need Staff Info? Bro. & Sis. Owens wisundayschool@yahoo.com 920.251.9365

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