2 minute read

49er Update Who “Dun it” Mystery!


Hey 49ers! Last month, did we have a FABUOUS Mystery Who Dun It/Guest Day party! Melissa Krebill not only cleverly planned out the clues, but also decorated the course with a body bag, and staged it all so that we could figure out the murderer (from one of us golfers), weapon and location/room. Such Fun! Thanks also to Melissa for the beautiful cheese and fruit platter. And thanks to Kathy Cockayne, Meg McKenzie and niece Caroline from New Jersey for the breakfast and taking our lunch orders. Melissa even planned for Sherlock Holmes' favorite dessert, the Spotted Dick. If you weren't there, you sure did miss out.

This month starts the Championship so that we can send someone to Castlewood on Sep 12. The Championship flight will be played at gross. First, second and third flights are handicapped. Flight 1: index 0 -15.9; Flight 2: index 16.0 -20.9; Flight 3: index 21.0 and above. To qualify for the

Champion Tournament, you must play all three weeks on Aug 3, 10 and 17. If you don't want to be considered in the tournament you can just tell me and the Golf Shop, and just golf, and then you may play from the Merlot tees. If you miss any of the three days, you do not qualify.

August Play

3: Vineyard, Sauvignon Blanc tees; Championship #1 - 8am snack, 8:20am shotgun

10: Lake, Sauvignon Blanc tees; Championship #28:20am shotgun

17: River, Sauvignon Blanc tees; Championship #3--8:20 shotgun, Lunch 11:00 you choose

24: River--Tee times, stroke

31: Guest Day; Vineyard; snack 8am check in, shotgun

8:30am, Low Putts 11am lunch. Invite someone!

See you on the course. It's cooler in the morning so we usually beat the heat by the time we finish and go in for lunch, the best part of my golf. - Arleen

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