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Energydrive initiative adds value to learning

THE 2022 EnergyDrive, which is designed to be interactive, enticing and educational, kicked off and visited three local high schools namely Iincinga Zethu High, Bella Vista High and Ceres Secondary High with the total of 120 mathematics and physical science learners across three schools within the Witzenberg Municipal area, during the last week of October 2022.


The custom-built edu-vehicle, which features a solar roof structure, biogas digester, photovoltaic panel display unit as well as a solar hot water display unit, will provide a fun and impactful way for learners to grasp the benefits and uses of renewable energy technologies.

In order to inspire future leaders and decisionmakers, this programme teaches high school leaners about renewable energy and climate change awareness.

As well as empowering youth to adopt sustainable lifestyles, the objective is to increase awareness so that future generations can play an essential role in increasing community adaptation and mitigation capabilities.

“Learners got an opportunity to see, experience, and relate to topics they cover in class. Learners also get an opportunity to speak to people working at the wind farms and ask interesting questions".

"The purpose of this is to allow learners to see things from a different perspective and assist them in choosing subjects and careers,” stated Dennis Solomon, Plant Manager for Perdekraal East Wind Farm.

Ceres primêr kry interaktiewe witborde

DIE Wes-Kaapse onderwys departement (WKOD) het gedurende die Covid-tydperk nuwe maniere van onderrig bekendgestel.

Ceres primêr met 'n studentetotaal van meer as 700 leerders het befondsing ontvang vir interaktiewe witborde en projektors.

Lights and Sports Gear

Die nuwe tegnologie verhoog die leervermoëns vir die onderwysers en meer belangrik maak dit die aanbieding meer interessant en begripvol vir die jong leerders. Dit is sonder twyfel dat die toerusting die leerders gedryf het om meer kennis op te doen en meer mededingend in klaskamers te wees.

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