July 2021
Vol 2021.3.1
Connecting, Supporting and Empowering Women
July 2021
Vol 2021.3.1
by Jenifer J. Johnson Founder/Ministry Director Greetings Sistas, On the 7th day of the 7th month of 2021 we declare “Today Matters”. On our 10th Anniversary July 7, 2020 our theme was “10 years and growing stronger”. We didn’t realise the full impact of the Covid 19 pandemic, however, on reaching the end of August, we recognised “The time we have is now”. It was by that time, we had loss so many friends and family members unexpectedly, and it became more apparent then, that we cannot procrastinate on an idea, decision or any action we have to take. Our Anniversary goal were shelved, as we shifted focus on helping persons who needed food and other items to survive and adhere to the Covid protocols. Finally, we came to a greater truth, the reality is “Today Matters”. What you can do today – your now, should not be delayed or postponed, as you are not promised tomorrow. We have to maximize on today, as tomorrow may be too late. Today matters because it is all we have. Today matters because I must make the most of today. As we look forward to becoming stronger, Women of Purpose Ministry has selected a new Board of Directors. God is depending on us to touch the world today, to share His word today. God is expecting us to give the flowers, the appreciation, and the basket of food a family urgently needs, Today. God want us to make the call now, say the prayer now. For tomorrow may be too late. So do it now. No regrets, no I should have, I could have, I had a feeling to do so and so, oh my, it is too late. So today I say Thank You to the new chairman of the board, Mrs. Janet Sealey and the members of the board for the difference they have already made. I say thank you to all those who have made contributions by attending the Zoom sessions, our new reality. To those who came on stream to make a powerful prayer network, and to those who assisted with food hampers, transportation and finances. I salute you all today. Today can bring great memories, purpose and legacy. Living today in His Purpose!
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July 2021
Vol 2021.3.1
by Janet Sealey Chairman We have come this far by faith leaning on the Lord! Eleven years is a long time when you lose count of your victories, successes and even disappointments. These all help to make the achievement sweeter. My first though when I considered the number 11 is ‘similarity’. Even though we were born into different families, have unique experiences and look different, like those two ones – we are similar. For sure, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, we were created from dust and we will return to dust. Regardless of our physical appearance, a cut on our flesh will result in the same red blood. Each of us is gifted with 24 hours in a day, 7 days each week. Pause and think, do you agree that there are more similarities than differences? MP Joe Cox adequately said it “We have more in common than that which divides us”. For this reason, we must unite, be more empathetic and have genuine care for each other. One thing is certain, as long as we have a personal relationship with Jesus, we have the same father. He loves us equally, views us with the same lens and has established a plan for each of us individually. Let us use this 11th year to celebrate each other, every day be purposeful in complimenting and applauding one sister; that love will come right back to you because when 1 stand by 1, the result is 11. Heartiest congratulations to our Director, Jenifer Johnson, who was obedient to the voice of God and started WOP. Appreciation must go to her support team and those silent partners who faithfully sow into the ministry on a consistent basis. May God bless the WOP ministry with many more years of fruitfulness.
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July 2021
Vol 2021.3.1
Esther Maloney is a woman with purpose, who is living her purpose. The mother of two adult sons, grand mother of two and mama to many children she raised in her day nursery. She has been a member of the Mount of Praise Wesleyan Church, previously known as the Kew Wesleyan Holiness Church, all her life. A faithful Kewite. She has been Sunday School teacher, Wesleyan Women Director and camp cook for the local and district youth. She is a prayer warrior and a lover of retreats, especially if they are being held overseas. She is proud of her back yard garden especially her herbs and chickens. She can make drink with any fruit and a great cook. Esther has been an active member of Women of Purpose Ministry from before we became a registered charity. Given the gift of helps, she has been a helper in every activity we participate in and facilitate. Esther has a love for children and youth, and a desire to assist young single mothers, she has contributed to our back to school project, monthly food distribution and has contributed to the furnishing of homes for many displaced women. She has a way of pulling in her friends to donate any item we need even if they are overseas. Esther has truly been a Sista, a friend and a great team member of Women of Purpose Ministry. We appreciate her interest and passion to serve as God’s hand extended. We salute Esther, one of our amazing team members.
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July 2021
Vol 2021.3.1
It's summer time and the weather is hot. Get something cold to quench the thirst that you've good. Below is a recipe of Bajan Lemonade, to cool you down on a hot summer day.
INGREDIENTS 1 cup water 1 cup sugar Juice from 4-6 lemons 4 cups cold water METHOD Blend juice from limes (strained or not, as you like), add water and sugar stirring frequently, until sugar dissolves completely. Let refrigerate or add ice cubes.
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July 2021
Vol 2021.3.1 WOP REMINDERS
Every month on the third Thursday, WoP will be hosting Zoom prayer. With our changing world, we can never be too prayed up. Challenges arise daily and we need to be covered by God. We need to have on our full armor, that we can conquer this battle called life. We look forward to sharing and praying with you.
This year we need your assistance like no other. During the last year so many children have suffered academically due to a lack of resources. We are requesting your financial assistance, whether big or small, as we run the 2021 Back-to-School drive, to ensure the children in our scope, have the resources they need.
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July 2021
Vol 2021.3.1
We are seeking to begin a new cycle with our Baby Bottle Drive, if you are still in possession of WOP baby bottles, we sincerely thank you for your efforts to have them filled and returned as soon as possible.
The Bi-monthly radio program and the monthly food drive are still running, however, we are always in need of funds and any other tangible contributions that can be made.
Every year we make a donation of at least $60 to assist Women of Purpose with its projects. If you have not made a donation for 2021, you are still free to do so.
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Women of Purpose Ministry 137 Lodge Terrace St. Michael Tel: 246-851-9215/246-826-7798 Email: womenofpurpose.bb@gmail.com To make an appointment to see a counsellor please call: (246) 851-9215 -Jenifer J. Johnson or email us at: womenofpurpose.bb@gmail.com