Bee-kome Magazine August 2017

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entrepreneur‘s magazine

Humble yourself! If you want to move forward.

1| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

2| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine




+237 653-650-995



3| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine





KING & QUEEN Karaoké ART: Presentation of young talents SPORT: Douala Kwata Challenge,

TIPS How to optimize your e-commerce store

HOW IT WORKS Fidget Spinner

BEE-KOME DISCOVER 4| August 2017

A new era for Basketball

9 12 29




15 32

Breaking creativity

EXTRA « Entre intelligence et naïveté » Bee-kome magazine



don't believe the choices we make are at a certain instance, good or bad. What I'm sure is that today you might be disappointed in the outcome of the

choice you made, but tomorrow when receiving that award or signing that huge multi billion dollars deal you will be happy. Then you will realize that it was all because you earlier made a choice that you thought was wrong. Yes, certainly everything might not turn out as expected, but keep faith that whatever choice you make today will contribute in its own way to the accomplishment of your vision. Have faith in every Choice you make. Have faith in yourself and keep moving forward. In the light of things, we have come forth with our second issue published in English. We really appreciate you all, readers, and pray you appreciate this as well. Enjoy your read and don't hesitate to forward back your thoughts and comments to our customer care team. Regards, Hermès NZIKO


5| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine




he traditional trade has accustomed us to have a physical shop, to pay a rent, to watch over its shop and to be there at all hours and manage taxes.What about when you want to get started? That one can

not be physically present and that one does not have so much money to have one's physical space? Should we give up? Or start tontines to be able to have the necessary to start! Under these conditions, evolving for a novice seems practically impossible except, if he uses e-commerce.Good news! It is a sector still little explored in Cameroon and Africa in general. Quite simply, e-commerce is a set of commercial transactions carried out remotely via electronic and digital interfaces. Remote sales may equally well correspond to goods or services.

6| August 2017

Let us globalize e-commerce a little, in the world, its activity is estimated at more than 15000 billion dollars and in Africa this sector represents almost 4% of the economy.The study "Shop the world!" Carried out by DHL in 2014, reveals that emerging markets have the greatest growth potential for ecommerce and highlights Africa offers tremendous growth potential as online shopping is still in its infancy in the region.Another study by McKinsey & Company points out that by 2025 e-commerce could account for 10% of retail sales in Africa's largest economies and this market will weigh 75 billion US dollars for 600 million active consumers.

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Founded in Nigeria in 2012 and being

(time saving, purchase at any time,

base that grows every year. In addi-

considered the current Amazon of

delivery possibility) remains by far

tion, 19% of financial transactions in

Africa, Jumia is now present in several African countries including Gha-

the first motivation to purchase online. And more and more people

Kenya in 2012 were by mobile.

na, CĂ´te d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Kenya, Morocco, Egypt , Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania.Konga, a co-leader in online

are beginning to understand it in Africa.

digital products

commerce in Nigeria, expects to deploy throughout the Economic Community of West African States by mid -2015. The turnover of this ecommerce platform quickly rose from $ 700,000 in 2012 to more than $ 50 million in 2014. According to, Africa has 9 issues that make ecommerce a reality.

4th feature : Time saving

7th feature : the proliferation of A few years ago, the digital book (Ebook) was not known to Afri-

Time is the only thing you can not

cans.Today, some e-commerce sites

regain when lost. Thanks to ecommerce, consumers notice a sig-

offer it to consumers, when others make it their core business.

nificant time saving. They no longer need to travel to go in search of what

8th feature : Collaborative Consumption

they want, and then lug around their purchase to home 5th feature : The potential for growth

Collaborative consumption is an economic model that comes to add value to e-commerce. Through it, consum-

Low banking is a cause.It is necessary to resort to other payment methods,

ers place more emphasis on the use of goods, rather than on ownership; Which encourages sharing, leasing

which detract from the practice of ecommerce one of its greatest assets:

and selling between peer-to-peer (client-to-customer).This has made

on-line payment. But this does not prevent some success in this field.For

the success of startups such as AirBnB and Uber, to name but a few,

2nd feature : Job creation

example, 6 months after their launch,

and we are already seeing the begin-

This is one of the few sectors that shows real growth in job offers, which once again demonstrates its

Konga and Jumia, online shopping sites similar to Amazon, processed nearly 1000 orders to both of them.

nings of such practices in Africa, which is very encouraging.

importance in our African countries, where the issue of unemployment

6th feature : The advent of the mobile

It is true that Africa still faces this problem because consumers do not,

3rd feature : Facilitating the purchase

The advent of the mobile and its proliferation in Africa have made it possible to reboost the e-commerce

for the majority of consumers, have complete confidence in online payment, and those who want to do so

Being able to shop from home, anytime, through any connected terminal without having to travel, is a real

sector. In Africa, the vast majority of Internet connections are via the mobile.E-commerce sites that are mo-

can not for the simple reason They do not have bank accounts.

1st feature : a sector that explodes If the e-commerce sector explodes, increasingly in competition, it is because buyers and sellers see their interest.

remains topical.





"practical" side of Internet shopping

7| August 2017

9th feature: security of payment

bile-friendly thus gain another, younger and connected customer

Bee-kome magazine

AIn Cameroon, many are beginning to understand are a few


Sellam Quick


Jumia Market

8| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine




owadays, it's easy to become a merchant and sell your products online. Opportunities have become affordable both financially and technically. Many young people from Cameroon go there but few are the ones who hack it because competition is tough and the consumer wise.To ensure you a spot in the e-commerce industry and become a reference, you will have to add a value proposition to what others do by showing creativity, professionalism and above all authenticity so that your prospective visitors are converted to potential customers. Here are some practical tips to implement:

9| August 2017



It is necessary to communicate on your brand and its products, it is necessary to make yourself known. To increase your conversion rate, do not just focus on the fact that customers buy what they need but instead buy it so they want it.There you mark one more point because many are looking only at the customer's need and not what they really want. Make them dream by telling them the history of your products, causing emotion.Several communication channels are available: Social networks (facebook, twitter, linkedin, google +, pinterest), Google Adwords, the written press, blogs to show what you are able to do, and many others.

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Search Ranking

Well referencing its products or services is necessary so that one can find you on search engines. Having a good ranking in search engines is ensuring an increase in sales. Finding yourself in the top search engine rankings is vital for the survival of your online shop.


Price Differentiation Many online consumers take the time to do sev-

eral searches on the same product to get the best price, the best guarantee or the best services associated. It is better for you to inspect the shop on competitors to read customer reviews and their requirements. This study will allow you to adapt good costs to your products. One must have in mind that potential customers place orders from home, they have no stress from being in the store, they do not have sellers who influences their choices. It is necessary to be forewarned, in advance, of the actions that they will carry out, the choices that can guide them, because you will not be with them to accompany them.


Easy Payment Methods A long and complex order process will disqualify a

large number of buyers; Complexity is the enemy of efficiency in this field, the simpler the faster it is, the more customers like. The payment process of the e-commerce module is equipped with an ergonomics improving the user experience.Six simple steps (summary of the basket, contact details, payment method, delivery method, possibility to leave comments and confirmation of order) allowing a simple and totally secure purchase.It would be a shame to lose customers when they have already put products in their baskets. The multiplication of means of payment is a good way to keep customers who have decided to place orders. Consumers without a credit card can also think of a simpler way to offer the possibility of paying by invoice

10| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine


Optimize Your Shop

structure them and define links between these categoSome elements can be taken into account ries.

to improve your performance in terms of The product sheets: at this stage, the use of the good resales by taking into account various parameters like: search will convince him to go to the act.So be in tune

The home page: a high bounce rate? It means that the with your target, exhaustive, giving all the useful inforpage was not considered attractive enough by the Inter- mation (product name, detailed description, price, quantinet user.Several possible explanations: the content is not ty, etc.).

relevant enough, the site is not safe enough, it does not The purchase tunnel: from the addition of an item to the inspire confidence or ... it does not have to be very long. basket until final payment, the user continues to browse Remember that this is a simple showcase whose mission your site, through the purchase tunnel. Think also that is to attract the visitor and convince him to continue the the consumer likes to have the choice, whether in terms navigation.

of delivery option or payment methods.

The product catalog: depending on your product catalog, Performance (before design): 40% of Internet users leave it will be simple to define the architecture of your e- a website if the page load time exceeds 03 seconds. commerce site.To optimize its site, it is therefore necessary to categorize and prioritize products in order to Ref:

11| August 2017

Par Andre MBENG

Bee-kome magazine


Are you one of those people who spend their time gnawing their nails? Do you play with your pens? Do you crack the joints, both at home and in the office? You always have a few things in your hands: a pencil you twirl, a pin or a gum? Are you the type to kick, whistle or play the drums, to the point of making your colleagues mad? What your colleagues do not understand is that you do it almost unconsciously. It is not to "play" or distract your entourage, but by necessity of concentration. Indeed, despite comments from your co-workers, your little habits help you stay focused on your task. And science gives you reason! It is recognized that drawing on a sheet

anti-stress toys or "fidget widgets" in English. The idea of the fidget spinner or even called hand spinner in France, is that by its regular and relaxing use, you will be able to curb unwanted habits like nail biting or smoking. Are you beginning to wear your nails to your mouth, or start to have a desire for gluttony? Do not give in and take your spinner out of your pocket and play with it.

It may sound too good to believe, but it works. Many people have managed to repel and give up unwanted habits by using these little toys, Fidget Spinner. They can be of different sizes and can be composed of several different materials. At the moment, many of these small objects are manufactured with 3D printing technology (not to be confused with 3D pens) and use a wide range of bearings to rotate them.

of paper or handling an object in one's hands increases our ability to concentrate and therefore would not be a sign of dispersion. So comes the interest of 12| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

A fidget spinner is used in a very simple way. Take it in iety can be mild to moderate. If you know of more imhand and turn it by holding it in the center, where the ball portant anxiety attacks, unfortunately a Fidget Spinner bearing is located. It will then take much and very easily will not be enough to calm you down, but it will however speed, and its branches will form forms visually very re- be very helpful in crises, to avoid a rise in anxiety. Only you laxing. Moreover, the sensation in hand is also very satis- can know how much your body and mind will react to the factory, and provides a kind of pleasant and continuous use of these small objects, you have to test. But it is imvibration. portant to note that many people, thanks to the benefits Indeed Fidget Spinner are known to help fight stress, anx- of a Fidget Spinner, were able to limit their bad habits and reduce the stress they felt. Ref:

13| August 2017


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14| August 2017

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15| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine



fter recieving his Advanced level in 2008, he proceeded to obtain a B.A degree in sociology in

2011 and later on obtain a B.A degree in Human Ressource Management in 2014. He certainly does not have a spectacular Academic course, but has energy and ideas to exploit.

16| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

PROFESSIONNAL COURSE Already well aware of what life reserves, Marco started his journey in the professional world very early. During his second year of sociology at the university, he joined marketing firm located at Bonapriso,Douala, called Performance Management. In this firm, he learned a lot on the field of marketing: field survey, marketing strategies and many others. After spending 01 year in this company, he joined HydroElect. HydroElect which at that time was a subcontractor of AES SONEL. He made his debut as an assistant to the general manager of the agency and after demonstrating his dynamism and potential, he rapidly obained the management of several construction sites (Ebolowa, Bertoua, Menganga), which combined a workforce of 1500 people. After his specialization in sociology of organizations he made a short visit to Danone Cameroon and in the same year, in September 2013, he integrated the GICAM into the economic entity. There he had the opportunity to work with Human Resources managers from various companies in order to be able to prepare notes of economic conjuncture. "At GICAM, I have been confronted with the problem that one may encounter as a young person who wishes to meet one of the directors of a company. It's a matter of perception, you may as well have all the documents for the pass, but the person in front of you will judge you on the appearance. You're young, we 17| August 2017

wonder what you want to talk about with the human resources manager". In January 2014, he left the GICAM and a few months later he joined Nestlé. When he left Nestlé, he had been able to have an inside view of the problems faced by job seekers when looking for a job. "I saw young people who on paper were very good but once in an interview there was a concern and vice versa. I realized that the young people did not give everything they had. Either because they did not know, or because the system formatted them so. I have given myself this mission to be able to change not only these perceptions but their steps in the search for employment ". It was then that Marco decided to start his own business and founded ARCH, a digital Human Resource marketing agency.

ENTREPRENEURIAL COURSE "My experience at Nestlé was the trigger, because I had the opportunity to see how things work on both sides. I was able to see how job seekers behave in an interview and in the same way, I could see how the selection of candidates is done. I have seen files rejected and files untouched. It's all this that created the click of the why of the agency ARCH

I have given myself

this mission to be able to change not only

these perceptions but their steps in the search for employment

Bee-kome magazine

Not wanting to be resolved to reject the fault on the state or another entity, Marco decided to start with a Consulting agency in Human Resources Marketing because it allowed him to approach the problem on angle still untouched till then. "My mother often told me, when you go into something and everything comes easy, there is a trap somewhere." Despite the obstacles of the departure, he kept his head cold and remained focused on his objective. Aware of his lack of experience in entrepreneurship, he decides to start with a blog. Through this blog, which he christened African Chronicles, he began writing chronicles about Cameroonians who were striving everyday to change things for a better Africa but also to use it as a showcase to give pieces of advice in the field of human resources. That's how he came to meet Jesse Carlton. Marco tells us how Jesse was and is very instrumental in the realization and development of ARCH. "I remember after I wrote the article on Jesse and published on Facebook, he 'liked' the post. It is then that I got in contact with him through messenger and after three to four days of exchanges , we met in his office in Akwa. At the same time, he was working on his charitable project, Smile4Peace, and I decided to give my support. The idea was to immerse myself in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and learn from those who were already there. As a result of this, I came to know other people such as Jim-Kevin Moukoury, GaĂŤlle Onana 18| August 2017

and many others. After discussing what I wanted to do with Jesse Carlton, I added that I was waiting to be ready before getting started. I still remember what he said to me 'If you wait to be ready you will never be. If you think you have something to offer, go ahead and get started! '

co. But eventually, driven by a thirst for learning and a desire to see his project complete, he persevered and today the agency keeps gaining more and more presence. After deciding how the agency was going to act and the services they were going to offer, Marco began to create a customer wallet, which includes businesses like " In its beginnings, the agency ARCH Will & Brothers and Sellkako. lacked stability" still remembers MarBee-kome magazine

JOBTALKS & L’AGENCE ARCH "Once I had structured exactly what I wanted to do with the ARCH , the JobTalks presented themselves as the ideal dedicated tool for professional coaching that would educate young people on how to behave in the search for employment. I realized that most of the human resource coaching forums focused a lot on how to write a CV, how to answer questions in an interview, and so on. But one thing that was missing was this human part, before writing the CV or the motivational letter, there is a field to explore. This is why at the first session of the JobTalks the theme was: Self-awareness. From the moment the individual is aware of his talent, he will be able to do whatever he wants. " SOME LESSONS LEARNED "With the organization of the JobTalks, I realized that the beginnings are not always easy. I remember the

19| August 2017

first edition we organized, we had a room of 150 places but we could only have about ten people. Very disappointed I nevertheless regained my dynamism and humbled myself to go to different people to take advice on how to improve. Which was beneficial, because a few months later in the second edition we filled a room of 250 seats. " Marco told us the story of an incident that occurred a few years ago when he was in charge of the HydroElec site in Menganga. Where he had given clear instructions to the team leader to order two rolls of cable to connect their site to that of BOCOM. But the latter, thinking he knew better, decided to order one and finally ended up with an unfinished work due to the lack of more material. Because of this insubordination, Marco made the decision to put the team leader and his clique on layoff for three days.

"After I sanctioned the workers, the driver of the vehicle made me understand that even if they were wrong the penalty was too severe. They were dads, and each one had a family to feed, as such the next day I called them back to work. This experience showed me that we can learn from everyone. In life you have to be humble because you do not know who you have in front of you." TEAM MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP Marco attributes the success of his team to communication. That it is essential for him to have transparency at the level of his collaborators. Make sure each time that as things evolve, that everyone is always focused on the final goal and knows exactly what he / she needs to do for the success of the business.

By Hermes NZIKO

Bee-kome magazine


20| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine


ello Miss AIIDA, thank you for granting us this interview. First of all can you introduce yourself to our readers? (Name, Ages, occupation) Hello, thank you for receiving me So my name is Sophy Aiida, I'm 30 years old and I'm an actress, TV presenter, producer, content creator and equally entrepreneur. Today we know you under many caps: Actress, TV presenter, producer. How did you start your professional career? I started professionally in 2007 in the city of Orlando, Florida in the USA where I grew up. That summer I decided to take my courage with both hands and launch myself despite my fears. I began my research for roles on casting sites for almost 3 weeks before falling on the cast that opened me the doors of the world of stage performance that I like a lot.


I was paying too much attention to the opinion or the look of people at me


21| August 2017

It is easy to imagine that the beginnings of your career were not easy. Can you share with us an anecdote and the lesson you learned from it? Umh then, at the beginning of my career I was paying too much attention to the opinion or the look of people at me. That prevented me from being 100% authentic. Growing up, I realized that indeed it is a good thing to care about others because

the goal is not to stifle others with his person but "at the end of the day" my life belongs to me, If I did not live by being entirely myself, I would have survived and not lived during my stay on earth. Why this career choice? We ask ourselves I started theater at 2 years old because I was a child who spoke too much. From the first time I went on stage for a performance, I fell in love. From then on, I knew that this job I wanted to do it all my life, no matter how long and the course I will take it will end up in this. During these years, what would you say was your biggest problem and how did you overcome it? I think my biggest problem was the fact that I wanted to make 10 shots with one stone. I explain, having several caps in this job and wanting to do everything at once, I found myself not concentrating enough on one thing until excel. I managed to overcome it today through Faith because it is thanks to this that I understood that it is useless to run. The time of God is the time of God and he is never late. And even if I had lost time because I was too dispersed, he only redeems time.

Bee-kome magazine

A last word for our readers? One piece of advice I can give to the youth of which I am also a part, if I may say so, is that when you have a passion do not let anything or anyone tell you that you are not able to succeed. Believe in your dreams and go all the way. God bless you

Interviewed by Hermes NZIKO

More than 70% of the companies created between 2010 & 2015 did not survive till May 2017

22| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

GOLDEN START-UP Organize your event has never been so easy

All this, Dominique Hodieb, mannequine and promoter of Headwrap tamer, understood it well when she feeds the idea of Dikôrah. Dikôrah, which aims to


n an environment where the economic activity is booming

and events are multiplying, there is a need to facilitate the organization of the various events. This is good in the reliability of a service provider such as DJ, room hire and others but also by the quality of these various services.

be a digital platfor bringing together different service providers and organizers of events. "We chose to start with this solution because we also have had to organize events and faced several difficulties. The problem of finding speakers, available room, the poor quality of services and so on. We therefore wished to solve this problem. "Chloe KOUASSI, COO of Dikôrah, confides to us. Dikôrah which means"to bring together" in language 'Bassa' is the name for this rather bold project. Although still in a developmental stage, Dikôrah is seducing more and more people. This is evident when she wins the first prize of the Harambe-Solutioners 2017 and in the same run has qualified to compete for the final of Season 2 of Digital Thursday. "In 05 years we see Dikôrah as the trending platform for events organization in Africa and later in the world."

23| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

24| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine














MUSIQUE King & Queen Karaoke

Promoting aspiring talents has never been easy, even if necessary, cultural promoter Paul BITCHOKA aka Paul Xenon takes up this challenge with King & Queen Karaoke. This is a singing contest open to non-professional performers between the ages of 18 and 35, who interprete the song of their choice individually or as a duo in the local, national or foreign language. This Xenon entertainment product is already at its second edition, which begins on July 21 and ends on August 26, 2017. The King & Queen Karaoke takes place in 6 rounds of which 4 are eliminatory and a reward of 100,000f. Beyond the music, King & Queen Karaoke promotes cultural awakening in aspects such as animation and fashion, giving it more than a competition title, a setting that encourages entertainment. Bounty dates are July 29th, August 05th, August 12th, August 19th (semi-final), and August 26th (final) and will take place at the restaurant Les Champs ElysĂŠes (integrated with IFC). By Carmene NEPEYIME 26| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

ART Presentation of young talents


oual'art launched on April 25, 2017 a restricted visual arts competition of painting, drawing and photography. It is open to young students of higher schools / institutes of fine arts and young artists between the ages of 18 and 30.This competition is a focal point in the process started to sensitize the Cameroonian citizens on the theme of "the place of the

human", the theme of the triennial festival the Salon Urbain de Douala whose fourth edition will take place from 5 to 10 December 2017 in Douala. For this exhibition of 22 July the works that were presented were realized for most students of the institute of fine arts of Nkongsamba and young artists of the city of Douala. For Aude Mgba it concerns subjects on terrorism in Cameroon and its multiple consequences, patriotism, ritual crimes, deforestation, immigration, hope for a better life, multiculturalism, the place of the child And the oppression of the latter in our society, self -determination, freedom of expression, living conditions, living together, the importance of the family.34 achievements between drawings and paintings in acrylic and oil offer representations that range from figurative to abstraction. There are a total of 20 participants, including 7 girls and 13 boys, including 17 students and 3 young independent artists. For Mr. Jean Paul Zimetala, an art lover, it is difficult to judge or note because all these artists are very talented and it is encouraging to see so much passion and genius through these paintings. It would be too difficult a task to decide.

Par Carmene NEPEYIME 27| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

SPORT Douala Kwata Challenge


new hope for basketball, a gold mine of talents, new blood for basketball ... all are expressions attributed to the Douala Kwata Challenge. Indeed, newly instituted, the DKC is a friendly meeting around the orange ball opposing the different districts of Douala in the men’s and women’s category.

Mr. MUKOKO Anta, secretary of the DKC explains: "In every quarter of the city of Douala there is this game called ‘bonbon’; Which is a time of entertainment and sharing between the basketball teams of the same neighborhood. In order to be able to associate these teams around a tournament or a competition we created the Douala Kwata Challenge " Apart from its playful aspect, the DKC also has a social commitment to bring together and consolidate the links between diverse communities. The other goal is to improve infrastructure. As for this first edition already completed, an article on Canal 2 will have called it a strike for a trial run. With increasing enthusiasm and innovative ideas, we can say on a scale of 6 to 10 which will be the satisfaction of these adepts and newly conquered. By Carmene NEPEYIME

28| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine



he past century has seen the decay of intergenerational relationships. Youths have the feeling that the older generation does not want to let go and don’t want to make the sacrifices that are required to solve the many conundrums. Whereas the old guard is convinced the rookies dream too much, don’t work hard enough and are too dependent. Let’s not get into the blame game at this point. Great men walked this earth before us and lived fulfilling lives. Their achievements and legacies are not known of all - that is a shame and this explains (but does not justify) why we make the same mistakes again and again as a people. Mistakes of the past are experiences of the future. We have been blessed with great history but this only has value if it is accessed, understood and shared. 29| August 2017

Especially, we neglect those men and women from Africa who fought battles on a daily basis to make changes in a very hostile world. Today’s Africa is faced with numerous daunting tasks while tomorrow’s Africa risks having to solve the same problems with even lesser resources. To make things worse, hope and dreams are becoming a very scarce commodity. Granted, it is hard to stay positive or motivated when tomorrow looks no different from today and when the ground we stand on feels like quicksand. However, it helps to know that people before us went through similar tribulations. That these ordinary people became extraordinary only after they were able to persevere and be patient even when everything suggested they should give up.

We must persevere, we must be patient and we must conquer for the sake of the past, present and future generations. If we don’t rise to the challenge, the next generation will hold us accountable for our deeds or lack thereof. Forty years from now, will we be remembered as the potsmoking, smartphone buying, Instagram posting, graduate-laden generation? Or shall we be the pioneers of a movement? Easier said than done right? Well, someone has to start from somewhere and sometime. How about you and I start here and now! It will be tough, you will feel helpless, life will hit you hard, the loss column will look like the Brooklyn Nets’ then out of this tornado there will be sunshine.

In the plot of life everyone has a role to play, play your part. By Ulrick Sidney Bee-kome magazine



hough it is hard to predict tomor- Breaks row, one thing is clear about the What if the solution to creativity stood future of business: competition will get in creative breaks. I'm not talking of ruder. ordinary vacations. Nope. What I mean Several factors are contributing to this is paid trips that enable employees to trend, but the biggest "culprit" is, of meditate, practice arts, visit faraway course, digitalisation. With 100Frs of places, and get a fresh view of the internet connection and a mite of inspi- world. Research has confirmed that ration, any kid in Douala can create a travel experience is key to developing shop on Facebook and sell anything -- new perspectives in life and business. foléré, bracelets, iphones. CEOs are no- Let's take a look at some of the greatest ticing this. They know that the future is leaders of all times. Jesus and his trip going to be rude. Many of these com- to the desert. Steve Jobs and his trip to pany captains have opted for Creativity Asia. Mandela and his time in jail. They as Credo. "We need to be smarter, swif- all found inspiration through long spiriter, wittier than the competition." But is it working? I looked into how a few companies do

tual and/or physical journeys. Finding something requires losing something. And does creativity not require us to

adopt new ways of doing things? their let's-be-creative process. First, the managers sit and decide things Creative Break have been too boring. Then, they orga- The creative break isn't just pizza-sleep nise a huge seminar to train all em- -swim time. No. The creative break ployees on creativity. Finally, the deve- program should be developed fully. lop slogans, a creativity chart and then To be continued. have employees "pledge" to respect that. Unfortunately, (and this is sad) the process often ends there

30| August 2017

By Bertrand MOMO, Founder of MoMoB.

Bee-kome magazine

You Love What We Do? We Love What You Do.

Discover our ads offers. Suited for all port-folios and across all our digital platforms.

Exclusive Full Page (2nd & 4th coverpage) Others Half page One-third page 31| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine





aru le 19 juillet 2017, ce livre nous présente la vie d'une jeune élève

assez brillante depuis le primaire et qui a toujours fait la joie de ses parents. Cependant, la rencontre avec Wilfried Elame, jeune médecin, va tout de suite tout changer dans la vie de notre brillante élève. Éprise de lui, elle va très vite se retrouver enceinte et abandonnée par l'auteur de sa grossesse. Les parents de Gloria qui jusque-là ignoraient tout de cette idylle sont très en colère et très déçus en découvrant son état. Elle qui avait un parcours tout tracé vers un avenir brillant est contrainte de tout abandonner pour pouvoir élever son fils. Entre Amour, intelligence et déception, Gloria va t'elle gagner à nouveau la confiance et l’admiration de sa famille ?

32| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

Chapitre 4 En septembre 2010, L’année scolaire qui commence s’annonce rude, compétitive et surtout l’une des plus

obtienne son baccalauréat.

importantes de mon parcours scolaire car à la fin de cette année, je dois composer le BEPC (brevet d’étude

déjà beaucoup de nous. Ceci dû au fait qu’il y’avait dans ma classe plusieurs indisciplinés qui ne les laissaient pas

du premier cycle). Il s’agit de l’examen marquant la fin du premier cycle de l’enseignement secondaire. Le proviseur monsieur Tankoua Joseph dans son discours de rentrée a attiré notre attention ce matin à la levée des couleurs sur le fait que l’examen se prépare dès le premier jour de la rentrée, et que la concentration, la rigueur dans le travail et la discipline devraient faire partir de notre quotidien tout au long de l’année. Une foi en classe, nous avons recopié dans nos cahiers le traditionnel emploi de temps qui avait été mis au tableau quelques jours avant la rentrée part le surveillant général, ensuite nous avons fait la connaissance de nos différents professeurs venus se présenter. Le soir à la maison, mon père en nous remettant les cahiers et livres nous a fait par des règles qu’il avait établi pour la nouvelle année scolaire ; à savoir la télé qui nous était désormais interdite, le couchée se ferait désormais à 22h, et le réveil à 4h du matin. Après 18h il ne doit plus voir personne à la cuisine, et nous n’avions désormais le droit de sortir rien que pour aller soit à l’école, soit au cours de répétition, soit à l’église, qu’il ne voulait plus nous voir trainer au quartier avec les voisins. En bref, dès ce soir-là, tout était déjà mis en marche pour que mon année scolaire soit couronnée de succès et que Ange

Après un mois de classe, nos enseignants se plaignaient

aisément faire leurs travail. Par ailleurs, nous étions 150 en classe, et ce n’était pas vraiment évident pour eux de dispenser un cours car la classe était petite, nous étions très serrés, le premier banc touchait presque le tableau et il était difficile à l’enseignant de se déplacer dans la classe durant son cour. Quant au proviseur, il fermait les yeux face à cette situation. De ce fait, ce n’étaient que les élèves de devant qui avaient la grâce de suivre le cours et les explications du professeur. Tandis que ceux de derrière étaient abandonnés à eux même, dans un désordre qui ne semblait pas les gêner car ils ne s’en plaignaient pas. Cette situation était d’autant plus grave au point ou notre enseignant d’espagnol avait carrément divisé la salle de classe en deux, du premier banc au milieu de la classe était celle qu’il considérait comme étant la Troisième espagnole 2 dont la classe qu’il avait obligation d’enseigner. Et à partir du milieu jusqu’au fond, c’était ce qu’il appelait la Troisième espagnole 3, par conséquent la classe qu’il ne connaissait pas, il ne se souciait pas du tout d’eux, et pendant les évaluations, il ne corrigeait jamais leurs copies, ils avaient toujours zero.

COIN DE L’AUTEUR Sandrine Ornel Djuidje est une jeune Camerounaise âgée de 20 ans. Après l’obtention de son baccalauréat C en 2015 avec mention assez bien à Bafoussam, sa ville natale, elle fût admise à la faculté de génie industriel de l’université de Douala où elle poursuit son rêve d’être ingénieur. En 2017 elle écrit Entre intelligence & naïveté, un roman qui nous fait part du parcours de Gloria, une jeune lycéenne très intelligente qui se retrouve enceinte en classe de première alors qu’elle entretenait une relation amoureuse à l’issu de ses parents.

33| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

34| August 2017

Bee-kome magazine

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