PrinceGeorge's WJ Vol 49/Issue 6

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Prince George’s County



A Lifestyle Magazine

COMPLIMENTARY Volume 49 Issue 6

omen’s ournal

How Does the New

‘female Viagra’ Work?

Dr. Chetanna Okasi MENTOR Maryland Change a Life


How does the new

‘Female Viagra’ work? By Dr. Okasi


any women experience problems with sex at some point in their lives. Yet, it is a topic that many people are hesitant or embarrassed to discuss. Pain, lack of desire, lack of arousal, or failure to achieve orgasm are all signs of female sexual dysfunction. Natural changes that occur after childbirth or menopause can play a role. Additionally, illness, medications, life and relationship stress, and poor self-image can


As the clinical trials progressed over the course of about 8 years, so did techniques in determining desire.” prevent women from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity. Several years ago, the discovery of Viagra for men revolutionized the world of male sexual dysfunction and it was hoped that a similar drug would be found for women. The FDA recently approved Flibanserin (trade name “Addy”), a new female libido drug that aims to boost sexual desire in women. Although it is sometimes referred to as the “female Viagra,” it works very differently.

Flibanserin was originally investigated in 1995 by a team of researchers at Boehringer Ingelheim Italia in Milan as an antidepressant. A clinical trial found it did little to alleviate depression, but did seem to have an effect on mood. It just wasn’t the mood the researchers were expecting. These early trials tipped clinicians to flibanserin’s more prominent role in sexual health, as female subjects had higher scores on the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale, a survey that asks

participants to rate their satisfaction on a variety of sexual health topics, like how often participants felt sexual desire and how intense that desire was. In later trials, another group of researchers explored flibanserin as a libido-enhancer in 2008. Their subjects reported higher levels of sexual desire. In spite of these results, the FDA rejected the drug twice concluding that the reported increases in libido were not statistically significant. Regulators were wary of potentially dangerous side effects like dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, and fainting. Subsequently, Sprout Pharmaceuticals did additional testing and development with thousands of women reporting significant improvement in sexual desire. Flibanserin took center stage this summer by winning long-sought approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in August 2015. So what turned FDA’s red light green? For one: the parameters of the later trials. According to Sheryl Kingsberg, a reproductive biology and psychology researcher at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio and Clinical Investigator on the flibanserin trials, the evaluation of sexual desire in the brain is not a particularly clear-cut measurement. As the clinical trials progressed over the course of about 8 years, so did techniques in determining desire. In more recent trials, women reported about one more positive sexual experience per month, and about 10% more of the patients who took flibanserin reported meaningful improvements compared with a placebo group. By these measures, FDA approved Addyi as the first drug meant to kindle desire. Though it’s been nicknamed the “female Viagra,” the two drugs function in very different ways—Viagra aims to enhance performance whereas flibanserin (Addyi) aims to balance chemicals in the brain that enhance

For some women, Addyi can prove to be an effective solution for a normal healthy sex life.” sexual desire. Addyi is much less effective than Viagra so don’t expect to see a guaranteed response in every woman. Unlike Viagra that men take just when they want to have sex, Addyi is meant to be taken on a daily basis and the effects can take up to 4 weeks to notice, and may improve as time progresses. Addyi is meant only

HEALTH & WELLNESS for certain women who have not yet gone through menopause and who have a low desire for sex that is causing them stress. It is not recommended for women whose low libido is due to medical or psychiatric problems or medication, or problems within the relationship. Addyi cannot be used with alcohol or certain medications. For now, FDA has cautioned users with a black-box warning. In essence, a woman taking Addyi daily would have to give up alcohol. Addyi can cause dizziness, low blood pressure and fainting. Although Addyi is available to the general public, Addyi must be prescribed by a doctor with training and certification for patient safety. Women who experience any type of problem with sex are encouraged to talk to their doctor. A thorough assessment of all possible underlying causes is essential. In most cases, doctors recommend trying other things to improve your relationship and sex life before even trying medicine. For some women, Addyi can prove to be an effective solution for a normal healthy sex life. Most importantly, women who feel healthy and happy are more likely to be happy with their sex life.■

Ellicott City: 9501 Old Annapolis Road, Suite 305 Ellicott City, MD 21042 Laurel 8317 Cherry Lane Laurel, MD 20707 Phone numbers: 443-380-0060 410-730-7722 December - January 2015



Volume 49 issue 6


omen’s ournal


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December - January 2015



IOL Implants: Lens Replacement and Cataract Surgery


efore intraocular lenses (IOLs) were developed, people had to wear very thick eyeglasses or special contact lenses to be able to see after cataract surgery. Now, with cataract lens replacement, several types of IOL implants are available to help people enjoy improved vision. Discuss these options with Dr. Bovelle to determine the IOL that best suits your vision needs and lifestyle. Cataract lens replacement: How IOLs work Like your eye’s natural lens, an IOL focuses light that comes into your eye through the cornea and pupil onto the retina, the sensitive tissue at the back of the eye that relays images through the optic nerve to the brain. Most IOLs are made of a flexible, foldable material and are about one-third of the size of a dime. Like the lenses of prescription eyeglasses, your IOL will contain the appropriate prescription to give you the best vision possible. Read below to learn about how IOL types correct specific vision problems. Which lens option is right for you? Before surgery your eyes are measured to determine your IOL prescription, and you and Dr Bovelle. will compare options to decide which IOL type is best for you, depending in part on how you feel about wearing glasses for reading and near vision. • The type of IOL implanted will affect how you see when not wearing eyeglasses. Glasses may still be needed by some people for some activities. • If you have astigmatism, Dr. Bovelle will discuss toric IOLs and related treatment options with you. • In certain cases, cost may be a deciding factor for you if you have the option of selecting special premium lOLs that may reduce your need for glasses. •

Intraocular lens (IOL) types Monofocal lens This common IOL type has been used for several decades. • Monofocals are set to provide best corrected vision at near, intermediate or far distances. • Most people who choose monofocals have their IOLs set for distance vision and use reading glass6

Submitted by Dr. Renee Bovelle

Like the lenses of prescription eyeglasses, your IOL will contain the appropriate prescription to give you the best vision possible.”

es for near activities. On the other hand, a person whose IOLs were set to correct near vision would need glasses to see distant objects clearly. Some who choose monofocals decide to have the IOL for one eye set for distance vision, and the other set for near vision, a strategy called “monovision.” The brain adapts and synthesizes the information from both eyes to provide vision at intermediate distances. Often this reduces the need for reading glasses. People who regularly use computers, PDAs or other digital devices may find this especially useful. Individuals considering monovision may be able to try this technique with contact lenses first to see how well they can adapt to monovision. Those who require crisp, detailed vision may decide monovision is not for them. People with appropriate vision prescriptions may find that monovision allows them see well at most distances with little or no need for eyeglasses.


Presbyopia is a condition that affects everyone at some point after age 40, when the eye’s lens becomes less flexible and makes near vision more difficult, especially in low light. Since presbyopia makes it difficult to see near objects clearly, even people without cataracts need reading glasses or an equivalent form of vision correction.

Multifocal or accommodative lenses These newer IOL types reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. • In the multifocal type, a series of focal zones or rings is designed into the IOL. Depending on where incoming light focuses through the zones, the person may be able to see both near and distant objects clearly. • The design of the accommodative lens allows certain eye muscles to move the IOL forward and backward, changing the focus much as it would with a natural lens, allowing near and distance vision. • The ability to read and perform other tasks without glasses varies from person to person but is generally best when multifocal or accommodative IOLs are placed in both eyes. • It usually takes 6 to 12 weeks after surgery on the second eye for the brain to adapt and vision improvement to be complete with either of these IOL types. Considerations with multifocal or accommodative IOLs • For many people, these IOL types reduce but do not eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. For example, a person can read without glasses, but the words appear less clear than with glasses. • Each person’s success with these IOLs may depend on the size of his/her pupils and other eye health factors. People with astigmatism can ask Dr Bovelle about toric IOLs and related treatments. • Side effects such as glare or halos around lights, or decreased sharpness of vision (contrast sensitivity) may occur, especially at night or in dim light. Most people adapt to and are not bothered by these effects, but those who frequently drive at night or need to focus on close-up work may be more satisfied with monofocal IOLs. Toric IOL for astigmatism This is a monofocal IOL with astigmatism correction built into the lens. • Astigmatism: This eye condition distorts or blurs the ability to see both near and distant objects. With astigmatism the cornea (the clear front window of

the eye) is not round and smooth (like a basketball), but instead is curved like a football. People with significant degrees of astigmatism are usually most satisfied with toric IOLs. People who want to reduce (or possibly eliminate) the need for eyeglasses may opt for an additional treatment called limbal relaxing incisions, which may be done at the same time as cataract surgery or separately. These small incisions allow the cornea’s shape to be rounder or more symmetrical.

Other important cataract lens replacement considerations • In some cases, after healing completely from the cataract lens surgery, some people may need further correction to achieve the best vision possible. Their ophthalmologist may recommend additional surgery to exchange an IOL for another type, implant an additional IOL, or make limbal relaxing incisions in the cornea. Other laser refractive surgery may be recommended in some cases. • People who have had refractive surgery such as LASIK need to be carefully evaluated before getting IOLs because the ability to calculate the correct IOL prescription may be affected by the previous refractive surgery. • People with Dry Eye need to be evaluated before cataract surgery. Untreated Dry Eye can affect the calculations needed to choose the specific IOL for you. So if you have Dry Eye please take your eye drops as directed.■ Article written by Kierstan Boyd, reviewed by Dr. Elena Jiménez and reprinted from:

Dr. Renee Bovelle

“Your Best Vision is Our Focus”

12200 Annapolis Rd., Suite 116, Glenn Dale, MD 20769 301-805-4664 December - January 2015



Santa’s Gift That Keeps on Giving!


f you’ve been a good boy or girl this year, why not give yourself the gift of bio-identical natural hormones? When men have their testosterone supplemented at New Day Vitality Hormone Center (newdayvitality. com) some comments I hear in my office are: • “I have way more energy” • “I can keep up with the young guys now” • “My wife is REALLY happy!” • “My co-workers can tell the difference” When women have their hormones supplemented at New Day Vitality Hormone Center comments I hear include: • “Sex doesn’t hurt anymore” • “My hot flashes are completely gone!” • “I feel like going to the gym now” • ‘My husband wants to send you a thank you card.”

Wait…there is more! Not only does it benefit the quality of your life now but research shows again and again that it prevents the diseases of aging, namely diabetes, cardiovascular disease, strokes, dementias and osteoporosis. Studies report that hormone supplementation produces improvement in body composition, lipid profiles, cardiovascular risk factors, and increases in muscle strength and fitness. Hormones reduce the incidence of major illness and thereby prolong life. It is not only the longevity that is important, but more so the quality of life; free of illness and disability. The goal is to extend the health and vigor of our middle-aged years into our 70s, 80s and 90s. Hormone deficiency is responsible for many of the symptoms that occur as we get older and is relatively simple to treat. Severe deficiency over a prolonged period might result in illness, physical impairment, disability, increased health problems and early death. In spite of effective treatments being available, most individuals go without treatment. The basics for optimal health and longevity are proper diet, exercise, nutritional supplementation and natural hormone replacement. Bio-identical hormones slow cellular degeneration and allow improved function and healing. This results in less disease and illness, a slowing of the aging process and a better quality of life. At New Day Vitality Hormone Center our comprehensive history, physical and blood panel enables our medical practitioners to provide natural hormone replacement specifically for you. If “More Vital Days and Romantic Nights” is first on your Christmas list, New Day Vitality can grant that wish. 8

The goal is to extend the health and vigor of our middle-aged years.” Call us at 410-793-5212 to set up your free consultation today!

A Primer on Stress:


Just for the Holidays! H By Alan Weiss, M.D.

ere we go into the holiday season with all the activities, get-togethers, and parties that go along with that. Of course, however, along with the joyful aspects come increased levels of stress, indulging in food and drink, and (often) more excuses to not exercise and disruptions to our routines. So what is stress? The notion of the stress response was pioneered by Hans Selye, who came up with the different phases of the stress response. He made it clear that it is NOT “all in your head” but that stress has a real physiological effect that can have negative effects on our well-being. Of course what is stressful for one person may not be for another, so certainly the experience of stress has something to do not just with the circumstances but with the person experiencing the circumstance. However none of us is impervious, so it is useful both to understand what happens when we are stressed and what we can do about it. The stress response is largely regulated by a gland in the brain called the hypothalamus which receives signals from other parts of the brain that are designed to perceive stress. When stress signals are activated, both the brain and they hypothalamus (via the pituitary gland) send signals to the adrenal gland to produce cortisol and adrenaline. Thus when people are stressed in the short term, they are more focused, awake, the heart beats faster, muscles contract, and blood pressure and blood sugar rise to meet the demand. But when stress becomes a chronic situation, unwanted effects begin to occur. We begin to get fatigued, crave sugar, get depressed, gain weight, lose muscle mass, have our sleep wake cycles disrupted, get achy, eat poorly…and the list goes on. This state is called by some “adrenal fatigue”. The thyroid gland begins to function poorly as do other organs of the body. So how do you deal with this? Limiting stressful situations is an obvious answer. But that is not always possible. And reaching for anti-depressants to solve the issue is also usually not necessary (and often does not work anyway). One of the best ways to calm the stress response is deep breathing, even when done for 3-5 minutes. This can activate the soothing parasympathetic response that lowers blood pressure and respiratory rate. If you exercise, make sure you continue to do so over the holidays. Exercising increases our metabolic rate for

many hours after exercising and can increase levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin. Vitamin D is becoming more and more appreciated for strengthening the immune system and helping brain function and mood. Herbs like rhodiola and ashwaganda can balance the stress response, and other useful natural therapies include theanine, 5-HTP, and GABA. And if all else fails, there is always a trip to the tropics!■ Dr.Weiss completed his undergraduate work at University of Virginia and is a graduate of McGill University Medical School; he completed his Internship at the University of Hawaii and Residency at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Boston. As head of Annapolis Integrative Medicine, Dr. Weiss specializes in preventative health, alternative approaches to wellness, and treating complex issues including CFS and Fibromyalgia.

December - January 2015



The Effects of Genetics on Breast Cancer: An Update


By Kashif Ali, M.D.

In the United States, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women of all races.�


n the United States, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women of all races. Unfortunately, it is also the second leading cause of cancer death in this gender population. It is estimated that in 2012, About 227,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer and about 63,000 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer (an early form of breast cancer) were diagnosed in this country. This will lead to about 39,500 deaths from breast cancer. In their lifetime, about 1 in 8 (12%) women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer. This is a very chilling statistic, which makes early screening and detection only that much more important. Breast cancers that are discovered at earlier stages have a much higher change of cure and survival. Up to 10% of breast cancers are thought to be hereditary. These cancers are a result of genetic information passed from a parent to their offspring. Genetic information is passed through chromosomes. During conception, half of the chromosomes are obtained from the mother and half from the father. The genetic information in these chromosomes is encoded in DNA. This DNA contains the instructions for building proteins that make up your body and help with all its functions. Unfortunately, if there is an error, or mutation, in this DNA, that mutation will appear in all the cells produced by that particular DNA.


Most inherited cases of breast cancer are associated with two abnormal mutations in the DNA: BReast CAncer gene one and BReast CAncer gene two, abbreviated BRCA1 and BRCA2. It is a fact that everyone has BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, since the normal function of the BRCA genes is to repair cell damage and keep breast cells growing normally. This prevents us from developing cancer. But the problem is that when these genes contain abnormalities or mutations , the breast cancer risk increases, since this leads to irregularities with the normal repair mechanism in breast cancer tissue. Abnormal BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes may account for up to 10% of all breast cancers, or 1 out of every 10 cases. Women having these particular abnormal genes can have up to an 80% risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetimes. Breast cancer in these women is more likely to occur at a younger age, be more aggressive with a higher chance of spreading, and occur in both breasts. Apart from breast cancer these women are also much more likely to develop cancer of the ovary (2nd most common after breast), pancreas, cervix, uterine, colon, stomach, gall bladder, bile duct, thyroid, and a type of skin cancer called melanoma. We all have 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46 chromosomes, half of which come from our mother and

HEALTH & WELLNESS the other half from our father. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are passed onto children in a autosomal dominant pattern. This means that even if one parent is carrying a mutation on even one of their 46 chromosomes, half of their children will be affected. The BRCA mutation is detected through a blood test collected at your doctor’s office or a lab. Possible women who qualify for BRCA mutation testing include those with a personal or family history of: • • • • • • • • • •

Breast cancer diagnosed at age 50 or younger Ovarian cancer at any age Two separate breast cancers in the same person, or two family members with breast cancers on the same side of the family Male breast cancer Triple negative type of Breast Cancer (meaning breast cancer carrying no receptors to target) Pancreatic cancer and a breast or ovarian cancer in the same person, or on the same side of the family Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry with breast, ovarian, or pancreatic cancers Two or more relatives with breast cancer, one under age 50 Three or more relatives with breast cancer at any age A previously identified BRCA mutation in any member of the family

Dr. Kashif Ali earned his MD degree from Ross University School of Medicine. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. While at Seton Hall University, he became the Chief Resident and then went on to complete his training in Hematology and Oncology. During this training he was appointed Chief Fellow. Dr. Ali is presently board certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology.

Women who carry a BRCA mutation tend to have breast cancers that are triple negative. Triple negative breast cancers are: Estrogen receptor-negative, Progesterone receptor-negative, and HER2/neu-negative. This means there is no receptor on the outside of the cancer cell to target during treatment. These cancers also tend to be more aggressive and have a high chance of metastasis (meaning spread to other parts of the body). To bring some positive light to this discussion, a recent study at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center showed that triple-negative breast cancer patients with BRCA mutations experienced a significantly lower chance of the cancer coming back after completing treatment. Also a new class of drugs, called PARP inhibitors, have shown promise in BRCA mutations and/or triple negative breast cancers. Even women who were treated with and failed multiple prior chemotherapies responded favorably to these new agents. In conclusion, it is imperative that women at risk for carrying the deleterious BRCA mutations be identified prior to the development of a BRCA-associated cancer. In the event that this mutation is detected after the development of cancer, then she be treated with the most up-to-date, new, and robust treatments that oncologists have to offer at this time.■ December - January 2015



Having an Attitude of Gratitude


By Janet Johnson, M.D.

eaching children to be grateful is what all parents want and can attain in surprisingly simple ways such as sending thank you notes to feeding pets. Children emulate the adults in their lives in every way. Be they parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, or childcare providers. Make sure you use “thank you” and “please” when you talk to them. Insist that they use their words too. Remember, good manners and gratitude overlap. Here are several ways to help with teaching gratitude to your children: 1. Work gratitude into your daily conversation. Weave appreciation for mundane things into your everyday talk. When you reinforce an idea frequently, it’s more likely to stick. Pick an “I am thankful for …” part of the day to turn up the gratitude in your home. This can be done at dinnertime or at night time just before bed as part of a nightly routine. Teach children to be grateful for the creations around them, the seasons, the sunshine, the falling leaves and the rain. Children will quickly understand that there is beauty all around, and that it has come from something much bigger than we are. 2. Have kids help. Give your child a chore. By participating in simple household chores like feeding the dog or stacking dirty dishes on the counter, kids realize that all these things take effort. There is a better appreciation for the person who does the chore on a more regular basis. 3. Provide your family opportunities to serve. Figure out some way your child can actively participate in helping someone else. Even if it is to help cook a meal, bake a cake, or walk a pet for a sick person. Start by encouraging your children to serve other family members, and then help them find ways to actively serve others. Let them help as you serve others. They will learn by example. 4. Encourage generosity. Donate toys and clothes to less fortunate kids; it inspires them to go through their own closets and give something special to those in need, as well. 5. Insist on thank-you notes. If your child knows how to draw or write, let them write thank-you notes for gifts. For toddlers, the cards can be just scribbles with your own thank-you attached. As they grow, they can become drawings, then longer letters. Younger children can even dictate the letter while you write. Just the act


of saying out loud why they loved the gift will make them feel more grateful. • Practice saying no. Kids ask for toys, video games, and candy sometimes on an hourly basis. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to feel grateful when your every whim is granted. It is important for us to be reasonable and say “No”. We also have to be careful rewarding our children for everything. We want them to do good because it is the right thing to do, and not because they get something, like a new toy or money. • Teach your children to be grateful for adversity. When things are hard, or uncertain, or don’t go as planned, we need to teach our children to be grateful. To recognize the blessings that comes from hard things. We need to help children see what can be learned from our adversity, and how we can take what we learn into other situations to help others and ourselves. • Be patient. Don’t expect gratitude to develop overnight. This kind of work requires weeks, months, even years of reinforcement. Lead by example and mostly with love. The goal is to give them “grateful eyes”, so they begin to for see the need before they have to be told. With time and patience you will be rewarded with a child who has an attitude of gratitude.■ Loving Care Pediatrics: Dr. Johnson and Staff accepting new patients, birth to age 21

3311 Toledo Terrace Suite C-201, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 Office: (301) 403-8808 / Fax: (301) 403-1341

By Katina Byrd Miles, M.D.


Why Skin Rejuvenation?


ur skin, especially the face and décolleté, is adversely affected by environmental elements every day of the year. Winter dehydrates the skin leaving it dull, dry, and rough. With springtime, comes allergies and itchy skin. Summer fun in the sun results in premature aging, oiliness, dark spots, and textural changes. Fall brings continued sun exposure and dryness due to the drop in the temperature. Skin rejuvenation starts with daily skin regimens consisting of medical grade skin care products that have been scientifically developed to nourish, protect, and hydrate, and correct the skin. An individualized skin care regimen starts with a pH balanced cleanser that will effectively yet gently remove impurities from the skin. A retinol helps to increase cell turnover promoting a bright, even, and clear complexion. Antioxidant serums with vitamin C and E protect the skin by providing nutrients that enhance skin resilience when exposed to the elements. A moisturizing sunscreen hydrates the skin while protecting against the formation of free radical damage caused by ultraviolet light exposure. To maximize the benefits of sunscreen, it must be applied daily, regardless of the season, weather, or skin complexion. With a comprehensive daily skin care regimen, the skin is protected against cumulative environmental insults. Skin rejuvenation can be enhanced with professional laser and chemical peel procedures working in conjunction with your daily skin care regimen. Not all treatments are created equal and care must be taken when determining the proper procedure that is safe for your skin. Aerolase Neo aesthetic laser is safe for all skin types yet powerful enough to produce results. PCA Skin chemical peel treat-

Not all treatments are created equal and care must be taken when determining the proper procedure that is safe for your skin.” ments have been scientifically blended to renew and nurture the skin while minimizing irritation. These specialized formulations can be used to treat even those with sensitive skin. The combination of laser and chemical peels improve skin texture, minimize dark spots caused by the sun and inflammation, control acne, decrease fine line and wrinkles, brighten the complexion, and decrease skin laxity and pore size.

It is not necessary for the skin to be exposed to relentless environmental toxins. Rejuvenation is attainable and essential. Daily medical grade skin care solutions, laser skin rejuvenation, and chemical peels provide an effective means to nourish, protect, hydrate, and correct. When the skin is healthy, beauty and confidence follows. To learn more about an individualized skin care and treatment regimen, please contact Skin Oasis Dermatology at 410-451-0500 for a consultation. Dr. Miles will evaluate your skin and develop a treatment regimen to enhance your natural beauty.■ About Dr. Katine Miles Dr. Katina Miles is a graduate of Howard University College of Medicine. She completed her internal medicine residency at University of Maryland at Baltimore and dermatology residency at Georgetown University. Dr. Miles is a board certified dermatologist and a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. She is an expert in skin cancer detection and treatment and is a Skin of Color specialist. Dr. Miles is the founder and Medical Director of Skin Oasis Dermatology where she is ready to serve you.

December - January 2015



Submitted by Dr. Corder

youth suicide is

not inevitable:

We Can Help Prevent It


uicide is the act of deliberately doing harm to oneself with the intention of dying, while understanding the permanence of death. Suicide exclude such acts by those not yet developmentally able to understand the concept of death like young children; developmentally disabled individuals; conditions in which one is in a confused state as in severe intoxication; or acts by those who are permanently cognitive-impaired such as individuals with dementia. Suicide by the Numbers Suicide is a public health concern nationally and internationally. In the US there are over 36,000 suicides annually. Suicide occurs across all ages, economic, social and ethnic boundaries. It is the third leading cause of death for 10-24year- olds, according to the National Center for the Prevention of Youth Suicide. Male youths die of suicide four times more frequently than female youths, although females are more likely to make more attempts. The majority of completed suicide were by firearms. For every completed suicide there are many more suicidal attempts. The National Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that among high school students, about a third had at-


tempted, made plans for, or seriously considered attempting suicide in the previous year. Military Suicides Suicide has been in the headlines recently because of the alarming rate of suicides among returning troops, as depicted in the August 2012 Time Magazine cover story titled “One a Day�. In Maryland, of the 25 suicides reported in the military, all were under 25 years old. Common Causes Suicide is not a disease. It is a result of many risk factors. Over 90 percent of suicide victims suffer from a significant psychiatric disorder at the time of their death. The most common are mood disorders (disor-

ders involving depression) and substance abuse. These disorders are often undiagnosed and untreated, partly due to inadequate information about them, but also due in large part to the continued misunderstanding and stigma about mental illnesses. Studies have shown that only a third of all those who suffer from depression seek treatment. A depressive episode often affects the mood (persistent sadness). It also affects one’s usual physical or behavior patterns, and may result in fatigue, impaired sleep, or altered eating habits. However the effect on the thought pattern is the most devastating and accounts for suicidal thinking and attempts in severe cases. One often feels

Suicide is a public health concern nationally and internationally.” inexplicably guilty, hopeless and helpless about situations, and in severe cases concludes they are a burden on others and better off dead. As depression worsens there are recurrent thoughts of death, developing into suicidal thoughts, which may ultimately result in suicidal attempt. Studies show that most people who attempt suicide do not want to die but are unable to see alternatives to their problems. Many initially resist the suicidal impulses with various mental convictions. However, with the severity of depression, even this resistance is not strong enough. Increased Risk Factors People with dependence on alcohol and other drugs, in addition to being depressed, are at greater risk for suicide. Suicide risk during depression may be higher amid heightened anxiety, impaired sleep, irritability and previous suicide attempts, no matter how minor it seemed. Firearms in the household increase the risk of suicide completion. Being isolated is also a risk factor for suicide when depressed. Some exhibit warning signs of suicidal intentions or even talk about it. There is a myth that talking about it means

HEALTH & WELLNESS the person is not serious. Some may become very withdrawn from those around them. In others there are no visible signs. It is therefore important to communicate openly with the young person who appears to be in persistent emotional distress to explore their thoughts. Ways to Prevent Suicide 1. Even though there is a genetic risk for depressive illnesses and it can occur without a specific triggers, it may also be triggered by overwhelming stress related to negative life events. Promotion of adequate coping skills to stressful events may prevent some depressive states. 2. Early recognition and treatment of depressive symptoms is key. In spite of the medical facts, there is still reluctance to seek mental health treatment, mainly due to stigma. Everyone can help erode stigma by dropping derogatory remarks about mental illnesses, often magnified in the media. Development of better attitudes toward mental illnesses will indeed improve the chances of early recognition. 3. Arm yourself with facts about depression. If you suspect your child may be exhibiting some symptoms, have an open discussion in a non-judgmental manner and seek medical help from a mental health clinician, psychiatrist or counselor. If a mental health professional is unavailable, see the family physician immediately. 4. If your child is diagnosed with or exhibiting some signs of depression, be alert to the risk factors of substance abuse, isolation, or visiting social media sites with focus on suicidality, and continue open dialogue. 5. Encourage their friends not to keep secrets about suicide intent but tell a parent or school guid-

ance counselor. Many people have talked about their intent prior to attempting suicide but have sworn friends to secrecy. 6. Remove all firearms from the house. 7. If there is a suspicion, attempt or expression of intent to harm one’s self, get your child to the emergency room right away or call 911. Many people who have had suicidal ideas or even made attempts in the past and have had treatments, go on to live emotionally successful lives.■ For more information about suicide prevention, contact: American Association of Suicidology @ 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Prevention of Teen Suicide

Frederick Corder, MD FAAP Dr. Corder attended medical school at Howard University College of Medicine and graduated in 1977. He is board certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Corder was formally the Chief Health Officer for Prince George’s County and the medical Director of several health plans. Dr. Corder has been in Pediatric practice for over 35 years. Dr. Corder, his wife Dr. Marilyn Corder ad their daughter Adrienne Corder started the Corder Pounders Youth Fitness program and the Family Fitness Center. Bowie, MD • (301) 805-2229 Cheverly, MD • (301) 341-7494 Children’s Medical Center Washington, DC T: 202-291-0147 December - January 2015


No More Metal Braces



f you are looking for an alternative to metal braces, ClearCorrect is the clear and simple choice. ClearCorrect invisible braces are the clear and simple way to straighten your teeth so that you can show off your smile. No wires. No brackets. Just clear, convenient comfort – giving you every reason to smile. ClearCorrect is an easy and discreet solution to align and straighten a broad range of dental conditions for a stunning, healthy smile. The fact that it does this so well is remarkable; the fact that it does this with little to no effort is almost unbelievable. ClearCorrect is for both adults and teenagers – age is not a problem. Children who might not yet have all of their molars and even seniors with more complicated dental cases may be candidates for ClearCorrect, but should consult with their doctors first. With ClearCorrect, your dentist can straighten your teeth using a series of clear, custom, removable aligners. Each aligner moves your teeth just a little bit at a time until you eventually get straight teeth. And ClearCorrect is one of the clearest aligner systems available. The ClearCorrect aligners offer superior clarity, are virtually invisible and


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unnoticeable, and their smooth surface finish withstands clouding from wear. Schedule an appointment with your dentist so you can have your teeth evaluated and talk about any problems or goals you have for your smile. Once your dentist establishes that ClearCorrect is the right treatment option for you, the dental staff will take impressions, photos, and sometimes X-rays of your teeth. ClearCorrect will then create 3-D models of your teeth. Following the instructions provided by your dentist, ClearCorrect then creates a treatment setup representing the desired position of your teeth at the end of treatment. At the same time, ClearCorrect also manufactures Phase Zero passive aligners designed to fit your teeth and get you accustomed to wearing aligners right away.■

No wires. No brackets. Just clear, convenient comfort – giving you every reason to smile.” If you would like to learn more about ClearCorrect, call your dental office to set up a consultation to see if ClearCorrect addresses your dental concerns and cosmetic goals.

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Stories of Hope

“Practice Self-Care, but, Not Self-Diagnosis” Survivor, Daleesha Proctor

Daleesha was diagnosis with breast cancer at age 32. Though she felt an unusual lump, she thought it was just a cyst and did not seek immediate medical attention. This self-diagnosis she later realized was the wrong approach. Today Daleesha is happy to report she is in remission but, challenged by the chronic pain of Fibromyalgia. Daleesha does not allow health challenges past or present to keep her down. She credits God for her wonderful life and passion to enrich other womens’ lives through her Mary Kay business. Daleesha’s Mary Kay business gives her the flexibility to work from home, travel and pamper women. Daleesha is on a mission to let women know with opportunities like Mary Kay they can have big dreams. She advises women to put work into their business and set goals beyond life’s challenges. Daleesha is offering special services for survivors and their families as Christmas presents. Dates and times by appointment. Email The Victorious Dream Team Cadillac Unit of the Future Keita Powell Area honors all Breast Cancer survivors! Join the unit this month for a Christmas service project “Adopt a Grandparent” on December 20.■

pportunities O to Serve

The Pink Cadillac Mary Kay Unit of Dr. Brenda CarverTaylor is sponsoring a service project for the seniors of Marwood Apartments. For just $12 one senior will receive a “MK Satin Hand Cream Gift” set with am acknowledgment card. Delivery will be Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 3:00 pm. at the Marwood Senior Apartments 5605 S. Marwood Blvd. Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Volunteers and sponsors: High school students, Business professionals and Families. Contact Dr. Belinda Carver Taylor at 301-672-4716

Support Resources The Rosemary Williams Mammoday Program Mammograms are being provided to women who are at least 40 years of age, low income, underinsured or uninsured. All women receive a clinical breast examination and mammogram at no cost. Women are also provided with educational materials. Contact: Kimberly Higginbotham at (202) 865-4655 or (202)865-5399 Howard University Cancer Center Find out how you can sponsor a story of hope related to overcoming homelessness, business recovery, domestic violence or a youth that is on the move. Email December - January 2015


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aceptando nuevos pacientes Dr. Ndidi Agholor is a caring and dedicated pediatrician whose top priority is the well-being of her patients. She is committed to providing quality healthcare for all her patients from birth to age 21. Dr. Agholor has worked in the Maryland/DC area for over a decade. She graduated from Howard University College of Medicine and completed her pediatric residency at the University of Maryland Medical Center. She is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and is also a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Agholor enjoys caring for children of all ages, participating in community activities and promoting healthy lifestyle choices for her patients and their families. She has special interests in Newborn/Infant Care, Behavioral Disorders, Asthma Management, Nutrition, Adolescent/ Teenage Health, Preventative/Well Child Care. Healthcare for Infants, Children and Adolescents 7505 New Hampshire Ave, Suite 302, Takoma Park, MD 20912 Phone 301-434-8800 ●

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December - January 2015



By The American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys Presented by SinclairProsser Law, LLC

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions


s the year draws to an end and the New Year quickly approaches, now is the time to think about resolutions and look towards the future. One New Year’s resolution you should consider this year is to think very long term. Instead of just planning for how you can improve life in the upcoming year, the dawn of a new year is the perfect time to create a concrete plan to take care of your family after you are gone. Here are some statistics to think about: As many as 55% of adults in America have no will or estate plan in place. For minorities, the number is even higher. A full 68% of African American adults and 74% of adult Hispanics have no Will. Without a plan in place, the state (not you) gets to decide how your assets are going to be divided. You’ll have no say over who distributes your assets, or over what happens to your property. (You could also cost your heirs some money or leave your heirs fighting about who inherit what.) So, why don’t more people have a plan? Some don’t know how to create one, while others are hesitant to make the tough choices about how to distribute their assets among those they love. An estate planning attorney can help with the legal process of dividing your assets and can even offer advice on some of the decisions you’ll have to make when planning for life after your death. Creating Your Last Will & Testament There are lots of reasons why people need to create a comprehensive estate plan. While around 59% of people who plan for the future do so in order to avoid probate, limiting family chaos is the second most important reason people cite for engaging in estate planning. Protecting children’s inheritances is a prime goal for around 39% of estate


planners, while just 34% of people are motivated by minimizing estate taxes. Whatever your reasons for sitting down with an estate planning attorney, some of the key decisions you’ll need to make include: • How to distribute assets: Only 27% of Boomers think about how much money they will leave to others. For millennial children, 31% of whom expect an inheritance averaging over $350,000, this lackadaisical attitude by mom and dad may come as a big shock. • Who will make decisions after your death or disability: You may need to name a Trustee, a personal representative or an executor of your estate as part of your estate plan. You may also want to create a durable power of attorney and designate someone to act as your agent if you remain alive but unable to manage your own affairs. Both of these issues can be really contentious. For example, as Reuters explains, disinheriting a child could lead to a lawsuit to have your plan overturned (especially if the assets in your estate are large enough to make a case worthwhile). At the same time, sometimes leaving your kids an equal amount is not going to be a fair choice either, especially if you have provided more for one of your children over the course of your life than for the others. One article on USA Today, for example, suggested that parents level the playing field at death if they paid more for one child’s education or if one child took care of them at old age. When it comes to naming a Trustee, a personal representative, or an executor, family fighting and chaos could also result if you are not clear on your wishes. Fortunately, an estate planning attorney can help you to overcome the challenges in creating an estate plan.

As you consider the future and set your New Year’s resolutions, put it on your list to talk to your lawyer about how you can create a comprehensive plan that will give you control over your assets and avoid fighting among your loved ones after you are gone. So, this New Year’s, make your resolution one you can keep: resolve to make important decisions now about life after your death.■ SinclairProsser Law, LLC focuses its practice on estate planning & administration, including the interaction of retirement plans & elder law. An established member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys & the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Colleen Sinclair Prosser, Nicole Livingston, Jon J. Gasior & Victor A. Lembo offer years of knowledge & experience in matters associated with protecting estates & families from issues arising from death and disability.

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By Michelle Wiseman

s a funeral care provider I am often asked the question “What made you choose this profession.” Which is usually followed up by the statement “I could never do what you do.” I smile on the inside and quietly thank God for the gift of science which He has innately place on the inside of me. My answer to the question is always the same, I didn’t choose it, it chose me. And yes I absolutely love it! The reward of my gift is educating the community up close and personal. There are many options related to end of life decisions. I believe education relieves apprehension which allows you to “Live from a Position of Power” (Pamela Reaves). Several times a year, I am honored to speak to brave people who wish to be empowered and take control of their lives, even to the very end. Lately, the concern has centered on LIFE INSURANCE. Life insurance can be pretty confusing given the number of misleading TV and radio commercials vying for your attention. Please allow me to clarify some of your concerns and arm you with the facts related to funding funerals with life insurance products. The goal of life insurance is to ensure you and your families are protected against financial devastation in the unfortunate event of death. There are a plethora of insurance products on the market. Some of the most popular are: • • •

Whole Life / Permanent (Traditional, Universal, Variable) – Pays a death benefit when you die- even if you live to 100. Term Life – The simplest form of insurance which only pays if death occurs during the term of the policy, which is usually one to 30 years. Final Expense- Is usually a Whole Life product specifically designed to cover funeral cost.

Although any coverage you might have is good, out of the three listed Term Life insurance may not be your best option for end of life coverage. Here is why: We’ve all heard the commercials where the announcer is boasting their ability to offer a 45 year old male, with high blood pressure a 20 year, $50,000., TERM life policy for under $40.00 a month. Sounds good right? Well, at the end of the term, the male will be 65 years of age. The problem: the older you are the more you’ll pay for insurance because you become a high risk factor. That same $50,000.00 term policy, upon renewal, might now cost you four or five times the original amount IF you’ve managed to remain healthy.

Remember, high blood pressure made you a high risk from the start. The pro is you have coverage for a period of time. The con is with age health is likely to decline which makes being able to qualify or afford coverage a huge problem. Whole Life Insurance is great and used by many to amass great wealth. Others plan for it to be used as an inheritance. If you are planning to fund your funeral with it please know, traditional life insurance policies can take as long as 6 to 8 weeks to pay out. Most funeral homes will transfer the policy into a “FUNERAL ASSIGNMENT”. A funeral assignment allows you the benefit of a FINAL EXPENSE policy however, be prepared to incur a fee of up to 6% of the total funeral contract. Fees are paid to third parties, on your behalf, for speedy verifications and quick pay out. Final Expense Insurance policies are designed to fund funerals. Once the benefactor and the amount of the policy is verified your funeral cost can be paid out to the funeral provider within 24/48 hours. You should not be charged a fee for using a Final Expense policy that has been assigned directly to the funeral care provider from your insurance agency. Final Expense policies are not intended to leave inheritance funds. Please be sure to adjust your life insurance policy should you have a major life change, i.e., marriage, divorce, new birth. Failing to do so might prove to be costly. Finally, to the person who think to themselves I DON”T CARE what happens to me after I’ve passed. They can just put me in a pine box. To you I say, “The pine boxes are among some of the most expensive offerings.” Get Insured!■ Wiseman Funeral Home, established in November 2008, is a full service funeral care provider, specializing in earth burials, cremations, memorial services, national and International shipping and receiving of human remains. The company is well versed in the practice of funeral pre-planning as well as funeral trust and Medicaid spend downs. We are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We serve you professionally with utmost respect. Contact

7531 Old Alexandria Ferry Road, Clinton, Maryland 301-899-2005

December - January 2015



Why is Telemedicine Hot Now?


elemedicine is a significant and rapidly growing component of health care in the United States. Over half of all U.S. hospitals now use some form of telemedicine. There are currently close to 1 million Americans currently using remote cardiac monitors and the Veterans Health Administration delivered over 1,000,000 remote consultations using telemedicine. Around the world, millions of patients use telemedicine to monitor their vital signs, remain healthy and out of hospitals and emergency rooms. Consumers and physicians download health and wellness applications for use on their cell phones. Telemedicine has made a big impact in rural areas where visits to doctors are difficult, and is expanding partly because broadband network coverage is improving, patients and doctors are more comfortable with telemedicine technologies, there is pressure for increasing cost savings, and a shift in paradigm that favors telemedicine. This new paradigm says that the patient’s total health status is now the focus, as evidenced by new policies issued by insurers, Medicare and state governments.

Quality healthcare is now viewed to be based on a longterm relationship between patient and physician, about both long term health efficiencies and acute issues. Remote encounters are usually more efficient and convenient for both patient and physician. Medicare and states are holding hospitals responsible for readmission rates, which requires the doctor and the patient to have an ongoing relationship, and telemedicine facilitates that relationship. Incentives play a big role, but better healthcare outcomes and better use of medical resources are key drivers. The VA medical system has made significant investments in its adoption of telemedicine, and today is considered to be one of the world leaders in telemedicine. The direct primary care movement (e.g, advo22

“Telemedicine has made a big impact in rural areas where visits to doctors are difficult, and is expanding partly because broadband network coverage is improving.”

cates are working to move primary care doctors from the pay-for-procedure compensation system to payments that are outcome-based. Direct primary care is growing very fast now as both plan sponsors and doctors come to believe that it offers major advantage in both quality of care and overall healthcare cost. Key factors for Growth: • Government support, funding will increase • Practice management systems will have telemedicine capabilities • Consumer demand will make telemedicine mainstream • Travel to the medical offices, regional medical centers and hospitals can be difficult, particularly if the patient is elderly, lives in a remote or rural areas, or have traumatic injuries • Reduction in hospital readmissions • Mitigation of distance, mobility and time constraints • Saves the patients, providers and payers money when compared with traditional approaches to providing care. Future of Telemedicine: The global telemedicine market is expected to grow from $11.6 billion in 2011 to $27.3 billion in 2016. 1. Source: BCC Research Worldwide revenue for Telemedicine devices and services is expected to reach $4.5 billion in 2018, up from $440.6 million in 2013 2. Source: IHS The number of patients using Telemedicine services will grow to 7 million in 2018, up from 350,000 in 2013. 3. Source: IHS Telemedicine could potentially deliver more than $6 billion a year in healthcare savings to U.S. companies.

BUSINESS 4. Source: Towers Watson Although many physicians may be hesitant to adopt telemedicine the evidence is clear telemedicine is not going away. Telemedicine companies that threaten the existing primary care infrastructure by competing with physicians are not favorable but, companies like Click It Clinic that work with physicians make telemedicine much more attractive to doctors. Click It Clinic works with independent physicians, ACOs, IPAs and large physician networks to integrate telemedicine into their practices and also provides on call coverage for physicians throughout the country. With the right app, the proper training and call coverage support, Click It Clinic is helping to put the future of healthcare back where it belongs, back in the hands of doctors. Privacy and Security Concerns: Telemedicine technologies can create, large volumes of electronic health information, and create some additional operational challenges for organizations in meeting their existing privacy and security obligations under HIPAA as well as any relevant state privacy laws. These organizations will definitely need to update their security risk analyses as well as modify and adapt their data privacy and security practices to respond to the specific risks and compliance challenges of using Telemedicine technologies. Consequently, existing policies and practices should be reviewed carefully, and will likely need to be modified or adapted to ensure effective and reliable verification and authentication of the identities of patients and providers involved in a Telemedicine encounter. In addition, Telemedicine interactions typically involve providers from multiple organizations. Organizations operating Telemedicine programs will need to address questions like shared responsibility for securing and managing the health information generated through a Telemedicine encounter – including responsibilities Privacy and Security considerations related to data breach notification and reporting—to confirm compliance with privacy and security requirements. Telemedicine transmissions also may be vulnerable to interference, signal errors or transmission outages that can result in interrupted communications and the alteration or loss of important clinical information which would potentially be a HIPAA violation. The additional risks of Telemedicine programs require a health care organization’s privacy and security professionals to participate from the start in the design and implementation of Telemedicine programs, and assume responsibility for actively monitoring operations. Telemedicine technology brings new privacy and security issues that could raise concerns about protection of privacy, confidentiality, and security of sensitive patient information.

They are: A lack of uniform confidentiality and privacy legislation at the state level in terms of the transfer of health information in telemedicine encounters. Telemedicine consultations can take place over state lines, the potential for confusion over which state’s standards should be employed could arise. A long-distance telemedicine consultation typically involves a clinician-patient session that can be videotaped (most are) in its entirety, and this record is maintained as part of the documentation of the consultation. As a result, practitioners have less discretion to remove sensitive items that they might otherwise not record. From the patient perspective, the patient may not be able to “see” who else is viewing the session along with the clinician on the other side of the long distance consultation. The use of telemedicine equipment usually adds additional personnel to the typical provider-patient encounter. For instance, a technical outsider, like an engineer, may be privy to the consultation. From a technical standpoint, there is a higher volume of data and complexity involved in the various communication mediums used during a typical telemedicine consultation. That could make securing the data more problematic. It is now more important and necessary to conduct regular HIPAA/HITECH Risk Assessments under the fast evolving telemedicine landscape. Conclusion: However, in this day of ever increasing data breaches, it is imperative that both physicians and patients insist that their telemedicine organization at least meets the minimum standards mandated by HIPPA Privacy and Security Rule. In addition to the importance of HIPPA compliant telemedicine providers, it is just as important that the organization’ s Telemedicine technology companies and business associates be HIPAA compliant. Privacy and Security concerns notwithstanding, Telemedicine enables outcome-based medicine: doctors can maintain the conversation with the patient in a manner that is far more efficient and effective than traditional encounters; they can serve more patients well. Patients can get attention faster and more conveniently when they need it. This is why telemedicine is likely to continue to boom in the years ahead.■ Robert Campbell, CEO of Med Cyber Security. Med Cyber-Security provides cost-effective, cyber security privacy and security consultations HIPAA covered organizations such as healthcare providers, business associates and telemedicine organizations. To learn more, contact Med Cyber-security for a free consultation. 301-266-2457, email: December - January 2015


On the Scene


December - January 2015



Fresh Perspectives on Foster Care have the same opportunity to reach back and help young men and women who are lost and have no direction.


Finally Home: Catherine Sanders’ Story entered the foster care system at age 12 and have been with my family, the Wicks a MENTOR Maryland foster family, for nearly seven years. At age 20, I am being officially adopted. It is my strong desire to inspire those who have no hope of being adopted due to their age.

From Foster Care to State Senate: C. Anthony Muse aving never known my biological father and having been separated as a preteen from my biological mother, left alone and on my own, I was shuffled from one foster home and foster family to another. The turmoil in my life led me on a journey through 11 different foster homes. Kicked out of three public school systems, I was told I would never excel academically. Thankfully, a United Methodist pastor who had eight children of his own took me in. While living in the home of Rev. George Stansbury, I found love, acceptance, stability and direction. There, I learned lessons that would become the foundation of all that I would come to believe in. I learned through education, hard work, and steadfast integrity, life’s obstacles could become life’s opportunities–that to achieve anything worthwhile in life, one must never give up and never forget people who helped along the way. At 19, I became a pastor who helped to strengthen the spirits of my congregation while advocating for the issues impacting the quality of their daily lives. I hold three degrees, a bachelor’s degree from Morgan State University, a master’s degree from Wesley Theological Seminary and a doctorate from Howard University. I am the senior pastor of the Ark of Safety Christian Church in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. For over 20 years, I have actively served my community through civic and political involvement. As I recently recounted at Mentor Maryland’s Foster Care Appreciation Lunch, I had no control over my situation as a child, but one man was able to turn my bad situation into a victory... All because he believed in me. And that’s why I love being a pastor and a senator, because I now


Lisa Wicks, Donald Wicks and Catherine Sanders

Being in the system may not be what I or anyone envisions. But for me, the system saved my life, and it continues to serve its purpose. For many years, there was a lot of instability in my life. I did not think I would make it through high school. During my freshman and sophomore years I changed schools three times. I also experienced emotional trauma and the stigma of negative labels. People heard foster child and automatically had low expectations of me. Transitioning to college while in the system was very challenging initially. Looking at the statistics of youth in foster care who attempt to finish college, I felt the odds were against me. But after being in a supportive family, I felt a sense of ease and a desire to accomplish my aspirations regardless of the obstacles I faced. This past January, I transferred to Towson University with a 3.5 G.P.A. I am a junior studying mass communications with the hope of becoming a news anchor and motivational speaker. I plan to use my voice to give light to others in my position. President John F. Kennedy once said, “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” Every child put on this earth has a purpose, but it doesn’t begin to manifest without direction. And every child in the system needs direction, even young adults like me.■

Founded in 1991, MENTOR Maryland is a leading foster care agency serving teens with emotional and behavioral challenges. Our services are tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients. A mentor is a foster parent who is seeking the chance to positively change the life of a young person. Mentors help young people to learn independent living skills which will serve them for a lifetime. For more information on how to become a foster parent and change a life --- call Tonya Logan at or (301) 803-9768


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“When the Serpent Bites is a fantastic read for legal buffs, crime lovers, and readers who love a great story.” ―John Murray, Pacific book review

Nesly Clerge, The Author - The story is layered with a fast-paced cadence, bold references, gritty writing, suspenseful events, twists, turns, jabs, hooks, and other formulations that kept the narrative engaging; however, if we look deep enough, it’s really a story about despair, a shattered relationship, love gone wrong, and the perils of Starks and Kayla’s marriage. While there are exceptions, nowadays relationships are plagued by infidelity, pride and secrecy. I wrote the book because I wanted to explore these topics in an indirect way.

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