2 minute read

Urgent Appeal for Blood Donations

THE South African Blood Service (SANBS) is appealing to South Africans to donate blood urgently as stock levels are severely low.

SANBS reports that group O is to be below 2 days’ cover.


The last few weeks have had a significant impact on blood donations and collections, resulting in a shortage of blood supply across the country.

The school holidays have also had a bigger than usual impact as most blood collections are done at schools and universities.

“We are facing an unprecedented shortage of blood supply and we urgently need the help of all South Africans to overcome this crisis. The need for blood is constant and if we do not get bloodstock levels to at least 3 days’ cover, we may need to continue with the current cutbacks on all non-emergency cases until the situation stabilises and improves.”

Donating blood is a safe process, and it only takes about 30 minutes. Those who are healthy and meet the eligibility criteria are urged to please visit their nearest donation centres and donate blood today. SANBS has set up various blood donation drives across the country to make it easier for people to donate.

For more information on where to donate blood, visit the SANBS website or call the toll-free number: 0800 11 90 31

Polisieman sterf

‘n POLISIEMAN van Tulbagh is die week skielik aan ‘n hartaanval dood.

Konstabel Johnathan Engelbrecht van Bella Vista, wat ‘n paar weke gelede sy 30ste ver- jaarsdag gevier het, is Dinsdag 25 April onverwags aan ‘n hartaanval dood. Engelbrecht, wat die afgelope drie jaar werksaam was by Tulbagh SAPD en met verlof was, het vroeër die dag sleg begin voel.

Later die aand het sy familie hom na Ceres hospitaal gehaas waar hy gesterf het.

Lt.Kol. Groenewald, stasiebevelvoerder van Tulbagh SAPD, het Woensdag gesê dat kst. Engelbrecht na sy opleiding by Tulbagh SAPD aangesluit het waar hy by misdaadvoorkoming gewerk het.

“Hy was ‘n gedissiplineerde lid waarop ons altyd kon staatmaak , hy was altyd vriendelik en netjies. Hy was ook altyd geduldig met mense met wie se pad hy gekruis het. Dit is ‘n groot verlies vir die polisie en ons gaan hom mis”.


‘n Gedenkdiens word op Woensdag 3 Mei vir hom gehou. Hy word oorleef deur sy verloofde, Kayla de Vos en twee kinders. Beide sy ouers is oorlede.

Kennisgewing Van Geregtelike Veiling

In die Landdroshof vir die Distrik TULBAGH gehou te TULBAGH Saakno. 97/21

In die saak tussen:




KENNIS GESKIED HIERMEE ingevolge die bepalings van Reël 41 van die Wet op Landdroshowe Nr. 32 van 1944 soos gewysig dat die ondergenoemde goedere op DONDERDAG, 18 MEI 2023 om 11:00 te Meulstraat 4, Moorreesburg in eksekusie verkoop sal word deur die Balju van die Landdroskantoor vir die distrik van TULBAGH.


1 x Wit Mercedes BenzReg. no. CCM 2806

1 x Toyota Corolla (Copper)Reg. no. CN 31737

1 x Audi (Maroon)Reg. no. CAW 2871

GEDATEER te TULBAGH op hierdie 20ste dag van APRIL 2023.


Prokureur vir Eiser Van der Stelstraat 15, Tulbagh, 6820 (Verw: JJB/EG/J7439)

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