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Bergpas lank

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TURKYE en Sirië het vernietigende aardbewings sedert 6 Februarie beleef waarin meer as 40 000 mense al gesterf en duisende haweloos gelaat is. Dinsdag 21 Februarie om 13:15 hou die Togryers museum ‘n samekoms om kerse aan te steek en dié twee lande en die slagoffers in hul gedagtes te hou.

Witzenberg Herald het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Neem asb. kennis dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in die advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur ‘n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewaarsku dat hulle die adverteerder se geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. Witzenberg Herald aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie Disclaimer at quackery advertisements Witzenberg Herald have not verified whether any of the services or products advertised will have the desired effect or outcome. Readers will note that some of the promised results in the advertisements are extraordinary and may be impossible to achieve. Beware some of the procedures and claims advertised may be dangerous if not executed by a qualified medical practioner. Readers are warned that they should carefully consider and verify the advertiser’s credentials. Witzenberg Herald do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any of the services or goods advertised

Be the type who donates during 2023

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Be someone’s type (blood type that is) in 2023 by making regular blood donations during the year. Committing to 4 donations during the year could save up to 12 lives - every unit of whole blood is separated into 3 lifesaving parts; red cell, platelets and plasma. Don’t know what your blood type is? Don’t worry, every unit of blood gets tested for blood type, and you will be able to find yours on our app. Therefore, if giving back features top on your New Year’s resolution list, then donating blood is a good start.

“Thank you to all our blood donors for their support during 2022 and specifically during the festive season, we managed to collect 13 362 blood donations over this time. This resulted in potentially saving over 40 000 lives”, says Marike Gevers, spokesperson for the Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS). “This year our goal is to reach 160 000 blood donations, and in order to do this, we need your support,” says Gevers.

Blood donation only takes 30 minutes of your time every 56 days. It requires you to be between the ages of 16 and 75, weigh 50kg or more, be in good general health and lead a safe sexual lifestyle. It does not cause you any bodily harm - only 475ml of blood is taken, and this is replaced within 24 hours. Gevers advises donors to eat a substantial meal within the 3 - 4 hours before visiting a clinic and to increase their fluid intake before, during and after donation. Donors are advised not to over exert themselves after donating.

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This year we are also aiming to increase our collections amongst our youth donors. By encouraging the youth to donate blood we cultivate a culture of life-savers from a young age. In order to motivate high school learners, we launched our Super 9 Club. This campaign aims to encourage youth donors to make 9 donations before their 19th birthday. We also encourage our youth donors that finished school last year to find an alternative blood donation clinic and continue to donate blood.

For more information, call WCBS on (021) 507-6300, e-mail info@wcbs.org.za or visit www.wcbs.org.za Blood stock updates and interesting facts about donation can be found on Facebook (@TheWCBS), Twitter (@The_WCBS) & Instagram (@thewcbs) accounts.

Download the WCBS app, which is available on all iOS and Android devices. It will show you the nearest clinic, the current blood stock levels in real time as well as your blood type, if you’re a blood donor of course.

Do something remarkable this year, donate blood.

CONRAD Burger van Ceres rolbalklub (bo) het Sondag 22 Januarie deurgedring na die Boland Beginners enkelspel kampioenskap finaal (top 8 spelers) op 11 Februarie. Conrad het sewende geëindig. Ceres rolbalklub is trots op dié prestasie.

DIE Boland junior meesters rolbaltoernooi het op 4 en 5 Februarie op Hermanus plaasgevind. Ceres rolbalklub is trots op twee lede se prestasies. Sumeon de Villiers (links bo) het in die Boland o/18 afdeling deelgeneem. Wean van Rensburg (links) het goud verower in die o/30 afdeling. Hier is hy saam met Tom Tromp (Boland Rolbal president) afgeneem.

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