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Skakel Karin ☎ (023) 316-2021 info@witzenbergherald.com
066-316-3003 (Slegs Whatsapp)
Frederick Jakobus Isak Zass
1947/09/02 - 2023/01/29
R oudiens : Do. 02/02/2023, om 19:00, 1 Ste straat 142, Vredebes Begrafnisdiens: So. 5 Feb. 2023
Huis: 09:00, 1 Ste straat 142, Vredebes Graf: Bella Vista
(023) 312-2392 n/u: 082-5753-181
Stem, herstel, verkoop en koop klaviere. Alle areas. Skakel Wessel de Beer 060-6192758 of 082-7043276. w.t.o.
Dr Johnson
Miljoene rande is nou in die hande van Dr Johnson. Hy wil dit gee vir mense wat:
Landswye Meubelvervoer . Gereelde vragte na Gauteng. Deelvragte beskikbaar. Persoonlik betrokke by elke verhuising. Verpakking van breekware. Kartonne en verpakkingsmateriaal, veilige stoorruimte, lang- en korttermyn. Tel: (023) 347-4092 Faks: (023) 342-8629 of www.trekstoor.co.za Kwotasies (Farrel). rek M44 w.t.o
DIE Rooikamp 7’s is in Oktober 2022 gestig met die idee om die woonbuurt en gemeenskap bymekaar te hou en om jeugdiges se talent te ontgin. Bentley Geldenhuys (Boland top driedrukker vir 2022), Domaine Fredericks (tweede meeste drieë), AJ Fredericks en Aaron Swarts (Cravenweekspeler), woon in die buurt. Clayton Pieterse, Ester Cornelius, Aubrey Hofmeester (Torra) en Jerome Prins (Tallbek), is van die span se borge en Zenaldo Fredericks is die afrigter. Ander bestuurslede sluit in Jeffrey Pieterse, Aubrey Rooi, Ashley Rooi, Willie Abrahams en Piewie Geldenhuys. Die span het al aan drie toernooie deelgeneem, 19 van hul 22 wedstryde gewen en was die wenners van die Rooikamp toernooi in Desember.
CERES Voortrekkers se aktiwiteite vir Februarie 2023.
Dinsdag 7 Februarie spanbyeenkoms 17:30-18:30
Dinsdag 14 Februariefliek & hamburgeraand 17:30-20:00
Dinsdag 21 Februarie spanbyeenkoms 17:30-18:30
Vrydag 24 Februarie tot Sondag 26 Februarie - Kommandokamp
Dinsdag 28 Februarie spanbyeenkoms 17:30-18:30
CERES Rugbyklub het Donderdag 5 Januarie om 19:00 begin met voorbereidings vir die 2023 rugbyseisoen.
STIAAN Mouton van Laerskool FD Conradie, het Saterdag 21 Januarie, aan die Boland tweekamp ligabyeenkoms by Paarl Gimnasium deelgeneem. Hy het in die top 10 klaargemaak en kwalifiseer vir die interprovinsiale byeenkoms wat op 4 Februarie op Oudtshoorn plaasvind.
Please if you consider adopting, contact us. Not all are visible on our website/social media, as they are too small.
Mervin Abrahams
1969/05/22 - 2019/02/04
•met ‘n besigheid wil begin
•sterk medisyne nodig het om verskillende probleme op te los
•‘n verlore minnaar terug te kry
•‘n geliefde wat egbreuk pleeg te stop
Arie Hanse
1965/01/10 - 2023/01/28
Begrafnisdiens: Sat.4 Feb. 2023
Huis: 09:00, Plaas Elandsrivier, PA Hamlet Kerk: 11:00, AGS Bella Vista Graf: Bella Vista
(023) 312-2392 n/u: 082-5753-181
Jan Parring
1964/06/29 - 2023/01/27
Roudiens: Do. 02/02/2023 om
19:00, Keurboomstr. 3, BV
Begrafnisdiens: Sat. 4 Feb 2023
Huis: 08:00, Keurboomstr. 3, Bella Vista
Kerk: 09:00, VGK Bella Vista
Graf: Bella Vista
(023) 312-2392 n/u: 082-5753-181
Kaatjie Julius
1967/12/07 - 2023/01/24
So. 5 Feb. 2023
Huis: 09:30, Plaas
Esperanto Koue Bokkeveld
Saal: 10:30, Plaas
Esperanto Koue Bokkeveld
Graf Plaas Esperanto
(023) 312-2392 n/u: 082-5753-181
Mervin, die 4de Februarie is dit alreeds vier jaar van jy van ons af weg is. Dit is nog baie hartseer, maar ons gun jou die Ewige Rus. Ons sal altyd lief bly vir jou. Jou vrou en kinders, Maggie, Maricha, Marico, Rineco, Gia en Leigh-Marco
Roll on Lawn
Verskaffing, aflewering en pak van AANROLGRAS
•medisyne vir mans om krag te gee
•enige hofsake
•‘n ongeluksfonds betyds te kry Skakel of Whatsapp 079-120-7165
Ceres Fruit Processors (Pty) Ltd, South Africa’s preferred producer and marketer of apple and pear juices concentrate, as well as a range of other concentrates and purees, have the following employment opportunity at their factory in the beautiful town of Ceres, Western Cape.
The successful candidate will report directly to the Distribution Manager and the responsibilities of the position include the following key performance areas:
Service Center & Panelbeating
• Panelbeating
•Auto Electrical
•Aircon regassing Voortrekker St., Ceres ☎ (023) 312-1254 ☎ (023) 312-1274
Openb. 20:15 , “As daar gevind is dat iemand se naam nie in die boek van die lewe geskrywe staan nie, is hy in die vuurpoel gegooi.”
•Prepare and dispatch export and local orders as per client specification
•Conduct and record detailed inspections on all orders
•Accurately capture and issue delivery notes
•Work closely with Distribution Coordinator regarding export stack dates and deadlines
•Submit daily COA, sample and label requirements to the quality department
Christiaan 079-177-2490
• Kode 14 met PDP
• ±5 jaar ondervinding Moet sober gewoontes hê en netjies wees.
Skakel: Jeanne Visser 084-585-2068
•Submit daily stock requirements to the Store Controller
•Reconcile dispatch system locations on a daily basis
•Manage freezer room stock and monitor freezer room temperature
•Management and motivation of dispatch staff
•Safety and Loss Control
•Ensure that GMP standard are maintained
•Manage staffs time and attendance
The ideal candidate should have the following attributes/skills/qualifications:
•Grade 12
•Minimum 2 years’ experience in a dispatch environment
•Minimum code B driver license
•Strong leadership abilities
•High level of integrity
•Excellent communication skills
•Computer literate
Note: The ideal candidate is expected to display a high level of energy and responsibility. A high premium will be placed on the independent and self-functioning of the incumbent.
CV’s can be forwarded to:
The Manager: People and Performance Systems
Ceres Fruit Processors (Pty)Ltd P.O. Box 366, CERES,6835 or E-mail: dlintnaar@cfp.co.za
Closing date: 16 February 2023
Evangelis Jacobs
MARIE en Etienne Keyser lui Vrydag die klok om hul laaste Laerskool Gericke kleure atletiekbyeenkoms te begin. Beide tree die einde van die jaar af.
LAERSKOOL Gericke het Vrydag 27 Januarie hul jaarlikse kleure atletiekbyeenkoms aangebied. Ruben Giliomee (seuns o/12 75m hekkies) het die beste prestasie van die dag gelewer. Ellen Faul is aangewys as die victrix ludorum en Ruben as die victor ludorum.
LAERSKOOL Gericke spog vanjaar met ‘n groot groep graad een leerders.
RAADSLID Nogcinisa het onlangs St.Marks primêr op die eerste skooldag besoek. Hier staan sy saam met mnr. Edwin Nasson en Colie van Rooi (skoolhoof).
Be the type who donates during 2023
LAERSKOOL Gericke se nuwe onderwysers - Lara le Roux (graad 1B) en Ansu Matthee (graad 5).
Be someone’s type (blood type that is) in 2023 by making regular blood donations during the year. Committing to 4 donations during the year could save up to 12 lives - every unit of whole blood is separated into 3 lifesaving parts; red cell, platelets and plasma. Don’t know what your blood type is? Don’t worry, every unit of blood gets tested for blood type, and you will be able to find yours on our app. Therefore, if giving back features top on your New Year’s resolution list, then donating blood is a good start.
“Thank you to all our blood donors for their support during 2022 and specifically during the festive season, we managed to collect 13 362 blood donations over this time. This resulted in potentially saving over 40 000 lives”, says Marike Gevers, spokesperson for the Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS). “This year our goal is to reach 160 000 blood donations, and in order to do this, we need your support,” says Gevers.
Blood donation only takes 30 minutes of your time every 56 days. It requires you to be between the ages of 16 and 75, weigh 50kg or more, be in good general health and lead a safe sexual lifestyle. It does not cause you any bodily harm - only 475ml of blood is taken, and this is replaced within 24 hours. Gevers advises donors to eat a substantial meal within the 3 - 4 hours before visiting a clinic and to increase their fluid intake before, during and after donation. Donors are advised not to over exert themselves after donating. This year we are also aiming to increase our collections amongst our youth donors. By encouraging the youth to donate blood we cultivate a culture of life-savers from a young age. In order to motivate high school learners, we launched our Super 9 Club. This campaign aims to encourage youth donors to make 9 donations before their 19th birthday. We also encourage our youth donors that finished school last year to find an alternative blood donation clinic and continue to donate blood.
PHILLIP Boshoff (middel), ‘n Charlie Hofmeyr leerder, het op 7 Desember gedurende die Desember skoolvakansie, na senior swart belt 1ste Dan Shodan gegradeer. Dit het Phillip 8 jaar geneem om te behaal. Phillip het oor die jare 24 goue medaljes vir Boland karate ontvang asook drie silwer medaljes. In 2019 het hy by die SA kampioenskappe ‘n tweede plek behaal in kata. * Phillip bedank die Goju-Kai karateklub, shihan Johnny Cardoso (regs), sy familie en die gemeenskap vir elkeen se bydrae en ondersteuning oor die jare. By hulle op die foto is Peter Brandon Hanshi (links).
For more information, call WCBS on (021) 507-6300, e-mail info@wcbs.org.za or visit www.wcbs.org.za Blood stock updates and interesting facts about donation can be found on Facebook (@TheWCBS), Twitter (@The_WCBS) & Instagram (@thewcbs) accounts. Download the WCBS app, which is available on all iOS and Android devices. It will show you the nearest clinic, the current blood stock levels in real time as well as your blood type, if you’re a blood donor of course. Do something remarkable this year, donate blood.