1| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
2| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
FOCUS Problems faced by the educational sector and possible remedies
10 12
Touky fashion show tout feu tout flamme
BEE-KOME DISCOVER 3| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
have had at several occasions asked myself questions during the edition of this issue.
The first was why we were doing it? the second was where do we want to go? and what should be the impact of our work on society? In trying to answer these questions, I realized that the objective of our camera had to be reoriented not out of the frame, but towards another target. Indeed we are doing it to continuously inform more people on an almost hidden world, we want to be the leading African media in the sector of entrepreneurship and finally we have to build better brands. That said, entrepreneurship in Cameroon is embryonic, it needs concrete, leading examples and solutions adapted to its framework. Also, it's time to get to grips with our everyday problems in order to find the right solutions for those.
We decided to put on the table the stories of "real money makers", those who knew how to create the market around them and who conti-
nue on the way to create an empire. In this issue, we have turned to the field of education, brief inquiries have been made and an icon of this field has decided to open its doors to us. Welcome Mr. William WAMBA, he explains how he left from a side gig to the real beginning of his empire, Intelligentsia corporation.
We also had the honor of meeting with Christian FONGANG, co-founder of SDK Games, a mobile games studio. His intervention in this issue is linked to his interactive and educational game Moo Exams. On this, good reading and do not hesitate to give us your impressions on our social accounts.
Chief Editor 4| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
5| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
f one considers Wikipedia, education
roon, despite the efforts made by the government, this is not enough. The
arose with the direct consequence of the end of the "sucking pump"
is, the action of "guiding out", that is to say, to
big problem according to cameroonvoice.com is
and thus the unemployment of graduates, school
develop, to produce. It now more commonly means learning and
the ignorance of the duties and the culture of everyone in the respect
quickly becomes the polarization of this crisis, which is at the same time
developing the intellec-
of the public interest.
a crisis of contents and
tual, moral and physical faculties, means and results of this development activity. If one sticks to the Larousse, it is the for-
Besides civic education, social education is another concern, the site mbidaeducation.com ex-
above all a crisis of the very purposes of the school.
have not obtained diplo-
"The diploma obtained at school is for many Cameroonians the symbol of a social success. One gra-
mas are excluded from the school system and judged
mation of someone in a certain field of activity; intellectual, cultural, moral knowledge acquired in this domain by someone, by a group. Education in practice is the factor that justifies the development gaps or the economic backwardness that certain countries such as Cameroon are experiencing. Thus, a reform and reform of the educational system becomes necessary, that is to say a system of competence that sees the acquisition of knowledge and the construction of transversal and disciplinary competences.
Because the system and the reforms are different in each country, in Came6| September 2017
"someone". Behind that hides a social success which implies, a good salary, a beautiful car, a beautiful house. The right school is therefore the one that leads to social success, because it leads to employment. In the face of a shortage of skilled labor, the smallest degree after independence brought you the quality required to find a paid job.
Thus, all students who
unfit and incapable. This very "selective" system does not concern itself with the many " It is a system that develops and supports the cult of the diploma. parents help children to cross the different levels of schooling, including classes examinations, and it is not surprising that the auto-
All students who
have not obtained diplomas are excluded from
the school system and judged unfit and incapable.
nomy of the child is first
When the crisis of the
ease and cheating. This is partly responsible for the fact that many graduates
1980s, preceded by both
of this school
the 1973 oil shock and the fall in raw materials,
do not have the right skills. " Bee-kome magazine
Another problem is pedagogy: there is a teacher deficit, a very marked inequality
former have little work, and sometimes discharge themselves into commercial
ning sector faces a triple challenge:
in the presence of schools, a massive number of pupils
activities to the detriment of education. The latter have
tion: In sub-Saharan Africa,
for a limited space and therefore a ratio of 1 teacher per 1000 minimum. Also this
overcrowded numbers to manage and it is impossible for them to take care of
inequality of zone is also due
each learner in a persona-
to the desertion of the several teachers that the Crtv called urban teachers and explains it: "Everybody wants to stay in town. Each
lized way. ". In addition, there have been a number of pitfalls: the parade of textbooks, the incompatibility between the pedagogical
year, teachers are assigned to the peripheral areas. But most desert their service post. Others immediately demand an assignment for
approach and the learning context (the teacher should take care of each student leading it to be the main actor in the production of
the city. As a consequence, too many teachers in town and very little in rural areas. All this adds to the low suc-
knowledge), the low penetration rate of Tic.
cess rates of students. The
7| September 2017
According to France diplomatique, the vocational trai-
• The challenge of massificafor example, less than 15% of secondary school pupils are enrolled in vocational training courses.
• The challenge of adapting supply to demand: little evolutionary, still too oriented towards the acquisition of general skills, the supply of vocational training does not correspond to the needs of companies. • The financing challenge: technical and vocational education and training represent between 3% and 10% of the education budget.
Bee-kome magazine
Indeed, each student is master of his future. Education will not be achieved solely through teaching at
design of portable and open media libraries in the form of boxes giving access to millions of educational
school but through personal research and development. This is
content and offering an integrated communication system where users
where new technologies come in, with the advent of the Edtech (Combination of Education and
can make video calls within the local network deployed by the Box), TeachMePad (Tablet with integrated
Technology). Already quite developed but not well known to the ge-
multimedia library) and many others. Some institutions and families have
neral public, it is possible to do research or leave a student in a computer room safely. In Cameroon we can mention EduAir Project (the
already adopted it because, although unknown to the general public, it is through technology that change will occur.
www.cameroonvoice.com References http://crtv.cm/fr/latest-news/specialreport-12/ducation-au-cameroun-denombreux-defis-relever-17845.htm http://mbidaeducation.com.overblog.com/article-peut-on-parler-de-crisede-l-education-au-cameroun49806705.html
8| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
9| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
Les problèmes liés à l’éducation et les solutions
t is certain that the methods to transmit
knowledge have evolved, but the fact remains that the result is not yet satisfactory. We went to meet the supervisory teachers, and principal of some
colleges and high school to know what problems they encounter on the ground how did they overcome them? What would they like to see developed to address their problems?
10| September 2017
The difficulties of private education are not necessarily those of public education. We will say the
torn apart. The parent does not let you punish the child according to the rules of procedure: each
delay in the subsidies, we do not help in the operation of the establishment. We can also say the very strong pressure when it comes to a renowned establish-
parent wants to reconsider the texts for his child's fault, forgetting that it is a regulation that has always existed and worked with others. The parent no longer
Surveillance : If we opened the surveillance page, that's another problem. When educators and
Now we know the difficulties of all schools, the back-to-school is accompanied with a number of
parents stop speaking the same language, it is the child who is
small things, the financial problems on the part of parents.
Bee-kome magazine
On the pedagogical level, the students who come to school must be trained, if not formatted, so that
when you go out there, it is not always with a broad smile.
they learn to face their goals. There are difficulties with parents, a pa-
there to please. With the Edtech it will be a fault not to stick to the
rent who says "you do too much in your institution ". When there is no such harmony between the partners of education, it is clear that this is a dilemma. An area like surveillance, where the child has to be disciplined, when an interpellation is done, it ceases to be the taste of the parent who thinks that one wants to put his child to the door. You have a choice to make and
Unfortunately teachers are not
evolution of the world, let us follow the trend. Very unfortunate is the one who is slowing down pace on technology. If children were introduced to reading earlier, they could
games, though it is not totally bad. Institutions are putting policies in place to limit this escape and get children to focus only on school but game is also part of education. Most of these educational boxes reside in the ability to bring them up to date, otherwise it will come in the same direction as Encarta, which proved to be very limited.
come to the classroom already having a lot of knowledge. Unfortunately when you give the internet and a monitor to a child, he will more often get lost in the
Anonymous, teacher and former supervisor of a college
We also turned to public education and we were able to have the opinion of a censor of the city
jects. There are some who have family problems and blockages and do not speak easily. There are
lack of textbooks: in a class of 80 students, there are barely five students documented, depending
of Douala. Our first question was to know what problems she encounters as a censor of her high school, she replied:
some who try but for the most part they do not dare. As a censor, the difficulty is the relationship between men, even at the level of
on the subject. Teachers are also despised by the society some parents copiously insult the framers and go as far as to treat them of
"With the students, there is indis-
supervisors there are conflicts of
useless. The question is how does
interest. There is also the lack of equipment which is frequent and the absence of offices to work, the silence of certain leaders and
he estimate his child? like a scoundrel, no doubt, too! As solutions there are at least the rules of procedure. The pupils have
supervisors in certain situations; discipline is no longer the priority.
become a little too violent and we are not protected; there are some
Also, the salary is insignificant in spite of the yield premium (a yield
who go so far as to stab a supervisor without it doing anything to
premium over three months is equivalent to 5000f). There is a
cipline, lack of respect and with the teachers there, the name respect for the hierarchy; the difficulty here lies in the absence of remedies to counter this. The pupils are very absent, the parents never come to the convocations. These same students choose the courses and even during the evaluations they choose their sub-
11| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
There is also the circulation and consumption of drugs; despite routine excavations, very few are
teachers to be at the top of their performance, given the necessary tools and the right power. Lastly,
most teachers in both cities and villages are illiterate ICTs. However, they have to be trained for
stopped. There are gangs that
that the financial status of tea-
this and even if this is the case,
fight frequently and unfortunately we always count on the censors to separate the fights. It is not given, the knife scares everyone. "
chers as a whole be reviewed "
access to computers is still a real problem. From then on, the big challenge will be to get people to do real research. "
When asked what innovation she would like to see in this area, she told us:
teachmePad could be beneficial pedagogically:
Following this answer we asked if a technological contribution such as the EduAir box or the
"Teachers are being affected more and more, destabilizing and des-
"Yes I think it can help but it will be for the city teachers, because there are first of all electrical pro-
troying families. I would also like
blems in remote areas. Moreover,
12| September 2017
Anonymous woman, censor in a Douala high school
Bee-kome magazine
An Edcamp W
the exchange of educational experiences and the setting up of innovative educational projects.
* realization of a project within a given time (according to collaborative work logic).
An Edcamp is an event organized by and for people involved in formal education (higher education,
Sessions are not scheduled in advance. Participants arrive at the opening of the Edcamp and offer workshops or workshop themes.
More generally, it is the problems of pedagogical innovation and the use of educational technologies that interest the participants. Thus, the
secondary or primary) and non-
Other people decide to take part.
emphasis is on:
formal education (educational associations, mediation structures): teachers, researchers, students, trainers, educators, mediators. But
Sometimes proposals for workshops are submitted to the organizers beforehand. The latter then present them on a website so
-the technologies (devices, software and applications),
the Edcamp form is also of interest to professionals in the field of edu-
that the future participants establish their program of activities be-
cational technologies (or EdTech): entrepreneurs, designers, etc.
fore the start of the event.
-the design of online courses and their scripting,
Workshops usually have one of the following forms:
- space design and classroom layout.
hat do you think of when you hear ÂŤ EdCamp Âť ?
Like the common camp, an Edcamp presents itself as a "nonconference", that is to say it does not include a masterful presenta-
tion, as is usually the case in a scientific colloquium: it consists of thematic workshops dedicated to 13| September 2017
- pedagogical innovations (mixed or inverted methods),
- open exchanges (around the sharing of experiences);
-conduct of practical activities (according to the learning by doing logic); Bee-kome magazine
HOW TO ORGANIZE AN EDCAMP The organization of an Edcamp requires contacting the homolo-
services (collaborative pads, communication platforms, etc.). Social networks should also be
gous foundation that awards the label and accompanies the project
seen as a serious asset to meet new people, integrate new com-
promoters. The foundation gives them advice for the organization. In particular, she suggested that
munities of interest, disseminate information and promote their event. The Edcamp Foundation
one should never try to set up an
also offers organizers a pantone
event on her own. On the contrary, it is necessary to mobilize its networks and then to exchange as much as possible with them to
of charming colors that can be declined at leisure, as well as its logo.
through meetings or using digital By Carmene NEPEYIME
Wilmington’s EdCamp, 2014
14| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
15| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
P 14
William WAMBA
Kolwaz NewEra Tutoring EduAir TeachmePad P21
DISCOVERY Festirock Chekche
Christian FONGANG
16| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
William WA M B A
17| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
Aged 31 William Clerk WAMBA is the
Nevertheless, his course was not
In 2013, he returned to the head of
only boy in a sibling group of five
always a bed of roses. Having
Intelligentsia Corporation and has
children. He obtained a diploma in
changed character from the person
been managing director since then.
civil engineering from the Ecole
he was in high school, William
showed a drop in academic perfor-
nique (ENSP). While being a stu-
mance once at ENSP Yaounde. He
dent at the ENSP Yaoundé, he co-
repeated a year due to his lack of
founded Intelligentsia Corporation
concentration, an event that had
which at the time was a center of
the merit of putting him back on
preparation for the various compe-
the right path.
In 2006 after the startup failed the
year before, Brice LEPAI and Ar-
In 2005, in an attempt to get some
own path and mature the idea.
titions of Professional institutions in Cameroon.
pocket money during the holidays, ACADEMIC COURSE "In 2003 I wrote the first year entrance exam at the ENSP Yaoundé, but unfortunately I did not get it. That year I enrolled at the Ecole Normale ... »
he gathers five friends with whom he teaches holiday courses. A project that has unfortunately failed and will have no follow-up. The following year, 02 people moved away from the group of five and decide to mature the idea of preparatory
Inspired by his uncle, a graduate of
classes. William joined the team in
ENSP Yaoundé, William Wamba
2007, helping to create the first
decides after obtaining his Bacca-
Intelligentsia Corporation center in
lauréat in 2003 to enlist for the en-
Biyem-Assi, Yaoundé. Over the
trance exam in the first year of
years he gradually gained weight in
ENSP Yaoundé. Despite his efforts,
the company and finally takes the
he was not able to make it among
reins in 2010 accompanied by
the 100 students selected that year.
SONGUE Lazzare. He graduated as a
It was itn spite of himself that he
Civil engineer the following year
enrolled that year at the Ecole Nor-
and in 2012 began to work for ADC.
male de Yaoundé with the ambition
naud TAWO decided to take their trying to figure out why it did not work the first time and what was missing. They decided to create Intelligentsia Corporation. Intelligentsia Corporation became a preparatory for the competition into the best professional schools of Cameroon. Understanding what was at
stake in their hands, they decided the following year to build different centers with help from William WAMBA and Lorenzo SOUMELONG:
02 in Yaoundé (Biyem-Assi), 01 in Douala. In 2009, Intelligentsia Corporation already has five centers in the cities of Yaoundé, Douala, Garoua and Bafoussam and averages 400-700 students enrolled.
to re-enlist for the entrance exam in the first year of ENSP Yaounde the following year. In 2004 he joined ENSP Yaoundé while continuiung his studies at the Ecole Normale. 18| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
THE BRAIN BEHIND INTELLIGENTSIA CORPORATION In 2010, William WAMBA takes the lead chair of Intelligentsia Corporation with SONGUE Lazzare. With fresh blood, Intelligentsia Corporation undergoes tremendous structural transformation with more centers in Douala, Yaoundé, Dschang, Bafoussam. Just what is needed to gain a greater market share. In order to be able to cover the expenses of the company, among other financing, William obtains a credit worth 03 million CFA Francs in a Djangui meeting. With this capital inflation, Intelligentsia Corporation has the necessary capital to deploy its various activities. In 2010, Intelligentsia is 800-1000 registered students and more than 06 centers throughout Cameroon. Until 2012, Intelligentsia Corporation offers only preparatory services for entrance exams into scientific schools. The same year, Englishspeaking Intelligentsia was born. In 2012, William ceded his position as director of Intelligentsia Corporation and did not return until the year 2013. During this period, Intelligentsia needs more capital in order to grow and accommodate the growing costs: communication, rental of rooms, organization of activities and much more. He came back and launched I-Corp Business Center, the company that became the publisher and distributor of all of Intelligentsia Corporation's prints. 19| September 2017
Everything is about
discipline and
personal rigor. If you are able to set up limit then everything will go for the best
Thereafter he also created a cybercafé. In 2014, Intelligentsia Corporation began preparations for arts inclined schools: ESTIC, Ecole Normale and many others. In 2015, Intelligentsia increases its market size by creating centers in all the regions of Cameroon except the south-west: Bouda, Bamenda, Bertoua, Ebolowa, Ngaoundere etc. In the same year, with already 4500 pupils enrolled, Intelligentsia Corporation entered into a partnership with Campus Tunisie to facilitate access to higher institutions abroad. In
2016, Intelligentsia begins to prepare for administrative competitions: ENAM, IRIC etc. Eleven years later, Intelligentsia Corporation is represented in 09 of the 10 regions of Cameroon and abroad. With 27 training centers, 300 teachers and administrative staff, an average of 3500-4500 pupils per year. Every year Intelligentsia Corporation brings an average of 70% of students of ENSP Yaoundé, the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, to name a few. Bee-kome magazine
The registration fees of Intelligentsia Corporation today are 35000 for 01 month of course and 45000 for 02 months of course.
agency that guides students who wish to study abroad.
Intelligentsia business center also expanded, merged with a company to create a publishing house.
"because there are many competitions in January, February as ISSEA, in March as the UCAC and we realized that many students after three months are not ready for their examinations, we decided to offer a long-term training. We have decided to intensify the preparation services for the second cycles that want to enter the masters program… "
I-corp training center which offers training and certifications, all that is ICT, IT maintenance, certifications (Cisco, Microsoft etc.). To stay in the training and with the young people who want to start competitions but mistakes of limited places .). There are also trainings like: bilingual secretariat, office secretariat, accounting management. The center is based in Cradat - Yaoundé
In 2016 Intelligentsia Corporation created :
IntelligentsiavCorporation decided to develop its preparatory service’s course: instead of concentrating the courses over three months, they
Intelligentsia Travel Agency, a travel
will concentrate the activity throughout the year from October to August. I-corp digital services for graphic design, websites, wholesale, digital graphics. I-corp BE for the fields of civil engineering, Building & Public works and a business incubator. How can we study while be an entrepreneur effectively? « It's all about discipline. If you are able to put yourself the limit then all will go for the better. We are in a society with a lot of distractions, so we have to say no to depravity, to lust and all activities that do not help you move forward. » Compiled by Hermès NZIKO
Headquarter of Intelligentsia corporation
20| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
21| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
KOLWAZ Back to school without qualms
one are the useless moves and desperate searches: Sit on your sofa and ask yourself!
What do you need ? Become buyer of the documents on Kolwaz, it does the work for you and you only pay the seller once the book in hand. Thanks to its dynamic search, you have several simple ways to find what you need. Search by "keyword", "city" or "class". It is also possible to filter searches as you go along with search memorization. You thought your book was worthless? In reality, your neighbor needs it. Being salesperson has never been so relaxing: It will be thanks to this application to carry out a dynamic research and to find your offer. In addition to the fact that the application provides only the features you need and will be used on a daily basis, there are fewer restrictions on photos. Thus, you can publish from any storage media photos. Simply use the "share" or "share" func-
tion of your mobile.
22| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
NEWERA TUTORING The follow-up and the school orientation before the advance level
ewEra Tuto-
When we asked Frank BIBOUM, one of the pro-
desire to integrate the school which he is pre-
their project of studies and to nourish the pas-
ring is a com-
moters, why he had set
paring for the competi-
sion of the future pro-
pany specializing in home and agency support courses designed to support young students
up this organization, he replied: "NewEra Tutoring is the result of 11 years of service to Ca-
tion. Some are pushed by parents, others have many deficiencies accumulated over the years,
fession.’’ Thus was born NewEra Tutoring. He also says ; "We are convinced that there are no
with academic difficul-
meroonian youth. At the
for lack of effective gui-
easy successes and no
ties in achieving better results. It integrates ICT in its pedagogical approach through a web
outset, with the preparatory courses for entrance examinations in the best faculties of Ca-
dance, which in itself already constitutes solid barriers to the goal. We therefore decide to act
definitive failures, from which we create a state of mind among our students which allows them
platform www.neweratutoring.com which al-
meroon, we realized with great bitterness
upstream, that is to say to orient and train the
to better understand their schooling".
lows on-line monitoring
that some of our candi-
young pupils from the
by parents in particular.
dates did not show a real
lower classes to build
23| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
As a result, the company offers two types of services: private tutoring at home and group tui-
await you.
tion in an agency. It provides families with an educational tutor
vision of his company in 5 years,
whose aim is to solve the learner's problems through an analysis of his or her needs. These are gaps in some subjects, various psychological blockages, lack of discipline. Also in order to better guide the learner, a mentoring service is also available on their website: here, several trades and their practitioners
Always with a view to better understanding, we asked him the he said: "Our medium-term vision is to offer our service to all the families of Cameroon. Over the years, we have developed a
much closer and available to our learners. Franchise models to deploy in the CEMAC subregion and even throughout Africa are not excluded ". Now in order to better evaluate, how much on 10 would you rate this service?
working method that has proved its worth and allowed more than 25,000 students, since 2006, to integrate the major national and even international schools. Agencies will be gradually opened in the neighborhoods to be Par Carmene NEPEYIME
24| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
Education for all with or without internet
and educational materials, online coaching are some services of-
tent with or without internet connection and wants to be versatile
fered. The solution is composed of
according to the users' dispute. This
aims to offer a better education via digital with or without the internet. This is the design of portable and
two boxes, EduAirBox for a restricted environment and EduAir pipeline for large infrastructures.
makes it possible to satisfy at the same time between 500 and 100 000 users. This digital solution
open media libraries in the form of boxes giving access to millions of
This smart solution, given the high rate of diffusion of smartphones in
brings them what was lacking in order to succeed: training at home,
educational content. This provides an integrated communication system where users can make video
cities, allows students to make the most of the content offered by their institutions, but also to self-
adapted to the needs, and especially much more accessible than the many websites whose packages
calls within the local network deployed by the Box. Virtual school, consulting databases, selling books
evaluate and collaborate in the preparation of joint projects.
are not adapted to the income of a Cameroonian student.
duAir formerly Kwiizi is the name of the concept that
In general, EduAir offers local con-
25| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
TeachmePad Educative pad
t the age of 29, the designer of the TeachmePad
educational tablet was awarded the Hackathon Prize for the best startup 2017. He thus benefits from a million Fcfa, offered by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, at the Forum Africa. 2017 in Mon-
treal (Canada), an internship at
26| September 2017
Groupe 3737, a start-up accelerator based in Canada, among others. What is it ? TeachmePad is an educational tablet designed from local materials, including sustainable wood, easily recyclable, and uses an integrated source of renewable energy, namely
gual mobile application package that can be modulated in every country. It guarantees access to high-quality educational and legal content, particularly in villages and enclaved African communities, void of teachers and electric power.
solar energy. The tablet has a bilin-
Bee-kome magazine
How does it work ?
educational games (TeachmeQI).
It is a tablet that can be charged automatically to solar contact in ad-
Currently, the startup is in the phase of research of technical and finan-
Source : https:// www.cameroonbusinesstoday.cm/
dition to a normal charge to electrical energy. It is equipped with a vi-
cial partners, to launch the plant of local production of bilingual educa-
deo projector and has a dozen applications which give Internet access to the quality and conforming content
tional tablets with Cloud (TEACHME'FACTORY), in order to serve the Cameroon and African
of the kindergarten TeachmeNursery), the primary (TeachmeBase), the
market in a first time. The difficulties, according to Vincent BINYEGUI
https:// www.cameroonbusinesstoday.cm/ articles/345/fr/d%C3%A9tail-de-l-
secondary (TeachmeSecondary) learning TeachmeTongues, basic TeachmeCode, legal content in a country (TeachmeLaw) in addition
are more of hardware in advanced electronic equipment and appropriate infrastructures beyond the current operating expenses.
to wikipedia (TeachmeWiki) and By Carmene NEPEYIME
27| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
FESTIROCK Vibrate the passion of rock We went to meet Arthur Himins, promoter of the Festirock and he kindly spoke to us about him and his initiative.
for free and being able to get in touch with potential partners.
name is Bewekedi Arthur and I am a blogger /Musician / Young promoter. Faced with many difficulties related to my musical activities (organization of shows / promotion of Rock music) including communication and
created a blog with the idea of talking about it
28| September 2017
But the vision grew when I realized that I was not the only one in this situation. Although I only listened to rock I
all those artists who suffer, in order to bring their talent to light and
expose them to potential producers and tourers via the organization of shows. Although
opened to other styles, especially urban music, which allowed me to meet quite a lot of people.
remains my prime event, I work with event agencies such as Shelby Delva Agency to create more plat-
My blog is no longer
forms for these artists.
for me alone, but for
... Bee-kome magazine
I also write very specific articles on how to get out, manage your career when
My dream is to make the Festirock a national event. In order to make this hap-
I want Cameroonian rock to be consumed in the same way as the Afropop
you are an artist in search of notoriety and much more.
pen, I joined forces with Domy Hod aka the tamer, who believes a lot in my vision.
for example.''
29| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
CHEKCHE No more stress in case of loss cards Identification
very easy to record your naf one surveys his entourage one will find there
tional ID or one lost & found. Once you have found yours,
70% who have already lost a piece of identity. Currently the redo is a calvary and ma-
you will be notified if you have registered in a list that will be circulated by
ny refrain from walking with their national ID or passport.
Whatsapp and other social networks. A few months after
The problem being general and very frequent the application chekche was created
its creation, Jorel ZAMBO, founder, gives us the figures: "In today's days we have 1000
to overcome this problem. Indeed thanks to a ussd code, currently only for orange
identity documents already found. Âť
All have a tongue,
few have ears Bamileke Proverb
subscribers, it is possible and
By Carmene NEPEYIME 30| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
Christian Yves FONGANG 31| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
ello Monsieur Fongang
Hello Bee-kome Magazine. Thank you for giving us this opportunity. First of all, can you introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Christian Yves Fongang, I am a computer engineer. I earned my baccalaureate C at the technical high school of Mbalmayo and spent a year at the University of Dschang before moving to the University Institute of Fotso Victor. There, I was member of the first batch of telecom and network engineering. How did you find yourself in South Africa and what
was the Aha moment which led to the creation of SDK games, which you are the co-founder? When I left UIT Bandjound in 2004 with friends I met at Micrologue, where I was doing Microsoft certifications, we created a
small association where
32| September 2017
we developed websites. We were doing so well that in 2007-2008 I
nologies, or how to educate people through the game and I realize that
thought that Cameroon had no more challenges that I have to face. Then I decided to go to South Africa and learn new
there is not enough content that talks about African history in google playstore. This is where we come from to start
things and to surpass myself, to enter in a much more competitive market. That is how I find myself
creating games inspired by African culture. We tried to do it as SDK Africa, which was very diffi-
in South Africa.
cult in 2013-14. So we thought about putting in a
A year after my arrival, I find work in a company called Free Minded Media in 2009 where I quickly promoted as a team leader. After two years of website develoment, I start to getting bored of doing the same things all the time. With a Mi with whom I worked at Free Minded Media, we decided to resign to focus on augmented reality and mobile apps. So we created SDK Africa in 2012, we are contacted by many structures
who would like to develop games with this technology to educate the public about their product or their services. That's when
structure that will do it, that's how the SDK Games Africa project was born, it took us about a year to set up the business plan and we decided to put its technical headquarters in Cameroon. It is for this reason that in June 2015 I return to Cameroon with the main mission to detect and train potential partners. With the help of some teachers and the University of YaoundĂŠ 1 we find interesting pro-
files that we educate and it is with them that we start the adventure SDK Games Africa.
I learn gamification tech-
Bee-kome magazine
What are the other services of SDK Africa?
was enjoying himself. The game is structured in stages and level and has a multi-
one sees difficulties as opportunities, blessings, or as an invitation to better set
player function. He can chal-
the bar. One that we still
cations : I will talk about Moo Exam, Moo Events, Moo Survey. Next to these I will talk about the famous game col-
lenge his dad in a matter and see who will be better than the other. Throughout the game the student will
have today is finding the skilled workforce. Over time, it is expensive to take trainees and train them for up
ler la petite that was actually something that allowed our students to test their level. Apart from that we offer gamification services for companies that need them,
accumulate points that give
to 6 months before beco-
right to gifts in real life, we are currently working with partner companies to make it effective. We will also prize the good students by their
ming productive. It also happens that we bootstrap to finance our projects, sometimes foreign companies contact us to have work
behavior through the application (the number of time they devote to it, hard work etc.) We will even reward
from us, this being to fund our research. But with this problem there are not enough ways for all. To solve
some institutions that will
the problem, we said that
invite some young people to work with them to advance in their study. We are going to offer virtual reality and
we could forge partnerships with schools and create training and research centers, augmented reality and vir-
augmented reality. There is
tual reality and video games.
still a lot of work to fire, we are still at version 0.5
The second big problem is the tax and tax structures in Cameroon where you are practically taxed as soon as
SDK Games Africa is the proud owner of 3 big appli-
we are also specialized in the techniques of virtual reality and augmented reality. We are among the first to promote this technology in Cameroon. This month being dedicated to education, tell us a little more about Moo Exam It is a platform where we attemt to correct the motivation problems of the students, and also help them better prepare themselves in their exams and in their study. We transform learning into play to further build the student as if he
33| September 2017
People tend to watch success but ignore setbacks. What difficulties have you encountered so far? Over time, when one embarks on entrepreneurship,
you set up a structure even if it does not yet produce. The fact is that the 0 is common start-ups but the structure is there because we need a name.
Bee-kome magazine
embark on entrepreneurship
Moreover, the number of poten-
tial customers is not the number
What is your vision in 5 years?
of customers. When negotiating
We have rather a vision in 6 years,
with a big box, negotiations can
we would be the leaders of con-
take almost a year and to date
tent for mobile, augmented reali-
some contracts are progressing
ty, virtual reality on the African
but are not yet signed. The third
continent and, in figures this
problem we encounter, like most
means that we will have a turno-
start-ups, is the problem of fi-
ver that will have to be more than
nances, we could have waited for
200 million of dollars per year.
the whole before we started, but
What can you tell our readers?
we had a little bit to get started
The message that I say to every
and to move forward the only so-
person is to believe in your
lution we found as stated above
dreams and to give yourself the
was to do bootstraping i.e to sell
means to realize them. When one
our services to other structures.
believes in something, the path of
Until today the difficulties have
its realization will emerge on its
been difficult, yes it was difficult
own. Thank you for giving me this
but they were also beneficial be-
interview and thank you for your
cause they allowed us to explore
further to accelerate the processes in order to transform them into
you see more difficulties as
Compiled by Carmene NEPEYIME
’’ 34| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
LIFESTYLE 35| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
oble is this ambition, to revitalize the displaced people of the Far
North of Cameroon. One adage says: "It is better to teach a child to eat than to give him the fish." IDP-GOODs highlights the know-how of African craftsmanship by providing IDPGOODs with an ideal training environment to express their creativity.
On the basis of this approach, their objectives are: - Fight against violent extremism by raising awareness, education, empowering the dmigrated population and strengthening their skills for financial self-sufficiency.
- Encourage the creation of incomegenerating activities for the migrated population who are vulnerable to recruitment into extremist movements.
- Stop the massive recruitment of young and displaced by the terrorist group Boko Haram. From sandals to handmade bags to leaf doors and placemats, IDP-GOODs take on the challenge of selling their products internationally and in their showrooms and paying them back the sums they collect.
BiMstr iMstr (Be in the Music Street) aims to be a reference platform for Cameroo-
nian music in general since it includes urban music, former successes and mixes of DJs. The difference with the other sites will be done according to its promoter in the process of awa-
reness because it must admit this new platform that opens up to artists but especially the public is one of the most followed the canvas with no
less than 57000 subscribers. It will also accompany the artists in their various events and propose the videos to make them closer to the public and this with language appropriate to young Cameroonians and typically local terms. http://www.camer.be/62141/11:1/cameroun-lesite-internet-bimstrcom-est-desormaisdisponible-
36| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine
meroonian and international creators. welve times already, and it has always been at the top. Why not let yourself be
seduced by the 13th edition of the Touky Fashion Show?
The Touky Fashion show is organized by the "fashion lioness" Tokea Mbeuto Marie Immaculee
It is an annual cultural event devoted to African fashion and especially Cameroonian fashion.
(not surprising that God is a designer), a passionate woman of fashion whose talent is no longer to be demonstrated, founder of the Touky Training Institute and Specialization (IFPST). Thus, her best
Young national and international hopes of fashion
foals will have the privilege of presenting their
and satorial will unleash their originality and their know-how, a new air for fashion. This time a very fresh air loaded with energy and change because
know-how to the Touky Fashion Show.
in addition to valorise the players in the textile field and their initiatives, the show holds the promise of a great event. Illustrious African models, the Palais des Congrès reserved for prestigious events, Ca37| September 2017
So, from September 20 to 23, 2017, come cele-
brate the new era of fashion with Touky.
By Carmene NEPEYIME Bee-kome magazine
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ery basically when we fall asleep and imagine a life that corresponds to our desires we call it the dream. The reality, on the other hand, is the one that catches up with us, which shows us that the world is not rosy, but it also teaches us to shape our ideas in order to dream better and better. It is she who guides us, who shows us the faults of our world, its beauties and its opportunities. Obviously they also show us the suffering and adversity of men, injustice and disappointment. It teaches us to drop, to give up if we do not really want what we would describe as our dream. Reality opens our eyes. Therefore, to decide to wake up and realize what one has always dreamed of is a commit-
39| September 2017
What’s a dream for ment to oneself first and then to society. Should we confine ourselves to a pleasure that we force ourselves to accept or to a happiness that is our own ? After falling asleep, you have to get up and transform your reality. Realizing your dream is not that hard when you put passion into it. How to conceive a happiness without passion, the first rule of success is joy without which everything will be a burden. Otherwise your dream is only an illusion shaped by your surroundings not for yourself. Your dreams are somehow your life goal. You do not just do it for you know it but for all that are also actors of your dreams. If you want to succeed, have a vision, your dream to you.
Bee-kome magazine
40| September 2017
Bee-kome magazine