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SPRING 2023 HOPE helping orphans prosper through education Tipsfromour Health and WellnessExpert Healing through art Healing yourLife A Personal Journey Empowering Single Women From the Writers Couch for aspiring writers Destination Spain Travel Feature

If you have an inspiring story you would like to share or if you 'd like to place a business ad we would love to hear from you. Please email us at:

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www.womenrockmagazine.com women@womenrock net

WOMEN ROCK MAGAZINE is a virtual interactive online women's magazine targeted to female audiences 30 and up while maintaining the inclusivity of younger and older women of all ages. We provide inspirational stories and articles that motivate and nurture the mind, body and spirit. We are dedicated to providing fun, knowledgeable and meaningful content to amazing women everywhere The Goal of Women Rock Magazine is to empower, inspire, uplift and support all women while encouraging them to be their very best selves.


ur imperfections make us very unique and also quite beautiful. Some of our appealing qualities are more profound when left imperfect than when considered flawless. Our blemishes and weaknesses can make us more charming and more beautiful. People who make mistakes are more fascinating than those who appear to be perfect. We cannot relate to perfect, we love people who are real. That is true beauty inside and out. Let's accept ourselves for who we are and who we are meant to be. We are all perfectly and authentically beautiful in our own special way and we should be proud of who we are.

Spring is in the Air

I somehow feel as if my senses are dramatically affected by this gorgeous season of Spring I feel so alive "There is a spring in my step" so to speak lol The anticipation of seeing the green grass again, planning my trips to the garden centre to purchase my pretty flower favourites and switching out my heavy winter curtains with my pretty romantic sheers tends to put me in a really happy mood With the winter months feeling so long, the excitement of this precious season makes me feel giddy with delight spring is the promise that everything will begin again, letting go and embracing something new New love, new beginnings, rebirth, birds, butterflies, and all the pretty flowers

WEhave some pretty incredible women. Some of these women have endured inconceivable heartbreak that one could not even imagine. The emotional, mental and spiritual strength these women encompass is evident in their touching stories of life, love and loss. Coping with the loss of someone you love is one of life's biggest challenges and can feel extremely overwhelming. I am completely inspired by their strength to perservere, their will to heal and live life to the fullest.

Dee's Creative Corner

decadant designs 52 flower power 56 setting the stage 35
Deanne Tobin Sinha From the Editor 3 Sacred Spa Annamaria Barbera 24 R-ad Designs Rebecca Adler 26 TABLE OF CONTENTS Deanne Tobin Sinha Women Empowerment 6 Deanne Tobin Sinha International Women's Day 8 Lynette Snook Once there Was a Mom 12 Deanne Tobin Sinha Dee's Interior Design and Staging 34 Deanne Tobin Sinha Setting the Stage 35 Deanne Tobin Sinha Decadent Designs 52 WOMEN ROCK MAGAZINE SPRING - 2023 Stephanie Darby Coombs Getting Back to Normal 51 From the Writers Couch Ingrid McCarthy 18 Healing Through Art Mary Morganelli 22 Solid Rock Realty Lana Burnley Manotick Natural Market Darpan Ahluwalia 14 16 The Power of a Flower 56 Deanne Tobin Sinha National Autism Awareness Month 64 41 40 Deanne Tobin Sinha
Creating a Backyard Oasis Sue Pitchforth 44 Giuliana Melo Healing your Life 28 Karen Strang Allen Empowering Single Women 30 3% Realty Candice Mayo/Ashley Fleming 46 The Goldsmith Stephanie Darby Coombs 50 Brenda Prowse The Year of Firsts 20 Amazing Empowering Women of Canada 78 Cindy Little Little by Little 32 TABLE OF CONTENTS Destination Spain 68 Marian Grande The Benefits of Divorce Mediation 72 Carol-Chantal Seguin WOW - World of Women 74 Prof (Dr ) Shauli Mukherjee The Inspiring Story of a Passionate Academician 82 STORIES OF COURAGE JC Sol Making Her Own Music 66 Tania Khazaal Tania the Herbalist 76 Hope - Cathy! Marjorie Williams 62 Deanne Tobin Sinha Deanne Tobin Sinha Travel Feature

Women Empowerment...

Means women supporting women in everything we do and who we are. This means that we stop judging one another for our actions, our choices as Moms, what we choose to wear, what we do for a living etc. Instead we recognize that we are all uniquely qualified to bring value to this world Let's lean on eachother and spread love.

Why is Women Empowerment Important?

The empowerment of women has a far-reaching impact on their own lives, their families and communities, and society as a whole. Women who are empowered to make choices in all areas of their lives, have greater control over their health, their careers and their quality of life Unequal opportunities are reflected in measurable and definable economic consequences.

Women Rock Magazine's main goal is to promote Women Empowerment. We are extremely passionate about supporting and uplifting women all over the world. WOMEN ROCK!

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"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels Life’s a bitch You’ve got to go out and kick ass " - Maya Angelou, wrter an activist

“I guess what I’m saying is let’s keep lifting each other up It’s not lost on me that two of the biggest opportunities I’ve had to break into the next level were given to me by successful women in positions of power If I’m ever in that position and you ask me, 'Who?'

I’ll do my best to say, 'You' too But in order to get there, you may have to break down the walls of whatever it is that’s holding you back first Ignore the doubt — it’s not your friend — and just keep going, keep going, keep going ”

"So here I stand, one girl among many I speak not for myself, but so those without a voice can be heard Those who have fought for their rights Their right to live in peace Their right to be treated with dignity Their right to equality of opportunity Their right to be educated " - malala yousatzai

"I hope that my presence on your screen, and my face in magazines may lead you young girls on a beautiful journey, that you will feel validation of your external beauty, but also get to the deeper business of being beautiful inside " - lupita nyong'o

“We ask justice, we ask equality, we ask that all the civil and political rights that belong to citizens of the United States be guaranteed to us and our daughters forever ”

- susan b anthony

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International Women's Day

DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality

Our lives depend on strong technological integration: attending a course, calling loved ones, making a bank transaction, or booking a medical appointment Everything currently goes through a digital process However, 37% of women do not use the Internet 259 million fewer women have access to the Internet than men, even though they account for nearly half the world's population

If women are unable to access the Internet and do not feel safe online, they are unable to develop the necessary digital skills to engage in digital spaces, which diminishes their opportunities to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics - STEM related fields By 2050, 75% of jobs will be related to STEM areas Yet today, women hold just 22% of positions in artificial intelligence, to name just one

Bringing women into technology results in more creative solutions and has greater potential for innovations that meet women’s needs and promote gender equality Their lack of inclusion, by contrast, comes with massive costs The United Nations Observance of IWD, under the theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality” , recognizes and celebrates the women and girls who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education. The observance will explore the impact of the digital gender gap on widening economic and social inequalities, and it will also spotlight the importance of protecting the rights of women and girls in digital spaces and addressing online and ICT-facilitated gender-based violence



Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #EmbraceEquity Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to drive gender parity. IWD belongs to everyone, everywhere. Inclusion means all IWD action is valid.

sees a number of MISSIONS to help forge a gender equal world. Celebrating women's achievements and increasing visibility, while calling out inequality, is key.

International Women's Day is powered by the collective efforts of all

Collective action and shared ownership for driving gender parity is what makes International Women's Day impactful. Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist, journalist and activist once explained "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights." So make International Women's Day your day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women.

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he most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Christ is held (in the Western Church) between March 21st and April 25th, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern Spring equinox.

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The last week of Jesus' earthly ministry began on Palm Sunday Palms are seen as symbols of peace and victory and the fact that Jesus' arrival was marked by these plants points to the upcoming peace and victories that the people were expecting

The Sunday before Easter, on which Jerusalem is celebrated in many Chr processions in which branches of pa
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once there was a woman who had a baby

and she was scared

once there was a Mom who took her baby home who fed him all alone

and she was scared

once there was a Mom who thought her heart would burst who sang him to sleep who watched him through the night

and she was scared

once there was a Mom who listened to him cry who patted his tiny back and rubbed his little belly until he fell asleep

and she was scared

once there was a Mom who sang the ABCs who read him stories who took him for walks who played in the snow who listened to him read

and she was scared

once there was a Mom who tried her best who loved him so who made choices good and bad who put him first who held her chest who said prayers

and she knew she would always be scared

Once there was a Mom

once there was a Mom who watched him study who knew how hard he tried who saw him put on a gown and walk across a stage who watched him open letters who helped him pack who cried as he drove off

and they were both scared

once there was a Mom who watched him walk down the aisle who heard him say "I do" who was happy he was happy who became a Nan who held a little girl who read to her who sang to her who loved her dearly

and they were scared

once there was a Son who loved his Mom who made her smile who fed her soup who read to her who told her he loved her who held her hand who said good-bye who knew his Mom loved them beyond the stars and that she would not be afraid anymore

once there was a Son

who was a Dad and he was scared.

My name is Lynette Snook. I am a mother, a teacher, and an author. I strive to write stories that will endure time, books that are more than text, and words that create experiences. I write books that have a heartbeat and whisper, "You are loved". I have been a primary/elementary/special education teacher for almost three decades. I have always loved teaching and writing and I strive to use both in hopes of making a positive change in the hearts and minds of children.

Forever My Heartbeat

Lynette Snook
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and Wellness Expert Nutritionist

Darpan is a

Certified Live Blood Analyst

Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN)

Plant Therapist



Holistic Nutritionist

Weight Loss Counselor

Body and Blood Hacker

Product Knowledge Expert, Educator/Teacher

Creator My Golden Root™ Fermented Turmeric (CA-GMP cert lab)

And soon to include Functional Medicine

Practitioner to her wide selection of credentials

For over 20 years Darpan Ahluwalia (a.k.a Total Nutrition Diva) has been the CEO of the "Manotick Natural Market '' health food/supplement store and the one of a kind unique clinic/wellness Hub based in Manotick, in the Ottawa Valley, Canada. She is also the Creator of "My GoldenRoot™" - a gut-focused, Immune support and Anti-Inflammatory product, approved and made in a GMP approved lab in Canada. This product with it's great success has made its own life and energy and has traveled around the Globe.

Her sayings are "Listen to your body" & "You are what you Absorb" - Prevention is key!

How do I know what supplement is the best ?

Well, for most quality third party products, how they are tested and where the raw materials are coming from is key. How would an average person know? There is lots of research involved in knowing what products to use, so firstly, stop asking your friends, neighbors and Google. One thing you have to understand is everyone is unique as everyone has a different biochemistry. What your symptoms are, what medications you might be on and interactions are just some of the points you need to be aware of. Best thing is to go to a practitioner similar to myself to find the root cause of your imbalances to make the right protocol for you. Taking supplements that are the latest fad, or suggested by Dr Oz or a friend is not the anwer. Once you know what your body needs then that's the best supplement(s) for you.

Why is magnesium not working for my sleep, what do you suggest?

Magnesium is one of the most depleted minerals in our soil in Canada, yet not everyone still needs magnesium. Taking the right form is what's going to work. For example if you are taking Magnesium oxide which are generally found in pharmacies and grocery stores, is not the correct form for sleep issues These are more so used for laxative purposes. So knowing the form you are using would give me a better understanding. Another point that would be beneficial to know is what are the causes of your sleep issues to thus guide you to a better remedy accordingly. Other possible sleep support remedies are melatonin, valerian, lavender, German camomile, lemon balm, coffea cruda, etc.

What herb will help me with menopause, I do not want to use HRT which my mom and grandmother used and got cancer?

Without stepping on the medical boundaries, I suggest you ask your doctor for a hormone panel test (covered generally by ohip). If they deny this test, you are welcome to reach out to me or Any other practitioner who can order that for you (paid by pocket). Knowing your levels I can then suggest herbs and vitamins more accurately. Herbs like rhubarb, maca, Sage, red clover. I would highly suggest to support your Adrenal glands during that process. Basic active B complex can help. An appointment would be highly suggested to understand your symptoms and find the root cause

Why is it important to have supplements, why not just get it from food?

I get that question all the time and I love answering it! We as a society have definitely evolved but our misuse of mother earth and chemicals has depleted our soil -so in turn the quality of our food is not as good as it used to be, that's number one. Number 2 is that the majority of people have a compromised digestive system due to bad habits like not drinking enough water, taking too many medications and feeling too much stress in my opinion from what I see in my live blood consultations/assessments with thousands of clients. It is needed more so than just food to get back on track with imbalances and deficiencies. So I do recommend supplements, herbs, teas as they are what were used since the beginning of time for healing.

GoldenRoot™ is a great product that will help with bloating as it is a great digestive aid and because it helps with healing the gut lining, ie. "leaky gut" which is one of the main factors of bloating.

& A Q
Health Darpan Ahluwalia
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Do we have to come in person for a consult with you or do you do virtual appointments ?

Great question! I see clients virtually all across the globe, both for nutrition, weight loss and supplement review, medication interactions etc. When I need to see a client in person, it initially is when we are doing a live blood cell analysis consultation, my favorite modality in my practice as I need to prick the fingertip to get a drop of live blood to read under a dark field microscope. Once we have found the root causes and imbalances, the rest can all be done virtually as well. You are welcome to connect anytime.

Why can't I get my doctor to do a hormone test, where else can I go?

Not all doctors are keen on giving the hormone panel requisition. For many reasons, Including the main reason they don't see the benefit in doing so especially for certain age groups. There are many reputable labs out there , I use a few with my clients. You do however need to see a nurse practitioner, naturopathic doctor or practitioner like myself who can order the lab tests and discuss the findings with you.

Want more of your questions answered? email Women Rock or me directly for the next issue of ask the expert column

Darpan Ahluwalia

Total Nutrition Diva

Manotick Natural Market and Wellness Hub

Author of "Context Eating Method for Women"

Herbalist homeopath functional medicine practitioner certified Live Blood Analyst,plant Therapist, registered Holistic Nutritionist, product knowledge expert and educator



https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1738822710/ref=tmm_ pap_swatch_0?

_encoding=UTF8&qid=1677505846&sr=81&fbclid=IwAR1q8eyf2UO9EuPX6a501EXPO9TxYO 0UyAqeRZYj--c_Hmg_PpvSLD1bPpk



I feel sick and neverending burps when I take fish oil capsules. What do you suggest?

Oh that's so common. Various reasons again as I have mentioned plenty of times. We all have a different biochemistry so not one product will work for everyone. A few reasons could be as follows you are not taking the fish oils with food or with a full stomach, you don't have a gall bladder, you are not breaking down your fats. Another very important reason is that the product is not of good quality, or often rancid causing the burping effect. It's not what you eat it's what you absorb. You have heard me says this in my tag line often - if you have not heard this, let it sink in now.

I was told detoxes are dangerous. What are your thoughts?

I think detoxes can be misleading and dangerous to use for some. But detoxification is essential. With all the toxins Internal, external, environmental, chemical. We bring in so many toxins in from the time we wake up tuntil end of day and then repeated everyday, day in day out. You would be surprised at how much abuse our body takes on. I say 30 - 50 things you don't realize you are putting on your body. ( If interested in getting the list. I am happy to send it to you, email me darpandiva@gmail.com ). Detoxification is essential herbs, teas, exercise, oxygen, sauna dry brushing etc always talk with a practitioner like myself for guided support. Knowledge the medical history, allergies, medications, blood sugar levels, bowel movements all are taken onto consideration

I have borderline low iron and I do take supplements every other day for it but my stomach gets upset often when I take them. Is there anything else you would recommend besides iron supplement pills? Do you suggest anything else that would bring my iron and energy up?

I often hear that complaint. The form of Iron does make a big difference. A Polypeptide form will be more absorbable. It's not what you eat but what you absorb. Maybe you are not absorbing it so take with vitamin C. Other forms of iron from food is sourdough hemp pasta, stinging nettle tea, Alfa Alfa, cilantro, parsley, spinach, and lentils are some of the high iron food sources. Active B12 can help with energy. With all of that being suggested though, there could be other underlying causes that need to be looked into as well.

My anxiety is really bad sometimes especially when I am stressed. Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do or take to relax and not stress so much about everything?

Stress is the biggest cause of diseases in the mind body and soul. Deep breathing, exercise, laughter yoga, journaling, meditation, hertz music anything like that, that takes you to your zen space will help calm your nerves. Lemon balm, B complex, theanine, htp, ashwagandha, magnesium are some helpful remedies.

NOTE - (Liability Disclaimer): These are suggestions so don't just go buy, please reach out for a one-to-one mini consultation.

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Lana Burnley

Growing up in a military family, moving and finding new homes was always a part of my life I wanted to be involved in the entire process as a kid I would go with my parents to look at houses, and I loved when we got to pick our rooms and decided where we wanted to do homework It was just a fascinating thing to me

Throughout the years, I realized some moves were easier than others. So, when I decided to become a real estate agent, I knew I wanted to make the experience fun for my clients. “Moving is frequently associated with some very stressful and life-changing events, like divorce, marriage, or a growing family. I just want to make the transition into this new life as easy as possible for my clients.”

Earning my Real Estate license in 2000, I hit the ground running With extensive experience and knowledge, I've helped 100’s of buyers and sellers reach their real estate goals With a parttime assistant and a Buyer’s Agent, I am proud to say that my business is thriving Serving the greater Ottawa area, much of her work consists of repeat clients and referrals, as word has spread about her excellent service

I am a heart-centered REALTOR®, always putting others first I give my clients my full attention when I’m talking with them, and I will be there for each step I will make sure that everyone involved is informed and prepared, including the kids if there are any. Buyers are shown properties that meet their must-have checklists, and once their dream home is found, I focus on getting them the best deal possible while remaining competitive. For my sellers, my goal is to spread the word far and wide about their properties. I make sure each home looks its best. I take care of the staging, and we shoot drone footage, high quality photography, as well as a lifestyle video tour It’s about using our current connections and incredible list of Buyers to market your home to the right Buyers

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“Those who work with Lana appreciate her ability to make the buying and selling experience enjoyable. “It’s about giving each Client a personal Hug” One client recently said, “Lana went above and beyond what we expected in a REALTOR®. She was attentive and meticulous in helping us with finding our new home in Ottawa She is detail-oriented and doesn’t miss a beat Her personality is one in a million We feel blessed to not only have found an incredible agent but also a new friend There is a reason she has been awarded Ottawa Faces Award for Ottawa’s Favourite Luxury Real Estate agent in Ottawa, and The Ottawan’s Best Ottawa REALTOR 2 years in a row Thank you Lana!”

While real estate takes up much of Lana’s time, she does make sure to give back to the community. She is involved with the Breast Cancer Association of Canada As a 2x breast cancer survivor, she is passionate about raising awareness and research funds for the disease She is also involved with the Ottawa Snowsuit Fund, Camp Quality of Eastern Ontario, and the Canadian Club of Ottawa

Lana plans to continue growing her business by continually adding more value to those she touches. Her unique Smart Signature Real Estate Process gives all her clients a unique advantage over the competition. She is mentoring a small team and will remain focused on delivering the highest rewards possible to her Clients.


https://www instagram com/lanaburnleyrealtor/

https://athomewithlanab com/

L a n a
B u r n l e y
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and author ng people tives and Twist of and, her e fantasy e of Lake merhaven, moving to Durham, nd moved following periences

ou’ve been thinking about writing a memoir about yourself…

… but you’ve given up because you’re not a celebrity (who wants to read about an ordinary person?) and, besides, you don’t know where or how to start

Before I dispel your first concern, let me explain the difference between autobiographies and memoirs Autobiographies are written by prominent individuals about their lives while memoirs tend to be written about a specific theme, e g , childhood experiences - hilarious or traumatic; professional or personal success living with a disability; coping as a single mother with triplets, etc. Memoirs, as such, tend to be more relatable, personal, and intimate to readers which means that anyone can write a memoir, even you.

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FromThe Writer’sCouch



Below are 10 tips as gleaned from MasterClass, an online forum for writers:

1. Engage the reader from the first word.

2. Build trust with the reader.

3. Bring emotions out of the reader.

4. Lead with a laugh.

5 Open with a dramatic moment

6 Think like a fiction writer

7 Keep it relevant

8 Write for the reader as well as yourself

9 Be honest

10 Write the opening last

Each of the above tips, and more, is expertly explained in the MasterClass article: https://www masterclass com/articles/how-to-startwriting-a-memoir

I would like to add another tip to the above list: Read a memoir, the more the better In addition to the titles named in the MasterClass article, I recommend some well-known earlier ones: Mary Brave Bird’s Lakota Woman, Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes, Caroline Kapp’s Drinking: A Love Story.

On a final note: I cannot stress enough the importance of tip number 9 above. Telling your uncensored story is the greatest gift you can give to the world because it gives other people hope, joy, or permission to act accordingly

I’m a novelist and watercolour artist living in Ottawa and the author of a post-WWII childhood memoir I Stood Among The Ruins And Cried. click any of the links below

https://www.amazon.com/Stood-Among-RuinsCried%20Illustrated/dp/B09L3FLZYV/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0? _encoding=UTF8&amp&qid=167487375%203&amp&sr=1-1

For the German speakers among all women who rock, here’s the link to the German edition of the memoir:

https://www.amazon.com/Zwischen-Tr%C3%BCmmern-Weinte-IllustriertKindsheitserinnerungen/dp/B0BLYNJCV1/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0? _encoding=UTF8&qi d=1674873753&sr=1-2

If you have further questions concerning your writing goals, feel free to contact me through my website:



Happy writing and reading!


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My Grief Journey The Year of Firsts

Brenda Prowse

My husband died.

Those three words are hard to write and this is the first time I’ve actually written them down. It brings a harsh reality into an even harsher focus. The how and why it happened to him at 55 are honestly irrelevant. It happened. It was sudden. And now I’m alone, facing a future that is far different from what I thought it would be. A widow at 54 was definitely not part of the plan.

My help to others is in the form of my new understanding of this type of grief Grief for a beloved partner, which is far different from that of losing a parent I do know as I’ve lost both of mine

Here are some of the things I’ve learned that I wish to pass along:

1. Everyone does grieve differently - Some cry, some talk, some bake, some seek out others, some want to be alone. "Just do YOU" . Without apologies or excuses. You have no obligation to provide them

And so, I tearfully embark on my journey I have seen others go this path before me, some sudden, others expected, and I know that grief can affect us in a variety of ways So, the logical side of me knew I had to be proactive about my mental health and wellbeing I immediately took steps to engage a psychologist and then a grief counselor to help make sense of my feelings. I’m a fairly strong, levelheaded person and perhaps it may seem professional help was not really required but honestly, it did help to talk about him and be able to say his name out loud and often.

So why exactly am I writing about this? Well, I have heard it’s cathartic to journal and also, just maybe, I can help someone else who is on this journey

2. Grief does not have a timeline - Don’t be hard on yourself if you’re still sad every, single, day Try not to wallow in it but grant yourself the luxury of no timeline And, by the way, the year of firsts is NOT a timeline

3. Allow yourself the freedom to speak your partner’s name - Most people, if they are true friends, will not mind or feel uncomfortable.

4. Do whatever it is you need to make yourself feel better - Talk to a priest, minister, rabbi. See a psychic. Have your cards read. Visit the grave or a special place you shared. Do whatever helps you feel just a little bit better and connected. Just try not to break the bank!

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5. Consider holding a Celebration of Life - Make it just exactly that, a celebration. Whatever it is you feel your partner would have enjoyed, do that. Mine was a backyard party with a rock band, bar and catered food. My darling would have loved it. Something like this does not need to happen right away. Do it whenever you feel ready.

6. On “big” or “special” occasions, mark them in ways that make you feel good - In the first year I visited his grave weekly. On special occasions like Valentine’s and his birthday, I placed a flower on his grave, alone. I also bought gifts for myself that I felt he would have chosen. On Thanksgiving I skipped town and visited a friend so I didn’t have to be around others. I just wasn't ready. And that was ok.

7. Know that it’s ok to be happy - This one honestly took me awhile to get to but it is truly better if you don’t hold back on a smile or laughter. You can still chuckle and miss someone. They really would be happy knowing you are happy

8. There is no “right time” to date or find another partner - I currently don’t have anyone else in my life and am not looking. But that doesn’t mean I might not be open to it. We all have different needs and some people feel that ache and need to fill a void. Fill it whenever you want and ignore those who ask “isn’t it too soon” or “isn’t it about time you start getting out there”?

9. Keep rituals if you want to - We had certain activities for various occasions, like watching “Elf” during Christmas I will do that every year I may cry a bit, but I will also laugh


10. Do something in their name that makes yo feel good - I did a few things I donated a par bench by a pond where we often walked I also gav clothes to a homeless shelter that we supported H would have absolutely loved both ideas

y g will learn the coping skills I need to move forward and continue to live my life without that incredible man by my side. I have lost the best partner a person could ask for but I am forever blessed because I experienced the love of a lifetime. I believe I had something people often seek out their whole lives and never find.

He did not make me whole or complete me. I’m a whole person as I am. But rather, he complemented me. Together we were a beautiful melody. And while now it seems I must sing, I know he is nearby, providing a harmony….always, and forever.

M G i fJ
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Artist Artist


Mary began her journey as a Canadian artist when she landed in Toronto from her hometown in Ceprano, Italy at age six.

As a child immigrant in a strange place far different from the small village she left behind, she struggled to feel at home with the culture and language in an unknown country. It was particularly challenging for her at school with no means to communicate with her teacher and other students, but with the indomitable spirit and relentless capacity to look beyond obstacles and see the bright side that defined her character and mirrored in her art, Mary quickly mastered the English language with the help of her dedicated teacher.

Mary’s love and passion for drawing and painting surfaced at an early age when she attended a grade nine art class She later continued to nurture and develop her artistic expression by taking lessons from a correspondence art course Soon afterward, she married her high school sweetheart and hung her artist cap for a while to devote her time and creative energy to her young family

HealingThroughArt HealingThroughArt

In November 2010, Mary’s career as an artist returned to center stage and began to flourish Her first step was refreshing her talent by attending a grade 11/12 art course at Dr Betty Stephenson Learning which she completed with honours She further committed to expanding her portfolio as she immersed herself in private lessons from an artist/ teacher During this time, she produced many paintings experimenting with different mediums Mary currently has an art collection in a variety of subjects and mediums which she shares with the world in Mariellart Gallery Her paintings include portraits, landscapes, flowers, animals, birds, still life, children and more All are incredibly detailed whether it is painted in acrylic, oil, watercolour, charcoal, pastel, or ink. Her career took off quickly earning many compliments from a well-known artist and other artists which Mary have come across in her life, while also capturing the hearts and imagination of those who have bought her paintings and commissioned her work.

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devastating challenges including losing her child to a dreadful disease when he was barely 3 years old. Her determination to make something beautiful from the ashes is reflected in her art. Mary has been featured in newspapers and magazine articles on her Alzheimer painting “Forget Not” created from the sorrow of watching her father suffer from the disease. The Alzheimer Society has also used this inspirational piece to bring awareness to this dreadful disease In 2019, Mary was also awarded first prize in the acrylic category for her very emotional painting “Out for The Evening” In 2020, Mary was awarded honorary mention for “King Farm” a plein-air competition In Spring 2022, she was given a cover page, and full-page article in the Mosaic magazine Mary has displayed her art in many art shows and in her home studio, membership in many arts clubs, currently teaching at the Seniors Centre in King City and private classes in her home studio Mary was honoured to have been selected for a solo art exhibit at the University of Guelph - Humber in March 2023.

Many of Mary's paintings tell you a story offering glimpses of peace, serenity, relaxation, inspiration, meaning, and emotion while some were just done for fun. In her everyday life and travels, Mary takes many photos and lets her imagination go in her artwork In a short time, she has again found passion in painting It is a peaceful way of relaxation for her Her desire is for her art to touch lives, bring a smile to your face and beauty to your eyes She aims to share the gift she was given to become a gift for others

ften the work of Mary's hands come from the outpuring of her heart onto canvas The storms of life have at times drenched her with the cold chill of losses and www.mariellart.com

Artist Artist

HealingThroughArt HealingThroughArt

Artist Statement

Like a poet, I view life through a trained artists eye. There is something so beautiful about the miracle of life. We really must open our eyes to all that’s around us to be inspired Travel/Journey is just an extra way to experience our beautiful world. It really does light up my soul to bring joy to other people’s lives with my talent. When that happens, I know I’ve fulfilled my life’s mission.

Women Rock Magazine | 23
https://www.facebook.com/mary.morganelli Click to go to link

Sacred Spa is a home based spa offering medical grade treatments such as Microneedling & Laser hair removal

A Little Bit About Intraoral, or Buccal, Massage

Ifyou’ve ever had a facial, you’re probably familiar with the aesthetician massaging the outside of your cheeks. But have you ever had them massage the inside of your cheeks? It sounds strange, but that’s what a buccal facial massage is all about.

I'm Annamaria of Sacred Spa & I'd like to introduce the newest treatment that all the celebrities are now raving about and you should be too! The Buccal Facial massage.

While these massages have been around for some time, social media has brought this unusual practice back into the spotlight.

A n n a m a r i a B a r b e r a

Annamaria Barbera
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A Little Bit About Intra-oral, or Buccal, Massage

TheBuccal Facial massage relaxes tension in the facial muscles & it feels incredible! It can be really effective, especially for enhancing facial contour, softening smile lines, releasing muscle tension from teeth grinding. It’s also great for relieving pain around the jaw. The procedure might feel unusual at first but you quickly start to realize that it is incredibly therapeutic & stimulating in draining the lymphatic system

But your appearance isn’t all that these buccal massages improve Stressed out and clenching your teeth? Dealing with temporomandibular joint disorders (also known as TMJ)? Having headaches from all the tension in your jawline? A buccal massage can treat these ailments as well

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sacredskinspa@outlook com

https://sacredspa ca/

This amazing treatment is recommended twice a month to get optimal results but you can choose to have it every few months if you prefer The one thing that's for sure, you will want to come back again and again because it offers such a release of not only tension & stress, but all your worries and anti-aging too!

Typically the Buccal facial massage can cost anywhere between $300-$500 per session but at Sacred Spa it is only $99 and this is because my philosophy is that everyone should be able to afford to look good and feel good


Sacred Spa


Women Rock Magazine | 25

Rebecca Adler

Let me introduce myself, my name is Rebecca Adler, and I am the Owner and Designer behind R-ad Designs I founded R-ad Designs in 2006, and since then, I’ve been blessed with a varied and international clientele

A little about me, I’m an expert brand strategist, consultant, and website designer, a total nerd when it comes to technology, and my obsession is helping others find their passion and their followers, so they can make a living doing what they love.

I’m more than a brand consultant I help individuals transform into personal brands that deliver compelling experiences My proven approach provides an intuitive understanding of you and your brand’s personality to help grow emotional connections with your audience

I offer the following services:

Branding (palettes, themes, marketing slogans)

Logos (completely personalized and in all formats)

Graphic design services (business cards, brochures etc.)

Website Design and Implementation (WordPress and template builder sites)

Landing pages and funnels (help sell your products or automate your services)

Content Writing (For all marketing materials)

Social Media Management (Set-up, design, posts, content creations, distinct hashtags)

Email automation (to get your emails set-up, written, designed)

Newsletter automation (newsletter set-up, written and designed)

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y expectations for my website. She was extremely thorough and detailedorientated and was always quick to respond to any questions I had. I would recommended her for any of your website, branding, social media, or blog needs without hesitation!

I recently had the pleasure working with Becca She took time out of her busy schedule to assist me with my landing page She has done a great job of creating exactly what I wanted Easy to work with and very responsive Everything was above my expectations and she had a lot of insight regarding marketing tools I didn't know existed

When I first contacted Rebecca to see if she could help me build a landing page, I had no idea where to start. Rebecca went above and beyond to help me find the right tools for the goals I was trying to receive. She helped me get set up, crafted the page as I hoped, managing any shortcomings of the landing page to obtain the final look and flow I was hoping for She made the entire process easy and stress-free as she provided her expertise Rebecca also helped me understand how to manage the page once set up, allowing me to make any updates as needed while still having her as an invaluable resource to reach out to should I get stuck along the way Rebecca, thank you for your patience, teachings, and expertise It has been such a pleasure working with you!

Since 2006, I have helped hundreds of busy professionals worldwide uncover, optimize, and grow their personal and professional brands. Isn’t it time you levelled up? If so, then contact me today I also offer personalized products in my Etsy shop.

Testimonials Rebecca Adler https://linktr ee/raddesigns Click below to go to link Women Rock Magazine | 27

ealing Your Life Ha Personal Journey

Exercise! Running, jogging, playing a sport of some kindfor me it was YOGA. A Yoga practice is helping me save my own life.

I was angry and I cried out to God, WHY ME? Through my intuition, I heard him say WHY NOT YOU GIULIANA? I said to Him, well if "why not me", I need help to heal my life. I need help to make choices and take chances to change my life. He had been whispering to me for years and I hadn’t been listening. The migraines and diabetes were signs that my life was out of alignment. I learned that I carried a lot of pain and resentment in my body. I came to realize that the pain was from wanting to be liked and loved my whole life. This was from always seeking external validation. I had to learn to seek within. I had to take responsibility for my life, I had to identify the old story (one of pain, shame, blame, etc.) and create a new story (one of healing and love), I had to learn to love myself!!

Are you wondering how to LOVE YOURSELF MORE? well then, let’s begin!

Relax. Place your hand on your heart, feel your heartbeat. Say "I love you", whether silently or out loud, to your heart. Think of how its been helping keep you alive, since before you were even born. Repeat these "I' love you's" for at least a minute or two, and each time say it more meaningfully and endearingly.

Practice moments of gratitude throughout your day. Even during times such as when you're stressed, take a moment and think of all that you are grateful for. Express your gratitude out loud, to the Universe: "I am grateful for ______" or, "Thank you for ______". Make this a habit. You can even make a list each day of at least 10 things that you're grateful for. Consider creating a gratitude journal or jar. Gratitude shifts what you have into enough. The universe responds by giving us more to be grateful for.

Rewrite your subconscious mind, through repetition, by repeating to yourself words of a high vibration or the words that you wish others would say to you the most. Example: I am love. I am open to love. I see my beauty. I accept love. Do this for 31 days. Then it becomes a habit. Committed and consistent = success.

Go out in Nature. Explore like a child that was just born and knows nothing but what it sees. Paint, draw, write poetry or express yourself in whatever way you wish. This moves energy out of the body. Express the unique gem that you are and share your gifts with the world. Consider practicing sungazing as often as you are able to. I recommended the first 15 minutes of sunrise and 15 minutes prior to sunset for beginners. Research "sungazing" for further info or tips. Fill up with the sun. On days where there is no sunshine, imagine the sun- feel its warmth on your face.

Practice conscious breathing throughout your day. TAKE A BREATH with me. Deep breathe in and out through your mouth. Notice how often you are unaware of your breath during the day, and thus are being breathed, rather than you consciously breathing. Catch yourself doing so, and take slow, deep conscious inhales through the nose, hold for a second or two, then slow gradual exhale out of your mouth. You came into this life with a breath, and you will leave with one. Combine "birth" and "death" - and you basically get the word "breath". The breath affects our emotions as well as our thoughts. Be mindful of your breath. Our breath is what connects us to the Divine.

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In 2011 I was diagnosed with stage three peritoneal cancer which had spread to all my female organs and appendix I was sickmind, body and spirit.

ealing Your Life Ha Personal Journey

Respond to the callings arising from within, whatever they may be. Whether that is to go read a book, take pictures, help someone out, anything. Honor it. What is your spirit asking of you? If money were no object what would you be doing? Our souls want to lovingly serve humanity. What brings you Joy? Do more of that. For me it was Kindness and in 2015 I created a charity - KindnessCrewCalgary Society Ltd. and we are committed to helping the homeless.

Spend your energy on, or surround yourself with those who uplift and inspire you. It is said we become most like the 5 people we hang out with. Who are your 5? IF they are not being a positive part of your life, you may have to release them with love and attract 5 different people.

Switch up your routine. Rather than living such a structured existence, return to your natural way of living spontaneously. Try a new way to drive to work. Park somewhere different. Do something to change up the normal routine.

Go within. Close your eyes and meditate; Be the Breath. Through dedicated practice, the chatter of the mind naturally subsides. Use meditation music or even binaural beats on YouTube to assist.

Forgive yourself. Let the past go. We forgive because we deserve peace.

Read books Following the feelings of excitement that you get; they are guidance from your higher Self. Explore the teachings from teachers whose offerings deeply resonate with you. Follow the guidance of synchronicities.

Notice the signs the Universe is sending you.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, perhaps more than you may already. Give up eating processed foods, and even meat if you haven't already.

Compliment yourself daily. Look at all the things you have done and are doing right. Embrace the totality of who you are. see all as equal expressions of the whole, even the negative parts that you may not like, or wish weren't so. Honor them; perhaps they persist because they've been rejected rather than accepted. Compliment others as well and see that each Soul is playing a unique role just as important as that of any other Soul. You carry so much love in your heart, give some to yourself.

Love yourself. Do it now. Truly loving yourself is the root of all healing. Healing is a journey and it is never too late. I wish you an amazing journey to love yourself to health.

Healing doesn’t have a time limit. Allow yourself time. Create time in your day to yourself- love practice. Make a promise to yourself. And if you are serious and want to begin today –then write it down and follow through.

Healing is possible. Transformation is possible. It is setting the intention just for YOU. You are worth it.

Thank you.

Women Rock Magazine | 29

Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women

As a young girl, I was taught to believe in the Cinderella story marry your prince and your life would turn out magically ok And I was blessed to meet my prince when I was only 19 We spent two glorious years together as soulmates, in between working and university After being bullied during my childhood, finding someone who loved me unconditionally felt like a dream come true

Just as I began my master’s degree, he proposed. The very same month, we found out he was dying. “Liver cancer,” the doctor said, “stage 4.” My fiancé was given 3 months to live…and I watched my dream for love disappear. We got married to honour our love for each other, and 6 weeks after our wedding, he died I struggled to recover from the grief and sadness I was a 22 year-old widow This was not how my story was supposed to end

It took me several years to recover from that unexpected plot twist Eventually I graduated, got a job, remarried and had two kids From the outside, I “had it all ”

But I felt unhappy in both my marriage and government job, I was trying to fit in somewhere I didn’t belong So I left the stability of both to start a new business and a new home, with a 2- and 4-year-old depending on me It was very scary…I had no idea if I could make it on my own as a single mom and entrepreneur, but I was determined to try. Looking back, I am so glad I followed my heart! Being single again was not what I had planned, but it was the best thing that could have happened.

I’ve always been a hopeful romantic.
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time alone allowed me to rediscover who I was outside of a relationship, and that love exists in many forms. It prompted me to build a solid network of friends, as well as a better relationship with myself. It empowered me to be financially independent and successful on my own. It taught me that being alone didn’t have to feel lonely…it could feel joyful and free. Too often, people stay in unhappy and even toxic relationships because they think there is no other option They fear being alone and going from one bad relationship to another They don’t see that the partners they choose are not random, they reflect their unhealed pain and inability to love themselves

That’s why I am so passionate about helping women rebuild their life and confidence after a break-up or divorce so that they raise their standards for love and choose their next partner from a place of strength and happiness, not loneliness

As a Love and Empowerment Coach, my mission is to help women fall back in love with themselves, create joy-filled lives, and build healthy, happy relationships. I am the creator of the Transform Your Life, Single 2 Soulmates and Lasting Love programs. I am also the author of “Free to be me: Create a life you love from the inside out!” and the founder of the "Empowered Single Women" Facebook group.

Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women

My life has changed in such wonderful ways. I have learned to love myself, have confidence, and know I can achieve anything that I really want "I am the driver of my destiny!” – Kathy, Ottawa, ON To learn more, I invite you to register for my free online masterclass called Loving without Losing

May you be blessed with love…in all its forms!

https://www.karenstrangallen.com/ https://www facebook com/karenstrangallencoaching/EmpoweredSingleWomen/ https://www facebook com/groups/EmpoweredSingleWomenSisterhood/ https://silverliningsblog wordpress com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJBQYOrfSB8

My Women Rock Magazine | 31

My life changed the day our 21year-old son died in a sudden car accident.

Hewasonhiswaytostartanewjob that morning and was killed when hehadahead-oncollision.Iwasin denial, when the OPP showed up at our house to inform us of his fatality...Thatcouldn’tbeourson.

Ihadsaidgoodbyeandwishedhimwelljustafew hours earlier. When the police gave us evidence that it was him, my husband of 27 years, Darren andIembracedeachotherandbrokedown.This wouldbethestartofanewlife.

Learninghowtocopeoverthelast16monthswith the loss of our son has been a challenging, but spiritualandemotionalawakening.Whatgaveus thestructureandstabilitytogoon?Howdoesany parent go on with strength, courage and determination? I thought that my life leading up to this point prepared me for anything, but nothingpreparesaparentforthis.Asaneffortto helpothersgoingthroughwhatwedid,Irecorded “How To Go On After Somebody Dies” on my healthpodcast“AHealthierYou-LittlebyLittle. ”

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InSanskrit,theycallaparentwholosesa childa“Vilomah”“Vilomah,”means“against thenaturalorder.”IcertainlyneverthoughtI wouldaddthattomytitleorcredentials.

WhenItalkaboutstructureandstability,my lifefromaprofessionalstandpointandmy dailyhabitspreparedmetomanagethis tragedyasbestasIcould.Asaretiredgym owner,successfulnetworkmarketerinahealth company,retiredYogaPractitionerandretired KettlebellInstructor/CertifiedFitness Consultant,Ihadmylifesquaredaway Inmy youth,Ihadlivedoutmyaspirationofbeinga militarymedicwhojumpedoutofplanesand servedonaUNtourinawar-torncountry WhenIretiredfromthemilitaryearlytomarry themanofmydreams,Ipivotedtobecomea full-timetrainerwithadesiretoopenmy home-basedgym.Ididthiswhileraising Dylan,ourson,andourdaughter,Amy.Since thattime,Ibecameatopachieverina prominenthealthsolutionscompanyI partneredwithandwasrecognizedasa cumulativemillionaire.

Mydailyfitnesshabits,nutrition,written affirmations,gratitudejournaling,scheduling mydays,takingnapswhenneeded,and naturewalksallcontributedtothehealthiest versionandmindsetIcouldhavetocope.In thehealingprocess,Iwroteabooktohonour ourson,whichhelpedme.Ialsojoineda mastermindgroupforaccountabilityandto continuallyimprovemybusinessmindset andskills.Myambitionforbusinessandmost thingshaltedwhenwelostourson.Linking armswithcaringpeoplewhowantedthebest formemadeadifferenceinmovingforward again.

Oursonwouldhavewantedustopay attentiontothesignsinnature,takemore timeforreflection,andseethebiggerpicture. Ichoosetopersevere,mastermyselfand honourlife.

Women Rock Magazine | 33

Dee's Interior Design and Staging is an Interior Decorating/Design and Home Staging Firm dedicated to providing our clients with creative concepts, high-quality design, beauty, and flawless execution.

Wetailoreachprojecttoourclients’individualtastes, needsandbudgets.Contactustobeginyourdesignjourney!

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Women Rock Magazine | 34



Dee's InteriorDesign & Staging


The Stage

Relativetotheamountoftimeandmoney involved,homestagingisoneofthemost lucrativeprojectsyouwilleverundertake.

Thebedrooms,bathrooms,kitchen,living roomandoutdoorspacesareallimportant areastofocusonwhenstagingyourhome.

Setting Click to return to Table of Contents Women Rock Magazine | 35


StagetoSell! StagetoLive!

Creating beautiful homes to live in.




Women Rock Magazine | 36 www.deesinteriordesignandstaging.com
Dee's Interior Design & Staging Setting The Stage


Getting ready to sell your home? Staging is one of the THE most important steps for selling your home. Getting your home ready for other people to see can be an overwhelming thought. We at Dee's Interior Design and Staging can help stage your home to make it sell!

Home Staging is a proven method that helps sell your home Typically, home owners can expect up to a 20% increase in their selling price as a result of home staging, and see the average days on the market cut in half Homes which are staged sell 65% faster and are known to make a home owner more money in the sale It will also save you money because your home will sell more quickly resulting in a higher resale price and no additional monthly carrying costs

Whenstagingisdonecorrectlyyoucanexpecttosellyourhome fasterandformoremoney!Withmosthomebuyerslookingfor potentialfamilyhomesonline,hiringaprofessinoalphotographeris alsoveryimportantwhenlistingyourhome Yourhomewillthen shineandstandoutamongstalltherest!

Women Rock Magazine | 37

Setting The Stage Before




Staging lets the buyers see the home at its full potential!
By removing the room darkening roller shade and adding white sheers to the windows allows for the beautiful morning sun to pour into this southeast side bedroom We added a crisp white bedspread and layered with a gray/white duvet for luxury deep gray patterned cushions and a deep royal blue/white cushion for that pop of colour needed in each and every room Gorgeous teal based lamps, flowers for accessories, a soft soothing picture, a deep gray reading chair and pretty rattan side tables with storage complete this cozy space
Women Rock Magazine | 38 Before After

Declutter Your Home

Keep Colours Light and Refreshing

Clean Clean Clean

Rework furniture layout to Create Space

Accessorize with pops of colour

Keep the General Colour Scheme Neutral

Create Beautiful Curb Appeal

Remove Personal Items

Refresh with paint if necessary

Stage the backyard by creating a sitting area

Replace old worn items with new ones

Staging helps buyers evaluate whether they can see themselves in a property and what the potential for the space is. And it can be a lot more productive than expecting them to do the heavy mental lifting themselves.

Home Staging Tips

staging a house before selling is one the best investments you can make.

www deesinteriordesignandstaging com



Women Rock Magazine | 39

Ihave been modeling for over 35 years and I am just as passionate now as when I first began my modeling course and journey! I am thankful for all my opportunities that I am blessed to have received! My getting selected to compete in 4 different model categories at the Canadian Modeling and Talent Convention in May of 2023 is truly a dream come true!

I will be traveling to Toronto with my amazing friend, sponsor and owner if La Dee Da Boutique. I currently model for this beautiful Boutique. I love to travel and look forward to many opportunities in Canada and worldwide.

If you are looking for an experienced and mature model please reach out to me at juanitasadie22@gmail.com or instagram Juanitawilson4907. I believe we should never give up on our dreams and goals! My motto is to always have a goal in mind.

I am currently mentoring 10 ladies in modeling. They have grown so much in the time we have been together.They inspire me to keep on my journey. They model at my two shows a year that I hostess! My next goal is to offer a 6 week modeling/self improvement course.

I would like to thank all of my family, friends, models, and sponsors for the love and encouragement you continually show me! Remember to be true to who you are and work hard, always believing something wonderful is about to happen!

Juanita Wilson Model/Event Planner

Professional Biography

I am a business owner (Juan's Internal Beauty) with extensive experience in event planning and marketing. My specific areas of expertise are


Event planning

Community coordinator for canvassing campaign at Canadian Diabetic Association.

In addition - inspiring, educating and empowering women to live life to the fullest

Career highlights include; Completing 2 marathons and having raised over 12,000 for the CDA. Executive Assistant with non profit association attending seminars, workshops, organizing fund raising events. Assistant manager at a clothing store with a huge clientele, maintained excellent communication skills, sales and team work. Some areas of significant accomplishments include: Actively involved with promoting awareness and raising funds for Team Diabetes and funds raised for numerous charity organizations. I have a marketing/promotion certificate, sales process certificate, and currently achieved my Competent communications certificate through Toastmasters International. I have a certificate for public speaking/modelling.

Throughout my career i have always been known for my go for it attitude and great communication skills, I have been very motivated and exceptionally organized - I bring dedication to all aspects of my work/family life. With major interests in the growth of friendships between women, inspiring women to live life to the fullest, I believe if you have a dream you can accomplish it with hard work, dedication and above all else passion for what you do. My dream is to be an inspiration to my children to never give up and to keep your faith. I have modelled for over 30 years and continue to receive many opportunities both locally in Canada, and in May of 2023 I have been selected to the Canadian Modeling and Talent Convention to compete in many Modeling/Commercial venues, most recently in Paris and New York City.




My favorite quote is ‘This is our time’
Juanita Wilson
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La dee da Style Boutique

About the Boutique

Are you looking for clothes that flatter you? Clothes that make you feel WOW? Do you want quality clothes at affordable prices? My name is Deanna Parker, owner of La Dee Da Style Boutique, and I want to help you look good, feel good, and NOT spend a fortune on clothes.

I want you to feel like this is YOUR store, so I don’t try to sell you things that won’t work for you.

Whether you’re looking for a new professional outfit, a great fitting pair of jeans, or something for a special occasion, we have you covered.

If you live in the Maritimes, La Dee Da is only a stone’s throw away, in Moncton, New Brunswick. Book an in-person shopping experience. I can guarantee you won’t find the same personal service anywhere else.

If you’re not able to shop in person, we can and do ship all over North America. Browse through our website and your order will ship out the same day (Prices include any applicable taxes).

A little about me...

I think my love of clothes started at a young age. I had a great barbie doll collection. My mother would sew clothes for them, so my barbies had quite a large wardrobe and more unique outfits than the ones you could buy in the stores. Fast forward 40 years and a successful friend was looking for someone to help her put outfits together. I didnt have any training in fashion and wasn’t sure if I could help her at all since she was successful and always seemed so well put together, but I put my hand up to help her out. I had so much fun going through her wardrobe and putting outfits together and then helping her shop for outfits for special event's she had coming up. Over the course of a few months, I realized many women don’t feel confident in how to put their ensemble's together and spend way too much time in the morning trying to decide what to wear. I eventually started a side business as an image consultant, going into people’s homes and helping them to reimagine their closets and put together outfits to give them a broader range of wearability to make their mornings less stressful when it came to deciding what to wear. Then the world turned upside down because of Covid, and I couldn’t go to people’s houses to help them with their closets any longer. I missed the interaction with people and helping them to come out of their shell when it came to their clothes. A first impression says a thousand words and most of that is based on our appearance and actions. It’s almost instantaneous.

What do your clothes say about you? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you have to wear a 3 piece suit to make a great first impression. Make sure you’re well groomed, your clothes are clean and wrinkle free and you have a smile on your face and you’ll be fine.

Having said that, quality clothes do make a difference. As an example, I strongly recommend splurging on one good $25 t-shirt rather than buying 4, $6 t-shirts as they’ll look like $6 t-shirts no matter what you to with them. Good quality is always a better option and it will last for many years, after many washes and when you tire of it (because it will outlive your sense of style), you can take a good quality piece of clothing to a consignment shop and still put a little money back into your pocket.

To get back on track...I had some time on my hands and decided to open a boutique in my house with it’s own entrance. This allowed customer's the ability to come in one at a time to shop which is something they were being denied while the world was upside down. Eventually I had a website built and I was able to open up to a broader range of women and I was able to start shipping all over North America. Women wanted to shop, they still needed clothes, the challenge was not being present to try something on. Isn’t that always the problem with shopping online? I would chat with my customers via different platforms to answer any questions they had and measure the “problem areas” so we could determine their size as I think we call all attest to the fact that not all pieces are sized equally. Once the world opened back up, I had this amazing opportunity to help women pick out clothes they look and feel fabulous in, even before they take them home. If they had a piece of clothing they bought on a whim and needed to find something to wear with it they could bring it in with them and I would help them to create an outfit they could feel comfortable and confident in. This has become the backbone of my business “helping women to feel confident” through clothes that fit well and compliment their body and style.

About 8 months ago Juanita Wilson of A Bold Beautiful Life reached out to me and came in to meet me to get a sense of the Boutique. I didn’t know it at the time but she was looking for someone to partner with for the fashion portion of the fashions shows she was hosting each season. We instantly hit it off, Juanita was just as passionate about helping women to feel better about themselves as I was, we just had different approaches which complemented one another. With Juanita’s background in modelling, we started doing a couple of sessions with her modelling my clothes for me to take pictures and from there we have become a dynamic duo. Juanita and her models make my clothes come to life.

Thanks so much,

Juanita Wilson Deanna Parker
https://www.facebook.com/ladeedastyleboutique click to go to link www.ladeedastyleboutique.com https://www.instagram.com/la_dee_da_style_boutique/ Click to return to Table of Contents Women Rock Magazine | 41
Deanna Parker


Osteopathywasdevelopedinthelate1800’sbyaDr.AndrewTaylorStill.Followingthedeathofhiswife and three children, he devoted the next 30 years of his life studying the human body and finding alternativewaystotreatdisease.Dr.Still’sbasicidea-thatthehumanbodywasmuchlikeamachine, One that would function well if all its parts were in proper mechanical relationship - was unique compared to the medical thinking of the time. The practice is based on extensive understanding of anatomyandphysiologyanditsfourfundamentalprinciplesare:1)Thebodyisaunit–thisincludes mind, body and spirit. 2) The body is self-healing and self-regulating – we can and do heal. 3) Structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) are interrelated -the musculoskeletal system can reflect changes in and can produce changes in other body systems. 4) Rational treatment is based uponintegrationofthefirstthreeprinciplesintothetotalcareofthepatient.


Imagine for a minute that you put an elastic band aroundyourfingertightly. Whatwouldhappen?Soonthe elastic band would effect the nerve and blood supply as well as drainage Eventually if you left the elastic band therelongenoughthetissuewouldstopreceivingallthe lifeforcesnecessaryforsurvivalandeventuallythetissue would die. Osteopathy is like removing elastic bands withinthebodyandliberatingtissues.Healthandhealing cannowcometothetissuesthatwerebeingrestricted.

If Osteopathy is gentle, how can it be effective?

Osteopathylooksattherootcauseofwhere painandillnessiscomingfrom Osteopathy takesintoaccountalllayersoftissue,fascia, muscle,tendon,joint,andorgans,aswellas theentirebody–fromtheheadtothetoes. This allows the practitioner to assess where theissueisoriginatingfrom Thepractitioner will use gentle palpation skills to coax the body to move in the direction of alignment Similartorockingababytosleep,thegentle coaxing allows the body to relax and then it is much easier to manipulate. For example, if a joint was misaligned the practitioner would look at what is holding the joint in misalignment, if it is either muscle, tendon, facia,thatwouldbereleasedfirst–through pressure,activestretch,massageaswellas muscle energy technique, then the joint wouldbegentlymobilizedintoplace.



The initial appointment consists of going over the patients health history, a full assessment and treatment will also take place at the initial appointment The patient remains fully clothed,althoughitisstronglyencouragedtowearlosefitting gympantsandT-shirt,oryogawear Thisappointmenttakes approximately 45 minutes The follow-up appointment is an assessment and treatment and takes approximately 25 minutes. Thetreatmentsaregentleandyethighlyeffective.


Thatdependsontheindividual Generally,wefindthattreatingaperson once a week for 3 – 5 weeks in a row will usually get a good handle on the issue. However, if there has been a long standing issue that hasn’t beenaddressedforseveralyearsitcantakeafewmoresessions. Most peoplenoticeasignificantimprovementafterjustonesession.


Short answer - yes! However, all insurance plans differ and this is something you should check with your own insurance company Kathleen at Aktiv Osteopathy Ottawa is a member of the Ontario Osteopathic Association which is highly recognized by most insurance companies.

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foundOsteopathyinmyearly20’safteraseverecaraccident left me with a broken femur and coinciding chronic pain

After seeking treatment from many other modalities, OsteopathywastheonlyonethatrelievedtheongoingpainI felt due to that accident Being a helper by nature and knowing first hand the healing power of manual therapy, I realizedthenthatIwantedtopursueacareerinOsteopathy

I attended the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy – one of the only schools in the world that still teaches Classical Osteopathy–andthroughthiseducationalprocess,Irealized that Osteopathy was my calling. It marries two of what I believe to be my strongest assets: being a helper and an innateproblem-solver Withtheknowledgeandskillsthrough myeducation,hands-onworkexperience,andstrongdriveto find solutions, I strive to assist patients in their healing I understand the importance of good nutrition to assist in healing through a holistic process, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge of human nutrition to assist my patients in a holistic healing process I believe in providing patients with toolsandeducationtheycanusetoimprovetheirwellnessin between treatments, encouraging them to take their health into their own hands I am also trained in Stott Pilates Intermediate Reformer, this helps me focus on educating my patientsonhowtostrengthentheirbodyforultimatestability, flexibility,andendurance

In my past - I worked with youth in a social service setting I have my degree in Psychology with a minor in Women’s Studies. I have always had a strong passion for supporting womenandoneprojectthatIwasmostproudofwasworking with young girls who were at risk of dropping out of high school Itaughtthemgardening,artandwomen’sstudiesin a group setting I am happy to say they all completed high school I continue to remain passionate about helping women and bring this with me everywhere I go I was born raisedintheKingstonarea,andwasasinglemom,whowent back to school for Osteopathy. I am also an avid traveller, scuba diver and Latin dancer Latin dance brought me to Ottawa where I met my current partner After lots of driving backandforthIdecidedtomakeOttawamyhome




OsteopathicManualPractitioner, BA,M.OMSc. OsteopathicManualPractitioner Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology withaMinorinWomen’sStudies Queen’sUniversity,Kingston,ON Certified member of the OOA/OSTCAN
clicktogotolinks https://aktivosteoca/ Women Rock Magazine | 43

As you could see, things were really moving along and it was pretty amazing to see all of our ideas come to life! I was getting very excited at how it was all going to look. Once the foundation was in, the decking and stairs quickly followed.

years ago I moved from Brooklin, Ontario to Orleans to start a new chapter in my life. I packed up and was ready to begin a new journey here in Ottawa.

I won’t lie, I had so many emotions: excitement, anxiety, fear and the emotion that was the strongest, was the old fashioned belief that I was making the right move for me. And you know what? It was absolutely the right move.

I remember the first time I saw my home, I fell in love with the energy, the spaces, but most of all the potential of my backyard space. As a designer, my creative ideas were already taking shape, right there and then! Luckily, it was a pretty blank canvas, as you can see - oh the possibilities!

I took the winter to really think about how I wanted to use the space and I followed the advice that I always give my clients and that is: to write down your “wish” list, gather ideas, photos, anything that helps bring the space to life. My wish list included:

A two tiered deck - lower deck for relaxing and conversation and the upper deck for dining

Perennial gardens that are low maintenance

An update on my shed to make it unique

I back on to a ravine, so I wanted to be sure that I didn’t lose any of my “view” when sitting on the upper deck

Once the gardens were dug and the soil prepared, off to the garden centre I went with my list of perennials which included: Black Eyed Susans, Coreopsis, Shasta Daisy, Hostas, Geraniums, Clematis, Honeysuckle Vines.
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My shed was looking pretty blah so I decided to give it a quick makeover with paint. A fabulous dark gray really gave my shed new life. As you can see, I may have added some “things” to the outside of the shed. I just love how it turned out. Now it has some character!

One of my favourite things in my backyard oasis is my vintage bike planter. I change up the plants for each season and it makes me smile.

After the deck was finished it didn’t take me long to set up all the different areas! I pulled out my patio furniture, cushions, tables & umbrellas and began to style the spaces. I was in pure heaven!

But I wasn’t finished! Now I had to turn my attention to my gardens, or lack thereof. While we were quarantined during Covid, I took the opportunity to plan my gardens, with my friend and colleague, Lana Doss - The Fine Gardener. As you can see in these photos, I had to create my gardens - and dig them! That was an interesting exercise - I found muscles that I totally had forgotten about.

I amsogladthatI hadtheopportunity togetallthiswork done,sonow,Ican trulyenjoymy backyardspacewith myfriendsand family. Havefuncreating yourownoasis!
www.decortherapyplus.com https://www.facebook.com/decortherapyplus https://www.instagram.com/suepitchforthdesign/ Women Rock Magazine | 45

Originally from Pasadena, Candice graduated from MUN in 2008 with her Bachelor of Business Administration, she has had a passion for sales and business since an early age and even started her university degree eagerly in high schooland she has excelled in each role she has taken on since.

Prior to starting her career in real estate, Candice was a Director of Sales & Marketing for a local company for 6 years, after the birth of her Son, she decided it was time to take the next step in her career

She prides herself on her strong sales and communication skills and of course her favorite, marketing!

Candice spent time traveling and living in other provinces early in her career to gain as much life experience as she could, she's grateful for all of the lifelong friendships she made along the way.

Fun Fact: she was also a bikini competitor for 10 years, placing top 5 in her last two shows.

Candice is so appreciative and thankful to her 3% Realty family for shaping her to be the agent she is in less than a year, and knows she will continue to be successful here because of that - an environment fostering both personal and career growth


Candice has a beautiful 2-year-old boy, Blake, who is the driving force in her life and the reason she is so passionate and dedicated to her clients on finding them the perfect home She's also so thankful to her supportive friends & family (especially her Mom, Phyllis a k a Gramma) who have always been her biggest cheerleaders.

Real estate has been something she has wanted to pursue for a long time and looking back at her first year, it was definitely the right move.

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s a realtor I focus on having the best professional photos to showcase my properties. I have extensive experience and I'm well versed and exceptional with social media, ensuring you're marketed best on all of our platforms (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok for example). I believe you should be able to ask what the marketing plan is for your home before you list - how it's going to bemarketed is an extremely vital aspect of selling.

I believe in strong communication and being timely in that, providing as much information as I can and of course as much education as possible throughout the process. For first-time home buyers for example, that part is extremely important. I go into every meeting with a client, 100% myself. I don't try to put on a front or be anyone else to try and get business. I take what I do very seriously and I treat everyone with the utmost respect and as a friend. While there are sales tactics and there is an aspect of understanding personalities and being able to be a chameleon in some sense - I never want anyone to feel that I'm feeding them what they want to hear just to get their business. I will probably talk more buyers out of more homes that into them, I will probably tell my sellers things that they don't want to hear because I believe in being honest and transparent. Because again, if I'm telling you what you want to hear to get your business, I'm not doing them the service I want to and I'm also not being who I am, authentically as a business woman. If that loses business for me then I'm ok with that. I won't compromise on who I am and the values that I have. If I'm not the agent for you, that is completely fine. If I am, you have one firecracker on your side. This business is mainly about relationship building and maintenance, you have to be a great people person and able to manage those relationships through what can sometimes be difficult situations. Buying or selling a home is the largest transaction you will make, it's something I take serious pride in when people trust me with that.

Why are you so passionate about your job and people?

Buying a home is so exciting, whether it's your first, your next, your dream or an investment property - you're building a real estate portfolio and it is such a privilege to be a part of that. When it comes time to sell your home or property, for whatever reason, I take that task very seriously. There are numerous reasons why clients sell and I've been a part of so many stories - some I've laughed and some I've cried. Some may call that unprofessional, but I feel it sets me apart, there is not one person who will ever be "just a client" to me. How many cups of Tetley tea I've had and homemade muffins, teary eyed chats, hanging out with so many wonderful kids and grandkids, and hearing everyone's stories and being thankful every single time that I'm a part of that. Not to mention the 3% Realty East Coast family and my own team of course within that company, The ATeam. The environment and culture they have created, the continuous training and always being available at any time for support and the community involvement - it is just the most amazing place that I've found to be a part of and I'm thriving there. I'm so grateful for Ashley and Andrew Fleming who brought me into 3% 1 year ago - this is exactly where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing.

My favorite quote: "Be yourself - everyone else is taken" - Oscar Wilde

How does this job make you feel?

This job makes me feel like I'm making an impact on the lives of people that trust me with their homes I've been through a lot of situations in my life similar to that of some of my clients and what they have been through or are going through during their sale or purchase with me. So when I empathize with someone it just lights an even bigger fire under me to do the absolute best job I can for them I love being a part of my community, I love that this job gives me the opportunity to give back and be a part of so many wonderful things to do just that I can't say it's not stressful, I would be lying if I did, but it is worth every second of it when a client gives you a beautifully written thank-you card, a rave review or a batch of muffins and a warm hug. My goal is always to take the stress off my clients and make the buying and/or selling process much more enjoyable for them. If I'm successful in doing thatthere's no better feeling

What inspires you to get up every morning and do what you do? I started my real estate career after I had my Son, Blake - so it's easy to say that he is the reason I wake up every morning and have nothing but hustle in my mind He is the absolute greatest joy in my life and being able to provide a great life for him is always at the top of my list and is what drives me every day. I have so many personal goals and this career is allowing me to accomplish those in strides, I couldn't do any of it without my clients or the 3% family who are an unbelievable support system and cheering section for each other Three fantastic and remarkable women own this company and I've spent my entire career in sales & marketing trying to prove myself and exceed any expectations and grow in any role that I was in and it feels exceptional to be a part of what they've grown here in Newfoundland with 3%. I get to provide top tier service to my clients, for 3% commission - keeping more of their investment in their pockets. What better feeling is that?

Award Winning Realtor
The A-Team, 3% Realty East Coast (709) 771-2552
Level Sales Award | Rookie of the Year 2022
candice@ateamnl.ca GOLD
A http://search.3percentrealtyec.ca/agent/118558/183737 https://www.facebook.com/candicemayo.REALTOR Women Rock Magazine | 47 Click to go to Links

Ashley has been a successful, award winning Realtor for o 11 years and a Co-owner of 3% Realty East Coast for 9 ye along with her two sisters Brittany Penney and Genna Hic They have grown it into a successful business employing o 35 Realtors and Staff Ashley also has a successful Real Es Team with her husband, Andrew Fleming known as The Team, 3% Realty East Coast.

Ashley is no stranger to hard work. Prior to obtaining her R Estate licence, Ashley left Newfoundland and moved to McMurray, AB for the summer to work, planning to save tuition. Starting in a tool crib on one of Fort McMurr largest mines, Ashley was introduced to a career in the Trades, where she became a Journeyman Welder and later foreman at SMS Equipment. During those 8 years, Ashley learned the true definition of hard work. Being the first woman the company had as a tradesperson, she worked hard to show that she was not only capable but later proved to be one of their hardest and most skilled welders, something she is always proud to share There were challenges along the way but this gave her more determination and made her excel even more

During her time as a Welder, Ashley’s interest in Real Estate was ignited while she was in the process of selling her own home. She purchased the course, studying during her breaks and time off and eventually obtained her licence. In the beginning, Ashley decided to do both welding and Real Estate, sometimes working a nightshift in the mine, and waking at noon to do Real Estate until her shift again that night. She used her earnings from Real Estate to fund her advertising to grow her business, and it paid off. Ashley quickly became one of the Top Producing Realtors in Fort McMurray. Quitting welding wasn’t easy, but Ashley knew her passion and success in Real Estate was worth it.

Ashley attributes a lot of her success to her Broker, Kathy Bowers at 3% Realty Fort McMurray, who gave her the tools, mentorship and skills to be a Top Producing Agent within her first year in the business With her heart always wanting to be back home, Ashley approached her sisters and with the help of her Broker, Kathy, they brought 3% Realty to Newfoundland Her dream had become a reality They knew their company would have a competitive advantage in the marketplace, offering to sell homes for 3% Commission, allowing their clients to keep more of their investment, while still offering full service, extensive marketing, professional photos, and MLS exposure.

A s h l e y F l e m i n g
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Ashley and her sisters didn’t stop there Their ultimate goal was to create a respectful and positive environment with a family feel They believe in leading by example and having an open door approach. Ashley’s mindset is that the world needs more leaders and less Bosses. Team work is what makes everyone successful and watching her agents grow into Successful Realtors is what Ashley loves the most about this career.

Together, Ashley and her sisters make the perfect team, with defined roles and skills that make their business the success it is She couldn’t imagine running this business with anyone else. They make sure to give back to the community any way they can, including annual food drives, volunteering at various non profits including Ronald McDonald House and The Gathering Place, and many fundraising activities The sisters, along with their team of Realtors and staff, make a true diffrence in their community.


Mobile: +1 (709) 330-7355


When Ashley isn’t working you will find her enjoying a date night with her husband, going to her cabin for a weekend getaway, travelling, or spending quality Auntie time with her beautiful nieces and nephews. Ashley has a husband and life partner that most would wish for. Andrew, is truly the best supporter, friend, and partner to her both personally and professionally. He is also a very succesful multi award winning Realtor with her company, and Partner of their successful Real Estate team of six Family is everything to Ashley. I guess it isn’t hard to believe because the majority of her family works together. Her family and friends are the best support system and she is truly grateful for everyone who has touched her life. She credits a lot of her success to her parents who taught her and her sisters that education and hard work are so important Her parents often did without to make sure their girls could get to where they are today

Ashley’s goal is to continue to grow her business and continue to educate her agents to become successful Realtors with strong mentorship skills, while making a positive impact on her community All things her and her sisters have been doing from the very beginning Ashley’s mindset is to treat every client as if they are your only client, giving them the attention and guidance they need throughout every aspect of their transaction. To Ashley, success is only determined by how you impact others and help them succeed.

Women Rock Magazine | 49

Goldsmith the

We are an established retail and full service onsite jewellery repair shop in St John's, Newfoundland, in business since 2006 We specialize in all jewellery repairs, as well as professional 3D custom jewellery designs - all done in-house. Our jeweler, Melvin Coombs, is the owner of the Goldsmith. He is a local Newfoundlander with 25 years of experience in the jewellery trade, who can professionally complete all jewellery repairs, from simple ring sizings and chain repairs, to all claw work, stone settings, and complete restorations. We offer competitive prices on all of our jewellery repairs, custom-made jewellery, and retail merchandise.

We are located at 15 Rowan Street, Churchill Square, St. John's NL.

Store Hours: Mon-Fri 10 to 5 / Wed 10-6

Phone: (709) 368-4653


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Gettingbackto Normal

After three years of waiting for life to get back to normal, the waiting is finally over. Not sure if we actually are back to normal yet, but I do know that we are at least trying. So with a mixture of holiday excitement and Covid anxiety, I have booked my first trip on a plane in four years: an all-inclusive vacation for my whole family!

In just a few weeks, all five of us will be on a direct flight into sunshine, sand, and luxury as we fly into beautiful Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic.

The hunt for summer dresses and comfortable sandals has officially begun. What I can’t dig out of my closetand still fit in to - will need to be replaced with new preboarding purchases, and a fun-filled trip to the local mall. I have forgotten how much work it is to get ready for a trip, especially since it is never just me whom I need to prepare for. But I guess that’s what being a wife and mother is all about. Or perhaps, more accurately, what I am all about.

I have to confess that I am not 100% normal. I do have this sick need to always be prepared, and that includes making sure my whole family is prepared, despite the fact that they are all quite capable of getting ready themselves, including my fifty-two-year-old husband. For the most part, they will make sure they have the things they need, or at least what they think they need.

In their defense, they have already started some shopping, but I just can’t help involving myself in this process, to make sure they think everything corresponding to my list such as shorts, swim suits, sandals, and appropriate clothes for dinner…. And then of course there are the non-clothing items.

Most of that will be my department. I will be the one to make sure we have enough sunscreen, shampoo, and enough over-the-counter meds for every possible ailment I can think of - from allergy relief, to rash cream, and of course every form of cold and fever treatment.

A little obsessive? Paranoid? Control freak? Take your pick! I could be described by all three. But that’s it. That’s me, and I’m too old to change now. In order to relax, I need to make sure everything is packed and organized and crossed off my detailed list.

Now that the snow outside is finally starting to melt, and spring is slowing poking up its head, this long awaited trip will be even more rewarding. It is not just the trip back to normal after Covid. For us here in Newfoundland, it has been a long winter. Too long. There is still four feet of snow in my backyard!

My fifty-five year old aching joints are also longing for some intense heat to heal them, if only for just a week. And while a romantic escape for just me and my husband would have been nice, a trip with my adult kids will be a wonderful opportunity to re-bond in a place where we can all just relax and be tended upon. We all need a break from the cold, as well as a break from university studies and 40 hour work weeks. For me, it will be much more than that even.

I can’t wait to just live like royalty for a week. Seven whole days of no laundry, no cooking, no making beds even!

Now that’s a holiday!

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Styles passionate falls

Periods and don't matter nearly as much as choosing what you love. When you purchase what you are about, the rest into place.

A combination of gorgeous spring colours makes this pretty toss cushion shine

Yellow/orange tulips brightens this space and helps bring it life

Play with Pattern

Pairing a beautiful soft beige tub chair with a whimsical and colourful cushion makes this cozy corner shine. The nailheads add a touch of sophistication with the pink luxurious throw adding a sense of cozy. The pretty vase and pink flowers play off of the already incorporated cushion colours and add a sweet touch.

Fun with Flowers

These gorgeous tulips add such a sense of happiness and beauty.

Decorating with flowers brings a feeling of warmth and love. Flowers can improve your overall mood and give you a sense of calmness. I added a cute pink birdhouse for whimsy and a gorgeous lamp with a pretty teal shade.

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Women Rock Magazine | 52


Gorgeous beadboard painted in a fresh hydrandrea blue makes for a beautiful accent wall. An antique bedframe screams old world and crisp white lamps add to this seascape nautical feel.


The unique arched beadboard wall lends itself to a very rustic and unique nautical feel. The white contemporary dresser provides plenty of storage and the sunburst mirror above adds a touch of whimsy.

Acombination of blue and white make for a pretty, fresh nautical feel.

Mixing old and new styles keeps this room interesting and current.

Women Rock Magazine | 53


Clean & Sophisticated A Style Worth Waiting For kitchens

My client waited patiently for her dream kitchen and when the time finally arrived for the transformation to begin she was ready She had been waiting a long time and was giddy with excitement

She couldn't be happier with the results as her dream became a reality When my client walked into her kitchen her eyes lit up with the biggest smile My heart was happy She was happy Everyone was happy

I am always so excited for the final reveal, to see the look on my clients' face To see such a happy face and a bright smile makes my job so worth it I absolutely love my job!

the painted pale gray brick peninsula transformed this focal point into a showstopper immediately.

the beautiful multi-toned gray backsplash ties in the white cabinets with the gray counteropts perfectly.

Women Rock Magazine | 54

My client was overjoyed with excitement when I presented this beautiful gloss finished subway tile for their kitchen backsplash. The unique variations of gray tones are soft, elegant and fun. I paired it with a white grout to highight the pretty gray colours. The freshly painted crisp white cabinets offers this dated kitchen a beautiful fresh modern feel with contemporaty matte black hardware complimenting this gorgeous new look. We kept the already existing countertops as it married perfectly with our clean and sophiticated neutral colour scheme.




Women Rock Magazine | 55

The aroma and beauty of flowers tend to capture everyone ’ s heart and soul. Whether you gift flowers to your beloved, send a bouquet to someone that is ill, incorporate them in your decorating theme, flowers tend to be the most thoughtful expression of human feelings and emotions. Have you seen how a lotus flower blooms and blossoms out of a swamp? In thick mud? It is fascinating. Flowers reflect many important lessons of life. Beauty, purity, determination, joy and peace… Flowers teach us many aspects of living a positive life.

Do you know that certain flowers have healing properties? Yes! Some flowers have the power to help heal certain ailments. Since time immemorial flowers have been used for restoring physical and mental health. Starting from cold, flu, infections to stress, depression and other ailments… Flowers have been one of the best therapy agents.

Check out this website for more information on the healing power of flowers.

https://www online-therapy com/blog/healing-power-flowers/

the power of a flower

Do you know how many flowering plants are there on our planet? According to botanists, there are around 240,000 flowering plants on the Earth. Apart from the beauty of their being, their spirit-uplifting fragrance and mesmerizing entity… Flowers have the priceless affluence of compounds and healing properties that help in the restoration of physical and mental health. If you have any queries regarding flowers and their healing properties, if you are experiencing any suffering, pain, illness or ailment, then please feel free to contact us. We will help you in any and every way we can. Your precious comments and suggestions are always welcome!

“What a desolate place would be a world without a flower! It would be a face without a smile, a feast without a welcome. Are not flowers the stars of the earth, and are not our stars the flowers of the heaven.” – A.J. Balfour

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Dee Tobin Sinha

the power of a flower

Flowerscanmakeyouhappybytriggeringyourhappy brain chemicals. Here’s how they do that: Dopamine.

Dopamine is triggered by the expectation of a reward. Flowers were a huge reward signal in the world our brain evolved in because they marked the comingofabundanceafterahungrywinter.

Women Rock Magazine | 57
dee tobin sinha


thetulip thedaffodil


4 Happiness

2 Colour Peace

White tulips are symbolic of a peace offering or a sense of forgiveness. Budding, beautiful yellow tulips represent happiness, cheerful thoughts and a sense of achievement.

As a spring flower and the first to bloom, daffodils are symbols of rebirth and hope. They signify new life and resilience as they are strong little survivors who have weathered the winter storms.

Beauty 1
Women Rock Magazine | 58



The lotus is the foremost symbol of beauty, prosperity and fertility. According to Hinduism, within each human is the spirit of the sacred lotus. It represents eternity, purity, divinity, and is widely used as a symbol of life, fertility, ever-renewing youth. The lotus is also used to describe feminine beauty

r e n d i n g

At first glance, one might not think much of the lotus flower. The plant’s symmetry and colors are striking, sure, but beneath the lotus’s delicate exterior lies a deeper meaning nearly as old as time. The flower holds great symbolic weight in many Eastern cultures and is considered one of the most sacred plants in the world. So, what is it about this specific bloom that makes it oh so special?

To start, the lotus has a life cycle unlike any other plant With its roots latched in mud, it submerges every night into river water and miraculously re-blooms the next morning, sparklingly clean In many cultures, this process associates the flower with rebirth and spiritual enlightenment With its daily process of life, death, and reemergence, its no wonder that the lotus holds such symbolism


Women Rock Magazine | 59 www lotus sculpture com

h e

TCanadian Tulip Festival (French: Festival Canadien des Tulipes; Dutch: Canadees Festival van de Tulp) is a tulip festival held annually each May in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The festival claims to be the world's largest tulip festival, displaying over one million tulips, with attendance of over 650,000 visitors annually. Beautiful Large displays of tulips are planted throughout the city, the largest of which are often in Commissioners Park on the shores of Dow's Lake, and along the Rideau Canal with 300,000 tulips planted there alone.

The festival is a cultural and historical aspect of Canada–Netherlands relations, having originated with commemorative donations of tulips to Canada from the Netherlands for Canadian actions during World War II. The Netherlands continues to send 20,000 bulbs to Canada each year (10,000 from the Royal Family and 10,000 from the Dutch Bulb Growers Association)

REF: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Tulip_Festival


There are more than 3000 varieties of tulips worldwide.

Blooms only last 7-10 days.

There is a near black variety which is a deep purple.

Each tulip colour has a different meaning. Red tulips represent true love.

White ones are a symbol of apology and forgiveness, Purple tulips are a symbol of royalty.

Thank you!
the gift from the Netherlands to Canada
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Women Rock Magazine | 61

H.O.P.E. (Helping Orphans Prosper Through Education) couldn’t possibly celebrate International Women’s Day better than by announcing our first female high school graduate. We first met Cathy seven years ago at the age of 13. She was living with the other twentythree children at the orphanage home, destined to live her life in poverty, uneducated, pregnant with a child on her hip, and another at her feet, all hungry.

Life in Uganda is tough, especially for a young woman. They face many obstacles that prevent them from succeeding in life. Domestic violence and sexual assaults are common, and the lack of education causes them to be stuck this situation.

Be Kind… Be Tru




Facts found online indicate that more than 700,000 girls in Uganda between 6 and 12 have never attended school. Half the girls between 15 and 24 are illiterate and 4 in 5 girls don’t attend high school. It is common for young girls to drop out of school because of early marriage and pregnancy Poverty is the largest contributor to the lack of education for girls Quite often they are expected to work at home, and take care of the children Because of their lack of education, sexual assaults continue on a regular basis and these girls are highly susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases These diseases, then prevent them from being educated The circle goes round and round Another issue young girls face is their menstrual cycle With lack of resources for hygiene, the girls are too embarrassed to go to school This is the cycle we hope to break with the girls and boys that we are supporting

Educated mothers are more than twice as likely to ensure the education of their children

Educated mothers are more likely to earn higher wages than an uneducated person

Educated girls would see a reduction in child marriage and births and would increase the standard of living across Uganda and reduce poverty

Educated women are more likely to invest back into families

Education is the answer. It is the one thing that nobody can take away from them.

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H.O.P.E. is committed to helping educate all 24 children, giving them the opportunity that they never knew existed. An opportunity of education which would provide for them a chance to break the cycle of poverty that they are in.

Currently all 24 children, half girls, half boys are being educated. Most are in boarding schools where they live during their schooling terms, and back to the home while they are on break

The youngest, Jeremiah, is five years old and is in kindergarten. The oldest, Nelson, is 22 year old and currently is in law school. Cathy, our recent high school graduate, told us seven years ago she wanted to be a teacher, and we are so proud that in September she will set her dreams in place.

These children have big goals, which, seven years ago, could only be a dream. Because of the support from so many, these dreams are becoming realities.

Our motto truly is “Be kind”, “Be True”, “Be Your Best Self” and “Be The Change”. Together we can do it.

If anyone would like to help out with the progress we have been making so far, we would love to have your support. Please feel free to contact us at:

HOPEinNL@gmail.com or simply check out our Facebook page at HOPE (Helping Orphans Prosper through Education).


MARJORIE AND BETTY VISITNG CATHY AT HER HIGHSCHOOL THE TEAM The children in Uganda wearing the T-shirts we had made for them by our affiliated group, LITA (Love is the Answer)
to go to link Women Rock Magazine | 63
https://www.facebook.com/HOPEinNL/ Click

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Some people with ASD have a known difference, such as a genetic condition. Other causes are not yet known. Scientists believe there are multiple causes of ASD that act together to change the most common ways people develop. We still have much to learn about these causes and how they impact people with ASD.

People with ASD may behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from most other people. There is often nothing about how they look that sets them apart from other people. The abilities of people with ASD can vary significantly. For example, some people with ASD may have advanced conversation skills whereas others may be nonverbal. Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their daily lives; others can work and live with little to no support.


ASD begins before the age of 3 years and can last throughout a person’s life, although symptoms may improve over time. Some children show ASD symptoms within the first 12 months of life. In others, symptoms may not show up until 24 months of age or later. Some children with ASD gain new skills and meet developmental milestones until around 18 to 24 months of age, and then they stop gaining new skills or lose the skills they once had.

As children with ASD become adolescents and young adults, they may have difficulties developing and maintaining friendships, communicating with peers and adults, or understanding what behaviors are expected in school or on the job. They may come to the attention of healthcare providers because they also have conditions such as anxiety, depression, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which occur more often in people with ASD than in people without ASD.

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Early Years and Beyond:

According to documented family records, I performed my first song, “Tonight You Belong to Me” at the age of 18 months and haven’t stopped since. My Mother had a short lived stint as a teenage Big Band singer back in the 40’s and as such had a huge jazz record collection There was always music in the house from my earliest memory My musical acumen definitely came from my Mother’s gene pool As a kid growing up in the then small town of Burlington, Ontario here in Canada, I’d take every opportunity I could get to listen to my favourite R & B artists, right along with all of the music of the day. Sunday nights were especially exciting as I got to watch the Ed Sullivan Show. Many Motown Acts performed on his show, but my favourites were The Supremes After the show was over, I’d run up to my bedroom, grab my microphone brush and do my very best Diana Ross imitation in the mirror I absolutely loved her My transistor radio came everywhere with me and as I grew, my parents purchased a sound system for me that I kept in my bedroom, so I could listen to my favourite records. I joined my first band at the age of 20 which really opened my eyes to the business There was some travelling, but the touring really went into full gear at the age of 26 while performing with various Shows and Top 40 bands There were numerous 3-month tours of Western Canada, Northern Ontario, Quebec, Detroit, Pennsylvania and Louisiana. We also toured in various clubs in 6 different cities in Switzerland and Armed Forces Bases in Germany and even performed in the lounge at the ultra posh Fontainebleu Hotel in Miami Beach for a month That was super exciting My last touring gig was with a 3 Girl front band by the name of Angel Fever It was amazing as we got to cover all of the great female bands of our time including The Supremes, Sister Sledge and the Pointer Sisters, just too name a few. We played in top rooms in Toronto, Canada and worked the Las Vegas Hilton and the Reno Hilton It was so cool as there were costume changes, choreography and a chance to sing 3 part harmony with other female vocalists Although my focus is now on songwriting and recording, I love to perform live when the opportunity arises.

New Music:

As a follow up to the success of 2022's track entitled "Our Groove" my new track entitled "Best of Things" is a Jazz/R & B Fusion, 8th note Modern Groove featuring smooth vocals with an uplifting message that's sure to inspire. Produced by Lou Bartolomucci and Co-produced and written by myself, the track features the Canadian superstar horn section of Michael Massaro on sax, William Carn on trombone and Tony Carlucci on trumpet and flugel horn This sophisticated track has an addictive hook and funky outro that's sure to be a favourite among Jazz and R & B Lovers Moving forward, I have quite a few more tunes in the can yet to record and look forward to their production. As I meet more and more like minded musicians from around the world through social media, I hope to collaborate with them as well


Songwriting Inspiration:

I had written a couple of tunes back in the 80’s which we performed while touring with a Rock Band by the name of Airwave, but my real songwriting just began in the last few years After a long hiatus from the business, I was inspired to begin writing original tunes after recording a 6 song cover LP in 2020. Once I realized how difficult it was to market cover songs because of sync licensing costs, I decided to take the plunge into writing and recording my own tunes I work with my producer Lou who owns a great studio Thanks to my early piano training, I’m able to come up with the basic chord structure and melody lines for the tunes and once the lyrics are formed, Lou (who is a highly skilled guitarist and keyboard player), helps me develop each song and lays down a demo. At that point, depending on how the track feels, we decide whether or not to go big with it My first success at this resulted in “Our Groove” which has been met with gratifying success from audiences and radio stations alike

Songwriting is a process that has it’s ups and downs just like anything else, but my favourite part is in the early stages of coming up with a brand-new idea for a song There’s a lot of recording vocal parts on my phone, plunking out melodies and chords on the keyboard and spending the day creating the songs in my head. This keeps me in a positive and creative frame of mind and they are always exciting days. The most challenging part of the process is laying down the initial tracks in my recording software which is always met with continual learning curves, but I’m getting better at it all the time with each song I write

My inspiration to keep singing and writing songs comes from my undying love of music. When I’m not listening to it, there’s a song in a loop in my head. It just never ends and is part of my DNA. I love listening to the new up and coming R & B artists and when I fall in love with a song, it stays on my playlist for months at a time At this point, I’ll be writing and recording music as long as time allows

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JC Sol is an International Singer/Songwriter specializing in captivating and soulful grooves for the adult R & B aficionado. Her song writing techniques echo the sounds of Smooth Philadelphia Soul, Upbeat Love Songs and Summer Grooves

Having had an extensive global career performing live early on, she has just recently re-emerged as a seasoned recording Artist, layering her sounds with melodious colour, while incorporating a delightful focus on mellifluous harmonies The debut of her 2022 original release of "Our Groove" not only attained international airplay on SmoothJazz com, but was similarly met with global acclaim by North American and European R & B/Smooth Jazz Radio Stations and Curators alike. “Our Groove” also received the honour of being among the top ten finalists in the prestigious “World Songwriting Awards” for Best R & B Song of 2022. JC Sol is living proof that life can be reinvented at any age!

Original Music

Our Groove: Released in March of 2022, "Our Groove" is a 16th note funk modern groove featuring an addictive hook with breathtaking harmonies. Produced and engineered by Lou Bartolomucci and Michael Shotton.

Unrequited Love: Released in May of 2022, “Unrequited Love” is bittersweet ballad about love that’s lost and cannot be recovered Produced and engineered by Lou Bartolomucci and Michael Shotton

Best of Things: Released in February of 2023, “Best of Things” is a Jazz/R & B Fusion, 8 th note Modern Groove featuring vocals, with an uplifting message that’s sure to inspire Produced and engineered by Lou Bartolomucci

Cover Music

Working on a Groovy Thing – EP Released inJuly of 2020, Produced by Virgil Scott, Engineered by Aaron Fund-

Salem of Number 9 Studios in Toronto Songs: Working on a Groovy Thing - Songwriters, Neil

Sedaka/Roger Atkins

Hey Boy - Songwriters Carole King/Gerald Goffin

Love on a Two Way Street - Songwriters Sylvia

Robinson/Bert Keyes

I Must Have Left My Heart - Songwriters Marc

Jordan/Steven MacKinnon

Love Won’t Let Me Wait - Songwriters Vinnie

Barrett/Bobby Eli

Call Me - Songwriter Tony Hatch

Songs can be found on:

Spotify, Apple Music, itunes, Amazon, Deezer, Shazam, Facebook, Youtube

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Destination Spain A Romantic Getaway


Spain is a mostly sun drenched country, with about 3000 hours of sunshine every year. Temperatures are mild to warm in Spring and Autumn, and can become hot during Summer months. Inland will always be warmer than the coastal regions, which are regulated by the Balearic Sea. The year long weather allows you to indulge your adventures of hiking, strolling or sitting on patio's to your hearts desire. Not a snow shovel in sight!

Source: https://wwwspaininfo/en/weather/#: :text=Spain%20is%20a%20sunny%20country,practically%20the%20whole%20day%20long

Barceloneta Beach

Located on the shores of the City of Barcelona, this beach is a bustling 442 m stretch of sand and waves. It has many bars and restaurants, as well as volleyball courts and multiple seaside stores and attractions.

is an understatement!

"A great day at the beach" -
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Destination Spain A Romantic Getaway

As a travel destination to put on ones bucket list, there is probably few places that match the beauty and charm of Spain. From the large city and fast paced action of big Cities like Barcelona and Madrid, to quaint towns like Ronda and Malaga, and everything in between, Spain offers up, History, Culture, Weather, Geography, Architecture and Cuisine. Wrap all this up into a ball, and you have probably one of the most romantic and aventurous getaways you could ever Imagine. Below are some highlights of the categories listed, a great start to help you plan your trip!

Spain began to be conolized 35, 000 years ago into what we know today. The Romans began conquering Spain in 218 BC and the influences of Roman culture and architure are evident throughout the country. In the period of the 12th and 13th centuries, four main Christian kingdoms of what is known as the Iberian Peninsula (the peninsula of South West Europe) were formed: Portugal, Castile-Leon, Navarre and Aragon- Catalonia. Today, Spain boasts rich culture based on its colourful history, and offers a diverse and ancient feel along with modern global appeal.


https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/lang/en/espana/historyand culture/history/Paginas/index.aspx

Spain, due to its diverse and long history, offers a myriad of cultural experiences. Rooted in the culture of Ancient Rome (the name Spain is actually derived from the Roman "Hispania"), Spain maintains that ambiance. The primary religion is Christianity, and Spain is deeply embedded in Biblical festivities and holds the learnings and traditions of Christianity close to their hearts. Christmas and Easter are steadfast traditions. In fact, a well known Spanish holiday is "Semana Santa" or "Holy Week", which is celebrated the week before Easter and consists of large parades and festivals. Older regions of Spain still practice afternoon Siesta's where shops and restaurants close roughly between 2 and 5. So be aware when you travel, but make sure you embrace the opportunity to have a nap...this is very unheard of in North America LOL!





The Spanish Flag
i s t o
Fira de Santa Llúcia, Barcelona - Christmas Market
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C u l t u r e

Destination Spain A Romantic Getaway

As stated, Spain is part of the South West European Peninsula known as the Iberian Peninsula. It shares this notoriety with an equally spectacular Country, Portugal. Spain consists of 50 Provinces, grouped into 17 unique and diverse regions. From the North, you can start in the Pyrenees Mountains, and work your way down to the South to the Strait of Gibraltar, which is the border between Spain and Africa. Spain offers rivers and mountain ranges in the interior, to spectacular coastal beauty along the temperate Balearic Sea. Spain offers a gateway into France in the North, but first, make sure you put the City/State/Country of Andorra on your bucket list. Andorra is known for its spectular mountains, skiing and shopping. A unique getaway!


https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/geography/countries/article/spain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Spain

Google Maps

Spanish architecture is globally renowned for its richness, detail and uniqueness. The architecture spans Colonial, Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance. Each region boasts some of the characteristics and the Spanish Government recognizes the uniqueness and beauty of these defining buildings, that much money and effort is put in to maintaining their elegance and functionality.

Dating back to the early 12th century, the inspiring "Alcázar of Segovia" is known as one of the most unique medieval castles in Europe. It is the structure that Walt Disney and team were inspired by to depict Cinderella's castle


Google Maps

e o g r a p h y A r c h i t e c t u r e

Alcázar of Segovia

Get ready for delicious delights from simple snacks to gourmet dinners! Spain is well known for its gastronomic decadence! Each and every region boasts countless cafe's, restaurants and wineries. Spain is known for its Olive Oil, which is world class, it is the World leader in production and export. Due to the weather and soil fertility, the fruits and vegetables are fresh, allowing for many farm to table delights. Spain boasts a Mediterranean Diet, fresh fish and seafood are a staple, but pork, beef and chicken entree's are fully available. One unique Spanish tradition is Tapas, which is small bite sized portions, bursting with flavour, colour and aroma. You can't go wrong!




search=spain+architecture&title=Special%3ASearch&ns0=1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagrada_Fam%C3%ADlia

C u i s i n e
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Barcelona is home to the "Sagrada Familia", which is designed by the architect Antoni Gaudi, who died in 1926. Besides the sheer size and beautly of this Church, the unique feature is that it is STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Every year, the Church is added on to by donations, the final goal is to complete Gaudi's vision by 2026.

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Familia Sagrada nestled in the Barcelona City Center

The Benefits of Divorce Mediation

Marian Grande

Diivorce mediation is designed to streamline the process by creating a more informal environment that gives the parties full autonomy over their family issues

Unlike a judge, a mediator cannot make decisions Instead, a mediator works impartially and attempts to facilitate agreements on any disputed financial or parenting issues, including the most challenging issues, division of assets, child or spousal support, child access, parenting plans, and the family home

The mediator will help both parties to comprehend the issues involved in the divorce, clear up any misunderstandings, and offer ideas for resolving them. It’s critical to understand that the mediator does not represent either party, nor will they give either party legal advice, and their primary goal is to facilitate the agreement.


Marian Grande is the founder of Absolute Ltd. o/a Absolute Dispute Resolution. She is a member in good standing with the Family Dispute Resolution Institute Of Ontario (FDRIO), Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (ADRIO), the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada (ADRIC) and the Oakville Chamber of Commerce.

Separation and divorce can be painful, overwhelming and complex processes. The thought of court alone causes intense anxiety to many, and most people aren’t
about facing a judge or having a judge rule in the other’s party’s favour.
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Marian Grande Absolute Dispute Resolution

What are the benefits of mediation?

• It is a confidential process The court is of public record, whereas there is no public record in mediation Especially with matters involving divorce and children, most people want to keep their family issues private

• Mediation commonly costs at least 75% less than litigation or collaborative divorce.

• Mediation is a considerably less adversarial process leaving both parties with a better co parenting relationship and lawyers with minimal involvement.

• The parties have more control over the process and the outcome than when the court is involved

• The parties have more input, allowing them to feel better about agreeing on what is fair rather than having a stringent set of regulations to follow

• Mediation is much less emotionally damaging to the parties and the children Seeing their parents in a bitter court battle is not in the children’s best interests

• The parties always have the choice of going to court Selecting mediation does not negate the parties’ right to litigate the divorce before a judge Anything that occurs in mediation is “without prejudice”; what happens in mediation will remain confidential (except for signed agreements and financial affidavits).

• Mediation may still be a possibility even when there are domestic violence issues.

Whether mediation is suitable relies on the extent of the domestic violence and the power imbalance.

• A mediator can’t order you to do anything

• A succssful mediation depends on the parties to attend, be ready to negotiate and be open-minded to compromise

• Mediators supply a safe space for partners to discuss the terms of their separation while facilitating effective conversations that ensure both parties are given a chance to speak, be heard, understood, and be mutually respected

http://www.absolutedisputeresolution.com/ (289) 674-2421 Women Rock Magazine | 73 Click to go to link

Spiritual Summit

Forthe past 30 years, Carol’s passion in finance and accounting has made her a suitable business coach. Through her own development as an entrepreneur and with a vast amount of business experience, Carol has established herself as a reputable business leader.

Carol understands the difficulties, as well as the pleasures, of running a business and is eager to share her experiences with other women entrepreneurs. She believes in commerce, philanthropy and helping other women find their own path to success. By providing women with the right tools and information, Carol is certain they will find success through informed decisions about their future endeavours.

Carol-Chantal Séguin Founder of WOW-World of Women Social Network and Co-founder of WOO Infinity Spiritual Summit
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Carol-Chantal Séguin

Spiritual Summit

Asof July 2012, Carol founded “WOW –World of Women” in the greater Montreal area and has since then expanded across Canada in cities such as Ottawa, Quebec City , Kingston, Rive-Sud and Gatineau The expansion of her network is a testament to its effectiveness! Women across Canada are connecting in their communities and working towards a better and stronger future both for themselves and their fellow WOW Ambassadors/members

WOW – World of Women encourages new business owners or those thinking of starting a business to reach out to the WOW community to connect with other like-minded women. By working together, we can make a tremendous difference in the success of any business.

In 2022 She came out of the Woo Woo closets and has not looked back to the corporate world! She finds great satisfaction in sharing her Spiritual Gifts and looks forward to connecting with other people who are on the same path of their awakening journey! In 2023 Carol joined forces with another co-founder (Rebecca Happy) in the Ottawa area to bring the 1st BIG Spiritual Summit with Speakers Workshops and Vendors and is looking forward to the 2nd Summit in the Fall!

Carolcsmiles@gmail com

https://www facebook com/groups/wowcanada

https://www facebook com/WooInfinity

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Iamahealthandwealthcoach, who has a passion to empower otherstocreatethelifetheyare meant to live, through being a healthyandvibrantbeing,while pursuing their passion and turningitintoprofits.

Ihelpbuildfreedom,fulfillment andfinancialabundance.

Ioriginally found my passion for the natural healing world, when my mother was on her deathbed from too many pharmaceuticals. She was on a heavy amount of narcotics. She was no longer communicating, barely coherent and I started to grieve for my mother while she was physically still alive I hit a dark place I had chronic anxiety and insomnia and I felt stuck and lost I was at my peak of my corporate job, making well into the 6figures, lavish trips paid for by the company, yet I felt my unhappiest

I originally found my passion for the natural healing world, when my mother was on her deathbed from too many pharmaceuticals She was on a heavy amount of narcotics She was no longer communicating, barely coherent and I started to grieve for my mother while she was physically still alive. I hit a dark place. I had chronic anxiety and insomnia and I felt stuck and lost. I was at my peak in my corporate job, making well into the 6-figures, lavish trips paid for by the company, yet I felt my unhappiest.

I decided to take some time off of work and sit in nature, meditate and try to find some answers I did that every single day for 7 days and on the 7th day, something happened. I had an Ah ha moment. Perhaps nature spoke to me and I looked around and I realized there must be a plant and something natural to help her. Afterall, that is the original form of medicine in history. So I grabbed my first book on plant medicine, and I started taking notes and learning everything I could to try to help my mother. And I did.

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gave her hope that there is another way I started creating my own elixirs and concoctions and with the new found knowledge and her will power, she managed to get off of the narcotics she was on for a decade The doctors couldn't believe it But she did it She was talking again, laughing again, starting to live again.

My journey in herbalism and the health world took a leap from that moment forward. I knew there was another way to being healthy and happy.

I overcame my anxiety, insomnia was now a thing of the past and I began to build my business to help others learn the power behind natural healing without all the side effects

I created medicinal herb guides for beginners who wanted to learn, I created programs for learning how to make your own medicine at home, including cough syrups, salves, tinctures etc I empowered myself to heal myself and I wanted to empower others to do the same

I built my entire 6-figure business through my passion, never realizing I would reach those limits, but God had other plans and helped me achieve it I built a recognized brand – Tania the Herbalist Doing podcasts and lives with people like David Avocado Wolfe, Dr. Buttar, Robert Kennedy Jr and many more.

Tania(th rbalist)Khazaal

I mastered the world of social media, growing my audience and continuing to share information to empower others to learn the basics of healing and living a healthier and more vibrant life

I soon learned that I can only share so much information because there are so many modalities into healing, from plant medicine, to nutrition, to traditional birthing, to fitness and training, to chiropractic care There was just so much, and I couldn't learn and teach it all. At that moment I decided I needed to create something to help others build their passion into a successful online wellness business and that is when the Healer's 6-Figure Formula was born. It is where I teach other healers and aspiring healers to turn their passion into profits through content creation, social media strategies and digital products to help the world empower themselves and learn they too can overcome common ailments and illnesses they face today

My purpose is to help others know that they are meant for more, they can do more and they deserve to feel great while doing it

Let me know how this works for you


IG: https://www.instagram.com/taniatheherbalist/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/taniatheherbalist

Twitter: https://twitter.com/taniatheherblst

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@taniatheherbalist

Website: https://www.taniatheherbalist.com/

Tania Click to go to links I Women Rock Magazine | 77

Ella Cora Hind (1861–1942)

Ella Cora Hind was A Canadian journalist in Western Canada

Because she was a woman, she was denied a reporter position at the Manitoba Free Press in 1882 Tenacious as she was, she became a public stenographer and kept a close eye on prairie crop yields Although she was denied a fulltime position, she continued to submit farming articles to the Free Press, and her farm upbringing made it easy for her to speak with agricultural workers

During the Great Depression, she became famous internationally for her accurate predictions of Canadian prairie crop yields. Her opinions and accurate predictions often influenced Winnipeg Grain Exchange prices. Eventually, she was hired as Manitoba Free Press’ agricultural editor, and also founded the Canadian Women’s Press Club’s Winnipeg branch in the mid-1900s. She fought for women’s rights and eventually brought to law in Manitoba to grant women the right to vote and hold office



Empowering Women of Canada

Women are often not given a voice in Politics, Art and History Women Rock Magazine is here to tell you that there are brave, inspirational women that have helped define Canada and have been pioneers to pave the way for Women empowerment. Here are a few of the Ladies that have paved the way to make Canada the great nation that it is!

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Dee Tobin Sinha

Amazing Empowering Women of Canada

Mary Ann Shadd Cary (1823–1893)

Mary Ann Shadd Cary was the first Black woman newspaper editor and publisher in North America In 1853, she founded the Provincial Freeman, a weekly newspaper published in Toronto, Windsor and Chatham that advocated for equality and literacy for Black people in Canada and the United States

She also wrote about Black people thriving in freedom to promote emigration to Canada In 1851, she established a racially-integrated school for Black refugees in Windsor After moving back to the U S in 1861 after 10 years in Canada, she became one of the first Black women to earn a law degree in the U.S. In 1994, the Government of Canada named Shadd a Person of National Historic Significance, recognizing her publishing accomplishments and her community work.


Alice Wilson (1881–1964)

In 1909, Alice Wilson became the first woman geologist in Canada, and in 1938, she became the first woman Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a council of distinguished scientists, artists and scholars. At age 28, she worked as a museum assistant for the Geological Survey of Canada cataloguing and labelling collections at the Victoria Memorial Museum However, the survey banned her from conducting field studies in remote locations with male colleagues a policy that didn’t change until 1970 so she made shorter solo trips to the Ottawa-St Lawrence Valley, studying fossils and rocks on foot and by bicycle She later bought her own car when the survey denied her one even though it was common practice for male colleagues When Wilson retired in 1946, the survey had to hire five new people to do the work she did alone She received an honourary degree from Carleton University in 1960, where she had lectured on paleontology from 1948-1958


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Dee Tobin Sinha

Amazing Empowering Women of Canada

Kenojuak Ashevak (1927–2013)

As one of Canada’s most acclaimed graphic artists, Kenojuak Ashevak travelled the world to showcase her Inuit art throughout the 1980s and early 2000s In the 1950s, she became the first woman to collaborate with West Baffin Cooperative, a well-known printmaking shop at Cape Dorset focused on Inuit graphic art Following her debut there, Ashevak received near-instant recognition for her simple yet whimsical interpretations of the natural world Her most famous work, The Enchanted Owl, which uses energetic linework, was featured on a Canada Post stamp in 1970. In 1993, Ashevak was commissioned to create a piece she called Nunavut – Our Land to commemorate the many milestones leading to the establishment of the territory. It’s a lithograph depicting Arctic life in Canada and is on display in the Canadian Museum of History. She was a Companion in the Order of Canada and is the first Inuit artist inducted into Canada’s Walk of Fame.


Shirley Firth (1953–2013) and Sharon Firth (1953–Present)

Twins Shirley and Sharon Firth were among the first Indigenous athletes to represent Canada at the Olympics They were members of the first Canadian women’s crosscountry ski team and competed in four Winter Olympic Games from 1972-1984 Between the two, they won 79 medals at the national championships After retiring from skiing, Sharon returned to the Northwest Territories in the mid-’80s and reestablished the defunct Territorial Experimental Ski Training Program, the same Indigenous youth-targeted initiative that introduced her and Shirley to competitive skiing Shirley moved to Paris, where she taught about Dene and Inuit cultures in numerous European institutions In 2015, they were inducted into the Canada Sports Hall of Fame


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he Inspiring Story of a Passionate Academician

Prof. (Dr.) Shauli Mukherjee

Prof.(Dr.) Shauli Mukherjee is committed to drive the compelling and much needed shift from a one-size-fitsall education system based on the industrial factory model of productivity to a creative, innovative, personalized, happy and fulfilling form of education.With a purposeful career in the education space spanning over more than 20 years, Prof.(Dr.) Shauli Mukherjee has dedicated her life towards promotion of child-centric and activity-oriented education. A passionate educationist and a global thought leader with a background of setting up and leading new age K- 12 schools, Dr. Mukherjee had been the Founder Principal of Adamas World School and STEM World School, the first STEM school in West Bengal India. Under her inspiring leadership,

STEM World School has been ranked and awarded as the 2nd best International Day School in West Bengal India by Education World.

She is also the Ambassador of Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club, UK, Educational Ambassador from India for International Organization of Educators and Researchers Inc., Philippines, International Ambassador and Country Director for Global Literary Temple (GLT) Nigeria, Women Reform Organization (WRO) Nigeria, Fondation Lance d’Afrique Burundi, Peace Ambassador for India for Global Peace Foundation, Dubai (UAE), Global Ambassador of Global Research Foundation, Director of Red SororidadPacto Entre Ellas, Peru and the Indian Envoy for World Women Organization.

She ardently believes that the purpose of meaningful education is to develop lifelong learners, creative thinkers and responsible global citizens who are confidently equipped to face the challenges of an uncertain and constantly unfolding future. All through her career in education, Dr. Mukherjee had actively contributed to and spearheaded the process of creating a personalized, engaging and stress-free curriculum for learners of all age groups.

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he Inspiring Story of a Passionate Academician T

Prof (Dr ) Shauli Mukherjee is keenly driven by the philosophy to let children learn at their own pace She is an internationally acclaimed powerful inspirational speaker with deep insights to revolutionize the education system for the betterment of society and mankind

She is a person who has actually turned her passion into her profession and through her profession has actually found her IKIGAI – the sole reason for being.She believes that when there’s a culmination of passion and purpose, one tends to work with an elevated sense of conviction and commitment and there’s absolutely no need for any external stimulus to keep him/her motivated or inspired since both inspiration and motivation are intrinsic for a person who is purpose driven Through her inspiring work she gives a clarion call to create a greater purpose for all that we do and stand for.

She has been the recipient of numerous awards and accolades including NATIONAL QUALITY EXCELLENCE AWARD, GEM OF INDIA AWARD, SARVEPALLI RADHAKRISHNAN AWARD, NATIONAL EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARD in the category of commitment to excellence in education, WORLD PEACE AWARD (to name a few) She has also been awarded for being among India's Top 50 Women Leaders in the Education Industry and Top 20 Revolutionary Education Leaders by the Academic Council of ULektz.

She is associated with premiere educational organizations across India as well as globally in senior advisory capacity She is also recognized among 99 Women Achievers of India for the year 2021 As an internationally acclaimed inspirational speaker, she is regularly invited to numerous national and international conferences, universities, summits, conclaves and events to share her insights on the futuristic and transformative role of education.

Prof.(Dr.) Shauli Mukherjee is currently working as the Director of School of Education and Associate Dean of School of Liberal Arts and Culture Studies at Adamas University India


Prof. (Dr.) Shauli Mukherjee

Click to go to Link



Prof. (Dr.) Shauli Mukherjee Prof. (Dr.) Shauli Mukherjee
Women Rock Magazine | 83

The 75th World Health Day is Friday, April 7 and has an inclusive message for 2023. The World Health Organisation (WHO) celebration is held on the same day every year and always carries a theme.

Here is what you can look out for.

What is World Health Day?

World Health Day was started by the WHO (World Health Organization) upon its inception. The organisation says: “In 1948, countries of the world came together and founded "WHO" to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health and wellbeing.” The day aims to raise awareness of health concerns and celebrate advancement.

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Women Rock Magazine | 84

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Articles inside

Gettingbackto Normal

page 51

Goldsmith the

page 50


page 49


pages 46-48

About the Boutique

pages 41-46

Home Staging Tips

pages 39-40


pages 35-37

Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women

pages 30-35

ealing Your Life Ha Personal Journey

page 29

ealing Your Life Ha Personal Journey

page 28

Rebecca Adler

pages 26-27

A Little Bit About Intra-oral, or Buccal, Massage

page 25

A Little Bit About Intraoral, or Buccal, Massage

page 24

HealingThroughArt HealingThroughArt

pages 22-23

Artist Artist

page 22

My Grief Journey The Year of Firsts

pages 20-21

FromThe Writer’sCouch Ingrid'sWritersColumn

page 19


page 18

Lana Burnley

pages 16-17

Once there was a Mom

pages 12-15


pages 10-12

UNITED NATIONS International Women's Day DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality

page 9


page 7

Women Empowerment...

page 6


pages 3-5

he Inspiring Story of a Passionate Academician T

pages 83-87

T he Inspiring Story of a Passionate Academician

page 82

Amazing Empowering Women of Canada

pages 80-81

Amazing Empowering Women of Canada

page 79

Tania(th rbalist)Khazaal

pages 77-78

Spiritual Summit

pages 75-77

Spiritual Summit

page 74

The Benefits of Divorce Mediation

pages 72-73

Destination Spain A Romantic Getaway

pages 70-71

Destination Spain A Romantic Getaway

page 69


page 67


page 66


pages 62-65


pages 61-62

h e

page 60


page 59

the power of a flower

page 56


pages 54-56


page 52

Gettingbackto Normal

page 51

Goldsmith the

page 50


page 49


pages 46-48

About the Boutique

pages 41-46

Home Staging Tips

pages 39-40


pages 35-37

Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women

pages 30-35

ealing Your Life Ha Personal Journey

page 29

ealing Your Life Ha Personal Journey

page 28

Rebecca Adler

pages 26-27

A Little Bit About Intra-oral, or Buccal, Massage

page 25

A Little Bit About Intraoral, or Buccal, Massage

page 24

HealingThroughArt HealingThroughArt

pages 22-23

Artist Artist

page 22

My Grief Journey The Year of Firsts

pages 20-21

FromThe Writer’sCouch Ingrid'sWritersColumn

page 19


page 18

Lana Burnley

pages 16-17

Once there was a Mom

pages 12-15


pages 10-12

UNITED NATIONS International Women's Day DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality

page 9


page 7

Women Empowerment...

page 6


pages 3-5

he Inspiring Story of a Passionate Academician T

pages 83-87

T he Inspiring Story of a Passionate Academician

page 82

Amazing Empowering Women of Canada

pages 80-81

Amazing Empowering Women of Canada

page 79

Tania(th rbalist)Khazaal

pages 77-78

Spiritual Summit

pages 75-77

Spiritual Summit

page 74

The Benefits of Divorce Mediation

pages 72-73

Destination Spain A Romantic Getaway

pages 70-71

Destination Spain A Romantic Getaway

page 69


page 67


page 66


pages 62-65


pages 61-62

h e

page 60


page 59

the power of a flower

page 56


pages 54-56


page 52

Gettingbackto Normal

page 51

Goldsmith the

page 50


page 49


pages 46-48

About the Boutique

pages 41-46

Home Staging Tips

pages 39-40


pages 35-37

Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women

pages 30-35

ealing Your Life Ha Personal Journey

page 29

ealing Your Life Ha Personal Journey

page 28

Rebecca Adler

pages 26-27

A Little Bit About Intra-oral, or Buccal, Massage

page 25

A Little Bit About Intraoral, or Buccal, Massage

page 24

HealingThroughArt HealingThroughArt

pages 22-23

Artist Artist

page 22

My Grief Journey The Year of Firsts

pages 20-21

FromThe Writer’sCouch Ingrid'sWritersColumn

page 19


page 18

Lana Burnley

pages 16-17

Once there was a Mom

pages 12-15


pages 10-12

UNITED NATIONS International Women's Day DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality

page 9


page 7

Women Empowerment...

page 6


pages 3-5
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