1000° Brand Launch & Promotion

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1000째C Strategic Proposal

1000째C Strategic Proposal 2,794 Words Fashion Communication & Promotion Creative Networks // FASH10106 Module Leader: Chris MacDonald Jemma Thompson //N0509365

Table of contents

Introduction 4-5 Launch 6-9 PR 10-13 Digital 14-16 Conclusion 17

“1000°C is a niche contemporary home fragrance brand; one which symbolizes and incorporates the key moments in a couple’s relationship.”


Influenced by chemistry with its own unique selling point; customisation 1000°C enables consumers to merge and create optimum fragrance blends to their own needs and gratifications. It’s a product that can adapt and change to a couple’s lifestyle, it’s refillable, seasonal and overall is an essential piece to build their new lives and home together. It’s a commodity that captures the memories of their relationship; by combining masculine and feminine scientific fragrance notes and releasing them through a scented candle. 1000°C avoids the usual codes


and conventions of a typical traditional home fragrance brand. Were bold, design conscious, aesthetically aware and understand that the current home fragrance market needs re-inventing. Our objective is to have a strong online presence, predominantly using social media and digital strategies to market our brand. This report will discuss 1000°C proposed creative strategy and how we aim develop our brand incorporating the digital world and technology into our brand essence from launch through to public relations for one year.

The Launch 1000°C wants to be a brand that’s front and centre of a creative hub, establishing a relationship and engaging with our audience is one of our primary brand values. We are a brand for the culturally aware consumer, creative thinkers with an understanding of how art, design and science can collaborate. They’re a savvy individual, technology advanced and are attracted to innovative niche brands.


1000°C is targeting a market segment of a couple aged between 25-35 with the need for selfactualization. They’ve archived higher education; both have a well

respective job in the creative industry and have rented a new home together. Now their main aim is to experience life together and live it to its full potential, therefore it’s essential that our launch fits their needs and interests. The launch will take place in the middle of spring in May 2015 lasting for three weeks, a time where it’s common for couples to move into their new home. The first launch will take place in an up-coming reclaimed urban area in London; Brixton. Located south-west of the Thames it’s dubbed the new Shoreditch with

a diverse range of clubs, food markets and pubs. It was our chosen location as it’s an environment our consumer can have a personal connection with. They can afford to live here but can also appreciate its creative aspect. With the future growth of 1000°C we will be able to launch our brand in other culturally stimulating areas like Brixton in destinations across Europe such as; Berlin and the Netherlands.

The event will take place in a location called block 336 a multi-purpose exhibition space and artist led gallery. It’s a non-profit organisation that supports the work of emerging artists and would benefit from the media coverage 1000°C would capture. Block 336 has similar values to 1000°C they both share a dedication to have the highest “curatorial standards”. Taking into massive consideration the artist they choose to collaborate with and the overall quality of exhibitions. Another factor too include is the name block 336; a statistical element that creates a slight allusion that the target audience is walking into a chemistry lab.


The purpose of the event is to create and associate 1000°C with consumer’s experiences, making memories and creating an emotional response. Our guest will walk into a converted 1960s warehouse; the event will be held in the basement parallel and exclusive to the outside world. As they walk in the room will be filled with clinical notes from the candles burning. It’s an intimate environment underground with no natural light, allowing us to control the mood. Each wall features a video instillation that focuses on the life of a different couple stating numerically how many of each memory they have shared e.g. (2065 kisses etc.) with the hashtag #1000cmemories underneath. Contrasting this in the centre is the

candle lab one of our USP’s that would be featured in our boutique store. It allows guests to actively interact with our lab technicians customising their own fragrance blends creating their own candle for the first time. Influenced by Kellogg’s Tweet shop guests have the opportunity to take their exclusive dual test tube rack home in exchange of a shared photo on Instagram or tweet. This form of experiential marketing allows us to create leverage, targeting our audience not present and the event and allowing us a brand to follow our social media growth.

In order to have a successful event 1000°C needs to tap into the behavioural and emotional response of our consumer. Fragrance can spark or evoke a memory it’s a sensory element, the main concept of the launch is focusing on all five senses in a subliminal form. Guests will explore their taste buds with canapés created by molecular gastronomy genius Heston Blumenthal. His avant-garde style cuisine uses scientific lab aspects such as dry ice and blends them with tastes and textures of food. His artistic form of dining uses “sensory stimulation in the form of visuals scents and sound” similar to 1000°C style of blending fragrance and art. Throughout the night guest will hear the electronic sounds from artists such as Jamie XX and SBTRXT. The event will feature a raw live set from breakthrough L.A singer BANKS playing tracks from her new album Brain. Her sultry captivating album is an emotional journey for our guests infused with dark sounds from the beginning and ending on a light note.



1000°C is a niche fragrance targeted at specific consumer, it’s a brand not made for everyone therefore its essential invitations are sent out to guests that suit our identity. Seeing as were targeting a Unisex demographic it only makes sense that our guest list included respected male and female individuals from the creative industry. Online prescriptions (invites) will be digitally given out to guests prior to the event. Our target market isn’t a fan of the aspect and culture of celebrity, it’s considered too mainstream. Instead invites will be sent to those who are creatively aware and influential to our audience. Such as art directors like Jane Alison

head of visual arts at the Barbican, bloggers, fine artists, product designers and Art & design magazines like AnOther, Curve and Core77. One of the featured guests is 25 year old Ivania Carpio a well-known fashion figure who runs her blog - love aesthetics. For over five years she has been documenting her modern yet classic statement looks and inventive DIY ideas, with over 16,000 followers on bloglovin she has a large group following. Another guest is Leo Lei a contributor for design milk an online magazine committed to featuring the best in art, modern design and more. He is also the founder of Leibal a blog run by designers and architects focusing

on new innovative products. Both guests have a passion for all categories of minimalistic design whether its fashion, furniture, décor or architecture. They both understand 1000°C brand essence as they each appreciate minimalist aesthetics and multifunctionality. In regards to targeting our consumer each blogger has an audience of the same demographic as our target market.

PR “Public relations is about reputation – the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you” (Mike Easey. 2001) We decided for the first year of our promotional mix that in house wasn’t the way forward for our brand. Although 1000°C is a niche brand and working In-house would allow us to have more control, interaction and communicate effectively with the consumer. Working with external agency ‘We Are Village’ would have a fresh outlook for our promotional activities. When choosing what PR agency to use we took into deliberation numerous factors; where they are based, previous projects and clients they’ve worked with and overall their current relationship with the public. It was essential that our chosen PR firm implemented our brand essence; Village is an independent London based agency specialising in fashion, design and arts. They’re an agency that understands and appreciates talent, one that nourishes upcoming brands and can develop creativity. Looking at their existing projects and contacts they’ve already established strong connections to a large handful of creative brands that appeal to 1000°C customer segmentation such as AnOther, Design Museum and Comme des Garçons. A notable project of village was the work they did with Palace - one of Europe’s most popular street ware brands that produce skateboarding apparel. Palace used Village’s creative network to gather individuals from different regions of skateboarding, art, fashion and music and brought them together for their launch of their new partnership with Reebok Classics. Village’s integrated PR campaign helped Palace to involve the digital world throughout the launch. Engaging their target audience and increasing online traffic by placing the social media hash tag #reebokXpalace around the event. This is a similar concept to 1000°C brand launch and exhibits with the potential future growth of 1000°C with the availability to use Villages industry links to gain press and media coverage.


In terms of PR strategy there is the possibility to join forces with two of most respectable art collectives in the world the V&A and Design Museum using Villages network associations. Collaboration with these like-minded institutions creates leverage for not only 1000°C but for both organisations affiliated. It shows that they are design led and support innovative products and helps them to become credible in a new market. For 1000°C the main gain is that were creating a ‘buzz’ and maintaining media coverage whilst giving our home fragrance brand an original platform for differentiation challenging our competitors. The idea is using online & offline communication strategy’s to promote 1000°C by placing our print and film advertisements in the entrance of both museums like a piece of art. Visible to our target audience they have the opportunity to scan the QR code placed in the ad which will direct them to 1000°C official website. The use of a QR code reinforces 1000°C integration into a digital landscape and is easily understood by our savvy consumer; as it uses their main way of communication – a mobile phone.


Influenced by the gift with purchase promotion commonly used in the perfume industry this communication channel gives consumers the opportunity to sign up to 1000°C biannual zine through their website. It is said that “overall a gift must be desirable, in keeping with the brand or retailer’s image” (Harriet Posner 2011) in order to increase sales. Therefore 1000°C biannual zine is committed to captivate our creative conscious consumer by combing fragrance and art to evoke memories, emotions and interests. Each issue will feature raw new concepts and will be released twice a year, creating exclusivity and ‘hype’ towards this commodity. It will influence word of mouth marketing in the art community and on digital platforms such as twitter and Instagram.


“If a brand is linked with a personality who is outstanding or popular in their chosen field of endeavour, then the brand and the personality will begin to share similar characteristics” (Mike Easey. 2001) Although the world of celebrity and endorsements is becoming widely used in the PR industry it’s not respected by our target consumer or suits 1000°C brand values. Therefore it’s only appropriate 1000°C brand ambassador(s) are an industry professional that can still merge into the ‘cult of celebrity’ but also reinforces 1000°C brand image and position in the creative market. We chose Yoko Ono acknowledged avant-garde artist and musician, she’s an activist known for her relationship with the late musician John Lennon that has become part of pop culture. Although she is 80 years old Ono is an icon our audience aspires to, they share the same views and opinions and she embodies the lifestyle our consumers wish to live. In order for 1000°C to differentiate from our competitors its essential we avoid the generic PR strategies such as celebrity seeding or endorsement. We don’t want to just gift Yoko Ono with our 1000°C candle, or have her speak highly of it. We want Ono to use it as our consumer would, by creating and merging scents, capturing and evoking memories perhaps in relation to her and Lennon. This will be documented on our official website, social media and YouTube accounts and our biannual zine allowing 1000°C audiences to interact and view.


Digital Being a niche brand it’s imperative that 1000°C remains exclusive whilst still being accessible to our targeted consumer. In the past few years digital communication channels have given brands more control when targeting and communicating with the buyer. 1000°C products are modern; they’re rather personal, exclusive and customised which leads us to feel it’s not a product for everyone therefore we do not need to target the masses. This highlights the use for digital platforms; social media is a global medium that allows the brand to decide who sees what in the worldwide market with discretion and subtly. The launch event will be excellent digital exposure and create online traffic for 1000°C and will help gain social media followers. Twitter and instagram will be our two main media platforms; the focus is creating an online digital community for 1000°C customers, community engagement will help develop consumer’s relationship and trust thus creating a loyal brand essence.


Instagram will be our main social media platform, it’s the strongest storytelling platform that allows consumers to interact and respond. Over 2500 brands use Instagram and it is quickly becoming the fastest growing app with over 7.3million daily active users, since its launch in 2010 it’s doubled its consumer base every year with 20 billion photos shared. Before committing to advertising on Instagram we researched if our target audience (25-35) is actually present on this platform.

“Over 90% of the 150 million people on Instagram are under the age of 35”(businessinsider.com 2014)

These distinct demographics and statistics shows Instagram is in fact a youth dominated network however our millennial consumer is still a key contributor.


1000°C will use Instagram as a tool to spark conversation and engagement; we don’t want to simply just advertise our product we want to create stories and memories surrounding it. Therefore 1000°C will use the hashtag #1000cmemories throughout all stages of the first years promotional activity from launch to PR, Online and Offline advertisements will include this. The hashtag will allow our consumer to upload their own photos of either our product or memories they wish to share creating a snowball effect. There is no language barrier on Instagram, its universal and with the future growth of 1000°C consumers from around the globe will be able to interact through hashtag activism. This can also be converged to meet 1000°C official online website, taking influence from what Burberry has done with ‘The Art of the Trench’. As mentioned before 1000°C will collaborate with a number of bloggers and artist such as Ivania Carpio. We will produce weekly blog posts about new and noteworthy exhibitions, upcoming artists and new findings. However being new and noteworthy itself 1000°C aims to partner with a vast variety of established art, culture and design websites, doing either weekly or monthly columns. 1000°C will contribute to design milks website, upload features on core77 and perhaps in the near future collaborate with Pinterest to create 1000°C minimalistic inspired board with photos uploaded by consumers of either their memories our product onto our ‘memory board’.




1000°C strives to be a creative brand for the cultural zeitgeist mind; we aim to overcome the current codes and conventions of the ancestral home fragrance industry by tapping into the modern lifestyles of our millennial consumer. We are a contemporary home fragrance brand that signifies key moments in a couple’s relationship in an artistic considered form. This is shown through our launch, PR and digital strategies– an intimate sensory experience that evokes and creates memories incorporating the digital media landscape primarily through instagram using the hashtag #1000cmemories. The launch event and digital strategy will be a success due to the fact it captures our cultivated consumer’s interests towards the brand and allows it to become a marketable commodity. We knew it was essential to communicate 1000°C in a manner where our audience can relate for it to be effective in the market, therefore at all stages we incorporated the art and digital world. After the success of the first 12 months 1000°C aims to develop our presence on our existing social media platforms whilst joining any relevant emerging ones such as Pinterest to devise a strong online community. Taking into consideration our brand essence; there is the potential growth for the brand in terms of collaborating with designers and artist for the internal and external packaging of our home fragrance. Working alongside know talented individuals will create further ‘buzz’ and generate more PR for 1000°C. After the first year 1000°C will take PR in house. We feel working with village for the first 12 months will have enabled us to earn an established place in the market and our digital strategies will have achieved a large online following. Therefore we feel we are capable to take our niche brand forward and introduce it to selected cities around Europe.

s e i r o m e m c 0 #100

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