WJ Washington Vol 53/Issue 4

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what’s inside Dr. Nesly Clerge

A Lifestyle Magazine

Colleen Sinclair Prosser, Attorney



COMPLIMENTARY Volume 53 Issue 4

Dr. Alan Weiss


omen’s ournal

Featuring Georgetown Pain Management & Medical Director

Dr. Netsere Tesfayohannes



Volume 53 issue 4


omen’s ournal




With over 32 years of experience, The Women’s Journal is a brand you can trust. It is a primary resource for women. Each edition is published bi-monthly and distributed free of charge. You can find a copy of the journal where savvy women shop. The journal also has subscribers that pay to have the journal delivered to their home or business. PUBLISHER Butterfly Media Inc. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS Wendy Ward GRAPHIC DESIGNER Fina Florez 8181 Professional Place, Landover, MD 20785 To Advertise, please call 1-866-517-5049




Submitted By Dr. Net Tesfayohannes

Georgetown Pain Management 7500 Greenway Center Dr., Suite #940, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Phone: (301) 718-1082 / Fax: (301) 718-1084 / www.gtpain.com August - September 2016


Prevent Gum Disease with Laser Dentistry By Dr. Brenda Howard, Cosmetic Dentistry

How are your gums? Are they red, swollen or bleeding? They should not be. They should be firm, tight, pink or brown if yours have melanin pigmentation and they should not bleed. If they are the former, they are diseased and you are in jeopardy of losing your teeth. The loss of teeth has many deleterious results. You are unable to chew your food well, which has a negative effect on digestion. Your jaw joint is not properly supported and you may develop pain in this area. Your facial muscles are no longer supported causing you to look much older than you should. And if this is not enough, there is now evidence linking periodontal (gum) disease to heart disease, low birth weight babies, diabetes and arthritis. So the unhealthy bacteria in your mouth, has an impact on your total health. If you are in need of an exam and consultation to discuss the state of your dental health, give our office a call for a complimentary consultation. We have advanced training in taking care of your teeth and gums and would love to offer our expertise.

Call Blissful Dental today 301-552-2662 Along with the usual dental treatments, we offer : Laser treatment for gum disease Implant replacement for missing teeth Sleep apnea care Don’t let your 2015 Ins. benefits expire. Utilized by the end of the year or you lose them. 9821 Greenbelt Rd #205, Lanham, MD 20706



By Dr. Nesly Clerge


The DOT Physical

he new law mandates that drivers in interstate commerce must use medical examiners that are certified by the FMCSA in order to obtain a medical examiner’s certificate beginning May 21, 2014. These exams can only be performed by chiropractic doctors, medical doctors, osteopathic doctors, advanced nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. All practitioners performing these physicals must take a specialized course and pass a certification test in order to become certified. What to expect during your physical? The doctor will perform a thorough physical examination. The exam requires a thorough review of your health history. The doctor will perform a vision test, a hearing test, blood pressure readings, and a urinalysis. The body systems that are checked will include but is not limited to your general appearance, eyes, ears, mouth, throat, heart, lungs, chest not including a breast examination, abdomen, vascular system, genito-urinary system, extremities, spine, musculoskeletal systems and a neurological exam. For a healthy individual, the maximum certification is 2 years What if I have a health issue? Certain conditions will cause a driver to be disqualified; however, you may be qualified to drive depending on the health condition. Some health problems may require only a one year certification, while other conditions that are well managed may still be granted a 2 year certification. Some surgical procedures may also require a waiting period. The goal of the examiner is to determine the driver’s medical fitness for duty. Specialist such as cardiologist and endocrinologist may perform additional medical evaluation but it is the medical examiner who decides if the driver is medically qualified to drive. Commonly Seen Conditions and what you should bring High blood pressure and diabetes are commonly seen. An individual diagnosed with Stage 1 hypertension (BP is 140/90– 159/99) may be certified for one year. At recertification, an individual with a BP equal to or less than 140/90 may be certified for one year; however, if his or her BP is greater than 140/90 but less than 160/100, a onetime certificate for 3 months can be issued. An


The exam requires a thorough review of your health history.”

individual diagnosed with Stage 2 (BP is 160/100179/109) should be treated and a onetime certificate for 3-month certification can be issued. Once the driver has reduced his or her BP to equal to or less than 140/90, he or she may be recertified annually thereafter. An individual diagnosed with Stage 3 hypertension (BP equal to or greater than 180/110) should not be certified until his or her BP is reduced to 140/90 or less, and may be recertified every 6 months. The driver with diabetes mellitus who does not use insulin is eligible for certification, unless the driver also has a disqualifying complication, comorbidity, or fails to meet one or more of the other standards for qualification. The driver with diabetes must have biennial physical examinations. Copies of your health records from your endocrinologist or your primary care doctor are a must during your visit. Dr. Clerge is a national registered certified medical examiner.■

Dr. Nesly Clerge

Dr. Nesly Clerge is a board certified chiropractor and a National Registry Certified Medical Examiner, with over ten years of experience managing personal injury cases. He also performs DOT physical examinations to determine if drivers are medically qualified to drive. (202)610-0260 (S.E.) / (202)546-7246 (N.E.) www.MytherapyClinic.com. August - September 2016



By Haddis T. Hagos, M.D.

Genicular Neurotomy, a Novel

Approach to the Management of Knee Pain


nee pain is a common complaint among many patients. It is one of the most common reasons that patients seek medical attention from a physician (general practitioners, orthopedists, rheumatologists, and pain management specialists). The cause of knee pain arises from several factors. These include factors originating from inside the knee joint, those from around the joint, and that referred from nearby structures like the hip, femur bone and tibia and fibula bones. Some of the common causes of knee pain from inside the joint include arthritis, infection, fracture, tumor, chronic dislocation of the patella, joint instability, foreign body, patellofemoral syndrome, and hemarthrosis, which is blood formation in the joint. Causes of knee pain attributable to structures around the knee joint includes bursitis, tendonitis, joint instability, muscle strain, muscle sprain, infection around the joint which does not involve the joint space, and adhesive capsulitis (frozen joint). Knee pain can also be caused from systemic disease and some of the most common cases of these are rheumatoid arthritis, gout, Reiter’s syndrome, collagen vascular disease, among others. Though less common, knee pain can also be caused from other areas of the body. These include lumbar radiculopathy (commonly referred to as sciatica), lumbar spondylosis (degeneration in the spinal discs), fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, inguinal hernia, nerve entrapment, and pelvic tumors. Knee pain can be acute or chronic. When the pain is acute in the absence of trauma, it warrants seeking medical attention as some conditions associated with acute knee pain can cause serious damage to the joint, such as bleeding into the joint especially in patients on blood thinners. On the other hand, the prevalence of chronic knee pain has increased over the years. Osteoarthritis of the knee is a common disorder among older adults. Chronic osteoarthritis of the knee is often not effectively treated with our current pharmacological and interventional treatments. As an alternative to current treatment options, a new technology has been developed to effectively treat knee pain: Genicular Nerve Radiofrequency Ablation. Genicular Nerve Radiofrequency Ablation is a new cutting edge treatment currently used to treat osteoarthritis of the knee in patients who have not been effectively treated by current treatment management, those who want to delay surgery, and those who have had knee surgery and failed to have relief of their pain. The procedure is performed in two stages. These include a diagnostic Genicular Nerve block and the Genicular Nerve Ablation. The Genicular Nerve block is a test injection that consists of injecting a small amount of local anesthetic to the Genicular Nerves. If the patient has



sufficient response to the test with significant pain relief, then this justifies going forward with the Genicular Nerve Ablation. The nerve radiofrequency ablation is the therapeutic treatment in which a specialized type of radio wave is applied to the nerves to effectively relieve the pain, provide long term relief and restore function to the patient. The radiofrequency ablation works by shocking the nerves that supplies pain to the knee and stop them from sending signal to the brain. While this is a neuro destructive procedure, the nerves do grow back. The same technology has been used for years in treatment of neck and back pain with excellent success. One of the advantage of this procedure is the fact that it is performed outside of the knee joint. This procedure is indicated for a number of conditions including osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease, chronic knee pain, patients who have undergone total or partial knee surgery, patients who are not candidates for knee replacement, and those who want to avoid surgery totally. If you or someone you know suffers from any of the above conditions, contact our office to further discuss this treatment option. The doctors at the Pain Management Associates provide the option of sedation for our patients’ comfort.■Dr. Foster joined our practice six months ago. She graduated from Boston University medical school, did her residency in Anesthesiology and pain medicine at the University of Maryland. Dr Foster is married and a mother of two children. Dr. Haddis Hagos is an interventional pain physician who has been in practice for over 20 years. He is board certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology in pain management. 7300 Hanover Drive, Ste. 204 Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 / 7500 Greenway Center Drive, Ste. 940 Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Phone: (301) 220-2333



What are the Symptoms of ADHD in Children?

nattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are the key behaviors of ADHD. It is normal for all children to be inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive sometimes, but for children with ADHD, these behaviors are more severe and occur more often. To be diagnosed with the disorder, a child must have symptoms for 6 or more months and to a degree that is greater than other children of the same age. Children who have symptoms of inattention may: • Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another • Have difficulty focusing on one thing • Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless they are doing something enjoyable • Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new • Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments, often losing things (e.g., pencils, toys, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities • Not seem to listen when spoken to • Daydream, become easily confused, and move slowly • Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others • Struggle to follow instructions. Children who have symptoms of hyperactivity may: • Fidget and squirm in their seats • Talk nonstop • Dash around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight • Have trouble sitting still during dinner, school, and story time • Be constantly in motion • Have difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities. Children who have symptoms of impulsivity may: • Be very impatient • Blurt out inappropriate comments, show their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for consequences • Have difficulty waiting for things they want or waiting their turns in games • Often interrupt conversations or others’ activities.

ADHD Can Be Mistaken for Other Problems - Parents and teachers can miss the fact that children with symptoms of inattention have ADHD because they are often quiet and less likely to act out. They may sit quietly, seeming to work, but they are often not paying attention to what they are doing. They may get along well with other children, whereas children who have more symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity tend to have social problems. But children with the inattentive kind of ADHD are not the only ones whose disorders can be missed. For example, adults may think that children with the hyperactive and impulsive symptoms just have disciplinary problems. What Causes ADHD? Scientists are not sure what causes ADHD, although many studies suggest that genes play a large role. Like many other illnesses, ADHD probably results from a combination of factors. ■ Frederick Corder, MD FAAP Dr. Corder attended medical school at Howard University College of Medicine and graduated in 1977. He is board certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Corder was formally the Chief Health Officer for Prince George’s County and the medical Director of several health plans. Dr. Corder has been in Pediatric practice for over 35 years. Dr. Corder, his wife Dr. Marilyn Corder ad their daughter Adrienne Corder started the Corder Pounders Youth Fitness program and the Family Fitness Center. Bowie, MD • (301) 805-2229 / Cheverly, MD • (301) 341-7494 Children’s Medical Center: Washington, DC – T: 202-291-0147 August - September 2016



Achieve Your Best Vision

“ B

You may have heard the saying “Your Eyes are the window to your soul.” Well, did you know that they are also the windows to your youth?! In this two part article we will discuss various ways you can reset the clock on aging.”

Less Wrinkles otox® is a highly purified, naturally occurring protein that has the ability to very precisely relax the muscles to which it is applied. In the 70’s ophthalmologists began injecting it into tiny eye muscles to treat “lazy eye”. In the 80’s, the drug was used to correct other facial, eyelid and limb diseases such as tremors and spasms. It was during a procedure in the late 1980’s that the cosmetic benefit was first noticed. If dynamic wrinkles (related only to the movement of underlying muscle) are starting to make you look older or more “negative”, Botox® can help restore the rested, confident appearance you desire. When done correctly, Botox does not result in a frozen look. Instead it actually allows you to show your true emotion, rather than always having a sad or angry look. It can take up to two weeks to see the effects. In most cases the treatment can last for three months, and continued use can prevent new wrinkles from forming. Less Sweating Botox® can also be administered to reduce excessive sweating. It can be used for an important event, during hot weather, or year-round. After Botox® treatment, excess sweating starts to decrease within a couple of days, and the full effect are reached in two weeks. In addition to making you more comfortable, this treatment may also make feel more confident because you do not have to worry about nervous sweating during important presentations or job interviews. Get Rid of Baggage Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is one of the most commonly performed surgeries. It can be cosmetic or functional. Cosmetic blepharoplasty can give you back your original youthful appearance and reduce heaviness. Functional blepharoplasty may be indicated when heavy eyelid skin hangs over your visual field, blocking the side or overhead visual field. This condition, sometimes referred to as dermatochalasis, is a common change with aging. The need for functional surgery is documented with photography and visual field testing with and without manually lifting the eyelids with tape. Lower lid blepharoplasty can remove the “bags” under the eyes. It is also used if the lower lid hangs down or is



pulled away from the eye. Functional causes are indicated if the lower lid is not in contact with the eyeball or if the lower lid turns inward intermittently and the eye lashes rub against the eye. BLepharoplasty surgery can be done as an outpatient procedure, taking approximately one hour, using gentle sedation and local anaesthetic. It does not require general anaesthesia. Both types of functional blepharoplasty may be covered by insurance. A thorough exam by an ophthalmologist can determine this. Your Best Vision Today’s glasses are not only used to increase vision, they are also a fashion accessory. Many people, including celebrities wear glasses to change their look. An American Board of Opticianary certified optician can help find the right frame to enhance and accent the best parts of your face. Glasses can also help to de-emphasize certain parts of your face that make you less than happy. The technologies used in current lenses make them lighter and stronger than ever before. A managing ABOC certified optician will take the time to find out your specific visual needs for work and play, will determine which type of frame is needed, which type of lens is needed and then show you styles that enhance your look. If you have good vision in only one eye, then you need special frames and lenses that offer protection to preserve your vision. The best sunglasses can help protect you from getting cancer around your eyes, prevent wrinkles and other aging changes around the eyes. Glasses are an investment that you wear every day. You deserve expert help with such an important decision.■

Dr. Renee Bovelle

“Your Best Vision is Our Focus”

12200 Annapolis Rd., Suite 116, Glenn Dale, MD 20769 301-805-4664 www.EnvisionEyeAndLaser.com


Could Vitamin D Deficiency Hasten Cognitive Decline?


itamin D insufficiency is associated with greater declines in cognitive ability and episodic memory in older adults, according to a recent study. In order to further examine the association between vitamin D status and cognitive function, researchers conducted a longitudinal multiethnic cohort study of 382 participants between 2002 and 2010. Participants’ vitamin D serum levels were measured at baseline, and at yearly follow-up visits Note: Vitamin D deficiency was defined as serum level less than 12 ng/mL, insufficient as 12 ng/mL to less than 20 ng/mL, adequate as 20 ng/mL to less than 50 ng/mL, and high as 50 ng/mL or higher. At enrollment, 17.5% of the participants had dementia, 32.7% had mild cognitive impairment, and 49.5% had no cognitive impairment. Overall, average levels of serum vitamin D were lower in the dementia group compared with those of individuals with mild cognitive impairment and healthy individuals. Further, the rates of decline in episodic memory and executive function in participants with vitamin D deficiency and those that were vitamin D insufficient were greater than those with adequate levels of serum vitamin D. “Vitamin D insufficiency was associated with significantly faster declines in both episodic memory and executive function performance, which may correspond to elevated risk for incident [Alzheimer disease] dementia,” they concluded. “Given that vitamin D insufficiency is medically correctable, well-designed clinical trials that emphasize enrollment of individuals of nonwhite race/ethnicity with hypovitaminosis D could be useful for testing the effect of Vitamin D replacement on dementia prevention.” Unique Health Clinic LLC is a multi-specialty clinic conveniently situated in Bowie, Maryland and we are wellknown for excellence in urgent care, primary care and many other medical care services. We are dedicated to helping clients achieve healing and better health with the different health care programs offered at out clinic. Whether you’re here for urgent care needs, preventive, or chronic health issues, expect to be treated with courtesy and professionalism from the moment you walk in. We take great pride in the quality of services that we offer because it is only by proficiently meeting patient needs that we fulfill our function as medical practitioners.

Vitamin D insufficiency was associated with significantly faster declines in both episodic memory and executive function performance As a team, we work shoulder to shoulder to deliver comprehensive and compassionate healthcare service that is second to none. To us, it is an honor to be entrusted with the health of another human being. With this honor, we strive to achieve: • Accurate diagnostic pronouncements and appropriate treatments for patients. • Empathic patient care that not only addresses physical health issues but also provides emotional support. • Excellence in medical interventions and preventive care. • Continuing to make your healthcare our mission as your partner for a better health. We are now accepting new patients! Call (301) 769 – 6558 now to schedule your appointment or you can also go to www.uniquehealthclinic.com to schedule. No matter whom we serve, our quality of care remains the same. Experience personalized and compassionate care only at Unique Health Clinic LLC.■

4000 Mitchellville Road, Suite 220 Bowie, Maryland 20716 (301) 769 – 6558 www.uniquehealthclinic.com August - September 2016






The Right Way to Wash your Workout Gear


f you’re finding more stains on your clothes because the weather is warming up, you’re not alone. You may find yourself doing more loads of laundry during the summer, when outdoor activities like hiking and sports are likely to cause extra stains. To help you take on your growing laundry pile, Whirlpool Corporation’s Institute of Home Science cleaning expert Mary Zeitler weighed in on the best ways to wash workout gear and remove your toughest stains: Washing athletic clothes Zeitler suggests turning running shorts, yoga pants, lycra and spandex garments inside out before washing. You should also wash these garments in warm - not hot - water, and stay away from liquid chlorine bleach which can break down the fabric. Dirt and mud Remove excess dirt and mud from the surface and rinse in cold water before adding to the washer. Wash in the warmest water safe for the garment with a gentle de-

tergent and, if necessary, you can follow up with a wash in color-safe bleach for colors or liquid chlorine bleach for whites. For grass stains, Zeitler says to check the care label and soak the garment in a mixture of detergent and water before adding to the warmest wash that’s appropriate for the material.

Sweat and odors Apply liquid detergent or a pre-treater to help loosen deodorant, which can trap sweat and odors. If the odors persist, you can always send the garment through another cycle before transferring to the dryer. No matter what kind of stain you’re working with, don’t put your stained clothes in the dryer until you are sure it was successfully removed. Another way to wash workout gear is to take advantage of the PowerWash System within the Maytag Front Load Washer, which provides great cleaning power and the ability to handle your toughest loads. For more expert tips on laundry, visit Whirlpool Corporation’s Institute of Home Science.■ August - September 2016





beauty tips to take you from summer to fall

s the sunny days and sizzling heat of summer come to an end, it’s time to transition into a new hair and beauty routine. The shifting seasons can be the perfect time to try a new trend and there are plenty of style tricks that will help you gradually change your look along with the leaves. Our favorite style experts share valuable tips for men and women to help you take your look to the next level. 1. Take day of TLC After hours under the sun, spend a day pampering your skin. Use a sugar or salt scrub to get rid of rough patches, impurities and lingering dead skin cells. Then, use a scented body wash like Caress Mystic Forever body wash to seal in moisture. “There is nothing more attractive than soft skin and good fragrance,” says international plus size model Denise Bidot. “I love how the scent is released hours after I used it.” The fragrance touch technology in the body wash releases bursts of iris and amber scent throughout the day. 2. Embrace your Confidence The transition period between summer and fall is a great time to re-energize. Men can up their game by changing deodorants. AXE Adrenaline Dry Spray Antiperspirant leaves no visible residue and will help you conquer your day with the long lasting fragrance of fresh green woods.



3. Start with a blank canvas Before you begin your beauty routine for the day, make sure your entire face is clean. Iris Beilin, YouTube beauty guru, uses a cleansing wipes like POND’S Original Fresh Wet Cleansing Towelettes, to make sure her face is dirt and oil free. After that, moisturize and prime your face before putting on makeup. 4. Give your hair an intensive treatment The elements can be hard on your hair, but you can fight the damage with a coconut oil treatment. Celebrity hairstylist Leonardo Rocco recommends using a repairing oil, like Suave Coconut Oil Infusion Damage Repair Oil Treatment, to bring your strands back to life. “In the shower, put a few drops into your hands, rub them together and apply it to your hair from the middle to the ends. Leave in for three minutes, rinse and style as usual,” says Rocco. 5. Deepen your color palette Swap your gold, nude and bronze shades for a color palette more suitable for the autumn season. Rich shades of plum and wine pair well with matte textures and add warmth when you’re getting ready on those crisp fall mornings. As the summer days come to an end, follow these tips to ease your transition into the crisp fall weather.■


August - September 2016




COMMUNITY Help Us Keep Our Kids Safe & Our Community Strong


r. Hillard has been an exceptional resource parent serving the District’s teens in foster care for nearly 30 years. Dr. Hillard is no stranger to foster care. Dr. Hillard shared, “I was introduced to the idea by my parphotographybymadison.com ents who fostered numerous children for many years. It became a collaborative family mission to care for children and youth in need and as a result, I initially became involved by serving as a backup support and respite to my parents.” Dr. Hillard also shared, “I too wanted to give back so that I could contribute in a positive way to my community. Dr. Hillard decided to eventually become a foster parent and serve specifically, youth over the age of 13. “I felt that this group was often vulnerable and difficult to place says Dr. Hillard.” Dr. Hillard feels that she has made a difference for youths in care in so many ways. “I have exposed them to theater, travel, educational activities, as well as career opportunities. I also feel that in addition, I have encouraged spiritual growth and development. It has been so wonderful to witness some of the youth pursue college or other vocational paths.” Currently, she is fostering a young lady who is 18 years old who will be attending college this fall. Dr. Hillard says, “It is important to help one another and to work together, otherwise we cannot expect progress to occur in our community.” She advocates that our community pull together and consider becoming a foster parent for a youth in need of support and love. “If we all do our part, this will promote a positive change for our community. “ Thank you, Dr. Hillard for being a valued partner in strengthening families, communities, and our city! Basic Criteria/Qualifications to Become a Foster Parent • Be At Least 21 • Can be single married with or without children in the home • Live in the District • Be able to support your household financially • No record of child abuse/neglect • Be in good physical and mental health • Have enough space in your home or apartment for children to sleep separately from adults and opposite sex if they are over the age of 5 • Have the time and ability to provide good care guidance and support to children and teens.

Support for Foster Parents/Resource Parents CFSA provides support services for all of our foster parents. From medical care, clothing, and school supplies to short term care for the children you foster if you need to take a break, the agency will help you care for our city’s youth. CFSA

also provides you the opportunity to join a network of fellow current and past foster parents through our Family Connections Cluster program. The program meets frequently to share stories, resources, and support for one another. It is only with the help of community members like you that we can provide District children and teens in need with the safe, temporary homes that will sustain them through difficult times. Will you join us as a valued partner in strengthening families, communities, and our city? To Learn more about becoming a Foster Parent in DC call: 202-671-LOVE (5683) or visit Fosterdckids.org.■


onna Flenory has been a foster parent with the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency for 16 years and exclusively cares for teenagers. “I began fostering when a friend, who was a CFSA employee, suggested that I get involved with a program that was only a six-month obligation,” Flenory says. “Sixteen years later, fostering has been one of the most rewarding things I have done in my life. The teens have actually enriched my life far more than I think I have enriched theirs. My foster children have been a joy to be around.” In caring for teens, Flenory strives to create a safe place for them to be themselves. “My approach and attitude are to be open and understanding of their needs and not to take all of their words and actions personally,” she says. She does not engage in power struggles but is both loving and firm. She wants the youths to settle in and feel safe and at home. Flenory is still in touch with the first two teens she cared for years ago. “I am considered a grandparent to three children born to two former young people who lived in my care,” she says proudly. One young woman formerly in care lives within walking distance of Flenory’s home, an ongoing connection that definitely feels like family. In fact, Flenory has been “extended family” for a number of young people in care, helping them enroll in college and transporting one to her freshman dorm at Alabama A & M University. “Teens never outgrow the need for family and secretly desire guidance and support even when they become young adults,”Flenory states. “I hope other District residents will step up and take on this important work. Nothing feels as good as making a difference.”■ August - September 2016



Modern Family Portraits: How Tech is Driving Design in Today’s Living Rooms





he evolution of American families and their changing lifestyles is a popular topic these days. As family dynamics and lifestyles morph, they drive a change in home design. Aside from the enduring presence of a TV and seating, today’s living room looks and functions very differently from living rooms of just a few decades ago. “People are changing their vision of a ‘traditional home,’ “ notes Lydia Marks, co-principal of New York City-based design firm Marks & Frantz Design. “That new vision requires different design ideas, and technology is really informing design decisions in modern living rooms.” “The forces behind these changing dynamics include generational shifts in attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles as well as advancements in home technology, each informing the other,” adds Lisa Frantz, co-principal of Marks & Frantz Design. “Millennials are spending more time at home, parents are seeking memorable experiences through home entertainment, and boomers are working later in life, often multitasking across devices within their home. These shifts are helping drive the trend toward living room designs that are more adaptable.” Usable decor at the heart of today’s living room Today’s living rooms feature a multitude of state-of-theart technology. Stunning televisions, slim speakers, ultra slim laptops and tablets are a must in today’s living room designs, and because there are so many options and colors to choose from, families can seamlessly integrate technology to enhance the function and design - even in traditional homes. “New colors like rose gold laptops and vintage orange portable speakers create new opportunities to add personalized touches, while striking new television design, like LG OLED TVs, make a stunning statement piece,” Marks says. “And it’s not just about the advanced design form,” adds Frantz. “These products are also delivering innovative performance. It’s about form and function. LG OLED TVs not only look great, but they deliver stunning picture quality and advanced access to streaming content from popular apps, internet channels and streaming content providers.” Connected devices like Smart TVs are transforming how people consume content. Advances such as the webOS Smart TV Platform offer new features like “Channel Plus” for simple access to channels including BuzzFeed, Esquire and more. And, as the first TV to support both available HDR formats - Dolby Vision HDR and HDR10 - OLED smart TV users can stream the newest HDR titles from leading content providers like Netflix, Amazon Video and VUDU.

Dynamic, multi-purpose living spaces Formal living and dining rooms that are never used are a thing of the past, Marks explains. TV still remains king; Mintel reports 99 percent of American households with children younger than 18 have at least one TV in their home. However, families are using spaces like living rooms to serve multiple functions, including entertainment and work, researching and making purchasing decisions, and communicating with distant loved ones. According to a recent Mintel study, more than 80 percent of millennials shop for clothing apparel online and more than 67 percent have “binge watched” a TV series, ranking it as their top online TV viewing behavior. Devices such as the feather-weight LG gram 15 laptop, clocking in at a mere 2.2 pounds with a large 15.6-inch screen, make it easier than ever to transition from the office to the living room while also providing enough screen space to multitask between work deadlines, watching your favorite sporting event and late-night online shopping. A smarter home on the rise Homes are becoming as connected as the people who live in them. Today, home automation systems can control thermostat settings, lower and raise mechanized blinds, turn lights off or on, and monitor home security. “With the popularity of wireless devices and smart homes, homebuyers and real estate developers alike now have a stronger interest in creating spaces that seamlessly integrate advanced technology in ways that will enhance the space, and simplify a buyer’s life,” notes real estate trends specialist Ricardo Rodriguez of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. At the same time, people remain concerned about the high initial set-up costs and perceived complexity of connected homes. Professional installation of consumer electronics products has remained a rare occurrence, even among higher-income households. In fact, in a recent Mintel study, only 10 percent of respondents had ever paid for custom installation of electronics. Instead, consumers prefer DIY (do-it-yourself) and plug-and-play home monitoring solutions with home automation capability, like the Smart Security from LG and ADT, which represents an easy-to-install approach that gives families greater control over how they protect and control their homes. “Product design is so streamlined and visually appealing that consumer electronics are no longer the elephant in the room; they’re often the star. Stylish interiors are enhanced by smart technology, and that’s really having a transformational influence on modern living room design,” Marks says.■ August - September 2016




Go Big for Less:

“ K

simple ways to make a small kitchen feel bigger

Make your snug kitchen feel bigger and fresher with a few smart improvements.”

itchen renovation is a common theme of home improvement shows, and it’s typical for the host and designer to talk about removing interior walls and “bumping out” exterior ones in order to gain more space. Everyone wants a big, beautiful kitchen, but changing the footprint of yours isn’t always practical, especially if you lack the budget of a home improvement show! You can make your snug kitchen feel bigger and fresher with a few smart improvements that don’t involve wads of cash and tearing out walls. Here are four ways to create a brighter, more expansive feeling in any kitchen, no matter how small the square footage: Increase natural light Everything looks bigger and better in the daylight, but if your kitchen has just one small window over the sink or no windows at all, it can look dark and feel even smaller. Adding windows isn’t always possible in a kitchen where you need to reserve wall space for cabinets and appliances. Skylights can be a cost-effective and quick way to bring more natural light into a kitchen - even if it doesn’t have direct roof access. By adding Energy Star-qualified, solar-powered, freshair skylights, like those from Velux America, you can greatly increase the amount of natural light while keeping functional wall space. For times when you want less light, the addition of solar-powered blinds, available in designer colors and patterns, allow you to attractively shade your skylights. Operated with a programmable touchpad remote control, today’s skylights also feature a sensor that will automatically close them in case of rain. And there’s a 30 percent federal tax credit available to the homeowner on solar powered skylights, blinds and installation costs.



HOME DECOR As a cost-effective and easily installed alternative to traditional skylights, Sun Tunnel tubular skylights deliver natural light to spaces that don’t have direct roof access. Optional light kits make them functional both day and night. To learn more, visit www.whyskylights. com. Take control of cabinets Who doesn’t want more cabinet space? Storage is essential in a kitchen, but too many cabinets or too dark cabinetry can make an already small kitchen feel downright miniscule. Take a long, hard look at your kitchen cabinets. Do you really need all of them? If you decide you can make more efficient use of fewer cabinets, consider removing some to make the kitchen feel larger. If you just can’t give up any cabinet space, you can still make your kitchen feel brighter by painting or staining them a lighter hue and using bright, reflective hardware in modern styles. Glass cabinet doors can also visually open up a kitchen - and inspire you to greater organization so that the inside of your cabinets always look guest-ready. Right-size appliances You may fantasize about a six-burner professional range or a massive built-in refrigerator, but appliances that are too big for a room fail on multiple levels. They not only make the room look smaller by virtue of their dominating size, they can hinder usability by obstructing other work areas like cabinets, counters and other appliances when the doors are open. Fortunately, appliance makers offer products in multiple sizes and finishes to fit any space and design preference. Before you appliance shop, be sure to measure the spaces where the new pieces will reside in your kitchen. Further, keep in mind the overall scale of the room, too. If your kitchen is small, a massive refrigerator will overwhelm the space, even if designated cutout for the fridge is big enough to accommodate a large one. Brighten up Choosing lighter colors and finishes is the easiest, most cost-effective way to make any space look bigger. If you’ve already addressed the cabinets, you can further expand the visual feel of the kitchen by painting walls a light color. Replace dark floors and counters with brighter colors and upgrade faucets, cabinet hardware and light fixtures to be brighter and more reflective. Finally, try adding under-cabinet lighting above work spaces. Not only will task lighting put more illumination where you need it most when working in the kitchen, but when combined with abundant natural light from skylights it will enhance the overall effect of a lighter, brighter and bigger space.■ August - September 2016


Healthy Meals COMMUNITY



Superfoods thatSupport kids’ Eye Health

he start of the school year means a laundry list of to-do’s for parents. From shopping for school supplies to scheduling an annual physical, it’s a hectic yet exciting time for the entire family. As kids settle back into the groove of the school year, you can ensure they are prepared with the right pencils and notebooks, but if they are straining to see the teacher, learning will be a challenge. “The first step is to have your child’s vision checked annually by a doctor,” says registered dietitian, Tammy Lakatos. “The next step is to maintain healthy vision which parents can easily do by providing a wholesome diet rich in vitamin-packed foods proven to support eye health.” While carrots have a reputation as an eyehealthy food, there are many other options that keep kids seeing sharp. These five superfoods will help keep your kids’ eyes healthy so they can better focus at school. Berries Bulk up on berries to maintain that perfect vision. Blueberries, blackberries and strawberries are packed with eye-healthy vitamin C. Bonus: because vitamin C is an antioxidant that boosts the immune system, it will help stave off the coughs and colds that often come along with the start of school. Nuts and seeds When kids crave crunch, seeds and nuts are the perfect choice. English walnuts, raw almonds, flax seed and sunflower seeds are satisfying on top of yogurt or in a homemade trail mix. Plus, these nuts and seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which research shows can help support vision. Eggs This breakfast staple can boost eye health, but keep in mind not all eggs are created equal. Eggland’s Best eggs come from hens fed a wholesome, all-vegetarian diet that results in a superior egg packed with eye-healthy nutrients such as 38 percent more lutein, three times more vitamin B 12 and five times more vitamin D than ordinary eggs. Dark green vegetables Antioxidants in kale, spinach and broccoli help keep eyes healthy and prevent disease. Each



vegetable contains high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, which studies have found lowers the risk of advanced macular degeneration and cataracts. Citrus fruit Oranges make awesome snacks or meal addons. Because citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C, you’re not only giving your child a naturally sweet treat, you’re helping support eye health. Plus, the smell of citrus will awaken the senses to help fight the afternoon slump. Want a tasty recipe kids will love that incorporates multiple eye-healthy superfoods? Get into the back-to-school spirit and try these Green Eggs and Ham Cups for breakfast or lunch. For more recipe ideas, Lakatos recommends visiting www. egglandsbest.com. Green Eggs and Ham Cups Ingredients - Make 12 cups 7 Eggland’s Best Eggs (large) 1 cup fresh spinach, chopped 1/4 cup onions, finely chopped 1/2 cup broccoli florets, finely chopped 3/4 cups extra lean ham, diced Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste Shredded cheese of your choice (optional) Preparation 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 2. Sauté onions and broccoli over medium heat until soft. Add spinach, ham and continue cooking until spinach is wilted. 3. In a mixing bowl, whisk together eggs and seasonings. Add vegetable and ham mixture to eggs. 4. Coat 12 muffin cups with nonstick cooking spray and fill each muffin cup with egg/veggie mixture. 5. Top with shredded cheese. 6. Bake 15-17 minutes or until eggs spring back or toothpick comes out clean. 7. Cool on a rack and remove from pan. Enjoy warm or room temperature. 8. *Egg cups can be rewarmed in the microwave or toaster oven if desired.■

Healthy Meals

August - September 2016


Healthy Meals COMMUNITY

Five Ways to Say goodbye to your ‘sad desk lunch’


ou’re running out the door, already late and thinking about that important 8 a.m. meeting. Lunch is the last thing on your mind. In fact, you usually just pick something up from the deli line or local fast food place and hurry back to your desk. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Only one in five people actually ditch their desks during their lunch hour. When you feel your stomach growl, it’s all too easy to grab something from the vending machine or - if you remember - to pack a cold turkey sandwich. But there are plenty of easy ways to spice up your lunchtime routine at work. Here are some tips to improve your mediocre midday meal: Walk away from your desk Do you eat at your desk every day? You have a lunch break for a reason; so use it. You’re busy and need a few minutes to



recharge throughout the day. You’ll come back refreshed and ready to be productive for the rest of the afternoon. Eating at your desk also means you’re probably multi-tasking, not paying attention to your food. Leaving your desk will help you become a more mindful eater and you’ll enjoy your meal more. Take a walk, socialize with coworkers, do something that gets you up and moving for at least 15 minutes. Bake up a batch of healthy chips Step away from the snack machine. You don’t need those stale potato chips. You can bake your own with only six ingredients. Thickly slice two pounds of potatoes and coat them with olive oil and one tablespoon of salt. Season with cayenne and ground pepper. Arrange the slices on a greased baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes until potatoes are crisp and golden brown. Then, spread

Healthy Meals

them out on parchment paper, sprinkle with salt and enjoy. Pack a handful of chips in your lunch each day for more crunch and less guilt. Stray from the PB and J Peanut butter and jelly might be a staple, but it’s time for a grown-up work lunch. You can find sandwich fixings that are not only easy and quick, but take your lunch to the next level. Try a gourmet chicken salad like the no-mayo Avocado Chicken Salad from Willow Tree Farm. It’s a better-for-you option, saving you calories and fat, because it’s made with Aveyo, a spread simply containing Hass avocado, white vinegar, olive oil, sea salt and lime juice. It takes the place of eggs and most of the oil, while still maintaining that classic creamy texture and flavor. Find a new way to pack your salad Forget about soggy, wilted lettuce. One of the best ways to pack a salad is in a quart-sized canning jar. Put your dressing on the bottom, add in your lettuce, veggies and

any other salad toppings. If you really want to kick up your salad game, Willow Tree Farm’s new Sriracha Chicken Salad layers perfectly with leafy greens and adds a tasty spice to your salad. Everything stays separate until it’s time to toss together. Simply pour the salad out into a bowl and you’re ready to eat. Your salad will also last for a couple of days in the fridge, so you can make a few days’ worth of lunches ahead of time. Make your lunch at work Are you always running out of time to pack a lunch? Choose a lunch you can throw together in minutes. A chicken salad wrap, tuna melt, pita pocket sandwich with hummus or a Greek yogurt parfait are all relatively simple, healthy meals you can prepare in the office. Keep the ingredients on hand and lunch will be a no-brainer. Make sad desk lunches a thing of the past with these tips. For more ideas for reinventing your lunchtime routine, visit willowtreefarm.com.■ August - September 2016


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August - September 2016


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