Perdekraal East Wind Farm celebrate their second operational year

Perdekraal East Wind Farm celebrate their second operational year
Perdekraal Oos Windplaas vier hul tweede jaar operasioneel
THE 2022 EnergyDrive, which is designed to be interactive, enticing and educational, kicked off and visited three local high schools namely Iincinga Zethu High, Bella Vista High and Ceres Secondary High with the total of 120 mathematics and physical science learners across three schools within the Witzenberg Municipal area, during the last week of October 2022.
The custom-built edu-vehicle, which features a solar roof structure, biogas digester, photovoltaic panel display unit as well as a solar hot water display unit, will provide a fun and impactful way for learners to grasp the benefits and uses of renewable energy technologies.
In order to inspire future leaders and decisionmakers, this programme teaches high
school leaners about renewable energy and climate change awareness.
As well as empowering youth to adopt sustainable lifestyles, the objective is to increase awareness so that future generations can play an essential role in increasing community adaptation and mitigation capabilities.
“Learners got an opportunity to see, experience, and relate to topics they cover in class. Learners also get an opportunity to speak to people working at the wind farms and ask interesting questions".
"The purpose of this is to allow learners to see things from a different perspective and assist them in choosing subjects and careers,” stated Dennis Solomon, Plant Manager for Perdekraal East Wind Farm.
DIE Wes-Kaapse onderwys departement (WKOD) het gedurende die Covid-tydperk nuwe maniere van onderrig bekendgestel.
Ceres primêr met 'n studentetotaal van meer as 700 leerders het befondsing ontvang vir interaktiewe witborde en projektors.
Die nuwe tegnologie verhoog die leervermoëns vir die onderwysers en meer belangrik maak dit die aanbieding meer interessant en begripvol vir die jong leerders. Dit is sonder twyfel dat die toerusting die leerders gedryf het om meer kennis op te doen en meer mededingend in klaskamers te wees.
BELLA Vista Primary School is one of the best performing schools in the partner community when it comes to sports.
Bella Vista learners participate on an annual basis, in both Rugby and Netball, in the Boland.
The school was supported through ABCD Grant Funding.
The school thereafter procured sports gear such as netball dresses, rugby jerseys and LED Lights.
This led to the school’s number of learners participating in sport being higher than ever before as they had an opportunity to wear the new attire with pride.
BOLAND rugby club hosted a tournament on the 22-23 April 2022 in Ceres.
The project company gave financial support towards this enormous social event.
International teams Zimbabwe and Kenya played at the tournament together with our local rugby teams.
The matches that played on the day were live streamed on television. The impact of this tournament was to give young upcoming players the chance to engage with world class players.
HHH is a programme that is designed to assist high school learners to apply at tertiary institutions and for bursaries opportunities.
The programme is implemented in 2021 at the three high schools namely Iincinga Zethu High, Bella Vista High and Ceres Secondary High. Through the programme jobs were created for three local youth, each assigned at a high school. HHH has been very useful as learners are well informed and driven to study further, most importantly the learners are more informed on which subjects to choose and are in line with their future studies.
*Estimated number of learners positively impacted 3511
A back to school drive in the beneficiary areas was rolled out.
230 school uniforms were distributed at 20 schools both primary and high schools. Each school identified 20 disadvantaged learners per school. Learners received shorts, skirts, a shirt, socks and a pair of shoes. This projects core focus is to restore dignity, brings unity and hope to those in need.
IINCINGA Zethu High School is part of the HeyMath programme which entails the subjects Maths and Science for Grade 10-12 learners.
The programme requires the learners to use a specific scientific calculator.
Learners are from previously disadvantages communities and for this reason the calculators were sponsored.
Through ABCD Grant Funding the school received 50 scientific calculators to enable the learners to be more efficient and effective when doing calculations.
This created an opportunity for all the learners to have access to use the calculators and to increase their overall percentage in all subjects.
EZELFONTEIN NGK Primary School is a farm school in the partnering community located just outside the town of Ceres.
The school received ABCD Funding from Perdekraal East Wind Farm which enabled 110 learners to receive new winter school jackets.
The winter jackets immensely changed the circumstances of all the learners, teachers and parents as it resulted in improved school attendance, especially during the winter season. The learners’ morale in general improved and brought unity amongst learners.
“We as a school once again express our sincere appreciation to Perdekraal East Wind Farm for funding our rain jackets. Our children look beautiful said Miss De Wee.”
BOLAND rugby union initiated the mayoral rugby cup.
Rugby clubs from different municipalities participated in this initiative. The kick-off match was between Witzenberg and Drakenstein municipality. Each municipality was represented by 4 teams namely: the 1st team boys, 2nd teams boys, the under 20 boys and lastly the womens 1st team.
This contribution played a significantly huge roll in the lives of the players as they went out and won their first games in the new attires.
A matric farewell is a highlight for a Grade 12 learner as it remarks the end of your school career.
The principal, requested the Project Company for financial support towards their matric farewell due to the majority of the parents being seasonal workers.
KYLE Daniël Swartland participated in the National Championships held in Ireland in 2022.
Kyle was one of the learners in the Witzenberg community that had a lifetime opportunity to take part in the championships.
The learner's mother raised funds and with the co-funding from PEWF a young mans dream came to life.
SINOYOLO Theto a young girl from the Witzenberg successfully managed to travel abroad to Egypt for a International cultural excursion where school learners all over SA participated in this enormous cultural programme.
The programme focuses on diversity where people from different religion, culture and backgrounds had the opportunity to learn and share cultural customs.
Sinoyolo’s mother raised funds and with the financial support from PEWF made it possible to travel abroad.
THE Witzenberg area is well-known for its scenic beauty being surrounded by mountain ranges, natural surroundings, fauna, and flora.
The Witzenberg local municipality (WLM) is situated within the Cape Floristic region and is rich in biodiversity and associated ecosystem services.
The livelihood of Witzenberg is totally dependent on its biodiversity and ecosystem services that are essential to ensure sustainable socio-economic development and also to support human well-being.
The vision of the Witzenberg Municipal Integrated Plan namely, “A municipality that cares for its community, creating growth and opportunities” embarks to steer the agenda for integrated development and planning.
In terms of the Witzenberg Municipal Spatial Development Framework (MSDF), one of the key considerations regarded as critical to achieving the mentioned vision is to maintain and protect Witzenberg’s natural environment and associated resources.
The Ceres Mountain Fynbos Nature reserve (CMFNR) is a protected area for biodiversity under the control of the Witzenberg
municipality. The CMNR delivers important ecosystem services and is a source of spiritual and cultural wellbeing as well as outdoor recreation for the local community and visitors to Ceres.
Healthy ecological infrastructures provide critical ecosystem services that support economic and social development including freshwater supply, buffers against flooding, as well as climate and air quality control.
The reserve includes 6985 hectares of rugged mountain terrain and river catchments between the towns of Wolseley and Ceres.
The CMFNR is a water catchment area underpinning a diversity of wetland types,
The ecological importance of the Breede River is high and it plays a vital role in the driving of local economic activities in the agricultural and the tourism industry.
Biodiversity and healthy ecosystems within the CMNR are currently under serious threat due to various anthropogenic activities.
Negative impacts
The mentioned activities include the illegal occupation of vagrants that cause negative impacts such as the destruction or loss of protected flora and fauna, the occurrence of regular uncontrolled fires, illegal dumping of waste, and occurrence of human waste that leads to soil and water pollution.
Other negative impacts are the spreading of invasive alien vegetation and soil erosion. Interventions are needed to restore and maintain ecosystems and their supporting ecological infrastructure in the CMNR.
The safeguarding of biodiversity and ecosystems on a local level is also one of the most effective ways to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
A short breakdown of what is going to be done:
● Implementation of EE program at schools in Witzenberg (educational material, equipment, transport, plants, etc)
● Appointment of 4 x unemployed youth to assist with the conservation & management activities in the CMNR
● Appointing Nature conservation officer to assist Environmental Inspector with Biodiversity management and team management
● Training of 4 x unemployed youth (health & safety, first aid, chain saw operation, brush cutter, herbicide application, basic firefighting)
● Equipment (brush cutter, chainsaw, hand saws, spray cans)
● Refurbish hiking trails and signage
● Installation of baboon proof recyclable refuse bins & benches
including seeps, streamlets, and larger watercourses. The Dwars River is the biggest watercourse with the Koekedouw River as the second largest and is impounded by the Koekedouw Dam. The Koekedouw dam is situated at the northern border of the reserve and mainly supplies water to the residents of Ceres.
The Tierkloof weir is located on the southwestern border of the reserve and supplies water to the Wolseley residents. The upper catchment of the Breede River originates in the Skurweberg mountains, east of the CMNR.
To ensure biodiversity conservation, the conservation of water resources, maintenance, and restoration of ecosystems within the reserve, the establishment of a reserve management team (RMT) through job creation is essential.
The RMT will assist the Environmental management and law enforcement section of the WLM with implementing and executing effective management, maintenance, conservation, and restoration activities within the CMNR.
“A municipality that cares for its community, creating growth and opportunities”Lukho Mvumvu Project Officer Intern Thato Mokone - Senior Plant technician Querieda Jantjies Project Officer Intern Elaine Gatyene - Junior Site Safety Officer Shannon Lombaard Internal Audit and Procurement Officer Dennis Solomon - Plant Manager Beauty Theto Project Officer GWYNNE-LEE Borcherds, ED Manager for Perdekraal East Wind Farm
YOUTH Day is celebrated every year on 16 June in South Africa and the Project Company implemented an Art Painting Competition for all the youth who is residing in the partnering community including Primary and High School learners.
This initiative aimed to showcase all the hidden talents of youth in our communities and to increase their confidence within the world of arts.
The Painting competition consisted of 20 Youth participants.
Each participant had the chance to portray a windfarm on a white canvas. They had three grouped categories aged 10-17, 1822 and 23-35.
Two very good judges from the local community got to share some of their insights to art and gave the artistic youth more guidelines when it comes to arts and culture.
“An art is not a perfect piece, there will always be flaws, but if you do it with love and passion, it will surely show in your painting. It may not be perfect for you, but for someone else it would be perfect” says Errol Fritz (One of the judges).
PEWF funded the Valentines Day competition hosted by Witzenberg Radio Station with the partnering community to show appreciation towards the month of love.
10 Lucky couples received a picnic basket filled with romantic valentines treats. Relationships matters, friendship matters and because of our daily lives we sometimes tend to drift apart and this was a way of putting back the spark in relationships/marriages
DIE kunste het ‘n beduidende kreatiewe en kulturele waarde binne gemeenskappe en kan as ‘n belangrike en doeltreffende instrument dien om die jeug te betrek.
Dit is om hierdie rede dat Perdekraal-Oos Windplaas ’n drama program ondersteun, wat daarop gemik is om die talente van die jeug en hoërskoolleerders in die vennootskapgemeenskap te ontsluit. Die inisiatief verskaf verder ‘n gevoel van doelgerigtheid en positiewe omgewing vir persoonlike groei.
“Daar is ’n oorvloed van verborge talent in hierdie gemeenskap, maar weens die gebrek aan nasorg- en naweekaktiwiteite vir skoolkinders en die jeug, val baie van hulle ten prooi aan negatiewe sosiale invloede. As sodanig is hierdie inisiatief ‘n goeie manier om die jeug se natuurlike belangstelling en nuuskierigheid te stimuleer, om hul artistieke uitvoeringsvaardighede te bevorder en positiwiteit te bevorder,” sê Jo-Anne Brown, ekonomiese ontwikkelingsbestuurder by Perdekraal-Oos Windplaas.
Geïmplementeer deur Jacomus Foundation, wat gestig word deur Dann-Jacques Mouton wat bekend is vir sy rolle op 7 De Laan, Arendsvlei en Noem My Skollie.
Hierdie stigting het sukses behaal met die programdeelnemers wat rolle in plaaslike sepies, soos Arendsvlei, verseker het.
'n Groep van 36 jeug, waarvan 31 hoërskoolleerders is, is gekies om deel te neem aan hierdie driefaseprogram, wat vir ‘n tydperk van 12 weke geduur het.
“Om die kans te kry om deel te wees van hierdie dramaprogram was soos ‘n droom wat waar geword het. As jong seun was my droom nog altyd om ‘n akteur te word en hierdie program het my die perfekte platform gebied vir my om my talent ten toon te stel. Deur toneelspeel het ek baie kennis opgedoen, veral hoe om gefokus te bly, hoe om emosies te beheer en hoe om binne ’n groep te werk,” het Mustapha Moseley Jansen (26), een van die programdeelnemers, uitgespreek.
Hierdie projek vorm deel van Perdekraal East Wind Farm se bategebaseerde gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprogram, wat ‘n skerp fokus het op die mobilisering van gemeenskappe en die bou van kapasiteit vir positiewe verandering.
THIS initiative is to give financial support to qualifying ECD Centres in the local partnering communities.
Each ECD centre was chosen on a criteria base which was unemployed and seasonal working parents. The funds contributed by PEWF was used for any deficiency that the creche may have.
This enabled the kids to be at the creches right through the year and it helped on emotional and social development of the child.
Estimated number of learners positively impacted: 421
THE Ceres Mitchell’s Pass Half Marathon usually takes place in October from Victoria Park, Ceres.
Distance options: 5km fun run, 10km and 21.1km. This is a beautiful run over the scenic Mitchell’s Pass. The route is moderately undulating with an easy, mainly downhill first half.
PEWF was one of this year’s proud funders of the event. There was a good participation number and the community is happy to be part of this communal initiative.
The event took place on a Saturday and the entire family could be part of it. Your overall health, emotional and physical wellbeing can improve when being a part of this event.
GLOBAL Wind Day or World Wind Day is a worldwide event that is held on June 15 around the world.
It is a day when wind energy is celebrated, information is exchanged and adults and children find out about wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to change the world.The teams had to build a Wind Turbine Power Plant Model and do a presentation/illustration on how their model works with Mathematics and Physical Science.
A total of 30 learners from the four high schools participated in the competition and all the schools and participants as individuals got to win cash prizes in due course.
A group of twelve students, drawn from the Witzenberg area, recently graduated from a six-month Care Workers Training Programme, designed to develop youth employment opportunities in home-based care. Whatsmore, seven of the students have since been offered permanent work placements at local schools and hospices.
Funded by Perdekraal East Wind Farm and implemented by Vrolike Vinkies in consultation with Gratia Academic, this accredited training initiative has created local capacity to help both children and the elderly.
“As part of our focus, we provide assistance to community-based organisations in developing programmes for the youth. This initiative is especially tailored to help com-
munity members who are ill at home and choose not to stay in a hospital, as well as learners who need assistance at school,” said Jo-Anne Brown, Economic Development Manager at Perdekraal East Wind Farm
A need for more home-based care workers was identified as a result of the CV-19 pandemic, which saw Vrolike Vinkies Educare faced with the shortage of childcare workers to provide home-based care for children with disabilities.
“This support has had a huge impact in our community. In addition to caring for children, the care workers took part in the CV-19 vaccine drive for sick and unregistered people,” added Brown.
During the training, which commenced a year ago, the students completed three months of theory work and three months of prac-
tical work at various institutions.
Upon completion of their theory work, four of the students were placed at local schools as Assistant Practitioners, while the rest went on to complete their practical work training.
“I am grateful for this once in a lifetime opportunity because I would not have been able to afford a course like this otherwise.
My experience with this programme not only gave me an education, but it also gave me a job after being unemployed for some time. During the course, we got to learn how to put up a drip for a patient, take their blood pressure, change their urine catheter, treat bedsores and do first aid,” concluded Racheal Fortuin, one of the graduates.
NEGE studente van die vennootskapgemeenskappe is regstreekse ontvangers van ’n gelokaliseerde beursprogram, befonds deur die area se windplaas wat daarop gemik is om opvoedkundige verandering te stimuleer.
Die Perdekraal East Wind Farm-beursprogram bied plaaslike gemeenskapslede wat hoër onderwys wil volg die geleentheid om aan erkende instellings te studeer en geakkrediteerde kwalifikasies te verwerf.
“Onderwys bring sosiale verandering vir beide die individu en die gemeenskap in die algemeen. Om befondsing aan die jeug in hierdie gemeenskappe beskikbaar te stel, sal ‘n rimpeleffek hê, aangesien dit op hul beurt hul gemeenskap ophef,” sê Jo-Anne Brown, ekonomiese ontwikkelingsbestuurder by Perdekraal East Wind Farm, wat hierdie program finansier as deel van sy sosioekonomiese ontwikkelingsinisiatief.
Benewens die verskaffing van volle finansiële ondersteuning, bied die program aan begunstigdes mentorskap en loopbaanontwikkelingsondersteuning om hulle te help om in hul gekose loopbane te slaag.
Phumzile Mkhosi, wat ‘n tweedejaar regstudent aan die Universiteit van Pretoria is, en tans ‘n LLB-graad volg, sê die befondsing het ‘n groot verskil in haar lewe gemaak.
“Aangesien ek nie ’n ma het nie en my pa werkloos is, ontvang ek geen finansiële ondersteuning van my ouers nie. Om die beurs te hê, het my behoefte aan finansiële bystand verlig en dit het my gehelp om baie goed by ander studente in te pas, wat die wêreld vir my beteken.
Danksy die toelae wat ek uit die beurs kry, kan ek na al my behoeftes omsien sonder enige hulp van my broers en susters,” het Phumzile uitgespreek.
Die ander twee nuwe beursontvangers sluit in Ami Ludick, wat Besigheids- en Inligtingsadministrasie aan die Kaapse Skiereiland Universiteit van Tegnologie studeer; asook Shanidine Bezuidenhout, wat ‘n BCom in Bestuurswetenskap aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch volg.
“Die geselekteerde studente het ‘n sterk begrip getoon van hul loopbaankeuses en hoe hulle by hul doelwitte aansluit. Die nuwe ontvangers toon ‘n gretigheid om te leer en ‘n gewilligheid om deur uitdagings te volhard,” het Brown bygevoeg.
Die beurskriteria bepaal dat die aansoekers binne die Witzenberg Munisipaliteit moet woon, enige voltydse graad of diploma studeer. tans ingeskryf wees by ‘n publieke of private geakkrediteerde instelling in Suid-Afrika en hul eerste kwalifikasie volg, uitgesluit nagraadse en honneurs. Voorkeur word gegee aan voorheen benadeelde studente.
WELGEMOED Primary School, a tiny farm school close to Ceres was alive with activities on Mandela Day - to give 48 learners new classrooms.
Parents, members of the governing body, and a team from Perdekraal East Wind Farm and Mainstream Renewable Power, spent their 67 minutes for Mandela Day working alongside a local painting crew to make Madiba magic.
“Walking into the newly painted classrooms, I could see the excitement on the learner’s faces.
It is essential for us as principals and teachers to provide a learning environment that encourages discipline and values - it teaches our learners how to be appreciative and take responsibility,” concluded the school principal, Mr Syster.
In keeping with Perdekraal East Wind Farm’s commitment to supporting local business and its Asset Based Community Development approach, the five painters were employed from the local community for two days.
The teams enjoyed spending their time at the school and the painters were happy to share their expertise and guidance to ensure everything was done well.
“The Mandela Day project was a great success - not only do the learners have a cleaner and more welcoming school, but we were able to provide work to five local painters, which we work alongside. Best of all is that our 67 minutes was spent in honour of Madiba’s spirit and the lessons that he instilled in us as South Africans,” said Jo-Anne Brown, Economic Development Manager at Perdekraal East Wind Farm.
COMMUNITY-ORIENTED Primary Care (COPC) is now a reality for community members in the Witzenberg area.
There was much excitement around the delivery of a new mobile clinic that arrived in the Witzenberg area, as it means that community members in this area will receive free primary healthcare from this facility, on an ongoing basis. The launch was held on 12 August 2022, at the Bella Vista Community Hall, with several community members and local healthcare service providers in attendance, to mark the occasion and the commencement of this service.
“The highlight for me is the fact that Community-Oriented Primary Care (COPC) is now more than a concept that is discussed within the circles of health care professionals. Its beneficiaries can now see and experience what it is about in their own communities by being close to it, talking
about it, and experiencing it,” said Public Health Care Manager, Lulamile Wawini, who was one of the attendees at the event.
This initiative is funded by Perdekraal East Wind Farm in partnership with the Ceres Provincial Hospital, and forms part of the wind farm’s Socio-Economic Development Programme.
The mobile clinic offered various healthcare services, including HIV counselling and testing, TB screening, mental health checks, psychological services, and chronic care, all methods of family planning (oral tablets, injectable, Implanon, later intrauterine contraceptive device insertion (loop), as well as (post-exposure) morning after pill); referrals for safe TOP & STOP Breast examination; cervical smear screening; immunization catch-up; COVID testing; vaccination and collection of chronic medication.
CERES Secondary School learners and teachers are delighted to have a new dedicated kitchen, which was handed over to the school on 15 February 2022.
With this fully equipped kitchen, the school can now provide learners with two nutritional meals per day in a safer and more efficient way, helping learners perform better academically and generally enjoy their schooling more.
School Principal, Mrs Wilrozet Strauss expressed her gratitude for the new kitchen, which was funded through Perdekraal East Wind Farm’s socio-economic development programme. The kitchen provides better and more secure working conditions for the kitchen staff.
“This kitchen has already brought our learners and teachers so much joy. Since the new kitchen handover, we have seen a significant improvement in our learner’s demeanour, the motivation of our kitchen staff, and the school at large. The staff can cook in a safer space and the equipment is more conducive to preparing quality food. Overall, it is a more pleasant and comfortable working environment, and the learners can enjoy nutritionally balanced meals,” she said.
Whilst funding has been provided by the local wind farm, the project is implemented in partnership with Breadline Africa, a NGO that is impacting learning environments in a similar way, across the country. Furthermore, this project has been supported by the Western Cape Education Department, which ensured that the kitchen is equipped with essential items.
Previously, the kitchen staff operated from the school hall without any equipment to prepare cooked meals for the learners. With the funding of this prefab-kitchen, as well as the essential kitchen items provided by the Western Cape Education Department, the kitchen staff can now operate in safer and healthier working conditions to prepare nutritious meals, benefiting 567 learners at the school.
“It gives us great pride to have been able to help Ceres Secondary School, as it belongs to quintile four* and is solely funded by the local government.
Children in this area typically come from disadvantaged backgrounds and may arrive at school without food, making it difficult for them to concentrate on their work and learn. So, we, together with Breadline Africa, decided to step in and assist the school by providing a school kitchen which will assist in relieving hunger and improve learning,” concluded JoAnne Brown, Economic Development Manager at Perdekraal East Wind Farm.
MATJIESRIVIER NGK Primary School is celebrating the expansion of its infrastructure and classroom facilities.
This small Karoo school recently received a newly built admin office, funded by Perdekraal East Wind farm, which is enabling the school to conduct administrative tasks and safely store records. Furthermore, the old admin room will be converted into a library and computer lab classroom for the learners to help bridge the digital learning gap.
“We are very happy with the new admin office. This newly constructed space has become a haven and beacon of hope for learners, parents, and teachers. As a result, their spirits have been lifted, and their confidence has increased,” said School Principal, Mr Franse.
Initially, the foundation phase building was used as the general office, but the space was not ideal for learning as visitors had to pass through classrooms to reach the school principal’s office, causing interruptions.
With the new office space, the school is now able to use part of the existing classroom as a computer
lab. This new lab will be a valuable addition to the school, as learners will have the opportunity to gain digital literacy and technology skills. Moreover, learning how to use computers and software is essential in preparing learners for life after they graduate school.
“We are proud to have been part of the Matjiersrivier Primary School infrastructure project. This project has improved the appearance of the school and it will change people’s perception of farm schools. This funding is in line with our mission to promote quality education and to provide the needed help for children to gain equal access to education,” concluded JoAnne Brown, Economic Development Manager at Perdekraal East Wind Farm.
Despite being located in a rural area, Matjiesrivier Primary is an impressive school that has produced many successful learners.
One such learner, Andrea van Rooi, currently completing her honours in Education at the University of the Western Cape, spoke at the launch of the new admin office, encouraging the young learners to not let their pasts dictate where they go in life.
THE learners and teachers at Laastedrif NGK Primary School were thrilled to start the 2022 academic year in their newly renovated classrooms.
The construction project, which was initiated by the school’s principal and commenced late 2021, replaced asbestos class structures to make way for newly built brick classrooms. Overall learners and teachers at this Ceres school, are pleased to have returned to a better learning environment that is safer and more conducive to studying.
“Asbestos is not an ideal material for classrooms, not only because of the possible long-term health impact, but because the classrooms get very hot in summer, which severely restricts academic activities. We found that due to the lack of air conditioning, the classrooms became more humid than brickbuilt rooms, resulting in lethargy and general fatigue amongst our learners making it difficult to concentrate for extended periods of time,” said Mr September, School Principal, Laastedrif NGK Primary School. Funded by Perdekraal East Wind Farm, in collaboration Laastedrif Boerdery and headed by the school’s principal, Mr September, the renovation of this primary school, with over 30 learners from the surrounding community, included plastering and painting of the classrooms, which was not previously possible with the asbestos walls.
“We as educators can now create a proper and inviting classroom atmosphere for our young learners. The brick classrooms aren’t as hot in the extreme summer heat and will be warmer during winter. It no longer rains into the classrooms and learners enjoy the new classrooms and school infrastructure improvements as much as the educators. We are very grateful and proud of this accomplishment,” added Mr September.
This project forms as part of the Wind Farm’s Asset Based Community Development programme, which has a keen focus on mobilising communities.
“We are very proud to have been involved in this project. Our goal has always been to help provide children with access to equitable education. Furthermore, we not only were able to support this school building project, but also a pro-active collaboration between the public and private sector. We believe working together leads to achieving results faster,” concluded Jo-Anne Brown, Economic Development Manager at Perdekraal East Wind Farm.
We are very grateful and proud
A technical training programme seeking to assist the South African renewable energy industry in developing local skills has given 15 young people from Ceres access to a variety of career opportunities.
Having successfully completed phase 1 of this globally compliant training programme, the group will commence the second phase early next year.
“Opportunities in the renewable energy sectors are available worldwide, and this qualification allows young people to become trained and qualified personnel. This programme is just one of the ways in which we develop, upskill, and empower the youth in our communities,” said Jo-Anne Brown, Economic Development Manager at Perdekraal East Wind Farm, which funds this programme.
This two week-long Global Wind Organisation programme, implemented under the guidance of the South
African Renewable Energy Technology Centre (SARETEC), selected youth who had passed Maths and Science in Grade 12 and included modules such as Basic Safety Training, Basic Technical Training, and Bolt Tensioning Training.
The 15 participants achieved above 70% on all training modules, demonstrating their dedication, commitment, and willingness to make a positive change in their lives.
Ongezwa Khelengile, one of the programme participants, said, “I enjoyed the training sessions both professionally and personally.
The facilitator was well-prepared and knowledgeable, and the course content was clear and organised.
Although I have never worked on a Wind Farm before, the technical skills gained from this programme will enable me to contribute to the growth of an organisation. This course was a steppingstone towards my dream of becoming an engineer.”
17-18 DECEMBER 2022
NDULI primary het in 2022 hul eie biblioteek gekry.
Dit is ‘n groot stap vir die skool en die gemeenskap van Nduli wat geen toegang tot boeke het nie
Die skoolhoof, mev. Lethunya, wou die swak geletterdheidsvlak aanspreek en het vroeër dié wens uitgespreek teenoor haar besigheidsvennoot, Maddy Ross, gedurende hul jaar saam in die People for Possibility-program. Die borg van hierdie program was die Perdekraal-Oos windplaas en hulle het in die bresse getree en ‘n fonds vir boeke geskenk.
Daar was egter geen plek om die boeke te huisves nie aangesien die skool geen skoolgronde, saal of ekstra klaskamers het vir kuns, musiek en wetenskap nie.
Met behulp van Ezanne en Louis du Toit van Ceres, is ‘n vraghouer vanaf Maersk verkry, wat vanaf Kaapstad vervoer en omskep is in ‘n biblioteek. Die vraghouer is met ‘n huiskraan in die skoolgrond geplaas.
Dit is tye soos hierdíe waar ‘n mens besef hoe die Ceres gemeenskap help met projekte om ‘n verskil te probeer maak aan ander se welvaart.
Die elektrisiteit, die tuin, ekstra boeke en vele meer
was skenkings vanuit persoonlike sakke. Daar is ‘n menigte omgee-teddiebere wat breiers van die kontrei geskenk het aan vyf gogos wat die skool bystaan om kinders en ouers met probleme te help.
Die opening van die biblioteek het op 11 November plaasgevind en was ‘n dag van groot genot vir die Nduliskool.
Met toesprake, danse en koorsang is die begin van hul eie leeslokaal gevier. Die plaaslike raadslid, Khanyiso Yisa, en mev Lethunya, was dit eens dat dit ‘n nuwe begin is vir die kinders wat smag na boekgeleerdheid en ‘n nuwe wêreld wat vir hulle oopgaan.
Die biblioteek sal nou ‘n groot aanwins vir die skool en gemeenskap wees, aangesien toegang tot dié biblioteek ook aan leerders van omliggende skole gegee sal word. Leerders het maklik toegang tot internetfasiliteite gekry, voorbereiding vir eksamens sal nou gedoen word met die gebruik van verskillende e-leerkanale.
In 2019 is Nduli se gemeenskapsbiblioteek tydens ‘n betoging gevandaliseer. Dit het daartoe gelei dat skoolleerders en die gemeenskapslede nie toegang tot ‘n biblioteek gehad het nie.
Perdekraal East Wind Farm hosting their second annual Christmas Market