Witzenberg Herald Vol.27 no.29 (Online Weergawe)

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Kind steeds vermis na hy in rivier val

MEER as ‘n week nadat ‘n kind op ‘n plaas in ‘n vinnig vloeiende rivier geval het, soek die polisie saam met gemeenskapslede steeds onverpoos na die 10-jarige kind.

Die ma van die 10-jarige Geraldo van Wyk, het verlede week in ‘n noodkreet om hulp gevra waarna verskillende rolspelers van die polisie en korrektiewe dienste, munisipale wetstoepassers, gemeenskapslede asook die burgemeester en onderburgemeester en onderwysers van Achtertuin primêr, Sondag 21 Julie langs die Titusrivier gehelp soek het na Geraldo.

Voor die soektog is ‘n kort kerkdiens op die plaas Dankbaar gehou wat ook deur Geraldo se ma, Mina van Wyk, bygewoon is.

Die soekgeselskap kon Sondag nie die vermiste kind vind nie.

Die polisie se duikeenheid was Woensdag 24 Julie weer saam met plaaslike polisielede uit na die rivier om die soektog te voet en op ‘n rubberboot voort te sit.

Die soektog is verder rivier-af verskuif waar die Titusrivier agter die Eiland in die Dwarsrivier begin vloei.


Volgens inligting het Geraldo op Sondag 14 Julie saam met ‘n groepie vriende in die reën langs die rivier gaan speel. Hulle het oor ‘n bruggie probeer stap waarna Geraldo blykbaar gegly en in die vinnig vloeiende rivier geval en stroomaf meegesleur is.

Die soektog langs die sterk vloeiende rivier word verder belemmer deur baie boomtakke, riete en sand. Teen Woensdagmiddag was daar nog geen teken van Geraldo, wat vermoedelik verdrink het nie.

‘n SOEKGESELSKAP saamgestel uit verskillende rolspelers, gemeenskapslede asook die burgemeester en onderburgemeester, het Sondag 21 Julie gehelp om langs die Titusrivier na die vermiste 10-jarige te soek. Troebel rivierwater en die rivier wat steeds baie vinnig vloei, het weer die soektog belemmer.

Mark Baron (53) skielik oorlede

MARK Baron (53), jarelange inwoner van Ceres en werknemer van CFJ, is onlangs skielik aan ‘n hartaanval oorlede. Baron was meer as 30 jaar ‘n werknemer van Ceres Fruit Juices/Pepsico. Hy het gesterf na ‘n massiewe hartaanval by sy huis. Hy was ook ‘n lid van Delicious rugbyklub.

Die begrafnis het Saterdag 20 Julie vanuit die St. Andrews gemeente plaasgevind. Mark word oorleef deur sy vrou, Rosemary, en sy kinders.


Die familie bedank almal vir hul ondersteuning, wat simpatie betoon het en boodskappe van be-


Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge Artikel 19 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) dat die Raadsvergadering van 30 Julie 2024 herskeduleer is na Vrydag, 26 Julie 2024 om 10:00 in die Stadsaal, Voortrekkerstr., Ceres.




Voortrekkerstraat 50, Ceres 50 Voortrekker Street, Ceres Verw/Ref.: 03/1/2/3


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that the Council meeting of 30 July 2024 has been rescheduled to Friday , 26 July 2024 at 10:00 in the Town Hall, Voortrekker Street, Ceres.


Bronaar Plase (Edms) Bpk, Koue Bokkeveld, wat bestaan uit vrugte- en groente produksie eenhede, verlang die dienste van ‘n slootgrawer (Digger/Loader) operateur.


Minimum kwalifiserende vereistes:

•Ten minste 5 jaar ondervinding as slootgrawer operateur

•Sober gewoontes

•Geldige operateurs sertifikaat

•Eerlik en betroubaar

•Onafhanklik kan werk

Stuur aansoeke/CV aan Madelein by: madelein@bronaar.co.za

Of handig in by: Bronaar Kantoor

Navrae: Steyn Marais by 078-803-9320

Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke :9 Augustus 2024

Diensaanvaarding:So spoedig moontlik

Indien u geen terugvoering teen 30 Augustus ontvang nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. T9936/1996.



ID NO. 240602 0005 002

Married in community of property to each other in favour of: PATRICK HENDRIK FREDERICK VOSLOO

ID NO. 380222 5068 002 and ANNAMARIE VOSLOO

ID NO. 411110 0046 003

Married in community of property to each other in respect of certain: Remainder of Erf 321 Tulbagh, in the Witzenberg Municipality, Division Tulbagh, Province of the Western Cape which has been lost or destroyed.

All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Cape Town at Room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice.

DATED at TULBAGH on 10 JULY 2024


c/o Johan Bezuidenhout Attorney 15 Van der Stel Street, Tulbagh, 6820

E-mail address: johan@johanb.co.za

Contact number: (023) 230-1050/1

moediging gestuur het. “Rosemary was sy Queen. Daar was niks wat Mark nie vir sy gesin sou doen nie. Mark het nie net ‘n plan A en B gehad as dit by sy gesin kom nie - hy het ook ‘n plan C gehad. Hy was die kinders se grootste ondersteuner en was altyd langs die sportveld as die seuns rugby gespeel het. Hy was ook ‘n broer duisend en lojale vriend. Hy het altyd vir ander omgegee en die ekstra myl gestap vir iemand wat sy hulp nodig gehad het. Ons is baie dankbaar vir die Here dat hy so ‘n wonderlike man, pa, oupa, broer en vriend aan ons geleen het. Daddy ons gaan jou baie mis”.


CBIgala-aandvindplaasop28Augustus. Rusty Labuschagne, bekende Zimbabwiese sakeman, gaan sakelui toespreek - oor sy wedervaringe nadat hy valslik deur ‘n wildstroper beskuldig is dat hy ‘n ander stroper verdrink het en die polisie en hof se growwe nalatige optredes. Hy bring ‘n boodskap van hoop. Stuur 'n e-pos na danell@dekeur.co. za indien jy ‘n tafel wil bespreek of enkelkaartjie @ R550 wil koop. Daar is 'n beperkte aantal plekke beskikbaar.

INWONERS word weer gevra om te help om ‘n selfoon op te spoor wat op Vrydag 5 Julie tussen 19:00 en 20:00 voor die Harmoniegebou op Ceres uitgeval het. Polisielede was besig met ‘n padblokkade toe die selfoon in ‘n blou omhulsel, uitgeval het. Twee persone, vermoedelik bergslapers, het dit opgetel. Indien iemand kan help, kan hulle vir a.o. Van der Westhuizen skakel by 082-302-8682

Werksgeleenthede by Verdun Estates Bordeaux Plaas, Prince Alfred Hamlet


VERANTWOORDELIKHEDE: • Spuit plaagbeheer volgens program • Instandhouding van trekker en spuit • Meng van gif volgens voorskrifte • Skoonmaak van trekker, spuit en gifstoor • Kommunikasie met bestuur • Vorm deel van brandbeheer span • Enige ander Ad-hoc take (bv. stokkies kap, paaie herstel, ens.).

VEREISTES: • Geletterdheid: Moet goed kan lees en skryf •Goeie wiskundige vaardighede vir die verwerking van spuitbriewe • Vorige ondervinding en opleiding as plaagbeheer operateur sal in jou guns tel • Moet akkuraat kan werk •Bereid om oortyd te werk • Moet kan trekker bestuur •Sober gewoontes • Moet opleibaar wees vir plaagbeheer •Moet verantwoordelikheid kan neem • Moet in Hamlet omgewing woonagtig wees.



VERANTWOORDELIKHEDE: • Wead eater werk • Kettingsaag werk • Kontrole oor masjiene • Algemene netheid van ingange, paaie en werf • Ander ad hoc take.

VEREISTES: • Moet ingesteld wees op netheid • Vorige ondervinding en opleiding sal in die aansoeker se guns tel •Goeie aanwesigheidsrekord • Moet onafhanklik kan werk

•Moet aan veiligheidstandaarde voldoen • Moet verantwoordelikheid kan neem.

Die onderneming bied ‘n permanente pos met markverwante vergoeding.

Stuur asb ‘n kort CV wat vorige ondervinding en verantwoordelikhede uiteensit, met kontakbare verwysings na: hr@verdun.co.za of Handig aansoeke in by: Verdun Estates Kantoor, Van Riebeeckstraat 1, Prince Alfred Hamlet. Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: 5 Augustus 2024 ‘n Gesertifiseerde afskrif van u RSA ID moet asb. aan u aansoek geheg word.

Ons ruimteWitzenberg

DIE fliek Sound of Freedom is op 17 en 18 Julie in die Ceres Moedergemeente kerksaal aan onderskeidelik volwassenes en skoolgaande jeug van 15 jaar en ouer, gewys. Die fliekaande is deel van ‘n poging om die publiek oor die realiteit van mensehandel in te lig en gemeenskapslede op te roep om dié sosiale dilemmas van pornografie, kinderhandel, verslawings, prostitusie en mensehandel te help bekamp.

Enkele persone is genader vir kommentaar oor hoe hulle die vertoning van Sound of Freedom ervaar het:

“Dit was lekker om te sien hoe die Ceres gemeenskap bymekaarkom om die probleem in die gesig te staar. Die fliek was hartseer en aangrypend met ‘n gelukkige einde, maar ek besef daar is duisende gevalle wat nie so ‘n einde het nie. Die fliek was baie inspirerend en dit het my laat dink hoe ek kan help/betrokke raak om ‘n verskil te maak wat menseen kinderhandel betref.” (Student).

“ Dit was baie nodig - dit het ons oë oopgemaak.” (Charlie-leerder).

“Dit het my laat besef hoe naïef ons kinders is wat hulle veiligheid betref. Ek het net weereens besef dat ons nie kan dink dat dit nie met ons of ons kinders kan gebeur nie. Dit gebeur orals. In alle woonbuurte, winkelsentrums en aanlyn. Dis tussen ons, onder ons. Dit is hier, nie elders nie. Ons moet ons kinders ‘streetwise’ maak.” (Ouma).

“Ek sou graag meer wou weet oor wat in ons eie omgewing aan die gang is wat kinderhandel betref.” (Mamma).

“Ek het besef dat mensehandel nie deur individue bedryf word nie, maar dat dit gebeur deur netwerke wat oral bedrywig is.” (Ouma).

“Sound of Freedom is ’n baie goeie uitbeelding van kinderhandel. Die realiteit en impak daarvan moet grusaam wees!” (Pappa).

Lede van die publiek wat graag meer inligting wil bekom rakende die Sound of Freedom en dit ook moontlik te siene wil kry, is welkom om Isabella Bakkes via Whatsapp te skakel by 083-3004-340. LJI - ‘n REKORDGETAL AANLYN-ONDERSKEPPINGS!

Suid-Afrika se Love Justice Internationalspan het in ‘n Facebook- en Instagramplasing (17 Julie 2024) berig van ‘n rekord van 121 Suid-Afrikaners wat aanlyn onderskep is en sodoende verhoed is om in die greep van mensehandelaars te beland. Hierdie innoverende span het kunsmatige intelligensie (AI) ingespan om betrokke webtuistes te monitor en mensehandel-netwerke op verskeie sosiale mediaplatforms en werkverskaffings-webtuistes bloot te stel voordat die persone die prooi kon raak van misleiding en uitbuiting. Hierdie Suid-Afrikaanse span van LJI, LJISA, werk hard om die kwesbares te beskerm.

GEORGE Taylor (62), jarelange inwoner van Ceres, is op Sondag 21 Julie oorlede. George was die laaste paar jaar ‘n verwer op die dorp en het voor dit ook ‘n tyd lank koerante op ‘n Donderdag afgelewer. Die roudiens vind plaas op Donderdag 25 Julie en die begrafnis op Saterdag 27 Julie vanuit die Christian Mission gemeente.

Afpersers vinnig vasgetrek

CERES speurders het ses weke gelede ‘n deurbraak gemaak toe hulle drie mans wat verdink word van afpersing, gearresteer het.

Die polisie het ook ‘n ongelisensieerde vuurwapen asook ander gesteelde eiendom teruggevind.

Die suksesse kom nadat speurders inligting opgevolg en saam met Ceres SAPD misdaadvoorkoming toegeslaan het op ‘n Nduliperseel.

Op 11 Junie, omstreeks 19:00 tydens die deursoeking van dié perseel, is daar op ‘n vuurwapen en ammunisie en gesteelde items beslag gelê.

Drie verdagtes is gearresteer weens die afpersing van Spaza winkels waartydens daar R1 500 per maand van elk van die ondernemings geëis is.


Die drie mans Mbulelo Hlalukana van Mfuleni en Sindile Olifant en Mayosi Bam van Nduli het aangedui hulle wil aansoek om borgtog doen. Die mans het op 23 Julie verskyn waarna die sake uitgestel is na 14 Augustus. Hulle bly in aanhouding.

Een van die verdagtes, Hlalukana, word ook verbind met ander geweldsmisdade in Kaapstad en is op uitstaande lasbriewe gearresteer.

* Die vuurwapen is weggestuur vir ballistiese toetse om te bepaal of dit met ander misdrywe in die Wes-Kaap verbind kan word.

Mentor in hof

DIE bedrogsaak teen ‘n inwoner van Ceres is weer in die Ceres landdroshof uitgestel. Mark Mentor (58) het verlede Woensdag saam met sy prokureur by die hof opgedaag. Die saak is die eerste keer op 12 Julie uitgestel vir die beskuldigde om regshulp te bekom. Op 17 Julie (verlede Woensdag) het sy prokureur op rekord gekom.


Mentor verskyn op ‘n bedrogklag nadat die kantoor van die Direkteur van Openbare Vervolging (DOV) in Kaapstad, Ceres speurders vroeër opdrag gegee het om hom aan te kla. Die klag hou verband met ‘n erf wat voorheen aan hom behoort het en wat in 2014 op ‘n veiling aan Adam Vergotine verkoop is.

Die erf is later aan Marius Hardneck verkoop. Later het Mentor die erf wat nie meer sy eiendom was nie, weer aan die huidige eienaar in 2019 verkoop.

‘n Bedrogklag is in September 2021 by die polisie geregistreer waarna dit ondersoek is en na die DOV gestuur is vir ‘n beslissing.

Mentor is na sy eerste verskyning op waarskuwing vrygelaat.

Hy moet nou weer op 29 Oktober in die Ceres landdroshof verskyn.

BYKANS 8.5 miljoen rekenaargebruikers vanoor die wêreld, het Vrydag 19 Julie met hul hande in die hare gesit nadat Windowsbedryfstelsels verlam is deur ‘n eenvoudige maar gebrekkige opdatering van CrowdStrike se antivirus-sagteware. Talle bedrywe is verlam en dit was veral internasionale en plaaslike lugrederye en banke wat swaar getref is. Sover vasgestel kon word was dit Agrimark Operations se takke op Ceres, Op-die-Berg, Wolseley en Tulbagh wat plaaslik deur die opdatering van Windows geraak is. Personeel kon egter voortgaan met transaksies op hul POS-stelsel terwyl probleme met kantoorrekenaars en e-posse ervaar is. Party kliënte het weens die bankprobleme gesukkel met betalings. Die tak was Saterdag weer aanlyn. * Dit is nie bekend wie nog in die Witzenbergstreek deur die Windows-opdatering geraak is nie.

Slavers-saak van hofrol - staatsgetuie nou soek

‘n STRAFBARE manslagsaak wat reeds byna 5 jaar sloer, is in Mei vanjaar tydelik teruggetrek.

Hofstukke is vaag en dui net aan dat die saak teruggetrek is. Betroubaar word verneem dat ‘n staatsgetuie wat nie opgespoor kon word nie, een van die redes is waarom die saak op 3 Mei tydelik van die hofrol verwyder is.

Verder moet ‘n geregtelike doodsondersoek (GDO) deur ‘n landdros gehou word. Die hofpersoneel kon nie sê wanneer dit ge-

hou gaan word nie.


In September 2019 het ‘n Ceres motorwerktuigkundige in ‘n motorongeluk buite Ceres gesterf nadat Granville Slavers (63) van Ceres in hom vasgery het.

Slavers staan tereg op twee aanklagte, een van strafbare manslag en een van dronkbestuur. Die SAPD het in Julie 2020 al die bloeduitslag ontvang asook die nadoodse verslag van Tygerberg hospitaal.

Twee voertuie was Saterdag 28 Septem-

DIE Witzenbergbergstreek het die afgelope tyd ‘n paar sonskyn-dae beleef na die gure weer van die vorige twee weke. Vir die eerste keer in jare het dit vir ‘n week aaneen gereën. Al het die sonnetjie sy kop later begin uitgesteek, was dit Sondag en Maandag steeds bitter koud. Teen Vrydag 26 Julie word ‘n bietjie reën verwag met nog meer reën wat vir Saterdag en Sondag voorspel word. * Koue fronte met wydverspreide reën en koue, het die afgelope weke daartoe bygedra dat sportvelde sopnat was. Byna 380mm is in die Ceres omgewing gemeet. Die Witzenberg munisipaliteit het weens die impak van die stormweer besluit om as veiligheidsmaatreël, alle sport en begrafnisse af te stel. Sport word die naweek hervat en 25 begrafnisse is verlede naweek onder streng maatreëls hervat. Grafte is kort voor die begrafnis eers gegrawe om instortings en te veel water in die graf, te vermy. In die Warm Bokkeveld wat Ceres dorp insluit is daar van 1-24 Julie reeds 377 mm gemeet, in die Bo-Swaarmoed en Lakenvlei omgewing is 327.8 mm gemeet, in die Koue Bokkeveld (Sterkwater) 318.7 mm en by Romansrivier 327.5 mm. ** Die Ceres Koekedouwdam staan op 100%, Tulbagh dorpsdam is ook 100% vol en die Waverenskroondam staan tans op 37%. FOTOS: ‘n Canola-land buite Tulbagh op Donderdag 18 Julie en die voetbrug oor die Dwarsrivier op Ceres op Maandagoggend 22 Julie.

ber 2019 in die vroeë oggendure in ‘n botsing in Vosstraat betrokke.

Piet Beukes (53), ‘n motorwerktuigkundige van Ceres, is na die ongeluk in ‘n koma in die Tygerberg hospitaal opgeneem maar het ‘n week later op Saterdag 5 Oktober 2019, in die Tygerberg hospitaal gesterf sonder om weer sy bewussyn te herwin.

Slavers was die bestuurder van ‘n Toyota Aygo en het na bewering onder die invloed van alkohol, in Beukes se VW Fox vasgery.

People, Community, and Sustainability at Dutoit

At Dutoit, our people and communities are our most important ingredients. Our commitment to sustainability ensures a thriving future for both. For decades, we have recognised that establishing and maintaining a sustainable business means taking care of both our people and our environment.

We recognise the importance of our entire value chain, including partnerships like the Crispy Group. Twenty-one years ago, we empowered a large number of our workforce through this initiative, creating a strong agricultural player. Farm manager Vivian Jakobs’s who won the Western Cape’s Farmworker of the Year competition, is a testament to this success.

As a family-run business with 130 years of rich history, we draw on deep family values, solid organisational structures, and inter-generational knowledge. We aim to prioritise the health, wellness, and job satisfaction of our workers, evidenced by our long-service awards.

Sustainability means taking a long-term view, instead of only short term profits. We are custodians of our land, protecting it for future generations. Utilising new technology and sustainable farming practices is critical for our farms’ future. A testament to this philosophy is a small pear orchard on Kromfontein planted in 1937, still bearing fruit each year. We could not have continued being commercially successful if we hadn’t cared for the land, the soil and trees in a sustainable manner since then. Where we have made mistakes along this journey, we have learnt from them and improved and evolved our practices.

I am excited to lead our dynamic team and to help shape decision making processes in order for our business to become more agile and adaptable in an era that is continuously changing. I am excited about the structural changes that have come into effect, with the main aim being to increase the effectiveness and integration of the overall business.

We are looking forward to the remainder of winter that we hope continues to bring us enough rain and cold units to get the most out of our produce for the upcoming harvest, amidst a relatively stable export market, and to continue to provide the best quality and value for money to all our global customers.

Watch this space as we prepare to share more fantastic stories with you about the people on our farms, those who share our passion and who have seized opportunities and become champions within the business.


“AS a leading agricultural enterprise, we recognise that our employees underpin the core of the business, and that it is our social responsibility to empower and support the people in the communities we operate in,” says Willem Coetzee, Managing Director at Dutoit.

“We want to pay tribute to every person who has played a role in our success, most importantly a big thank you to our employees who nurture our produce and handle it with the care it needs to ensure that the best quality products reach our customers every day”.


At Dutoit, employee well-being is our top priority, which is why we’ve established clinics across our farms and packhouses.

Sister Sophia Kotzé and Sister Brumilda Klein provide vital healthcare services to 200 - 300 workers weekly. Brumilda, with us since 2019, values the dynamic support for worker health. Sophia, who joined in 2020, shares her passion for primary healthcare, highlighting the company’s commitment to training, innovation, and the supply of medical facilities. Healthcare workers like June Jantjies and Anna Kontsiwe play crucial roles at the clinics. June, a dedicated healthcare worker for 15 years, and Anna, who bridges communication gaps with Xhosaspeaking workers, exemplify our commitment to comprehensive care. Annah Khontsiwe, who also started her career at Dutoit as a general worker, where she learnt to speak both English and Afrikaans, but it is her native Xhosa that has really helped her make a difference with the Xhosa workers at various Dutoit farms. Here, workers have really learnt to trust and share with her what their health issues might be, without having to concern themselves with any communication challenges.

With 19 clinics in the Western and Eastern Cape, workers have easy access to primary healthcare, chronic medication, and regular visits from doctors and physiotherapists. Our MOU with the Western Cape Department of Health ensures chronic medication access and flu vaccine rollouts. We focus on holistic health, including mental well-being, and provide screenings for cervical cancer, TB, and HIV. This year has also seen a dedicated focus on mental health and how to assist communities to learn more about mental wellbeing. The overall holistic health of each worker is a top priority at Dutoit. We’re proud to support our workers’ health and grateful for the community’s cooperation. Together, we ensure a healthy, thriving workforce!

A heritage of healthcare at Dutoit

Providing quality healthcare to the workers at Dutoit is not something that only started recently. Carolina (Carol) van der Merwe du Toit is known today as the Mother Theresa of the clinic services. She married GC du Toit III during the 1950s, when Kromfontein and Lindeshof were still one farm. It was here that she, a qualified nurse with a maternity qualification, cared for many of the workers and helped to deliver many babies! Tuberculosis was a major disease at the time, and Carol’s efforts helped to bring it under control within the community. Since then, Dutoit has continued to build this heritage of healthcare by equipping each farm with a registered clinic and a qualified sister and healthcare workers.


PIETER du Toit, has been awarded the prestigious OSH Reinecke Frontrunner Award for 2024 by Hortgro, the industry association representing South Africa’s deciduous fruit growers. Pieter is the third family member to receive this award, an accolade that honours industry leaders within the deciduous fruit industry who have excelled in a leadership role over an extended period of time.

“Pieter is widely regarded as a visionary and strategic thinker. Someone who can develop large businesses successfully and profitably. One of his strongest qualities is to apply his financial knowledge within a business environment,” says Anton Rabe, Hortgro’s Executive Director. “With these longstanding prestigious awards, Hortgro seeks to recognise excellence and selfless service to the pome and stone fruit industries. The recipients of this year’s award categories contribute to an already impressive list of individuals who made their mark in agriculture”.

In his career to date, Pieter has played an important role as a director across various agricultural entities, as well as within the deciduous fruit industry organisation, where he was a board member of the South African Apple and Pear Producers Association (SAAPPA) for a decade, initially serving as vice-chairman and then as chairman between 1994 and 1996. He has also served on several boards, including Unifruco, Capespan and on a large commercial bank’s advisory committee.

Some milestones achieved under Pieter’s leadership include the growth of Dutoit as a company that markets to 42 countries, the conversion in marketing from a onechannel system to a deregulated industry, the establishment of various cooling plants at Dutoit and other companies where he served as a director, and the associated modernisation of packaging plants under his leadership.


At Dutoit, we’re passionate about social responsibility and supporting our communities. Our initiatives focus on youth education, healthcare, social development, and sports. From maintaining primary schools on our estates to offering tertiary education study loans, supporting choirs, and promoting sports, we aim to make a positive impact.

Willem Coetzee, our MD, emphasizes fostering a positive work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. “Our people live and work in our community, and we try hard to promote happiness and productivity,” he says.

Jacques Matthee, Head of HR, adds, “With up to 9000 seasonal workers, we aim to positively influence our communities, be responsible citizens, and eventually help make our country a better place.”

Striving to foster education and employment opportunities

At Dutoit, we believe in nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. “Our youth of today are our leaders of tomorrow, and at Dutoit, we are passionate about enabling education through our crèches and educational centres,” says Willem Coetzee. “Our workers should not have to worry about their children, and know that they are safe, their homework has been done, and that they are being given skills to build and develop their confidence”.

We offer study loans to the children of our workers for tertiary education and assist with bursary applications through Agri SETA and other programs. Our commitment extends to leadership development for our current employees and youth in the community through initiatives like Year Beyond.

We also support the Koue Bokkeveld training centre, KBOS, providing education and training, and running programs like youth leadership initiatives and community support groups. Dutoit operates seven crèches in the Western Cape and one in the Eastern Cape, with more to come. These crèches, supported by local early childhood development forums, focus on educational and physical development through activities like play gyms, sports days, and festive celebrations.

Dutoit supports many of the local schools with donations and sponsorship of projects that span sports, academia and culture, including initiatives like Eisteddfods. Our teachers and coordinators also have access to ongoing training and development. One example is the recent digital teaching programme held in Worcester, sponsored by Waitrose. Dutoit employees are represented on the school governing body of every major school in the community where they operate, a way to give time and experience to help these schools excel. Our aftercare programs help older children with homework and provide meals and fun learning activities. Community involvement is key, with facilities hosting fundraising events like concerts and burger sales.

Dutoit is proud to be at the forefront of advancing education within our communities. Beyond the schooling environment, Dutoit also encourages farm workers to participate in sports, with most farms having soccer, rugby and netball facilities. After requests from workers to host a tournament, Dutoit recently held their own six nations tournament in the Western Cape, which saw rugby and netball teams from the various farms compete. The competition at Dutoit doesn’t stop with sport, with cultural activities also on the agenda. The Dutoit community boasts some phenomenal choirs, with teams competing both regionally and nationally.


At Dutoit, sustainability is not a new trend, but something that has been a top priority of the company for decades.

“We believe that we are custodians of the land and that the resources we use are not ours. We need to look after it, farm it in a responsible way to make sure that this land is available for many generations to come,” says MD, Willem Coetzee.

Dutoit has restructured the business to further enhance its commitment to sustainability, with the establishment of an innovation hub. Here soil health programmes, water usage and sustainable farming is prioritised. Dutoit makes optimal use of water across the seasons and climate cycles, with various initiatives and technology utilised to ensure that no over irrigation occurs. They also implement water retention strategies, ensuring sustainable water usage year on year.

Consultations with experts ensure that agrochemicals are optimally used, with these limits being decreased to only what is absolutely necessary.

Technology has also been a game changer at Dutoit, with satellite technology and digital tools enabling the measurement of carbon content in the soil and indicating exactly which areas of the orchard may need additional support.

“We are determined to drive down our carbon footprint at our farms and packhouses on an annual basis. While not a legal requirement, it is our mission to contribute to a cleaner planet,” says Willem.

Dutoit sees their sustainability goal extending to the support and care of the town of Ceres, with Dutoit being involved in the Ceres Business Initiative (CBI), an endeavour to stimulate the Ceres Business community, its economy and to make the town more productive and appealing.

The CBI works closely with the local municipality, to find solutions and improve infrastructure challenges, power instability, the provision of housing and enhanced community safety.


AS with many South African businesses, the country’s unstable power supply poses a substantial risk to operations, a risk that Dutoit has started to mitigate through the installation of solar power.

Dutoit started their solar journey five years ago, with a total of 4 698 kWp of power already being generated across Dutoit and Koukamma Fruit Packers. Dutoit has many further plans to expand solar generation in both the Eastern and Western Cape, with three further projects of 1 395 kWp having already been approved and is currently in the construction phase.

Other partner companies within the Dutoit Group that have also embarked on the solar journey include Ceres Koelkamers, Cape Fruit Coolers and Ceres Fruit Processors, all of which play an important role in our value chain.

With energy being a driving force of the economy and playing such a pertinent role in the operational activities of Dutoit, the advantages of this solar power will not only be seen within Dutoit, but also in the wider community.


Skakel ☎ (023) 316-2021 info@witzenbergherald.com 066-316-3003 (Slegs Whatsapp)

1933/08/25 - 2024/07/19

19:00 V.G.K, Ceres

BEGRAFNIS: Sa. 27 Jul. Huis 09:00 Heidestr. 1, Ceres Kerk: 10:00 V.G.K, Ceres Graf: Ceres

081-742-6706 n/u: 082-5753-181

1962/02/03 - 2024/07/21

ROUDIENS: Do. 25 Jul. Huis 19:00 Venusstr. 180, Ceres

BEGRAFNIS: Sa. 27 Jul. Huis 09:00 Venusstr. 180, Ceres Kerk : 10:00 Christian Mission, Tulpstr.

Stem, herstel, verkoop en koop klaviere. Alle areas. Skakel Wessel de Beer 060-619-27 58 of 082-704-3276 w.t.o.

CPH Groep. Stoorplek te huur. Voortrekkerstr 131, Ceres. Skakel Hanlie 086-111-5193 rek C27 m.t.o.

Aanvaller se saak uitgestel

DIE man wat ‘n P.A. Hamlet inwoner sonder rede met ‘n skaapskêr in sy bors gesteek het, se saak is Dinsdag in die streekhof uitgestel. Nkosana Dyasopu (33) ook bekend as Lucky, het in die streekhof verskyn op ‘n klag van poging tot moord nadat hy op 31 Januarie vanjaar vir Juan Hanekom met ‘n dubbellem skaapskêr buite sy onderneming, JM Workshop en Service, gesteek het.

Die saak is na 26 Augustus uitgestel. Dyasopu bly in aanhouding. Agtergrond

Die optrede van sers. Nico Brand, ‘n afdiens-polisielid van P.A. Hamlet, het sy vriend se lewe op Woensdag 31 Januarie gered.

Omstreeks 18:00 was Dyasopu besig om gesteelde kragkabels se plastiek af te brand toe hy deur Hanekom gekonfronteer is oor die rook wat by sy werkswinkel intrek.

Dyasopu het ‘n dubbellem skaapskêr, wat hy gebruik om die plastiek rondom die kragkabels los te sny, gegryp en Hanekom in die bors gesteek. Brand wat ook op die perseel was, het besef dit is 'n noodgeval, Hanekom in passasierskant van ‘n Pajero ingedruk en teen hoë spoed met hom na Ceres hospitaal gejaag.

Met hul aankoms by die hospitaal is noodbehandeling toegepas nadat Hanekom byna leeg gebloei en in hipovolumiese skok gegaan het.

Na die noodbehandeling moes daar eers vir ‘n ambulans gewag word voordat hy na Tygerberg hospitaal oorgeplaas is.

Hanna Fielies

1961/07/26 - 2024/07/16

BEGRAFNISDIENS: Sondag 28 Julie Saal: 09:00

Plaas Langfontein Graf: Bella Vista

081-742-6706 n/u: 082-5753-181

Bondels koerante @ R30 per bondel vir verpakking tydens trek, verfwerk of vir jou babahondjies. Skakel (023) 316-2021 w.t.o.

(023) 313-4422 crazypistonsct@gmail.com

Motorhuisdeure. Verkope, herstelwerk en automation. Skakel Derick 082-804-4550. rek S15 w.t.o.

van der Merwe van Laerskool Koue Bokkeveld het verlede naweek aan die finale rondte van die Talento-sangkompetisie deelgeneem. Sy het uitstekend gevaar en word uitgenooi om weer by die galaaand te sing.

CERES Lionsklub het onlangs hul nuwe president, Herman Laubscher, vir 2024/2025 aangewys. VLNR: Ockert Herselman (vorige president), Alize Laubscher, Herman Laubscher en Neville van Rensburg (gewese distriksgoewerneur). * Die Lions komitee bestaan uit: Maureen Peters, André Lombaard, Ockert Herselman, Herman Laubscher en Wynand Kloppers. AFWESIG: Kobus van Rensburg, Lino Pileggi, Pierre de Wet, Dries en Anrie van der Walt.

Exciting new opportunity at Ceres Superspar KITCHEN


The following requirements are needed: • Be able to handle and work under pressure • Excellent people’s skills • Be willing to work weekends and shifts • Fully bilingual • Preferably reside in Ceres/Wolseley • Previous experience will be advantageous • Must have matric • Must have knowledge of hygiene in the workplace • Honest and hard working.

The successful candidate will be responsible for: • Preparing cooked food • Ensuring that all food to be sold, is up to standard and of good quality • Cleaning of kitchen • Stock rotation • Waste control • Assisting with stocktake • Following recipes as per production sheet.


The following requirements are needed: • Must be able to handle and work under pressure • Excellent people’s skills • Must be willing to work weekends and shifts • Must be fully bilingual • Preferably reside in Ceres/ Wolseley • Previous experience in this profession will be advantageous • Must have matric • Must have knowledge of hygiene in the workplace. The successful candidate will be responsible for, but not limited to:

• Baking of products • Produce high quality and delicious confections that meet the expectations and preferences of customers • This also involves following recipe as per production sheet, measuring ingredients, mixing, baking, molding, shaping, cleaning, stock rotation, waste control, assisting with stock take.

Salaries negotiable.

Should you meet all the requirements, please e-mail your full CV (ID included) to: ceres3@retail.spar.co.za and ceres.superspar2@gmail.com

For attention: Human Resources

Closing date for applications: Friday 2 August 2024

Employment acceptance: Willing to join as soon as possible

Should you not receive any feedback by 9 August 2024, please consider your application unsuccessful. Please do not apply via Facebook, please e-mail all cv’s

DAWID Fortuin en sy span hawelose inwoners het Donderdag 20 Junie gehelp om ‘n uitkykpunt in Michellspas skoon te maak. Hulle het die area aan die regterkant voor die treinspoor as jy na Wolseley toe ry, skoongemaak en 50 vullissakke se gemors opgetel. * David en die haweloses maak gereeld die pas skoon in samewerking met CBI.

Die Witzenberg Herald word uitgegee vir die eienaars, Snyman, Voortrekkerstraat 17D, Ceres en gedruk deur Novus Print, Lynxstraat 5, Paarden Eiland. Geen advertensie/redaksionele materiaal mag sonder die verlof van die eienaars volgens Art. 12 (7)Wet op Outeursreg 1978 gereproduseer word nie.

Sport Witzenberg Herald

VIER tennisspelers van Laerskool Koue Bokkeveld is gekies om die Wes-Kaap Kavaliers o/13 Interpo-tennisspan te verteenwoordig. Die toernooi vind van 9-11 Augustus in Pretoria plaas. VLNR: Alize Fabricius, Anmari Steenkamp, Hanle Lourens (spanbestuurder), Johan du Toit en Zoey Carolus.


na twee weke hervat

NA ‘n noodgedwonge afwesigheid van twee naweke word rugbywedstryde in die Witzenbergstreek hervat. Koue fronte met wydverspreide reën en koue, het daartoe bygedra dat rugbyvelde sopnat was. Byna 380 mm reën is in die Ceres omgewing gemeet. Die Witzenberg munisipaliteit het weens die impak van die stormweer besluit om as veiligheidsmaatreël, wedstryde af te stel sodat velde kan uitdroog.


Die naweek speel Delicious en Bella Vista teen mekaar.

Die wedstryd beloof om een van die naweek se hoogtepunte te wees op die sportkalender. Ceres rugbyklub speel tuis teen Wellington, Hamlet is gasheer vir Roses United en Wolseley speel weg teen Young Blues.

Rugbyondersteuners word gevra om weer in groot getalle op te daag en hulle plaaslike spanne te kom ondersteun.

Die twee wedstryde wat weens gure weer nie plaasgevind het nie, sal later op 31 Augustus en 7 en 14 September ingepas word.

CERES netbalklub het die naweek van 19-20 Julie aan die jaarlikse Clanwilliam Spar netbaltoernooi deelgeneem. Hulle het in die A-liga deelgeneem en die toernooi gewen. * Die span bedank al hul borge wat dit moontlik gemaak het om die toernooi te kon bywoon - dankie aan Brenn-O-Kem, Ceres Fruit Growers, Kole & Deeg en ander donateurs.

Duiwe van Cameron

Lofts, skrik nie vir slegte weer

WEDVLUGTE is verlede naweek hervat nadat vlugte en plaaslike sportgebeure gekanselleer moes word weens gure weersomstandighede.

Duiwe is Saterdag 20 Julie op Britstown losgelaat. Veral die jongduiwe het baie swaar gekry in die moeilike weerstoestande. Cameron Lofts het egter ‘n uitstekende naweek beleef deur beide die jaaroud sowel as die ope Ceres Vallei Federasie wedvlugte te wen.

Die naweek vlieg duiwe vanaf Leeu Gamka. CHPS


1.Hendriks familie - 1072.115m p m

2 Cyril en Ann Davids - 992.409mpm

3.David Baron - 827.647mpm


1.Cyril en Ann Davids - 1170.890mpm

2.Team Koopman - 1133.582mpm

3.Cyril en Ann Davids - 1131.206mpm

4.Hendriks familie - 1124.062mpm

5.Team Koopman - 1094.560mpm

Ceres Pigeon Society (CPS)


1.Camerin Mars - 1251.439mpm




5.Le Bretton Lofts -1138.173mpm


1.Camerin Mars - 1181.128mpm

2.E. Lofts - 1173.530mpm

3.S.R. Williams - 1159.367mpm 4.E. Lofts - 1131.721mpm 5.CT Nige - 1125.109mpm

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