Prince George's County Women's Journal June/July 2015

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Teen Suicide Prevention

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Prince George’s County



A Fresh Perspective on FOSTER CARE

omen’s ournal

A Lifestyle Magazine

COMPLIMENTARY June - July 2015

Sisters serving the community FEATURE ARTICLE

Marline Reese-Gamble

Michelle Reese-Wiseman


Chronic Pelvic Pain Caused by Vascular Conditions


By The Physicians at Center for Vascular Medicine

y some estimates, chronic pelvic pain in women accounts for 10-15% of all gynecologic visits. There may be several causes or contributing factors to chronic pelvic pain; vascular conditions are often overlooked. Vascular conditions that cause pelvic pain in women can be diagnosed easily and in a non-invasive manner. Once identified, they can be further evaluated by venography and treated successfully with outpatient-based endovascular techniques.

Causes For Pelvic Pain in Women Pelvic pain is most often caused by a variety of non-vascular conditions: gastrointestinal, urinary, reproductive or musculoskeletal/other After these more common causes for pelvic pain have been ruled out, one should consider further vascular evaluation. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS): PCS is most commonly characterized by chronic pain in the pelvic region, caused by venous reflux and poor blood flow in the pelvic veins. May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS): MTS is caused by a compression of the iliac vein. MTS may or may not have pelvic pain, but generally will have varicose veins and/or swelling in one leg (typically the left leg). Signs and Symptoms Many patients with PCS and MTS will experience no symptoms. However, chronic pelvic pain is the most common. Because pelvic pain can present with other conditions, it is important to rule those out prior to the diagnosis. The PCS and MTS common symptoms include: • Chronic pelvic pain, experienced for six or more months. • Pain that is constant or intermittent. • Pain that is dull, achy, in the lower abdomen, pelvic region or lower back. • Pain that generally worsens as the day progresses, particularly with prolonged sitting or standing. • Pain during sex Both PCS and MTS are more common in women who have had multiple births. How Is Pelvic Pain Diagnosed? Diagnostic testing is minimally invasive and generally pain-free. Several techniques may be used: pelvic ultra-

sound, venography (X-ray of the veins), and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) Treatment For Chronic Pelvic Pain The most conservative and least invasive treatments are most desirable to restore optimal blood flow and relieve pelvic pain. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Treatment options may include: Embolization therapy – generally involves injecting a sclerosing agent into the vein. This results in the closing of the affected vein, with blood flow being naturally rerouted into healthier veins. Treatment is very similar to sclerotherapy in the legs. Venoplasty and Stenting – a majority of women diagnosed with MTS will undergo a minimally invasive procedure to place a stent in the compressed iliac vein. Using intravascular ultrasound, the physician will guide a catheter through the vein in the leg and into the pelvic region allowing precise measurement. If necessary, a balloon and stent may be placed into the vein to keep the vein open. Bypass surgery – in very rare cases, a bypass surgery may be the best option to restore proper blood flow in the pelvic region.■

Wiseman Funeral Home & Chapel


Sisters Serving Together


By Michelle Reese-Wiseman & Marline Reese-Gamble

ello, and thank you once again for all the emails and phone calls. I’m so humbled by your positive responses. Well, taking a look back at all the articles I’ve shared with you, I noticed that I’ve told you several times about how important it is to pre-plan for your funeral arrangements and burial. So I will not beat that horse this time. However, what I’d like to share with you is just as important. It’s the Spiritual Care Program offered at Wiseman Funeral Home. Many family members have a hard time coping with the loss of a loved one. I call it “The Empty Space Syndrome”. Wiseman Funeral Home offers assistance free of charge to those who we have served. Please allow me to introduce to you, my sister and a powerful minister of God, Rev. Marline Reese-Gamble. Marline Reese-Gamble, a chaplain at Wiseman Funeral Home and a funeral officiant, Rev. Gamble passionately supports the integrity, mission, vision and values of Wiseman Funeral Home. She provides pastoral care, spiritual comfort and bereavement support to grieving families. She has a profound ability to respect different lifestyles, cultures and beliefs, as well as people with no faith tradition. When someone dies, grief can be very difficult for family and friends. Rev. Gamble provides competent and compassionate spiritual care and emotional support. With a loving and considerate presence, Rev. Gamble specializes in helping clients recognize and utilize inner strengths when struggling through the bereavement process. The focus involves developing appropriate coping mechanisms. Some clients desire prayer, attentive listening and assistance in reconciling spiritual beliefs or answers to end-of-life questions. Rev. Gamble is always prepared to provide the highest quality spiritual care.

The Wiseman Funeral Home Team understands that chaplaincy, in the spirit of excellence, involves empathy, compassion, and enhanced skill in dealing with the spiritual dynamics of loss and death. When clients desire prayer or religious support, Rev. Gamble complies with unique and personalized ministry consistent with the diverse needs of each grieving family. Rev. Gamble is a certified grief facilitator and ordained minister. Her values: caring, compassion, honesty, excellence and integrity. Her motto “This ministry is a rich and rewarding experience.” Rev. Gamble is dedicated and devoted to serving Prince George’s County residents with nurturing spiritual support. This journey has taken her into jails, hospitals, hospice centers, nursing homes and halfway houses. She’s helping individuals to find hope, comfort and purpose during difficult life circumstances. This passion compels and drives her and has taken her on a path of countless hours ministering to inmates. Rev. Gamble motivates inmates to examine their issues, make wise choices, and establish positive/realistic goals for personal development and growth. When making rounds at various hospitals and hospice centers, God reveals the spiritual needs of each patient. Rev. Gamble is anointed to administer spiritual care with compassion and empathy. She is helping patients manage fears, control anxieties and seek divine comfort and strength during difficult circumstances. Also, Rev. Gamble is committed to investing in the spiritual lives of people through sound biblical teaching, preaching, comforting prayers and spiritual coaching. This ministry serves the community with integrity.

Her other ministerial services include officiating weddings and pre-marital workshops. Rev. Gamble is devoted to helping couples build a solid foundation for enriched and lasting marital relations. These workshops include the following sessions: Good Communication, Intimacy / Passion, Money Management, Biblical Foundations of Marriage and Experiencing the Power of Oneness. In spiritual excellence and integrity, Rev. Gamble is teaching people how to live victoriously by applying God’s Word (biblical principles) to their lives. Rev. Gamble passionately studied theology, completed seminary and holds a Master of Ministry/Divinity degree from Freedom Bible College and Seminary. She’s committed to helping individuals achieve spiritual and emotional wholeness. Clients are encouraged to explore thoughts, emotions, actions, and circumstances to enhance spiritual growth and inner healing. Rev. Gamble may be contacted via email at: We love our community. We are committed to excellence. We are sisters serving you together.■ Wiseman Funeral Home, established in November 2008, is a full service funeral care provider, specializing in earth burials, cremations, memorial services, national and International shipping and receiving of human remains. The company is well versed in the practice of funeral pre-planning as well as funeral trust and Medicaid spend downs. We are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We serve you professionally with utmost respect. Contact

7531 Old Alexandria Ferry Road, Clinton, Maryland 301-899-2005

June - July 2015



Youth Suicide is NotInevitable: We Can Help Prevent It


Submitted by Dr. Corder

uicide is the act of deliberately doing harm to oneself with the intention of dying, while understanding the permanence of death. Suicide exclude such acts by those not yet developmentally able to understand the concept of death like young children; developmentally disabled individuals; conditions in which one is in a confused state as in severe intoxication; or acts by those who are permanently cognitive-impaired such as individuals with dementia. Suicide by the Numbers Suicide is a public health concern nationally and internationally. In the US there are over 36,000 suicides annually. Suicide occurs across all ages, economic, social and ethnic boundaries. It is the third leading cause of death for 10-24-year- olds, according to the National Center for the Prevention of Youth Suicide. Male youths die of suicide four times more frequently than female youths, although females are more likely to make more attempts. The majority of completed suicide were by firearms. For every completed suicide there are many more suicidal attempts. The National Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that among high school students, about a third had attempted, made plans for, or seriously considered attempting suicide in the previous year. Military Suicides Suicide has been in the headlines recently because of the alarming rate of suicides among returning troops, as depicted in the August 2012 Time Magazine cover story titled “One a Day�. In Maryland, of the 25 suicides reported in the military, all were under 25 years old. Common Causes Suicide is not a disease. It is a result of many risk factors. Over 90 percent of suicide victims suffer from a significant psychiatric disorder at the time of their death. The most common are mood disorders (disorders involving depression) and substance abuse. These disorders are often undiagnosed and untreated, partly due to inadequate information about them, but also due in large part to the continued misunderstanding and stigma about mental illnesses. Studies have shown that only a third of all those who suffer from depression seek treatment. A depressive episode often affects the mood (persistent sadness). It also affects one’s usual physical or behavior patterns, and may result in fatigue, impaired sleep, or altered


eating habits. However the effect on the thought pattern is the most devastating and accounts for suicidal thinking and attempts in severe cases. One often feels inexplicably guilty, hopeless and helpless about situations, and in severe cases concludes they are a burden on others and better off dead. As depression worsens there are recurrent thoughts of death, developing into suicidal thoughts, which may ultimately result in suicidal attempt. Studies show that most people who attempt suicide do not want to die but are unable to see alternatives to their problems. Many initially resist the suicidal impulses with various mental convictions. However, with the severity of depression, even this resistance is not strong enough. Increased Risk Factors People with dependence on alcohol and other drugs, in addition to being depressed, are at greater risk for suicide. Suicide risk during depression may be higher amid heightened anxiety, impaired sleep, irritability and previous suicide attempts, no matter how minor it seemed. Firearms in the household increase the risk of suicide completion. Being isolated is also a risk factor for suicide when depressed. Some exhibit warning signs of suicidal intentions or even talk about it. There is a myth that talking about it means the person is not serious. Some may become very withdrawn from those around them. In others there are no visible signs. It is therefore important to communicate openly with the young person who appears to be in persistent emotional distress to explore their thoughts. Ways to Prevent Suicide 1. Even though there is a genetic risk for depressive illnesses and it can occur without a specific triggers, it may also be triggered by overwhelming stress related to negative life events. Promotion of adequate coping skills to stressful events may prevent some depressive states. 2. Early recognition and treatment of depressive symptoms is key. In spite of the medical facts, there is still reluctance to seek mental health treatment, mainly due to stigma. Everyone can help erode stigma by dropping derogatory remarks about mental illnesses, often magnified in the media. Development of better attitudes toward mental illnesses will indeed improve the chances of early recognition.

HEALTH & WELLNESS 3. Arm yourself with facts about depression. If you suspect your child may be exhibiting some symptoms, have an open discussion in a non-judgmental manner and seek medical help from a mental health clinician, psychiatrist or counselor. If a mental health professional is unavailable, see the family physician immediately. 4. If your child is diagnosed with or exhibiting some signs of depression, be alert to the risk factors of substance abuse, isolation, or visiting social media sites with focus on suicidality, and continue open dialogue. 5. Encourage their friends not to keep secrets about suicide intent but tell a parent or school guidance counselor. Many people have talked about their intent prior to attempting suicide but have sworn friends to secrecy. 6. Remove all firearms from the house. 7. If there is a suspicion, attempt or expression of intent to harm one’s self, get your child to the emergency room right away or call 911. Many people who have had suicidal ideas or even made attempts in the past and have had treatments, go on to live emotionally successful lives.■

For more information about suicide prevention, contact: American Association of Suicidology / 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Prevention of Teen Suicide Frederick Corder, MD FAAP Dr. Corder attended medical school at Howard University College of Medicine and graduated in 1977. He is board certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Corder was formally the Chief Health Officer for Prince George’s County and the medical Director of several health plans. Dr. Corder has been in Pediatric practice for over 35 years. Dr. Corder, his wife Dr. Marilyn Corder ad their daughter Adrienne Corder started the Corder Pounders Youth Fitness program and the Family Fitness Center. Bowie, MD • (301) 805-2229 / Cheverly, MD • (301) 341-7494 Children’s Medical Center: Washington, DC • (202) 291-0147

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june - july 2015



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03 HEALTH & WELLNESS/BEAUTY 02 - 19 COMMUNITY & EVENTS 20 - 27 28 - 35 BUSINESS/CAREER/ADS With over 32 years of experience, The Women’s Journal is a brand you can trust. It is a primary resource for women. Each edition is published bi-monthly and distributed free of charge. You can find a copy of the journal where savvy women shop. The journal also has subscribers that pay to have the journal delivered to their home or business.

PUBLISHER Butterfly Media Inc.

EDITOR Catherine Hollingsworth




8181 Professional Place, Landover, MD 20785

A Message to the Community


s you read the personal stories of Senator C. Anthony Muse and Catherine Sanders, consider how you can invest in the life of a youth. Many of us have thought about helping the younger generation, but there is no better time than now to take action. If you sincerely want to make a difference, what better opportunity than to become a mentor parent. The rewards will go beyond your lifetime. You might be asking why would an older teen need a mentor parent? Why would a 20-year-old like Ms. Sanders need one? Aren’t people like her well on their way to independence? Mentor Maryland and the Women’s Journal challenge you to make a paradigm shift in your thinking about adoption. When did you ever not need love, guidance, acceptance and encouragement and, most of all, family? We would 6

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all agree that change and transition at any stage of life is very challenging. Can you imagine having to figure out the transition from youth to adulthood without guidance and support? Which of your past or present life’s challenges, academic or personal milestones would you want to go through or celebrate alone? These needs are not relegated to an age. The need for mentors spans a lifetime. What better investment than to sow into the life of a youth? Read the stories of Senator Muse and Ms. Sanders thoughtfully, share their words with family and friends. Don’t stop there. Challenge yourself to take the step of attending a mentor parent informational session. For more info, Tonya Logan at or (301) 459-3057, ext. 3209.■

Massage Envy Spa

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Treat your DAD This Father’s Day to a Massage & Facial

1. Deep Muscle Therapy – Perfect for dad’s sore muscles, this concentrated therapy uses warming and cooling thermal treatments to provide deep pain relief and decrease inflammation. 2. Sugar Foot Scrub Therapy – Add this upgrade to any massage session and dad’s toes will thank you. The foot scrub cleans and exfoliates, removes dead skin cells, and soothes the surface of the skin while stimulating lymph flow and increased circulation. 3. Deep Tissue Massage – Allows dad to focus on deep muscle tissue that causes chronic pain. This massage session not only feels great but also loosens scar tissue and lengthens muscles to help relieve tension. 4. Murad® Healthy Skin Facial – Designed by Dr. Murad, a global leader in skincare science, our facials will rejuvenate dad’s skin. Facials include Environmental Shield® Vitamin C, Clarifying Enzyme Acne, Anti-Aging and Sensitive Skin. 5. Father’s Day Gift Card & Membership – You can’t go wrong with a gift card or gift membership. This is the perfect way to start dad on the path to wellness and have him customize his own “ME day.”


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“Help dad get started on his path to wellness this Father’s Day and he’ll be sure to thank you for thinking of him.” About Massage Envy Spa Massage Envy Spa is the pioneer and national leader of affordable massage and spa services. Our intention is to promote a healthy lifestyle through affordable massage and spa services. Our spa provides a full suite of Massage Envy Spa services including: Sugar Foot Scrub Therapy, Aromatherapy, Deep Muscle Therapy, Hot Stone Envy Massage, Sports Massage, Swedish Massage, Reflexology, Deep Tissue Massage, Cranial Sacral Massage, Trigger Point Massage and Prenatal Massage. With all the health benefits associated with buying a Massage Envy gift certificate for your dad, there really is no reason why you should buy anything else for him this Father’s Day. Schedule an appointment today and start yourself or your father on the road to wellness at a Massage Envy Spa near you.

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SAVE on a massage or facial when you mention the Women’s Journal June - July 2015



Meet the smile Makeover Consultation Team

Dr. Lisa V. Thompson is the founder and owner of the LVT Dental Center, in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Dr. Thompson is a graduate of Howard University, College of Dentistry and she has been an active part of the medical professional community in Prince George’s County since 2009. Through her work in a variety of dental settings in the metropolitan region, she has gained extensive and invaluable experience in state of the art modalities, treatment planning, practice management, and insurance coordination. Dr. Thompson often works in conjunction with other specialists within the dental and medical community to better achieve the needs and wants of her patients, whom she considers her dental family. She has also made every effort to build her personal dental repertoire, to include Dental Cosmetics, ZOOM, Botox, Invisalign, LVI Smile Design, Laser Dentistry, Sleep Apnea/Snoring Treatments, and Apex Nutritional Supplementation. Dr. Thompson graciously volunteers her time and knowledge to local non-profits including churches, parent/ teacher associations, health fairs, and countless other community activities, and is often considered the “tooth advocate” in the community. Dr. Thompson’s mission is to aid in the eradication of dental disease within her patients and to ensure quality dental health for all while providing comprehensive, preventative, and restorative care. She believes that dental health is the gateway to overall health and beauty and strives to make all within her practice and the community


at large aware of the importance that dental health plays in sound overall health. Dr. Thompson and her staff strive to be a resource in the Prince George’s County community by educating patients on the value of prevention, home care, and ultimately “dental awareness”. Ideally, Dr. Thompson’s goal is to provide General, Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in a safe, comfortable environment that ensures her patients an optimal healthcare experience. Dr. Thompson’s other passions include women’s health, globetrotting, swimming and reading.■



Ways Healthy Teeth Will Boost Overall Health

Boosts Your Self-esteem and Confidence Decayed teeth and gum disease are often associated not only with an unsightly mouth but very bad breath — so bad it can affect your confidence, self-image, and self-esteem. With a healthy mouth that’s free of gum disease and cavities, your quality of life is also bound to be better — you can eat properly, sleep better, and concentrate with no aching teeth or mouth infections to distract you. May Lower Risk of Heart Disease Chronic inflammation from gum disease has been associated with the development of cardiovascular problems such as heart disease, blockages of blood vessels, and strokes. Experts stop short of saying there is a cause-and-effect between gum disease and these other serious health problems, but the link has shown up in numerous studies. The findings of these studies may suggest that maintaining oral health can help protect overall health. Preserves Your Memory Adults with gingivitis (swollen, bleeding gums) performed worse on tests of memory and other cognitive skills than did those with healthier gums and mouths, according to a report in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry. Those with gingivitis were more likely to perform poorly on two tests: delayed verbal recall and subtraction — both skills used in everyday life. Using an antibacterial mouthwash or toothpaste can help reduce bacteria in the mouth that can cause gingivitis. Reduces Risks of Infection and Inflammation in Your Body Poor oral health has been linked with the development of infection in other parts of the body.

Research has found an association between gum disease and rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the joints. Experts say the mechanism of the destruction of connective tissues in both gum disease and RA is similar. Eating a balanced diet, seeing your dentist regularly, and good oral hygiene helps reduce your risks of tooth decay and gum disease. Make sure you brush twice a day and floss once a day. Helps Keep Blood Sugar Stable if You Have Diabetes People with uncontrolled diabetes often have gum disease. Having diabetes can make you less able to fight off infection, including gum infections that can lead to serious gum disease. And some experts have found that if you have diabetes, you are more likely to develop more severe gum problems than someone without diabetes. That, in turn, may make it more difficult to control blood sugar levels. Reducing your risk of gingivitis by protecting your oral health may help with blood sugar control if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Helps Pregnant Women Carry a Baby to Term Women may experience increased gingivitis during pregnancy. Some research suggests a relationship between gum disease and preterm, low-birth-weight infants. Not all studies have found a solid link, but maintaining good oral health is still the best goal. If you’re pregnant, visit your dentist or periodontist as part of your prenatal care. Consider it good practice for the role modeling that lies ahead for all new parents.■ June - July 2015



Breast Cancer Statistics


By Thomas A. Bensinger, MD, FACP

reast cancer is the most common malignancy, after skin cancer, in the United States affecting women. It is so prominent that approximately 1 in 3 cancers in the female population is a breast cancer. In fact it is the second leading cause of death in women who have a cancer diagnosis. Were you aware that your chances of dying from a breast cancer are higher if the diagnosis occurs when your age at diagnosis is greater than 65 than if your age at presentation is less than 50? Well, it is true. Here are the statistics: For females 50 or younger, there were 61,760 cases of breast cancer and 6,400 of the women with breast cancer died from the disease, therefore resulting in a death rate calculated at 10.4 percent. For the greater than 65 age group, the incidence was 98,080 with 22,660 dying from the disease. Thus, the death rate was 23 percent for this group of women.* Another way to evaluate the statistics is to look at the incidence per 100,000 females in the USA. If you look at the number, you realize that both the invasive incidence and the mortality rates have already peaked and are on the way down. The invasive incidence of breast cancer appeared to have peaked in the year 2000 at 150/100,000 and has now fallen to130/100,000 in more recent years. This has also been accompanied by a decline in the death rate of 30/1000 in 1990 to 24/100,000 in the latest statistics available. This decline in mortality was larger for women younger than 50 years (3.2 percent less) than among those older than 50 (2 percent less). Unfortunately for both the incidence and the chance for survival of females with breast cancer, there is a greater risk of dying in the African-American population in comparison to the non-Hispanic White group. The numbers reveal an 88.8 percent of five-year survival in the Caucasian group compared to 77.5 percent rate of living in the American Black population. An additional set of statistics that needs to be noted is the rate of mammography screening appears to be totally dependent on your income level. The data available demonstrate that poverty (as defined by an income of less than $17,050 for a 4 person household) occurred 50 percent in the year 2008 while the number rose to 72.8 percent for the non-poor group defined as an income of 400 percent greater than of the poverty level. In conclusion you should follow the recommendation of the American Cancer Society, and every woman over 40 should have an annual mammogram and do not forget to


have an annual clinical breast exam which should be done preferably prior to your mammogram.■ *“Breast Cancer Statistics,” 2011 in CA a Cancer Journal for Clinicians, November/December, 2011. Dr. Thomas A. Bensinger, a graduate of Georgetown University and George Washington School of Medicine, completed internship and fellowship in hematology at Duke University Medical Center. He completed residency at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. and a fellowship at City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, California. Dr. Bensinger is board certified in internal medicine and hematology. Dr. Bensinger is an author on greater than 25 published research papers, active in numerous medical organizations and was recently elected by his peers to fill an executive committee position with the American Society of Hematology. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP). Dr. Bensinger was named a “Top Doctor” by Washingtonian Magazine 2010.


Weight Loss - Diets, Exercise &

Beyond: The HCG Controversy


By Alan Weiss, MD

ody weight and obesity are intricately related to accepted views of beauty, and varies between cultures and eras. However medical evidence has linked obesity to health and life expectancy. Being overweight contributes to the development of heart disease, diabetes, chronic pain, and cancer. What is overlooked is why being overweight contributes to disease. The common link is a vicious circle: Being overweight and especially belly fat creates insulin resistance and inflammation, which contribute to the development of heart disease, diabetes, chronic pain, and cancer. Secondly, unhealthy states such as toxicity and inflammatory states, as well as chronic stress and sleeplessness, increase the likelihood of becoming overweight. For each person there is a safe way to lose weight and to keep it off. In order to do so certain issues that must be addressed:

rapid and lasting significant weight loss. I personally lost 22 pounds in 4 weeks (and have kept it off) and have seen similar weight loss consistently with my patients. While not for everyone, this is a safe and effective method. There are scientific studies both supporting and questioning this method. However my experience is that this works, especially with people who have been struggling with weight for a long time.■ Dr.Weiss completed his undergraduate work at University of Virginia and is a graduate of McGill University Medical School; he completed his Internship at the University of Hawaii and Residency at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Boston. As head of Annapolis Integrative Medicine, Dr. Weiss specializes in preventative health, alternative approaches to wellness, and treating complex issues including CFS and Fibromyalgia.

1. Underlying medical issues such as sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, anemia, and other nutritional deficiencies can make it difficult to lose weight. 2. Exercise: Muscle burns calories much more than fat. Every pound of muscle uses around 50 extra calories a day. If you have lots of fat and little muscle mass, it may take very few calories to maintain your body weight. This is why some people hardly eat, but can’t lose weight. Intense bursts of exercise and resistance exercise is most efficient for weight loss. 3. It is where calories come from that influence a person’s ability to lose weight. Paying attention to the glycemic index of foods (roughly, how easily the food raises blood sugar) will help with weight loss. 4. Medications can produce weight gain and fatigue and must be addressed. 5. It is critical to examine how we eat to make ourselves happy, to get relief, to reward and to distract ourselves etc. I utilize a number of modalities to assist my patients in losing weight, including detoxification, addressing insulin resistance, and reducing inflammation. A very effective yet controversial approach is using very small injections of a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with a low calorie diet to produce June - July 2015


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Dr. Ndidi Agholor is a caring and dedicated pediatrician whose top priority is the well-being of her patients. She is committed to providing quality healthcare for all her patients from birth to age 21. Dr. Agholor has worked in the Maryland/DC area for over a decade. She graduated from Howard University College of Medicine and completed her pediatric residency at the University of Maryland Medical Center. She is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and is also a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Agholor enjoys caring for children of all ages, participating in community activities and promoting healthy lifestyle choices for her patients and their families. She has special interests in Newborn/Infant Care, Behavioral Disorders, Asthma Management, Nutrition, Adolescent/Teenage Health, Preventative/Well Child Care. Healthcare for Infants, Children and Adolescents 7505 New Hampshire Ave, Suite 302, Takoma Park, MD 20912 Phone 301-434-8800 ●

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Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am-6:30pm and Saturday 9:00am-12noon (by appointment only)


The A


PHYSICALLY Fit Driver By Dr. Nesly Clerge

new federal law that took effect last year requires drivers to take a physical exam certifying that they are medically qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle. The exams must be performed by a certified medical examiner registered with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, part of the Department of Transportation (DOT). Known as the DOT physical, the exam may be performed by chiropractic doctors, medical doctors, osteopathic doctors, advanced nurse practitioners, or physician assistants. All practitioners performing these physicals must take a specialized course and pass a certification test to become certified.

What to expect during your physical? The doctor will perform a thorough physical examination. The exam requires a thorough review of your health history. The doctor will perform a vision test, a hearing test, blood pressure readings, and a urinalysis. The body systems that are checked will include but is not limited to your general appearance, eyes, ears, mouth, throat, heart, lungs, chest (not including a breast examination), abdomen, vascular system, genito-urinary system, extremities, spine, musculoskeletal systems and a neurological exam. For a healthy individual, the maximum certification is two years.

What if I have a health issue? Certain conditions will cause a driver to be disqualified; however, you may be qualified to drive depending on the health condition. Some health problems may require only a oneyear certification, while other conditions that are well managed may still be granted a two-year certification to drive. Some surgical procedures may also require a waiting period. The goal of the examiner is to determine the driver’s medical fitness for duty. Specialists such as cardiologists and endocrinologists may perform additional medical evaluations, but it is the medical examiner who decides if the driver is medically qualified to drive. Commonly Seen Conditions and What to Bring High blood pressure and diabetes are commonly seen conditions during a physical. An individual diagnosed with Stage 1 hypertension (BP is 140/90-159/99) may be certified for one year. At recertification, an individual with a BP equal to or less than 140/90 may be certified for one year; however, if his or her BP is greater than 140/90 but less than 160/100, a onetime certificate for three months can be issued. An individual diagnosed with Stage 2 (BP is 160/100-179/109) should be treated and a one-time certificate for three-month certification can be issued. Once the driver has reduced his or her BP to equal to or less than 140/90, he or she may be recerti-

fied annually thereafter. An individual diagnosed with Stage 3 hypertension (BP equal to or greater than 180/110) should not be certified until his or her BP is reduced to 140/90 or less, and may be recertified every six months. The driver with diabetes mellitus who does not use insulin is eligible for certification, unless the driver also has a disqualifying complication, comorbidity, or fails to meet one or more of the other standards for qualification. The driver with diabetes must have biennial physical examinations. Copies of your health records from your endocrinologist or your primary care doctor are a must during your visit. Dr. Clerge is a national registered certified medical examiner.■

Dr. Nesly Clerge Dr. Nesly Clerge is a board certified chiropractor and a National Registry Certified Medical Examiner, with over ten years of experience managing personal injury cases. He also performs DOT physical examinations to determine if drivers are medically qualified to drive. See ad on page 30

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Call the Women’s Journal at 866-517-5049 June - July 2015



Dental Health and Your Infant


By Janet V. Johnson, M.D.

ccording to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control ), the greatest racial and ethnic disparity in oral health among children aged 2–4 years and aged 6–8 years is seen in Mexican-American and black, non-Hispanic children. Tooth decay (cavities) is one of the most common chronic conditions of childhood in the United States. Untreated tooth decay can cause pain and infections that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing, and learning. • About 1 of 5 children (20%) aged 5 to 11 years have at least one untreated decayed tooth. • 1 of 7 adolescents (13%) aged 12 to 19 years have at least one untreated decayed tooth. • The percentage of children and adolescents aged 5 to 19 years with untreated tooth decay is twice as high for those from low-income families (25%) compared with children from higher-income households (11%). Most people know that it is important to brush, floss and visit the dentist regularly, but they don’t realize that a healthy mouth can reduce the risk of developing medical problems such as heart disease, strokes and infections. What goes on in your mouth can affect the body and what goes on in the body can affect the mouth. Many diseases and conditions can affect your oral health. For example, people may get more infections in the mouth if their immune system is weak. The immune system protects your body from illness and infection. It can be weakened by disease, by drugs taken to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs, or as a side effect of cancer chemotherapy drugs. Medications used for other conditions also can affect the health of your mouth.

Your infant’s mouth Caring for your infant’s mouth Even though your baby doesn’t have teeth, you should still clean his or her mouth. It is a good idea to get in the habit of cleaning your baby’s gums soon after birth. Although there will be a little fussing at first, your infant will get used to having the mouth cleaned like other parts of the body. Many children grow to enjoy brushing their teeth as part of their daily routine. To clean your infant’s mouth: • Lay your infant on your lap. The head should be close to your chest so you can look down directly into the child’s mouth. • Clean the gums by rubbing a clean, damp washcloth along the baby’s upper and lower gums. You can also 14

use terrycloth finger cots, which fit over the finger and are made for this purpose. They are sold in many drugstores, or in infant healthcare kits along with other essential items. • When the teeth come into the mouth, switch to a soft-bristled, infant-sized toothbrush. Unless your dentist/doctor recommends otherwise, start using toothpaste without fluoride. If your child is younger than age 2, do not use fluoride toothpaste unless your doctor or dentist tells you to. For children who are younger than 3 years, use only a “smear” of toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice) on the bristles of the toothbrush. • Follow these steps at least twice a day — once after breakfast and once after the last feeding of the day. Teething Between 3 and 9 months, your infant’s baby teeth will begin to erupt (emerge into the mouth). The process usually starts with the lower two front teeth (incisors). The timing varies considerably among children. However, the order is very predictable. After the four incisors come in on both the lower and upper jaw, the first molars erupt. They are followed by canines (eye teeth) and then the second molars further back in the mouth. Most children have a full set of 20 baby teeth by age 2½ or 3. Teething can go by almost unnoticed or can be stressful for both parents and children alike. It may make your child irritable or fussy and may cause restlessness, drooling or loss of appetite. However, teething has not been shown to cause other childhood symptoms such as fever, vomiting or diarrhea. These symptoms may appear at the same time that teething is occurring. You can ease your child’s teething discomfort by: • Giving him or her a hard or cold teething ring/frozen washcloth to chew on • Applying pressure over the gums by rubbing them with a clean finger Sucking habits It’s completely normal and healthy for a baby or young child to suck on a thumb, finger or a pacifier. It is not something you need to be alarmed about or discourage. Sucking is a natural reflex. This is something your baby did while in the womb. Children usually give up sucking habits on their own by the time they are 3 to 4 years old. If they stop the habit at this age, the shape of the jaw is usually not affected. The teeth should grow in normally. However, some children find the

HEALTH & WELLNESS sucking habit hard to break. Children who are still sucking on a pacifier, finger or thumb when their permanent (adult) teeth start to come in are more likely to have bite problems. Sucking can cause: • The top front teeth to slant out • The bottom front teeth to tilt in • The upper and lower jaws to be misaligned • The roof of the mouth to be narrower side to side The amount of distortion caused by sucking depends on how often, how long and how intensely the child sucks. It also is affected by the type of object that the child is sucking on. To help an older child break a sucking habit, it is important to explain clearly why the habit can be harmful. Be supportive and encouraging, and praise the child’s efforts to end the habit. If the child sucks a finger or pacifier because of a stressful situation, it can be very helpful to address the source of the stress. When needed, dentists can provide appliances that correct distortions created by the sucking habit and help the child stop the habit. Here are a few ways as parents you can encourage your child to quit sucking a finger or thumb. • Use positive reinforcement. • Track progress by noting every successful day using a sticker or star on a chart. • Put an adhesive bandage on the finger as a reminder, or have your child wear a mitten when sleeping. • Take the finger out of your child’s mouth after he or she falls asleep. Pacifier Tips If the child uses a pacifier; make sure it is always used with safety. Never fasten a pacifier on a string or necklace around the child’s neck. The child could accidentally be strangled. Choose a pacifier that: • Is one piece rather than several parts • Has ventilating holes on the sides • Is large enough so that your child can’t swallow it • Is made of a flexible, nontoxic material • Has a handle that is easy to grasp Always check the pacifier before giving it to the child. Make sure there are no rips or tears, and if there are, replace it. Never dip a pacifier in honey or any other sweet substance before giving it to the baby. This could lead to serious tooth decay. The First Dental Visit “First visit by first birthday.” This is the view of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry; pediatricians agree. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children who are at risk of early childhood cavities visit a pediatric dentist by age 1.

National studies have shown that preschool-aged children are getting more cavities. More than 1 in 4 children in the United States has had at least one cavity by the age of 4. Many kids get cavities as early as age 2. To prevent early childhood cavities, parents first have to find out their child’s risk of developing cavities. They also need to learn how to manage diet, hygiene and fluoride to prevent problems. But cavities aren’t all that parents need to learn about their child’s dental health. The age 1 dental visit lets parents discuss the following important facts: • How to care for an infant’s or toddler’s mouth • Proper use of fluoride • Oral habits, including finger and thumb sucking • Ways to prevent accidents that could damage the face and teeth • Teething and milestones of development • The link between diet and oral health After this first visit, the pediatric dentist will suggest a schedule of follow-up visits. In the past, dentists typically called for visits every six months. However, this schedule may vary according to each child’s needs and risks. As the child grows, the dental team can help you the parent learn how to prevent common oral problems. Before leaving the office, you should have a clear idea about: • Your child’s development • Your responsibilities • Follow-up care by the dentist • Your child’s likelihood of having problems with cavities or bite You should have your questions answered. You also should know what you and the dentist can do together to make sure your child has excellent oral health.■

Loving Care Pediatrics: Dr. Johnson and Staff accepting new patients, birth to age 21

3311 Toledo Terrace Suite C-201, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 Office: (301) 403-8808 / Fax: (301) 403-1341 June - July 2015



No More Metal Braces


f you are looking for an alternative to metal braces, ClearCorrect is the clear and simple choice. ClearCorrect invisible braces are the clear and simple way to straighten your teeth so that you can show off your smile. No wires. No brackets. Just clear, convenient comfort – giving you every reason to smile. ClearCorrect is an easy and discreet solution to align and straighten a broad range of dental conditions for a stunning, healthy smile. The fact that it does this so well is remarkable; the fact that it does this with little to no effort is almost unbelievable. ClearCorrect is for both adults and teenagers – age is not a problem. Children who might not yet have all of their molars and even seniors with more complicated dental cases may be candidates for ClearCorrect, but should consult with their doctors first. With ClearCorrect, your dentist can straighten your teeth using a series of clear, custom, removable aligners. Each aligner moves your teeth just a little bit at a time until you eventually get straight teeth. And ClearCorrect is one of the clearest aligner systems available. The ClearCorrect aligners offer superior clarity, are virtually invisible and unnoticeable, and their smooth surface finish withstands clouding from wear. Schedule an appointment with your dentist so you can have your teeth evaluated and talk about any problems or goals you have for your smile. Once your dentist establishes that ClearCorrect is the right treatment option for you, the dental staff will take impressions, photos, and sometimes X-rays of your teeth.


By Peter Merai, DDS, FAGD Comprehensive Dental Care, Inc.

If you would like to learn more about ClearCorrect, call your dental office to set up a consultation to see if ClearCorrect addresses your dental concerns and cosmetic goals.

No wires. No brackets. Just clear, convenient comfort – giving you every reason to smile.” ClearCorrect will then create 3-D models of your teeth. Following the instructions provided by your dentist, ClearCorrect then creates a treatment setup representing the desired position of your teeth at the end of treatment. At the same time, ClearCorrect also manufactures Phase Zero passive aligners designed to fit your teeth and get you accustomed to wearing aligners right away.■

Dr. Peter Merai & Michelle Merai, D.D.S. 6188 Oxon Hill Road., Suite 410, Oxon Hill, MD 20745 301-567-9844

Dr. Merai coupon offers (coupons cannot be combined)

1) Free Cleaning for adults 55 and older (not for periodontal disease) 2) Best fitting basic dentures $1250 each 3) Free comprehensive exam including Free full set of digital low radiation computerized X-rays (normally $200)

Improve Severe Fatigue with

Natural Hormones!




s soon as I get home, I want to lay on the couch and sleep,” said a 56-year-old professional gentleman. “This isn’t me!” His doctor could find no apparent cause of the fatigue. After labs, a medical evaluation, and optimizing his testosterone and thyroid hormones, he was back in action. “I can’t remember when I felt this good. I’m working out again and at the top of my game at work.” Without enough of the right hormones, you will be tired all day. You can use willpower, sugar and coffee, but you will have more and more difficulty keeping up the pace at work and at home. Severe chronic fatigue is often due to multiple hormone deficiencies. Among those are: Testosterone • Increases stamina throughout the day • Gives more mental clarity • Creates more red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body • Helps you sleep better at night Growth Hormone • Improves cell functioning and thus quality of life • Helps rapid recovery after exertion or stress • Reverses exhaustion and sore muscles • Increases vitality Natural Thyroid • Helps you get going in the morning • Decreases feeling sluggish when you sit or rest • Speeds up energy and heat reactions inside the cells to increase metabolism Many men and women can’t exactly remember when they started feeling so tired. Of course, diet, exercise and stress are variables that must be considered. But many of my younger clients eat clean, have gym memberships and aren’t exactly depressed; they just can’t do anything more than the minimum. When their labs are tested, some show levels of a 70-year-old. Optimizing their hormone levels starts a new chapter in their lives. After a few months on bio-identical testosterone, 52-year-old Eric couldn’t believe the difference. “Look at me! I’m going to the gym, taking my wife out, and I can’t wait to face the day.” At New Day Vitality, we specialize in “pellet therapy”. Studies have repeatedly shown that using natural hormones in time-release pellets for hormone replacement outperforms all other equivalent methods of release, including pills, creams, patches and injections. Individualized pellet hormone replacement therapy is precise, personal, effective, economical, reliable and safe. If you can’t figure out why you are so tired, call New Day Vitality Hormone Center ( for a free consultation (410-793-5212). It could be all about the hormones!■ June - July 2015



The Dark Side of that Summer Glow


ummer is here! With the summer season, there is a common desire to exchange dreary winter skin for skin that has been kissed by the sun. Tanned skin is associated with well-being, health, and even wealth. Excessive ultraviolet exposure, regardless of the source, is dangerous. A tan is the skin’s telling sign that it has been damaged. What exactly occurs during the tanning process? UVB is absorbed by the superficial layers of the skin and causes the release of inflammatory factors. We detect this inflammation in the form of a sunburn, a tan, and premature aging. UVA penetrates deeper in the skin and also initiates inflammation. UVA is a more potent causative agent of premature aging as it causes changes in elastin, collagen, and blood vessels. Melanocytes, the pigment producing cells of the skin, provide protection against ultraviolet induced DNA damage. When ultraviolet light hits the melanocytes, they increase their production of pigment granules called melanosomes. The melanosomes travel from the bottom layer to the top layers of skin in an effort to absorb and filter the damaging ultraviolet rays. The ultraviolet rays cause damage to the DNA within the melanocytes which translates to the formation of a tan, freckles, dyspigmentation, and skin cancer. Melanoma is the result of uncontrolled growth of melanocytes caused by mutations in the cellular DNA. It is the most deadly form of skin cancer. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 86% of melanomas are attributed to ultraviolet exposure. Melanoma is the most common form of cancer in ages 25-29. Mostly young females use indoor tanning salons. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, exposure to tanning beds before the age of 35, increases one’s risk of developing a melanoma by a staggering 75%. The Academy also reports that the World Health Organization has classified the ultraviolet light emitted from tanning devices as a human carcinogen. Tanning beds are more likely to emit UVA which penetrates deeper into the skin resulting in inflammation and melanocytic mutations. This explains the increased risk


By Katina Byrd Miles, MD of skin cancers associated with tanning salon use.To make tanning salons even more dangerous, they are associated with addictive behavior. The lamps also emit UVA that is more potent than natural sunlight. Sunscreen and responsible sun exposure dramatically decreases one’s risk for developing a skin cancer and premature aging. Here are some guidelines to protect the skin. Sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes before going outside. A shot glass full is an adequate amount of sunscreen to be applied to the body. When outside for an extended amounts of time, sunscreen must be reapplied every two hours. The ultraviolet light emitted from the sun is the strongest between the hours of 10 am to 4 pm. Sunscreen that provides broad spectrum UVA and UVB coverage with at least a SPF of 30 is adequate. If wearing light colored or thin clothing such as a tee shirt, sunscreen should still be applied to those covered areas. Be sure to apply sunscreen to the face, neck, ears and hands, as these body parts are exposed everyday. A full body skin check is recommended at least yearly by a board certified dermatologist. If you have a history of extensive ultraviolet exposure, a skin check may be needed biannually. It is also recommended that those with a history of tanning salon use have a

yearly exam with an ophthalmologist and a gynecologist. Yearly full body skin checks help to detect skin cancer in the early stages. Early detection dramatically decreases the risk of dying from skin cancer. Premature aging can be addressed with chemical peels, laser treatments, retinoids, and antioxidant serums. To schedule a consultation for a treatment regimen to reverse the signs of premature aging and for a full body skin check with a board certified dermatologist, please contact Dr. Katina Byrd Miles at 401-451-0500 (www. Dr. Miles trained at the Cancer Institute, Melanoma Center, at Washington Hospital Center from 20002002. During this two year Melanoma Fellowship, Dr. Miles conducted melanoma research and also trained extensively in the early detection of skin cancer with the use of the dermatoscope.■ Dr. Katina Miles is a graduate of Howard University College of Medicine. She completed her internal medicine residency at University of Maryland at Baltimore and dermatology residency at Georgetown University. Dr. Miles is a board certified dermatologist and a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. She is an expert in skin cancer detection and treatment and is a Skin of Color specialist. Dr. Miles is the founder and Medical Director of Skin Oasis Dermatology where she is ready to serve you.


Lose Your Glasses, On Purpose!


hy do we need glasses? In order to see clearly, light must be focused on a single point on the retina. When this does not happen, we need glasses to help focus the light properly. There are several types of vision that are corrected with glasses. Nearsightedness, which is called myopia, farsightedness also called hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia are all types of refractive error. People who are nearsighted or myopic can see up close. Things that are far away are blurry because the eye is too long and light is actually focused in the middle of the eye. People who are farsighted or hyperopic can see better in the distance because the eye is too short and light is focused behind the eye. Astigmatism occurs because light is focused on multiple points in the eye.

In order to read, the lens which is in the middle of the eye expands to focus light on the retina. As we get older, about the age of 45 years, the lens gets stiffer and less flexible. As the lens becomes less flexible, it gets harder to read because the light is focused behind the retina.

Laser vision correction has been approved by the FDA for 20 years. The technology is so safe and excellent that our fine military approves it for its pilots, soldiers and even NASA astronaut candidates. Now is the time for you to enjoy an active life without glasses.■

The aging lens become rigid & inflexible, and thus is unable to focus the image at the focus point

All of these problems can be treated so that a person can become less reliant on glasses. Myopia (nearsightedness), mild hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism can be treated with LASIK. With mono-vision LASIK, even presbyopia can be treated. LASIK stands for Laser Assisted Stromal In-situKeratomileusis. This means that a laser is used to reshape the cornea to make it better. Today, physicians utilize an “all laser” approach to performing LASIK surgery. This two-step process utilizes the Intralase® method of flap creation with Wave Front CustomVue treatment to deliver a very precise vision correction. With this advanced technology, our surgeons can identify and measure imperfections in an individual’s vision 25 times more precisely than standard methods used for glasses and contact lenses. By using the latest state-of-the-art technologies such as Intralase® and VisxCustomVue lasers, the Envision Eye & Laser Center in Glenn Dale, Maryland, can increase your chances of a successful laser eye surgery and make the procedure available to a large number of candidates who did not previously qualify for vision correction procedures. Our professionalism is appreciated by our patients who have benefited from the rewarding effects of laser eye surgery.

In order to see clearly, light must be focused on a single point on the retina. When this does not happen, we need glasses” Dr. Renee Bovelle “Your Best Vision is Our Focus”

12200 Annapolis Rd., Suite 116 Glenn Dale, MD 20769 301-805-4664 June - July 2015


COMMUNITY Founded in 1991, MENTOR Maryland is a leading foster care agency serving teens with emotional and behavioral challenges. Our services are tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients. A mentor is a foster parent who is seeking the chance to positively change the life of a young person. Mentors help young people to learn independent living skills which will serve them for a lifetime. For more information, contact Tonya Logan at or (301) 577-7931.

Fresh Perspectives on Foster Care

have the same opportunity to reach back and help young men and women who are lost and have no direction.


Finally Home: Catherine Sanders’ Story entered the foster care system at age 12 and have been with my family, the Wicks, for nearly seven years. At age 20, I am being officially adopted. It is my strong desire to inspire those who have no hope of being adopted due to their age.


From Foster Care to State Senate: C. Anthony Muse aving never known my biological father and having been separated as a preteen from my biological mother, left alone and on my own, I was shuffled from one foster home and foster family to another. The turmoil in my life led me on a journey through 11 different foster homes. Kicked out of three public school systems, I was told I would never excel academically. Thankfully, a United Methodist pastor who had eight children of his own took me in. While living in the home of Rev. George Stansbury, I found love, acceptance, stability and direction. There, I learned lessons that would become the foundation of all that I would come to believe in. I learned through education, hard work, and steadfast integrity, life’s obstacles could become life’s opportunities–that to achieve anything worthwhile in life, one must never give up and never forget people who helped along the way. At 19, I became a pastor who helped to strengthen the spirits of my congregation while advocating for the issues impacting the quality of their daily lives. I hold three degrees, a bachelor’s degree from Morgan State University, a master’s degree from Wesley Theological Seminary and a doctorate from Howard University. I am the senior pastor of the Ark of Safety Christian Church in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. For over 20 years, I have actively served my community through civic and political involvement. As I recently recounted at Mentor Maryland’s Foster Care Appreciation Lunch, I had no control over my situation as a child, but one man was able to turn my bad situation into a victory... All because he believed in me. And that’s why I love being a pastor and a senator, because I now


Lisa Wicks, Donald Wicks and Catherine Sanders

Being in the system may not be what I or anyone envisions. But for me, the system saved my life, and it continues to serve its purpose. For many years, there was a lot of instability in my life. I did not think I would make it through high school. During my freshman and sophomore years I changed schools three times. I also experienced emotional trauma and the stigma of negative labels. People heard foster child and automatically had low expectations of me. Transitioning to college while in the system was very challenging initially. Looking at the statistics of youth in foster care who attempt to finish college, I felt the odds were against me. But after being in a supportive family, I felt a sense of ease and a desire to accomplish my aspirations regardless of the obstacles I faced. This past January, I transferred to Towson University with a 3.5 G.P.A. I am a junior studying mass communications with the hope of becoming a news anchor and motivational speaker. I plan to use my voice to give light to others in my position. President John F. Kennedy once said, “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” Every child put on this earth has a purpose, but it doesn’t begin to manifest without direction. And every child in the system needs direction, even young adults like me.■



ating tomatoes may reduce the risk of heart disease. Adding this vegetable to your diet may help lower cholesterol. Tomatoes contain vitamin B3, B6, folate and fiber. Eating lots of tomatoes can help reduce your risk of stroke and or heart attack because of the chemicals found in the vegetable that convert harmful substances and dilute them. Tomatoes get rid of chemicals that damage the blood vessels. Tomatoes help regulate blood sugar Tomatoes are a good source of chromium, which has been shown to help diabetic patients keep their blood sugar levels under control. Tomatoes counteract acidosis Acidosis, according to the medical community, is a common cause of calcium loss, fatigue, headaches, sleeplessness, muscle aches, acne, eczema, arteriosclerosis, sexual dysfunction, hor-

COMMUNITY mone imbalance, depression, and many degenerative conditions. Our bodies are designed to maintain an alkaline balance with a pH of 7.365. Yet diet and poor exercise habits mean our bodies are over-acidified. By including plenty of alkaline minerals in our diets – calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium – we help our body maintain its alkaline balance naturally. Tomatoes are excellent sources of calcium, magnesium, and potassium and can aid in preventing acidosis. Tomatoes Help Lower Blood Pressure and Protect the Prostate Studies show that eating tomatoes can reduce the risk of many cancers, and prostate cancer in particular. Tomatoes strengthen bones, eyes and protect the skin. Tomatoes are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is responsible for various health issues and weakening of the immune system. The overproduction of free radicals within cells boosts inflammatory compounds. These compounds promote virtually all chronic degenerative diseases, including atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s disease along with various cancers. High amounts of the antioxidants lycopene and beta-carotene in tomatoes neutralize free radicals and help reduce inflammation.■

Tomato Recipe

1 Tomato 1 teaspoon vinegar 2 tablespoons of onion 1/2 teaspoon of basil & parsley 1/2 clove of garlic

GoCooKVEGAN Learn to Cook Vegan

Create healthy meals that are more than just salads. Learn about the veggies and how they can help you get your groove back. What is gluten free and how do you transition? Classes are held weekly in Chevy Chase, D.C. and Columbia, MD. Register at / 301-887-7901

June Special

Prepare one week of meals for $150.00 Call to reserve June - July 2015


Paint & Sip & Sample

Learn a few basic principals of water color while sipping sangria and sampling tasty bites

Take home your creation

2 tickets $80 4 tickets $150, Super Value! 10 tickets $320, Host a paint party! Purchase online at 301-887-7901 22

Take a Cooking Class or Pod Gardening Class with GoCook Vegan Learn to prepare a few healthy but tasty recipes. Come alone or bring a friend

Summer special Summer Fun

Prepay and save on 9 class tickets for only $150!

Pod Gardening

Learn to grow it class Bring your pod garden home with you! Class includes supplies 2 tickets $150 or 4 tickets $250 Purchase online at / 301-887-7901

June - July 2015



June - July 2015


Express and Explore Your Creativity Schedule a meeting outdoors The Golden Triangle BID is providing a variety of fun activities in Farragut Park on Fridays! Free space includes free Wi-Fi, tables, chairs, and games to get your creativity flowing. Enjoy the free work space as an alternative to your office and schedule your meeting in the park! Email to reserve space for four or more people between the hours of 9-11 a.m. and 3-5 p.m. Space reservations for a maximum of 1.5 hours, and the space will only be held for15 minutes after your start time. Rediscover your lunch hour with your Golden Triangle friends. We’ll be hosting another popular season of Picnic in the Park. Grab a bite to eat, relax outside, and play fun lawn games. Sign up for a round of table tennis at Farragut Park: there’s no better way to network and showcase your company than by competing against another Golden Triangle business. Events run all day from dawn to dark! Learn Tech trends with members of the tech community coworking outside in Farragut Park for tech demos, learning labs, and meet-ups. Plus, connect and collaborate on the next big idea. The following tech companies will be out in the park 11-12 noon, on select Fridays: Cove, UberOffices, WeWork, DC Tech Meetup, General Assembly, MoDev, Tableau, TechShop, Yapper, DC Young Entrepreneurs and more. Learn A Language with Global Language Network GLN is a community where people learn, share and connect. We offer affordable language classes in more than 60 languages, using a communicative approach that builds our learners’ communication skills in an interactive and enjoyable environment. Our Summer 2015 semester runs June 1 – July 18 with classes meeting twice a week for 2 hours each for 6 weeks unless otherwise noted. Class registration is ongoing until classes are full. Web: 26

Free Summer Activities!! MOVIES DC FREE MOVIES Capitol Riverfront (CANAL PARK – 200 M St SE; Films include captioning)

MD FREE MOVIES National Harbor on the Potomac

June 11: Selma June 18: The Princess Bride June 25: Rush Hour July 2: Independence Day July 9: Bring It On July 16: LEGO Movie July 23: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory July 30: Big Hero 6 Aug. 6: Pitch Perfect

June 7: Viewer’s Choice June 14: Space Jam June 21: Martian Child June 28: ET: The Extra Terrestrial July 5: Viewer’s Choice July 12: Journey to the Center of the Earth July 19: Jumanji July 26: The Flintstones Aug. 2: Viewer’s Choice Aug. 9: Back to the Future

CONCERTS Jazz in the Garden

The Pavilion Café at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden, 7th and Constitution NW, Washington, DC. Every Friday, May 22 - August 28, 2015, 5- 8:30 p.m. US Marine Band The Marine Barracks 8th and I Streets, SE Fridays June 12- August 21, 2015, 8:45 p.m.

Baltimore Harborplace and The Gallery

Friday and Saturday nights, Friday, May 25-Saturday, July 28, 6-8 p.m. Harborplace Amphitheater (200 E. Pratt St.) Bands run the gamut of genres, including Motown, funk, jazz, blues, R&B, country, and more. All of the shows are fit for families and makes for a great evening of music, shopping, and food in the Inner Harbor.

June - July 2015



Cyber-Attack &

your business

By Rob Campbell

Are you protecting your Customers’ data? n 2014, according to Identity Theft Resource Center Breach Report businesses, educational institutions, and the medical/healthcare industry experienced 783 reported data breaches resulting in more than 85.6 million records being compromised. If massive data breaches can impact Sony, University of Maryland, Staples, Walgreens, Union Labor Life Insurance Company, Prince George’s County Public Schools, Johns Hopkins University, Quest Diagnostics, Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, Home Depot, Target, Neiman Marcus, Shoppers, Dairy Queen, Jimmy Johns, Goodwill Industries, JC Penney, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase, eBay, large healthcare organizations and many others that have not reported or have no knowledge they been breached, then how safe is your smallor medium-sized business? If your organization stores, transmits or processes customer credit, debit and ATM cards, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) compliance is mandatory. If you suffer a breach and aren’t in compliance, you could be fined from $50,000 to $500,000 and be required to regularly conduct expensive third-party audits of your information security. Organizations that fail to comply with the PCI-DSS potentially could suffer the loss of customer confidence and the ability to accept credit cards for payment. In order to be in compliance with the PCI-DSS you need to satisfy six basic requirements in information security: 1. Build and Maintain a Secure Network. 2. Protect Cardholder Data. 3. Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program.



4. Implement Strong Access Control Measures. 5. Regularly Monitor and Test Networks. 6. Maintain an Information Security Policy. Are you protecting your Patients’ data? There are many news reports of cyber-attacks against healthcare providers and other businesses both small and large. The loss or compromise of personal information not only can result in financial sanctions but also in negative public relations. What is HIPAA and the HITECH Act? • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandates that patient medical records and other healthcare information be protected against security breaches and unauthorized use or disclosure. • The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act has clarified and supplemented HIPAA requirements by raising the financial penalties in cases of non-compliance. What are the consequences of non-compliance? Covered entities that fail to voluntarily comply with HIPAA compliance standards may be subject to civil money penalties. Penalties range from $100 to $50,000 or more per violation. In addition, certain violations of the standards may be subject to criminal prosecution. A person who knowingly obtains or discloses individually identifiable health information in violation of the standards may face a criminal penalty of up to $50,000 and up to one-year imprisonment. 5 EHR Security Risk Analysis Myths and Facts? Here is where most IT professionals and office managers get lost: • The security risk analysis is optional for small providers. False.

All providers who are “covered entities “ under HIPAA are required to perform a risk analysis, including those who receive EHR incentive payments. Installing a certified EHR fulfills the security risk analysis Meaningful Use requirements. False. Even with a certified EHR, you must perform a full security risk analysis. My EHR vendor took care of everything I need to do about privacy and security. False. It is solely your responsibility to have a complete risk analysis conducted. A checklist will suffice for the risk analysis requirement. False. Checklists fall short of performing a systematic security risk analysis or documenting that one has been performed. I only need to do a risk analysis once. False. HIPAA requires continuous review to correct or modify, and update security protections (recommended at least annually).■

Rob Campbell (P): 301-266-2457 (F): 301-805-4663

Robert Campbell is the CEO of Med Cyber Security, a Maryland-based consulting firm that performs security and penetration testing for healthcare providers and other businesses. Allow Med Cyber-Security to partner with you to help keep you compliant with HIPPA/HITECH requirements so you can concentrate on taking care of your patients. Website:


Continuing Care Retirement Communities By Attorney Jon J. Gasior

Sponsored by Sinclair Prosser Law


ontinuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC) are a unique option when it comes to long-term care. When considering this option, you will want to be familiar with how they work. CCRCs provide an alternative to other long-term care options. Typically, residents pay a large entrance deposit, generally between $100,000 and $300,000 and upwards of $1 million. This large deposit buys the resident a guaranteed tiered approach to long-term care. CCRCs provide independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing, and even hospice care as the residents needs change. The deposit will guarantee whatever level of care is needed, although there may be an additional monthly fee. That monthly fee however, is typically a fraction of what that care would be at a non-CCRC facility. Some people may be reluctant to spend such a large sum on the entrance deposit but that deposit is often refunded to the resident’s family upon the resident’s death. This all sounds pretty good right? There are some issues to be aware of when shopping around for a CCRC. There are 3 types of CCRC contracts. • Life care – typically the most expensive but this type of contract allows

the resident to pay the same monthly fee for the entire range of services offered. • Modified – generally less expensive upfront than the life care contract, but the resident will pay more per month as health care needs increase. • Pay for service – most of the time the least expensive option upfront, but the resident will pay all of the health care related expenses. It is important to know what the deposit pays for and how much the monthly fee will be after the initial deposit. In addition, there are some other financial considerations to examine before choosing a CCRC. The long-term financial health of the CCRC is critical. Think of it this way. You just gave a business the majority of your life’s savings for a lifetime of care. If that business goes bankrupt you will lose your deposit, and have nowhere to live. Here a few questions to ask so that you can be confident you are making the right decision: What happens to my deposit upon death? Upon move out? Is it returned in its entirety? Can it be paid to my trust? Does my unit need to be re-occupied before my deposit is returned? What does the long-term financial health of the facility look like? Can I see a copy of the facilities audited financial statements? What exactly are the services that my deposit and monthly fee are paying for? CCRCs can be a great alternative to traditional long-term care, by providing peace of mind and long-term security for the residents. However, due to the business model of many of these facilities they do come with certain risk. If you have any concerns about a CCRC contract you are about to sign, do not hesitate to seek assistance from your estate planning and elder law attorney.■

May 2015 SEMINAR SCHEDULE Waldorf Tuesday, June 23 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast Hilton Garden Inn Waldorf 10385 O’Donnell Place Chesapeake BeaCh Wednesday, June 24 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast Rod ‘N’ Reel Waterfront 4165 Mears Avenue annapolis Thursday, June 25 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Refreshments Double Tree Hotel Annapolis 210 Holiday Court edgeWater Friday, June 26 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast Historic London Town & Gardens Pavilion 839 Londontown Road BoWie Saturday, June 27 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast Comfort Inn US 50, US 301 @ MD 3 For more info: 410-573-4818 SinclairProsser Law, LLC focuses its practice on estate planning & administration, including the interaction of retirement plans & elder law. An established member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys & the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Colleen Sinclair Prosser, Nicole Livingston, Jon J. Gasior & Victor A. Lembo offer years of knowledge & experience in matters associated with protecting estates & families from issues arising from death and disability. June - July 2015



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your Next Loan

re you getting ready to apply for a loan? Start early and get “credit ready” before you submit the application. Here are some action items so the credit process is easy:

from being approved. The quickest way to dispute incorrect information on your credit reports is at the website of the credit bureau reporting the items, whether it is Equifax, Experian or TransUnion.

Get Your Free Credit Report Access your free credit reports at: or call 877.322.8228. You should know what is on your credit report so you can be sure to get approved.

Collection Accounts It is not at all uncommon for lenders to have a policy of refusing to initiate any major loan with an applicant who has an unpaid collection account. Among the collection accounts, it usually makes the most sense to fully pay or arrange settlements on the collection accounts that will be on your reports the longest.

Adding On-Time Payments There are two sides to the coin when enhancing your credit standing: mitigating negative information and adding positive information. Having a financial plan in place, to include a budget and emergency savings, helps to ensure that you are able to always make your payment on time. Incorrect Information False information on your credit reports may prevent you

High-Balance Revolving Accounts You can have a credit report that is otherwise spotless – no late payments, no collection accounts, etc. – but if you have a credit card or a line of credit for which you are using a high percentage of your available credit, you can look like a real risk to a potential lender. A good initial goal is to pay all revolving accounts to 30% of the credit limit.■

About Andrews Federal Credit Union Andrews Federal Credit Union was founded in 1948 to serve the needs of military and civilian personnel. With over $1 billion in assets, Andrews Federal has grown to serve more than 105,000 members in the District of Columbia, Joint Base Andrews (MD), Joint Base McGuire‐ Dix‐Lakehurst (NJ), and military installations in central Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. To learn more about credit, see our upcoming educational seminars or find one our other branch locations, please visit us online at


Andrews Federal Credit Union Brightwood Branch 5935 Georgia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20011 Andrews Federal Credit Union Henson Ridge Branch 1556 Alabama Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20032

Professional Connections Section

“Your Exclusive Connection to Trusted Businesses Throughout the Community” ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Advanced Chiropractic Center & Nutritional Healing Center of Crofton (410) 721-3338 Dr. Thomas K. Lo 2135 Defense Highway Crofton, MD 21114 Annapolis Integrative Medicine (410) 266-3613 Alan Weiss, MD 1819 Bay Ridge Ave., Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21403 Indigo Integrative Health Clinic (202) 298-9131 Dr. Isabel Sharkar, ND 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 660 Washington, DC BEAUTY Hair Fantasy (301) 441-1101 Anita Hampton 7219 Hanover Pkwy. Suite C Greenbelt, MD 20770 Koncepts Salon, Spa & Barber (301) 952-9550 14611 Elm St. Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 CATERING/PERSONAL CHEF Go Cook Vegan (301) 887-7901 Specializing in Group Classes & Corporate Events 5335 Wisconsin Ave. Washington, DC 20015 CORPORATE FLEET/MOBILE DETAILING Detail King (703) 629-7696 Specializing in Luxury & Exotic Automobiles & Corporate Fleet Accounts Serving DC, MD & VA Mike Katwan CYBER SECURITY Med Cyber-Security, LLC (301) 266-2457 Rob Campbell, MSCS, BSET, Security+, HIT DENTAL Dr. Peter & Michelle Merai, D.D.S. (301) 567-9844 6188 Oxon Hill Rd., Suite 410 Oxon Hill, MD 20745 LVT Dental Center (240) 455-7484 Lisa V. Thompson, DDS, LLC 1450 Mercantile Lane #207A Largo, MD 20774 DERMATOLOGY Skin Oasis Dermatology (410) 451-0500 Katina Byrd Miles, MD LLC

DERMATOLOGY APPOINTMENT (410) 451-0500 EVENT MANAGEMENT Exceptional Business Solutions, LLC (877) 410-EBIZ (3249) Ext. 201 Special Events, e-Marketing, Training & Operations Services Tya Bolton EYE CARE Envision Eye & Laser Center (301) 805-4664 Renee Bovelle, MD 12200 Annapolis Rd., Suite 116 Glenn Dale, MD 20769 FUN ACTIVITIES Wonderfully Made 4 You (240) 389-5824 “Wine Glasses Designed with You in Mind” Danielle & Sherina HUMAN RESOURCES STAFFING SERVICES The HR Source (301) 459-3133 “Helping Great Companies Find Great People” LEGAL Sinclair Prosser Law, LLC (301) 970-8080 Colleen Sinclair Prosser 14300 Gallant Fox La., Suite 204 Bowie, MD 20715 MARKETING SERVICES Brand U Inc. (301) 560-4130 Branding / Design / Web / Print 8181 Professional Place, Suite 170 Hyattsville, MD 20785 @branduinc MOBILE BARTENDING SERVICES & EVENT STAFFING Sugar Rim Bar (240) 264-0247 Cory Brim Serving DC, MD, Northern VA, Los Angeles & San Francisco PAIN MANAGEMENT Washington Metro Pain Institute (301) 220-2333 Haddis T. Hagos, MD 7300 Hanover Dr. Suite 204 Greenbelt, MD 20770 PEDIATRICS Frederick Corder, MD FAAP Bowie, MD (301) 805-2229 Cheverly, MD (301) 341-7494

PHILANTHROPY The Community Foundation in Prince George’s County (301) 918-8480 “Connecting Caring People to Causes that Matter” Desiree Griffin-Moore 8181 Professional Place, Suite 275 Landover, MD 20785 RETIREMENT SERVICES PLR Investment Services (301) 731-8300 Securities offered through Securities Service Network, Inc. Member: FINRA/SIPC Priscilla Lee Roach, CRPC Alaine Roach, ChFEBC 8181 Professional Place, Suite 100 Landover, MD 20785 SOCIAL SECURITY LAW Law Office of Scott D. Arnopol (301) 306-5588 Scott Arnopol, Attorney at Law 8181 Professional Place, Suite 170 Landover, MD 20785 SPAS Adoro Medical Spa (410) 647-0123 Elba M. Pacheco, MD Massage Envy Spa – Bowie (301) 364-3400 9300 Woodmore Center Dr., Suite 501 Lanham, MD 20706 Massage Envy Spa – College Park (301) 313-0555 10260 Baltimore Ave. College Park, MD 20740 Massage Envy Spa – Pikesville (410) 580-0505 3755 Old Court Rd. Baltimore, MD 21208 TAX & INVESTMENT SERVICES WSB Tax Group (240) 770-0460 “Making Life Less Taxing” Warren S. Banfield, Jr. 8181 Professional Place, Suite 160 Landover, MD 20785 VASCULAR MEDICINE Center for Vascular Medicine (888) 635-0188 Annapolis, Glen Burnie, Greenbelt, Prince Frederick & Silver Spring To find out more information about how to have your business listed call Chris Cabotaje at (202) 487-3693

June - July 2015



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A board certified chiropractor and a National Registry Certified Medical Examiner. He has ten years of experience in managing personal injury cases. He also performs DOT physical examinations to determine if drivers are medically qualified to drive.

the Pain and Rehab Center

Doug Brooks 10903 Indian Head Hwy, Suite 305, Fort Washington, MD 20744


The leading health professionals at our facility are dedicated to helping you achieve a pain free life. We specialize in the treatment of accident related injuries, work related injuries, and all other musculoskeletal aches and pains. Visit us at

Our Offices

Pain & Rehab Center 2041 Martin Luther King Ave, SE Suite 106 Washington, DC 20020 (202) 610 0260

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DC Injury Center 400 8th St, NE Washington, DC 20002 (202) 546 7246

The Pain and Rehab Center accepts Medicare, Medstar, Amerihealth, Align network, Medrisk, Workers Comp, Auto accident injuries


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June - July 2015


Dyson Press Release

Dyson opens a retail store and service center in Baltimore County BALTIMORE--Dyson, a brand-name vacuum cleaner known for superior quality, technology and durability, will be opening a new location in Baltimore County. Dyson products and service centers will now be conveniently located in the Washington-Baltimore region. Most people get several years of use from a Dyson machine, which may cost $299-$399 or more depending on the model. Dyson stands behind its products by offering consumers a two- or five-year parts and labor warranty. A highly recognizable brand, Dyson has a sleek design, comes in a choice of several trendy colors and is praised for its functionality. Dyson is specially designed to reach hard-to-clean areas like under beds and ceilings, the same places where allergy-causing dust mites hide and go uncaptured by traditional vacuums. A Dyson vacuum cleaner can literally clear the air by sucking away hard-toreach dirt particles, pet dander and other irritants from your home. Fresher air can bring relief to allergy sufferers and may even prevent some allergies. In fact, Dyson vacuum cleaners are engineered to remove common sources of house dust, including microscopic dust mites. Most people are unaware that these creatures are in the home, feeding off skin cells and dropping waste. Tiny as they are, dust mites can become so pervasive in the home that they can actually trigger allergies. Dyson can help control the level of house dust more effectively than traditional vacuum cleaners with its innovative filters and design. Come visit our newest store to experience the Dyson difference for yourself. 2707 N. Rolling Rd, Suite 103, Baltimore, MD 21244 / 410-277-8810

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