9 minute read
About the Boutique
Are you looking for clothes that flatter you? Clothes that make you feel WOW? Do you want quality clothes at affordable prices? My name is Deanna Parker, owner of La Dee Da Style Boutique, and I want to help you look good, feel good, and NOT spend a fortune on clothes.
I want you to feel like this is YOUR store, so I don’t try to sell you things that won’t work for you.
Whether you’re looking for a new professional outfit, a great fitting pair of jeans, or something for a special occasion, we have you covered.
If you live in the Maritimes, La Dee Da is only a stone’s throw away, in Moncton, New Brunswick. Book an in-person shopping experience. I can guarantee you won’t find the same personal service anywhere else.
If you’re not able to shop in person, we can and do ship all over North America. Browse through our website and your order will ship out the same day (Prices include any applicable taxes).
A little about me...
I think my love of clothes started at a young age. I had a great barbie doll collection. My mother would sew clothes for them, so my barbies had quite a large wardrobe and more unique outfits than the ones you could buy in the stores. Fast forward 40 years and a successful friend was looking for someone to help her put outfits together. I didnt have any training in fashion and wasn’t sure if I could help her at all since she was successful and always seemed so well put together, but I put my hand up to help her out. I had so much fun going through her wardrobe and putting outfits together and then helping her shop for outfits for special event's she had coming up. Over the course of a few months, I realized many women don’t feel confident in how to put their ensemble's together and spend way too much time in the morning trying to decide what to wear. I eventually started a side business as an image consultant, going into people’s homes and helping them to reimagine their closets and put together outfits to give them a broader range of wearability to make their mornings less stressful when it came to deciding what to wear. Then the world turned upside down because of Covid, and I couldn’t go to people’s houses to help them with their closets any longer. I missed the interaction with people and helping them to come out of their shell when it came to their clothes. A first impression says a thousand words and most of that is based on our appearance and actions. It’s almost instantaneous.
What do your clothes say about you? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you have to wear a 3 piece suit to make a great first impression. Make sure you’re well groomed, your clothes are clean and wrinkle free and you have a smile on your face and you’ll be fine.
Having said that, quality clothes do make a difference. As an example, I strongly recommend splurging on one good $25 t-shirt rather than buying 4, $6 t-shirts as they’ll look like $6 t-shirts no matter what you to with them. Good quality is always a better option and it will last for many years, after many washes and when you tire of it (because it will outlive your sense of style), you can take a good quality piece of clothing to a consignment shop and still put a little money back into your pocket.
To get back on track...I had some time on my hands and decided to open a boutique in my house with it’s own entrance. This allowed customer's the ability to come in one at a time to shop which is something they were being denied while the world was upside down. Eventually I had a website built and I was able to open up to a broader range of women and I was able to start shipping all over North America. Women wanted to shop, they still needed clothes, the challenge was not being present to try something on. Isn’t that always the problem with shopping online? I would chat with my customers via different platforms to answer any questions they had and measure the “problem areas” so we could determine their size as I think we call all attest to the fact that not all pieces are sized equally. Once the world opened back up, I had this amazing opportunity to help women pick out clothes they look and feel fabulous in, even before they take them home. If they had a piece of clothing they bought on a whim and needed to find something to wear with it they could bring it in with them and I would help them to create an outfit they could feel comfortable and confident in. This has become the backbone of my business “helping women to feel confident” through clothes that fit well and compliment their body and style.
About 8 months ago Juanita Wilson of A Bold Beautiful Life reached out to me and came in to meet me to get a sense of the Boutique. I didn’t know it at the time but she was looking for someone to partner with for the fashion portion of the fashions shows she was hosting each season. We instantly hit it off, Juanita was just as passionate about helping women to feel better about themselves as I was, we just had different approaches which complemented one another. With Juanita’s background in modelling, we started doing a couple of sessions with her modelling my clothes for me to take pictures and from there we have become a dynamic duo. Juanita and her models make my clothes come to life.

Thanks so much,
Deanna Parker Owner and Fashionista

Osteopathywasdevelopedinthelate1800’sbyaDr.AndrewTaylorStill.Followingthedeathofhiswife and three children, he devoted the next 30 years of his life studying the human body and finding alternativewaystotreatdisease.Dr.Still’sbasicidea-thatthehumanbodywasmuchlikeamachine, One that would function well if all its parts were in proper mechanical relationship - was unique compared to the medical thinking of the time. The practice is based on extensive understanding of anatomyandphysiologyanditsfourfundamentalprinciplesare:1)Thebodyisaunit–thisincludes mind, body and spirit. 2) The body is self-healing and self-regulating – we can and do heal. 3) Structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) are interrelated -the musculoskeletal system can reflect changes in and can produce changes in other body systems. 4) Rational treatment is based uponintegrationofthefirstthreeprinciplesintothetotalcareofthepatient.
Imagine for a minute that you put an elastic band aroundyourfingertightly. Whatwouldhappen?Soonthe elastic band would effect the nerve and blood supply as well as drainage Eventually if you left the elastic band therelongenoughthetissuewouldstopreceivingallthe lifeforcesnecessaryforsurvivalandeventuallythetissue would die. Osteopathy is like removing elastic bands withinthebodyandliberatingtissues.Healthandhealing cannowcometothetissuesthatwerebeingrestricted.
If Osteopathy is gentle, how can it be effective?

Osteopathylooksattherootcauseofwhere painandillnessiscomingfrom Osteopathy takesintoaccountalllayersoftissue,fascia, muscle,tendon,joint,andorgans,aswellas theentirebody–fromtheheadtothetoes. This allows the practitioner to assess where theissueisoriginatingfrom Thepractitioner will use gentle palpation skills to coax the body to move in the direction of alignment Similartorockingababytosleep,thegentle coaxing allows the body to relax and then it is much easier to manipulate. For example, if a joint was misaligned the practitioner would look at what is holding the joint in misalignment, if it is either muscle, tendon, facia,thatwouldbereleasedfirst–through pressure,activestretch,massageaswellas muscle energy technique, then the joint wouldbegentlymobilizedintoplace.
The initial appointment consists of going over the patients health history, a full assessment and treatment will also take place at the initial appointment The patient remains fully clothed,althoughitisstronglyencouragedtowearlosefitting gympantsandT-shirt,oryogawear Thisappointmenttakes approximately 45 minutes The follow-up appointment is an assessment and treatment and takes approximately 25 minutes. Thetreatmentsaregentleandyethighlyeffective.
Thatdependsontheindividual Generally,wefindthattreatingaperson once a week for 3 – 5 weeks in a row will usually get a good handle on the issue. However, if there has been a long standing issue that hasn’t beenaddressedforseveralyearsitcantakeafewmoresessions. Most peoplenoticeasignificantimprovementafterjustonesession.
Short answer - yes! However, all insurance plans differ and this is something you should check with your own insurance company Kathleen at Aktiv Osteopathy Ottawa is a member of the Ontario Osteopathic Association which is highly recognized by most insurance companies.

foundOsteopathyinmyearly20’safteraseverecaraccident left me with a broken femur and coinciding chronic pain
After seeking treatment from many other modalities, OsteopathywastheonlyonethatrelievedtheongoingpainI felt due to that accident Being a helper by nature and knowing first hand the healing power of manual therapy, I realizedthenthatIwantedtopursueacareerinOsteopathy

I attended the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy – one of the only schools in the world that still teaches Classical Osteopathy–andthroughthiseducationalprocess,Irealized that Osteopathy was my calling. It marries two of what I believe to be my strongest assets: being a helper and an innateproblem-solver Withtheknowledgeandskillsthrough myeducation,hands-onworkexperience,andstrongdriveto find solutions, I strive to assist patients in their healing I understand the importance of good nutrition to assist in healing through a holistic process, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge of human nutrition to assist my patients in a holistic healing process I believe in providing patients with toolsandeducationtheycanusetoimprovetheirwellnessin between treatments, encouraging them to take their health into their own hands I am also trained in Stott Pilates Intermediate Reformer, this helps me focus on educating my patientsonhowtostrengthentheirbodyforultimatestability, flexibility,andendurance
In my past - I worked with youth in a social service setting I have my degree in Psychology with a minor in Women’s Studies. I have always had a strong passion for supporting womenandoneprojectthatIwasmostproudofwasworking with young girls who were at risk of dropping out of high school Itaughtthemgardening,artandwomen’sstudiesin a group setting I am happy to say they all completed high school I continue to remain passionate about helping women and bring this with me everywhere I go I was born raisedintheKingstonarea,andwasasinglemom,whowent back to school for Osteopathy. I am also an avid traveller, scuba diver and Latin dancer Latin dance brought me to Ottawa where I met my current partner After lots of driving backandforthIdecidedtomakeOttawamyhome https://wwwinstagramcom/aktivosteo/ https://www.facebook.com/AktivOttawa


As you could see, things were really moving along and it was pretty amazing to see all of our ideas come to life! I was getting very excited at how it was all going to look. Once the foundation was in, the decking and stairs quickly followed.
years ago I moved from Brooklin, Ontario to Orleans to start a new chapter in my life. I packed up and was ready to begin a new journey here in Ottawa.
I won’t lie, I had so many emotions: excitement, anxiety, fear and the emotion that was the strongest, was the old fashioned belief that I was making the right move for me. And you know what? It was absolutely the right move.
I remember the first time I saw my home, I fell in love with the energy, the spaces, but most of all the potential of my backyard space. As a designer, my creative ideas were already taking shape, right there and then! Luckily, it was a pretty blank canvas, as you can see - oh the possibilities!

I took the winter to really think about how I wanted to use the space and I followed the advice that I always give my clients and that is: to write down your “wish” list, gather ideas, photos, anything that helps bring the space to life. My wish list included:
A two tiered deck - lower deck for relaxing and conversation and the upper deck for dining

Perennial gardens that are low maintenance
An update on my shed to make it unique
I back on to a ravine, so I wanted to be sure that I didn’t lose any of my “view” when sitting on the upper deck

My shed was looking pretty blah so I decided to give it a quick makeover with paint. A fabulous dark gray really gave my shed new life. As you can see, I may have added some “things” to the outside of the shed. I just love how it turned out. Now it has some character!

One of my favourite things in my backyard oasis is my vintage bike planter. I change up the plants for each season and it makes me smile.

After the deck was finished it didn’t take me long to set up all the different areas! I pulled out my patio furniture, cushions, tables & umbrellas and began to style the spaces. I was in pure heaven!

But I wasn’t finished! Now I had to turn my attention to my gardens, or lack thereof. While we were quarantined during Covid, I took the opportunity to plan my gardens, with my friend and colleague, Lana Doss - The Fine Gardener. As you can see in these photos, I had to create my gardens - and dig them! That was an interesting exercise - I found muscles that I totally had forgotten about.

Originally from Pasadena, Candice graduated from MUN in 2008 with her Bachelor of Business Administration, she has had a passion for sales and business since an early age and even started her university degree eagerly in high schooland she has excelled in each role she has taken on since.
Prior to starting her career in real estate, Candice was a Director of Sales & Marketing for a local company for 6 years, after the birth of her Son, she decided it was time to take the next step in her career

She prides herself on her strong sales and communication skills and of course her favorite, marketing!
Candice spent time traveling and living in other provinces early in her career to gain as much life experience as she could, she's grateful for all of the lifelong friendships she made along the way.
Fun Fact: she was also a bikini competitor for 10 years, placing top 5 in her last two shows.
Candice is so appreciative and thankful to her 3% Realty family for shaping her to be the agent she is in less than a year, and knows she will continue to be successful here because of that - an environment fostering both personal and career growth