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THE TAP IN - Short, Quick News

Sept 30 is deadline for last names starting with A-L
If your last name starts with A-L, your food and beverage quarterly minimum ends this month. As a reminder, our events, Cafe food and beverage, beverage cart and wine bottle purchases all count toward your food and beverage minimum.
Upcoming Member Events & Meetings
Sept 3: 18-Hole Ladies Centennial Guest Day
Sept 4: Men’s Twilight Finale
Sept 5: Charity Bridge
Sept 10, 12 & 17: 18-Hole Ladies Championship
Sept 11: Senior Men’s Home & Home
Sept 13: Cigar Club’s Glow Golf
Sept 14-15: Centennial Vocker Cup
Sept 16-22: Lake Course Aeration
Sept 17: Finance Committee Meeting
Sept 19: House & Social Committee Meeting
Sept 19: Membership Committee Meeting
Sept 23-29: River Course Aeration
Sept 24: Board of Directors Meeting
Sept 27-29: Centennial Tennis Tournament
Sept 30-Oct 6: Vineyard Course Aeration