Witzenberg Herald Vol.23 no.17 (Online weergawe)

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WH Herald

Our doors are closed, but our kitchen is OPEN


Volume 23 no. 17


For your safety, we have had to close our doors until the end of the national lockdown.

Trading hours 11:00 - 19:00

Download our App and

Friday, May 8, 2020

We will deliver to you with our no-contact delivery service. Stay safe!

4-Da g w eer voor uitsig 4-Dag weer eerv ooruitsig Donderdag 7 Mei

11° 29°

Vrydag 8 Mei

11° 28°

Saterdag 9 Mei

FREE DELIVERY* For orders of R79 + more, within a 3km radius from Ceres

Sondag 10 Mei

13° 30°

13° 31°

Ceres Koekedouw dam


☎ (023) 312-1916 Lesing: 2020/05/06

Telephone: (023) 316-2021

Witzenberg Herald vier vanjaar hul 23ste bestaansjaar

Fax: (023) 316-2023

Editor: 082-468-2649

☎ (023) 316-2463

(Open on 06/05/2020) (Open on 08/05/2020)



Gerugte onwaar DIE afgelope week was daar weer gerugte en stories oor mense wat sou weggeloop het uit die Dennebos wat veronderstel is om onder 14-dae kwarantyn te wees. Dit is onwaar. Die munisipaliteit het Maandag bevestig dat daar geen so ‘n geval is of was nie. Daar is tans 19 persone in kwarantyn in die Dennebos. Indien iemand ’n kwarantyn- of isolasiefasiliteit sou verlaat voordat hulle as gesond verklaar is, sal dit by die SAPD aangemeld word.

Niemand beseer na ambulans rol

Mense stroom steeds dorp toe COVID-19 se inperkingsvlak is vanaf 1 Mei na vlak 4 verlaag. Al is daar min veranderings in die twee vlakke, kon besighede soos klerewinkels weer oopmaak om winter- en babaklere te verkoop. Ceres se middedorp was baie bedrywig met almal wat in die dorp is om inkopies te doen. Dit was veral die klerewinkels wat oorval is en waar mense in lang rye buite die winkels gestaan het. Daar was ook lang rye by Mr Price, die apteke in die hoofstraat asook by die slaghuise. Die lang rye by supermarkwinkels is nou al ‘n algemene gesig na 40 dae se inperking.

‘n AMBULANSBESTUURDER, ‘n passasier en ‘n pasiënt is gelukkig om te leef nadat ‘n ambulans waarin hulle gery het, Saterdagoggend omgeslaan en gerol het. Die ongeluk het op 2 Mei omstreeks 05:20 naby Esperanto in die Koue Bokkeveld plaasgevind. Uit ‘n voorlopige ondersoek blyk dit dat die ambulans van Rosendal-plaas met ‘n beseerde manspasiënt onderweg was ten tye van ongeluk. ‘n Wilde dier het nabewering oor die pad gehardloop waarna die bestuurder, Helgarth Erasmus, uitgeswaai en beheer oor die ambulans verloor het. Die ambulans het die pad verlaat, een keer gerol en weer op sy wiele te lande gekom. Nie Erasmus, Samentha Christians of die pasiënt, Marothi Lekgangane, is in die ongeluk beseer nie. Die P.A. Hamlet SAPD ondersoek ‘n klag van roekelose bestuur.

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Friday, May 8, 2020


Making masks MARINDA Mankapan, a local seamstress from Ceres, has successfully registered a small business to make protective masks. She started producing cloth masks to help local community members last month and has now increased her production to supply a factory in the agriculture sector and a local spaza shop in Ceres, who is donating masks to local community members in need. The masks are also being supplied to essential staff such as the local department of social development and the local police. Sewing used to be a hobby for her, making bathroom sets, couch covers and basic tailor work, until her funds for her supplies ran out. However, thanks to the Perdekraal East Wind Farm’s enterprise development programme, assistance was provided to help sustain this local enterprise. Miranda registered her company in March 2020 with the motivation and support from the local wind farm. The wind farm recently supplied Marinda with fabrics and other sewing necessities so that she can keep up with the increased demand for material masks.

N.Kosi, Chairperson of Witzenberg Community Development Forum, writes:

AS the Witzenberg Community Development Forum we have a project that’s called ADOPT-A-LEARNER.

eral households that can not provide food for their children let alone print school work. Children are the leaders of our future and I can not see how we can allow this pandemic to deprive these learners with a will to succeed, but not the means too, to not be able to function fully with school work during this time. I have contacted headmasters from the schools in Witzenberg-area and will receive a list of children in need shortly. We will need advice on and sponsors for paper, ink, printing facilities etc. Already started working on a plan to collect print works from sponsors, delivering to the school from where the headmaster will drive the delivery to the children. When I receive the list from the school, I will allocate a child/children to or sponsor and will email work sheets as received from the school to the sponsors for printing and arrange collection or drop off the work.

However we need a lot of help with the project. It’s a mammoth task and it will hopefully spread and be supported by other towns within the Witzenberg-area. Whilst the need for food is well taken care of, we discovered a need in our education environment. Currently waiting for numbers of children in need off assistance. Besides the struggle for data to perform basic home schooling, there is an enormous need for printing worksheets in order for children to complete their weekly assignments. Not everyone has access to printers, laptops etc. to be able to perform the homeInformation schooling that was launched on the online For more information and banking details, platform. We have in our communities sev- contact the writer at 073-294-3642.

To all interested and Friends of Chain Chain Boland, the Animal Welfare Organization in the Witzenberg area will hold its annual general meeting on

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Further details will follow later. Chain Boland intends to make a number of changes to the current constitution. We cordially invite you to read the proposed changes via the document on our website. Please use the following link: http:// Dear friends of Chain chainboland.co.za/wp-content/uploads/ Due to the current situation 2020/02/Constitution-Chain-2020.pdf wechanges have decided to In short the are as follows: 2.1.1 Adding Op-die-Berg to the Witzenberg postpone our AGM towns as this was not mentioned; to a later moment. 2.1.3 Attempt to provide Free or Subsidised Please stay andinto AtSterilization etc. issafe changed tempt provide in to case youSubsidised need a Sterilization. Reason for this is that a donation companion for those lock towards vet costs is always asked; 3.5 down The required hasafter been that) added retimes text (and garding our PBO status which we do not hesitate reached at the 15th of November 2018; to contact us. is changed 4. Membership programme in “Friends of Chain” programme; Looking forward to 5.1 The management committee will be see you made up of notall lesssoon! than seven (7) will be changed to five (5). Reason for this is to always make sure we can obey to this rule in the constitution as getting volunteers on the committee stays a challenge; 5.4 As point 5.1 will be changed to five (5) the number of committee members present at a meeting and allowed to make decisions will be lowered to three (3); 9.3 As with the modern technology banking is not done via a withdrawal or cheque we plan to modernize this text into: all payments are done via online banking. Notification of any payment is received by the Chair AND ViceChair. The Treasurer has access to the banking account for control purposes and a final check is done via Sage and our Accountant. During our annual general meeting, a vote will take place for approval, whereby at least 51% of those present must give their approval. We look forward to see you at our Annual General Meeting in April. Elise van Holten (Chair person.)


DIE Kaapse Wynland Onderwysdistrik in samewerking met die Witzenberg Matriek Fonds het die afgelope week kospakkies verskaf aan leerders van Ceres, Bella Vista, Nduli, P.A. Hamlet, Wolseley en Tulbagh. Die skole het ook aan behoeftige ouers kos verskaf. Die Witzenberg Voeding Fonds is ‘n inisiatief wat op die been gebring is om voeding verwante aangeleenthede met betrekking tot leerders, aan te spreek. Besighede en individue wat wil betrokke raak by hierdie inisiatief, kan enige hoërskool skoolhoof skakel of die WMF voorsitter, Sarel Brown, by 083-232-2240 of ‘n epos stuur na Sarel.Brown@westerncape. gov.za


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Agter elke klein besigheid, is daar ‘n gesin.


Heuningkwas of .....HARDEKWAS Francois Snyman ONS almal is na 35 dae van vlak 5 inperking baie bly oor die verslapping en verandering na vlak 4. Belangrikste hiervan is om vir paar uur buite te kan gaan stap, hardloop en fietsry. Na ses weke van inperking hoop ons almal dat dinge kan verbeter en ons vinniger na laer vlakke kan beweeg. Die meeste inwoners hou by die reëls, dra maskers en gaan een-een dorp toe. Maar dit is diegene met geen ore se voortgesette astrantheid wat die meeste pla. Hulle geen nie ‘n flenter om nie, dra nie ‘n masker nie en ry steeds ‘n klomp mense saam in een voertuig. Hulle optrede dra by dat plaaslike besighede en die gepaardgaande werksgeleenthede van duisende inwoners, in die weegskaal geplaas word met hulle onverantwoordelike optredes. Dit voel om sommige graag die virus wil kry of glad nie bang is om die virus te kry nie. Dink weer voor jy sulke onnosel goed aanvang en ander om jou se lewens onnodig in gevaar stel. Ons almal wil so gou moontlik na laer inperkingsvlakke beweeg.



Friday, May 8, 2020

Man vasgetrek met onwettige vuurwapen DIE Tulbagh SAPD het ‘n man gearresteer wat in besit was van ‘n onwettige vuurwapen. Op 19 April het ‘n polisielid inligting van ‘n betroubare bron ontvang dat ‘n manspersoon in besit is van ‘n onwettige vuurwapen. ‘n Deursoekingslasbrief is verkry en die betrokke perseel is deursoek. Hier is ‘n onwettige 9 mm pistool met twee magasyne en ammunisie gevind. Die polisie het Friedel MacThomas (21) gearresteer en beslag op die wapen en ammunisie gelê. MacThomas het op 20 April in die Tulbagh landdroshof verskyn. Hy bly in aanhouding tot sy volgende hofverskyning. Inbrake Twee inbrake by besighede in Vosstraat is verlede naweek by die Ceres polisie aangemeld.

Op Saterdag 2 Mei omstreeks 04:20 het een verdagte by Northmec Ceres ingebreek en vyf speelgoed trekkers ter waarde van R8000 gesteel. Indien iemand die trekkers wil verkoop, skakel die ondersoekbeampte sers. Swanson by (023) 316-8504. Sondag 3 Mei in die vroeë oggendure het drie verdagtes by Ceres Tyremart se perseel in Vosstraat ingebreek. Die verdagtes het twee batterye gesteel asook twee GLink fone. Hulle het ook ‘n Solus Edge elektronies diagnostiese wielbalanserings gereedskap gesteel. Die masjientjie kom in ‘n swart tassies met al sy kabels. Inligting Indien iemand die batterye of die Solus Edge wil verkoop, skakel die ondersoekbeampte sers. Burrows by (023) 316-8515.

‘n SOLUS Edge elektroniese diagnostiese wielbalanserings gereedskap is verlede naweek by Ceres Tyremart gesteel.

Reaksieplan bekendgestel VERLEDE week is die Wes-Kaap regering se geintegreerde COVID-19 reaksieplan vir die Witzenbergstreek bekendgestel.

Die Wes-Kaap minister van landbou, Ivan Meyer, het verlede Donderdag Ceresbesoek om met rolspelers in die Witzenbergstreek te vergader om die geintegreerde COVID19 reaksieplan aan hulle bekend te stel. Dit is ‘n poging om die stygende en groot getal positiewe COVID-19 gevalle te beperk en die virus se verspreiding te probeer keer.

Die plan is saamgestel na vergaderings met verskeie provinsiale departemente, Agri WesKaap, burgemeesters en onderburgemeesters van Witzenberg munisipaliteit sowel as Kaapse Wynlandistriksmunisipaliteit, CBI en verkeersdienste. Meyer het ook bekendgemaak dat die S.A. weermag binnekort hier ontplooi gaan word om die SAPD te help. Wetstoepassings inisiatiewe gaan verskerp word met padblokkades by die in- en uitgange van die dorpe.

Skenking en siftingstoetse Die landbougemeenskap is ook betrek om die departement gesondheid se riglyne en siftingstoetse op plase te ontwikkel. Tydens dié geleentheid is meer as 35000 maskers vir plaaswerkers en 150 liter handreiniger is aan die Witzenberg munisipaliteit oorhandig. Die munisipaliteit het ook talle publieke areas skoongemaak terwyl minibusstaanplekke en -taxis ook skoongemaak is. Core Fruit en die Dutoit Groep het ook vrugte geskenk.

VERLEDE week is die Wes-Kaap regering se geintegreerde COVID-19 reaksieplan vir die Witzenbergstreek bekendgestel. Maskers vir plaaswerkers en handreiniger is aan die Witzenberg munisipaliteit oorhandig. VLNR: Karriem Adams (onderburgemeester van Witzenberg munisipaliteit), Helena von Schlicht (burgemeester van Kaapse Wynland distriksmunisipaliteit), Wes-Kaap minister van landbou, Ivan Meyer, Barnito Klaasen (burgemeester van Witzenberg munisipaliteit) en Theodore Godden (speaker van Witzenberg munisipaliteit).

LOCKDOWN OPERATIONAL NOTICE We are a registered essential service and are still performing maintenance services. PROFESSIONAL CCTV AND ALARM SYSTEMS IN WITZENBERG 087 095 3617 info@jptek.co.za www.jptek.africa

Voordele van digitale koerant:

•Nuus met die druk van ‘n knoppie •Toegang tot elke week se digitale uitgawes • Advertensies gekoppel aan webtuistes •Goedkoper as jy vooruit betaal Belangstellendes in die digitale uitgawe, kan hul besonderhede stuur na nuus@witzenbergherald.com Kostes sal per jaar of vir ses maande deurgegee word.

Netcare Ceres Hospitaal weer oop! Netcare Ceres Hospitaal / Hospital Die hospitaal was vir 3 dae gesluit vanaf 21 April 2020 - 24 April 2020 a.g.v. personeel wat positief vir Covid-19 getoets het. Terminale skoonmaak asook Zapping (met Ultraviolet lig) en Fogging (Peroxide) van die hele hospitaal is hierna gedoen.

Dankie vir u begrip tydens hierdie tyd.



Friday, May 8, 2020

Toetsingsfasiliteit by hospitaal

‘n NUWE COVID-19 sifting- en toetsingsfasiliteit is die afgelope week by Ceres provinsiale hospitaal opgerig. Dit is regs langs die hospitaal se hoofingang.

DIE sifting- en toetsingsinisiatief in die streek asook by noodsaaklike werkers het tussen 20 en 30 April plaasgevind. Meer as 7100 mense het deelgeneem aan die sifting deur gesondheidswerkers waarvan 72 verwys is vir toetse. Daar word nog addisionele toetse gedoen by klinieke en die Ceres provinsiale hospitaal.

TEEN Woensdag 6 Mei was daar volgens die departement van gesondheid 138 positiewe gevalle van die COVID-19 virus in die Witzenbergstreek aangemeld. Die sterftes in die WesKaap is 72 en daar is nou 3771 positiewe gevalle met 55 pasiënte wat in die waakeenheid behandel word en 1122 wat herstel het. In die Witzenbergstreek het 40 al herstel. Daar is tans 218 bevestigde gevalle van mense wat positief getoets het vir Covid-19 in die Kaapse Wynlandstreek. *Bejaardes sowel as mense met hipertensie, hartsiektes, suikersiekte en longsiektes se risiko is hoër met die COVID-19 virus.

Voordele van digitale koerant:

• Nuus met die druk van ‘n knoppie • Toegang tot elke week se digitale uitgawes • Advertensies gekoppel aan webtuistes • Goedkoper as jy vooruit betaal Belangstellendes in die digitale uitgawe, kan hul besonderhede stuur na nuus@witzenbergherald.com Kostes sal per jaar of vir ses maande deurgegee word.

‘n NUWE COVID-19 sifting- en toetsingsfasiliteit is die afgelope week by Ceres provinsiale hospitaal opgerig. Sifting en toetsing is van die inisiatiewe wat gevolg word om die verspreiding van COVID-19 te stop. Tydens sifting vra ‘n gesondheidswerker algemene vrae oor die persoon se gesondheid. Indien die persoon griepsimptome het, moet die persoon vir COVID-19 getoets word. By klinieke en hospitale vind sifting plaas voordat besoekers die hospitaal binnegaan. Die afgelope week is daar by Ceres provinsiale hospitaal ‘n spesiale fasiliteit opgerig vir sifting en toetsing. Soos besoekers deur die nuwe fasiliteit na die hospitaal beweeg, volg hulle aanwysings sodat COVID-19 nie hier kan versprei nie. Die sifting- en toetsingsinisiatief in die streek asook by noodsaaklike werkers het tussen 20 en 30 April plaasgevind. Meer as 7100 mense het deelgeneem aan die sifting deur gesondheidswerkers waarvan 72 verwys is vir toetse. Daar word nog addisionele toetse gedoen by klinieke en die Ceres provinsiale hospitaal. Verander Ceres provinsiale hospitaal se dienste en sale word tans georganiseer sodat die hospitaal gereed is om die moontlike toename van pasiënte wat gehospitaliseer word weens COVID-19, te kan akkommodeer. Meer as 90% van gevalle van mense wie COVID-19 kry, sal egter nié hospitalisering benodig nie en kan tuis versorg word tot hulle herstel. Personeel by al die klinieke in die Witzenberg kan mense wie simptome het, vir COVID-19 toets. Nabye kontakte van positiewe gevalle word gevra om hulself vir 14 dae te isoleer. Die departement van gesondheid is die week besig met siftings en toetsing in Tulbagh, Wolseley, by die Annie Brown kliniek asook in Bella Vista, Op-die-Berg, P.A. Hamlet en in Nduli. As deel van die siftings- en toetsingsinisiatief gaan gesondheidswerkers ook na besighede om seker te maak dat werkgewers en personeel toegerus is met inligting oor COVID-19 en weet hoe om op te tree indien iemand positief toets. Daar is reeds besoek afgelê by Ceres Shoprite, Spar Op-die-Berg, Ceres Superspar, Hamlet Spar, Kaap Agri Op-die-Berg, Ceres PnP, Ceres Shell, Ceres Engen, Bersig kafee ODB, Geldenhuys Slaghuis, Dutoit pakhuis en At Source (Koelfontein). “Ons kry baie goeie samewerking van besighede en is dankbaar vir elkeen se ondersteuning,” sê sr. Madelein Bauer van die Witzenberg-gesondheidspan. Besighede wat ondersteuning nodig het met sifting, kan Bauer skakel by (023) 316-9660. Onthou om jou mond en neus te bedek met ‘n lapmasker of serp wanneer jy uitgaan. Die vyf goue reëls om die verspreiding van COVID-19 te stop: ● Was jou hande gereeld met seep en water vir minstens 20 sekondes op ‘n keer ● Hoes en nies in jou gebuigde arm. As jy ‘n sneesdoekie of handoekpapier gebruik, gooi dit dadelik weg na die tyd en was weer jou hande. ● Was jou hande voordat jy aan jou gesig vat. ● Hou ‘n afstand van 1,5 m tussen jou en ander mense. ● As jy siek is, bly tuis. Bel die kliniek, jou dokter se spreekkamer of die hulplyn (021) 928-4102.

Agter elke klein besigheid, is daar ‘n gesin.



Friday, May 8, 2020




classifieds Skakel Karen ☎ (023) 316-2021 info@witzenbergherald.com 066-316-3003 (Slegs Whatsapp)

Raai wie het verjaar op 7 April?

Sophia Ruiters


 (023) 316-1201 082-821-3610

Joubertstraat 16 (Langs Ceres Alarms)

Hoop jou dag was baie spesiaal!

Die Snymans en jou maatjies deur die dag, Ben en Luna

Raai wie is 10?

Cole Titus

8 Mei 2020

Geluk groot seun mag Liewe Jesus jou seën. Van jou ouers, tannie Karin en Euan, Damon-, Titus-, Van der Winter-, Maart-, Pieterse - en Pedro families

Bondels koerante @ R15 per bondel vir verpakking tydens trek, verfwerk of jou babahondjies. Skakel (023) 316-2021. w.t.o.

Wasgoed van die publiek en besighede kan teen baie billike pryse hier gewas, gedroog en gestryk word. Wasgoed kan ingebring word vir net droog of net stryk.

Ons voldoen aan u versoek

Gold Metal Carpet Care. Skoonmaak van alle matte, gestoffeerde meubels, matrasse en voertuigsitplekke. Maak leë huise en kantore skoon tydens of na verhuisings. Skakel Mari 084-212-3020. rek G69 w.t.o Motorhuisdeure. Verkope, herstelwerk en automation. Derick 082-804-4550. rek S15 w.t.o

Prof Prins

Hy het gekom om jou te red van jou stres, huweliksprobleme ens. Werk jy maar sien nie jou geld nie? Dink jy om af te tree van jou werk, maar het geen plan met jou lewe nie? Probeer gerus Prof Prins. Hofsake, bad luck, kom kry ‘n sleutel om al die geslote deure in jou lewe te open. Dit is jou jaar van voorspoed.


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Friday, May 8, 2020

Western Cape Provincial Traffic Services issue fines worth R1.3 million DURING the National Disaster Lockdown, Western Cape Traffic Services arrested 83 motorists for various offences and issued 821 fines worth R1.337100 for various traffic violations ranging from driver to vehicle fitness. Other arrests vary from driving under the influence of alcohol, excessive speeding and or reckless and negligent driving thus endangering fellow road users. 107 speeding offences were recorded. This past week, 27 April to 3 May, the Western Cape had a total of 282 integrated roadblocks and vehicle check point operations across the province which resulted in the officers stopping and checking 10 998 vehicles. Four vehicles were impounded and 33 vehicles discontinued for unroadworthiness. Fatalities recorded from 27 April till 03 May 2020: A total of 10 fatalities and 8 crashes

were recorded. The highest speed recorded: 172km/h in a 120 km/h zone The following 155 fines were issued to the value of R235 400: 87 x Failure to confine to place of residence 16 x Exceeding the carrying capacity of 70% 20 x Exceeding the carrying capacity of 60% 22 x Travelling without an essential service worker permit 8 x Movement between Metropolitan Districts 2 x Movement between Provinces National Disaster Management Regulation Arrests: 63 57 x Failure to confine to the place of residence 2 x Travelling without an essential service worker permit

4 x Movement between Provinces “We also arrested a public transport operator in Laingsburg for trying to bribe a traffic officer. I would like to reiterate that we will not tolerate such behaviour from any motorist who thinks that this is an easy way out”. “We will continue with our 24/7 planned operations across our province to ensure that we remove all irresponsible motorist to safeguard the lives of innocent road users and to stringently enforce the Disaster Management Regulations”. “For some who have not been driving their motor vehicles since the Lockdown we ask that you ensure that you check your motor vehicle for roadworthiness and as we systematically allow our citizens to return to work, they abide by the Rules of the Road”.

Businesses must support each other ALL South African business leaders have a responsibility to stand together to keep business moving, protect employment and the economy ticking over. According to Frank Mullen, CEO of Zinia, a leading mid-sized telecoms and ICT provider, “How decision-makers adapt to the Covid-19 national disaster will determine the knock-on effect to businesses and livelihoods around the entire country.” “Now is not the time to stop doing business or bring a halt to spending,” he says.

“If we do so, it will negatively affect those we do business with, impacting employment and ultimately worsen the current economic situation. “Our ability to bounce back will be severely affected and by the time the worst of the virus is over, the damage will be done.” He makes his point strongly: “Think about what will happen if your customers stop buying from you or you in turn stop purchasing from your suppliers due to Covid-19; what will the impact be?

This would have a severe impact on your business as well as your suppliers. “We are all in this together and have a responsibility to collaborate with our suppliers, customers, employees and peers, to find ways to keep business going, even if it is not how we traditionally would operate,” he says. He believes that if every business in the country stopped their normal buying behavior, then every business could be impacted, and the ripple effect will be felt throughout every sector of the economy, ultimately hurting so-

ciety. From travel bans, quarantines, to social distancing and behavior change, Covid-19 will continue to affect South Africa in the coming months - he believes these measures will be around for at least three months. As a nation South Africans are particularly resilient and he believes we should challenge all negative decisions, and not react out of fear. Leaders need to adapt quickly: - Implement Covid-19 education and take actions to protect the health of those within your company and those who come into contact with your business. This includes putting in place sanitary and protective supplies, educational information and make sure that the right behaviour patterns are adhered to. - Create a new 90-day business ADAPT action plan that includes dealing with further restrictions on travel and other decisions taken, should the situation worsen as a whole. - Continue business as usual as far as possible. Do not stop spending entirely or take the attitude that your business needs to shut down. This behaviour will damage the economy. - Give all staff the ability to work from home. Check that your business has the right technology and if not, put them in place quickly. This includes giving tools, such as access to data, devices, internet and remote access to work systems, so employees can continue working in isolation if need be. You will do more damage to your business if your employees are unable to work in isolation. - Manage the productivity of employees who are working at home. Instead of travelling use video conferencing and telephony systems. “As business leaders we need to be open to limit the risk of spreading the virus, this means doing things differently than we would normally,” explains Mullen. “For example, find another way to get the information you need to make a decision, instead of cancelling a face-to-face meeting - by not making a decision you are further damaging the economy.” “We absolutely must continue the buying cycle,” he says. He emphasises that some sectors like tourism will be majorly affected, but if it is within the control of a business leader they must do everything to support local tourism, businesses and co-workers. “We should not panic and allow the country to go further into recession. We must rally together, support each other and speak up - including putting pressure on Government to come up with economic reforms and stimulus packages to boost and assist businesses during these times.” Mullen concludes there is a silver lining: “as the price of oil drops, the price of fuel will lower, and interest rates may come down too, effectively increasing spending power and improving budgets.”

nuusbrokkies DIE Brewelskloof hospitaal in Worcester is opsoek na die familie van Puseto Khau (19). Puseto is op 2 April in die hospitaal opgeneem. Sy adres is Hopestraat, Pine Valley, Wolseley. Die familie moet Lena Jendrissek gedurende kantoorure skakel by (023) 348-1397. ✗✗✗✗ BELANGRIKE wenk! Inwoners wat klagtes of foute by Witzenberg munisipaliteit se noodnommers aanmeld of oor naweke inbel, moet vir ‘n verwysingsnommer vra. Dit sal help om die klagte of fout vinnig op te volg en uit te vind wie dit hanteer het. ✗✗✗✗ DIE PPK toer na Israel vind weer plaas vanaf 3 tot 10 Desember 2020. Navrae kan aan pastoor Jacobs gerig word by 084-657-4673.



Friday, May 8, 2020

Koerant spog nou met 'n nuwe mashoof en webtuiste

BRANDBESTRYDERS van die Witzenberg munisipaliteit en Kaapse Wynland distriksmunispaliteit het verlede Donderdag en Vrydag, twee dae lank ‘n brand by die Tulbagh vullisstortingsterrein gemonitor nadat dit vroeër vermoedelik deur kwaaddoeners aan die brand gesteek is. Die brand het lank gesmeul en die munisipaliteit se afdeling vir vullisverwydering het met groot masjinerie gehelp om die vullis met gruis te bedek en die vuur te smoor. Hulle het ook vullis rondgeskuif sodat die water die grond kon binnedring. ‘n Woordvoerder van die munisipaliteit, Rowena Hendricks, het gesê inwoners moet die nooddienste by 10177 of (023) 316-2328/9 skakel. Vra vir verwysingsnommer wanneer ‘n klagte aangemeld word.

New protocols for movement of seasonal workers between Western Cape and other provinces MONDAY the Western Cape Cabinet confirmed the guidelines and protocols for the transport of essential seasonal workers in the agriculture sector from the Western Cape to other provinces. The guidelines require that the following documents accompany every essential worker in circumstances where they return to their primary homes in other provinces after the completion of their contract: ● A permit that is completed by the employer for each essential worker rendering seasonal work ● Every essential seasonal worker must have an identity document ● Proof that each essential seasonal worker had been screened for Covid19 before getting on the vehicle ● A copy of the employment contract,

Completed U119 forms for each season worker whose contract has expired. Owners and drivers of minibus taxis are required to ensure: ● Sufficient hand sanitiser in each vehicle ● Each essential worker wears a face mask and ● The applicable regulations on carrying capacity during level 4 lockdown regulations are adhered to. Under no circumstances should season workers who tested positive for Covid-19 be allowed to travel from the Western Cape to neighbouring provinces or regions. ●

The Western Cape Government further recommends that the receiving Province screens essential seasonal workers before allowing them to proceed with their travel.

Agter elke klein besigheid, is daar ‘n gesin.

DIE week se uitgawe van die Witzenberg Herald is die eerste gedrukte koerant na die nasionale inperking ses weke gelede begin het. In die ses weke is daar baie nuwe dinge aangeleer. Een hiervan is dat die koerant vir vyf uitgawes ten volle digitaal versprei kon word. Die digitale weergawe is tydens die inperking gratis aan die gemeenskap via Facebook, ISSUU en Whatsapp versprei. Dit is ook as toetslopie gebruik om te sien in hoe ‘n mate die Witzenberg-gemeenskap gereed is vir ‘n digitale weergawe. (Sien statistieke elders in dié berig). Daar is ook ‘n nuwe webbladsy geskep wat ‘n bietjie moderner is met net die noodsaaklikste inligting daarop asook met skakels na Facebook en ISSUU. Lesers kan gerus die webblad besoek by www.witzenbergherald. co.za. Indien lesers digitaal wil inteken, kan hulle net 'n epos na nuus@witzenbergherald.com stuur. Die koste en betalingsopsie sal dan aangestuur word. Die Witzenberg Herald spog ook vanaf 1 Mei met ‘n splinternuwe mashoof. Besigheid Nagenoeg 40% besighede in die land mag sedert 1 Mei weer begin besigheid doen binne die unieke COVID-19 omgewing. Ook die koerantbedryf probeer stelselmatig na normaal terugkeer. Dit is egter nie so maklik nie aangesien drukuitgawes onveranderd bly en selfs gestyg het in die tyd terwyl baie adverteerders se besighede ook nog nie oop is nie of eers in later vlakke mag oopmaak. Elke bedryf het sy unieke uitdagings wat hy nou te bowe moet kom. Statistieke Stats S.A. het onlangs gesê dat 42% besighede in Suid-Afrika nie weer oopmaak nie. 50% van besighede is tans tydelik toe en 36% moet mense afdank. 20% werkers is tydelik uit diens gestel. Die peiling het ook bevind dat indien Suid-Afrika drie maande in inperking (lockdown) gaan wees, dat meer as 85% besighede en maatskappye nooit weer gaan heropen nie. Plaaslik gaan ‘n groot aantal ondernemings eers in vlak 3 oopmaak en ander soos salonne, spa’s en haarkappers eers op vlak een. Restaurante en kitskosplekke kan net tuisaflewerings doen. Eetplekke kan eers in vlak 1 weer besoek word as jy wil gaan uiteet. Digitale statistieke Die laaste drie weke se digitale koerant-statistieke is ook nou beskibaar. In week 3 het meer as 80% die koerant met die Facebook-skakel gelees en 20% via Whatsapp en op die fone. Daar was 15 mense in Amerika en 15 in kleiner lande wat die koerant gelees het. In week 4 het net 65% die koerant met die Facebook-skakel gelees en 35% via Whatsapp. Verlede week het 73% die koerant met die Facebook-skakel gelees en 27% via Whatsapp. Agt mense in Amerika en 13 in ander lande het ook die koerant so gelees.

Dear Mr. President,

Our mothers

As the first ad agency born in the new democratic South Africa back in May 1994, we have always believed in leveraging the power of ideas to make a difference to society, which is why we at Nettwork BBDO on the cusp of our 26th anniversary as a small business are trying our best to quietly unlock some creativity for good during lockdown.

As you know, Mother’s Day comes only once a year, on the 10th of May. Right in the middle of our lockdown. We’re not asking you to lift the rules for a day. Nor are we asking for special exemptions. Instead, we at Nettwork would like to offer up our Thuma Mina - an exciting idea for you to get behind that we believe could make a real difference to all South Africans.

In our own little way we’ve so far managed to help 1 million people gain access to free WiFi when they most need it through our partnership with Google + Think WiFi plus 54 000 masks will be delivered to hospitals this week via the Shout4 Masks initiative we designed for our partners at SHOUT SA. Sure it’s only a drop in the vast ocean of need out there, yet thankfully with so many South Africans rising up to create so many amazing initiatives it all begins to add up to facing challenge after challenge in our beautiful country. We would now like to reach out to you during these uncertain times. Not only have your decisions helped in flattening the curve, but they have brought us together as a country and a people, when at times we felt isolated and alone.


But here’s the thing. In these strange times some of us don’t have the luxury of seeing our loved ones when we sometimes need them most. And with a certain special day coming up soon, there’s one essential that all South Africans may not get to enjoy.

Postpone Mother’s Day Help us push it further down the calendar this year so that we can all be there for our mothers the same way they have always been there for us. If lockdown has taught us anything, it has given us a new perspective of the things we have and those we don’t. If this special day is moved to later in year, we’ll all get the chance to treat our mothers like the queens they are. After all, where would we be today without our mothers? Where would you be, Mister President?

8 Die Witzenberg Herald word uitgegee vir die eienaars, Snyman, Voortrekkerstraat 35, Ceres en gedruk deur Paarlcoldset, Lynxstraat 5, Paarden Eiland. Geen advertensie/redaksionele materiaal mag sonder die verlof van die eienaars volgens Art. 12 (7) Wet op Outeurs0reg 1978 gereproduseer word nie.



Friday, May 8, 2020

Witzenberg Herald

Hoe bly Witzenbergers fiks tydens die inperking?

DEMETRIUS van Rooyen, ‘n trail runner van Bella Vista het Vrydag 11 April, 42km in sy erf gehardloop. Volgens Demetrius moes hy ongeveer 1006 keer om die huis hardloop en dit het 7 lang ure geneem. Vanaf 1 Mei kan hy darem nou in ‘n 5km radius om sy huis oefen.

TALLE inwoners het sedert Vrydag 1 Mei die kans aangegryp om buite te gaan oefen. Baie het gestap, gehardloop en gaan fietsry. Talle het ook die kans gebruik om met hulle honde te gaan stap. Gedurende vlak 4 mag inwoners net tussen 6:00 en 9:00 in die oggend oefen binne 'n 5km radius van hul woonhuise.

PIERRE de Jager, een van Ceres se kranige bergfietsryers, het tydens die eerste 35 dae van inperking op sy padfiets by die huis geoefen. Sedert Vrydag kon hy die binnenshuise oefenry los om buite naby sy huis te gaan oefen.

PHILIP Luff het tydens die vlak 5 inperking, 230 kilometer (die Trans-Baviaans MTB se afstand) op sy binnenshuise oefenmasjien gedoen. Hierdie is ‘n merkwaardige prestasie aangesien hy ook die aantal meters vertikaal geklim (2 900m) ook gesimuleer het. Hy het die afstand in 8 uur 30 minute afgelê.

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