WE Magazine - Issue 6

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MAY 2015 - ISSUE 6


J$600 • CAN$7 • US$6 • £4








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Proposal Story: Megan & Khalil [10]

No Kids at the wedding please [50]

Wedding Day Guide: A-Z [16]

Wedding Cake Etiquette [52]

Involving Your Spouse in the Planning

Choose Centerpieces for your

- 10 Easy Steps [20]

reception [54]

Wedding Dress & Your Personality [24]

14-14-14 Mass Wedding [56]

Dressing Your Bridesmaids [34]

Wedding Favours [58]

When the Best Man is a Woman [38]

What makes a marriage work [60]

Beauty Tips for the Big Day [40]

Before you marry: Meld, merge and

Top 10 Wedding Venues [42]

Perfectly Accessorize [62]

Wedding Seating [46]

Waist Training in the Kitchen [62]

RSVP woes in wedding planning [48] 7

COVER LOOK Model: Lasana Lewis

Dress: Bliss Bridal Boutique Photographer: Denise Mason Photography Location: Sea Gardens Beach Resort Montego Bay Make-Up: Rondene Robertson

With Ease Catalogue Jamaica Limited PUBLISHER Andrea Wilson-Green EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & LAYOUT ARTIST Gilllian Haughton PROOF READER

Contributing Writers Terri Myrie, Francine Blake, Sara Stanford, Rochelle Rose, Jennifer Truman, Peta-ann Hector, Patrice Vaughn, Victoria Williams, Michelle Tyrell, Venita Tarrant, Rose Smith, Tonisha Farquharson, Rashida Beckford

Advertising Sales With Ease Catalogue Jamaica Ltd advertise@witheasemagazineja.com T: (876) 807-5748/791-8762

Printed in Jamaica by Herald Printers

Copyright Š 2014 With Ease Catalogue Ja. Ltd. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of With Ease Ctalogue Ja. Ltd. For permission, send request to contact@witheasemagazineja.com




t's hard to think of weddings and not get all mushy. Its like reliving the journey of getting married albeit 17 years ago. Truth be told the information available today and the number of vendors in the indurstry wasn't easily available back in those days. New trends emerge, lots of information to sift through and no one issue can ever cover the different aspects that goes into planning for that special day.

It’s certainly not hard to grasp why we are an extraordinary publication. We have become the brides-to-be, wedding vendors’ and wedding enthusiasts’ resource guide to informative and relevant articles and listings of some of Jamaica’s most professional wedding vendors. We are grateful for the release of another issue. We acknowledge your feedback and thank you for your overwhelming support. We invite you to continue on the journey with us as we bring you more articles to assist you along your journey – “to I do and beyond’ In this issue, we share the most amazing proposal story of Megan and Khalil; what your wedding dress says about your personality; a few fabulous bridesmaids dresses; having a female as a 'best man' (groom's attendant) and much more. Again we explored Jamaica and picked 10 breathe taking venues ideal for your wedding ceremony or reception. As always we encourage you to refer WE Magazine to a friend, talk about us and give us your feedback. So as you ‘flip’ through these pages we hope you will find WE Magazine extremely useful and the next event you plan will be ‘with ease.’




Andrea Wilson-Green


Sheath Gown

Megan & Khalil


Name of Bride and Groom: Meghan Jackson and Khalil Thompson Where are you both from: Meghan - Cincinnati, OH. Khalil - Fort Washington, MD & Washington, DC Occupation of couple: Meghan - Pediatrician Khalil - Political Consultant


How did you meet?


Her story...

was visiting Washington, DC one weekend to celebrate my friend's birthday at a lounge in the downtown area on the last Friday in July of 2010. The following day she and I, along with some other college friends, went to a club in the Adams Morgan area to continue the birthday celebrations of another friend. We partied into the wee hours of the morning, shutting the club down, and decided to wander down the street for some vittles. Half the group wanted pizza, the other half wanted breakfast food. Anyone who knows me, knows I can eat pancakes, eggs, and bacon any time of the day, so I went along with the The Diner group which consisted of a few guys and another girlfriend. As we walk up, we see there is a line outside the door and a velvet rope crossing the entrance. I was blown away by this sight. A club line to get into a diner at 3a.m.?! As my friends filed in line, I walked over to the guy at the front door, AKA The Diner Bouncer, and asked if we are just ordering take out from the counter and don't need

Sheath Gown

a table, can we just go in, i.e. skip the line? He cautiously asked how many of us there were and I told him it was just me and my girlfriend. He turned a blind eye, I signaled my friend, and he let us through. We found two spots at the counter and started to look over the menu. By the time we were ready to order, the rest of our group had made their way in and joined us. After a little time had passed, the guys in our group spotted some friends of theirs and went over to greet them. No less than five minutes or so later, I hear a man's voice behind me say, "Excuse me ladies. I hate to bother you, but do you mind if I ask your friend out for some coffee?" Instantly I blushed, but not knowing if the question was directed at me or my friend, I gathered myself quickly and turned around saying, "That was SO sweeeeet " Then I saw him and said, "And you're cute too". The big Kool-aid smile that formed on his face let me know that indeed he was talking to her about me... We exchanged pleasantries, shared details of our respective events from the evening, talked about our jobs and hometowns, and made plans to have brunch later that day all in a matter of 5-10 minutes.

Fast forward to around noon of that day, I hadn't heard from him and the brunch window was narrowing, so I made plans to go to brunch with the girlfriend whom I was visiting. Shortly thereafter, he calls. I tell him that unfortunately I made other plans since I didn't hear from him but if he had a friend, we could all go as a foursome. He obliged and said he'd bring a friend. My girlfriend and I arrived to the restaurant to find just him waiting. He said he tried but couldn't get anyone to commit at the last minute. So the three of us sat down to brunch which turned out to be the best arrangement because my girlfriend was free to ask all of the first date questions that you are never supposed to ask for me! And she did it wholeheartedly without any prompting :D. #ilovemyfriends After a very informative yet lighthearted and enjoyable brunch, my girlfriend excused herself and said her goodbyes. He and I walked around the neighborhood and talked a little more until we circled back around to my car. We embraced into what was the warmest hug I'd ever felt from someone who was a stranger less than 12 hours before. He opened my car door. And we said we'd keep in touch. That was Sunday, August 1, 2010 and we have been together ever since 11

His story... In the summer of 2010, I had been coming from the Urban League Gala and with my best friend decided that we needed some late night food at The Diner in Adams Morgan. For those who have never been, The Diner is a 24 Hour eatery; and sometimes with the pretentiousness of the town of Washington, there is a red velvet rope to get inside. Upon walking up to the door, I noticed out of the corner of my eye this woman runs up and asks the doorman a question. Much like a sliding doors scenario where you wished you had a moment to say something, I believed I would never see this beautiful woman again. As I finally got inside the Diner, and sat down, this Nubian Queen came in to my surprise. This time she was followed with many friends and I thought to myself, one of the gentleman with her must be her boyfriend, fiancé or husband. However, once everyone left except another female friend, I saw an opportunity that maybe, just maybe, she could be single. Thus, after making a few comments with to friend who finally said go talk to her already, I walked over and with their backs turned I said, “Excuse me, Miss, do you mind if I ask your friend out for a cup of coffee?” Without turning around, but in the sweetest voice possible, Dr. Meghan Genelle Jackson says, “Aww isn’t that sweet” in her subtle southern twang. While turning in her chair to see her future husband-to-be, she belts out “and you’re cute too.” From there the courtship began by me uncharacteristically, and clearly never having done since, inputting my full legal name, including my middle name, my personal and work cellphone as well as my email address into her cell phone. There was no way I was going to let Dr. Jackson get away.

Tell us the story of how he proposed? Her story... In the early part of the summer of 2014, my girlfriend and I were toying around with the idea of going to the Beyoncé and Jay Z On the Run tour outside of the US to couple the concert with an international girl’s trip. I am one of the go-to girls in my group of friends to plan trips. I absolutely love going on adventures and making the most out of vacation time in a new and exciting place. At the time, the only date that worked with our schedule was the show in Winnipeg. We weren't especially excited about going to that particular city in Canada, so we decided to pass. A few weeks later, my girlfriend calls me ecstatic saying that they just opened up dates for two shows in Paris, France. This was definitely more intriguing than the Canadian option,

but her call came at a busy time when I was bogged down with other obligations and, as such, didn't have the time to devote to planning such a grand scale trip. I suggested we table the discussion until I was able to clear some things off my plate. She hesitantly agreed as she was anxious for me to start planning. Later on that night while I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone I told him about my friend's idea. I kept it brief because he was not a particular fan of my girl’s trips, especially international ones to destinations we'd yet to experience together. I assured him that I probably wouldn't end up planning the trip though because I already had too much on my plate to handle. A couple of weeks later, my friend nudged me again about the concert. By this point I was able to clear most of things off of my to-do list and had a clearer head to even entertain the possibility of the trip. I told her I would look to see if tickets were still available and how much the airfare would be. I also told her that IF the tickets were still available and the flight were reasonable, it would only be a short trip over a long weekend because I couldn't take much more time off from work than I already had scheduled for the summer. She concurred and said the same for her.

I looked on the France Ticketmaster website and saw tickets were still available. I looked up flights and saw they were not outrageously priced. I briefly looked at hotel rates and saw that they were not absurd either. I called her back and told her everything looked good and that the trip was definitely doable. After getting a full commitment from her about her attendance on the trip, I chose to open up the invitation to other girlfriends. With the concert being halfway around the world and less than two months away, I thought that I might get 4-5 more girls to go on such short notice. Much to my surprise by the end of that week I had 11 confirmed RSVPs! Now, I've planned a couple of international girl’s trips in the past, but we've never had any more than six people in our group. And I must say that for a brief second, I was a little nervous about 12 females traveling together for four days overseas. But then I thought, it's BeyoncÊ and Jay Z IN PARIS! Who would NOT have a good time with that set up?! I kicked into full master planner mode. We bought our concert tickets and booked our flights right away. I took some time to find the perfect Parisian flats for our stay and arrange other agenda details. Planning this trip became my second job and it was a labor of love. I sent out weekly updates to how things were progressing up until the day before we left when we finalized the last item on our agenda- a champagne house tour.

some WiFi again, I texted my boyfriend back home in the States to tell him our lock was gone :(. And we both agreed that the next lock will be one we put on the bridge together. The girls and I rounded out the day with a great dinner and dancing at a local club. The next day we continued our adventures in Paris with some shopping on the Champs-Elysees. We got a little carried away and before we knew it, it was concert prep time. We headed back to the flat to change into our concert gear. One of my girlfriends took it upon herself to arrange our transportation to the concert. This was definitely a nice offering as I had been responsible for arranging most things up to this point, but I was confused as to how she was able to secure this as this was her first time in Paris. However, I was told to fall back and accept the help and so I did. As we were riding to the concert I realize that we are going in the opposite direction of the venue as we passed many of the landmarks that we'd seen as a group the day before. I tell my girlfriend sitting in the front seat to ask the driver where he is going. She pays me no attention. I tap her shoulder trying to get her attention again thinking we are going to be late for the concert if he does not turn around. No response.

The next day we were off! We left on a Thursday evening, flew overnight, and arrived in Paris bright and early on Friday morning and hit the ground running. We spent our first day walking all around the city. We went to Notre Dame, the Louvre, hung out in St. Germaine, and walked along the Seine. Two of my friends especially wanted to see the Love Locks Bridge. And so did I. While visiting Paris two years before with another set of girlfriends, I placed a lock on that bridge with my boyfriend's name and my name on it and I wanted to make sure it was still there. I remembered exactly which panel it was on too. I remembered that it was the sixth full panel from the left facing the Louvre with my back to Notre Dame. We came upon the sixth panel and I started searching. I looked and looked and looked and could not find it. There were a lot more locks on the panel from when I first placed the lock, but I was determined to find it. After several minutes and flipping over what seemed like a hundred locks, I gave up and told the girls I'd wake up early the next morning and come out and look again by myself. I didn't want to hold up the group from our sightseeing adventures. But my friends were insistent on finding my lock. And I thought to myself again, I love my friends. So we searched a bit more, even looked on the neighboring bridge thinking I may have mixed them up, but to no avail. The lock was gone. Once we got to


So, I dig in my purse, locate their tickets, and pull them out to give to them. Right after I give them the tickets they step to the side and I see the backside of a familiar silhouette. Before I could process what I thought I saw, the person turns around and it is my boyfriend who is supposed to be back in Washington, DC, USA!!! Stunned, I start to freak out repeatedly asking at the highest note possible "What are you doing here?". He grabs my arms and starts rubbing my elbows to calm me down saying, "I'm here to ask you a question. I'm here to ask you a question. Can I ask you a question?" By this point I realize what question he is about to ask and I didn't want to say the word "Yes" because he hadn't asked it yet and wasn't down on one knee, so I nod and smile. He then goes down on one knee... His story... For months in 2014, I had been thinking of how I wanted to propose to Meghan. I had been saving for the right ring for her but hadn’t figured out specifically how I was going to pop the question. But I remembered back in 2012, Meghan traveled to Paris, France with friends and left a lock on the “Love Locks” bridge across from the Louvre. We had promised each other we would travel back to the City of Lights someday soon to see our lock together.

Then within what seemed like seconds we pull over to the side of the road. My girlfriend jumps out of the car and pulls me out of the back seat and says come on, we have to go. She pulls me up onto this walking bridge and hurries me across it. Mind you, I have on very high heels and while I am wondering what the heck is going on, I am also watching every step I take trying not to fall on my face as she is yanking me across this bridge. I look up briefly to see another girlfriend that is supposed to be in another car heading to the concert as well. I see that she has on her casual clothes from sightseeing earlier in the day and ask, "Is that what you are wearing to the concert?" She says, "No! Didn't you hear? We got locked out of the flat earlier and couldn't change, so we came here to get the tickets from you so we can meet you all at the concert after we go back and change clothes." Then another girlfriend comes up and says "Meghan, I KNOW you didn't think we were wearing THIS to the concert?!" I said, "I KNOW. You all are way too fly for that! That's why I was confused." LOL. 14

In my head I wanted our engagement to be a magical moment... At first, because I was unsure how to get Meghan to Paris without her figuring out the reason for going, I had planned to propose in Paris, Virginia and then take her to Dulles airport and fly her to Paris. But moved on from that idea when… Meghan mentioned in passing she wanted to see Beyoncé and Jay-Z in Paris around May. The idea seemed to be stalled so in June, I reached out to Meghan’s friends for assistance in pulling off this surprise. The plan began simple enough but momentum grew and with a couple of calls her friends were screaming in excitement and my covert team was formed. First they had to convince Meghan that going to Paris was a great idea…clearly it wouldn’t take much convincing because in days time, Meghan tells me that not only had she decided to go on the trip but that she got 11 other women to go as well. From there, every week I checked in with the team regarding where Meghan’s head and heart were in terms of the trip.

By July, I had picked out the ring with help from my best bud on a covert trip down to Charlotte, NC and one of Meghan’s friends. And on our anniversary vacation trip on August 1st, I flew into Charlotte early to make the final decision, again with one of her friends there making sure everything Meghan wanted was perfect. I handed our amazing jeweler the debit card and it was done. By Labor Day weekend, the ring had arrived and was hidden in my apartment. That same weekend Meghan had also come up to visit and all weekend I was worried she would open the wrong drawer.

I got on one knee and asked her to marry me. She said YES. We were both so caught up in the joy that we forgot to put the ring on her finger… eventually we did. From that moment until now, from the day I saw her until now… I have loved Meghan Genelle Jackson. She is my true north and guiding star. I cannot see a better partner and love of my life.

Also, Meghan had started to become suspicious with my questions regarding her trip, so I knew I needed to tone down my inquisitive nature. Over the next couple weeks, I started finalizing the plans while in Paris for her proposal. I locked in the photographer and videographer in a foreign country where I didn’t know the language. I finalized the hotel where I would stay. And made sure I had the logistics for when she would land and how I would follow and surprise. Next, I set up a time to talk with my parents and then her father, brother, and finally her mother. On September 11, 2014, Meghan went to the airport and flew to Paris. I had arranged a friend of hers to go to her house where her mom was staying and FaceTime with her so I could ask for her mother’s blessing. The next day, I boarded a plane for France and repeatedly checked for the ring over and over again just to be sure it was still there. After landing in Paris and killing time with Meghan's friend's husband, who decided to come as well, he received a text that the ladies were coming by. I immediately got in a cab and secluded myself for the next few hours. Slightly nervous about what was about to happen, I went to iron my shirt twice, folded clothes, did some work, and reviewed what I was going to say. I was in communication with my covert team regarding the movements of the afternoon and the plan was coming together. I got dressed and headed to the bridge and waited. Her other friends on the trip started to arrive and I took my place in the middle. I soon saw Meghan walk up and I turned around so my back would be to her. As her voice draw nearer, I turned around and was greeted with the largest smile I had ever seen. While trying to remember my words, I was lost, swimming in the moment and smiling from ear to ear. Finally,

Date of Wedding and Venue for your upcoming nuptials: August 1, 2015 (Our Five Year Anniversary) in Washington, DC 15







Attendants, include the best man, bridesmaid, ushers, and groomsmen. Generally anyone with some sort of responsibility on the big day. How many attendants are up to you but you need to consider the size of the church and your budget for the outfits and gifts. You need to rely on these for some of the organization of the day so choose carefully, the last thing you need is someone irresponsible in charge of the rings or any important tasks your require. Every wedding has a budget be it a no holds barred white wedding extravaganza or a low-key smaller affair both can be a beautiful fun day for everyone. There are many ways to cut the cost on the big day without compromising on style and atmosphere. You can do alot of the organizing yourself, friends and family are always there to help with things like the video camera and helping to drive guests from the ceremony to the after party.


This is another important feature; as the cake will appear in the "cutting of the cake" photograph another staple of the wedding album. The flowers and bridesmaids outfits will also influence the style and colour of the cake you do not have to settle for fruitcake though as there are endless fillings to choose from, this can also double as desert if you are on a tight budget.


The dress is going to be the centre of attention for the whole wedding. The perfect dress should make the bride feel and look beautiful. This is achieved by a well-fitted dress that is flattering to the figure. Most importantly the dress should be comfortable as you will be wearing it all day long throughout dinner and also dancing the night away, if you spend the day pulling and adjusting your dress this could ruin your whole day. Remember a happy bride will look beautiful either way.

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The entertainment you choose for the after ceremony party should vary depending on what type of wedding you are going for, from the classical stringed quartet to the full on wedding band. Any professional entertainment will eat into your budget but whatever you choose make sure you go to see them play before your big day as you do want your guests to have a good time and not spend the evening cringing at a nightmare wedding singer. The bridesmaid's outfits will set the trend for the colours of the flowers, so keep this in mind when choosing the colour theme. These can range from the most flamboyant bouquet to the simplest white lilies. The most important being the bride's bouquet as this will feature in most of the wedding photographs, so don’t skimp on this.


This will be the most extravagant holiday you ever had. Depending on what you can afford push the boat out and spoil yourself. Whether it be a five star in Mauritius or a weekend in a five star hotel this is your quality time as man and wife and should be as comfortable and enjoyable as possible so don't hold back.


The invitations are the first taste the guests will get of your wedding so they should reflect the type of wedding it’s going to be formal/informal. Don't be afraid to be different; this is your chance to be creative and making your own handmade cards is a nice touch and is also easy on the wallet.


You can go for diamante for that sparkly feel of pearl for the more understated bride, always remember whatever stones you choose the theme should run through out. Jewellery is also a nice thank you gift for the bridesmaids a nice matching necklace for the bride to wear on the wedding day will go well and you don't have to break the bank. Another special touch if possible is personally designed wedding bands most jewellers will do this but be expected to pay a bit more.


The photographs are going to be the lasting feature of your big day so you want them to be as fabulous as possible. Take recommendations from friends and people who have recently got married. View the photographer's work in advance. All photographers have a different style of photography so discuss carefully what you want. Most photographers won’t allow you to keep the negatives of the wedding pictures and the more photos you order from the photographer the more you pay.


Your reception venue will be dictated by where you live, the number of guests you are having and the style of wedding you want. You have a choice of hotel, outdoor marquee or to be slightly different you can choose a stately home or great house. Or why not run away from it all to a romantic holiday island with close friends and family.



There are also the legal aspects of marriage that are important as well as the spiritual, make sure you have all your legal requirements met and all your paperwork in place well in advance of the wedding date, get all this out of the way first and this leaves plenty of time to concentrate on the more important enjoyable things.

Outdoor wedding

Oh what a wonderful day it would be, a beautiful sunny garden, a big white marquee adorned with lilies and trinkets, music, dancing all sounds beautiful. Hiring a marquee for the day is a really great idea if the weather permits. If not I wouldn't take the chance as a mud ridden lawn with cold wet guests doesn't sound as romantic. Also keep in mind the hiring of cutlery, crockery, lights, etc. all adds up.

You will want beautiful silky skin to match your beautiful new gown on that special day, so start taking care of your skin a couple of months beforehand with some deep cleansing and exfoliating facials. We tend to forget the rest of the body so keep that back, neck and chest area glowing with regular exfoliating body scrubs and body cream. This will ensure that you glow on the big day. When the day arrives treat yourself to your favourite scented body lotion and load on generously to keep you smelling good enough to eat all day long.


Your dress will more or less decide what undies you require. A silicon based stick-on bra for the strapless brides will make any bosom defy gravity. Or a steamy lace all-inone will slim down your waistline. The store where you bought your wedding dress can advise on the appropriate type of underwear for your dress. Remember go for what makes you look good in the dress you can always change into something a little more "uncomfortable" later on.


Writing your own vows is a good idea if you want to give the ceremony a little more of a personal feel. Don't hide away from this as everyone’s a sucker for romance and it will add a certain intimacy to the ceremony. Don't forget to run these vows by the officiant before the big day to make sure they are happy to include them in the proceedings.

Winning Smile

There will be lots of kisses and smiling photos on the day so your lips and smile must be in tiptop shape. Firstly make sure there is no sign of a flaky smile, the night before apply some petroleum jelly to the lips and gently rub with an old toothbrush this will leave smooth soft lips ready for your favourite shade of colour. Also visiting the dentist a few weeks before and getting your teeth cleaned and polished is a necessity for a bling bling smile.


The whole wedding day is about two people saying yes. Yes to a lifetime partnership with each other, through the hard times as well as the good. Yes to loving each other through thick and thin. Yes is the most important word in the ceremony so savor the moment as it is upon this word the rest of your lives will be built.


Catching some Zzzzz the night before the wedding is essential. It is often tempting to have a few glasses of champagne to welcome the big day, but remember you have a long day ahead the following morning and bloodshot eyes in the photographs will linger on forever. Have a warm relaxing bath with some lavender oils then go to bed. Any way you can always make up for it on your wedding night!


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in the planning


EASY STEPS by Francine Blake

e's popped the question. You've chosen a date. And now, you're swimming in a sea of euphoria with no horizons. Good thing, too, because there are literally a thousand things to arrange before the big day. You do the research, buckle under and dive in. But you find your fiancĂŠ's ardor for the event itself seems to have cooled.

It's not that he isn't mad about marrying you; after all, he is a great guy, even if he can't tell a Vera Wang from a Gunny Sack. It's that his preparation style is hands-off, to say the least and planning a wedding isn't a job built for one. So what to do? Here are ten ways to involve him without increasing both of your stress loads:



Delegate areas that interest him.The worst thing you can do is expect him to match your ten to twenty years of feminine wisdom on the relative merits of buttercream vs. fondant.

At times, it'll feel so good to share the load that you'll be tempted to drag him into the

Here are some probable no areas when roping in a reluctant wedding planner: Selecting the cake frosting Choosing the favours or favour packaging Selecting the wedding colours or floral arrangements

buttercream debate despite your better instincts. At these times, take a deep breath, count to ten, and call your mother or your maid of honor.

Then there are the potential maybes, fraught with fewer hazards: Choosing the photographer Choosing the videographer Arranging the rehearsal dinner Arranging the all-inclusive honeymoon Renting big, tricky items like outdoor tents These are probable yeses, well worth running by your guy: Selecting the DJ or the band Setting up and maintaining your wedding website Researching and selecting charities, if you choose to donate instead of giving out favours Setting up the carriage, limo or other transportation arrangements


If you ask him to help you choose vendors and styles, narrow down the choices first. It's a jungle of options out there, enough to give the most natural-born party planner pause. So if you want his opinion on photographers, invites, flowers or cakes, narrow down the options to three or four. He's less likely to feel overwhelmed, and more likely to feel like an important part of the process.


Ask him directly for help. Let him know how important his input is to you, and that you can't do it without him. Guys like to be needed. Your frank request for help may be enough to pull him out of his comfort zone and on to your team.


Try the art director/production staff approach. If you think your guy wants to help, but feels uncomfortable playing "art director," give him "production staff " tasks. Have him make the payments, pick up the food or decor, handle the rentals, do online comparison shopping, or reserve the hotels and reception halls. These are all jobs that will take a load off your shoulders, while freeing up time for the aesthetic stuff you probably enjoy and he doesn't.


Get a calendar and put all the planning in black and white. Your fiancé probably doesn't have the first clue in what goes into a wedding. Get your wedding planner, write it all down, and show him. Once he gets over the shock, you'll both probably be able to identify areas that interest him. Make lists of the things you've each agreed to do, and cross them off as they get done. At the very least, he'll be far more supportive when he sees what you're going through.


Weave his family heritage/ethnicity/traditions into the ceremony. What did his parents do? He might be surprised at the question, but it could lead somewhere valuable. He might ask his parents about their wedding, and find your wedding consequently enriched. Look through their wedding album together and maybe incorporate some old-world traditions into your ceremony.



Don't bring him in too early. Treat your fiancé as a bit of a pinch hitter. Sure, you maybe fully aware that you can shave 5K off your costs by starting your favour crafts and reservations 18 months ahead of time. But if he's like most guys, the wedding won't become real to him until it draws closer. Expect him to jump in about six months before the actual ceremony, and break into a (relative) frenzy of activity about one month in advance. Talk about something besides the wedding. Guys aren't the only ones who complain about brides-to-be talking of nothing but upcoming nuptials. Sometimes, even girlfriends get overwhelmed by all the wedding chatter. Spend some time alone chatting about anything but the wedding. See a silly movie, split an ice cream sundae, or watch a game. Do something spontaneous that reminds you both of why you decided to marry in the first place.


Check your subtext for hidden meanings. Tempting as it might be, make sure you're not using your fiancé as a coin-toss tool (ever noticed how people flip coins to find out what they really want?). When you ask for his opinion, take it seriously. And when you give him ownership of a task, don't second-guess every step.

10 Remember that men become wedding experts by having one. Chances are, your sweetheart will open his eyes to the wonder of a wedding by the time the rose petals are tossed. Forever after, he'll be examining friend's receptions with a practiced eye, and anticipating the next excuse for a Really Big Shindig.

So keep him around, and count on throwing a first-rate anniversary celebration ten years down the road. In a way, that'll be the party that really matters, won't it?

Weddi n g Dress..

& Your Personality by Sara Stanford


o matter where you are in your wedding dress shopping journey, the dress you choose says a lot about your personality. With all the dresses out there it’s kind of hard to narrow it down to the one that will reflect who you truly are on your wedding day. Hopefully, we can help. When choosing a wedding gown you need to look at a lot of factors, body shape, venue, color fabric etc., but the most important factor is you. How do you want to feel? How do you want to look? How do you want to be immortalized for years to come? Bottom line is once you select a dress that will make you feel like the best version of you and you can never go wrong. What does your dream dress say about you and your personality? Let’s analyze and take a deeper look, shall we?


Personality: Understated, demure more on the quiet side. Yet strong in your convictions and ethics. Also you are very well put together and organized. You don’t take things too lightly, but you still know how to have a little fun. Your wedding reception will be very elegant and fun, but nothing too out of hand. 24


Personality: Cool, calm and collected. Sophisticated sense of style and not too worried about all the fluff that comes along with wedding planning. You are more than likely not in your twenties and maybe even on your second marriage, but you still want to look glamorous and elegant on your big day.


Personality: Hopeless romantic, loves to be the center of attention and very much a girly girl. Pink roses and a blinged out tiara are the order for your day. You are sweet and affectionate (that’s one of the things he loves about you), but you also must always get your own way, or it won’t be pretty. But that’s okay he loves you anyway.



Personality: Fun and free spirited. You don’t sweat the small stuff (except your dress). You keep a very tight knit circle of friends and family. Everyone who you will invite to your wedding will mean something to you and your fiancé. You’re a morning wedding kind of girl. Yeah, the wedding is fun…but when does the honeymoon start?

Personality: Glam- girl, feisty, speaks her mind and doesn’t care who hears her. You are comfortable in your own skin and enjoy being a woman. On a regular day you can be seen in your Bridgette’s and a great maxi dress, but on this day its nothing but your 5-inch blinged-out stilettos and chandelier earrings. Oh and….you know how to party. People will come to your wedding with their dancing shoes in hand ready to go all night.

Dress available at Petals & Promises Model: Rashida Beckford Photographer: Jordache Jones Makeup: Ariel Hitchener


Dress available at Petals & Promises Dress available at Petals & Promises Model: Rashida Beckford Model: Rashida Beckford Photographer: Jordache Jones Photographer: Jordache Jones Makeup: Ariel Hitchener Makeup: Ariel Hitchener


Dress available at Petals & Promises Model: Talia Soares Photographer: Jordache Jones Makeup: Ariel Hitchener


Dress available at Petals & Promises Model: Talia Soares Photographer: Jordache Jones Makeup: Ariel Hitchener


Dress available at Petals & Promises Model: Rasine Racine Hamilton Photographer: Jordache Jones Makeup: Ariel Hitchener Dress available at Petals & Promises Model: Talia Photographer: Jordache Jones Makeup: Ariel Hitchener



Dress available at Petals & Promises Model: Rasine Hamilton Photographer: Jordache Jones Makeup: Ariel Hitchener


by Rochelle Rose

by Roanna Rose


DRESSI N G YOUR Bridesmaids


or a bride, shopping for bridesmaid dresses can be one of the most difficult aspects of wedding planning. How can the bride find a gown for her maids that will display her own taste, look great on every girl and will fit into the financial picture?

There are so many colours and styles of dresses to choose from. The bridesmaids themselves may vary greatly in size and they want a flattering dress that makes them feel good. The bride and her bridesmaids may be in their mid-20s or older and want a more sophisticated look in the bridesmaids dresses. The bride also has the task of choosing a dress that will look good with each girl’s skin tone, hair colour and figure. Choosing the right dress can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. The bride should start the decision process early. It’s ideal to actually place the order for the dresses at least four months before the wedding. This will allow time for alterations, shopping for shoes and other accessories and leave time to dye the shoes to match the dresses. The bride will find it most helpful to shop with the one bridesmaid whose fashion sense she shares. The ultimate decision about the perfect bridesmaid dress will be the bride’s. The first step to choosing a bridesmaid dress is to determine the formality, style and fabric of the wedding gown. The bridesmaid dresses shouldn’t overpower or clash with the wedding gown. For today’s more simple bridal styles, nice detailing in the bridesmaid dresses creates a good look for the group. Back accents like straps, halter tops and simple beading are important for ceremony photography. A quality dress of good fabric and construction is necessary for the active bridesmaids who will be walking, dancing or running errands. Who needs to worry about seams splitting apart or buttons falling off during the wedding?

The next step for most brides is choosing the dress colour. Finding the right dress to match your colour scheme can be done by looking at bridesmaid swatches in the bridal store. Most manufacturers make bridesmaids dresses in anywhere from a few colours to as many as fifty. Choosing the actual colour will narrow the choice of dresses to a more manageable number. The bride must then consider the size ranges and figure types of her ladies. Most bridal parties have an average of two full-figured members. If this is the case, many times its best to begin choosing a gown style with the larger maids in mind. Some full-figured ladies feel comfortable in spaghetti straps or even strapless gowns, but many would rather have at least a short sleeve or perhaps a shawl. The smaller ladies can usually wear any style. A-line styles look good on almost everyone. Not to worry if one of your ladies is expecting. Extra fabric can be ordered to create a maternity side panel. A few designers are now creating maternity bridesmaid dresses.


A new marketing trend for bridesmaids is the idea of separates. Most manufactures now feature at least some of their styles in separate tops and skirts. Separates offer some flexibility for the ladies as they are able to choose different sizes for the top and skirt and can accommodate many different figures types. The bride can also choose the colour and manufacturer of the separates while letting the ladies have the freedom to create a style they will be comfortable in. In these sensitive economic times, many dress manufacturers are adjusting their prices to meet everyone’s financial needs. Many designers have lowered their prices with no reduction in the quality of the garments. The bride may save time by doing her preliminary shopping online. She can narrow her choices and email styles she likes to her maids. Shopping on the internet may be the most logical choice for some brides when her maids live in different

Bridesmaids dresses available at Bliss Bridal Boutique 36

parts of the country. Online ordering entails the maids obtaining their own measurements and alterations which must be done correctly for the best fit. Be sure to order very early to allow extra time for shipping the gowns. The bridesmaid look is not complete without shoes and accessories. Shoes are available in many styles in fabrics which can be custom dyed to match the gown. A simple rhinestone or pearl necklace and earring set will enhance the look of your maids. With all the choices in bridesmaid gowns available today, every member of the wedding party should be happy with the final results and will spend the wedding day celebrating with the bride and her groom.

40 STYLES 50 COLOUR COMBI NATIONS Dresses available at Bliss Bridal Boutique

When the

BEST MAN is a woman by Jennifer Truman



ou are getting married and you and your intended are choosing the members of the wedding party. He can’t decide which of his good friends he should ask to be the best man. No matter whom he chooses, someone’s feelings will be hurt. So, he decides to ask his sister. Or perhaps the bride has a friend since childhood who she wants to be in her line, but he happens to be a guy, not a girl. Can she have a male bridesmaid? Today, it is fine to include a person of the opposite sex among your attendants. Older couples with adult children have been doing this for years. The criteria for choosing attendants remains the same as it has always been – choose people who are relatives or who are close to you and will continue to be a part of your life in the future. If that person is of the opposite sex, that is fine in most instances, unless your wedding will be held in a conservative church or synagogue. Then, you may need to obtain the approval of the pastor/priest/rabbi before asking the person to be in your line. When a person of the opposite sex is chosen to fill the position of maid of honor or best man, he or she should be called "the bride’s honour attendant" or "the groom’s honour attendant." When a person of the opposite sex is chosen to fill the role of groomsman or bridesmaid, then all of the attendants are called "the bride’s attendants (rather than bridesmaids) and "the groom’s attendants" (rather than groomsmen).

When a woman stands on the groom’s side, she might wear a dress in the same color as the male attendant’s tuxedos or suits and of the same formality as the bridesmaids’ dresses. She should wear a corsage rather than a boutonnière. A man who stands on the bride’s side should dress the same as the other men in the wedding party. He should wear a boutonnière, not carry a bouquet. If he fills the position of the maid of honor, then the bridesmaid standing next to him should hold the bride’s bouquet during the ceremony and she should help the bride with her train if necessary. A female groom’s attendant will dress with the ladies, but she will appear in the photos along with the groom’s male attendants. Similarly, a male bride’s attendant will dress with the men, but he will appear in the photos along with the bride’s female attendants. Be sure that your photographer is aware of the situation so that the person is included in the correct photos. It is appropriate to choose a young girl to fill the position of ring bearer if you have no young boys that you would like to include. A female ring bearer carries the title of ring bearer but dresses much like the flower girls. During the ceremony she will stand on the groom’s side. Whether your attendants are of the same sex or of the opposite sex, choose those who are an important part of your life and who you want to be with you on your special day, thus making your wedding very personal.




t goes without saying that we all want to look our best for the big day. So preparation is the key. Take care of your skin, hair and body in the months leading up to the wedding and you will have a good base from which to start.

Starting with body, you want to look slim and happy in your wedding gown not bloated and insecure so watch what you eat in the months leading up to the wedding and exercise regularly. A good tip to prevent bloating is to cut down on carbs the last few weeks before the big day. This should eliminate any unwanted bumps and bulges. 40

Tips for the big day To give your skin that healthy glow desired by all, you need to drink plenty of water, at least two litresper day, dehydrated skin looks dull, dry and unattractive. The essential fatty acids found in salmon, tuna, nuts and seeds are essential for beautiful skin and hair; try to eat as much of these as possible. Keep your skin in shape with a daily cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine. It's very important that you are using the right products for your skin type. You can get advice from your local beauty sales counters on the best products out there for you. Remember to exfoliate your skin weekly, this will eliminate old dull skin cells and reveal new fresh skin beneath. You should have an exfoliating routine for your back, arms and chest or any other part of your skin that will be on show in your dress. This will give a lovely healthy shine to your body. Remember to lash on loads of body cream after you exfoliate to soothe and moisten the skin. If you are unlucky enough to have dry frizzy hair or you use colour and harsh styling products regularly, you need to give your hair regular hair masks to bring the life and shine back to your tresses. Most salons provide hair treatments with lovely essential oil and vitamin products, which are great for your hair and scalp as a lovely weekly or biweekly treat.

If you are more of a DIY girl why don't you purchase your own intensive moisturizing hair conditioner and do your own treatment. When you have put the treatment in the hair apply heat using a hairdryer, then wrap your hair in cling film to keep in the heat, leaving as long as you desire.This will prove a more intense treatment allowing the moisture to penetrate the hair cuticle. Your hair will be shining with health and smelling yummy on the big day. Now for the real magic - make up, of course. Now that you are all glowing and beautiful nature sometimes needs a little help to give us that beauty we all desire. The next step is your make up application. If you are going to get your make up done professionally you should shop around, just because they are "professionals" doesn't mean they are talented. Make sure you have an idea of what you want to look like on the day, bring bridal photos with make-up styles you like and ideas on what hair style you will have also helps. A clean fresh look always works with definition on the eyes. Make up that looks good in person is usually too little for photographs; the last thing you want is your eye disappearing in the photos. A good idea is to bring an instant camera with you and take photos of the various make up looks you have tried out, between you discuss what you like and don't like. Remember a photograph is less forgiving than a mirror. 42



by Terri Myrie

t's true, the dress, the music, the food are all important for the big day but the venue, that's what sets the tone for your wedding. Location, location, location is key and that is probably why one of the first and most important tasks of a newly engaged couple is to find "the perfect wedding venue". Jamaica is the most beautiful destination wedding location in the Caribbean...in the World and we have numerous options from which to choose regardless of budget or style. For those who love the scenic outdoor properties, Jamaica has some of those. For those couples who like an intimate indoor or rustic setting, Jamaica has got a few of those as well, and for others who want both an indoor and outdoor feel, cascading waterfalls with a enchanting gazebo or clubhouse, Jamaica has those venues too! There are 10 venues however that make me breathless, 10 venues that I get excited about when I think about planning and designing weddings there. I consider these venues to be my top 10 wedding venues in Jamaica. What makes them top 10, well; taking budget out of the equation

these venues have five key characteristics. Firstly, they each are unique in their own respect and each offer a stunning space that has the ability to be transformed but can also be utilized just as they are because of their exquisite nature. With any of these wedding venues their beauty create a wonderful atmosphere and offer couples endless photo opportunities. Second, these venues are popular. Popularity means that these sites have catered to several weddings, they have wedding packages and even wedding planners on staff. They know the special requirements of a wedding and can deliver which at the end of the day makes things easier for a couple. These venues have the ability to serve as one location for both the ceremony and the reception. This facilitates a smooth transition from ceremony to cocktail hour to reception. Yet another reason for their selection is the capacity to accommodate both small and large weddings. Last but not least most of these venues have lodging or onsite accommodation. This is added value for a bride, the wedding party or guests.

1. Rose Hall, St James

Rose Hall is a majestic venue for your storybook wedding. This venue found in Montego Bay really has five separate spots and exhibits extraordinary beauty. There is the infamous Great House which is known for its enthralling staircase and the tale of the White Witch which adds an element of mystery to the site. The aqueduct, another favourite spot is an 18th century ruin which caters to a more rustic bride while the Oceans Edge calls the beach lovers with its tranquil private beach. The Cinnamon Hill Great House another special spot has sensuous landscapes and is also available for weddings.

TOP 10

2. Laughing Waters, St. Ann

Laughing Waters has its home in St. Ann known as the garden parish. Laughing Waters is what I call a triple treat, it has a beach, a garden and a waterfall. What more could you want in a venue? The gardens are lush with exotic and eclectic flowers and the beach and waterfalls are to die for. This venue is a divine setting which provides countless possibilities for transformation and photo opportunities. If you’re in love with nature this venue is sure to turn you on!

3. Strawberry Hill Hotel, St. Andrew

This hotel is located in Irish Town and takes approximately 45 minutes from Kingston, however is well worth the drive. An enchanting and somewhat secluded venue which boasts a fantabulous view of Kingston, the notorious infinity pool and the breathtaking Blue Mountains as a backdrop. This venue has a serene allure and is perfect for small personalized weddings or large extravagant weddings.


Terra Nova All-Suite Hotel, Kingston

Terra Nova is a popular wedding venue in Kingston known for its exceptional food and well-kept grounds. Colonial architecture with a modern flare gives this venue a thumbs up. The Pavillion, poolside and garden areas comfortably accommodate up to 200 guests.

5. Tryall Club, Montego Bay

Tryall Club dubbed the Caribbean's finest country club definitely makes the list due to its luxurious nature. This resort has an array of private villas, golfing amenities, restaurants, a first class spa and a tantalizing beach which is bound to captivate not only the bride and groom but their guests as well. A picturesque venue for your wedding to say the least.

6. Hope Botanical

Gardens, Kingston

Hope Botanical Gardens fondly called Hope Gardens. This venue is ideal for brides who love the outdoors, gardens, flowers, nature is her thing. Hope Gardens hosts several areas for a wedding, to name a few the Sunken Garden, the Pavilion Gazebo & Lawn and the Annuals Garden Gazebo. The size of the wedding matters not as Hope Gardens is bound to have a perfect spot for you.

7. Firefly, St. Mary

This property located east of Oracabessa was owned by the famous playwright Sir Noel Coward, was subsequently bought by Chris Blackwell and is currently listed as a National Heritage site. The venue is perched on a hill and offers a panoramic view of the north coast which will captivate guests and provide a sensational backdrop for any wedding. The property hosts a quaint house which still has Coward furniture and fixtures. The rich historic flavour of Firefly coupled with its magnificent ambiance is definitely something to get excited about.

8. Couples Resor ts Tower Isle, St. Ann

Now this venue right here, this venue is the bombdiggity.com. Couples, located just outside of Ocho Rios has several options for wedding spots however their Tower Isle package reigns supreme, it is simply not the run-ofthe-mill venue. Having a private island for your wedding, is simply a heavenly idea. Imagine being surrounded by the Caribbean sea, with the sun setting and the flowers swaying in the breeze as you say your vows, it makes you want to overlook the limitations of the size.


9. Bellefield Great House & Gardens, St. James

Saying that this venue is spectacular is quite an understatement. Bellefield found in Montego Bay is exactly what the name says... GREAT! Every inch of this property is captivating and mind blowing, with such enticing scenery it is marketed as a Five Star Event Venue. It is a historic plantation displaying acres upon acres of Jamaica’s supreme landscape. There are three areas that you can choose from to have your wedding, the garden, the sugar mill or the Great House. Endless ideas pop into mind when I think of this place.


Round Hill, St. James

Round Hill, a former pineapple plantation situated on a peninsula provides a glamorous yet laid-back setting. There are quite a few indoor and outdoor choices to host a wedding such as the Spa Lawn that stretches to the sea, the private beach, the infinity pool sun deck and the Hanover or Georgian rooms accommodating from 60 - 150 guests. This venue stands up well with plenty space and lots of activities for guests.

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by Peta-ann Hector


f you have a small, informal reception, you may not feel you need a plan. However for larger numbers, or a sit down meal, both you and your guests may benefit from a seating chart. Guests are saved from a mad panic of trying to find a seat at a table with their friends/family and you can place people where they'll be happiest! The wedding meal may last for 2-3 hours and is a significant part of the day. If your guests are sitting with people they get along with, it will make a big difference to their overall enjoyment of the day.


* * *

No plan at all – best for stand up buffets or small and informal events. Assign guests to tables – you allocate guests to tables but the choice of seat is theirs. Assign guests to seats – you specify the seats at which each guest will sit.


While the traditional head table (bride and groom seated at a long table flanked by the wedding par ty) is still favoured by most, alternatives are often being used – such as including parents/godparents or clergy at the table. Or you might want to include par tners of the bridal par ty. Alternatively, you may want to avoid the top table altogether and have a romantic table for two.



Seating tables with just one family group will let them relax, but won't do much to encourage mingling. However, a table where no one knows anyone else might be a bit daunting for most people! Try and arrange a mix on each table – so everyone knows a few people. By thinking about guests ages and interests you can make sure that each table is likely to get on and have fun!


Where to sit singles can also create a dilemma. On one hand you might want to try out a little matchmaking, but on the other, this could be rather uncomfortable and awkward for your guests (it might be very obvious too!). Certainly avoid a ‘singles' table but generally do whatever you feel is best for your guests.


If you are using round tables, the general etiquette is to seat males and females alternately around the table. If you are using long tables, seat couples opposite one another and then alternate male/females along the table.

4. 5.

The tables closest to the bride and groom should be reserved for the closest friends and family. Give each table a name or number. Table names could be themed - for example people, objects or places that are relevant to you as a couple. Names also remove the perceived hierarchy of tables. You should create a name card for each table (your venue may do this for you) so that guests can easily find their table.


If you are assigning guests to specific seats you should create name place cards. These could also show menu choices (if you are offering them) or indicate vegetarians. The waiting staff will really appreciate this and it will allow them to give a more seamless service. You should also give a paper copy of your plan to the venue so they can see where people are seated. CREAT ING T HE CHART Start arranging your seating plan early. You can start doing this before all your RSVPs have come in as most of your close friends and family will probably be attending, even if they haven't formally replied yet. To begin creating your arrangement, get a general idea from your venue how tables will be arranged in the room. Determine whether you'll be using round or long tables or a mixture of both, and work out how many people you can seat at each table. Arranging the chart can take a long time and might involve numerous revisions. Many people cut up pieces of paper for each guest and table and use these to try out different layouts. Thankfully, over the last few years software (web-based, for download or even Excel spreadsheets) has become available to make the task simpler. It can save you not only hours of your time but also reduces the stress in the lead up to the big day by simplifying last minute changes. 47


Woes in Wedding Planning by Patrice Vaughan


ou would be hard pressed to find a couple who hasn’t experienced surprise, anger, hurt, or disappointment about who did not come to their wedding and who did not RSVP without having to be asked (after the deadline.) What is going on with people? Why aren’t they able to fill out a card with a stamp already on it and tell you if they are coming to your wedding? And then show up if they said they were coming!]

The RSVP deadline is where the rubber meets the road in wedding planning. Until this point you can live in fantasy land. You dream of the big day, you count everyone you want to be there and budget accordingly, finding the right reception space, deciding on the food and festivities surrounding the big day. The mythical princess moment is just around the corner and soon you will have The Final Guest List or the final cast of characters to witness your Cinderella moment. Getting those RSVP cards in the mail or confirmation via email or telephone can be as exciting as the actual wedding gifts.

Ironically this is often the small window of life when you diligently RSVP to friends’ weddings. When you’re single you have no clue about the enormous task of wedding planning and when you’re married you either get amnesia or you’re busy having your last pre-child moments or being pregnant or raising children. A simple RSVP card is just another item on a busy checklist of activities for those marrieds/singles.

Some people feel that if they don’t respond the Bride and Groom should know they won’t be attending. [Like seriously?! ] The bubble bursts when you find out that your Cinderella day turns out to be just another day for most of your guests. Your rational side knows this is not the biggest day to them, but you are shocked that they can’t just respond or you are hurt and disappointed when they decide not to come for lame reasons. How do you then rethink your wedding when you estimated for 200 and only 100 will make it? Or when you have a huge ballroom and it will be half empty instead of brimming full? Or when the reasons cherished guests give for not coming are shockingly pathetic and dismissive of your big day? Or when they don’t show and don’t bother to call you to explain? First of all, you are not alone, far from it. For any story you have there is going to be someone else with a way worse story. Then it’s a matter of letting yourself feel whatever you are feeling about it.

The next choice is how you are going to set aside strong negative emotions, temporarily or permanently. You can’t let these people ruin the build up to your wedding. Are you going to forgive or forget or stew? You can ask yourself if this is worth altering a friendship—maybe yes, maybe no. For sure, now is not the time to make nasty phone calls or worse, write flaming emails. I encourage you to talk with your spouse-to-be. Life is full of disappointments and hurts and this is a perfect time to remind yourself that you are marrying this person for his or her support. You can let them know what you need in the moment. Sometimes it’s as simple as, “Honey, I am going to vent right now. Please just listen!” or you may want to actually ask to get a rational perspective on why the wedding will still be wonderful and life will go on with or without the offending persons or the modified guest list and alOnce you have wrapped your head around the new wedding guest list, remind yourself of the love and support you are getting from everyone who will be there in person or in spirit. Weddings are a community event and the number of people who are there has nothing to do with the quality of your supportive community. Most of us would take one great friend over 10 acquaintances. Your wedding day is a huge day for you and nobody can change that by their inconsiderateness. Bask in the glorious day surrounded by those who love you and are witnessing the beginning of your married life.


NO KIDS AT THE WEDDING PLEASE..! by Victoria Williams


How to Say it Tastefully


s much as you love your nieces, nephews and even your own children, some of you know that an otherwise perfect day can be tarnished by a misbehaving little one. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so what should you do? If you don't mind kids at your wedding, then this article is not for you. If you are in the other group, read on... If you are reading this you are probably afraid of being labelled as selfish or a child hater, but this is your day. You planned for it, paid for it and deserve to have it the way you want. Even if you are being selfish, having paid a few thousand dollars or more says you have the right to be! Well enough of the pep talk. You must be open and honest from the very beginning. Waiting too long in fear of causing trouble will only make matters worse and leave you feeling even more "guilty" when some people were expecting to bring their little ones from the start. Most people will understand and some have asked it for their own weddings, but there are still a few that need to be told. Here are some of the ways to get the message across early:


Send it with the invitation. That’s right. You could put it on a separate card and make a reference to it being an adult’s only event. You may not want to say "no kids please" because the words "adults only" is less likely to be seen negatively.


Call each and every person who you believe is coming and be honest and upfront. Don't take too long with the small talk and try to end on a positive note. It would also be a good idea to have babysitters in a separate room at the wedding in case someone forgets or just had to bring little Mark.

3. On that same note. If you just don't want to feel like

you are a kid-hater, just make a point to have babysitters at your wedding. This way no one will feel left out or "betrayed". You still have to contend with those parents and children who have separation anxiety. You will have to make sure to tell them that if they plan to bring

children with them, they must be placed with the babysitter you or they have provided, in a separate room, no exceptions. Having a room with toys and bright colors could peak a child's interest, but there is no guarantee.


Use psychology. The statement, "This is a day to enjoy yourself too. Leave the kids at home (with our babysitter)", will definitely bring some of those not-sounderstanding parents to your corner. The parents with the most misbehaved kids will be the first to identify with this statement. If all else fails, just remember the important thing is that you are marrying the one you love and that nothing can change that!

Wedding Cake Etiquette


here is a protocol to the handling, cutting and serving of wedding cakes. This is hardly surprising because just about everything in a traditional wedding is governed by etiquette and protocol. Many couples, no matter how formal or informal the wedding is, most wedding couples try to observe wedding cake protocol.



* * *

The bride should hold the knife in her right hand and the groom should stand slightly behind her with his right hand covering hers to make the cut, the first slice should be fed by the groom to the bride and the second bite should be offered by the bride to the groom. After the cutting of the cake and the first bites, a family member or member of the catering staff should cut the serving slices. The cake should be served with coffee or the beverage of the guest's choice. Guests should also be offered the opportunity to box up their piece in a gift box to take home.

* * *

The cake should always be displayed at the reception on a beautifully decorated table. It should be in front of the bride's table and set so that while it is on display it does not block a view of the head table. An ornamental knife should be placed on the table. Protocol demands that the cake must be cut at the right time in the reception. For informal ceremonies and receptions this means serving it after the guests have been received and toasts have been given. For formal ceremonies it should be served after the main dinner. An announcement that the cake is to be cut should always precede the actual cutting of the cake, this allows mingling guests to view the ceremony.


for yourReception by Michelle Tyrell



lovely centrepiece adds the finishing touch to your reception tables. During the course of the reception, your guests will probably spend more time looking at the centrepiece than they do at your gown, so you want it to be attractive, yet not break your budget. Consider these suggestions when choosing centrepieces for your reception.


Choose a centrepiece that is appropriate in size for the size of the table. A small arrangement placed in the centre of a 72-inch table will be lost, while a large arrangement on a 36-inch table can be overpowering.


Don’t choose a centrepiece that visually obstructs your guests’ ability to converse with each other or to see what is happening in the room. Either keep it low, or choose something that is tall and slender, such as a topiary. You can quickly assemble a centrepiece by using a round glass bowl (12" or more in diameter), adding colored rocks or marbles, water, and either several blossoms or floating candles.


To visually increase the size of your centrepiece, centre it on a mirror tile, a colored napkin or another item that will complement the decor. Mirror tiles can be rented; the reception venue can supply napkins; you can source other items from craft stores or your wedding décor vendor.


Some reception venues may not allow the use of candles with an open flame but may allow candles that are surrounded by water. Be sure to ask before purchasing candles.


If you are planning an outdoor reception, choose centrepieces that can withstand wind and heat. A centrepiece that is low and heavy is best. One that is tall can easily blow over. Flowers and candles left in the bright sun will wilt or melt, so a more durable centrepiece would be a better choice. Plants withstand heat better than cut flowers and the pots will be heavier and less apt to blow over

§ With a bit of imagination, you can create a lovely

centrepiece without spending a lot of money.



to please. MSW Events took the task on bravely when entries were invited on November 18, 2014. Couples from across the island submitted love stories via email and video explaining why they were deserving of winning their fairy tale wedding. 13 couples were chosen and the 14th selected by online fans. Thus the 14 blushing brides-to-be and the 14 dashing grooms began a journey towards creating an experience they would always cherish.

Monique Walcott, CEO of MSW Events, had a unique task ahead of her when she undertook the staging of 14-14-14 this year. This is only the second consecutive year that this syndicate is hosting Jamaica’s only mass wedding event on Valentine’s Day and of course 14 beautiful brides with their own tastes and personalities would understandably be hard

From the get-go they were surrounded by a great deal of attention from the media, the group humorously referred to as paparazzi, and fans hungrily followed their celebrity stories. From their first outing to Island Gully Falls of Blue Hole Ocho Rios where they frolicked in the natural beauty of the island, Walcott was convinced that they must have already been long-time friends. Seasoned couples came and gave tips to the newbies on how to make their partnership last.

s night fell on scenic Hope Gardens, Saturday, February 14 of this year, a gathering of well-wishers basked in good music, food and fun. The unmistakable element of romance, the hope and passion of new love and renewed commitment were the backdrop to the closing of a successful event. The smiles, hugs and laughter gave a peep into the layers of true human beauty that had come together to make MSW Event’s 14-1414 Mass Wedding everything that it eventually was.

by Tonisha Farquharson Photo Credit: Michael Gordon

The women all gathered at Petals and Promises and were excited and meticulous as they selected their gowns. This was the first year bachelor and bachelorette parties were incorporated and the gents were all out at Club Privilege while the ladies were surprised with a fun Zumba and aerobics workout. Brand Manager for Moet & Chandon, Jared Samuel, hosted a treat toasting to the young couples on behalf of the brand for creating memories, introducing them to the wide range of champagnes they would have on their special day. He ended with a toast to love, memories and long lasting marriages after which the group went on their way to party at Ribbiz. They were showered with gifts from beginning to end: manicures and pedicures from Ava’s Jus Nails and haircuts and massages from Adam and Eve. LIME even gifted one couple, selected by fans in an online contest, a honeymoon trip at the all-

inclusive resort Secrets, Montego Bay. Contestant Denise Haughton, owner of a nail salon in Lane Plaza, is affectionately called “Preggy 2” because she is 3 months pregnant with twins. She described the whole thing as a “celebrity experience”. She beamed as she gushed about having found the perfect dress, excellent food and a fabulous dream wedding all being gifted to her by MSW Events. She didn’t mind the “papparrazzi” at all, commenting that she was in love with all the attention. “Call me Denise HaughtonKardashian,” she laughed.. Contestant Annesia Brown is “Preggy 1”. She was engaged in April 2014 to Kemar Brown and while planning her wedding she found she was pregnant. It was her dream to get married before having her child and soon realized that planning her wedding while pregnant was more than she could cope with along with her full-time job. Family and friends were up in

arms when she suggested she go to RGD as they wanted her to have her dream wedding. When she was told about the 14 14 14, it seemed like the perfect opportunity, but she had quite forgotten about it when her now husband Kemar applied and was selected as one of the contestants. Walcott explains that these stories are the reason she does what she does. She kept a hands on and highly interactive relationship with the couples throughout. Having been in the industry for 10 years, she wanted to create a truly special occasion for the deserving couples. Previous contestants came back to contribute to the experience because it had meant so much to them when it had been them. It has been important to Walcott and too many of these couples to continue to give back and support the current couples on the same journey. The couples this year formed such a bond and have all made promises to return and support the winners of the

coming years. That continuance ensures that this event grows exponentially each time. What more can we look for from MSW Events? Monique says, “I know 14 is special but I don’t plan to be tied down to 14, maybe 15, 20 or 60.” She points out that that none of this would have been possible without the sponsors and that sponsors are integral to making these events everything that they are. On the heels of the success of this one, we can comfortably look forward to much more amazing things from brand MSW Events. This year they have included an EcoJamaica River Party called “River Daze” with many games, including dominoes and football, providing an authentic Jamaican experience. Monique hopes MSW Events can help contribute to expanding Brand Jamaica in a big way so that Jamaica can become a bigger global player for destination weddings.


by Veneita Tarrant


Ideas to wow your guests

edding favours should be elegant, unique, exclusive and yes functional. Exclusivity should wow your guests to the extent that it is treated with special care. Wedding favours may either be funtional or meant to be a keepsake. When choosing wedding favours couples should know what their guests will love and select favours that are useful and are more likely to be appreciated. The choice of packaging is a big part of the WOW factor. A beautifully wrapped gift will not only WoW your guests but it will create a lasting impression.

Here are a few ideas that are unique, simple, funtional, creative and will no doubt wow your guests: 1. A small compact burlap drawstring bag filled with various aromas of spices for kitchen use. This bag is personalised and a little card with a recipe for love using the name of the spices is placed inside. 2. Miniature sample wine bottles with your photograph and date of your wedding on the label, given in a nice soft satin bag. 3. A bottle of clean fragrance specially made to blast your house with clean fresh lasting scents.

4. A cool (men in black)sun glasses for that outdoor wedding.

5. A potted plant or better yet, an

orchid plant to transfer into your own garden to remember the couple or to brighten your home.

“thank you for attending our wedding, I chose you specially because you are a family, friend or a close associate. This is a keepsake in memory of our special day.”

6. A bottle of our special homemade sauce or jam makes a useful gift of the homemaker guest.

Guests, please remember that it is quite alright to use your souvenirs/favours rather than keep them locked away until they are covered with dust, rusty, outdated and unable to function.

The couple can set up a photo area and all guests are privileged to take instant photo shots with the guests of honour (the bride and groom). How’s that to create your “Hall of fame” wall? The giving of favours is loaded. It says

Remember they can be used in your own home parties or any special events you host. They will in turn wow your guests and the couple will be happy they made the “wow” impact on so many people.

WHAT MAKES A Marriage Work? by Rose-ann Smith


es, opposites do attract, however the marriages that work the best are with couples who have similar values, beliefs and interests. That's not to say you should marry a carbon copy of yourself - that would get boring and tedious very fast - (truly, how many of us want to marry ourselves?), but having a mate that we know will work toward the same goals and has the same values, will go a long way in keeping your marriage intact.


Having separate interests is also a big plus. While it’s wonderful to spend a lot of time together, it's the quality that counts, not the quantity. True, there are many couples who enjoy being together day and night - in fact; my own marriage is much like that. We love to be and do many things together; however we also have our own separate interests as well. Sometime apart is good for the majority of couples. It gives you new and fresh outlooks on your lives, not to mention giving you both something to talk about apart from your daily lives and interests.

Of course, it goes without saying that communication is probably at the top of the list. Being able to discuss dreams, goals and what's in your heart very important as well as having someone who will listen closely to what you say and having some empathy as to how you feel. That's not to say that your partner wants to hear constant complaints about one thing or another. Yes, we all need "a shoulder to cry on" occasionally, just don't make a habit of it. Intimacy is also a very important part of keeping a marriage alive and happy. And intimacy doesn't mean just sex. Being close, holding hands, relaxing in each other's arms, speaking

of your hopes and dreams of the future, helps to build a close relationship and trust of your partner. And don't think sex has to become boring. Spice it up by greeting your mate wearing just a raincoat, or kidnap your partner and take them to a hotel overnight. Plan dates and dress sexy...find ways to add excitement to your love life. And remember, sex doesn't just start in the bedroom. Gazing at your lover across a crowded room with a "come hither" look or whispering in his or her ear of what you'd like to do later can go a long way in keeping the fire roaring in the bedroom.


Meld and Merge a Perfectly Accessorized Home


ome brides-to-be might find it hard to think beyond the intense planning that a wedding requires. But beyond the pomp and circumstance of the big day, it's important to think ahead to mergers -- not the corporate kind, but the merging of styles and décor to set up a home the bride and groom will both love. Forget Mars and Venus. Men are from the planet of mismatched furniture and floor coverings, while women accessorize their home with as much care and finesse as they do their wardrobes. Ideally, decorating a first home together begins with the furniture and accessories near and dear to both the bride and groom. But if a bride-to-be can't live with her fiancé's 1970s thrift store coffee table and orange bean bag chair, chances are he won't be thrilled with her antique oak hope chest and ornately carved sleigh bed. Can these two conflicting

schemes co-exist after the couple has crossed the threshold? Several furniture suppliers make it easier than ever to meld female and male sensibilities in home décor by offering products to suit a variety of styles. Bedding, furniture, fabrics, area rugs, flooring, storage accessories, table linen and window coverings are all designed to work in traditional and more updated settings. Here, florals and neutrals work remarkably well together, and tactile fabrics add depth, style and colorful nuance. No matter which room is the newlyweds' favourite, bedrooms, baths and living rooms all can be decked out in style.

Setting the tone. Choose a colour scheme together, and creatively arrange furniture and accessories around it. Find a neutral ground to meld his love of earth tones, for example, with her love of soft fabrics. A mélange of colours and fabrics -- on everything from comforters to window valances -- will inspire looks ideal for both Mr. and Mrs.

Splish, splash. Create an understated, clean look in the bath for him, but add accessories with a dash of colour to satisfy a bride-to-be's lively outlook. Bold shower curtains, wastebaskets and vanity items inject freshness and personality.

Boudoir basics. Usher in a new home with a fresh set of bedding; couples can look for a variety of styles and colours designed to be dressed up or left as is for a classic look. Decorative pillows, shams, coverlets and throws complete the look and are a great way for wedding guests to add to the couple's cozy love nest.

Staples of style. If he loves a more modern style, but she wants a retro feel, furniture options in leather, fine fabrics, hardwood and wicker can readily mesh both personalities.

Merging moods. She's a homebody; he likes beaches and picnics. For bedrooms and living rooms, couples can combine sensibilities with bedding and furniture lines that bring the outside in, and vice versa. Try mixing a table from one line with a chair from another. Mixing it up is a playful way to punch up the personality of a room. Just like in the corporate world, mergers can either run smoothly or be a headache. By considering the sensibilities the bride and groom share -- rather than just the differences -- creating a first home together can be one merger full of fringe benefits.


Wedd TV is an exciting new online wedding channel geared towards celebrating the experience of some of life’s memorable moments, bringing you wedding stories, useful tips & trends, reality shows, and entertainment features, as well as highlights of the sweet culture and music of the Caribbean people.

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WAIST Training in the Kitchen

D 66

by Rashida Beckford

ress shopping is always the most exciting part of wedding planning for the bride. With styles varying from the sultry mermaid to the fairytale ball gown, a flattering figure can make any design a wedding spectacle. Waist training has become the latest and most popular body transformation method. Waist training corsets and vests are used to create, at times, an exaggerated teeny tiny tummy. Whether you choose to invest in these waist cinchers or not, flexing your diet muscles will reward you with healthy weight loss, glowing skin and well needed energy for your big day. So let's waist train in the kitchen...

Protein rich diets have always been lauded by body builders and professional athletes. Increased muscle mass, lean muscle development and muscle repair are a few of the macro nutrient's contributions to weight management and fitness. It is critical to note that not all weight loss is fat loss. Excessively restricting calories or crash diets tend to eliminate water or even lean muscle mass. Muscle tissue should never be sacrificed, and as such increasing your consumption of lean protein will protect and develop your lean tissues. Studies also reveal that a 10 gram intake of essential amino acids from high quality proteins, like chicken and turkey, helps reduce abdominal fat. Carbohydrates are always the first to be eliminated when someone prepares for a drastic weight loss journey. Carbs however, supply the body with needed calories for daily bodily functions, for example breathing, digestion and blinking. The type of carb is really what deserves the consideration, complex carbs being preferred to simple ones. Complex carbs typically have lower glycemic index, which means they impact blood glucose levels slower and less dramatically. Those suffering from diabetes are recommended to consume complex carbs for this specific reason. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and seeds are examples of complex carbs that consist of a wide array of health components, specifically fiber. Fiber is the indigestible carbohydrate critical to weight loss and effective waist training. Fiber can either be soluble or insoluble, both providing the body with immense benefit for weight management, digestion, and overall health. The primary basic of weight loss is calorie intake must be less than calorie expenditure. Consuming fiber rich complex carbohydrates adds bulk to your diet and enhances satiety. Starting your meal with a substantial fresh salad with some beans and nuts will reduce how many calories you end up eating and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Longer transit time through the digestive tract allows additional nutrients to be reabsorbed. The longer time spent in your gut also benefits your digestion. Good bacteria are fed that are critical to reducing inflammation markers linked to chronic ailments like obesity and weight gain. Supplement form of fiber however, does not work as effectively in weight loss as it is the synergy of all the components of the whole food that achieves the desired results. Green leafy vegetables are nutrient dense foods that provide very little calories with a bounty of minerals and vitamins. Local produce like callaloo, kale, pak choi and spinach can be used in a variety of recipes. These are not limited to smoothies, stir fry and soups. Loading up on your veggies will arm you with superior antioxidants and phytochemicals that ward off disease and viruses by boosting your immune system. There are also proven detoxifying benefits to going green, which aids in digestive health and skin rejuvenation, necessary for your wedding day.


Fats are often blamed and unfortunately eliminated in weight management. People mistakenly describe some foods like bread and rice as ‘fattening’ even though the fat content is very low or negligible. The fact is excess consumption of calories from any food item once broken down can be stored as glycogen, the body’s fat store. Fats for example are necessary for the absorption of the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K. Some fats are however more beneficial to the body than others. You would be surprised at how eating the right fats can help you lose excess fat, especially around your mid-section.

Saturated and trans fats are the culprits for oxidative stress that lead to aging, chronic disease, elevated triglycerides and cholesterol along with increased risk of weight gain and obesity. Both fats are typically solid at room temperature, like butter, margarine, shortening and marbling in some cuts of meats. Trans fats are reflected as partially hydrogenated fats in many highly processed foods, and contribute to their long shelf lives. Dairy products are rich in saturated fats and must be used sparingly.

Mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA and PUFAs) are the preferred options along with beneficial Omega 3 fatty acids. Inflammation in the body is directly linked to obesity and other chronic diseases and any anti-inflammatory foods should be consumed to reduce risk. Mega 3s, MUFAs and PUFAs have all been documented to reduce inflammation markers in the body. Fatty fish like salmon, herring and mackerel all provide beneficial fatty acids, while grains like cashews, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are rich in the good fats. Coconut oil, olive oil, dark chocolate, avocado and anchovies are also good sources that should be included in the diet.

Snack time is where many lose the battle to sweet and salty calorie laden treats. With very hectic work and/or school schedules, planning a wedding places additional pressure on your time and energy, but your nutrition should not be sacrificed. The typical packaged snack is highly processed with refined grains, loads of preservatives and additives flavoured with excess sodium and sugars to mask whatever ‘nutrition’ may be hidden inside. Planning nutritious snacks is as critical as preparing your main meals to optimize results. Snacks allow a bite size opportunity to consume nutrient dense foods to sustain your energy until the next meal. 68

Water consumption is very vital to achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. Choosing water as your main beverage reduces how much added sugars and thus calories you intake on a daily basis. Quite often, we mistaken true thirst for hunger and quickly grab something to eat. Water acts as an appetite suppressant and therefore reduces the urge to snack. While you complement your diet changes with increased physical activity, your muscles need water to function efficiently and to avoid injury. Staying hydrated throughout the day, and not simply during a workout, ensures that your Ensure lean protein from animals or plant sources are included in each meal. Whole foods, whether grains, seeds, fruits and/or vegetables provide necessary fibre for satiety. Green leafy vegetables help your body detoxify. Consume healthy fats from seeds, nuts and fresh fish. Choose low calorie, nutrient dense snacks. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

muscles do not retain the little water available causing any sensation of bloating. Flavoured waters are very popular but be sure to read nutrition labels to avoid products with preservatives and artificial colourings. Eating smart is one sure way to train your waistline and improve your health in preparation for your big day.

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