WJ Prince George's County Vol 51/Issue 2

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Prince George’s County



A Lifestyle Magazine

COMPLIMENTARY Volume 51 Issue 2

omen’s ournal Meet Top Doc

Chetanna Okasi, M.D. Medical Director of

The Women’s Wellness Center

Providing comprehensive gynecologic care for women of all ages

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Health Issues Women Shouldn’t Put Up With and Don’t Have to


omen often endure health issues in silence, especially if the problem is embarrassing,affects only them and doesn’t pose a serious health risk. Yet issues that appear minor and personal can have a major impact on a woman’s quality of life - and ultimately on the lives of those around her. Here are three common health issues that women tend to discount as “minor,” and avoid talking about. Yet each of these issues can deeply affect not only a woman’s physical health, but her mental, personal and professional well-being as well. • Incontinence - Defined as the involuntary release of urine from the bladder, incontinence affects 25 million Americans, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Seventy-five to 80 percent of them are women, the National Association for Continence estimates. Women may remain silent about their problem thinking incontinence is a normal part of aging (it’s not) or that


Submitted by Chetanna Okasi, M.D.


Three common health issues that women tend to discount as ‘minor’.”

it only affects sufferers on a personal level. From bladder training to medications, treatments can help. The first step is to talk to your doctor about the problem. Heavy periods - About 10 million women experience heavy periods that require hourly changes of pads or tampons even at night, bleeding that lasts a week or longer, and that restrict their daily activities. Consulting with their doctors can help women decide on a treatment for their heavy periods. Oral contraceptives and hysterectomies have been traditional options for severe cases. An alternative, NovaSure, is a nonsurgical, non-hormonal treatment that can be done in a doctor’s office with a single five-minute procedure. For more than 90 percent of women, NovaSure can dramatically reduce or even eliminate menstrual bleeding. To learn more about the procedure call 443-380-0060. Digestive health - From chronic constipation to irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux to severe

gas, digestive disorders affect millions of American women, according to the National Institutes of Health. It’s important to find out if your digestive problems are relatively innocuous or indicate a more serious issue, so talk to your doctor.■

Ellicott City: 9501 Old Annapolis Road, Ste. 305 Ellicott City, MD 21042 Laurel 8317 Cherry Lane Laurel, MD 20707 Phone numbers: 443-380-0060 410-730-7722

By J. Robin Musiol, CRNP


Feel Happier with Bio-identical Hormones!


ood Swings R US” should be the name of the years between 30-60 when hormones for both females and males change and decline. If you are wondering whether hormones have something to do with your anxiety, depression or changing emotions, come have your hormone blood levels checked at New Day Vitality (newdayvitality.com).

Women Low estrogen levels can cause severe PMS, depression and serious mood swings in some menopausal women. Restoring hormones to pre-menopausal levels at the earliest opportunity can be a lifesaver and can avoid the risk of deeper more serious depression. There are three key aspects of lifestyle when it comes to mood: hormones, exercise and nutrition. Of these, hormones are actually the simplest for a health practitioner to figure out, and the rest are up to you. Hormones influence mood for about 70% of women. In menopause the vast majority of women find that their moods are improved by taking estrogen. Women who struggle with depression are often very responsive to hormone therapy and see improvement with a low dosage of estrogen. Hormonal loss can make you feel like you are going crazy. There is a reason Suzanne Somers labeled the common symptoms “The 7 Dwarves” of the change of life: • Bitchy • Sleepy • Sweaty • Bloated • Forgetful • Itchy and • All dried up

There are three key aspects of lifestyle when it comes to mood: hormones, exercise and nutrition.”

partners found them less irritable and their workouts were improved. Often they feel more motivated, brighter and energetic. At New Day Vitality Hormone Center our comprehensive history, physical and blood panel enables our medical practitioners to provide natural hormone replacement specifically for you.■ For more vital days and romantic nights call New Day Vitality Hormone Center (newdayvitality.com) for a free consultation 410-793-5212.

MEN Usually the mood symptoms of most men with low testosterone are fairly mild. Some men will say they feel more irritable, tired or not interested in the things they used to enjoy. But when men have their testosterone supplemented at New Day Vitality Hormone Center (newdayvitality.com) some comments I hear in my office are: • “I have way more energy” • “I can keep up with the young guys now” • “My wife is REALLY happy!” • “My co-workers can tell the difference” The majority of men who have low testosterone and get it supplemented with bio-identical pellet therapy describe improvement in their sexual function, better moods, their April - May 2016


Volume 51 issue 2



omen’s ournal


18 - 36 COMMUNITY & ADS With over 32 years of experience, The Women’s Journal is a brand you can trust. It is a primary resource for women. Each edition is published bi-monthly and distributed free of charge. You can find a copy of the journal where savvy women shop. The journal also has subscribers that pay to have the journal delivered to their home or business.


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Low Back Pain


ow back pain is the most commonly reported pain of all pain types. It is the leading cause of disability in Americans under 45 years of age. More than twenty six million Americans between the ages of 20-64 experience pain frequently in the lower back which can be a result of conditions affecting the bony spine, the disc between the vertebrae that serves as soft cushions, the nerves and the spinal cord, and muscles of the low back. Conditions of the kidney like infections and stones also cause low back pain. The treatment of low back pain depends on the cause of the pain. A frequent condition that causes low back pain and radiating lower extremity pain called “sciatica” is a good example. It is diagnosed after taking appropriate history doing physical examinations and performing MRI of the lumbar spine. It is initially treated with conservative measures such as an exercise regimen, anti-inflammatory medication and chiropractic treatment. If these measures are unsuccessful epidural injections are frequently used to treat this condition. Those who don’t respond to the above measure might require surgical treatment. A selective nerve root block is a more precise injection done under fluoroscope guidance where a long acting steroid is deposited around the nerve root as it exits the spinal column. It is usually performed by an interventional pain management doctor. Another very common condition that causes lower back pain is osteoarthritis of the facet joint. The facet joint are joints that connect the two vertebra bodies. They comprise of two bony knobs on each side of the spine covered by articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis can be caused by injury of the spine during accidents but the most common cause is long term spine degeneration. Conservative management is first tried before resorting to procedures to treat this condition.


By Haddis T. Hagos, M.D.

The treatment of low back pain depends on the cause of the pain.” If other measures are unsuccessful a diagnostic block of the medial branches nerve is done as a trial run. If the pain is relieved with this nerve block but recurs after two sessions a radiofrequency ablation is done. Using x-ray guidance, these nerves are targeted with a special needle that is connected by a probe to a radiofrequency generator, the tip of the needle is heated up to 80 Celsius so that a lesion is created to disrupt the nerves ability to send signals. This procedure relieves pain in many patients. There are studies that show that anywhere between 30 to 65% of the time these procedures are effective in relieving pain. It is a minimal invasive with minimal potential complications. These procedures can be done with intravenous sedative and local anesthetic. The treatment of low back pain depends on the cause of the pain. Other types of pain require different types of treatment like Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty for spinal compression fractures. Various types of surgical procedures might ultimately be required to treat some patients. This depends on the specific condition effecting the spine. The best approach is prevention of low back pain using regular exercise and avoiding weight gain.■ Dr. Foster joined our practice six months ago. She graduated from Boston University medical school, did her residency in Anesthesiology and pain medicine at the University of Maryland. Dr Foster is married and a mother of two children. Dr. Haddis Hagos is an interventional pain physician who has been in practice for over 20 years. He is board certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology in pain management. 7300 Hanover Drive, Ste. 204 Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 / 7500 Greenway Center Drive, Ste. 940 Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Phone: (301) 220-2333 April - May 2016



By Kashif Ali, M.D.

Update on Cervical Cancer


n the past 40 years, there has been a significant decrease in both the number of cases and deaths associated with cervical cancer. In the 21st century, cervical cancer is one of the few malignancies that is now considered a preventable disease. This is possible through early detection programs and/or vaccination. Despite all of this, an estimated over 12,000 women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer, and over 4,000 women will die as a result of this disease in 2015. Although this still seems like a large figure for a highly preventable cancer, it is far less than what he had seen in the past and is no longer one of the most common cancers in women in the United States. Unfortunately, cervical cancer still remains a significant problem is parts of the world that are less economically fortunate. Due to this, worldwide, cervical cancer still remains one of the most common cancers in women accounting for 275,000 deaths in 2008. Based on the advancements in cervical cancer screening, review of years of data on this subject, and recent information regarding the role of HPV in cervical cancer, the screening guidelines were recently updated. In March 2012, the American Cancer Society released these new guidelines for cervical cancer screening. î “e whole idea behind cervical cancer screening is to detect cervical cancer in its earlier stages in patients who do not yet show signs of cervical cancer. In recent years, due to this early detection, physicians have been able to diagnose and treat cervical cancer at much earlier stages thus increasing the potential for cure. At the present time, there are two different types of screening modalities utilized: a pap smear and the HPV test. A pap smear is a method for detecting cells suspicious for turning into cancer or fordetecting cervical cancer in its early stages. The HPV test can detect the certain strains of viruses that are known to eventually develop into cervical cancer.



The latest screening guidelines from the American Cancer Society now recommend that all women should begin cervical cancer screening at the age of 21. The most drastic change is that yearly pap smear are no longer required, since we now know that it can take years for cervical cancer to develop. More frequent testing can in turn lead to further unnecessary procedures. Women between the ages of 21 and 29 should undergo a pap smear every three years. In this age group, the HPV test should be performed only if the pap smear shows any abnormalities. A pap smear along with the HPV test should be performed every five years for women between the ages of 30 and 65. In this age group, if the HPV test is not done, then a pap smear should be done every three years. If a woman has had normal screening results throughout her years of testing, she no longer needs screening for cervical cancer after the age of 65.â–

Dr. Kashif Ali earned his MD degree from Ross University School of Medicine. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. While at Seton Hall University, he became the Chief Resident and then went on to complete his training in Hematology and Oncology. During this training he was appointed Chief Fellow. Dr. Ali is presently board certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology.

Thermafrax 101


Lift & Tighten the Face & Achieve Bright New Skin


he decision to pursue cosmetic rejuvenation can be daunting with so many choices appearing on the horizon daily, each promising to be the panacea. The key to rejuvenation lies in your choosing the optimal combination of treatments. If tightening and lifting your face and evening the tone and texture of your skin speak to you, we can accomplish just that. Dr. Pacheco offers the perfect combination of Thermage CPT® and Fraxel® Dual, a procedure we have fondly dubbed “Thermafrax”. Thermage CPT® is a non-surgical, FDA approved radiofrequency treatment that tightens and lifts brows, cheeks, jowls and neck, as well as the tummy, thighs and arms with absolutely no downtime. Through the use of radiofrequency heating, Thermage CPT® induces the production of new collagen, which leads to a process of tightening and lifting that continues for at least six months – with results lasting up to 3-4 years. Thermage CPT® can re-tighten a previous facelift, and has also been shown to improve acne. While Thermage CPT® lifts and tightens the skin, additional measures are needed to improve the skin surfaces’ tone and texture. Fraxel® Dual Laser Treatment is the per-

fect partner to Thermage CPT® and revolutionary in achieving flawless skin. Over the years, your skin changes due to the sun, environmental insults, and natural genetic factors. This prevents you from looking as good as you feel. Loss of collagen manifests in larger pores and fine lines, and brown spots develop. Imagine your skin is a digital picture made up of thousands of spots or pixels. Fraxel® Dual treatment targets your skin by using microscopic laser columns called micro thermal zones. This precise treatment eliminates old, damaged cells and penetrates into the inner layer of the dermis to invite the body’s own natural healing process to build new collagen and eliminate unwanted pigment. The Fraxel® Dual Laser is the first technology that can produce dramatic skin rejuvenation with a speedy healing process and with minimal down-time. Fraxel® Dual treats uneven pigmentation, acne scars, melasma, brown spots, improves skin texture, facial lines and wrinkles, and is one of the most effective procedures for treating the delicate skin areas of the neck, chest, hands and forearms. In fact, Fraxel® Dual can be used on the skin, anywhere. Dr. Pacheco and the Adoro Medical Spa team look forward to seeing you soon as you relax and rejuvenate!■

Spring Event: Thermage® and Fraxel® Dual

April - May 2016



Unleash Happiness: Tips for Living Your Happiest Life

“Making a conscious choice to be happy positively affects a person’s mood.”


re you living your happiest life? How does your mood affect your health? Is happiness contagious? Researchers are finding these questions are worth asking, and multiple studies show happiness dramatically improves health, productivity, family bonds and even life expectancy. So it’s no surprise that the impact happiness has on people has spawned an initiative to spread happiness throughout the world. So what can you do to live your happiest life? Researchers say it starts with choosing happiness. Making a conscious choice to be happy positively affects a person’s mood, and over time, can reset a person’s default happiness level, according to two recent studies published in The Journal of Positive Psychology. Here’s a look at several ways to choose to be happy, including:



Savor happy moments, in the moment. An individual’s brain is hardwired to remember bad experiences more than good ones as a basis for survival. When something good happens, stopping to savor that moment helps to solidify it in the brain and re-wire it for happiness, according to Rick Hanson, a neuropsychologist and author of Hardwiring Happiness. Connect with happy people. To be happy, spend time with happy people. It may seem like common sense, but researchers from Harvard found over the course of a 20-year study, the happiness of one person can increase the happiness of others in their network by an astounding 25 percent. “In my job, I see firsthand how easily happiness spreads from one person to the next,” says Courtney Gastelo, a bartender at RA Sushi, which has several locations across the U.S. “That’s why RA Sushi’s Hap-

py Hour is so popular - we bring our guests together in a fun atmosphere where they can relax and enjoy great food and drinks with their friends.” Gastelo recommends not waiting for the weekend; invite friends out for sushi and enjoy Happy Hour any day of the week. Doing so will positively affect the mood of everyone involved, “and science says it’s good for humanity,” she says. Choose experiences over things. The value of new life experiences also creates happiness. That’s the finding of research from San Francisco State University, which shows that having a new life experience outweighs material purchases when it comes to longterm impact on happiness. New life experiences don’t have to be expensive trips to exotic locations; they can be as simple as taking a dance class, mastering a cooking skill, trying a new food or learning how to speak another language. Exercise. Hitting the road or the weights can turn a bad day into a good one. Research from the University of Bristol shows exercising on workdays has an even bigger impact on mood. It’s because exercising releases endorphins that have a powerful effect on happiness. Going for a walk or hike outside has the added benefit of sunshine and fresh air, too. For an even more powerful happiness boost, researchers suggest finding an exercise buddy.■




Ways to Make Your First Impression a Lasting One

ithin the first few seconds of meeting someone, an opinion is immediately formed that can last forever. This encounter often sets the tone for the relationship that follows. So how can you make your first impression a positive one? Here are some tips to help you knock your first meeting out of the park: Take pride in your presence Physical appearance is the first thing people observe before an introduction. Always dress appropriately for the occasion, whether it’s a casual lunch or a formal business meeting. A go-to suggestion is to maintain a clean and crisp appearance for most events because you can’t go wrong think business casual. This look can be trendy and professional and will position you in a positive light. Being mindful of your appearance will give you more confidence to help make a great first impression. Share your best smile A warm, genuine smile is your best tool in making a first impression unforgettable. “A self-assured and convincing smile starts with regular oral care practices to keep your teeth clean and your breath smelling fresh,” says Dr. Christopher Ramsey, DMD. An easy way to do this is by adding a mouthwash, like Crest Pro-Health Advanced Mouthwash with Extra Deep Clean to your daily routine. “These advanced mouthwash formulas strengthen teeth, kill germs and freshen breath, so you are guaranteed to have and maintain an impressive smile,” says Dr. Todd Snyder, DDS, AAACD.

Showcase your positive attitude For people who get nervous when interacting with others, it is essential to sustain a calm attitude and optimistic outlook. Go into the meeting with an open mind and learn something new. Contribute to the conversation and maintain engagement. Showing attentiveness is often contagious, as the person you meet catches on and reciprocates. Be conscious of your body language Body language is a crucial element in daily human interaction. From the way you walk to a meeting, to the hand gestures used while you speak - body language is just as important as the words you say. Start by standing tall, making appropriate eye contact and giving a firm handshake.

Demonstrate open body postures by keeping your head up and relaxing your shoulders. Crossed arms and legs make you appear closed off and unapproachable, so be mindful of how you might appear to others. Be yourself Being true to yourself is the best way to be presentable to others. Be comfortable with your personality. If nervousness kicks in, take a few deep breaths and remember to be calm and confident. A composed demeanor will put anyone at ease, sealing the deal on an excellent relationship as you move forward. Making an everlasting first impression is simply about being at peace with who you are and being ready to meet others. Try some of these above tips at your next meeting, networking event or job interview.■ April - May 2016



The Heart Screening You Should do Now

Heart disease is the leading killer of Americans of all age groups, races and genders.”


id you know a simple test of your legs may be able to tell you if you have a higher risk for heart disease? The test is quick, painless and non-invasive. A health professional fits pressure cuffs around your ankles and upper arms, and uses a small ultrasound device to measure the systolic blood pressure in your limbs. It is simple and painless. The disease is called Peripheral Arterial Disease or PAD. Why is this important? Heart disease is the leading killer of Americans of all age groups, races and genders. Detecting heart disease risks early is important in order to live an active and healthy life for as long as possible. Yet the general public remains largely unaware of PAD as indicator of heart blockages. A recent study by University of California researchers, published in the journal Circulation Research, found a strong link between PAD and coronary artery disease and stroke. PAD occurs when fatty deposits build up in the



small arteries outside the heart, and it usually affects the arteries that supply blood to legs and feet, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). The condition can not only cause tissue damage in the affected area, it could be a sign of chronic blockages throughout the arteries in a person’s body. About 8 million Americans have PAD, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shockingly, the CDC says that 40 percent of people who have PAD may have no symptoms at all, and so be unaware they have the condition. This is why it is important to get screened. You may not have any idea that you are at risk. Having a screening may give you a hint at what lie in your future in time to do something about it. People who do have symptoms may feel muscle pain in the calves, hips and thighs while doing any kind of exercise that involves leg muscles - such as walking or climbing stairs, or experience cold legs, wounds that heal poorly or slowly, and burning, tingling or numbness in the legs.

Common PAD risk factors include: • Smoking - The AHA says people who smoke may have four times the risk of developing PAD. • Being overweight or obese • Diabetes • A sedentary lifestyle • High cholesterol • High blood pressure • Family history • Age - Approximately 12-20 percent of people older than 60 have PAD, according to the CDC. Because you can have PAD and experience no symptoms, many people may be unaware they have it - and that they’re at greater risk for developing heart disease. While health insurance may cover a PAD test for people who show symptoms of the disease, health experts recommend anyone with certain risk factors should be screened. You don’t need a doctor’s prescription or a trip to the doctor’s office to have the test done; Life Line Screening performs affordable PAD testing in community settings throughout the country. To find out when a screening clinic may be scheduled in your area visit www.lifelinescreening.com/ HeartCheck or call (877) 754-9631.■


Submitted by Janet V. Johnson, M.D.

Having an Attitude of Gratitude


eaching children to be grateful is what all parents want and can attain in surprisingly simple ways such as from sending thank you notes to feeding pets. Children emulate the adults in their lives in every way. Be they parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, or childcare providers. Make sure you use “thank you” and “please” when you talk to them. Insist that they use their words too. Remember, good manners and gratitude overlap. Here are several ways to help with teaching gratitude to your children: 1. Work gratitude into your daily conversation. Weave appreciation for mundane things into your everyday talk. When you reinforce an idea frequently, it’s more likely to stick. Pick an “I am thankful for …” part of the day to turn up the gratitude in your home. This can be done at dinnertime or at night time just before bed as part of a nightly routine. Teach children to be grateful for the creations around them, the seasons, the sunshine, the falling leaves and the rain. Children will quickly understand that there is beauty all around, and that it has come from something much bigger than we are. 2. Have kids help. Give your child a chore. By participating in simple household chores like feeding the dog or stacking dirty dishes on the counter, kids realize that all these things take effort. There is a better appreciation for the person who does the chore on a more regular basis. 3. Provide your family opportunities to serve. Figure out some way your child can actively participate in helping someone else. Even if it is to help cook a meal, bake a cake, or walk a pet for a sick person. Start by encouraging your children to serve other family members, and then help them find ways to actively serve others. Let them help as you serve others. They will learn by example. 4. Encourage generosity. Donate toys and clothes to less fortunate kids; it inspires them to go through their own closets and give something special to those in need, as well. 5. Insist on thank-you notes. If your child knows how to draw or write, let them write thank-you notes for gifts. For toddlers, the cards can be just scribbles with your own thank-you attached. As they grow, they can become drawings, then longer letters. Younger children can even dictate the letter while you write. Just the act of saying out loud why they loved the gift will make them feel more grateful. • Practice saying no. Kids ask for toys, video games, and candy sometimes on an hourly basis. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to feel grateful when your every

whim is granted. It is important for us to be reasonable and say “No”. We also have to be careful rewarding our children for everything. We want them to do good because it is the right thing to do, and not because they get something, like a new toy or money. Teach your children to be grateful for adversity. When things are hard, or uncertain, or don’t go as planned, we need to teach our children to be grateful. To recognize the blessings that comes from hard things. We need to help children see what can be learned from our adversity, and how we can take what we learn into other situations to help others and ourselves. Be patient. Don’t expect gratitude to develop overnight. This kind of work requires weeks, months, even years of reinforcement. Lead by example and mostly with love. The goal is to give them “grateful eyes”, so they begin to for see the need before they have to be told. With time and patience you will be rewarded with a child who has an attitude of gratitude.■ Loving Care Pediatrics: Dr. Johnson and Staff accepting new patients, birth to age 21

International Travel Vaccination Center 3311 Toledo Terrace Suite C-201, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 Office: (301) 403-8808 / Fax: (301) 403-1341 April - May 2016



By Alan Weiss, M.D.

Preserving and Enhancing Vitality:

Safe and Effective Bio-identical Hormone Replacement


n my office we utilize hormone therapy, both by topical creams and subcutaneous pellets to improve health and function. Our hormones determine our vitality, youthfulness, how we feel and how we look. While hormone replacement is not for everybody, for those who do choose to use them an enormous difference can be made in health for both men and women. Hormones are chemical messengers from one part of the body that travel to our tissues and organs to produce an effect. Without hormones, we could not live, could not function, and could not reproduce. Examples of hormones include testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, growth hormone, and many others (like insulin!) As we age our hormone levels decline. However, another way of viewing this relationship is that as our hormone levels decline, the aging process is accelerated. Bio-identical hormone replacement is an approach to optimize the natural hormonal status of a man or woman to allow for health and well being in the safest possible way. This is done by using hormones that are chemically and molecularly identical to the hormones that are already in the human body. It is important to draw this distinction because many of the hormones that have been studied and that (legitimately) aroused concern about the safety of hormone therapy have been hormones that are synthetic and do not necessarily belong in the human body and do not promote optimal health. There are not as many studies done on bioidentical hormone therapy due to the enormous cost of medical studies that are only done when the pharmaceutical companies can make huge profits out of synthetic medications. It makes intuitive sense that the hormones that belong in the human body are the ones we were born with! And there are studies that do demonstrate the safety and benefits of bio-identical hormone therapy. So, what are the benefits of BHRT? Treating the symptoms of menopause with safe and effective doses of estrogen, progesterone, and, in some, testosterone can reduce the hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness often experienced. As well, judicious use of hormones can improve heart health, libido, sexual function, cognitive function, and bone health. Men with low testosterone levels are at a higher risk of dying from many causes than are men with normal levels of testosterone. As well, low testosterone can cause fatigue, loss of muscle mass, low libido, elevated cholesterol and can



“Our hormones determine our vitality, youthfulness, how we feel and how we look.” play a role in the development of diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. Optimizing testosterone levels to an optimal level helps men experience heightened vitality and well-being. These hormones can be delivered by creams or by subcutaneous pellet insertion. Hormone pellets can provide a sustained delivery of bio identical hormones to achieve optimal health. As well using a hormone called HCG in combination with a rigorous diet can produce significant weight loss in a short period of time.■ Dr.Weiss completed his undergraduate work at University of Virginia and is a graduate of McGill University Medical School; he completed his Internship at the University of Hawaii and Residency at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Boston. As head of Annapolis Integrative Medicine, Dr. Weiss specializes in preventative health, alternative approaches to wellness, and treating complex issues including CFS and Fibromyalgia.

By Dr. Corder, M.D.


Childhood obesity

ccording to the Journal of the American Medical Association and the National Center for Health Statistics, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Defined by the National Institutes of Health overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water, or a combination of these factors. Obesity is defined as having excess body fat. Overweight and obesity are the result of “caloric imbalance”—too few calories expended for the amount of calories consumed—and are affected by various genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. Childhood obesity has both immediate and long-term effects on health and well-being. Some of the immediate effects include cardiovascular issues that may develop. Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Overweight children also experience instability in glucose levels which often result to pre-diabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels indicate a high risk for development of diabetes diabetic conditions. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem. Some long term affects include; heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Overweight and obesity are associated with increased risk for many types of cancer, including cancer of the breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, gall bladder, thyroid, ovary, cervix, and prostate, as well as multiple myeloma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma states the Cancer Journal for Clinicians. The Journal of Pediatrics published that Healthy lifestyle habits, including healthy eating and physical activity, can lower the risk of becoming obese and developing related diseases. The dietary and physical activity behaviors of children and adolescents are influenced by many sectors of society, including families, communities, schools, child care settings, medical care providers, faith-based institutions, government agencies, the media, and the food and beverage industries and entertainment industries. Schools play a particularly critical role by establishing a safe and supportive environment with policies and practices that support healthy behav-


Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure.” iors. Schools also provide opportunities for students to learn about and practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. Take charge of your child health. Encourage healthy eating habits and lead by example. If your children see you trying healthy foods they will be more inclined to try them also. And exercise doesn’t have to be boring! Get out and Play with your child. It’s a fun way to burn calories and bond with your family.■ Frederick Corder, MD FAAP Dr. Corder attended medical school at Howard University College of Medicine and graduated in 1977. He is board certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Corder was formally the Chief Health Officer for Prince George’s County and the medical Director of several health plans. Dr. Corder has been in Pediatric practice for over 35 years. Dr. Corder, his wife Dr. Marilyn Corder ad their daughter Adrienne Corder started the Corder Pounders Youth Fitness program and the Family Fitness Center. Bowie, MD • (301) 805-2229 Cheverly, MD • (301) 341-7494 Children’s Medical Center Washington, DC • (202) 291-0147 April - May 2016


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By Katina Byrd Miles, M.D.



Help,I’m Loosing My Hair!

ealthy and thick hair is our crown and glory. It is normal to lose 50-150 hairs per day. But when excessive shedding is noted, medical attention should be sought. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 80 million people experience androgenetic alopecia or male and female pattern baldness. is is the most common form of non-scarring alopecia and is genetic. Telogen effluvium is an acute form of hair loss usually triggered by an event. Triggers include hormonal changes as seen with birth control pills, post-partum, menopause, thyroid dysfunction, and severe stress. Other causes include medication, depression, anemia, poor nutrition, and major surgery. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder where immune cells attack the hair follicles. The cause of this condition is unknown but has been associated with stress and may have a genetic component. Scarring alopecias include central centrifugal scarring alopecia, traction alopecia, discoid lupus, and lichen planopilaris. In this family of alopecia, an inciting factor results in inflammation that damages and/or destroys the hair follicles. Central centrifugal scarring alopecia and traction alopecia has been associated with tight styling practices such as weaves, corn-rolls, braids, and dreads. Discoid lupus and lichen planopilaris are autoimmune conditions of unknown etiology. Treatment for hair loss must incorporate a multifaceted approach. Blood work may be performed to determine if an underlying medical condition is the cause for the alopecia. A fungal culture may be obtained to determine if ringworm may be the culprit. FDA approved treatment for androgenetic alopecia is minoxidil for both men and women while Propecia is an approved treatment for men. Prescription strength minoxidil can be compounded in a special formulation to reduce inflammation. The most common over the counter 5% minoxidil preparation is Rogaine. When used once or twice a day for at least 4 months, dormant follicles may begin to produce hairs. Active follicles will produce thicker hairs. To maintain the benefits of

minoxidil and Propecia, the medications must be used daily. The suggested treatment for telogen effluvium is observation as regrowth occurs in the majority of cases. Once the underlying medical condition has been addressed, the hair follicles cycle out of the resting phase into their growing phase. Other medical treatment options include the use of minoxidil, cortisone injections to the affected area, stress management, and adequate nutrition and sleep. The treatment for scarring alopecia is more difficult as inflammation under the skin eventually destroys the hair follicles. Early medical intervention is absolutely imperative for scarring alopecia. As once the follicles are gone, regenerative treatments will not be effective. The goal of treatment is to slow down and/or halt the underlying inflammatory process so that additional follicles are not damaged. In the early stages of scarring alopecia, where the follicles have not been completely destroyed, then treatment can assist in pushing follicles into their growing phase. Cortisone injections and minoxidil are also used to treat those with mild to moderate involvement. It cannot be stressed enough that early intervention is crucial. In addition to medical therapy, promising cosmetic therapies are available for hair loss. These options include low level laser therapy, platelet rich plasma injections,

and hair transplantation. Low level laser therapy 2-3 times a week increase blood flow to the scalp to support the follicle health. ere are few well-designed, double blind, randomized studies that support the effectiveness of this treatment. It appears to be more effective when used in combination with other treatment options such as minoxidil and hair transplantation. Platelet rich plasma injections also increase blood flow to the area and provide growth factors that aid in providing nutrients support to the follicles. Small studies have demonstrated that this treatment option is helpful in treating alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia. Hair transplantation is an effective surgical approach that transfers healthy hair to deficit areas. With all treatments, hair restoration is a slow process. It takes 6 months to 1 year to see results. Unfortunately, no treatment option is a guarantee. In most cases, a combination of treatments may be utilized to obtain optimal results. If you notice increase shedding of your hair, seek medical attention by a board certified dermatologist to determine if there is an underlying medical condition and to develop an individualized treatment regimen. Early intervention is imperative. For a consultation with Dr. Katina Byrd Miles at Skin Oasis Dermatology, call 410-451-0500, to schedule an appointment. www.skinoasisderm.com.■

April - May 2016




By Nicole Livingston

How to Prepare for Appointment with an Estate Planning Attorney


ongratulations! You have scheduled your first initial consultation with your estate planning attorney. What should you do to prepare for this meeting to be the most efficient use of your time and the attorney’s time? Estate planning is all about you and your family and your assets. One of the first questions you can expect your attorney to ask you is who the members of your family are. Your family may include your spouse and your children. Perhaps you do not have children, but you have brothers or sisters and nieces and nephews. It is useful for the attorney to know whether your children are married, how many children they have, and where they live. Your attorney may also ask you what they do for a living. Knowing how long you have been married and what you did for a living are also relevant questions that pertain to your estate planning. Next, your attorney will ask you about your assets. You should bring to the meeting a list of your assets and the approximate value of each account. The type of account is sufficient for this first meeting, such as a money market account or an annuity. Eventually, you may be asked to provide more detail and beneficiary forms after a plan has been determined. e total value of your estate helps the attorney establish whether you need to do estate tax planning. You should expect your attorney to ask you who you want to administer your estate upon your death and who you want to step into your shoes to handle your finances and health care if you become incapacitated. Most clients usually name a family member to act for them. If you do



ferent circumstances that may occur in your life before you die. At Sinclair Prosser Law, we value legacy planning and preserving wealth through sound estate planning advice to clients with an emphasis on avoiding probate and minimizing taxes.■ not have a family member you trust, then consider close friends or trusted advisors. It is not unusual to have a disinterested third party settle your estate, such as a corporate trustee. A corporate trustee can be a bank, credit union, or your attorney. Also expect your attorney to ask you who you want to leave your assets to upon your death. Clients often leave their assets to family members. You need to think about what percentage they should receive and how they should receive the money. Perhaps, your children are minors right now. You should think of an age that you want them to be able to control their inheritance. Or even if you have adult children, you can also leave your assets to them in a trust. Some examples of trusts for children are incentive trusts, spendthrift trusts, divorce protection trusts, or special needs trusts. Your attorney will ask you whether or not you think your beneficiaries are responsible and whether or not they are facing a disability. Finally, you need to have a backup plan in place. After you determine who should settle your estate, I want you to think of a backup person in case your first choice is not available. I also want you to start thinking about who should receive your money if your primary beneficiary dies before you. A comprehensive plan should span several generations to cover dif-

SinclairProsser Law, LLC focuses its practice on estate planning & administration, including the interaction of retirement plans & elder law. An established member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys & the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Colleen Sinclair Prosser, Nicole Livingston, Jon J. Gasior & Victor A. Lembo offer years of knowledge & experience in matters associated with protecting estates & families from issues arising from death and disability.

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Sisters Serving Together Wiseman Funeral Home & Chapel

By Michelle Reese-Wiseman & Marline Reese-Gamble


ello, and thank you once again for all the emails and phone calls. I’m so humbled by your positive responses. Well, taking a look back at all the articles I’ve shared with you, I noticed that I’ve told you several times about how important it is to pre-plan for your funeral arrangements and burial. So I will not beat that horse this time. However, what I’d like to share with you is just as important. It’s the Spiritual Care Program offered at Wiseman Funeral Home. Many family members have a hard time coping with the loss of a loved one. I call it “The Empty Space Syndrome”. Wiseman Funeral Home offers assistance free of charge to those who we have served. Please allow me to introduce to you, my sister and a powerful minister of God, Rev. Marline Reese-Gamble. Marline Reese-Gamble, a chaplain at Wiseman Funeral Home and a funeral officiant, Rev. Gamble passionately supports the integrity, mission, vision and values of Wiseman Funeral Home. She provides pastoral care, spiritual comfort and bereavement support to grieving families. She has a profound ability to respect different lifestyles, cultures and beliefs, as well as people with no faith tradition. When someone dies, grief can be very difficult for family and friends. Rev. Gamble provides competent and compassionate spiritual care and emotional support. With a loving and considerate presence, Rev. Gamble specializes in helping clients recognize and utilize inner strengths when struggling through the bereavement process. The focus involves developing appropriate coping mechanisms. Some clients desire prayer, attentive listening and assistance in rec-

onciling spiritual beliefs or answers to end-of-life questions. Rev. Gamble is always prepared to provide the highest quality spiritual care. The Wiseman Funeral Home Team understands that chaplaincy, in the spirit of excellence, involves empathy, compassion, and enhanced skill in dealing with the spiritual dynamics of loss and death. When clients desire prayer or religious support, Rev. Gamble complies with unique and personalized ministry consistent with the diverse needs of each grieving family. Rev. Gamble is a certified grief facilitator and ordained minister. Her values: caring, compassion, honesty, excellence and integrity. Her motto “This ministry is a rich and rewarding experience.” Rev. Gamble is dedicated and devoted to serving Prince George’s County residents with nurturing spiritual support. This journey has taken her into jails, hospitals, hospice centers, nursing homes and halfway houses. She’s helping individuals to find hope, comfort and purpose during difficult life circumstances. This passion compels and drives her and has taken her on a path of countless hours ministering to inmates. Rev. Gamble motivates inmates to examine their issues, make wise choices, and establish positive/realistic goals for personal development and growth. When making rounds at various hospitals and hospice centers, God reveals the spiritual needs of each patient. Rev. Gamble is anointed to administer spiritual care with compassion and empathy. She is helping patients manage fears, control anxieties and seek divine comfort and strength during difficult circumstances.

BUSINESS Also, Rev. Gamble is committed to investing in the spiritual lives of people through sound biblical teaching, preaching, comforting prayers and spiritual coaching. This ministry serves the community with integrity. Her other ministerial services include officiating weddings and pre-marital workshops. Rev. Gamble is devoted to helping couples build a solid foundation for enriched and lasting marital relations. These workshops include the following sessions: Good Communication, Intimacy / Passion, Money Management, Biblical Foundations of Marriage and Experiencing the Power of Oneness. In spiritual excellence and integrity, Rev. Gamble is teaching people how to live victoriously by applying God’s Word (biblical principles) to their lives. Rev. Gamble passionately studied theology, completed seminary and holds a Master of Ministry/Divinity degree from Freedom Bible College and Seminary. She’s committed to helping individuals achieve spiritual and emotional wholeness. Clients are encouraged to explore thoughts, emotions, actions, and circumstances to enhance spiritual growth and inner healing. Rev. Gamble may be contacted via email at: marline.gamble@gmail.com We love our community. We are committed to excellence. We are sisters serving you together.■ Wiseman Funeral Home, established in November 2008, is a full service funeral care provider, specializing in earth burials, cremations, memorial services, national and International shipping and receiving of human remains. The company is well versed in the practice of funeral pre-planning as well as funeral trust and Medicaid spend downs. We are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We serve you professionally with utmost respect. Contact

7531 Old Alexandria Ferry Road, Clinton, Maryland 301-899-2005 michelle@wisemanfuneralhome.net Marline.gamble@gmail.com April - May 2016




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April - May 2016


On the Scene at the Carolina Kitchen

With Lance London



April - May 2016



SellYour Home Fast With These 3 Often-overlooked Home-staging Tricks


f you’ll be selling your home this spring or summer, your Realtor will probably talk to you about staging the house to maximize its appeal to buyers. Staging is a simple process that can have a big impact on how quickly your home sells and, Realtors say, how much buyers are willing to pay for it. If you’ve decided to stage your home for a speedier, more profitable sale this season, keep in mind these three often-overlooked tricks to make your home look, feel and smell great: Employ aromatherapy “Aromas significantly impact emotions, so making your house smell good is a great way to appeal to potential buyers on a very elemental level,” says Charlynn Avery, aroma-



therapist and educator for Aura Cacia, an essential oil brand “But be careful to not overwhelm with scents that are too ‘perfumey’ or synthetic, as those could cause adverse reactions in people who suffer from allergies. Instead, opt for natural freshening scents like lemon or purifying scents like eucalyptus.” Avery suggests warming water on the stove with a few drops of your favorite essential oil such as cinnamon, clove, vanilla or orange. It’s a quick, low-cost way to create a welcoming aroma in your home. Deodorize carpets with a mixture of 18 drops of essential oil and 1 cup of baking soda. Or, you can easily create your own air freshener by mixing your favorite essential oils and distilled water in a spray bottle. For longer-lasting, comforting aroma, try this recipe for aroma crystals:


It’s important to declutter everywhere not just the spots you immediately see when you walk into a house.” Vanilla amber aroma crystals Ingredients: • 1 cup coarse-grained, chunky sea salt • 1 teaspoon jojoba or grapeseed oil (just enough to make the salts glisten) • 25 drops Aura Cacia Vanilla Precious Essentials Oil • 10 drops lavender essential oil • 10 drops sweet orange essential oil Directions: Mix salt and oils, pour into a decorative dish or bowl and set out on a table. Placing the crystals in a warm sunny window or near a heat register will help diffuse the delicious aroma throughout the room. Stir in additional essential oils to boost the scent as needed. Declutter even where you don’t think it counts Your real estate agent will likely tell you to declutter removing extra items from kitchen countertops and from tables throughout the home, packing away family photos and excess knick-knacks. All those things are important, but what happens when a potential buyer opens the hallway closet, or goes into the walk-in closet in your master bedroom? It’s important to declutter everywhere, not just the spots you immediately see when you walk into a house. Serious buyers will open drawers, cabinets and closets and if those

spots are stuffed full, they’ll look smaller, less impressive and unappealing. Likewise, clean out your garage; it’s hard for a buyer to appreciate the expansiveness of your two-car garage if that’s where you’ve stored all the boxes of stuff you removed from the house. If you have a lot of stuff to pack away, consider renting a storage unit for a few months. Clean as if your life depended on it Kitchens and bathrooms sell homes, but even a hint of dirt in either room can wipe out a buyer’s good impression of your home. A deep clean is essential in these rooms, and will create a positive effect on multiple levels; your home will look and smell clean, fresh and newer. In the bathroom, be sure bathtubs and showers are meticulously clean. Descale showerheads and glass shower doors, clean and polish metal drain grates as well as fixtures. Clean grout, mirrors and every crevice. Add a few drops of lemon or sweet orange essential oils to sink and shower drains to keep them smelling fresh. In the kitchen, in addition to clean countertops, floors and appliance exteriors, make sure the inside of ovens, refrigerators and dishwashers are also clean. Since kitchen appliances usually come with the house, buyers may look inside them. Change the filter in your kitchen hood and make sure the light over the stove is working. Finally, while clean windows are important throughout the house, they’re essential in a kitchen where buyers want to envision themselves in a bright, welcoming environment.■ April - May 2016


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Food for Thought: Cooking for Your Heart


early one-third of adults have high LDL-cholesterol levels, which is also known as bad cholesterol, a key risk factor for heart disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And, unfortunately, about 70 percent of adults with high LDL-cholesterol don’t have the condition under control. For the many people working to manage their cholesterol levels with the help of their diet, including corn oil may provide important heart-health benefits. Recent research in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology shows that a diet with corn oil, like Mazola, helps lower LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol more than extra virgin olive oil. Additionally, corn oil has four times more cholesterol-blocking plant sterols than olive oil and 40 percent more than canola oil. Plant sterols are plant-based compounds naturally present in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals, legumes


and vegetable oils. When consumed as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, plant sterols can help reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the gut, which, in turn, can lower LDL-cholesterol. And, when it comes to heart health, the type of fat in the diet matters. In fact, in the newly released 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the emphasis is no longer on eating a low-fat diet but instead choosing quality fats. This includes replacing saturated fats that are known to contribute to heart disease with unsaturated fats, including polyunsaturated fats, like those in Mazola Corn Oil. Corn oil has more than five times the amount of polyunsaturated fats compared to olive oil. Replacing saturated fat with heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats can reduce the risk of heart disease. What’s more, corn oil’s neutral taste complements the natural flavors of foods, making it perfect for stir-frying, sautéing, grilling and even baking. Get more delicious recipes at Mazola.com.■

Warm Tomato & Kale Pasta Yield: 8 servings / Prep Time: 25 minutes

Ingredients 12 ounces uncooked whole grain rotini pasta 2 tablespoons Mazola Corn Oil 1/3 cup chopped onion 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 2 cups chopped kale 1/2 cup no-salt or reduced sodium vegetable broth 1/4 cup lime juice 2 teaspoons chili powder 1 teaspoon garlic salt 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper 4 ounces feta cheese, crumbled 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro Instructions Cook and drain pasta according to package directions. Set aside. Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat until hot. Add onion; cook and stir until tender, about 3 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, kale, vegetable broth, lime juice, chili powder, garlic salt and crushed red pepper. Cook 7 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Combine hot pasta, tomato mixture, feta cheese and cilantro in a large serving bowl. Toss lightly and serve.■ April - May 2016





Quinoa & Sweet Potato Chili Yield: 3 quarts / Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 40 minutes

Ingredients 1 tablespoon Mazola Corn Oil 1 cup chopped onions 1/2 cup chopped bell pepper 1 jalapeño, seeded and finely diced 3 tablespoons chili powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 quart unsalted chicken OR vegetable broth 4 cups sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed 2 teaspoons minced garlic 2 cans (15 ounces each) no salt added diced tomatoes 1/2 cup quinoa 1 can (15 ounces) no salt added OR reduced salt

black beans, rinsed and drained 2 cups frozen corn Garnish with green onions, chopped cilantro or sliced jalapeños

Preparation Heat Dutch oven or large pot over medium-high heat and add oil. Add onion, bell and jalapeño peppers and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until vegetables are softened. Add chili powder and cumin and cook for 1 to 2 minutes until spices are aromatic. Add chicken broth, sweet potatoes and garlic. Bring soup to a boil; reduce heat to medium and cover. Cook for 15 minutes. Add tomatoes, quinoa, black beans and corn and cook an additional 15 to 20 minutes until potatoes and quinoa are tender. Serve with fresh green onion, cilantro or jalapeños for garnish.■

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fresh new ways to enjoy potatoes


otatoes are the vegetable that take breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks to the next level of yum. They are quick to disappear but also quick and easy to buy, prepare and serve. Not only are potatoes uber satisfying, but research published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition also shows that when prepared healthfully, they can be a part of a weight loss program-just call them the 9th Wonder of the World. If you’re looking for flavorful and nutritious dishes that can be part of your weight management plan this new year, then look no further. Here’s a little inspiration for potato dishes sure to become favorites in 2016: DIY potato chips: This is a super easy and delicious recipe. Boil a russet potato and a few purple potatoes for 5 minutes, drain, dry and cut into thin slices. Toss the freshly cut slices in one beaten egg white. Spray a non-stick pan with cooking spray and evenly space the chips throughout the pan. Bake slices at 400 degrees F for 35 minutes, turning halfway through. Top chips with sea salt or a sprinkle of bleu cheese. Season with new flavor favorites: Spice up your baked or roasted potatoes with healthy toppings that really raise the bar on nutrition and flavor. Start with a plain, thick and creamy yogurt and a good source of protein. If you’re serious about spice, try adding a tablespoon of Sriracha and orange juice to a half-cup of your yogurt, mix, and add a dollop to your potatoes. Love a Mediterranean flair? Top your taters with Greek yogurt mixed with lemon, garlic, roasted red peppers and oregano. Wholesome mashed potatoes: Mash your potatoes with a low-fat spread, Greek yogurt or skim milk for that creamy, delicious texture you love, without all the extra calories.

Slim-belly baked potato bar: Families will love a baked potato bar. Top a baked potato with ground turkey, salsa and light sour cream for taco night, or top your potatoes with tomato sauce, turkey pepperoni, Italian blend shredded cheese and other veggies for a pizza-style delight. Grilled potatoes: Potatoes are the perfect addition to your backyard barbecue menu. Grilling potatoes adds a unique flavor you can’t get from the stove or oven. Create your own spud rub with onion powder, lemon pepper, paprika, sea salt and ground cumin and coat potatoes with a little extra virgin olive oil. Place the potatoes on a grill rack or basket, and within 15 minutes, you’ll have yourself the most spectacular side dish. Customize a nutritious breakfast hash: Drizzle a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in a skillet and add diced potatoes (fresh, frozen or refrigerated) with bell pepper and onion, cover and cook on medium heat for 10 minutes. To serve with soft-cooked eggs, use a spoon and make 4 shallow depressions in the hash and carefully crack an egg into each hollowed-out spot. Cover the pan and cook eggs for 5 minutes, or until the whites are set and yolks are still runny, then serve immediately. Alternatively, scramble four eggs and top your hash. For a final touch, top with hot sauce or a sprinkle of tarragon, salsa or chimichurri sauce. One medium-sized skin-on potato has just 110 calories and contains 45 percent of your daily value of vitamin C. On its own, a potato contains no fat, no sodium, no cholesterol and has more potassium than a banana. Healthy eating is so much better with foods you love and new ways to enjoy them. For more potato recipes, visit PotatoGoodness.com.■ April - May 2016


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